Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 28, 1868, Image 3

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dril./ANA:_ . .OO - uNTY.
'EDITION. 9 141 1111.;
' Tux 'MAI *WI Towx.--010 da of ..dust
prevailed 3ast iiiining.. 4 .--- 2 -We 004 that
ladies tyro wearing fieytuour bad ex.---
Water m the treitertoiris is excee d N o i:t.‘; ,..
It therefore behooves tier, ono - tb• bit matt.
inF.- --- Tkoro aro some men so, knoll hi
this city, tbm bleu:Motor is unishlts to
find Chem when he goes round with his bills.
...,---John Heidie, engaged •at the' West
heading Iron Work', was -badly burned• by
cinder on: Monday, part of the heel efOne of
his feet being. , burnt off.-- , —,lbe 8011 4 9130
of the court Are, ilAilY thronged with'peophi
Vito listen to the debtilit of the owes on
trial. —A' Professor thinks dogs can Tea.;
son, We' think 4therwlso.. , If 160 .could,
they would not make fools of tbemitelves as
to do a lON ip 2:40, just because fk , ti n, 0.,
lender iifastoned to de tills of i etti'.. , --:---:
city 7
Lots of Milling partie s
.l ktlytt t he n ow.a.'
days, but return nome Aninus ; . fibh.—
Take - eight crackers pounded fincii, on which
pour boiling water to softer' 4 eight, tea'
spoonfuls of vinegar. eight of' sugar; on'si
lemon; if too stiff add water—and you will
have a cracker pie.-:----An• alarm of fro,
yeßterdpy Wns, cause by ,the hurtling of a
chicken copp in Ninth 'street.*--;---The
T e ti
in Th e yaryet house want Wile at-,
‘ ten li c n. 'tho covered with dust.—,—,
Ifhpo is n Hentimont'mthibited in a dog's
tail, wheirwaiting for a bone. Police
affairs aro exceedingly dull and our officers
find little occasion fur/active emp l oyment ,
or the exercise of theitt - vigilance: 'Tie
narrow '-pavements of the, narrow alleys
should not be obstructed by old barrels and
heaps of dirt.l---7--_, Aa usual, Penn stieet
was thronged with peoplit last evening.—
Beautiful ishotttgrap_h frames juin 'received'
and•for sale at the &toll bookstore.
Dwelling houtio ahutters 'closed • during the
summer are commencing to open. —l3.'
Droyfoos, 705 Venn street, offers a largo lot
of domestie"ond imported woblen and cotton
knitting zarns, and zephyrs, for sale.
"There is .4 good time coining," and mer
chants andAradempen are .anxtonsly await
ing it, The Perpetual Motion machine
recently invented 'in this• city, is on exhibt•
tionint Baston.—ln Lanetisief, cats aro
going mad, and NM caused nit a soma
tion.o-----Health is the workingman's for.'
tune, and ho ought 'to watch over it more .
than the capitalist does overlie investments.
.------Too many of tho streets'are in a filthy
conditiOn. This should not be said of our
licautiffil city: -- Early this morning. an
ice Wagon lan over a small dog in 1
alloy near , 'Pranklin at, killing him instantlY
—ono Cur less,— . ,—Young fellows whO Mug,
"We won't go borno till, morning," , if they
keop on, Will have snotirnithi Withnut eing•l
ing it.--*People who glitter and 'sparkle'
in conversation 'are not always the most on
tertaining, any more than cakes and. candy,
are the most nourishing food. Sparkle is
very nice, - but to go well it must have some
thing substantial for a basis. .•
----go— . •
1). L.-- arple,mooA Ixth, S. No. 1.
tie, meet itth t B, N_ J o 2.
l i
no k, moot Ixt ,0, No. 1.
, 1 hlte, woof' it ,0, N 0.3.
, ug 27-2
kicky is .t.your k only °hewn to purchase
'tiokete fot. tho ; . 000.4 Enterpriee:,
The Agent, loay . es on Monday, '
PomdkAvrAms.—Our visit to tho Polico
Ireadquarters this morning developed nail
iolf new : The'tlock•up was empty, and "all
Tact ',along tho Sehuylkill" was tho repiy ,
given to our,quostie.n of "anything new?'
