Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 27, 1868, Image 3

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    k 2tl
'CITY : it
DI 0
, Tee _lx grout OtrAftr—, Litt Of I4i uig
YOUItO ate enthely draleetkof their beet, attd
be has 1 1 x; ot,teesikedliteirtgar -
be at, hie weitylle*lfl i '''
---Ap Oran:4ore
on the grountaX thr
popular. wiey ebmi
le not
a tiro, to enter lonfrii
niture.--The di
lifeep, and annoy Mel
sheild be thinned Otll
the is worth keepini
howl and bark all qi
of the mangy aura
of the prominent owl
torney ntthia county
handsome walking
big, by Mr. 8. T. Ads
Now is the time to In
of tomatoes if you
Blair badges for sale
6 up to 20 cents a)
sometimes resemble(
ed Jonah; I:orhe talc
Wont of the water.
ran up Fift street h
biting at cv ry.cur n
-eh, , A 101
his reach,-- r: -, ~_ 4irgo - lot Of B,ollooi`boo4ll
Just received at the gAOLE hook store..-- 4 --
i'ull house at the Theatre Combine last night.
----7----Ileop skirts go to be a•little larger
this fall and winter, straight in front, with'a
gradually slciping Wait at, the back.--A
large, number of people loft the City this
suornhyt (of Llliz, where the,;Familyplo.nis.
"takes prace;- , --t---What is the'diffeidnee be
tween a honeycomb, and 4honeymoon,? A
honeycomb •consisti.ota number
.`of small
"e;ells," and a honeymoon consists of one
great "sell;- - -Matq people are fishing
along the banks of the Schuylkill now-a-days.
7- " Now l , then, my heartiel, ), said a gal
lant • captain t "you have a tough' battle ho
t* you. Fight likeheroes till your powder
is gone, then run I I'm a little lame,, and
I'll start now." The ifoiesaid captain is n
prominent member • of tho "Yoanyun Leeg," ,
' of this city.---4he martens have WM'.
Melleell'whoeling - itito flocks 'preparatory to
their departurSto a more Southern climate.
The frost and cold are not far , in the future'.
The Court Houso was well Mod yak
tardily with the mad browd of hangers-on,
and others, attracted by• a morbid curiosity,
Peons wishing to be naturalized wilt
apply tollie Court, on Monday, August•filat,
that being the day fixed by the Court for that
purpose... 7 .--rMc:weather centimes wink.
sultry-Slid sweltering. The predictions of
the . weather-wiss, that we would have a cool
August have have not, thus far, been verifiedt
- `---liarrow eseapeslrom being,run over
are made daily, at the now depot, on the , ATI
rival of the different trains, and it la duo' on'
ly to the de of officers that ,niany a Bfe , id
saved.r —To create an excitothent, catch,
a rat, with a terrier at hand, and let the dog
give chase , an, (Vara It,, , A crowd soon
, colleota to enjo the , sport... Because a
i r
woman ran aga inst a man, laid oVoning, and
&wank, he did not apologize for, the lady's
carelessness, he ; was,called 4 "brute.'! Poo
I" •• ' ' •
't . . ,
/4 " - t r k i t y l
& 1.
Vitire:,rettilLbi„ EL S.
All V - 2t
111011 IS IMPORTANT To VAnusad.-4-Juat re•,
colved.and for ode by S. Stiehtey, 505
Penn Wein, White Weevil J:, t..
White Mediternanean aced wheat. TBt.
To get, an' extra good • article Of
Polfsh, 18 an °Meet of irriportaiiee' to bongo
keepers, and the pine° to get it is at john
MoKnight's Hardware store, Third and
Penn' streets. ' -
Tug Dispatch Says one hundred .Plunder•
ing Lazy boaters were initiated Monday night. ;
We saw the "crowd," and .wb can't imagine'
how they scraped up "ono hundred," unless
they used Bno•toothed combs,
Is the Prices of piaures there's been a re
action, The cheapest now taken give most
satisfaction. .Bixteen—phottigraphs for ono
dollar, at Yeager's ()slim, 4881 Penn St.
Mfg. 26.
Or the Philadelphians . presents at the la•
dies' pio-nio held on Monday, at : Loner's
Park were F: W. Thomas, Jr., editor Phil.
adolphie Avis Ares#, and Mr. IL 'Bohnlidt,
of the German kvenfnp'Post.
soNatiour.—lito. ,Ston g orbund,
which comprises all the seeleitea east of the
Alleghenies, will hold a fest at Baltimore
next year . ... An we learn that thelfamner
cher of :Williamsport intend 'inviting the
societies to participate in a grandleast they
intend giving the Mewing year.
