Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 04, 1868, Image 3

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Pt DING .Pit:'' , l3E
liF;' •
CM AND: Miniriri,
Tllll NAN ABOUT ,TOWN.-Tom Mclntyre
too k $ benefit but njaht at the Timis* Ooml.slit
chit Ig the ,tamps.. f r om iflattaitheesily
%are 1031 a shoe on,tbe Mesquite yiguiv mai ye!.
ter lei . She Weal tliteii am, foipid it estalll,- 4 -:'
lbe isln yesterdai , liet'onlit elesisitanittabsrt• Of
utters and streets, neglected by ,somebody. but
ti m e ] i cons iderably to the 'sultplY Of watt hr la the
Ourikill.—.t haunted ; bons. te sg tenement of
I cy n umber of o InarYltif4fte, to which Is added
an ex traordinary ens, its the form of edited fit4o.
Sherry's Th wariest Centrum* . will` Orly la
(tor on Monday. nest.---741 . IFM coil
„,o, un d e r . the: Post Oho, is Oro* etrifghto , ,.. ,
____,H ow to lee a stet' without iiefilie itithilthear.
trr-run your head asigniallatigrPosio- , --4sour
e yes were killed , near, Pto On 0 e Lebanon
v a lley railroad, on Wednesdartnernlng.--...The
pie kle busineu but now lallswir p ! po ilu o is i " iiit
it it osier to get Into a pickle than to iet oiELLE.
rm er d a y Afternoon. during tbe hear .•a
wheel came off an onsaihns on Penn street. The prod
l agers gOt out ant) bail to foot it totigoepot,_
A drunken woman and a bottle were found by Watt
' ,dim last evening, onPenn gigot. near Third.—
tbe live man is the pepper rasa of oreation-the
Agile° of the world.---The Rag at t i , oss :P enn
rroot, (ruin "Yoonyun Lees” headq.Ultx,tSrs, )111- ,
ttrbY rave "(runt, Colfax 'rind VielerY ' 'a "dirty
iLtke," landing thew la tho • mud to. the
. equeycz
--The city was saved the expense, yesterdwof
eltaning the streets and gutters. The Mil` beWitil
d•ne It beautifulls.-te 1 ire roan Is 1 Mei run
way boss, lie gets the wholo of the road. —A
young man. whltst'rutinints to e !t °its:tithe rain
yerterilay, plft Mishit!, a tanlP-POO stla ' gomewhgt
Imaged his ."bigle."-1--All WU quiet , sang
Penn street last evening. ----The live man trets
w h en ho walks, fnd Ilea down eh:4M etalstHieetelte
e verybody else higii.--801l mikeni digs OUP
are very )4 11 4" ) , , , /1.10 11 1 bag? 14$
..... t .
,Aga—The frivluol lee are ,very Invisible
nria-a•days, nothing being seen or beigr i t o f th em .
—Seymour and Blair badges selling off mailigli
, t th e Eagle,booketore.--The Ilya man isasTull
f blunts. ei the Itaqu'otof el a elreet t htirrhe ia'
lien like a hornet, very bini, but about Whit the
.ol only knows.-m-4bri umbrella brigab has
via niedo its oppootanett-,4-rt-Tho carriers ef ,
he EAot.g have been furntsitertielth oil cloth capes
'to weather it during the raittlirunner's se
ed school, North Fifth strect; is ffourisig,inge--
i he firm of Jones, Vox & Col'ore enlarging their
A Works, Tenth and Iduhlenberg streets. by«
be addition of a now building' forty by eighty falst.
-----tleneral ' Taylor had to' surrender at ladl
he old sign, with the inseription "Oen. Taylor
ever surrendars," which, for so long a Illne hung
n (rent of the Oen. Tailer Ifotel e in North i n trktt4
treet, has boon Vtalsent down' , t* insike pl e fOr
mething more modern, Library Fall, at the
enter of Fifth and Franklin 'streets; WI boon re)-
minted and fixed up In Wood , style. This is.the
non hail In the eity; and is now perhatte the most
)nyelltellt,--1-11ien Bag and staff, °oilier Oil` Sixth
ra.Court streets, was blown dowti lAA evening by
. e high wlnd.—Caught Without trylwg--raeold
--The moon,kept out of sight list eiening.and
enco the city was left in. utter 'derittioes. The
rent lamps:should bare been lit,- '-There was a
rest dew, of "soreakine"'. and' "clattering" of
utters and signs last night.-77-rPrefeerbre.Berg
ad Renewal shortly give a toil of concerts in
, loity.---The R9 4410 11', in* /# 6 0:i 00 1 10'41
uniting at Fifth and Court streets, ,le ' repute, go-,
g toward completion.— , This itnepatok i elaims
gat the P. L. L. numbers *OO menthersl, Take off
o cyphers, and It will I,oo4rer the truth.'n t%--,..
