71!4b15 origes .y: aill2 . • G. L.—itiif t *nett Fontth l 74 1 No. 1 ; . ,' , ... te, Aieet, PM, 7 t NO, T.., , •,,, 1 1 '1_,.:‘•Z . 0, ki, iiiiel Fourth, i f frkwri 4.t:".P1 • Green meet IMII*7 I t i No. I. • ~ ,- ,ii, t in ue , i pt ,.. s k i ". I. I li a & ~ ... 1 , ,....Madi s ialtou ,11,46.1711 s. '' Brown s meet Sixth s 71 No. I: _ iteik meet Fourth ,: fli s t.ro.t';, . i t. 7-6 t. FAa And near, thlyhOPl,t 4,he, , WOOS 'c o p l itry, the newspape teem wart won derful cures perform hy Dr: 1 imOU's Magnolia OiL , 'GO v3ttw Atki sl' cio per hottle• American House, niulini. .. _,Lug ! 174 Tus COAL Alma grallant the wash ending Sept id, the ailut kW VilliipitiOP Coal Company tramp° 21,407 teaa'of coal. ' hi .the imne tune 0111414 1 11116111414 Beading railroad Dann* I r ,aN toe br s t all kinds./ , • ;,t ',.) .• • i •1 ,•• )• b Tile Great, the Grand ) the On) reliable remedy.for Ithiumatisria ) • Neetta ii; 4 ' Mint' bago, Sprains and illidsee, girdled ,Ottndspi stilt Joints, Sore Throats, and piiin.or any sort and from . any cause, is ;•11t.Ruesinzep magnetio Oil. 'OO es.„apd a 0 per, bottle. American Ifouie,'Readmg. '• faug.lB.lti °.' Tats . beet i execrated likeness 6f gap, Horatio Boymottr that: w 4 4 0410 for sakat tiweepey'a Itadge Depot, o.N 4 north Nth street.' It 'a chrojed ilhb graph in oiromd extrimelyilfh-lihe and expressire4.ll4llhPhe, at* SiAteenuln whom the. Demecrimy have selealed ititheir stAindar4s bearea s thelioealag' Prisideritial cette:44 : 1 14 1 r • ,t l l,4Port44,44ovialt (Pt of tit ,t 4016 11 !MOO. aloe em,,, • • vtslii Ci * * l 4V -51' . 4“4 • ?AT* Kr'.l N . . 0 ALA or, Paoraart r4moleer, Bell sold his faun at Exeter atitlo_ „ e ti ( 1 1 :'k R . ft. It., con taining 20 sores, •to Bingatimpi rof this 114M: 4 of i i ih e W deoT., sold crnTatur4ay, at the Berko Con ty 'lease, in Able oil, ' ' 40 acres of wood . gild pantie land, eituatairaixeter toirbahlp,l6. Hear o,,Eaterly,for $B6 Rer,nore. The oth• er t• ,bPertihif adiertlied, belonging to the same estate/Were der, sold: /. •. • . • f• • ;•. ' Trit twenty-third 4 annual Meeting of the Grand United (colored) Order of Odd bol• , lows, in.Anibileti,Will 'convene itt Ilertildnos on ,Wedneiday, October 7, itgiB. The an n ual wilt take place en,Eriday, the POL.— , Lodges _accompanied by *bands mus from Readlogi iNerrlstorrn; ! , Philadelphia, West °pier, ,Datbyi Wilmingtoe, • N9w York t ,': Ulrike "Washington,' and 'other (94 yr P 11464.. Excur s ion tickets to colored peopl will a tactical* the different railroad ecmpanimi l ,at twp-thlrd, rates. • • . . A 0411NDID BONER has boon made by the ladies] of Washington • Street Presbyterian Churchin to hotbed Lodge; The bange r is, pfhl e satin,the front bearing a bandso .. e 'Wreat , encircling the is wcitde bearing _. . s i lt . 28013 . 1 4 .1.T.'0: of,O;)t.,iglititittadl pt. 15 t ,',1845.9 The reuseNs» the wrirat 'Present e# ,b 7 the Ladies of Reading." The stiff is surmount ed by a,luifideogie eagle. , •Tha tanner ia how 4114 trloA4ol atmoirby Auohenbaoh & pro., with' So Orr.—lr. Drlfogle .owns a row of four mill fraine, buildings in Cedar iilley.-,- Ono 0(01)**44 aMr. Kramer, , bag • not paid any ent for Teo, out and as he could not ay relit and' Wield not go; out of the; house' ityr Ogle took the privilege 'of hipp. r t lug Min Out by two offiT. There ws q cite an eamftemo,_otio.....tho an y for s tim. sro.. Kramer hinted, , mime s wore bat theV , i ` - lord frltio . thexorobte, t 0 'vision.' of n il. rotitil hauntell him, and lit wint."the.. go o ds. li . into' the alley , arid ,the h dit.was isi,llo l 2 et,' tenant.