El I Daly ilt M 00616 4 - I be lasood,:\ e advaet .ii I .: •11 I ; ; , i I. , % 4 . „ 1 1 00 , 0 %" , , •• 4 From Aug. l '. '. - l. 1 i) .. lAN, . $1.20 i From Sept. 124 to Stki.42l4llin6ik ;r l, t' v a Fr 9in C t ,ci7J l A l !YO / fg 4l / 1 04:4 WA% i. r;',:i 4 . ! .. No 'enbs - or!ptioph i , i Mil: the,Opapfkift F 4 azu will be • 4144111 UL itic , kniiiinteitiVtiie . P I X C. PI 44t1 !! 4‘47 1 ° !, et 1 0 01 li r : 14-444111111 Y A 01**42 1 00 0 0 ; C ''' ' ' : , 011 ' . ' I '. ' " ' : 2 • 44 % , .‘'. '45. , .P-V.+7 fZi 5 , , , ,?. , A l t M4 411 4+0 0 JAW. AO* formed tm gdi,thoiXoltiltmiviOSci of to day; and 0114x1,,04rm1x fox : gin ollooomfo* , ; my the liimitfitir i t t he wee 4.,11315t ' 'itrrraa & UAWLEY, ',Jte *NS *WPM 1111111P,i - Alllos74:=4:iiiirsdo. t. 1. pn AOSTIN :, ea I • ioteitiii 7 44 1044 1 0 'OO orettitypuew'initt*W fkititcot(flol+ asami boat *finagle fettif 'Mari Oriekliei the world and ail its rimiiiitesteMbioiiill diminishing lone ; and whga,k 0000 0 0 30 the,Mmootah boat up the side ladder of Abe good ship soli balm been . - 1 4 1 44 4 tf0ike4 . nffick?m,Y AP p6iWttltit it to 6114 o f ClOreilleriefiertd. I.)aft} to,4aeatittiat iltwomiciirbere trio*. air an • the are skirl, ahiclulcl7 rpenrit !, • •c„ • efts .14,1 Titurnii;ol,, , Alet.mY .444,90.11,901 W nary mutters; and, now that I.l*,•ep j tqa-, leseent o t beiMma arlOttkioh,OradOm. T • hera asollymSgotild* which one may, rjoy more heath knot, solid Gain at a eltarm. •,) Iff***,, rayed Watleilati 4 ' AWtOtOiltito4l'l6 . especially in ej,wmther\ when dozing doge hatini, to thein• I elite". end do binelottl% that h ek ant, the but441; 1 414:04 4 i to to** l oo4ll' . olo actidty 9 place. Dot Ca P 9 To wn 1- OaPo the breeze eprim npom m eOnletp with it' on the siori . ' Quo doz.:tut Zoos yawitinpabontlhe pion looking up now and then at Table ifOuntnin to seirto,9lo: woSitlitaCiitid skiiy '.411- moot"' frolic trable l ksoito wee suddr4 banied,*o 'OO., Vitit4llMietif.l) A 8! quiliktiali4ii iitittiiitii?oratif *Wfai dEk thel4l4o4titrat OLP bun ta '11#11t ; ent - :A , ~ , sto,woit 40004* :.•3 ~ 'l, . 'of, er1,010:#11ibo.,0. : , ~ 400# f . 940, an 'o4oloo,ipitotOpis!Pi'l=. (4. 00111§ 1 100.,404. :: iiiis., ' l4 , *:i4oit l'si . 8100 . r. 1$014c:01101i , _10 : r :,,1i#L:41)i ., ,t44 ° nuttiresoidoli „ 1 r,- . itioitipt.4#4 hange 4 T ha,v-ti‘,ArMichlttja,to otit , f ntakeouisk ' riklisitineifiklite*: 10 . 00 4 1 M 0 11ft o,,i9 r pi 10tift le blsokbrig. 7 e , ' , repldlyeiobonged'44tWeeltibetigte -' ' ' the shoreriad siva the minor spooktiO, the new comer was She Lynx, 80, 06P 8 0 1 0' Horn% „lttwir t t i. , i 0, 1 ' ,i 1 . ,: , a ehe#4***,l ~ )- t i?l ; ',...."•sci at . , , a sod of iNsh, 'MO of e , Is oven been iiitillik; ittillik LOtir. ltaiiiiitat i' remedy tin. the AmpoA4t,devilt t for * few days wOO% i alosid dio*W ,414, 'and Rome elionid dine , witi(4'elidirdin . I should leis the gang psi; And' bear some *ILI taut obi in ttibire. -: But here Is the als pailaigUttif‘ the pier ! beod, tu end 44 iiipmees tbi smother e ' t iiiiikrta, (Nolan Horne, ftll fig, or, his way to, 4iiiiqiitbroor's, To oty surprise he seemed in•wretohe4i rer,lt,e) ").; 4 .0024tV#19 ikKOVilrilordd Iwo on we iriceess in t he ptiliaTely kin.), W46184410441444440t#114: houlr drys, " sislho mkt va s will: 04 1 , -.4olol4'odite itad filireed to