M 40*, 01X. ECM 1 1 ° * ifiii. , col * • Ina, •-• 11 .0011140 , . , , 00Fati l ist to avioil •. • oiiifiito Demoomp_ geogni / h a oidA 0 10010,1011, 1 ! ~ th4llo4iilonto of :ano*tortiddi* IN , - I roil* lied Innis 40 coileit Orlin; rellol44ii, nook *44,, r li,cr seixifid , 4 t ioetol f • Iloki, 1 0 # 44 4 11 , 11 1*trts,5: ' 4 , 11. ; 11F /! a . flip* 01* ett , bit*, ./disits* 1 10 1, 1 11;# O it f1)).4t5444, , i1."9 8 4f; litn—r., 41 k• '' ' tI ' , ."' s '4LI e 4 1 4 I , •pi - 1 ' ' - "' , '•A. ;" ' goamsaa ii . , ;-71•?*41 , i s ioz , ° l ' i .1411 1• '4" PI 4, 24 ,‘.. . , 1111 44 PM 1 1+404 Itg ili. ' la t. tiVlll,OlO., on gollolgit '';' .! , '',' r, ~ '' 1 (, ;.,: .' '', `il Knew It to to * e the tete ;141 4irtiOtto wss coiled bitte otsielesim Nittatioli i', of thitidloo AbolltioPtitiilioll gilt* Olt *4l In ems wee Old Jolt , )3Town, a hose thtet and mardem p 'white now worshipped ea 4 Wet lithe "Bleeli 11,401leeei.', 1 Nyottataqiisty new Ttquiret trip or thiee 'donate to pay for itrttelee that ,you could buy (01 , 1,01,'0ut5,411 . 4,(14! • . 1 ),4,0,9„ - rule, tat t#4llllo:444oll 4 llinOl*Pidea of fhb aectOaarlie 411410 laftheiltiereice* 7 ed t troop 0tehr'5.7 11 300.1444 1 04' Tui ... • - ----mosessmreenepw,, 4 / • news VOT OI 9O 40 .4 41414, arke—yavatea, • .‘,.. Very iiiilifitititeit t gioisititi*or tt4,4. thetedaistaitate Itteio4 B ,49 l !' 7010,4 Nevem) thousands ,; White' the Ra dicals have' failed to poll. WI pirgok ft vote plo y oar) • for Liteiole. The'oelelaViettires, alio', twill probably "lose nothing by age." ' • # 15 , 1 1 111"151 ,, PIN ,donth of Eit;Qoiokoot tTboix,iatt 11.4 Seymour, of: Connecticut, ; : dcpriveo our country Of an ado and 'experociced; kat*: man, a bravo and skilful liddier t a Good ' citizen, a sterling Democrat ) and an honest men. The. mmtry Can Illy' ufford to ; :tor° nob tuft, eiptioltd!Y at 000 Oleht, es.tho present. • " , • • TUN ‘`nt in tho Oniain Demtpfoot u Ho* obt, Thll94lelphla t hfti bee 9 whirak'Orip i p ti sn i r :it sgliof attattol, are lota 41.1141 ors' ' KW 0 0F st 4 r O4 OPAU 11 4 4 .# 1014 A d 0 i ! / 14114i tt* 1 fool. lobo , Om ' on A. 601440 16th to''' ' ir Vs the, 4 1 4 m r 6=ooy for oloplomopt k walto 1 1 81?1=-11i* be 41 1104 Icoj 1,11" . ..g, ,1*..7? ,issol ~,,:- .1. e.-. r C .1.1 a Iti * ~ r~ s t .itt sior 01** to-. 1 1 1 54 ‘ The Cotqt *4lll oktosi to 01.0ottio g ., tei,' . . I e; meeting_ cotttoutted singuHarly with ,4 , ',,titeelielletklliii4rifevetdag, when the 4 4 .4kkelti-00, 1 4, 1 %... - Thon'Alle. di5*1 , 11,1044490 0 44 . 10 0 4ediad 711,0 0 1.•ri 27A ., : .di,.. 01 ,41 : 7„ound:01.0 0:th a t :Iii e hitit einum iris: bat4l44 'llinitf 0 'Ai ti ) ligii ti"4 ,a4rellt i tstr i rp S Tl ' ' l7 ! MO _l, lo o° oteiditAc4o ol 4. l6 ' /4ti.,', 1 OAPS 0 111 ' 6 ' 04 )**1g 40 / OW "0) 1 001 heart beatitlnunison with Oonatitetlew: tili ' o 7 4 joe r d intnir * alia lni b 7 ed iiti o nr i l s e 4o4 !:id th '4 7.;cot S :, 04,irl ynl , . ' lltriitif , ;" ,'6 ) , , oi l it, l l,tiliii. : /1•< , ‘i, , ;: ';;,;, !‘ 1 . • L 1 SOIWO• : - ''. ieavant Afraid te te•aseltast. Wistnatorott, iiles: 4.4PrOM information 'eelved by ;thigh government oilleial &rot, y from fieueral.arant a dayor two ago l it is imdetitood that he c nteditattavanelt Ipnger. lay in flee ruradlitriets *whits been kith. .40P040 .11 1 sto l . l t 4 :llll 9geth°'r 4 TIM ilitikihiPinkiNai Ow # l lo*.itti P(94 0 J41 1, : , Po siou t hnsheen 7 thet, he won i4' ' le: few 'cleis:for i t trip to the , 04.itii14A40,.. 