So trim entireltnenthere is a very
neat kind of Lainp Outdes nindei'on an en
4roly no! .principle; three of Ihem eost'no
more.tfran ono of the old stylo t •,John Me.,
Knight is Agent cif *Ming. 11:1tore, Third
and ewes. . [aug. 28-it
~ .
Evutii . Winuitke , Pomobrittic camp tires
nre brightly baining. The:) , glow from tho
Mountain lops; of Pentisylvamn, the high•
laudi of Now York, the hills' of the East,
and flame frOM the 'Wotan 'prairies., The
mighty re-actionary tido pannot bo checked,
and everything moves with the current.
Potivro6o.-BoifiO of the farmors aro np•,
prelionsive that the potatoes aro going to
rot again this season, Wo , havo heard that
the disease hos not•yet.mpnifested itself, bat
tho appearance of tlie vines is said to indi
oat° its t darn. Tfie weather recently is
thought to be ulifilvonrahle for developing
the rot. .„. ,
J. El. or A.—All %embers of tho Junior
Sonsaf s Atnerica, who wish' to participate
in tjtd institution of a now eampat ;Vonore.
vino, Marks 'comity, ate, requested to iubet
at the placo Of the'institution at the evening
hour on Priday t Amidst:. 28;..1808. By or
der of • ISRAEL C. DECKER;
a .
27.21• • • Comity Preedent.
Aux FRAcltiktEil:—A young man about
17 yeara of age, by the mime ocrerry emu],
livin bi Itingamati stied ) , be weeti Fourth
and Fiat met with an accident, at Litia yes.'
tordoy, 'whither he had gone with the Family
Pic•nte. .iiinging, the b(3( of . the
swing,broke i t!ind he was precipitated to the
earth. He twitted .aoyernl bruiabs and a
fractured arm. •
AnnivEtt—tho great Astrologist 'I `.
" Cornelison to what harp to
You'll/think of me some future day."
Describes the perion who loves you; never'
fails. Is crowded and still they come. By
reqacst o many I will remain this 'week ; .no
longer.Rdsidenye at Miss Tys on's,'-No.
438 South §larehtn!stroot.
aug 24-0, 1 1 . I ItEOAUE IllAitN;
Smolt • 'itig.-rYeaterday oJtornoon be
tween three mid': four o'clock, the roof of
Shaaber & Johnson's Machine Shop, at •the
'corner Of Eighth and Chestnut street s , took
firo from Aparks flying out of the. eupolii,
while casting the Foundry. ' alarm
Was given, and the, fitemen all o sit
responded by turning out with hei r usual
_ alacrity. However, before they reached the
spot with their - apparatus, the fOundrymen
had put out the , fire by • pouring 'water on. it
with buokets. •
Thefollowing named organizations will hold
their regular stated meetings this (Faloav) ,
evening • '
Angelica Council No., 01, D. U. A, AL, at
Springville, Omni township. .
FieminOle 'Council No. 88, 0. U.'A.
Fin Fashington. .
Reading; Degree Circle ' D. U. (11. F.) C.
-A. Brothdrhood Third And Penn.
Ilermann-Lodge,• U.' D. 0:,11., Yeagges
lIall ; Royal TeMple Ffo. 1, lillisonio Tie, 703
Penn street.
Mt: Penn Lodge No. 05, K. of P., Odd
Fellows' Hall. ' •
• Wastaniton damp, No. 98, P. O. J. S. of
A., '"Muhlenbeig Mansion," Fourth and;
Pen streets. . •
igebron Encamninetit, No. ill 1. kr.'Of 0.
F,, odd Fellows ,
8 . 038011181 i for the kaaLs.