ins with air. -, 141 " 4 " 1114 00 41 00th ~P,PO t 0 have ridA an ebeter., .' ' • "'. '' , . -,, " 00 0:4 N - ',' ffilliPt *Ws a bird . illiiira am rotthaid. I wish dm bad beesAiiiiio ,tifty fatlt9o. blue.liSiiibtotisro etot I WA. of hare: " ,, ', A little pressingt, ' Opitako l gt ilibVitol . o dory. • —. . MB 1) • • • (t no Fi t ktbiohafobritwiiiiiittiiiint : In winitomi Afros harbor and would sail gide*: She ItlitiiigitilikiligriM CidersibittlitiikiP COlvilf*Yo4liiie, ;#4 1 1410-(0., AO .l-1 14 . boixialtioc "toirikociiiMaiiifilittWol*: itantliiCfltatertailiti, gilt ProvleiontiAlid fottlii,l,4).*Khigeat *44410 Old ,robe :*a4 of the slariv i !„+ ii ',Ateloi.(4lsoloa,l4l#ll.4 . WJ 1119, t4 = ' osc Aih l l ol 'o4o4tini• 1 iavoiee, • were .alli„beattifilliiregehir: 0 101444 h**trAfteir,449 l ;4ol ral I ‘ o ' , ,r - 1 r#„, A2‘ . ', A. _4*oo4o l l l §:i ,s1'!"-1 1, 7 . 'llF r ' ll 'vet t lrO l' '",„# 11 14V,•,, ::4 0 4 0: 0 . insi .....‘hira;i ) a i d ..,. 4, 5."4,4*th00: , 400.014.itaiiwy,, . f or pnoo4,6ltakp.mist.,,' , Belita,esi t i i • kositlisTaloa had a cargo of iiira= • 40; - iniek'il . iii';:yo'o4, !pawl , rods T-the ° PI-.PA I P,SI 4 IW 4 C !O dr „tyttirell— , , i,ko: t *ii 1, 4 04,05:•*k -14 : 944 0 0; !ii)!hal ail*/,',;'),::', - ," ig4%itiltt;4ll44 ' , . , 1 kept .bright lookout, . - 4 4i*lotsio,,ito, or, 41, tOoMMto *ring *voliiP 3 i ° :' ,..;-: ' . ~...;,- ~.. ‘4, ~ ,, i . . r i*lst4iiilli • iiiiii t avideatlY, , : .telitirtia the light of Benin ; bat, when We - got Within 44glitts miles, of the - fluibit'iiiiiiiit; tWilti fcht; 40411dVitdd kit'Ao*lti - Ais 'fliglit. 'towards' c 0;000; ;;The 1411/ Neil is * 4i. s'lave's ' l o, ll4l ibt 4 04'4'4 gß'illeltighteat; trim. 'iheitlkile*ki; OrettilliklOilliii '0 010 '''" t 1 .`iii__,, 04 4:3.h04, * XrPhieirl lOorioill.iliail", ", Welt," resumed germ:4l,oms coming 0P,7 1 .4 , 04/ I#4 , OW.liike4,,s i ci,.kond be ireptPiirld i:llPOlkii*OliOile iilticli keit! Made for the Calabar riirer. f gave chaso l and ho etee*tPtOikillendl Thir:'Whilld,Aever 4 0 ; a miall; a r,ilttlYfen a dark night and he • itonkleseope ale,tad` cirri Mitt* of ebony 40 to Autitieli: ! . flO l, ran 40mOred a gun • serif sheet to" fetch the 'skipper. lie ,Me o t me with a kiriirAing grin, and mid, , as osquitl9d ~t obacco • ove:, ply clean white decks I • ''''2 i '" - ‘.' . , f, "Well defeen, yott'ro got rile ; P I hope you lcf! il Mc: , .: 1 79. 1 eVe."04.tre51 rue, I fieeee;, b4i , tO, get do litit#6,44ool;q la • Atiother !and ii` qtatioitillfiteleititliCilitt': -',., , , .:, ':.' -• .5 s ' ' 4 4ad'ioit 114' Ne4l;• and' Fin ' afraid I'v,o, Ittirivtiete x by py pref:dops cap; t ili l*lti*Wai l t . S6taigthihilt' 11)k bare onapleion. ' The crew are as close as tyax, and_ Y;ankces keep watch on. the fil,panishiatlers; do no eke can'. silit'if ' he "anted to." , • „.I. i . ..: "And if you den't' get her condemned, Itorno l',' 404:VW ,: , ' ' . i!`lf 0 6 , 0 0 4 iiiiiidned Man, that's ell," rottirnod c Vigra 'gpiror ids hitlip 'very 1 . 4 11 " 4 " ) ., 14 , rfo .1 M. 1 5 1. 11 Olropen, as lon iviow 1, 41 !u it, my' , p,VnOe . obi are blighted,. i I_ ,A.WttecOP:l6 Of. uli .',.. 1.1 0 fOici r iny poor ' - ,Y; # :' xt*liii'cot.tliititin#o, ivna so an*lona ‘ , *ioiii Prim . ) money, and I thought that 6(41i.i:4 14. hive isid . - fol , someg three 4 4 0 - ~Y?: Gibitlicke, -1 and left s e boudiotne l itof A*., , ttio!, ".' DOE If thoirig's deetare4 an 1\ *you., %plot pay emapensatlon for ;Sizing her; and detaining her illegally, 'and .40 ekr0.0 0, PltIFVF,P 4 th, ' 61 4' 01 ?..f ° 0 1 ,. ISgeiiiiitid tahof 'hot, - tititil I'M' ,4 ' a beggni. 1 ors°, too; I aholl btin pc, . ; ‘bli\ok books' .• the admiralty, and' perhaps never get. an ,e, 4, 11 , c ,. 1v . , 4 -t*--ti 4ahthvfitits# 'fiii :'`n. tiP 7 ' oatiesW4.o bsiPfullt6' Wow him to say any more. Day a ft er day m i slaver lay ins Tab Bey, and nothing ;iiiine to ji&htf ,PO seaman ached- 7 no. t4k)409‘44511 (thila‘nleek'illiiiiPe , ',' oust& triumphantly when ho met us on the i * .t4r, . loiti ita.VlClaio 'tliougikt 'liar ' di° 44tor t and poor'dejeeted Horne the prison *, tobave seen them broth. '4lle mixed court could not come to a do ,ohlion. ThUtlAVreA4CAter,Oulkkthe salt park, and so on, h'ut 'ne.'shi,elchi-belts Oleg iOns. , ""Ithit don't' you -search the - held?" slid I daily to poor llorne., I) I dare noirian .l ioiiiit '`--14441 ! gil t there .aleavy cargo; and what. , with• the wages et dnekyard-Oeni and Compensation to , the •Aners for bresklng bulk the search would 'tine abunareid,dollira." c ' •fg,feosllll4lo4ll Abe. Ostistapee Lin ;my pOwer,but he'trai a proud mart, and declined 44{, So the case went on, and the naval off. , poor maul was on his trial z as Nell ns the ' .. lly slaver. Idwot t caytala has let a a . trader esiolielither fitan'run such - a . . The (Ili& Welted titiVettne, and i tli6 Yankee Skipper was in oonrt, and snail) . - eft his fingers at act rite:;ol,4Aii - ot? iik t „ - t u g trOuble to sham .innocenee, confident , he , ociiiiooll4itti. goite.tvOttit4o,4, in# a vvor4 to Horne, , , ~sl. i pped out of court, roP to the piet v and kid Pulled on board the brig..:4 Soottilecikedian 'illylii the tnidship , miia who commanded tO, prise•crel • and 44 made a most htegoits :iioslsOght p l the Rents ' y - 4' li‘ - klkr.l l #ll4o IQ* 111 found . ' + . .. ',' k Kt I -4114 liad '. been ped latiO4.-AtiliklaiittiFlittailer'ap tbfillk Oh* tatottAiep *bat for ea dent t ,v,re Might kayo jearchedtl444ms la vOwt•YMit t til ,1 itiii:AllProiit'artiifi t t Aitiiiiiiiif 'ln i 4% *u Ault th k )1, ~ , 4 ,,„ 5 t ~ l r , it 7 41c ' " I t ! e : . tal% .- .; : e i . . -,a f. ~..., -.*: 1 "641 4 1411 f. fr‘iletiVid ,br. thus most 1* ( 7 ' 4 e :041 .u. 1-4 -7 , i ' a: ~ , c -te, - .‘,..,11- ,1 0,:, , , . , : , . ., ., 1*, SO .wc. 0:0 • SAVE ~.~ dirsADlll(ll . ~P Aif !RONDA/ 1-I_l-_ m UM • xtpw,-, • MI its Aivil,l44a Al. 99P, Iraikr 104474E1i miligiiirmimos 1111111101 i geithot Rossxrite-,A year and a bait , three piing gentleniett left their 'uttlire pate in, i tt4huid e.loeittito to, OA , epilltri 1 , 4 Aeir rqr l Pllef• , Tiro of itionl'ocitied a Galeitimig and establiihed themselves in t 'bless thonii and the ttilrd trent to Quirse. i haithit l 4 !atlighto; ~1 .4 0 010 Arel 1, eft, it too 4; 41iON 4 : 1 ao ) . 