tadA6 itrt • a t 01:40,1rtd4r5,77:"7.77`, * f„ p is***lsp ..1 <4.4 , , : • WiNBA 33= g , , 1 lifelo`o* - 1 1 t , 1 # V. ' ii .. * , ••. is • t Neff, Oil iiik4to ,} igeist * t, ' , , ' lv s# • lit ~ Oh,. t 1 7, .' •‘ f -I IMIX 011 WI , t ‘ Fs. . t • • ' * " RE D GIs 0B E ", '`. MEALS fillitirlito AT ALL ioues. QE IN•,BEABON. . favßarraiNct SEASON, F1241114' 'WINES Tlity4TY, POLITE ArrENDANoz.i Pfivo l ithdasfortOstlitel 4(.9loamilloW Iv arameL • . may w4mo. i Mill 118 4 .• [l' . E, ; . . 1 . • , . , :. • 1 .-.,1/4,,..1..,:01 and ti, 1.0 :i • ' - Ca 'oln - era 1 i.- t ..• i ;Tr 1.y.,.:t A ''',i v ~..4.: i , t, , f y , •. , , .1.... . 0: 4 , ri.:` i : lre v .:.., AIWA 'f hi lt i l — .4 *A f Aea I I M S fr eett ' i x i er1 5 0),..m.th..... 0 1 in l o w omu r tem o ti , ..,,.. i I r tsiti o ' i on ,Pftki . ‘ •,. fit ,!,...,. ~...„ 1 atitilAr , 4, : . , iiiii , .' It ,ivigt .zrro,„ 1 11 {iv d 1 405 ~p . . 1 1: . - f ,iiiiiiiiiiistUior .7 l, .4 1 . ilr-r-, tr :rf1, i .,..: ,, ,, , -,,,:i 1t . "° •••••• ,T• 7 - „ , • ,rs• airc .k - f• a , Wfrt 0 1:4 ak (4111( /gni' ',k% " ii , • *- . . • ? ! •-• ' • • „• , , .( Wilakinito and Retail ,Dittiko in '' ' 1 - 1 , . . •,1 • . , , i 4. , 0 kAI!‘ ,‘ i, ,• -, '1 l . . , FA l e 6tY t ;: j. ' N' ' 0 ' l t' (MBA i. ;' ,f;, 7, • . . ' •' 1 ' i , . • Hes matiovgD To ! 3 , • ~~ler'~' ~o~el~-~t~d~ag , I 445 ; ' I .1 PEiiN w •v. • - 1 '. ': , ' ii , . 'tt `,-;•'1? ' ' dr , NV, , • 51 0144101rOiliNED ' , ; • .e ‘!.. 4 .i..fit v, ..:.:, . . An sttotteti"Altsw ruck extensive eiiiortateitto , . :1.- ii ...... A , lir 4 , , GAODS " -114 , 1 ' 1118 LI ..„ t' 4 :: :'; P i ; •I . ' 0 ' , ail .i The beat titWeapoikt everliefore offefeil-, ,theilOpie oefteading and . . '' l' .•943erlatfxlittuty. ' ....' •,1 OWN lestemukti MCI=MEM R 1 3~ ~ 'l i : 7r f Z i ~1~ P4V/ P • ' 4 . • • t) K. 41110 ht,..1, 4 Le ; 1- 0 RA..NOYcIiTOrE f : . , E•X -',- , --, i;*• , :. '/x ry '-,?",".., .', I:- - . t-..'0%."•,;;L'i-tt. iil , 4A ti . - , , ,, 'v.: , ~ J , 1 , i. . ~ ~. , • 41/. um Pont. .. , ' • :, ' 1 : fi ti; .•'i;,• . • ~••-, 4 ,;., -, ,‘ ,',- ci.ln' ; t‘rl'l 'I- • • 1;1:6. 'P . ' ' ~01.4PV14 00 OAK 4. i11i:V4 1 9. , ti 1 .. , • •,‘; NOWSOlrenith.triit l iAndaiteitai l titot ir ot • 1„4:••5 • • I ,g" .' l .• • •• •• •••• • • Atitkiitk • woo. At ittlitly RolluAßA,Prloat. 't , : )3, , SUNDOWN_ 4.1 :81.5NR9wAls tl, -t - )• ?.. .‘ k 9 $)- - 1 • • • s. Ifitga 4 4 1)iefits4iP, $ l O ; Constantlydnihind all sbadoe 4 of . • RIBBONS, BONNET BILKS, VELVET'. )741iNag IriY .r , 3 k , . B9NNEI e VELVETS, • , . , ',.; .. 3 ,i 1.4 ~;,,, i t , , , . ' 41.4EXINVEtt S i Ki t t. .4LOVE§;' .. 14 ... in% be will sell It i t i l t l e ilidig IMO per sir. A — Wit ri Pfau and Boxir i Z e dOle at short i t ek nolloe an 0 lowest prices. ?. i. ) ,. If %17 , . , , ' Usl i " P i c ll *4. f il " A ti l t PlN US Ye. 8,34 re n treet. betweed T hird and Fourth: July ills NEW WINE HOUSE,' 652 PENN STREET, I4IEADING, PA. • Ate !)'