• . .ii.e' • ), liON•• . 1 ' .6. • ' / / 0 ...... A so l ". „ --, a .", - - - ~.,---„ .i , t: - l ' ':• ,. , a ,?':' ..GEN,. xxionr4e. .I a - . ' • • ./ . +l 4"iii ,,, . 1 :, 41 i . 5:ti 1 ) .' , ' ,',' ~, ~ , - 00461, 4:P 1 # 0 4 h , r a t ". 4 " 4118Wd: Deumerso k ,* ,4.......70"41L ''Y 0011040400010 . • HON. • i' : . : f i . V.' . .), , . .4.80ut 1 '' I; :k. 011,11% , ! • . 6 : •.,. :. ' , . 1 . WOR ERTII. •' , 4,,:,,,,•, 4, 4 , I., ~ ~ „ ogNs -- N I: il ' I : ..., ' : ,T'lliTO . . • 1 or oowifilikoport.; - '':'''. be 41 4 01 2***lo, .000birlWit-1868. ,':' Demoarstite .c*HAy 3,1( • lir Waren :.:• • 1: UON. J. X4WRE4IOI4 OA7Z, of Reading: • • ~• Pqr,•Ass, P. , ,„ iligillYl3.llonsms . ilpf*coismin' MIRY BROttST; Attu oltittOPoll ;' .. it s etw _et ~,,, P' „,,... _ T r , .. - ~..,![ . v . i,,•,. .-P 1 n • ' ,` ' . Mialla • . ..‘C'll l• •' r .i' HDWAti ii. MO 'l4 Ac• 444.,.. i . ` .. L ..:. " '''',- ,' :,! 4 i' l • • p' 1 6 00 1 4 , 411 ••' - ' * ,e'lP -l'W: • ,' . (04, , , : 1 im, i oltie,tor,k)-,t.. 4 '3 ~, , . . - 114511 friisesoti•Apii .. , , .. : Q : , . ;•., k' . .' ~ ,::; DA:N*4 4,00" otpeoptoodePo i li. . ~ .....„ . .,44 1; -:0,..(,-, ~ -..,,, t',' -ibtArkioev,,, .1.1,, ,:-.. ~, „,........„ ..... 4:, to y '; :, Kl. PETRA 'B; 4 , WRIGHT ,Or 01,17 i,,, i' i• ; i ~ - . ~' ~, 7 , •• .f).-14- : , ::. Ayr I , ~, :; , ‘•. Thly , , DANIM4 IA 0 : • Fi • : of 8.444ing. , ', , • . , ,„ . N - :,, • ; • DituKri,ATlE ,u4nr.'noomei it , ikedi';!!: • Plow** 4108,4004 The .iPecnoCiatie! ) r ".( 1 14 1 1ie ttee 'will m,tha-Bolten,Hon'ai;,. i 13444 WA Monday, flepi 144, 18840 8, attendance lideitirettrir tI • . • - -19•'At'W41440,Elf .• • ' Ur , acieigitiancealcanteb: •4; RintoAti econo,e4-410 NO!int4 Debt iti‘ereedelr el the , ret 4 f.ef iteMttelOt* l4 lion dollos,in three monttna t with the . whole debt drawing el* per,e434 iintOrett 'l gold ; *het 9n exj)intiOet•eit6),l •• , Fos p• appointer; or :Or e nnt'i l!POiee," seo the art4lo op first pagibl'Zisgre Ontrages in North Oarlina.", ; one of ittnai entrapal , IVet '414 1 44 ellOugh'9l snob "pintoes" • 'Dimoogava, remember thailTetmaylvAida' ie the battle•grouhd" thia fall; It id of the. utmost' iiapotta!ro:thit emery► Demooiatiii vote shall bopoliiml at tho October' (deaden. Bea to it that (Ivo, betuoeratio Voter in your ward or tliwnstrip id brought to the polls. , Too i lndie4t POACO Commission of Geo. Shorniatt is anothor Radical- hub o Indians have obtained 'All the in „ 0 , munition they *ant; and tU ‘''' ing for white settlers' seilps „7, r 4 game. No soldiers to ghee t troops to spatt"—a ll. pide4 4 thiOttiit: Such is Grant's ream. - • TIM NATIONAL DNIIT ifiCteatlea ility:three millions in June, thirteen millions in July, end twelve millions in August—a 'total of envaNtir-mour mum?' nou.anh TWINS MONTI'S, WWI IBA, the rati'of — mere than throe hundred Million dollars year. If it is hard for the os•pftyorik to pay the interest on the debt now, mist will they do four years from this time,,if tb(i' Aadleals remain in power, and the debt h&otssops (Weive hen• deed millions more Y • Tun Pooplo of Pennsylvania have paid one iiiTilron, one hundred and twenty thcinik and, four hundred and sixty-nine dollars more for rano yearn, of 'Radical law•cgakipg ,than they did for, nine piers of , Democratic , ipw-making-- ; ci an average of one buudred and twenty-11i° thousand dollars Per annum more for Radiect.than for Democratic , rule. Tax-payers; vote for the Democratic candi dates, and go back to the good old Demo cretin days of hontir,and' honesty,, and thus save one hundred and tWenty-five thousand dollars ay* in taxes, I (10.0amrt i ed to exchange tkeynlon soldleis in rebel This OM* is 411710.4 out by all the evidence, - even by that of Wu. &Mom Yet lagers' are'niier staked tO vote for him bectuiso he was theli comenaader during the war. ThedXspaie7s, ondeivotv tojuistify Grant's cruelty by qui:4. l ing a elmllaractionpn the part of 4( 4, eneral' Weehingtort.dUring the Revolution; but that, was a • different ease—Washington bad no British prisonesti - A0 1 .444 foe*"i men. Resides, Washington was a rob cg, - Southerner, endtcslavekelder,,besidl, betty( shockingly , idieloysl l . l to the.ogovernmerit,t , The Dispateh should quote Geo. gown, the, Britith commattder l 'm ltetuttboriti*teueli, ' UNDER' Demooratio rul e it? *d b light til*lti' proviikigos ,ploity !kid; oke*4l,ololo for all who Bomb% 4i 14'1;14'; i f trid`-ollH tied I N, .isoney Air ali. ‘,,,'• • 1 : '- '' 'I L )7; `; gviCer atd l 4 l . rale 1 4.'44 li4iiii 64( i proii,io4l *roe and dear, oh *gorilla p ,t 11045048 At fertile. 1 80titlier, acres ihit desolikte r sio,AmOrrietA tor' 111,30,1nOtir sand 444 ,hi ito .. ilaitt stild % ospot or", Tosr. 1,, . r ~ 0 i ~-. -1_ ~ ,T; ~ 1 ., 1 rm. us , Ittiiii' i . ilmitte,„ 4* 't c , DoioenitlCT:role ik ad - Dem**l pror Ay! NE ME =I o#o4 litili!vsout to the.. -4 40 i o f . : i l 41a7iOnot4. ' Inelitiy il f•th i t ee c, tlit , , 1, ~ twe4 k' . , see . 'l, rfstell ' kiliolin- ,c l lie'' '''' ' ' . r.• - . A_ 1' 1 1241114 in Itk. -991 r 7 , fthir"Qiilciall dutlie l;niiiiy, Wit lly; giid iritir . etedit W*01401'81 1, 74 .to the . conty. e itioin of them have ekes filled ',hw * o*, re: of publio, trust, A nd., they ;we iiii iittlefeetiknittt those tete *led them , ; WA ire' knew' that' these •newly,nconitutted iiiiidti the saute.! We begiesk for the whole idiot the hiertticad tinaitinious support of the 'DeliSolkeY otißerlus • County, and we l'Ote`th.thiegttenoorege nojority,will be theseaSed by *several thousandi. . • , The hihncinkoes action of the Cohre ;The was ,an , sittspictioris omen :of,siceesa: IThe AOOOO if candidates , ttenipted ,, tbe: , result - e'reeeNlly# ,and all seemed resolsed;toltork fiitr the general good, and to, gif,o;the entire 46 , ticket paerous and unanimous support. : ' , ...,, I,lYe have nothing, trilby in ,datraction of , the•eandOitecer theiiPet4ePettYie*eePt!, idg , thitt they ire 4dedged to oar/ , . Out "s policy which lireining ~ our, country and de , shoving . Our national prosperity. • Heticep. they 11004 lot receive the support of . those who,wish'well to °urination. - ' • • • ~, , , The eeeditintea Of ,the Democracy, on the eontrary, tire pledged to cartreet the truly ' bernocratio ... principles of i,JefferiiOn • and itickson t , and to do ; their,umost to restore to'our isuferintoountry i the eed:9 l d.deYe• 4f Desf*atio pe*, plentyiand prqso, r4Y; resdsli ~ D ingicrlttle !ruler , ,Hence , ' feet tified ' , in- saicies. for the ticket nominated : tederaftY) 4 the ilePPert Pet • Onl9 . of ov4ry 'rhaiNm i 14; but ; °revel . / Conservitiso eitisen i ithCerery truly; honest; and patriotic Be l'ulitiosn in' Beth county,- ~, . , AtltlT*l* OA)* Oi iliatittleri(l2( _to bo Utabliihed it the Lineeln ` depot, east ' o f the papitoi at Washington, wlkere troope'Will bo drilled for the aniuseinent Oen: Grantnad btu friende.' , The troops will ini..