0 Ukti e* *6 Present leeethi*ot this. )ng since beewslmndoned i and ky another entirely its facia); substance, that t - he does ' • not to Washington to be dragged i - ents - of thiprevailing political cannot avoid being. drawn Info , prove ' very embarrassing to underthe7illee***Od iotio g y helms, 'adopted in regard toile requirements of the :present or the expectations of the intuie, if he resides in Washington ' dpAngilln fierce ;political contest now pending.' Be feels• that, lika Mrs: Pirtingtett, if he opens '.his mouth hevill put his foot in it. • - • • 'l - , A He 0444 *we emus'. 'its"; Wit;apt, A.--Judge Aldridge, of ItodOOkOkt*l.44 * 11 0 t redo* for the err* of, Stitinnollter, who t iti ;Chivied,' with ' ' ,40. 1 0 ii . Polt_ ,04 a two • eio.l :Potrti., breaking o,oWn con t i nuing the - body 'of a son of .lonik lEtiapP.'- ";Mr. ' Keelson lately died, )vatbnrie4 at Amoy Pi i ty Ceme• tory; . - . Mr.' ' %if Was undertaker', on the on. caeloti; and'iilik the funeral% cereno,nywaii ov,iiti he lent hie bill . for seryjees rendered. ;One Rent in the bill was ctbjected to-- - --thit i i f3t4,l;;Olass con!! :**94#4 41 *;,°4 1 , ordered, `WhOreits only 'an interior:artiele.•wati snit ! OA This was denied on , theether eide,, , 'and to contradiet' iti lir; iiitiff,'•without the' 'Consent of the father; 40. Med - utk the ;revs AO, -.:hreke e.,14 1 *e ON ,' t il e •iiemo to 0 0 : 6 ' ,101,401,4% . Rime thP1i,4. 4 :11 14 h FPrfin! ;offitneer a man is . 11etble to two y ears' lm prisonment, or a fine if 4000; eibitth.',.' - , ~ .. X.IIADIvAL RINIIIIMIA , lON , .. • .lii The Oistrigme lys , =filiiieers Newell** • andeb. , ~. . payarwin, Oa., Aopt. $' T_n"' w hile bey 1 who mysteriously 4isoppeaied• Wittfoundin. k day, abpposed to have been murdered by De grees , near , the city. .. His gun and crothlux wgre ioneotud it !Litho:light he wits killed f9r them, ' An inquest, Was helci p intid 4 verdict of ‘i killed by line:tea unknOwnli was renditrj; There ie, great eielteri4mt inthei City:' ' Par ties have iiiiten nut three days hunting for the body. , They met armed bands Of •negroee, who halted them with military • preeisfon: X)10 . )01 eri now ntitt in the, eetritry,ia 4 1 , 1 0 o.t the )iiiirderer4. itethiriedoma :sisiutti kAOW WhittOstikkinehlroOVOß the fowls ',4 . 14g.t9 the city, are,h iourly occurrenet. ~,y,,,,,, in tpd.l4.oundl,the, eitYafit t4tiStiViOtii4 44 4 .- 0 1144 . 1 , And 'o l 'o* 14 , vimitico ' int; ' . ';‘ 4, The GOIIIII - 411/f 11),Iik4oeAOP Dvaiitiotox ! .4,,—P4tires, obtained 'from the e . )eykti:§lkailjiiii.thiOthree smell tewne;-mitiiptiititl:'npt,VrictAltis*?te a jot, , ilit 4 l . o,loC' ' 4l ; .64115 _-4 0 • 1 4 . 11M 1 4Valit ...-, , ,Of iiitiO . i1)01n, jghtk 4 16/11014 ./1/4itaitneritll *Water. 'and CleorgeVeniukilreid4 i inhabiter, all of the Rejtimukeettltmenti five united in eettipc not one btudail of . 4pUbtivill be .Y 4 4oo 4 tftWil*the• 11 414) . C 4 is Ma? a ,fidl, urar t l iat,tite ba* .1 . 04 hai i e . etitrned nUt ant witboatikt tni , attlijitt °Neatoads,l44 2 iht hi ifinoet ie lisping Ondidonrind that ipfliortik,md , , Mk' Iti, 9,3 41 „, . 4 ' . ileknezt ratdi** cis' iipsiak ' . .. t* the PlikirOir ' of the Canadians pied' the people of the " nit . l . i agoil i t io 4 4 4 ' . '... • ' t. ~ .!,',•;,:. 4 , , ~.:'-iiia j o iftiii— ,iv • '1•400010004 1 poit**Ah44 . 4.11104010 4 - Po,* sa?). 1 i". negrOell . /PAO , .. 101,k911 : fi ~ „.. 1 ' . i ..'i, , 1 ,': 7 a 4 , • •,,.. ' • . 5 , 001; 2 4! . 11 1 7 . 44440 , 1:" , , , '- ! •"7`. 4 : , . '', i iar * iA Aim.. - ist .i . •,. • fl•Ty4st ~I. 4 4.. , t: 3 It , I ; , .f7r , I *. :e ~ y`t , . —The bah ar,Op Is isnot than ever of the rools - ammis otlghiatetkunl k q F q' s ,iter4rng PON4e.,Vt i ffe. ' • 4 ;I'4loo A' • • s praceplion ed 'Moro vtoiOrsta at **, ris:iievAix. *ld hoo \ by ",- . .7fasoix!i ,widow ha 4 given hiAruitifonpU'it'Saitehntark 11404 Mum?, wh9 179P94es to Pt* ',14/08CUI4 in allagOli; • "' E —The orange ero ',in Fibride is unusually prombdair o and,Juul igeneralb , engaied s Ikons''s& tropiad hints are VW &eV • • s —Ls Lafayette township, Mo.i on the 14th aniged and respect- Ole 'citizen; waif BrutialY Murdered by yhom- Is Tebbe, a Radical deputy sheriff. • • . ,_„ _} —The Afermani. oflthc Tenth . , Ward of rldiadelphis are rallying strongly for Sey mour and, #10e ) tp horro;ortPg..4adkel , 1.