4411, engaged to ba ins:tied: Business prospercd*ith the three pang min t taid 'abouV . "ten dttYs , iv' 0 three young )(idiot 'mined ttt. tow Yolk , u 'where, by Artangewiwo, they were two ,by btle of gut v 14101411, who eseorted themi , . toialesburg, Sind toti 00 oleet!ing Of tho 4th of ely, - the three eciuples Keno milled in the ade orm atria' ony by thellev. Br, Beecher., al.is tether % pleasant rpiseilo iu ; 1if0,, , forks .Thro... . ; i , ' 1 . Pig COMING OLEOTTOXB.7-FOUt State elee ions occur is September. , :Tennessee vette' a tbelitth r V,ermont ea the /el, California ath Btli f had miancLon the 14th.. lie rank 1 Ohio, , lodiatut Pennsylvania, lorra o 064-1 est Virginia vote to 9eteher. Oa the (hl of, ikfprernyer (thOilrir Ortlio preSkientin! tileo ol ol l4o WYPt4l Xcw JeisaY,l,DPirarfh tdbxyland f j anols, Miehignn, [yisgoosip t illioiesoisdi,liesesuri, KoPoas, t 4 (1,041.:04 # 4 4 B achuso4, h 0 1,4 ttWIF OPetious., In. ; the next tlrelvolresics,, therefore; ire shall have s ookless than t.Tenty,•,thrce Siete eleftions,-- 7 , rhila. News. 7: , . i .. 77 - 7 - 7 .- -,r ---- , - ~--;-:-;- ~---.. . i ro n ; 'PA REPARAVON 01 iiiiipll - ate` OT ' fire grains ;,peppeyinitit Iraterireleven draehlns ; umi spirits of RiltYlegisiine 4rltehm, is, used to' talte, tha Pioeo of strong drink by, those *hose** to overcome A bad habit. 1. • ,_ s . '- ' ! . 04 ,1 3 . 0 4 , —s -i. . i , li ' . , .. - AIID/VA./o • AND DICI'A.HIPUHEI ,OF i l ` . " IS I TA ( lliel ANit MAIIAI . _ _ . 111e4dIntt July 56,'186€1.. , ' '. liRdMSTONIIIMAILAND STAGE MOH 11.1eatteit Reading at 8 a. ta.rti - weeklY. Wttaidat' Thursday and SaturdaY. Returns sane • days at 61)).142* . .it servetilbe following 4rEted Post Odleep 1, , s Caliph ii . siglersilile, ,AelatiltrVil, labbwittlit.. 7; i liffil i tt twee , ergoßuyrip at 0 O'CIONC,, a, iR.. Attires, gt ruling at 10 o clock. a.m. Returning, • leaves RC lug OS% p. in. -Arrives at - Boyertown - lit - t II 111.. .It sloths Stonersißlo, s Brumeeldrula; Eireshrllle,„'l•ellow Aimee., , F. , Mt`o ll6 ' llo 4i #PT6FtIi . t iIERNVILIAR MAIL AND STAOR LINN , - 1 -.Learas Bethel at 4 o'clock a. to. - Arrirea at, itea l i nl a a t t 2 l :4lr t I . ) . k, n a. in t4lt i g' a a t ei l litart le r; a e fl. so. .It sorvas iaVinulouillipwer ern, ame n ru- I O L 'agraTlOUli t One. - '.1,1/11,0hQ0004 alld c ( Nall BILL DIMEAND STAGE LOIN - '' -' eaves Rest,d&tonnday, Wednesday and Fri ay- at 9 i iloolt, ii i _in. Returning' leaves Blue all on Way, -.Thursday and 144tirdah ar ring at - eadintat 4 o'clock. 1). tn.' , it inlioPiles oha's ' Storoblina l yer'ii. Barcaparale, mob , e°ll ' iti r ed'A l lt a girrd i N Ban ' Leaves pli v i x if on aloft iiy i • Wedv,sd a y t Ann' pad s , at? o clop ,a. in, ' Nirr i V n is at "I g ni l i c n Tuesilikyy Thu ay: and , OU ay at , .0 000 i •,. M. itlol4ooi s Mt. Penn: Beekersville, Joanna Falco. Mo town, Talbotville, Honey Brooke, Idge ap ort i llegle,, ... , h 1 55.,.. s. '. 11 , 1 AOURVI LTA D M_AIL ND Tart ' 1041 What sville•on ue ay, Thu arand Saturday at 7 o'clock, a. in . Arrives at teading at 91A oeloolt, niinf. "; Returning: -Leaves . ? trading o t t, 2 0110 k, t. ‘'IM. • Arrives at Lobao aville 01 - De ock. p. in. It sortes Alsaco, Oley and Lobuobs . T'lle. •' • READINOIO . OOyhiIIIA ' I Daily by Railroad 4 -Leavel biding at et td. ryes atlo:3oa.ta,_-, Supplief t ritstown,scin olds Cation Steve al, Sphrata, illwai : Lilts, ow- . elui,Skortim Ilili t Landisri lonnd ilver Springs., i , YESTOHESTBR 'TO Bllip 8080 • Tri;weekly by ' Stage—Leaves '' Webb:Wester on Monday Wednesday and Fray - at 7 a.‘tai'' At tires ae,Birdsboro at lip In "Returning. leaves Birdiboto on Tuesday, Thnrs ay: and Saturday pt it. in. Sapplies Oeiger's Mille, Blue Rock, liong s, allace, liwahland,' Lionville' and west White l nd. • %._ \ i „ READING TO ROBESON ,' ' iSemi-ireekly bY Stage—l:eaves R ending on Tiies dity and Saturd,y , at 7:29.n.,14. and,arrives at Read !gat 11 a.m..' '',s - • • . ~ :, , ' B L IADINO TO HOST Ss rdata Soml-wgetig , by ~ kitime-,-Leaypt Reading uo a -. day and t'llAQ a me Arriv'es at , eild 7 ; Idg at 0:30 a.m. Supplies Addam i s Tavern,Lower Heidelberg, North Mesidelborg, iitielt's Allis and Host. ' . . •' - LRESPORT TO NQIIA • ' ' :Tri-weekly by Stareavei Leosport Tuesday, Thursday and Bata ay at 111 in. /Arrives at Loot p6rt at 3 p.,12:4 13 PPlica South .Zrainivillb* and Molitoww. t ~ - COATOWN TO ,VI,ROINSYILLE 'Try-,-Iteires Oextban TuoidaY," Thuriffla 'add Kitutuay a a, in, Arrives at Pox town at . in. Supplies ItbyrillO, MUsblein an& Ititginst le i f , RH IttIRSUBRO T s o STOYO ORURO " i t ffti-trea Irby stake - , - eavas RehretibuttiTues day. Thursday and Satur ay atll a..ta. 'Attires at Rebrersbars ati) p.m. Supplies Wintersville And Host. •' ' ss ._, - - t , i• ." RHADINO‘MAILSi : -' •' - TWIOR Diltlr." ' ' ' ' blelf.Y9/y—p, ys els 10 p,x. vutio F. 4, . Pilitalikiiika t 7. 4 111711 A lt " V * /.' ' 6so at A a `3"; . 41 6 i; Xr liartillmrs-r f Arriyoglo:3ls A m ii ifi "" lna 4 t 4 ll. ' POtisilltr .‘ An i lv s" lea a 4 0: A 36 11 1 " m i an 5 d1 1 2 :1): litir A 444145:80 u. ' Asihria rat ;: i m. tding r t" Vas i( e . u,ks i, i; Arrives *t 5:O times a ireek itt.", ' ' t ..,..)77 r. x. 1 91assa at 6:00 A. j A i liVill 841414 ;7 131 :140 " unk -“vi ed& '° si e' lie 11 0 t4 k 2: 1 - 3° L tir t : '; Arrive. •' $ i Moss's at Zoo ' ' 'itisisis"at s gs s rsit t : piQvia-lhiii l tarries \ 's ort z.m) 7ii 4hlTftikf t 7:00r. U. I , , a tee . • i Airives ' at i nl' u l ir l e v tlinesl l lve t et roo A : : Aitic AS gd, 9:00: 08 1 1: 1 143 4 11 0 ; 1 : 7 1 i t c w ` o l : w ,aol . w . l ' Bl3 4 t a 'at t /". T A -- •• 31-' &rives ist, llt ' --. A. el,i = • , ,_,, 1 1_, ----_ Bri , ne t !frfrui"s', l CELEBRATED, , SWEL4BII, PITTERS, t,„ tbihio ir viir.iii-‘' .. 4 t : th ern/knife Ond Ktdi t eit ii the meat Mr . note tii 1 .4 0 s,tiv ' WM* vißd,PlPrz V S 0, el tto most Haws pm* , ter. alt. Mods of fever. Dyeentery, so - 117 "Pec tr riss r y it e ow ever. tot. Alt 1 o 7 1 'l3 ' . _ ' , , '". , , 1151 'Ant Stroot.f. ~~~1~~~~~~~~~ i~~• e: J , ~t s ii .L, .t . ;,,,*.N:firia ime t to CAltityglitik. .{ 4 1 i.• A; -,....17,rr-t,,, ,- ;1 4 TrTrt" 1 41,!Irr i t.l. it( k t , . i - Ao , --: ' . '., ; /"' t . • '.; ',..` ‘ - 'S I •—: k ,'..; • ' I , ... i , ',„ ' l4 f ..1*„ • ~t• il , r) ' • i,l - ., 11.1101C Win 1, - ,.-.: f . 5.t.,,1g 1' , ;fg' 12 • ( • ~, ~.„ t , 01., .: 7 . ;. 'P,,ll”'k • • I , , t - " , ' .4' 4 ; , , , , ?W. .1..,'• . vi.i t ,; 2 4,1 t..,,c,. , , , 1,1.., i V-,%1•0 i., 0 - ~, 4to -.4 . ' . 5 ''' '' • 4F4 - ';•• ' 4 ' 6- -itt i ~ , ,., i ll ~ • i'.t. -,, .....,.• .!.3 ...: - : -,., . ....,, .. •,..., : ~A . ...., , ,:5.1i , .., ,• ~ t -, . •:,f ~. .. • - i k r o g i kl, ;lit (..,..; ~ : 4 ••i- t., . .: oJer.,;.---, lir 'to cbettli s h l iev ii , k ,,, t 00,..03 ~./.;,,..„, 0•118tri-le07:::, 1111 fi/ --. --, .."7,4-4......0. x •." ''''' .4--'-- ....7.7.:":" .- 1100FLAND'S COM il MAN' IiTTUNA ( ,''..: . , 1 ,I , 1A P . . ? A '4'4*D *- I ROolland r eieerMati- 4 TO loot 1,, ~:iff /' "f '; ..'=1:4 , 0 , -,•,,e, ''‘, ..', .:,-,..,) 14.: , ,:t -- .4: , •, , q 4 1, , t , l'A•4l . 4 iiiit'RkiiioHes 'fiiir 'claktilskitak'''e' ''Wt -- i ..4 ~ .Littr;' , aolooto;op, - orikliewt , ..k q• 1 ,::,, , ,,,,i i: , ,: ti.:4e, 0 , 014,i I : Al ' , ' s 1 4 : ~ A . A ti-;`,l 7, Z, , , i ' .."::',, , . ...h 0:, - Vi. 'lf ''. lloollatubi , . rintutq. 'is ~ t t.:; ,4,,, , ,,,,-,,,i„,... il , :1,14 ~,,,, .1 1 1: 1 4 .? . — . ..'J ' I. op SIM A 4 l: ' . -- LlMOi tiergi t —'" ,sl4 ; tkii s. - 7 - 00 , rog ,eOLOW4 ' ''' •" • '!•.i,'l4. 4", • P.:,': i4Viat;tl , W6 aitAs4,6lll9l !Tki - goileolorinopitiHmie s t4 1714,1=4"" tt - - 04 7 0,0ukurs i . ila •to • et *lir 0 0 4 014 *Via Oittrprt nlO - Ott" tit air ' 1100 Ili WO , 4 ', ' •,, e:, ,' -AR . , I , lft i,' ,''. • Itkit tips4RlOK*lol/Titlig not yiliqhavi . Apitdei:o94l.3itioti:iiiitooki rthobittatiowstuwww.6loi , -;,-,1, i vA , , rti / .1 0 10 4 VL4S08: 1 40 44114 4gC . . Ei Twa* both :Q9QATIO64I;I" °GI tit. •••4lohun•Higu, 4.004 , is•tri ore ritionetermitor 0 ,0, i • OToi,p9 lA, I,ll , Piliteble; e,. ~ •• . , . ~ , , it siel,frout 4; piety: , tat uses, , gseit es Ind gesuon, - ppitIPIO I / 4 rltt , ilepkilOttlia ery atit,t4 fi VA tunic' ns 0 ens .. 2 vu, mityintatigSint eloseoly It air ~ it 1 1 4 1 4 I irli ‘ t,iuit n itte - At e ltitistifiert i tintere,re t t4 lillt*Orthltultl*tnit t 1 0 8 bN: -- '' ions VtileQ4e j t lippilli t : o l Vnlinets o 1 to Oa) tedp, ItlWitY or 6 to SAMS, /if IM A DISAtitt fa' . ... VII- ' • Aide or- eight,l the Konen° i<ne t : , • ' . %log flied of i LIE erettring 1 ,,- . ..-,, th a c t ileed, AutTrid e tti T g htlif i ti:f '. i FlutterinMatille • ' Oit ittil . VT! lug ihnpettoilt tiep i j * [uir , .- Ti b ir 4,11' vision, vo Or l y, oloreyia, Is k • Petri lit par rqd c 11 . 011010noy it I,tlilk7 ~, iii i lion, Yello`orpott ortakflkin es. , ' p ain litthi l tila p i !kb teet, ins e24; , ..i qutide4,lfius 00 01 T oti r tin%•FP•qic,- Constant magin Q rY. f OO4 , feat, . , , • c ~. ~, Dewed° o Dirks, ' , i ThePtkirerer tiro tri theta diteigtil sti9.ol nal* the igettesi or 0A 1 041 t ke t ir i Vi "WV for h Ise, p esifig it. y . 'wed from ii itiyett ( gitioni *nu' dti :lbws true Tilt* is siiiiityling compoulniertr fret Mau I Flout lust* diollts. *IA tttsb rob r rig connection on , f Alio Amps ,gfabiejt4f, ; TT Obi do h woeittlittoulit t i n* , treit. ' iiolin settiQtes-7 t • :': ~' , ' •;. l'; ''''' ' '. i irocif44llD , B oEnicti4i; - _l4ll ~ • AIM ~ , '5: ;I :.;., --, ! 7 I, 'v 1 c000•ti•414:1$ , D ta Ai il2,l,l4 . N'Vit 3 4 110 0 4 ; nitire.:0.,) .AO 80,1 ti Ac p . ~hr . , 04'efal liiiilite? .4410 hilt iir.4sy io 100 rintteniany. geig, , -tty rive utdbu tiotnylorfohni4 title* risk 4 , one 04 suffering b.unisnity to a greaterOXtlint•- il f (111 4tIV AXI tti fir WYNErtnitrit re, 1 1:9-ciiewl ile. at ~ au ne tow 4/14e r . ' 0 toily,4l: Y aletv'otii' ilitr,.. iroict i Plea oli o ifeaso.lorAte, e l i neytotn, all Ire, t Motk.ii ,Pist ordered um', Stobutoti or tin et. ~, . , ; •'t ME • ' ' D' It 'B IV r T 44 4 . • liiimltiagfrein any Canso.. whateyeirt Pinsiratlen 1 ,of tryattim, , ,i4duced byjeVere ',abut. . , arilchips, Haposurepe, att. .- t , 1 Tinge' no medicine aidat; to thine' rani= etlitain !nob trasek "A ten° a log is luipetted 1 1 to th whole sysym, the appetite Is etreritti food s ()Waxed, I) ptoiurieh digest' properly ito bloo is ' Ovine i'the comPleritim liwoinfiaa and ealth y r ttio yellovPtlnto is ersidleated ta , the eyes , a bloom is 'trivia to tho oheeini. an , tit,' weak and nervous invalid beocuieb a etrohkand healthy being, .. , , s pE4sONS'ADVOCED IR' 14,F; .. , , And feeling the hand , of thee weighing heitvi Y trl ttiOk i titiy#lllt#teniatitaik till tin i 0 48111 IS .. Pnrer or I, an,* quit w i not net - lief nto the pelts, testers 1d a "inactive the energy andallot C•I poi* Yolthed *we„ build build up their ,chrutihmiforme, and g To, health and happiness to their Yorllitllog-Yeare. .0, . • 9 N 0 1. 1 C'E' • 4 It tea well established ftiet that fatly,one-halt the female bo lo or ofirtylation are seldopc the enJOment, 'Ott Ovid • eatth, br h to usd got, own' exproselop, , stover •' eet well. • They 'are languid, daVoid,oz energy. extremely 'norms.; and have no appe ;,- • „ . To this olnBs' Of hersonelhe lilTTElta k or OW TONIC, is especially reeenimended. • . • WEAK AND PN,LiOATN ,0111i4D)/EN . Are' ninth) stintkilLty-Alib use of eltiletpf thisi renolles. They tril euie evety:easo of AtANAtI• Mutt, without fail. ;•• - • • I . 1 . Theueands of oertlileittei '1141 4 6 iieliniulate4 the tuul#s of tho prorlistor..bt4 space will alien. o$ the publication bf b.ut 'reit Those, It will boob-, rervetl; aid then bf hoteilind cif suet' standlogthnl ttley must be believed. I • ;• ••, • = • - . . . TEantON . 141.49 . • Hone: (soma lAranditirdi -, • ",• : 4 ehief Alegoe oftlissaikroihe liourt t 6943101 P r Vr*7,1r uteht catemetetta,eA tu 414 ye, jig et , elit dinette cite' or otlt **roes settee in the w. ' YourtiOVii;4 l A n - i tr i un ,- ge O 1 th'eOPPrette.oolloofreqWWW I .: "I' , ftittalltriaptrattiAli% ;' ,ricotgt Hootiourvoltkigazo vi *i • , , bivoyd , nlitt r itattafobaof t, mi POP B/11 * 41W4,0 41 Alt i pt Vai 3 O:l9o,Y 61X510, trio i —, " 1 MarbkoUPB4.4t idL : •,,.. ,". t' i ~. ~ ; 06 ,- $44....s ' ,'.. i , A i ls 3 Frfink Eivi'lit p.irenr .41. z: latant Ed tor chnattan curable's, b fader •• I have clarified dipatdbd benefit Ire the or Hoogasurip Grretcts Barer., add feet t e my Olv ike to teeopunttayttftua se la *Qat volt te•tonw to who ate ealker nir flrom, teneral,4o Pity, or in, • difetviell arlBl4p's,nt deraniginnent Of . MI flyer.- , • '• x bank, trffl ,, y, • • - ,3 i , i 3 ,•3. ,:, • ••• f , 4,,, , y1L 1).., FlibiDALle: 0 3 ; -• ‘t ATT i f I Q‘,K, eel's G'rstat Brox tikolitstiteitli.4.l &le thet the tiig wro, 0(g, P , WZ4II2 , Sk. te r rerig oto thr. ounsuirio...r. t i; re • , -,' - , i‘LP .;,..' . I'z,N •• ..f. • , , . , 3 ,..c..., op4Oiniiiiitt4AuanfOtt•rri4jlko Gianni. M IsOno#orei frr4 ( filtAnhAiliikni4gl4 Pl 4: ; ' . OffAltlitB '74..' 'in r AppiTtoOlet4o, ~,,, `" i FoTmerlyll , Bll JACKSON - 44C°, s• F , 13 % ;• ' .2 , ‘ 41 . 4 • 4 41t 1 .q . 1..i. ii-A;. ii '4 % • '' ' 1 ,, ' /al Pitießi 4 Th.: l ' . '" 4 Lill 4 7 ri polgitiv r igelpaililitetc. '}l.:l'.'+!+ tail fit. '•'t . '' ,t -•,• d•••• 4 , r,, i ittolaWrf genii ,le tkos,.., tlk stAt qm4 l l. botai l / 4 pme , per Dottie', Owl so4nrll7 tip .', '-, - 1. , t I A t a 7 ` ooll6t 6 ta l e ititielr IkAt K i ett41144 In e y UP/order to itol Amt.° , ~ - -i: .. . • vt ', ~,..., , i , , , •;..... , .., 1„- 1 t 'litory4.o,/ , }}..4,fd...i .0.:',1,•,r , 4,,r ,id St) ItALE OVAL'', I t ,fit , ' l ' . /,' rt .•° I !,- A( I 0 MI '' , lf )1101.)4,4 , . a k • 11,1 ' . .i 14 :, K •1101 , . f ..• i, 4 . •. ~ . .. hi j - I A" , - A :5%441 01, SAV' , ..- • ••,`"‘ ' ',, A ,' I:, 1. 3' ,TIA frNt , -7 Ve if ii ,, ,; , -;!. i q tr , ,Mtfilii‘t,,i'lt,Oh uttrllic . • II 4 1111114 ,V,0474? t AMMON 441,,,1889). 221 „4:••. • .! 4c):0; 0 1.1 MIEN OE ltr ' V v p: Al trv i , , 1 , ‘ . siitirip sr 00oonfliiiNtstq c, i,.* 1 1 0 . ..ii , ~.,, 0 + ,4,, , ~,1 • ! - 44/4-1, - 111 ' 4 111111441/1" a ti: 4 44 0 WA'x'` rkfi , • sit , s , *',.: 1101MIW: zw's.r t e . . ~---- •.4 44 ..4. ' - ' trf.Al / 10. 4 P1k4)1 1 ...# 1 IS. V . . N , ..'t )' wit, A** ' 'oil* No: Si Nii*US 80.441i4 ' mime awl, nmaraubdait b. 14=, ,r. "t. r• - t :,... , , ~',...‘ Ott 1 011 ,04tor %fosti'• ito trt olor itit'si,:44.ll.' 1 b7, ..* to) 1 Jia2r-tf ' ,1.," ~1 , . 0 telffrix-q, 7 , : : f . it TV ait tOrt, ;otle;6.i to v (46ifeo4,l*/ Quail et*ltilwrakirs imyilloi‘ ' .3114 i Slu t . 4 '4 ii J' , ;• . -, :iy,l: . s Ct: o ,', p , ? ' ' s 4 .. ..., i.04..i• - 1 cl , 4 ..' '' t 'Ol o t — lk . --t i----q; *lr,--' 4 ,•••,; , '..,,, •••,• ..1 441:441. 1 14t ,.., Alii i i i • ..-- iIT . siTnl --- T, ' l,;` - . c,. ,e m s 0 p :i ....,...1. r ' %...' ill , i - 5 1.10,,a e t. -: opo. --- ' ~ s ; ' • ''. .• * t ia • ' e * pie rt R . :. IV.A. - k_ ' - ) . _ 4, 1 , ' . filli loi • . •, . 11, ',. ) 44, ~ . . . •1, :- ' , 3 - IC .„' ~ ,• ' ' OP :%'' ''.441 ' v 4 0 ' . 'I SOM •1 1 %‘ .! . 1 '. r , ' A ,ti l i . . ":'''' ' g' ' '' . . , I I A;- . ( 11 1-- , ,5.,-...1.y . ~,,....L . , .r,•1.:-... :is 1.-- =.l, ',., 's:: l ?,i 1, ..,''' e.tt lOUS . Q?" %,' :.;.• : , .if t . . '10... . . i .. i -• Li ' O. toic, ,TBAI A: • . • , ;it t . • i !, -'": • ' '•,. 1 `;- - = -'•`• i .1!4 ri ; 1, r 4.;‘ . ..• f) 34 . , ~3 ,:.. R ', ;No , B.!..wrlssia, i# .. ;.oa.'t :1. :4 1 : •,w„ ; , ..., ; .,;,;t' mine wi!•ke?: b i lf;,* - 4• . ~,...,•- .„ 4 „ . fr, .. : ; I. ' , •-' iS rtS f ORIO $/.4k/INAZ S.W. i . :: . 3 3 r,3' ' " • '4 — ' 11* l' ..' :, .sil• 43 a ilk Ise aii'' 104F3 , - t- .. - 1-'Abt'.--?------ viiiiii,---cv, ju nt i o— , : 4 t . , ,-•'-,, ,. ..il ,_ .ato ; t ,r,t,::'v7.' l: ~, • i,. , 1; ,, ,.. t' , 4 1, - „ 1 .., 1 .. „,,,4: , ..:AzWi ~ : v. 4,4 ) Iffiti. 4 1 „ 1, , 0 ; ,-,- , ; , ,PV#4.o,FrfittyffMtilitz' s 44, q t ; .4,,,,i...45,...tif,...', NE ME . ' ( . . , !`'..'.i.-- ,- -•'.WEDDING 0.6.11 0,4641 ) with:4'614,40 itr.4 ki *614:11 . ,64 ,,, i0A - ~ ii t,,,'74 :ft• ch i t 7 t , r) , A lariik A. ,ji I li 4 2 4mi pi . ;L•v i i i t .i , . .p . L ii ni lir , , i x f . ) ., ItBLTEEtlirk Itivitiltiir s itas"L'i p xi ccirb.c., MIMI , 0 • 14. ° I"titt.' ft' " ioio? '' • 1 i , Vii. V i % I o . o, ~ *A. %IP 9 4 - VPa.. / . T • • •.-".' • • ' 3 f, .. i „ 2 . •,..,. ~ f . .. .k.., - _ 0 ~ r, _..,; t, slint i t SC IL 3 : 0rv..., ' A ;. ' Il; dr A t 144 . 4q P it 411 4 erkid,,‘ "ran t° Vane 18.0 1 ~ 4 ' :i ; Eg i P , ' iikk ~ isaeh 40. , • 4. ~ A , 0 t , . , i .• '•; 1 1 11,4741, 130 , 1n1011c.)44 -1 4 , , . .• ~4.44,4. , ' ktjT4'l4,4 , -A, 4h :-.. ~ bet, ~. eattarvanivnompi- , Y'- % • not,. i ,- r 4 tit MEI MEE V ', 1 41 11111 1 `! mArbly T ~ ~ ~ j . , r ; OM a- t . tft,-,,1 +4. ffn =0 10 POtbVl/10101040' -ego aria ~~~.0 'lrf ' • i$ 'i ■ ~. ~.~, .R. i - t' t l l e: , ' . S a I it 471 . 71 IMO t , k 1 ' • 5 soolt Y. s PA , „WWI 4~
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