ill 13 Ei LIE 3 ra7agmrrl i 541 FIRST - : DITIONwAIe .114 Ilfi ._ TIM MAN ASO 1 PIN. In attired , Pisces *bat the 'city,. where the ItrtiOn4l l 4lf• colim titre flooded ritfrinctheheak7 . veins, bit 04009 0 4, aimme watt dotiehe seitt*for guinlnelitur (6)111 . 7301114 A l and' tha hills : sent valleys re-, echo With • i*eriEd*ote otthe'r,f4l l .ol4 , o* liras. ' t Wont seise .that a gang idrobbeire are prowling over t hi tray. We bealo4 untie ler of depredatiOns verpetineW Atlrtfeltweek.' Our fund friendeebbalci heft a nuarp „. „look-Out for ! t h e m—There ere entaing "Itignitee"' boasts in this city. 'We know of fieveralpersons who wort' hoarier. -1,0011 out !for beggar , ' Speak -- thieves. Whge tog aro {Hillis o 4o 4 * e* to have' their head/ h i ghat ebeiefi. - to' others as you would have thine deniffolroie." 41111' how often Is this done. fff-----The Volk obe i n foo o n Penn street, atioli Eiththif..o.l•4lofrederielt Sehuldt s are drainer toward eorephillos.--Tbe cattle plague bas, •PPetirst lii} fotat portiosieof Lencaster - eptintg...-W appear and 'alit!. lopes are a dm in the market at present, the:sup ply greatly exceeding the delimit '.-..isnsitd.. Ing Railroad Company are relaying the curves of their road, where the heaviest 'weararid tear ad cur, with steel relic ,The rails are imported from Manchester, England, and, it is said. will endue ' ten ordinary Iron rails..------T, he annoyhtgelosquf.. toes will won be among the : missing. ---tome of our Most 'ordinal* and I philanthroPlo Oltlieni ale devoting much attenUon to the eithioet Of life lag turance.--;;Lots of men and boys tinting silent' the Schnylkill and canal, last trientn,g. One man caught 24, "catilest."—+lfinellsge I put •an a met. quite bite Is iaid to relieve 11 ininantly, The best lain is to, mutilate, them rate.. -w be n t men ' gllfe foeely to a worthy b eet otebasits i itspeus the act by soriero or Ple , ltetwoye " ntmen who so iWeby Rang , the ethir MAI, we-we i won't go ,home till !tiepin/J' eamilisohrAttneat, analog I bogie* the 16tIodlionietilb moraine. --The deatend feesitablilligbal lip•irthot lit• creased- Illeneekshite'lleinetere will lite ''• dedicated on Sundae: , Seetnaliet 20th. Preaching loth, forenoon and afternoon, by preachers from ebroad,—rollygolorog says it Is oleo to be kissed by 4 pannier Itreexit, lint that It isajueb nreel to 00 kissed hyittleityglre. -Jollygolonei his fin abiding I ovo for iweet things.—Thn• fall sty). was intro duced last evening -on Penn street. A young , gent hit his foot against a ourbitone 'and measured his length, as *Was brilidtlf, uVolithOsidowalk.— it is "fashionable" fora lady I t. cut ; her ' fi nger nails pointed; It le nun)* ' time e,rtiebody is /presented with a set of silvet—The engine "Lebanon" has been rebuilt and will shortly leave 'the shops.—There was .tjultetti exeltonlent in front of the Mansion house yosiefday morning, in trying to catch a pot squirtel.- 1 A beautiful and costly blunter Is now heartgeetten up by the ladles of the Washingtonstreet Pfeil:44ollo Church, whioll Is SQ be preeented, to a Loden. We hill give Par ticulara when the Vreeeptatiell Ulm place. --A complimentary benefit. to Meters. Fehr & Moyer, tendered by 3. 0. StoWarh the interithibig Malta' ger of the Theatre Cionnaue; to-night.' An °ilia - bill offered. All the favorites In theirtest special ties.—The store on Penn street. between`Fourth and Fifth, known as the New York store. is being torn out:a partition run through, and remodelled on a more modern ityle.----l'e have been Ink formed by seine faintets of our eounty, attending CORA this went, that the bookwheatorop thLe year is likely to toil gorilla tailor°. 'We do not know howttrathtul this *ten:tont may be; but helot to, see pad-cake materiareheap, ei "birokwheat oakee and secaO•Stril? ,tire guile n luttury.:—Thls Is a bonutiftil 'MO. ' The' talk ninon Is noon Us and we , may nor, look for copier weather. Next,auerter wlllbrlng winter=-4reary, cold, freezing and snowy winter..,-----The last roso of enamor" is now sub, posed to have dleaplioared,These . who wish' to be \well Informed on, the volition lames whioll now agitate the pubilo Mind, should subscribe for the &axe, so that` hei May veto intelligibly. Reading our boast of three ecollent barids.