plum; fti:" 'if ^1 • Ar a cei g i t il . Miro oonstantly * on liiii4l l #o AB," Drift& • LUMP, DIMON, 0/ 1 20 1 ;,i10A 1 4,,1NT.L OBBECYBUT#NI) BITUILItOITB , BOAI HIOKORY aud:OAK WOOD LIMB AND BAND. ALuetptimpirooD BY 888 BA.RItVW: • • • Jar We deliver NO of ittnr.dilln tin? put toNsioNniiirolivi . ~t Iron eity-,1(all. RoOtaarant, j d B ... - wiNg lg , ERR. . , 13 A Lill ti t Noe. 4U stud 4 0 Oen* Street. • . . , . ~ SION OP TIM ; . "RED GLOA 1." MI4I I ALSI . SERVED AT ALL'HOURS., . 9/.ali. IN SEASON. ' NrItITLIINCI Ibt . SPIABON, 1 0 1NESik WINES iti : TP.Z 4 :51 1 '„Y, 1 . _ . POpTFI ATTENDANqp, Prl , telors for faildlies : ifoutoielot• ivfu a gpz. . . pievo-roans, , 1 - 1 GRAND. within AND 17141087. " Which are flow -aokpowledgek to, be. by' tho Leading Artists, In this country, flapfrior_to any i Lib watt fa Afnerica, These Instruments en °TOO Modern improvement, Ore of the la lir, an , ed in CARVED &PLAIN ROSE ABEfl, embracing every variety of tylb. d Ad as the fall Metallic Drama Overstrung Bass, (with or Fithout the agraffe arrangeMent.) Each has the rench Grand Action acknowledged to be euperlot • to any other in rapid execution, These instru-1 menUi are all seven, seven alid saunter and seven and a third ootav constructed of thoroughly inasoned wood, an 'o the An and best materiel., ti or great porter , s ingi ng qualitiox, sweetness and purity .of tope. iroughout the entire., Register' legaime .of: Fl sh and , Or_eat Dtirobility,Alhe lano-Portes of oasis., JEN/0B A BON are un.• surpass byby antether maker' in thd 'world, and have ta en thellighest Pretniumwhetever eghlb fled. T e same fitoilities which enable this Firn# to produce a superior Instrument, also en4bles them to offer their Piano-Fortes to the public at twenty per cent. lower than any other lint-class Manufaoturer in the country. • _ • The sp ecial attention of D e al er, l'eaeliers and others invitedto the examination of these Pianos before makiqg their selection elsewhere. Every instrument is fully warranted for Fpro Years, m esoriptlve eireglars g. to all parts o f the (Tun. , .try, Upon tipplioation. ddtess JIIN • NYB & SON, No. 233 and 235 East 21st street, 'between 2d and 3d New York , • [feb. 8-0 AfULt & KLINE, 1 Oarpente l r 3 3one s, StIOP : LEMON ALLEY,. Between Franklin and 'Chestnut Sire Ob. The subscribers have established themselv tio es A . $ the above place and are now prepared to om modate all who may favor them with lin order fot anything in the carpentering or building line, at short notice and on reasonable terms *r Partioplar "W "Whitton paid to Jobbing. 0r..; den may bo left it tho resldenoeof of of the Arm. as follows: • EDW. K. MULL, 406 fiouth qqittrititreet, JAOOB KLINE, Itt l in St., above Second. • ...e sh door. I maY2B-3mo I J EW'S KOIIINEII, ' 214 Woobini or-bo at,the eh Wholesale and Retail Deal4W in FANCY NOTIONSt HAS REMOVED TO I Mohler% Hotel Building, 405 PENN STREET, EEADING I „ I A. ; MORNING THIS- WWI. BE OPENED An altogether nor Ansi aztentilvo assori l tnent of GOODS IN HIS LINE, Tho best anti eheapeat ov'r betore offyred . the people. of Reading and Ile;r15o county. a p 7 If --,-..-.._._,, -_- ---- -.-- --------- WritLot. -,-------- li W vois.ust.,_, , , . . 4 . ' .It. ARTRAN. Proprictoi. '- One of the beat honeati outside of thg largeeitlea. It to located on Ma lino of tho East Foullylitnkitt Railroad, about Midway between Reading an ol I+ lentown. All tofu between Now York Intl! t West. Mari as all waylralns, stop at Liens. an Itutued elyl front of thal.yons hotel .