1:1 II Ei EADINGI PA.; ' •lerrilmalt ;848 • CITY ND COUNTY* =E:l== TEII3 MAN ABOUT TOWN.' ,7soi•tt,Yotuur,BUoL bee been rtapgointed tie ,of Ike tmeipiterg othi BOAS Oofurpr Prlsog..4=—Thr u sogi , Aids" Anil thC"gositeef',utttliep,e "ay.". 1 big, I.)antt crowd atoned thicieliat tifeulaitst 01Slh i. .04 --ildgrsdonf • 'Orion . is 'riots.' hags ' a good ons housecwded . A lumber wagon beavili ro i r odid.bound for Geiger win, broke daimon Penn . *Wet yesterdeier--L- The annoying dim will icon be among the missing. ---Reg. Peters ;110 *sired and twooPled the tall of thqi Bodo* of Uniireitailsts of tide` dig, and will enter upon his duties , at an 400 , 47.7-- Thelelds are being plowed sad pit in order to re ceive the seed for if:46lA brita4.-T- 1 ;--4: A. Nicholls, Esq., the klapertntendent: Pt our relit roads, has ordertd that.all *Midas ; f a ir ; p a w : 4o o 6 at our reir,bebrought to Oldreturn.l frei of cbarge.- ,- - -- A map front 'Hamburg.. w/iOll O main° we did not learn, had One of hie, toes &imbed, last evening, while getting 1p the OX o'clock u train: freight can ran' Off }rack lase evening, it the Walnui`atreet brldge,t Mote traveling oil the Reading relfrOadthie iseason,than at same time last year.4ltOTO dealers of our spiv start In fall trade right brisk, Everything endeth—but we hope the street rifilWay proleet has not ended.—i—Persone who take ,qp s news papor in i hotel, should remember that there may be others who wlsh to read arid therefore should replace them when finished reading,---Pcreom Who use disrespectful language toward their . lei eiants,cannot be faithfully served. Some ruf fians bad a knot& down on the corner of Tenth and • Penn Arleta abbot neon reetelr. ".There were no polloe about Just at the tune a 4 ecinaeouintly no i arrests were made,-+---A beautiful Arasispareney, . contalhing allConOlif of tioilnidur and Blairrand, a deeilwation of principles, has been Awed in Mont the Demeerittlo C lub Room, In Olgth street, sbe've Penit.---=-A Walking Match recently took place In Noith Fifth street, Two men; walked away without paying their board bills. *ono lost on matoh-11200 4 ----4lvent radish , -horie. rad lilid-:- -William Still, holding out at Mishler'e hotel, gives a splendid Shavee--- , Penn streetlast even- Itig presented a lively appearance, as usunl.N---: Last evening two tnen In a buggy drove up Wash: legion street and created quite asenfatioit; by One of them playing "Champagne Chariey" op a vlb lin.----4nother ' fishing party out yesterday. tut they didn't "ketch? any It-----Boot blacks are be; coming a necessary 'institution It this city.---- , The Williamsport ble3nnarehor will hold(' ple-nie oq Monday next. Several gent emen and ladles from this city will' partiolatii.--:-- 1 -A number of boys are in the habit of getting on' he cars, ne they, are in motion. at fleyonth apd Ilsnaillreotl. 'Some day wowlll record thif . deat,hof one of them . Too cream dealers' . harreSt is 'drawing Oa close. Irendet ,welil-r----The word 090 is not a plea sant on *On on this delta day of lieptember-i and yet e are summed that . Ibis forernnierof win{ ter has already made. Its aPpesianee In the middle part of our State. ho Pennsylvania State Fair will,ba held at Ilarrbantri, oonimenelng On the29th of Soptember.—The IlVa min is like a little pig, .he laGenoa young and beline to rest , early.------ A goo d title--" The Pettit:l6W' Is suggested fu a title for the literary lad les' einb.—The live man tenet 'ahem a'deep` thlfiliekhe i Tuve at coneln• • lions last as a frog dui. rind don't alWns lend at the s pot hits lookln' at.—tr A large number of beats • *sing , down the Selidyllllll earuil.-:- . --inie live Wan Is like's decoy duck, niwayatibove water. and !lies at least etshtkenpionthewh year.;-----Din; stein's Drlvlns: Park Ii rapidly approaching coin.: pletlon.