uotr.sT 28I'"•
l . ,-;;; -- 7_ 47 - 2 ,77 - 77:7177 - 77"
: .O , 6AL t iefilln At littrathiro. t —Uhri 'Saari
held forth at Keystoue*Mast evening, ,to'
a large ilidience, about one-bird:of wheat'
were Deatocteds drawn thither by curiosity,
Bet,' alattithe 'Mier - map of ont" 1 wan not
.repreleti th:Wila esikkiedj OA hi !e. OW'
of t e ;heeling, lite skeelkwas delivered,. in
Engish. ',-• . ! • . -' 1
• , 8 hurt fir ri gondsPialretr; ottd handles his
subject with the skill'which_always displais
iloelf in thoseimho'llisbelieve - , as he does, th
114 !exlitendo of Suprdne Being., Men
who' deny that 'there is a' God, are' always
practised in the arts of sophistry and illanst.•
blefiction. in, the defence; of their ile i ctiliar
ideas, and hence can make anointLijestiiig
digeourtio from a feeble text..., Al,
, ¶lO anyone tcqiitted with the tem
;lentil of Schurz, it a -painful to ace . man,
who was the , :struggle far free
dom in Ins own tountrY, rdtenipting to defy
the Constitution' of the United Slat . s, the
only home of the oppressed foreign er; to
hear him &fending the delepotit dogßms of
those, men
who were formerly prcinent
Know-Nothing leaders ; ' th hear him dtinarld
* at ten Southern Stated shall be goVernett
y a worse despooom than that!against Which'
e robolletlin E4ropoi and to 'bear him RC
yocate the; ,eitablialMent Of a centralized•
despotism ah the government of the' United,
,States. B, 'js painful' indeed, to ricknowl;
cdgo the feet, that . C url Schurz', once the
German patriot, has become the hireling
demagogue of, a tax-gathering, peer-man
oppressing, briyanor-gororMng,nogro-equal-.
ity despotism in the once free United States!
..0n tho great issue of the day—the 'llonn
cial - question-=-the speech of Schurz was a
failure. 'The Radical doctrine of gold.poy.
went of bonds is not endorsed by the Roo
plo.-Behuiz hai sold himself for % price,
but the mass of his liberty-loving German
Chnntrymen.hava too much. good sense to
follow-hith (dentate black and miry paths
.of Radiealism into the deeper' glooln, of
monarchy. If he makes no nthre itepubli
can votes elsewhere than ho did in Reading,'
his mastersohe'llndieal leaders, have made
a bad speculation .in undergarments—they
have beeb "clicked in buying Shirts!". - : •
EDITOR DAIIX/EACLE !—To make a show
in Berka ; coniity he Radical party sent yes
tordqy one of\jheir most eloquent speakers,
Mr. ;Carl Schur% (the so-called. general) to
argue their great ideas. . .
• . The sgeaker confessed to be ,a conserVa
,tiVo RepkblientWand that ho had come tvith
the intention tok speak in the-German law
gunge, but the true 101 l party -of Reading was
too small; andthereforo it was
the audience to talk United States. . • ,
Ho then compared , the late o Union ,war
with a corner fight of two loafers; and means
the winner surely would not sooner give up
the hold until the 'loser would have taken
his conditions; :and why should .not the
great Union net as loafers do? ; '
- On the nigger question Ito tells 'iii there'
fire only three nnkl a half millions of niggers
in the South, against - nine millions etwhito
men, and though the white men had no right
to vote, there was not the least fear of nigger
supremacy, because they all would vote toil:
' Ho .then _ proved that "the' Itadieal party
tOlowtid the greatest patriotism in borrowing
mousy at high interests for the country. At
that time the United States *Oro like a bank
rupt besiness man, and . to ' no
body Would give any credit. • ..
' About the money question he knows more'
than anybody ilse ; be teed* tf that two-
Wide of the Venda "are held
.1) Ithelniddle
blink -the *tier and the 'workm4inan, and
for 'that rotoon' it' was not fairlf the rich
man would hot fai the intone - :in geld in
stead of greenbacks.. Besides, lie did not,
st i
know where we should got so any green
backs from ; it was impossible to make so,
'many, and if we would get them, we have no
'use for Our gold.
_These, are the particular points of.,allatli•
cal speeeh,,,.Everyi,lionest,-,thoughtful Re
publicanattust be converted by it for the Do
mocratio iiiiity;:firid' at last, only Radicals
and asses are seen-together. REPUBLIC.
WAS ll' A it i3QUASlt it on A MELON ?-4.gen
tlemanf, two ago, passed down
Franklin street carrmg . a watermelon aloft
on his shoulder. Arriving in , front 44 - tho'
Reading Hose. House; ip stepping down
declivity in the plivoinent, a jar resulted,
whO the melon slipped and came.down to
the hard bricks with a--squash, n one of the,
witnesses to the catastrophe 'observed. The
fragments were so small that they could. not
be gathered, atid,the unfortunate individual,
struck across the• street at an obtuse angle
and suddenly dissappeared in Aprivate alley.,
ANOTOkIe •DROAK-DONN.--40,stated yes
terday that a trestle work on the East Penn-.