•:-Ro4ert McCormick died in Philadelphia, nn Thursday '1 morning, from the effect of a ditch-fork wound in his head, received in an !Wray with David Dougherty l on the 26th of August. Dougherty escupeqi , • —W. H. Price, the RadiCal postmaster at Dalofiega b Oa., has been arrested forabstract- Jag cheeks from other people's letters. greeiVed monster- prompted, one negro'woman to marderanother In Charles ton, a few daYS ago. • • • —4t tinkle bit a boy's toe off while he was • fileY l Plo ,l 44 , the CdelhorlutOtkt :4;44l3h liftelbe ether y. ; • ' • —Rev. Parregh VartoOklan, an Armenian eafrrnie his eerne to this country to fi nd . Sooltern'fitetes location for a:4min.! by of 200 o his fellow couatryinen. —The n wife of Gin.' Phelpi, the Democra tic candidate for Governor of Missouri,is the woman who .caret for and sent to'his native town. in Connecticut the,romaina of Gen. Lyon, when he fell in battle near her reel dejoe at Springfield. , A negro and a white girl, wbo bad clop 'ed, were arrested in &butte, Georgia, a few days 'ago. The girl's father preached nod practiced negro equality until his daughter iteted,upon hieteachings, and went ,off with the_ gorilla lover. The old man is not so Agoil' iut he was. MoQuiller and Enoch Fogg bad fight on Monday, in Exeter, NeW,Himp• bhire, riMultipg in the death of the ' former, yblows from the butt of a gun.. In the melee the gun went off, seriously wounding Fogg in the foot.'' Fogg has been arrested' for murder. ' • , . om &Lean t who asgasshi• ated . Mr. Robert MeBwtai, .at; StathatOr, "ear 9Vnadat;on. the.,2ot day of July, and his apoompliee, Gilbert Mo 'Lean, wore taken out of the Coffeeville jail, on last- , Friday 044,94 haUged by the roadside. HAVANA, Sept. B.—Puerto Cabello lumen derlid August 15th, to Gen. Monagas. When the'news became known . in Laguayra, a ea lutte of, tbirty gnus was fired'fromithrfort. Gen,' Brusaal; coMmander 'of We be sieged ;place,,:placd; was wounded, but managed to escapO to Curacos, where be dis,on the 18th. . A butch 'schooner, the Josephine, had ar yhred at Lagniyra. She was laden with arms ,captured -on the evacuation of Puerto , Ca bello.. The, st?amer, .Purrushe had also ar rived at Ctiracans; `With - seventy:Officers and `men r whp . had escaped from Puerto Cabello. Gen. PuTgar had gong to the island of Tri nidad to take . command of the bark Pioneer, which haEi been transformed into!' man-of war. t• n. 88 0365` AliiartOte itt t o ' ' while the 8,687; If teligtit the ratio , =IMO ",at ,1 J ~ • , , TUE TroOpe,have beets Bent to the State' of Ma• 4'acaibo, w hero several provinces had de clared in favor of General Monagas. Gen. Patino had returned and 'retrain Barquisimeto, declaring for Gob. Rojis,who had already overrun'the States of Apure and Barinas. HAVAttA ) Sept. B.—Saluavo's troops are re f ported to have stormed.and taken Mira. • goano. A battle,had.tahen place , at Cape aaytien on Aug. 9. The rate's were•repulsed with 4. loss of a gun and many, hllled : and wounded. Mulch Bot. B: . —J•Tho Beeansta fool ans. lows 1p view 'of the. present *nation. 1 41ey pretend that the news, lirdinght by the 'En &rah steamer Atrata, lola St. Thosbes, • an; nouncing that the negotiation 'of Battslst loan in Europe of $2,000,000 ie a positive fact. I• . r IntlMn frotifiAB CITT I Beit:4;---Neiva carob bore last evening If •an Arrapahoo attalek on, on ttkii Othulti, • tavfneel Fork, on the old Santa Fe youte,thirty-seven miles Nest from Fort Mid . 