• . • ' .. , . • ' ' - • . - . • ~- .„ . , '7. .•,.," -,:' ' '-',,,, -.. 7 4 - 1. , - , -, i.,-?. , %•:. , . , ',, , . 1 _ • - ' -, . .. .' . . .. , 1 , 1 . , ~ : , ~, ~ 1 , e. , t , ~g • • 7 ;-, . ~ , , i, . L, :. ~ ..,, Li ..'"rt. -... " . "'7 ; , ', •• . ,' '-' .!.;.-< I • .y .. . , - ' i , . TIM VAT Er : UGLE ' ' :.' . , , .. . • . ~ , ‘,.. • . .( i . 1, „ k Y. 4 , ~t 1 . ~ , . .. .-. :, f ','.; 1 :' ...-.:,''... ,i t ,1,' , ..- , ''.,.: : 1 , ,- - . f. : .., i' k ~ - - ... 44. i -. , ~, . , '4t'.,.; ~1" ., 0 01 1. i ' " - '` ,1 411,1: - .,w ~, , PtIBIAOIIIID kltY IAVTIMNOOM -.-•. i• 1 . ; . , \ ~ .. , = - •.: •..,,,,. ?. •.i..:,..:,, , • ,• : f i:, l, : -, ,•• , , . , : ~i .E.,:. ~, .., .. s ~.... .., . .. :boo, rat to - - ••• •• • ; -i• • z.• . • -. ' MIMI 1 , R ).,,... . ......:• 3, „....,.:.....,,....., ~• ,3. , . ~ , A.Standays Excepted.). •, , '• • A . D ~.. ....„,,......,,,, ~.„ ~.. ~..,.., „,„„,,,J,,,,.,.„. ‘,„,,,,.,,,,, ..,.,,..,,.,...„,,,:.,,,....• _.,„ 3 • .7.1 - 4 .. , - , AT Ili 0/10011 OP 2110 READING AI)LISIti ' ' ' . • . , ri • e, , „ •-. • - . ~,, ...., t .' • - AVMS* tiat NO - .• ,• t - 1 . 20 •,(- - 9 , • -,,, • ‘ , . - 1 vit o 110* ass spaws,spraisivr. , . , . , .• -...;i-F.r . ;,.. ' ~. • . . . , . ' ,',':' ail !.`i, ''.• ' . "... , _,•. ' , . le-- --• . • ' - liir 'I , ) V 4P). 0 44001a0 _. • lit V ... ..., ► , , V() DAI4AOLIII Will NI fismitt."•lo ' • . 'N., , . . -,., . ..4 , . , • : . ~, . ..... ~ , 4 , 4 _,...._.,.„:„.„ ~ .. 4 :1,..._,....L. . , -,--',',.. , GU hi; the el a egroakeilen eta e. To ______ ... ~........_:..... _____ — ,• , ____..............._, ..„,:-._-. . 'I: - ----:::::=•• 412.-..:3,:.;:,-;.:4 -.....:..-.4.:•: 1- • 4 .....1:,.• - ...._...................-.—.;.- & year. Of 0628 II grill , - —.. , . • ______ . 1 14l f 11- I irrt blear 1y ' . 41ne• -11 _ , win be madetp • uproolt*- Ho 6. pifiNiairraigir - in - itijAVie: Alib, derettoe_will be made to clubs of tea or more vb. , se borr. ~31,Thtirat, ralaumeh an let4ers shoiald be µI ritileil ' asiabnte , vAiLir NACILII. . wxLinsic 0. aftnimit. James G. JiAWLIM , WAMTED -.:: -1 MONET WANT • 0. MONEY WAIIII'EDI • BY. .1 1 118 CITY 01/ BEADING 4 , The endeared, Committee on Brume. otl , l o ie Corporation o the City of Assign & k ikv i us 4 nuthorittil to rrowthe stun of SEVENTY•VIVg triOUSAND DOLLS. for the purpose of ethylene/iv Water Wolk, of the utd el% hereby give no oe that they are Pre- Pared to issue Certificates of any leering/ biz per cent. Intdreat, to iTr e t i t t ir dextrin` to taa s tf t rit t: tiggi; IterlOgr t eichAul• • l ) re . r g a L A i A Lit,' . . . DAM BL : . o ti. , Committee pa ' i. , 00 jiDWELLING ROWE WANTED. CONVRI INN DWELLING itovElEl voted within a reesontible distance, orlre an Ylfth streets. between tbls A lme, and the bit of October , by a Mali I=ll4, 0, 7 at ikes e of the "sub s. 1 . alOtf , WVARXIT . VR,S: - _ WHERE TO GET IT! 717 4 721 Peps Blreel, Reading, Pa. .F R ,N , I '1" 1J E IN ALL STYLIIII AND MATERIALS. Thelesaest aportment in the olty to select irony sad Aloes :Pooh lower, than aoy other house. it cell la perilous In want of article of familia' from e most expensive down, is solicited. • CARPETINGS, IiriTTINGS A:ND v OIL CLOTHS. ,\ A NB stook always at low advances on cost. re ttSall and see. JAOOB R. EITTBR. . 717 & 721 Penn-at. -NOTIOE:17 Ann of Davis ikiltayer, Butch ers, baring een dissolved by muturl consent, immons Inds tett to, the firm are cautioned to make payment to noun MO the undersigned nil actounta of the Arm being In my hands; Dille w Jsi be made out, and ell personsindebted will be call ed upon to make payment. JACOB gOODIIART, .In.. • r• , . ADAM STR , YEll 011A13. O fo . DAVIS. - aug 21-3 t, GREAT FURNITUEE DEPOT. SCIIND R & FEux, , • Wateroom, coiner Mit and Yiraahingtnn 1 ' atienta. . . MANUFAOTOHY. WASHINOTON STREE2 , • ' 'il.6loi FIFTH. 