!,.•A ° ." Mgt R, ORIIIST, :PIiOPFAIETOR, Denier in all kinds of Domestio Wines of the best: 44111 _ Lk43l6S ALE &o. - an 4 4-tr. • .6.ILAOKB ORDIn. . • 7R I - or , .M 048175, 81541 J041 , 9 0 4g r ik i ti% . Gaitlxo FOokrtras§ OF THE §TOMAOH, &c. 1:1111P . , 911 D , 111,,, WIII. TillileWElPl4TElt t Whiiiesitte actl'lt43oDruigigt, • • , . 546 • • • : \ YE/` l * ' STABgat' • • (Next door to the 1341zinoker Roue) READING, PA. - 4013 , 10 U. • . . • SOLE: ""4 YARD - Front Street, above Penn. R10.14NG,, 'PA; Ft u titTEA ß a D rarv i tg l itati n tg l ); 01Pbt COAL. YARD ti VOA Oketik . eigra 440 4 0, 0 th0 'lr° "Ilctiggitiatc" 'Ere er AMI or pu P Vlro . ipperjor'sdrsigageo theipossesges for roo et r ins alnitglattifi r drigigni f itk r ati • E PRIOR LIST. r•iyliNlklto i i sh Nut Coil,, and 11345 Ifni . " 0 ' , 8.90 2. 0 -H. 8; BROWN & A GO.; Isimet:ltairle OW .TlO4. Jo 'l.l •: . , . . I • PAVING NOTION,. - , 11 3 4.11t8 e ley u ll n 1 8 0 2 T 14. 001 1 1 10LUTJON VISAIA ii, 5t,..4 in the City Of ' Readit e r ° ,l r a:lng o Pik:re meats In at of theirlespeetive properties out of repsdr, are efeby.notp,di tutl t !winked to repair !0 me forthwith°tom . th e provisions. of • m anse providing fort e construction o dowel or fooqs. pasted July 210t11360, will e Wetly enfo 0 437;orite.A. of Abe Committee oti : Ighwityli and' 'whir. • . • J 16-10tf D. F. HAUS, Secretary. , LENIIART & GUTH, f‘' • , '* XitOK/MA I Si BRASS , FOUNDERS, ' And oupep DEALERS IN Enabinista' and Ifanufaoturare Snpauesi . No. 627 AID 629 tumor . READING..PA. it pusvii R, it tirin l ik '-' ) r,, , • . .. 1 ~, . .ys,: - : ; .Print 4 ' l „ . . ,', n D efat,i7, stecialiNteinvoartt; Tian, Ift - e•eut andante or alt private and illnnlal d Was Varn effected in two to fi ve days, Pr 11P pay Pr. lemming thephysielan in charge, a peen °qua tavpriib i ll lit no . w,p, Iwtilaii hoed Ul' with *rtf"e arg hospitals .. . B an nut m ad• a sprt stu dyol 1 . , , r..•: . t . , ',l) 1. ;1 ' , .1. " : ,l e , litl n e =t io t t 1 .`• ; t t :I, , . - i 44 ' 1. b . •I , , aldured tiy th 4 P._ . , 1 , at h 'private offices, No, AIR* Itreat, , exprigs t o neir gratitude, anot t:o tkaa ice l i ce s otz relief. given by hi ' . tal - 1 k e t rir tug, ,Daea, sn . t •-' tk. , 1- t , t MEI Vacs"--ACtergyeaan,whileresldtag in South \ l b 4 1 1 k Amide* pairionary. f dp i tebvered i g r ale and s ea l rq e D re all ", ifitar °Ft:Uri:27yr Nervosa rem u trai l it:Alta:i n t% ;n1 ;ICI ou r :lt n agi f tt i li z ta rB t . no P t i t g a_rtt ht are teen eared by this noble remedy. i P rompt ed y a desirete be l yilttbe afflicted andivntartuhat .- I will lead the re pe for preparing and using t i lls medieine,in ate ect envelope.to any one who Ile 8 itari OTILVIARGIL Arretip, jpsa est T. iltlitAll. ft . sid4 p...gb Winos% ew York City. febltSt ~ti> ; •~~ El *VOLUTION ' IN . TINA fl ll.