—GWWle. ''" SUN DAY 110/100r: • ' lOniklillitlON. +4O 'St. , Lawrence nudity Seltixol t ‘of. Ezetet town. ship, held its. annuat celebration yesterday, In the 119,0da at Exeter Station, WM Oleg, derkOlf well ilarlieicite a number trom,thia cl i tyWet e ptegent 'mongattlion94o :knife ; to o Aar Sling wdies inn, *hilt go to any place without creating p. disturbance. Tke Exeter : Cornet ' Band, , D. R , Hafer, leader, escorted tho School from the School house 10 the Woods,:tind• • enlivened the as 'oemblage ddring th e day with,their excellent music. c ' . , ;POO, .RAIL 11$ 0011:01itit " t en-1 ' ing; tin ilia Sig o'clock Pitisenger 'train from .Philadeiphla was• coming in t the en t q struek it bfry bb Oa liiiike of Joltititell• 18 yeas, ; acip,pf,ltantel. He ll , an employe fit the TORO 1111; kiiiielliiilnstan tly. It is stated that the pawsullta ng ran one of the raild '0146 doll 'Auk it' point' oPpo. site .the , kolon.to ',; tilted the train same along. 1441 pied oSthe..rail, and staggered 'in the dire ct Or of 't oup track, whet( the engine 'Struck him, ) breaking his arm and bruising his head So bidltthat death result ! , ed. t Homo coAveys4 to his Vfsea Re: the reilroad water, works 'Venn Sal& ~. Me' Mane a Qom e it. - Wegliko '' ~, 04.it,11: . 41 4 i ..,.. le iejoiiiiiik there *M 7 onsuw 0 Ana lora at the SWUM, house t anziirc ik, ts,toctothtvi tf ) ,llMolVlitkivl4 iti niWilogA4 roll ;,, -,` , ~ !:, ~. ~ , . Yeaterdq:(ogatiaj) 4444 Ogee %MA. 4014 home*, ettweivii %o Itiealt Ilitnior— tnard Saying t ti boon paito4 pip bi,' cep wrenoo frog, tipavemen) n ili4ti stree t ,? lut ow Spiritig.',' VOW 'l.ll efb - 01 Of pay.. moat of tbie awl mod,. Jc4lo` Ita heki?#ol , 1 .414 preated i lofficog.llristiSion. ir4=. 4E04. 4%0 . f.' ', no beast ivaadOlatand creating' toilainciirgeberally. Also ratiing Mon)i,d4 fine apli,ocAv, , a t F. )kiaiidotbiiitialsoolterod to o odiblintaw• rano., about 1 o'clock a. m u _ Sunday, gos ing on Bretlise . rst Step; on' Penn street. li e refnittolie any c url( of, himself, wo he w .w sr lie,* Obit l wr 4herh 1: had 6 02,1 ind us g intuiting langua to the officer Ini nabbg d and. placed him be , hindgio grating. Also retained in default of 04110el'of.400;10410idei ,1 1 , MiIiTING or 100404 46 1 0043 6"° *— The followingWanied or nineties will hold. their regular elated me etings this (Hoxnar) evening g ;..; A %,,'1. . ~ „ ; ...t, , '.. 2', Germania Ixi . ..e No. 158, I. 0. of 0. F. at Odd Fellowe',- : 11, ~ ,=:• • 1' 'i'l Samaritan' ... i ' N0,1i,'1. ! 64'4r Q. F., at TempeTance ; I. ... ~. - , Kutztown Council NO. 48,' O.' tr.. A.'. M., at Kutztown, 4 . 44 „ . Neversink counts" ko‘47, 0.,,p - . A. M., at Womeltiderf. i Friendship . , Circle NO; 17; 8. , U. Breaker hood of Union HAN. .‘ • 3 ' -"''' I rdsboro Loris° R. kft7 Lq,,41c.ch3, 4 , i , ii . .. tbohlitleam,(tilt)o,l4.l • sink ng qg ng. • , . (pesters 'a nd 'and Joluoia' N.• U. N o. s idg . 703 In - street. - 'I -' • Lod No. 74, A. P. A. klalladn'a , .Hll l l, Penn low Seventh. . ,-- ''' ' ' L I; „' Washington OartiliNti. iii 4 f 0. of J. S. 0 tll. l Pinbien J , , (,?. .. 1,, , .. - ,k- 1 t',Llttin NOVAOI: itif Mow* Ibillo'' MI EDI =OK3i E7=3 'iv , , - inditeingma,,,, . carriage lips. $o has called childhodd: "a rosy tams be- - tweets tho eradtiand the school houce." 7 --:-T. A: ;Wllies k PG.:4,440re on Penn street, will take th_ leOlktaivoiSrMtii to.4loAlluilitfrotr. Tipplffessir sr4 a lard as fis A** Allekb,ink .4 ,- ta c aii , , • , ~ OitioteriagliNgraward forinfoimatlanorammt , mass soma Juba Mmailtonorthilkome la i ;thist pity two weeks ago. Ile is partially deranged 'frnm Meknes,: Can see e description of him at the 1(00i's bliett.