Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 21, 1868, Image 3

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Mai sawn•
,Til ,eralto,lpesr;alaif
mdo under Op Itiistaitee!r p is a
--The 'fall A vil,ater iluthions
w ill be; Vet **et 4 0 * 0 0 0'
beneOts Oft Woo 914414 ate
now fully realized. endW . of oat Merchants
would dispense with i
' liong al' beat and
dud have their away. ' , The tygoarraphi
'cal error which made ii. vi'ord" (flnfe rno r
read for "Internet" as applied to the Rev,.
nu e, whin't so far from ; 'the real 'Avath as
m)glit be.'- ---- 4itowit,rl , s Ttatre, cloplquo
will be , crowded to-Inght. ; o early,'----
Au l n aii a ted darkey yhttde atreat deal a,
noisy last 0 601,14 the pot*. of Fifth
and Washita ttitreolth."! , 4ol.leeloan didn't
happen to co o,along th t, way, and cense-.
%ell lie. ;te a t arras d.:."---.This, vido
et , tl i o 404 bt e-credt rig stiMmere, phy
sielias say,,we !lay°
.had ,for. years.- Brno'
hot, - certaudy.----Tho census man ii - Mak \
i nc hi s roun ds, asking All 400$ of quesOcats
as to ago, avocation, &c, Old . maids, espe
cially, have a d cided :abhOtieneo Of him.
..... but very
ei r
dent—Sher ris potular
wilt, visit Reading . thus fall.--t 4 -----Female
gooks aro Called the beat because they can
dress we11.,-,---AsAttg,ust and t3Bptenaber
, are the months, in , which epidemics WIWI:
make their appearance, core should be taken
to' keep everything in a' healthy condition.
- t -----It is stated that peaches will be scarcer
this season than ,they 'hart poen for several
years. --A, country paper says. there is a
man in. that neighborhood the mdttn that he
' sits on the door-step,to 'lave the ~Woar fif his
psi, 4tifbietV 't ' 1 -Clo to ltlitrsdorrs , Vflirik
lid if, of
W„„ant rcl 11,90 . Etta.- - ---- See . fi rst
page o ,' tue rdetOCo Or'-'inferatiting reading
matter.. Already the eaves of the trees
are falling. Val is apprOac Ing.—News
boys and peanut vanders,g eet strangers as
they arrive in our city. -..--The report that ,
• the ipttinteri3' of:this city Wore on 7a strike is
latse.—Olie della counteifeit notes are
•in circulation. They tiro roughly executed
and easily detected. .No less. then four
pieltios , yesterday. ~, Many 'people are
Idoking for flneko's Cotnet t buff "can't sett
it." '
, , ,
D. 11,—;Brown, moot Sixth, 8, rit No. 2.
'Mue r moot Sixth, 8, at NO. 1.
'Red, moot Sixth, 8, at N. 1.
Purple, meet Sixth, 8, at No. 1.
White, moot Sixth, 8, at No. 2,
niao , k, moot Sixth, 0, at No. 2.
(bah moot Sixth, 8i at No. -
„ans. 20.2 t..
. .
llsoite or A. , Corirgino.—At tho
lite annual coeuneneement,of Ponneylvnnhl
Oollege, the degree of A, 14: yet; conferred
upon, w, M..RighttnYer ? Esq.,
,fif this city,
Wuno is the worat sin, for newspaper
to state'whieh fire company is 'first at a fire,
Or . for another paper to steal the editorials ,
of a • neighbo, and Pnlin them off as
ortiOnal?, . •
, 'ot.'•c aatto rree Pia.klie will take place et
Military Garden, foot of Fourth street, to•
torkcpao otoplpg: AlLlovera of fish ere in
vited hero 4111 be z band of music and
danelm.., See
.advertisoment. 1 /.• .-;
Amtivito--thvigrtat Astyologist I
" aqua liptea to vrt(et X have to pa,y, .
Yeu'litararefnts some Nur() gay."
Describes the pinson who loves you; never
fails.. By 'quest of many I will remain this
week ;,_:ho 16ngtik.' 'Beeidenim at Miss. Ty
son's, ZTo. 488 South fiev . enth ottieet. •
atig•3l3-4k, .' • 4310apg
. , ,
tho .
~ take up
!wino. of tho bets oared ,by Dcritocratit' on
the elation? • * *
Why don't the "101 l millions" turn out, , at
the P. L. L. =stings r The 014 .tollito'ns
present last night were the "watertaillions"
OR the sidowalk,in front of the heithivarterS,
wad they repaired close, Vlatebing . of sonto of
th4fn would havebeen missing... .
And why don't the Yoonyun• Leeg light up*
their non•transpareney, of tho two colored
Mint in front of their head-quarters? Want
to know? •
_ NEW LONE.—llittwatha Lodge, No. 9 9 ,
Knights of Pythias, was organized in this
city last, night, by D. D. G.M. I Richard H.
Jones. The following dicers were installed
for the ensuing,tem t , -
V. P.—harles Rette*.
W. C. .
B. Lucks.
y. . _ )
D. Harper:
---- Ft S.—H. D. Breneiser,
V. S.—J. Fred, Witmati,
R,---RR. M. Linton. ' 1
11—. T. IL Chintzier. '1
1:18.-41, C, Diehl. : t
Qj 13. 7 (1. D. Beaver.