*ery eon eeal;iin ogee Grant ebonid be defeated, as they take possession orthe Capitol in -bia ileins(and ,proelainchini Dictator. ~ Ifl . tho Peantime there aremno troops to ,spare" to rotect., the Western ,, people fromtine diens; and the tax-payers ,foot , T.4-psynr,s; liaye lolf Rot bed onoligh,of 0 1 3 6 ; 4 1 e)oacO rr Oalesa yot!'-iran,t four ,y'ears blor, of it, 000 1 8eYmoqr and Asir, lick7ll B : 3 '‘ , ..:.‘ 111111 L L lltiolthnoglimeeltat GortaintOrn' Fxiday. - ' Stiveneoni r of Keane offeii $25040104 oi Edviard:Maddtiiii a up:miler. (bean he could Sod him hi the Ii vote aOjeitilo'N "leil" State. , • darkey •shat another dead, for; his naonoy; at • Lonitni4, •Xy,, Friday. night.' ".'4lO "oglor(id troops fought nobly.' : Ft • • • -Qen2 W. P. Itiohardsod, ;formerly Cola 'rho Ohiologini9nsl and., ititorwards 'Attorney ( Opporal of Ohio on. the ,Ilioplabil4n ticket, has coma ant fOrjaoynaour and Blair. Ha don't want to march' with th,6 colored troops. ' ' Domnoratio military • oonaitiny • In, Lancaster has given • `tito "Exprisit the . ' Xa Kluxtforter flight; Lot up; hovel:Imo. • • . . , —Seymour' and 'Blair ,elnba • aro being , organized all oyer tho , country. Keep the ball rolling. ~ , , , • . ) ~ ;-=moot er fatal abOrtion daze at Cincin nati. !111 undical "fighting patron '," Col. Jactinee l et ' the 'example in that section, so .it inuaCb till right. . ' ••, . , • Cupps was shot dead in his own house in pharPsburg, Pa., Saturday night, Two men aro under arrest, charged with the orime. ') • •• ,• • -The treasurer of the (Wino Water Wei e' department has disappeared, aid soo,ooQ'efsaqe dept rtmeet motley came up nilesiegabout the same time, ~ . • --,The shipments pf treasure from San Fianeiseo from. August Ist t,Q August 20th, Wbre $2,006,474.71, • making a total of $26,. 827 1 8E14,88 shies JO4. Ist, Ibis' IS 'a de. ere*'918g) 1 78,1 03 8. 0 5 04 test yearn • 'tteitiier • 41;64, taro niggers . itt kcy„' Thorodo • niot: 49ne dark &O. souhor eseeped: , Grant's Peac9. estimated tbat 000 cattle will dio of thelTozanldakne 'Oho fourflbuntiev of Troquoioi Vermilion, Obatnpnign And Vord, • ' y. • - • , • --Coatraett}hitve been give') out by the Uni ted States 414,uirtermaster at St. Paul, Mau., for two'otillien,pouods of betel at NI cents per basbell' • ' • —the 11111101 a State geolOgiit ',Availed to stray, into an Indiana oity,,vith hie bag of atono•breakikigtoo4,. add * j ail .tq the statiOn4touse by:the polleo burglar. , 4414 Vicieroy , ofypt% has selecteii the plan .of a palace. to be uilt at - Cairo. tbo estimate for which, amounts ,to two .and a half minim% of dolearaln gold; ,„ • —A cikiloadoi bn)io 4. papktred on the western 'on their wog to Plow York. Wpndor if tit, y are to bull tho gold znexkot? • —*Eon. MentgOinery Blair his received a