-14.- s -"/Leen Your '-house in tad Orr !der" wait reified lento as yesterdays as wed:cloyed innt the Liberty Engine house. .Thera we end f h things in splendid only, the "It rnal Vigilance" being as bright as a new pin. e house le re- o ... ettig a coat of paint and otbe improvements. , In euritOblisthroggls the eit3iwa notice that' there linulta en ahandanee of Milt in the yards tuid gardens-' rapes 4 n eineolailY are plenty and ere join about ripe g.----... The Reading Mote Com . 7 have . been eheeting the side of .their house th tin on Saturday. The bricks aro too soft to the weatherouid tinting theseheavy rates the rum pertiliges 644 h the wall, Wlsiehhaa einused them to sheet the outside with tin.-.—A . btosut Malty executed pair of tombstones have Just I 4e,#:. ll !lithed et the ; MIA/. /Paid iSf J. P. Mae* POh`ettoecjilierAioo ea. ` vie eirvint*'iattfOng, 1 auvratodlinlshiletaiiitrafarcirehly With anything of f Oa klin(Wts have Celt' for along' time: ---1-A marifil • iiieWlis Rubin HA the grate:oOn Tellet,4lfed to n , living Man wit thattranted to Aitige t ycs hi Walt itleastii With iiirife witheut ever 141101' Mothtir-ist-laWeere woe 'a child bled - hithis 'elty,, n fee/ nights ',ego; with 400 Ono ate), and the hand aeon "that aria" contained but it 01140, Ititliont• any gager": , The arm War carved hint* with the hand propped against the eide of tge body. If you wantto have a comfortable e‘ry-ohair and lounge combined, for your °Moe. tOte'lffeltaightli Ilailimsto store, Third and Penn streets, and get one, The umbrella brigade stride, its anpeiranee this morning.. Because On believe inrank. it detslaffolleYr that you It s e it k ia butteroisiastd ionukother eatahlea.--111 'OtelehetraYeall rinnsep U.. 0 aikeele l andall aneecde- Mono. If Miss Crotchet lc as speolnien of the minds were the to rekoitit atri omit 'libel:4lli: Shit Is s'oreas between a hyena, a catamount and is k kangaroo., Travel over the different rall@ade eontinuea ,viu7 large.--rrAt the , old depot,lt will, be ob gerved, _there are planks laid in between the rail- , vied tricks. There is a space of about 3 ineheabe tleen the planks and tha ratleileaving cm opening -.pert of strop, into' *hie peopia' ocomilonatlY step.-and are held fait, .being only relieved with etik4Willitinity, We know of 'an instance whams Ilttittiot, wiii hod, rot; biheyhli her 1154) isint'le4 into Ifili opening, and woe only released in Ihne to Oerent tin 'engine tinning over her, by a gentle manwho Mime to hair assistance. ,Whv cannot come plan be devised to prevent this trap f--i-'Ladias this fall wilt wear neolttaoh of little bells, to Jingle as they Move.:—_A little logo" Fred. panes had one of his ?Anon Out off bitt, straw cutting ma chine, on Saturday morning.—The large brink mansion belonging to Mr. Smink, in North Sixth iireet, is now *niched, and adds much to the beau ti of that fist laiprovinirtlioroughtareudg lig by the number of defillOn OUretteettl. we should say this must be "the happy land of canine.lr— Mechanics find plenty of employment, the;exten idvo building and march of improvement over, the odty furnishing abundant work to the sober laid in duetrious.—Young men % who are confined to labor, or buelneci.' even ' twelve , hours a day, can take , an licinr. and a half of what is left to study, which will a m ount to,two months in the coque of a rear. —We understand Abet the members Of tha liberty Fire Company will bold a public plc.:Moat Lauer's. Park the latter pad of this Mentberr-7 The engin, that made the brit trip over the 'lead 's/Whiled:lr noW at Boonton, Pa., In the pilii- We & Laoltairinne Machine Cherie. and is eldte a ,enrioelty to 'look at....i-Many people'at the;White Spot yesterday.