----;-- Daniel Wenteich. of the firm of B. U. Markley & dopirppt, matittruturere s bas sold om i t and re tired friitb;lhe business.'.m..--Tlin Seventh siren, opeolhouse,wlll open next week nuder the man- [lenient of Pred;Atoiconder:-4 1 ho Onyderillie Bundle) , *SoheCtrotilgefer 'township Will celebrate in the woods near their school house to-morrow. '.----Complaint In tegard to thwoondition'ef the streets in the north ern part tiit the city is m taie,whieh we hope will be hooded byithe proper authorities. —A 'tetanal market this morning -an &hood nun of everything-prices pretty fair.—Ladios interested In the Reading Library, arc invited t.• 5 moot treeirli , at the Library Rome, on Thursday afteineone et htittivinitli o'olook,to consult ai to the boat moans of promoting the interest of the Library. —The Unlonflunday School otilethel township will hold% colebietion In Daniel Beshore's woods, near %ashore's Tavern, on Saturday. Septeinber, 191 h. The Muhlenberg Band hasbpon engaged for ' the 000ttnen.----Playing croquet in the dining room le the latest. , A' large, force of working men -is'aingssed u pon`' the 'extension - of the Rest Penneilvenhiltailroid to ltestanyster•itro again li favor and rich lavoied, this tieing the month with "r" In IC' 'Restaurant keepers aro locking ter flush times, i end oyster dealers an Id crease of . ordeiliever beetime Re absent minded as to mietaketiomelitidy'e well-filted peck et for year OSA SI On0.•-•""t"Do you Want to got a good, eoulfortabl eiter °halt? ahon go sue three that McKnight head* remitted *on' Nevryork; They titio . dotin Anything oyer offered for sale.--i- Mrs. Peripereortt don't like the rule of three.. liar triplets have' consigned her to a servitude which she characterises, as awful.---:-/teantlful photo s graphs of Seymour and Blair for wale at the Eagle iiiokstoreeit--Be eirrobel in affeetinir the simple minded you de knit beeeme tinft-mlfided.-;---Fr.e picnic to-night at the Militirg ciaiden.4aleove buttons of wood with , colored ' monogrnms are among the laiest.hie Morning et gownsman stopped on '% `wateiniolon rind at 13th and Penn streets, whoa he slipped and.fell. Not hurt. Ting OANDIDA4SI3.--So far l . the named pettiona hay p annoppod 'hum °lva,' by giird,.aa eandilintua for MOO, slibloot to thomeettlon., ergo Domooratio, Delegnte Coaventlup; ; • " • J. Lawton ea ng. - 4.4lttibbi ' A. T. O. Keffelkßflmjillit• Heiny'Brobst, Vulpebooebn., • , 1 Henry S.• HottensteinLMaxataynkY. - Riebroonii L. Jone?,' Rtiailing.. R. B. Rheadti, Amit4 bistrid' • Israel - C. , Beeker, Esq., Reading. , Potet D. • Wanne r; Esl: l lleading. Edward•lL Shearer, bail., -Reading.. 'William M. , Goodintin,.E.t., Banding.. • Ousts. Conitisissioßer., %Mani S. Young, Riiiidipg'• • Adam Pox, Reading. • . Aaron Gets, Readitig. •Ils • . 1 / 4 1 , Henry Seidl°, Res4ing, Richard Hoffmaster, :Rqading., . . Sher(r. George: R. Yorge . t. Douglass. • , DewaltS. Huts, Kniztciwn. r_liram - E.•Ludwig, Amity. William B. Albright, eninru. • • Miehauj T. Seibert, Womelsdort: • Lupe Frantz, Tulpeheetma.. Direder,o tite•liaor. . °bold, Penn. ' • Daniel B. Leath, Lottir-lietdelberg. Henry Philips, Centre. • stet Ehrgood, Robeson.' • • Comili .4tiditorJ etet S. Albright, Perry. / • " TURAS is jk pet* dearth of local news, AVVVILW ')a 4119'00 e gene • n teteiting the de (lands for 'Sensations or .. news when there l a il9f,ao !IP:0000f. - • Ur:tranquil:. enuacw.—This church, *hid* Via; Veen cloned fok rnevertil Sondnie, will be opened for; Divine eerviee,l to- morrow. Rev. D. Peters, the newly elected pastor; will preach morning and evening,. at the usual hours Tor services. ' Bsyrist,Cittlaolt.--Aerviceants;y be expeit ed in this church - tomorrow morning and vening,'ioeuetval... The pastor, Rev. Geo* Freer, has Just returned from a visit of four 4)r five weeks amongst his relatives in the torthern part of the State, •QUASTIMLV Mlltifird:-.;The ulna 9usr 4 r • Omeeting,. for worship, or the thietety of riends, beheld to•morrowl(First•day) o f fttern9onl - FAM ceolock,in the new mot*, Lespouoe l ktreekitheve Alpo meet tig e morningoit tea o,otock!' Strifralfrietids fr . Onfft \ tlintet(c4 gto exPOthid tow Present. The pnyo RN) reipeetfuily Krittil to attehd. , , , „ , . liti.