Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 28, 1868, Image 2

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    tit .
11011: ‘.
/041/0111 , . Iprxs •
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Al 4llOll , TWA*. ?November ttd,
• •
osis• ihwilaatisoke•
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/MS APDITOK 0111111111A11:,
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• YOR WitirintoioinktitAL •'} ,*
or cotutinita; ootarry. . '
Il• t r ,
4*loll l TWAY, Ockber 1868.
ifits/d0.4.0 0 •,11.0114Hit • •
:le,- ; /, (/ •
. le ..: ...;; ' Dayazqint,!L f 1.
!' .1i i ' • Tril;ftilton, tim ss ul. lour', j‘,
tiAl Bia—l
t iongpl , pt ay ix Ink to you
t) dap °Wig on t i lt fight PraPi And oar
frurompport 70 11, a li 0, oy_a_rautonl e i
porent otaprionoY i i i . P i lotertrYo. o3l,o l l 'n
1 Soffit= you paitost ; t
— al I Mi l " Pe i
14.90411 y and omol i al l i o ...Jinott..l4ue,' osi
rro Mins my Paroo ii lOn ply part suon
. ter ,or to ani Ott, or. • • A
t , t • all ho_ happy a way/ to • estolinod your
'tit( 4 . ~, , , t . Bron 111,5sykyrou r
iro .s. ii it ,- ' / , °rotary, of W ai.
, I). .2411sioolleposo.; Morello de/moor.
, • ~!M*1411.11040.?"11140 o.y: liertmor";
-t , l ' , • ~, 'At . ,4 04 1P/!ficl , 30!ithies , „'%;: d ' jai .' '' i
. • •• _ _ , .4i.,•,. ,• ~ ; 4440vkilviht, •
Tq Adbossit 094114 oriporf, , " • • ' , ~.' i •
. , told , tire i til•teMiutiblallut
or+, yr e n epgrAryi ..,
4 i,
„ e
• sly 11 1 0 ma is Vtetrrais gt
erma i .4os tol o ottit yw I. 6lt
' Inge !4f il . ?, , a 1 n , 611 , 1 Y M.
,t r a t 6 ,,W I A ,•to ' ' , ' '.' - . '.• ''•
1 '. ' ' i
~: - ' . St ...Of .11.00 at ö tillY,
The attempt of the Itaditiii preit, 'Make
their, readeri beliefe'that Geis. Tees had bear,-
moot Wen ae Cirant hail, is ridiculous.
It is a poor tiomplitientlo the iittelligenCe
). of their,l.olers io's#,them , to bailor° bitch
improbable twaddia" • ,
L. .notorious thakitattt's *Rini" , was
' aeitieV - 20,000,thaa J6 o ,ooo, l l llol oned
' 'OO ' l , Rad i imalt Whets • Burnside marched
`ihrdugh .V4lbittitton kiieth ()exile
„,te, vet nforee °rout &
. ha „'Bo,ooo` moo,
mak , of thatsli,blctrecf, treope," Who aie
s 4l, to' be thO but Of aoldfers by 004144.
cats, The losses Of draat wartft,inctsttetri
l• isle, ;oven greatet,thaa vms••att
We believe den, , Graist to be,possetuiod of
,unyielding bulklaioeuroge audgreattperso
' v ( erance. lig showed, b 9 ever y that the lives
of his soldiers were trot Valued in this least
by Mul l His Wlitito,of,humwi life las 'mot,-
„ MQII,II. Re may 'take 'planet ftkbistory.witb
those, pornietandets , .viha Ore aeirotpliihed
great reatiltd With groatiieriffces, , ,,bUt i he'
• doot not deiervathe praidO oieHti,k great
. general t like Boot!, • ~ .' i 1 ; ..,; , 3 /
. , ' OW . Giant' been la c'eintitariel'alieiriel,
his 'merderoni IstfdlCs wonldhavektimilolated
- ,his o tire arrntlefore tee city. Of Puebla
kdd een reached, , mid, he ..hodli Pi oopl•
- mand of Sherntan'irarmy, strong as it'lvas—,
98,00 b men--he would have lost it all on his
tnaich to Or doh. '. ~ ' •„ •
t Honest Northern soldiers will admit, re ,
luetantlY, 'it' is true; that Lee was at 11111011
superior to Print as a general, as flrantwas
to tbe )m180613113' humlnig,' 'Butler, , 'ltkof boo
commanded. the largo and splendidly equiP•
pid army of the Poternae, and Grant tho
tagged,' half- starved,, outtMuibered 44 over
worked army of,the,Concederaeyi a 03'w,rapid
and I;riiiiittit movements„; a fdw sadden and,.
heavy blows/ would haVei colitiOded'
boliicil within sixty days from tbe Vinunonoi,s•
ment of Ofo,eompaigo. '. ,' . .
"IYhatetier vied or bilifiant qnalities (lon.‘
' flient,'May 'p013 . 8e88; (sn'd hid friends clai&
for.. him • to, great Many) ho is ce4ainiypot 'a
great or akillful genoral, and thnattempt'te
make 'tree 0604,bolielit, bim'fi.ilit , o7 g -
'• nine' will •OnlY; result iniiakieg bim ridicu-,
loe:H, and his eitildiord'indigninfitit being !rat,
• te:Abol4l4 t4o OonfidoratO trbepKsi rektrds
. th4r,fighting qualities. To say that tharit
i ., ,
.„„. i
s ilto duperior of, Lee in genertasnip, is to
pay at very peer' comPliniept to ,the ,tute es,
of 9rant'e muchlanre ! nulaerpito a1n7.1,:;
WHAT Demoerat barn dazed to take
Wilkes' bet 'of slo l .ooolo'soo t ooo tito
• rubur and Blair. vitt not be m a to' ini'vre•
vetbbert • We, hea!,otlnu offers, and dou't
expect to.:Hriottiarbta.Apy. • , '
Perhaps ybu have not 'read theThiladel
ph* Sunday ifircurih. If IBb, you would
knotirihat,,the bet Wkikee 7w,tui WO%
wben Wilkes backed 4b t'ae every bettink
' Ytadical **hp,* Yet tieeiltothakdO,44:
• 1,
, iv die Bret mix of wai f ‘isthon 414 *bolp
o°PtheM 0 04 0 NOW0 11 >: 04 14 0
, 1 /4-4 2° " 001 . In th e
year of *me, Oa+ goy cost 5251174 1 800,
80',11 1 48 001101010 Per 'WOOL •
jiiiirniild'Of the 4loiDand-nierality .