letter announcing that. Gen, F. 31:Blair, Jr., will betini Philadelphia neict, week, and ivill arrive in Washington .oz Saturdax week, the 19th instant. • s .. t . , :..tkirch Bishop . Konnick of .014cago . , 1.,' has instruoted the • Cathelie O'er& *rills dieiesk, to 'denounce Planehettei and &ern. Catholics. that it they di) 'not desist fro ki its thee' after re&leniblei-admonition, - therwill be excomuinicate4 ; fro fri the church. o t ,- —Successtul e*per . iiiii ti , it • . is reported, recentlychavi been , zif e at , Koenigsberg,. Pruisis t . , witli• a nee , II arm' haring. - 87 bar. relit, . Yroni 22210 888 Otii een be fired Per. Wont% and, the Ulla' :y' 1500 paces. One MM . :* 041111/0 ,i 4 it (rows rest, and the redail '• le • gong* ' by. - a powerful villitit; ..- eiir4eppr ;eet•e_f the Arita struck ,umtaripl it tiaces4 -:,' 0 : -- : •, % • ' - 1 04 AP Ftlity &AV flux ticgrAeS cutely:li 'hie 'house t Mrs. LiivAr4 AblonPresi -dent's Islan d , . ju s t Me ows,below,Nnee., erid eoeurieticed pillaging: •'A 1: natneq . ,Cmilir • Siinpeon attonpted te' . entree her, but die seizede ilia and atabbed • *re Ati the gioliktuid thest...' ger Bowes, fought the lielkttbk•ild OPA 9,4,10,0 ' an*-.oed iii ar, resting _ the entire party mild bringhig them ,to• the , pity, . Simpson is , no: expected. to liie. ' Note of Great 's polka. ' • - oraNwom t k ;.Ar lo rion Avvortiochme"- N A „ • mot ha litangla(lo.- LeetleXi Sept 7 . - --MerP*l' erldencb,eit,. I t er , 4 th c rai o ved public astoghtut ' 114411001-, nit i k,,wl4so violent spoece:',l24 7 etii•A iti Itieniat4nded withittitiogi t ;olfe*i4Wielf as o*e ,of the candidates repreeent*tha iity t 4 the klinne of .Commoosott ei,cool ingelectiOn. • This intaitiig die auth candid.' ate fok 11farietieeter,; th 'Saturday •ev°nlng a meeting .was ed is 1 the kterest of Murphy, at which it iras iotimoted -that , ei*,,thousned people were preeent. Speeebto were wade ,advo ctitiog *la ,Cliiirak and , denouncing the Con-, ,duot of the niaearatiii toward him` ie the oatilter 0414 Ashton' 'riots, itfn'y • letit. mile the speaking Wait going on;the , tieet• intro attacked by a • snob of ` Irish ,Catho• Dee; who cbargedthe plat's:Jun*4 diapers ea.*, *peolteris, A ‘ general fight .ensued, , lashed (luring nearly hour: Clubs, ' itono,"and ' Other Weapon's' Were used, and *illy - persons . were - badly injured. The pellei at' last succeeded in quelling the riot, atid arrested soveyal, of the, ringleaders: ; The rui greatlyOTeited, awl there were re• pi t ewl4 or the : disorder' to '•sonic' extent Suring the niglit'and op Sunday. ' ' •"" • gorfible,BlDarder, of w Child lo • • 4elphlo. • PS;l4l4l.Plite t Sept. 8.--. At tivq o'clock this morning thoparty . engaged in the search _for Alice *omen, a child six - years old,who disappetired'irom her inefter's doer•step, at /)Tot" 204 d OrlaleY street, an(Sundaitniegfig, tbilild her dead' body. It was lying ,in .1 shallow pond near Sixth and Dauphin. The 'child bad, been brutally, ol4ragad ) her plotter *ere soiled and tarn, and her countenance was distorted with agony.' Another child say that• a strange man offered Alice five dent to show hiM. the way to Dauphin street, which she consented ,to do, and that was ilia Usk OM of her alive. Her Mother is a wash erwoman,whe supported Alice and four oili er children by hard labor: ,Thorn is much excitement in that part.of the city. , • . The 111111inoie: itmo6rOY.' • Curosao, bopt..,B.