-. /M-NT ryth h# In gnd'about the hotel hi tituiiirl passed.. A S rate Livery !Stable Is also kept in gonnee the Ilotah l " feb2t-if _ . , _._ 7 ---- 7. • ; ABlllllolTorit 1101 USE, , , . . , . . , 4 InnpsiloßO. :, 1. ii,4„ l / 1 4,70N ' ''S II U L Elt 1 t' -' PROPIRIVOR. ' 2 - . , This 410 and well estabilshod-gotel hitt rat:Tatty changed kids; Jao Ireyhaving foldout te Raistol elhalor: e tablets Well supplied with all the del icacies of e leaden. The bar cannot be surpassed blaido eft e Mies for pure and °holes liquors. ' h are l a & lino ball room iti the hotel; idlelphlng en pleasure. parties ; cad: be artnedated.. at short none., _Milder's sent by nut lootnpir tended' o. Ths pit ► lie are res.pect try !Twit call and Sad ste fur theiselires. we prevent mi! kel all letteli should be siddt•essed to:Balaton Etauter , Washi ten Ifonse, Birdsboro. • . • .feblAtf *: . noNAIMPTION DU NGISD.-41:_pirt irt i t %/Meat re tor Qom triptloir atl,_'-kileae ilt V f ac ti 9n 4 . priwribed and 0017 r 7 a tiolins , over•the conattK an ' , 0 7 o.ropojtca, 0 .ropojtca, Fosse** fl/AX ALL MU SIMI Xpliesp4 trial 40 Cate the bier; eittPO gr i Ser toe; I t . foi tot tinkt y Empress. ft free: 2,,ta bro.. -• mAN, , an • Stbu Ilk - bilk Street, Pk elptdat andlls\ Drug frit. . , EIIipVINTBRB ~ Wilk • < 1 BROADW*.Y. N.Y. Are i snriv ' ~ 1 durebil ti, power an tt even; i m nest otoe . v wreet mint the AVorite over loth • , 'I:. M I . e. Amateun, A la lovers of 1 . . ,-.., ado. T a re , Wqrst 'in gym , tweet.. ows oak toWer th ine et drat-clue m a re . 'send r ler. - • •„ • , 7 0 °VERMIN * QO., febs4l , , 190 roVwsp. New York ': .863.. -. IM. .:,)$.OB . .,BIICII Si:l3ltOTßEit,' Will open I Latin and Select Stoek of 4EWiGOODSI NO. 648,PENN. EITIIBET, • • • . 'sr ifelri 06 CiniriANt Cutter . ; lila His Stock of NEW SUMMER GOODS Were selected in tho City of New York ) and 'will be disposed of at prices 'far be ,' 16w those any other es= , tabliehment in the • , Gentlemen 'a Clothing made to order. . . . top' Clothing constantly ',:on" hand and ma le to per., . \ - The Stook of Furnishing Ooods\ is , decidedly ' the best and most extensiv e in the I. ' city. Call, see and satisfy yourselves. . ... ~ The mere fact of having the services of the cere brated cutter, Air. Levi U. Coleman, 10803E1ot guarantee that all garments will ho madfrup in the best style and latestAhions. Remember ' BITCH & BRO.'S Headquarters ;of Fashion ! NO. 548 PENN STREET, READING. may 1541 NEW WINE ROUSE, • OSCAR R. .ORHIST, •' PROPRIBTOR, ,Dealer in all kindo itfDowatio Winos of tho boa quality. LAMM. BEER, ALE, &o. ap 2A-tf. BLACKBERitY CORDIAL, FOR TILE OUBE OS DIARRIVEA, CHOLERA MORBUS, SUMMER COMPLAINT, CHOW, GRIPING PAINS, SICKNESS OP TAB. STOMACH, &c. • .PIIIbIPARED BY DIC WIII.i t IIIRWECHTER, Wholesale . nd Retail Druggist,, 640 NN STREET, • (Notdoor to the Behosueke House) RP I ADING, PA. • • July 10 tf . .