— • t ' _ • 0 Pik °Unbent, ', it ytill be seen, is again 09 ltio,travele,-;-joterdsd. • ' - . 'Yes; lo Is 00 Ma ilk to' tbo. head water* tf,144 Slyer, phased by Oregon Kentaeby, dine, nod 'ffevade: He stopped in Vermont 'ask his colored friends thero.for a Lideoln ipnatjorityi but he didn't get it, and he deptit-,. mit 4 sadlOhnd wiser animal, ' , , •', v ....a.,..1_,,..._...„1_.:. • SUNDAY SONDOIa ONLDBRATION.—ThO Star logel.'s Jones''' led"' finVer'. • Obey& . Sunday hoots bill bold o,9ollbratiOn op t f'stPt d af , ptember 12114 -1m 'in "Hp tertheiser s oods, about one mile 'iitim, Rorbach's or le Hotel, in . Distriet townahip. T4o tiny. orevilhi Obrastißend will be presentl t o, en • ken the rode . atddresies will be deliver by K.W. Fritch and A. 3. Long, of Huh enberg College; all are invited. Should the eather prove unfavorable tr theitboie day, t will be held on the Saturday following, t., ep 19th. ' ' • A• NARY Ittnna.- , =The bebt assortment of !Ppm end titney eagee,.bird eeed,,tieh bone, cage hooke r &0., in- town, id 012 Penn 8t,,, by Meoowan Miltitnore, Sept.' 6-2 w ; , . 7 ............ — 7 ,, EXTRAORDINARY SUROIOAL . OPERATION. WO were shown, a few ,days ago; a , stone toyer four inches in circumference, removed by Or. A. P. Carr,- of St. Clair; Schuylkill county, froml l ho bladder' of a yoSting man peed 17 years, residing in Centralia, Colurn- Ina County, Pa. Also one tli inches iu cif bumfotenee, removed fron'the bladder of, a boy, in Silver Creek s BoVuylkilleottnty, and a dozen or so of-pebble-shaped stones, ro- Foved front differ*, persons. Dr. Carr informed the . thirtieth operation of this ind last weelf, and has been successful in every instance.—Journal. , Pomea..4.watne.-.-Two •judividualioccu• plede the look-pp !nit night.,, Thomai Boone was arrested in Widen berg street,betWeen'Bighth and Ninth,shout midnight, Ie was- BO "glorious". that :ho abused. his family,and,ereated a_disturbance. Officer Schrader Ives appealed to Mketthe model husband to a;place of security, where' be could do no 'damage. • He was retaiued this morning )ix default of. the payment of $8.25 fi ne, aniol giving $2OO bail ,for gbod behavior. • I - The other person,had been arrested also during the night, in an unfinished house up, town, The hearing was not to take place in his case until the afteinoon, , PAlifTB l oils t varnishes,, French and Ame rican glass f aid a Atli assortment of builders' hatdivare t generally, 4612 Penn street, by 1160ouran 84 Miltimore. Sept 1-2 w cod. A PALM' EITATENINNT CORREOTO.-A card Tined "MaXatawnr appeared in the Patty mes this' morning, statmg that the publish reilolution of a Democratic meeting held in Kutztown, in which the delegates from MairalaWny wore instructed to support Hon. J. Lawrence Getz for Congtess,Was a fraid, gotten up by Mr. Getz himself. • . We are able to Correct this false statement of the correspondent of the times. We have before us tho original copy of the resolutions passed by the Maxatawny Club, in the well known handwriting of the Secretary, Mr. Daniel Kehler.' The resolution alluded to is es follows: "Resolved i -That the delegates to be elect ed on Saturday next be instructed to support and urge the renomination and election of Hon. J. Lawrente Getz, for Congress.". ' Will the Times do justice by making correctipri? ;,Theerigtnal copy efthe Too a tionmay be seen at the Emma oillee. • held on, •Th rt i A ()RAND celebraticin was e: , day last by the pupils of the Sock Sun ay, Schoof, in the' grove near Gilmer's. The u pilla of the ,sehenl, attended by their euper intendent and teachers, met in the Church, preparatory; to entering the grove, where ad+ tir,esses were delivered by M. D. Evans, of Pottstown,and by the Rev. Messrs. lioffman kind Knapp. Mr. Evans spoke of the advan tages to be derived from aregular attendance Upon Sabbath Schools: ,He said the public School system, and its heavenly sister the Sabbath school,wero laying a, suite foundation for the future greatness of ofir country. Mr. rt, Was liStefied to with Intielt attention, and Wag Wowed 'lly the Reverend geritleinen named, in able and - pleasing ' discourses.