—ltidiee, big eon reottVe far the gum of IPII o Bilk, Merino. _ ,A r Mega', Shawls,. Balmoral', Upon °oda, mbossei flable Covers,. Watoidpf J Wein.; Bniteg feted itrare, flowing DI nobble", to, Band olubsuf ten cirro, or Ith tOn Conte for oao descrip tive 004;p the getter up pf the club will ;twelve ii Dreier:4l . $3 to tvo, according to number eont. Asoneinted cletylnere. Oirouloni geld free, - ~.• ~ ..; ••• i. • -PAAK ER & GOA frar *lf , . 61, rt 60 Factend Kr , ot, Boston, Mau. „ EMllli ale(?'o6NElTlMPTi'VEl3.—Th'ellev.EdiettrdtA.. ' • if lis.,o,Witill send (free of eberge,) Wall who de tt• tne Pl'elioliPtliio'ssith the dareotions for mak-, %Kid minx tito setae remedy by ,It leh ho Wigs tared Of s tuns affection and that diro disease Vonsumption, I ll s only °Moot Is to, benefit the efllloteil, and he hopes every , sufferer, will try this proscription, exit trill cost them nothing, and may pro e a biasing. Addrots, '- fe -tt ' i RIM. ND WAND A. WILSON, o. 106 &nth : Second-at.. Williamsburg, N, Y. I= rVES, tANGES, HEATERS. ,- WI, MMA BRIDEGAM, , Thee uhtiersignod respectfully _lnvites public attention 'to his newly In;vonted .Iteater, , Hauled t BEST HEATER EVER INTRODUCED , It burps legs coal, makes more heat. takes up Ws room, and gives botter satisfaction than any aims-_ las invention ever introduced' tile public!. The advantage of this superr heating appara tus tut; will be fully eiplained by the • Proprietor, who; Suartintees that he will be able to satisfy. all who gie him a call that it is superior r i The advantages are 'so ano anyone inven tedifold,land so easily comprehended , that it nee a only to bagmen to convince the most skeptical, In proof of this he reag now etflilly refers the public, by permission to thole wing named persons who aro _ using those eaters: oso. Ih FRILL, , Mn.A 4 i. STRVISKSON; 0. D. atags, ( Se Co., - 0. A. tirsoLLs. • HENRY Jonsson . ; JOUR Id'KNICIIIT, JCSIIJA KRELY, RERARN ADAMS, WAL, lintrzgt, JACOB DAUB AN, Man . don, , ~ •' .• • Orphans' Itatne, Womelsdorf. , Whieh ls ' a late Improved; Suporlor Range for walling In, and for which he 18 the Bole Agent, in this et 74. This Dann can bo soon in operation at He iron City gall, No. 428 Fenn et cot; at Peter igh's, Franklin street above Fourth, and at other pimati paid " Faroulr attention to ' TIN Db.OFING 'AND SPOUTING , AND ' • Plastic Slate Roofing. • • lie employs none but shillfill Meeatues—all Orders promptly executed. and vvarranad to.Ely° satisfaction. 'VIM. DRIDEOAM, • , • may 22tf • • Nb. 212-Penn Ht. RI , NO.' v tt ‘ ' Vegetable Ambrosial '"/ () Restores G na.v HAtn to f; Its original color. , Eradicates Dandruff and 0 , Wu MORS 4 ,;) viou acAt.p. 