—:•ll3l i pterql, J. A. MeiNor nand, Chairman of th l lo Demoeratio . o.tate Central Committee,' has issued an address, in ;which, ailtieiting to, the iiiet that the' 17th of this menth ,the,auiiicieriary' of the '!or: OaininSat", of the ,Poderal Conititation, bo sdvid'eli the Depiocia4 of each city; town or other loeality'ip the State, tofneet)tid pro. i'ecoi*ci 'this ieettrionlie 'of: the anni... ve.r, B a.Y. • • •'" . • • • A WOUIRD 'Aitempts , Murder ' . her - Reitman giOWlLililf Sept. Friday 7 04 wife of C • • • : • apt. Edward liortoit Was ledgedin the county , jail at' itiverbelid l Long 'lslands for firing several shots ,froin a revolver at her Auistaild ) fit of jealousy: The parties ;are classed, among -trio most respectable citizens 'of ,Patobogue, and, the ;affair bail caused mach e3fcitement. • The cattforzilt9 Election." . • - PAN FALNOI . SCO I Sept. 8.,—,0n account of a , hi* which directs that the State election, when it' occurs in the Hanle - year as a Presi., , dential election, shall be holden On the Brno !day fts said election, none was- hold to-flay. The Contreesmen will ,thereforo be ,chosen ,on the saw day that California casts her vote for Soyinour_and Blair. ifardek of 0 Hotelier Cisetwxkix, Sept. B,—A' man named Thomas' 'Lindley' was shot through the head dhottt 5 o'clock yederday afterntion, by \ a stranger, and instantly killed. There aro'in. dications of foul play.' Paper's that show his connection with the First Pennsylvania Cav alry during the war were found in his pock ets. go was about 25 years old. ----------- Floods in New'Jermoy. ATLANTIC OTyy, ,Sept. B.—Tho recent, hoary rains did immense dainago to' the lower part of New Amy. rt is, reported that: not a single roill•dam is left in Salem county. , The railroads are considerably in-, jurett and the, trains delayed. „ . AT 3 o'cloch on Sunday morning a band . Of negroes went to the house of T. A.•Aleg ander,on the Hernando road, near Memphis, Tenn.,, and.called to him to got up. While striking a light, ho was fired ,on through window, and severely ivounded, lie strug glad ,to fasten the door, lint they forced it open and fired at him again, mortally wound . nthim, and then-set Ike to the louse. His wife, who had escaped through the hack door, qoused same neighbors, and succeed ed in extinguishing the flames: Alexander is still alive; but there is no hope of his re covery. A negro named Moses Cocksille has been arrested, as one of the party, and the detectives are on the track of others. Such is Gratit's , peace. A man • named Willie, the ot'ime who killed the noted desperado, -Sizemore, in East Tennessee, souae twelve months mace, shot, and 'killed two negroes in HaWkins county, near Bristol, on Tuesday last. The negroes wont to the house of Willis, when no one but his mother and sister were at home, and took seats at, the table at which the ladies Were eating their dinner. They were or• dered by Mrs.. Willis to . leave; big refused to do so, and remained at the table. In a short time Willis returned