—One of the ansuremmita of the, "boys"l and "girls" of Erie. Pa., is to assefoblo at a lied 103$110 add engage in a amoking contest.- Wit/km*oH ,Wassdard..-.--A Minnesota editor says thatlinsan Oink Inttc, his office to advertise fora hot dog, and that' muds was the wonderful power, of advertising, the dog walked Into tho 016 while he was writing out the adyerticetnent. -1---Roligious SerViefte were held in the market house yesterdiky afternoonby tha Methodfais.-..-- .11uoketere and farmers attending market complain of the lose and anng.yance th ey are truldeoted to 410 044, ate* ity WO oa melenilin the OEOIO, knell° and oonfacion on market dan,--;7-71u one rimipesit our elti cannot be excelled. We allude to slwile. both vocal and instrumental, which fills els beautiful autumnal nights with the richest, gatest & mplodles, and adds consult to their beau -1 toendihnuenop. A was through our streetathere ughsfut ayeningc, causes us to think with every step wo are treading •on some ' tuneful, harp, *hose dulcet strains linger long and sweetly, even. Into our dreams. .. • ' .54#.1. nolo IT MEAN?—On Fxkl • °fleet week' netirlY'all the tnachiniats employed ` in the Mine Bill Railroad shops at Cressona-- some fifty or limy in number—l/ere summa -14,), discharged, No reasons were. assigned. e nlen were excellent Workmen, and with t e. preg9nt acOvity,in coal shipments the silo 4 Were kept Waking to their fullest, ca rb' to keel) the rolling stock of the road 4 proper condition. , Only about a dozen' o f WorkMenia Pcitt ign' of whom p are aPprentioes, were retained. It:is surmised by many that the Web was the turnout of the men in July I.°, ask a reduction of the.hours of labor in accordancnwith the act of the last , Legiela , tolt, If this bo the ground of the Company's Otiod, we think thq oftleer# of the Oontpany aWdeserving of severe censure. Many of thainen bays homes and p,roperty, there,and *deprive thong of work coy a p,onoeablo of. fort tA obtain e t lawful olOct is .xot setting stk biaectple ofAusticc; • . • , I " t 4 agolb.ar ofiho inetitoonfttbtaimml air -7 s on the Lehigh &BWsituehootio Road, WI ItiVita,therellare removed tromthe ()curdy lentively s ', --, re ;tbfitriffe Standard: It will 69 memliort4 that th e oo mthittee `who visited Reading to ask the , workmen here to'join In the strike, Came*mit' WA hens.' There In no,doubt that the discharge of Bathe menlwas ffn &count of their parti `pikatkas in the eight-heur ,teopment. [ Ily passing the eight-hour law id . sich a bunglititehatiCloarti c ladjeal legislitto're have caused much km 161.0038 andannclatice to - theirCritingmen: 'The law was ,passed fbr political effect, and not for the purpose of tempting the workingmen7-benee the care less manner inwhieb it was dzionipp. The Radicals wante . dlo obtain the votes of the workingmen wohout displeasing their em 'ployers, aml.6 &glob they have .made of it —they have made trouble for both and ) ben efited neither., t ' 1 LL t r ee ,who died In this (*Oil Satontey oinbag; Yet the astl'of 48 tiare•wie IC801(ber .the Of 181,,•• One by pue these vete , pis deteirtete 0404140* hOliOr Ore*Pi b i g "Map bet - their memb!y be ever cher ithed by ; theft' bcidteryreeri : • • , At i ' 4t4 $ __. . . . I f.' : B Fik—ka this oity.s 4taitt imir v an , )) e 4 anti ir;4 l Of A. ,OP , lii6i sitro re, 'a ' . lit,,teetteitia VA attead the NOW - 45% dio ,Toilioaoe of hot; sweats.' NO; 0 itrorit "soot on *Toefiday latinkoon:B4s4444o 8 at 2 "'dock, to 44°1,4,0 *l4enballh'S 4 7° 1114 0. ' s ZnlßlllitkbeiStb. 