'sylvania Railroad/broke dOwii. • We have.
stiles learned, that a siding in front of Mr.
Wm. M. Kauffman's Priam, at Sheridan•
station, on the Lebanon . Valley ' Railroad;
also gave way a day or two ago while
. eight;
loaded coal 'Oare were being shifted on it.:
In this, ease we believe no o9elivas hurt.
Either the trestle work in those sidings at
the Mingo' is IMt . strong enough, or, the
eolithietfcra of the trains are very careless in
Shifting the cars, and run roc) tnnny on nt . n
tittle. Which? . • • ,
.• (1131'Z—JONES.—At Sinking Spgiog u ' 4 he 27th ; 1
loph . , 0 the residetico of tho Bride's flit r ir, l by Itevil
fortes, Mr. JAMse Kr.. Oars to MI M. A'l
daughter of Jobn II; Jones; l'sq, * It * II
t PAINTS ) oil and buildinkinaterials will he
found cheaper al, J. L. ;Richter's than at
any gthe.r house in. Reading. j,lB•tf .
FAR •and near :throughout the • Whole
Country, the newspapers teary with the won
derful, cures performed by Dr. Russell's
Magnetic .Oil. 60 eta. via $1 00 por bottle,
American IlOnso; Readmg.i [aug. 17-tf
. f •
Tito Great, the Oiand p the Only reliable
remedy for Rhountatism, Neuralgia, Limn
big°, Sprains.Und Jilrukees, Swelled Glands,
Styli Joints, Sore Throats, and pain of any
sort and from any cause,: is DR. ltussEhes
MagnetiOil, '5O eta. and $1 00 per bottle.
Amprican House, Rendik. [aug. 18-1 m
Iv our friends will use preparations for re
storing gray hair they should use the best in
the market. ' Our Attention has lately been,
called to an
i artiCle which has an extensive'
sale and very. No reputation, known as
Ring's Vegetable'', Ambrosia, an'd we are in-,
elinb tothinkiMit it 'possessed more desira
ble afid lets objectionable qualities than any .
otherin the nlarket.', It restores gray or ta
ded:bairi to, its ;Original Color in a'most:ro
markable manner, and' by its invigorating
and Soothing properties a remoirciAll dandruff
and humors from the scalp. Give it.a fair
trial 'and you cannot fail to like it. aug 81 in
Da. `LIGHT has just received a largelet of
pure, frill drugs ' and medicines,' of all
kinds., Those mho desire , the pure, article
(aitdmho doe's yie • would tails° theni
to go to him.. His prices are reopnable,atid
he waits'upon all his customers'in a Rtompt
and gentlemanly manner. AU prescuptions
are put up in the most careful manner, and
there is no dagger 'of , any . ' mistakes oc
The ,Doetcir .has also all kinds) of toilet,
articles for , sale,--oils, washes Maps
brushes, combs ,i &c., &o.'
Heiriet6bit the place—No..l Ninth Fifth
itMt: " ' hug ,
.7.77" • • , • •
A li n tri 4 e 8 ....... 6 28 Sun se t s .6 3i
• 13 hours 06 minutes.
Timm will be a reeking of the Pasiiro
Members of the Reading freaner•cbor, at
Anaisren.—Joseph Burk wag arrested at
noon today, at the corner of Sixth and Pena
.streets, by officer Boone; charged \vith being
drunk ant fighting. -
Mmtsnonv's Varieties in r ot tido of 8 " .
eons. First appearance of Mr: 'Miles, the
great comic singer and old Man personator'.
Master Jardella, the Celebrated wench dim-.
eer and comedian, will positively appear on
Monday next. Cool lager always on hand.
CUT ins KNks.—A carpenter by the name
of Frederick Shank, employed on the new
limo of Mr. Jonathan Tobias, in ,Washimp
ton street, between Fourth and Fifth; ge'
verely cut himgelf ,in the left knee,'malt
chisel, yeiterday, while mortising fable in a
piece -of timuer.r, 1
Boom) Oven.—t Martha Oudinot and Charles
Ziegler both Il+o in Reading. They. have
Juan alight miaunderstanding. The tinnier
ineferred a change of surety of the tweet)
against the latter, yesterday, before' Alder•
u►an Schumer; The allegation la that Charles
threatened to kill Martha. Defetkdantbound
over in' $BOO, for a henring,at Court. ,
• .
f •
Franklin Bright of this city, visited his corn•
field this In rning. Ife took off his goat and'
vest,and hying them on a tree. Ire Worked
in different parts of the field, cultivatilii the
corn. Upon returning to the tree he found
his coat( and vest gone, nod ahlo a I silver
hunting case watch valued at $5O which was
in a pocket of the vest. Mr. Bright hoards
at the Antlers' Ifotel, ,corner Fifth and
Washington'otreets. •
PURSUANT to a call, the Amity Demeertkt
ie Club meet at the Public,House of lti()lmrd
Engle, on Saturday evening, August' 22.