1. I WHO 134 LE AND RETAIL. !' .7.48 U MED .RESPECTOIJiaLYIN vit# nu bile ttentlon to tkofir splendid steqx ill litmus ris tore now and cOnstantly on nand ' ' ind made to order tp suit cif - slower,. •- ' Amg. other articles. especial attention IS in. sited l e their unsurpasSed , . . EXTENSION TABOS," .. • • DRESSING' BUREAUS, •1 • - DINING. Book CI AIRS, • '.O fil)101Ti , ikOD • 0 0-Tat' , •'. -4 FADS " OF . .BE EADs oititt LATEST STYLES, an every oter article% their line of bolos.' very artio d is manufactured by themselves ' n thole' admits ly twinged illandfutory; with o os. moil Ptrroot tAsOliltiery, mot olitUlfill tileobtal vi t. and fintabod in an unsisrpissed manner. ' , Also propnro4ito execute all orders for 1 CARVING, 1 , ' •• ` - , TURNING,' • '' • v ' • SAWING, slid I MOULDINGS. , • All orders proMptly oeoutod, and warranted to Ave liattaraetlen. • . , avail-tr.' Tr wyD$R . , Manufacturers of - . 1 . tf.rtEiingis - Ottlebi*a • . Impo;tore of .ValtES AND , LIQUORS. - Alan Sole Altekits for BAlltinfil #NRIVALLFD fl Wutaxmli. ,No. Ma 'Borth Third Stroot, ?- • • • PHILADELPIILA, For sale at the roile Bookstore. " sus A • .. . Notice . to , . Watco. .9onsumeras ~ (IWINo to the extremely !cordate of the water. Win thollederrdis4 and- 0 impossibility or com-; Plating tliarrOregttits or. increasing the water atter o o eitY - more the next two or three mon s. the Commissioners of Wtddr would rti outs the wter-tiiiers of the eity to be as econom ical deposal ?Otte use oFdater at west:int. By treper attentt n- tir this) Test y oh the part Of ••. eaoh consumer,' Mtge Oen tide of • water can be laved aid's , MI •supjdy I' g, ordinary purposes guennteed to &11. .• " ' v The several Wire 'companies are also requested* to cease using water duringl the present drought, except in eases of Oro. ,-• • • 1 . . By Order of tit,.." • ' ' : ' ' • kIifISSIONBRB OE WATRA • 11. F. Hair II scomartu s . - 1141 11.1.eitY IplitOrsiwilitileilte dopy • • , 4 , . ._"+" LADIES' DRESS MOWING'S LARts ALL KINn4; Real and Imitation. EMPR9IDERII;B I • HOSIERY, • GLOVES, Attll lino of . 4 ( A LA. Morn coßtinio, ) , " Gent's Dimpling Gods, ZEPIIITRB, H. 1t.,.& A. S.. 130 YEWS • • (tiao. inehtuljiCh itr i ) - 2 0 Penn Street ' ' Er July #2•laio; VOL. I---No, 185 k Tug following table shows the time on which all Passenger trains, pn,the different:Railroads. arrive and depart front this city: i ' . Darsitt—roll PaILADIAPLItA. t ay an t ading Amin:, all way stationsd ••• 7:30 li. tn. press. principal stations ' 10:35 kr and.ldarkekall Italians .f . 11:39 "i apress,iatinelpat stations— 4:20 p..r. d Mail, till stations ' 6:39 . wog POTTAVILLII. Allehland, Taindsua l , ll o., and W. stat ions, 19::15 a..m. Pottsvillo and a I way stations. S:W p.m. Pottsvllle. AslilandeTamaqua. &o 6:10 " F 1141111111OURO AND TUX WWI., Ennio, batton,,Hinisbarg and west, i:10 a. 113.• Isseem. 1 enigma/arid all ways tations 7d5 idl e Itarrhbritx and principal stations, 10:45 , " t,Lebangn:llarriaburg and the west,'l:sU p..m. a7i liatfiturg and all way statlons...;. 6:115 . istreds,.l.e A Llarrlsburg and the wgst,:10:10 " Munts item . 11artisbarg at4:49,7:06,10:25 a. tn. and . • 4:10,6:25, 11:40 p. in. • • I . FOR RIM TOOK • ._''___. of VA a rli ilnagritn"AntkgaT;vatattonetdi:4o46 a. m. Of and all way.ftations ...... .../0:a) " or -" ' _ ...... • 2:40 p. to. or •• 11 • 111 41 —, 4:20 p.. Or "' • and.prinelpal way sta'ns, 11:40 " ARRIVN frm New York at 1:00, 9:09 a. in. and 1:50, 6:00,10:10 p. in.' • Roadbag .4 Coltunbigt . Railroad. A 1 "ON AND ASTER , . JIONA9AY, JUNE' 1 ' 1808. Pat:Bog I er Trains will run on this Road as .• 1 - • follows: Letive l llettding at , 700 A : N 41' 6 15 P 1 11 Arrlyol at Lancaster at 9 20 A . : M. . 9 25 " " Laneatter and Cidurnbla 880 P. Al. RETURNING: • - film, Lancaster and Columbia at 800 A. M . 41 II It 3 00 P. M. Arrive at Reading 1020 A. M. 1 44 • 30 1: Bl.' - • 13UNDAY. TRAINS t ' Leave Befog at , 800 ie., l , • 3 40 P. N . Arrive atUnettster and Columbia at 10 25 Al M. " Columbia and Lancaster at 000 P, M. RETURNING: . Lettvo Lancaster and Columbia at 7 60 A. M " N. Lancaster . ' 3 45 P.M. Columbia - 3 40 P. NI. At vo at Rsading ' 10 10 A. 81. 