'la this OU T . flAlgusi" 'file. la tjte 750 year ttr now' s ,fflrie a aki pa tweatiataitoee llMPOlifilliy kr , frltia to ipiti4 * t ame's}, on ;14Yrues461,14i. A 0 . 0. 1 atto*OOLAkoiiilitito - roitdiore, toito 'PeaketWett, Setelete at Vie boom • 15-20 MIN •••••••••••••-••••••• 4 / a 141 WC P. Ai*Attke. qh `rill :••• • it, o.4olBunisell . 6 6 20 "'-Y as 'llia& 12 it ckun, 441 o'o es . s'r►itt' . Wi n d N. CLOCK a. 1 • —Wetther taititiWe. < 'Biiris OP %rukititouiree. ' 7 A. M. • 2P. M. 69° 81° Mintd d ay, 'hea Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, D. L.—Meet Second, 71. Ox amount of the illness of our collector, the route which should hare been collected today will be.attetided to toluorrow. • Stun Coin.—A sumof money was raised among the Democrati, in the Second Ward, on Saturday,' to procure , a boating flag. In the evening, when the - bet war opened, among the money contributed were found two old Democratic Silver Quarters—one henridg date 1742, the other 1868. DELIGHTED 114IdielleG and crowded houses at Marsdorf'e Varieties, the best eitertsin ment given in the city. Master Jardella and Let Petite Maggie in their unsurpassed double dance, together with the old favorites' entire change of. programme, on Thursday evening. , • USURP STATSB MUSIUAL Itsvisir for September; contains a number of well•written articles interesting to mush:Rang, and the following new add excellent pieces of rusicr My Father's Growing Old, An ‘Errand of Lbw), Three O'Olock, Oaturkr,Ariernoon, Driven FFcmi ., Hotnes—We l a btotifully affectingpiece. Tho "Review" hipublished bY J. L. Peters, Music Priblislier,T, 0. Box 6429, New York. Price $2 ppr year; single' copies 26 cts. The music is worth more than the prie° of subscription. ' Handsome premiums are offered ' to persons getting up clubs. 1 • EVERYBODY-ilhoteld go the ;benefit of Messrs. , Febr & Hoyer, at the Theatre Comique, Auleubach's Hall, this (Monday) (See advertising columns). An extra bill will' "Is offered, and all the favor ites will appear in their specialties. Such an Institution • as the Theatre Combine will do more good than adoetor and a drug store in cases of ' the blues." Go to the excellent performances, have a good laugh, aid bo healthy and happy. Turn out and give the favorites a benefit ' of the risht kind, ; • DENOORATIO MEETING AT DOWASIIVILLE. —A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Democracy of Douglassville and its vicinity was hold at the public house of Dennis O'- Brion, on last Saturday evening, 'Sept. btb, 1868, according to previous announcement. The Democracy are fully awake to the great issues involved in this contest. The meeting .vtas Called to order by G. K. Lorah, Esq., President of the Douglassville Club. The following gentlemen were the Vice Presidents: A. S. Ludwig; H. E. Ludwig; Isaac Goldin; Ezeicial RhoadelSoloinon Cue ter. Franklin Rhoads and Daniel Franois lot. ed as Secretarief of the meeting. The President then introduced W. M. Rightmyer, Esq., of Reading who was greet ed with great applause. He discussed the various political issues agitating the minds of all, and completely uprooted the policy. of the Republican. party,frequently hurling sar casm at their leader, and proved that the on ly safety of tbe American nation rested upon the tritimph of the Democratic party this coming Noveiober. After the termination 'of his lengthy re marks, on motion of Solomon Custer, Esq., ti vote of `thaiiks was tendered to Mr. Right toyer for his able, eloquent and patriotic Speech. , , RATIVOAv.