Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 26, 1868, Image 1
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WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON; AUGUST, 26, 1868; i, • '.. ' • , .. ' lEnure 0tra 1 4 11 04211. ti - f - : 4' :!vt. N . '• • ' t P 47118811) G. 3IAMII.IIIIr. i , . ;•I, , waN :0141t$,,,PElt , ,Vxm Ri gite4 ,1k ' % ‘‘; 1 , • • • , • " • - ' • ',.... r 'i ,' f A RIOT ,CI) - Akft 4,, 4:10. I.IA, lit i .. psi-- - 111 Z CAMPAIGIi During the *sent eanOga r fromAiguit 12th to, NoreMber 1261,4pe1ie1l Of three months, the DAILY EgAntwitt be issued 4;:4 campaign subscribed at the relletring . ratest: From Aug:l2th to Nov.l2th, 2 mee. , , $1,20 From Elept..l2th tiY * Nov. 2 mei. 80 F r om Oct, 12th to Nov. 12t13, - 1 use. 40. No subscription fey the campaign; &oil; will ho received unless accompanied by the cash. . . Any, period getting - up a club of • Ten Ifubseriberg, will receive a copy gentle. • The HAWS will 'keep its readers well cn: formed on all,tho Political topics of the day' s , and will labor zealously for' the dlssenalna• tion of mound bentocratio doctrines, the unity andbarmony.of the: great, Democratic .party s and the: ,triuriiilt . '4.'Dem4oratie , principles And the Demooraile'eandidatilt: It'li ll , l :lod 4 ?eotain• IP it, einideneeti torn} all the gOngra)itewo of the_day s with a corn; pieta and cerrect Atecount of all local Mat- - 'tern in . or connected with our city and corm; ty. Every voter in perks .county 'should tnko the PAGII4 , : for the ennipsign.' Alldrels • RITTER lc HAWLEY, , Eagle O f fice,' Pending; Pa; • Q[ON, pIANT AND 7'IIE ANtiIIDL. Ulysses Orant.o'ne night ilaid down to rest, His eyes workebleed-;-liatle folded on, his breast. Ito slept ; ha . dreamed.. An angel bright and fair Soft o'er the sleeper tho air. "Ulysses 1" cried the angel, "I tun sent ' To learn'of thoo—vrbo would be' President-7; What are thy views upon affairs of Mato? „. What thy opinions of the questions great . , That now disturb the nitioUl Speak, I pray, For time is precious and kraut away." Ulysses looked the tinge) r 4 the ago. Then, while hat bosom hUnved u monstrous sigh, Ile said: "BrighE angel I oomo'at from yonder . attelt- " •• Dofeated, pray, and try a aeo cigar." ayf nay .Ulyuest angels. never amnia." r cried "you " 0 4 sneak the ttttth items; tiulbldy , franitlio c • state What are your view,' upon units of State." "1 s'poso you've soon," said 11;1 ''sineo you've been down, • • ' The handsotati pups of my friend Marshal' Brown?" • "Why, Onneral Grant, you must he' 'la'your ouPs What siseuld I know of thy frienti"e wblniml(Puptif i About milob nemeeilia Dray'. no lentil. prate. But tell us what you think of ',aka of State." "Allaira of State? Wi.Y..Yest—lndeed—of course On You deserthe the 1;01105,0V gootl !loran?" • With meittened eye the angel tin/10(1'041C "Piny,'; cried Ulysses, "41d you ever ride. ban Riee's mnlo "Dan Rico's mule . • Ulysses, do yoi tkke mo for. a fool I I that am on a speolil errand sent' _ TO Until your views, who would be President." Another slgh Ulysses' bosom heaved. As thotigh lite heart was sadly, gorbligrieired ; And as the angel plumed his graceful flight To regions of unolouded glory bright, , - U. opo'd one EiYe °and then tho angel hoard "llood-bye bright angel I—osion't the word." ; • GOODNESS 00 LIFEIIIE TEST • O,IP . Tl9lllOll. • . Every, mail from Europe bk.ingi over freSh confirmation of the melancholy , condition of the`Widow of the lato Eniperor int!, of Mexico. We all know, the fearful re sults of his' misgnided • ambitian. llut Who can estimate rightly her. eufferings ?. Tho news of her condition shows•ber insanity to be of that settled charatter'Which the • ablest physicians in Europe regard as almost less. Perhaps it may, howover; ho'regarded almost as a blossii% that /ICI much rof' her affiletiriu . .is shut out front .her' #tinsi . by her present e:alaniitY:`•But there is no driubt that we may all learn from it•tn(rtigard ti truer and bettOr life as the only final and prriper test of all proposed., advances in human alininment. There aro'in all times' changes of thought constantly taking place, now truths breaking npon'each age; and now or revived 'emits Apringing up like Weeds in the soil of humanity. 'As there are nnw arms of Ira andartd:of peace, new scientific truths Mit now errors, new developments of medical skill; Ond Ow and more complicated diseases, io there. are . now, intellectual, social and Moial chkelopments of the great= est value, springing up to bless each ago and secuie'buidan Progression tle:onehrind,ind, on the other'hand, there are new errors: arid delusions springing' out of the fret' and, whirlpool of currant opinions. Nor' is it ' alwayi eita.l to say - abstractly which is the sweet and whicitilie bitter.' What is . food for ono in. poison . for another.. Brit it.. is al ways safe to triter that 13i'dry '!valuablo truth gill produce goodness. As a distinguished writer, Afts well saiCit tat ea tvo ,to make trnth. : Pu t t objeot presento its ane factor the. mind to which it laprosented is tti6 other. Truth is the right relation between.' the two. In abstract morals you, can hardly lay down a propositiOn that shall be oalwaya and absa• ' lutely true t to arc tnincle or mall oases. • Men are continually boasting that they' have dis covered new truths, when, at the utmost, they haio?nly exploded for tote • thousandth timp dome old mtnir',. • 1 .111Q . ,1K* truth the itcoaritiOngtki4ll4 ar i'ii i kl . lifo`derited tt i lind the :obaitriitati' the known duties of life more punctually and exactly. ' That which dOewthis is 'froth td us, whilit nothing that it contrary in its officts can be. • Moral truth is tho just balance of all intel lectual truths, It is not any ono extreme, liut,,as the ancients said, tho golden. mean, and that new force which is - alone I the pro - • , per,conenction ofalOho Various forces' of nittnieinitteir truest relation. There - . are Vs* medical facts and. opinions daily being •broactted. Ant i l,theroare As many men, fond of n experimentin gWith -, these as with new moial' and religlous'questions and opinions. But'for "ft modlctil theory to beCome an esta blishayntlx in our case, our systoui must be first of all in p sta() of axititude, to receive it. There will Bo a vacancy .for it, it corres. pondence with it, and sensible strength and nourishment will then bo derived from . it. Now a tru i th is to the soul what a medi. 'cino is to the body.. It is not any potent substance tliat is `llo* and ' exciting ff om q posltlVo ofliict, . :Error will r dolhat oftiniand more eisily.than truth. But it is that which . produces health to ', him who imbibes ' it. Thie it ii•that•tnakes rdl the difference bet , weep a medicine, and a poison, between a truth and an error. We sny often, and coin; •monly that knowledge is food for the mind —that is, it leas the capacity for becoming. food whop, digested: Yet,ollerY nurse knows . that that only becomes ' food either o body or. to mind whiob actually is diges bil,' and feeds. The delicacies which the rieh • mini cannOt*cat or digqiit, or the bread ivi)ich ,an army wastes, do tot become food tb. them.- And so 411 intelbi,tual instr u ction an d i moral. maxims aro fOod for tho commuility in this sense. But they havo in them llio capacity to become . , vital somewhere, and to feed mankind when rightly digested and assimila., led, while that wh!oh,surfeits or is rejected becomes no food'to him who cannot bear it. But lot none mistake. Noimeto outward ifistruction is good to nny mind, strictly and truly, until, being aisimilated by,,an inward vitality, it really feeds the mind, and tho heart, apd litretigthons th 4 life for consistent and truo c rroPrietrof living. A mu' Who shordd h pc to wain himseli by heaping up' Unkindled blocks of anthracite around AiMself on a Win*, night,' bocauSe) it. ,con• Wad - 0614)bn, Werilid 'not niCio utterly fail of being, warmed thou he' who only crams Ais own or his child's mind •with the dry facts and dogmata of some ancient system, traditionally roeolied, will bo likely to im• part, and 'meta* the, true' 'principles of a virttictis and' holy life to those affected by his influence.—Phila. Ledger. • giiiiiiiiiiii TU BLACK TEST. - •. "I solemnly !wear that I accept the civil lend Political equality of all men, and ,agree rot to attempt, to deprive any person or mrsons, mi account of race, color, or previous conditions; of any political or civil right privilege,:or immunity enjoyed by any other elms of men. So help mo Clod." Sotithern'Ractlial Carpet Bag. Constitution. No ;northern' man, soldier or civilian, can become a citizen ofany of thereconstructed EMI States," without 'taking this oath, • I f The Indians—l:inch Lnur In Ranges. ST. Louts, Aug. 24.—Gen. Sheridan has issued an order directing thefoyeible remov al of the Indians in•Kansns to their reserva tion south of that State. .A.dviees from Leesburg, Now Mexico, men: Lion. , Indian depredations in that. region ; also, betAeen Fort Bidden and Meßea. , • • Lot-max, KANSAS, .August 14.—Goneral Sheridan's order' meets with an enthusiastic 'endorsement by.the people of this State. On Saturday Governor Crawford telegraphed to the Preitident requesting that Such action bo taken. • • 0 . • Twenty-one car loads of Mormons left Omaha for Utah on Saturday. , , JUNCTION CITY, Kansas, August! 14.—An old citizen of , this place, nainsid Thomas Reynolds, was taken by 'unkhoWn parties on Saturday night and hung to a tree.' His back was placarded "Horse - thieves beware— we know you.". ;' , . • ' Canto /lIILADELPIITA, Aug. 26. Orime flourishes here.. Almost every nigtit serail persons are beateaund robbed in the streets; On 'Sunday two4men were, thus maltreated—cue • at Twentytlllrd apd Arch, the °flier 'at ,Twentythirid and Filbert streets, and it Nan was beaten insensible 'on Saturday. . Thomas Bradshaw cut his wife's throat ,with a ease lilac on§aturclay night, bat for lunatay did not)liill her. He yeas arrested. Christian Asteroth was arrested yestoiday for eonnnitting a ratkii, on an old wonnin .her own yind. lie was held in $1,690' for trial. Eictilts of' Reeintitetietlcitt=zikpro utot Choc Expeeted. cIIATILESTOr p August 21.—The Hon. AMOS A t Campbell Matted' for Wa'shingtOn te•day, .to . present to'the :President an adslress from the People,of Charleston, setting. for,th the Aangermis_tondition.of tho inAbilitp 'et the civil aothorAies to kellerve• peace, if :riots.should arise, and announcing the de termination of the' ithite'Peo - pie to be mode; rate, and avoid, as far as possille, all col• lisions, and asking the 'President ptovide for the protectiOa•orthe city. • , _ nonnulat ediattho.Deunis cindidate for Congress ttuil7th *tie!, corpposediot inii f illititingdotrod Mifflin counties. - iCont -7- 151 — eor - g — lis: ATLANTA, Aug. resolution wns presented in the Georgia Legislature requir ing .the Governor to issue a proclamation against unlawful assemblies. I.o44Grant and Colfax; demonstration in, this city on the 18th instant, there were but three *hit° men iii the procession, mid not three hundred, as publishedin papers north of Washington. Robbery and Attempted Murder. Wonessm, August 24.--l3enjamin .Gud• ley, 65 years of age, was shot in the head Severely injured and robbed of $2O by Cop , no lius MeQuirk, near Cochituato Water Works, on Saturday-afternoon. MeQuirk is still at large. _ Pr/se FlOO. BALTIMORE, Auk. 24.—The prize fight bo• tween Collyer and Edwards took place nt 10 n. m.,on Traver's Island, Coon river,North uinberland county, Va. Ulm was beaten in 47 'rounds. Tho fight lasted one hour and fourteen minutes. Tho BALTIMORE, Aug. 2.l.About+lo,ooo peo• ple were present at the Schutzenfest' to•diiy. The music, vocal and instrumentai r was very fine . , the day bright and cheerful, and,every• thing passed off pleasantly. \ —ln Canaan, Conn., on 'Tuesday, Joshua Bolden killed his wife with an axe, and.sur rendered himself to the authorities. . , ,• , • —Brown Velvet cent and vest, white tow -1 sera *and straw h _is the correct at, costtnee for nzentleinan 10 ,New Lei don. ' . --On the 28th or July nearly eight 'undred houses were burnt, in the Russian own of &shush, and several children pe ished in the-flames. —Scratches in, horses, it is asserted, can be cured by applying ovory morning a mix• turo composbd of one drachm of sulphate of zinc and two ounces of glycerine, • —Two fast young Men, ono' from - Phila delphia, the other from New York,aro under bail in Wilkesbarre,. for shooting n miner. named Toohill. They plead accident. I If. ItIEADING WIRE ItistitANCW: AND 'TRUST COMPANY OF 11131101 IN OIitOANIZFD SUM 18137. agic4 Reading insurance Building, N 0.19 North Fifth street. S. N. Ulmer of thud street. Office hours from 8 A: It. to 8 P. U. DIIIRCTORA J. Pringle Jones, James McKnight, Henry%. Van Reed, Jacob Shaffner, J.'l'. Jackson, D. E. jitout, Jonas Shatter, J. T. Valentine,„: George Itteser. This Company Insum all kinds of Property against loss or dam eget) , I:treat rates as low as any other reliable Coln pany and upon every plan known to Stook Insurance Companies. Perpetqal Policies issued requiring no ronowal and uporivehleh the amoudt of premium paid can bo reclaimed at any time, loss a deduction of fivo per oect. The ,advantages of this method are worthy of the attention of farmers and others hav ing first-class dwelling houses, barns and other buildings, in town or country 4 as being the cheap est and safest. Policies for ono, two, three, five or more years, or forlesq than ono year , issued and no'cltarge made for Polloy and survey when renewed or when in surances aro transferred from other companies. The citisons of Reading and Nioinity, hitherto dependent mainly upon foroigri companies, bavo now the privilege of effecting their insurances in a home institution, well organised, with an adequate Paid In and guaranteed capital, presenting as. strong a basis Ofsocurity as that of any other com pany. The advantage of, doing business directly with the Company and the importance of keeping some portion of the largo sums paid for insurances, In circulation at home. will be appreoutted by all. J. PRINGLE JONES, President. JAMES MoICNIGIIT, Vice President,_ S. E. ANCIONA, Sco'y and Treas. fiunelo-ti' D R. EUGENE SCIKENING'S ' CELEBRATED SWEDISH BITTERS, 7 • Caro with.certainty all chronic derangements Of the Liver Stomach znd Kidneys, is the most Pow erful Tonic of the Digestive, Muscular and Ner vous Sylitem and he most Reliable preservative against all kinds of Fever, Dysentery, mid Info°. ions Diseases, especially against Cholera, Typhoid and YellowTover. Pri?t 7.5 cots a bbttle. Six for 114. For sale atjhe ' Eagle " Bookstore ' itrrrEß &do., • 3.51 Penn street. CEMETERY. LINE ! TIM LINE OF CARRIAGES FOll TIIE • CEMETERY • Will, leave Fifth street and Cherry alley, ever hour of the day, commencing at' ono o'clock, not 1 further orders. • . TllOB. 110011, & no?. apt-tf .. _ WEST END COAL, tI.ME, & SAND YARD! Cor. Penn and Front Streets. . , ?:111S- undersigned would rmipeetfully inform Jae Kends and tho public, that ho Is repared to rnith the best of Coal, Lime, and sand to any part of the city. free of charge. Orden" promptly attended to. , . JOHN B. BROWX, mal.stf 102 Front & Penh Ste., Ito PENS AND 'PEN HOLDERS. A Wife var: et; of Olfferent makes , for sale at the 'Eagle Bookstore. POCKET BOOKS.. ce ju lVe t il . r n e i the Eagle BoolotOrei a largo lot orPookOt Hooke NEWSPAPEII4S .tilargratipao! pers - oh bond at this office , ich will be sold 0 44.• , , CITY .11.GTEL•• .-SOUTIE SIXTH STREET, INear Penn.) READING, PA. ..40441144 3 niocigaie. . A. 9,, ESTIGIBLY, Virop - rjetor„ ra HOOFIAXIVR GERMAN 'BITTER% . AtrD Hoofland's Germaia , t The Great Pemedies for all' Dtseates of tho Simla', or Di itittr4,„ • Organs. - HoollanA's Is composed of the purelutees (or na theyova Med ielnally termed Xrfrocsto) or Iteets. , Aube. • and Unrke. Maki on it preparati lion Melly eptteential. ted and entirely .fiee.ll,fruni afrohdick adett , t l-- tureofauy kind, 1100FLAND'S (IEIiMAN:TONIO: Is a comliination of all the ingredients of tie Mt; tern. with 'the purest quality of Saans' Crutißeno; rauSitv,Stlx. nub,kAng ono itie,raos‘ pleasaat pa t:u m q gree renteutes CVO! 010ICITU to tab , TllOBO preferring a Illediqine free from Aleohelle • mixtures will use - • , lI,OOPLAND'S GERMAN' lIITTER.S Thopo who novel no objection to the combluattoo of the Bitters, as stated. Will use • ' ' • 100 FLAND'S GERMAN TONIC; They aro , both equally gOod, and contain the ;awe medicinal virtues. the choice betweenthe twe being a morn matter of taste, tho Tonic being Olt most palatable. The stomach, from a variety. of eauem sueh Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility., etc., is Very apt. to have its flu:aloes dorangod• s The laiv4 or, symputhislug b as close/ Ily as it does with the StomachkJafforted, the . result of which is that tho pationt millers from several 'o ff more of the following diseases:. Consumption, Flattilonce,lnward Piles, Fullness df Mood to the 1 ead, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Boort urn, Disgust for food,Full fleas or Weight in the Stomach, 'Soar • • Eructations, Sinking or Muttering • at the Pit of the Stomach, owimoiti g of • the. Head, Hurried or Ditlictilt Breathing, Fitiftoring at the Heart, Choking or tiuffocat-, ing Sensations when in it laying Posture, Ditnnosai of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight & Dull,. Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspint lion, Yellowness atilt) Skin anal Byes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Units, ate„ Sudden Flushes ot Host, Burning in the Flesh, ' Constant Imaginings of h:vil, and ti rent Dopretsion of Spirits, Tho sufferer from these diseases should, exereise the greatest caution .in the selection of a retnedy for his ease, purchasing only that which ho !sat suma from his investigations mut inquiries, pop soles true merit, is skill( I Cully compotuled..ll free from injurious ingrekltlionts, au4 oitablith ia for Itself i remit/111On for the cure of disetisoh. In this connection we wouh submit those well known rounlics— ' , ITOOFIAND'S GERMAN BITTERS CAPITAL 8150.000.00.. 1100FLAND'S ("ERMAN TONIC 0 PARPA PHD BY I Pa _ AOlOll4 / P Thirty.:llvo years sinea theywere &Stintroduced Into this ebiiiitry from tiermany. during which time bhey have undoubtedly performed more cures, and enefited suffering humanity to , a greater-extent, than any other remedies known to the nubile. These remedies will offectually`oure hirer Com plaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia Chronic .er Nervous Debility, chronic; DiarrUhocit, Disease of the Kidneys and all Discaseal: arising. from st •Dis ordered River, Stomach or Intestines, • DEBILITY. ' • Resulting from any Cause whatever; Prostration of tho System, Induced by severe Labor c i liardships,,Exposure, ,k'evers, &o, There is no medicine extant egad to those' liar edies in such eases. A tone and vigor. la Imparted to the whole system, tho appetite isstrengthoned, food is enjoyed, the Rowell digests properly, the blood is puritled,:tho complexion becomes sound and - healthy, tho yellow tinge is eradicated froth the eyes, a bloom is given to the cheeks, and the weak and nervous Invalid liccomes a -strong and healthy being. ' PgrIBONS ADVANCED IN LIFE; And fooling the hand of time weighing heavily upon them, with all its attendant ills, will rind 113 the moor this BITTERS or the TONIC, an 01141 that will instil now lite into their voins,7thitore'in a measure the energy and Ardor of more yodthrnl days, build up , thole shrunken forms, and give health and happiness to their remaining years, • • It is a well established fact that fully.eue-hali of the female portion of otir population are seldom in the enjoyment of good f health. o/ to use their own exprosion, 'nevoriLlfeet woll. They are languid, develd of, all 'energy c epremely nervous, and have no appetite. „ - To this class of persons the BITTERS. Or the TONIC, is , espceially recommended. • Aro made strong by the use of °Utter of then remedies. The -will ouro every caso of °MARAS. MU, without foil. • Thousands of cortificates have accumulated in thahandcof the proprietor, but space will allow of thcpublioation of but low. Thosb, it will be ob served, are men of note, and of mob standiug that they must bo believed. „ • Chief Justice of the SuprontepOurt p 'w4tee PHILADILPIIIA, March 10,1807, "I find Iloofiand's German Bitter§ good tonlo, useful in iIifiCASCS of the A digestive organs; and of great bene fi t In cases of.ti.dehility. and Want of nervous actton In the systein. • . ' Yours truly' GEO. *. WOOVIV4D. • Judge of tho Supreme Court of Penusylvauia. PutLeuturtith Apiti 283E46. "I uonsider lloottand'sOorman 13ittera valua blevneelicine in ego of at tioka of Intl tuition or dys popsiu. I can cdtlify this from my oxperlenciY of it Yours, witlameot, JAMhb THOMPSON." , • • , From Bev. B. D. F onda Assistant EditorThristlan Chronicle, Philadelphia . have derived decided' benefit from the use of Lloolland'e German 11111cre, and feel it my privilege to recommend them as a Most valuable tenio, to all who are suffering from general debility, or front diseases arising from dotangenmit.of the liver. Yours, truly, E. D. FDNDALL. • , lloojtand'a German ?tonicity, are countertigted. Bea that the eignatureir toff.). M.JACKBOWIeort the wrapper of each bot-JJtle. MtotherParoooun. terfeit. Principal office and Manufactory, at the titiihan ;Medicine Store, N0..631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, • • CjiA.R.LtiS M. gV.ANS, Proprketor. . • rltaoo . . . Moolland't Ginnan liiiileii,terbottle, '- -• $1 46 •44 • • ajf dozets, . - ffoojiand's German .Tonic put, up in quart bottlOa. $1 ca per bottle. or a half dozen for $7 Mk " • - , V -Do not forget to examine well the article Yo buy, in order to got the genuine. FOR BALE BY ALL Druggists and Storeketpero EVE BYWEBag marillr itpoyx f Aros ttoi!oulex. ANA NOTICE. WEAK AND DMIOATE CHILDREN TESTIMONIALS. Hon. George W. Woodsoord, CAUT,I 0 N. Foimerly C. M, JACKSON .& Co. .-1..,-..., 141 1 0 1111.111 1114 .t.,0 1 0. No.* 0404101 Are, Ovel t f Nowt utrildoai t rfir„' 14 O 1R .0111otithlAder .110114111 4 $ (Id 1160r;' , bike.) in tin eruntt kanA.EL o.' ATTORT AND .001INSEL1 4 01t AT. LAW. Weast• 44. 9 0 P0, Bt4 (tv4V Sl:tht .),14iplitce, Re. utl OIgOIRO. I6I F. MAE". 1,1 AtORNRY AT -14AWi ' "WADING ) Ov r tan t No.+SO Co4rt itreist, (up stAttia if 01. „ .PIV4B/OIAN. N. 8: Paolo Surimon.r BLO Penn giriet, !loading. Pi. Ofilde hoitri--18 to . 804 ti t 6toB p. m. vesitiNciirOr • • A .1, I),E ital• Ali, Office, No. i 9 North Bth &root, or;oiaite Poat Cacti 41//fritlerlyentag , np4', tinnvOinnoing oropiptlir ate rnt teed iti). • • • • (84e ef h the Isteitioo. M. Holm. Wt..) T AT011114): . AT omoo: Oen tro afro et, o pposlto tde Entrootijd Otturqd• ien2B•ti .".POrrBVILIN;PA! ...... .____ ~-....a......, I . •' • AT,TORtTICY AT LAW, I Moo, No. 10 (sock 4 Atm%) North 'Bl,ith Skint; 'newly oppoite lillo Lotirt ifouso, Reading, Pa, i Jan.2B-tf' . , •1 " ' • • , ' Hativ,ny mr. !ErAitt,„ - ; - , A ?"'Z' OS 1, 4 1' A , I". Al 7 - . 1; 4. ir.'„.. t Qinco r NOR.T,P tarn gAlin BRAZING airit* iOtAitp'si - s " ' " r• Ar`ponNFi. Av LAw, . , , °Mike. No. Mutt etioot;:ovoithoollloo 0.144 in IN Ilioltorde. .•4 • , ( • , •' Cop t, , p APIIIIIIU lIIIMAISTROUT,: ' • - i . A ITONNE Y 'A r LAW,,., Offloo In North Stith friirpii4 0 0 01000.40 Alle y . 1, 6W-it' , 1 " ( 14 - •,' ', AT • • " , AUGUSTUS A. SWABIA% 471 1 CIRNEIrt AT LAW ? (Moe, No, 40 North Sixth etreet t opposito the Coil Oontkultetlone had' in the English or Oer 1 1 1 4 1 .4agitt , i , : Altar; ts joaN 4 - kiatorr, 7 7 - TT ATTOANRY AT • ' °Moe; No. ID NOrth'Ellith ettest, Olmoilite 09 Kepi stone House. Readlng,Pe. • : iebU'rtr DOUNTY I • ' :. - ' • i .° .. NI ~ , • , , ' 1. 441 1 01,eNEY Arbriailri —. ' i tii . kinitod3tats. aim. Pension and jita unty Agan Mu+ No. 520 Vilehlfiston 1 strepl; Mariann vitt ' and Slztb Wee% Aeadini, Pa. pp, !eta, demAp4 unfit the • bin* ate secured.: ' : tenni. 4,, !).:11311111W.10411, " • co,r6+iiiii;t q rivet. ii . 1 4 orti4ta'Aniels.) THAblißit OF 'PIANO' FOII,TB ORGAN 'Alfa oN /40. , 223 Npith N. D.—Plano+) Wuned. ' • 204 . . , . Dit. E. MOISIEIit,' • : - S U.E.ON ,D ENZIST, .. .., orlisics—tuto Patin litreet t Heading; Va. Invitee the publiolo,oati and .examine his new plan fbr extracting teeth without pain. All oper• 4tions in the .•profeselow• neatly ttseouted and charges reasonable.. : , •. , W4lO tOit 111 . T.'l.4;'N VISIT/NCI OAIIDEf4 `BUSINESa CA.RpS t , WEDDING ! , CARDS' - Ite• • • .of all !dada, may bo b,nd 1'64 Ekoi;1; Orkin 'Elm4rotypes fuinfehi'd ft deified. ' ' All ople will bi) done in the post beautilhilitian-! nor, and at the Lowest :Mos. Apply at the Leglo B01010)311. I • ' V . L.L E R ? 8. • _ „ • , COMPOgI,TIONy'#VEMENT, AND FLO Ilttpl6; ii • ; qiiirs.PAVE.BIENT AND LOOTUN(I•MNOW aoknovriodged) to bo thb boot! 14,0,10. Po comes hard and Arm homed atelY,, Is drt.dlirahlo, and impbrvious to wator, a t i notatreoted by either heat or cold. , . •• , , 2 • • ,All orders . promptly ' at ruled to , and, the Thiric • guaranteed to give suitlafacthim aptl to, •• - I): O. 'ALTAR ) ; June 11141 • ' • ' 27; bou t rottrtn • Nr,w, A :- T'U 1 . : 11 • I, 1 1.118 aaslersinedt has opted a ark 'and hind some meat market, eons sting of istsh pleat, ales, Shoulders, ,Dried pet, Bolognas,,, pee; PETER N. tOTElit, No. 628' PetillStreet'l • N.,„ 404 f - ':. • ... ‘‘ '• ‘ Y 'l' ©' -• • `' •'A V . ‘'' , l" f''''' WO , ' 4 ,3 ' s't 4 4 V. - 4 - ‘ j. ,1104. 0PY , 0L.,„1 0 0.,..1141 DelepEili '4,V e : ' ' ' fi.T . lel )!..V7111,11 1 ", , ,., it:4 1 " : «® ( - 4 A % ;• , ,.,,,D'air imh‘ti,i:i ~ -; 01111 • 41:: .. t• VI, ,* ' ' p.. 1 . -0 %., .41.1.'•,..; i-i Alp,o4i ' ‘l' - ' „,.'.% -- ,p4.t:,'„, . 4,P-tr..rti - , ii: iLtt:, A .; , :if ',,- , , :i. '; 4 - , , z\ liv ' 1 1 ; Ta m a ;#4. :,-;,i 6 t,."Z 3P' r • ;,•';;1, , r ,^, •1 I: .i• .-;. , ,T1,% , ,-L6,,j j -i iiii ikt. „, ~ ,, ,,, , I.: . ; :,.0 -'-, g l - .1 . -.'..iigLia&m,, -, ; ,, , -, v,viVg.?i . it -.* ''''' • . ',..; ,', '. '' .',l ill';4 ''"odit.:,ii • . 7';:t, '•,,.,, , -. '' .. AMMO; ,80140 1 ft F.,!<'' samtsly iiktal t :4 o 3 : 4; 4 AN ''': '4 ' l i• n. or ow or Op or " . 4 • - . i . 40 p.m. or , . , 1 4 , ~.,-,.,:-.. ,t,t; .....Mt .• i ,I. .....i 01 I.,,itt, ist 1 1 R9a -.-7 'ding -7 " t f :•,.• :I ' ' l'if ' 1 ' ,' 4,90 101 :0441:T.' 14 i-t i 1I r . ''B o - a O - i NV'NDI4 i . - n-I\x l =l, Paiseugoi2iiire tSsuilmit*'Road, RI 14 It' , I tt, ti_ i: #,': ".:4111 : ..310 '": * 1. (g. . le t i t AtriVo tttiiiii'ir `i - O.t.!';', • ' ''''''''-''''', ii;.4 A, 'tit ) . , . " ' 11411 ;1 l' - / iIZ " J. :' t t 44 tIVALOIri& $ AI P, M. 4 .........•_. N o _.. , ....: ., ..„,R17,41;„„:„,,,,,,,,,80‘.. . . . ., '44TIVO it, Ifttadivit" '.:' ' ';;!,'.;::- :,.,,'1% . : , d : ''-- 'f-- '' KlNll4lie T i ttAll:4Bt i '' l to -' i . Ptiiii.:ll4kt'-•'-'., ''4ll 4P lYlte t tj ti r t itgtyiE 4l ‘ ll lol' a t ' la 14: - • ,u 0... n Ilit il i rli: n - ' • iiihie ItiO e t 4 04P?? 1 1 41 a 'l --(' 1 Cl l‘" 1; 1 4 4 , "_-, :,i,: y • ~' ,i, ~. ,'l e - ‘. liA ) si t I. Ai t hlist 'dt k'sik'.6tek , At:- 'i kti- at 4' A • ti . ~ i l i i : " ' I : "t O ll O . l. , 17 4 II :0 4!,:t0p .' , 4 , 1, .04 1 0 : 4 t• , 41 sy t . e , ‘ I.;:# 1 1: 0 01?: 1 / 4 1:! 1 11::k ti, ' ! Nl' '' " ''' .‘ . :4 1* i P. , 18 6 e.L . 'i l ftc 114.1tAki‘liivrin. 4 . 4 ~.,,...,..,‘„,,,,,.pu.,,,,.,,,.,,t*;0nr.t.itniRpi0ni ,!;. 7 44 6 • ,, , did` t 1 op.oßes r othe ow 0 low t i t _ Irs ttaftlti)t , fb t . Iltii Ilittlyt , olA tr o' I tiiiiiiii . lipipilla foul o j w.o, _ lito rokr,J3to mar. 408 -flosuraqo ckopolow wog e ,- ;, - - INrs wrote rwol*r. , dt: R.' 410 iiii.itlifoh' h io. - OtantVifitistg.r:tlar 4:O , Ps- bit ili e t t , R .. • liil •,,•~..,:. 2„., t ,...,, „,„ ,1 „,,: ,•, ..i, rtint,ontleitf. , lg i ..Y; Rimy'''. fioA?rt. mut wto et 0. }nix - -N, - - --0 MI fEig3t 'PenisAyanity Rttilroad kkUtPaßKAttit'AlNl*4o: Oritit we t s o KY wedeleteelo MO Ansi TA 1 4 +, • ” " X3ItAI A:I , II " 4I{2VVA Iti . .,, e ‘ P lit- On and , or Ay, Y t oyr' Ai l low, two ti s it RAI Ork W" *TAWS At its it e t x fo% ei 6 n 0 4 9% /1 ° Gt_ 44l M l l 9 l4': Vo i rtt lib l a ttait; iialltta n r: IVaF t yl b ,7l,Yl,Pri!Vitit ow York at 30 ?1,1 ,r, ' , ' , T ., 0) ith r c rksi i ctilos XIII NIWO 014 ON taut ox flp Many, , tOr Now 1 01 k he lest °stint VW at 4144 and 'Loa A, . on _ot 40 and 11. 0 , pit. t ti Whitttea tun ,thrtiUgh front i l i ttEllin4 , ll to Nev( x one t puLt paps, °i t em. toililng otilY At Lyons, Alton own, /smite oni E_ ton, lininn y, top Ooroptvi le, rlntufiold anS f ictitobetti. nod r t . ° atidittl r P I ‘ t "I s 4. " /24) tel. ' 7.2 ' I. 04 N. t o Tif wUl t io4 &pave )11c1Ing ea Ito I r. he I. ..% Bt, nd'it.4o r. 1. ' •ti ato.t I 1 Irk undoyatina . , , , )1 ra no heave nett ot , foot o il Liberty Arcot d Wil l t OuidaYe) at 0.4:10 A. 1 4 12p:ion, ti, K an f t ~ on MTV, 114 /1E4141,60, OM 'n 30,. t) A ei AM Imo anai I 11.4. Ant e ityVIII P OI IT " ft°lllN°W ° leniten a 11"Y ' A BRE it zdundoktrith VA Oats +goading I CIA PuntrB A. r i „itoin t t li Pl4o°llll late at a a po n . Arri t leidovi i l at . Ivo e a t i ttrutp Wm otttotrti t at 4.W Vitille int atts re e i keli n tflte P iro i ato •ttattetft be fore enter no , the rib ae 15 Vet tOle II o Walled and oogoOttid On t 0, train ma al w il y plty tOofitro tot he Conductor, Joao 23-tf 0. EiTulnt, Vint. no Supt. 11111 ,-,- Philadelphia & 'Ruing Railroad . 1 ~, .. ,: . ;.- . ~ ! (Aevill', , • - ; ~.. -. •.,• , 10;ADINQ. 41.11riaa7111 . 11 1813.4. yildbli i it ryiItANONIIIIiNT uPPABt3lol(4lilit .. Pf gl i radisd (i i i: l it i o 3 kitil id Cl ph hi, passing,• it co (I - in gat 30, '1036 'and.ll 30 a. 'lol,'And 4 zi - ero ii 3., up to Pottsville, at 10 40 1.111., and 6 - 50 and i; 03 Dint. ake Nest to Lsbnrient,n4 //arriqburpv.i Western -Nlresh from New 'torn, at 110• a. in, and 160, and), 10 IN m.., . % ~,„ , • . ~,, . ilartlibutt. enetednqnntlon Arun at i /1) a. in., and until tnans pt 10 46n. In.snd 806 P L Ia., On Sundays, the down tra ins pos itendinF nt 940 a. m. and 426 . 0. h/ m an up trete* nt 10.•0 n. is and 557 v. Di.... • • %. -- :.- - • • • ~- • The 4 2,5 p. n), dmen,ina 11) 61 1 a. in., up trains run only between Frit 1610ble a f Itt.llng. Alp trains .bave X' Oa oknia for , entling,:linr nedurg elle rettatlll e; 07 90 mat 8 6 a, in,, 12 VI noLont Anaa o p. m. mid 616 : p:', [O.; for.. lioAding only. 'The B } 6a , tn. trail's consool with trains for Tamaqua. W itiamsport, Elmira,. •Butialo, Bingen' end Can e . • i „ v 4i r „, • ' Tab ria 6..m.`iind SO 0; id. i rattle froMPltil adolphia, and 10 85'n w : and 4' p.rt down trains stop only atpritioipalptatioils, eiow mending.. ItesdLng itecommeantion fraid I loans Rein il In* ot 7 SO a. m„ returning learns got coopp itt et. S)T , Pottstdirti Aocommodation Train: bores • Pbt tee town at e 0 st.'ny, raturutint,loareSt,Vhilado,l,9lllll - .i '••V. . vz , ..,. .•-• ! :' ' ' The astern • 12; pro TralT i xect at 11tr t r[s• bur th express. trains nu e ennsylvan Is It. It. oultormorel Pittsburgh ailipalnts est, 13 n the 1 .40,1nai,t 014 4)0004 flt Usrptionv ti for It.tebure IriorabteltiNgtienDlViieinu }erre F t flrNittA t illitta i thTeyttfris,l l ri . sasentrer,wrainal SO UMW uot at 700 a. in, 0110,016 , na,, or ii . p rata, 11 „s at tor, It" blot i ou , Ai ass,, pp R., . ,p, , f t fronts' t cAI atindtice fates, to PrihalP I D in t jOnNergt,'lP42llo With 28 coupons, OC-26 per cent. flifenun la - 4006 inte ti ir I N ' k t .- ' %MN OE - TYO6/ZY; ' . ' 9" Gooti for Waging°. hetweetka)l . oo4ts. at i6g160 for families an d pusiness arm, as •:... - ' r 4 t . " , '.; i 81001 f ' Vat* ' L'' ''' ri '''' ' 1 Good rotabiltir OriOP lc 9i, 419 rilliit hetwoon po i st iff r oo Oom , quio thlsetskt Ong- * al e;,e, ,- - ? i" -.lrd. ira 1, iso fwartitel ill Aor,ll _.;,,11. .144. 4:,41..5.pith .- ~ i • :, ~ z r i ll - ass P eTeritre l arlatattfolt r iti Vl 6 :lll r alitectir t , M4e rel , !I!Lcilart , gottrSlOnlichetOrtihriet e latiMtl a , in. , Acoommodot on T,rti a h p [sand eturn. 4.641166,041111: ' . 'I% li:t ~ , , it ~, . 't 1,• - 0 „ , .5 " ). • ~, „I . ' , ~ ;. !, 0 4, , ii. W44l44.ltientl TNl;.r.'.isli t3l.:liii,firf ! - , i‘: v.; n,'l. :,., 4 " '" '- ' iiiiiiidelieiliz‘tit'igiloi'ot: . ':., , ,Ll4o4(4,r4**Ptifilivistaa.,;l it' %; 1 11 • ' A ' fl u - ' .i‘ • ."." • " MI • ZIA