,=?‘ '..31130100, s • • - • LiOis *lv" bOtrelar I iiktob' • I . ' ;IN *Wit • MO* 44211 ' • 4 . 11; 0B L• _ MEALS IiIiVED 0 41 imulto; MEI ' , 04)/1 6 'IN SHAWN.' e 5 '4 iIIABON FiNEWTMESIN MTh 01114, • ! POLITIC AiTENDANII i ii. tot masitk Oarpentercand Joinefei "Or t LIMON labial' • BAG** AVON* MO ot r haista Birgeh. 14 , We , .4 i ' 1; I • liti) kir* at, ' , ' Wholesale and Rekia hiaier in 0 • .FA..N,..Oy„NoTioNs,I , HAS REMOVED TO • ',. *,l,''' . a lto , 51 • ~ ~,: i 1. PENN sißstrz iti4Dirio, PALI T B'N N: • • ...), r: • OPltttiND Aa et tether :ma a*4 smoitomitoi . ; GOODBAIt-HIS LINK The best aedabeapeet ire, before' Offered, • plapeelide Of 'toadies bed . ,I:4 l erka bounty. 1.... .., $ 1 `466 INEMI , i ~„ 7111111 11368', •1: BQB, •-$ ttti 4 4 4 .; ,1 it? • y t. Awes ttBIKNIIt4. 4atotx9ft 10filipomAIaniandOg , 'NEW: GOODS! fio•n►orroir morning, at -t; = • • ' gra, 1143 PIINN-STEBET, s . READING, PA, ES cnitep;siii • His f)ook or NEW SUMMEIt GOODS = •1' • " tio'iftils di '6o* Y 'a • •• • y ow or , ark will be iispoied Of et prices ,fer be. low iltese of say other tablishrnent in the ‘... . • r • • • ", •. - o,e#Pfreil f ,l"o oo thig *Wits! order . • 4 1-00 , 0 ' 'Clothie i g; const,n;ly go'n/ hand and a order: • ,Thefit!?ek,of Furnishing Goods.ls deeldadli ito beet snd . naest extenslie in NI •," , • city. • .0011,1 see and 'mask' • youteelVeh. 1 111 e mere feat of bevies the servloes of the cote" biMsd Wier, Mr. Levi 0. %hum. is sutholeat oartilttee that rat earmenta rrto be !aide ay to the WegisiYie 44414kiiii! 'Remember : BITCH & BRO.'S . 'Neadquiutetti'' of raollion 0.5 PENN STREET, _M1101541 NEW WINE HOUSE, No. easrpzitif STREET; . • • OgOillt R. 0103IST ! PROPRIETOR, Dealer In all kinds of Domestle Wine's* the beet (malty, r • • LAGBR BEER, ALE, &v. ' sp St-tf. BLA.OKBERRY CORDIAL. I'9a ,Tall . " or • " •tIitBRIPAI " CHOLERA MORBUS„ SUMMER 00HPLAINT, OHOLIO I GRIPING PAINS, SICKNESS .; OF THE STOMACH, .&c.. ritEPARsb BY • DR. WM. TIIIIAWFCHTER. WhiZzerao and Retail bruggist, • - 540 PENN STREET, . • (Neil door to the Bobtonoker Home) • - READING, PA. , July 10 if • NMI EAGLE GOAL .BARD I Front Street, above Penn. RE:ADING, PA. rfOttilMersEatnentgrt, %tate; us re opened a NEW COAL YARD ' on Frogl 10 2 . above Penni w:here c f ;d hey will 4 be ~Pliltiptfirii.ive;atioterponeaßist riirrombi r sifenirr Agt , - PRIONS LIST. - Sad and Tate Ash Nut RA and 23.251 Iv? Fr c r . 3.90 ea o • 2.00 • " H. B. BROWN CO., jul lt e litr o titirii 11eis cal Yokird. • r PAY Q NOTWE • z _ 1/ADVA0111:01? ti,j24III,UTION 1.44 --114,4147,47auti!rer°1c. ~. Wit, e , ay ils y _ 1 f ' : r. 1. 1 1 eiter_14 ,4 444v, ..,,trarioruvi . )44t74frro,v Pin i tra , • . 0 .. tro l3 l, „ wimod, eevt• . i i, , ri i tt , - 0 ...... 4 , . ~“, k, 167/1/I, F, „ 1,. D. 1. piimvpr. pina7 o .k.u...