to the house, asked his mother what 'the negroes • were doing there, and upon being informed of the facts, step ped into - the adjoining room, armed himself With a double-barrel gun, and instantly kill ed both tlinnegrops. -L--Letters receivedby tau Besidont Demo cratic Committee at Wa shington from Went Virginia and Illinois aro, of the most en couraging character. The Democrats are fully confident of carrying tlie former State; find of 'almost annihilating the Radical ma jority south of Spring fi eld, in 'lllinois. Ad vie'eii from, Alabama declare'that the Slide is sure for Seymour and Blair. -4iMturt Meade Addisonjisq., of Bal. iimore,re brought ,auit against General utterf r Messrs. Kimberly, makes n pub teatioplueo,rporating a note from Edward KiraberlY, senior member of the firm, in which the iattei'sayske authorized M. Ad dison to bring the amain Abair prime, and Atltt under no eircurestances Ann itbo isbitn; dolled lit til their claim is honestly'aud prop erly adjusted. Thrilloolllo SUMMARY thot4nisliti - &11ouse on I.lo4dainuseaVed n(:): , ,oororatia; nienapor as ineligibq l 1 01( . 14 -1441'114*.k0 a 4 4 dica contest4o ,- . l i# B ' rionegeio its action inkorcedde# Tho'Cieorgln Senate has paired a Home:. 440 bat s eiemptogi $OO ,wpith rt9P . r • ertY• Mr. Monts, ono of the tiowly eleeted Cireikit dudgc3e it, :Booth" Carolina, haa'dol. oliaed thttofftne; .The Masi*.pketts,Republiceu Conyention will meet today.. It is thought Mr. Clallin di will be nominated for ,Governer. t ":Tho Nerada" Dernobritie Conyention met' On idanday, and nominated• P., Andirum for' Governor. • , • • , lion. John Trimblo hue been commas stoned as Judge Hof the SuPreme, Omit in Tennessee,, eral Dmumn has, been re 11,e4ed from co mmand at Nashville. ' • -ec MRBB mentidg or the'trado, Colons of Albinfili: Y., was held last night, at a 4 hich speeches were made and resolutions adopted sympathising with the bricklayers' strike in •New York. Previous to the mooting there was a large torchlight parade of the Unions. Ex-President 'Pierce dangetottsly ill at Concord, N. H. Prof. Charles A. ilitcheock l ofNow York, has been appointed State Geologlst Tor New Hampshire ' LL Tho Grand Commandery of Knights Tem pters of New. Jersey , met'yesterday r - and elected' , Dr. Jahn WoolvertOn 7 grand,Ootni, it I mender. Bonded tobbac,o wrohouses ere to be es- Mi l li/420 in Now York. Philadolphla, Bal ,thnore and Richmond, but tho localities aro riot not yet'fixed. A storm of enormous hailstone's did,con siderablo damage at Newton ABS,. Mass., on Monday afternoOn. • ' - Professor Watson, of Detroit`, aniiounceq , the disecivery, of still another ,Planet, ap pearing as of tho tenth magnitnde- ' The Vermont State Bair'began yeste'rda'y, at Buington. . • A T has broken out in the State of Tama l iilipas, Mexico. There is imuch bri gandage in nearly all the Mexican States, and oven tlid 'escorted stages aro r'obpod. A gang of Men ent ered yersailles, ; Ey., a few evenings sinco, end ( made .:an Attack upon the negroes, but wore repulsed, with the tots of two of their number captured. A band of armed negropspwlio have made hostile demonetritions' on Christmas Mills, 'near LeuisVille; have been 'driven off by fireatms. , servhCgirl, living near Louisville, was taken from her house, a few., nights !since, and tarred and feathered by several men. —Rev. Dr, Bellows, ) 'of New York, has Written wletter to the London .7linics on the Irish church question. Ho sap: "The diS• establishment of the Irish ChureloB a meas ure of even more imPertinew to the'foreign relations than to tip interns d interests of Great Britain. The accomplishment of this reform , will 'be a great step Untrards,the4e n3oval Qf those grievances which serve so powerfully to inflame ,the feelings of tho Irish in 'America against the British govern. pont, and which, while they continue to ex ist, make war, provided by the persistent 'efforts of the Irish leaders, at anyitime pos sible betwqon En _land and America". iTOKDAVS ADVERTIS ItIENTS :xToTior.:—Oscaola 'Ootineil,•No. al, 0. of A :1 11 111.. Will moot at their llall,cornor of Fifth and Washington dreets, on Friday morning, Sept.lll,h, 1808, at 6 &Molt; in order to 'attend tlie Papule at Lancaster, ou that flay. Exoursion tickets can bo had at Ileoblor's bookstore, l'onn street, above Sixth. All members' aro requested to proobro their Bohol.) before the morning of parado. Each mom- Ur to appear in full regalia and white gloves.' By order of the Committee. sot. 6.2 t MARSDORF'S VARIETIES 1 ; . . GREAT ATTRACTION I . ,• First time in this city Of the Groat Burlesque of - , EAST /LYNN. .• • Lady Isabella, - - Master Jardelle. Archibald Carlisle. - . Mr. Mile 4. Barbara/ram - - - La Petitti Maggie. Miss Conley, - - -, ICate Brooks. • - Sir Frnnols Lewiston, - ' .' Master George. To other with the French dancing master. . MOTlelll.—Som in ol Conn 88, 0. of V. A. 11 M., will meet at their Hall, corner of Fifth and Washington streets, on /friday morning, Sept.llth, 18G.I, at °o'clock...ln order to attend the Parade at Lancaster, on that day.. .Excursion tickets can be had at Ileohlor's loostore, Pena street, above Sixth. All members aro requested to procure their tickets before the morning Of parade. By order of the Connell. . sold 8-2 t CHAS. B. WBGLS, It. S. OIXTII WARIL— The Demooratio Club of tho OSixtb. Ward will hold a mooting at tho-house of Allen Rupp, Front and Penn streets, at 73i otelock,on Wednesday evening, ,Sept. LW. The I)emoerao y of Reading are invited, Ad dresses wilt be delivered by popular speakers. Como one I come alt I By order of the President. Sept..B4l. • W ILY EAST TUNE =I BETWEEN READING AND NEW YORK MORRIS AND ESSEX RAILROAD. lieav,cs Reading at 4 p. - M. and Now York at 5:20 Fm. Goods bhipped for New York Reading reight Howse, before 3 lie:poky. in.. of for Read, in gat footof Barclay street, Now York, before 4 o'clock p. in., will bedolivered at either point out reehipmente , W. F.' HALLIDAY, Gcn'llheight Agent, M. 6; B. R. It., Hoboken, E. J. RAIMII, • Leal Agent, M. S c E. It. B.', Beading. Sept 8-Soros ' T1144.T1T COMIQUE. Aulonbaah's Dail, 608 and• 010 Penn SI. • Joint Benefit of NESSE , CI ARLES CORRIELL AND .POLY WEIGHT. • _ . / ,ex • ITUDAY •EVEN.ING, SEPT. 11TH, 1868. First-class performance. ,Coriell'g 'original 'TRUANT FATHER," • and Wright's original "LA.NDLQRD'S SONG," TickOts 85 and.2s cents. Children 15 cents. sept 8-it , EEO Tsai Al ..AMMIHVAIII • . s • . . , 0 1 AWI4 N • 1: f • 4 • \ , AT TilE UNION JEWELRY .I.IO9FACTORY AND • , :',-BADGVa:I).BP,OT,,;'''' - ' • so. . (Next door t . otholtiroulna Mop* getelo 10,000 eauiptugulk‘dgeat . • D'ILWOORATIO ARD ARitnteAtii ' .Direo trim the Sulam *pd other sikoottortei; whip wo can salt ot New 'Yorki i r , tir, y then' sand. hugoved,ot,ooseo,' II) e sortment ever ouer.4,for we e e ty of. I tag, having woven* honored • Ilfereitt me, mil ea Medals. Not, , Sleev e odour, git i , l e f Ay, COW Agents wanted —Cgopd ktekthia46 al.: • • ipwr.4.. • ' „ °ellßetail pee.” aro trot ooktito 01'00, roil' soak will do well to stvo waoon ONOTO,PUVMO. nk, elsewhere. , . . • •4, soomry BADGES, MARES AND , Plss' °roll hinds meta ie order a elm jeielrYet all de serlptloni made and „ tepalved: Wateket Pit , sleeks properly 1, • Ived. ••• " a IR:. '• K 1" -DE C 0.., lifeinAtaqtutors of (\ IR. MEYER'S Celebrated' Tonio Iterio litters'? Imioitore of WINES AND LIQUOU. Also Solo Agents (Or DAtLine, tamp Atm Winsurs. • \NO:121 North• Third atreot, Per sale at the gaile Bookstore. Tip. A. , 1111111t, -,t ~ • 1-4 v ), DE•NTIST, „' , . . ~ . , , • (iiMee—Nq 6 !faith, Nab Stwiliending. Paittoutar, 'attention paid to airing diseases iff the Mouth and aurae, ilea So .t rvy. Protereoll - of UMW, itt otar hmossos, dtaesio Of tho Alroolaflp - 000ss, inure Palates, and'Wl diaeaaeo to whioh the• mouth and gums aro sitb tot: , TOothextragteCiritout pairi k and inserted Mi . all matoriaLuagd 14 t o r yofeaston,_ 011130 hours, from? ,M.to7 W. M. . . Sept. Sly. ! r . . ET iT I WIPE TQ 717 ip 72ilistitiSirect i ' Reading, 'its. 'I" i; R. 14 IT u,xt, E EITYLIS AND .11XTERTAta. The lamest assortment in'theolty to select from: ind prioos muoh lower than• any other house. A Call from persons iri want qf any pallet° of tUrniturs from tho most expensive dOwn.lllsoll.oltear • ARPETINE+B; MA.TTI NOB AND . • 01,L OLOTHfiI. • • • A full stook always, at low Vanoeenwoost. ios...Call and see.. . JACOB ' - •' . • • _717 Sr 721 Pellll4t 4 +' ; • , VITAVTIED •,` • • , l'lriirEtataliG, nottsg,'w.ainra). A OONVPNIENT DIVIILLING , /101188 Aiwanted within a reasonable distance ofPenn And Fifth streets. betwoon this Alma and the first ofOober, by a small fatally. Atlynt ottloo fto DAILY MOLE. . alO tf ; IN7'ANTIiID.—An aotivo m an.. With a stag) asps• vir tal_ t _ as partnor in a firettolasa llestauttnt in this oity. For particulars address, ltuptoiliatglb_ L. A. ItESTARANT; nag :34 f Reading P. O. ANTED.- 1 A goad girl s woll rocomnionded, 1V at N 0.26 North 6th Bt. • ang. 28-tf. . NEWSPA PERS t o t i jarg e o w lo o t n o! Ron, on liana NEWSPA PER office, which 1011 be adld anent,. BENSON &, JON,EI3I:: PA IN T E RS PAPP.R-JiiNGERS, 111 .11avej_ust received from thel/h)ladelphlaang New York markets the finest of:sorb:dont or iyALL-PAPEit over pfTered for saip in this city. Cali and gm them at their • kiglV E3TAPLISIIMENT, 526 .ENN 67-gino FREDERICK LAUER, "OLD. JAli," Corner Fifth and Waiiiington erects, 'leading, Pa Solo Agent for Berko and Lebanon countidi, for the celebrAted , . SAMPSON, SCALE COMPANY. Tho most reliable and clurablu Scales erver plated before the public. ' • ' • • • • Call and she them befete purchasing elee*here. Bu,perior indneementa I NMI I=