~___ C -. ~ -., , EAGLE O.OAL YARD! Front Streetob,Ove Penn. READING, PA, 11111 E UNDERSIGWED respectfully inform the citizens of Reading and the vieinitY. that they have opened a 'NEW- COAL YARD ' on Front St,, above Penn, where they willb4; glad toieo all who ao in need of a good article of coal for either FAMILY or MANUFACTURING pur ls:is The m superior Advantages they primes foireeelv ing and delivering every_doseript on of coal, rend ers COMPETITION WITII THE I IDIPOSSIBLE. PRIOR LIST. Red and White Ash Nut Coal, $3.00 and $3.2.5 q ton a,tove coal, $4,12 .1 do 3.t • r• do 2.00 . „ • H &. S. BROWN CO., Probrlcto4of toile - Coed Yard, . June 1.3m0s PAVING, NOTICE. i Ili PURSIJAXOR OF A 11,F$OLOTION p ssed 1 by Councils, Juno 27, 18CS, the owners of real &tato within the City of lteading, having ave monis ip front of their relt r eetive properties out of repair, tiro hereby notitio and required to repair tho gaup), forthwith s oth,o wise, the provisions of the Ordinance sproviding for the construction of sidewalks or footways,passed July 21st i 1860, will , o strictly °dotal'. Ily order of the Committee on Highways and Paving • July 15- 10tf . 11: P. HAUS, Secretary. _ _.) • LIN" AT ak• ORETII.. • - . , . MAORINIBta I , BRASS FOUNDERS, htdichlnists' and,. ZdatNufaoturp l ra'Aupplips No. 627 AND' 629 FRANKLIN STRIIET: ' iAa -tt RhADING 1 ; PA'. 'PsR. IN. D. LEIDY'S ' Private Medical Dispensary, the)Oldest Private prsary in Philadelphia. Established forty years for the treatment and core of nil privateand sold I diseases. Cured effected in tiro to jive days, or no pay. Dr. Flemming, the physician in charge, has been long and favorably known, having been connected with one of the largest hospitals in' the . United States, and having made a speciatstudy of all ,diseaSes appertaining to the Alrino-Oenital Organs. after a careful and thoroughlrivestlgation. by experiment and postmortem, is assured by the ntsmber that call dnitY at his private offices, No. 243 N. Six Street, to express their gratitude, and I t s yetis s,n n thka for the *speedy relief given by his tree ment,safter having been deluded, robbed, it'd erre ly treated with balsam and mercury, and her disease protracted by quacks. Mediii , nes In ftrn{shod all cases. which saves the patien 'the c'extravagant price of medicines at Drug St roil; .WM4, would cost, In many oases, ,more , than' the Whole of our charges; besides, you Pave, yourself the probability or exposure. Office sp, arranged that no one aced_ sea you_ vihiltithete.' ••' Paiririu i ssiik Uhronio Diseases treatedsuccessful k ,ly b 1 e different modjffeations of Electricity, T H liss.—iire are Agentgfor t i ti most 1 litit•tem y for Female - Diaessee: oh' as (sillies; bstruottoni of the Mouses. ) hites. , ee, by mall, $1 and two postage stamps. • Oh. hours—l) a. m. L I p. In. Et ' , 17 and 8., Con-, lialtsitlon fraud contKientiec t , or address . . '• -1 ,is .' S ixth iND. . . ' ' No 244 ott Et.. • feb:(l-0 Opposite Free to dare, Phial =;I==SEMI Tomorrow morning, at READINO I PA. NO. 05S PENN STREET, READING, PA. ' VM GENERAL DEALERS IN , _ . Ora/Amami • ND MARY. JANE BEYERT,E,B 1 1 1 I;N E R Y STABIA4IMENT 71 1 3 P9un Strut ) • :the ladies, of Reading and vicinity:can him DONNETS I- COATS; • DRESSES. Long and Short Night Droses. (tueked) CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, 4 ' *of every variety and style; GENTS' SHIRTS & UNDERGARMENTS • made at short notipe. airPrieetireasonabled ap2l3lno. in A ClABDr—AClorgyman,while residing in South Apserica as a missionary, discovered a safe and shnpl'it remedy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, liarly Decay, Diseases of tholfrinary and Seininal Organs, and the whole train of disorders, brought. on by baneful and viciousliahits, (treat numbers . have been cured by this n'Oblojemedy. Prompted by aidesire to benefit the a ffl icted and unfortunate, Inn' send tho recipe for preparing and using this