-4--A little child, who wandered on the , sited iesterd*Y• Ost4O hoar beat ran over, la front' of tho Naar.* 9fitee, 6l -•----4he live man RAU up like a kotton Mimi, and halal got any more tithe thins skool boy' has flaturdaY afternoone 111 r. ,Olirrloombe, one of the moat efficient drivers on the panel, .htis gone to blaiounk for II short t im 0 hy pu health. - ----A nanber Of droves et Ana , beetle Pained through the city yesterday , destined ,1114InnICOPole• to supply the Philadelphia marked t "Att attempt Is being made to 'resters ,the old, :NM nod .hlah waste lora 4 7 oirgrandmotherx. e young lady wbo was Nolen with horror, and übseouentlY melted Into tears, pis carried out and outlined to a watery, gravo.—'ilin to mato crop la unusually fine 141 s year I the OA be ing large. , luscious and in:Orient. There is no vegetable or garden fruit that Is more healthM t or that is now in more general use for cooking.-- , The season of to- year is fast approaching' when the happy falr days will come. Old and young; little and big, male and female-all attend, and are happy. Fair days pre holidays-rural Eolldays- , and delightful ones; too.--The fay flowers of rummer are fest fading-fleeting away. in a garnl-, titre of golden, grave-glom—The pretty mil ' liner 'lranian of Reading are preparing for a lively 'fall trade, and their windows display's tempting array Of all that Is charming to 1 man'ser,ee. 'Shore's a gentleman up town so onsideratefor the comfort of 'others that he won't have a mosquito • canopy over his bed. Ile wouldn't dePrive even a galfinipper of fillfilling Ake evident ends of hi, oreatlon.— , -An eel, has, been caught in, the Schuylkill river, measuring •three feet' In 'legth and, several , Iphes,in dia'metei,--The patent medlolne man exhibited last eioning a tape worm which was tbrty-two feet long..,—A large asso rt= ment of stationery at the Rolle bookstore.---- , There 'will be a sauerkraut Inneh given, at the Union Garden Saloon, 4)01 Pennstre et, oil Satutdsi evening,. Sept. IL' Sie'rlidvertisoment. .. D. L.—Green, meet Fifth, 7/-, No. Y. "• Rol, meet Fifth, 8 1 No. 8. • Yellow, Meet Fifth, 71, No., 0. Sept. 8-11 1 D. L.—Brown, meet Shah, 8, N0..2: Purple, meet Sixth, 71, No. 2. Blue, meet Sixth, 74, No. 1, Black, =ht. Sixth, B,' at No. O. White, meet limth, 8, at No. 2. Sept. 8-lt . . ' . . The Dispatch is publishing Gorman di. Whits. We hope, the Germans oaptell what they moan. If soirthey will have hotter suc cess than those who have been bored with the English ones in the tame paper. •• READING Thapsysaai.—TA change of.viiit; lug physicians to the Oispeasary t Was made on the first loot. sM:atorivP. F. and R. M. Nagle have been' 'appointed. to attend, at • the Institutiondaily for , the next two hionthe. Pomos AVFAIRB.—Thero wore no cases for disposal byy the Mayor this morning. " But one itedividaal , occup ied the apartment knowh as "The Lock-up during the night ? and be was a weary, footsore way-tarer, who *ad been incarcerated of his • own accord, and who early this morning purshed his journey. • - ' 4 , 00.1471170 A Jolts TOO VAR.—On Sunday, during the religions setrices is he. market house, a certain party "in a joke,",.carried .off a pair of shoes which a boy bad hung oil p Not The,ilnly's father 1,1404 thit keep; Jog the !limes four days is c4tryiug *joke tal fir, and he blonde to ".tuttlte an exeniPle ' • of the joker if the shoes are not r4tutned. ' UK Adams County ‘AgricultirnVEkiclety wilt hold its sjith annual exhibitidn at Get tysburg; on Tuesday l lVednesday Thursl day l Sept. 22d, 23d and 24th, Ae,half info track has been put in excellent 'Condition, and a premium of $lOO is .offered for the best 'trotting horse-:—opeu to the world. A bile attendance is expected ) and:a Sae dis play vitt no: doubt be made. • litnumultilfor the nom. • • 13111 , U:KM i. 1 ' %Ow Meeting Was held leevening by the Democracy of Third ard, for the purpose of nominating dela gitis to the County Convention, to be voted for on Satutday,,neat. The following named gentlemea wee no:nip:4o : -Dr. El. M. Na gle, Wm . Ort hP..l/4 4 aucks. Dr. H. M. Newle_presidda_ l ,and A.s.Bass aman and Samuel Ker Per, Emirs" acted as Secretaries. At was the largest primary meeting ever held in the ward. • - . . 