'O ti • • • - • 1 RING'S '..EGETABLB ATIBB,OSIA • 113 TUB suneopi or 11IE AGE. ' GRAY - HEADED PEOPLE have their.locks restored ..Y it to the dark, /estrous. silken tresses of youth. d are happy I • ' • • . Young people, with or red Bair, have sae unfashionable colors changed to a beautiffil u_burn, and rejoice I - • Yeeple whose heads aro covered with' Dandruff • ad Humors, use it, and have clean coats and olear lid healthy sealul . .• Baras-Ileaturn ETZRANS•haIte their 'remaining ooki tul tightoned,_andAhe barb spots covered with a piitntigrowth of nit' gall d , anance with joy I - YOutittlentlertseri molt it because it is richly per . med. 'Young Ladies nse becaneu it keeps their Ifair in p lace '• • • • • hverybody *Met and will use it amide it i 6 the chases: end beit article in the market. Lidur, KiIiV.EX ambit "It Bito., Znatia, S. S., Srsimia, MC CURDY, Agents tor Reading. - mni•ly "ItkEtit'SilllGl, • D A L , F.. 4 B 00UNTAY PRODUCE, TBUCK, • • COFECTIONIIIIY, • • at the lospait ,market 'prices, tyhojesttle cliki t i e% at ' No: 761 Renn-Rtreet, - Roadig. ' • . op 29tr. " c oNEvisPriiirl cANplgs I ;•• = CANDIES I I • EfUBER, At Nft..lo7lirerth rift)* Street, "". .14-'/114ading. lagow•prepared . to hrnifh ourfitiz 0; Sti th Co n feoioterp C andl es d ioe C rean; , twholesalel i of plain and fahogiCocds: Joe ligtar . AU poirprd constantly oh yahel ini ;ka o llf,s ' • BIM No. 242 Penn St., Reading, KEYSTONE HEATER j I THREE SIZES. Ile alio invites special Gannon to the ' 1 BEAUTY RANGE ' in: 74: rrinips CtiNFECrIOPIERY. . , _ 'tit - LLB Rs . (fineremior to It s I,l4liiiir•i: arner. Itt *id Oink - feritiiiltictillig , • • 1• : - •• A • lla how on hind rd Is oonsianp,r riloolvtis BUILDING I \ AVKBER I OP ItMIT DIUSCatrION, which will be cold at the lowest mit trice& Ilan& I:nighlerhalerd c 4 " na `'*allt - n 0 thal l 4ok. SNYDER'§ OLD STAND,, ' , One cltiare below the lough and 'Barrow Hotel. 60orta k aAntir t - c 8111;11E149 ) WINDOW FRANU I • mouthTos, A 64 ; 1 • Fundilied at e ortnotlea :Ludlow prices. feb9-sin ...._.• , 1 J.' K. --- B10e:. , , . . . *II ( OIiiSALF4 . & q`AII4 DEALER IN . , LUM • R, - • READING,, 1'.4 . Keopi constantly on band and ford to; at the LOWE4T PRIOES i I , A generaramotitnent of • i WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, ••SPRU64 CHERRY, OAK, ASH, CHESTNUT, , INDIANA BLACK & yilkITE *tun CAROLINA YELLOW PINE, Also, , PINE, CYPRESS, AND NORTH CAROLINA GREEN SWAMP CEDAR SIIINGLES. teTliarito.resigtgliOL,7l(!,c,leeoth On tho Corner of Fourth . & Pino Sta., B EI P IIART il7lOl1 1 • , DRALERS •IN VLOUR AND.I.GRAAN, FE D, &o„ 'No. 26 North 81/1 Street, Readiseg, Pa: . ' Also, Supoiloi lot of Etteardiiat, Meal dim Potatoes, ,• . For S ale I WHOLESALE NOD RETAIL. fob7-tf C a A. GRIESNMEN4 - ExtexisiVe (Rain' Warehouse, • . Novilroatly:for `FARMERS AND CONSIGNORS, : V o m h o ta n gro l n W r i e s 1 1 ;g '2 ig n ett e i) e rol rthuit' att FEED, •sio , Form& wholosillo and retail, ittlower prioo3thriO' can ho purchased elsowiforo. Also, a auporiorlot of Buckwheat Meal, and Potatoes. Moo, No:10 5 North Ei g hth-El tato ading;r4. fobG.tf. CONPEOTIONERY I RFC! NVOIN tt ' I LI;IIIBEItt 'x!l:3:3 and AticEtwANpANEL, .141131134 R", . Therouglq seasoned and wider corer. NEW BRICK OFFIOE, Or, addles', J. 