'Sixteen Maxi. OARlfs.rit i dian their *ag°Po and lured. ' I W/1 1 0 01 i "PPM OV' > ; 'Other train! a . few Wiwi beyond were ate tacked, Ono 4uceisiitiiiiiiesista the Indians itillingiaany I , - bnt another, loaded with tiev.4. finP c ilvallain*df*Ofid irOOV .albandinietatter'i'berd4hti-';,, A. apkapord,4leip,,i,op illiissourt atter: s f ,p. ;! Sr. Lowe, Sept. 4.--The Coerention-of 66 ' 'gPi!lcOttal: Churgt). Diocese, met here yeeterdiy,. and elected Vl.'2°4 Cl P. 40ertson, Ifelatio i No! erii; '4l for the liideese ; lIM WASHINGTON. f R,Vea n i c Des , , „ peurteeent., Wieninoioi; 'Sept. 4 . .—A:" despatch has been ' froth ''oioto 04*. Thitrici': Attorney • Courtney An: C 0 44:4*, Wg;tiii.teferfirleo ik etOiririC.4tramtikiioh* 'tertian 'otlicete the Intorno& Be - venue Bureau,'incliding Coinnissioper Itollins And' , itssitant Cern -1444.9)1W If4lanii 440: t004,4i0 48 in the Latter ; Secretary McCyllpch replied by tele iph that In hie '(tM fkieetim's) opinion.. the ease 4001 be taken dierge of b 7 him Courtney). geisra. Rollirid 114.134 ,'lripluae`to "t4i Nett York to it ttiCii?yepitingonoftheetherges against Biel , ... . , •Lechis see (hirdpage. \ ~ , ,. ., 1- - mir= 1111 : 6 E 11 1 111 , , • .f . . A.. till„,Bll4oVicharotign e rsty* ,-ar o . , vvrEginli ANp:'srmisiiii,4s6o4l6*, . • 1,, , , , •, t ':,ipar on FRIDAIL tr.. of , ,14iii 7f ientiksiis. Muttutl. nee Into n t `c om om arlierlai, County.-220 1 : Aug, T., 1860. his • was an action 'a - , covenant brought to recover / upon a poileYof Insw once. Mr. Sausenwas the owner of ajproperty of 80acres, situated on the Schuylkill rivet in Curaru( l _tawruddpi, pout', two milt, , - 11 pr; Reading, on •ibith were a lei ' dWel nig house, tam and grist mill: The lett - Owes , a two.story building; 42 by4B(oot i dr. I 'llll4 'water powerAand furnished, with turno_nnr,r stones. Thisrproperty wes bought bt' bane. On from Chat. J. Peterson: I;in the. 29th of tioveratiqr, 186,1, for 54,808,,, *out, la y our proViOns to' the ,tuiloith,Bl , 4iieh the ,uullltail een tboroughlY • repaired, tad new jesting I nd ,machinery 'inserted at W toot:014°0 the mill, with its : cof \ ent4, Van $0fi4 11 :1 401 stroyed bi tire o'4o 1 o'clock ors the night' Of the, 17th of Petrukii ' 1880, .it ifhieh trivia it had'been rdoning - tbr a few diyaprevinus, The cause of the fire was unkitewhialthoog h the intimation was thrown ent by the de. fence upon this trial that the pig:, himself *as the incendiary, the only evidence bear' ing In the all/Meet degree' , upon •this point 1 being that tracks were •discovered through the pnow; leading,from the . house to' the mill, and the fur ther ; : circunistance hat, when two' •44 the neighbors prOponed'tO iilt;,, amine' these at the , tiine• or the• fife, Mc: )3 &mien cautioned them not to do s% as there. Was danger of the gables wall falling hpoh . them. Various °violent' were' given, in the course, of the testimony, is to the talnetof .the building and fiztureti, the estimates of the witnesses for the, defence 101 l from ' $2,000 .to $B,OOO, while the witnesees or the: l plff., including some of thhse who lie Made' the 'repairs, bating into' Conilderation the riso in , the property and Materials froth 1801 'to 18130 0 eshmatedAte'valne at the time ofita. 'destruction to be from $B,OOO to, $7, 0 9 0 ,.. On the 2d of Feb., 1808, Mr. Elausen re. :mewed his ' insurance. liiidn'hig Mill in ' the .llerks Co. 'Mutual CO. of $8,000.-$2, 1 280 'upon the building, :and $760 upon the con tents. The insurance 'wag effected thriaigh Judge Stitzel, ono' of the Board Of Managero and agents of the ComPany.' Mi. Bauseh• wished at tho time to insure at o"bigher rate,' but to this Judge Stitzel was unwilling, • ano referred him to another Company, the 4 , ... coming , County . Mutual-I!presented in Reading •by an'agent, Mr: la. W. Irwin.' On the 4th of Feb,j 1865,—fourlityo after inane. , ing .in 'the Berke ' County: C0.,-Mr. EL ob. tamed tan additional insurance of $2 l BBB upon the mill7-$1;760 ',upon the building, and $684 upon , the centents,-;4liint: Making the total amount of in ranee in both Com.' Ponies $8,888.: It •wagin,evidence that Mr. Irwin told ,Judge 4titzel of the additional in• surance made by Mr. Benson in the' Lycom ing Company, a short tithe after it was ef fected. After loos of the mill the clefts., refused to pay the, amodnt t otthe policy to the piff., to , recover which this suit 'was ,brought. • ' •'•' •• • , 'L. '. •; .•••.' • The defonce.was that ~due • , and • sufficient 'notice had , not betingiven:by Mi. Hansen to the Berko oanty Ctllhrriny of the additional )usurance,offeeted in the Lyeeming, (wooed ; ing to the requirements of the 18th article of the bylaws of the former .Conktely, , which states that when a , pinion . insaing ' in the Company e ff ects an additional'insuiance in another Comp . any s hispolioy is rendered void unless notice la given to the Conifeny of the fact, and , the endorsement of • the' sato°, ,is made upon the policy. ,_. ' •,_ - lTpon this grfiund the 'defence Maintained that there could be .no recovery' here,; . , the: knowledge of Judge Stitzel, dh'e Company's, agent,• being sufficient notice to, bind them ) , and the endorsement Ppoh, the policy not having been made. On the other-hand the plff, contended that' he Company lied, re.' cognized hie policy as a legal one frog - • the fact that they liad,as proved in tinievMen,co,. ,collected an assessment from hire after the second insurance had been effected .iii the' Lyeerning, of which the agent of the Barks County - Company had' ,at least 'personal knowledge. , • The Court hold the laW to be in favor of the defendants, stating that. there ""had ' not been such a compliance hero by the pill:With the provisions of ;the 'hy-lawa, as to bind tens. to pay the ambur4. of this policy, and hat the aniniequent levYand cOlection of the , assessment upon' the poli cy _ did not operate • as' n estoppel upon the Company from set*: ting up this by-law ag Matter of.defence. Al, verdict was• accordingly directed for tho • dells. This case eceupted nearly the Whule' of two day's in'trying, being only ',Ft:lncluded at 8 p.,m. on Friday ! Hagenman SWAT. B. ' Richards for, Off. Baer anill). - ,RrtnentrOnt for dens. . - • • ' , '. (Continued In Second Edition.) ' ''' "'` i =I 1, • I • ^ • 424111$ ' • ' , l MILI9 ttARP BATUMI/Alf syggszko,, sort: 5;41481 iso , A r ef i Veritato,is,7l.l , tdl4:t? 11niver‘or Ascuttiesem•*•tycirk ,4 ll)444. ,31.04000tEmriotoe:. -10eptile TO-DAV% ADVERTISEIVEN, IkIOTIIOIO OAIUTIONO4 hereby caution any and all perseici agalpat purchasing a cer tain promissory note_given by me to J. Sullivan, Agent for tho ( Ui t3:lBightsaini Rod , Company, for two hundred and forty della .0240). dated Jul lst 18138, made payable six motet after date. 11 4 111 ROYAL' pay sillg not% 40 w olle.tranoaotjork W &fraud rrom ogihnifur to end. • , SOLOMON E. SEIDEL.. Exeter Township. Dirks county. Sopt.'s, 1068.-6. o.'d.. i ' • .11t1 a 4.YIYJE.ri. von. Ditittliar ATTOIIIIOIY. T. sji•lrotiotis •11: 1 / 1 14/& Osof!off: In 4 .a( •"" V l e t .`: lir lop , ~ -0., .. , . . v•osit.. „ • fooski c . . • 1, 1 (s to • ~,,e1 . •,1 45 1 ... in b , .. , roar if w,4 l— d fr re. • `co I i , ! tier. log soi U lu ' 1 i irr To•s'sto . teoUth _,..._ tot of 0 gait mukserr a v rt.= diairatit ii hQui 41 6""`riallettOni lords. or to i on in " nano e othe• to gl . idol ty. n imbus, 1 114 0. a 62 ° • , • ' tetras en% COUlrtea• ISRANy 0 BROKER ' U. Resigns..jois 29.1868. • Ia ' ll ' .) 'tt,,,, t t"-- '' ' • ' FOB AiIIiSMBLT.,, urn twee - - -iithl ' of 2: - Torfde4 ' tor' it m stA t i ll ' . oto. 1.14.,,104 , per - ' XS mei on. . • ..• 1., 1. 4/01:XIMUVra, lipijkavit aotactiod torOince aa• or • 11:' IMO*lndy , . 01,44f0r Di m . OF4 eet , to,the toson of.the ,data titenuirs, '&6•421, , , ; lova Otkuirrir AUDIOS:. • 4' : o VWWI WO Auth rr , tio ; itae ok ply iLADVIFetig PIA a hiri qi i _, i.n 4 lib _r . NOY Aad !pro, ~• J coy ui q 00r0 0 IA" i i.”. R etatmr.l4 pu r nia Xl ° - • *JB6B. 4 , . . FOR DIRE°Or THE -POOR: TiO yOtifitii , Or 'BMW OCT NT . 6 -4. tr‘Dl i gq i fo l ViiuVer II the Dimas o/1 .7k o . A° 'Pl'utt•trlYgolett :IttrultireNtd ec i a onto:A T :hi: sxer, of Dom •oomrAttPdSO 'AY rlarm .or PIRO. of en tO Wet out this or *a *cove to• ta p* oir tho tes-pssers elf troicamod.. • • 11.140RA11 1 ' Lower gelflelbors. 'Aug. 5. ' • atoix'•citniN • ' ' ifiiiiitoN24: . i _ag r o 11, , { O.) itta. s ,Y , otir ~.rz, . .. 1.. Div . 0 4 4 , . i ii i k i44. .. A tr 41 r pm, r *fttitt 4 1 4 4 o . 1 4?) tr: tin . 0 4 :0 1* „, • at' It o oit o t oeounti. p q - #114g44/744 , I rlx.ii•OW, nitii.91449.--Itsmore4; by. t e very liberal suipef, giventna las ye pr by e ensecratio Donn niontion' lb* t o Ntate egislaturb, and for VI IC I am very thankinl, I 'again offer mys t t as a•candidate for the sad's °Mee, aubjeot to e decision o f the pest Verge eratio, Delegate nvention: If nouthutted and elected, I pledge myself to use every effort Ito' mote the best Interests of the agriegltural,' la or ing and mechenleal dines of the . 1) riot, en of the tow of the people genetally, , as 'intividualc Respectfully yo urs, /to, d . 9.tft ' ' . • it: .. b 111111RRIt: SEW ADwunlerdiiiENTs. lin'AD4umoilans Fos " • • • • • \ • ' •.•,! :•• •.• • • !CAMPAIGN GOODS ! AT TUE. . • • UNION . 4 ,ipWElity,i. 11/,,NO”vity - -..AND ..• ‘' • • • • BADGE' '.DEPOT; $O, .14 Nonni ST., • • tgefitt dinir to the Esekiltiis Dispatch 001oeS 2 %000 ( *Pitig4 • DEMOCRATIC AND REPVOI4•O4S I , . ,'; n A r let gi t iVi l e:lPat t4i ffew " tolt w p t r u llq9 4 , 11 ° 41 1 1: Bondi handfed or a • on. •T Aro( sae Ila§peoss ,sortment'evor piforl for • tatetriagtoolti fteed int/ haying over onehundred 'truant 'patterns, euol* as Meath. Rine, • Sleeve -Putto4 Studs, *AU Good Agents teanteti—qi good pereetitaoat /moo, Qpr,iletatt prloqo aro from id o4km to at 00, per wul do well to Else ue a call before paten's,. rat elsewhere.' -•, :•••:, • • ,• • , SOCIETY-RADGES, MARKS AND 'PINS of all Itiodr mado to order: rdeo..lorrotry of alt.de . serlotlono made and repitred. Watottaa and Cloaks properly ropaired, Olt( , Knybm : evap., Manufacturers cif , • ,r DR. KEEVER'S 'Celebrated Tonic Roth ' Bitters. Jutportets of. , 4 w, : ' RTES AND LIQUORS, Aleo 13(alrAitente . ( Or BAtteres VitetvA USD Burr WilisXl - 2• • , No.lllllNorth Third Striet t ' Por solo 4t the Etigleitoolutore. ... . • Notice to ' Watet Odnaumero.' ' Dinahto the itztiremely ibir 'bite of the water Win,thriservoira and the imindisibility of dont pleting t o ‘ hoprovententa for inereasing the ate; supply o tho eity before the next two or throe' month,. 21 Ocuntalapionera of Water would re quest the wa Or-totem of thd city to bass eoonegt. teal as posalb o in the mu of water . at Pre s ent.'' lir droner attotion tO. dila •requett, on the part sof taeWeopatt er i ^lartre Quantities of water .asp be _toted jt,pd • .Iqll supply \ for ordinary .., venom puttenteed to O.' . • The'seVeral NW - di:modules are she redtfested to cease using water daring the present drought y e mept In caste's:44re. i - ' • By order of ttdi • •,_ „ *AMR. 'H. pi' *A' B, W. Ill Air -Semidry. s: , J 16t1 Virtht , Pa Ms will *as° co WHERE TO .01IT1 ITI . - i '. /.. ?It # 4. 211 .000 13 104 R POi n gt 4 , ri . ,IN ..14. viryts• AND , WPM • The lamest atimbriA bejlitiol:ty Vipojeoi iivit. an prices muc hWe/ !nip sny • other houtf,7: A rolM l ClT=ol7Z43o: l l,lfl t alt i d tr" 4 " . OAIRPETINCfS, MATTI - 1418 , AND. : - Oil. 0L0T413. - . 1 A !nll - ffic* ;Inn)" it lOwiiviinota on poet. ; o*l , - imoop,_a*. feblar , r_: , . F. ' • - t .-. n ANIL r r:T i iall 1 .1f T E W..- DWELLING cllOllBll WOOED., A Nrf r ah l -t * 1) -W 221 - 1 . 6 -42 i sh.etiN -- nr — a• ii, o 4,:s.dbbVittP au ,: •,, • , WAN , IV talotio SIRV-ifor 1, . rvy mAto.26 tkoohvt - • • lus•Pigi • : •,. ,MUSI „ ";.. wilt,tornm#,lnstriettoris. mon ~fielmather ME Awk• • Itoafidnd i a;,oeiman• „Tod), • Ortal.Ritintat . Ar oti Dina tt i i i.•; , ,4O.ce•AmFA J .Lor, • , „,!? • „ - • whinart4dmito mut t ' • '' •,.' •'',:'` •':'''', 'l . I" '7 :. 1 4 It i t ° ( gobs " di • For °44 ' artl - • ll Itrg 0441,4 11,• •ed • ik 066 u 0 s t i a . Wrty HOoFIANDi S O t il MA NV Oslo , t.- .. . . ,• • , . • . Ili'. • Vatilotiattlit4w ne eth 14, , r • 14 %. ° 4 1 4%, 1 4611* thoi li tt t • ;ii i a :wesz , !e u" . weft ai s Osiliplitio IN • • • i , thisoo,FLA.itiPi IMAN . I I Tirtitt tn...e who bait it ' e ittdoetkiti td the eontbliuittpi . if the Bitte r _, iu stotted.,wtlt use . /10FLA NVB. OE R M it:ti T NIO41:1 , 1 They ire both equally good. and eontsjo:th. er• *Widget virtaos,the thole° betwoon the tto . mt a more matter (abut!, the Tonle bolus ths . krit palatable. , • , • - • • , The stotuatrt• from a nudely Otoeuses. rush 6i lirdigestien t 'UYSpepala; /00066101 Debility, ilt l i t Very apt to have 83 Nut unit, derantod , The T. kr. %T rani' aeolOio 1 11 as it doing with t , 'goatee ~ A en nectomos ,attootod, the result of unit ' which . tot she .pia send IbMa serest * tuore o the pitlowlna diseases: ' ! boattrllim Irl ale, hiird e r; t' a t ate ,to s sad. • otottr f e a t tut i k . trielak. WIN i taii . s.tior 9 pc. ki k ' sisp fd l uttit4lrltet t . at a timility7 of ~ • t 'Are 0414, ci or Milt . 0 0 ,at ' a olt orbit i w . ti n it" tie ttateinrs ' " In rmi. 6 0 6t Plu! i '- : '''' Illi I nfli t V Os ta ttulgi t lf .2 c ri IBR to ea cos ea ' Ittin,wrisik , , t i oastaa mag ic 1 l and sheet I The 'Utterer from thee. diseases should ',mho' ii t gbirease, alel% n u re t irsi inn, .toarittatlehrestiol• ured ll•oru his inyestigfilloas and inquirlet. eases true ' moth is skill,ftillk tiountoutid h ee from Juju tous Mgr° Words, end Wahl li d for Itself a oputation or' the ours et diseases , n this oonnootton we would submit those well. nowu tor/Mhos— . . • . / . 10 OFIAND'S • 610,01A.N BITTERS 1 , ii4D -' ' ' • HOOFLAN 0,93 0 $ R.I4AN TONI° 'aitioataan air Da. 0. M.`,Ymiitsok, Philadelphia, Ps I Thirty-nvorartike the/ Were nrethliMiteed Into this noun ry in uetinany, (lariat *Me Woe te l " have un on tOdb , performed tuore cure sad Dented matting htPnPPhty to a treater extol, thaF any WI remedies Known to the pion°. ) T eseyom ies will Mol l y), our* fayg 064. fla tit. 4 Rad a% _ltyapl ()typal Op metvons , eVilty. vlironio viarr ma. P IWO of ilia K r iAlueYailia Oehler arising rein a Die. :o ernd SI vow. tomio et rites hies. , . 'Resulting it em, WAY 011140 Xillitelteri Enattatiou • of the nysteni, rtueed by SOTOM 'Dor, -,.. • Hardships, xposure, Fey e+ Jo . i There is no niedie ne extant lual te these teM" ethos in snob cases. di e tone DU vigor's Imp arted to the whole system, the appe tit e Is strong e r food is Qui oypd, the stomaoh dirstil PP:4W Ye II blood is kurified, thi complex On bTes'so na 'and beauty, the yel ors tinge s end Med r 133 the eyes, &Moto is g von to the e e to, en tho ,weak and nervous invalid peoonys - n,etrOgEend healthy being. .. , • , , PERSONS ADVANCED ITT 1.011,/. 