BE' EMBER-2 BRA'DINO, PA Dealoorathi Blati•Oral **MI asthma ytott . iiitikintztirs HON. HORATIO SEYMOUR. •;, •OY NEW -YORK. ` 7 lol{ - FOR VfOR GEN.' FRANCIS P. BLAIR, -OIL muscsuaL * Median, Tuesditii, Norember'3d, 186 g. Drawn*la 01100. lgonaluations. YOE AUDI'Mt °Una: HON, NATIZES E. BOYLE; 081 ropey COUNTY.. FOR OUR VEYOR :WIRRAL : GEN. Vi'EMNGTON H.. ENT, OP VOLUMBIA COUNTY. Eton oda RATIO PLATFORM, illE DEMI Payment of Clue Public Debt—Equal Taxation of Slyery Species of Prop. orty—One currency Dor the GOVE4IIIII. latent and Otto People—The Lie borer. Ofilee•holdee, Pensioner,/ Sol . diet, Producer, and) the Bond holder. tillostO 10 Seymour;7 _ . . su .1/131AUTURNT t . Wilteltrnktop;Jugo 27, 1863.1 I - •ihtsa lita—l cannot forhead it expreaslng to sett the deep obligation I foil fot e prompt and can did support you have aireo tote Government in the preeent emergency. Pm (Jimmy. activity mid pitriothim you have exhibited I may be permitted personally and °facially to eohnovriedge, unbent arrOlitkrug any personni claims on lay part to each Jek°. or to any service whaisoerer. shall be bunny siviatrjo be . Il tb r a your friend. , , MAIN . TANToN, • Secrolary of War, His Excellency. Horatio Seyinoilr. ' Isrealeltute'llucoln to Gov. Seymour. # l , Telegraph from IVathillgtoit. June 19, 1863. Zi 'Adjutant General Spraugue : The Preahlent direota mo to return Ida thanks to life Vxoelleney; Governor Heymour and hie stiff, for their energetic and prompt action. Whether any further force le likely to, beroquked will ho oommtexted to yon to•morrow. by which time It le exp ect ed the movements of the enemy will bo more NI y doyelopeci" Holm id. STANTON. Booty of War. Domooratic rule, the National -Debt was' .seventy million dollars, Under Radical rule the debt i nc reas e d to four thous • and million dollars • Bari oun supports the. Constitution t e United States, as made by Jefferson kOr nt supports the nogro•equality eonstitut ns, na made by the Southern earpet•briggera. 'pis' axes of a . eitize4 of the American Republi aro double the atrultmt paid by a' citizen ( the French Empire. tio much fOr• Radical rule. Let us make a chap°. . ' PON Ell ' Oy saga "Show 1110 thype Radicals, and I will stow you two ,Icnaves and rut idiot." "Brick" is right. To suppOrtAlle measures of the RadiCal Itninists, 'a man must truly be' anidiot or a knave. WHAT has become • ef the fourteen hun dred million dollars which the people •hav,e paid in the way of taxes xince l the close of tJto war ? The Radicals 'took charge of. it ; whatiLave tkey done with this vast amount 'of money? The people demand an answer t KEEP it before the people that the Radicals aro directly responsible for the i enormons aebt B nd consequent heavy taxation under which the ax•payers are now suffering.. Keep it efore the people that the national debt has c instantly increased, under Radi cal rule, ' during.threo years of profound peace, and that it will continue to increase while the Radienbearnain in power: --- ----- kW:MI*IMS 801 THE ARMY. According to the 9gures of &venue POM ntiasioner .4 )e expenses of the army alone, from the time of Lee's surrender to the 80th of June, 1868, amount%) to xINE 1101010 M AND BEYNNTEEN MILLIONS ONI11UN• lii WAD AND DEYENTH e7DecilBAND AND VOIWT• TURN': DOLLAIIO I ' Or OTO than three hundred million dollars a ye r I • . . Tax•payers, ho ldo you like this expen• sive fatto of tnilit ry . reconstruction ? Are you willing/ to submit to it any longer ? If not,, elect !tumour mid Blair ! 'REGISTRATION IN MISSOURI. , The farce of registration now going on in Missoyi, ' under, ftadical auspiccs l is causing tiuchili'ssatisfaation. On ilaturilay, E. Morgan, formerly a sol dia. in the lst lowa Cavalry, and a resident of Su Louis for the past two yoar's, was re fused registration for the reason that he was unable to produce his dieohaigeo, papers. Much indignation in felt against thelegis trators. 4 large number wore, vgjected the same day on the . ground of rebel sympathy. Over one hundred men were naturalized BA urday morning. It is not unlikely that con sidetable blood will be abed before tgregis laden is completed. The Radicals are evidently,' dote nLzied t? provoke hostilitiee l io the hope that they will thereby have an exetisa for: carrying the by military forco. PRIYATIi advicea from linama under ' date of Auk. 21 , announce - a grea t earth , quake in Peru, as fellows: "A fearful earth; quake took place in`Callao on the 18th inst 4 which lasted seven minutes. No lives were lost, but Many houses were ured. At 7 P. M. the sea retired for one hlendred-yards) on r turning ) the water rose ten feet abov4 the sual level. ' Great fears were entertain red t at, Callao would be completely iniundat , ed. .At 12 'o'cl&k thelnele and wharf were ',completely covered ) the sea rushing into'the lower part of the city. TheAown was cotn , pletrAikiiiirted t thi(ppiulation having fled ) pant strOken, to the interior. '• ' At last ac. 'cos (tits 14th); the worstlT/45 4 , X l r Wit .gredit alum oevailed in fhb' 'conimnnity for , the'tsifett Of their property;,"Shioing hal • zot sae* I , 4bilnithe steamer let. ' , • . , Tag Vro .i i gst. V.) Wipes says: - . 1 00 plum orcip this section is immense.. , !Au 4 reoi ikr.l o lo4•dolirs ilta fruit ! • and ar* do.M44l l idellePlAn to 4)9 wtabie i 0 .land OP wa der the lead: Not only 'ls the crop abun'dant,but 1t tank° nousuallyellohni in it. character. Oetobir 18th 11368. =MI • . —but of four hundred and fi fty soldiers stationed 4t Sackett's Harbor, only nine are in.favor of grant for President:, : negr6 ' fited intO a cAnt filled with i'a 3 *- sengert near Raleigh; North,' Carolina, the other day, ho)%lunatelylitt no one: ' Yorlt, ten children were lying dead '4007 day recently 'from eating unripe fruit. ' ' —On Thursday, in Louisville, Kentucky, Mickel Ryan shot' Benjamin Kratz in the back pith ,a carbine. He may recover. Ryan eacapid. Two grave-diggers tried to, steal 4 corpse on Friday night, in naladelphia, but they were frightened otf. • —Burglars stole the chandelier in Wire. Thompson'sarlor, in Nov York, on . Satu rday. Mrs. T hompson afterwards , entered i theToom with a lighted lamp, when acetic., plosion of escaped gas shattered the house and burned her seriously. —The wife of James MacMahon 143 arrested in New York on Sunday for murder ing her husband. —Burglars`stole $12,000 worth of cutlery on Katerrday, in Now York ' Myers, of Harrisburg, of the firm of Binged" tc. Myers, fitate printers, is dead. • • , —Royal Scales, Jr., drowned himself in tho Merrimac river, ataiiiherville, N. H.,on Friday. I He was suspected of drowning his daugliter s aged two year , in ilium' of soap, the - Sunday previous, •I . • . • • —Emil Qrmsby, of ptew York, wished to court his uncle's daughter. Uncle refuSed. Emil broke Sn the uncle's skull on Saturday, and then . cut his own throat. Both will pro bably red.over. incendiary tiro near Lowell, 'ShB.3., on S'aturday. peast Butler lives not away from the place. ;—lndians a 0 collecting revenue acid scalps from mail conches. Plea'of military nect)s sity. -14;4-Perry, of Philadelphia, who was dangerously injured iu a fight with a bur glar, a few days ago, is recovering. —Large shipments of grain are coming in from the Western States. Thank God for the A bountiful'Wheat harvest! --Spann Berry, a young German, fatally stabbed himself in Chicago, on 'Friday.— Cause—tired of life • and Itard times.. I So much for' adical rule.' —Wash. Richards, alias Bill Edwards; was severely stabbed in Baltimore, on Friday night, , —On • Friday night, a inatt i Inca Gray jumped i overbourdfrom a steamer on the pas sage from Portland to Bostr, and wa drowned. —Commodore J. B. Marchand has suc ceeded Commodore T. 0. Selfridge, as commandant of tho Philadelphia Navy Yard. —ln Philadelphia, on .Monday evening, Wm. Stlyder stabbed Joseph Scholl - in the side and stomach, in a fight: Snyder was arrested. —The Order of Seven \Viso Men had a grand parade in Pittsburg on Monday. —John . Allen, "the ftricketlest than in Now York," has closed his dance house, audis playing pioui—while it pays, perhaps. ' • —Mrs. Minnie Urban and her child died from burns; in Cincinnati, on Monday. The same day a servant girl was terribly burned by dropping a camphine lamp. —An explosion of gas took place at the U. S. Mint in Philadelphia 9n Monday, by which three men were injured, ono perhaps fatally. The gas had not , been properly turned .off in a vault, and on a lighting a match against the Wall a terrible explosion .took place. —Wm. Jackson, a culled brudder,iiitabb., ed a boy 'mined James Donohue, on Friday, in Louisville, Ky. William was locked up. He says he "didn't gwine to do i s t t a pit.- poso." 'Rah for Grant. Saturday,ten children'in L'oston fell into loose habits by eating castor oil beans for peanuts. There was fuss in some fain. dies, but uo deaths, fortunately. - —On Thursday morning, three masked robbers broke open the lions() of John Hall, in Rockport,. Ohio, tied family, robbed; the house, and escaped. • . —A drunken negro named Jackson John son is in jail in Pittsburg for attempting to ravish twp girls, ono thirteen, the other sixteen years of ago: 'Rah" for Grunt and `Koddlefieck! • Joslyn throw herself before a train of ears in Lowell, Moss., on Monday, lint she was saved by a policeman. --,The Tennessee Radicals seem deternan ed to•provoke a conflict between the whites and the blacks. , -lion. Gee. 11. Pendleton is making a de cided sensation in Idainyvhere ho is speak ing for Seymour andillair. —Tho . Sixth . I.T. S. Idautryy is ale cop centlated at Charleston, S. C. t by request of the white pooplo of the State, who dread a bloody uprising on tho part of tho negroes. 1 —Charles Kerl, n Uoimaup hung himself in New York on .Monday. 1 • . ---nrid et McMahon is (Wm' at Joroey City, fro the effects of throwing coal oil on a fire t make it burn: , -L-Twcf swindKrs iu Philadelphia robbed some brokers 1 ofll,ooo in U. S. bonds, on Monday, by sharp practice . . .They have not yet' been 'arrested. They were known as yet' it CO. " r I --t-itu immense to be built-over the Missouri, at St, Louis. —Kan. Francis Grang , er, Postmaster General inidor Firesidelit Harrison, digd in Canandaigna ) Near York l - on tho 28th tat. - . , i —ln l'hiladolphia ) . on Saturday, Mra.Pub ley throw her grandchild out of a • scCond story window. The child has sincoi died from its injuries. Mrs. Hubley, is insane; and hp.d previously thrown two'.oltildren out of windows—one of them her Own lloy. —Monday afternoon a German driver of a lager , beer wagon died from the heat, in Philadelphia. -=-Great preparations ere being made for the Saengerfest in Pittsburg. -=Two wo4en *ho were. on their way home from the Central Park, New York, on Sunday, were assaulted by .tvio men, and Mrs. Sergeant, aged fi fty : Seven yearly was outrtiged. Her companibn, Miss Giveson, escaped. 'The men have.been arrested. —Two men wereblinded and, crippled by, an, explosion in itsilver mine on Pine Pl. WWI ingUasOta t where they were working alone. The reirmileA without food for nitie Wh'en they were •Ilsocivered, with their eyes and their- yo,unde fen of maggots.— 'They willprobabh recover, in spite tctf their terrible sufferings. ' • TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. AFOCIA TAIILEN BY TIRE COLORED TROOVIt! Repnidican 'Victory in Vermont. 2 , ALONTkELIER, Vt., Sept. I.—The election has resulted in a Re t publicau victory, as was expected. The • Radicals worked hard as beavers, .!pent money without stint, and it is asserted that hundreds of voters were colt)• nixed, from adjoining States. Tile - Republican majority is said to be in- Creased over last year's vote. The Senate, it is supposed, - will be unani• I mously Republican, with, a large Republi• can majority, as heretofore, in the House. ' Page,Radical candidate for Coveraor,will probably have 25,000 majority oveofEdwards, Democrat—some estimate it at . 27,000. The Democrats ntacle`a gallant fight, and bear their defeat,generalty,with good nature. e FROM ,WANII/liitiTON. The Ratllesslei Chenthag the Government 11 , 11iiployeem. WASHINGTON, Spl)t. 1.-- , -The Capitol .em ployeen pre beginning to suffer from the in discretion of accepting multir_ Radical 'masters. A contribution is levied on each employee in proportionor , to his salary "f 'campaign purposeS," as . described by the paymaster, who at the same time informs dm .upfortunatei who has no, resource but to submit, that the whole amount will be paid if be so desires, but the paymaster does not forget to give the employeea little admoni: is that the paymaster would per sonallyadvise him to pay the per centagf, as it might cause remark if he did not': Ai the amount, whataver it is, is deducted s froa l the wages of ,the clerk, policeman, or watchman. The ratio . is Atha one and a half per cent. on the yew]) salary, and being deducted at one payment, as was the case to-day in l'one instance where $lB was II ithlield, it is eqpe cially onerous and oppressive. THE SIETTEMI4:I: SENSION 01 , CONCI:ES:3. General Schenck is expected here to-day or tolnorrOw, to join Senator Morgan and confer with him relative to a September ses sion of Congress. The impression generally is that they will decide Oda it, is inexpedi/it liar Congress to on cue. EitoD TENNESSEE. 11.0o f itout. Mountain Tumbling. NAMIVIy.E, Sept, I. 7 ..lntelligenee was ißceived here. lay night, Non . ' a gentleman running on the Chattanooga railroad, that an immense segment of Lookout, Mountain was detached fr . 4o near the lop' and rolleePtlown toward the Tennessee with terrific poise. lie assures us that one solid piece alone must have weighted 600 tons. It:is thought that some itxternakforees'are at work disintegra ting the , mountain. !rho ( people Ili the neighborhood arcs apprehensive of some inipending disaster, and are k all flocking into Chattanooga; . FROM NEBRASKA. A Man Drawsted with 800,000 111 his • Pocket—Arrival of Treasure OMAHA, Sept.,l.—Ailgustus Baker, fron Chicago, a passenger, frthn Montana, fel overboard near Yo'rk,, and was drowned with $lO,OOO in draft, and a check for $5O, 000 in gold otr his body, which were not ye covered. , The steamer Success arrivfd. yesterday from Fort Benton,'with.s3oo,o6 in treasure and a large quantity of silver ore. " 111 , - old Attempt at Robbery. PHU. lixixiliA, Sept. I.—This morning, about it o'clock, a messenger boy was knock ed down by a man on the steos of ( the Mechanics' Bank, Third and Market streets. The boy fell across the cash box: which he tarried, and resisted every attempt of the robber to take it from him. Two nuin drove up in a carriage, when the robber sprulig in and was driven rapidly away. lie has not heea arrested. The boy is badly cut over the left eye, and is highly complimented for hik bravery. The box contained a (large ambuntof stocks, bonds, money, &c , ' FROM MISSOURI Overestlthated *ottolik Crop—S(zerel Ca Sr. Loutti l Sept: I.—One third of a cottot crop-only t is 6xpected in Luwnd,'Mosubee and Monroe—the richest counties in Mis SOUTI The Radicals in this State are organizing secret cabals to control the election: They aro distributing anis to the negroes and Radical 'whites. A Murderer Arremte4l BAlmmottE, Sept. I.—Michael Bell, u ne gro, has been arrested here charged with the murder of Ramsey Gilmore and wife, in Queen Anne county. An attempt - was made to lynch him when he was captured. Tttm !Grand Jury of Venaugo • County, sitting at Franklin, on Thu2ar day found true dills against Weide, Miller, Shoppery, and Geiger,' the four parties arrested by officers Hague and McKelvy, of Pittsburg.charged with being concerned in the great lienneholl robbery. OfficCrs IJnguQ and McKelvy were& present and tostifiethbefore the Grand Jury, It is not knovit whether 'tho , tilial, will come up at this term of eourt,or not. ' The bill against the six parties arrested by the Deputy Sheriff and officers of, Venango County, about a week, ago, his been ignored by the Grand Jury, nth), is said, the parties-im— prisoned are about to institute suit avinst the °alders for falie ilnprisontnent. -7 . -Some Radical wr:ter has had the impu dence to niter the definitions or the words "congitntion,"t "congress" mid "compact," in a late edition of Noah Webster',4 Diet tionary. A Radical is a fitting tool for any act of meanness. - —James Donahoe applied for a divorce on Friday night, in Philadelphia, by dragging his wife npon'the track of the 4 N.,rritown ltaklroad, in front of an approachirig train. The act 'Was seen in time, and hur li. was i3aved. The brute waS arrested, but his wire refused to appar against him, and he %%azi released. —Champaign county,, 111., cannot he 3 very Pleasant place for r. rei(kece at the present moment. • In the northern part of It:there is a tract of forty acres on whieli the unburied carcasses of more than five hun dred cattle which have,of the Texas iligeasa are decornposiinY OM 1141•DAICS ADVERTISEXIENTS. • 'OSTZ-4;34 even ing t a child's tiattp N sex pa es. i JA' 10)er:it l eeward will be given if, returned to No. Mt tilus 4 treet. ' ' , sept 2-1 V -' - 1 r\vießTll WAHI ).— The Detuoeraesofrourtii . a and a re requested to meet at thepublidhouse o Amos S. Efterly. Sixth stmet. fat Ttitiksday ev e . ning, at ili o'cloelwf 1r the purpolle of nominating delegates to be voted fir on Saturday,; Sent, 611 y, I SAS. rePt 2-21 _ . i r Olk 110ITSESL—On gaturdaY afternoon, OSel)tontber 12th, at '2 o'elocktl new brick houses will Ito offered for sale. tho Keystone Muse; 3 being on Poplar alley, and on Ninth street, be tween Unttonwood and Green. Sept 2.1t4' G RAND BALL Thitt evening - . Sell. 2, at 'MILITARY GARDEN, A FREE LANIOAN ON TEE OLD STYLE k Tile public in general is invited. Good musio in attetultince. sept 2-It A1INSOL1;TION OF PARTNIMINIIIIIP.- I.lNotice is hereby given that the partnership lately existing betn een Israel ti, Ritter and Ben noville llertoletto of Heading, Pa., under tho firm o f flitt er & Berielette, Undertakers, was dissolved' on tho loth day of August A 'lStiS, by mutual co k usen t. All debts owing to the said partnership aro to be received by A. IC Staulter. Esq.. No 521 Court street, lteaaing, and all demands on the said part ner:4llP aro to bo invented to him forpayment. TSltAi lTtEll. ) B.JoiitTomiTTß. The hu.4oeFA will be continued at f be'lottnethee, 4 2.9 No. North street, by the underiignet , who is prepared, at the hhortest notice,to attend funerals in either city orcountry. sent 2•31, • . M hIyIPION.---Soine person having stolen Y Vil)av-book from my shop, all persona are cau tioned not to pay any bills made out and presented to them, excepting by my s ot HENRI tiOODMAN, Wheelwright, 31-11'• ! 71S Franklin street • G It EAT ATTAAVPIONS GREAT ATTRACTIONS!! t AT 111 .t its n o turp VA II I ETI ES. He.appearanee of Mroter Jarilellti; the great Feniale Personator and Coniedia4. together with Mr. Miles, the great Com ique Vocal ht. Also Rosa Smith, and the ItroAslttnily. Como early to seenre seats.. Cool lager on hand. • A LHICIVIP 1t111"1`101, TEACIIEII OF MUSIC, Will regime inslnwtiong, Monday, Septettibet 7111. now : SIMING MACHINE.' PILE PA MAY WINO MACH IN 7711::. WORLD. The only Sewing Maehine wade that will. sow everything a family needs with entire satislaethin to the operator. ' - It seluns, Item, Nile, gathers, some,, N11;1+001110, cords, braids awl bitok It sews the finest fabrics without iiyoring.the and the heaviest materials with the greatest ease, even goods of such atieknem bs cannot be forced under the presser Wolof the Singer or Urov - en S "taker Wattles. It AVWS with the eoarseizt patent thread as well a:4 the finest silk. • It 111111te8 the most perfect Lock Stitch of any ma chine ma int facturel. It uses a Hirer needle with thy feline thread than any other machine made.. IL has a non-variable tension in the shuttle, and the Rotary Tousled, ter the tippet. thread, is not t.gniltilt it by any other make. It is the simplest machine In eonstraction—and for thatteason more easily Learned to operate and 'mikado to get out of ordor. It received the highest krize at t the World's Fair, London, Viti2.; and the brand nob" Medal over, eiabty-two cola potitlirs. 014 Exposition littiver sae, p ar k, 1867, itsAtventor created a Knight of the Legion of Honor, All persom desiring 66w ing Much in ea will &moll by examining the llopiii' before purchasing else where. . 11, 0 lice tio. 10 North Sixth Area. near Ilushong's ~, 13 a I l i k l i t a i s i i i ) i t i ti g iit l e ' tin g• t itek p ing i Vt au t i g t. a 4 r l tt g l ° cord int Amu) toyer. ' Jlways or'bum', machine oils, needles, Alirend I silks. Rug 31-lf r 11111111 READING FIRE INSURANCE AND I TRUST COMPANY OF HERRN CO. QRUANIZED JULY. 1867. Office Beadin g Invirmice Build(li g , -N0.19 Noril • l'ifth hirer!, 8. E. (in•ar!• of (buil street. Mee liourd from S A. M. to 8 v. 11 / , . DI HECTORS I , i 'J. Pringle Jones, 1 James Mehnight, Henry Z. Vain Reed .kisob Shaffner, .). T. Jackson. I). h. Start, Jonas tilialter. .1. T. Valentine, C. orge Itieber. This gompaity i Awes all kinds of property inpi hist loss or (Vim go by fire at rates as lowas any other reliable Coin m 'nyand upon every plan known to Stock Insurance Companies, . PorPetual Policies issued requiring no renewal and upon which the ,ainount of premium, paid ea . n be reglaimed at any thin), less a deduction of five Oef cert.' TIIO IItIVIIIItIIKCS of this method are Ivorthrof the attention of farmers and others hav ing first-class dwelling houses', lorns and other buildings, in WWII or country, as being the eheaP est and safest. • ' I ' Policies for ono, two, three, five or more years, or for les , than one year, issued .and no charge made! for Policy and survey when renewed or when hi surances are transferred from other companies. t The citizens of Reading and vicinity, hitherto I ~i , ( 0 1 ,0 lidelit mainly upon foreign companies, have now the privilege of effeetim; their insaranees in a home institution; rt`ell organized, with an adequate paid in and guarani t d capital, presenting as strong a bolds of securi •as that of any other coin pany. The advantag it' doing business directly y 4) with the Company 8111 the importance of keeping some 'Portion of the largo sums paid for insurances, in circulation at home, will bti appreciated .by all .1. PRINtiliE .10N IN, Plysident. -,IAIIIES Mol(N1(1 HT, Vice President, S. E. AxeoNA, Sec'Y and Truths, Divide-1f . • ... II 1 0 , A DWI A ItTEUS FOR . • : CAM PAWN G()OD► ! AT THE. UNION Fl MA NITA CTOM BA DUE 1) N/► 11 NORM!. VI (Next door to tho ilveninAlY 20,000 Campaign' nutionAne AND REF Direct from the Eastern and otl \phleh We can sell at Now X ort, sand, hundred or, dozen. The} •gortment ever offered for FUIO In ing, having over ono hundred • d smell as Medals, fins, Sleeve B Good Agents wanted—a goo( lowed. Our Retail prices arc from 106 sons AVM do well to Rive us a ca vg elsewhere. y _ SOCIETY BADCES, MAR of till kinds made to on. er: also, seriptions made and repa.ire , Cloilis properly repaired. - . Dn. EBOENE CELE - Bit ATEID - lii r EDISI - 15 , ‘ BITTERS, _ , . .t+ - , Cure with , certaitity eltroitie derangetnents of the Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, 'tithe most Pow erful Tome of the Dige:dive, Mmdular Pler VOUS System, and the mest .Reliahle preservative agaimt all kinds of Fever, pisentiltT, and Infec lows Di?easci, eqteciaßy nealmt Cholera, 'Typhoid and. Yellow Fever. Price 75 1 . i scentsve bottle, Six fur fit. For sale at the ");:ngit "'lardistore. ' RITTER & CO., '3.51 Penn Street. SEYMO UR IIAbGES,, Symov Badgedcan:be had !MOLE BOOn. STORE. \ 4 CAPITAL $159,000A MD 4 1 I )(VII 1 4 1 , k-f I lit St., spata Office.) Badges I IIIIVCA ler manufactories: prices, by thou are the finest as the city of Bend itierent patterns, talons, Stutbt, percentage al 'entl , to 1 .ti i 00 . .• I before plirelir.g. I • CS AND PINS jewelry of all do d. Watelte4 and a Stf maI."..IIIMINNIM.M • Pim DVERTI l IIEM VITO. PIAJAIBING teas and Stein' .Fittingl EDWARD SCULL, NO. 10, SOUTIT FIFTH STRERT, DIMS LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE TO TliE CITI- I) :one of Reading and likeinity, that ho attends PLUMBINU, OAS AND STEAM FITTINO,' At short notice. All workilonedluaranteo. None but the best workmen 'employed, , Also, a lot of first-class Chandeliers, Brackets, Ranges, Bath Tubs,Water Closets, Spigots. ace, always on hand an d Eat o at the lowest prim'. A Phan) of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. • • Juno 24-3 in A LAWN LOT OP Domestic and Imporled WOOLEN AND corroN RNfirriNO YARNS, AND ZrPHYRS, For silo cheap. at DREYFOO/V, 705 Penn Street above Seventh, :tug, 2:ht:iv A UCTION I AveTioNl All that large and irell selected stock of FOIU AND DOMESTIC - v 1)1; .- GOODS , Contained indlie ilopular store of Mehl Neil, No, 637,Penii Street, in the City of Reading. will ho sold at 1 ' P 0 /11 14 1 0 di OCTION, Commencing on tho SECOND Y OF Stll 4 - 7',EIIIIIEII next, at 10 o'clock,. A. M. and to be con tinued until the whole'stoek mold. • The undersigned make it peretuptory at of the goods in the Alia store, anti Merchants as well As others may find It to their interest to attend the sale. J. 1). WANNER, Aligneo of 114vid Neff. ItuA i no, Aug. Tpt, ISGS. 211 w OUEENOrE CLAM) SOA QUEEN OF ' EN . GLANE . : SOAP. p QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP For doing a family washing in tho best and cheanest manner. Guaranteed equal to any in the world I Has nil the strength of old rosin soap with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine vartile. Try Vs splendid Soap. Said by the ALDEN CH MIPAL WOHKS4 4M north Prong street, Philadelphia. au T•tjmo --- BLANK BOOKSi ra= nn sale a largo variety of Blank Booksleyidi will be gold cheap, lt ill rat & co. POLITY CAL CARDS. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. 4 To the Voterm of norlot - County. * VETIOW-DEMOCRATS;:-Eqcouinged by the very largo veto I received in :the Doinueratie Convention of 180 for the nomination for District Attorney for Berke County, which placed me oh the returns, (next to the successful candidatedat4 for which I am deeply grateful, I again offer my self as a candidate for the office of District Atter nek at the enduing election, subject to the decis ion of the next Democratic Delegate Convention. Should 1 be successful in obtaining the lamina . - tion and subsequent election. I pledge 'myself to discharge the duties of the Alec with fidelity, in tegrity and ttintrfedy, ISRAEL C. BECKER. ' 'Reading. July Z 1,1863. tf FOR .ASSEMBLY, E have been authorized to announce the 11 namo of Michael McCullough, of the city of lteatling t as a candidate for Assembly, sub ject to the decision of the' Democratio Delegate ;Convention, aug lOtt COUNTY COMMISSIONER, ditto ter County Conduit:stoner, subject tti the de cision of the Dentoeratio Delegate Convention. a-. 1. FOR COUNTY 'AUDITOR:' Vir JIAVP; boon authorized to announce. the try name of 11,14 AW SALLADM of Hereford Township, as a candidate tbr County Auditor, sub ject to the decision of the next Democratic pelt,- gate Convention. Ilerifurd, Airtnifft 20, IsG9r td FOR DIREOTOR OF THE POOR. rto '11(E VOTERS OF lIERKS COUNTY.—I, Ithe subscriber, announce myself as a candhlitt for Pireetor of the Poor, subject to the decision o • the Democratic 'Delegate rule, if nominated an elected, my whole endeavor will be• to have the Mlle 011111101 A in a humane and economical man ner, not being committed to any man' or party of mon to carry out this or that measure to the in jury of the tax-payers and others conceited. DANIEI4 11. LORAII Lower Ifeidelberg, Aug. 15, stir TPOR COUNTY VOIMIBBIONEtt. rim P. VOTERS OF 11143t1i8 0/UN:ff.—Dav i ing been solicited b n largo number ot friends, I oiler iny . self as t candidate for the taco of Colin ty Commissioner, subject to the' decision of the Democratic Dologato Convention, and should I be successful in obtaining the neminatioii, and bo elected, I pledge myself to diseharge the duties to the best ot my ability, and protect the interests of 'the citizens ot the county. HENRI HEIDLI;. !leading, August 17-to • • - t rELLOW DEMOCRATS.—Encouraged by 4 the very liberal support given me last year by, the Democratic County Convention for the State Legislature, and for which I am very thankful, I agnin• offer myself as a candidate for the enine (alb o, subject to,the decision of the next Demo cratic 'Delegate Convention. If nominated and elected, I pledge myself to use every effort to pro mote the best interests of the agricultural, labor ing andquechanical classes of the 1Y riet, and of i t the mass of the people generally, as ii.tivid IM. Respeotfully yours, ac.., 4 • A, T. C . li 11F En, a 9-tft THEATRE COM IQ Aulenhach's Tail, CO and 019 Penn St. .1. C. STEWAAT, t - - Cede° and Idannge:r. THE FAMILY RESORT 0V • READING. NIPAV BILL TO-NICHT. ~ • ' First week of. - \ MR. THOMAS IiteINTYR.E. , • • First time of • • BARNUM'S 'LAST DODGE. I • . - First liines4if the Laughable Siii;t6)), • BLINK'S AND JINKS, and the ever popular , STEWA lIT'S. MINSTRELS. largest and best show ever in Reading. Admifflon 25 cents; Orchestra seats 35 cents. Children itiets. Doors open at i'%; curtain rises at ti o'clock. Don't forgot he afternopn performance on Sat urdayaitln?ta2ttil°ck for idiesind irenOnwlch (oTh ; number of Dress Patterns be given away. •ang 31.1 t, p TINS AND PEN HOLDERS. A tarp var, ety of different wakes , for sale at the 'Reale Bookstore. EDWARD SCULL. IEI =I wApiTio. mONET" 'WANTED. lii•ONEY 'WANTED! •BY T4ll{ CITY 01? RIADINg, The undersigned ,Committee Finance of Corporation of the Vit.x' of Reading. henna e nokorinea to borrow the sum of MO SEVENTYA4VE THOUSAND Dola .& for the putpose.of enlargiug the Water Work, ,•4 the said city. hereby give notice that di!). a re pared to issue Vertiticates of Loan. be ring cent. interest. to parties desiring to loan the city. Apply to eager of the motet-14nd t ' William Heidenreich. EN Oil. Treasure,' " It EDE. LA l'Ek • ' DAN I EL MILIA;)1, DANIEL r;IMIN, Outumittee ea kin +no • _ LIWELLING HOUSE WANTD, - Aw CO NVEN I 1•:N T DWELI,6O Ent anted within a reasonable digfanoc „flat and Fifth streets, between this time and th t of Octoper, by a small latnily,, Appiy at o, e otlthe, • . DAILY 'EAGLE, a 10 tf • • IjprANTIO D.—An active man, with a fibsirn,, IV la), us partner in a nub-Oats Reet aur ,,,, For particulars add r it es.4 l .. immcdintelr It ESTAU itA Nestling p . • troo l a h. IVatN. th North llth . nue, • CM IPURNITUItE. , -- WHERE TO GEV 111 717 721 l%ian Street, Rearting, p a , FiJIINI.rru . 11 II IN ALL 13TYLK AND MATERIALS, Th'lnrgest assortment in the city to sclta twin and prices inuch lower than' any other house, call from porsotto in want of tiny orticte of f ulu i tu . (tout tho tuost.monsivo ttown, is solicited. P ET! N 1idA1."11 N (18, A - -VII, CLOTHS, A 11111 stock Mims nt low advances on mt. • ire-Call and Eton: : .TACOII IL - RITTER, fold9tt • 717 at 721 Nun GREAT FURNITURE DEPOT, SCHRUTER & FELIX, Waroroom, cornier 'Fif'th .and Washington streets. MANUFACTORY, ,WASHINOTOIV .7 11 BRLOW F'IF'TH WTIOICSALE ANI) UNDEItSIONED itEspixTrutLY—lN. vile nubile attention to their splentitasteek of rat-ulnas furitituro now and constontly.ou hand, and mado to order to suit customers. Among othor article:4, modal . ottentiltn le N. riled to their unsurpassed , EXTENSION TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, DINING ROOM CHAIRS, ,t f CEN'I'RI;•AND QT111..114 BEDSTEADS OF THE LATEST ST'YLFS, and every _other article in their lino of busineo. liverk.article is manufactured b??• thr mselves, is .their admirably arranged malmfactury, with the tn6t perfect roarhliicry, and pkilitnl mechstild, rind finlAhed in an utuntrpiissed wanner.• - Also prepared to °wale all orders far . _ CARVING; TURNING ) ' SAWING • nni MOULDINGS. 1 All f ordera promptly °scouted, and warranted to give sattsfaetton. • 41.104- • FURNITURE WAItE BOOM - - lONSTANTLY ON lIAND a laiwo aasortment of the bewt Cabinet Ware, full suitaof Chamber Furniture. also Parlor sulfa' and large asaortment CANT; SEAT CHAIRS. Best Mir and husk Mattresses. Persons wishing to purchase, would do well to call cud month° our stook. D., IJ. BRIDEMAN, 4112 Penn heare, Also c egent for, the celebrated totemic° Lock and Knot btitelkratnily. Hewing Idnehino. t'a wit K ItYD Fa lt k CO. I. Manufacturers of ' Mt. STOWER'S ,Oolobr4iod Tonic Herb' Bitters. Importerd of. k WINE S AND 'LIQUORS, Attzo fiolo Agonts for BAILEY'N UNRIVALLED Mt \No. 121 North Third f3troot, PHILADELPHIA, Vo(salwat the Eagle Dookatore. nag 514 Notice to Water Consumers, Iwo to the extrernoly low slate of the water Win the Reservoirs and lto intnossitrility of colP pleting the itnprovomonts for increasing the water supply of the oily bOforo the next two or three months, the Cottrtnisoloners of Witter would Tr quest the water•tokorm of the city to bong econoup teal no possible In the use of water at Iwcoent.4l proer attention to tithe request, on the part ut inch COIISLIITICr i largo quantities of water can raved and n fall supply for ordinary. purPoei - ,rtlaranteett to all. The several Fire eoluvanies IWO also requestri io cOnse using wntordttring the present drought, o reent in eases (afire, ilk order of the ap WATER. . ID . F. VIALS, &craw's/. j *City pallor); will pions° copy L ADIEs , DRESS TRIMMINGS! LA:CHS Al,l, KINDS, Real and Imitation, EMBRQII*RIES, I i'!IOSIBIti", .' GWVIM, 6 .*A full HA of zEpuy HS; A•LA MODE CORSETS, Gent's Furnishing Goods,, AT H. R. & A. S. BOYER'S (Lato Auchen6aeli k Bro.) •*s2° Penn. Street, July 224m0 READING. • • D IGIIONARIES. 1 . • Webster's Unabridge d, Webster's Academic (Rer. Weimer's High gebool. t) Ed.) irobster's Common , Webster's• Primary, (her. gil;/ Rehle English DictinarY, ' ' Worcester's Voniprebensive Diction:lTh Worcester's School Dictionarr. Adler's. German and English Dictionary. Oehlsehlager's Pronoupeing (human Dictionary. For sale at the ' 'F.AtibE BOOKSTORE. 311103-tf. - 351 Penn Stieet. neer Forth. II NOTIONS, &e., P.