party" always give All accounts - of prize
fights 44 other ,brutA ehihitiout of the
Prieept vs. prattle°. •
• ,
4310 .1 . licei,su,A..w in coming home bolo
Rwmpo4ollseplimbef l i fifnlyill be welpdtund
by bon Ai df 11.Onsonds ' (if his' . Country ! .
' „
.• .
11 1
- Almond Whig,
'4' Ill" :s hi t SpriAon
i veil pu its be
oftbeinje_rtri be een,, ns.
• • r yst ••
)• ,
talk' AO` , nio ,11
a les% ;Sint o reserve, is your eorres;
pendent :knows; said that there were many
honest, well-meaning men in the North and
West who' hare been led to bellere, b the
mismesentations, of the Southern co:rea
p/J.4/04,0t , tlte Iladleal press as well as by
the P. - the of, that party,
tbOti 0/4,OtWINAth are jolt ss hostile
to t hes Apo* is. during the war, and ter
mach -,:ertibitteieti'' against 'llO Northern
.hit sus, they wore whenbpth were in arresi
p y hate, the ni.grOesWil 4adly,hate
• se they'hire been tree d, .and but for
the strong , artn,of' the military :would re-,.
.them'to,' it state, Of Iprisetleid Slitr,ery,
sad` erpatrale • all tnantier lot °dragon
that them. fie proposed; therefore; that' the
Oilers' officers he Confederate army, so
•presentisitis they do the ritiertihe euvattY
and the trutkof the • , flouth i anite outlay ,
befiire ate Northern people,in ',tangible form_
that' cannot be &tippled; , the true state pf ,
the feeling' as he. had found it , everYwhere
in his travels South. • • •
"Oen. Leo denied that the people of the
South are inimical to the Union, They want
peace, and long for it. This,is their•waiver!
sal sentiment as farri've ho'haa been able to
aseertatn'it, and his opportabities have boon
many, from frequent conversations and ex
tensive correspondence with representative
persons, .in all parts of, the South. ,As to
their animosity to the negro, nothing could
be further, fronazthe facts' and why should
there be? Bard ,he, there is no rlyqlry
tween the raees,, PO a reciprocal intereat
grilling out of the fact that each is• depend*.
eat tipqn the other to .a grept ,e x tent—otre
needing employment and the' other einployes.
Apart from this, they had 'been' reared to
gether, and there is a natural affection and
sympathy between them. '
"General Lee gavp his cordial approval to
the _ patriotic 'object , which General Rose.
crane has in view Emil in so zealously; prose
cuting." •
General R. had Subseque,ntly 'a similar
interview with' the• l flon. A,, 1111. Stuart
and the lion. A. 11. Stephens. The cones
pendent of the Whig adds:
"No plan has yet been decided upon, but
it ,ielprObable some distinguished •gentle
man known' to the ,whole ceunty will he re ,
quested to prepare a peper .in accordance
with the suggestion of General lloseerans,
which shall sot forth clearly end fully the
real state of feeling now existin* in the
South. This will be printed "and forwarded
to all the general officers of the Copfedinato
army and ouch representative * Southern
statesmen as it is deemed desirable should
sign it, for their signaturei, At the same
time 'they Will bo reqneated to, add such
'comments as'thoy may think proper."
tor.,Tatovis J4D BLUR :
The eli.dvanetv of She Democratic
• • , Column.
Naw Yot4s, Aug„ 2.,—Another wigwam
has been erected in arooklyn, and a great
meeting was held within it last night.
. A large meeting of the representatives of
tho various, rieratiotatia'clubs 'of this city. Was
,hold last even i ng, at Mose* Rail, to make
:ptelitainatly arrangeMents for agrand.torcli'-
,light procession, take place after the 6tate
,are - 'made. Tho proceedings )
which wore Marked with great barniony and
ilidkat i ed that the proposed do-
Monstiation will be ihe largest over held in
Now York. • •. •
Hod.' John Morrissey is outin a card in
this morning's journals; in which ho says;
ti ,
"My attention has been' called to state.
anent going the rounds of the press that I.
have money bet against' the election f Sep
,our and plair,',and,that gtyt going yriup
pod GrAnt.:. I:ask the',pr ivil e ge , or, your
columns- to , say' , that such statements are
fiaso.: 'I have not ft dollai in money or . pro
perky of any kind bet against 'the nominees
of the Democratic party. I intend to support
the Deinoctatie 'ticket ) ea I have done
through life." ' ,
WAtintrirox, Aug. 27.;Sonator Doolittle
has written ,a letter to' friend hoyo ip j urhich
lie says that,the, Otlmanti Hire all gi4g oiooi
o Seymour - anti and that the 'State teriain for Ae Deinocreo.
4oseeirene Mission-= - A New Unitive/.