"IT is ascertained; by. weighing hay in the
mow July, and - cut in February, that 010
shrinkage amounts to abp•ut twenty-61RM per
cont."L-Dispatch. •
Hay cut in February would be earioeity
in this part of the country. Quoits our neigh
bor of the Moors learned farming under the
Equator. . , • - - ,
Tobias Part° has 'cellected4roin. our citizens
over Six Hundred, Dollars, Which subsoil).
lion he has difitributod among the twenty
carpenters who were the sufferers at the
Garet & Mast tire, for tools. Such h work of
tract charity is highly comnitendable ' and
worthy of all praise.
TO ADVERTIBIIIO.—It occasionally ha p• '
pea that an advertisement is unavoidably'
crowded out of the Emu by a press of local
or other'news matter. In such cases 'lstria
account is kept, and the full number , of in
sertions Will be made aiterweide, so that'
advertisers will suffer no loss by an occasional
omission of the kind. .
PEh t eli growers who have extorted our
mohey of late years can't do it this fall.—
They have ao peaches to sell while while apples
are so scares that a barrel' of good eider vin
egar will be something of a euriosikv.
Withmi,t good vinegar restaurant keepers
can't:expect to sell raw (late& For this,
reason ley every enterirising dpaler 'east
abont for a sure suitor y supply.'
. . _
Would tall th attention attenton - of sOr r?ad?
erg to the'adyektieementinrOthe columq,
ortM) gogo4 or Eityliiiid 844, gold tkr
Alden Uhengeol. Nireiks t .voyle
NVTopt argot;
,Phili6lolll4. tihis um) j*
said to be L eitnal., to the old repte, soPilktl
strength with the lathering qualitles'a pure
Castile, aud!ie therefore Jest the kind. to use
for faintly Iroshing, •
4napail- ! the great Astrologist !
"Come thou towlat I have to 817.
You think of Ins come Mare uar."
Describes the poison who loves you; never,
fails. Is crowded and still they come. lay
rep,* of many I will rimairt this week;
lonm, Residence at Miss Tyson's, ‘,144:
!Synth tierenth street, - •
pu 24-sr, • ' titoaan HAIM.
ill itioli=T2o me*
Atterebei of Phi
4 1 01 1 1,- On Tuesday morn- ing - 44.INvocuinilto,rhiladelphia fait
: . 80 4 trkitt,? • ; Thefstoppetst
• tins* Seienth stitet s betireen
FraillilittY•and Chestnut. : The proprietor,
Mi. Rudolph Heintz., accompanied by some
Meads shiaved the visitors around. • They
visititethe rnilims public places in the city,
•aeid..;tbe 'White ffonse; • Mineral spiings,
Andalusia Hall, 404 in tie . suburba.• They
lid a pleasant time nod enjoyed themselves
hugely, Before leavjni4 they.presented
Ilieintze with the
' . ' Exettesstok oiqnsxxs. • •
The 13t. -;Paul's Ifienr k trebor of Philadel-
Ohl herewith • tender to their boat, • Mr.
R.Heintze,proprietor ofthe Jefferson House,
their most s inters thanks' for the kind re •
caption and attention to , their wants, which I
be extended to tho Society of his own accord s
and 'we wonld retoinntend his hotel to all
societies or private, persona.
• .ABancsvtx,
• - . &mu YOIROES s
- ' , 'FL 861E10E0AL
' • • Coramittee.
been informed that the St.
Pnol Singing lusi been only receoly
• organited, but they have already attained. a
Itigh degree of extellencein the execution of
olabortite'cliOrusea•tind 'Songs: '
POT 4 )1,
~0 a ~..: ~
- , • 4
The Plowing prslnedorganizatio`us will hold
their regular stated meetings , this (Tituas
4SAY) riening : • i
\ 'Reading Lodge No. 045 1.0'.. of O. T.; at
iance Han ...
p ,.. • . .
`Win g Lod •o N. 3 T
48, . 0 1 , of 0. F., at
Pellowe Ha 11. , ,,;•
Roadin Council No. 40, 0. U. A. M., at
4( 1 44 idli Penn street. : ... ,
F ,
i i
Tonto ge N'6,.•59, t. O. of 0. ~
Ida ql Ope,lloll. . , '
lhlenbe Lodge, A D.. O. 11., at ite4-
Hall; Pe h`street. '. ,- - ' ' '
trim Ciro . No. 20, B. 1.1. 1 - nt Brother
4U. Bell:, .. • , ,
ail • Lodgello, 4-Masonic Ladies, 703
%trod.' ' '''-.
netry . Lodge No. 108,.1. 0. •of 0 . F.,
rg. IP
~ ,
8 lc
hood t
• A
Penn t
•ADV . riawn,t4eoplewlil
Ilse aro kunarter .Aan those - wi:o ,d,?rtt7—bet
ter loolting, too, nine in
This i s natu, , -
ral, if not Fogteat. Advertudatts an indica
tien of intelligence, and Intellioneo le one
Of the lending elements of goodluok. At all
events the world believicin those ovho
yertise,and it plants its dollars in thitir po c k ,
eta. 'Butkus live penplei,and ig these live
ly days nobedtwantsanYthing to do With any
but your lite men and women, Our advice
try everybodY,-t-eoebt in matrimony—is to
advertise. :14,113 mire to ..returi: 1r
crease 06 ioPutatioti , aii a
melee hosts of fdends;and add
of shrewd'end'sittelblo people 1
Which there has IRver yet hien
Finn FOR FASI I Daiwa).
master Arid John / Knoll each
a team The former drivea
the latter four. They haul.
thinks a owns the*thin's.Oh
day atleitioon,'etimingdoWit
gother,,they,eotteledefla bee fr
waiter a race ; 9onts:Cd,
Mit' , 'Arrivin,e' A :MAI
AtittOdltO thit - thofb
40, streets efttkeilleniishing toi
were ttot cogStreetetilbr **AAR
Lea efee of the polteOvetionli
They were escort/ t l t
to an swer, the ,oh sitclseatingihe City
Ordnance against sat' rivutg. Each tfas,
,hued and,.diseharge4. 1,
.1 ; - ' '
, .
i &COlDNNT.—A r elderdAy worn, ngthe trestle
work in.(ront of a furnace, oat hs Baia Peat)..
railroad, gave warwhile ;some loaded coal
cork were being placed upon it: ' Dotvn went
the cars n distance of some twenty feet,4o
f t
Old 11111)i . Or earth. Alonuwith • them also'
wenith front'bralciiman, Mr. EManuel AbeL
Ito , sus hied slight internal injury,'seieral
,outward lonian, apd had tho palm of his left
•hand Sevproly cut-Vid pikkof the , flesh torn
I S.' ini A.—All 'tee oriloi the JiMior
Sons of Anierlca, who ish to, paraciptite
in tho institution of anew eafdpoNeri4l-
vale, Barks county . , two requested '',tce m49V
at the Ohm& of the tastitation at tho eveniq:'
hour on Friday, August 28,, 1808., By o
der of • ) , . Isnat.4 OAPsa,:f"
1 . a 27.2 t .. - - 0011110 'Posidoet.
. •
IN accordance with tho itandinq.rulea of
tho Board of Controllers, the pubho sehtols
of this city will ro•open on ilfonday next.
' City pnporiPtendont.
would Call attention to.the advertieo
menFof Krider ac Co., in another coluniti.
They are thelnautifaeturers of Dr. SU:everts
Toole Herb Bitters, the most c'elebrated bit
ters now in the country.
• •
. _ .
MAN Sttg, Machine Cotton, ,M.
chine Needles, Press Patterns, etc., can al ,
ways bo had at rrsoN'e f No. 882 '.Penn
street. , -I - aug 2243 t, '
PAurre, oil and building tnateriale - will be
found cheaper at J. : L. Stichtoes than at
uny other bowie in Reading. j 18-tf •
FAR • and near throtighout the Wholo
'Country, the newspapers teem with the V/911-
derfal cures performed by Dr. Aussell's
Magnetic Oil. GO eta. and 44,00 per ,bottlo.
American Heim°, Reading. [Bug.
Tin; Great t the ,Oa to tho Onlrreliable
remedy. for. Muitimatisin, Neuralgia t Lum
bago, 13pfains atid'Sraisca l filtielled
Stiff Joints, SpreTbroittlN fitui pain of any
sort and frotri any cautie, is,: Pa. RucsELL's
Magnetic Oil. Wets'. and,. $1 00 per bottle.
,Anaorican House, Reading. [aUg. 18.Iin '
It. our friends will use preparations (or re
storing gray Bair they should use the best in
the market. Our attention has lately been
Called to an article' which has tmeatensive
sale and a very , high repatation f known as
Ring's Vegetable . Ambrosia, and we 'are' id
dined to think that it possesses More dears
ble and . less objectionable qualities than any
other in:the Market: It restores gray or'lp
(led hail- ' to its :original color in aAost
pierkable Iniuker,'AtA by, itit "intigoratiag
Aga imothitig kclisetiteareinoves,all dandrug
find liuniora rfrolohe scalp' Give it.ftll4'
AftYflu APPO Fait toll A it.;
AR. Wu has just reopiyqtl a Istrga tot cif ppre, fresh/drugs
medleines,. of all
Ituids. These who desire the pure article
(sad who does not?) we -would,adilse them
to go His prices are , reatiOnable,and
he waits upon all , lus custoiners in a prompt
acid gentlemanly manner. Allprescriptions
ate put up in the' aniSt eakeful . -mkurker, and
there is \no dauger , .of any miitaltes in=
,'fists '
• The Doctor. s t s *0,411 kia,of toilet
articles for ' sik
washes, soaps,
brustis, &c., &c. •
ti aiembei~ the plaeo:---No. 1 North
street. • • wig 21.-I—ar.
- -7*
Sun tisi~ 6 271 Sun sets 0 83
Days's length 13 hours 00 ininutes:
Thu • y,
SaFrtur idei
•D. L.-4t. T/.e of D. L. Whit°, meet Fifth, 8 No.
3. Important.
Fermat's Theatre Celue continues to
draw erowt)s. •To-night. azeppa l or The
Arild Horse of Lauer's Park, dances, songs,
burlesques ' ete.
Masnony's 'Varieties in full tido of sue
'coss. Fiyst appearance of Mr, Miles, the
great come singer and Old man personator.
Master Jartiella, the celebrated trench dan
cer and comedian, will positively appear on
-Monday next. Cool lager always on band.
a ims O'CLOCK P. MI.
STAYS OF ' , 71910103141'6114
/ A. M. , ' 2P. 11.
70° Si° .
GO° 87 0
68° 87°
68° - 89°
0 • 0
TIMM BlltTllB.—Avorrespondtint in Rob
esania, sends the folloWing account of an
incident in that neighborhood : -
Dr. , 4acob 8. Ammons, of Robesottia,
wail called upon on, the night of the 24th
inst., to visit hlri..Yohn Amnon, of : lfeidel-'
borg. During the night his patient: give
birth to gam living chthlrow.. -- ()nowt them
has since died. The Doctor, who perform
ed his dittyArith much skill and success,
says the mother and two children aro doing
very well . ' This is the first case knoWn of
three children at a birth in this vicinity.
SPARKB.—paring and after the conflaga
fion in Carpenter ,011ey on Tuesday after
noon, large sparks of fire were carried by
the breeze several &pmps., Large ciriderS
were- picked up in some of the yard& north\
of Penn street, that had been borne from the
burping buildings. We would suggest OM
whenever a fire Occurs one of the ocenpmits
of enoh'house within the reach of the sparks
ascend to the roof and keep a lookout for
the flying fiery particles. It is a matter of
self-interest te.each one7andmore ; he may
save liis . neighbor's property` from burning
in yesterday's issue that the house of Mr:
John Hassinger, in Carpenter alley,. a fow l
doors distant from where the fire occurred,
was entered and robbed dt $2O in green-,'
- hire boon informed t i o t- the
family were away
_from home et the time,.
and the house was broken (wen by the scow
drel on semjndrels. The whole house Oa
ransacked, furniture misplaced and injured',
and all the drawers and clesets searched, no,.
doubt for valuable articles th at Gould 'be
.eitsily.carried away. There was no excuse'
for entering the house, ad it had not caught
We. have also been i n formed that some
piing fellows, who, by/the way, da not be
long to the fire departaient, chopped up the
bedsteads of Mrs. liiikert and threw the
pieces out of the 'window ! While the fire
was raging. They, either did not know what
they were sloing, JO their acts proceeded'
.from -
Tf thii:badte ayStein were adopted we be
lieve all such outraiestis the above mention
'ed would be prevented. The fireinen i who:
have a tender regard for their honor,- are
anxious to have the authority to Use the eye
teml.and we hope Coimeils Will act in the.
'matter at their very next metitin4, ,and grant
it to them. The bfiremen's Union had the
badge question up at their last meeting,
when it was resolved, if we have been cor
rectly informed, that if the City Councils do
not pass the _badge ordinance, they will rip.
ply to the Pennsylvania Legislature for a
special law, 'similar to that passed for the
Philadelphia fire department. .1
of yesterday a false statement appeared, viz:
—that Deputy U. S. Marshals Sharkey and
~Gordon loitered around the,city until 10 o'-
clock at night before arresting Col. Alex
, The •facts are as follows : Mr. Sharkey
was in town all day on other business, , but
had no warrant. Mr. Gordon came up in tho
late train with ia warrant, and arrested Col.
Alixtinderas soon as hiikould find him. He
did so in order that Cpl. Alexander cou ld
get his security ready to go down at 7i o'-
clock the next morning.
COL Alexander and J. H. Jacobs, Esq.,
asked for time till 101 a. m., and promised
tho Marshal on their word of honor that no
advantage should be taken of the favor, but,
that Col. Alexander would be on - hand with
his security to go down at 101 o'clock
By inserting this correction you will oblige,
parties who only
-ask for JUSTICE.
Reading, Aug. 26th 1868.
issue of last evening, 0 comm nication ap;
peered over the cognomen of "Justice, "
stating•that I had given my word of honor to
Major Gordon, U. S. detective, that no writ
of habeas corpus SIIODIdiIe applied for in the
matter 6f the arrest of Col. Alexander, but
' hat he, the Col.,
,should go to Philadelphia
he next morning in the 10:80 train. Thus
ar "Juatice" was correct, but ho either was
utterly %norant•of the whole facts in the
case, or intentionally meant to deceive the
ptiblie z and bring odium upon me. The
facts, m brief, are these:
• On Monday evening about 10 o'clock, Mr.
Sharkey and IU. David Gordon camo into
my office and arrested Col. Alexander: I
was not then acting as his counsel, nor had
J been for two maths past. • As a friend I
!asked that time be given him to consult with
gr. Hoffman r his attorney, and to arrange
with bis bail, and I gavo4ny word of honor
that no proceedings should'bo had to inter
fere with the Col's. going down as per
Agreement. At Midnight,' loft my office, and
the 'Akers, ritid"went home—never dreaming
but Whit the arranged and understood plan
would be carried out to the letter. To .my
utter luitonishment,hen I went to ,my of
fice the next motnin i a
writ had been taken
out, and Alexander
iiiout, rel4ased on bail. I
know nothing of it ulitll it bad all been done,
°I-10116%11d have insisfed.upon the arrange
wont being carried 'out ip good 'faith. Mai.
Gerdon has since informed' me tliftt'he 401 i
exonertitOs me from all 'censnce. Mt. Hil
;pan !pow nothing of Ty having • given MY
ivp,r4, and n lid had not given his, he acted
upon his own hdgment. Col. A. also in
forms ma thattii.did ntsf know that p,' writ
bad been taken out until l it was served; . and
simply followed the instructions Obis coun
eel. John T, Craig, Esq.', and Henry W.
Bland, .# student in mrotlice,can filly vouch
for the truth of this statement—so also will
,Jacob Hoffman, Esq., and Co). Alexander,"
'I Make this explanation in justice to myself,
when I g ive niy wird 4 never break it: /.
Respectfully .yours, /
, .
, , .., •J, IL JACOBS, 7
Aug. 27,'68.
634 Court street,
SUBSCRIBE for the Futoit.
Cot : -.le aitteetaiS.thejoryi is, t e
CIO Le. ,ale* 'I at non td-14:
in entire do. The eh**
`Pr thN
wes delivered et 2,o'cluck this
&nem* 'Ar the ease was not. et:lncluded
before' thi issue of this paper, the report .is
toin d 4 erred Until teleurrow. :‘
KR..; A TIRI. Sk;itisnrcit, agent for the
ClevettiMrLightning Rod eaitukatiy, while
riding atopg North ' Ninth street in a buggy,
this morning, Ma horse took flight and ran
away. Re w thrown out of' thiCartiage‘
and severely tinted in the aide; beside re.
ceiving other mor bruises in various parts
of his body. - The horse ran down Ninth to
Penn, and do .Penn to Seventh` street,
,where he war!
t, eptured. At Ninth ahilWask
ington streets he broke the shafts 'and tore
away from th vehicle. Iwhich • was found
there standing fa the street in a demolished
condition. , .
QUICK' Woßt.—Jolla Kelly is ono of the
light-frogsvd gentry, alto tame
to' this city yesterday.. This meretng he paid
a visit to the Engle hotel, , corner Seventh
and Spruce streets. While the 'proprietor,
Mr. Igdward Sands, was at breakfast ho took
(Kink a closet in, the bar room .a coat And
vest, and disappeared with
. his booty, Me.
Sands, upon dtscovering h ip lee ; eitiufbr
mation-at Police headijutirters and the tuat
tat' was placed into the Iliad.* of °fleets
Goodhart and Clay. They ,foundtho miss
ing articles at a broker's shop in Seventh at- ,
and the, thief is the saloon and the Whi te
Horse hotel, corner Seventh' Bed Peutt eta.
The accused was given a !tenth*by...the
Mayor, imiaedititely, and 'committed toiailt
to: await a trial at Court, in default of 500
bail:. The nicest walk made and eiti Int(
found within an hour after tletfnformation
had boon lett' at the Mayor's office. •
Two men wore drowned by the - sinking of
a boat in the Delaware at Lutaberville,.4
A railroad train collided with a hotelier's
cart near "Boston on Tuesday, and • three cars
/bro throwil front tho track. No one was
seriously injured. The driver of the cart
was asleep at, tho time. . ' ,
Three New York th' 'veS havebeea arrest
ed . in Bu ff alo, and 11,000 in gold certia ,
cafes Stolen from. on. Robert 3, Walker
were found in their possession. 0,
The South Carolina Legislature elected
eight Circuit Judges, yesterday; , ex•_(leveri
nor Ori being one.
A. bill has been introduced in the (herm t. it
Houso'‘of Representatives- to establish . a
police force.
Tile Tennessee House*has passed the will.
ilia bill. It is expected to fitil in the Aenate.
The 'President has issued a proelematimi
constituting 'Sake the port o(entry !for tho
now collection distiict of Alaska, subject to
the.legulatio 4 \ ns' preseribed by act of. Cow
rap. .
to l'ennessee Legislature, on Tuesday,
a bill was repOrOd creating a Board of Fi•i
nonce, with power to 'pay the deb 'of-the
State. A bill was also reported for, arming
theinilitia. ,
The President has appointed Pert Fuller
Collector . ef•Onetonut at , Neker OtteaiotOilce
Kellogg, resigned.
A i ' ir
Resolutions were introduced n t he , laout
inns Senate on Tuesday, for the appointing
of a committee to investigato'eherges of,
corruptiou agalPst thivernoriWarniouth and
certain members of the teigtelature. The
resolutions were tabled—yeak 10, nays 8. '
James • Mann, \ Democratic Congressman,
from Louisiana, lied yesterday, of em6es
tion of the brain. , ': , r
eon. -Buchanan has :turned over the con
trol of the Freedmen's,ltureati in Louisiana
to Gen. Hatch. '
\lehas. L. Elliott, the artist, died at Albany,'
N. Y., Tuesday evening.
Thc Governor of Ohio, has appointed
commissioners to prevent the spread of the
cattle disease in that State.
The cattle disease continuos at Cincinnati,
and is causing a diminntio lt in
tion of beef and milk. ' 1'
Inapertantilrom(*a. •
llsvmlA, August
,25.—The. Captain Gen.
of the Maud of Cuba has notified all Con
awls that passengerts arriving from abroad
not provided with passport by the pro
per Spanish Consuls will not be allowed to
land, but return Whence they came, unless
they own estates ort the island or can give
sufficient guarantees for their conduct while
°nitwit), Aug. 20.-:—Near Freeport, last
night, ado was placed by Some miscreant
across the railroad track. A freight train,
laden with hogs and wheat, 'nits thrown oir.
Tho engineer, John Wood, wpe•hilled, the
firemen badly .injured, and, Many, hogs
Slaughtered. •
The Democratic Wigwam at .Detroit fell
\yesterday, fatally injuring David Meek, and
nounding several others, Including F. S tan-, a well known citizen.
Anotbei Mordeir In Arooklyn.
NEW Yong, Aug. 2G.—On Monday night,
Thomas Cunninghanit, aged 19 years, 'wile
intoxicated twice assaulted a German !Mined
Constantino Dunden*disteli who out an artery
near Cunningham's left temple Cunningham
died on Tuesday afterroon l and Bandendisfel
was arrcsted. The deceased was a barkeep.
er. He did not Apeall anintelligible word
from the time he was Wounded.
Firomow DEMOCRATS,---Encouraged by
the veryliberal suppoit given mo last year by
the Democratic! CountY 'Convention for the Bute
Legislature, and for IMO I am very thenkfql, I
again offer myself as a candidate for the mule
office, subieet to the decision of the next 'Demo..
crate •Delegate convntion. : If nomtoted4
elected. I Viedgemyseit to use every et ent° ' 7
Mote the best interests of the ;Agricultural, la or
lug and wohaßlcal dames ofitho I rid,: an (4.
f 4
*the mos a --
lb° pookle generally. as Litividuals:
a o,iti nollpetetnally yonni,-.t0., wd - •
, sourer
/ 1 , 6 KEThili.”
CONSTANTLY ON HAND a larjte assortment
of d the beat Cabinet Ware. All sultsidquilabor
Furfiture. also Parlor suits and s • -
latge assortment of CANN SBA.
CHAIRS. Best • hair and hus k
Mattresses: Persons 'wishing to
Ourchage, would diat well to call an exatilue our
stock. • D. H. BRIDBMAN.,_442 Penn Seltutre,
i 4lso, agent f or the celebrated Florence Loot and
Root Stitch. Family Sewing Machine.. (sp2 E swill
• • Wear Penn.)
s3..cbantra moderate. .. „
A. S. kasTsiurt'
ans,W tt
TEL -0171MitelatY.
, Fatal Accidents in Illinois.
10,11:11011(yO1E IVAIIE. 110611 C,
• •
- .
~ ;4 " , ...
- ^-A "
•4 A "--iv A
•-,, • t"V' TW
•; • - , •'.' 3; :A;44.ii rtit 0 1 ';'
• r.
' , :‘;'' . :!ligii*fai,4*#ltioV
41. 1 rt OKEI
(foneettA, Backwitekt4
HAViliojtoutt rookositAltat
Ni 11)". itst r tg. ' 44**Ji i
v4klron elk`
rlit l rl i k Ito 4 -14 Oa • he of
entettstmitents for ylotit t kloke• s tttd,
Free Concert Eveqr gypping
Melting tietintnatios of the petrOnoge of an
oppromiating pub' thou* ••
•, • , • Vets Itospeet&lt i
piellealen 41611111 010011111Vir , The
riettiOetilitie gob of Comoro *lll meet en& t
ny evening. at cloak. AT %Wm pe‘llo
hoes. of Wilson 8 wollser. vett sauW owl.) ft
eleetloo for *Nom of the ie to to bola. All
the flonioevits of the Ems tp• orst eorocitly ror
oneatot tn.DO oreimont. midteases will be • deltver
ed In t o Entll4l gni, thrown bpirttem
• WILLIAM B. Aiminclur,6e_ ! ,
JOHN DFIVZSL, See. ay& Id .t Wit
1868 v summEß. 1868
olign Spic4 : l4t . ook oP
To-morrow morning, ot , . A
' I t.) „ ;
' NO. { 543 NN tititlniPro
sor Livt 0.:• On I;etrt,,.
Rio Stbok of
Were the City of
will be di'epoied uf et pr',.
low tbose'cf any rack
~ tabliebreent in tbe:
Gentlemen's Clothing made to order
Boys', Clothing constantly hand and
made to order:
The Stook of Virniehing
the beet and !neat extonelVe In the ' "
City. Call, p ee and satisfy
t,, • • , • .
The mere fast of harlat thisenlocs of the Role.'
;touted 'nutter. Mr. Lori 0. Coleman, bl sufficient
guarantee that all carinenta will be made up In the
best style and latest fashlcal. Remember
Headquarters. .of ashion I
may 15-111
,' '
• THIpA 4ND, I , t .
Stya(o.!;' , , ; ;
44 ,71•1'
1102101$ 1 1 0'0AVElitl*it'i'ili ~I ~
Me n 4
VIINEOPOOA‘ will ir SI '' ii',
mmt Wit t olio et.... 4
the City 0 ; 4 0 1% , fr.,
mains noutl y . jvci
rift fornt, , ,
~ st
an al % ilpia,! v . - 7 ,- . ~T :
4eci ariliftZtiquithe e t' ' ''' ''
Of uillsk Met. '. l " ' - i - i ' •:,°,-- l '• z i!` 4:
y 0 00. of um 90m100,02,00„, claw-
OAS tol '- - • ',..: "Nr. 414 . . f , ... 4!!'t:
, .
M 4 weitRANTED.
. AT
i I
•, ) ,
i',4,4114, Ott *AA IMO*" : - •
s i
ti if
.'i . 4-;45.' , . \tvqs::r - .'
„ 05 17 5 4 ' -
~.... it - Pc , -
- • .. - ;:.'' , !. -- r - ;i: , -'•', 4'.. :. ,- --. Ala , •
.14404,1.. -m _ 711N:'t.
&max 411ii , pm
IMAR ‘STAX-lent( GOOD:0 L 8
my rzw, zigorit
Sat,DDIAT, p ao., 4., lie:
' -
':: 40•112
* 4 g - • • '
qi i riniVltAbr, PA.
—9.1 4 4 '•, .l '
~k a' , '. ~ = ~l
1 ~ ••~ •'i{i'
Q. IL /om%
sok' a., beam* iflultmgim Trattitet,
OSi i rtro t ri ° -
atatirmai «tit vont oi
M l = la T ,O=l: • air. °in
' 3 4 =
Wirigiv°6ltraitaits:zy jt a:CAC .
tin *taßit
yrifi. 1 4 , IN IDURILIk
. r.
Ihenantaid to
No. its prwitik s piiith Ntiro4 4 '';
Wikerestk i i i i e lV t lttglislia & i ;
Tr! .
Zi 1 1 It t t s a :
tr tPrig 64 11111 ,!, 4l', ,• .' ,
'IRON ' Roatii '.'ilititi
.. Liiiihk.iinofnutippati.' ~1 4
COUit *llitY; ' SIOW, ' **hit . 1 ' Street.
' (riiibso`raiottiiii*eiviirV Prariiki*ti) '
1 e
to AV OT p ARID *AriND l am b 't
yg ,kr n # r 'DlV'''. nr i Tl f i l i
, 1b IN ;-! 's o 1 rithirti
141 * A O t ; I : 1
. 'Al ePilir i g r .
111 4 1 1 ) 49 ° ° " Mt : WllTtleliat
rsvAirti 4Ace...4.111,a rti a. )1 .4 1 1:
IAWATIt 11:10•11. 4 rwQ..9 R lt..A
OUZO" &nit lot orttonnd, t O G
ot o
tuner of ithaktb• and valtitolitotroo ate !p
Ttas o i bOlOt s• oinor 0 11 1W 31 0. n
" Alat nr arg-raAllol . lbillAg On INfith
ottiktt. ttektr ,
For vartiodloro *pry on lbw proOdsOo.
• • Rug 4.4.2 w,
All thatlnro!mul well eeleoted stook or
• • : 1'01444 ' 4 AND ::"
R , ', ,
i ocomnin PocolorptOl? of Dovld Neff. No.
Pena 4441 i ; an a l/ of itomilott,
I fß a tlytt l ie
tnu ntll b nolo° 7 l' of ,
Tika Andervigne wakes a mytoiy onto of
tb• Roods In the ta detote, awl M pgro oronanta, tut wult
as attlatfinay Oad tto Weir latist to attend tlt o
• ik
..itadiaeo Daval cif.
RKADINO. Ant. t,larar ' - 21-Iw,
•• , •
( doii? ihillYonit(g 01E4.)
20 • 000 . 0iunpa* Badgeo I
Direct from tho Eastrgirsti4 oihormomiroctorier,
which we gan MI at Now
i l i ork MI, by thou
sand. bunoratkor, ey 110. IP a
sortmont.,ver offers (tort girt t 6 0 y`of Read
log, haviogover omit grufroct di areal patterns,
Noah ae Moder. Pins, Ulm% Diiii.ono, Bur. &c.
Good Agents wantect—iCgoOtt - Percenta . ge at.
Out,Rctidl MOS arm boin if) eenti to 1 00.!Pe r .
pone will do well 'to give us A call b.efora punblif.s •
'ins elsewhere.
of all MIAs matte to o rd er: also. lewelry of all de
scriptions Elide , an ;squared. lyntelles ford
(Books properly re 404: a St,
T -me To irlithitiCnryittE i lka AND
..a.o.publlntzUral' Mir •
t B of i...T0 of %omit lota
_w tio A, A.
)w ose lUti o lios a to a 1 (truant
olker My a Ppso h of at to r t Oa, section
or tho eototrye I sof Vilso T to b. Stand
to kone In t. y r quoig t ; Ht , isoods of loot
Andes an oes Ina m t 9 oh" I flatter
aprolf wl ► es , a litia t 9 Ole tO itirA 01it
tbe bat ent, es na id better tirintaK slot
tog theteatt tea o a ttiliettrAskt m now n
receipt of eatr 4.1 o ilbtob, an
examination it ' 0 Ity ,110 0 . befog our
tishill IttOoOf 0. - ' ,
, A. 11111:41141410, ,-' , t ,
I k s i f 0 , s f-• r . if Oi" *St liksulgt, -1-'
• VS
li :Gothtliewt , or. Old* f''
.; • . i • ,r,..,. ~ , S .',- 1;' 10 V , ;',. 4'' ,k cl:',i' ' '';C ,rf;
• 4 t •
~ 5 : ,.. ,, , , ,..,,L , i 4, -e;4 • . 141:1 '' • , '2'`' .
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