Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 26, 1868, Image 2

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s olsAiiioolo6
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r• Ar4ps: -
• r: ' oft inotkaittithinnat'* . I ;
GEL • „I ) .'
s•N 2l m. 4 bwlo4?)o . Bd, I
Delol46l#loo . itoillasstimst.
FO s itliirrOlt ir matt;
HQN••• ORAilar Es Btu,
,o:1.A C OUIIT ~ •
1 V . .
GM. • ON H. ENT,
EtlctiOlft ntadayt 044060 2,80 1 . 1889.
. _
- Stouter' to So,yo,ooor. .• .
• •
• ww.n. lane 27. Hall
DRAB • 0111-4 tangot for ea ,es (0 you
tbe deep obllgst os i hat forte OrMpt and asp
-41011 eupport 7oQ wee gill to e Garerpmenji
the pretest emergency, Ite Clergy. soUrlty an
patrlotlept pot. hey* eglit Ited LIMO DC poript
perm:tally and ornately td ieknowiedite• Irlttlettt
arropetlng any persons; of me sop part to auto
aofrlce, or to any aervlo arbalropror. ,
small bo bippy,Jatwayo..lo pe ittpinied your
fr end. , • ~ • sheiferst. EtrAwrox, .
• rOss7 of WO"
X%sta 0•Y• no 8 4 1 , 1,,aj•' ,
i , IV . ocamoto tatorniim. , ,„ : ;
.. ,
' ,To Radicals , pre, , clretilating flironibeut
this G i .'otiot I coOties detintenteUtkiing
i the ab se titl4. pirportint to glve_art "Ai.,
count.° frauds practiced by ' th e Dentoors.ey
of Pennsylvania la ,180.. The Itories told
in these 'pa4hlets lite ektrOinely iniprobai
ble, but. oven If true Iljakrighthave thick
Itep,ublicene to &e . itl?Out frawls at elec
. lions?, It is like the, peit'eatil,tig'tha kettle
blitcicL-like Satan repioving sin I
For years' past the history of thelliack
. Ite•
publican party ' has lieen,a Idstotl of fr aud
and wrongdoing. They bars
. .derraudei
`overywkere 'and on every 'Possible occasion.
.It has been 'preyed th,t4hey.stufield the, bat;
lot bo4es in, the Southito • , States , and it is
notorious, thaV they ere now endeavoring to
defraud the people 'of 46613044 of the
choice of Presidential elictorsi; and to place
the power of choosing eltictore lo the hinds
of. moogrotrieglelatnies 'elected by this very
outrage of ballot-bow stuffings' ,
.They ; have
d7ofi.suded the government, defrauded the
. people / defrauded the unwell and the wkites,
defrauded the living soldiers / defrauded the
dead. ones / .afid- their Widows . and , eiPliatis,
defrauded at the ballet•box, in the courts, ia
the army,' in the , navy, in the treasury, in
every , deParintent of the government, An:
every tretuir Mont
in short they, have defratided"everybody and,
everything,; at every possible ,Oppottunity,:i
'and therd is o nl y one Teasel, to bettankfid ,
in regard to their fraudulent actions,ankthat,
is, that,,thoy cannot defraud Death andilM
• Devil—though no do* , 5=0 ; 0 the twill;
attempt even that impossibility. '
Such a patty to preach abont'frauds The'
Radical - leaders are
,Oetuplete t frauds., The
offices they hold, the weary they heard,•the
clothes thoy wear, the very food they eat, are
the results of fraud or the most shamolcis
kind. They evpn defraud each other, for
getting the oldiana?tliu of "Honor .among ,
thieves !" The Attnie of their' political or .
ganization is a fraud. 'Fraudulent raember.s•
of a fraudulent party, 01013)901m and their
iniquity will 'soon be exposed to the world,,
.the people will then recogilizothe fact
that in trusting the Radical pOrwith.the
governing powet of the within, 'they' were,
delhuded iedeed t, . '• '„ • '
The flack Republican papers Are in e6,stik•
cies of assumed horror over the reported
discovery of an armed Deotocralie
Hon called Hp "Ut4on Legiont". id Nissiieri t
whO are about to carry the State for Seystionr
and Blair. It makes a splendid tent rotl.the
Radical alarmists.
We would ask these hervous ifentldinen—
Wtio set the 'example Of secret armed Organ.
iiations? Wlio, organized the Grand /truly
of the Republic,. the Unigef.eagne, end the
' negro Loyal League* of. the . • •
More of your ewo"ohicAUPeolor4VlS hozne
to roost—that is all l If sou th!Utt the Dein•
octets are going to' be put dOwg 'plogro
bayorAte 'without resiataiice, yOu. are, ,very
much miatodren, ye nervous r g eaguers,end
G. A. R.'s! :
Wo hope the ..Demooraey will steins be=
,comes law 7 abidlng citizens on-all occAkieno,
but we also hope that they vril) prepared
for any movement of. their Redical
er • fraudulnt. or >rproible, and then if: tbo
Niggeritei ttempOttie 'thy . • :4, {
i ainsiod
interferenee,. wit# 11 !! ) 'they, raid
blame themsebiee it the.t get hd
Scoot,* ix szviim • *e. 08.
The specie ihipments tor last *
New York for gurOpe, 'foOte , ' p six !Mil
dred and forty-eight thousand nine hundrd
and.twentithree dollars, making a total of
sixtytthree million seven hundred and sixty
seven thousand and eixtpthree dollars Sian
Lilo I s t of • t rantu r tth egiblat thlity-aine
railli+Aree hisirliOngdfikiflne tholis,o4,
six kends:elf inditilivitAhtiti ink( the coriei•
ponding periedlisstWfir:, t ,
not 0E10.44' . betted
off ter *the oxpendit - ate fit thesCaixty l three
million dolht* in set** Montfis , ititd a talf.
y4u . 149 044, {artolViie #OO Qa fptii
"to*qt. 41 , I.Theto oo
0,; riblomilico inins'ok'Estisii4ol),4o o
biiisdhigaa y9o444:sisi't
am"g 6 4 41 147 ( 0 1 4 0 ; 4 :
teeCthel.hiangt4des mitTlerAit'eN PO*
tionatiiiiistiki.Oii,v yds oafs 114))44: ,
40 1 00 0,- nitli4 o:O p,4* - ,
41 " 14 4" 0 0 1 0* :011 *! $
Ippli attaAnsotitathii ininutokt‘.
111411140,111411.11isitilL •
1 6 ; .
• cesiitaX:t `g6.=;—The:.Whitit'llloys
la Mei lieat usretilts Ciis i inniiti and
city, 1144,1 P
14erri,cting outorgauluition
throughout the whole State.' They aro fully •
uniformed and e4uipped, with the exception
of muskets. There are on the rolls in thhe
city, alone, I,ooo,names, and before the
week Ls out there be 1,600. There lane
secret'about the insishilling. •
N2W ' l l6mr, Auguit 25.--T6 canvass in
Ibis State goeibrasely oa t Mid at optima i 4
the pest tweit'o siete the Prospects
more fasOratal. Oar speakers say theyfiud
a new mithusisiM 'tithe crowds theYaddressi
characteristics otthicaMPaign..
ATl.strrAi 'August . 24.—1 n the Giant and
colfax doindnitration in this city, on the
41lth inst„ there wore but threb white men in
the p,rocession and not • three • hundred nil
published :in the' papers nortli•of Washing •
'IAAn4I), August 24.-11 On. George
Pendleton'had a stirring reception here last,
Oohing, at,hio quarters, the Allyn., Ile Was
escorted from tho depot:by ii,largo•pyoces7
Mod. ; 4
. • .' Ossprotre by a surtiar.
PAIL*DIMPHIAr #1113,.*-• he Herald of
last evening says ; Policeman Richard Berry
is one of the best men of. `the Second dis:
Arid.. l ife lives with hiefamily, in Atinapo,
lie street, near Second and 'South. Last
night n burglar broke into
. the, dwellingly
scaling a back shed. liftlf. Berry, whose
hellth is far from robust; hard the noise:
She.was alone in het rooms. The burglar
seized her by the thrqat and Choked her:
She 'desperately struggled and managed so ,
far . to free herself Iron his._ murderous
grip as . to hurl the ceal.6ll lamp, that she
parried, et his head.: In 'turn )lo' kicked the
Woman in the ilidomon. iShe fell on the 161
ettuit, and bat' been insensible ever since.
She is in a.ver7 critical' condition, vomiting
blood in copious atreaMt at frequent inter=
vale: No arrest h s been. made; In the ,
locality - of the oce trance the affair his
created serious and ortentions excitement.:
' BY THE Ariimiiiifp CABLE.
~ •
The Rumored A s Plot.
/4016011, Aug. 24.—Tho, report -of the
attempted murder of "Queen Victoria arose'
from the attempt of an insane Englisbman,
to onter her room. Ho was taken cdro of.,
To•morrow the American yaeht Sappho'
will rico with four of the! best yachts in
tngland. \=j
. .
• , A Dlethigalibpd VI nor.
Matissims, Aug. 24 —Th Grand Duke
Alexis AlexandrOvitCh, o ' ussia, who has
reContly been on a tour in :the countries
ab4t, the Mediterpinean, sailed from Al
geria on Saturday last for the United States.
The cattle g . ./ figpkin Meets. •
Vuftuao, August 25.—The , cattlo plague
stilt continues to p t ‘ rovail to a mostdeinnagitig'
„extent iu the grazing sections of the St4te,
although it is abating. Tho loss up to this
time, will probably- reach $200,000. " ,l l'ho
Aomori are; of course,and justlY,very
smut, unlike rosult of this season's oxpeth,
went wil !put an end to the immigration of
cattle froM Texas into Illinois., If no other
law will prevent it,mbb law will. Our Board
of Health have 9stablialsed a quarantine at
the stoelf•yards, awl will notpetinit diseased
caltle•to bo shipped or slaughtefed. In4his
thay have tho.cooperation of the authorities
of the . aids. • • , •
The [Atte Prlie right.
BALTIMORE, August 25.-4 free fight no-,
enrred among the exeurslouitits going to the
prize tight in Virginia yesterday. Pat. Mel
len wan shot thrciugh the right lung. IVm.
Carrol and Joseph B6ard wore badly stab ,
bed. Collier 'and Edwards •nre both hero. ,
The former says ho was. fairly whipped,
Large amounts of money Itaked on Collyei
have been lost here.', • •
A 10,i%1troadAe-eltle
, BOSTON, August 25.—The steamboat train
on the Norwich line, duo hero at 0 o'cloi)k
this morning, was thrown from, the track
and badly iwreekod, at Cambridge crossing,
by striking a heavily loaded team, the driver,
9f which was asleep. Fortunately no lives
were lost.
fAssenit47 oia IY. 1
Sr. Lours, August 25.—A State Conven
tionileolking to 'black suffrage, assembled
here to-day. , The nogroes say they are 70,-•
000 strong in this State, and that they are
a power that must be felt. '
The Working People.
.In Washington g ll t ,c., twti, Or - three delega
tions Of Nrorkingnien have called on Gene ?
red Schofield, Secretary of War, and urge
him to rescind his order allowing only eight
hours' pay for eight hours' work. Ho re•
ceiVed thorn kindly, bot declined to enter.
taro their, reOitt.- 'They have now united in
a petition , to -Mr:Johnson, asking him to
rescind the Stieretary l e order, Th Commit
tee of a Printera"orgentzation decided to
Wait upph tie Preskleut wit,4 tke, , view Of,
obtiii n ing a' ti f ielski, from , the :" Attorney-
G e n e * ou,iti t ni,po rda in .the 'act - ArhicA
seem to be in doubt , The 'President pro
mil 441 A) alive the dubs - blo, attention; and,
subsequentiY . intortned ' th e Vommiteo by
• milfilkfat digtee4l,y '. 4,6 : thelr:ietiuefit,;'the
queßifOn orthet4l4-lieerbw. hadNeaiofer•
red,te - . theAlfornoyilaetterattkr hii l o 3 it're•
tetkut Atl4,llottnidkild,-iMieRO AYmery
!and workshopsthe,44lo - Phitir In - " p been
~ oreatiagi3Vl44lloo,44ong the toads. About
•tajo month!ogo,sp.order, etppi from Wash.
iington , Makkg oightlatiati e,, , fteyie tioik. and
. since thii fitasitifoikie4 - 4valicert worliog
,on that system with the understanding that
.thetrpAYvis to'continue withetittednotnin.
On Titursday,lowover, Cet Ileitton told the
m9n i J0'0014. 1 4 4hat.%he 00. instroctiOna.
*on) bealla that their *Ages:weal(' be
out "dorm - p Ralli s _ Ant,tkat all who
*WM co k tett ' bouts; and resetsO
their old . .tit*siotaktiki itt,ll to ids suit
04 toad a itiq,el isititthe'detoranow.
&lO* to ire*: Oeittilgiit ' ' -,7ind take the
eek iloitil
lakaSt'ep oftotekelag.foll, pot ,-: : . • ' ,
. tc'4 r*"..i...-- , ,' '• .f., , % : i-,
, 9tOROIA.
• „, ,
. ED; READ= ,
What are you doing (Or ' die ottfebrOfl l 4l'
State? Wo will take care of otiritadieed en
'emi:here - ye are afritidef
yOui Up in the State. • • .
iWildtand for President - a STirrtiatiax,
an w th• experietke, broad,c'erilightened
wisdom-.-14 a Military Bair* who never
kept a country post office, and aadl who avows
that he would be the tractable pupil of Ben:
WO demand that the' eipeoses of the',gov.
erritnent be, at once, placed . upon a peace
We demand that the negrees . of the South
beiet at jtork.• We don't want to work for
thein, NO freedinan's bureau for us.,
WO dareatid`that the people of the South
luiLe every right restored to them. ,
demand that no more money be raised
by taxation than is necessary to defray the
expenses of the government, pay pensions,
and the interest upon - the national debt.
i:Wo demand that the outlays shall be lint
We demand that the im ports upon raw
materials (other th*n luxuries) ehall be in
stantly repealed:
We demand entire revision of the rev
ohuo laws, so that the iminisitorialcharactv
of our 'present system'shall cease. .11
We demand that the poor man who pays a
tax upon his Qlti'catli shall make the rich
'man pay a tax upon his bonds. "One cur
rency for the bondholder and the mechanic,
the laborer and the man worth a million,
the crippled soldier and the rich mini with
two good lege'
Wo demand to know what has been done
with the am,: millioN of DOLLARS which
WO been taken froni the people in taxes
sine° the war closed?
Niro demnied that the negro take his Once
to work.i , •
Wo demand that the white men shall rule.
We demand that the " crazy Congress "
which has tsiken our money and made us 11-
dienlous hereto the wald,slall be succeeded
by honest men. i
We demand the 'election of Seymour and
. Will you help us all you can in old Berke
O. U. W.
(We titke pleasure in informing our friend
Mille Quaker City, that the Democracy of
Berks are alive to thq importimeo of the pre-
Sent campaign t and that the "Olbraltar of
pemocraey will dti her duty: •
We rejoice that there is An excellent &wi
ped of a Doinotratieiictory in Philadelphia,
and we are confident that Reading' will , re
turn the greeting of the "City of Brotherly
lore" in October. We will be glad to hear
from our correspondent feequently.:--1).
For farther local news see third page.
40AT SUNK.—Yeatorilay aftqnoon, an
empty canal bent lying at the wharf, near the
Lancaster Bridge, gradually filled with water
from a jeak. It floated into the middle of
the canal and there sunk. The Schuylkill
Navigation Company's steamboat appeared
on the scene in the evening, and the water in
dile boat was pumped out by steum, and the
boat repaired. • #
A . MARS MEETING of the Democrats of
Lower Heidelberg, North Heidelberg and
the adjoining townships was held at Browns
ville, on Saturday % Aug. 22, 1868, The
'Meeting was organized bY tlio appointment'
Of the:following officers : •
Prbsident—Benjamin Reber.
Vice President—John Grath, John Ger- .
hard l. Jonathan Bickel, John Hiestcr, John
Holloway, Jonathan Lambert, John Horn,
Abraham linter, Reuben FiPld, Richard,
Heck, Charles Horn,.John Ruth, A. Horner,
John Bonder, Israel pratli, James Faust,
Charles Lambert, Levi H‘ddinger, Henry
Leininger, Michael Gerhart, Samuel Rabb,,
Dr'. J. Y. Shearer. - •
, !
oecreortes—G, M. Webber, Chas. Spohn,
Esti., Adam Lerch, Isaac W. Brossman. '
lho following resolutions were unanimous
ly adopted :
Resolved, That the intoreats of the county de
mand the toturn of the Democratic party to pow
er.that no the glory and greatness of the American
nation in the past was duo to its,liboral policy null
broad principles. so all our hopes for the future of
our country are centered in th success of that
great party.
Resolved, That the' wasteful e rayaganee of the
Radical party in the appropriation of public mo
nies; their tithe I corruption In 'the manage
ment of all the de Artmonts of government, show
to the People of this eourry their entire unfitneis
to govern.
Resolved, That we view With file deepest indig
nation and Oho - ranee the programme ofthe Radi
cals in giving the government of the Southern
Owes into the hands of ignorant end degraded
blacks, and that their unlawful rule over those
States in defiance of the constitution, merits the
deepest indignationlif the American people.
Resolved, That wo ratify with pride the nomina
tion of Seymour and Dlair as the standard heirs
of the Demootatio party,and are confident that tr
time honored principles under such gallant :oad
ers,will again bless our country after next Novem
ber, and our great nation go forward in the march
of glory and human progress, never :again while
time shall last to bo cursed by Radicalism or torn
by fraternal strife.
The meeting was addr4sed by Ireitteus
Shatter, Esq.., in, the English language and
Llewellyn Wunner, Esq., in thelterman
language. i- . '
The officers of the Lower Heidelberg Clul.
for the ensuing year are announced as Presi
dent, John Maurer, V, P. ,D. L. Wendell,
Sec. Peter Horn, and Treasurer Wit. Faust,
The meeting adjourned ,with three hearty
cheers for Seymour and, Blair.
A Damao, Busot.s.wv.—A most daring
robbery was perpetrated at the residence of
an old man named Me!choir Schultz, residing
in Washington. township ) Berks county, on
Friday last i the 21st inst.` rhe dwelling
of Mr. Schultz was entered by three men, who
unlocked the door,andjhen proceeded dir4t
ly up Sabi to the chatiTher where the owner
and his wife slept, walked in, and rousedlilie
sleeping ;couple. One of the lnirglari, ias
armed with a pistol/another with an :axe
handle, and the third carried a light. The
intruders informed Mr. Schultz that they came
after his money, which they were bound to
have, but, if they showed where it was and
made no iesistallte t no harm should be done
them.' Being unarmed and unable to oppose
theril, ho, complied with their demands, and
gave them MUM had. $lBO. ,They also took a
watch that ws.S . hanging in the room, but on
being told it was prized as a flintily relic, they
handed it back, .Henry Stihultz 1 a son of the
old man, Who lived 'll another, part of the
house, heard the noise, and east to see ' what
was wrong, when a pistol was presented et his
head; and:his money was demanded, on' pain
of instant death, He Went and got all4the
Money he bad, about s73,tind gave it to tliem.
A few dollars in a little box belonging to his
children; they returned to hiin on being told
whose it, was. The thieves were five in num
ber. tno remaining oii the watch outsid2 the
house. They ivere entire strangers,and drove
off in wagons.—Nentgoineni Leilfier4 , '
: ../ 7
If IN . not ittobabln, that, Absalota was
,oblized to haq.any haw preparation to force
his grow to such an trttrente Imigth
Its it-is said to have attained: Tll our day,
- however, peotle . qttite frequently find it ue
'cessoiy to cal 'seteOtifie skull to slid them in
this'tespect, Such will fißdilMirevery wish
supplied in • "Barrett's' Vegetable Hair REL
atoritti4e."—Davenpoil (Iowa) Deinocrat, 20-1 w
disscipionictalik 0. las nag l e . Late
. leacet'...fAis, Diller Luther, ' LettNottsbeekl
L';',"• . 4texisnder 'P. TiittOnLVaritl G: NW
-1: Jer
,Charles If. Brooks, ibilli Lams and.
B. )
..Rollins. , . It , !0
' ' This• is the, same case Mentioned in theie
columns a few days ago, charging s the' d'il;
Pendants with conspiring to illegally remove'
G. AY., Alexander froth Osttoffieetif:Assesssis
of Internal Revenue in this distriets . .
The defendants'isppeared Before N. been.
gel, Esq., this 'doming at lO,o : clockswaived
a hearing, entered bail for their appearance
at November sessions, - and se the follow
ing , statement of Comic!:
; • .
' Mn. Aisixtistsff : In a Preliminary heaping
on a criminal charge, no evitlento is h6rd
for the defense. The prlniectitor is permitted
to select his filets and witnesses, and prove
what he pleases in his own Way, nod, thus
present a one.sided. view of the case, with-'
out the defendants being alloived to heir .a
single witness iu reply. The usual rest 4 of
such a hearing is well known, . We'prefer tp
waive 4, ,and to await a full andcomPlete
investigation of till;the facts in thiii,entie by
a Court and Jury. ' At the right-timeand lie
fore tho pioper tribunal wq Ann show: that
this is a prosecution of indn entirely lima:
cent of the charge brought against' theni, the,
infamy or which is only exceeded by its ali t
Lurdity, . G. W. Alexander, the late Asses
sor for this district, and Rio prosecutor in
this case,lignoinfilionslydisidtssed ft.* his
office, and standing upon the records tot' the
Treasury Department charged with the high
est crimes and the most 11 grant'otlieial cor
reption, endeavors ,to div„ peblic Mien :
tion from his 'own guilt, by 'ns tuting o pros
milieu against a large n er 'id' en - on
charges whichiwill be proven to be isinton,
malicious, end utterly , '
The general charge of the' prosecutes is,
that the defendants conspired to, procure
his removal from o ffi ce. With this removal,
Many of them had no-possible connection,
and others barely took that Part in it which
their duty as officerof' the Government re•
quired. We shall
,defy the prosecutor to
( 11
show that any on noted with malice . ;—on
the contrary, if flips° was an error, ,i t was
on the side of forbearanees: Bo sunny am
embraced' in this absurd charge l of conspiracy
that the defense will necessarily involve ,a
„ .
number of facts.
It will be shown that, GAY - . Alexander was
through* grossly incompetent for the du
ties of his place. That he rievor beenniane
, quaiiited with the acts of Codgiess, was ig
norant of riccounts,untible to write:a respec
table Or intelligible letter, that his !manage- .
silent of till; °Mee involved oreatly increased
expense, and that his utter unfitnesS soon .
became so apparent,' that the' Treasury De
partment long since 'contemplated sending a
clerk to take ohdrge of' the office until a fit
• s
successor could be appointed,
It will by shoWn that instead of attending
to the-duties of his office, both ho and his fa
vorite friends and assistants,proffaud Dior
.et, gave their principal attention to discover- '
big and inventing frauds upon the revenue
which would insure to them the moieties al
lowed to Wonders. That through the most
flagrant perjury of some of these men; inno
cent distillers near Hamburg, Borkkounty,
were convicted of sin alleged fraud upon the
revenues and ruined. That not satisfied with
this slow method of adding to their official
income,' G. W. Alexander, Groff, and Moret
made diSect proposals to a number of distil
lers in this county,to unite in defrauding the
revenue', .phis proposal was, that less than
ono-third of the whisky Thstilled should . be
reported for taxation.' That on, the rothain
.der, thirty cents per gall n. should ;he paid,
to Alexander; Groff and lileret; 'one-half of
this to be the share of Alexander, and to
other half to be divided between his Me
confederates. To maketthis practicable to.,
distillers, it was proposed to them that their '
tri-mouthlyreturns should be taken out of the •
hands of the' division assessors to whom the
duty of receiving these proPorly belonged,and
that they should pass through the hands of
Alexander, isoff or Morel who would certify
to their bein sworirtoovitlsout any oath hav
ing been in act made by the distiller. To'
? t
induce disti less to accede to this plan,' they
were septet cdly called upon by Alexander,'
Groff and oret s and its feasibility and pro
fitableness strongly urged. • •
In pursu nee of this plan in one instance,'
at the aug estion of Alexander, and under
his person 1 superintendence, a reservoir
was consist eted under the floor of a rectify
ing house, capable of containing three thou
sand gallons of whisky. The opening to this
was hr the floor of the rectifying house,
which opening . was carefully concealed.
Alexander—advised the construction 'ofthis
reservoir - and saw it while being manufac
tured. Ho afterwards visited it, when it
was nearly filled with whiskey, gauged its
contents, with a :stick, pronounced the,
arrangement complete, and suggested the
propriety of constructing another reservoir,'
of the same sort, after this one-was filled.
,For the whiskey so abstracted he (Alexander)
was paid the sum of one thousand dollars in
cash, and when asked to pay an old debt'
'out of' the proceeds,. he replied that, the'
money must he devoted to paying debts of
honor due to friends whom he named, who
had advanced money to procure his appoint
ment. .
It will be further s proved that after this ,
arrangement, Alexander became very appret
~ hensive.that the distillers might cheat—not
'the government—but hiMself, and .that lie
repeatedly visited distilleries, which, lie had
nover s rifitted before to ascertain the quantity
of whiskey they were Making, being
perfectly aware at' the time, that they.
were not returning one-third of the quantity
, made. -It will be shown that he Set about•
cheating his confederates, suggesting that .
one-halt to them was too, much. False re
turns were made to them by Alexander, as
to the money he realised. In illustration of
which it will be proved, that when the one
thousand dollars were paid to Alexander,
by his procurement -but four hundred and
fifty dollars were paid to Groff, which ho
(Groff) was made to believe was the whole
amount realised, and of which Alexander
was also to receive one-lia)f.
In•addition to these srns, other Tecounts
were paid by other disti ers. ' .
When these and other f acts became known
to the Government , Midi Alexander,: Groff
and Moret ageortnined thnt an investigation
had taken place,'they and some of their in
timate friends became greatly alarmed; held
frequent secret consultations, stated a de
termination to swear their case throughsiml
expressed great to whether the
distillers would stand - Arai. One 'of them
stated that if all the Parties would•stand
together, ' they could swear theinselves
through. ,
. Warrants having been issued for the ap
prehension eAlexaeder, Groff and.Moref,
( if
the two liit,t r absconded, and the Govern
m&it of fi cerS, after, the most diligent kffortsit
have been nable to-arrest them. G. W.
Alexander, 'by way of defense, institutes a
prosecution against 'all whom hnilliPPcms'
had any knowledgeofhisdaings, and against
some who bad no knowledge whatever upon'
the subject, in the hope of diverting publie
attention or closing their months as witnesses
againtit him. It is the old trick of the felon,
who rushingfrom thescene.of his depresla
tions with the stolen property in his posses
sion, is the fi rst and londetit to cry, "stop
thief!" - , • ' '
But the effort to shut out testimony, or cast
suspicion'epoil witnesses, will be utterly tin
availing.,' The anise facts and many •more
'squinty `.conclai ref wi 1 twproved, ,
any' possibility of donbt O V dentel,.by a arts
number of wlttiesies. Wit* digintoreited .
in nO way connected ,with t p ttonsactioni,
and whosetctedibility • otiono..t belnipeaehed
ot<tionloted.4; lfiattatitige NALtllititOCß, ,
. Jr . . 800411, ILAwt Y;
O E O * sq. Paittei4l
Joust. it(ortaig, .
. Attie..roi Delta.
COAL Scan l'arrstowS.—Wa nadetstand
thatthiring the past week, while some mon
Were engaged in digging a well on the premi
ses of Wm. Vogel, Jr, at Buchan:Mille, in
Pottsgrovo township, about two mites from
rettstown,ttlicy struck upon a Vern or depo
sit of AnthraCite Coal and illato • The spe•
eimend taken out Were Wont 10 to 20 per
cent of pure coal, and the balance a fine (kr •
tide of elate. ' - The 'The digging thiyi far. has not
Bono'thro4glt the strata, and it is possible•
that further ;developments 'tufty' prove the
Coal vein a valuable one.—Montgomery 4,P
PAn ,end near throughoit • the, Whole
Country, the newspapers teem with the won
derful cures perfermed'• by Dr. Russell's
Magnetio Oil. GO ete. and $1 00 pet bottle,
American 'House, Reading. Cang..l74
ikTOTIOIiI.-- . e 'inn of Darla dc StOyer liutob.=
II era. havin • eendimoltted by muting toyer,
all portona In ebted to the One are cautioned too
meko payment to none but the underalf i red; fill
accounts of the Ann being in toy hands.. lib will
be wade out, and all persona indebted ril be call
ed upon to ma k e payment.
( JACOB (100D1I1RT, Jo.,
Arikm,4 BYI3II, 011 AS. 0. DAVIS. .
' nog 241-tt . • ,
Monufacturora of
Celebrated Ton Korb. Bitters;
Itaportors of ,z,b2
Na. Street,
For solo at t ithe En glo Evokstoro.
Aulonbaelee Hall, GM and 010 Penn St.,
J. l O. STEWART. - - Lessee and Manager.
1 "Wednesday Hvoning, August 20th. '
. ..,
, .
' • I J. 0. STHWART. .",
First time of the Groat.Burlesquo of
or the
Written by J. 0. Stewart.
First .time of Stowart'a Groat Ilurlentto Puf
Zeplyr. , •
Consisting or Silva'. Ton Bolls Watch Chains, So-,
gar Caw: Bracelets, Pookot
iowelry, Largo tent
looks, Tea tap one
Silver r °nett Cases, Notts of
Lawns, Perfumery. Combs au& Brushes, plea ties;
~.. . .
Admission 25 cents I .orohostra seats 80 c •
Children Oda. Doors' opell„at Ig ; ourtaln MO
nt 8 o'clock. •• , • -' !
Don't forgot tho afternoon parfOrmance *Sat
urday I Smoot' at 2X, o'clock. . nug 28-tf
, C11(0014 BOOKS
sonoor. Amato 1 t
ust reeelYed at theg•RACILB BOOkkiTORE, a
full line of books in use in the Public Schools in
this city which will bo *old at the very lowest'
paces. f t would bo to the advantage of Much who
are in want of books to slacertain our prioes,beforo
purchasing eleewhere. Wo have ,
Parker ib Watson's Bodo' of School Books,
Mitchell's Interinediato and Primary Geographies,'
Bullion's ("returner, lloodrioh's U. S. ilistorY.
Pennockst ilietory of pngland, Greece, and Rome,
Stoddard's Arithtneties, Ray's Algebra,
Davis' Legonder, 'Parker's Philosophy,
Lenny's Geology, Cutter's Anatomy,
bireonlears Arlthmetb),
Crittendon's Bookkeeping, with setts 9f Blank
books, •
Thomas' Etymology, Sponcerian CopY Books.
Antbon'e Virgil, Bullion's Omar, Dictionaries,
Slates and Slat° Pencils Peas and Penholders.
Woodhury!s Einmentary Gennati Reader,'
Farquelle's From+ Couree, School Caskets,
Woodbury's New l'4lettiod, with German,
Composition Books.
ea lo
For sale at tho "EAGLE" 800 STORE, No
351 Perin Street, near Fourth. • Sand =tl
',To the Vetere Of Burks Coo
U ELLOW - DRlgOOßATSitEntotthtmd the
4: very huge vote I , received n, the aremocratio
Convention of 1865 for the gem ination fur District
Attorney for Berke Gotta. which , pineedinooo
the returns, (newt to the su cased eandittatejand
for whioh lain deeply g eful, I again o ff er m9'
self as a candidate for the Wilco of Distript Attor
ney nt the ensuing eleetioir, subject to the decis
ion of the next Democratih: Delegate Convention.
Should Ihe successful iffi. s obtoining b e nemina.
tion and subsequent , election, I pledge myself to
discharge the duties of thebilice with ildelity;,in.
tegrity and courtesy, ,
Reading, July MIRA. tf
f E have beep authorised to announce. the
n e
T Immo of Michael McCullough of the
city'of heading tut a candidate for ..Asseintly. sub-
Jed. to the decision of the Democratic °legate
Convention. . tine lett
WE have been authorised to announixt the
vy name of William S. Vomit as a •dandi
date for County Commissioner, sub eat to the Ao7
usion of the Dom ratio Delegate nvention.
` 1 obit' •
urn HOB been authorized'. to annoudeoL
VT natno of WILLIAM H, SALLADt Of lierezo t t i
Township, as a candidata for County Anditordsub
ject to the decision of the next DemOratie Delo,
sate fJcinven Hon.
Hereford, ituanet2A, 11369.-td
I the subscriber, announce In'YSelf. as a candidate
for Director of the Poor, subject, to the decision of
the Democratic Delegate rule. If BotninatedAid ,
elected, my whole endeayor will •be .have tho
same conducted in a hutnanesind etiOnomieat maw
per, not being. committed JOany Man :or party, of
men to carry opt " this or that ineasere 'to the In
jury of the tax-payers and others co ncerned. •
Lower Ireidelberg, Autt:lti . N
1068. r. LORAIL
ins been solicited by aims nuesher s ot
I offer myself es a candidata for the °glee Of Conn
ly Commi,ssiener, subject to the decjsion efr,
Democratic Delegate Donvention, and should 'be
successful in obtaining the norainatiomian be
elected. I pledge Myself to discharge the duties to
the best of in abilitY:aud protect the interests of
the citizens ,O the county., 1181 , 14 Y t 311101.4.•
Ittadfair AUtrustl74c ' , . ,
. .
. _ .
FEL N . DIeIIitOORATS.-IWoainged by,
the very liberal support given me last year by
the Democratic, County Convention for the - State
Legislature, end for which I am very stbanitral, /-
again offer Myself ea a candidate for the same'
°Moe, subject to the decision ot, te peat Deem
oratic Delegate Convention. if nominated and
elected. I pledge mYselfio tulti overf Wort lo F .
mote the beat interests or the •aitrienlinral4 la r
ing and Mechanical - elate& of the District. 4n., qt,
the manor the people eenotallY; Anclitdivldeele
.., Ilespeetraily yours i ae4s 4' ; '''' ' ' .
a (t-th ~ , A. 1 1 . 0. Xfartgi 1.
i tfirr i*a i
itONkt ig ANT
HT Tint 91ti 3 0 , V
Ool ia po li gtiVVLlMlkr ti ttroir, 141
wittlowitotl Ito W t
bit taii rim
tre gyMe 2 7 w l:t
w w, to vim wi t ,
Witt*. ftl rattle. CI titMOO, to
tirloti s toltrASM: .1411 ": 44 tO
lA I 1,6 hIlt;
A itht, 8 ,
Cloininitees on pp._
e 0 N V l'i S s Ty, N T l'A‘t i ltilitla IloVn 6
of ' V al i re tro ll TgVi l ve l e a rthio'llto l : n o 7 itiol la n i t
ot lobo.: by b stabil tawny Arbly A in tho os -
of I o
..... ,bmiN.,...„,,.
, o, lOU . • (, ' ' , , . ,
• • • rlacarvrusit.
717 4.721 /immAtrett ) .Reatiftig, lb.
The largest assortment In the oity to relict how
andcoos much lower than MY other home, • A
allm persons in went of any article of Oarbltarl
from t o most expensive down, Is soitelleAl. -
•, •
• A MI stook always et tow adveneas on con:,
0,,,, 11andsee. J 4001). R. ItITTRII,
felll9ll • 117 dr 121 l'etn-11.
1104T4NTLie :ON 11 . 41 ND a , large* *Thant
vur taapeltp ittilytek ware, hit u Its of utunitLy!
4 i artlitury, *49 rariol I lit
auto sokpritent, Of vial 1$
, Wm. It , mit ouv , bus
'Warn. • rns wining to.
puroaso. wou do VII tri soy &ft exum i ti: our
stook - • D.' I. lihivhmA 449 etuk uuto.
IC iitini art for
tl i ng e lt r it ritiottli:4 lA ra l
ta .111,1
GEArf,rultiet vitt DEPOT,
:SClTlttf]llElt & FELIX ,
Warozoom, corner and Washington .
street*, . •
t i a Yu r i l t 0 i ttl,llsgalki t 'tx t al;No)
rst-class furniture nor and constantly on hand,
'and made to order to suit customers.
Among other, articles , especial attention it In
vited to their unsurpadsed'
k •
, -
and every .other article in their_ll4bf business.
livertartiolo Is manufacturetVemsers t it i n
their admirably tr i rangoll I/ lip, V , n
i n t 3 i tria rr h e ett I t n i tt ut e s %n i g ed, a men Derr , e ' b
itliovrOpared to exeente all eiders far ,-•
(AWING ) ' •
"MOIfLDINGS.'• , .
All orderspromptly executed, and warranted to
give satisfaction.. ' ap.lo-tf.
ftug 53-tf
w icmov ! kx..l
been 'retoovod'frons the) geystone 11(414Ing to
the new and elekaht gore s, ' •
NO. - 437 IrEN 1 4 1 111 Ekr.
Where customers will 4nd STOTi large stook of tbs
best and purest
• •
dro., over offerecl to the l publteef Reading. :All ib
proof of the •ebove Oct is trial A
share of patronage is solcoited. TODr 40 BA tTO,
• .Ifitioe to' •WittQT Oonatunem
WiyiNaJo.the ext r emely iyw state of the,water
in the Resenvira and thelPipOseibilikv of coin-
Dieting the ImprOvenienta fot tnorbasinir the water
supply of the city before the next two or three
month& the CominisSlOners , Ntleter would re
finest the watet.talseri of the city to be as eehnotp
taiii as possible in the use ofwetir, nt. ptepenti 07 -
proper attention to this ro4ueat l on the part of
each consumer l e nto qhantitios of watet can be
saved and a ell sawy for , ordinary purposes
gdaranteed to
ie Beyond pro ;oorapsnles also requested
to cease tieing water during the. present drought,
except in oases of fire. ,
Dr order of thi •
' pf4lU #ecretary " j lett
'113..01ty Hann witypinda en AA
. LACES di ALIJ . !IC1141:411,-
Elent's Pundolitig.Ctoods,
R. - & A S 130YRICS
(Life Aue
52'0 .reta-Street
3n1,22-Imo, '
:1 Crirb • *
. Ri f •
ng.4 mosftr woo rarnitift 0104 siotyp•
zitrOhOtalt ottehaoit Intown COOtiyi z $ ll ,. l F°
attotion sites to tkobasiota. ~• • •
Sag 2 2iw •," s t • B. B,llllstaaloatt!,
'Rost ituitAtion.
HOS ' I4It,
• ,NOTIONO,'Sio, to.
r 's
No. 889 Ain ~tteetf
E 3
• `,
: toe,'