Va., August 20. 7 -Generalrlosecrann and
Alm4-confederate , general And statesmen
now here itill.aontintre l .atithe.pablie aro
on the tip-too of mreitementtla, regard to the
coming 'address, Which will, be signed by
taeof' Longstreet, Stephens,,, and all of tho
'Southern leaders. . '
'l'habtindial siiya there ie Ito doubt of he
&Atilt( Will 'of the. South to do,everything
Ottiliio , , peiver that will effect peace and,har
'ninny aniong' all sections
. of the" country.
This movement has brought numbers of die
tingtlisted'penPlo here, imathe Springs are
now thronging „with , politicians of every
uhadO of opinion:: . ,
The contracts or thEyeanstruotion of the
Covington and 'Ohio road to the Springs
from Covington; `the preart terminus of the
. Cortiral.railroad,ivrere yesterday let
Out to leading Virginia contract o rs, to bo
.completed by May 1, 1809.
One of these contractors, 'hell known as
one of the healthiest railroad builders, is
Eiltisitl kegaliBti; a cousin of Marshal
MettaitOn, Ol the Vienci4 army, now Duko
of:Magenta. In ; snob. ,handa,,the WOrk will
apeOtist fitaajted t , and ere .long the eon-
Octioti with: the ,ohiq river will
hi, &Dieted: • .Thii itithe'reconitruefien that
'Orgirga is' se anxious tti,effect`with her off-
Obio r lninelei Indio*
::•:1 1 'fair411‘,.$1011!taie14#0.t.,
Bgtrotent, linnet St,:—=pltrirArnor:3wane
fact l 4lo ~ yorAuilen 10414 friends
'attendaktbe':z Titzenfk'fieiterday, and
were wanhlk Vrelernniie.Wday will be the
largest attendance and finest diei)lny at. the
pohntspnfest. ' Mans strangers are ezOacted.
A kialtior! assonsion and firewoyke will old
thViii,i'3 • iedio* • - •
1 I
1 t
, '
i t
• Ppilneil 18 dull atid.the weather hot s . ,
. 1‘ ,9 4 , 2 ,1 0 ka*P:.
• .C,HAVA4, 14 1 4gsaiit' , 2l.-.llso 'Chief of
Pollee tie ;,wig strietlj ,
enfqtee arf,l44, l 4,oprO l irwixeforbiddins
the beatitii Wheo
seinikeeVit,perbe alit, erAzerl by ecihipe
teel ei!ileuthority. - j•
: , ; i, i-. • • esanatestto4, .• - r , ',..vt..,i , -,rA
• : ,DEAR. BAQI.E;-:-Tpti i v ~ •i $ - ‘. Ar . 1 .
lie that bas trans .. .r -. ~- . i .,
r t w r parach ute o f. ; or ? ii. sir a 61"
!i l ia
1 ' ey metre. •• ( 4'ho drinttlitg f•t l yi, A
~,, WV
„c ''Alexunder•ltinkqtato
~!1„ ..Aquitr
li eit coniiinred with - lholhugo 4 4 t 4 4'4:4' 0 a:.
hollbtO George, Waahington4 Oittndetyltiit
said; endeavored 161446 . 66tri - th,ehe#ll6.
eminent the world' over'Save': ' Watehman;'
'what of the night? Bondsmen , , what of 4.,
-, totsuder?..'' : Were you not it*aro 'that Alex ,
seder cut the lordian knot And judging'
from his , proportontt7ho Might be - asvxpert
!in cutting his bail .. •': -.' ,_ i ...,.., , •
!, •!!.147frien,d,:'said an expert thief to a gen.
demo at.a.rfnlway ?talon,' " 4 ,you 'are .beet
' trit:li tilskpeoketa.!l ,'IV Ifere?' ; ' said the 'at:
Irighted,stranger, inning about him. 'On
'recovering his senses, - however, his first ex
chooation was,"lio who warned me of my
danger 'robbe m o of MY purso."
' ‘ The Dispatch calls the late discippearaneo
of Alexander kidnapping, and by tho mor!
row . no d9ubt, will be added, for the benefit
of its Aupea, 'kidnapped by the. Klux.lii
.wench parlance' the little' gain° exposed 'to
view in yesterday's ',Dispatch would be called,
a faux pas. Tho,voters l .tho reiiders, thosot
above your Now Englandl:party schemes of'
'whiskey aggrandisement and negro
o perfec•
lien) aro fully fonvinee4 .chilt, your , Arthile.
about kidnapping is a dodgeot miserable and
wloked..endeavor to prop np, the sinking
kopei of the Clod•anit•inoralityites .of this
county. , 1 ~.., '‘
- . With the cry of"stop thief", you would
cloth in theirObo.of injured itiIIOCQIICO., the
criminal Sacheinsof the New England camp
tHijOuraingin Read ing.. .The peOplo' aro' be 7
.cominicully, aware of.the attempts and. 'ex••
oitements..ygu will invent to divert attention
fromlhOmdral'Alth.that clothes your =every
action.., They are arming , themsolveS fully
up to a correct moral standard, and - ttro pro.
,pared fon ):our ' indescribable .wars; 'mid
against the impervious armor of, thoUght
your poisoned darts will hortiess break.—
Will the short-haired oracle Of the Dispatch
- vouchsafe the people information as to the
whereabouts Of his late confederates—Groff
and litorot-4n crime and Misery. Wholcill.
ed Cock Robin? The Kit Klux.. Who spiv,
'ited away Alexander? The Ku - Max. Gii6i - 1
upon a tone old man Iron let would have ex•l
tended his stay with his dbrir, son, but as tho t
glow worm was wont to appear at a certain
hour in the morning ho VittS prevented.