'And toolhlir Ike. land of th4o Web:hilt hot upon thorn, 1r tn all s4tendautjljpot it, 114 tho two of thhillin °rib!, TUNIIN rkh . r ,that will, lottil mew fo 4004410 m tostortig 14 tneastlthe enemy and ardor o • hors iOuthttil , dayk. but d up their obrinhog `ors .64 EL'. ,hoalth lin happkosii to their remaining years, It le a well establle)ted fag the fatlyque4talfol the female Portion oroutiokulr, on • aro 11011200 to tde enjoyment of Irma no4l l'or t to _llBO Melt own exproeslom , 'never .treoi troll. ~ 'i • WilOY ate languid, devoid of all owergy f oaltraely nervous. .and hive ug, SppittjtO. , ' ~....‘ 1 i To title olial or permit tna it TTER , or the ‘ ; TOffIO, la especially recoulmende , , • , • wziat ANl),•DitiaTOATli 0111 . 4iHli , 'Ara u2itfigiltrong by the. tag . of 'either Of these Rmedioe. They will cure every case of idAltilid• ÜB. without sail. . • Thousands of certificates have accumulated tit the hands of the p.votirictor. but space will allow el the publication or but few: ,Those, It will be ob served, are men of note, and of standinythet they must he beUexod. , . , • TERTIIKON.IATA. ' - \ . . . Hon. George W. W6Odiardi ' ' 1 • Chief Justice of the Bui , retue Co urt`;' Writes •. . . • ~, Pettiustrar*,Ate,reh fa, 1801, . . , . . "ir And, Modern'', Gannett Illtr ii stood tool wild ih dbrepaes artho A also; Vs Oritaus. and 1 t greht be , to eases ofzkoebtl ti. to ul • waht e nerroue evettouitu itie lysteisi; - ‘ •• , )(aunt, init., -. , . „ , ~• • • , • exo. Me. WOODWARD. . ' '.' •• . ..--.4-- , ' • . ' ' •:' ' - Proni /lei, dam* U. IfteritiOd. , D. As .• _ Pastor of the,ieutkßaptlit Otuireh. MB& ' , , DoattOltltOit.-1101113111t-4 have Wee froqueeP. ly re step to Ghee to k IMMO with •te00144, men Slone ofdifforent WO ormodield,(o. but irt srard ir• ttio *notice as out of sop apwore ate sphere, I have hi all , , twos , decline.* ‘ but with& clear proof in vh ous iultances.l firtir ) 4 .lh my ow.p fatally, of tho 'We 6 • ore my German'laacl /Otters. / • depot, for on . ere my usual course to ex row my fall con Onion 14./or general debility et e eNitim an S tWoefollY 40 kfrer Complains, ii iv a s s anal:64h if Prairttpolh , 110 some eases It Nes eAI ho no all QU the it wiltlx• very bene lal to ore who Or,,trom s I above yams. 'irdtlis. vetitelbstiN6.. i . e. , .' , <.. • Vit.ih n ao7=4; . ... 35.0 • ' •NM James Thciniitioky 'Judge Oft,he . Supefne Cciprt C•fl,itiiisilvaufa. '. ... 5 , ' " ' Pitn.i tiiiki!iii i Aiiiiiii,l4* ' ‘ "iittpt liefita's oraikti ogi k t,ioil go. IP so of iluiv* or • pt. . Mee Ifi at y mitt smikp $ • • ; v . oßriod - - , ,' • • , i,' ,' . ,'., . 4 ~. 4111V01111 4M4 0 , v'eqi! :1: i ' . ,'" I\ '' ig:44 0 • auras ;' 1 108 ll lant vi to neomrood them as s most-ys ik iff .;0 OP * Who are putrerthi *o ft .senerw 6.01 (ty4 a' fibula arisieg from dersegamont of t he ity.o. YOurti. knit)*" • ', • :.. , , - , r• * E. D. YENDALL 'CM troofligne. etr ' nUtkirou aA* eoulmttitfa. te• th at th e elm rt. ofe 4ACK,sule too; tat Principal • te 0PP1P .9 " 41 . /. 1 Principal °Mee nd_SPOnitaikttke Fedloineacle, 631 Ar o ! t, rbusaidons. •,• • • EVANSiPtopieteto e JokasoN 4 09 my. . • IBEIO itirgeatmr , aegiumi *mallet . 1 7, ' Op Irk pat Alp i6tuart balsa !0 POT INA4IO or al4 dOUII foX Fr 50. , 16111.D0.n0t forgetto, 'zombie will tie }tt 110 ?boy, itt order to gel O. (enable • • ''‘ ..4411,4;pr Oil I"' EOM A',4: DruggfittsOtorekiperr EVE a vcattaE„ , wolf NMI .; _; . MEM ' _ =IM CC DEBILITY: NOTICE. l===iffl U • 0 :' • . FOR SALE BY ALL - . 2; EEO IBM