— Prof. Illtn. Gilmer bad charianf the singing pxereises of this school, ,and the' manner in which all acquitted themselves, ; has added itnotherlaurel to Mr. Gibiter's reputation as one of theliest musleleaeheis in the etiunty. go may well feel proud of the performances of his etaki, line .4elebri4iiids passed 'off ileasantty to all the participants. ' -'! 2, =I -Stsauisa Surolps.-0q Pritlay week, Sirs. tlizabeth Siublair, the mother of Hugh,Sin elairl'and who lived with him `on 'his farm near Frenahtown, was discovered hanging lifeless from the limb of a tree. llertelothes were very wet, caused by crossing the fields, and the rail feuee k near the tree, upon which it is supposed she stepped to' fasten herself tort, limb, was Covercdwith deed WWI 'Clitniickitted with a half cotton, 'neck handkerchief,, which was fastened in loop knot about her neck. • fithe'trie was 'a small dno t • and stood about one hundred and fifty - yardai front the • heate.- Deceased at the time of her 'de4, O v f . watt Supposed to . be in fair health, 040 *ln remarkable for her ite- MirP t y,Witllting mile aft er mile ithwppareat ewe, 'No reason is assigned for tliti com mitting cif'this rash act.. She •lett home the pteSieus, statialto funAly . th t she *at going to Milfor to appad,o daT two With her ` grand -chil . She was sea 84 years.--*stois\Dailifirews. I DIEL: ' • ZIEMOLL-Seh(eraberlith. tip this city. Sown ZIRBP/B, in the 76th year of Me "fe l - Friends and aignaintanote are rraheotraPt N l t 44 to 'attend *ailment: Oh hest Tuesday after: 'peon. 41 o"elook. froth his rteldeuce. 4o: gift Pentreireet t 13,* es at #4 Am* . stram f t BIM Eli 'ln Ood- DAMY At. /4(AM ' 45'88 4 81111.44 i , 8 73 Dares 10E002 42 minutes. STATE Or 12 sittaix M. Wind Welt-tYiesther , . • " 'tiTiti of stitincometint:„ 2 P A. 4° M. 80 • ° Monday, „.7 7 62 3 frupfliA 174; 810. 70° , 700 73° Prt, , I ° 76 ." D. L.—meet Second 74 moans ) turn the meeting this evening, at Sixth and Penn streets. • • A Funrr.—A rough-and-tumble light cie. tarred between two men at the 1314elettiar tirern, initiceter township, a few evenings ago, during which a einb,a saw and st.'.hatehet "ere brought Pilo requisition. EMINO TO TIM iIIitIOCIC4-4. Soy !flour and Blair flag,measurin 26 by 80 feet, Was Sung to the breeze at Sixth and Penn ttreets, this morning.: The coato which it Is attached is itri3tehed from the_ Keystone Hotel to the.f3ehtnneker Rouse:li LD ROTKEItiIOOII or To Urioiti—ho ' Gran4 Circlec of the Ilrotherhood of the' Union in Ppurnylvanis will meet in Philndelphin next Week. There are twenty six subordinate Cir. C :s in the Statile an 4 live Home Continu a one. C. C. Cotmarine, the detective who figur ed so extensively in the Rohrer murder cue, was brought before Justice Prailey, of Potts• ville, on • Wednesday last,. on a tafffitnns is- Sued by Esquire O'Brien, of Tamaqua, dated the first. f September. After p hearing he was bouniLover in $5OO for his appearance at Court. ongitio "Pennsylvania," used as a pusher on the Reading. Railroad between the Palls and Port Richmond, is no doubt the largest locomotive,in the stlo4cd States , It has twelve 41riiing whoels, and ireii 4 l4 over forty , four tons, A railroad man in forms us that there aro only two larger' 10. comotiveg ip the world,. and they: are used on the ME Penis RailwaY, ESOAPED AND RSTURNND.:—Mary laixabeth lebit escaped from the _clerks coot y Alms goose ow. Wednesday. Thgt About tnidnight; 'ottle'er• Kemp foul her at Jack -00108 looks, wot.and 'tattered' and totii." Rho presented 'a , pitiable and forlosettondi tion, lie took her to the station rinse, and the next day, otder.of the Mayor, con• bayed her back to the Aline 'FfOitse: .EVVRYRODY should. go ' to the benefit of Messrs. Fehr & foyer, at the Theatre Oomique, Auleehachrs Hall, next Monday bvehling• (800 advertising columns). An extra bill 011 be offered, and all the favoi. ites • will appear in their. specialties. ' Such en iaetitdtion ',es the ThCatie Covalent) will do more good than a doctor and a drug store in cases of "Ate blues." Go , to the excellent performances, have a good laugh, and be healthy and•happy. Turn out and give the favorites'a benefit of the right kind, • NEW LODGE AT LREEPORT.