Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 29, 1868, Image 3

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Rek Atl4tiBt`2o,. left
T 1T1101.6411 141 r.
1 ' ti Pt Oatli srpnil..-rlaul i t evaninetia:
0 1.4 L.'s were passing up Penn street;
;(I by a drum And life, ands irttlisiPsr
with P.. L. L. inseribed'on it, iontione
inquiring what P. L. L meant ) *heti ilk
lin exclaimed, "eht dealt you know dot,
it means , 'Peter Likes Lager 1' "
'ew York .pspeso 'has a new lotto for a
loge d r i v er, Whien is claseically apt: "Jane
forte in omnibus 1"--;.—rDon't fail to one
Pattie Stewart tonight. Tight bitotsex-:
hibit largefeet to &conspicuous utadvanfsge.
_—The Invi ncibles h eve evidently elutnged
their name to "invisible, as nothing is seen
or heard of there.-7-----.Wheelbstr*w bete on,
the election Life commeicad,our ha y
friends should be earello hoW they ute 2s .
:notice 3f ;they do not wish to h e aisfig . .
_---A. itinder in blacking disooursormuci
bombast and took in conaiderablit cniiincy,
in front of the Keystone lions.,yesterday..
=---The order of Hiatt:art will have .6
grand parade and ple-vivo in,this city on the
7th of September next. Lair) del don:l'i
fro m abroad aro expeoted..•The o fever
. has again broken out, There lino ger ,
of it coming among us, as a great: snarly of
' put citizens have been "so seyeielY" afflict. 1
ed with It several years'ago,'thsti itiviii hair*
'no effect on them now.--The Reading '
Steam Yacht Club will , hay a grand picnic,
at ROO Valley Nib s 011,211 nday, Aug." 81st.
—The Iteadlpg /s Wants twenty
shoe binders;—Allot nm Daily Melt
Six stove moulders wanted. . See advertising
rolumne4- 7 —The bathing season is over,
now:4010okt fr o ass man was passing
along North Filth l street, ire receiired a ih4*-
er bath over himself in the shape of &bucket•
ful of watei, from a iseenitd.story' window..
!Ile man at one tinily firelight of prosecuting
rho individual who ttitenO tbe w,ater, but as it
was • done iteldeAlly, - he concinded to say ,
no more; pout it, ' and go homii and put On
another suit of clothes.-----Petitions are
circulating in Hamburg for a stone bridge.
over the creek In White Oak street, in place
of the wooden structure. --A number of
boys were amusing themselves . lest evening
on s threshing machine, at Lessig's%achiue
works, at Fourth and Washington streets,
limaking it go 'round," when one of them
got his finger severely pinched. - ----Search•
warrants should be printed on "tracing pa
pet ,1' and wedding notices on_foorecap.—'
Father Abraham passed pp Penn street last
evening. He looked kind of cross.- 1 , 1
Ladies driving horses is becoming fashion.'
able in this elty.-;---The Sebnylkiltriver
is lower than it has been for many yearli.
At many places down the river, it can be
crossed without Wetting a foot.-- , isn't
always wisdom. -to know a thing; in other
words, , i gnorance is sometimes bliss. As,
for' instance, you'd better not hear the squab.
bleit of yoUr neighbors; or be cognizant of
the peccadillos of your wife, when abroad;
6r ftoto any little roguish flirtation going on
over the way, or see a policeman handling 4
drunken woman; or a multitude of much
else similar in character or no character.
. .
STFWARVIO Theba l n Combine continues to
draw orgy& ,To•alght, brazens, or The ,
Wild Hoisi of Lauer'i Park, dances, songs,'
burlesques, etc: , , '
ltiehardo haiing.retorned home; there will
eseriiceoening. la this elturelyto•morrow morn.
g dev
8402411 WARP.--The largest assorttheut of
jigs, pittlets t butter pOts, ke., at re •
iueed prices, for sato by J. L. Wielder s 503
Penn street. • aug 29-8 t
" 4'
. Irak CAUP Itlnsmos,—The camp meeting
at Annvilli3; Lebanon county ) closed yester
day morning at an early hour, and that. at
Fleetwood at a Ipte boor lath night.
meetings were largely attended. •
Tim Bush. Meeting at Denkter!s woods
under the aulipites of the A. M. B. Church:
will bo continued today and to•morrow.-;-.
The members of the several chtterches in this
city are, invited to be present. . ,
MAltißT.—bittiket, this morning was well
attended, and prices very favorable—to tho
sellers I .
There was an . abundance of all kinds of
vegetables and fruit in seastin.,
• •
Ir does not cost hnitikibg to see that Now
Pump; they'will shbw it to you cheerfully at
the headquarters the best article of the
kind, and the cheapest.l McKnight's hard
ware Store l ild & Penn. aug. 2941
POl.lOll A/Mine-401a 'Burke, whose
arrest we nOtited yeate' Charged 'With
drunkenness and the ex it Ilion of pugilistic
symptoms, luida htSatiy* this morning. Pin
ed $8.26 and 'lwo:tined
Ittraovitiisiirsta - the ashes of the
late tire; kri Carpenter alley, will arise -night
new. three-story houses six of which will be
built by Mr, 'lsaac 111,1308 n, and two by Mr.
F. Moors. ' • • -
4xaruga Nlo. -"r The Amp lmes 4
'Broombach% Hat Factory, in Exeter town
, ehi t beyond' the. Black Bear Tavern ' are
hol4ing a pie ilk to-day in a, grove in that
vicinity. A number of batten of .ResOing
have gone out to participate in it. , • ,
Bunton L 3 elossbrenner will preach in
the Otterbein Ohapel,in NerthEightlistreet,
lo•mortow Iflunday) evening. Services to
coma ent:eat 7i
_o'clock. There will be no
services in the Ohara% the morning on ac•
.co4nt of the, rem:toning of the First United ,
'Brethren Church.rn Ninth street.
f , -
Naves chase . jar. - bat Ns.
when it Moira
off 'itt a gale of wind; just etand still and you
will piesently see half a dozen persona in
pursuit of it. When ,one has captured it,
walk leisurely towar4 him, receive it With
grateful acknowledgement and place it qu
sour head) he-will invariably act Its if you
ad done him a favor. Try it.
. •
•ExouasioN LITIL—Tho members .of
Mt. Penn-Funtace Sunday School came to
this city early this morning., and took the
am for Litis, where they will hold A cele
:biation to-day. The Leesport Cornet'Barid,
of which Peter F. Wentzel is the leader,
joined the excursionists Isere, and accompa
nied them. The Band, np_cm their arrival in
town, stopped at Krickle Hotel, corner Filth
and Washington streets ,wbere they.discours
ed eoveral delightful pieces of music. •
Ixotessw OP TRAyßll,—Railroad Bieck
port that the number , of paisengers going
West has been increasing during the last
two weeks, and is greater than' it has been
any time during the_ present year. Tide Oin•
munati train from New York, which passes
through Reading at 10.10 p.m.Thursday night
,contained 140paes9ngers for the East. This
141110410, Uow m w _passengers, crowded
the eve: few *eels the. tide:will . %)
Ealtwerd—the Western merchants coming
East, to. Philadelphia and Now York, for
the purchase of goods.
Tatitowtia" Stitiekt.—T6 habit of hoj"
throwin stones at each Other).or doln% 4 / 111 '
jeFt in t h e street, is s very evil one. • Pedek
Inane are annoyed by it, and inmetimei the
mays iee~ ~ inilintlrounds'or demi, Property.
The habit of *rowing stones islraore preys
lent in the northwesters part of town, . we
belteretthanbaStherports.- Itiotricomplaints
reach us from that section than from any
other. Parentsebould lecture Weir ions on
the subject and the police should not' be
too backward about omitting some of the
more perverse boys, and lipeking nn example
'Of them. -
Tun DirpaYch says that at the Annville
camp. meeting, during one day, one badge
vender sold 085 worth of Grant and f eolfax
badges, and another sold $4O woktb.4
'lt is generally supposed • that people go to
camp meeti t ngs for religious purposes, but it
appears that others go there in the interest
of politicians, Tho badge venders aiie sharp
a l ,
fellows, however ; they know that th toughs
who tang around and disturb camp!: eetings
art always Grant and Colfax .men t a d con
sequently there is always a brisk emend .
for likenesses of the Smoking Donkey, who
he' Man of the same stripe in the well of
Loma, dogs rum and cigars.
) 11.11X1110AN ittliOllANloB 7 PARADE. The
State Parade'of the Order of American Me.
obanics, which is to take place at Lancaster,
on September 11th, will undoubtedly be a
grand' affair. Over fifty councils have al-,
ready reported to the Secretary of the State'
Committee their intention to • participate, in
the parade. Col. David Miles, of Conestoga
Council, No. 8, will• be the, Chief Marshal
on the occasion. Mr. John Fink, of Osceo
la Councili No. 84, of this city, has been se.
leeted to aet,tia . Marshal of the second
sion, and Mr. C. M. Molle, a member of the'
Junior Ordet in this•eity; to act as aid in the
fifth division. One- of the most interesting
features, of the parade pill be the represent
,ation of the diffirent troies and profession's.
Kensingign Conficit,*No. 9,'of Philadelphia l
will, for Instance t build a miniature! ship
while the column.l!l moving.
FROM PORT Ci.iwrox:—Major. Bevan,Ban •
gage Master, running-between Port Cinton
and Ashland has been presented with a
handsome solid silverliadge, .by his friends
in Ashland. The badge contains the follow
ing inscription in enameled 'letters "Bag
gwie Master, - Presented by his friends from
Ashland." • . • •
William Taylor, a member of Company
A, 48th Regiment, P. V. was buried on Sun.
day, August 28d, with i tnilitary hogors, by
members of his company. A sermon appro
priate for tlio occasion was preached by Rev.
Mr. Grove, Pastor of the M. E. Church of
this place. And today the funeral of Mrs.
Adam Menglo took place. It was largely
attended by her many friends and'acquain
Aug: 27, 1808. „ A. P. B.
Condusion of yesterday's, Cb ur 1 Proceedings.
Maggie R. Loose vs. George D. Minden.
bush.--28,,April T. 1807. This was an ac
tion on the case for breach of promise of
marriage. An action for stfdnetion between
the same parties was tried' before in this
Court at April Term, 1866,Which resulted in
a verdict forylff. for $BOO demeges. As the
facts were Ntly reported upon the former
tFial, and the. present action was founded
upon the sane eire.utintenees, a repetition of
the details will be unnecessary. The jury in
the present case returned a verdict in 'favor
of the plff. for $2OOO damages. G. and D.
Ermentrout for plff. J. 13.1\Livingood and
J. B.,ltichards for deft.
the above was the huit case open for this
week, and the Court adjourned at 41 p.
until this morning at 10 o'clock. The sec
ond week of Common fleas
,will commence
on i Mondapraortijeg next,l4
.1.1 o'clock.—
Fifteen'eases Ximain'open upon the list -for
disposition next week.
mirror° 6 LODOE AND A£ll3oolfAilONB.--=
The following named organizations will hold
their regular stated meetings this (SATUR
DAY) evening
Freedom Circle, No. 7, :B. U. (H. F.) C.
A& Brotherhood Hall, Third and. Penn.
Fleetwood Council, No. 20, 0. U. A. M.,
at •Fleet*iod.
Hamburg Council, No. - 74;0. U. A. M.,
at Hamburg.
Rehtersburk Council, No. 12D, 0. U. A.
M. at Kehrersburg. . •
Leesport Council, No. 181, 0. U. A. M.,
at Leesport:
Mt. Pleasant Lodge, No. 476, L 0. of 0.
T. at Hopewell Furnace.
Friendship Lodge, No. 6, K. of I'., at
Temperince Hall. •
Junior Circle, No. 21, 13. U.., at Geiger
Heading Division, No. 76, 11,of L. at
708 Penn street. . '
Longswainp No: 634, L. O. 0, F.,.
'at Mertz's, Lcngswainp.
Perseverance Council, J. 0. of A. M., at
Fifth and Washington.
Demolay Coin mandery Nd: 9. R. T. Ma
sonic Hall. • -
Lawrence Sunday School will hold its annual
celebration at, Exeter Station Cirove,on`Bun
day, Sept. 6tli, 1868 . The services, of the
Exeter Brass Band, and also several, able
speaks rS, have been • imgaged for the ocohsion.
An interesting time • may be , expected.—
Friends of Sunday schools are respectfully
Wilted to attend.
The Blandon' Union . Sunday School will
hold its annual meeting on Saturday. Sept.
In Benjamin Peter's, winds, near Blan
don. A brass band will be in attendance to
enliven the occasion. NO huchsters allowed
in or outside the grounds. . ' -
The Leesport Sunday School with hold its
annual celebration in Herbein's woods, near
Leesport, on Ilaturda.y, Sept. fith, 1868'. The
Leesport Band Will be in attendance during
the day. Hucksters are not all6wed to
sell on the premises.
The - Amityville Sunday School will hold:a
celebratinn on Peter Weaver's leland, in the
, Manatawny, on Saturday, Sept. 12th, 1868.
The school will meet at the school hodee at
8 o'clock, and proceed to the ground in a
body. - Winter's celebrated Military
,Ba i pd,
of Reading, has been engaged for the. occa
sion. , Addressee will be delivered in Ger
man and English. The friends of Sunday
schools are res'pectfully invited to attend.
The celebration of the St. John's Sunday
School, of Hamburg,will take phice on Sept.
stb,,in Seaman's WQods,j near Hainbufg,.—
The Hamburg.Coinet Band hir been•engag
Simulates for the EAGLE'. •
1 FAS and near thrtmghont the Whole
Country, the newspapers teem with the won
dotful cures. performed by I Dr. Russell's
MagnetiO Oil. 60 ets. and $1 00 per bottle.
American Hauge, Reading. [Aug. 174.
Tna Great, the Grand, the Only:reliable
remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lum
gpridasand•Bruisess Swelled Glands,
Still' Joints; Sore Tbioat!, and Patti F any
sort and from any ammo, in. Dn. Roism's
Magnetio Oil 50 eta. and $1;00 pet bottle.
: Amnon Hoene; Reading. Nag. 10.102
a ass O'CLOCK P. Ms
Ben trisai .629 J Sunsets . 6 8 4
Ihys's length 15 hours 04 minutes. .
' Wasther dear—Wind S. W.
7 A. M. 2P.11.
70 °, ' .84 0
06 ° , 87 °
68° - ,' 87 ° .
, 68° 89 °
09° ' 810
74° ' 89°
tttene will be a regular tripetiug of , City
Couneilik to•night. _
LADIES' Fees.—The Ladies' Fair Mao
elation of Hamburg have commenced pre.
parations to hold a Fair for the benefit of
the Emanuel Church ; during, the Chriettims
holidays. .
Msasooar's V arieties in full tido of sue
cesa. First appearance of Mr. Miles, the
great comic singer and ()lemon personator.
Master Jardella, the celebrated wench dan
cer and comedian, will positively appear on
Monday heat. 00l lager always on hand.
TgLIORAIII Littic.—Thel Schuylkill Navi•
gation Co. are progressing with their tole.
graph line, having erected the posts at.
hamburg du ring this week. We understand
hat the wires are also being put up .at the
lower itpd of
.the linO.
NATURALIZATION."-We ' call upon every
Democrat to do his utmost in finding out the
name or names of (Avery patriotic foreigner
for naturalization.. The .litiges of our Court
are ready at any time t after due notice given,
to hold court for this purposit\The names
may be sent to this office or o ny reliable
Democrat, and the buelness will he attended
to. Do not lose a moment, bt go to work I
---..----- - ,
THE Camp meeting at Cov ntry, Chester
county, nine miles from Birdsboro , is in full
operation, it having commenced during the
early part of this week, and will close about
the middle of next week.- A largo number
of persons living in the lower part of Becks
intend visiting it to-morrow—which vtill‘ be
the great day of the meeting, if the weather
remains pleasant.
. . ,
session of this excellent Institution of learn
ing, located in Penn street, above Illighth,
will open on Tuesday next, September Ist.
The number of pupils will be larger than
during auy former session; and several ad
ditional teachers have been engaged. The
-corps of Professors and I Tettehers will be
efficient, and large enough to afford. every
facility for superior education.
NO STORE! FRONTR.—William Bland,
cornet of Ninth and Penn streets, is having
a new front put in his storQ, a to( Parish
style, +f Walnut. ,1
bir.‘Adam IL Schwartz, corner of Tenth .
and Penn streets, has had the front of his
Grocery store torn out, and two windows,
extending from the payement to the eaves of
the house, inserted. IVe presume there is
not another front in the city similar to it.
MYsTERIOUB.•--Last. night at a late hour
three persons appeared on the porch of the
Pennsylvania House, corner ,of Fifth and
Washington streets. They were asked what
was wanted, when one stated that ho was
from Philadblphia and desired lodging for
the night. He was admitted and shown to a
room. This morning the room was empty
and the lodger non eat. 'He had disappeared
before morning. It is surmised that the in
dividual was some scamp, and carried some
articles with him that have not yet been
NEW Strop.—Wo noticed this morning men
men engaged in staking off the ground for a
new car shop, Messrs. Johnson & Shaaber
intend building on the site of the one lately
burned down, in South Eighth street. The
new building will bo 160 feet deep, by 60
feet front,and we understand the foundation
will bo commenced on Monday: This firm
has secured a contract for the furnishing of
a large number a certain time,and
the building will be pushed forward to c om.
pletion as rapidly as possible. A large num.
ber of carpenters will be employed upon it.
. _
act of July 27th, 18(18, varies very much
from those previously passed, and enlarges
the number of such as ago . entitled to pen
sions under previous acts :
bit. It allows two dollars per month to
children of the soldier by 4 former wife.
2d. It gives arrears of pension to a large
class of persons now on the Pension Roll
not previously entitled.
811. It enables held to draw arrears of
pensions in certain eases which was not
previously . provided, for.
4th. kit:creases the pension.from four to
eight dollars, to all persons now on the roll
from the Mexican, or any 'previous ars.
had rain in this city and immediate iicinity
for some time, and the dry. The
springs are getting low. Notwithstanding
this fact, we notice servants and others
around 'town daily wasting a great deal of
water, as if there was no scarcity of the ar
ticle. Last evening we noticed a young
man, not far from Cronse's store, in Penn
street, between Fourth and Fifth, squirting
a large quantity of water on the street, in
front ‘ of,a closed store, with a hose attached a
to hydrant. This morning we observed a
colored aervant wasting a large stream while
waahing,the pavement in front 9f the Man
sion House. He used a bucket, but when ho
carried it full away, to pour on the pave
ment, he, neglected to close the hydrant,
which kept runninga full stream all the time.
The water was wasted in the gutter. We
know citizens wEo save the Water as much
as they can. • They deserve credit fcir it, but
tho cureless should be fined, ier ordinance.
ANOTHER osi EN.—Last evening, after much
drumming, fifing, parading, and burning of
powder in salutes, the Radicals got a few
men together at the foot of P no street, to
raise what they called a "Coo flag." The
P. L. L's. turned out in force, ' twelve men,
beside& the music, the ragged 'boys and the
little nigger. 'A few stragglers followed
them. • - i
A rope was run across the street, and two
flags, each te feet by six, were suspended
from it, witha banner, three feet square,
bearing t likeness of a raccoon, between
. ,
After "leiV- speeches by J.Mofftnan and
J. G. Seltzer, Es e., and Capt 4. if. Ranch,
the coon was left alone in his glory ; but,
porteetions omen! this morning the chop
fallen Rada, discovered that the wind had
thrown the banner over the rope, so that the
unfortunate coon hung head downwards!
We accept the omen—rthe Radical party
will be *rag side up after the fall elec.
Lions 1 a r'
ADVElrrisa in the Ltats,
itecititie torAtiow.=.- ' 4014
essaiipogis 4f,solitn for the aeltpol,
bin% /WE linetwee`esuesi
is 'the &VW .1, 0 00 %Phu;
derjesti Cbenty eteedelit,
N. useeotrout 'must the' fultowhyg er
plicants: Ma le • teach re—Nathan Con
and O. J. Walt; fraisilt tilichers—Clarissi
Miller,Emma Ihrtatiii; . Hattie ni ter a nd
Mary Lterklialteil -an Of whom pasted si
very creditable examination, • The branches
in whi*lbey were examined were Orthog
raphy, Readi, grammar, Wriliwili t at Al
Written and Me ntal Arithmetic. The'
of School Directors and a large number o
spectators were •present and evinced welt
interest in the proceedings. ' Among the
visitors were the following veteran teachers:
From Port Clinton—Prof. R. S. Unger,.
Rollie Focht, Henna •Acker, Rosa B..fiorn,
Jane Jackson, Lloyd, and,Daniel
non. I
From Perry Township—lArayette N.
Usher, Franklin 8. Reber and Prank.lcol
ler. - z
Iv our friends will use preparations for re.
storing gray hair they should use tho beet in
the market. Our attention has lately been
called to an article which his an 'extensive
sale and a very- high reputation, known as
Ring's Veptable Ambrosia, and we are'
dined' to think that it possesses mote desira
ble and less; objectionable qualities than-any
other in the mark6t. It restores gray or fa
ded hair to its origine color in a meet re
markable • Inc - •nd‘ by its
and soothing removes all dattdrue
and humors scalp. Give it a fair
trial qudyoa !o like it. angle lta
Da. LIGHT teeived a large lot of
pure, fresh drugs and medicines, -of all
kinds. Those who desire the pure artitle
(and who does not?) we Would adviie them
to go to him. Ills prices aro reitsOotible l and
ho waits upon bit his customers Ike) prompt
and gentlemanly manner, All preteriptlonf
are put up in the moat careful aligner, and
there is no danger of any mistakes
Tha Doctor has also all kinds of toilet
articles for sale,—oils,- washes, soaps,
brushes, combs, hc., he.
Remember the place—No. _V North Fifth
street. aug 21-1-w.
. • AniMtn Depildations.
Sr. Loti is, August 28.—A Denver despatch
says the Cheyenne and Arrapahne Indians
continue theirdepredations, murdering inof
fensive settlers in central and eastern Colo.
rado. On -'Euesday they attacked
Station, on Smoky Hill route, , r
capturing si
ty horses, and carrying acme woman and
child, whose remains were-found yesterday
shockingly' mutilated, atkil brought here for
Another band killed three moo yesterday
at Latham Patto, on the stage route, and
chased tho Smoky /Ell coach siveral miles,
keeping up a rquning fire yfithent' dama,ge.
Governor Ball organized a company of sixty
volunteers, and left at three, o'clock this
inorning. General Sheridan authorized him
to call on the commander of VOA Reynolds
for ° assistane6. .Ith) doubt every effort
be made to overtake andpunisk the Indians.
Great excitement exists. The Milieus are
stripping the country of all Stock told provi.
sions, and twelve persons are, known to have
been murdered In the past tiro days. A Übe
yenne despatch says:, Edward M. Pratt; of
Peoria, Illinois, in company With B. J. Ev
erett, herding borses,two miles ftom the city
this morning ; Was surprised by five Indian's
and scalped. He Was brought into the hcis•
pital, whore he'died, at ten (Meek:.
The Indigos succ eeded in driving off thirty
hereon. Everett escaped. Another body of
Indian's are' t.ePorted io have driven . off a'
largo number two miles west. General
Wessels hits, sent cavalry in pursuit, but
nothing definite is known yet.
A Helena, Montana, despatch says,on the
2d inst.; a party of citizens teaptured twenty
Indiana,who were out stealing near
Mission, on the Missouri road. They were
on the way to Fort Shaw to deliver the In
dians to the military authorities.
Robert Allen Packer, a on Of the lion.,
Asa Packer, was yesterday nominated; for
Congress in the 12th Penna.district. His
competitor was Judge Woodward—the sit•
ting member.
GOTTSIIALIicL-T,BR I ptILL,-..Augest . 2:4, at the
Eaon° of he M. . Merck . Minervalle. by
Bev. Noble Nape. r. PRANK U. GorrilHALL - , of
Readies, Po,, tO Dl* mum IL
R. TuaRL, et Liew
ellyn,BOleylitill yountY'
• • kED. •
THOMPSON.—In' h i otil, sohoyjltill county.
on Monday evening, ugupt Zith, 1868./Ku Tpogr-
BON, aged 64 gears, 2 monVhs and 13 daYo. • •
Bastions A Bro.. Boaters. N 0.16 North Gib `treat
• nIADIIIO. Aug. 29: W I
• • 11vr
- i ut i
- lia
014 U. S. 6's . 1881 - . - -
Old Ujiii s's 1862 - .- ‘
iew U. 1. 5-2fir.1864, July and JAB.; ~
New U. S . 5 . 20'a,1865. May and Nov.,
t.ll U. 8. 20 y65. new - • • •
.U.O. 5- C 18 6 7. lady and Jan. :
ew kJ'. II 510% INB.
Ten- orter . - -
• • -
Gold n ew ork np to 12 ekdok. - -
Gold% sat Bubonic kijrol•9 •
, , Allf. 29. 11168.
Bortaa s -_-1 1 - :ash 40117. IEN . .3801085
tnP. .88
Onasa - eel t7/1 lb.. ....1.--. •dczi
Alum—Lard 9 w......« ...... .."...:........ ..... . ........ .1( 25
Eons—Etris % dozen. • / 23 .
AErbaa— pplis f peck, .. _ , 40@60
nag li qulrt.
13 11
Ki IIACHES-.- '' ,
ear—Beefsteak. ronpd *Th.. - 20.
.. " sirloin... • .....26
.. 611 '
rump. "
" Beef roast. 26
Beef dried, ..
" • Veal outlets. " 25 •
II hops, ' l ' .
• 18
" Mutto c n: 1 " ' lmo
" Pork ,.- "
steak., " 20
" Sausag e fresh. " ...;..22.32i
Ilin— al
iuns, : • . • ;.
*B, S •
46 ,
SUOULDIII/1- . . 10018
SIDIIB- 46 ' 13
I Poutirair--C i lliokens live " ...."...
. -
•I. dressed. "
1 46 Tarklea live, " ‘...... .............. ....
" • dressed. '" '
1 -•'1 Spring entekenallt pair.... . ' 7 00
rvaptirmir Writ stOO3llL
CotreTANTIIT OFF 1:141ND a laze asiportment
ot* the best Cabinet Were, full suite ooh end*/
Furniture, also Parb;ir suite sad a •
bytitnirent` I l i e g A Li B fa
attressee. Persons wishing to
lit mh
purchase, would
t d do well asi Elias no oat
stock. • 1) ,11. BIM c p
K gr eargi t afg a °tea?
Wig • • I 'UN. HO RIO, A t rnak e tr."
Boo sts
o o f
rs. Weld Inalo. Tot ale 114 r
Densoonstle Notnlnation:
• •
itakit.l .- =
da groat • s • ,
cal' per hub , •
o Moak
let. -
- 1 . : ; • 4 4' 4
y. ' 4 41 1 : 1 14W .' ' . '''
` 01., -. • • 1
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b * tad * * '
• •
i tialt im ' • t •
. b hal.
..___,„lr,u ,‘ •
...... 7 ' •
per 141.
utA all Pau sail steam%
• • t masts& • -
1412ftluam, atostabit sad brakes
)iiile a alb,
.triaDit•bi .
ell Vil e -t ll4
$Olll. •
ritrAteT '
sal L't • "
Exuma WimpAut %lA**Anny
Al* Ma ft4IIMNPV - •
miltraittztarat, .-.. lg. , ' silo
„..... )2 ,..w„,.,.., 1 4••••••«-. i t ,,,,' in
~ 1110.111.••111. sssss jig ap Inuir
If . • ChM 1114116.40..... th.,,,... ,
II 11 , i litz t S i ll t • • 1 180
141. 11.,..
4. '•. AI 3 ' .I: -....
7 :. • r ut . ....ft_ ltt
Yil •
111 • :f . , 1 ..... ...“. 1 .10, '.
4 ' Ostik
110—TimotiLliAon. ...`...., . , .ill
. " Val r Oir " .. 7. .. ...., ~. ..... ~' :,:" t
_ __1...1...1 1 .31:-1....... , -. l dirr.4-.0--- -- - ,- -k-.., .'"
, g o u t
(Manila!, A,. Bookolooker).
SAI - ()ON
I 1
litgl. 3 4ro tmA4' k a lrfati
vitioika,N It, thoy s i tir bo Na -
der thimore oil ft tlio *or lotto, qt
er s tertsiomooto rot wit •t• am to oolobratoft,
Free Concert , Evely..Evening
, r ti i t *.
'I4IINC iriraveltdziazitio: 4 -
. 1
8011 king 0 oqatitxq ' p tto ot the pstrottogo
opPtee that Publyt, 0 •
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ti);B29 Vein iireet;
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ADLunteashiqV a laiga, 4 lll%
attention 01100 to bo •
ono 22-1, •_U,-8. pa ILL 1111: . Asst.
C I TT• - 0 *.F.•
t t r 5
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VT•BOU EitiTik 'P i X T. '
5 1 P E A D1 1 0 ;:I IA. 5
ts.ofitiri ,( oi mOitijo. ',/ r • .
'l: l °q 348 7 14 1 1 L, OliiM lol Wr
awr 6 _ 11 1; 1 t i r i f
obootoli f , ;: oatim_,;
STEP LAblaltg,
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tutted ' • r
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fix/ BiteN 40 4 4 40 11 1 1100 1 1 - 1
suouie kwiw" •4 1 itisi 4:541 fe6i:#A4
14 0" S 646 % ot tlgr 011•04109pik, .10104 Itti NINA a
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vonorques"liali 414119119 644 u
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OFPCI 0007 VAkIIVOS It!bare 00 0
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iltvr age 111131 tt , thu agalt, Thltamala Atka tea.
tits ttaki 416141110 a tatioiN4,
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