00ARCIR 011' Tnirre.—Sußan Strad camp before Aldeiman' Mengel yesterday after , noon and made complaint • against Sarah Strata for stealing a gold breastpin worth $1.60. It appenro that , Sarah kept this valuable pin in a drayier with other valuables rand did not use it often. A few- days ago .she wanted the pin, bat could not find 4 1 that it was Stolen. She call e 4 and suspee ' at Allen tel's Pawn,prOee Oleo sin found that t had been pawned ' there for twentrfive cents by Sarah. Other Delhi made the arrest. • She gave bail for her appearance at court . I Tlis ungrammatical donkey who attempted to cover uphis bad Englishwithworse Latin; in the Dispatch of Tuesday, never voted the Democratic ticket in his life. What, right has such a niggCrite to disgrace a decent par ty by calling himself "A Former Democrat?" As ho .fightslinder the,black flag, he should not jsi afraid. to sail under it. always. How: 'Ofer:',tbe blind follower of a Cowardly infidel, like Carl Schurz, cannot be'oipeited to pos sess either brains or honesty. No doubt he did his best in the way of for the pa. vira l " but his friends should see that he is properly cared foi 3 Ond kept out of the street when the Am:A.4OII(T comes 'arou n d . It ' Masittici or Loose AsswitmoNs. The folloWing named qgtiniaations will ho - 4 :their . regular stated. , meetings•this . (Tnun Day) evening t Reading Lodge No. 880 Temperance Hall. Reading Lodge No. 848,1. 0. of 0. F., at Odd Fellows' Hall. Reading Council No, 40, 0.17. A, M., at Elitliada's Hill, Penn' street. • Montgomery _Lodge No. 69 1 1. 0/ of 0. F., At Odd Felluwa' Mnhlenbergodge; . U. D. 0. 11., ot Yek ger'S Hall,,Penn street,, • Pilgrim Ciiele No., 20, B. U., at Brother. hood of U. Hall. , , Binrioool44lWavAikiegoteAtiti-toitikiti that the report putts' eircalation: by soma eenct4- that he .bed 4gpreevied, him& iu favor of the idegjimf oi Grant and Colfax, was not Uwe.' lie 'says. thot he vrins bonfs D l 4 l l9, lll 444,lapvti.tei.ldie f4i 1 . 440 that be ltdiil4 Ilk, thet irbo eerintite4 the report to root him ' , when be wf prove to his entire istisfietleint .41tketri"sflevidentli that whit - he Asserted wsa an notitiget Wifehood. • iMPROVO#ENt.--;The pt4erty holders along Third street, from Pine to canal, have late ly been making veatiMprovements in,front of their dwellings—by stay of.chaving the curbs set, gutters paved, and filliug up and relaying pavements. Some- have pee' to considerable expense in raisingthe i ' side walk to the regulation height, but the looks, and value af thOii property have beeu.-in treasql thereby. The bad weather, will soon be UpOn us ; When the benefits •of good side walks will only be riilly realized. • • • Ilan oy THU FLY.---The fly has its UM.— He servos to keep bald•headed sinners await() at church'On a warm.aumtrer's day, so that thejr anre'goneratud heartirmay be 'touched by the pretiched•word. Ho also encourages the ofinvention l inducing the inventive I to tax their brains in contriving fly-traps.— oho flying trapeze has no connection with flytraps.) As it is through trials alone that apatient spirit reaches its'full complete de, velormefit,lho fly isvniefuli agent in the good werki,for. the, man who Can patiently cifiddre the persistent efforts of a fly to alight upon a warn* day, ' has very nearly reached tha perfeetien of ration! beatitude. , • AlAgail Lodge No. I t gasoniciLatlios ' Penn itiodt. Symmetry Lothro.No. 108, I. 0. of 'O. 1?., • A.LLENTOW.N, PA., August 81st, 1868. To Mr. E. D. Reichard • , • AGENT GOOD. WILL GIFT ENTERPRISE.