Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 02, 1868, Image 3

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TILE MAN ABOUT TOWN.-:-The drum and fife, ,
followed ,by organisations, enlivening
Penn street nlghtlY,-- - A lively fight occurred
between a white man anda, tnlled 'brudder," in
Washington 'street, betweealdrd 'and Fourth,
yesterday afternoon. The white man got tho worst
of the fight, leaving the groupd with several cuts in
his head.—NiatTimony is again in the ascend
unek, and the ntenber of happy ouAes linking
hearts and hands, for "better or foi•wase." is on,
the increase. 'Yesterday. afternoon two milted
vom i t c hild ren got out of n window of n house, etor.
of 7 t h an d ftpriye streets, which was three stories
high, onto an adjoining roof. They ware Seen
in time by n lady, who reported it to Mr. .Michael
(ieiger, who snatched them front their perilous.
Situation,—hotels aro looking up with patron-
age, and the countenances of landlords aro bright
ntprovententa all over our elty.nio
ginning to be ' , wiled forward with, rapidity, and
the winter will witness a largo addition to our
growth and prospority.—The
. buslness,of the
EsPrees dices is increasing wonderfully, ikler
in fall goods, which:taxcs the te
ium aro iarlog
sources of the companies. There
,must: have
been g migration of t!to recent , influx of hand or
g/M9lO other localities, for there Is a perceptible
decline la their number In our eity.—Tho great
est portrait painter—ono of our fashionable IMlles.
Sho paints her own ace.— , ----Applan, warc'quito
plenty In market thl morning, Says a We e . .
ful editor: "The firS nine hundred and ninety
live thousand times 1141 keard 'Champagne Ohar
a wo liked it ; but now wo are beginning to tiro
oflt."--z•Visiting eat*, business cards or any
other kind,of cards, Printed at short Miitide, at the
kocc: oflloe. Two soap'thea hold forth at 6th
and Poop litroot3 last night. One of thorn played
t ho banjo while the other took in thostanipp,—
Tho buildings in Cherry alloy, which wore recently
damaged by tire, have boon repaired.--Rxclud
ing Philadelphia, Rending has, the boat (Ire depart
ment in the Stato.—New applo-butterhas made
its appearance lit our tnarkot nt 50 cents per quart.
now song has appeared called "Little
Tod," It is said to ho popular. Stocks that
are always up—those around the neck.—T)o
weather is gradually growing cooler—and soon the
trees will ilon their gorgeous autumnal tints of
glorious gar) and garniture.--.--41Nty hogs have
recently died In various sectiobs of Wauphin coun
ty.. Thorn is a disease preialout among theta
known as "hog Oli . olorri." 7 ---r-Morchnntiallorsaro
beginning to brush up—'l4bir harvest tis .near, at
liand.-Thoro has boon, and still SA consider
able sickness prorating In our etty and nolghbor-
hood—although not of a serious or alarming naturo.
—Stewart 1814111'1;01(nm( forth niu) draws largo
hudioncos nightly,—Battor, on market this
morning, sold nt from 40 to 45 cents .por potind.
A hungry dog.stolo a Inigo pleco, of hoof this
morning at mark el.-A man carrying a bucket
of mortar olkhls head must boa sub , limo chow
ter.—Urea's broad in small pieces and soak In
cold milk ; when soft add ono t4aspoonful of sal
oratus, ono of salt and flour for a good battor—and
you wl have sliondid broad calm —The Radi
cal hadors are doing a groatdoal of low lyingabout
those diggings, but they will lim:e to "lio lower"
after the eleotion,—Considbrablo damage was
done by the heavy shower on Moilday in the violn
lty of llamburg.--r—One of the most unwelcome
truths is to shov up wickedness in high Oleos.—
Fifth and Peng (north7west corner) rooms to bo a
loafing, placo for certain young mon.—Tho
latest swell or. vanity Is real coral buttons on a
white vost.—yog eon ivho go home at the
proper hour of tie night,aro not so liablo to get in
to troublo.—Onnof LllOlllllB of the enlightened
ago—modlolun.—+The Easton Exkoss and the
Rending Dispateh,aie nuarrolling about a woman.
• —Moo "serape to ket Into."— . on Saturday night
last, the store, of hillier Sc Co., at Shoom akeraville,
was entered and robbed of a silver watch and 88.---
'The largo shaft which wits broken at tholiinhanoy
.13ohuylkilt county, a few days ago, has boon
biought to this city for ()palm-Pig-tail soup
with "bow-wow tritnntin has bocothe radish nt
the leading saloons of the Ira° cities. ,Owing
to the unaccountUble' absence of th . o cook this
morning, Mrs, lon4Thlions was compoliod to go ki
te the kitchen and get breakfast, Ilopcs are en
tertained of her recovery.---Oysters uto coming
in favor again, and the yield will he iminense.