• it = , ,„ I= 111.4 we th its ni 1to l? e mo d co . `t e t --" 44iss e l , t 440 0 11 i tpiti E 33 . ; — NAY JANE BEYERtI'EI .11 , I L - L *I, N . :E ESTABLISHMENT • •• '7lB' tan meet, . • the ladies elit'eadins and vicinity:on have BONNETS, , COATS, , DRESSER. • • Long and Short Nieht , DresieP,(takod) CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, • • of oyery variety'and style. GENTS' SHIRTS A UNDERGARMENTS made at shortnotice. .40rPricei reasonable. - 4;21 Smo. CARD.—A illergyman,wlt Ile residing in South Axaeriea es 'missionary, discovered a rare and pple remedy rot the cure of Nervous NYeakeetiN EarlyDecan_Dheaso* of tho Urinary and &mine; Ottanp, and the whole train of disorders brooghV oh by baneful and vicious habits, Great numbers fowl been oared by Ude noble remedy. Prompted 4 , 1141.11 n to benefit the all:Holed and unfortunate. send•the recipe for Preparing and using this peAleine,in &sealed envelope,to any one who needs SFRU Or .00Allgli. Addrosl, JOOKPII T. Doom atiop Datible lieu e, New ' f ork City. . feblst • , BrOLU I' lON IN op It.B:l3l6.—Lmire's. on eon revolve for the sum of. 1, Silk, Merino. an Alpacia, Dresses t ;Shawls, al - morale, Linen ueede, Embossed Table Covers Watches, Jewelry. „! Sitter Plated Ware, owing gachines Sce, send einbof ten or more, th ten c ants for ea l ch dosed p- Rye cheek, aint theget or up of thoolub will receive g present worth $ 3 to PO, according to number sent. . Agents wanted every Whore, Circulars sent fhe, PARKER dc CO • foblBtl 61 is 68 ' missal Street, Boston, b'a'se. 001ffahIPMV111.-- h Theney.Ellward A. tdriCt i ttir Prar e lp it timitth e a t r lfr e ao a n t e (11 1 1:1111: ingand using tho same remedy by which lie waa cured of a lung a ff ection and that dire disease Consumption, Ills• Only. object is to benefit the afilloted,and he hopes every eufforor will try this prescription, ash wtlicost thorn nothing, and may prove a blessing. Address febertf • • Ray. IID li'A RD A.IVILSON, No. 106Sonth 'Second-et., Williathaburg, N. Y. STOVES, HANGES, HEATERS. WILLIAM BRIDEGAM No. 242 Penn .f3t., Re4ding. • Tho undersigned respectfully Invites public ideation to his newly invented Heater. unwed the RBYSTONE HEATER 11 BEST INATER EVER INTRODUCED THREE SIZES. . It burns less coal, makes more beat, takes up less room, and gives bettor satisfaction than any shni lar invention over introduoed i t the public. The will of this supe or heating appara tus will be fully explatnod bit e Proprietor. who learttnteeithat ho will be able to; satisfy all who ye aim a call that it is supfor to any one invon d. The adyiktages are ,to manifold, and so easily oomprobefided. that it needs only to baleen convince the most skeptical. In proof of this e respectfully refers the public, by permission. to t e following named persons who are how using t ose Heaters: ) _ ,_, Oit - 0.1i: WILL, MRS. J. STEVENSON, O. D. Gum, BELL Co., O. A. NIOHOLLEI, Manny JCIFINBON', JOHN : WKNIGIIT. JCBIW Kgiu T, RIMS* ADAMS. WU. ilatiblßL: . : JACOB