There was a full attendance, and upwards of
fifty members signed the; Constitution and
By-Laws, which namber. - is expected to
swell to over two hundred.
The officers are, President, Gee. IC. Loral;
Secretary, Franklin BS Rhoads ; Correa
pending Secretary, Daniel S: Francis;
Treasurer, Jonas Rhoads.'
Combnie on By-Laws and resolutions;
Dr. R. B. ithoads, Daniel S. Rhoads, Oco.
SMith, Jr., Ezekiel Rhoads, Isaae Guldin.
Dr. It. B. Rhoads was called and made a
short and spirited address.
'On motion'the Club adjourned to meet at
Bupp's School House, on Saturday evening,
Aug. 27th, at 7 o'clock.
'Reported by Logi4Riebard% Agorney ktio, No.
MO awl 'XI reef
James Levan va..Peter Fisher. 175:Aprit'
T t , 1365. 20 'Feb. 08. Settled and costa
paid. J. S. Richards for plff. Schwartz for.
deft. -
John It. Goodman,who plead gllty on
Tuesday, Aug. 11, to assault and iattery,
was on Wednesday sentenced to $5 ne and
costs. •
• Jesse 0. Hawley vs. ,Catharine ACker and
Sarah Barth. 80 Juno T., 1808. This was
feigned issue directed the Register's
Court of Borks county, to try the question,
of the validity of the will of Tobias Clouser,l
dee'd. Mr. Clouser was a Juetico of the
Peace and Surveyor fey a number of,yearsin
Cntelitunee township- and residedrat Lees.
port. Ho was about 04 years of age at the'
time of his death, which occurred Oh ,tho oth
of February, 1808, nine days after the exe
cution "of thq w)11. The value of the estate
lett :by the' deceased is estimated:'at some
thing over 540,000. By , the provisions of
the will,which is dated op the illst day of
January,,lB6B, he &tilted to.his wife .Diana,
thou incom)3 for life of the ten neretrOperty,
on which ihe resided and as,muCh money as
hie Executors thought fit to allow her for her
supptirtovith remainder,as to the real eetate,
to Tobias Clouser, a nephew, in fee, upon
his attaining the ago of 21;—the proceeds of
his other real estate to be applied tp paying
his indebtedness to Catharine, Mordecai and
George W. Ituy,a niece ajd nephew, to each
of the last two named oTwhom there wits a
bequest of $lOOO, and to the Arst a bequest
of the same amount alto ?theAleath of hitt
widow, with remainder to the other two.
Tobias Clouiserl,his nephew ,was made the re
siduary legatee, and Daniel Clouser his Iwo
ther,and Jesse G. Hawley, Esq., Attorney at
Law, were appointed his Executors. The
defendants on the record, Whotare the con
testants et the will, are his two sisters. The
allegation of the defenee was that at the
time of the execution oflle instrument pur
porting to be a will; Tobias Clouser was not
possessed of the,sound and disposing mind,
memory . and understanding necessary' under
the law of Pennsylvania for the'execution of
a valid will:
It appeared from the evidence, that about
a year preceding his, decease, he had been
suffering with diseaie of the lungs, but its
inroads did not prevent him from attending
to business until a short time before:its fatal
termination. Mr. Hawley went up to see
him'on business, upon Monday, the 27th-of
January, at which time it was arranged
thet-Mr. Hawley should come up again on
the Thursday evening following and write his
will.. Ho accordingly went io his house at
the , time .appointed and the evening was de
voted 'to the writing the will. Mr. Hawley
in his testimony gave a - minute detail of the
occurr nces that transpired upon that occa
sion. He stated that Mr. Clouser ' spoke
clearly upon all matters of inisinesl3 and of
the contents of the will; giving his reasons ;
for the manner of disposing his property.