Alexnnder would linvolappearcd fit a cer- -
fain hour in the morning nt • 11r, Mengel's,
with. bondimon. valued at $300,000, but. the
terrible whittkey.ring stood in the. ay. Poor
fellow( the Ku Klux took him off, or—got
him off in comb way : Sallee to say, the
/ Radical infant' is spirited away. Sir Oracle
'0 bort, litibl you have embinoned •at your :
mast head );!fi a leader "Col. G. W. Alex
ander, kidnapped.!' You have said so, and
for argnint I will grant it. To show yout
coAtempc for the act you let loose on the
public, you inflict on the patient reader a
column of most bitter invectives, seasoned
with holy .horror, in defence of a man sup!
posed to havo been taken from his house at
night,: and perhaps forced into a dungeon;
'etq., etc, ', t3o far so good,for a case in Stip
pointiOn; ow for a parallel bf •acttial Occur
.rence. • ,
A'ffw years ago a man,in his bed chamber'
in company with his wife and little ones, at
a dread hour of night, without warrant, and
by a band. of armed soldiers,wris forced from
the couch of a sick wife, and the sweet coin=
panienahip,of his innocont children, to a far
off; 'distant dungeon. This happened in,thsi
State of Ohio, whoa the civil law *as in full
force, capable of maintaining order and gM
ing protection to'every ' citizen, unless Wh
overawed and'threatened by the military.t
In all this land not one of the Dispat
stripe of pitenitlists "in tilia van guard of
public opinioehad a word-to sayin condoni
nation. 'BOUnds of appioval and hostilities.,
in,honor of the cowardly. and lawless act
rent the Mr. For Vtillandighatn—a Dont&
, orat—innocent guilty,the law had no pro;
.tccting shield. , The madmibble (as the Ms
paeeli would say "standing in advance ofpub
lie opinion," a 4:0 BirShort-haired Oracle,
started a hOWls3rjubildo.that gathered force
from the wintry blasts Of the season. Cr4i•
fy him 1 Banish him Carden of the Dts
patch,your words are as, false as dicers' oaths;
If in 'O3 it was'God-liko, loyal and advan
cing tho ends of justice to profane the family
hearth-stone,' or violate the sanctity 'of per
sonal liberty ) , how comes you were not then ,
in the "van ; guard of public ;, opibion;"- 1 :
'What makes tho,easo so sacriligeous in the
case of infant Alexander? 'lf acts. of vio
lence and rapine were a virtue five years ago,
by what now code : of' laws are we to know
'them to be dastardly and suspicious to-d 4?
"Lot the galled jiidelvince." Crawl to, the
bar ofpublic opinibn, Messrs. yellow-tan
carpet-baggers of jim Dispatch, and answer
for yOurpurnaliitieerimes—i.e."advance."
Bondsmen for the assessor, produce your
eleplkant,'elso pay into the public treasury
the amount, mentioned in , the bond.' We
stand upon our bond, must have the due and
forfeit. ' ' Mum
itrADll4O, Aug. 27.
. P. S.—Since Writini the. above, I have
just received from the sulphurous regions of
the Ku Klux, a' dispatch, which
Self t !beating the I impress of Pluto, coun-
tersigned by one Stevens. The is
a eopy literatum: . • ,
PLUTO liF4:—*-Fgllow citizens of the outer
world: lam in the strong Clutches of the
potent Ku Klux, in the pigeon hole of the
eattinie Stevens. Hear me for . my'. cause,
and you will' understand the reason of my
untimely taking off. . The founder of my fa
inily-Alex. I.—fell a violin • fin one of his
great endeaVers to bedome a liquor inspect
,I am'granted permission to inform the
legion of friends the. Dispatch claims for me,
that the capacity of my underfloor tanks, for
-the bettor Inspection of the juice of rye,were
by far tob largo' to 'minion' the modest de
meanor, on the mundane sphere, of your
late Assessor. In the regions of the mighty
Klan must I remain until the large under
floor tank bnsiness has leaked away. In the
'language of 11VolseY, one,of the' - old 'English
revenue inspectors', who is now looking dow4
upon me, I must bid you farewell, a long,
farewell ! - G. W. AuxAsm:a.
By 'order of his pigeon-hole keeper.
Maratei.s—Negroes ma a Rampage.
Sr. Louis, Ang. Leonard
and John Burns got into un altercation, last
night, when ti former stabbed the latter
with a bowie knife, inflicting Wounds from
.which he shortly after expired. Burns' wife
vas atio'stahhod ataitinstailtly killed.
The Colored State , Conventhin yesterday
pAsed resolutions declaring that in coisid•
eration of havipg fought and bled in defence
of dile Union, they demand that the word
, liiiitothe stricken from the State Constitu
,ti 'H , onattie caliired people - of MiB . so,ri be
giro a eltial rights and privjleges,helbre the
A Murderer to be Exongted
Fo;muss !kioxttoE, Auguit 2;.--A nogre,
'lamed:Harrison Young, is to be executed
to-day, for tbe : rnurd,er of man named
Wooten, itv)V.titivick c ount, YR., in 18611.
L_•-$ . q0;000 Pro in• St. LOuis
..i„*lv',.i. - •:. ',.! tdoiliff,.6l4o4 4 : : , : .
tf : • ' . ai t o , 1 MIA lOW LOIIVIIIMIii -'' ' . •';
,41 4 , -
qr It.- - :Wayini• its
ii breath 'ls
~ 'Llovr
*ld ;OAotig d rwise, Wheyiqs rmilcot; i
is satne Avid« ( i *ilk
spoons atOlati by Butier. T ,', aniMni , Ode,
past mlsdeedly praying .finflelftli . es( ?
Ail malt eitstence since iti blith3nd put*
have 41esefte4,the decayinkletitibliean , bOtly f l ,
IkaiiniftlitiytOt in treason and• tnicolistittl , ,
tionahty te'earry.ea• still greater. despotisn
up,on white Southernfreemea4 , Tba 1 ,41P1k.:
lilan party tins heeri denounced by Oak'',
Doolittle, Dixon, Cowan, ,Welles, General
hiving, - with hosts of ethers, nod oven tho Old
CoMmoner'eond6nned the "lOWr ithd spit-
it"-plank of the,Chicago Platform and spoke'
favorably of the *metalpolicy adopted by
:the Democratic' party. When sttch leaders
have repudiated, them own principles Wand.
Iwo , seen the error . of, their iyaysotla our
duty as DentocratstO he organized, circui t *,
doCuments ma - tidying; moral and political
truths, hold , Meetings and convert , sinnerti
who still tread ni the dust life,: liberty and
, . .
property. It is certoin.that Beast Butler is
not carrying out ).he' wish of..Liticoln in his
present and past behavior towards the South;
.Read the following from A.;' Lincoln,
: No.
vember 21st, .18U2, to 4eactil Shepley, at
NeW.Orleans :
"TO sends parcel of Northern men hei:ti as
repiesentetives,' elected, ei.'would be under.
steed (and perhaps really so) actlte point' of
the bayonet, would be disgraceful and nut•
rageous, and were to member of' Congress
here, I would vote against admitting any such
1111111 to a seat:" . ' ti
Hot ye traitors, what do you say concern ,
big it? Dare deny it? It is hero in black
• and white. :. How will you defend, in a on
stitutional way. the election of, the Carpet
baggers,? The misrepresentation of °mon.
timents of the South, in OA a 'Mintier ii,
overthrowing the great structure upo4 which
this government rests. Are yowl - tot t miters
,for power. selfish gain, spomis,/and'impre-,
cedouted despotism,?' lltul we not sufficient
rule of the party in:CoUgressl Millions cry
for rereogo I - Ivo' ma a meek and lowly
Savior-6 Prince of' Peace—a teacher of
charity, forbearance and love, and requested
Peter "put up thy sword," but at the present
nothing gleams hitt a lniserable. fiendish'
haired and malicious spirit.' This is one
principle of the Radical party under which
they expect to humbug the pooplii, and , under
which Grant probably rallies, but which will
be seattered,hy the votes of the pulpit; like
chnfl before the wind. Sail on with 'your
Grunt and Kaddlejleek banner! to jufamy:
You will be swallowed up in'a whirlpool and
sharks Alit feast on such stock. Yon are
doomed to diens "loil," as the fates have de.
creed. 'There is no hope •left. • The ft A
R. have eaten all their rations and arc minus
the $2000.00 received from the late soldiers'
Pair. You have deserted the Lincoln prin
ciples—you - .have deserted your God--you
have scoffed and mocked at religion—you
have exhibited malevolence, theft, eorrtip ,
tion and fraud, and yon epitaph is written i
"I - have
_died as 1 have lived, nn inglorious
career." - Filets as those from tho"chiof .of
the Raiticalparty, uttercirb3: - Lincoln, an
never be disputed. They are m political his.
tory: They must be raked tip like dry bones,
for:inspection. 'This infamous Radical, nig:
ger party must die. It cannot survivaits Mot
~ and its supporters must cringe , to the 'honest
yeomanry sentiment' f the, land. Dertiociate
'of old perks, I haVe been a :IVhig an ildtaterlyH
'a, Republican but I desire to see honest,
capable mid Christian men elevated to high
position. and theraforo, I will vote for Sep
Mom: and Main 'I have watcha - the notions
of the leaders of the - ,Conkasional rumps
with - our State and .61nt3t politiciadtf 1
have siftcd.tho principles upon whichtny old
party stood—lhavo Ought in every possible
way to reconcile myself to the old issues of
Republicanism, if they aye perverted for
Bel t•aggrandizement—l have prayed for devo;
thin to the old .landmarks, to which my an.
_caters clang and under which they hold of.
Gee,' but I will neyel, no, never, vote for it
man who bps no policy---who is not gifted
with the requisite qualifications for the Praiii•
dency=who -is , not possessed With a, kind
heart and generputi feelinga'toward all maM
kind-twho is not opposed to political trick
cry, moanness,< - passmiyand actuated, yen,
influenced, by the 'miserable grablkers niter
the public cribs, blaeltguards, editing differ.
out presses,: who are mortally. *Q'untted if
disappointed in themselves or friends not re:
caving office—and who is not
~ oPposed to
. ,
' corruption. .
1 want honesty and, intexity of purpose to
dwell in high stations—l want intellect, purl !
ty of heart and•magnaniinity to reign once'
'more as it did ero the:present corruptionists
received the reins of the. government. • I
,havo prayed for the preAiority of the govern•
meta anti it seems as if the vilest of the vile
had the trtidancy foi,thelast eight y'eers;
Loyalkv is played out. I used to sing it, but
1 have discovered it means nothing more than
corruption and a desire to subjugate thti
white men of the South, who rebelled; and
in -fact aro better Union men than' our loud.
mouthed, Northern bombasts; who stayed at
home and feasted.on greenbacks whenever
a chance presented. , •
, _
Aug. 28, 1868]j
Gen. Roseerans has loft White Sufpluir
Springs for ,Washington, address
of the ex-Confederate lenders. The address,
which will be published by the Democratic
'Executive Committee of Washington, is
signed by Lee, ,Benuregard, Aliniander IL
Stephens and others.
Commissioner Rollins has inhrueted Komi
of the detectives under the new Revenue
law to act as SuperVisora Juan the latter
officials eim be oppOinted.
The Georgia Senate hua, passed it bill post.
peeing the Savannah unlit .De
cember. 'ln the Georgia HotiSe t yesterday,
the eligibility of negroes to 'Vold office was
It is stated that the leading dry goods
firms of Now. York havo Agreed to Sell no
moro goods to, southern buyers, except for
cash. , *
A fire in Bethel, Ontario county, N. Y.,
on Wednesday night, destroyed $40,000
worth of property.'
The building • lti3 Bank at.; Now York,
Was burned yesterday. Tho loss is over
The Democratic State Cotiventof De
latvare inet yesterday, and nominatatßeit
jun-dell. Biggs, of New Castle, for. Congress.
A resolution Was adopted declaring that suf•
frage is a matter' to be regulated by the
Judge Underwood is in* Washington, s try
ing to have the Judiciary system - of Virginia
'One man was kitletband four were injured
by unthread collision near Holyoke, Blass.,
'An old man. named Dickey, was robbed
of $15,000 in U.' S.' bond's ,by a noted pick-
pocket, in a street car. neNew York, yester 7
day. , The thief was arrested •but the bonds
wete not recovered. . •
Harrison Young, ft pegro,, was' hanged at
Warviiek Court House, Vt., on Wednesday,
for the murder Of Mr. Wooten, , He protest•
ed his innoce*,'l and accused four other
!wen of the inurAr, three of whom glee in
jail, but refused to nanny the fourth, • The
'rope, broke; and 'he bad to be stispeude4 the
second tine.
• .
b . toismicirsT
1 A ; 49e , WI ,we te4ieniende&
,a44o.2.ifterth , u-tt
I,'A 8 ' ' AiliTte N Libi l ~,.1. ~ 1 c1 : 73 4 1:
s r,
IWO BM Rate ribßikksi ': A ill
ghoulAs Alt pla Bobo
4o to nursed as the drill tak '
Ono on, neat W oda oV)iptorablar 2a nokota
tall bo had of R. O. e tbard'..aselau Bdt obtattd a
Br 0..
,Blorr ..4 Barrow Hotel and - tho Saloon under
thaPca(Ofiloo. ' • - ' :'' aut. ZiAt
u A
wan, e
A Iktimayyt ott:
• Aosnestia .' i~~~,,~l~~+~ib ' rlc<~•
WOVEN"; "Ailif '.601101:-:RNIfiT1110
• , N,l .IEPOKRS4
For rake cheap ati •
•• • .13. — D A t 00S P •
• 745 Penn Street abets Seventh.
num. 2:1•21V t 3 r • "
• •It larPio
• . Tan . k
'I • ;
. .
SATCatriAy P:vENlsa, I much Do isas'
A cordial in*ilidiert ii extended to all lovers et
evert to bo present. • ' .
Dancing to corn nionve at 7 o'elook. A gOod Dan 4
of Musie bee been engaged for the *Aston. ;,
: - F, It. tiOODIIART. PrePrinlit.
nog 2:1-240* i•
--.2t_-.- ---- -- , --=- 1 -4—=-=
..1./Nolico is hereby given that the, hrtnershin
lately existing bettvßen Israel '. 'titte r and Deno
noville Itertolett ut Reading, a., under the fi rm
,of Maier &Rorie ette; IJederta ere was dissolved,
'.O the I'M day § Anenst,lB6B, by tiftual eonecni.,
1.11 the
owing t the tt4k partnere ip are to be
.ceired/ by, A. It. Dental) Eililutrio 521 ;Co Ni
aireet; Reading , and aI d I undo on the i gain /WV*
nersbtp are to 14 prcfentei to hint for Arent. ',
•• SRARG tl'R 'KM,
.111iltWO'Lla, rE 1 Y-' 1.
. ,
Aulenbrtoh's Hall. 608 rind 610 Penn SL
J 4. g'2I;AVAIIT,
- :Losieo and Atntiaffir;
or tho
written by J, C. Stewart.
k • '
Admission 2f penis ; Orchestra seats 35 eonts.:'
Clkildion Mots. Doors open an% eurtain , rlset!
at o'clock.
Don't forget the afternoon porformuncQ 01) 1.0 1 1
unto? afternoon at , 2 1 4 o'clock. nue;t7-t
All tlutt lorfo stud woll solooted stook of
. . . .
I . J
D 'lt Y. _ I Gr .0 . 0 D '8 ;
I Contained in thtikopular atom 0601 Neff, No 4 `
537 ronn,Stroet. in the Roadhq. '!
- will 14 Hold at.
Commencing on tho RE.CO/VD 1)A rOP SEP:t
.TEIIIII4III itext,'at 10 o'clock; A. M.,
'u nd
tinned until tho whOld stook id 801 d:!
The undersigned makes peromptory, sato 0
the goodsin tho,solirsto're, gml Morpharitt rumen
es others may find It to thtlit' intorost to attend th 6
sale. ' [ • `•
. --
-won song with
tbiD . and Inthorit imitates of geiMinO
enstile. Try tIdA spin( id Soap, Bold by tlof
AN.DEN O.IIEMICAL WOltli.l3; 48 North
Front ritypec t .lNlOndolphigh nu 7.6m0
1)11. 1.01.4f4',De 13AliT11
No. 211 North Nittih threat, Heading,
mig 201 in9t I
a utte og
sale a largo variety of Blank Books, which *II bg
acid cheap , R : 17151,149
To the Voters of Be t titS COusiti•
ELLOW-bliMMATS.—Eneetitegell by thi
4 very largo vote I received in the Denuterati
Convention of 18d for the nomination for Metric
Attorney for Berke County, which -placed tulle
the returni, (next to the successful candidatedani
for which 7 ant deeply graleffil, I Again Warm
self as a candidate for the office of District Attort
ney, tit the ensuing election, subject to the tlects+
ion of the next Democratic) Delegate Conventieni
Should I be successful in obtaining the titmliniti
Lion and Mlbsoquent election pledge 'oriel( td
discharge tho duties of the otlico with fidelity, in.;
tsgrity•and courtesy,
- Reading, July 20, ISM • tf
E heve s , been nuthortzod - to annouttee th
Air ,
y natno of I,lloltiel iit th
city of itoading t de n enn(thltthe for Aunt bly, sub,
Jed, to t the doeteiou of the Dernooratta DeletfAt •
Convention, aug
'PPP, OOUNTY 0011111/36,MIER, .:.!
VIVII have been authorized to niininipeo thti
V rpm, of William 8. Towel, as a condi.;
ditto for County Cotnutiesionot, sub cot to tho clod,
&ion of the Dcreocratio Deptiato nveetlett. ',
a Ertf . 1
r'on poUNTY.• A.UDITOB:
WE. HAVE been nuthorlicd to 'announce thti
11 fugue Of Wit,taAst H. BAUM of Hereford
Township, ao a candidate for County Auditor, sub/
Jed to 01°443°18ton of the next. Doineeratic Belot
gate Conveutton.
Iltrdird, August 1863.-td
for t
Director of
announce myself sea candidate
Director or the Poor, subject to the decision or
the Democratic Delegate / rule. If nominated and
electedi my whole endeaVor will bo to have 04 .
moo &waded ima Imam() and economical tenni
i 3
nor, - not b' lug committed to, any man or•partY et
Mil to carry out this or putt Wilhite° to the iti+
Jury of th tua-payerA and others concerned. ' i
Lower II idelberg, , Aug.'ls; 194 i
' f • • vi,
COUNTY coMmOmpsrat.
silo THE VOTERS 01 1 BURKS COUNTY.—Hair... I
1. ing been soliolted by a large stlimber or friends,
I offer myself as rt candidate for the office of Coup=
ty Oommusioner, subject to the decision of thq
Democratic Delegate tlonvontioo, end should I he
successful in obtaining the nomination, end be
elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties to
the best ofrray ability, and.protect the interests oc
the citizens of the county. ' HENRY SEIDLE,
Reading, August 17-to
. ,
. • •
OIL.T.OW DElllloCRlATS,—Eneouraged hY,
the very liberal support ` given me last. year b}!
the Democratie County Convention for Ibis BMUS
Legislature, and or which I tun very thankful, I s
avail' offer myshlf as a candidate for the saute
om..e, tintdee to the decision bf the next Demi),
.eratio Del ale Convention. If nominated and
elected, I edge myself to use every e ff ort to pro
mote the kes interests' of the agricultural; label=
ing and mechanical clams of the I) Oct. rind of
E td
the mars of the people generally, as , stir nail..
Itospe ctfully yours, '
, • 1., ' I. , A. 7. crik PER.
. .
a 9-tft
ilia Eagle llookatere, a large lot of pull BOok
J:,1) wAAT
ROOnalltra taui-Tonio,
fOrull ,61 404 ft of Ai
Wri'MOOlagApAktiNgegkit ' •
' • - s •
:•,• 1 j'
edtitp4o4 fotibot inatelliees (nr as thty
leinalit tortiod /wrath of • KOOttr Think Au
Bottle. 1 11 1 01101M y riSKA 'Dion hybis I°sllqt
:o4 um on ,Oeti rinoin o to'aouts.t4
- f. . ; •
11.00FLA.NDIS Oglitl4N'TONlO
• 14* loratstilitiot 01% Ott itAreAterttriottlis
tom w t Drat quality or , mato vret Alm
Orollgttao.4 MirilfosmosA Pkontont
re,ea form:oil et 11) r (Iffettd to ton I% itc
‘• those Prget fit eIOOLAO trentAkeltoli4
admlxturei wil lo
no wh9!kikite qbjeotop to 4e eeealg ui ti o
'of e Ilityorti l elated. int use
' They arti'.lioth equally 'good. and t ontala tit*
moo modielual vlrtuos. the °hole° llotweqn the two
being o were matter of taste, tho Tonio bolas th e
utottt pato t kobti l s. - .
The atonitie Not A 1;107 46f ClUAtly tot A i
Indigestion, Dyipopflo, orOus Debility, owl,
very apt to have its tonotioae demised. The Li
boyulpathiaing as elosojAly,ias ik dots eith
tounion, theft boootnol,vAlroOtO4l, thb mutt o f
ivhiett , j.s that the patyrit from lOWA' or
were orthe followlok tabas
ConNumptlon, • Vlatnlonrb; inward tllo, s . olltett
utllliood to the 'lead,Ztoidity , or the titelesolk,
• kilaatteit; IfeartbUttiii i Pisgst"for toed,
^ , neAs or , lleigh ‘ t titom A
aeht Our
• • ErttetatiOrte, htiti oor nuttering ' .
-44)1e Pit .of they toul o Kw loonies et
the ead.'ilutrieu or lli 001% . Brent hit*,
intgtO I,l4O ,l lVAttU r 101 V or tiutlotate.,
trig tioninittoffs *he lOW TroMieluets
.of Vision, Lot. Yeha Oro t
. igl(t.
rain' to re Hoed,' DetViehey 'or' optilto
dog; oilmen oft eillhia load hyri,•
Pain ih histsto i rk, mot, Limb.; ete,,
sudden Yitiehee ut, oat, Burning iu the klub.
ConatantAntagin.ngs of hvit , stud (Drat'
Lpprusiiiop of Si~klis,
Tito sulTorer from thedo diseases should enrolls
rho greatost caution in the selection of a 'Mundy
for'hilt emu, putehasingoonly - that which his, ill as
sured from his investigations and inquiries, pgr
scums true work's shill/ sdluPuttlidetl, is
tree from injurious ingrok/dicnis. and establish
ed fdr itself a reputation to the euro of diseases
In this connection wo would submit those welt
knoirn F,Maedlos— • ' • . •
11'00'r .t: A'Nll - OR 11.titkrilOtlio
wir Dn. 0. M s , J,l,oseat,lshliadOphla, PA
Thirti-five years bind° they - Wei° first introduced
into this country from ltorthany, during which Dine
they ht y° umionbtedly,iterfortned more cures, and
benefited sulfaing Thimanity to agreater client,
than any other retnedietknoWn to thepubllo.
Those remedies wilt of cure Liver Come
taint, Jaundice D_yspopels, Chronic or Nervous
ability, Uhronf j / 'D'art MHO: D isotwo 'of the
hinoys L mid all Isonees.l` arising from a Dir
ordered Liver. litOillaCt /001011100;
Running from fny °auto whatever; Prostriitlon
f tho tiystinn, Winced, byilevorti 14bor,
, '• ardships. lisposure, Fevers, &u.
' Thirtlis no Medicine extant equal by thebe raw
edlos in such oaeos. . A tong an vigor is !inpartod
to the Wholchoyern; the appotlte Is strengthoned.
food is enjoyod,4 estouiaoh' digests PA:itchy, the
UMW is puriflei , tho oomploxion becomes sound
and healthy, th i rellow tinge Is oradloatod from
the eyes, a blopi Is given , to tho cheek., and the
weak and nom invalid bcconics a often; and
k being.. ' • i I .r.
And fooling the• hand' of time wog In ficavi,l7 '
upon them with:all its attenuant ills fi nd 111
the UM of this lIINFALkiror tho TO 1., , on elixir
that will instil now life into their ye or restore in
aluotisure the Wimp a4d ardor of;m 1 / 1 ti scUthilll
days. build up their ;oaken forms,, and glv
heath and happincts . to - ! thelneitilining years,
- c; , •t,''. •
• j
It Ls a well establis circuit , tliotflilly ono-half et
) 1
the female portion o ou Lipulation are seldom in
the enjoyment of goo health. or to use their
own exproseion, " never foci -well. i- They •at
lac id, dovoid.of ph energy; eatrtimely norroae,
and Hata no appetite. 4.
To that class of Persons the Krilias t or the
TgNIC, Is especially recommended. • , •
• • • •
. ...
m, . „
Aro ailii strong' by the! UBO of ' pipet pf tneis
toititilles. :They will curo every eas'o 41 bfAltAtb
Ilithi, without toll. • '
, , .
' ThousatidS of certificates ' hair() acautoulated , ill
the hands of the* proprietor, but epadoWili allow til
the uublioation 01 but tow. Those, it will be pb
survod, aro men of note, and of ouch ettuicilail Mil
they roust bii. tiellovedt • ,
• Ilan. 'George W. 4, w i leeeswad;
`Chief,julico of theqiuprono bOtiri ? write,
"1 tend 110oflandin Beeman Bitters agood tonic
usoful In diseases of .
tho A digestive orgaka and o
great benotit in C1i119,11 ofti t debility. nod ; tkaut
netvous notton In the yeti n.
'Noun, truly_
• 0130. W. WOODWARD.
• From Aev, Joieph K. Kennard; D, D.,
Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Chute!), lialie.
Da. J.tomoott.--.l)Emt Stn:-1 have beenfreowent•
ly retuestod to oenneot. toy Homo Agi v tccoio
mon ations of di ff erent kindsof medic • but re
gard ng the practicelkr es out of-suy piroprt
ate sphere, I huvo in Mill oases declined/1 but
with a clear proof, in various instances!. awl partit.
utast)? in soy own family,. of tho toe of Is!. /I(sof
land'e (lomat' liittete.• I depart for once trout my
usual course. to
.express. my full oonviotion thet.fur
oturral debility ofthe *Mem, tind espesktfly for kfcter
vonlida int. Oil (11 (And valuabte preparation. , In
some cases it inay nil; but usually. Illoubt not t it
will -be very bonoticial to those will:4oer from the
above causes. • .
' I Yours, very respectfully_
J Eighth. NNARD.
bolow Coates 81.
lion. James - Thompson.'
Judgo of the Supremo tourkof iennsylvinis.
- r. • . PippitompidAiApril 28,180. ,
clinaider Ifooftand"a Ilitteys a yaks
ble tvflirinqin cn4o of wool pr indigeotiOn or
pepsin. I can certify tuts trim my exporteueo olit
• Your with siteeney •t •
Front •Itov°. M),
&militant LditorThriatien Chroniole, iinde r haliti
J. havn.derived decided boon. (tom the, use os
Ifooltand's Uerviati /Sifters, nod reol It .MY 1.9101eM
to recenispend thous de 0)06t, VOlllllOlO Whit, to all
who Aro aufferieff groin 'amoral „debilitY 6 or' froia
diseasos Orlisingyosn dorapiroicent, sir theliver. •
Youre, truly, '
C:A 1111.0 N •
L German, Ileinecties arer , cortnteirtited•
See Viet the signature - flora. bf.JAUKSONiion
the wrapper ofeaobibotr.ll*r. , All °there Art coun
Prinetpiaee and iiiintilltelory, ai the eremite
Bledieirko Store, No. 601.firch Btreet,P , biladelphlk.
CHARLES M. :EVA.Mi3 I : Propi:loo§
Formerly a
' • PRIOR. -1
Billera,ke t i t tre em;
.; it ‘,
Hobilatufe Germari Tosti.,'tiut up ftPatiiirt botilek
$1 60 per lifittlo. OA ha!! dun iv,s7 150. -.
intDo not foiled if examine well the ertlele yet
buy, in order to get the 1011U1110. "
Draggifitei :An& ` S torekee per
.• •
1 *N x. t
, 34.14. •• 1