niedielne.lnarealed envelope, ) any one who needs It, Fagg or CHARM:. Addros Jotinen T, Station D, Bible House, Noiv 'ork City: - foblst ir 0 LIM" N I N D ou can nicely() for the sant of Sit, Silk, Id erina,, an Alpaca,. DresseS. Shawls, lialmorals, Linen (Mods, lo.nbos.sed Table Covers Watches, .roweley; Silver Plated Ware, Sewing Mac) ines. &o Send! clubsof ton opuore, with ton contsfor each &scrip : - live Cheek, and the getter up of the club w ill recciv iskresont worth $3 tos3oo, accerding to nunibersent, Agents wanted everywhere. Circulars sent free, PARK ER Sc CO ; feblBll. (41 66 Federal street , Boston, Masi. 1110, CONSUAPTlVES.—Thelter.Etlwaril A. '1 Wilson will send (froo[of charge,) to nil who do sire It, the prescription with the direct (owl for Mak- Ingand using tbo same remedy by -which he was cured of a lung affection and that dire disease Consumption. Ills only object is to benefit the afflicted, and ho hopes every eutferer will try this prescription, nsitwillrestthem nothingc. unit may prove a blessing. Addrest, feed-tf Rl4. EDWARD A. WILSON No: 165 h'onth Second-st„ Williamsburg, N.'l'. sTovEs, RANHES, HEATERS. *ILLIAM BRIDEGAM, No. 242 l'onn St., Roadthg, The umierSigned• respectfully invites publio attention to his newly invented Ileatcr, pinned the . KEYSTONE HEATER t! BEST lIEA)'EIt EVFIIt INTRODUCED. THREE SIZES. ,i . , It bums less coal, makes more horti,lake , s up less room, and gh'o3 better satisfaction than any simi lar invention ever introduced to thO public. The advantage of this superior heating appara tus will be fully explained by tho Proprietor, ytho guarantees that he will be able to satisfy) all who give him a call that it is supotior to any ono inven ted. ThW advantages are so Manifold, and so easily comprehended, that it needs only to be seen to Oonvinee the most skeptical. In proof of tj iis ho respectfully refers the' public. by permissi9 , to thit following named persons who aro note sing thciso Beaters: ' . (ho. It. F 1111,1„ , Mini. J. STEMMON, 0. D. Oglogn, Sgt.i..,ic Co., O. A. Nicnoias, HENRY JOlllitiON, JOHN .WKNIMIT, JCSIIIJA K} n nx; ItIWIIRI4 ADAMS, i \VM. EiRRTZI.:I... JACOB KAUFFMAN, Blandon.. .Orphans' Horao,, Womelsdorf. He also invites special attention toithe • , • - BEAUTY RANGE , .. Which is a late Improved, Suprior linngo for walling in, and for which ho is thY Solo Agent, in it this city. T hi 'tango can ho soon in- operation at the Iron Cit Hall, No. 423 Penn street; at Peter High's, Fran lin street above Fourth, and at other places. / Particular attention paidto' , TIN R01 1 )FING AND SPOUTING. AND Plastic Slate Roofing, Ho employs none but `skillful Mechanies.--all orders promptly executed, and warranted to give itatlefaction. • . IVM. BRIDECIAM, I may 22tf - No. '412 Penn St, 111. M. 'PITT - 3'l;lH & cO., ....... RING'S e / / Vogotable htrosia! /". ..,„ ..tor„( CRAY IN.II to lk 011, ill il C r . • h . A ‘ Eratt r to. r Ind 1 1 '-, ..) \ HUH 0 I „el y • 1 ) Par r\[ 9•u li\ II ~..., \\ 4 1 0 4, t ,c , Y A 9,t, /// , Y d y e, A t 'N' i \ / t VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE IMMIX OF TUB MW Cittli-INADFD rgurt.g have theii lochs reittorca y it to the Rork, /avtroay. Nitkin trec.v. v of .youth. are happy I Young people, with fight,`frohq have these unfashionahlo colors changed - to a bo.urtitat auburn, and rejoice! Peeplo whose heads nre covered with , Mar/roll and Liansorn, use it, and !ote clean coats and clear and healthy scalps 