KAUFFMAN, Blandon.; • Orphans' Home, IVomelpdorl He also invites special attention to the BEAUTY RANGE Which Is a late Improved,. Superior Range for tlalliag in, and for whioh ho is the Sole Agent, id is city. This Range can be seen in operation at e IroiCity Hail, No. 428 Penn street; at Peter High's, Franklin street above Fourth, and at other places. • • Particular attention paid to TIN ROOFING AND SPOUTING. AND • g: Plastic Slate Roofing, He rli employs nono but skillful Meelrnicit—all orde promptly executed, end warranted to give satiefactlon. IlltlDEGAbl i 22tf a • No: Penn Ht. M. rivt7i3llF4 Az ce: ;' •lIIINIO'S _ Vegetable Ambrosia r. . . 0 itestore. GRAY ItAllt tO or 1: ttd original color. gradicato2 Dandruff and •U 0 t: S ' • Y" PROM ntIALV, 4 0 ' - \ • t 5. ';'', ••• • / • ni • 4 VEGETABLE AMBROSIA 18 'ME MIRAOI.E OF TILE A(IE. IORAY-lIRADID PROPLX have their looks restored iy it to the 'dark, lustrous. silken tresses of youth. 'and are happy I Young people, with' iight,jada or red Hair, have those unfashionable colors changed to a beautiful auburn, and rejoice I • People whose heads are covered with Dandthd 'tta4ilueters, use it, and have clean coats and clear and healthy soalpdt • BALD-11mAnan VETIRANS have their remaining looks tightened, and the bare spots covered with a luxuriant growth of Hair, and danceiwithioyt Young Uentlemen use it because it is now Per fumed. Young 14diesmso it beeauso it keeps their Iluir in lace Averybody must and wit/ use it, hecfa' usd it is the Oeanestand bestartiole in the warket,', • A., H. LIGHT, HARVEY. ituttlg & BR°, P, MEOLKR I . S. S. •SIEVENS, J. K. Mc- Otritpti Agents fofßeading. .narr7-ly 4jOI'icFECTIONEBY: • HAFER & }UGH, • -DVALERB • COUNTRY PRODUCE, TRUCK, FISH, CONFECTIONERY, &c., at the lowest Market prises; wholesale and re- No: 761 Penn Street, Iteadin& 14 CONVECTIONERIf OONFE7fIONERY II • • CANDIES • • • CANDIES ! ! • CREAM!- - . B. p. IXUBER, • - At NO. 167 North Fifth Street. , (Old Jail) Reading. Mrprepared tolnrnish our citizens with Con an oney, cai2dieritand Ice Cream, at wholesale and teta . 'Alto 1 kinds of. plain and fancy Cakes. • Ice Ottiril of all flavors eonitantly on hand. A call tit ' June 9tf . . elni RING'S • CM IIIIIKELID;EIM ...........m...........w.raterm0im.0.• Nomweavisamara..........• 17 - 1 - - - • • ietLin jvs,topal PRIBRRt • 43W F.P. HELIER, (Suommor to B. L. Snyder.) , Corms. of 2nd and Ittin'itredg, EMIR% Ras now °titiana tuid is itmedstetly retielilns , BUALDING LUMBER! OP iYiAY DIECRUTIOVi ti which will be gold at theloweat cosh Moil. Build ers and purchasers call and , , examine the Ptook. Remember— SNYDER'S'OLD STAND, One square below the Plough and Harrow Hotel. DOORS,- SASII I ), • SHUTTERS, WINDOW St MAINS; YOUI ixas, ac., guraished at shortnotice and low prices. feb29-3tu J. KEBLY. , WROTIESALE & RETAIL DEAI,ER . IN LUMBER,, BEADING, Keeps eanenntly on hand and forjalo at the LOWEST PRICES, A