After the will was written Mrs.
Clouser and Catharine Hey were called in
and, its provisions explained. The business
was then closed for the night: After break
fast next morning, Daniel B. Fisher. and
Johi (I.. Kauffman were Frilled* and signed
as subscribing witnesses. Mr. Hawley.sta
ted that although Mry Clouser was , in a!
Very weak condition at the time, yet Ur
never , price occurred to him that ha
was so 'far gond as to be incompe
tent for that or any other • r ason to
execute a valid will. .The plaintiff called
several•witi3esses who saw
,Mr. C. about this
time and before, it. Dr.. , Owen H. Wiley
called on him tire morning the will was exe ,
cuted, just after Mr. Hawley left. In an
swer to a question about his health,,Mr.'• C.
told i Dr. W. 'that 'he was very weak. His
mind appeared-, to , be perfectly right
and he spoke rationelly, Dr. 11.
H. Wallenberg saw him dike°
a .1.2 O'CLOCK r,. Di
7 A. 141. - 2 P.M.' '
VP • , I B i''
06* ' 87°
08° . •• 87G .
68° 89 0 .
69* .' : 81°
• •. ota-••-•••,•• • am,. armi. ..1.
§rAUt dois after t he will, issue 'mat
. akkoPetuinisifsinsade an. endorsement
ticite,AettepOite'eleariy and sensibly not,
ther litattera oii - busiriesi., Three ~ ,Or tour
other witnesses *ere there a few dao , previt
otiti,to,4o eiteeillen of the will, whn bit
in the opinion that biS tainif'zind Mitotic
werninnunPakred, alt*gb:hisiiltysical conk
dition 'was weak. * • • • ' • •
The witnesses called by the defence to estab
lish the incompetenee'of the testAer were
the two . subscribing witnesses, Fisher
And-Mr. Kauffmen, Dr. Penrose *lli,: his
Attending physiciiiii,and George W; W•iiden !
hammer, constable of Ontelaunee township;.
these 'persons bad' known Mr. Cleitserc
intimately, tbr a iiiiihher 'of, years, and they
ell finited in exp W
reng tho . elerir andposi
tire opinion • that Mr. Clouser , :waii unfit to
execute a will '
at the time, t his was per,
formed. The subscribing' witnesses.. Will)
are allowed by lal rules' to .esesa n
Opinion upon this eg
subject without gi N ving f act
in support of it, testified thAt at tho interview
at which the will was executed, Mr. Clouser"
said nothing, at all excepting when. Mr.'
Halley, naked turn whether , that was his
last will, ho aniviered, ' ills ebi►ic
was turned around toward.the table when he,
signed and. turned back when be had.
ed.- Dr. 'Penrose Wily, delieribcd his con
dition al , 4 'ilrepkollt" •ineutaliy- anti: phya i ..
eally,and stated thAffor per iod•of week
before the will,was.madO 'and it' 'week AO:
ho 'would frequently be ti• ponditlo* of
stupor, being roused .front which ho
answer questions put to Lieu and would then
immediately relapse into the some condition. ;
This .stn or the Dr. considered was 'thw
result o f the' decay Hof ale intolectunE
faculties in consequeuce of the disetitio. His
memory wait very shorti forgetting tratitcat--.
floes by noon that bad 'occurred in, tho
morning. He considered his ease: hopeless,
and therefore, gave hiin hit little inedieine:
Weideabammer was in theOVelling the:v/4
wee being made And in the nuirning after:
Mr. Hawley left, on which • latter warden
he spoke to Mr. 'O., who did not recognize.
him and gave n'a answer. Upon this testi ! '
niony,iis well as uponpertain. other ineiden
tal argu teems' to be drawn kiln the alleged
peculiar disposition , ofhis property, the
Jurywore asked by thellefeneo to set asitle
the will. .
• .
The Court, in their charge, reviewed•vn a
full and comprehensive manner, the laws Or
Pennsylvania upon the i3Ubjeet te . stamen-'
tary capaeity,tho principles ofwhich we have'
.given at length in forther report eases of this.
kind, and called the attention of tho jury to'
a comparison ()Me facia With the principleir
of law laid.downin the decisions' of , the.s4-•
promo Court for the dispositions of questiOns
of this character. 'The case camo on. for'
'h idl oh Tuesday morning, 'and was not .con-,
eluded until Thursday afternoon, ono entire
day being cons*ed- :by' the addresses of
counsel 1,0 the jury. ' verdict walk returned:
on Thursday evening for the plaintiff, and in'
'support of the validity of .the J. Liv:
ingood and J. S. Richard's for Off. D. .Rr•
inentrout andltorrtnan for dells, ' .