11A1.11-11KADED V}:TiiitANS have their re i ntaining locks tightened, and tt bares pots covered with a luxuriant growth of Hair, and &woo with joy! Young tiontleuten use it becauso it id richly per fumed, Youttg Ladies use it heeanse it keeps their Hair in Vac°. hverybody Mild and trill use it, - becausdit is the decotestaud Gestartielo i i the inarkot: A. H. Pula, HARVEY 11311 tell & P. M. - ZIEar:ER ) S. k S• STEvt:Ns, J. Cuni)Y, Agents fqr Reading: inrr7-ly i f i HAM & HIGH, COUNTRY PRODUCE, TEtucK, , CONFECTION EPA', &e., at the lowest Met ket prices! wholesale awl re— tail, at • • 1 • No. 761 Penn street, Reading. op 2%1 CONFECTIONERY ! CONFECTION EltY CANDIES I ff CANDIES !'i • ICE CREAM! At *No. 107 North Filth Slreet, renew prepared to furnish out cititews with Con f ctionery, Candies!and leo Cream, "lit wliuleale Ad d retail I Also all . kinds 'of plain and ;fancy Cakes. Ice . ream of all flavors constantly on hand. A call is j i solicited. '• I Juno 9tt' RING'S CON FECTI eltY In:ALMS:I IN' B. F. HVBER, (Old Jail) )tending „ 1868 Ltim DER 1 1868 LUMBERI F. P. HELLER, (Successor to S. L. Snyder,) Corner if 21 ii a►ld rcnn streets; Pea di~►~, Ifni now on hand and is cowl:m . oy receiving BUIIJDING LUMBER! ' t OP EVERT DESCRIPTION, ■ which will be sold at the lowest cash prices . Build er:4 and purehaseN call and examine the Itotneinber--4 SNYDER'S OLD STAND, • • One square helow the Plough and - Harrow Hotel DOM, SHUTTERS, WINDOW FRAMES, A101r1.1)1NO9 1 Furnished at short notice and lbw prices. fetbara • 3. KB L Y.. - WiloixsALE S RETAII: MIA . LER' 'IN A UAIBER RE4DING, PA, Keeps eofistantly Oil , hand and foi.soht the LOWEST ' .PRICES A generarassortokent (;f MITE PINE; 111111LCON, SPItUCE I CIIEIiItY,g . AK, ASH, CIIESPNUP, INI)IANA 'IMAM & WILUITWANUT, CAROLINA YELLOW PINE, , • MICHIGAN PAW, ' , U M E'R Thoroughly seasoned and under cover. MEE wnirE PINE,CYPRESS ir AND NORTH CAROLINA (IJUEEN AIVAMP.CEDAR - ► 1 - 1 , (xl!,‘ S . Orders 'ropeelfully solielted and promptly ended to, For prices, Ste., call tit 1116 • NEW BRICK OFFICE; On thq_Cornor otEoiirth & Pino Ste., Or, athlretts. • S. KEELY, f b lily Readi s pg, Pa. o FLOUR AND FEED B ERNIIA R T & DEALERS TN FLOUIt AND GRAIN, PEED, &0.,.&0.,, No. 20 North Bth :Street, Reading, Pa. ' to Also, a Superior lot of Bnokwhoat ,Meal and Potatoes For Salo , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, feb7-tf • . O s A. GRIESEMERT 1 Extensiio Grain,Warehouse Xoiv:ready :for FARMS AD O.O.NSIGNORS, Who imiy with to store Grain, &c. Storago nm commission reasomiblo. Also, asnimriorvtoolc o FLOUR AND FEED, ' ForffdO t wholesalo and retail, at lower prices tha can be purchased etsewhero. • Also, a Faperiorlot u Buckwheat Meal; and Potatoes, Office, N 0.105 North Eightli-W,Jtondingin T"' -.1 • " RinklilNG Ai)LER," The oltlest:Clorman Newsptiptir,:t.nblislimi in 'United states. EBTA 1111,1911 Y. ,IN lIJ7. , circuit - 16cm over Fire Thousand! The "Reading Mier" is thebest advertising rile want for the klerman Districts in Vasternl'ennsyl vania,'having,a circulation of . ov,er live thousam epyies, It contains twenty-eight large cohmtnpo advertisements and carefully selected sending mot ter, Ihe Adler is lhoroughly Democratic "in Kin endeavOring to; inculcate the soundpolitica doctrines ofour forefathers, as laid down by deffer son and Jackson. , PRICE ONLY $1 po A YEAR. Punti>hed every Tuesday inornink, by I‘, 11. I,stf • • lODA WATER SODA WATER Z.TEGL SODA FOUNTAIN ! a 0 NOW IN FULL 114 ST! cool, Sparkling ' Soda Water, of all flavors, can be bad at ZIEGLER'S DRUG STORE, No. 526 Penn !Square, ap.3o-Imo _ READING, PA., MI MI tl WEIL & CO., , No. :351 Penn Street. BOOKS AND ISTAIMOVEIRIC. RITT E R k • C 9., Bo oksellors, Stao nets, AND.WEIOT.VRALII DEALRRg El PAPER '0 . 