0001'.M. Trains Nos. 2 and 4 mato close connection at Rending with Trains North and South on Phila. and Reading_Railroad, and Weston Lo f anon Val l_fy Road. No ,2 also makes close connection with Tra for Now York. _,_ ' • EXCURSION TIOKRTS Issued to parties to all points okthis roll : at rOduced rates. EXCURSION lOKETS sold between , liii .prin elpal statlotts on t is road,—good for Sumlay Trains only. . • • • Tickets can bo obtainedott the °Moes , of the New Jersey Central Railro the or Liberty St., Now York, and Phila. and aiding Railroad,l3th and Callowhill Ste., Philoe_li: he. Through T.lekl i s to Nap York and Philadelphia sold at all tho , rinclPal Stations, and Baggage ()hefted Throutt • • , Trains are rugby P! & R. R. Time, which is 10 minutes faster than Penns. R. Time. iltCO: . GAGE, Ruperinterident. A P : 11 1 ..Kgsvart, Gang Frt. and Ticket Agt. 11.213, 1 - + NOTIONS, tc., &v. TRA.VELERB' .aiiii:Pein - sylVatilia :lUlrojetd iciiiitimiri 'injtArtauttirit, 6tosmitiignia A) Wednesday,fiday 20th, 1868. ,„ • SIE TRAINRIMILV _TO NEW YORK WITH. 1 ' OIR 1711A'Nfiliki OV_OARI3. • On and ifter Wednesda y, fifty 20th . , 1868, two iassonger Trains will leave Reading daity, (except unilays,) for Alt ontown and way stations at 10.80 , M and 4.W P. M., stoppinLat all the way sta ttons.between Belding and New York, making aloe close cod cot for Mauch Chunk and Phil etilphia Via' ehlgh Vallsy R t . 8., and arrivo at Ne_w York at 8 and 10.15 P. M._ • , Your (4) through • Express Trainsw ill leave Reading daily, (except Eandays,) for New York and the East 1 leaving Reading at 4.44 and 7.06 A. M. and at 2.40 and 11.40 P: M. Those Trains run through from Pittsburgh to New York, withoutchange of care . 'Stopping only at Lyons, Allentown, Bethlehem, Elston, Ramp- Um; Bommerviße,. Plainfield and Elisabeth, and arri_vaat New York at 10.00 A. M., 12.00 M., 7.25 P. M. and 5.00 A. M. . The 4.44 A_M• train witl not leave Reading on MondOs. The 7,06 A.M. and -11.40 P. M. trains 0 ran daily, Supel inclu d ed. ' Trains leave litlew York, foot of Liberty street daily. (ex° t•Eundaya) at 010 A. M., 1 2 noon, 5, 8 An d 8.20 P „ and arrive at -tending at 1.50, 0.00 and, 10.10 P. L, and at 1.00 an 2.62 Ai M. The B.OOP. bi. train from Now York loaves daily, Sundays ino uded. , A Sunday ExcursionfTrain will-leave Reading every Sunday at OA, AL, stopping at all stations and intermediate points. ArriVe at Alioutowb, Pt 10 A. M. -Retn_rning; leave_Allontown, at 4.00 .M. Arrive at - Reading at 6P. M. Passe $5 cents are requested to purchase tickets be fore en eying Ake' ears, as cents extra will be charge and collected on tbetrain from all Oho paythe fare to the Conductor • ` f % June Z3,tf J 'O. 0T1.4. 1 .tZ. Eng. and Supt. i • l'liiladelpli* & Reading itailroaAl. - , . . ''N •• ' (Revised;) . 1... • • ' ~ EMADING. Avatar 6rit 1868. • QVPRI Bin , ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER '0 TRAINS. August 3 1 1888. Five Trains down to Philadelphia. passing Read ing at 790, 1035 and 11 30 a. m. , and 425 and 830 p. m. ' • 1 • Up to Pottaylllo, at 10 40 a: m., and 550, and 500 P. tat_ gains Weitt to Lebanon and Ilarritburg: ' - Western Express from New York, at 110 a. in, and 150 and 1010 0, tn. • • Train Harrisburg AcCommodatlon T at 718 a.M., and mail trains at 10 45 a. in, and 611 .41 ). m i . ' thi. Sundays, the down trains p ending at g4O a. al. arid 425 p. m,. and up trains t 10 50 a. .. tn. and 067 p. m. I • , The 4 25 p. m. down, link:1050 a. m. up 'trains run o'nly between PhilanelPhin and Reading. ' Up trains leave Philadelphia for Reading, Har risburg and Pottsville, at 730 and 815 a. in,, 12 43 noon, and 330 p. in. and 516 p. me, for Reading only. The 815 a. in. trains connect with 'trains for Tamaqua L Williantsp - ortilfimirai Buffalo. Niagara ,a 0 Canada. . , The 815 a, pt, ands 30 p, m. up trains from Phil adeiphia; and 10 36 a. m. find 4 25p. ta. down trains stop only atprinolpal stations, below Reading, Reading AccommodationTraint leivea Reading p at ; rn 7 3 , 0 6: m., returning leaV . lss i Philaa elphis at bl 5. Pottstown AcCoMmodatiOn Train leaves .Potts. town at 145 1 a. tn„' returning leaves Philadelphia at 430 p. i