- Owing to ii considerable number of tickets remaining unsold, as well as coupons unre turned, we have been Compelledto postpbne the drawing of the Good Will Enterprise for a short time, which fact you•will 'please an nonotb to intorekted Parties in your neigh borhood. • -Front the rate et which tickets have been issued of late, however, *0 *are encouraked in the belief that they will bo all disposed - of in a bery'short time, and•to this end wo are now go,ttlng h gods, such •as pianos, sewing machines, forniture, •&ei, which you.aa d,your friends are invited to in spect as opportunity may offer., .To the end that the drawing may come off at the, earliest poSslblednyore would reppectfolly urge you 'to renewed exertion in , the pale of tickets.— If each one of our agents could sell,say from twenty to forty tickets, in 4ddition to those already sold , the draw ing could come off in a week's time. Solon may see the time is not far distant: Respectfully, . Sept. 8-2 t • Wm. F. Wow; Chairman. . THE Wlitsxsi TAX.—Conimisaioner Rol- lins has just issued a circular with reference to the whisky tax, in which' ho says: By sec tion fifty-eight of the act of July 20, 1808, it is provided that all spirits forfeited to the United States, sold by order of the court,and any 'distilled spirits 'condemned before the p_assage, of the act and in possession of the United States, shall be su yet to tax, and the purchaser shall immediately, before he takes possession of said spirits,pay the tax thereon; The spirits aoldare subject fiLtax without regard to the'iqiiestion whether or not the tax has been previously paid thereon. The tax td,be paid is'fitty gents per wino:lat. ion when below proof and per proof gallon' when shore proof. " he special tax of four 'loiters 'per barrel iinpbsed upon distillers for each barrel in excess of one hundred barrels produced 'by them is not'applicable ; nor is the tax of like amount imposed upon spiritsin bonded warehouses at, the time of the passi4e, of ,the net; This being substan tially a, rieiT tax aceruing'upip the . sale of the spirits,, it will he pa y able in 'the district where the sale is'made. • "When, therefore, a sakfie, made by the marshal,' he will. require the purchaser to deliver to' him the receipt of the dolloctor of the district in.which' such sale is made for the tax du upon such spir its, which receigwill bo exnuted on form IQS, and tnnst, also he signed by the assessor or an assistant assesso r , s :who will also enter the m e amount upon his onthly list: The bar rels must also be marked with tho name of the inarahal and his official title ) the date of sale, Ma the words "Tax Paid," dither with. a stenell'plate er brilading iron, until 'some further provision is ins i de for the identifica- , tion of such packages. , . LA Negro one hundred an , , eight years old is living in Monmonth;eonrity,N. & s now.. Long Branch. His name is Pheletns 'Wit.' son, and he retains all his faculties. Roya .#i g hOsis 'HitWillia m of Wurtinihurg retie* the Cadets at Vest Point on PridiYibi the ; preseh e e of altirge and brilliant *ldiotic% SECOND . :':EDMON.';' 0 - - *LOCK Et' 14 • -:' . I flan rises .686 f• Sun seta ,' 026 thlines !awe" 12 hours 40 mitintes. RATS OP TOP,llllolOrtatt.' 7 A. M. ; 2P. M. 74 ° 80 0 74't 82° 78° . ' 81° io° . 70° lionday, • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs y day, da dayS ,, ur, ORNAT hit at lined . gra s s. t ieliea ft now i l sensation. Second ni g ht bt ' usin J oe and Statue Blanche. Th in is un surpassed by anrothe ut the . city . Every. body delighted. i It A cowatow .oceurred. near the Lelmnon Vallei 'railroad Round 'louse last evening t by which ii.number of coal oars were thrown of thwtra6k. The accident was remedied in a - short \time, and tho cars returned to their positiOn.--lfarrleburg State Guard. SUDDEN FALL .OF BROAIDSTUill.—Yester. day afternoon, between 4 and 6 o'clock., Mr. Sauppe's baker wagon broke down at the cornet-dor rifth and Laurel streetb. The bread and cakes rolled out , on tho street, to the delight of the boys who witnessed the catastrophe GRIdEII it Baotaxa,(William and Charles) No. 481 Penn street, havojust received, and are opening, the largest lot of boots, shops, hats, cape , atm* goods, furs, trunks,valises, &c., that ever before, canto to Reading:— Everything they have is of the , atest ' style, had will be sold at the most riasonable ces. Call and' ' examine y and price their goods—Pena street (North side), between Mirth and.Vifth. Sept. 8-2 t. BEAUT7FVI4 TOANBPARENCl.t—Yeilterday t very largo and handsome transparent y was placed in front °Nile Democratic Head 'quarters, eornerof Sixth and Penn streets. It was illuminated last evening, and attract ed the 4ttent(on of all the pedestrians who passed that way. The tranepareney hae a triangular - shape, ono side of which rests agalast the wall. Of the sideti that are turn ed joward the street, one contains hand some paintings, in oil, of Seymour and Illair,surrminded by wreaths and appropriake l designs ;. the other side contains the follow{ ing, each sentence painted in a different • color Democratic ITeadquartere. One currency for every ono. The bonds shall ho paid 411 the contract was made. Let us have peace and the w4ges of labor increased. NoTreedchan's Bureau to spend the tat mere money to raise the negro over the white man. Justice to those who fought, rather than protection to thoso who stole. No.aristocrats in a Republic No enslaving. of the plowholder to enrich the bondholder. • COURT PROCEEDINGS. Reported by Louie Riebards, Attorney at Late. No. .580 aut.& Btreet lIFTEgtiTil DAltt-7-W NEBDAT. The East Penna. Rail R od Co. vs. Aaron Rower. •26 Jan. T. t 1807. Judgment by consent for pin's. for 8280 QZ and costs,. D. Ermontrout and Hagerman for Offs. F. L. Smith for, deft. Jacob Stnb vs. Jonathan Mindoro. 1151 Jan. 'P.,' 1800. This was' an action of tres pass to recover damages from' the deft, for ent.eting upon the lands of the plff. and cleaning out a water ditch. without; authority for the act. The plaintiff, and ono, Jona than Dundore,) were fermerly owners as ten ants in common of a tract of 182 'acres of land, in North Heidelberg township. Jona, than Dutulore died in .1,885, and lits interest in the land was mauled ' by the defendant from his administrators. On the lath of September, 1844, the glen owners entered into an site% of agreement for the., division of *land beta en them, in which' Stub covenanted to grad and maintain to Dundore the .right to nio the water from a Certain spring on the land of the fdrmer, for tho"purpose of watering his meadow, provid ing ; no , damage was *ono by Mindoro in eleabing out the watercourse. On the 81st of December, $45, deeds well 3 executed in purautinco of the agreement, 'the deed from Dundore to Stub, containing a provision. by which Dundore and those claiming under him .were forever debarred from coming upon the land of Stub for any purpope. Aft?r giving this' deed in evidence, the plaintiff showed, the fact. of the entry of the defend ant, upon his land with his teams in Nov. 1805, and the carrying away of the sod from. the channel-of the ditch, in order to start the flow of the water, whyeh had become oli structed. So diffuse was the testimony and so coni. plicatod the details in this case, that a full history of the same would greatly transcend reasonable limits, besides furnishinga narra tive of vastly inferior interest to the public than to the litigating parties. It will be suf. ficient, therefore, to remark here that the position taken by the defence was, that when the deeds for the respective portions of land and for the 'fa* right came to be drawn np, in /846, the j plff., ?n fraud of- the contract, withheld hie execution of the latter convey ance, in consequence of which the parties were remitted, ,ris to their rights, to the pro visions of the original agreement, upon which the deft. relied;for the justification of the act herein complained of. The question of the rhofraud was submitted by the Court, as ihe matter of fact to bo determined by the jury, who - returned a verdict in favot of the defendant. Green and J. S. ltichards for plff. • F.l. Omith for deft. . , The School District of Vongswamp Town• ship vs. Henry Trexler. 62 April T. ,1800.` ,The deft. was one of five persons who 'were drafted on the 81st of May, 1804, to fill the quota of ,Longswamp township. For each of these men the township put in substitutes on the Bth ()Ono° followieg,at a cost of $6OO each. By a resolution of the School oard, • the directors had been authorized to ay to each of theArafted men $BOO. The xcess or $2OO, it was contended by the : plff. was advanced,towards obtaining the 'substitutes uPon the ciprere condition that it ahoUld be refunded to the , township, / and fel., this amount, with interest,a recovery vos mutt ' in'this action. ' Thende ft . contended that e had entered into no such arrangement, and that the $2OO paid by the School Board was an unauthorized expendituregthe township fund's, for the misapplielition of •which they, and not himself, were personally liable. • This ease was tried before in this court, at April term,lBB7. Irma thdt trial the' mem. bets of the School Board were, offered as wituepses to prove an agreement ' of the deft.; to ( refund the $2OO, but tho court rejected' their testimony _as to the . alleged cowl tract withi , the defendant, on the' ground that t ey a had a direct interest in are cover), by the -plffs. in order . to exempt themselies from', liability ; to the toil* ship for the tniipaYment of the Money, but admitted it tq.prove . the setiou-of the Board. The Court churgedthejurithet there limo not ME 40 , 114ii , 44016***4 o ths plirs.tlaiso 104 that their ieritikisatk, fot *OWL • To ,this' ehargclexie - Plion *to by the counsel for *bit plffs: tind the tarried - tip to 'the' sre Court, , This tribunal Ara the rail g 4f the Court i below in excledi !hi tee away *Me School Bisectors as to the express eon tract, but held: that they were in error ; le stating that there was no evidence to sup. port the'plalittilre trisiray the law imputing liability on the part of the i defendant, to re fund the $2OO, from his request Oho School Board to adsoace the money. Alter evidence as to the facts of the Cate and a brief Argument of counsel, the C•0130' read to the jury the opinion of the Suprt-Fts' Court,instructing them that ander , tlint °put• ion their verdict Inuit be for the pleintiffiL erdict for plitir. Tot' $250 76. Bechtel feir pia: J. B. Ittchazda for deft. 61 811XTUNTH DAT-TIII'ItHDAY. • • Venus Seidel tor the ttio of Ww.llesettertj assigeee,'ve.tho School District ofltiebmond -township. -80 Nov.- T. 1880. PDF. takes non• Suit, 'Decker for Ot t ' J. 8. Ilicberas for den. • Miami Baosianiii. Mutual Sr+ !M o rale+ Comriany l of Berke Co., Oz trig, , Frei* GeOlitia—K•ire. et eir'llvitsi''rewa• ? Savatormi; Sept. g,—The negtoes on the outskirts, of the city are causing considerable trouble. They are urmeil arid ly e and stop tannin on the roads leadiog to the city. The country folks aro compelled to go is parties of ten to tirenty win* they came' to market. A • boy has mysteriously disappeared, 'and it is seppoieil that he hi* been murdered by negroos. • RiPT4AND, .Vi.) EWA, 8.---111rns /AI% RS yet been ceteived from only h f ,llitets: Theygive Edward's, Dem., 051, and Pace, Rad., 28,ai1. The Democrats claim an increase or awe. oral thousand votes since layoar, and state that the Radicals have made no increase of moment since Lincoln's election. There' is , great • jollification *along the Republicans, firing of: salutes, /to, TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY THURSDAY, Sept. 8.- The Maine• Repulieans hopo for ,rrit creased nojority, While' the Deinocrate,'who do not expect a victory there ? ' aro working hard to decrease the Radical vote. .„ A Pronebmnn, named Jean was murdered in Middidex county, N. .1" ; on Saturday; in a personal , quarrel. His skull was crushed, with a club. No Oral., The Now York Demderatie Conrention met at Albany yesterday. Mayor IVT.Hoili / man was nominated for Governor, by 'idols-, matiim, and the Convention ,adjourned Until to•day. • The Massachusetts . Democratic Conveu4, tion niet at Boston yesterday,' WI .Oontinfitl ed John Quirley Adams for Elovernor. It appears that a warrantihas been Isette4 for the arrest of Internal it Revenue .Coznials , sionor Rollins in conneetlonv.ith'the ariest4 on Tuesday. for revenue frauds in New York The QenTlisaiener..denies,that 'there' is' 'an foundation Air charges of fraud against Mul l and declares that ha will disregard,tho war) rant of arrest. ...• . . , • ' , • ' • l Judge Wylie, of the Suprenie C(410,041 A 0 District of Columbia; has decide 4 that, thit trials of Government officers . charged,. , vith fraud must be held at gni. ` place `viheroc. the alleged fraud wee' committed. Thit rase arose out of an attempt hy a Detrcift . 'court to take jurisdiction of a cave of this kindiris.' lug in Washington. . . ~ • ' , 1 :: An "Association of ' the •Artily' of' , tl4 Jamea" was formed yesterday, at DostOn,4 oftl'eers who had served in! that arniy. „ Gon - DeV i ens was chosen :Prellident, and thcro' wa a bthiquet last evening. • ,'., : ', Who cattlo plague Coratnissionerain` Nevi Ydrli met yesterday and. ordered 'a ,vigid'ini sction of cattle intthat city and . neighbor} , 'hod. No now cases of tho disease are re'. po ted there.. . ' ' . • . . The Maryland Dew:4611410 Convention me yesterday, and , nominated candidates ref Presidential, Electors. The eleetois at large are Judge (sai'michtiel'and,John T. Mason. , John Colima has beep nominated for Con; gross by the Republicans in the Bedford disc I t tract n this State. . , , . • ; • I 1 Ott rles ilaight has been renominated'for Congress by . the Democrats • of the Second Now Jersey District.. ' 1 The Alabami Legislature has been celled together on September 10th,, for the purpose of passing alregistry law. . . ' • , Dr, J. It. Redding has been nominated for Congress by the,Democracy of the Mill Dis. triet t .nomptiiiing Basks non* and the 28d ward of Philadelphia. • , . .: Mr' Burlingame and the Chinesegmbaki have irived in New `fork, whencetbey pie pose sail for Europe next Wednesdity." , Re oda of Indian depredations c o n tinue, Unit States troops and also !canteen) are being concentrated on the border •for. the protection of the settlers. A fire in Lawrence, Mass.,.on . Tuesday, destroyed property value 4 at ; s2o,ooo. • ' 'the difficulty with Minister:Webb,. on the river 'Plata, has been settled, lied that gen. tlemim has been ,allowed to proceed to his post at Assumption. - . • LOCAL NOTICES, • •! • - Fan and ' near throughout ,the Whole Country, the newspapers teem with the won derful cures performed by, Dr. ,Russell's Magnetic Oil. 160 cte. and $l.OO per bottle, American House, *fading. [aug. 17-tf , groun ittnE.:- 2 -Tiielargest .assortment jugs, pitchero l .butter pots, &e.,' &C., at duced prices, for sale byj. L. Btiel}ter;lo Penn street: . nug#2l)-8f • • , Ir our friend will use preparations for re. storing gray hair they should use the best in, the market: Our Attention has lately been called to an article which bait an extensive sale and very, high reputation; known As Ring's .Vegetable Ambrosia, and we fire in clined to think that it p6cisetees More desira: hie and less objectionable qualities than any other in the nicrket q •It rector/ gray or tag dod hair to ita original celorin a most, re; markrible Inthnner, 0 04: by' and soothing propeilitistealiiors ststkeiSlot luunois front ths wait: it whit V* 1 1 fail to Y', I 4P L nl i ...Alia from ilhiPP*OU , 44404t0404y Da:: Lanett' has** . ' *, kW girs44-,e4111,144 1, s ' ', i, of •., I hinds,. Those wh0.404a, pat silt (and• who does n04 ) .1110 "tad 04004 the to go', to ltnr•lllsiptitee are rhisoalible) he *mitt it 1411 bit Custddisittfiteirßop and gentlemanly Dimmer. Alt preseriptt are put up in Iho 3E4 cigo4.6 1 ."" 01. 1 " there is no danger of any mistakes ' , caging' - • , •, 1 'Ms Dotter-144464U ?Itlntli . ;el tenet articles fbr sale,--oi4, wsshea boil*. 1:1 , brushes, cora i le., the. • • . Remember : .tt , piktr1 7 44,9,.1 North Fifth street, • ' • - mit 21, -/ - IN It - , ._ . , k B 610141 £ WOK ilaskoVAilliirtik Gib ..4uOtoso omit • [ if kii • k Wm% E4Pt. 11_ 6%11181 .4, ._ ',. • . . - 4 I ::: lii le o kir; 1 k . 0 1 4 : .:. < 4 .5- ir l ialiso . 41 ' Mo- - ' w • Ofts, i 4 l „i ‘ . 1 ; 1 ;,., , o we id olit e : • , loasi . omit PHILADELPHIA MARKETS., so tar. •' ' . , VI. eal.. ..• .. ', • ORY:fittlit 'Wilma°. - ' • . # R LOUR. • # -• Gr. N. Lit 4 t. • - - ' eal• V 4l M • * • . OS ' opr e .1 0 l i e IN . . • • a, • k do OM' • - "•' '' . '' ,- Walt, Or bush . - - ey. i - . _ Priv. ' h. • • •• * 18,50838 vas Mess, - • - esllef. - - - • 1 In., 4 f ; r ~,,T . ho . elesrelds: -.. ' 3 - .,. ' 4 • - i irk(M__ 1 a tTliti Vita. 1 '. ' '=" 1901 1 t h a fal sn i tss i lted . ... • .- ... , 0 • y r jr, j . ot, 1 B re Verb i s hit: ' 4' '' 1 8 . 411 0 1 moths , - • - .4 2 ,' -t.4 y, y „-n .. • b . 6it . e %.•.,„4 I ;14 -- i snit 1. - It,' .° , ,ii r , oda* - ~ • • • 4 1 11 sa l 6 te drat,v i fr” .' i 1 4' a% 1 1 "1 8 90a ' Laggrtien• st II e VII . . . ...4 ii# t 4 1 4,DIFfi gP l 44:4Win 8%/4titlit • - ',,,,. •-, , , ,i• - :,- i • •• ~ . Beb :IC t!i : '• :iii 1411 rilr1:4141414 1 •• 1 )/ 1. 4 i Th si • , , 14; _ v"." , ,' - , ADD— 1, Nt . .....•!. 4 40 , , kt•••”1 1 7r% 4 , - I 11•"" r p rem« , t 0..? . .41111•• ,SI i11Tr i t.."417.7 , 141 4. liStitopsomptiopytati•kom. ~.,„. I', npp 11 1 . 11VirTrit 4 40641/14i4ini ' t r Pi t iMktreiiiNktrier:l ll9:ll ll V l i :::. : ;': ,;; 1 . ,, ,oniotivi„ 44444)4;4). . 1 ;11 . fy, l •_. I iii - of VI. Pr a et . 1, • .4:llllm t s ' iMotool..l.l i i . e`• , lc ' ' Me Atl , , ~) . ~.. .• ei 1111„; ~ W. 130 X .. .' ' '''' 11r"7 , II: ‘ afH ' li t il til .\ 47 .'' .1 Urli ."."' Vit . : . '; 1 tg • . , ...opto ',ot . 4 , • * • 11 • . are , '• 64tagliAil il' '48;Z:i171......:- SG "• , IMOAtifhi : .. 6 .19 1.4..... . 7 .! .. ilitg—flame, • u• r. ..1 k.# 0 • a `, ' ' 13116441, ',. '• iiiil e i - 00t”44.1. 1 ,. 111Din"" * .__ isiki . i. " U r l TlVßlOlitg e lt 1,<1."1tt0tt".tr , •!(”...i.7 .. eelifi i !t.lif ir44..ap , *•"' SI *I til.. " ' : ;g' ' ' ' V I p 1... , '751 li a • Ve, 1 .050... 1 T i f4P.1. 1 .1) 1 418 ' 4 t 00(14-1"' ME w it r a im a i. co i guy il a n o. 7 ... ... , • .....: 1. f ;', ,/, ' I 114#1410. Sept. kt. Ginnur ~ -ir50i k r..........4....4.. .....44 . . .1 • ~-: 1: . t..., 6 . ' o„ 2rl li rd o mt v ltittl • t. i. 4 * '• •'''' . 1 ":,' ••• Q 1 ,•1 filf IlriMer e • la•ibt r .. ';‘, 4 :: .....'• tfr i ninintj 411.4•444444145•144•144r0tr1rti11iiral ___'• l': - I ; 0 On r 0 ` • i‘ti iiiki” !i r. . P t= 1 . 44 hi. . r 4. 11°1 %. : ...".(. "3 # 0 r. ! 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