g now building of Ohm. Brenelsottwirnit Ofeth;
<I Penn, Is bola,' Optske4l, and 101 l IR ._2l 4li k u - iittb, l o.
cot looking huildingl In tiiti olty, e live
on dont't lawns die. sltoh,lr, alwwt•dlos _bias,.a moots death„ jt good , is an oyster due' ,
ithout any fusk , -4/the krintei l itho set up "In
lon there is strength.'t aid net botainw E t ‘triot,
nature; cinly i s trifling One ,In letkini. ' US had
ndoubtodly pkrMlsen tot * few LtOill,4l;- ease; irPc'
inner.---fitewart'aThifintre Contiquir. le etill'io4
a Acrid, and there It every 'MII 11106 ,boo'olll o
ileitis a Penninint ~, Lastituti44.- 4 -r-ffethei
bulb= paid new risltthis. morning, 4Ho looked ,
ell, but kind o'ahy, fearing that ' Our Kritaidn
light Rein him. lie had how e ver-no ;reason 'I to•
ear, um we have him well .ohained..---Ifearsay
a very unreliable fallen.; ild Wks ilk) muoh.
sesides, ho don't know 'the ' trutht and doesn't
shibit any desire to get hoquainted with it. t ~ '
D. L.—Brown, meet Sixth, 8 No . 0.
Purple, meet Sixth, o. 2.
Blue, moot Sixth, if, o. 1.
Black, meet Slith, 8, at'No. 0.
White, meet Sixth, 8 at No. 2.
-Yellow, Meet Sixth, 0, No. I.
Sept. 8-21 •
AT the Sehnlienfost of' the Cleituoo'‘,
l ire
!tub at Latioactor l bn Tubsday l Mr, George
:chnlek,of Pottsv ille, Schuylkill county,who
',well known to rainy of out citi4eno t tqplc
he sixth prize. •
AT n meeting of the Dentoeraey of the
Fourth Ward, held last 'evening; the follow,
j i g gentlomqn were Owed in nothinittian as
telegates to the County Dr.O.
11. Hutu, Tort WO)lqbV
_ .
Tns Denloertul of ilekiriatiurg loteß Iloti•
ng a grand pic•niO end 'magi meow in a
clods near that oity, oct Satprday, •t 919th
ng. Distinguished Dennoeratio orators have
accepted invitations to be present oW,the•ea:
A meeting of the Oenioenitie di>s o eiwtioa
of Reading wlll be held tit dick headquat.,
lets, Sixth and Penn WO% t6:0001, Or! ,
nin. Eloquent atid:populai apothem wiil
be attendatteo. See • advertisement.—
Every Deroperat should attend.. :1; ,
ASSAULT AND Birnow--,A, youuifuuT by
the name of Henry Otork.o4bio b . e ot
t it he
blenkle l 'on Wednes4aY 'ate,* And
made complaigt agaiost.'itowerd Boy ifOr
asiault and batter*: 'Clark to emPhVed.
hostler at theliehrooker lioun stA .t.ltere
was some dillidnlWbetitteeribiliond.ibiee of
th e men employed at the livery stable and
ilr. Boyer ordered (Huh to leave , yugh
Which he refused to do, and Boyer took the
privilege to eject, T,ho caselo,ol l3l #4 l 3
livid, to Court.H•Gaiette: ' "
Tue beautiful tramipatenoy 01' Seymour
and Blair, at' the Democratio".aeNtlTWtgli'
at Sixth and Penn Mutate; attracts mach
attention and adriration.r .0 ; was painted
by Mr. Miehtel Sealing, oftVo fin:o'of Belling
k Leimaster, in *nth liii4th street; and
?elleets much oredit'upon bis shill and taste.