—Printing is called the. "bleak art," but it
sheds Moro'tight over rho world, thou all others.
ho most sultry place, whore the heat is op
pressively felt during the warm days, is at the
railroad, - Darin Oho summer it is the hottest.and
in the winter the oldest toothy, in this vicinity.
—Stove don ors aro polishing up.---
A society for tho mention of Cruelty to Animals
should ho formed in this city. Now nod titt'll we
see dumb brutes treated initho most merciless
mannor.- 7 ---Seo now advertisements to-day.—
Tho oleotion is fast pproaohing—so is the down
fall of Iladlealism.--- a-- —Never take anything for
granted if you can getitany other way.—Pook
ot inkstands and pen Cases, Just the thing for tray
eters; agents, andseeretaries of meetings, for Salo
very cheap at Ow Eagle bookstore. —A grtind
hall to-night MI6 Military Oattlon. See advor
lisoment, • \
• ,
r .
SUNRAY 6CIIOOI. Cmunvriox.--jhe third
annual celebration of the Shoeinakersville
Sunday School, will be liehlliii.Toshua Re
ber's woods, near Shoeninkersville on Sat
urday next, September 12th. ilia, Shoe
inakersville Cornet Band Will attend,'liiiii
addresses will be ddlivereil by. several able
Ox Satu clay mornitig last between two
and three t'clock,..the wife of Mr. Ephraim
Weidner, li ing in Colebrookdale township,
perks county, attempted to commit suicide
by cutOneher throat witji 4 razor. She is
lying in a very critical Sho had
been laboring under depression of-sidrits for
some weeks past without any assignable
MABCiNIO Ii!CCUItAION.—An excursion par.
ty composed of Knights Teinplar and Royal
Arch Masons, is going to St. Lottitrnoxt
inonth. • All the principal cities of the East.
,er'n States will be represented. It is stated
that .the excursionists will take passage on
regular trains to Pittsburg, from which point
a special train convoys theurthrough to St.
bouts. The faro for the rotund trip will be n,
trifle loss than half the regular figures.
' •
WHEN TO F181.1.r--All Old; flillOrMOO states
that if a man witutslto catch fish, let him
not pick the
.full m'pon day to do it. Ho
gives a.philosophicarreason for the advice;
whether sound or not we cannot decide, He
when the moon is full,,the nights - be;
ing bright, enables the fish to do all their .
foraging in the night time. Of course, hav
ing their ivaits supplied, they'll° up all. day,
and condepently there is a scarcity of
"bites." Under the new moon season, the
fish have to sleep at night, and work by .
day; that makes the difference in the Rah
ernian'ii' string.
Is our friends I will.use preparations for re
storing gray hair they should use the best in
the, market. t)ur, attention has lately been
called to an article which has an extensive
sale unit a very high reputation, known as
Ring's Vegefable Ambrosia, and we are in
clined to think that it possesses more lesira,-
ble and loss objectionable qualities than any
.other.ln the rparket. It restores gray or fa
ded,' hair to its, i
original color n a most re
maikable manner, And b$ its invigorating
and soothing properties removes'all dandruff
and 'humors from the scalp. Give it a fair
trial andyOntadoot hit Wilke it, auglB 1 m
. .
14261101'0P LODOTS'AXI) AtiSOCIATIOit.9.-
The following named tirgniiizations will hold
their regular stated' meetings this (WEDNEs-
DAY i ) evening:
it °lament Lodge No. 147, 1. 0., of O. F.,
at Q4(l Fellows' flail.,' i - . •
Continentnl.Lodgei L
: 0. 4 , a0. K. nt Tem.
petanco Iran.
Minnehalis Council No. 69, 0. U. A.' M.,
at Sallada's Hull—
Lady Jefferson Home Cinninunion, Broth
arhood Union' Hall. • .
Maria Conclave No. 8, D. of M., 703 Penn
. ,
Sinking Spring Council No.: 7, 0. U. A.
M., at Sinking Spring. r
Order of Seven Wise Men, Yee„ger's
Concordia Chamber, No, 2, 0. K .
corner Fifth and Washi hgt on.
of a new work published - by S. M. Betts &
Co., Hartford; Conti. This is ode of the
most interesting books wo have seen for a
long time, The sketches of "Eminent, Wo
men" are from the, ens of the best.writers
in Awerica, and the book is illustrated with
fourteen steel engravings, portraits of the
following dietingmshed ladies: lip - sa Bon
i:our, Florence Nightingale, -Lydia, H. Sig
ourney, Eugenie, Empress of the French,
Margaret Filler Ossoli, Elizabeth llarrett
Brownieg; Ws. Emma Willard, Mrs. Eliza
beth Cady Stanton,
Mott, 'Victoria,
Queen of England, Adelaide Ristoriy..Anna
E. Dickinson, ;Mrs. C. S. Lozier; M. 1).,
nod Harriet G. Hosmer. 4
Besides the sketches of these ladies, the
work contains the lives and deeds of many
other' distinpished w omen of the present
age, written in (homiest cutertqining at le.