generartwortmont of • • vurrE PINE,' nEmLock, SPRUCE, • 'CHERRY, OAK, ASH, CHESTNUT, INDIANA BLACK & WIIITS WALNUT. CAROLINA YELLOW PINE, t • • ..MICHI9kN PANEL • fi ‘LUAUBER, Thoroughly aea;sonod and under Over., ♦1.80 % • WHITE PINE, cypittsp, AND NORTII CAROLINA GREEN BVADiP•CEDAR SHINGLES. te?it r l d e e d r6 to. rea gi t p "i rga ct rallgatr inP"Y NEW BRICK OFFIOE, On the ()Omer of Pouxth & Pino Ste., Or, adtkose, ' '' J. KEELY, Reading, Pa. febilly- ELDER AND FEED. B ERNRART & KOOll, FLOUR AND GRAIN, PEE; Om, &o:, 'OA Yo. 26 North ash Strqt,.Rea*ng, Pa. Also. a Superior lOt of Buokwheat Meal. aid Potatoes - For sale WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. feb7-t! n A. GRIEtIiEMERII C Extensive Grain Warehouse FARMERS AND OONSIGNORS, Who insq , wish to store arpin, &0.. Moine and commission rensonablo. Also, asuporior,stock of 'FLOUR AND FEED, 444> Pore* wholesaleand retail, atiowerprleatithan oanbo rturobased oletwrb am( Also.oaueriorlotot `Buckwheat Meal, and Potatoes, Office, N 0.105 North Eighth-Bt. Reading,Pe t febs-tf. THE IREADING ADLER," The oldest German Newspaper :published In United Btatea• , ESTABLISHIIo IN 1797. (Simulation over PiVe Thousand! The "Reading Adler" la the best adiertising ma. .diam for the German Districts in Eastern Pennsyl vanla, having a eiroulation„Of over five thousand conies: It contains twenty-eight largo ceitunni tavertisem tints and carefully selected rea4/14 mat* ter, . The Adler is thoroughly Democratiod in prin eiple, endeavoring to inculcate the amid political doctrines ofour forefathbre, as laid don by Jeffer 4 son and hokum. PRICE ONLY sl'so A YEAR.%* Puolisbed every Tuesday morning, by RITTE3 h 00. y , So. 351 Penn area. utOsti, SODA WATER! MA. I?tr.q.Fitt . ZIEGLEIVEI I . • SODA, FOUNTAIN *4 NOW IN iIILL . BLAiTt Cool, Eipitrkll4 Bodt \ i Water, (Sall flame, can be bad at • ZJECIWVS STORE, . 526 Pena 8 4111 . 61144 . • sP3O-Into BEADING. PA. • ‘ Eknd DNALNREI IN Noi:roady :for 0 1, , 10011111 AND sirAtioissar. PATTER & CO., - • • Aooksellers, , Station Ora,. • . IrkOutssut Ditsceas PAPER OF EVERY DESORIPT.TON, rack l'OgRAPHA UMS, POGO! ROOKS. Av.: . „ . I • • I` u s ' • No. 88, Penn Btroot, „,1 • • • ,/ • • • - , (Near Fourth.) r • • BEADING - , PA. •• •- • I constantly on hand a large and well select, ed etoek of ALISCELLANEOUS, SCIIOOI# AND BpANK ROOKS,PAPER AND STATIONER Y. such as Writing and Wrapping tootle. Envelopes, Pens. Pencils, Ink. Slates, Copy Booke.Pasa book% he., which are bought for 'Cash end wUI be sold on terms as favoitiblikas those te aity otherhonso in the City—we respectfully invite ikeisihanta and others whd desire to mato prirobiutes In'onr lino JO favor to with &call before purob pains elsewhere. • Orders by *mit prcmiptly Wld eareAdlyjilted. T HE PENNSYLVANIA CHORAL HARMONY Containing the prinolpal C,IWROILMELONNES I ' , . ' iirrovided with, • '• ; , • GERMAN AND ENGLISH TEXT For Pali at tho "EAGLE . " socaisTon. 861 Penn Street. sonooL COMPANION/. • haielost received II large let et those desire We little I.7aslteta. whin we are ,enabled to sell reduced rates _containing a Beier, Beal; Penal] gruel), Pew llolderi, .131 ate Panoil,, Gum an tipOngq. I ItiTTRKOP. Eagle ilookstpnsP. s . rIDAY so / Ho 9 i, s, BOOKS • , - •AT TUN L EAGLE BOOK STORE, No. siti Penn Street, • 0 Can by had • • HAPPY VOICES, • •, HAPPY VOICES,' . • THE NEW OLDEN • THE NEW GOLDEN CHAIN. THE#SABBATH SCHOOL BELL, THE SABBATH SCHOOL BELL, . ToKetbor variety of other 81211N.800k for 80t10.19. CIO. . • , 0 01:1):03 AND HON A NDR.EIV..HENIC 4 , ploxsiti BOOT MW SHOE. AMER! Reareotfully4ntionndes to hlittlondo end !pstrons that he hoe ropioved lib. BOOT AND BIIOE STORE, , • No. 654 Penn Street, Eight does* ahotle hie former location; where!' will be happy to abcommodate all lril i lllig good in hie line of business. p 211-um o. . 1 • 1300 TS AND SHOES FOR erns PEOPLE. THE BEST AND OHEA.PESTI RETNRLD & SOHOENER„ No. 41 North Sixthatroot, READING, PA. . . , frillE BUTISORIBiIItEI HA VA 2 JUSrt MAD. I lished a first&lass Boot end i tihoo-making estab;• lishment and store at the abd7stated'plaeo, where they aro able to accommodate customers with the beat art in their fine of b einem, and at lower prieeS t h at any other place in the city.. The flng listof yri.oes royes all we say I Eon's calf boots, ' 14 00 and upwlrds.' en's kip.boots,• • • ' 00 en's working shoes,. 60 Men's Ftench calf Congress gaiters, box toes, 890 Men's calf obn gross gaiters.. Men's calf Ralmorala, . -14 me t e kip Balmorals, • . 180 Boys'calf Belmont's, • • . ' 100 Boys' kip_Balm orals, Youths kip Balmorals, . _ . • - 100 Women's lasting high Polish, . ' • . 276 Women's (kongreas gaiters • • to 260 Women's lasting Balmontis, . 190 Women's Moroteo ijohnorals, • • 200 Women's Morocco showy - I ' . 1 ,g ylomep's . kid plippets, '--lina Poll, • Youths_ gaiters from 7 - • ~; 1 b ets. to 1 1 75 ouths' andlioys' shoes from 90 et& to tici ' Also, a largo• stook of notions on band and for sale. • - - The abort) prier are lower than at any other similar plod° of business in the pity. • REPAIRING. Particular attention is paid to all kinds of re;• pairing. REINHOLD & SCHCENER, •NO.• 41 NORTH SIXTH f4REET . 9 (ABOVIII TBI COURT moms %) READING, PA. ' artril 11-tf N.l. GEM), FASHIONABLE BOOT AND MOE MAKER, 658 Pen» Street, Reading, Pa. eftlitiblViL F .Y b rif, t i6 )ll 334llYl n this city. also Lathy* and ..m.ron's hoes§ a kkiinds..soe Irst of styles and pies.: • • ' calf hosts, home Made. . ISO 25 . kin CI • .` aft balmorn% 1 6 50 4 0 0 00 ic r • Broom, • ' " Cinisrstisisitert, "• • t o kidool4llslStatena 4 00 5 I iq•aths'llp avots. ' 75 2 -'• balmorsls e ' 25 170 .Women's glove kid high Polish. bal. 8 m • Viti r gAlastinglilghliolishbalnipri42 ' 6(1 & ).*.t Latent leather tip it ( 0 04 : . 