--eThe members et, the several lodges in this city of tHe I. 0. of , Harngari, are enjoying themselves this after noon ple-niding at Lauer's Park. They proceeded to ,the park about noon. Be. twoen the hours of 10 and 12 mlock a. m., they paraded through the principal streets bf the Achy 'attracting a great deal of Wen. Lion by their imposing appearance. At the head of the procession rode on horsebaek—Peter Barbey, Chief Marshall and Adam Heilm4h and Philip Miller, Assistant Marshals, Music—Bnider's Rintiold Band. Hermania Lo e, No. 2. Marshal-4oha Bohm d,t on horseback. Asst. Marshal—George Ernst, on foot. Muhlenberg Lodge, No. 84. Marshal--John Benselp on horseback. Asst. Marshal, --Zimmerman l on foot. Goethe Lodge, No. Ittaehal—Fred. Meyer. Asst. Marshal-Herman Btrobetker. Members of Grand Lodge, of the Btate of Pennsylvania, in six coaches. Among the humber we recognized Grand flecretary Bteinly. • • The members wore regalia, and carried beautiful banners arid flags. W L GRAND GATHERING or THE DEMOCRAOT:—• The Democratic meeting on Saturday eve ning was a gathering of the right kind. The olqb room was soon filled to ;overflowing, and the meeting was therefore heldin the open nir. The speakers were under the balcony 'of the Keystone House, and the hotel itself, the pavements, and the streets around, wore packed with people. The con trast between the meeting and the miserable farce of a gathering recently addressed - by Carl' Schurz,' was very grfat—the Demo cratic' meeting outnumbering the Ridical pow-wow by severallundteda. A beti n tiful,fiag, suspended on wires from the Keystone to the Sehinneker Rouse, ' waved above the beads of the multitude. It bore the maims of Seymour 'and Blair, and 110111 much admired. • , Samuel Mays; Ir a q. of Philede ad 'chased the tpeetlag la a Opeopli the most 'eloquently .thrilling character. His excel lent address was attentively listened to, and he was frequentl interr u pted by rounds a entliluiiesge app la use. . M. Mays is a young man, and gives promise' of holding a high position amongst American 'orators oak statesmen. , Mr. Mays was followed bi l 4l. D. motel and Lietrellyn Wanner, orlio were also helo, l 7,44 ll fiuy , Tt o , r`oo Wen • t i iielyll,46Bo io tkalt 1441 when the TikeVA,g Estitrat!itt • • fiathringh ta ts was only a obit, meetiag, it It Aeaeirrel t4e amen Oa f a taaas,ineeting. Aviiicalhat the inhan the pectile are with 'the Doixictoratia, party la the present "campaign, - and that they 'are determined to be freed from Radical taxation and Radical ,- • • Let' our Democratic Mende be 'vigilant, .iteth watchful and energetic, and Old , rks w%lalLtip.for.,,Sorliourand.. Blair, Boyle an 'Eat, a huger miderity .than his ever ; yet Welt 'oxen ,(orlialpaqbiated iq thiaignunty., • MIN BEI MI MI 61 61 ESI ED 15:i eary.C.Q,ita, - rg. klboes--Abr latirtopic lmo Salsa*, Baglaistio Ark:Geo , t • htDavid Scheele, John Kona, I MI — l4 &cit. Jontlai Reese/ Jacob Pearl et' at • „Bent Upper—J iniah 110,Itharr, Blue wraps littataitu ^• • . Pereira' Zerby, Jared Lemel,, I Hears rowel. ob ßersaii-Jeftersoi Haag, James Tobias, `Jbe Waiter. - Breeksock--Heory Gebbart, Imo Samuel Zimmerman. , Biveicro—Henry B. 411066, David H. Leerier, D. H. Foit. Catroorpos--William (11NO, itkeph Wit.) soil•, Jobs Kat* ". • ' Caltro-46cob H. Hags, john W. Hoiej, ' Jacob H. Rentselller I Colebrookcble—Joir Q. Brower, Mutbatd, Daniel fibu ts. Coonv--Lort Rahman, J ii rliatit,l)outi Huyett. • , • .` Natid--ules 4 0 ,104 e ats ihrlir - Samuel gerbat. A • Ilowgkin—limact' Boyer, WHIM t Wise; Annan Livimood, • &a—Samuel - W. Kock Mn B. Haight, Cil l ra) .. tumbeller. Lola° Close, Samuel Huffer ' Samuel Strunk. Oroasaich—ibbrales Dietrich, ' Adam Stein, Samuel Markle. Levi Hombretr—J Williamsonohn Wach s Martel :Fanst, P r ubew , 1 . 4.1 ? ""rti •• 8en ! * , 13444 - -'lleidelberp,, No l innleb, 'W,p3. tum Admq M. Dund*., • f r :oll . a s s: . Mille 'liereford-rJos.• ary, Ur. ' 9rOfr, ' Elan .Mensch.. • Aferints-Jacob Miller, Ausalitua map, Adam 11,_Potteli • 4 P d -. L eal __Agee. " Alamos—Hi H. Sawa:ti t Daniel Zia- mormaneW,m.%den. , • 4i , Longnotnp— %benZyor i Mioinel Mil. ler John Dais. • , Jifaidencreek--Jortniiin ilianek, Ditvid Ilaineo, John E. Maurer. _____ Marion—,Ang. Wilhelm; Maybatri l: (John Filbert, -- Piper, thivote.) Maxatattiny—Peter Swoyer, George Bell, Jacob Mathias. • • " Muhlettberg—Diniel Baum,' Jr., *Genie Oehret, Jacob Moyer. Y. Peter, Daniel K. Bootie, George nerbein, Ongdatince—Peter Hottenstein t : John B. Fisher Frederick' B. Hartman. • Fenn—Jitcob Sheidy, Dr. Jamas Deppen, Amenton Bright: 4' floidel l MorgaA Pieter, Oharlen 'HOffman. ' • . Piks--Lewisitobrbie t h Abrahanitacluefferei Ricknumd—Edwin Schollenbetgq, johit Iferbein t .Contsd Hill. •- • Robeson—Hosea Eshleman, Jacob Jaco b- William Hoiea. Roddattd , Ainoi Welter, hue Eckert; John Saueripthih. . • • .r Rusconsbmano--Samuel Qhmimeht, ,Att• petal flehmehl . , Ephraim thinkel. '1 Spring-ten anger, " Cherie,' *yeti ? Emanuel Mate.' Tuipehoooon-leil Wolfeneberger, John Wilhelm Imo Stoat.'- -Re ' - . Overuen Dal,' • ITEMOII,_ . Boltsb 'Pottage, . Union-Dr.- William 0, Basiert,. Jacob (Niger, Lafayette Zen , . '. • • . Washington-David &hall, are, William Heitzog. • • Windeor-Frank Reuther, James Beller, Ropy Focht. , • Worne2edorP-Johtl Spats, Henry 9 1 P1 18 . 0 Henry Michel. • , • RIDADINO firai Ward—Geore D. Vils,ft 4. Aug. Straheeker, Richard aerobia n. Second Ward—Jciseph - J. , Clay, William Fix, John Hahn. ' ,• ‘• Third Wa lil rd l eater M. Nagle, William Orth,FraOk B. Lando. PourilakWard--0. H. Ranter, Lima ß. Lauoke,'W. W. Diebt. Fifth Ward—Henry J, Smith„ *anoint. Whiakeyman, Islam Helder. Sixth Ward—joaeph Markley,.Peter Horn, David Bulger. Seventh Ward--11. R. Hawman, Wanner, Casper H. •Relfaneer, Eighth Ward—Marks 11. Sc4ll s ' ' Jacob • ?daltzberger, Henry Heeknian. Ninth. Ward—John Staylk,' Joaeph Ra der, Jacob B. Mast. PEREIONB who want ,paper-hisnging prompt ly and neatly done, should apply tto Season 4 Jones, 525 Penn skeet. Anew stools of the best wall paperjust received, at ;ow's% pri ces, Call anechoose. , k f , • t i TELEGRAIWI)i t . s Y 3 I k 1 44 ; l_ . ‘ o stit;ei4* A German and his win lid two children were found murdered in their dwelling, near Louisville, on Thursday morniag. , The crime is supposed to hare been committed by some negroes for money. The Secretary of, Vier . has ordered Oen., Thomas to send a monnted'foreeto those lo calities in Kentucky where armed regalingo has been made to the liw. , , ' 'he August statement, of the public, dekt; to be published to-dity,w,lll show in:increeSe of $10,000,000 in the debt. • , , e The disturbance in` coOrsy bouity, Ark.; has subsided, the rioters, luisini bees dls.. armed. At Louisville, 'la the suithweiteit part of the State, seStfiee ti - iiigtoeiiiitt fie whites hive been killed in' 4 ionflict, caused by thelyttehlug of a neißo . foluk ' had!!,9minit• tad entetrooloue eitiege:' . • • ..:, • - Pinchbeck; the (*tared member of the Louisiana. Le Idature e moule e. ipeech t p thAt. bogy on Sat day, charging the udikiten whit' ut c roe murdering n at and eying OA Ike next outrage of the kind "will woo lei thuuseud tOtches to be epvilied" to the city of New Orliftas i ,'.e.NA 0 1 9 cietli. will be reduced to . ashes..." . - Us. (tomtit 8014 4 c'rk it ',01400 $ Itelkf bill by a 'vote of to 4t, In the Hume a ireiolutkQu ,waa, Soirssfe)i Atio, dating negroes ineligible tOtllltate art, directing their eielnsionTra 'Suet. f. The Republicans of the Second Minnesota District, are , divided, and him novieste4 two candidates fpx ikugiesif Me •Of Own being Ignatius Donnelly. the - ,presint era; ber. Hon.•C'harles Wheaton lute hee vonl% inated for Congress,, by thit the Twelfth District of .14st Ur berOke•L'onSlMY o r, #4 1 04404P1N.P400": 94, 1, T VAniolki • • a =lll SIM WY *tad tikr it4-1 41MVPMe t t ha tePt il t Irott • !Atk fireNo.,l OrslklignOri4p, yej!iterasy mothiit thatirayill ihoit SOW worth 4 4 0 "Mt 0 Y, *, voisoilLp *stouti•rotiousfigii.444** rtr it ir,tttiof pr9perty. , • * l 7 &Ukiah 404 iiii*OkfitiA Kit tidal, avid IS * weerl'l4oiia4 to 0i1d. 144 /P W l F ll o#4 l 4tica 21nersdsky atiat7 Mrs. Fielntroits% etbM , boa Mid toy answer is lokaxis of 14ishts •00 Dote, Ovid to Um Vat GIN of s Plick l 4l , *kik by Imlthidmitid*4 l 4 l 6lE TimmyD•partanat. • _ ) Libter."l"l= !num* 8414'11,. ...***o Multi ptsta all but Own* givii Arm Low #°thy. The Repabiloias as AkippoW -I-7'olll/10#**. th. o 4oo' 1 4014 1 1:4 4 (40 1 0 Of 11 4 1 11 0111 anther phuai 1 oiiabte ' . . . • '40011 4 NOTlOlffi.' Ii iiiir itlep44lll.oo ' 4 0 to** atorb4rl hair 100 1.,1. 0 Net SO 0011.0 d to an'l2s hi lil iaicasaire .10e isod,a very : WO OI knows as , Ring's VPbtWe *I we aft ht• abupi to tbWr.Upt'it pore dub*. ble and 1000 'viliifts Aix Sy tot * odor t in th 9 mot et.,.. _odors; ottlia., dad bar tii ites.ariglaal, 04 sla , 4. luarkable manner , spa, by ite ,4. ki , t oe v and soothing ptop4talteMollll 1 -T . Mid : kaaolll hoax tilefigh• i'. ti 4 fit trial andyoyoutitot ‘ 7 01141114,.R giAll.flok • , - Du. Lioni hits initiqjisit* 0 1.114 lot qf ptsre, fresh drugs .eltd , *Welds,. of - ell hind,. Those !rho Joke the'pm• ustithe 4 Ood 09 Oa tiOtn ire 'winild Uthimi , .to go Milos: , -1110 piloes ore tehioUgh t ' .110 Waits upon ell Me cu s tomers is et .1 Ma gentkemol7*Nllik 4= 1 are put Up la the most OM 1' . eii ' • there Is) nod r; of uopplistulmst; otr. ,Mirriog. ' 1 -'- , • I :. 4 ,&, -.' '':-,' '. l ' "' - ' 1 The Doctor • heti ileetp•ltlndi of toilet &Alb* „' fors hler-. Ali ' - :"4 11 1, ~ R 41 14 bituihekatilui t 'ke. t lio. ' -"- .-`-:-I:t'i , -,' Relnembff,* P1! 0 440f,4 - Nem* o ftga , , ' soz4hrf .. I Bullock i llro vt Il i sara ottli, . linisi WAiiipt, &pt. ir; :/ . • • plan . . 4 • . IC*: :...' V* • ...q. ~ . . ii •• OW • ' l.:s itigireAboiw, r .., ~...,.' , , ..: OW • . ' ...1. , / MU ", ' ' i'f '' .Z ! I ; frg .% :. _, • 47-1 "- ' ' •ic • `•• ' •V 0 • 01, AO h 0..,..,, - p ,gyp t , , . - . - "' . f( A O , 1 ".' .'' " I' ''' '' • . 0 1 * . 1 , , tl . l ! i . ' t- 77 - i,, : ' '- • .Ti3 . 1".1E/T . rr7 l ll 11111 5 • ,', SI .):, 4 0 - ,? - „•,:-, , f ? 2 ,''' 7: . ~ r ocgeorlb. ' - 1 • ~, ,),,, . . „., ,1- ''J.• 0.••,•..,• . .•,.. i ('' - f• 11' • 'savor, . - - - e • - • i., .'"" .•,,Ii ' ' ' i ‘ ,.,‘,•:Ai ~• ..:„..•,•'•.•, 1 . , .!;;,,• • r t r ~ -;. „ ~ ,-' i: : '. ' ,' . ~,;., " • : . '9 . Iv! ' • ' ii. 1 'II,W. -,,-. ..; ",, ?'-• -,.! P. I - . i . 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