m oo. • , ME . I Alt =IR HO ( GEN.. 11118 ( ~ 4 i t .4 D , Or lie PPS ea on'ol peopi tion bt rerlf two oven ill era°, 1141 and puiii pooplt they ii but ti most of part of WhaS will tk Demki in ONO! ' They o'fr. they catinAit may eniet . e Idahro k bilyypttfp gain of I ) ,Pe. ht . * which 41':01iV i and now gisalq , * Tr i The :kssavitthigkiii Black,PROV3O and none fta‘ , . 1 that a e.sar:..,.,eln lIIVN 4 .. Orn Derlio l 4o4 . Y* 04 . 14 7 1 :Vi i 501,4 iit.', 944 ontnnftstlifoMr, ‘ t, „! ~i,,, ti aq'tertnini( l6- 0 6 Yolli' i• '-; .* l 'Yk, frittd if itieitiiit;''.teit c .' '', , , 'lt -01;4640g ' l) e4 l . o (loo,4`ii l 'i :majority so large to resist the 'Will election it;iii * iiii4 i : strife and - 00:trill otighly, it'n 0 err' I Piiilt ottllt '&11 11 a ohd i1m.4414004 . '. rug atroggfe::: qiii, between 'Oh tithAl ~( lo to, NCIfk:0:11V ,1 Hay to yoii ".Orglac true peflioiio2, l , organizitilk:,:w4` ively. COntiltior uteeilasialt**l muaic t Ofth play ilagi4 heavens: , dignity oak villiaitei felt4rii violence eitle attend I'aSo,!,ol often I .it 'Ant; and VriiktW;, : ' pimply birth it !Arms I 'flt,te t VictOry le' iftlit, exertion 18), tin The prizeAlycyr Four years', of the olden tier Republiciuy - w forced Win, 'choke!' Pugh •'i)ts get 0u1 4 1114, every- do whole Ohl BeAta' erotic utatoo Pugh oit plair , and The R of stolen in E4*, soldiirs a neakia former!' adldiers 4ffices, whom not ft &night ti as at be, v hotoett as wer to row tome try • be ni ,Dilo OAtrounitto.te itedirel Itteramers t A ere re a' great maul fihW ti.griftlature Itt.mt yeAr ip,ptittete ,of Ole • i ,tyiete mill are out kir °tee thie xeir. ;Voters,. Vimetable,itsf • NI A . : '-- • , . - 1 iNfleireeinh 44 . at hone or ttiO i neenrolli ' 1 / 61 10 0 0 totittlaet sioiliiti vented, antfthw Were lionized' ‘A 4 )*1 1 100 411)tdronturrt In t Asitios ,, , i.• , t i 4 . v. ; ...* 1 0.41 v.., t , f “, A,,) ~, 0°, 6 1 , 0 "0,41 , 77 , • , • fig ;; .' ; '' .. l os ll or %. 11 0 11 011 r141 44 tyl ‘' 7:l, t f. ~., . ' 14 4aketo4wlti qnwint et r'' ' ' 1; , • ' II) ',lra tolloi 4140 k :i ratillii y 1$ 44 lo A ,tuil l elilli .any repair soldier . wee OPPIP 4 I .iv batik gtilit JmdlM%s, 01 ' odes onviteoz of the 1.1,4 INlfteff; a l . ' 4 rooehre nee hundred and ity or& betuty httat PiAtildielil6l:: 04844 to APAl,Wv;444,oo,*id or iiPeictt;At ofm,slo 1t 1 04 , 4 1 4400 cue. c", ism, hiiiii ~, 0 - bailor given totO al Ilenitoilinl ho eqsted 4' l i sp.; 'o44ll;e:iitiotot 14 1 1 ii i' oi eitpritikiiiin4oseo iiiieti4 i 4 tauotryoutu 2 4ufthie sou thern 'O k, 0t29, eic Aitt..4o4.r.M.ol 9001_ robs Tth Vonoty b ita l h ,rttoiy4di , `. :111oLictiltethitt who de.' rtlfo; artillerist who held siolivit IeIV thlMlLiteir ttowssil 44 itto' 1 01 170 Yrnß9 OP bore - Tliworkoiti ,id elklreikili', 1# '-iier then deeent the ekdato ,of lic they were made to believe was illy diosolvildiiartigiitiAtet) dab% who :ebbrkell to %Ili. ilioltittakdd .t if Of %iirWe l 4 1 1 I"lht t l t $ el tosieltto end ~ i laipti f Olaitisiii lidtirtlVtie* receive lAtitilid * 406 4,4044 , i 4 3 4 les P Voy; *dSsl, eals i m k,.1 ilk. i, ,, ,v•Ativa. iiii r .1\3 ,.,, , ,,. es