1 7b miesirgrittleit leather ti p ' bal i 240 Chlitaistoat patent leathir tip Itsl 4 morals. • • 4 5 Th t i t i Sprit:24o*dg' eniftek lit** tillitt44.lll* §,t, 111 0 0 %T i t X. , -1 0 16T10). I& kitERY even, that o aplicales of betaol taxes for t the year lkot, have beets Placed in knt hands for co)lootton. .All pelrsopo stra aotille4 to taikeo befoul , day OfAr_itaoltr a tiro per cent. *ill added. allsty aurer Ist_ oo Dlstrlot. OFFICE: ellarghtla Sc al., up stain.) may t.)-t aux 1 • 114WhI0E1 lOE NE I ! SPRING VAirgt ICE , A 4.11..tt,T.. icrt IStimioaser to A. V ivo.l • rprepttred •to supDly Minns with the" pure‘t pring {Pater Icu in largo or saiall quantittik Orders left at his lao Aol/ot, No. 28 North sth Otroot, • will receive prompt attention, • • tap. limo BICKEL'S • NEW :LOOAL - EXPIgSs • OFFICE AT misin l yws • Pie utidersigned has Just estabilthed a new LOCAL EXPRESS, and Is prepared to elm) , and deliver .0 GOODS ANA i I 4OIcAGiS is an,d from all Parts of the elti, with prowrinui - and OM. • • All orders to be left at Mettler a Hotel, april 0-Btuo] MOSES S. BICKEL. _ 8.. Y. TO. DER • WHOLNSALN, AND 'ROAM DNALED IN, • WINES &UQU,OItS ., • , 440. 7 NORTH NINTH stßigti, READING I 2PA, Constantly on hantl,'a cholco Mock of . SUPERIOR LIQUORS, Embracing , BRANDIES, IMPS, GIN, - 'FINE OLD BYR WHISKEY, MONONGAHRIik PITTSBURG • *.xtuvitl4laartgrognectottio,tr Y thorn. Or4cre promptly illtod, , . (mayl-tf ' - irmovsy unii)VDt JAMES /LONG, : BTOVE4ND TIN-WARE DEALER, Mut removed froni hts old stand, bottler of sth rind Coat streets, to ' No. 13 North f'if'th fitroot. sprit 1-Bmo. AUER'S DRIOVERYI ItgAIDINO; PA: Vi t o subsoriberropeithilly announces to the Pub- Ho t at he has mond , enlarged .hie Brewery to a cons derablo extent, a n 1 introduced steam power in all its departments. And is now ready to supply 11l demands for SUPERIOR MALT LIQUOPEt; B9r•home and distant consomptiopci stook , nt DialtLieuore. warranted to keep in All °limit?, is as follows BROWN STOttls, 0011;11)14 BOTTLING ALE, +AND LAGER BEER. r REIM. LAUBR. , N. 8.--A liberal per tentage will . be silents' to -Agents abroad. • ' Jau.2B • VrfifkinglEgfeliUgl it . ;12ft 1 .1 i f , of the pp lio to Abla nor and yaluab prepare on of ARNIOA, combined with certni coptable 1- twist as unsurparised for ita Healing end Curative propertiosin aft those e xtern all? e ur plat nts fo rwhich binturents are tired, such as ° J it t iirtille B r Chfirear QaUe, Rhen th atism t clout j Nervous& ittflavitnatory Penns, Headache, I'o7lB in , t • . side, Back or Joints. , In all such eases it tnay be we'd with A eertitiaty of relief. It is good, iu foot jnoll those Com vlelifits wtme.an external applteatt ' on is required, for Nan or Beast,' knd the subscriber yaw eimielebtionsly rdecommend it wine of the, best Binimonts of the . ' . Priee - 25 Conte per Bottle.- For Hate at the "KAOLE" BOOKSTORE, 4 BITTER & 00, ' J.LOB;PRINTIr. CI Ever t de • soriptlon of .iou Printing neatly execute tit the "EACILE" Printing Establishment, ‘, , • • NORTH AMEILIQAN STEAMSHIP 0011PANY . TH A W Ca Lin' 2Y ) i/FOO/4. vii Pensmtb or Mearagus, • 1_ With is A w il ik li tesms" " rpo i ne t irr ig q Sort i ricrt i gtgrtiog 's ap= . trie tinirsi fined t im te4t,itrpet i N MEINOTOH) . . , .sigtoND GitAND . . • GIFT' DISTRIBUTION" • . .BY TIM •• .:'• . Good Will: Steam rife ,04., , . OP 'ALL'ENTO*24.' - ' . ON WEDPIONDA*, 'SEPT: $l. 110(18. _ ~ • . • The Coed Will Steam Fire Company of Allen town :would herb y respectfully: announce - to the citizens of Lettig and aditpning counties, thatin obedience too ft. r nested, end strongly expressed wishes on •the 'part of many of Up tiolrot-holdeni to their fitogift, 'enterprise, theY.haVerictfrmined upon end Made all themeceisary arrangements for, lseond grand gi ft drawlng, only upon a much arger scale than the one theylast winter brodght to so sulcossful and Satisfactory a termination to all Interested as tipket-holdere. The, groposett new enterprise oil be made up of 25.000 tickets; and the value of o Oifte tate awarded as prizes will amount to $ 000 'tbfh It rise >qcOnstninx of ,101,604 I X, MOIN I -T . ^r ' As in the Vista° ri thltf,' tdilintiestf, fairkels and impartlalltY eharaCterise :the drairinC *r last, enterprise:gave unhiersei ersfeetion 4 BverY , thintpromised 7 duly catYie Out, as is admitted by all, and the misters of th s newly fainters tsd drawing - pie (e dge thettrves 4 pat from thisrple. there shall be no, devil% en. , ' he'profits silent will fall to thertreasury o the mosey, and to be, applied to a purpose that serail. bandits the pub lic. We therefore hope for the same llbcrn sh courasoment extended us in our first , undertakins of this character, which in all wit need to insure 81 perfect success. Coneldering the Object,lt. Mull i certainly commend itself to the, nubile; the die- 1 pensations of fortune will • cerletell. both large!? reward and agreeably surpriselarge ,proportion of those who may be disposed to ."try theirltick." RxritexxoEs: iron ,. C r a.ongneeker' Honed. rges' Hon. ft. D. all;Ilon. J. 0.11414 w, Y.P. Mains, editor . Alien wn Demeornt,". lithos& dc • else. Merchant tailors I. Henri Bitting. dgalif in Hate end LCa_pi L Belpel. lin Inter 424. 0 wholeale groceol J.,_ B. Idoseri drug Is!. s , 911:16t, , ,,k, Baum dealers irate And Ceps; • C • . Ed. D. elchard, pole Age t fur the city of Reid ; ing. • Tickets can be had • f him, pr at the Plow and Bartow hotel,cerner ,ofBrd awl yelp streets. wm, W ' wint,N,Chairtnins small -d• ', •‘ , ••' Alleb own, P. Oa% flit. AWAiCitit>iw ALtaroAtato OINTMENT,• Fp? tbt cure of Titter, 1t.411:' flat en nil' ikald re : erer iv i tti gth r e t il eci u kti r els ri rtelr e grr t i Qhrpn • • . LAGLIV- BOORS .' • `• GititllNt BLOOir PURIFIER; PEMBA'S egg' .ini wan th_e name of "- - -, . l e, , 11 • . "1, valuable artfole; torrid° at we • • inn : . Astioro. • . •