1.' l'R/i I iwsoltlPTlOAt Pilo. TOGRAPH A 111 POC K BIRIGY (Pe.; lelal No. 351, Tenn Streets (Near ilmrth,) EMI RE A DINO, Having eonstatitly on band ti.large and well select ed stock of MI (YbL LA A1:0 nitwit,. AND IMANK•BOOK,V,PAPEn „AND sTATIO ; NRRY, such as 11'0611g -end Wrapping papers, nivel°Pes, 'Pens, Pencils, Ink, Elates, Copy Book s,Pliks Books, ac., vhich are bought for Cash and will be sold on terms arfavorablo nsthose of any otherholuo In the city—we rocketrulty invite MeTehovlts nod ethers vita° desire to moko purchnseshOur lino to favor Us with a call before purchysingele+here.. Okders by tna flwomptly and cardidly T -11 " )RNNSYLVANIA. CHORAL _HARMON Y Containing the ivinciPill CHURCH iIEt49DIEFi, "Provided*lth =I GERMAN AND ENGLISH TEXT For Halo ntilio "EMILE" BOOKSTORE. 851 Pend street. scuook. ComPANIoNO. Wo havejust received a largo lot of them deSira- No little Caskets, Which wo are enabled to sell at reduced rates, containing a Ruler, Seal, Paull, Crayon, Pen Holder, / Slate Pencil, Gum and Sponge. urrant & CO. Eagle lloablore, SUNDAY SCHOOL SINGING BOOKS Al' THE ' EAGLE BOOK STORE, 341,Peptis Street, Can bo had HAPPY. VOICES, HAPPY VOICES, . . .14 " • THE NEW GOLDEN CHA / In THE NEW GOLDEN CHAIN. THE SABBATH .SCHOGL .BELLy--• THE SABBATH SCHOOL BELL, 70 - itethor with t variety of othot Ringin Book fo r schools. &o. may tf UOOTN AND SHOES. ' . A NDR6y HENKE, Jo., FA6IiIONABLI.I BOOT AND SHOE MAKER! Rosmanlly annooms to Ills iriondd ond epntrons Chat LS9ins routovdel his ti BOOT AND MOE STORE, .• „ TO 40. 654 Penn Street, light iloorb above his former location, hero b will be happy to acconnardato all wanting good in his line of business.":-: , • A op 21.1':iin 0. BOOTS - , AND SHOES ) FORVItN-PEOrLE. THE BEST AN D CIMATEST! REINHOLD &. SOHOENER No. 41 North Sixth &root, , . RE4 I DINti, P/1 - ; rIIIE SUBSCitII3BSS HAVE JUST ESTAB -1%8110 a fist-olasS /loot and Shoo-making estab lishment and-store at the above stated plaeo, Nthero they are able to accommodate Oustomers with the' best articles in their lino of business, and at lower prices titan at any other placo in tho'bity. 'rho f lowing list of prices proves all we say: Men's c It' boots, , • $1 00 and upwards, men's kip boots, tk:/ 00 , , Mon's working shoes, i 100 Men's French calf Congress gaiters, box toes, ' 3 00 Men's ealf•amgross gaiters. 2 25 Mon's calf //almonds, . _. 2 00 /11en's•kin italmorals, • 1 80 Boys' calf Balmoral/3, 1 00 . Boys' kto yalmorals, • _ . - 125 Youthekipitalmorals r • 100 WOilleiMaNting - iligh P OllBll . • ' 2 75 Women's i,lingress gaiters, . . to 250 WOnietilEhuiting Balmoraltl,' 1 90 Women's Morocco ßalmorals, . • • 2 00 Women's Morocco shoes, / 165 , Women's kill slippers, 0 '65 • .. illis3es' lasting Polish, - 145 Youths' gaiters from • . 15 eta. to •75 Youths' and boys' shoes from . ' 30 els. to 'PO Also, a largo lock Of notions 4 nEhand and for sale. , . . I • The above s tir _,es aro !osier' than at any other similar plum b'', usiness in tho oily. • --. • R i'PAIRING, '. . Particular -attrition is tid to all kinds of 're=. pairing. • ,_ REINHOLD & SOHCENER f " ." . . NO:41 NORTH SIXTH STREET, (A110:0? THE Cti(JRT 110Ugt,) READING, nrril 11-0 • . T.• GEI-10; SITIONABLE ROQT AM) SHOE MAKER. 653 Pain Street, Reading, Pa.: • Er aR s . 7 I I , N . s . T t A o p i T i L uo Y a O n iI i IIAND LI TILE 11111 , 3 T in this oily, also Lad los' and Chiltfron °4 ' s a °f o al! kinds. See listbfstyles and prieeg\: Men's calf boots, home made, ' t tei 25 16 0 61 h 0 • - klp 4 - IX/ to 500 calf balmorals, \I • 2.50 400 kip 200. 50 " " Brogans, - ' '' 200 250 Congress gaite rs, •2 75 4 50 t " !Bove kid Congress glitters, • 400 1100 Diva' kip boots, . • '2OO 300 " balmorals, , 1 50 , 225, Youths' kip boots, • • • •1 75 250 " balmorals • •• 1 lei: 11 Women's glove kid high- Polish bal. 3 50 -4 00 mprals. • • W olsien'slastingbigh sh bal orals', 200 850 "z•goat patent 4ealher tip " 2 825 Kid slippers, • • •100 . 176 141y e ses' goat patent Ipather tip. bat- ' morals,., • ' ' 1 60' 240 Children's goat patent leather ti P bal4 mor4ls, ' •1 26 Igo ' N. T. GEIIO. eilril iteedtf 1 653 Penn Street. I~7given. that, the 4u plicates , of school taxes for t e ,rear Is?st, hare been Plseerin soy 6Andp For collection. Ail persons Are notified to fay their taxes before 4alirAdsy'ofAuignstnett,lthin tire per tent. *ill be added. PtiVilk 3 or; Es; Treaaneer Reitilus *cbeel District. OFFICE: 11,1{, Norktitliun SC, OAP stairsj m03C19-Caug 1 • • - tiaziiioE I ME t o t IOE - 1 I SPRING4ATER ICE ISucemor to A. Vivett,.) • Ts prepared to supply - ettitenfi with the m e n Spring Water Teo In large of Finall Quenjitie s; Owlerd left et his . leo Depot, No. .28 North 6th Street. Will receive proinpt attention. lap, 444'0 NE* LOCAL EXPRESS I in and from all parts of tl}o olty, with rrompt ueit and taro. ' All ordbrs to be left at !dishler's Hotel, , aprily-3m0 . 1 S. I,3ICKEL. WINES : & LIQUOR,. NO, 7 .NORTII Nth= STREET, SUPERIOR] ILIQ'UORS, BRANDIES: WINES, . • . FINE OLD RYE WHISKEY, MONONGAHELA. PITTSBURG WHISKEY, Ste., ke.. 10/ , :invaltds ore:requested to try them. Orders iromptly filled. • =I Ritritopui t RintoyED I Ilfm removed from litifold.sttind, corner of lith and Court Arcot:9, ,to april 1-3 mo. LAUER% 111tliW1,41X The gubseriborrospoctfully annonnets to the pubs Botha ho has recently enlarged Brewery to a eonsideraltio extent; nnthitttrodueed steam power in all Its depaittuonts, and is now ready to supply all dontands for SUPERIOR MALT LIQUORS, For home and distant consutuption, • Ills stock ot, Malt Liquors, warranted to keep in all animates, le as fellows: BROWN STOUT, PORT4R, BOTTLING ALE, AND'LAGER BEER. ‘ ' FItED'K LAUER. •. . . N. B.—A liberal per contfgo will bo allowed to -Agonte abroad. . . jan.2B WELLING% COMPOUND ARNICA I,INIMENT; TV The Subscriber begs kayo to , eall the (Moulton qf tho_tiublio to this now and valuable proparation (Yr ARNICA, ebinbined with certain . Vonotablo Ex tracts; ns unsurpaSsed for its Healing and Curativo properties in all those externnidentplaints for which Linnueuto are usod, such no G Cuts: l J Pulses, Chafes, Galls, Rheumatism, ut, pervorts tt Inflammatow-Paine, Nehralryia, Headache, Paints in side, Back orlionds. In nil such cases it Ana y bo used with 'n,' certainty of relief.. It is good, to fnet, in all those Complaints hero ausexternid application is required, for Man or Boast, and the subscriber cnn conscientiously recommtind It as ono of the best Lluituentoof the day. Price 26 Cents per Bottle . For Salo at the "EAGLE" BOOKSTORE. , RITTER & 00. ', • JOB PRINTING. Pc`,:rprtiondo'i Joh Printing noutly exeoutod lit 'the "BAOLIE' Printing P,An,litllnnont. NORTH AtIERIOAN STRAidBHIP compel:ly 711110170,0 LINE TO VALIPORNIA, Panama Virt or Nietiraguts, EynthiNo vliou NM y r . • With New eteareobips of the fret Olase. l'ase9tpelowerthananyot erlitte. For further information address the undersigned at 117 Wes,t, Sttobt, New Yerk, -- tob.M. D. N; OARRINGTON, Agent. DIR. SWAYBFIS ALL-DEALING OINTMENT, For the cure of Totter, ,Itch, • Salt Rheum, Sold nod, Itching files Rin g 'Worm, Piropfer,Pletch - Defectshi theSkin,Barhers'ltch, Ulcare,Chron to Erysipelas of the Floe, do. For sale at the tf 'EAGLE" /iOO.FOTOILId. CHRISTIAN_ RITTER'S GENUINE' BLOOD PURIFIER • Known under ate noble of "KHMER'S PIOK:i a valuable ortlel . e; for sale et the " . 1 t uooknote. autS-t' • ALBERT - KNABB,, • BICKlit'S OFFICE AT MISIII,WS 1.10TE14 The undersigned has Just Otabllshetl a nor f *-FOCAL EXPRESS, And is primarcit Is, entry mid deliver MI GOODS AN•D PACK AGKS B. Y. YODER, WIIOLNBAI,II AN)) ItNTAII, DNALNR IN , 1 V ItEADI,NO, PA. Constantly on hind, nieltoico stock of linibraping ' JA,MII3 LONG, STOVE AND I)EALER, No. 13 North Fifth •Stroot. READINO ; PA. p SECOND GRAND GIFT, DISTRIBUTION ! BY TIII.I Good Will Steam Fire Co., • OF ALIrENTOWN.* , • ON WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 3 , .1868. The (toed Will Steam Fire Company of Allen tovn mould' h oroby • respectfully announce to.tho citizens of 'Lehigh and adjoining counties,: that In obedience to oft repeated and strongly expressed wishes on the part of ninny of tho ticket-holders in their first gift enterprise, they have determined upon and made all the necessary arrangem'ents for a second grand gilt drawinitonly upon -a much larger scale then the one the y . last winter, brought to so su Tessful and satisfactory a termination to 01l interested •as tiekot-holders. 'The proposed now enterprise will ho made up, of 25,000 -tickets, and the value of the (lifts to hi/ awarded as prizes will amount to $29 5,00 00 0, the-highest DC prizeOlNl consisting of' $l, IN GOL . As in tho past, so in this, shall honesty, fairness end impartiality characterlie the drawing. Our last enterprige gave universal sitlifacilon. Every thing promised was duly carried out, as is admitted by all, and the managers of this newly Inaugura ted drawing pledge themselves that from this rule there shall be no' deviation. The prtdits arising will fall to the treasury of the Company, and to be applied to a purpose that solely benefits thetub- Me. We, therefero hope for the same Rhein pa courageinent extended us in our fi rst unllerta log of this character, which is all we need to insure a perfect success. Considering the; obl e ct , , _ certainly commend itself to the , Pu hot the die- Pensationa of fortune , will • certainly both largely reward and agreeably surprise a large proportion of those who may ho disposed t "try. their luck." 11,EviinzxcEs: Hon. H. C. Lotignocker, , Hon. S. Eridges„Hon; O. B. Schall, lion. J. D.' Stiles, O.P. Heins, effitor "Alle ntown Domocriit,"' Rhoads & 'Reim, merchantlors ; Henry drier in Hats and J. Fa„ps t .'3 CPA; Shinier & CO.. w iolesale grollers;lL er; druggist ; Christ litters, dealers in Hats and Caps..• Ed. D. Iteielmil, , Sole Agnt for the oily of Bead ing. Tickets csirf •be had -ol him, or at the Plow and Harrow hotel.'eorner .of 3rd and-Penn streets. w• WM., W. WOLLE, Chairman.. augll -d Allentown. P. O. Pa. :=s ;.; =I