Miss P. A. Greth, Principal of the Male
Grammar School,
,Third Section, in this city,
is Agent for this excellent work, Iyhipli
shquld ho in bveriliprary, public or private )
in our country. •
TRADE.—Tho milk trade, along
the line of the Philadelphia and deading
Railroad,. is becoming an important branch
of business': The farmers and dairymen
;Jong the lino send down their milk by the
Pottstown Accommodation Train, which
leaves hero at 10:46 in the morning, and re
ceive their canes front their city . customers
by . the return of the same train in the even
ing, The total quantity of the lacteal fluid
taken to Philadelphia daily by this train is
nearly" 2,600 gallons; Of this, the heaviest
shipment from one_station is front Pottstown
—say about 000 gallons ; the next largest
quantity N front Perkiomen Junction, about
600 gallons, and Limerick Station comes
next, with abottC4oo gallons. The remain
derl, of the supply comes front Sanptoga,
Royerat Ford, and other stations below.
The milk trade along the Schuylkill Val
ley is rapidly increasing, and will soon rival
the trade over the North Pennsylvania
Railroad, - from whence, we believe, the Qua
ker City draws its jirinciptil supply: -Our
farmers find that selling the milk to, the city
'dealers is mitre remunerative than butter
making, and a gregt many of them are
changing their • dairies aceorditigly.—Potes
town Ledger. .
, .
. ,
STATEMENT of moneys re c eived and paid
out at the Mayor's office, from Aug. 15t,1868,
to the 31st, inclusiveyvis :
1 • ,
Cash penalties, fees, fines and costs, $64.94
"• Vases pf drunkenness, 49 72
~ 4.‘ Coilyr Commissioner,. '45 61
it •" Shull ,_ 467
" " •Distriet Attorney, - 247
" •• " Clerk of CeurtQuar". Sos., 12 85
.“ g( ' Budding verniits, 90 50
) 4 0 • CR.
By cash poliminan and witnesses, $77 45
Si M. Rea, for Asssistant.
By cash Peter Jones, Treasurer
Reading School Dititrict, ,
By cash Win. Heidenreich, City ,
Treasurer \ .141 99
$270 60
,buring the month 30 permits were 'issued
for building and repairing, viz :
Thrco-story brick dwellings,
Two-atory " +to 44
(4 frame, ''
Frame . Shop,
Brick FonMiry,
Brick Car Shop,
t Frame Stable, . :,
, ' Total,
Wm. H. GmAxn, ?Mayor.
Reading, Sept. 2d, 1868:
Ilcinirtc(l)aj Luria letchartlit t Attorney at La 1 1 16 4,
630 tintrt
. THIP,TiI xTIt DAY -- -MOIMAX . .. -
liter by his father and next
friend )irtret m yer, vs. Dr: Adam B. Dun
dere; n)
d ! Davill Moyer vs. same. Contin
ued op, qplication and at cost of plat;
"Dayid . 11. 1 1i.niglit, Ceininittee of llenr.
li:lolts I'S, Alton Molls. Continued on ap•
plication or deft. i
John P. Miller an Win. Rowe vs. Patrick
'O'Reilly; 162 Aug. ". 1865. Thiti was an
netion,fif covenant. 1 ; ‘ OM. were the own-.
era iof a lease from Elizabeth Miller of a
'trai--,.f land on the southerntlope of Penn's
MOutftt near Reading, on winch wad an iron
ore mine. - This 'lease they .assigned , to P.
O'Rielly, in Deeemlier, 1868,he undertaking
to pay them two hundred' dollars in orders
to be drawn upon him, and six hundred dol
lars out of the profits of the ore to be mined.
He was also to erect a steam engine, &e.,for
raising the ore. O'Reilly Worked the niuos
for a short time and then abandoned them.
This suit was brought by the recover
the damagesthey sustained. The defendants
contended thfit there was no ore on the pre
mises Worth mining, and that the defendant
was thbrefore oxcused.from prosecuting 'the
work. They also alleged that the lease had
been surrendered to the their request
-in April, 1861' and that the deft. was Otero
tore released from any further responsibility.'
William Rowe, ono of the pill's. was exam
ined, and testified that the suit was brought
without his consentithat hp regarded O'Reil
ly as owing theni nothing: that the lease had
been surrendered to the plffs. by O'Reilly,at ,
the request of Miller, and that Miller hid. af•
terwards entered on the premises,taken away
the. fixtures andsold them. , Ho further.tes
titled that he did not think there was any ore
ou the premises worth mining Air, 'and that
ho woultnot take the mind holes as a gift.
Other Witnesses were examined as to the
value of the mine:heles—some thought. hem
worthless atid others thought,them valuable.
-It was shoWn tfillt. the Derby Iron Company
lad takUn three ihoUsand tons of ore from
the preMises aftl tn O'Reilly tef),but the defts.
contended that it cost the more-than it was
worth. le was alti contended that Rowe was
hostile to Miller, and had right no compro:
mise his claim.. Verdict for Of. for $28,17.
gl.. Ross'Millor, Trawlo3 and Young for.plffs:
H ag en m a t i and J. S. Richards. for deft.
Jobathati L. Klopp vs. The Bernvillo Live
Stock Insurance Company. 238 August T.,
1866. Case to be stated. Yon Reed for
OE. Boyer for deft. •
Jacob'Stub vs. Jonathan andore. 114
Jt . 4o. T. 188'6. Action of trespass. On
3 1-2 0',C11.01.1i I'. M.
• - •
Sun rises . . .1.34 I Sutt . :sets. . . ti !G
Days's length 12 hours 42 niinittoB.
7 A. M.
74 0
74 0
73° • ,
Tuesday, .
'lnE'PpoctmoiNos of the Board of Con
trollerg are Crowded . opt to-day. They will
appear. to-niorrolv.
A regular oldlasbioned country moving,
pass©d one orrice, between 11 tmd, 12 o'clock
this I'l6l4l'f
1' 'nerd were some half n dozen
wagonß, on one 4 which sat'some half a ,Zo
;4011 ladie s.
MEETING o p Syson.--We are infgrined,the
East Pannsylvania Lutheran Synod, com
posed of the English Luther!' Churches, will
!myelin in annual session t in Lancaster this
As most people are anxious to get a little
more light on the subjects now under eon
saleration,.we would advise them to set a ) 110U of the new Lamp Shades, at McKnight's
Hardware Store, Third and Penn streets.
. POCKKI Roof:-' FOUND.—Oilleer KOMI)
fOllllll laitt night, in South Fifth street, iti
pout nonnuic eantaining a small
amount of money. ; .l'he owner can have the
same by calling at the - Mayor's office and
proving property.
Tut: members of the City Councils, Mayor
and other official dignitaries of Heading,
had ple►Csant tripycsterday visitingthe reser
voirs of - the city. They wound til) at the
,fitteral Springs, where they partooli of a
supper. They returned to the (city about
(1 o'clock, P. M.
.AreAtas.—William 11. `Lenhardt
was arrested last evening about '1) o'clock,
by ()Alcor Lewis, at the corner t4l Seventh
and Franklin streets, for drunkenness. 1 Fined
$3.25 and discharged. •
Officer Boone arrested a small boy last
evening at mark 4, charged with the tlitft of
cantelopes from n7linekster stand. Case set
tled this morning, and the boy discharged.
, HAN Or MK Ta'AcKij—The-engine . Atlas,
belonging to thOeading . Railroad Company,
ran elf the track fit Harrisburg, on Monday
evening sustaining considerable damage.
The cow catcher and bumper were broken,
and a number of cars badly'damaged. The
accident was caused by a Misplaeed switch,
and it required several hours to restore the
engine to its position on the track. -
k 'Axr,F: illa6o.—Last evening, between 7
B'o'cloek while Mr. Reuben Adams was,driv
ing.down Penn street, below Fourth, the
axle .of his carriage broke, putting . a stop
the further.locomotive of the_rig i vng.
one corner of the vehicle came i down with a
thuMp. Fortunately, Mr. Adams" was driv •
inpa docile horse, else a serious accident
aught hay s ° resulted.
provision in the late Revonno Law all Hotel
and- Restaurant .keepers 'who sell cigars at
their bar aro reqtiired to take out a retailer's
license, the same as if they dealt in cigars
exclusively. When the bill was.before Con-
Rress, Mr. Getz tried to get small Hotels and
estaurants exempt from this tax, and offer
ed an amendment that all whose sales did
not amount to $lOO peryear should npt be
required to take out a separate license, but
it was voted down by the, Rump, showing
their determination to 'wring every dollar
from thepoor man in . the shape of taxes that
they could.
$270 00
27 00
24 22
• INSTALLATIoN OP .001 , ICE118. —Last evening
Deborah Franklin H. C. No. (L• of this city,
was.visited by pke G. 0. W. of Penna., and
the following aims installed : • ,
Ellen Mil.
P.—Thos. Jones. •
Pht.—Daniel Matlzberger.
Pt.—lsaac 'Whitman.
Phtess.—Maria E. Wiltion..
Pitess.—Matilda Binds.
S. l N.—James L.. Hobson. •
11.,Lizzie E. Gabriel. •
J.—Richard Whitman. _ •
D.'—lloso Ely. •
W. N.—H. IV. Monyean.
Hey. to G. ,k; S. , C.—James 1,. Hobsolt.
, ' 117
. .
• ,
A New Cnuttou entorpriie has been com
menced nt Amyllle, under the auspices of
the 'lAherans. On last Sunday the corner
ston,o was laid ~ .itloappropriato ('ceremonies,
conducted by Rev. B. Sclunaul. Eloquent
addresses were delivered by 143 v. A. J.
Shantz of Mverstownond Rev'. 1)r. Johns.
ton, of this! borough. The i ttvices, which
were held in a barn, were c, ncluded with
prayer, by the Rev. Mr. lii,,ster, of.Ann
ville. The congregation who-have embark
ed in this movement •ai:e united and zeal
ous, and are strongly, attached to pure
Lutheranism, as. foinnted upon; the, Augs.
burgh confession, and their prospects are
very encouraging. • ,
a well-known colored citizen' of Reading,
and captain Of the canal boat ‘To,roado,' was
arrested early 'this morning at the Little
I)am, about two miles below Reading, by
officers Cullen and Pristley, and, bound over
before Alderman Richards for a hearing at
Court, charged with assault and battery on a
white man by tlielname of John C. Kaiss ;
yesterday'afternoon between 4 and 5 b,'clock,' ,
in Washington_street l nepr, Third. It ap
pears that words passed between the parties•
in a beer saloon in Washington street above
Via ' previous to the assault, after which
both happened ) to pass, down Washington
street, 'where the former.Sfru9k the'latter on
the head. The latter ,fell into the gutter and
received a:terrible gash in the head above
the, leSt ear. It is supposed he was struck
with a billy, or a stone, carried in the hand
Of the, assailant
ELF;GATEIMEETINGS, —Meetings were held
- last evening by the Democracy of the First
and Second wards, for the purpose of nomi,
nating delegates to the County Convention,
t be voted for on Saturday next.
In the First ward, the meeting, which was
1 rge and enthusiastic, was held at the public
house of Jacob Conrad. The following gen
tlemen were nominated: George Boyer A.
Strollecker, Richard Ridhwine. John Kelley
was President of the meeting, and H. E.
Keifer, Secretary.
In the Second ward the meeting was held
at the 'public, house of Jacob Wentzel. It
was the largest deleslte meeting that has er
er been held in this city. It is estimated
that at least sir hundred Democratic voters
were present. The delegates nominated are
as follows : Joseph J. Clay, Williab Fix
'and John Hormel The meetihg,notwithstand
ing the large attendance, orderly and .Imr
'monious: ,
SUBSCRIBE for the EActLe.
2 I'. M.
T140 : 00.11/1PIR ACT cASE.
Daring the past few days, ahenring in khe,
ease of Alexander vs. Bart°. Cox; et. 'ail.
has been going on before A1'4111%11 Metiipt:
and it has been asked why the•testitnony Ino
not been published in the Eauts;
We answer, because we do nut recognise
the validity Atte hearing; We know that this
hearing Was brought abont,nnd the testimony
published, throu4lt the influence of de ,
signing Radicals, tor the purpose of InjtrinK,
the Democratic party in this comity, and for
no other piirpose. •
In proof of this, a prominent Republian,
in speaking of this hearing, said,,m effect )
that they (thirßepubliCans) "didn't Ore a
(1-31 'huie the case went, if they . oulitonly
?mike mischief in the Pemocentie party!"
Now, as our mission' -is to create unity,
and not mischief, in the ranks of the gallant
Democracy of Berks, we d ee m, Anl i s i i iti lig ,
our Republican friends in making mischief
by . the publication
,of , testimony
which is- all . on ono side, and in
which 110 cross examination ,or other pan
ticipation, of the counsel for the defence has
been find. The publication of evidence thus
taken, Aithout contradiction or, cross-exam
inatien, will only tend to mislead, the pub
ic mind as to the true state of thesnse.
As soon as the case is brought, before the
proper tribunal, the Court, (which will be
within a few days) we give a fair and
truthful synopsis of the evidence,. on both
sides, for the information of our readers/ In,
the meantime we positively. decline to assist
the Republicans in qinnking mischief in the
Democratic party," by. the publication of
evidence Which would only bewilder the
public : l and create ;ids° impressions without
aiding the ends. of Juitice.‘ -
Tim CoxlientA:cv..---The parties who were
accused, upon the oath ot-Geo..} l l. Alexati
d6r, late Assessor for this district, of Con
spiracy in - effecting his 'removal from office,
appeared before' Alderman Mengt on- Wed
nesday last, Aug. 26thoind gave the recoir•
ed bail for their appearance at the Nevdm
ber Court, to answer the charge.. Here, as
the Alderman himself declared, his jurisdie
tion, elided, Mil the case was properly 'refer
red, to tie Court. lhit, to the surprise of
the wbol community
tyoiso-called "hearing"
in' the ca o took plac6 on Monday. Ne'no
tice of . thi proceeding was served upon the
defendant , and the best lawyers at our liar
are unablo , ,to understand' by what authority
of law the magistrato•acteil., The counsel
for the defendants took no part in the mat
tor, but simply entered their protest against
it, as an illegal and expo)* proceeding. The
testimony of the witnesses who were exami
ned, hastewt obtainaas wo believe, for the
solo purpose of diverting public attention_
:from the real guilty party,, , and getting - into
priikt. a mass- of manufactured ' evidence
against innocent parties which could not
otherwise have been produced. Evidei 'ce
to obtained; is of course worthless in a le al
point of view, and would not be received
. y
any Court ofJustice in the land.-,-GarAte.
(Trove our Homburg Correspondent.] .
, ilicuntino, kept. 1, 180.
• DiAn FA/WM—A terrible thundershower
passed over our town on Monday afternoon,
It was'at its height about ,2, o'clock. The
water camp down in torrents, the lightning
was so bright that it was ginding, and the
thunderieo loud that it frightened the nerv.
ous. Tho lightning struck at four different
places, without ! . however, doing much darn?
age, except killing a cow belonging to Mr.
Reuben Seidel. Tho water flooded the
ing mill, put out the fires, and required the
men to suspend work. The oldest iambi."
tants say that they do not recollect over Wit
nesshlg such a terrific storm as that o,f-Y6l
- , •
Tho School Board of this borough is
about to revise the course' of studieS in the
sclioolsoirhieh 41 necessarily make` - some
change in the grade, and create a regular
system of prOmotion by holding examination
about puce a month,and this (to ,doubt will
make tho schools tore efficient and more
qdrantageous to the pupils attending.
On Saturday iixt,'thero will 100 a corn
bined pie 7 nic of th St. tohn's, Emmanuel,
and the Methodist Lpiscopal Sunday Schools,
in the beautiful grove of •Seamarr s woods.
Tho liartiburg Cornet Baud has boon ongag•
ed for tble occasion,
• - I
STUNG : tiY PUlifilLE/MB.-- 2 1110 1 oUSt:OW11
Ledger df kesterday, states that at a pic-nie
hold by tfid Trinity Reformed Sunday School
of pat borough, on ThursdWast, inn woods
near Limerick station, a party of boys stir
red up a bumblebees' nest. Tho boos attacked
a party of, ladies near. by, severely stinging
Mrs. lloshon and a babe she held in her
arms, and it was with considerable difficulty
the insects were driven.from her, and then
not until a number of the party wore badly
stung. Mra., ]3oshon, who is the wife of
Philip Roshon, ‘ of that borough, was placed
in amig' and driven home by Mr.Jesso
bert. Among the other persons to whom the
bees took a Ailey was the Wife and two
daughters of Mr. M. Y. Scheffey, 'a daughter
of Mr. Zeno Dampman, of that place, and
the two Misses Werner, of Reading. Tho
most singular part of the affair was that
nearly all who were stung, becameimmedi-
Moly thereafter very sick.
[C 4 9nanunktite4.]
MIL Emelt: is. Very peculiar, indeed,
that that always boasting papet:,the Dispatch,
is silent about the *tents of the so:called
masterly 'speech of Mr. Carl Schurz. It is a
pity that, no short-hand' writer was . there . to
give to the public a full reount of the dirty
principles laid down by ono of their best au
thorities. Not a 'sound idea has been pronoun
ced that could stand ti fair judgment ! . and in
Pgiving the speech a great circulation the
eople could see the foul play and rottenness
of the goviAjng party; and a full statement
of the speccvould convert still more Re•
publicans to4he Democriitic -party. Sen;io
straw-filled head styles Ilitriself "A Former
Democrat," and as ho can't say anythlog
good about Mr. Schurz, he barks at eve 6,
one who says the truth, and feels evidently
very unqui,y about
.the place where ho be
longs, to the asses or to the Radicals.
01.n•SoAP.—Mr. Saml, Breniser @bowed to
ua this morning a large piece 'of homo•made
soap, which was boiled. 16 years ago, in
Robesonia, , this count rg . byt , Mrs.
iTnE, Great, the Grand, the Only reliable
remedy. for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lum
bago, Sprains and Brltises, Swelled Glands,
Stiff Joints, Sore Throats, and pain of any
sort and from any cause, is Dn. RUSSELL'S
Magnetic Oil. 60 ets. and $l, 00 per bottle.
American House, Reading. [aug. ~
Felt and near thr.onghput i t i lt 4 Whole
Country, the newspapers. tem, wltb the'reon
derful, cures, perfot•mgd by Dr. Russell's,
Magnetie Oil. 60 cif!. and . $1 00 per bottle.
Aniericat Douse,, Reading. (aug. 17-tf
Spnig WAur. 7 -The hirgest aosort,ntent of t
jugs, pitchers, butter pots , &c., &e., at re.,
aueed'. pric'es, for sale,b7 Stiehter, f. 05,
Penn street . ou4 29-01,
.Wpas s esnair, 8(04.1,
• 4 1
At the' municipal eleeilon at Wl '
unaktini l ,
,Delaware, yetsterdtl, Abe . Reimbli is elect•
ed their ticket; tik' Over
their ,inajority of last year.
.Itidgetleorge W.: Woodward it been ret•
nominated for emigres:) by the Democrats
in the Lutertie and Susyne'llanna Olstrlet or
this mite.'-
Attorneyecneral ,Evarta has recognixed
as' United 3tatea Distiiet Atter
ney,l'or the Baster)) District of Peolaylvania.
Senator eolehatiarrivedlit enlifirnift from
Washinton. 4
It is expected that the New York Demo
cratiC Convention at Albany twilt) will
nominate lion. John; T. llotfunin for (lov-
Governor Stevenson, of Kentucky, .was
inaugurated yesterday. . • , .
Massachusetts holds her Democratic State
.Convention today, whielt will, 'it 'is said,
Wominate John Quincy Admits for Governor..
The 'Tennessee. TAigislaturo has . sent a
'delegation to Washington to ask the Prost.*
dent for-a military force to protect the State
from violence; • • , ‘ • -.•
One hour ; is to ,1„\o•altoweil each eolored,
member of the Georgia House for discussing
politics. - . • .
Several revenueen officers have been erre t.
ed in Now York for alleged fraud, by orde a
From Washington..: •
Tho Now ,York' city Board of Couuolimen
has been abolished by on adjust signed by
the *Governor of Now York State. . -
The right of Now linniPshire to pass a law
regulating naturalization has beeit aflirined
by the Supreme Court of that State.
A' fitly at Saratoga,
,yesterday, destroyed
. l?,xehan e Hotel and several other build
iegs, the total loss being $40,600. • :. -
By the fall of a building in process of de.
mention at Albany, yesterday r several per:
sons were buried Under the ruins. Some
wore rescued, but it4s reported that several .
aro killed. ' . . .. .
A-man was \baked to'death in the hold of
• 1
the steamer Boutschland on her last voyage
to America. Ho secreted himself near the
There are renewed reports ot•lndiati
rages on the yeatern border. Four Indians
were killed'in a Oontest with the whites on
Saturday ; . and .tho Indians have mai
sacred a' family of nine persona in . Colorado;
The Russian Fur Company is about closing
its business in 'Alaska. Its employees are
to be tansferredjo St.. Petersburg. -
A treaty of friendship, commereo and nave,
igation t ,has been ratified between the United
States' and nicaragu k by trldeblho right of
free transit through klicarilgua, as deli for
troops and munitions of vitierifor - peason.
gok mid articles of commerce, higranted . thii
United States and her peOple. •
MACHINE SILK, Machine Vcato'n, Ma'
chino Needleis, DreSi Patterns, ate., eon al-:
ways be had at Tyson's, No. 832 Penn
street.. - , aug 22.8 t -
, .
Dn. LIGHT has Just received a largo lot oi
pure, fresh drugs and medicines, of -al
kinds. Those whip ,desire the pure articl
(and who does not?) we would advise the!
i t
to go to him, his prices are reasonable,and
h waits upon all his customers in a prompt,
a d gentlemanly manner.' All proscriptions
ar put up in,the moat careful manner, and
th•ere is no danger of any
,mistakes ()et
ou4Ting. ,
The DoCtor 'has also all kinds of toilet
articles for stile,-04 waiihes, soaps,
brushes, combs,&c., &c.
Remember th plaCe—No. 1 North Fifth
street. ' aug 21-1--w.
• ,
—A imulatto burglar noted Brown, was
shot tl rough the heait and instantly Itilledi
in Jan sville, Wis., on Tuesday night, "by
) t
Wm., atts, whose dwelnithe burglar was
in the ct of entering.. Brown ; was armed
and h d a bottle of chloroform in his pocket.
Watts was examined before the polieepstioe
and discharged.
ushong dc Bro., Bonham No, 16 North 6th street
Quote as follows:
Reeonla, 50t. . 18611.4
. 2.
4 109
-., 111
- 108
Old IT. S. fra 1881 -
Old U. B.s'a 1862
Now 15.8.5-20% 1864, ;My and Jan,
Now U. 8. 5.2 A% 1865, May and Nov.,
New U. 8. 1865, new - '-
N. U. 8, 5-20'0807. July and Jan. -
ew H. 5-are. it 363. -
Ton-Forty Bonds, - - -
Gold in Now York np to 12 o'clock, -
Gold in Readinirat Bushong &Bros., -
Oot'rox per lb.
Extra, -
Pa. and Ohio, -
live FIoUS. ,
°PAW. ' . • i
Wheat, Red - . _ - $2 26Zi12 36
Wheat, White. - - . 266
e.• • - - - - I iir.:l
O Ry orn Yet. • • - - •
~ 1 I
do Welt: - - .
Qpts, - - - • TV
i r ri al ey t : per b . ush s z, . - .- ' . 1 , 1
4 1,3
Meal, - . . 29- 100' 30.
Prime Mess. . •. . .
Er i me, ••' - ' .1 .. A i
mess Beet. • n •
EAColf. 1 yara , ) , l
h t. .a ai sides - ,-- - -1, 4 lit 15;;
/1. Tra
Shop ere, . 14
.Plekl Reins, - ....: ' - 1 , 1.. 1! .c. 1.40
Ohouldertsalted - . ••• u. t_ _ .3'A
loard. • -
•• • ••'• • riANS/0
FMI PO BaL• • • ,
mackerel. - • '' - -' • • 111 50
Clover per bush,* -' • 8'640,00
Timothy,. „ • -„-- 1, , ~- .. : .a so
Flaxscr t , -..-- .- ,' - 870
Coal Diim . , ,
Loolki lump end dental . -, 113.60
• r breken
. " prepared. • t :
, 4=l
kl e il s erp. steambl, silo broken, .. ~ g,
Pau / 1 red fish. • . ' •.• I ' 4 ' 50 ,
vikliesuput, th -. ••'• • , - $
ite ash 'okapi • .' , . , . , 3.8104 00
Rig andatoye, •. • •••.. , -1- S. Pooss'6o
Cestnut. • ; go
.rgp_irtolu: : ' ' • ..:, c , i ,
, 4 11 ( 4 1 4 • -r- •. • .--, - ./, , , 124 , 0011W , 00
. • :, • ~. ~ - 30 worm
NEAYSPAr c t i A lNts . wle
ppm on malt t c b ° will we wld•
cheat. • - .. " • _ . .
Sept.l-11r. M.
g tia9
101 12
13 1114409
LZeAWR .T le, or. OnocghtEs
. .._—._
tv• rt, . lit
..,:.t c 0 41 Oa
.-.;.,i ".Ar "'" 2, $ .
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" . - it Wm% ..h ak•
TIM"' Plit1111••••••“.0 , • 1 -4 I)X4, ICO
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ti;i• ' . . C ONI V ,
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' 0.• . 10 IV
4 '•Loolohe; woo. 6 00.19 1111
11 i 6 1ik0.44 '1
.:* ' • Viltitit . 120
ot.osszo, ow 51„ w 101100,— '''' .. 6501 10
' " • • ..... ..,,...'.... Ivo 6... - •,,
SI . •
keg den, : 1 ,4
" ~ Sy .0. wty.
ohtitors. " 070
• tuo 7.,' , ,,
.. •
" common, 't 4364 C.."..,
RlFE—gra-non... • " -10(4 tit,
' • twins, now. .-- 1104 12.1
BiFe--1, vs ttool, ;round, V !felt i,li ,
. . . • at. , ....... 111 , ...1. 4 4
I 41 . 1 . ihtbi k ; r ~,.. . .,- 11 '1• W
to it round, • - ". • 2.60
uh 01,..... , :‘,)t)
Sioalt— ilikn s
mob ....... ....17lio •
•' • 'Pula. 144 i 0
as' at - *tom, ow, 111 (,
~rsutor b ,
~ 10, ~tll • •
• "
44 CoII pe. ' 16% 1 016 iiit
14104 a /th'
' SI ' ito, ; . • • . Imio
-44 I er: v. ,) ' I /'% •
" `x: c, Yet..
S. , k r:R."...,a.4 . ... ;.rt. 4 1 . 1),At , t ) 1 'I ‘;‘,
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st tao Ilgthitt i Mak
Fspal e tplo !AI :
FIT D-14 Chop, lit !ist"
`'MVP). • •
MN. '1
fleet M
il • 100
1. 10 .
ate • - 44 .
!Ar—tutoth.lllolt, • . 1 ' .18 00'
WZOW' 4 s' • 1 '4
• 16 00
Moaowan & Miltimore,
! , „rtiAt t titti
11011iltrIntgliHING , GOOTO
,SAPDLEItY, ito4 &O &0., dm,
'ot 61.21 1 1
ap 21-14
\ \
111° KNIGHT'
aug lOtt ,
Tot 2 tx ,
. ~ ; 1.4...... / .'
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SI . 4 2
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,1 ri , i 4c , ,,: ..._- : ; 0-, -- 4•,• ~' • ;
IM • ' ,' , ••• : , '.:l •:: ,
tY. b 7 Samuel' Freei
oena street, •
DINO. 800.:1,1s6s.
$l4 Ott
12 3011 00
1 00,4 1 :10
1 45
2 Xi
NG EltS,
R ! E ,