'SPELT, Many, - • Beading, Pa. WIAVILID AND WEEP. T4B ' • " • • • -The oldest:German Newspaper; üblislied in United Stat Cs. • ViTABLININD n 1797. • ' Menfolk?' oiiir Fiee Thousand! ii The" Reading Adler" Is the boat advertising o dium for the Berman Districts in EaStern Pennsyl vania, havingla circulation of over five thousand copies: It containY twenty. : eight large columns of advertisinnen6 and earefullyselected reading mat ter, The Adler is thoroughly Dementia in prin ciple, ondeaVbring to inculcate the sound political doctrines ofour forefathers, its laid down by Jeffer sou end Jaoksofi. . . I PRICE ONLY $1.56.A YEAR; - Published everyteesday. morning, by • RITTER.& CO., b _ a No. Sol Penn street, SODA ~ WAT4R I SODA WATRRI ZIEG)LER'S 901)A FOUIV'I I .A.iN! ,11141 . 3T1 Ono', Sparkling Soda Water, of nil flavors, caiS bo;linttat ZigGLEIVS:. DRUG STORE: , ' N 0.1528 revile square, 100-lio BRAD NGI, PA.' . • ll= I = tfo ' I ~) . • )" • r rl t 7 • Zo, , ok tielorf' s atitiOn erai Ai.. PAPER 0 1 EVERY DOVRIPTio4v. • A 11. 0 4, rcKMAßlLfintlits.poarsraoois.ee..: 111 Having ci•nitantly on hend a bolo iniirilljelet it o ed stock of JIMO/gLAßgotm. hompol Aivp BLANK 11000,PA kWh Altp4974pOur soch as Wroppitiii wiper", iyeto* Pena, Pencil", Ink; Sletets.poPYßoohOliadbi* ihich ate heught, tor POI' Itnd,:will 4 . 1 01 4' tonne faverabli as thOse i of any o ther house int§e, City—we Yetipeolittliy invite Morebents And others who desire to make, purolnules in ontlintito*Or with ti call ieforb Porchisitilleheihorc ". ' Onlirs,,bxm!iyprorpgy 1)1Ii k ---, ~ ' ' :' . --.. ~ Pi\ NSYLVANIA CHORAL . 11ARMON17 • • Contointntr tho prinolpor .. ..,. - ' . '... :,• : ; , lUROII •*s.loDrap t ., ~ : ,• - • Provided with -, ~ - GERMAN, . ENdLISlit ii?Xi : ''.. For onto Ot tho, • „. . - • 11 134(1Lli." :BO TSTO . OTC ' • _ ~ ~. 'I. 801 . Penn f3tre . • •. • sUILIOOL COBIOAIIIION11.; : . Vare.havoJust receivede largo let of th Ise deslnv. blo little Caskets, which we ere enahletl \to sell at reduced rates eantalning a Rah% Seel,Nretioll, Crayon, Pon llolder,lBlste Penal!, lin .1 &st Sponge. . ItiTTERA co. , Eagle Boolatore. SUNDAY pcitooL SINGING 'BOOKS AT 1118 ' • _ EAGLE BOOK STORE, No. 331 Penn Street, • • • Can be had rAPPtYoters; •,: 'HAM VOICES,! • • , ' THE.NEW GOLDEN MAIN. THE NEW GOLDEN CHAIN THE SABBATH SOttOOL"IIEW THE HABBATIE $OllO% BELL, Lip To other a variety or' otiai Singh) Book gooTs,On, eigoks. R~ INVNI pa !'W .