Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 27, 1868, Image 1
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TO i ll alai tom bers as t . i i sWesr, riiiri k, utter pp A l ai " !•1 4 010 rt1 1 :44•1 1 0,40* 1 rp. Tptivet als eh totem . ould tossed' MOM D A1 LY ,111,094 ~ , , . -rr ' V . * thitOli IV/ 11 00 11 k ' mean G. aivwximx. ', , THM 43,161411W i 1( *MILL , During the present Campaign l froot August 12t h to November . 12th, a peitod of three months, the DAILY EAOLII Illifi be finned 'to campaign subscribers at the, following rates:, Fromlog. 12th to Ners'l2th, tknios . . $1.20 Finin Sept. `l 2 th to Nei. 12th, 2 tnos. 13Q Peon Oct.:l2thk) Nov. 12th, 1 ow. • ' ,e4o' No subscriptid . for the campaign , Will bo received nless accompanied by the $ ~ , cash. , Any person getting up a 416 of Ten; ' subscribers, will receive a copy gratis. The, B AOLli will keep its readers well ip formed on all the political' topicsOf the day, .. 'gind will labor zealously for the dissemine. - „ Lion of witud , i i Democratic. doctrines, the 4: 1 unity end hirmoily of tho gre ,t Democra tic ility,' •andi the triumph f ,p 9 ti g oo r atic principles and thO Demociatia candidates. It will alio :contain, Ina condensed form, all tho general n!4O of the dot, with a corm pleto and 'cornet' account of all focal mat-. tern in or connected with our city and coun,-; ty. . ~ . . , Every voter it Berks county should take` the EA)i for the campaign. , . Address , RATTER & HAWLEY, . .Ragla Office, e. ding; .Pa. , - ----r^ A,11,4;11!ANT,10 STONIF. e, • BeyerdTniloseilltrangerriendsi Verity —;Aleallik of thf.P.l2K4doofs• Bayard , Taylor lathe January number bf the . Atlantio Monthly tolls a story entitle(). "The Strange Friend,", from which it tippeks that in the yeaiillBll4 an Irish family, giving the name ;of Door)lly, settled hi the neigh borhood of Lon(lpn Grove, in Chester count,x, PennsylVania.V J The family cdonalsted of • the father, motherOwo sons and two daughters All the family except one daughter used the lingudge and lore the garb of Society of Prl i ends. They, regularly ,nttendea.. London ,dro+o meeting, arid the head of the familY, Ifenry Donnelly, took his • seat among the PrfAIIRr. I I. I , I 34 ;tl,(lPr„as„and equently.proti*: 4d. Thq ttabeitiel the neighbbilobo several years. In the course of time 'the eldest son, DeConrcey, lost his bear to pretty Presbyterian girl of an: ailjuining nidgh borhood, and againii his fatbertsovishes, but not his commands, became engaged to her. Tho natural sequence of,tbis state af4drairti was prevented by the young -titan unfortn= nstely breaking bis,neek. Alice, the (laugh ter who had eorifeigted in 4reas and mani nors of the Society of Priends, appears slab to have given her heart into the keeping oft). Quaker lad Intimate with the family.? 4- Oiio summer day, 'shortly after • the death of DoCourcy, while the Donnelly family were at meeting, a stronger rode up to the meeting house and Waited for the meeting to' break: . As . snon as Henry Donnellycamo Out of the house the stranger darted fortrard, and seizing him by the band and •falling on ono knee, cried "0, my lord) my lord! Glory bo to God and I've found ye at hitt." Donnelly was so surprised that ho shocked the piouri • Friends bi exclaiming, "The Divot I Jack' O'Neil, can that be you?" • ' it turned out that the sof dfsant Henry Donnelly, the Quaker preacher, was, Lord Dunl4igh, an Irish lord; who had beencom :polled Jo abandon his • estate ,by the em-' harrissments '.bronght about by his early extravagance, and that Jaok 01411 was his steward, who managed the estate during the seltimpesed'exile of Lornunleigh, and by. 'corneal management cleared It of its QIIOIIIIV beiances, and so interested a relative of the! Dunleighain the family that he had,' at his death, 11:1ft them a fortune which enabled them to resume their former life 4 The family immediately left,London Grove and returned to their homi, leaving behind them the broken•learted `Bradbury, who still; mourns the loss of his Alice, mid carrying with them th'eir almost eqUally broken heart en daughter. The story is a strange, and romantic one, and though somewhat embellished by the, pen of the gifted author, who, for the first time tells it to the world, it is, we learn, in:, the main, true. There are aro some old Friends , still lizing ; Who • remember the nine days wonder it caused in the quiet neighborhood, and around some old Chrism' county, as filo story 4still told by old Friends as it' as tpld to them by the ones now dead and gofie, who had a'vlyid recollection of all the events, even of the pram exclamation made, by Ileury Donnelly when he recognized Jack O'Neil, and which so shocked the good Frieridsirho had sat and listened to hie minis try, nothing doubting they :the words which fell so slowly and deliberately from his lips were put into his heart by.. thatk ; inspiration, .a in which is one of the peculiar tenets of their Beet. A TlLtillin said to a little girl at ;school : penauglq should hurt you, like a gooti girl, you would forgive her, wouldn't you ?" "Yea P ma'am " she'replied t " if I couldn't •,0 c atch her l , ' SIXTREN kinds of fossil horses have been discovered in North Amer l lea, and yet there Fe v re, pp .horses here when the white men TUE 11P . 41151014101 1 1 FA.161111118.s- • f' Greater is he :irho inleth hie spirit,- than he ivhn taireth n city." ." Come here; 1" said 'strong, ath• letio man, as he seized a delicate•looking lad by th 4 shOttlder. 1 • .. " tnevo been ,In tho water again, sir ! Haveket, I forbid it?" - , " • " Tee; faiher, but--." • • •1 • • " No, but* i htiven't I forbid it—hey?" iresifiir t I was---" • • ii No'reply, sir I" and the blows fell like a hailstorm about the child's ' head • and oh4lflers. Not a tear started from Harry's eyes, but his fees was deadly pale, and his lips firmly. compressed; as he rose and looked at his father with an unflinching o,yo. '' Go to your room, sir, and alai there till you are sent ford'l'll master that, spirit of yours, beep) you are many days older.", Ten minutes after, Hany'a door opened, and his motterglided gently. in. she was a ragile, gentle woman, with mournfill: blpo yes, and , temples slightly transparent, • ying her hand soothingly; upon Harry's head, she stooped and kissed • his fore: head.. ' . f ••The rock was tmiched ,and the waters 'gusbed forth. " Dear mother," said the • raoph4 boy. 1 • I 0 . 1 Why didn't you tell your father that you plunged Into the water to save the life of your playmate?" " Did he glee me a chance V! said Harry, spiinging to his feet with a flashing eye. " Didn't Rote bid me to bo oiled, *hen I tried to_explat ? Mother, hp's a tyrant to mond me 1" • , "Harry, he's my hudbadd • nd four fath• en?' • • " yes, and lam sorry fo it. What. have I ever hack but blows and ba eh words ? Look at your pale cheeks and sunken eyed ? moth er 1" " It's too bao, I Say ; he's a tyrnnt;moth• or," Raid the hay, with clenched list and set teeth, " and if it were not for you, I would have, been leagues off long ago. • !‘ And therietaiellie l too f pooe sick phild? 'Wm% good AI all her MedLeine do" her.? She trembles like 4 leaf when . phe hears his ; fohtsteii... I say It's brutal, mother I" " 'friary,'" (and a etabittld Vas laid oh the impetuous boy's lips) " for,my sake—" "Well, 'tis only for , your 'sake—yours and poor Nellisio,or I §hould boon the sea sorr whete-;-ailywhere but here." • Late that night Mary Leostole to her boy's' bedside, before retiring to rest. ."God be thanked kd,sleeps," she amrmur ed, as she shaded Alto lamp ~from his face, Then kneeling at the bedside ithe prayed for wisdom Und patience to bear Uncomplaining ly ,tho heavy cross under which her steps wore faltering ; and die prayed for blm. is No, no, ,no," said Ilarry,springing from bis pillow and throwing his arms aboUt her neck, " can forgiVe him what ho has dope to me, but I never will for what he has made you suffer, don't pray for bind ; at last don't let me hear it." \. !Marx Leo was 'too wise to expostulate. Bhe know he,i boy was spirit-sore under the sense of recent injustice; so she lay down 'beside him, and resting her tearful cheek against his, repeated in a low, sweet' voice, 'the story of the crucifixion. "Father, far give them, they know riot what they dot' fell upon his troubled ear. He yielded to tze.holy spell., "I wilt !" he sobbed. "Mothor,you are an angeVand it' I ever gft to heaven, it will be your hand that has led me there 1" ' There was a huriying to nnd, fro in Robert, Leo's .house that night. ' It was. a heavy hand that dealt those heavy blows( on that young lead. I The patsionate father's repentance came with a word that his boy must die. " Bo kind to her," 'said Harry as his head dropped, upon his mother's shout. ' It was a dearly bought lesson 1 Reside that lifeless corpse Rpbert Lee renewed his mar• nags vow ; and now when the hot blood of 'anger rises to Ma temples and the hasty word springs to his lip, the iale taco of the dead rises between him and thel,ffender l and an ange l voice whispers--"Oeee 1 be still 1" AN Italian barber has• reeently been ar rested in - Germany, who lived for five 'years iu New York, where he was believed to be an Italian Make, and gained access to the houses ofi many of the first families. His good looks assisted him in gaining the af feciions of some foolish • young glib, ono of whom, the daughter of a wealthy bank.; er, he rained. Beieral hundred letter's, - mostly from young ladies, were found In his trunk, lmideseighty photographaminie.-. tares, &o. •Heis a native of Crematria, and ivies in the penitentiary before Oing to New York: AN exchange tells this,etory : Man travelling through Ode of the rural pre. cincte of this comity,. a few days• since, rode . up to a farm. house, and thus 'accosted toW-headgd urChin who was seated. on the top of a gate • pOst: "'Doh • *here's your Pa?" The yotirlgstero,epitod_:. !!Pap is just down thirre • beybitt :tlie" c0w.4110 to diett grave to bury our . pla'.'dog Towser...The darned 014 fool killed. hisielf a larkin' at candidates fur_ diettict attorney, :you Ism" •f: Oar friend rode on. . e BY PAtittY FEIN. -4ininogroes about Louisville aro still afraid to come into town tor dread of tho medical students. --Pringle, one of the Georgia regitittare, was defeated by a negro for the office of Ser geant-at-Arnai of the Reconstruction Con vention, and hung hitrieelf —The atriko in the. Lehigh, Itin:hanoy,W) , oming, and Lackawanna regions has ended and work Wilma ;mimed the sbveral mines. —During the mane month a lady. and four of her daughters, all living in Stowe, Vt., gave birth to promising heirs. • • --Five hundred nOw lawyers hiive.been ad ded to the list in Now York city within a year. —Field Marshal Lord dough is senior of in the British artily since the death of Field Marshal Sir Edward Blakoney. —Curioui inseete,abaut thb , of house flies, the progeny of white caterpillar'', Ike ravag• 'ing the horse chestnut trees in Connecticut, and, stripping them of their folf age. _ • -'--The Treasury Department has fast re• eeived $6OOO in coin, on account of cuetome collected' in Alaska. —The cattle diseaSo is in creasi ug ut Cincin nati; where over 40 cows have died of it since Saturday. , —Governor Burnside, of• Rhode Island, lbas appointed tiVe commissioners to_investi• gate the cattle disease. —The Savage wing of the Fenian Brother• hood are holding .a convention in New York. Three lives were lost by the explosion of the gas works at Southbridge, Mass. Saturday. • —The dplegates appointed by the Nova BeetiaPgislature to visit England have made reports, etpbraeing - Parlimentary pa pers asserting the authority pf the. Imperial Legislature over the colony of Nova Scotia. r i , Commissione s of Indian One of the Affairs, is named Qen. Nix. ho' result of his Action will about equal his tumid. —Arnold'Aloize, a Frenebnian t billed,him ; sdlf on Sunday hi Now York ; by cutting an artq§ , in hie left arni: l ; Cause,' alebri T eas ) poverty and Ward tinnia. • —Louis Hoffman, a Gorma n chemist, killed bitheelf by poison in Now. Rork on Sunday. , Chose ,unknown. —Edward Ton6s, aged 24 yenrif,hung hitt self in his house in Now York cn Monday ; Morning, on account of a quarrel, with his wife and.mother-in4r. His wife found him dead. -,- t - .) .--Beajautin Hays, evil 76 years, was so b i dly bitten on Sunday evening in New York, b two dogs belonging to his,brother, that he id not expected to recover. —Chards Mercier., of 409 IBroom street, New York, is missing, supposed to have been murdered. ,Oak washers, a substitufa for iron and leather for cnirinie axles, Cut and - ,bent to shape by machinery, is the last invention of a riow Bedford mechanic. DR. BIJOBNE BOHCONINCPS • • • CELEBRATED SWEDISH BITTER% Curwitti certainty all ehroitio derangements of the D iver Stomach and Kidneys, is the most Pow erful T on lo of the Digestive, Muscular and Net~ vows System, and the moat Reliable preservative against all kinds of Fever, Dysentery. and Infeo ions Dirleas ee Price inst Cholera, Typhoid and Yellow Fever, 15 cents a bottle. Six for $4. For Rale at the "Eagle" Bookstore, RITTER& CO., 351 Penh Street. CEMETERY , LINE ! THE •LINE 01? CARRIAGES CIEMETEII,,Y • Wlll leave' Fifth street and Cherry alley every hour of the day. commencing at one o'clock, until further t4- orders. TllO3. 110011 & BRO. • atf DENS AND PEN HOLDERS. A lard vari ty of dEferent mikes. for; side at the Eagle** Bookrtnre. itIa r CKDT BOOK§ liak tnt the, lalloo tote, ale, e lot of acubviatroas ..1k large lot a NEwsp4pruk. mo o ,. pop, on Land tls o oe. , will be sold cheap. , . , CITY 40TEL, SOUTH SIXTH : STREET, • (Near PeOn,) • IMlLGhtirges modenoe. A. a. ESTERLY.-Peoprletor. )4 suiP3 El FOR THE ,fito,orip,A;l4 . .Bicpmars,i.o. ROOVLATip'S °ERMAN BIIVER8; ♦ND Hoofland's Geiman Tonic,' ' • ' - • , The Great ReMecties I)iseaset'of the Liter, ! Stomach, or I)ifte,ptive Organs. ' f Hoofland's :German Bitters ti, ,_., e composed of the pure.' Woos (or a tboY are MO dually termed - 4riroet•iiit s f ' Roots, Herbs, and tbs. no ak lox apropos* - am% bights , °uncap trot.. to and entirely irrO mitt alcoAoffe adstia• lure ofaaykind. ' • ' - • .: - ' ' " i I:IOOFLAND',B,OEIMAN TONIC Is a corination of all the ingredleahr °fibs Bite Or*, wit the' pUrest quality 'of 'blotto eras ROI% mange e. , making ono of the trios 'pleasant and Tecalifs remedies Oyer o f f ered to tho'publik hose preferring free froth Altrobello. admixtures will , use • • , -• • ~ , • • • -1100FLANIA (itifKA.N BITVE4B. • Those who have no °Welkin to th e combination of the Bitters , as stated, will Use • • • ••. , 1100 FLAND'S G ltittikitTONlO. They are both clue* good,l• anti &nasty, the same medicinal virtties,-the oh Of , . between Il i ! IVO sing spore, matter (A taste, the Tenie be g the most palatable. o• .• Thcfomaoli, from a , variety of cadres , such as Ind! estion, Dyspep/A, Nervous Debility, ale., is very a t totter° its functions deranged. The Lty or, syrupatbiging•as clellegAly as it does with the Stomach then becotbest/nffccted, 'the result of which is' that the patient gam from several or more of the following diseases: , , • • • ConSumption. riattilenoo, Inward rulings* • of Blobd to the head, Acidity of the Stomach. • Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust fur food, rull ness or • Weight In the Ste(nach, Soul. , Nnietations,'Sinlang or Muttering at the Pit of theStemsch, Swimming of the head , -ilurriod or Dithealt'llredthing, ' • Flutteriul at the Ilea% eking. or Bufftallo" ing Sensations when'in a L yin g POI" Dlettlegs, ofyisieildhit -sr Wpbsbe Pve the gloa t Dull r Won, ...Oa or inot. _dere thiiiiirrit, . Pain in tile llead, Befielenor of l'erspirs • (ion, lellorrness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Slde;Baeit; Cheat. Limbs, etc.. Sudden Blushes of 11§ - at. Burning in the Flesh,' COnidant Imaginings of Evil and (heat tioprOlitoti pt spirl~s~ ~ ThesulTerearom these diseases should °aerobe the greatest caution in the selection of a remedy foible case, purchasing only that which ho ismr4 dure4 from his investigations and inquiries, tio sews true merit, is skill( 'MU, compounded,' free (rota IWO/lons ingrel.fdleate, and eatablb - ad for itself a reputation fur the cure Of diseases; In this, connection we would' euinhit those welt known remedial-- , ' , , lIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS mrd, 110 OFL A N•D'S 'O 1114 AN TONIC PRIRPARBD BY Dn, q . MaAWCSON, Phlll4OMO, Pa Thirty-ilve years since they were first introdubed' into this country from llermany, during which time, they have undonbtedly,pbrformed more cures, and benefited angering • h_unatpilty, to greater extettl: than any other remediedi known to the public._ . Shoe remedies Will effectually cure 14Ver , Qom- Vaint, Jaundice Dyspepsia, Chronle or Nervous ability, Chronic' : Diarrtiheca, Dlsease• of. the iduemand all Pinata; ' arising from a Dis- Oidered Liver, Stomach or nteStines. • a. . 6 DEBILITY. heaulting from any Nueo whatever; PrOstration of the System, induced by BeirCre , Labor. Hardships, Exposure. revere, Ate. Thorn is no medicine extant:equal to these' rad °dice in such,caeos, A tone and vigor. le iinparted to the whole syetoui, the appetite la etrongthenol4 food is enjoyed. the atotnaoh divas propor/y, the blood is purified, the complexion becomes eerind and healthy; the yellow. tinge is eradicated froni the eyes, a blocourie giveg to the eheeise i and the weak and mime invalid becomes a' strong and healthy being. PERSONS ADVANCED MUM, And' feeling the hand of tithe weighing heavily upon them, with all Its asttendantlit b' *kill find In the use of this BITTIMS or tho TO IJIV, ap elixir that will instil new.lith into their volt% re tore ip a measure the energy and ardor of, moro yputhful days, build up_ their . shrunken forms, and eV. health and happiness to their remaining years, NOTICE. It is a well establishodlaot thatfully ono-half of the female portion of out:lllation are seldom ip the enjoyment ck.. good. health, or to use their own expression, " never feel .well, They- era lauguldidevold of all energy, extremely Amon*, and halo no appetite.: To this: chum of persons .the BITTERS, or 'the TONIC, Is espeolall.y recommended., • WEAIC,AED DELICATE CHILDREN Aro made Atreus by'the die of eitikiss of these remedies. They will cure OYCifY , ease o f MARAS MUS. without tail. • . Thousands of oirtilicatos have accumulated in the hands of the toprietor, but sbace will allow of publication but tow. 'Those, it 'will be eir served ; arc won of note; and of ouch standing that they must be believed. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. ueorge W. Woc._!dward, Chief Justice of the Stipremo•Court, writes l • PHILADigIPHIA. Marell 3.867, • "I find Iloothind's German Diderot,' stood torild. useful fa diseaaea of tho •digestive Nuns. exid of great benefit in emelt of.tildeblifth and want of nervous aotton in the system. , - Your?: truly,: t • ORO W. WOODWARD: ; -4. . . Judge of the Supreme Court Of Pennsylvania; . • PHILAMILPHI/, iprif 24 le6lit, ' "I consider IfOolland'e 04rM811 Bitten a value ble.medicine in case of attaoki of tPdigestion or dyi pepsia. I can certify this from my experience of it Xottni, wjth reocct, . , JAMES • Prom Rev. D. D. Pandit! • Assistant liditorThristlan Chronicle. Philadelphia 1 have derived decided benefit from the use of Ilooflund's German Bitters, and feel It my privilege to recommend them as a In ost valtible tonic, to all who arc 141iforing 'nom geaeral de ility, or from diseases arising from dorsi go Ment f thenv Li... Yo.urs. E. D.'PEND LL. • • • I tAUT. I: 0' 11' . • 4 ffoojrancre Gervias Re nedie, are' congte See 'that the 40u:dorsi 100. M.JACKSOMean tho wrapper of eaoh bet-JLFtle. All others areeow terfeit. ' Medicine tore , No. d fOl f ra, s ti ' l2;li a l t ietl= i gtel cirARLEs M. EVANS, PForlotor, Fornerly / C. JACKSON . . k, CO. , 1 ; PRICE. '• , ylocyttind's gerloan Bigers,ri f t i tic.• - - • 'Bl Ifl, en • - narttl Z t ; It t a l l e ed l otefolit tt _ b , °Wes ' wt. o not 'forget tOegiudne well the tittle' e yo buy, order to get the genuine. • • t FOR . fALF, BY ;ALL Druggietst e and Storeketperp• • / jnygnivirwaHßE P fr 0100'111 .. Al . ts • nit.' DiPtPrriiir; 061046 No, 53% X* market Studs. 'net Psvki Ailra.D,r7;*ool3oiree,„ , • , .+. +-1. 10ffit V‘ t 0 111114 Atto i rtiat 44 . 1Y1. ePONne—Leeter Building, (Ise oor. • .)W 100 gentrestreet. illt!‘Cied be eoninel •In the ,Uertneejanifeege: • „earn t ANP COUNSELLOR , Sec' q. OU wurt St,. (near SinAbaßFAnixo, Pr 4 GEO,ROIN 11 L A144 , ' 5 .tilziwt or►ron: N. 9.549 6nikOtreet, 41011419 J TT M. NAL44IO, • • : 4 1 • -PHYSIC! F. • - • ( U. 0. Pensfon Burgeon.)' 610 Penn Sttoet, Roodlnr s s Ottioehout- to 3 p. ot. 6 to 6 POO. ••, WA 0211NOTO IV ;AltaliAiuB , • ••• • ALDERMAN,' Moo. ' 00. No. 29 North 6th Street otitooott -4 oPootOdleo, .rgirscrivelang an d onnieYloolos tiromptly to oil to. • • stibisp.smo. ago. nen. HEIN, ' ‘..° (Bon of tie feti aeo. 14.1Ceirlq..) • .AT . °Mee: Centre street:Opposite the Bitiooll4l . ohuHlk. lap2B-tt POTTBVILLIt PAL: JEFINE . O. A:TTOBNpy At - LAW; °Mee, No 40 (geohn4 toorA 'Nbrth Mini Streit, steal"' oribeire the Oaurt Houle, Read PA, 28-tr • - • ' narorir $l. $10,101; .AT TORNB YA T i AeIP.A. OM ee i _l9-ficiRTILSIXTII StßairkeltEADlN4 IRn- •••• • , ,•!: r . 01114 • • r, 20/14,i r ;It. Oki*, No. 530 Cop,it Itreet t over the ottloo otloltnB. l 0 111411 ; . feKir • • • D AN' £RMENTILOVD, • , • • 'A ITORYST A LA 092 Notilt Stith' ettei; ipmertoudAllei iitrousTus, B:BABIJAMAN. • ot 1 TORIVErA T LAW. Oboe. No. 40 North - 011th stroOtopposito the doge tioesp.. OpneOtotioni boil in the, NogitiliprAkep marl thoguage. mow t JUAN RAI/141'0Ni' . • • * • ditoßsEr 4le A;l:tt, ' ' OilioO, No, 19VOith axilx 4r;osti.6 th stone Honed, k!4 fob U-ti BO Ifni, - , i , • • ' . Joni, 8.1 1 / 4 0530, • , ATTORN ir AT AA% ' , . thiltailfftetee tai * moldy. and u Ea htiAilt` Office, pie. NS tVeshinitou,stres, .otwelin_m • out Sixth streett; Read ut, Vili: 00 03 04 013 g 61 uhtll the:claims atiseotred. , •' - - e tr v • WiLLIA.ior ti. 1 iiittWorillift . :, ..., . i Qli i : (Orpttnie# Pirit 7 . ( 1 0A441); 7 44 1 . , THAONER O r 'V ANO VO TH.' OTIGAN. AND. , , .... . t• , ‘-') ARMO Ye ;;.; :ti ~.,., -, . , 1 ,. • • ,NN 2P Ngttli illth street, Reuditutati. -. ..• ' zi. .licrianos Tuned. •J . , -11 u ne I '1 • . KOBER, " . • • L strilanorr..DENTr,gr,• , OFFICE+SI9 Penn iftinet, Reading., Pa, Invites the publl, to will, and' Olatilille hie new plan for extracting teeth eritheut Pain. ,All oper stions in the profeasion neatly executed And charges ressonnble, ,*, . np2o,tf X Ofi (1,,E ti 1 4 N OAI yotru!a CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, ' . s ‘ • , OARDS, .444, of all kinds, in/ ho had the B*Oz * °Moe. • Eteeitetine fuintehed if deidred ! 1 ' • AU cords *ill he done in the most, beentiffilman ' rd u e l t a or a e t 'l"'est rates .. Apply at. '14411' • , lir E LL , E:RA 13 , '•, •• .• • . ' .'• 1 ,JuLl: , ,•, , .. • . , , ' , f. Jl^, : : ` f '. `_,L • , , 'COMEOB.ITIONE 4 AVEMT ...,.., .! -Allio , ‘-}1:008;Nc.,. T"fa PANINMENT AND app IN /13.14(Vir mikpoirledgeu tt) , lio the oest hi pee. 'st e; comes bard pOdt Arm immediatelY.Jiarkr, dtirpides, Cud impervious towaterond n,otaiectea bypituer hept or cold'. ! ,• - . .. , 1 ,All .Prderd, promptly attended to, and thu'yfork guaranteen to eye ithtlsfaotton. , appl#o ,' ~,,:, )-• , . la.. 11 irLllB4, ' ' 'Julie 184 ~ No:22'. flout Repoli lik . . NW ifr IA, . .T ? .t, DB old i brelitied‘ Ass o'Pgitedia iiiirlatir ti lf f Teome eat miurliet, consisting , pf,,rxes • ti ams, a ouldets..Urted , Beet, Belogna4 . es! Torusuell; ote. .. ,' . ~, •-- ' : . _ i PATER N. BOXER, • • • • , ~ `Nov: 628 ' Pent Street' atilt ', ' .. , . • • • - • • i••• 40141013*,a 'PA l o b r i fir m 4.1111;'" • '' u , 114.:1rk: DR. A. )I'l wi -.. Maki; • . • 'el.:, 1 1111 MN = NM iiikif . Itti,Er.'..': :.', s ..t. RIZ= =I ENE •A 'h a -4.„ ...) —ll l lO " ......,, 40N r. 9 ,W l O ' ' - . au*/ f i'l 11.,4,3 • iftiP,' It P`ir" .44 1 1 i4O lapl u g LP' ..„ . ..32. 1 4 • At. Vett* %Mit , Me Meet, 1:50 Nan. 10, la oili .41 - imi - Vst,.. cAt . ii txpre.4 l ., , I Are vad ent, Itklo i ll ITUit Arki#4k , let2'l4. would 0,, • , 11.1ati t ,•,„-- -.,i, ?,0 - q, ~z- i );•;i,,t-1 • , ire* 11111ivpr011Ir ' N l ln i v i g ul lir na - 41" .6. i in '' 'l, or an no *lmitation& :Oa W*lo/4%‘11.....14.1 1) " of , • .. , . , . •, ,e i. . r. tn. . lit • -•- - or , , . . ~" • ~ 1 ,._44_,1). tn. l e 1 L .: ,, v t - innapAireisialysiva t terist4 lbw :" • • rit ik lerrlo449l, ak. al. and thiO. -ff. t ' i , i' '' ' ' ' fff:4:z..l..t. .....-- - - • Raislitigit . Oolititi -. traltalitoado (Ai - Oil: Aka N 0 ArD 4, - Y;, - ,..1.1,V,11,1 , - 1 8118 ; 'P.lF l 4°ggeT Trl4 l o'lttiti..o4 PI4 :Ro ot}. as . tII 0 1, ' • s •Lehvelt4;fing 0. :: ~ - i . s Val,: 'Aiiiya vikttaiottit .‘ : i - :',A . .. ~ g 0 A „j i t,. M ur oa l la t l l ,o 4 6 .. ' ' iti:, zit. ~ .....s • • -77-7.,.; N No,k.,' , !,':“C't., Lire Laretat an ugt liat ' • •, A 00 414 )j . 0 • • • SOO V Ityttiro 4t tees* -•,'•:' ~.• - , '• 1 : 4 ,, , ' ;I: ' 10 6 2 3 0 t; 0 : h... f• • .1' outivtor .6141118; - • Levet itiegviir ( kat ' - ''. ;, ~ :, • -'.• 80D A. M. RIO . Arrlyiatlari*ter an '66101114i at' 1026'4V. E. • voutia tiv strjor at - , 1 01/11 P. . i c trit tilera pl,tr i tig . arnl co u m, taat• - 7 t it,.., i t: ~ " Clnuibta„... •'- • , ~ , ' s '.: • tit/. i I. 1 irriir4 stAtimltntt, . ,--,.. ' '' • '1 . t t) 1 I .11 P. M. l t tni ay. t.14(0 itri l at Re f Dlit Yith. , Oft vipd Noit On'r In. nal • A ite.not , 444- et Z f ' 414 t ' gi,?•1;f1,91 AtTMA9Y7II, l' rid t ' ~ 1 (1 .. ' , i‘-,P 4 r440 4 1 811 A ~! 1 t -,- 'l' ' ', 4l 1 , - it • 4 t ,Plukrln , I t iPa 4 1 ! 4 St 49 • 4' ) ••• ?14'. 7 . , ° ,f 4 , (1 ,-4,WC 11111 % iii t he li rghe d i frtrit' :° ticitik: l i i, i''„ . 0, , ,, ,, ii, , , , , , b , , ,, 7 ~,,,,,),,,,;,„,pf ~ , .. pt , at o „, ..„ tilr - - 4 griilPltll4llolpfkla v i twhe Aim y t k : to gus„Anclingg... , I Troisrpbtiptc . i n i 7 6 /4e , o.!Whipl,llp ID' t r .totoutat t r ate ‘ enll tut ...,-;,. ,-,•c'-.• ..,, f , e , V I li g iel i lg,P4Pllt'' P #. . !cmitvip, (ten' ' Itit.l4lllA. et , ~,., 21 1.. ..,..,.... ~...... f f . ,• . { , ' i O' f 'I. fi fl r l ifl 1 '' - '. t Itenneybeaia,i , ro . _ • Qmmitilt AMAIsKiII ENTertlilllii Ilia p. ytlneidqi*OrMA, 1 • ~,w. ••.; V."; 0 Air . Ail ,t,,, Til 0,„ .0 . r : N a ak• ity•2ol 1 . 80 8 . two tasiebaer laditi le vii ii din* dalty, (tixqpkt i ll . g al tin 3 a . o l.k l V, n lint ' ,, p i ,""a':; 4 ll'iln:„Y'r, 4 .. , tionerweett• - ItiiitielkVilfr -:itikt X 004 ' di uk i V g pr, grop.c4ll%.o,Aikri . 6 i!ith.,4.04N1,11.!,!..4 ) i, ~,,,,,,,,,,..11,em r• y . 'f- it t A. our i 0 , ~,, o l " r 11 MI he alli I . GAY tlif _9 , „qt. 4 4,44:F 4,7 . A din fa i t t4l 2 l :4o 4 a B :;lll. a li k l) t a .. ,V-rt 'l 7 nriliN7 ',,,Tiii Palpti.unstbrout - Nat l'lttktrah to 1.01, 'DL p,ra t Irdatititikaittlgpo earth clopping Oily at Lyons; Alienkier •Jdattite e rn Ito on, ltan11)- ton t 800mkorvlao.. 1414fiobl e gati m ,114abottl. putt 11 trl'ilre et re , / r is:4l - .SOI/ot.. „./2.00 cii.,)/,,,. 1' 141172 i i 17 . . t k l iV i ii -r" t a k ilt Pi iit ' " 4 , I t n Ait' i t ~. re lYi 04driti Illi,So .N A ti 0 ! ..- 1 .i___..l 1 i i • ' ir IP HpaVII TIIIVri ,/ Qtlte . li i rt Demi root' ',4 4i i: e x LEStipaktfiatßAVA. 0111% 1. 8 -1 4_ 13 t is ' ' 4 ;l7dttirto i lV4 l 4Wi Pe ) a /' l e 4, i'. . train' Can 08W' ' or . .11 1 4nYt 87 aye ol ed. • ~ . • _ , i 1131 4,r, xe rittorsta x itt 4 l6loo,. in g 4 rA ti anus 4. 4 0 .16 int5. .. ii4Pß Ain iga i r A ll i o* ol , A ll 'o,„° .' . ivelt i t i reaiklat Y 6 4 P 4 3 P t 1* 101 w if le • i •rialang#o.turroaaestett to ppm a ea tiokit/y -*reentering toe cam as 26 cent* bairn II - .)0 oaargolt and. o ol l oot4d on.tb4 train:from a I, af io virago faro to the 011nduotalr e , - i• ~. jun° 23-tt --- -P. BTI,II/.I:Z. En. and Supt., Philadelpiiitt ' liVf .Reading ' ' , Railroad,. , . , . ~, - tßoihedJ" r ' ..r., , ~. EIS , 1 4 falli Mil NMI IMO n dUAN ntl • - • a NO, OUBT * 6IIII Ha • QUMM RR ARRANGEMENT OF PASSIM) KR i.. 7 TRAINS; August 8,1:.; . , • • . Five Trainsdown to Philadelphia,passing. lien(l- ing nt 730, IQBS and - 1 1 30 a. tn.', an 0,425 and 03 1 ) to P . -- , Up otbtillie; at 1040 Q, m„ and 5 . 50 lind 603 ?'stns Weil tOlebanon aril, itarriliblii.dps: WOW)" Excess from Now York, at 1 10 o. in, ' and.l 60 and 1 10 p, in. . aHarrisburg' 000pintOdatiort Train at 715 a , in., nd mail trains at A 45 a. ra.rd 4 Ob pon. • On Erotism tnernotrti trans pass /tending_ at 60 40 a. Illi and -4 414 p, m,,tsn,, up p) p.O a. arkand o 57 P. in. - , •-• . - , ' • , ', • , The 425 pLen. down, and 1050 'a m. up trains N nlybetween Philadelp la and ading. ; ; - p trains laavePhiladelp la Mt heading, /ler rill , Fir apd_Pottsyllie, 107. sind' ,515 a. 1,.,12 45 i l too , andi , -330' p;rn. shot 5 b it. ni.-, - tot qadian• .Isr., The 816 a. m u trainvonsed telt, tr miler Tatnagua„WilliantsPort, Blibira, ,tiunislo, Wart. .14142 1111114111.' anti .- ' . ' •:' ; . , The 8 15 a. pa., 8 80 pita . tie tminsftom Yi!. adelphia, and 10 36a; tn. and 4 ,p. M I down trains Ito on% atirinelpat Inkile s OlOy malts. .. Read tr aoammodatio Int Immo andlng at 7 30a. m, / rsittultingl6o. Phlindelpnia at 515 P lV:ittlown AcaommodatioTrain leaves . Potts town a 645 a'. m:;returo44- paves •Fit Umiak!' la at 4 89ptm., Az, ..,‘ , ". \ • Tho astern korprositTriins ,. a o nnoot at Harris btur w GI ekprossjrains on the rennsylvanla it. R. Or Baitiniore t Pittsburgh, an ail poi to west, PiAtha 19 451naU trait% ammeetsag uarrleburg for ttsburgh, Lancaster Oytriaburi, Junburr, mho'soPii , V ilyailatnsport. i en t e anima& ,_ , , 1. • e , ert *e pp_arPepot.at7 00 Cm. 13 ( g . e'lkgl ;! fr . , ra g l 'ol b M l, , ,it,"P utt° ! ,4o I " I t 47 " , ttrint i ltfal sits* sitp l i fte..., With 28tionpo , C tier'op t:' ~, ,40 between F 1 rit!tl;4°' 4ttiter' ''''' ~, it .000 11 for 20 f s o kir n's r l/0 1441852.50 for ,fii3l 1 0.544. IPA. eall "IL.- i •' rreAS woo - y itsu Eoodforgi•kcjlbir ,f41,1- Is mow* verett e4n irme l Witmotr' ' .M.PIPTP ft l i ff, . . . ..!,14 1 0 . s tii - RO:f i rp' , 0 , ' 6 l' l , ';iy....... 3 ! ?,. . t ; „ 4 . f tl tE sl i t I ° ieg ig 0 6 0 a ai ls i3 at i t i l &ile i tis . t4i#o* tottf r ): 1 .1. 44 4,rA 11 , , A fs4 ll /1 1 .°,4704 - fi r ;11 POI 40,r, _Ali.? ts4al , 454160111Wn #., o! ! 7: l ZMllla r egmispik 14440, Slttinb'esters. ', . : - 1,•-, , 0 -i - .,-.-.p. , 3 --„ ~..,,,..k ~ q., , , _ • , . , ~ :-i, ti A. 11117010 Goal Euret * ,4 ,! * • • „ OP e (#14140,014,4,00,11,119igm:` , -Wcl4l,l,4o*.ort•o4l,N4fiVt,_;VPlPlTO*Ti, CtINE i:4,, -k 'r EN