V 4 dii , Vi P`; i';' , iiii‘; ',l ! ' i t. 4 led io tititikte Ol'Of riquit end eonitilieito . ilen. , ,Ord'Atid eriPPrAiViacillVlCOrtint lin' Ropuedttldtottetql-relbstsl4o‘, it i) L . eaiii? tiet.iho',3l l 4o, government beats theB,l ; igyik. IA iky ? „ deliberately broken ite proallise ttita' ' * 6 , 1 74 sliffPti*,:l4l7 fmtpf , Agi4 otitiliei, viiiiii uhtota vitutonti , ottithed upon goWerdly Ridical . ttuput; ' 411 5 1 thisiiitiVlA:Vi .g. • .tiot . now,'' Peihiiii kir /Meeklle -I**itiriiii.44o , itigio,Ohteoa destk, .J• city of gel44,lll4:btib' 0,0 die 414, Viiii4lOyelti AilliftUf I.A-Itt tile oritivelltlive•ofßesAlut '4l sl4l4)iiibgbitieVilleitta . iend q the ; ii(Micri tv.,'iltitch la MaelP i Mit litatitade. 0 tstlliOtiivo3ot4ddrai'l ort Sumter, who will I neverztkiAirettitk 44 " 4 1 4 1 ; ivitA NAws,o4POlßdii 9ka ii t itl s T 9 5 4 : 13 P- 1 T c1 0 14 ,91 * 11 .4 8(4 A , , 1 Y i i , jit e g": ol o 6 4 ,47 4 . t 40#* I 'Or , U , .eOidiOre kitOW thie,,and. WA i l iktin i 4V It Avhen'Atip,'fio it4n. PP 0.0.11111.(011101 littanWlN4 il AVE& itiri—'Vito - hiiiii::titiivri: via - Mitsation, 'to July :Md.' of the port by shii 41iitWit at tail been - relsed t tmdl • . Ir t .9s i ttttittlgtf!,il i ttr e rialim..rtem newekorastifiv IttrlM l LF• arr Y in g ae e MA • onteiey to thykk. 4 0 ( 4 ' '.'Mf;iititift44ll4 1 ,401; o. us, oft logo. ft' .1 , 01,1., .iiiie e r ila WM he the'nielger\ 4 1 4 1" ;' liMitn . iie(40444* * *1.4:1 fill optured but 40,. 4/1,1 ; ail 'otos of the gutra t l*- Klthrltilietti v itairtt lel iliii*fii! - ott sii ..4 iOA tilli StO 440 11 . 1,04 r . P TO: ii s . % * # * A7' '114 0#4 011144:f1 st . Aug** *lo7,llut eltircg, • bralitiltifiNte 6 . be,* revival :, The I. of - 00,ii8 xotthy, Idery4 kjp,. ' i i 44 1 1, _ sid*nt 1 k,‘, ; 0, kine 4 i Aistig4i,_ tit I ntiLti; iifr 1 *tut t 4 it'A4,0#1)11... , ihre l los i t i Viii 4 o;* ' t 4 1 ' 1 , . 1 41,•01 ft•NP. • ir wow, • , era t -bap, i t it lathe .4 'fit *attain to. VitcirSeii*li'l 0 11 4 1 49PlI*Okclgisl , ! ) # 1 QW 011111 Pl e k , eCteigiiiiiisjiri ! dwindling away rapidly, and de iois 4s }, sell .very fitrongbold watts 4141 4 61**-ata-suithingbairnin. 1‘ • ! i) POrdAii): 24: 4 -On Feturdey eight Shea Wie r tramedgelieetink 'here ;which Picked filo spacious Oty.liall. There ryas 11 r udo, ? , with, k erutti siq end .heener 644.. V4ithiet otheriiixite t , e number Of personi at the meeting is elo toiled et.25 0 ,,4.1; ~ " ,cam 1 1,1 1` ,• A POIATUND,Kb a Dernocratio . feet , OS la thbillpitoarves Isenotit t ly4wooin yki:4l4l4.2oowoilii (.6# a , • „, 1 , , Tuppli , fkk . 140:444 fit 40011114- i Wasnisoroa, ' August 21.—A' lei:grain trot ~•Whije;', Sulphur: SpringS,', West" Va,,i, 4 1 4 4 00 Gaaartkliosecram was there for thdi*pcii,i o ot*Pliting v l .O Plel?eifil Lee 40,0aer flOutitera Generals in rcgard:to a Put &lit ii gehiraf ileconoiliation of ,the'peO , kof both sectiotut'of the country. In ac= 4ordance,-• with , Ibis . prOgramine a private 1 ibeetins was held; at iirhieh Generals te'e, i ° iigitteeiLokititfigird,iriatell, Wadi,' An= risen and quqcitvand 4: H, fltepbens,' A. • ;,*; 144'14 .107 in If." Baldwrn, ! Hovernors .Otosltt!a!e, ,of, ,WV14.1, ; rickens o of Soutb went', with hod :Vialiter t . of Alabama, , were' ' R risint , with . Oeneial ,Rosierans. A long t i , OpUltatieli took, place'and a iliti,cit aetiOn as agreed upon, but 'nothing further has angleed.of..,a proposed .tnoytnitont, It, is belie%te& that:an 14dfisi:Avhfl beisined to the tioutherts, people by, their (primer leaders. 1 •1 ,• r /,... \ ''taj‘r l -7P III - 1 , ..-.. ‘ • • Itemolentrifes sts4 stusedern itty the ~ 4 sottstiat4 4nyttki , flourtiPash qt:ry, ' Aug: 24.,i-Pcsid Hays , d')enjatniti liuret iverei attacked by Sioux icin the, Ov,erlend I'oB'o4' flighty ttlilea,,east of #ere Olt' the nth,/ flays w,eiloted,,, but uret eicaped.. , , • . , ~, '. 7• 4 oRdirWaktwedtr° , ,fcts,g9n •.19Rtls or ;. Ode.% • ,• . - '!. - -,1 ' .. • •‘ , .. :,, ~ . , s.q.ki Lwow. I'titil l i/V4 :12414, en rolgetlkr • tOiA Oh`YiltAlk.o l o, 4 , l ;l 0 7 . 6 0 Y mula t to, l iiive miles Cflsi othpre,on the 20th. ' thilittiti timed 4iaie'a, Itidiani . raitl dt!ove . e balance:off. :• , , ~ , 1 ~ s. ,i,, / , 1 'Lid of the white's Were severely wounded. 1 La:A orepiugWilliani'liboc r Michtel Itrelub f .a ‘ A ) wiiilttili Tii,iiieA'vAio attacked by - thiriy T. sillittitr' i'lpii: iiiilo . ' . 6 04 ' of '.wlieyo Maror, IS, ._44lilVOlitio. • ', ;,,w „ , ..' , ~ . „:,, , - ~ „ ~' 7,04'400.0,1',10.4410' 4 0v,04 ,10,vo:, - ,j1t. .•17,...1, 8 1hAtilivqe4puti ty 4 no l r ? eqr?o44; 1 vaii4,Velieiiii , ihrit . :l4y were killo. ~, , • t i t.,..t.•• ~,..,-; Ut si 'c i l e , n r Y iii ..; . ' 3l Axi u i ll . 27. 19 ;11 .8 17e' 1 1ett;0U : . • , Il in ti gi ty i p il o fti or a h; d it . 6 l3 , e •p v : p it t i; I;C:l a i t i s p , st i : t ; ta ft c i t i c e e h 4 te u l uutti,,Ugeti:thuiy yearai through : jou °any. e !mocked !let 'doikti(Vitlk'w 49,e;.' Ott t her. i ohi itlieukt.with a razoi 4 , , and then.eilt" hiq own, tllii0;. • 'the :Wouitui• Will pruhilbly,ret;ovur, ' b. ' kiC!'zPil i o,4lo. ll .9 l , - .Poct o o,l o 141006: •'. i liiiticalltaritia Steaat'llskitv.'. , ISA*":"yamop s ..4l)gast 2.--Tlio, Cali- i N ~ f nisi it'etim :Olovir k* treed yesterday, and ptPool,l64;4:ilice'vii Hi : it moved at aboat L i tlle,aaaat 13044 . '0c . a' hOrso ! tottln'g the . 'elth sKliii.:ollPii &pi-caking weeds on the; side, and 'lskiiig ~b(!!'; g roi±l4 ,#4* - -ir, ;log :with a' siolule: Thero wan a :lair :attoodnOce of • I firinera and otheia to viittfosi tlief trial. Alm Alltatemilter ho geol . Sherift,this Aoriag t•ettived a respita until; optt~niber foitlie negro Alexander' wik,o was to hays *n hang to-taatiow.' Thi ' s respita , e 01: 2.irttlent tio Ociatitaatatiba . • iA" . sCatenciii. *Or hhatinl, Ponn ) . •Reath Ais anintweb. , it,lty tali: Aug:, '21 t i—clttotipi Accitt•:o,f ,klieuhenville, °hin t 'was. taltentvith Q tit, in 'At. Alban's church yesterday' 'tnerning, anti :died before, he could' be removed,' ' - . , r; 4-- q Committee appointeciAty the liotivai ..)- Th conalifin# of it'P.l'aiitieri lathe 'P.,' Polanti 4 a d Jgr.,3,,, , „ettq„ PhYleik Prince Ed. • r(Vit a 4400 113.114 . 00 00 prvirleY 0, 06 fiktiog,-Kooo)46lAVArpaiy. ..with thst ini ii fP liticeogni f OA twdelitood t atart •csy! their esion about the clopOof eptentber.: Ac• o inteccittittepon'of the - ,resolution they to have% United Stat - revenue cutter . akikioi , ,fijoßeflli :: ,:1 :.:' ~. •:% ' 0' • ',- -, : ti The I:My/fraud of : putting false heads to wi ky rtes has 'boa discovered, Iby the, In raid Heireakiiii4enes t iltsl4ew,YOtk and 44 0 ert shies, sad ;it`is sup Posed - the 'kb:, a martt,hap jteelt ebeat i ed out of a great deal 1 o x'fikenei in this'itrihy, as the same false, hep l di with din !lamps vnity -. vould? be used on httudriski of bartela., l . 1 - 315 i- . .,Foter drowned bellies were, found in lipladelptila'sfliblu twenty four h ours , test. Week: !few. they lost their, live; is',not known —Nead n tell 'Ho In'les,',and many a deed Qt, 101 l by the foul teachings eifitadicatiam, And the bicney Jessons taught br t a Hadicid liar, is 4vertql ~ by ~,the dark ,wale s; of , , , • ~ 1 e tity( rntly, Venrt P. i gni!' IA - ' " ' ' tumor 1,0 digeovered ;lira ltorhe pude' :114 it) yoat fgt. Ma Atcp•soni Frank Hind, ktesh ye vti air t - !Ind , Nan Vino (Mont wlth a shot gui t il. t ng m 1101, for . 'the s old Win.' '' nottl prrestedin'order fo keep Loftier pmr," thia c cowlingplecekn ; thela . 441uni bus t a jarge pbrirait of Thad; Its hating °was wall, fell, tO 4,o44 t wiiil,Fmmtied. vik :subsequent 101010110 f the tOrd. the pieWe'frfillii; 4014 1. 1, # l 4tVlihB. s ltow4ttia each was. ntor, and 'menu evidenco of biv -1,41141)41. yith in any, manner. ~ *psi ihtonOlitie meeting ever '- t:„ioWhasgetablectiol, i . i litltt .:ii y ' bt ' ..', Ayr 6 11 !' ,1 '0 1 rtY : six Sue T" fi;' * '4 3 1 1 / 1 4t RlPPOOOetgle' .. ... . * •.. t . :c I . •i• : 1411 Eig NW BEIM MEM . larir LLIA Val I 11'Aittl in Ityle ‘spectii 0 1 0, of , essminailok chluint else') ME • Al 2111.111111111; 210. s3' Pena alreinl._ WM' Wok tux 2.1-i4 —......,.._, . , . ) Alejr4oo4-A't.h . ild utie t2lrWt 1 1 r *I6e3,n abe pmdA ß pp teat re i s 1- - "--- rIVAINIC ~ SALy.E.«-WliaL 11 • Vi t trAl erstvATlK BALIL 7 '4I, 7' U• 5 1Y)/1 Alt, etUSE ad lit of ground. on the North-tgeet or or Eighth had tlheetnut streets. irk tb le city. ig4 'yotaN * .corner property. le Stkil.Aoo ,for 1, eon'ot more gad ids mod triAnda • . ' ~- I Alm..*ONlaToll)l vp..K 'lova, on EiglOh ettlet. near,Chestnnt. • , . • rot Plittleulnre apply on the prenikkes. '•(,.,,„ _.,' • 1 , , , nu; . 4-zw., .1 • , • ~ , AUCTION ! AUCTION! ! that hires and boll , FOREI,ON AND.DomaTic -P‘R Y•',.•G.'o-'o:l)','S: . COntititlid lo the popular store Of Ovid Net No. Venn titreet. In the City of Reputing, will be 'told M P \ U.ll-1 - 410 ,A1.113T.1.0 Ni, the - Bk:cora) DAY 'ol' 41 4 :: RuBER next; at lOo'eloelt; P. It, and to bacon. tinned until the whole /took la NO:\ ' The' undeirk l g i nect makes' a .tkeyemptety Ai° of tho pode in th e ,aid ktere , end blembanti as *pa le others mayfind it to their interttatiotittend the , J. PAVAII • i tta _ kihrnieotliavid,Neff. Aug. Vat. , 4-Iw i • s NI3ACIU,S 11A1Lt 8 & 610 l'ontilti AUL THEATRE -00MIQUE1 SlikW A*. - tc , qs§ 3.o4 4*Oilii \; •, yow,k. itts,ow'r. AN.. ESTABLISJIED iIATIIONI,itip,I OP RA AP ,ft . y. Rim . 7wE ITING. Observe the gri!a l / 4 i'aattile'Mui .fealures for this !oak. • ' iFird•Ow° qf tt►o o /. 9P,lllq4,llViit. .. I . First time of the itdrupitieli. , thatti (wile I:, WI, . , •• ` i TAW , AGgislT'§ •PIFFIC ItS, . 1 ) . " .: . ~.. ~,,,,, •,:., , • II: ).,-.*._ .' , .;P ° 1 7 (1 '4. bu lf:Tl °FI , STEWAR 'S ~ A MINSTREP, l t .44the /gear Oro eill erf it fliiikenf ii tee r brforeept(4fril t int/460W, viaili , 4 ',l' i ..'•:U U lul ,f, ii• , 1‘111-e. , v iDon't forget the aftpritocin" perfortuanoo on diet urdt y nfternoo, at 2,i0 Clo ck }1 echiesdaYiaventill,'.Anain 20th, Cditi l pilitieV 4 ' tiny .13onefit to 3. 0 litewitrt, 10i41.110 .I?Yothq Con any abd mahl y elliz,anti. , , _ i _' dmirsitin , 24 , goats •• 'Oreberirn teats 33 oeptini Ob Wren 'hots. Door; open' at 7 /; curtain ;leis at 8 eclat. •" ' ' ' ".1 '• • aug &Orr • ~--, ; - ...-,, • •-•1-rit i r--,-------.---------, - , ,1 O l i t ioE 'TO tl.o.RPiliCr4rftti ,/tlfb iff.faDEßEl:' l e y ad At i l li e l q. fi ' i A r I :of: n a l :Id 1 7!: a 91 ; 'j : n r 1 : G a s h ; 6 :e ll e 11 I I ; : P o t i t . °6P r qr - :;:i i t t,t 11 1:1 1 144 t t " o r , r ° t7l l4 :e i tl a 3 CI 8 t lbf. 6 e. : I t . 4 n e e e l 7 41 r v o te : Ma, :f i t i t 4:: •bblldinft;*ith tipeeilleatono. earl , be , se' n at ' t o. Select Council Ohamber.Fi ft h and Franklin,otreeth, Rrssio will bWeelitnkAntiltho,Orspingiof am ' t ofAuguet i l _.,. *, y order of tbo Uotnta,titeo ()n u t Property. ik9.10.4 - td , • M. r. HA. Si Oeerotary.- ~1 1 .U. . , 4... • TOURNISHING •-. iIisIDERTAKERi, No. 329 Fenn Streets A LL kinds of Coffins furnished at short. notice. '.4ll.Ftinernis Atternin4 in town'or eouniry,, Rutin) nttintion giren'tu the business.' • • htuitalry . „, S Nto ECO G ANL/ GIFT .DIST'IaL 'Fire O UTION I 1 , 1 iIY Tlik '4 14 / ' e. s Wlll Ste 0., Good, • z. OF ALLENTOW Di. . lON. WEDNENDAY. SEM'. ii,NAletthil: ‘, ',. 'lict Good VS! Steam Fire` OoMpany of Ailed= town; eroui4 hereby respecthlly announce to the Mastro ot Lehigh atid adjoining counties. that In ehedlenco to oft repeated and” drolly expressed wishes on the part of toady of the 11S -holders In their first gift enterprise, they tith e e etihulned open aud madaaltthelreeeetim7arrantamenta w 4 Second ! grand gift drawing, only upon ,a,stlitch larger scale than the ono they last whiter brought to so eu cessild and satisfactory a termination to all Interested as ticket-holders. The proposed new enterprise will be !node op of 2rouo tie eta; and the value of the Outs to be awarded asp um will athount,to.l2o,oo9, t_ , highest prif bonsis hut of • , 111,601, I 4404 AR 101 1 1111 I , , 4 ''4 4 As In lb. past, so in this, shall °nest* , fairness art 4 ilnpartia, lity ghargoterise ithe,drawing, Our last entarprise gave universal eatisraction. wrorY- Ihlnt Pfallthiti Was ilotrAarriedont, as is admitted by elf* and the managers of this newly In drawinsphdge themselves that from title rule there !hall - has no deviation. The profits arising will fail, to the treasury of the (kanpaoy, and to be, applied to'a purpose that solely begonia the , tub It e, We ,therefore hope for the lame- libera en couragoinelat extended train our first iodine ibe of this character, Which fatal re heed to !nears a pe).feet success. Co adoring the object il 4 must CA D aluly commend itself to , the plane e'dis pe fattens of fortune will certainly botla rgely re and and agreeably surprise a large proportion of hose who may be disposed to "try their luck " grxestgeßS: lion. 11. 0. Longneelter. HoriD. i Bridges, on. p i • n s . Seball,,Ton, J. &Stills, . Hens, e tor I Ilentowir oehlocrit." i tho t Kelm, merchant Hors; Henry Bitting, eater I Hats and Copal_ tieing!, abimer A go., "bolero! grocerst ..P 8. - Hostr, drilgist; , Vleris . t Afro . dealers in ifite end ceps. • , , eti ' 84. D. Be chard, Sole Agenef. r the city of la - inc. Tickets can be had of aim; oral the'' , 0 end !farrow hotel. corner of 3rd apilt Pennstie , elit. i WM. W..WOLLS,Ohailina . i deg ii t d . Allentown. P. O. a. ,PLUMBING, 1 an,a• and s tep :Fitting-) EinfAitti ' getiiit,' u '''' 'NO. 10 SOUTIftFIFTti t'iITREET; } • P _ - VMS LEAVE TO Ati NIUNCE TO TUB EITI - tens of Reading and ~Ii chats.. ail be attends to -4 - f.-„, , k' , , '.: - :4 - ,' 1. i.;, :p ...-: -. .f '}'•r 'r phUMblNil. (lIAS / AID STEAM tiTIVINO... • !tthoituatiet; 41 1 *,orkdOisklit#4140: - Ift#: but the bast workmen asnotoyeai.„.„- - ~, -•- .;', -. 1. • ,! Also, :a jot of first-ekes ' - uhAndelierr 'sato: ftagep,,Bath,,fiabm. WT"timitl, ,. ototty., ll . always on, build and for,* 0,0 till:1 . 10*ot Otitite. ' A Mare 'dr , sll e' piablie ' litroicum 4 11, repwthdly, etdietted . ,, - / ,! -: ~, s q , 1 _,, ,r , k, i June 24-21 n i . ..._ RDWARP Bolll4' •.'il , : , A 1r slt il, li' i .l • • .4: '.: 0, it i' 46 ,-. • ttechib Of Cu ,TO *in tn inata %tut t• ' • a,* afen nit:. at Welock, Autust ..mi t i i t dm ku k tdia ha : :air it- . Biltker v f tie, At i 1a.),;44,, , "; , dek, or •: o et Al OW, his . it: ~ ..11114111 0 Its ii. al, . , r : • .'. : /•;‘, . Dr' 13 Meter/ i , ; r.:J . ,, a .-, 111 im , UMW , 4 / LI W, • '4 O /7A P OPN ..,:, MEM UM (1 111 ?081 DlStrater IBMEO 110301014 itiUltrig..l4y 2.9.1868, RAP hvc 'Yr - 77 V o w Ws PAYS him Oth ' c't,i, 4 •0 • k.: Tl V WllSWat t lt_+ltale ''' Pet to the /Is ,$) e c luekt ' Milos ~ k. eateleonven on , '" ' " ' . 1 / 4 ' ' " Prolforflo ma'sf4l o s 1,14-14 r „ ' .. , 1 i.tl ,- 1 ~,' :?o ;101 'WIWI* Orleak NW! 0* ltynr,ilor attl if t il l thits I s ie a t tg e7 too to , A L;Wit .O l l e 0 fkl 60. by p • carps. niIT,Q O M. op, • tame Wild tea 0 sae OWN 4100 mom aver nettle mg crovilml‘te that measure to bOw jury ,ef tua tax-PaYant mi I ftw o rplit , e Loner Ileldelterg, Alous: 18. 1 .' 1 ' ASS litit tteUtent Niagaten/Otirigli ' 7.7. iiio Tt e lt VIEWS QP9Mtg e fi ri to 11 , 111 *-P, othier I? Itiablit i t Yao it , 091 nites. kit -, poutoora to Ay nyou ott, I UI. srpootayta in 0 win ititp wool 'V Plitt 61V/ l t al trip 74 1 ,1461' ) ik 6 alq/COPI 6 416. 606 11 1 ‘ , trt Al 19t 1. Akr • :i; : llenlinu, A t 174 • , wkiliw . . •,., . - ~5 .! ,HI , ) 4 . .'...„,; '+:, 11, ' e t, grif I 1 7 Ak i r lttr irnrt: tsgtraNtryttb ' INT•ir : o hl iff i lrpr it ilirti Or l it owed', bet, to t • t it ytt,i IV • ,i l IV! , glut. 0011... On. _, o 3 1 040 IV:Igo NM* ' ,))14Ti MI ADM= ittiloalfudooCclAtt. Jiltc,..httir 11°?)?1?r 41:010nigra.":14"1''' it ..: s.. tit .;i, ' :.: ...,,:-.''. " t.. ,FII.4IIOVELLANSIOVIIIi rt4ok: ILI 4...„,-=-.._=-_-______...,,................ f . I . - - 1101 1 ZER 461-11001 ,' , -... I ~,,, , ...h.:, ... t+ ,u i, Lip i shw t , nu .71,11 i, (Fottnerbs. A r ikockpoluehl el, '• • M'i ;1 : , ..i V . Wiiii. ' Th. , ,4l , l . l . lim4 :11.1 ,:{4.. nv,11,1-y4E:oolti l uitift-if •• :,.:( s' : . ‘ • - r ,; - 1 .0: ~: '-, IN . II 0(0. fAt ttle. 1" ' ,. : 4 : '' J: *. '60 I AIIAK)N ‘.* • '''' "- ' “ I,• „ : „..... 37 ,6 ' . ',,- • - ..1;•-• I , II" •i` tilslPitltig PObitit 4 VO I k., 1 , .....,t.,Y 0 ..! ill, f P.T.3lli•ii P O t P. ),ilii , 4 i el) l k i;01: t C.'i &vitt° bought but 111.r•iir istudgelive6o,4 , o V i f • artihr If liell t io b9 iiiinottrag t v I_6 1 , 411mtret,rt g lutottestiititact "Pt 10, ~f . , -. , lvrtl • , .1:) 3:I , , 11i1vtlrf gi jfitf7- OP I ''''0 1 ' , .." 1 ":"; - ' Vree 'ooiiiiittr &e ft ItteOkit 1 . -'-, Vi 4 :it. i v la „M i lt) *two,. ...:, : ~..,,,;, , ;.,d , i4 b . ,. v-, ,c,,,-• ..:- tioliellina•feeontlitootisint bflthe pationoti if on. ihourociiatlNg public, tAfiyiFft ft I' ' - it'l - '' , yO6 tiiipoidui i ; .' ....',...' 1 ,-1;-, ~.•1 vin •rvit f illp i riliVliLi••• ti o4 11 ,t,j oio .- „ e.. , . • *la ft falo.o i 1•• ' , (,"-; t-....4.,:4,: 3.1.,.. (~• .1 .!1-'• ff.i.; , ',r4/4 , Y Ail l .lOir, OA 40 $4; . : 1 3),1 I pk i -vALOAiILV FignikWlN.Tati)illo ' ',,i' ivo'-Ootelv niisik DlFFELitigligol4l - .m.ttith Woe rooms 'and ialatotittAttory• voi_ all , jfoolo,4l4,iollinz.eti 10e et 1 4 4 15 1 " 914111: : Nintli 4 street.. (NO. 3) . ' toi e IV , I a in n a l ;Spruce, ill tto.citx 0 Itiork, hip rip At DEW 4 eel° jipoil t ri. easy coi It le , ~, A $lO am a ttobloe ore Upon the tok;:an tbo'butl nape ate 'tlr. Pew. 9 'h!"- property ' )/Nul4: e very, au tab% for,a notel or eaihon with acaraiti,dt forlittionufaintitiff W 011301.3. For particulare; apply tit *Lk' Ili ilr. Ripon tho_protoisce. . , • ijiltY ^ale. N.. 8; Tho allotli spr6PerfYoai'ilio bit • lollatiii . v 4 fora fern), .. ~ , • . • • .r . Good Newl3 'for .01d - Beitgi. ‘: , ~ 1110111 •`'ol4'l4ooK '," •; • f.,.. k • 3 p, ix t .w ;,f. r :'~'. r Arta 'CABINET .()Ista N f, 0 . ),.... ,i„, ~1 r , -,,,,:. 1 v..: 1 .• „, , ( .I, .:•4*' ' ,o, it,, ..13:/e.141.4',V,O, 14.4143.PVihMk)1,T0" .' i ';‘,l' t =I , L: A; BER/11#1 • ‘ TA tsl,o• . 1 vir Aft agtIONA . No; 408 WA* I sotitkt - ; . , z , !nducernepts.pfrered 4p 4 liciagail and. '"' "-' `;! l '' '• -) . •; • I Miso h felt gool,..aicond.kitid-Pianoti for sale .0 . heap: • : , • -• 4 , $ Forum] t00n.. , • %t".•; , t • " :p 4 q m/tit • 1: 11 1 rt .. • .• : • - WAn,444irrpo4 - !** - ,.. 0A10).100-1*,::.;006IM :• Ali tab. P./), f. tI;4IQN JEWELRY' MANINAMPAY: ! ,1., , ,i;!,- . ..,.,t3 -.l ~ti'! 'is, ,i,.4 .4-t,i7,1 '4 . 1,1 ~.;,, li • . I . ! e BADGE I :'DEPOi I / 4 1,5 . 1.t ,-.!. .- e- ...., h 'AA 4t'.. 4 : ..7 ;:. S ;•.,i - 1 1 fl ); , 4•1- •* ,L • keit, - I. itiolivriut varif4l l M, • • c ..,..,. ;-. 4 l' •' k ....' 4,1 ~ 4 ; ") - d 4::' •." : ~.: , s - ( ? 4,10 . x ,.. ,400_ <4 l 4 4s• A'rfainsitOpftehollike4.4',i , • ,: ~ 1 5,20 1 ,AA ottk ui vi t ignibido s — te.,, 11 1 ,, WP ll 43 4 rws: , ,A . tpovAthe , tril e atit4. : lidos it rut O Wb eiattel In Ne orte. •Yr. .- . ylifele 'lnio Ibundtril at: rWea . ,,, A , • •• „ • - )ilhiilAVOT eVeredirk ' 1 ' intr, airibsover42ply..n Bilow.. -: ,- 0 '• r .„ 04 se litatlals..rfte. eeplf, :414504 ..' Pp ,44; ... , 9.4.14 11 ,49e49.07elistetrt±p04-000011041'- , I-. , • ,-', ',,,:' 1 4 •”' 5 ,.. a0 ;! t( : -<: ti '•it• • , Out. Retail p leas ars R ilkeale Wi ll 4 , l' l •' No! wili v e : 0 ) 1 ,P.O F, 4 , MO A 0.4 . . 1 M . , 1 00, 0:4 14 ,#94 1 4 10 14 4 .04 1 04„ • :f•ap i r,"o44o,:tllt# . ._,.• Alt a . ~,, NITO 14 , 11 1 P Y•lava t, - ,' . a ):',,.: . • • ‘ _ i • 1, An ,:lt FMS 7, 7 MEI t ;• • - lIMIMMI PER** oil', 4121 RilifiliStir* /014466"* , . • i rtr1416 ,,.4. atzlrinua aliv.voittAut, t * -t" 'Lrlas. i i , ,-‘i l' 41 4 " s l i ... ,Asp. *II " Ur " t lart . AAgETXf i 01 ,1 44 4 XV ii lati) F i ..“ +, •.',... ,',....A...tt....-L r- ' ..- i ' ' • , hoo: RAEDER} 4,,. , il litt .„,, A menrACtori:loolo/161Wriiiiiiiirt" r i. ' ' 'il r 1 r 3 vtlithatoli t ik; rev - A - vitt VIA 1 p i Wi1kft141404 , 44014.4011e1"“tN,Z34 gl- ' Ull VtlDaßatir •...., 1 . ! . • ,„' vile public, Otto o*to e sill •1' t•,.,' IP r il = ftUar a rk omit 41 . • T ' • Von, $ 016, ultehßopew Fitsittslitio y tett toes', unsurposoa ,,,4 , TENSIQN, TABLES,' - , ,:. ! ten, f te) )4 ' , 1'V02 ,-, i - m) f, - ,•::):,/..1 v. NA es ii k ~ I PIag i NggRAV,WOJWINI3 t itt. - 41 1- N t',3‘...,fi':.) gv0 ,. ... 1! ithlin *do* vitistvg .. ~..,,i t . « _ s 4 1t,4, IN r , . .; 1 7, qi Ak ' 2 t ; TU . :4 I SA T RI ). • 144W1N0) n .1 4 s , •, •404 4'44 f ir ix ,ghiP. r~4 : s. t i,i t c:Ti li Cv-1!..) 111 :11.;:ly_r#, 1 .- 111 A, • *AU $ r , • t - A • .yirk e-zit'n qits;; • I. • tilo •.% 1, t -MVO: • . • bilp4iatved • ' w k.) ws Nor 94110,11)**X e , f: Vrie - 4S;(f.ti' *Ore • tame skyortimploak bog thapOteet 4 • ;ill / 4.4 . 1 , t - it . _ L'Ain s , zy.svil 1 64 „1,/',)l4s fotpt f,t • „I, . • " • - !, • 4 • " . ' , * '4tl ` s C 4- ,q•l g Nik , ', 0,1 " ..' !. , , , ', 1 444 Vi l Llol l l*VP*4‘ PI 00-ttV fjl,OlP.l 'EMR.ROlrthingdi 4 " 41 ' r' :4 tit - ..qt 4 A'*);:P ea*!tr47A . A . t - zo •Ivitosaikrit . pcioi , e ~, ,y, ' at .0, - itop, :t; I, ,",. , t v.. , , , ,1 r`iht i iit i keyDAI , A ,6‘ ,,, p tk- poo;,. rve• 1. 4, , ,:4 .,, r; ~ , ‘l'.*„..l a sTs44h:, , 4l)ta7 , 4 , 15.4 4,..:4 , 1101(ftfywaivg.41.-f„,. , i , : , A *^ , .. Zl '74 )'t. '' .41:1 - "•03, , t4 ii - Veddi:Miit.tV." f 4 .Avoti natal .• ;. ' • i , . ,z , e. , k ;... -, • , ~, ".,, i, tt , c'4 ".41. "c‘ I g ',Oh 'ft tx ZgPaltißfit t El' .. i.'2 , 4/ . ...`, 1 Zi! ; : ye4 . , 5.: t ilk,;( j ,l 1 , ,, , . , “1 5i 4 CV -; A /A VOIMINWAftztio ,t 44 - if , ;;'(-4 %: ',e' 41 - t..4 c ( il. ""*ltrotO 4 runifibbst. o e # c . 1 iLate - moisomoisrokoe:4*.,4o4o %:. I i i , 1 :14 F itati ,- t: 0 , 03 V'' • V fc ,- * 44,4 4, tifii4,1 t`' a I.H ji. en B,` ' t*k , It'a , t 'V i . , .. , -4 An on Y ~r • 1M rr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers