, 1 ME gals t . „ -,., ~,,,. " it; IMIZI 1 fit Jr . like Demeter 11160114. *4O a ki J l t ) P 1.111 .( I /110419, , 4040010 Army to.' ptoV Alter's settlelrf the Indiesei were pei l mittekto igver . h thentAlvei. , Itiilio t rinio thi 1441'4 di; ten fitit,ttit sorrti#l6f lose army, • the unpf*icei.P4Of iYi r est 'lr inurdered.swimpfto l kyln,o4.o4 , , Hued A. 7fFW T OF ,. pc lie\ 1144,11 la. ~,,bnal , , paid, I[4i 4 ~ ~ , a tt LedatlrS'l444ol444 A1ig4t 7 0.4. ' ' : 404'0 ' g° l4 Prtlf; i 4l*oo.; l theli f l t,krialtviiistn4-1 • pets', ; lle. 4.; 1 0411t . fti q 014404 14 to If °O" '' tll :' . : 4- ' '‘i :, ,4z. c sateliet •A , , tittAtt , 7„ v"r44l4' new,`' • I , i r?i 4 . , Lif i.l :Ittli . til! t d . t 111.- ' . 1. J .. .. .'t ;,:-?:. to ts,3 1 •', 1 .1.30,48i• el. , . .. 1 - 1.. , • . f.'.l)lji,•if'obl . i ; Alit , a 6 , 1 dii, .., • mid , i %•- % - An.. • -0 - toi:tieie — I 1 gad flif kw 04 toi* , • .... 2 .c. v. WlWif 44•Voilip • , . _...... I Alt litiater ofil 111014 / 104110 4r 40100 19 tmougAis Wm! tho ideas it teo 'To preys Ilk it 11, 1 , 1111 naittos Sti In t. A. PIE ~ anti Ara 'l4 Oa' atit4 inli' Sri v - ' lion 1 , ,t -. 11411 dil4 4* **WPM MO 4/ 1 4 8 / 1 0.0 ohm* 0 0 0. at thaw., bees liseiiikeei the aidoad debt fro pas adasad fiat huadred iailliou to' 11° 4. ' ' ' ' ,lttoiva that they 'Ol **PA , Oft loteramilli , 'IS o“sq9 , -* *ea OPP *Mita Pfft = vorie Ptffm i : . ,b 44. .4 t i ibiennrum . °mai is 41 reeilltl l oo6llll' isielevi*ookeishis .asir Id bad ; beeii ',it t Abair Jihad's", add is voted a opfis SW* le* the laa , ti.,lv* yam , 'a. tau • mpoill Wilda Warn* acriliallecistak th* t iffdic fqr, What buri'itaidthat '06'1864 ~ amik MO Ockm"hr Nib* au * rain's" O• rr, Asta 4 iIIOW. 164#4.Parie • injOaP; 18044 MI, 1114110 villeAllikol4 toll.thii "eihir *WM :ton" liatforas4 ; at *Mao* Nothhis • ,comiripakas l is fbiladelpktalTbbi i i i iennitt be staled 1, 'daunt, , Adapted 'dau, rade tier iti 1 , ~....._ ---....,„„„„„.„.• ..,, ~, ~ , Bkerrivit WIN* 'Wei* opei'ed' at joadeatorc.last night, 1,, , • • • "—;ititai ) Nt r dbar lit 0, t h ow his to poetise in - Oh ',:trithOut 'a' di , ; 1 •'• 11 41111 litits r &alai 'Egli :adopted teuipeo9&ol6B. , Bd. day of tita• Month' fOoaltittiattidtb. ,- "A gabbed in Piils4elo4,. Stintilky. hly a•-"little blood-lettine . o recionitnen ; ed for our nation by the Radteal. leaders: beeeming as noted for brigsa: liege iti'iteiy. Astonishing iiteries tile told of At prowess of a brigand named Wabash. • „. „ "' 4,4 111.1 /640' PR° jumped overboard skain tettamboat StiWebt Point, Nevi York, _A6: 4ondel night; . Her body was afterwards Ofp2cl, ,CeUie of the set not known. £4.ltob Aisies the killer, boo been re. Notarode 1I wilt 'roman,' is• strong prison wißeeP 1g0).44. nob is slippery enough kin Is laimitier Congrebs4, atiAtea, rendered-fire-proof tiiivionatits ,ititk silicates; is used,mt alt* In . ' uprinany 'for: fleeting piankii, loons inititilreauwo. t -4;444 ppt'y at ,Yeenbetz, Hungary, 144 Overteltep t l9. a etimin wkiek:lpret over irlth Ok i Am, killing font hullos end wolatidiag ikftorill pikers. , a' eller !heat en t ,ntver 'll4liti d(tite United States, "/0 to 'hold its" ' tt t ikesion in •Proeidellee,' R. 1., on the lfith t lath and47tkof September. ...€ ''' —ilia Wedn i etatq l at' North Anson, Me, , e . 4 I '4oooOn bThithatea illftll . ll hillid: •inrer• -- the' idry i ' Beading Out a 'single of Ilibtplag which killed ,Ai It' Camp 1 1 0 • , , • ,' ,IN .. Jg.lievi•Walk cat his throat in Pittahiri • 9 1 174 1 1 14 MYt wilt ap* of seistiors., Didn ' t Appridste th e " leeege ef,, living undo Akar"told. " la‘ieedirerlng, and the taae gathartito Igo him "spotted," ' " .: ; it"4' • : 1 44 4vi i,,:r ~" g!r , 4 II4TP . • eitatithad_si , si birthdayleell t; ' for her iu • tied. , lte•dlibeterad that Was on, Which had been atblett from' lam . •aevetk years be :(941): :, .. ' • .. • ' '. ' I . - , . . 1 ' . 6--A , Lendoti'letter-carrier,' With childreh suet a sick wifi kb support on nine shillings k weok, •Mote twelve postage otampfr from a letter, and htut ; den ,sent to prison:4m, tlya Mftl• ';, ' • , -„• , „ : • • j!"77 OP , tf tqf. ora se -Money this r ia lt o 'Blotto's off (loom. A fhb,urni .o,le i.i" batineendarY, Who, weibil ea la. Q . mg , '1 Why not .fiveller 1 never °tab' p o 000 w h ich boreiey has neeountod ':?».‘Ai.setelileitt occurred tin the tehl po4 ' . ' i 1 Illeigeihaitnik ;Railroad near ' Pena yeti VlO,ANdirOffil t l 9 7l3; II rEliiiine' Nch, , 1 7MilnlIS Ptitik 1 et publoilp Oko coo opt :and MOE , wen t ; wi4ieio pd, ifollllo' l 1 :',', .r,•t• .• • • ) ; •• ie, , • ' I - ' l ' / 4 I V.' ', I V , ..6; v '• 4tiiral '0044 ,oile - fuj .pli.. 'Sri between buried ,bhtt s da eid the IWO, A %lite - 106*k .)irßoille ebim it, helped*,beetroot ; °the! ~. , . *0444 to 1e wOU,Orssoikell i .hi.fp '. Peor fietiory lf , Wilhows towtiship, itrivto. I dittatmAgarday,..the27,th 4 114110. PF..Wes:ltlaelyknowe M Ohyi 'MI e care of "hYdrophob)s, send soy Otsoos froth a Oplitrice" werii2plitied under' lis tree4tainto , -.. ;. , 1 y.i .", -- ih4' - 4), , etCot the !tot the AO ,( 1 Of Aikeitilibi litalftlikty ' he birth b . R4poriboo 4. thhighweito of " - *midi joittet'ale 1 19 10 4‘ 1 00/ Pf 1 Ar' ' NUM f. • 04 4 cilltsjigteattllaleii 'tip ... ;iout ,tict :i ‘ 7 '11 . 1 Z: .t fl.i 1' ri, ; , .., •',. : . , 1 , .: „,: I • i i t :7 l r* IV. Wm- ' • IV Alt i •,. rib!s o lion+ .b, si St 04 #441011511 lii rkh,bf ' ' " dipkatiti an Ift"Uiti ' l ll'4 P. ~ ' *Omer' , Froiidii , bsi iM c?Poorq '4 . ::4! , , art* Ai( 441 fihiliw 43 1 / 4414 :We! : 4 9 1, f 1 F 0 ,,,![ :• , _ :,, ) ! i:„, 4. : t ,t, vt,h, pact ! orpen , dbiu,ised, blickett.id tooli to the tiolthV o wiled,the Oe . fat of ItuttarA , y 'keit4;irk IV ' ehantj' litii: itt 'the eettloo, 'but Ora tea 4f.gio - propriotorit s 'and. tliole,• tho w*pts , Wow; iutiointing ,to rit,9!) .4 .; . ,o,,cepo, 9,4 tubs •1F1P4.1 . 1. s ~11T- B olokv4biterY oti4 sewer: by !KIP 0 2 -= t.'.' 4 1 30 bli 4 *?,as - ilalri. caillght or i f in e . -op oVeir 0r04 , -- f' " !high iiktO ' tiagediee,,:ittid 1 . . • elit rtatoish the gslooslett fa tlitT ' wisa:sith on obnadatee of. I :fli; 1 1 ,•, , 1 ~,,, oris, ,eo,rfsouiltlkittistase,t;4o: . 0 lack naptibliettris are i , viii k ilir . jotA i ih i ctali t , hor ' ) ol l l4llWiti* ' A ' 'OUP, `, a ' SalinkreCaClElVAK .'4o4ll ) lft ‘* l ll4o4la ~ A 0 mai o afs lioti, ji- -. , • ..-.. v .:., -0 , , is 1 ' illiorki )*Atiffik , `s 0 1 1 ,44 90Altil OM .3 .i+T~+"'k~' questis?t?;:!=s94 the SEM =I WNW INNI „ v0ri5444 , 4111111” In New Yorlc city, die did% s pee betty si,i the Ibrleklayers Mu! t , z • .404 it , era are sot yet " ' f ri.:,,r _ 4 : ~w • k tympana of tlin,yro A . Tv , to ' ~,, _ ;4 , ' nrFridai evening, in ev• . , , ‘ Union nuule a dtnititntotfoir htndred s in aid of l ike ' hricidsm in theli et . Donations leirtAlia 4 , a egsr, , k ie ainountinkin eat tet,#‘o,, , i , 4 4 k . 111# . Ufi' Uwe% weiti'W ~,;. The Lopplorenien of • ,'. it report ' filet their Union Protective Association has been organized about three years, and num bers nearly six hundred members. 1 The members are not restricted to any nnint3er of bows,.bit Wei*" 10 1 , 0 4 1 :)ur forAl l iluirr likbor 40 tents; after auto clock, 00 cents, and for &Indic' felork i ll peettour. The Bilk , Ribbon -Weavers Ofkliridgeport, Cone.,, • "truck on the Ist of Septem ber for an admen of 25 Per cent.' , 1. ' ;Alinumber, of the, prominent members pf the 4111'ernt Trades Ultiofis representing all the wards in the city or New York met on Wrldai evenhwand took preliminaty steps fer,t!ke for,mafraop 0 a yfoAki9g Meet MO% The atones of sixty nelegetes Were banded fn, and itlfas lewd to have five from' each ward et qte, nextlnceting WO weeks hence, Wien ft peanut:int organiration'erill he of rected.-,,,,c,i tr . ,- , I ', , , t i z ,i+J i In refereneb to the formation of werki g flea's parties for the election of caUdidat if , to leeslatiireiteaemblifia, • lt may be'remarki 44 thicOet t wpn thisobject has been reJ calved in NeW York froth Mt, J.Q. Ectaritia, General Secretary,of the General Commit Of the ' 44004i0nal Worldpg a MeO's Aesoeht• tion, tendon, England. 'The *ritbr states thst the a's:Silting men have given up,the idea of runping labor etukditlatee,foxYarliantent. In , Franee, he *MA that the GoNlerhthent has been'attempting to put•dowbAhese seed% elations,,bet that in. Belgium they have ad viined rioldly. The existing Trade Unierls in 'that 'Xingdom , have been afilliatediand new ihilenS have been poled. In tilvi,ozer land the pro -- mess' of Trade Unions was evallY Astisfactory.. In • °enemy better tunes and things are expected soon. There are three political parties in the country, two of which- are working men's parties. Ohe of these organized since the war be tween Prussia and Austria, and numbers km over 60,000 members. Their I'klitids are repub ican, and opposed to the timelier States beit g swallowed up by Prnssin..These associatie s -will hold an annual session in Niireniberg, September 6th, when the sub jects of international affiliation of working menand 'the reiluction of the , hours of labor will baZisoussed. , ) \ 1 The President of the Alfons' Topograph ical. Union, in Now York city, has issued a problamation of amnesty -to all printers (whether expelled,. suspended, or under dia. ciplind), within his jurisdiction, Applica tion for readmission to the subordinate Unions, accompanied with the mei initia tion' fee, must be made between ' September Ist an)(1 , December Ist; 1868, and the mem bers ender discipline is to bo re-admitted without the payment of any fino or penalty. All charges are to be quashed, unless these:t ented desires an investigation. . • Toe SoutblUie4el; Biyolaiet boveranneill. . . The New Orleans Picayune .gives the fol lowing instance of the poverty.and depred sion uowl, existing among the , Boothero people, whom tho•Rodicals ore eadeivorink to crush -.down stilt deeper. ititoihe 'dust or misery and degradation ; fiThe . number of , women.and Are mean 1 .no disrespeet.by , Ote Oro; fo,r.rany are la dies 'who have aeon Bette .dais—who daily make applieatione' t the*dayor'for'rell'ef io almost inecrodible. , very; 'nothing we 8 , some half dozeiu fem lea in the Mayors par; ler, somireleakelygei • ed,4o prevout.ree n onii Won' by those,. who may know th p i, and 'bthera haringlui Veils to eover'the pinehe4 teaturei-i-thol pale and • dateworn .faettlin every line of i whieh su ff ering Is plainly ;41:4 pieted, The 'Mayor eau only; afford thorn relief by granting the i r prayers to be sent to tioinelasyluni, or to Place thole children in sonic .institut ion where they will be _eared for.'.! ; _, ' - Ainnost A Iftailrcind loisapter. NA4IIIILL6 I Sept.' 1. 7 0 n Muratl4 ove't »lug last, las t o passenger train on the r o ggefleld aild It tacky railroad was ascend. file ,tho ridge, / . hit steepest grade in 4hti trotted States, tIi o rear ear was throwa'oll',- 'As It , Was about to . 'des • pend 1110 ft kiirrul ChtUrk, the trucks on oitO We ught upo4 pi:oteuding . timbers of the br idge, and it hunestispendedin the, air, While the affright. ed passengers crawled, out unharmo,d. ' It seemed almost a virtiettlous . 60apo fron certain 'death'. ; " ' ' '• ' 1 Wroopeete of the Cotton Crop Mairnts, Sept. 7.--The"l cotton ifields :throughout the southern valley of the IdissiSl , elppi aio olive with active picker's, who aro pulling.cotton while the sun shines. The &tiers, stimulate vigorous and rapid picking, .have ,tniule contut,ets the, hands at a Oben price'per pound, arid the Atyrangetnent hes already boon productive .Of the bpo ; rebuild. Despite the worms .it various pu.rta of the Gulf Stales, the pips: , gee*. on the whole, are favorabli.. • Ve°*•" l 4o ll— Tfte rent!lnsp tree Venice head cow' tree from Now York andltassachusetta axe, hero for the purpose ofmatehing the trial of 'Whelan, whtt ie snspeeted of coMplicity the:issassinated • of the Iry ritutcy• IdNrdec.2 It is expected further, 'unf i its' will be nado' Peit.l*: 3 o 4 4 r#o l ll l Ory.. •,'' ypi f ic , , 80$. 7 t -- . .: s o# • liatprday, , 4esPerfitq a t Ot t raeceqcle4CAPP a . from the po ,Ques,,Opu,nty ! TO ) 1 , N o rth Theythkelvfaleff,in the,eyes of the keeper, apd cpoakek. hfut:,l,9e!pits witlf p bridle; Three . of them iiere re.eaptured.' • -I- I *. tired. Lap11 . ..4 a esidept of Fairfield Ohio, an(l a' 0 Wier in tile war , Of 1812 i was blitned•to'lleatli on Monday a Week bby falliti4 inttia - plle of .ltliniOg brush. "He bakapplitid44o match l f o funeral py,re, and ; is, anpposed tolniv,erfsllen intg the . filitnesdiiring!in , 174. 1 Piptripy 141,0, u_.0017 , gArilla Ouse; Jiuii3s off, dnp4s i yat Hulin ' it ? y . g ra ni,f,s * r ail wi# qiettieby: ' " .0. • X l l * 'iqty . Dot Qopite ioto'citiien olitoraitzia 'Oka. - =1 • Tag Pratt the' tijOildj..thi3 Viilx retabfe itiniejfior% Rhentiititiim, ' lido ritlint, : l'Sitii, i . 4 8 rains and, Braises; Swelled Olanda,; . 44 f. ' :JR PLlt.' B . o ro ,W)Patijulid Pajn:ot tin,Y, *: • awyk 11l crittf Ai Ps i Aniib' l n. , (4)1 I ... di. ansl' *l'oo tier' barite.' • .:. - ' . 'NO* : • O. '': telig , / 8 4 m . , r"cVl'"'‘`'l6"4 — .3l"vi.,. =Zan F A i I Clll.--fleminole Connell. No. ES, Q, of C.A. la . v'Airill meet it their Rill. eorntr of Fifth and f i,L . - 7, 1 . , ;Air.* 911.riVirla0trif pt; lids ali, 00 ID orde r 9 nfl •• • : atit .ll4 .'Y ”S u rialioe tl3 llar li t si ttia °rei el ) 4 , fOlirtber 'llile.a iiii; .4 MIAs • .• the morning ofparage4 jr, mer 0 , Altocotuwill• • • ; v , OH • '-t BOY IV e ' l' ' :7 t. :. t imrsisossissom. . U. 1 — 1 T. --T . é i automat o n• of • tiit — ) - and . hold a ineeting at the hog o - en ' npp. ' •nt aad Penh streelistt 7 te,glpelt t on' Wednesday evening. #ailA %b. Sft3. •`eilife . DeratietieY Or Reeding - nee mit .' Ad dieates will b 0 delivered by popular sgeekets Comorder come aft I .t. Vyof, the ri,sident.,... , 1 .; Dept, it-2t.. 1) 1 44..,00'..„'1tqapw. Igo WINIME I • BATOEWRO AP) NO '4O NOW YORK = \ I : I4 PP I OD *SEX ,PAILIOAD. • . , 1 P• co 1 1N1 city xo~k ktb: l ~p m. Hood. ,h ip d !sof New York at Read(ilg reight House. be re 8 o'clock p. in. or for Read sing at foot of Barclay etreet.• New York, befort4 o'clock p. in. , will be delivered at elihergoint t - out reihtpuient. W. 'F. HALLIDA Y.„ Quill Freight Agent, JJ. & I RA., noboken RAUOIT.i Awa' :mein ni cc R. R N,, Read'eg. • • • , sot 8-3 mos THEATRE COMIQUE. • , . • ,• • t• • • -• Auleribieles 60A'and 610 Penn Eh. • } , . 4(.40. litelliAt.of„.•;, .., BILLI' I WRIGHT, '‘k I L . , ote FRIDAY IiVRNING ' ; SEPT., 11TH, 1808. Firat-olaaspegoprivioe. C9rlell'a original andilirriglit's original • "14i9ItIr4op,ri!g, Tioketm 35 atul 25 genie._ C'hildien 1R colt? wept 8-.4t • A i LARGE LOT Oil' • • , • DopiNliyi and itnprig WOOLEN AO COTTON KNItTINO YARNS, . • 'A/1t1.) '21E1 4 / 1 7 /41, FoF salo,ohpap at, , • ' B, 11: BYPOO ...,„ 705 Penn Street above Seventh, , snit. 243-2 w CIAIITIOOPI.44fmno‘ , Penion,ildetint atolon t w•, Vl:lay-book :from my shop, All persona aro cau timed not to pay any bills made but and preaenteo to them, exoopting plyaoltY • '. ••IMMIX UOODMAN. Wheelwright, atm 314 ' 718 Franklin street.. Ropaing OotOtoil, No. 40 0:. of , 11. A. M. T•Mentliers'otthe their 'fall on . Felder, September ,at 6 o'c c lo ck, M., to proceed to the D epotfor the State parade at I~an ' caster . '[''ho members will wear black or -od 1- - it/ - doing Ziria - ogi - 8 - u - ictiiad - i - lh — ti,' apifaature o Earthenware, is this da_y dissolved firm aro requested to make penitent to Daniel P. Shout°'der, and all persons holding claims againSt the same. will present_them to him DANIEL P. suhNFELtiER, JOHN F. NEWBOLD. Tho businei of the old firm will •be continued by the tinders ned. A al i the ojdat4nd in Kissing°, street. North o First Leahy Lane. . Hopto-4* . f lEL P. BIIENPELDER. BENSON & JONBS, .• ',PAINTERS MB PAPER-yANGERS, gla►ve just received from the Philadelphia and Neii York taltrkets the fittest assortment Of WALL-PAPER • , i tc 'ever offered for do in thii city. Call and 800, theta at their ' • . .. % • , - 1 r , ~ 1 L • ~, , , prpiv . TABLISIIMENT, , ‘ PENN' STREET, READINO. 37-3uno, , , I,iltli;bl4tlCK V. futUßli, .g. 4.01,1) =I Owner Fifth and Washington streets, Reading, ,Solo Agent.for Berke and liebanopeountioN for the ' celebrated" -' s L 3 .'. i ~, • ; i I : .' ' ' i3Aisilhgc* ge4i4E ,PMPAI;TY. /:be moat rel i able and durable &ales eyer played boLoyetho ibu . , . • , 1, Vail and he Mena before porch leg eleorhere. Superior Wilue . brnenle eireyed t? uyerd. AIP tli t ef° 44 1 1111 1C 1 ., :. '; . „ . ~ •. ' P. 1.4 A: i l l , , r 9, f,, 74 ' 8,0 t r i“.l in hand (led fl solo eltear•. , L i : . ( Rapt 4-if RIVATE RALS.—IVILIa' BR 80 P A L PRIVAT)4 OMAR, rITO•STORY WRIOK 110,USE and.4ot of groan& on the r North-west Other of Eighth and Chestnutstreeto In this elty, This bolos a corner property: ie suitable for a solo_onoritoLei and itcod mbri . . • AU% sh UN'S-STORY - BRIM 141 E on Eighth street, near Chestnut. • ' • Fur particulars apply on . 00 Diem • • r , • /Mg 24-2 w. NOT/044 4F , OAUT/lON.-rlltreby caution' nuy and all persons atalrist purehaeing a pin lain proinissory_tioteiriven by ma to J. Sullivan, AgentfOs the U.S, Ithtnlng ATI Company for two h_ rtri ared add fort 461Iarn. OPZ4O A .m J dated OE Ist..18M;;•modo , •payo lit six !soothe after date. t will stover pay Said note. sithe. D whole tionSootiOn OW front the to end,' ; • . , ; SOLO ON Ni ONTDED. f, • .! c' ''•}lxetierloymship,Beiltseounty,. Neol.l 4 lGrid...—ei o, i ~ -• • • n 4 „, 4, ) - • • a CEtlikrk4aß" , F , 4 4 #o/6))*itilite j Yor Nag htt, frbe .114%,0X,FP,101)1011TORE„ $5l Penn Street, near Fourtb. • San. SU ME= MEM EM AND 52,0 7 ,77 - 4;iii I IC z411:111-.AN. 'FOR . DISTRICT! ATTOANRY., • To Stier Tasters of Illiillts teem**. , • _ 1 M - 1 OC'Wgi4-11a044#0 by the ' 7 3 l lre :I te fol e eZ i tnt tie 'ro; Tat 0 y Joni rks 00elkt7t • retirns. ttie to t ge _ 1 d da_tttartd whiet t 4ana ae gale i,, a n offer toy 'a ma candidate oral) Wee •Of et An noy ae enealtyelettion: subject to t e dee • ton o ft *next Deutocratk, Delegate Illonvention. Should be aucommi in obtaining the orals*- ** and subsequent election, I. ASO ourself tei diacharge the dudes of the olliee watt fidelttY. itk a tegrlty and courtesy. ISRAEL O. BROKER ltendinf.July. 2P.18035, .' , tt, ~___,..._ , FOR ABSEMIILY. - ' 'WE titili VT pll it st4 ' wealayanee the ix ? amp of Cue. eflotioale e city of Koaditicat a oanithlate Air dale li i au Jed to the ,decision •of the • - Democratic' le e Opntetttton: '• e• 1 , ' "'' ' ..' ' : - I'oll -i • FOB 00111 .00111t101001FER, Wit hue tnti mithog twar l to inuouwele dAte t i o ih r i tio ° 4_ l ty tt i mminloner a s si n i l i gt asi tith ca o ri dO: °won ot t o liemnerallo Deltiltte nyien .afott ‘ *- t • • ..• . FOR copfirxr ,suprrPal . i Tli IliNg been- oittliortkod to anooonco ttto ate of war ,IL Bitta k bil of tlerefold Townsb l it ito ilk tong 240 for Ooktgy AUditcoripubi Sect to !Ticino -the oat 044(1064 Ki,otel gate Moven op, - • • ~ • . 1 f. r Herefoill,,, 0 0 420, )868.441 • ~,:•'• 4%, :.• I, . , , . FOR - DIREOTOE OF. THE POOR. :. 2ro TUB • WrifitB o* , DEM 001111 1; the eubscribar, ennounejryse H itt tooth a • r Direetor of th e POor, a int to deo the Democratic Deleitato to tt.% If - gootioo" elected, my whote endeavor - will he to' beret I limo conducted ins home:mind economical Mi ner. not being ermonitted to any man Or r f loan to carry out tide, or tbsi meagre tO 19 - jury of thO tex- payers and 0 _mictumern_ • ' i D NIBIA B. LORAIN, k - Lower Ileidelb*nto Aug . 15, !SOL ' • , t • . roc coviirr cioifaiiStolMik, pixvoimit}r:Brif3 covrtiiart. t, 1 5 .1 Z " en fa:tanti.t.T.Ar; r ° p l ait ty Gamlttline su bje ct to Log u QII pI i Dempliq Del 41 oyentiono Int 01111 i 1000041 ip ob Tie tile domino on, cod 8 elected. pledge self to diaoharse t t * duties to. the best °Piny 411 th and ptilltiP.t t o tig9ll l l4 IP thc citjeetts or the 00ney. /limit tsww4., Ropoing. Atutititi7-to • • 10140 W lIMINIUNRATO,—)beOtikAgeir by re very , sUpP9r W Ic given e year e Demboratio• Qminty - tionvention for the Stat Legislature, and for which lam \try. m thinkinl, again offer myself as canlate Ar.the sae orace,sulneet to the decision '0 ing nett 'RerucH claim Delegato Convention. f nominate , and elected, pledge myself to use every effort to pro mote the best Intetests of the agrlepltural, labor ing and mechanical classes of the. , D riet,'and of the mass of the people generally, as intividuils. RespectfUlly yours, /to., o,tft, • A. T. ADVXRTISEDIEN TS. HEARQUARTRBII ,o* CAMPAIGN GOODS 1 AT Tllll UNION • JEWgiAZY tiANUFAOTOBY AND • BADGE' ' , ; DEBUT, • _i t.- t rurnt 8T.,. • (text doof to the EventiiiMpatolt Offico.) . , 20,000 dam** Badges.' DIIIIOOtATIO AND 11401:113LION, Melt from t Baatern and othormannfactorles, which we an sell •at New yotk vtlefr, by thbui sank hundredlor dozen: They...oo Stied awl sottraent ever offered for tale in the c ity of Mad', ing, having ovbr one hundred ' different patterns, such as Medals, Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, &o. Good Agetits clideda good kfrcentage at. • • • lowed., • ! Otir Rotdll Pes are from kioents to 5100. rer' sons will do w ellto give us a dell before purehtsi we elsewhere. • SOCIETY BADGES;ISIARKSAND• PINS of all kinds made tb ord4: also, Itiwelry of all de tiscriptlons made 'ond repaireM Watches an Clocks properly repaired. ( a Btf • • sKRYDER & 00. r Monufaoturort of • • . ply SUEVER'S tielej3:4ol Tonio Eforl.l hitters), Impoiters of • • ' " WINES AND LIQUORS. Also Solo Agent s BIiLNY P O ILlNltliALttb iI,YR: WMAKI.II9. ,* , . , ; •, • •No. 12114prgi . Third Eltroot o • • Tor polo at this Bogle Bookstore.' • • tag M•tr I)4,o o l ll tditt, '• , ', . ~ , •',' i :,-, ~; ~. , P l i t lil 'KW' Ia 1! ' • • ' , - ' i I , ..i t . oilite-riro '6 oirth - Atilt' tit hettdifitt• . I, Particular, attention luthl tweeting diseases 4:sr , the Mouth end Ulnae, such as scurvy, Preternetn-` ral Orowth,of pump, •Alveolar Abscesses, disease' of the Alveolar process. Fisiturcd Palates, end nil &eases to Whieh the mouth and gurus are sub- i a et. i - Teeth a:trailed wirt Tian: and Inserted on all tanterialjtsed b y t o Profession. Office houff, frosts 7' .M,to7 P. M. • Rcpt. 3-Iy. ~ , , . • —:-- - -T.- , • , i- , WliEttE TO' GET ITI ''', • • ' ' -' • . . . , TT , . .. , 717 'dr 72; PostlStreot, -fiesidissii Its. ..4.—.. F .13 R N I ,T 417 It E ' • ' Ix! ALL aTtIMP ,4IfD WATOI4I4; . , • The largest. ikupytmept iq Won, 100414 kora. and Rim much beret thitn any h er boot.. A oral from persons In want of nny,urti epf furniture llton the molt oxpexive,down, sal Weld. CA RPETINGS, MATTINGS AND • - OILMIrIII3 . . ' • A full stook always at how advanooftn 00114 Call sad.sott• • 'J A CO B Li l y • •WANTEIV:. DWELLING HOUSE WANTED: CONVENIENT Bows is anArgintea Within a reasonable dist/taco of Penn Fifth streets. between tbis,tinse and tho first of October. by , a small family. Apply at the °Moe of the . DAMY NAOS. a 11. WA TIED.-- , An active in ti li s yr 4" lth a saustioaPi- 'll/ tal. as partndr in a Asst.+, tanyantlnSnis icitY. For Paftio9 ll l ai rase 0 %VINT • It A It I atic3l4 • • ealp"1:41;1 44 ASTIED:vft good 'girl, rOcoronsende-, at No.s North Bth Bt. !. • ant: WU... ArapraTßirrics,' TtkOHER' OF MUSIC, W a r #V ti i ke bA l ri let i ° .# ll, 1 .0 4 4 8 Aki t teP , t ff * N l l KVOrliPETk§t t li ar resp u lt4 t pe tld dit is Wks, v. fir. dee. • . = rgt,otorckittos et)i. spo , licsifland'a: derma' Tonto, Tile Great Raitedies for all Diseases of th ; Stormy* or. pipeAtir. thVasfit iloollailds German Bitters composed of theili (or ie thif memo. Mt_ alk PPS ° 19 K littlisT er uc bl V A tr a 4 ; ted and ent re frrk rOSI OROAOIIO tided". tura riV • • • • - HO 0.F14N1M , 11 ORRMA:N TONI° t• • to n Q9su l y i nalton of all het_t it tents ofthe !Jit ter/. vmh payed qinuity' maks Orli &lc • 9 1 . AI s t de" 1114110/1 0110 of the inosl Wound eci le remedies eypr °feral tame Dou g , ono were/dug:a mtedloitke fray from Alcoholic Atatifurcaloll.l44 , .) • 1160Fl o WNVEI flEitlatiN hl Those who hare no ohliialon io the combinatio i of o Ditteru. iw irided..wilt , „ , 49, 01 44t11 8 OmAN;Torito, ‘ithay are both equal g $01, 4 4:confab% tae moat=l4llllolll4ll44PcoNatrurVot Os* . 4 Lleir 4 5 eta( nith inalgestioty ß 4spePina. ervolte. 111 ,Y,etO qh fi very apt ti i ivre its lun uero t n 0 . Th, s er ' s ulk Y ac ia r. 1: 111 = 4 nt l( "apOlfee iji t. Ore rep% o; 40 th e pafleo fora wend e t , morn p the, folloprhur Manses: , • ConsumptiOui Tioriiid 11 0, M ao of Medd teAhe ead• Aeldritr of we iliteluge k 141111seth u r t ? r i le te tt i t ; tl4 1, 14 . Pt.ochavi vi tla*rtirwte.„., :. . 1 , to , . the 1 each thw a rt opt smog • Fintter el oo rrylivikw i . tag me 'Fe? o Nieto t goe tir ore 9 t. , Pain in j i llbad o c i : famr o or erspi n y ! pp th Ara, ° k,tsrallis,ll% • Sudden side Vin or It BA in the Constant imaginings f and ! )rest Doprosalon of P " ' The sufferer from these ahiesses shoUld az the fireatusi, cantlodinithe selection °faro* r t i t t for hie oaSo, Imrehasinn uuly that whieh e as sured drum' hil iniestigatioloi and !aqui scssektroo inurit, ikskill9llllly.compouu 1 free stem thintiMut mare (Hants; mut *slab • rid for Itself a tebillatlon or the cure of disease.. In this conuection we woul4 submit thuealein l known remedies , — • 4 ' 4 lIOOPLAND'S GERMAN' BITTERB IIOOrL A N•D'BIII.IRMAI4 TONIO PIIIIPARID al' De. 0. M. JAOlite , SH, PliDedelpide, \ Pi • Thi y- fire yearialaee therwere Ann introduced into t is Country fretu fi ertilaby, dtiring which time they ave undoubtedly Perfortatrd Were pre egg bone ted suffering humanity to agreater took than any other tem editsknown to th e 114010. Theie remedies wilt effectually ours Liver Oota. plaint, Jetiedioo, Dyspelity 04010 or Norrour Debility, uhtenio /herr Aces; Disease of the Kidneys and all I/bosses ' arising ,MO 16'. WM ordered Liver. Stomach or Intestines. ' ‘, • =4l • , DEBILITY,. ~ . . -,•, . . , Itosulting Itoulithy , • %Ufa whateviratititatioa 'of the Kea bin, Induped byilevere 1 4044 • /lards ips, taxposure, Fever!, ike. . There le no medieln, extant e s tasi•tolnese 'rem edies in I: ut CASCO. A tone an ler IS !MANIA tOthe W 00, ayetem 0 th e aptitt ta etrenstkik i t• lpliee o ed i the Welsch disable:o7 c load Is 1;0111 'd & the oOlq,ple* Ow, ik ut neza4 awl heal th y, t el v eltow unto' *grad the 03yes,(ti bloomirgiree te the Olive #4 aireil weak anal nervetts Invalid 11)0000106 I stro4o lid heldthy belrik. PERSON D V All E tf' XN LIM • . 41f i• Donfeeling the band, of Ablnt LAI 1000 them, with ite Wen alit I r the too of this 111.1,111140 rt e I 4. Axel r that will instil now, lifa into Oren n , teetore u hmeasure the en 6 1 .4 and Or of More youth I aye, built up th ehrunkettlertne, and it,. eath and happinoei t to Only reuraluiniryive,,, . • . ••• NOTICt• , - , ' - nisi well eetabllehe' d fiteLfthittiallionh-helf et tho tamale pottion dear DUI Oh' ate noluojp le the enjoyment of good hen th, or,_to i Aue melt oiVa expression, 'haver feel , well,'?: L'hey are lanipid, dexold of Alt edr; b extfepAeli ittoteeer, r , ,and havd ho aPPaiti4i:: i ,41; To this ohms of persons the 81, gas, oi the TONIC, to especially teeousiaihibil. . ' , t t f s ,• i WEAK AND DELIOATB 044L6REN ' Are mode strong by the nib - of elthiS4theee remedlop. They.wlll oure,every. aye pf • RAH; Aluo, without fa it. • , • ~ ..• ~-. Thousands of cerillioateo- hove aeothisplateit le the hundkof the o prletor, but A 410,011 allotiol the publlqatton or put few, . Ty.ose i ft; xll be gb serre4l, ere reon o note, and of ktOP ItAdding I they Must be believed. ..% ' . I , ‘I O i k • • TESTIMOSIALSi •'` ' How dikirge•Wi Wdof4*agB, Chief Juitice of the Buprenitioourt ( !AV* - . , PHILAwiLPIIIA. Marthile, 1867 i ' l'ilina lionflan9gerilliwlrlialiCidrt) nodal, Denoiseases Q tA AI prop 4 obit it in oaf s 01211,40 hty, an ant of nervous action in thematpe• t - f - , ..41A 4 . 1 k, Yig() . riii4TlD. ' t 1 A s s, , , ~, -,•' :, s , ~,%, , try; &mob g itilativk' D P.• , Pastor'or tho Tillitiliiii , ttit s efilinvit;iiiits;:: li ti r t i f i gm e r ..:411 0 w i t a l t l e tnev—lbovi e b i tn i tniients . apdairo t tidaifferent in ofmeiltailes, but k Lye • it - priletior out of illy Appmprt a sphere, have in all da res dolinoe but with aricarProolf 07 ttOn° 6o, And Prin . ul ar )y nmy owp, y i , t o ~ • lual of 14 , o0f• landra Gamin:pi Ye, At a irtrOir9 no Iron* mr Mal oOptl f to ppril WY rii 0 dm yor il generaft Wart seyetrut4 „ or of arniptainrolfs a EON); valuttlilf p 044 14 la " (Ur g e tb eell ry iL iregileVit# l llllo 2ll :l l 4% 4 1 ' I frg li p% v . v. a love tail. • re . ai • kirriii4 :?. t, , , oars, very P A o', f , • , - 111) 14 ftfri, ", ' Pifilltb ! Pf !If , . *ltd.' • ~,, ' -t. , s . ~‘,..; : • ~ f, ‘,l . • /oil: John Tlimismili , , f . Jutlik,fille B4 PfeiliP 0; # 1001 0 ) (0 1Ariii fi n! ( .1 0 , 11 14 6 )41 . 4149A' . ,Att , 00 . . 4_ ..ico e didolikn• ' { , lii .Ali t vo r i;tv biorseefettitan moor ofvta or e pepsin. i vld Drag, .t ~ t ro r acs 6 a turoON." 10'.. e -1 4 " '''r .""•' ' s Wil lieti t iedi dd i i t ' Assistantrxiito Ong a, h ladelptit 1 Lave derived d , r,.., be et from the. let .froofiancl's *naps iiferf, . 1 i it rY,PlIT to rectinantend'tlie sat Inns t tme. who are auffering 041 ffenerel -de iit y, or direiteds 7ising from derangement of the liver, , - , Xapre. trght.it f , t'' 7 1 , 'E.fixiUDADD. - . .. -- r 1* .- r , . CAU ll ' Odlki . - • lloofrand'i Berman I?eirei are C;Onterfelted. Bee that the,signalure ofiIIfi..TACKSON Leon the wrapperofeach Uot- tie: Ail others areeoun terftit. Principal olliennna hfahnfactorKiit the Mena Mddleine Store. No. 631 Arch &feet, Philadelphia. , . CHARLES M. EVAN; Piotirieto,ri Form6rly O. M I JACKEION & Co. saPRIOR, InWfter ta u t% in , i ttim lio nd er ' bo l itle. o a r lieladlotnutPoreSo'. II II .Don forget to **or na • Ole *Mato Og buy. o er to Est the 'Gnome. • - FOR MLR BY, ALIT Druggb 3 b 3 and ItorektePers, y es " noir • st.atx, AND MI