We have not seen its ,equal foo a long time .
and the contrast hettreen the? portraits of
Seymour and Male * rind thkuie the two
colored men, at t lifth an 4 Penn; is; quite
annoying to the'ROlbals. •
TEE Cnors.---Eveti Where we hare the
most encouraging, accounts ef the crops.
Tito corn wheraver we go, loots unusuOty
welt. No ono as yet speaks of a failure in'
the potatoes. Wherever lifted;
,they .are
fine in size and quality; auti clear of any At',
feet. Vegetables are plootif .110,04:00111.11:1:
good prices. All thikoait',hAvelttle plots;
'should raise and help contribute to the "00-
Oral store. But it takes' a little *OA,. and
that too many people dread: Th
of h f shot
price g
therefore, glen;
Fruit is a pretty gene fr Orel gt kV*
will equable itself, in ire get fro
abtoad,atfair prices fittob;‘: • *?.l,
eat to public notice, the ,aitieeit rind school.
`house committees of theillklittairiq 00100 4
cratic.Club met at the public house of Peter
, §rause, In ,
, Tgetigt feP on
theVittigßie borough of Kutztown : ArchellitileriEsikG,
Foment, *tee t
taiiv.:lo,l)ad MOW
Secretary., •• .
After the tiansaetiqn otsome pr liminaty
Wittiness/the nil were
unanimously adopted •
A7csolviul,,,,Muit endorse the nomiOsv
tions of fib'indp i ratid Bl r;" the Platforntof
the . NO•York Conventitin ; the Democratic
.State noininations, andthe-resolutions of
the late Democratic County Meeting.
' Resolved, That our Delegates te. the next
County Penventiotkitrit tootttlited to
Mice upon the Convention the'propriety.of
&mg . an earlier 'days ' for holding the
Democratic Connty,„llo44ivi and the Delo.
gate Conventions, se as to insure a proper
and efficient organization of the party in
future cam 4is. • ,
.nat otir Deli:We td the 'next
County. Convention be an dare hereby hi.
strneted to support the nomination and the
election of the WA. d. "Lawrence„ Gets for
',That•ire hero, t‘ll,confldence In
the honesty, ability and kindness toward • the
poor,. of ondrienkatui neighbor,. % Wald 8.
ots, • Figq l -'mull, as ibis *Gotten. of . our
county- hits -never: had a,candidate for
Ohegif t _rwe: -heartily reconimend him, for
'said °Mee, and instruct our Delegates ,to
live him their undivided support for Sheriff
at we are. opposed to all
"lokrtilling" in the nomination of
.a County
Ticket, andihnt our Delogitesv(independent
of theubeve inzttuetions)aye , free • to. vote'
for the men for the other , offices •as their
best judgment shall dictate, keeppg in view
'the just claims ; of every section 'of the
'county., ,
.Resolved, That these proceedings
ifpublished in all th DemoCriitie papers in
° • all
he county. (Opted by, file 04/i/ers)
• . `, •
' • A new Order known as the "Brotherhood
lof the lYnion," 'labeling organized in Harris
'burg; it commences its career with list of
two hundred' tnetnheilw.-:-.Linieniter Intelli•-
On *dards) , eveiiink, 1864 there
tins 'a society instituted in Heading s known
os the "Brotherhood Of the Union." This
-"new - order' t, was founded , about the leer
1847, bkAeorite Lippardiin the city of nil
tidelphia., wo suppose, , to the large
number of secret Orders which had started
into existence about that time; (and= the
"Brotherhood" not being put, boldly for.
ward) the "now order"did not Spread very
,rapidly i Pennsylvania. , ln the ,Western
,States; - w ereother orKanlationi had , not
'engrosse all the materiel, It soon became a
`very extensive organization. The lodge or.
:ganrzed in this city, in 1864, wall clamed 4 cFreedon't Wt.; of 'Tenon.; and
No. 227, of the Continent of Ainerica." 'We
'ere not a meiribprorthesuorder, blat we are
'informed that it is neither religious, sectari
an, nor political, In its strloteliv .sense,, end
therefore good men from all nations, end' of,
all political creeds or religious denernine•
Its, can join ha'nds under its banner. '
Viie following named organizationiwill hold
,their regular stated . meetings' this: (FatnAT)
'eyening 5 +,, - •
't Angell,* Ommeilifo. 91, 0,11. A. M., at
Springrille,,,Ouhatu township. •
Seminole Council HI!,. 89, e..A.
, FUTh and. Washington, - t• /
Reading Degree.Oirele B. D. (IL F.) 0.
'A., Brotherhood Th'ird and -Penn:
Hermann Lodgr, U. .D. O. YeagerTi
Royal' Temple No. I,lilasonle Tie, 708
Penuttreet . ,:.,T • ~ :;
Piiin Lodei No. 85; at Pi t od
, Fellows' •
Wnehirigton of
A., "Muhlefiberg •Maneion,"' f ourth and
,Penn streets. • •
IlebTon Encampment, N 6.14 O. of 0.
'F. I Odd Fellovfa' ,
440 ding Encampqient 48 ki 0. 'of O.
.F., csaas'eliowfit no. , l,
(En,caninment NO; 1 . 62, I. O.
Of O. V., at Pleasantville.
Namur g Encampment No., 108, L 0. of
0. F 4, ; , i •
, ,
'Att:Ert.rown, PA.`, August.Blst,lBBB.
'To Mr. E. D. ReAlford, • \
;OWIG e g to a consideratio - number of tickets
ran:taming 'unsold, as Well • as coupons uhre
'turned, we have been compelledto postpone
;the drswing p the'Clood Will Enterprise, for
a shbit thigh fact you will phase au .
inounce to interested parties in your neigh.
'borhood.- 'From the rate, at which tickets
have been !ogled of late, hoWever, we are
'encouraged in, the - 604105t they will be all
disposed of We very short time, and to this
eittl *6 ate' flOw getting' in, goods,' Ouch 'as 'pianos, • sexing inaehitie, turniture,'
which you and your frien ds are invitedtoln.
Epect as Opportunity Etiay,offer:To.the end
that Me drawing may come °Nat the earlieet .
poseible &yore would respectfully 'urge you
,to:renewed exertioncin the as le eftlekets.--
• eaoll'ope °four aiente touldgellisay from.
tweak to forty tick*, in additi on to ihos6
altaady sold, the drawing o:Tl4 l cm:tie off , in
,a week's time. So y ou
_ may see the tinie is
pot, far distant. uesps . ctfull)P L • ;
ept. 8-2 t Wx. P.ll(6l,llfi:pkairman.'
?OLIVE A 0111,1113.— Niel! lotigere
elter from the wet :weather ,; in :the
140ek,up last night, who took their - departure
:early this, morning.. •
Vatliarino Res, a middle'aged''WoMani
'was arrested About Rix o'olook:hist eiening,
by Officer Olaf ;: NMI street below Wil t
'sad with.the assistance ,of Ckficer Sharman,'
,convey d' to., leaktuErtentgy the! had,
;bindle and in that pandlea bgttle of the
i"lirathur." 'She had erideritally been
!sevorely, kicked by, that .:saine•...f,Krathu r'"
'for sher wai, nnOL . 4.4 11140 1'
t 'wss epeechltimi, Tali liOrnin 'woes' °rough
bef9Cl:4ol l .l ll Mri'llAt itioicfrutblor
loomotion, and um% and also the uie of
ber torigne:' niki titstod'it*f ate' bad come
'ham Philadalphla yektikaajih`d bad intend
' to go right through Reading,`,ib4 Was
pomehow ••or other detained here. Not
any e funAs to pay her , fine} she was
retained. g '
SALE OF VALWAtii bOrtivil. —By an or
der of the Orphana'..Court of Berke county;
th Orliert 001413100 r count
1.411 e 'tointitrtriv.' r te De 14:44
at 1 o ' clock 3);.1111.,' thi Birks - 'oounty
soue,4o 0 A koltolz atone
,54 40, acres land'intin
lIF* eter i tiOkihkoi ,
trabi of paeturit'an4wOootad;
log 40 &ilia, situated illEteter
t ,,49,,;pfigtottud f 42 4,110 ketiaileated at
the corner of Eighth and Elm streets; in thla
' ,
11 'too brick dwe.iliog . aou le r ad. anted
e m
or ofEight.h.atiAth,yetteat,?o,
, •
t .thuto ouitioir r y
_lt '.the;,4lmk . Ofaie l „ itivimp--
, a
f liissetien - apples, all lisping xt 11'44
' OlOB6 tAelisei ; ,e':
) e , W ernrdirato Thi47 *as Demo-
oulearel relied on the tatte , er /1!F•
WI ekßerq On, $1.4r1
tdeljr: inj Wier coon the toff
I ,ol' 9/!/ *kit .In. the,mPleork*B
11111.11 0431.111ti1i P.
- • "'mity ifJ. •
/ Sun rfse,f! , ,, ;8;602 sits . 622
hoais 44,6iinutee.
•. . .
STAMP OP tillittOlolletnit ••
`l . ! ; A‘ . 2`F. M.
MuidaY,' ' 74° 'B6°
Tuesday. . 74° \ 82'
Wednesday, 76° - ` 810
Thursday, 70° 70°
latirday; '
• ``Jimmie" Ennis, ofreliz's saloon notor
let*, was serionslphutt at the old depot on
Wednesday, by \ a casting Wing on his legs.
. 1
Hanel Fiii. roinrs.—A. new brick '-house
'not finite finish In In Werth Ninth street, be.
you, Elm, tum bled do‘m, lastmight during
lb° rein. storm
INntrry Cpisncila tof PhiladelPida, bf the
'Order AnlericArk • liechenica, will partici.
;pate in the grand parade that • to take
placein Lancaster next MOW, - •
, •
an T bit at Mart& a ' Varieties, a abw
zensation. klecondA ig ',of Conela Joe and
Plaine Blaaehe. 'The perfortnahee is un•
autvassid by any othe r in the city. gver y
body delighted. ,i It
. i
GEIGER d Buo.rtma,(William and Charles)
No. dill Penq street', have just ' received, and
'are opening: . .thelatliest lot of boots ' , Apes/
l ists,,. caps, strawsoo4 furs, trunksivalisesi
;he;, that ere* before -vane to 'Reading.—
'Everything they have livof the latest style,
end will be sold at the most reasonable pri:
:nee. Call and, examine, :and , price their
pods—Penn street (North side), between
Fourth and truth,? , fBept.:ll-2i.
Court . re s --The testimony in the caseof Mi
elnel &used vs. Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
of Berko county, closed at 101 o'clock this
'lnerning. The arguments of counsel and the
charge of the court will probably occupy
nearly the whole afternoon.: A report of the
case mill be given tomorrow.
- The case of G. Dawson Cole Man vs. David
tevan and Jacob Potteiger, was continued
yesterddy afternoon . , apon the application,
and at costs of the'de ' .. But one more case
remains for trial at th . term. . '
Tee RAw.-IYestarday, and last night the
rain descend ed the floods came. Theie
was no uncertain movement in die clouds,
and no one doubted that it rained—ill de.
Oared it a'regular old-fashioned rain. ,There
was 'a patthring, a splashing,* , rushing and a blowingl—a storm. It was a rain that was
grehtly needed,ind it did good non the right
and left—at the top and bottom-in the hew
ire and at the circumference." The 'whither
is not yet settled. The Schuylkill river and
its tributaries in this vicinity are much swol•
len, and yellow as clay. There will be a
freshet, if much more water will fall.
BLOODY Flan. -l-TWO men, named Adam
`Nib°ld ano Conrad Bower, vre're: ougate ,
last night—or, rather early this morning."
During the night therhad a difficulty about
'an umbrella m a beer saloon ih the North•
western part of the 'city. About 2 o'olock
a. m. 4 re both were apparently on their
:way ho e, one attacked the_ other with an
axe-han le, when they went at it in regular
tsmighAnd-tamble style,pounding and biting
:each '
,other' fearfully. When the parties
;were discovered(Bower appeared to have
Ole upper-hand, he being on tot O ffi cer
Haggerty, assisted by several o f o the r police
men, arrested the parties, an cOnveyed
'them to the station house, -This morning
they presented. such a frightful appesxance—
*being etvered all over irikh mild and blood
— 4 -that the Mayor had them conveyed home
in a wagon to change their clothing before
!giving them a
.hearing. One of them was
Also taken to a physician's office to have his
wounds dressed. At the heAring both had
`their beads tied up, and piesented a very
-pale *appearance. Each had lost a large
quantity of blood. The axe"-handle was
produced; and was 'covered with . blood half
its length. Each swore that the other had
been the assailant, and there was -no one
who had seen the comNiancement of the
'affray. Each wad fined $4.26, for • street
fighting, and discharged. The affray oc
curred on Buttonwood street, near the
corner of Eleventh. Beside swollen peepers
one had a terrible gash in the head, and the
'other had lost a piece of his upper lip.
PROP. E. A. Blillo.--4110 publis will be
pleased to , learn thnt. this distinguished Pi
anist will give a series of Musical Entertailf-'
meats, SW Fall anti hinter, in our city-s=he,
'having alrasuly engtOl some of the best tidz"
'ent in We country to rissibt him. Our read
era mai, re ember that, ,some three or four
years AA, the Prof. "Aiwa number of Con
certs, which were greatly patronised 'and
greatly praised, He has rep!:tetion, of being
tbe best: peiformer on the piano in this sec
tion of. country. We • copy the 'following
.criticism, which, was published in a Reading
Inewspaperin the Spring Of 1.864. The Article
;was written by . one of the moat prominent
business men in the community, but who
,has made mush: his study for zebra, duriag
his leisure hours: "This Pianist (Prof, B.
A. Berg) has just finished his education at the
'fountain of dui Fathers of the Art, in \Oer;
'many, and will henceforth devote his splen
did,talent to POO°. Words ~6innot: toPvey
biaroiling thunder of the balui. 'Bin perch
'upon the altiosimo is with such neat distinct
ness as to elicit points of light similar to
ft t
:those 'witnessed:ln the petform ee' Of Ole'
all. ' The crirpness ,or Oa tto passa
is not more surprising than e - etre:m
g:richness oftheaoitannt6 . lll g 411'0312,6h
gio'entangled difficulties of Gottsohalk with
opyllarke wo 10)49p.ktimpoia0 7 ,400,0ush
Ike Nimpleitiiidody. HU stile of angering
Ike simplest '
04,44 y on.the) $O4O A mad ,'with.
'4O .cteScang: i .• dimipens3o. SI espy bind Of
'Weld,•will gkve.hini rink With hid*,gaila
,iiill: Giousook. s , 14;1:Worth the intunclaus
, t o ok iiii(i him'm soputot Alivisswra
to . ,,waiug,were want 14 look itit Wald WV
. ( 1 1 , IN; bilitng of thelaitielitt4 MOO Bankli
. I
Tuo ''iOreet t t the 041311,-thiVieltible
kemedy or, Fttionulttiftn i ,t4 luz
Spreiritioa Ili.olsob; Chan s,
JOinta, SOU' Moat!, tuld pain of say
sort and front 'anytime, is Di: nominee
Magnetic OS. 60 ets. and V s 00 pot Wok,
Anl94oll,ilduse, ; biog. <lo-1
d Wititie ' 41 Inahm ''
5 XV Oa frielt 8 s fix r,e•
iteray hair thur nae the *too
led tep, pot,
cato t o article i 431,( , , lA' e'
isle and , A. my WU* ' ,' ' ' '1: WWII 4
Bin's Vegetable ►
Arnb ~ J en. we are in
cPertlatik itkaitPoples l lo ll More deeiri•
to lad leis objectional eiinalit* than any
other in the market. i n restores krey or :fa;
ded hair to ita Menai color in a moat re
l'iukikb/tivailigliefAta II ifig intrtirki
Ind soot %properties removes all dm
and hrnnore 4 him those:loli =l:live it a fair
la andyou cativo t fail to like it. aug 18-1 *
I, I)
t -
Nearer ta... kh64'.llU
SP Ate
, 1414vr
b.' '' .''' t— •wiritaribe ' gov
fated. Oa shiiirtemi(of.theiovies'
v isoclux dep:. ivolootwo *logkir
means, the , 14q1AWsi lel hlk
flees elute t irty.iirtnaillapeigtourrtoP to- '
• Qur Souther ti brethren led by some de , '
muogues, erred and 'hoe ,been punished
witkthe bayonet old diliastition during a
tout, years' was. ' Now they bow*" *A.
dna and recognise the gorlutnenti we
bare to act 'with nutgasminitY, l 2 l l 4l6 Vothre
the States to their coalejtational - sae
South erred but acted Mealy an, bravely.
We; more poWerral, had_ Oollivick. 'his
better to hare ithem as Mends' ill a hippy
'country than 44 OnbdelykottottdMl top des°'
Wed country.. , A hippy, ;unite eigiywherei
thatis what wewant.- .:. ._ :!
Stow iq dead and freediu
the tountry,but tbd gr‘Amnis
have not shown yeti buy lus tily
them to equal. rights wi l ;
*cry nation is the wo ,
his position in bon= • e 1
not the 001**I Peoilto,k4vi
''ti'lly . should tbe. , nigam i
people; be forted to a, .
they belong to f 'That is .sr i
want. The overburdened wig)
by the day's lobor, shall e*J
and not be troubletWith,,hlgb
the frauds on the governmenf
for . office . seekers * . the', gob
bohdholdera r a at ,array
people's „free 'will—that ii. 1
And as a les4ee we Want 11.
the flee will of all the_psoOlde .
and not a man who knows 4
demagogues Who want a,.;gm
And n 0731044 OM if WO)
let us try tt, and not teltow ' 1
keep up the batthrtrYi stick
ftle's blood, Sad destroy Ole hap
1110111811. No, not this, but'si.har
ill- 7 6st is wha,lowe want. '
pesirak oirThoOl44 II: Oilexaawiu
HARTFORD, 0011[1: 1 ' % Pt: O.
Thomas q: Sejimotte die* at
this city, at 8:80 this evini
fever, aged 61 years. Erfiirtui
ill i
Middletown „ A
ditary Inatitutvla‘
and practiced he profeasiolk ; 'ilidi•reptieseli.
tativo in Con retie fkom this State Nkm 4848
to '1846. In 1846 he went to Mexico iiii a
major in a Niw England regiment, and was
promoted toe l coloueley. In 1860, Ike' was
elected flov4nor or Connecticut, and wed
re-elected thtee times; ~ waa Attitkisterte
Russia during Pierio's . adminisitition. lie
was a prominent member ef the , 14 1 44.0 11 19
fraternity at thetimikdif 1 411 1 40).‘
The 'clf
linahlit!o* 11 4 011 1$ 0 , 1 1 . A t ke Walla
Uolllollr% UM* • .3
WILMINGTON, DO4 l 'Sept. ,11 . - ! = Tki? , PAPI
cal victory turns out to be .
The majority for Xrkifir la 44;
instead of 100. 1 int. for some 41 #0) other
- candidates the vqte is much closfr.
Delaware is all right for 841:1101* stud
Blair. • . : ' • • • - •
Large nersocatie psi*. ' •
RUTLAND,I44O.• 4i—lteturns (rein
208 tovfne site a i,epubilean Majnrit,y7 l )2s',.
998, with 88`toine,to Eger ktnu, whin are
expected to reduce the trigjorityL considers.
' The Democrat* have largely increased
their vote, while the Republicans have iosti .
fro* rpesent appearances, over 2,900 . votes
since 'the OecOen of Lincoln;
;The DeniiieraitiSvOte hail increased 50'Per
cent. on an average, thrciughout the State.
The Legislature, as far •ai heir& froni,
stands 185 Republicans to 4 Democrats. .
FAR and near tbrotithout the tYho be
Country, the newspapers teem with the won*
derfpl cures performed, by Dr. • Russell's
Itaguptio Oil. 60 els. and $1 00per bottle.
erican Rouse; Reading'. Emig. 17-tt
Lion? has just received alarge lot of
pure, fresh drugs and medloinei v of all
kinds. Thope who Alegre the Pure'ar;iele,
(and who does nott)ite would adriaa them
to go to him. His prices are reasonable,and
he waits upon all ins customers in a prompt
and gentlemanly manner. All prescriptions
are put tip in the Most careful /manner, and
there is no danger of {nit/mistakes oc•
i The .Doctor has a 150,4 kinds of toilet
*tides 1 for sale,— , olls 'lwashes, , soaps,
brushes, combs, itc., l4q. . -
Remember the place-. No. 1 Notth Fifth
',street. L aug 21-1-w.
'4 1 9 1 T 3 , t ) 4.1 -4
Oevi.2 r. st
i Scr ia :m pe rib‘... - . , , d . .
I r mo %
, " ; 1 :- : • 1 , . •
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PleXAd. A : • • •
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vital toil
mtiump An 4 stesm't - _ $8 50
i,.. ----4 broken ,
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