—Sadoe Lodge,, No. 101, 0. N. of P., was instituted by D. D. Q. C., Richard IL Jones, on Thursday evening, Sept, 8, lioB, at Leesport, Berks county, Pa. The folloWing officers wore in stalled,. I V. P.—Jacob S. Omit W. C.—Dr. r. 0. Snyder. V. O.—J. J. Mohr. / 11 B.—Chas. Mohr. F. 8.-h Dr. A. J. Dunddre. B.:—Lew. M. Kaufnum.i G. r -Frank D. Faber. I. S.—F. Boyer. 0. S.—J. Danbeit. Cominunicated. .TRICATRE COMIQUEo—NVO ail know the re lining influence of a first4,class theatrical en tertammentlin a city like ours. Such an en tertainment lain our midetr--one that merits patronage; and which we should endcavor to establishvermanently among us. In the per son of Mr. Stewart ) the gentlemanly propri etor of the Theatre Comique l wo not only re cognize an able and accomplished dramatist, pleasing and affable in the rendition of his amusing local dramas, but a gentleman of strong impulse and undomitable energy.— Mr: 8. came among us an entire stranger ) and at a tinle that no less than halt a l dozen places of athuseinent (some in the shape of .open air concerts), held, forth `in different parte of the gity. He is drawing , full houses nightly. His companwonsists' of "twelve star players, selected m the theatres of Philadelphia and Cininnati. Their pro grammeki is'entertainin y,replete ; the roar ing farce, Blinks an& nks, and the:cornical songs of Mr. Collins, bringing "(town the 4house." We should feel proud of this insti *tient find give it our utmost aid and sup port, as it is without doubt' the best resort for lovers of fun in our enterprising city.— Strict regard to decency is had in the per formances, making it a delightful family re sort. AMATEUR. -. , —.6— (From our ittuitbur r g Cornrow ),lent.] •. • • HADIBURGIi Sept: stb, 1868. Editor Daily Eagle:,-Nearly all our suih rner beakers have gone . home, and the streets of, onr' town present a less gay and *lively appearance. Aire regret very ,anuch the departure of our Philadelphia friends, whose visit here has been a source oil great pletusure to us, and whose , genial demeanor, and testhetio tests' infused - a healthful Ina& once into society, and gave life and spirit to, it generally: . 'Friend after ?rind depart, Who has not lost ntleitd The is no union hors ofirsasts, .That finds noutero tyh opd. • To-daY, pie-nic of all: the Sabbath School children l and 'teachers, .and all those friendly, to the 'orgahization, comas oft at Seaman's woods. The little fo s lkd are, al• ready moving to and /fro, and are chatting over the good time, they are going to have in 'the woods. Each school will meet at their respective churches, and thencetnarch to the corner of State and White Oak streets, where a pro , cession will be formed and then march to the woods& It is expected that about 700 children will be in line of procession, ae companied by thl Hamburg Cornet Bow]. Mr. Ed: F. Smith, who )01 this:place last ; May for a tour in the weal, returned home on ;Thursday evening " ~, He speaks very en couragingly ;of the crpe, especially corn, it boring the heaviest crop ever protium' in the west, th ere . being one eontinuous corn field fromthe Mississippi river to fittsburg. The ,grasshopperii are very `tirimerous i however, in some of the States. The triiiN or ) which he came through to • Quincy, lit, was Step ped, on etccov i at‘ tlikee Insects being on tht tea 11Ll utobeis as to (ins() the wheels of the lopemotive to slip. S. 0..1. MOM 6, 111 •••• • .4•• y • An , 7" , ' twwo.6 a 1.2 oNcLookr•--111a. ES= XONlMri'si OAT-*SATCIIPAT. . ', Joha Wrsittiora.' Heil Klohs and JO's.,•• Ayres, lailitir toiling ea !ohs stud Areir; trithnoll . o . tO'Divid IP night, committite, 011 1 of .84141 Lt. * Mao. 36 Jan..T. 1867. s wig' ts=silil apcitt ano tn for 2.90 lit ',.. JP itslVa. ou the 18th, of Daly 1800nnd paya ble two .months after datii ' , lti tho'order of tat' PM . . - Upon.this note there was a'credit of vlOO pao on the 28rd: of March 1807. The dispute in the esse leas sot to an Item .bf 2140 nitwit was Originally an individual 'debt:of Agres t i:me of the partners, and winch it was contended by the deft was erron e o u s ly taken into account in drawing' up the amount of the site, iihich was given„ for a bill of liquors sold to the firm by the plfr. Pro ceedings upon an investigation for habitual drunkeness were cOSitalinced on the ltith of June 1866 against - tiguy Molls, which re sulted in his betijriitolnred an habitiiid aiunkard on '-' the , ~.,,,, 61h. of August followiiii when" . ,Divid McKnight was appointed his Committee.— Pending this application Abe note had been given, and wbile,as it was roaintained by the defence, this was,ineompetent to enter into Contracts, while theref e the indebtedness upon the note was admi ted--extept , as' ta, the slo—it was cOnteu ed that . 10Oha w4lll legally inca pable of assenting to the -,assain • ing of this indebtedness. of his partner. The. prosiimption of lair was in favor of this view of the case, but evidence as to 'his sobriety . 1 at the time of the rati fi cation f the indebt. edness wu admissible to pr re his compe teney. ' Several witnesses testified that t 1 me was drunk nearly. all the me about thli period, but, Franklin Kalblic testifieitthat )dohs was pertbctly sober, w en ho admit ted to him, that the firm owed Lavens be t Ween nine hundred and 4 , 10001 d dollar!, The whole cue therefore, appears to resolve itself late.a question• of the credibility of this witness, , ~, : ~, ' . , , i . This cane was tried bell:la44th* limit April term, when it ranked ,in a verdict for pit for $438 98,.‘the jury deducting the $.160 from the face of the note. A new trial was granted, because the verdict 'was not in MO cordanco with the evidence,' Upontbialthil the jury found for pill._ for $4OO 00,. , which by some manifest error' in calculation was $24 87 less than the' former verdict. J. S. Richards for pill: Green fonlell. The above wits the last ease for trial at' this term, and the Court adjourned •at 1:30 p. m. till 10 o'clecieon IdondaS , niorningf Foinin DkoWnxo.—Williatn. Myer . , II boy about 18 years of • lige ' . who liyed with his mother at No. 8110 First . -Hookloy lane, left home on Thursday morning: on on 'errand. - He never returned. Search was made for . Vim in the afternoon, and the next day. (Fri. dliy ), and this morning, When, between Sand 9 o'clock, his body was found in the Schuyl kill canal, at Foos & Bingatnau's., Baty mill, heydnd tho West. End 'Rolling Mill. The body was first' Seen:4 Simon !toyer, a brdther of the deceased, wino, with' severe} othorl yOung men, were dragging the canal:. It was in' ft Rerpandicolar position in the wa 'tar, and between the wharf and canal heat: that was lying there. Simon, With the assist.; ance'of Addison Doyle and Hopry •Rowmal l placed.tho body on tho wharf, and the Coro• ner was sent' for. A short distance above the Watcr's ' edge, on a stone,* the point where. the body was found, were,traces Of blood. Ti'e deceased was subject to falling itts,i,and it iq supposed that ho was attacked by if - '43Pell while in the vicinity of the water and .Tell in and drowned. On his forehead is a wound which ho is supposed to have re il ceived while falling, probabl Against the atone. •Ho had been seen in t t vicinity' of the saw mill, and on the rollipg mill wharf; asiate as 4 o'clock - on, Thuraday afternoon ' , after which he had not been aeon. 'SAFE. BLOWN . OPEN AND RODDED.--BOIDO time during last night the ticket office of the Reading Railroad Company at Shoemakers. villo was entered by burglars and the iron safe in it blown open by,thci use of powder, The safe door was shivered to pieces, and' all the window panes in the building we re broken by the explosion. The noise WAS hoard by a number of the citizens of the vil lage, but they supposed it to be the firing of a by a hunter in q uest of' game, • The safe contained - some $26 in , green , backs bolonginic to the Railroad Cempany, and isome • slo in silver coin. belonging to the ticket agent, John Mervin°. Thelon:Ger was taken, but the latter having been placed in small steel-pen boxes, was not found, although the boxes were evidently handled by the scamps. On Thursday night a safe was blown open in Harrisburg, and it is supposed the same perpetrators did it. Leer 1118 Wkrou.—Kilyan Dnkle, 'a middle-aged man, came to Reading lust even ing and put up at the Keystone House. This morning he visited market to see the throng of people and the prodite offered for sale. He carried in his vest pocket a silver lever* watch attached to a gnat d placed around bin neck. When he ieturned to the hotel after his sight-Reding, he discovered that ho no longdr had his time-keeper. He had been relieved of it while passing through the'croivit at marks. Tim ate rains have s swollen tho streatne, moistened the parched Garth , benefited vegetation, cooled and'purified—the atmos• phero, and proved a blessing in Query re. epect. Let up be thankful. LOCAL NOTIOES. , Tan • Great, the Grand, the Only reliable rernedytor Rheumatism, isientalgut,' fpm base Sprains and Braises, Swelled !lands, Stor t hints, Sore Throats, and pain of ihy sort and from any tame,. is Da. Ruessi.tle Magnetic Oil. 60 cts. and $1 00 per ',bottle; American House, Reading. tang. 'lB-IM, , . our Mends will nits preparationa fort& 'storing gray hair they should use the bestir' the market. , Our attention hltS Inte l; been M called to an ild° e3F nsiVe male and a very high rentation t known as Ring's Vegetable AMbrosuip and we are in cliaed to think that it possessts.moie desira ble and less objectionable qnalities than any other in the market. It restores gtaxor r a: ded hair, to its original color in a most re markable manner, and by its invigorating and soothing properties removes all dandruff and humors from the scaltp. Give it a.fair trial andyon rarbint roil to like it.:aug 181 in FAR . and near ..throe heat: the , Whole Country, the newspapers teem With'the,won dean' cures performed. by. Pr. ftnesell!a Magnetic Oil. 00 eta. and $lllO per bottle.: American House, Rending, (auk! 1114 , Da. Lauri hie just"received a iargolot n tos d e ru Zw ai d d esir m e e t d ee ill p p e* . ti a j olje (and whd doss not?)-ire • tiottitt exprqe them to go to him. His prtges ace veasonahle,and he waits mion all tiitttuitcpuer t o it . pitympt nd genilemantjUsanner s - AD presettitiona are put up, bi the, most careful • 'tanner, and tere la - no danger tif any mistakes oc• odning. • - ,-. • The Doctor has also sal kinds, of toilet articles for eale,—bils, washes, soaps,: brushes, combs,' &e., &O. ' • , &Member the place-No."l' biortaftft streets. • 4 I • • . . -'atottift stt 11 . 111$ *IA I 11,010ii"4, {ice a N I A~ Orac4lo. WOO* Mt litl=l, t o : ' 104 M estieiled - Oe Tlintisiey; shill 'take their • tot* in tboltookot The difficulty shont . ,the oppolitiotot of Ftevengi :Sopervisol has nit ket been set. Ceininisaion4 has Made some more neminations for thus offices, so as to template the Hat' schooner leaded with Ante was rib tato . by a staiiiiSieit'tset teleia tittilta:iister• 40. ,The. waterstited the thee, which set; the schooner on,firoo4 itt,.„4l,,ri up. Ifaron Lederer, tie new 'Altettlen for 1 50.. Wes44"o"4: w!' s _t e t at elOVf-sr by the President. Three tlien were hinny bunked by a okra, glycerine'. explosion the finesse tunnel testerday. The ca ttle plasma has appeared . in Ohl % near Cleveland. - • ka *Ai! et r,11.144 'fruit • ti t ioi6rdaS, 17'00; - aloirOf *I Ono of theni wilt ptobobly , 4,eolored teen, mod 108 A 41,1 pt Poughkeepsie, N. . Speaker Cot ii i { Or as escape from captors by th i SfilsdissidsiSi sairetl. at I poorer. • 1 : The Clisyssei Indium an ai t 4 te be 1111 100141114 fekte t . , toitielit tioollitelt Ow tire 12 1 ,helfie Reilviy • le Ake 1;11 - 00 jAegit s a troops ;A to leteieept 'Owe. The Indians have slaughtered 18 OA near Fort l y odas etkieked endeavtlired tvos }reins' there,and kilted tbree Oelese. do,. igaimmova MID 'MIMIC , A Meothij ,at oa th . BATH, Sept.. 4.,- 1 1'hert wli 'great ` ocratic mass meeting here laat night. it ;reconnect to ordei by Rdwird derrell, Rig., the , ..,\tr. Wristle t ~ Esq.„ Presided,• and introduced 'OEM% 8, 8. Cox, Who made a long,, foroible,..and eloquent epeedh--la thorough divieitiott the'Eadidil pally and its , is trowelling along the coast, speaking on the destructi4n Of the American comnier4o4lllp•bullditg, by, the ftadicale.'! . •,„ , • Two degrees recently forced itt entrance into the house of a window lad near (teen. rifle, Alabama, aud committed horrible out pages. nip? idterntrdii. ; oepWed and lynched. • ' MONEY ARENT. Boohoo' 4 Bro.. Vilkkoni "ilo. 10 Nor* r ani `it;lHi . .. oOoto Mt loin - - • • n , outo, Sept, 0: 1 id il . I RIM , '...' 14 1 t S S -B; lgil' au lit iZ-. :... ow .6. 0, . "1r sio QT.. a. , . VS . M a ni 61; sad d Jan: ow .I& §:70'10.1303. ";-.! 'l, , ••• - ;'. t c oli iI r •YAWACtIp t 9 lio'fik;l4 - -, ,' '';'. Id, 1 1 4 4#‘ 1 1 11 P!); 41Moop , .., • PIIMADELPEIA. MARKETS. • . . " ' ' ' Etopt.4-3p. Ourros porlb.•• !-', f. : • , * „'' , t -,, Soo** *- - - '- " i '••• .. :• Al r e . 111 4 1tO B LIIII*. 7, ' - 7. ,- 7, .. , ~_, ~ apatite*, - .rt . • . h P .7 1 i, 7 75 '•‘ No -' - ''. * • P . , : 98,1'1-111 • Northitest, ••- - • - -p. and 0810. ~- 1 . : ' •". '': ' - , ,; 10 1 'l4 _ - 'a ii , :i•ut, itirsVaua..!: .::. 1 ,. . 7 ~ " 1 - 9 CIO GRAIN. ; r Lveat. lit! ..1' :r:' . . •-, • 12 VI 1 0 0 .. iVn bat, WEllte. . • • • . :.' '•ltie. - - - • - - • • 1 Mel 68 , Corn Yell. •-: - - . 7 1 04 - 1 1 1 (' 0 W i est,. •-•• • :-, -.:•: t`..' - , , i lutlf i. igp •-• • •. - •- • ' • -'! . • 1 • Mat per bun - - Earley. ~..r . .. .r . „ 7 :,. , - ..... ... ,•, 300 . . :-, • . •.:, i i : a) 5430 coo me mess. . ~.). 1 . ;h.; ... .'.. • Ila i'. ooB llll ljo o 4 --... ~, s.• ::- q ~.. ..1 .. ` .7 „.. . ~ ,69 p a :18 Obit: ' ',' • . 1 ,. ;,,,. ,-. y ) , 1 tqc -- . I liko 2 Mi l k kou em, ••.) . --, -', , -,,. • : , law ,Or i( t 4 , ,‘,.-... , ,, L , ,,,....' . i . „.:: iii ii• * .1. by drisszu,_„.. „ ...... td • , i -• ;,...- .': c, ',.yditaji 4. , ..c,;-,-i!:‘'i:;,:, , ,i.;11-;;:...: ,:.,,,.' i abk rBl. , " ,54.. • ,‘. , , : ~ ,i 4l, .leti‘rt.iii .. ,hyi; , .:.::,. 7 :,:• ; ., : ggri r , 1;74 ~,;.,.. ~ ; 1 •: tQ, ,:. '; . .., t 'Coal POT.t O A - , ,''' ' . ; . '." ~ ~• , . ', Coal Mt ill 02 halide : A i bro a-, • - At a `1 " • pre ared i ' -- ,4 ; . I:ehisb lump._ eapitet,.. brokla ~,: - :'' ti ` 1 •, Opetant„, ._.O :,, 14 'I: ,-• • •-: 4 Nei do - onoyl.rel asa, , , ,-./ . .. ,- ~.... . a ialtelist ts b i ro t I;en:% ; ':'' ..4 '.' '•-•':': .7 84i1 2 1 g_i t anditov A y . • .• - --, •••• 1 - 8 .__ tlbreataat. I •„ . ~.• r :-,7,,- • a' 300 inort artoo:., • • ',-. • ~" ,4 7.1i 1 , 4 0:. ' / ' l ' '4 - :", '-' - '`. i," ''' '4, -* ' , '` lit I ,':i''' : AgAitwo..4iie,o( l 9lo. l 4iaf.io4r. " MI • l• *llb4; " • A n-71 4 t AT I PL *o ° o l ' 6 1P10144 , t to 9 viips.w. - ri 4 o , auntat— . • mair=osetlipadc, • 1111 44Veri( to ti ;,4.4 1: II 5 ' ' !/I y.ts t ra. - v.. qL. , I IIA , IqO • -1 11 100 , 61 p, „ • • Santo' ' • VI M 41 . 4. ouvraTT-CNlkefis *re.,,--t.4m44.v• 4mowed. , 44 : ' %l yrivtonvi•••w. , "'"l' Ttirktesii t 4 44 Hr.104 4 .54.4 44 .i'5 1 ; • , Id •,• BPkink gal 4 1 ,141110,1 44 4.,i4:4660/ 410 - . MT: RIF ' 'I =I ty!sl4ll , F t iIN I V * f """ t A (k 1)17 04J.S , • ". ,„ „iv • 1 in . • ;;,;4 1 i . 11 4. 1 . • W • , 41• 1 - , 0. 11 , 7 ; 0 4. • •IF • Mt • !) 1 U4 s o ••• k t 4 ' 1p • .1 .tst ') • .0 ~ri giutc_: • , InC_II041•31 r, i ; . I *414,gal lintru k ; It#ol4l,"Wr b i 4 ' "Pk; 14 CLOT' . - . • NI , ME ST' LAOS • , , 'I ' )' l „'.. ~, .2 i• 1 t EIM 11 WARRANTHD, • .'4l- • t .44 • . • BM • , M NO 0 MIMS „ 4‘ I 1‘11441117,;, - A.04,1 , poRs i t,ri: i • 111 1 ~* Pli r fßß 4 iNt PA I ONNV St' 4 1 # l.l ffi lr ' I '1 ''' f, ;' i T r I 1 41 i P` 4 k 1 h , c ;-‘,, ,-, ~,, .1,.; „ ~ 1C A Wog Wittot , 171isc 'rDigtidteitsa hipirtettA'‘! ' : . f.' . • .., ~ .0' 03 001,Bit ' / Nt . .41014MN4104 EEC , : NO, i,.~ ME MIZE _.' 1 ' h ~ Y MIME Y I ' . "v "+" • A ".•• *, ,; , , F~~l ,:,`iti~'r NEM _`i':'4't_. 'll~. , --;-; , IN IN :'`t ME