The ites ern E rest Tall ( s connect it Tfarrig bur/ with 011•Presi rains on the Pennsylvania R. It. ter Baltimore, ittsburgh, and 41 points west, and the 10 4.l mall train connects at Harrisburg for PittsMirgh,JLancaster,Chambersburg, Sunbury, Scranton, Pittston, WRkesbarre,_ Willianisport, LQok Ilaved. Elmira anofithe Canadase • • Passenger Trairikleave Upper Depot atloo a. In „. and 815 p. m., for, Ephrata, LIM, La'neaster an. Co hubbia. .. Through Pitit-class Coupon tidies and Bid . - grants' tickets at reduCed faresjo 4_ll the principal points in the rok t .V West and the Canadas. • • COM UTATIO# 7 TICKETS, ' I With 28 cotipo m n i a sg t 26 AG pe x r c 2 ;t :K d s huso m unt between any points desir d. • • Good fiir 2000 miles between all points, at 102.50 for families and business fi rms. • • • - -MIASOIt noicErg Good fOr the hold€r onlyvfor 3, 6;9 and 12 month 4, between all poiptcat reduced farts.' School Season ticket:l at one.third. lea than the abOve. . AP Passengers ZUl tare the- Express 'Train's Wests at th e viper rpm`, and all other trains at tit) Lower pr O/ epot. . l • 100 poiradd o baggage allowed brach inassentor. Passengers are requested tkputoluum their t (*eta before entering Uto CMS. aa higher fates are c aw ed if paid in tile.* . • ; Excursion Tick (wafer One day. by I 30' ii.iyil. ACCoMMagtiott nto PhiladelOsiadma rgpiii. at 11286 each. - I• ' • s ` t Just iecoliia`it large lot of • /1„. LtIOAMAN tielelitated Oheinioal. Wilting Fluid .11} Qusyt; t"int 10 smeller bath's,. Sir itaie cheap. id the 'OLE BOOK STORE: • • fl von, TIM 0000 THAT POD. W111,0114+1 THAT 111111011101A10)10, READING,' PA., MONDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 'O, 1848. jlteviaed.) ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF STADES AND MAltt3. REAMSTOWN MAIL AND STAGE LINE - Leaves Reading at Ba. m., rri-weekly. Tuesday. Thursday, and saturday. Batumi same days at sp, m. It serves the following named Post Offices: . • Cumru, tilmgloriville, Adamstown. Schwartz villa Ream town. ' , 110 Y ERTOWIN MAIL AND STAGE LINE Loaves 18yertown at 6 o'clock. a. m., Arrives at Reading. h t 10 o'clock, 4. in. Returning, loaves Reading at 2,4 p, in. Arrives at Boyertown at 8 F. m. It serves • Stonersville, Brutalleldvillo, tironhvilloj Yellow Mouse, Eartville and , Boyers ,town BERNVILLE MAIL AND STAGE LINE . Leaves Bethel at 4 o'clock, a. m. i , arrives at Reading at 10 o'clock, a. in. Returnng, leaves Reading at 2,V/look,. p. m.. arrives at Millersburg 'at 9p. in, It ewes Leinbaohs, Lower Bern, Bern villa, Itehrersburg, Bethel, Tutpcboooon and Holston Mills; c mut: BALL MAIL AND STAGE LINE Leaves Reading on Monday, Wednesday and Fri. day at 9 o'clock, aLlu. Returning, leaves Blue hail on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ar• biving at g at Beading 4 o'clock, p. in. It supplies iotin's Store ' Knauer's, Bownlansville, Muddy Creak, Terre Hill. IVeaver's Mill and Blue Ball. • PIQUA MAIL AND STAGE LINE • Leaves Reading on Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 7 o'clock, ti. tn. A t tir l ives at Reading on Tuesday, Thursday and tuirday at 5 o'clock, p. in. It supplies it. Penn, eakersville, Joanna Furnaco.Morgantown,Talbotvilio, Honey Brooko, Cambridge and South Hermitage. LOBAOHSVILLE STAGE AND MAIL LINE Loaves Lobachaville on Tuotday, Thursday and Saturday -at 7 o'clock, a. m. Arrives at Reading at ill o'clock, a. in. Returning. Leaves Reading at 2,o'clock, p. in. Arrives atlobtvahsville at 7 o 0 ook. p. in, It serves , Alsaco.Oley and Lobacbs villa. 'READING TO COLUMBIA D'ally by Railroad—Loaves Reading at 0 p. In. Arrives at 10:30 a.m. SupplipsFritstown,R oink °lda Station, Stevens, Waits. Millwiy,- Lids, Man behn.Sporting ITl,LandisvilloandSilVerSprings. , WESTOI ESTER TO BIRDSBORO • Trl-weekly b etagfr-Loavos -WentAoster on Monday. Wednesday and .Friday Affa. m. Ar rives at Birdsboro at 7 p m. Returning. leaves Birdsboro on Tuesday, ThUrsdaY nod Saturday at 7a. in. Supplies Golger'a Mills, Blue Rock, Long's, Wallace, Uwohland. LionVillo and West White land.. READING TO ROBESON Semi-weekly by Stage--Leaves Reading on Tues day and Saturday at 7:30 a. in. and arrives at Bond ing at 11 a. m. READINV TO 110 ST Semi-weekly by Stago—Loavos Reading Tues day and Saturday at IE3O It in. Arrives' at Read ing at 9:30 a. m. IdupplielVAddam's Tavern, Lower Heidelberg, North Heidelberg, Kriok's 14111kand 11ost. • LEESPORT TO NORA I M-weekly by Stage—Loaves Leesport Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 12 In. Arrives at Lees port at 3 p. in. Supplies South Evansville and Molltown, COXTOWN TO YIRGINSVILLE Tri-weakly by Stage—Leavos Coxtori Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9a. in Arri es at Cox town at 4p. Supplies Kirbyville.hl salon' and VirginsvMe REHRItItSTIIIRG TO SiOIIOIIBDURG Tri-weekly by Stage—Leaves RehrersburgTues day, Thursday and Saturday at 11 a In. Arrives at Rebrersburg t6p. m. Supplies Wintersville and Host. READING MAILS. 1191011 Net York-0 oso3 at /OA: M. 414/0 P. W.: • Arrives at 14, t m_and 2 P. m. Phila d elphia—Arrives ay.0:30 A. and 6P. Closes nt 1 A. X. and 4P. m.- Ilandsburg—Arrives at 10:80 A. W. 0111 d 4:30 P. W. vippil at 10 A. is and 5:80 P. sr. Pottsville—Arnves at 10:30 A. M. and 4:30 P. U. Closes at 10,A. W. an d 5:30 P. 11. ALLIINTOWN VAIITOX. Arrives at 2:00 P. M. I • Oloseuat10:00 A. 11. AIIBTOW ti—thteo times a week. Arrives at 5:00 P. is. I Closes at 8:00 A. m. Arrives at 104,00 A. 31. BOYABEITOWN, Arrives at10:00 A. u. I (Moses at 2:30 P. Y. LOPAW tim ISVILLR—threo es a wee , Arrives at 9:30 A. WI I Close at*Y.:3o P. u. PlQUA—throa times a weak. Arrives )It, 7:00 P. M. I oioBo9 Rt 5:00 As u. nun HAUL—three times a week., Arrives at 4;00 r• it. • I 010110 at 9:00 A.tir. mslannina—twice.a week, Arrives at 9:00 A. x. : , I (3030 at 11:30 A. it. ROBRAOATtIfiCO &week, Arrives at 11:00 A. it. 1 .Close at 7:30 A. NEWSPAPERS InT o Jot o . old newer - pm on hand at this (MO% which will bo sold cheap. HEILDQVAnTERSJOB • • • ; , CAMPAIGN 0.GOOI)S 1 • • AT THE , • • UNION JEWELRY MANUFACTORY • i AND •• • 1 BADGE • OE' POT, s' NO, 14 NORTH F 14711 ST., (Next door to the Evening Dispatch Office.) 20,000 Camptign Bakes! • DEMOCRATIC 'AND REPUBLICAN, ' Direct from the Eastern n'nd other manufactories, which we can soil at Now York prices, by thou sand. hundred or dose p They ' are the finest as sortment over offered fol. MO in the city of. Read ing, having over one 'hundred different patterns, such as Modals, lini; Sleeve) Buttons, Studs, &o. Good Age* wanted—a good 49erceniage al-, .lowed: Our Retail prices are from 10 cents to fit 00. Per sons will do well to give us a call before purohts ing elsewhere. SOCIETY BADGES ) MARKS AND PINS kinds made to order: also,•Jewelry of all de scriptions made and repaired. Matches and Clocks properly repaired. . sse :A CARD. AVIBIt TO INFORM MY . FRIENDS AND the public DI geners_l_, that I have scoured the Services of Die. JOHN KENNIDY. (late with A. A. Einstein) *hose abilities as a fashionable garment cotter are unapproachableAtt least in this section of the country, and having resolved to be second to none in the State in quality of piece goods of all shades and prices from which to select. Dikter myself with these facilities to The able to turn out the best cut, best made, and better trimmed cloth-: ing that can be found in this city; and am now in receipt of early fall styles of goods, of which an examination is respectfully solicited before put.. chasing'elsewhere. • A. 1111L11111 9 No. 331 Pekin street. Reading, Pa aug 23-5 t ATTOTION, , TAt-PAltßil. #LL REAL ESTATE AND; PERSONAL City Tates fo tare to be paid to the Maurer' of the hity of Reading. until the first day of OCtober. After the first day of August five per cent. will be added tor taxes remaining tin- Veld t aryl a ft er the_firet Yof October live_ per cent. additional be c msed, and the Dalt mites placed in the bands of ,co llectors who will troceed to collect tho same• until the thirty-Ent day of December. After the fli_nt day of January, 1369. the Duplicates of Real-Nstate taxes wills tie" r i ven to the City Solicitor. who will cause Hein to be'entered against, all delinquents. The Treasurer may be found during the day and evening. at all businem_houre, a his office is the Oity Hail, corner of VIM abd kiln streets. lleoond story,6o3 Entraftee to his oe on Franklin street, No.. . , Wfd. HEMENREIOU. June 1-4 mos 'hums Reading, July WI, MIL BRINVILLE, I Closes at 2:00 P. if. 1111EADOIO IDS INAIDDRAINCE ADD 1 ,1111115 ST COMP.A.NV OF SOCIUEN . . ORQANIUD JULY. 1 . 867. CArkri41154.006,00; OlNce Reading &summer Building, ,N 6.19 Nord Fifth sired, E. (truer 4t ThM►t Oka, , Office how froidB A.p. to 8 P. y. OItiItOTORAZ J. Pringle Jones. James McKnight. , henryZ. Ynn Reed, Jacob iThatiner. J J. T. Jackson, .) 4 1 1 . 1 I!. Stout. . Jonas Shriller, . T. Valonline; ' . George loser. • , ..• . • This Compatly insures MI kinds of rtorty ars Ind loss or damage by firma rates as low as ny oils er reliable Company and upon every plati kno n i to/itook Insurance Companies, . •,, 1 aPorpetual h Polielos issued req u iring no teneWil nd upOil et IA the Amount of pre q rstu paid e en be reclaims at any thus. lass al) notion oily. pee coat ' The advantages of th •,ingth9l l l‘ Om worthy °him attention of fanners and Other' DST. In/ Bret-Mass- dwelling housep,, burns A nd Aber buil Intl, in town or country, as being the cheap: est and 'rifest. 1 • : • Policies for oriel & two, throe. Avg no charge in • Or more yearti. ei ir furl s" th an one year, issued and, for olley and survey when renewed or wrien no, surincee are transferred from other cointiu l tee. The eitisens of heading and: vielnityal erto depesilont mainly upon foreign compantite, eve now t e privilege of effecting their Insurances ip a home suititlion. well organised, with an adequate paid in an guarunteed eipitad., Ives.thuut as strong Vs twig 'ofseeurity as that of swollen' sluPl• Pant., The advantagip of doing ballikege di rectly with the Company and theimportance if keeping some portion of the large sums paid for insurances. in circulation at home will be *rated by all. J. PRINULCIONES, resident. JAMES Mo ICHT ioo President., • S. IL ANCONA, Eieo'y an Trees * . - fj unelo-tf D it..RUGENE 801101NINGP8 • , CELEBRATED EWEDIBII BITTERS; „ Cure with, certainty all chronic) derangenienta 'of thp Liver, Rtoronch and Ridneya, is the most row ” erful hao of the igestive, Muscular and Ner vous Systptn and t e most Reliable 'preaeryativos against all kinds o Feyer. Dysentery*. and mafee ions Diseases. especially against Cholera. Typhoid and Yellow Fever. Prist7s °anti; bottle. , 81* fort. For sale at the Eagle" oolatore i j RI SII $ 0011.._; 851 Pena Street; CEMETE TIIE LINE•O CARRIAGES • vo Trfg • CEMET.ERY • ,t Will leave Fifth West and Chen; Oliva* hour of th i a day. cow/Analog at oalt oho ttutU further o arc THOS. HOIIU & U *PH , . WEST END I T , 4 • . l 4 W (' C a A L , . i ~. LIST 11,, & . s' AN b . • ' • _ r .. YARDI • - . . Car. Penn and Proni Streets. , : . . . , • . ;EBB understood would respeotfully Inform Ms friends an be st public. that and prepared to furnish the of Coal, Lime, ' Band to any part of the olty. the ofoharge. Orders promptly attended to , JQIiN B. BROWN, • uka26tf . 102 Front & Penn fits., Readlutt ' PLUMBING Gas ' Steam Fittling! EDWARD -SCULL, NO. 10, SOUTH FIFTH STREET, ' . , BEO LEAVE TO ANNOUDNE TO THEI ClT leas of 4ead!ng and vlOnity, that ho attens PLUMBIN4I, GAS AND STEAM PITTING, Atshortnotice. All Work, done,guaimiteed. None' but the best workmen employed. tAldo, a lot of first-elms Chandeliers, Brackett. Ranges, Bath Tubs, Water Olosets, lipigots, ao..- always on hand a nd for into at the lowest Meek A share pf the Publlo patronage is respectfully solicited. Juno 24-3 m EDWARD SCULL. Destoce / ms, raise clops for the kdA011.16% • Yoe further locals , see second page it ZMOVALI IIirIIOVALII • BARTO'S • • LiQyolt, . STORE:, Hite been removed from tho Keys(ono Building to tho new and elegant store, NO. 437 PENN :STREET, Whet. customers will find aver) , !ergo stook of tb . si best 'End purest WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES, • • . he., ever offered to the public of Reading. All al' proof of the above that is required is trial.__ A share of patronage is solicited. TOBIAS BARTO. Good Ne'ws tor ,Old A, . LAROB STOCK OF, , - • • , 3C:At34, w.cor AND ' G4.BiNET - ORGANS, ppo, SALE ON INSTALMENTS, AT , • A. . E. A. BUG'S PIANO WAEEROO/48, • No. 403 Penn Street • • Great inducements offered to Lodges and • Associations. Also a few ' good secord-hatidpiFlßB for sale cheap. , • t, • _• • . , iioon.. • ' • • t • E. A, DER% • No.' 408 Penn Str4t. • t _~~~~ ..,.. ..._ ... ......... . . i. ifie it. E it !kat a solt;apautenta4 2p10.1ip.419 t L atititt thweitmtuD t im , UO O O4 sVal • ' IWO. w• - litellerrOjitin A • ' • 0/ 011ocr-liumt it . OA ;tam 100outre ensue, rutin . 114. , 901,14 u iu the Ourmau tuseuistik.' IrflttilllM tit. *slit la tu.il...—y; t .a. wit O lt i..e. ....... i..mh.L.-VAii. ..A.. M..r.."N . /t (i l F , Pitef re 4 1,- 4• - • „ • ,traosatri.. N 0.510 Ntirit i trat;(ir;l 4 tilri .1‘ = ,al.a4teLic. So • • (uS. teitsiqn Simiso . A4 • , POllll Eltraot,Okr,• •0111oe btlurr--13 Opp, to, ; toB pol. MAO U . 1!1/ 0 TOW SMOLA 011 y . Iry ALDSAMAN, • '‘ Omoe, No. 29,N4th 6th 84.04 OpiCiAteßost R on e l to rt . vening and enneem4l44 Prpilsl7 , ofebiwano OEO. ,04011. KRIM. • . • (Soo of thi bite GOO. M. Kohl, Ifiq..) •••• ATTORNEY AT LAW. I 'H 0m 0 . ; centre street, opposlte a l PteetoPOchgrW ton2B-tf , • • ratBVlLTill, PA JESSE G. 'UAW's/gir t T TiO R Y AT 14 A, W I . Otalm t !TR. solffeetnd dg 0t) ur a ravits Ase, 4.1 . ,140g, L , . HENRY. Ills . • ..4 rron*,E.r • .01docti_29 NORtit MiT11 : 141001`;8111ADINO Jawott. 0161114 141431 1 / I .lllDff,' 1 Jij ' Arronifsi Ar 4AIV. N 0.530 Court street. over the °Moe of,,Tobtkli. Etiabarde,t , sq. , • • febOtf DAN 11174 , •-• . A11'014111" Ar LAW, .011kkm eto si z th Stt. poralor Court Atl.y. fedelf AUGUSTIN 8., 844.88f4tAtiti 1,l .8/oid IY. Om% N 0,40 Nottb Sixibottestopaght ther House. Mundt/Alai bini UM =1,11849 num linguage., • • •• , , jolltr &twos, , • ArropitßrArzAw; .61509.110.19. Notthetzlik tittnet.ityyjoilte 014 .febb Kir; - stops touts. .semnir:rok tf DOIIiTYI ' , • I al 30111. 'O. *W41241111.,i., . k • Wi tst ti s 9MitgAt ° tE4u:Rediding,r4:: 4.• nya the e Inas ire leottred. • e WILLIAM O. • • , (Orainift of Fit* . Re,foreict Okitrok) • TBAOIIBII, OF PitBlllol47, ORGAN AND N 2ZlVortlitltzth street abi143:411; • N. IL—Pianos Tutied. • ; Dune 207tt Ira Es /MEL • • • , s o R ,tr, pEis„risr, ovirlag—isio' Penn Striei, 4tOgdaufg, Invitei the pablio to nail and jotaeihit Ws Pe* plan for extracting' teeth withont pain. • ?pe r . ktions in Abe , profession' neatly lanontopi. charges reasonable, *, •• ' „ ii a ii *i iniji.if ji,Loi ii . VISITI*O , I BUSINESS O s AIIDS,,, • A's, `'&e. of kinds, miy bo 411;4 ttabo*B44,tit Office, Eleotrolsbes findillea If ditektid,) • All ot4ivill dozie in tie, olif.ttanittaii. $4:2;40 , 4A, tne lowest I,tes. Aprfat Abe' , ."11gie I HELLER'S* CONkOSITIONPAMM ° , • APM. 0 400 .0#.9,. :.z . . . rAvitMENl ,. :.i4qi#Oor 18 . 1V aoknoveastUt t e ee, e . I t. 0% 1 0 14 tVCII tO Wit:1113011 1 00t Y . t ed i Zbitliat4 ht t ' ' ' f• l i lt Mot; : thewt4 FRarfptlecl tovidvs, "usurl‘, PP. . p„ 4 inns 1841 . ' Itoari • • , Nr a W PLEA A I ; ; 74 If detsine4 biu t q l e4 ruigi n )le4tmarkot," tine frai es 4 4, • limo, Shoulden, ;Mod lo maraca, ao. • , PETER N. ROYER i No 628 Penn Street. Apia ' ' • • *pia by 01 1410ar - . , 14•1.4!1 f , V.„t• WIIWIMmI9IILLIL I= .1143 , 511' ' IMI ME IBM ME =II 'AS !tent/ Resdlit .1 MPWEA EM A, will be re/41W 440 littcompamisd by €he cult. Zifii4Vorionwp ~a h 41 , 004 hf Ten $ t a aubscribora, issialtiotare a copy gratis. Tho; &eta whit* ita raidetentelt In. mtkitAthltlON(lo4oll:QWlArt endwill 41K1,40014 1V t• 4 ihr, the dilierntaa• I ), . Or k 4l # 4 , 4 1 :0 0 ' - ' Pn t s, 4 4 do**l the unity and hate on" doe great Demorratio party, ....alp! pe : 4triul 4 . o. 4 . 4 Detilooratio • .101eea 4 1 104 1 4f)tt1AP*40 4 46410. It wilt also oetitatei las condensed ibrin, ill the go,notlAl, l l 1t 4 11, 1171 t i tt coin /RfQ 4 l *ttiikS, 1 4 1 0* i°ol.rat* ibk4A4 ,ok ,i 4 ' 1 Ai Alt* 4 14 '' r , l ik t ' 4 kA; ii /' Nk`''; gverY . TOW4 11 ,00. t#oo l 7 ohOitid litho • thelit"ibitho i *Ohittv. , , • , A vvyteo....l"lo 4 --; oF gm F 1 .4 , 0, 9 0 .7 . t . rbii; - * ick ii t ith' gc lek ' Mountain'. " • , ' , '"POtiOna 0041t45741 4 1,t , i11in01a for qlowing CeneAtaltdetteit rte ilotier 4on'their dAt it t ' ~ t , *4 The itilOsti.lFt 'iiiti de , g. in 13901T00,0ciot )10:yo Ant of ri t ..i. **pi VT A qikttimaik.. 4 t 4., ~,,•, -,, l ,‘ :., K 3 • ''14100 ( 1 , I* eik4,k9144 OrAtillik".° I,t!ikiuth, Afkie*ip eiligto„snoko trekrint ihe native Whoa, il I the*dttitit, • ihed li carry the' eldidren lig ISO olnyolt: In , 4661490 es vilely itle 01 4401 ere' tOckliNil 3 4 to ht re ,tnovedt they hurY them ttndle,arNop of long moo •And burn thou' alive. • 7 ''Afiti i e ' 1 I , - to. ioR Or two vo 1 feet ong,uppour ed in ALltithore barlOY op , Ziegdol' aiWitn" ming 4046 fit wheArivii A biked hook u W in ` ,faildkn, bat lii t isviapld pot ,toftd \ p and eoort ( diespieered, i - . ,•, . • —A Baltimore *mica datvted Igy , stator in fintilloriotorooorso with her husband, and compepo4 ea poor girl to jump • off 140 h a t, w-Anezehange hottest, that• white young 'Wien at tiaratognarepinalluinitliti Osoian bey l llo l 4 g0n4, 1 64 It i o l , Poo Place 9 1 1 4 q 1 P ll Ol O Ak i k 4l6 . ll P9H.bendar , so t i, t ~, $ ' ' . ' 4 4.: 41 410(014 1 r.# irg* l l 1 ,4 th at Ci i iM 4 k o WOO rt 4 ol : h 0 ROI irtioux he )/4$ iostoltor Aro* 404ofsourioit bUotylita whom Ilitoi) the iyaii torgot!oo.' • ' ' ; ."'NEOMOdOri hind, iainffiroh,g l vatt e d Mites Navy's dial! %in Obitioatopfl p • 1i,., on Wednendtp . ' ' `"" ''' ' -4-Queela Viotorigs trayelng toile COOP pile, thietk penning, --= ' ' —Foxes aro dOiouring lho Aurigejs in Proo4O01,11.?t - ' -*'Snow felt on•.ti ' e sauatnieer Moen; AA th9tiy atiiiimington lrirratotit*ltlvOic' • • -4yils' raid the giiipe'orov jqWrit* is fiery largo ,this,sessos, And ikl! : 0144 largo bei4 mOde-to. AO , i 'diles ttatii •'itatit ll oilf W (*.Ai lof •' , .-- 4 / , ! I . . ~. ~ .... I Enkel , N. iL; at. l 43i4ebtelly „ehot 'himeelf tlicouglt . tho•temple,attd- died initatittil While ) coon hunting, on Tuesday night. '', , , . . ' ' — 44 1 / l ltariPSol.ll:krAgrst.griqa. ,ditughter of the treat 1;l1 of goinipg.to Oc t Uoited,fitatee, : to' i . gii,e, ,reedioge , from ' Ml l,l 4°P , I9Vi , . • c, ...oaltonday neat alp Gorman' lElmoifer f feet/will 'commend. to P!tteb Witiiitid Alta continued toi four (141, - .- Reorder to' f a tom . models the lugs limber . iifiliav l on Is *Mare expected ftom Willitiwigiethe 'Peaniiiiinia Railroad Coivatty will 'Wife eteintionilok. eta (row 'Ol . 'etatiOaelitakt ••,ig I .lobottior, which wlll'Afif OA lf0,1111W1x191(41414 o f 4ittial. ' ' .' ' I ' - • ' -4 ' 1%4 4 liiimiVitothen! otoi4. Xeliia, Kityg t AO:fo*ii,oo'o,„tiii*lt isAiftr* I/4 ibeiest , ._korati CotPlitin King; of tli`o talkANti• Ore*. tursl l lik Chleigotfeorkg theilrof lipi iitini. 4iitaitifeht§*itto,f . sihill4 . ll#looki l . ipke 4,,fttii.*:! ,11 4*0,0;44.0fitz.: 4 4,4440; tioW,,qemellOW,o4 ?". '. lir rVaidArna -1 1 1 • - V i • " i -'; .. " ''' '' 4 ,'''s q . ', ! aim. • ,, 47 , !f ,%0-1.. t t:-=:! , ':t 14.141, 0 3 11(3 , :., iii t ' ' ' . :, . , - .0, '-', -• . .-.1`,... , c At: • . I X' • - • - iblriet - 01 ia' bicid 1 4 Wit im 7. t , V im irmtemo *dim Of $O l OOO jOillie* . Aie. . ' I # s44i t 100c*:*:--' , Ilt*iiilii, : ,L) :.__,r; ' . f ; ) , : ,,:?.:•,,,:::;, ~,„', :::‘„ ~ • ;e. :', ' . -., , 2c. ''. ••,,nviii.ohet,,, '. A..; ',.: ~,,, : : ; . linini; 4llip;29,4xlto.Notoi .iieniten .00 „ns ti lfoi#4 1 h*eiliciairiatti f Ne!vxottc *,.oVire . ' i fifitili,46#4 ,lo a r ,90044,, .*. ,14tift,8404„0:44 *0 0 tif iiiiforftieWprptectiott , : Of ~,,„., ~,, . 1 , ; ,,,,,,,, :... wit „, o4 , i. . „.: t : .,,,J 'e - .1 N .'": f, e, ' 1 "liirriltite"6l4oA, l • : ''-:.>': ° ' 4 ' .. . , 0,:,,1MQ9)954,00.0111k—PATP, VAILVAT:4., tsglo4o . 494ibiko Pric404101474t192. bkr Wert to. roif* it , : • .., c ; ht 1 AA - A,' . " •T t it - i l ''' .',*11,0/0'i...•1 . 4 ??! ; :t ,i : '' I!M=EIMMTI EN II El