Jacob K.' Krill Vs.-John Crill,—Contintted
on applic i ation of deft.
James 'Ruth and will, ve. Reading and:
Columbia 11,14. Co.—Continued on applicv
non and at costa of dolts; ' ►
. ,
William Ittellvain tic, Sons vs. The'Reading
Indust 'al Manuftitturing Ce:',' et. al. Con.
tinned. f
Sam el L. Rhoads vs. William . Ganser,.--
144,•June1.`.., 1868.• This wasn(feigned issue
under the Int erptender Act,io try the (pica
tion of the ownership of two mules, 'sold by
the Sheriff of Rorke county,, an. the property,
of Awrison Ettintri upon nn execution is
sued against him y the deft. . The plaintiff
claimed - the mules, the proof being that,he
bad transferred the mules to Ettinger. and
taken a note for their value, with the' undik4
standing, however, that they were to 'belong
to the Wit until the note'.was paid. •The
note has not beep 'paid :and hence .11r;
Rhonda' ' 'assertion. of hl3 ' ownership ' o
the property. The Court hold that, although
the transaction was perfettly fair aS betweeP
Rhonda and Ettinger,and thereat ownership
remained in Rhoads,yet as the mules were m
Ettinger's pasessiou at the time of thesher-'
iff's sale,•the , claim of the former was not
good in kW as gainst Mr. Ganser,the - execu.,
tion , creditor. • A verdict was accordingly
directed for the defendant, but a rule wad
granted for a new trial ipnrder that the. lei'
gal question may bo' mere, fully. reviewed
hereafter. &fleet and 'J. 8. Rich,ards foi
plff. Loucks, Baer,a, nd J. 1.).: - Liiiiigood f 0
deft. -. 4 •• . ..,
The township of Zipper Bern ? vs. thq
county of Berks. 02 Jan. 8,1806‘ This casq
came up for re-trial, and 'by arrangemenit
counsel, ft-was agieed that a verdict should
be entered in favor of the phi; for $2OO, and
$2O costs. Seltzer and J. 8. Richards for
pr. • Bechtel and Hagennaan for deft.
Maggie B. Loose vs. George D. Bandon."
bush. 28 April 20865. Action on the case
for breach of promise of marriage. On trial:
Bushong it Bro., Bankera. No. 16 Ndrth oth' street
quote as follows; .
IttADINO, Aug. 28, 18($.
Old U.S. B's 1 :.:1 - -114'
Old U. 13:511 1861 - r• • 114
New U.S. 5-20, 1864, July and Jan., - • • 100 1 4
New U. S. 5.20'5,1865, May and Nov., 110%
Now U. B. 1865. new ‘,;• . - .163
N. U.'S, 5-20's 1867 July and Jan. - 108
New U. 5,5-2 A's, 180,. -•- 08
Ten-Forty Bonder, - - - - 011
Gold in New York unto 12 o'clock, - _ 144
Gold in Reading at Bushong &Bros., 144
.1/Denloonstio Club of Curaru will moot on Saturi
day evening; at S'elook, Angel m
29th, at the ildly
house of Wilson Sweitser, (Thr e }louse.) An
election for °Mean of the Clu is to be held Ail
the Drocrats Of the township' aye earnestly ro
gues( dto beiptesent. Addresses wiU be de Wet.;
od he English and German languages.
If BONZEL,.&o, , • . aug. 22 & 28-2 t
‘1011(00L1 BOOliff 1 •
SCUOQL itdous
Jug ' Vt received at. the' , EAGLE 11001(STOBIL a
full line of books in use in the Publio -Schools in
this city., which will be Bold' at Abe very lowest
Prices. It woUld be to the advantage of each who
are in want of books to ascertain our prices before
purchasing elsewhere. We have -
OWoodbury's New Method, with Gorman,
CI \ • Coinposition Books.
C .1.4 Tatiquelle's,Freneh Conte°, •i %
Bonnicastle's Afoninration. I.J .
11 , Stoddard's Arithmetios, t,
Parker's Philosophy. 0
8 ...' Ble y oli s 'e A tt e llyar. ' IC
Cutter's Anatomy, .
Goodrioh's U. S. History, ' S c
J . Ortenlears Arithinetio.
J •
' - •
Tenney's Oeol9sY.
A • -- Bierlobnarips -- ,__. • i 1
Pens and .110.entoid9rty
G Slatea and Alglate renelis,
_pools,. ~ VV
L li A ll E u a i l e i l h ol io o e n n n "a s t l. I n s sc ary _ eta irti p i r e i . , rolsoomi Lß E
Bobooi 0 mots, -
'i Pinker dir Watson'g Bo OS of 13skool
,Baoks, • -
: ,
i 35 1 ,
Crittenden's; Bookkeeping, :with setta of Blank-.
books, , •
Pennock's lllstory of England, }lrmo, and' Rome,
Ilitotige,interinediatit*nd'ihr6s'ryijit o p'
SEYMOUR: i ' — pote . 'Dl
r ot o r a
. ges:Clue. ad moue zi4Oe,,lTi:,ljk
00.1i ! iikar o .,
F. #4 N e Eftl
• • •. •
TT' 7.! 7 p s, •
ItAV INN hottAht fiat heti A. '
em% upder 440 root 40: 1 1:18104
sinaouttee that they Kitt tett hse • aeas as
der. the above Ina, as proTtdeolo; vedettes -
eartntaitote I:6,171100m thle ghee,. polebtat
i rist. • .1. •i'e •!I ) . •
Free ConcertE err e
ItUiiali L ir iiiill ii(1i1e,"443 . . ';:
, , ).
Solialttaa a iiaattaiatioa of tit* patoasolitraa:
sPOre° 401 ! 1 ‘ 1 1 1140 4 010 1.4 1 ' •' ' ~ _ T` t •';‘,
Very BigroV I
. • 111414er, .
. NI 1110110. '.,
rirs,NialUNG triDERTAKER;
l e s ltlr r ttt ' t le t AßoisaeAo eo I tk
ittontion gitoo it
SUS 2211, /16 O. IfiLLitit. Alit,
CITY. ' , 11.01 - 1‘.,. i.
SOUTIEr. SIXTIII••'11T1011131i,
• 1 (Neat peen) t
s3..Chatitem nioditto.
A ; 8. • Veoprietor.
1868 •
ly(T11 8;1 RQTIMR,
_ ;
, i
Will La' Oeat ". gyidi`ot • 1.
- . • Toquoriow . lo . Oi . I i iig, jit..,,
-!,.,-: -. '; : . ',!:i '(fl i:' ,. i.c' .L'•i' . - '',,'‘, ''.l,
. .
NO '. 843 'PANIC fitifillNT, ' • .
.., • ...,$),.. i-] • f
. i
stir 14m, t . 11. Ciiilinitli '-; Cutter.
1 ,
. . ,
NEW . : SUNIitER 1001)81
Were eeleetect In the Oki an*, Itork t . and &
1011 be'diePO'
Gentlemen' 4'064 king , to order
; : t
Cloibirig cogstantly :on
madito ordi.' "'
The Steol . of Forriisiiing Goode deehledly i
• thetbeei , eiietielde in the
~e ity.-.loall,rgetiandlithiOi; • •
. .
..! ',,yliteiltoo4,. . - 1
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by?te4 out r, hfri Levi ( : ,C o l e AmA t elloymi
ilitaralteethet ali thaiiie l nli*lll i Mitlioiltdietiti
best style 11 4 4 1 01".!1/0 1 !tom• )t:02.0.400):, . ~
'• • 13VCIFSe13RO.'S
eaaquarte or !z,r,aponl
NQ. 5' 8 rpNli f 87REE7,. RE $$Q.
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m.1400E 440 "e4i#4llllmitearigiShOriticilii•
" 11l Ammo ar!4 ,11 101 i<OM'd ~.4414kition
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‘AstrAltvi tctoo sktapplisalio c,kil 'l7l
dew savitittlatArtAilt:"-Tholifttlitf4fitiikeiAtiii 4 ‘• l •''' (,'
llgrtitsltAbhitwpcfhut.ti4taGallrogottdailtwi • ,
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re() o mibyx,pan !lII ' be *IRO or the bonalit o)
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wo aol,Parroot ate, Vinanted.
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