//1 No. 851 Perin' Street, (IVear ibitrt,k) READING, RA. NDREW HENICI3 ) JR., , • • • , FAIIIIIuNADLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER! „ teDeothlbimt i toe l tr i t tgr e llotts,stpi:patk:oFt 1390 T AND . SIXOE STORE, • No. : (IQ4. -Penn, Street, $l i accommo d atel be happy to ght doortribove formei,latlon,' l Nthereji allWattpat BOOTS AND SHOES FOR TILL PEOILI I , , THE BEST,AND'CHEAPESTI kErnoti) & .sonotNEß, No. 41 : North Sixth:Att.-4ot, READING, PA. . • • rlllllll 13U1150RIDER13 11AVII 'JUST Et3TAII - o first-class Boot BIAS • °tinke estgb-; lishmont anillitoro at thy abovo stg pi ii hom they are able to accommodate ,ettsto e Wit CM' best artjelet in.t4eir line of businou, Mid at OWor prices than pt any other Often In, the city. ' ~ ~ ~, The followiug list of Priecs,Profes all we SAX: , • Mon/ calf booll, ' ' 'it 00 illit uPwords. Mon's kip boots,' , , '- • ' ocio. )091 working shaes„ . • .1, W ilton s French calf Congress gaiters, ho; toes, 390' Men's calf (Imgress gaiters. •. ,2 25 3fen's calf .Bal morals, 200 Men's kip "'almonds, ' 180 Boys' calf Bohnorals,,, • - • ; ' '1 00 Boys' kip Bal morals ; • ' • 1 ths' kip lalmors,_ - , ' : 1 omen's loot i ng high Polish; ' • a 5 omen's Cbu t Esii goiters, . ' • to 2 Women's las g Balmorals , • I'9o Women's Mo o iiiklmorais; ' ... ' 200 Women's 'Aforocco shoes, . : '166 Kollloll'sjcid slippers, M ' i g ises' tatting Polish, 1 Youths' goiters from_ . • V 15 eta. to •75 Youths' and boys' shoes from ' 30 eta. to 90 Also,', large stock of notions onlband and, for' , ~ . . The abovo• • pricei ato liwor than at any other similar 'place Of btuOiests in l ithe city: ; ItgPA4Aig,6l . • • - Particular attention is paid to all kinp pf ie. pairing. •' ; .: ' , , • • • REINHOLD ,& • 80HffpNER ' .. NO. 41 NORTH sltTrt 8 . TREED (ABOVIC TUN 0011*? Hope*,) READIN(I, 'PA.. april 11-tf GF44:10 • FfrBHlollAtlit . • BOOT AND'BIReVARTI.. •• 668 Itim SirOf l Reckaink • AS OONSTANTLY ON HANIETEIN PIN k...ortmo,t, Of W i ltleliattitry7 09000 BUIE! n t o il s! also Lft and . utliteirgi bP , 9 08 an Mild& :Botist oretyies aid Olees • • Pdsn'alltibs. borne made, • • • $625 • , , • ; ~ 660 • " kill „ —4 00 to 5 00, " ealtbalmoralo, , • 250,,4 00 " .19) I , 200 _ 0 SMIXIWO • ' • • • 0 2 60 " CAgr r 600 love golirrisgotero,l , 00 Yintille k i p boots, „; - •I I bathiarati i;;P b 1 • 5 Watien'e glove d - 80 . 4 00 ili k o l igAlastialhlgh i l'ollahlial . niprala.t 00 50 .oat patent leather tip Z 825 "'Kidalippe,re 10 175 Mosey gain, peinit !either t.lP'bol- Ch i tai iatenitesdeV4lp 14 ,160 1 ; • • 0 • . morals' ' ' wointi MINN NW WWI ),I; V , q ef . 121 t a fa Wm) . . 11 1 6 ,leili iht, sett ed to - W e l W . t 4fl . e Wt r iattir4 Atte ~.o)ndelik UR-WA* Dli e 01 Wet. allaito-tittk 1 - ' m' ' 0 4' murk) 1000itatritt I Vit I ,_ • , ; • r ;, ; •P'; I ',BIIOO,4WATEIt.ICE, Nit M. it NA. Its, • ". i4 ,0 4 44164 1Y 6. 03 y l ' 4ortio 140,6litions It/ ti', till; trifro t t MOUt li 3ll: 6 4 91. 82111411 toti•Zopipt s 49. - 08 pot!). sth strut, will iirobro propia attolOion. 4 4 2, t i t it -z ib - 71 .- ;11 ' , ,EXPEitis (*Wu, mini t tlatis ROTEL ‘. • 01)1101100rd tim)tuit ;Nditbliatted 4 Sri LOCAL RXlilties &11 4 la prepared to ostrry,and actlvor all '6OODB AN,P:PACKAORB hi and (oci all ivettit at 'the city ! 10 . 1 'promptat e 4 . 12 ,4,14 " ai n to . Piestile'eo *tel. • apiii,l)4l2lo] I M i OSViS 410K1;L. =I ME j . t lQvolts , , No. 7 Ifolievir . . N A Ntin,*ivatißT, Conitantly On IWO, kOholio stook of S.IIPERIOR • Ligllo46 . . Etabraolgs .• BRANDIES; Iir,INES, I 9II4, • • - VlNit DIA) lIVE 1 1 ,11118)1BY, • BICiNOOOAtIELA i'IITSBIIRO 'WHISKEY, &e., „ ', ! Ice, , aroJequoalato'try them. ' ktdors 033,14 R , oziypi) I • ItOloviip 340iit El 3 LONG, STOVIt. • DiALER, • Ifo a ir t tlartt 014 . !ItAnd, ciornsprot . • , No, 1 3 No th Fifth :Street. April 1-3 mo, •", • ' ' BRKIVEItif I - o READING, A. The subsoriberiespootffillyarin nnoos to the pub , Ito that he has seeently enlarged ilk mowery to a considerable extent, and introduced tenni power in alike deportnienti i and is now, row to .eapply all demands for ' • SUPERIOR MALT LIQITOR Fin' hem° and distant eo l neuinpilon, tj st . Malt Liquors; warranted to keepin pit Mina assfollowi: • • • DROWN MUT, PORTS% , nornallo ALE,. Arlp LAARA • • PREDIC LAlJeft. • N. 11:--A liberal 'Per nentitio wilt be ilidied to Agents abroad. ' • Jan. Niff9' 0 1" 6410/17 . oVgti( 41SIO UlLittri j4401i60r Dell; leave . tO,Ogge r foOt on o the_pu 110 to thto tor oti•poilnitio Mot on o ABNI A, oeMbined with certain , Vego ble .x-, blots; as wvurpassed rotas He ond ktralyo iit a_4_, tittle i n e isti l i l ii t in s , turgi 111,°4414°,1 f t9 P! b " . k Cuts, Briiisehr Ohfifet; 11,,, Blietimalfsm, ' Viitt ,f'Nertkttete itOcirltpidr*./ 1 464 • Neuralga,' headdehe,PaftliijW, • ' tide Backor .Timis. ' , • i,..i In all suih casein, may bo:usect*ltli .0 certainty oftener. it IS tomtit* tact, In all tnostwombialpts where an eiterntd applloottoo Is reaulredefor MA or• lieast, and 'the onbiogber caßAOrirololitlOntly recommend It as one or t 0 I)ept )411110onts of the day.. • . ' Pri9( 26 Ponta per, )31ttle. . For Bale at , the "BAOLlI" BOODTO/at s t - • Eve de (TOR: PRlliliper t rifti 7, of Job Printing noptly mouto, •nt 4i, ILK" Printing Hotablisbmont, •- : I 11013'14 41[ARIPAY 801? PART THith viank xv k0.,44/mihm.. • stuVro raw* tii ,YOUir W - i t'a l o l i w g=crs 4 v4EPtireir r , aor rattierOymialon ai r i t treo t ouuulipigued 4 "i" r 7"" 4 . 1 7 8 1 ,i IthiGTON Aint. .i .7 . GIFT' 1)1 . S . TRIBUTION I ~ ! ..,.....,•.• Br Ti n .-, i , :-I._ .i - iti ~.,. ..-N ,• , ... , i ' . 0 . GbOUWill. .SVM:Pire:'ooll '..1 -. ; ' • ' 0/ 1 Atte i rO,Urfr ti l ', „ , I , 'ON WEON ENDA ~ *KO, 0.. 1100. . . -- 1 — The Good Will Elteatii Fire Comptinyi- of Ailed town would kereby rdsprallY4nnounoe Odle mi zenr ofliebigd aqd a oinirl counties, teens obedienco to oft Tepoate Ida' eof Flpressed wishes' on the part anneal bf b tiorket-boldr3 3 in their flotilla.. c o rtitriON•Akey To determined 'upon and mane 41 the necesmq itrra.ngemerdc for a second grand ft' l 433lflho; on ' 1 1 1 3 911 P Alb iirger softie' than the one they litiverinter: b rought so eu , :oesefulatid i t atishotOrTgettainatlolllo, I Wrested ail 441101-kelderef . itiArppolea poll enterprise will be made 13P '0 . 1 ,11)1v, tin " end the g lue of thealfts to be awarded at Pikes will am tto 11 1 20.000 the highest prise conalstinq of , otood 11, - Olt4o COIN I ,± i . • A's . n the Penc# 3 l i re; filatifOrstY; llll The ss and I partiality . Cha terlse/the ufami s i d i tv ear last e terprito gmfe sin vsinelmOdardiana , rrt" thi4 PF93 331 54 !As 40yookriltt ,ouktis $4 • Iskitie 4 by all, end,thsi folanaters tit tuts liettl inikually bed drawing pledge th minselvpil 'that,rrom tnisrillO 'there shall bo'listo derbition.! 'The :profits trines 'will fall to thalreasurr of the Compel! Rid to applied to a purpore that solely bone the ur Ile. 'We therefore holm for sa ri Ilin) Aberat en couragenient extended us in sir first un Oda iat of this ehatacter, watch le allA qr- e,lilleitlo iiiin33oA perfect success. Consulerin,'.the . 33 Ppftr, 4 Ur. certainly commend Itself to the' pu no; • aL:• mentions of' fortune Will crirtaindY both Well reward and agreeably surprise *large _proportion of thosewho mae disposed,,ko 7tri. their luck Ricirsannons i li y _ b no: . n• O. Lonaneeker,' lion. • Bridges, on. O. B. *hill, Hon; 41 Di Ortiel.A • • nab* witor ''AlAentorp Ititineeratl!'4tholda helm, thin a nt tenon ; idenry Bitting, dealer in Bate, oat ' 3i_BolPel, fthlmer 4 Co.; wholesale grocers; .J. . Malt. dtoOditrttlitiA , 4 Saarl , dealers in lists and Caps i ' - ,/ • ' .' ;I ( : ' _.,* ,Ed. R. Reichard, Sole Agent' or fittyclf ti-,„; Inc. Tickets can be had of lin N fk at . ul 7 t z and Barmier hoiteler 0. of T ell .birsr! siils!L: ' , __,...-'4 1; ......::Z: , :,_ . _ D 05 31, 1104, AIWA/MIMI -, ', . , , , 1 ., , • . • , , . • ' 41.11.rEtEALINO OINTMENT,. Per the cure et Tettei, Tech, Salt' 4heiggi, geo _Read, Itchint Piles Ring Worvis o Miele', Biota* es Defects in the Skin, Barberti diehfUleers.Chron lo Brysinelasiof the Fire, Jot. Yousala al _the _ j sn.v.lf . !EAOLEP B OKellittis• fiLIBISTIAN , IiyITERI ,-; ', , p c•.! ,-: j i,,i F;NiTIOE' , ' • .W 0 •-: - sktiorp' "udder ttie' riel. m — ol : 1 " • Alla r vild, , blikartigge 'Or: , tit Hrl . . ' '... i 3 0:' ; , WitOLICSALL AND IttpV bfALltli W SECOND' cIitAND MI El ill Ell "." ""
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers