- _ TFIE 1)AIL GLE / PUBLISHED EVERY ~A FTERNOON; r , (3unlayp Evepted,) . AT THE (WEIDE OE put ItE4llOO ADLER, . • No. 3'51 PiCHIN STAMM The READING DAILY 0401,11 !Inc be furnished to , elocribort it: the °lir tree peere_rxte n Wi. To ra it I I subsoil eta at gs year, or P 1428 a quarter —to be paid for invade, a ly In 'Aimee. A liberal dell uc tlon_rlll be teed e to clubs of ten or more gob pal herr. .To prevent iptitetr A e ell letters should be a Uremia' "Ammo PATLY .161.01,110 . WILLIAM 0. B/TTE I / 1 , JESSE G. HAWLEY. k, -- THE CAMPAIGN EAGLE.. • . During do pfesoilt campaigns from August 12th to November 4 12th, a period .of throo months, the DAILY EAGLE be lamed 'to c o mpeign Subscribers at tho following. rates t From Aug. 12th to Av. 12th, 8 mos. $1.20 From Sept, 12th to N6v. 12th, 2 mos. 80 Froof Oct. 12th to Nov..l2th, 1 mo. 40 No subscription for tho campaign BAnLE will be received unless .accoinpanied hy.tho ME Any •kidon getting up a, club. or Ten subscribers, will receive a copy gratis. '!'he EMILE will keep its rgailors well in formed on all political topies of the day, and will labor zealoAsly, for the disserninne • • tion of sound Democratic, doctrines, the nnity and harmony of`tho great _Democratic . • party, and the triumph of Detnocratif principles and the Democratic candidates. • It wilt also Contain; in a condensed form; all the genernl.nows Of the day, with a com plete and Correct account 'of all local mat: tors in or connected with 'our city and corm- Hvery voter in Berks county should talcq the EAIII,E for tho campaign. Addressi RITTER . A.; CO., ; Eagle Office, Reading, 1:a: TUE BON6IIIIOLSER. oh, tho Bondholder rests in ti cushioned chair, • As he a+ nt his table to ilino • 4 ,0 " While before him Is spread out tho daintiest faro 'And tho choicest of foreign wine ? Then ho thinks of tho wealth that ho made by the watt For his heart Ns groWn selfish and cold, And fit) laughs, and Ito limas, and smokes his cigar, As ho counts up his Interest In gold, Oh, a rolllolilng follow le ho, Is ho, And his Rio passes smoothly away,'' .And what enroth•ho for you, or mo, _While ho has no ta*os to pay. • C.IIOItUS- Then a rollioking time will have we, have n 4, And our days will pass smoothly away. When our country'wo see in prosperity. And we have no taxes to Day. And tho Bondholder's who In her coach and four, Knows nothing of labor and care, - As sbe Mires by the suffering tax-paYor's door, Not heading the misery there, .‘ Tho bravo, crippled soldier she sees hot now; Nor 114 obildlon so bungryrand cold ; While tifo laboring nuin by tko sweat of his brow, But pays up his interest in gold. Oh; aright merry life has she, hos sho, This Bondholder's Wife so I gay, And what moth sho for yott and me, IVI4Io they:have ho taxes to jay. Then a rollitiking time, &c. • • Then workifi i emelt all put your hand to the wheel, , And lotus no longer - delny; • For I tell you we're only beginning to feel Tho taxes we'll soonave t9'pay, Oh I come rrlppledsoltior, come rally again, Till a Union restored tr 43 beho,Jd; For our sons have been E)nin, and ,yourblood shed in vain, TicllTO wino out this intoi ? est in gold. When a rollicking time, &o Then comrades arouse, for the peoplo'nomore Intend to bo purchased or sold, And (ine*lnd of money, for rich and for poor, • We'll havo, bo that impel. or gold, Vrah, boyS, 'hurrah for the burdens so light, In the sweet, merry days of old, Viten, on Saturdayllght, by his fireside bright, Tile poor counts his i vtages in gold. TlMn'a rollicking One, 4e. —Th Spiritualist Cowsiention At Ho. Chester Adjourned sine (lie on Friday. —The Now Orleans police force, not haVing been paid for five months, nro said to bb in a•very destitute condition. . ' —Admiral rarragat is. to # return to this cpuntry in 00,obOr. —An nyalanehe in Chili recently killed twenty•four persons. —The.tolin of Horitos, Caofornia, ‘vas nearly all Burned on Saturday. , —Three persons were - murdered in Canada, near Detroit, .on Saturday, and their bodies veto afterwards burned in a = building set on fire to conceal the crime. - 7 -Two mon were fatally wonnded by a steamboat explosion on the Mississippi on Saturday. —Extensivb fires in the wiSods near Mon treal are reported from that city. —512,000 fire at Schaghticoko Falls, New York ; on Saturday. . • • large distillery at Mutter's Point, New York, recently seized by the Federal revenue officers, has been mysterionsly, re leased by orderg•from WaShington. • GOOD FOR GlLLEAL — liccently in Vicks burg, there was a large Democratic proces sion in which were borne severalllags,which nt the request of several eitizens4ad been loaned them by the . pdst quartermaster. The parade of voters being large and impOssive, alarming the carpet baggers, several of them called on General Gillen", and complained that his officer had furnished flag§ to a • pro cession which was "impeding reconstrue• tion." "Gentlemen." said the General, "you are the d—dest fooli I ever saw. I fought these people for four years to make them carry the flag, and now you , are Mad becausci they wish to march under it.", §I7IISORIO for the Ewa. , . - , • , . • ••••• sto. "•••, •••••••••*•••••••••,... r.••••••• ••..•,,,,. .....:et.•!•,r,"•••••••••••••••••••••, ••••••: :• , ;•••••, r;7 77rf . 7,.0,77,,,,;:,.:,7, 4, rrert ifflMYl4:lll3;•,..V!erattyr.otalusvtivoitc4,3o,-.. A - i` t -77777rrn."'"'".77 ' - """"'"`"''''"'"" . "'" .. ,.7.7 . 7777; .•• . , ",,,.' . 2, . : ,•,,. -, '.. • • , -, . ~. - -..-- „ . • ' ''' '' ' ' ' '' . ' - . ' - ' '-'. - ' ." ' . - . ' '.. ' ''' ' . ' '' . '' s . ' ' '-'' " . ,c t - C . ;tii ' ' 4 ;, tt. ' ti . re ' I '.: ' ' " ~' . 1 ' ' ... 1 " ' ' . S. 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Vur on .-, A - - - -, -, A tm 0,113 . ,:' , '.l:-P', , ,V;.;"(f?-.7,;•1, ....!'k; .. `, 1 . , - . -,'-•,),-; • , -." . , I Cittvit lc , .• :. 1 , y ,,,, 4 : ..44 .t . • 110) " I 1 3 , 4 . . /1 1 Il lAt .'' .• il - , ' t . 4. . t ""`" '. .; , Al . .' :.:;'' ' .1 .7'''... .- —. '-..-::•:-.:-.:-, -., ,1 , * •IR ti rVl.Vti ,',.. , . , ; :,..;„.• • . , . f - • Vrso" ', • ''' • 04 ..' • go.- • 0: -.140 -'t -Mt N' '' i i - ii . I . . -' • 's ' ' ' , I '": ); ' f t ' , ' :' -Aohlitul, iitl4lc Ona IT•lin,litiPilt4l ll tn. . ' .. . .. ‘ ; V.—i.. 4., , 1;:,,:, ,-., -• ' -^" '., V; ~:*2 •,•": ...,,, • . T'• h -,,1, • I '' rottAv/Itook old% tkimst--i - '";" P%lxt - 7 1 : -- ‘Y. - f - ' '^ - ' - ''. 4 - -- . ''t . : NtUfrtite. liPlat. AfflffagOtA"!"T"" ` s lfq n)atmlitto %0 b Alt tilt 1* 1 c . kr A :ior 41 fiki2 -VOL,I—No.IB7. thAtRTANT FROM 01011THAMRILKA. TheWersignnion 'Wee—Abandonment of Maniono. _yin: BRAZILIAN ArouNT. The tactics of the allied itrees,in attempt ing to reduce the Paraguayan, fortress of Hun - mita . by starvation have been 'entirely successful. The ParagneyaOS held out to the last moment,' and on July 21, when their 'stores, were exhausted, evacuated the posi tion, and the allied - forces marched 'into Humaita'the next day. Two )lunilred and • fiftytannott and a largo s quantitY nmmuni tion, small ruins, &c., which the Paraguayans wore compelled toabandw were capture i d by the allies. , The retreating Paraguayans were pursued and four thougand of them cut off froin the main body and surrounded in Gran Chaco. They formed in line of battle ; and in answer to a demand for stirrender, emphatically Eefused.,,Threo of the Brazilian iron-clads forced. their way through the 0- struetions; and past the batteries .on the Parana, and had joined the ,fleet in the bom dardment of the position of President. Lopez, at the mouth of the Tebiguary, and Marshal Quails, the allied commander, was also ad vapeing troops on Lopez from:the land side, mid as the guns of the allied fleet command ed all routes of retreat, it was expected that the Paraguayans ,yould soon be forcad fo 'surrender their poSition. ' , It was reported: that the Paraguayans had also evacuated , the important dct'ensible town of Timpo. There were no new &Wel opaments in rega i n() the, difficulty between Mr. Webb, tho.A4norican minister, and tge 13razilian government. , Tho'new 'Ministry of the Brazilian Gov ernment is redoving the Presidents .of‘ the provinces, and . appohlting others in their places, which action is Opposed by thh Liberal party oveiywhere throughout, the Country. • THE PARAGUAYAN WAIL LONDON, AuiBo.—ACcounts of the recent events on the Rio 'Parana hair() been received fipinParaguayan sources. The Paraguayans 'state that the Allies received a severe chock in.two. battles do July lath and 18th. The fortress was subsequently evacuated without the knowledge of the enemy . . All the heavy guns are spliced; and the arms, atniunnitAon and stores removed. • The Governmohts. of Chili/ and ! Bolivia havo offei;cd their . good offices to Lopez to mediators. • The Paris Petrie has Paraguay adviees which explain - that Humaita was abandoned because Lopez had completed hia now de fence lino of fortifications on the Tobiguary. The Paraguayans were confident that the Allies, though holding the river, would not attomil to enter the interior of the country, and they believed that the war would aeon be brought to an end by the lassitude ()nth combined Powers. Political Riot at Chicag6—The Tanners and the White Doym in flue. There wits a terrible riot on Friday night. In Chicago at an Irish political meeting in the •Bighkh Ward. The Democrats iti at tendanmexeceded the Republicatt i s in num bers, and somehow or other a• fight was in augurated of a most alarming character. Ono Mr. John . Popo attempted to state the ,pqrpae, of tke .meeting, when' the •"White' Boys in Dine" proceeded to drown his voice with yells, shrieks and 'groans. The entrance of the Irish to' mien was the signal for the crowning outborst of ferocity. The• scene which followed was of the most exciting nature, front the struggling crowd, whore clubs •and flags and torch stick, waved and fitittered. in 'the wildest-confu •sion. Howls, Yell 4 groans and blasphemy succeeded. The ,burning torches of the tanners were overturned and all aflame, scattered about the room,- setting.fire'to the building in several places, and requiring instate. attention to prevent its destruction. Club( fists, 'elung-shots and, revolvers were used, and the tanners taken by surprise by the .ev,ideatly pre - concerted assault and greatly' overpowered; were driven lido the streets. Here the riot was- still raging, and Paving stones were called into requisition in addi tion to, other Weapons, and itseemed likely that many would be killed.' The alarm had been sent to the Fourth street,police station nude squad of pOlieemen came on the double quick , to the scene. Captain Kennedy, of the Western Divis ion police, also hurried down in. a biiggy; and q rising - up in his carriage ordered the crowd to disperse. The presence of these peace makers had the desired effect, and the rioters began to dispel's°, when some one raised the yell of Seymour . and Blair, and for a moment it seemed as if the assault would bo renewed. The police succeeded in ar resting 3 men, and the rioter's gradually dis persed. At last none of the tanners were found to be seriously hurt-and many more were slightly injured. It is not known its yet that g sinoe• mcmbei: of the attacking party was seriously hurt. • Tile Demo&ats assert that the meeting was not called. its Bepublican that it was intended , as a,device to lure Irishmen into the Radical ranks, and that the outbreak was provoked by calling the eDemocrats dogs and using threats of violencelowards them, ; There i much. excitement in tim city over • • the attain • PAINTS, Oil and building materials will be found. cheaper at J. L. Stiehter's than at any, other house ill Reading. j 13•tf 4' FOR. TUN 000 D 'THAT LACK READINO I , PA.,. WEDNESDAY AFTERSIOOII,. SEPTEMBER' 2,. 1868. ARRIVAL AND DEPAILTUtIE BTAGES AND, MAILSi ricridlng, July 25, Ifittsi„ REAMSTOWN MAIL AND STAGE LINE 'Leaves Reading at 8 a. in.. rri-weekly. Tuesday. 'Thursday and Sa urdny. lteturns steam days at hp, in, . •It serves the foil wing named Pest Otlices: Omen, Oouttle Ville, Adamstown, -Schwartz vino, Watertown. • BOYERTOW 'MAU, AND STADE LINE Leaved lloyertown at 0 o'clock, n. et., Arrives nt Reading nt 10 o'clock, n. in. Returning, leaves Reading at. 2% p. in. Arrives at Iloyertown at 8, p. • in. It ' , ems Stoeersville, Itrumfielilvillei lireshville. yellow Ilous.e, Revival() and Boyers town. . • BRIO V HALE MAIL AND S'TA(IE LINE Leaves llolhol ' at 4 o'clock, a. la., arrives nt Reading nt 10 o'clock, n. llctuKninF, leaves Itoadinicat 2 o'clock p. tn., raves at M rg at 9p. in. It serves Leinbachs, Lower Dorn, Ilern villo Bethel, Talpehoccon and • Holsters Mills. BLUE BAIL MAIL AND STAGE Lir . • Leaves Reading on Mandy, u 1 1 ..tettett.ay a d Fri day nt 9 'o'clock, a. m. I eturning, leave. •Biuo Bali on ',Tuesday,, Thursday anti Saturday, ar riving at ileaditig at I o'clock, p. in. It supplies mows stoep, Knauer's, • llowtnaosville, Muddy Crook, Terre' ifill Weaver's Mill and, Blue Ball. P IQUAMAIL AND STAIII3 LINE Leaves Reading on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 o'clock, a. in. Aarrives tit Reading on Tuesday, Thurstlai ilmi Saturday at 5 o'clOck, p. in. It supplies It. Penn, ilockdriville, ;f oanna lqirnace,Morgant( vn, Talbotville, lioney•Brooke. Catabridge anti South Hermitage. LOBACILSVILLI4 STAOII AND MAIL LINE Leaves Lolmehsville on Tuesday, Thursday and Spurtiny at 7 b'eloek, a. M. Arrives at4teatiltig at 9 1 4 o'clock, a. in. Returning. Leaves Readg at 24 o'clock, p. in. Arrives ht hobachsville at 7 'o,'elook. p. in. It serves Alsace, Oloy and bolatehs villa. 1 READINO TO COLUMBIA Daily by fitailroad—Leaves Reading nt 6 p. in. Arrives atlo:3oa.m. SuppliesEritztown,Reinholds Station, Sthvens, .Ephmta, Millway, bitlz. M an ,heim,Sporting 11111. Landisville and Silver Sprimo. WLSTCHESTER '['o ButDsnotto TO-weekly. by Stage—Leaves Westekester on 10nday, IVittinesday anti Friday ,at 7 ti. in. Ar ritl'es at Birdsboro at 7 oit M. Returning, leaves Birdsboro on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7a, m. Supplies Oenter's Mills, Blue Rock, song's, Wallace, Uwchland, Lionville and West Whito land. READING TO ROBESON Semi-weekly by Stage—Leaves Read ingpn Tung. • day anti Saturday at 7:30 a. in, anti arrives at Read ing tit 11 a. m. READINO TO HOST Semi-weekly by Stago—Leaves Reading Tues day and Saturdayi 11:30 h. ny Arrives at Read ingtt at 9::l0 n. in. Mu plies Addam's Tavern, Lower Heidelberg, ,North loidelberg, Kriek's•Mills,and Host. LEESPORT TO izOlt A. 'Tri-weekly by Stage—Leaves Leesport Tuesday; Thursday and baturday at 12 in. Arrives at, LOes port at 3 p. m. Supplies South F / vansvillo and Moiltown. • COXTOWN TO VIROINSVILLE , Tri-weekly by Stage—Leaves Coxtown Tuelzday, Thursday and baturday at 9a. nt. Arrives at Cox'- town at 4p. m. Supplies Kirbyville, Mosolem and Virginsville. REHRERSBU,RG TO STOUCIISI3III4O Tri-weekly by Shiite—Leaves lteltrorsburgTues dliv-Thurstlay and Saturday ntll.a. in. Arrives at Itehrersbarg at 6p. m. Supplies Wintersvillo and Host. READING MAILS. • • TIMM DAILY. NolYoidt—Cl(Kes at 10 A. ii. and 10 r, Arrives at 1 A. M. and 2 P. M. Philadelphia—Arrives nt 10:30A. is. and 0 r. If. s Closes at 10 A. M. and4r.M. Harrisburg=—Arrives at 10:30 A. it. qnd 4:30 P. M. Closes at 10 A. U. and MO I'. H. Pottsville—Arrives-at 10:30 A. M. nod 4:30 r. M. Closes at 10 A. D. and, :30 P. IN A 4/011NTOWN AND &MON, i ' Arrives at 2:00 r.,U. I CIOSOIN ACIO:PO A. U. RNA ITSTOWN—threo times \ a week. , Arrives nt 5:00 r, u. ' I Closes at 8:00 A. U. DERN VILLE, Arrives at 10;00 A. D. ' I Closes at 2:00 P. M. - ' DOTERBTOWN. Arrives at 10:00 A. U. Closesat 2:30 Po .11. LORACHSV 1 LI.1:—I.11 MD tiLUCS a 'PTA, Arrives at 0:30 A. U. . I : Close at 2:30 Poll. PlQUA—three times afweek. Arrives at 7:00 v. u. I• ,Closes at 5:00 Alm. non HALT.—three times a week, Arrives at,4;00 r. m. • I Close at 0:00 A. U. ummi,nisno—twiee a week, • Arrives nt 0:00 A. D. I ' Close at 11:$0 A. u. • a l pisoN—twieo a week, Mrlves at 11:1 A. U. i % Close at 7:30 A\ Good News News .for tld Berks, 3Flb .Sto CABINET ORGANS, FOR SA LB ON i INSTA I I E. As BERG'S PIANO WA It 11 It . 0 0M S , No. 403 Pent Stroot. , ' ‘ E4reat,induceinents offered to Lodges and Associations. Also a few good second-hand Pianos fa' sale cheap., 0-7rT:ill noon. MEI R EmovAL: n„,lpmovAL!: BARTO'S EIQUOR STORE. Has been removed from the Keystone llnlliling to the now and elegant store, NO. 437YENN :STREET, Where customers trill find n very large stock of the best and purest , WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES, &c., over OfTered.to the public of Reading. Ait h pieof of the above that is required is trial. ' share of patronage is solicited. TOBLAS BART VISITING UARI)M, 'BUSINESS CARDS, • WEDDING CARDS, &c., of ell kinds, may be had at the EAGLE Office. Electrotypes furnished if desired:, All cards will bo done in the most beautifuliman ner, and at the lowest rates. . Apply at the Eagle Booketdre. (Itoviceit.) A LARGJ STOCK C] AND AT, • E. A. 11E11(1, ~ No: 403 Penn Street: 1100l~LAIYD'N VOI.IJM F I.' HOOFLAND'S GEfIMAN .BITTP,118; ,AND . Hoo Hand's Germkn Tonic, The Great Remedies far all Diseases of.th t Liver, lomarla, or Dioeqiire • Organs. Hooflamrs Gennfin pitters 001111)0,Ra cif Mc) pu reit' lees (et. as they are "aca cia:illy termed ErtivorN) of ito t ds, igorbg, and larks, in preparal_ition coneentm oil mid entirely Ate 'rum ofvoh olio ure ofany _s Ifo oFL A N S G 11 M A•N O,NIC • Is n emnbinalion of 811 tho ingredients °flit° tors, with tho purest qualitY .of 8 , 101 Crux -Mimi Orange, .he., snaking ono of titeinust ',Noma anti ogreeablo remedies over etforett to the Those preferring a Medieltio free 116 m Aleoholi, admikture. will use, • nOOFLA N I)'S Elt MAN Brit Hits : Mope who line° no objection to the combination of the llittors, as stated, will we • 00FLAND'S CHIMAN TON They are both equally good, and contain the . -same medicinal virtues. the choice betweenthe two being a more matter of taste, the Tonic being the most palatable. The otomach, from a variety of causes, snob as IndigestiOn, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, etc., h very apt to have its functions deranged. The Liv er, sympathizing es closet Ily us it does with the, Stomach; then becomeskatfected, the result oil which is that tho . pullout •suders frotwsoveral or, ~'.. more of the follouni4 diseases: ) 1 'onsumt lion, Flatufeneo, Inward Piles Fultnots, of 1110, tl to the Heed; Acidity of the Piles, • Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust, for teed, Full- - -----ne!.B ,or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructation's, Sinking or Flittering • nt the Pit of tile Monied', rhyinimi s ng et tho Head, Hurried or Diihetalt Breathing ~. Fluttering fitiiit;liwi . it_,ii - oking,W,S ,adocat ig Sensations when 'in a laying Posture, Dimness of Vision, 1)o14 or Wobs before the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspira tion, Yellowness 011ie Sklu and Eyes, , -Pain in the Side, Back, Chest*, Linths, etc., Sudden Fhishes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Cthrstant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits, Tho sufferer from thesd diseases should exercise tho greatest caution in thb goleefion of a remody 1 ) tor his oaso, purchasing oM ly that which ho is - aitre(' from his invostigati ng and inquiries,lioS stlses Into, morn, is's MI fully\ compounded, fa free from injurious in rolldients, and establish ed for MOH' a reptant On lor the cure of diseases, In this collimation we would_ submit those wolf known remedies— 1 ' 1 . • ~ - lIO6FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS HOMAN D'S GKIt MAN 'IO'NIC PRRPARED BY illt. b. M. J.e l oliaox, Philadelphia, Pa Thirty-five years since tlhey were first introduced into this country from Germany, during which tulle they have undoubtedly performed more cures, and benefited suffering humanity to a greater extekt, than any other remedies known to the These remedies will effectually cure Laver 'Com plaint, Jaundice,' Dyspepsia, Chronic fir Neivous chromb DiarrUhcen arisi n g of the Kidneys, and nil Diseases.l2 arising from a Dis ordered Liver, lifemacker Intestines. DLBILIT'Y. Resulting from any. Cause whatever Pr6stratioa of the System, induced by severe Labor, ilardshipsi Exposure, Fevers, &e. There is no medicine extant equai'to these rem edies in'such cases. A tone and vigor is imparted to the whole system, the appetite is strengthened, food is enjoyed, the stomach, digests prOpetlY, the blood is ! purified, the complexion becomes stiund and' healthy, the .yellow tinge is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom is given to the cheeks, and the weak and nervous invalid becomes g strong and healthy Wing. PERSONS ADVANCED IN . I WE J • And feeling the hand of time weighing limit) upon them, with all its attendant ills, will find in the use of this litrfEltS; or the TONAC, an elixir that VII! instil new life into their veins, restore iu a measure the energy and hrdor,of more youthful days, build up their shrunken forms, and .give health and happiness to their remaining years, 'NOTICE. • It is a well established fad that fully one-half of the female neaten of our pepulation are seldom in tho enjoyment i of good health, or, to use their exprepion, "n0ve1...L.4W well." They nre anguid, devoid of all energy, extremely: nervous, and havh no appetite. '• f To this elits.4 lef persons the BITTERS, or the TUNIC, is espoTally reconimenleti. • WRAIC AND' DELICATE CHILDREN Ate made'strong by tho use of either of these remedies. ,They will euro s overy cam ot MARAS MUS; without „ •• • Thousands ell certificates have accumulated in tho hands of the proprietor;kbut space will a llow•01 the publication' t but few. Those it will be ob served, aro mob otlnote, and of Weil etatuling that they must be believed. TESTIMONIALS. . • Hon. George: W. Woodward, ChiefrJustice of the Supreme Court, writes VIIILADELPRIA, Idarch'hi, "I find Hoefland 4 s German Bitters is a go i ed tonic, useful in diseases of tile digestive organs, and pi great benelit incases of - debility, and want co! nervous aetton in the system. -• Yours, truly, -- IEO. W. WOODWARD. • .llon, James. Thompson, Judge of the Supieme Court of Pennsylvania • I r, a - liIILAW - CLCIIIA, April 28,1866, "I consider lloofland'e German Bitters St vatua tiemiediciat in case of attacks I;1f indigeStietNr dYs pepsia,±l can certify this from my experience of It I Yours, with respect, JAMBS THOMP - gON." , - From Boy, E. D. Fem.lall, !. Assistant Editor'Chrlstian Chronicle, Philadelphia 1 Alive derived • decided benefit from the dice of Iluothind'if German 11 ifterg, and feel it my priviloge to recomniond them as ainost valuable tonic, to all nho ore - Buffering from general Mobility, or from diseases arising from derangement of the liyer. Yours, truly. ,- • E. D. FENDALL CAUTION. /loodnad'a Gcrotan ltentedk4 are counterfeited. Sco that tho eignaturol - xofo.3l.JACKtiONison the wrapper ofeach bot-Iftle. All othcre aro coun torfeit. • Principal Wilde and l'ilanuractgry, nt thilleanan Medicine Etore', Igo. 631 Arch St-eet, Philadelphia . CIIARLES N. EVANS, Proprietor, Formed?? C. N. JACKSON /6 Co. ! PRICE:' licktflftit(l's Ge):ltan Bigent,al t ci o ltLe il - ' u lfoitf) , ln Wit German Tonle, put up i quart bottles. el ru per hottle, or a half dozen for S 7 50. 1 4 tw..Do not forget to examine well the arti o'srt u buy, in order to get thb genuine. 1 FOR SALE BY ALL • i" Druggists aid Storekeveys EV'ERYWHERE marl*, T NNIMS ItVISISTANCII.t` AND 1 TIMED GENTS PEN OOPV TEN CENTS. PER MEEK .a. 44.40 hNS tO -••• • Ni 74. It . It*Z li t DUSTINT, 01100. NO.IIV Eatt Market Sltuarn, over David Nersllry liondiStoto. forntri TOIIN W. 81011.1111, ATTORNIKIr AT LA IY. 01100—Lotver not, hooka No. IN Centre stroot. Vottsvillo. "LINAIOII ha eqtalthqd in tho Dorman language. - tuarittr. ISRAEL c. n» -ATTOIU4Dy 1 AND 4101INSELLDI' AT • LA , W. 011eo: No. 511tDour,, St., (near xthaltßant mt. Pa. mit, , G nitiirt. ; • • • • 'ArrOUN FA' AT LAW, - ' • Ratblria l. 0 rptou IsTo, MO Court Strooradp erhirs.) • NAOLE. 11. PITYSIOIAN. 8. Pcitslon i Surgoon.) 640 Poiin Strectcllqading. Vn. Oftl'en te•2 p. w:. 6 t0 . 8.p. in.. ...., • . . , .. _. ...........„. ....._ .. WA s n 1 DicAT ori awn AfteS s • • -, ~ A I, 1) 11 It Ail' N ; • ' i 1 - (1,1:116o. No. 29 North oth Stmt. opposkto Post Moo, AirSortvouitig anti . tlonvoystuoing vrptoPtlY Akt tonitoil to. -. ' ' ' grobl9-.trid._ GEO. WU. (Son:Of Oiti late 100. lii. Kahn. 144.) Al` T.O RNEY AT LAW, Wilco: Contra street, motto Oro Eplecop4lChtirob s j AlantOtf • POTTSVILLE' VA • i I ATTOItNEY AT LAW, °(lioo, No. 40 -(r000nd floor ? ) North Ellxth fltreq. nearly optoito tho Court House, Heading; Pa, Jan. 21- tf HEN MY M. Ili El Dif, ATTOVNET--A'T LAW. .oilico, 29 NOR= SIXTH STREE'pt ItgADING Jan:iotf. • • T 01.118 InteMARMN, A TTORNf. YATLAIV. Moo, No, 530 Court otroot,ovor the °Moo of John Richards, Esq. . . _ fobtiptr D ANIEL ERME 11 NT/10T, . ATTORNEY A T :LAW, Moo Irk North Sixth Street, corner Court Ailoy q fobll-tr . . AUGUSTUS S.- SASSAMAN, A 7 roluirsr AT LAW, ' QMoo,_ No. 40 North taiikth otroot t oja'poaltO ttio Court Homo, Consultations halt in tho English or (let wan language. 'folat JOHN RALSTON.')' ATTORNEY Az , LAW, Moo, No.lo North Sixth ptroat, 0pp0 , 6 . 1t0 T e o l bo { ,t er i stone llonso, Reading, Pa. BOUrri . JOEL. B. WANNE ' , I ' • • ' ATTORNEY Az , LAW.. United States Oahu, Pension and Rounty Agent. Woo 52,652,6N0. Washington street, between Fit anti Sixth streets, Reading, Pa. No, fees dein andP until tit° claims are scoured., febd.t , WIWILIAM U. BIiEWSTEII,: (Orgaiiiitt of Bret Reformed O? n TEACHER, OP PIANO Fong, Olt(IAN AND • No. 01 North Sixth stmt. Roading, N:l3.—Pinnotauntil. • • Tlit. E. IROSEIt, . - ISURGON DENTIST, OFFICE-619 Sun Street, Rendthir, Pa. Invites the nubile to call and examine his now plan for extracting tooth without pain.. All over. ntlone in the proforytion neatly executed' and charges reasonable, . ' al)2stf • MISCELLANEOUS. • • . HELLE,It'S • COMPQITIONFAVEMENT • AND LIMODING. • 4 riIIIIS PAVEMENT AND FLOORING IS NOW ackuoraedged to bo the best in use. It be comes hard and firm immediately, is dry, durable, aud impervious toWater, and not affecte by either boat or cold. All orders promptly attended to, and to if ork guaranteed to ghee eatleraellon. Apply . J • D. O. HILLER Juno 18-tf No. 27, South FoUrth kit .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . • • /*Alai Bilitp ; 0: 0 ,• ~..r • 1„.000,412,t _ ft ; s ./ • 4 , BARRETT'S . P 014% _ A ..4 16 o , Vogotablo' ,•• V ° /.:, -T HAIR , REStoRAtIVE ii . {Yes decided by eta N. U. 13fitte.fafe and is new conceded by the publio to be § 1 i, the very best Preparation for !lettering 1 . . ' Orgy or faded If air to Its original color 1 , 1. protholing its Growth, eradicating Ha.. s e, , snore and Dandtvir, and for Dressing t . and Beautifying Ma flair. /I is has from i. fro roolsonothl drug., doe* not. 3 / I t. ~,,, stain the tined fibrin, and % . o v j & ledres tho Scalp CI.P.AII. • " , the flair rum, and N 0 ,,, .." . 0, .: , ph ~ _ ; .' i c *. : • 4 fI ZE •IV A li,,\s . l' ' o ' , ' , , • .. ....ie ... k o •..::; . • .. ...".. #4 4 . • ... j, 13.)3AFIRETT & CO., Proprietors, itANCIIESTEII, N. H o • Sold. by all Drug tote and bviie'rm tit 'intent Medicinal. 11,,81R011 & RRO,, DR. A. 11. LI GHT, W. J. THIE.F,WECIITER,. WELLS.: may 61y WEST IND • • C OAi L , .. • L.IM Ei & SA ND • . . • YA R I - • • • • , C9k..Penri and Piont Stives: . ; . , ?Intl/ ninteraigned would respectfully inform hip 11 friends and thepubtle, that he' prepare.d 4 farm the best Of Veal, Pine, and supd•to a n ? part of, the city. tree OfeherteL • ; Orders promptly attended t 9 - • ?ti n ts l itritilje 'ma2sy r e ; 1DE1413 . AND PEN 1197;togRit, diliteLit o .L etz of dffertst4pii* for• at 'th e .• sot , krtom '• z - . 1 • • 4 • -„ ~-~Mr Frw..i~ ui'~~~~.dv. a. SEE Figia !INI I Agents, Reading, Ptn' • m. .A•Rmlikpitu. .4• - ettst ExpiT.k.i; bvlon, 110 olitt w& t, 1:10 llorthtbittit to till Ittly'olotions 7;16 N • NMI, ittbl4l6lttetg urg ~tltfe 94101'1 1otit % :tioO, we, I , Voy, itatthbots Aid 1 ` ,11) ExpreFA. LetN, llortitboriv anti t ‘tt 81. 10:10 " • *ttlitAolo4l4.. ikk‘lo;.. e l . o‘. and kit ' 11: . . • • . ' - Vpit - • AT OttitilrAl kay titations - • - • ; ro - t. Yo 7 york on4prinOlOal s tAt101114,70 For ' 'and all Irsyattattobto— ...... ickm • " . a 4.. • ' 4 '‘ 11 AO . 1141.witylikt'nl a , 11:10 • Yotkii%lAti 9 t 0 0 11 ; ing.*lA /On* 6:0( 110:101). tu. ' .. • Rang .U0111)1b/EVR allr0.1( , „ t • 0$ A•D krnztt • ~ „ MoNi) A i' t - JUNE 1 , 18e. 8 . POSSoiliiiTrOlill4iirytlii. l/lIVIill pfd , ea • ••••,: . . ‘; , •' folleivot -•• • • .: • Ilep,vo ltelp.llng 0 . -• . • 7iA A. ril . tl.r, el , . M'' ' ) a) / itt atr qY ° ' t li l iiiiii l Sll . 4 . :1 -' • ,f,' . '• il 24' :iI. " " laitnciptor my Mlnt6tn ' •-8 30 l'i N. . ‘'•' . ,•! itlrr llNltlti i., :. .r• .% ,•, . tiityo Lolrorter ori oirlpbirt nt ‘BOn A. )r.. ' irrivo at Rending . '- , ' - •'' /2 a '• ' - 030': _ 1:- ••• / ;1111iMAY . tit Allitii ..„.,•• .r. 1 .. Iio;‘No R oa:pnit tit •• • • e . ::: - -c, :VA, )! gr Arrive it. tonorter ant Col utlila it In s. )Si. ,. cu,un, iT ,, i , i „ A fl oar at o . . \ i ) Loit.vo lianonetor 4111 Coha n la at 7 t'.) A. I.l*. baponstor . .. . 3 4', P. Al. • " .C 4411011%, . , , : , 340 . E . Arilio at 11.7tutlnit . - . lu 10 . • ... .. - ' • 0 1)0 . . Trllnd No?. 3: kndi .make oloili c•princt,Jo ,k ) at ItOci Inv vlth il'raint ortlt it7itt Nottilt: *tit OIL. and l itoodinit Itallyon , aptk Wostini 1 1 oliation , lit pi' °ad...Noy Moo - Mimes Oloio connoot ton Arlin I..vi p Cu t . riqtr 0r14 45 , . , t i , ~. • • '•. llXOUitiilo I it. . al Or To , palllosla all ! ") I'llt, ttll t iVOR 4 AIOIVIII c e e oltl r eoll:toon rill io lor Opal etatlons on th • in roade,-8004 for 8110 ny '.(s v. ha only. Tiokoto tan lie • oi)to1nod •at tho Op} Oos of tile New Jolley Central Railroad. foot Qt . ilibtirly it,. Now York, and l'hllli and I le a ding Ilallroail, Elth and Callawhlll Ste., Pill r ladgl_phla, Through Tiekete to oUr Norltnntll)llllrleliktiln ridd at all thoirinelpal Stallone, and Ilagg;le Chucked Throng . • • Trains pro run y I'..'h It It, nit; which Ii 10 Minutes tutor tivin Ponno. R. .R Tial:i - , . • : - , UH,O. a 'GO, • ar4t.ntotlopi.'' El, .r. It:maga, Genet rrt. and T oketAgt.. Jiii7 East _PentaylvAtilk 'Railroad otIMMFIR ARRAN4I3OI I 4 00MhIP,NbLig Wednesday; May 20th. SA SIX TILA INS_ DA Ira_ T Nioy Toux ‘WITJI i OUT O.IIANU 'OP UAIiS " On and ror IVetlnetidny, May. 2911 i, ISM, two Passenger ra i tna willlcave Beading daily, (except Sundays.) or 11 entown and itay stations, at 1031 Ni Mand 4.20 , P4 M.; stoppi n g nt alt the way eta.. itons'hotwOon Iteading and ' !Air 'l;ork, natitink also close connections foillatteh ()blink anil-1.1111 , ottelphia via, LeltlBll Vatipi It. 11,, and ' arrive at NOW York at ISO tinu 101 a t M. • . Four , (4) ithrugh, t; trap Traltut-will', leave' Acudina daily ,, 0x04 1 1) on 011,/ for Now York and the EttSt t Caving endlag at 4.41 anti 1.0,6 A. M. and 'at 2.40 anti 11.40 P. AL' - - ' sThose loi .ran through froiu rittsburgh to New York, wititontethhge of cora.' titopPing . enly n at Lyons, Alientow* 'Bethlehem Roston. llatap.. ton, Sommerville, V1(110101(1 stn(( iglattThOth, old nrrivo at Noi'Yor,k at "10.00 - A. • 102.00 M. (.25 P. M. and b. A. in , - ~ • ' The 4.44 A. 1 train will not leave ' 'tainting on Mondaye. Tho'7.oo A: id, and 11.49 P. hi. trains run dank. Sundns ineludede s ! _ ..., . Trains leave New York t feet of Llierty stioet daily,'( except Sundays/at 9.00 A. hi„ 12 noon, ii, 0 and B.P.slti. a.,nd arrive at .Iteading fit 1.60, (LOU and 10.10 P. M. , , and at 1.00 and 2.62 A. h . The 8.00 P. DI; train front New YOrk leaves daitY. Sundays ineittdad. A Sunday I.4xattition Tanta - will leave Reading every Btuldfty Rt BA. M,i . stopping ivt. nil : atations and intorniegliato points.. Arrive at Allentown, at 10 A: M. Iteturning I leave -Allentown, nt 4.00 P. 11. - Arrive at Reatling„at 01', M, ~ Passengers are requested to purolnale floirets /0- fore entering ;the car& as .2b !seats extra will ho charged and collected on the train Tian nil the- Pay the fare to the Conductor. ..‘ ,Juno 2:1-t -Ef C. STULTAng and Stint. . , Philadelphia Reading, Railroad. . (Ilov • .Anna), AVOUST 1411 tgl . ? 4 . •Q‘lllllltl,lt ARRANOEMENT OF PASSF,NO lilt L. 7 TRAISB, Angnst . ' • Vivo Trainn &ain't° Phllad Q lptila,paiidnii !toad, the at 780, 10 35 and 11 80 a. tn., and 4 25 and n 30 p..kn.. • Lip to.rothwille, at 10 40 a. in., and 660 nail 000 p.m. Tram Mgt to /Abeam; /Tarr Mary . Western Express from Now York, at 1 10 a. in, and 150 and 10 10 p, tn. • - . Harrisburg Accommodation Train *tit ;7 15 t. 10., and mail trains at 10 46 a. mrngdo 05 p. On Sundays, thadown .trains paw' Hamill* at 9 40'n. in. and 425 p. m„ and up trains at 10 60 a. m and 57 p. • ) in. down, and 1060 a. m. up trains he 425 ruhonly between Philadelphia nnd Winding. Uptrainsleave Philadelphia for Reading, liar risburg and Pottsville, at 7 Maud. 815 th'in„ 12 45 noon, aild '8 30 p. TH. and 515 p. , m., for Rending only. 'ne 815 a.n, trains connect' with trains fur Tainnqua, Willinnisport, Elmira, Buffalo, Ningt.ra and Canada. Tho 815 a. m. and 330 p, in: up trains from Phil adelphia, and 10 85 a. In.and 42a p. down trains stop, only at principal stations, below Heading. Heading Accommodation Traint leaves Heading at 730 a. in., returning leaves Philadolphia at 516 . rtz. Pottstown Accommodation' Train leaves kolls town at 045 A. la., returning loaves Philadelphia At 4 30 p.im. Tho Western. Expfesi Trains connect at 'Harlot burg with express trains on the , Pennsylvanla it. IL fop Baltimore, • Pittsburgh, and all points west; and the 10 45 =Hindu connects tit liarrlsbitrg for Pittsburgh, Lancaster Chambershurg, Sunbury, Scranton, . Pittston, Wilkesharro, Leek' Haven. Elmira and the Canadas. Paisengor Trains leave Upper Depot at 700 n. and 015 In., for . Ephrata, Lancaster •n ail Columbia. Through First:class Coupon tickets Aral Emi grants tickets at reduced fares, to alt the principal points in the North, West and the Crumbs. • GY)11)111TA77041 1, ZIONEM With 26 coupons, at 25 per cent.) discount botweon any points desired. MILEAGE TIOKETS, ' llood for 2000 miles between ait points, at $51.60 for families and business' firms. , ; , BEASON. WORM . . , Good foillyo holder Only ; for 8, 0,0 and 12 monthly, between allpointa at red need fores t ,fichsiolesmon lioketant one-tbird less than the eiboye; ' :I,:jr• Ygissongors . w ill; take the - jigpreds Trains Velt,ltt tat ntm•,'DePo, l ;and all otkey lrfilpsat Ole Lower or tg enpf, ' • - • ..• • ,. 100 pounds of baggage allow each petreenger, ~ pagerenge're are requee tad toy arch " nee tie eirl.lekets before entering the care, as Walter fuel( are °batt ed if paid in the OW. . • -Exenrsien ( Tickets good for on 6 ds43y. 7 a. in., Ancoritmoctatipn Westin to Philedelgbietand,recoro. at a2'so'eaelf. '. ' , • • Al, A. IiJOOLLS. iIeWL SUP'k . . • INK t irilf.! nil Jost reoelyed s hive lot of & . .., Celebrated Chemical Writin IA gnat, flat and mallet s bottles. Parade cheap, at the NAGVF: BOOR STOW. :'1 ATTtrildy..t.“-P4ttßif.„ A 1.,1 4 hub ESTATS AND •,P.Bitis()Nlo Ts City Taxes , for 180, aro t , o lie' p4lfi:in.,lhi) . rcasnimr ,Of the city of e t, until , tile Orro day of °afflict •ftfter the rstAtly oft Aaiun fie ..1 4 0.T.,,.1411 h'e ded top ta_gel geinaining Aut. paid,: and after { e ilist . ) 4 or OcfAer Aye vt ti Gent. ll:lantana! I' WO arged, arkt. the , ' Dupli - cates placed in t p hlowthr of•ColletStOrs, MOP-Will Preneed—to collect the same man Aloe AblefSfrilrot. day or Drogn4er. eifte Ethe first OaY of , Jahutir,y, , , 1869, the 'Delineates of Deal Estate laiso *ill bl given to the CRY Idolltitot, who will cause liens 1,0 he entered against all dellneuphts, -- ' -- 1 . 2 1 9 'rival) rf r 14,)!ikto,tukd dadigihe ttaY and etenn4, it all. butinof. - hour*" :OM ie . 113 tbp WA City conier Or , 'Fifth Alitl:' In ttyfriin ri%Utr4W. 101 * 0 . 4 1 , O. Ynottiti set, p o - . • . .___. "." ' '"•l9ll4slltEffiT#PUi. • juto i puncto •.i !:.: 1, *wag , , • 2 , El 11