• '
Daniel Baum, an old and
well keovkn itizeup Tuokerton, this
countymict , with a actions accident on Tugs ,
day last, while out. riding in a car/logo,
accompanied by Mr. Gabriel Gehret.
horse they drove was a fractions ono, find
in turning from a iirroad into the Pottsville
tarttpike, this ,side of Tuckerton, the horse
wheeled around suddenly, Breaking onacif
the vrheela• of the carriage and tbrowipg
both the occupantli out. Mr. Oebret was
slightly brui,sed. • Mr. Baum received serious
internal ijury, AO now lies ,in a,veri criti
cal e'onditton: Mr, • Dutra carried, on' the
merits:utile; business in dila city for a 'lumber
of learii i „ previous to moving to Tucketton.
LioX yttuottaxir was yesterday arrested at
Pettstowe,ldentgotaertbourity, by Conde:
Alp Smith, an thus elty by.Do
tec4e Lyon, On'the charge of having aolon
a quan tity uf i)lothing, muffs, bed-clothimr,
etca civq . the Bosse +Of ,hfrs..
0'44,404 lady 4tith whom ,Ite, had been
hoardtag 'far p few dais: 'The, theft was
perbetiated between tweWe kind One o'clock
• O n leantalla7 tar. ..Whet) arrested he had
near ,a 1 the fir iclos in his posession ex.
Opt the muffs and a few othevartieles.Al
(termite Memel hold hinfto bail in the 'gum
of $4OO, indefault of which ho was Commit•
ted to -prison td await trial at Court.
workinen underhe!
employ'of the fielkigh Mal and' Navigation
Compuny haVern
suod work l and the strike
is at an end. The men have acceded ej to the
propokionyuyie to them • by the econar
ny; .. no 'arrangement is as follows;.• Ins
men commence work at seven o'clock a.
and cOntinue untiloon z forty zinutes being
then allows& then' lot dpitter. After dinner'
the work is resumed and contiMies , intirsix
o'clock, except on t3atutdays,whetr they stop
work at four o'clock. The men, by this ar
rangement, work Sixty hOurit per week in..
stead of sixtpfentroks under the lold' arrenp
meat. We are Scamp:llo letirn'tlintAke t.;
flenities have been settled to the full subs ne•
tion of all parties concerned,;—Aitentoirli
4124%,.-Ahr.c(4e94t , iTh9 lO
X 424 % ,
papal; Aeeitrir • we In*
•Ant*i:parfrreed by Di.. Mitten's'
hiagniii.oll. acts. and. $lOO per tattle;
American House, 'Beading. [Rug. 19•tf . ,
le linnet too strew
cautien'oltr cititime stittstibe utet:tif unit
pe kite, oft the other snd we cannot tee'
itto4l7 urge r itidu * not in well ripen
Olk F .14 t' ti ,thAuliA
yett4 suit tbit, ' extea,dvii
, running throe gh a long series of - years,
he had sitayitoed , the 1;:woolons fin his
Itrrickip(e family reduced in proportion as
they altne-into tbe2daily use of good ripe
fruits, from stra*herriee ,onward. Some of
'the most distinguished powologists of the
'country bear unqnalitied testimony in'heluilf
'of well ripened friths.
~ ~.
The folloWleg named:Organizations will hold
their regular stated.' meetings this (Fatuity}
evening : •
• Angelica Council No. 'Ol, 0. 0. A,. M., at
Springville, Curare township.
.• •
Seminole Council No. 88, 0. U. A. M.,
Fifth and Washington. • ,
Reading Degree Circle,D. U. (11. F.)' C.
A. Brotherhood Hulls Third and 'Penn.
I,lermann Lodge, •U. D. 0. 114. Yeager's
Royal' Te 111144 No. 1, Mttionie Tie, 703
Penn Street. , • .• •
ML Penn Ledge_ No,. et, ef 0(1t1
41,. . .
'Washington Camp, N. 00'. 0. J. S; of
A., ' "MuMenberg. Mansion," Fotirth mid
Penn streets.
Watling EnearapmMit No. 43, I. 0. of O.
Mott Odd-Yellows' Hall. • • •
Manatawny Encampment N 0.152,1 0.
,of 0, F. at Pleasantville, - '
Hamburg 'Eneampnient No:100; I. 0.. of
0. F., at,llamberg.
• Polack Arnins.—Tivo arrests Were made
,by the police force laStAght.
Charles MtCauley.w4 arrested by officer
LaWrence rit Seventh' and frank in streets,
about O i o'clock.' .He was liockinfet iiimfg
,with too much ballast—he was also•exposing
Ale person: Upon the' officer adVising him
p) "mend his dinners," the reply he recoil , -
ed was very laconic--"go to. li--1-11." This
morning at the hearing Charley stated that
he ;was sorry he had behaved so badly. He
had come to Reading off and on during the
last 20 years, and his conduct had never be
fore been auckasto warrant an officer •to
arrest him. Ale
,lid yesterday met some
friends, anditook a !gireo drop too, much,",
,blined;atid discharged, . ' .-- • „ ~
-Ifiniamin Mackey was arrested by officer
Clay bed lio'clock last evening, in South
Pin!' tract. Ben . j, was in tk bensinic condi
tion, Ile was noisy and a nuisance on the
farce ? and when lie was arrested ho fairy
squealed: ,which mused the - collection of a
hawked or nuirellirsons around him.'SOme
thought ho was being. killed,and was hollow
ing "murder," This same customer had
been picked up on the street- only - A few
nights ago by an offiecrond 'this morning
his honor r Mayor,
the sent him 'on the bill
, sent him
80 days,. • ' ' •
ANOTHER Ftzzt.E."--Rnilitalism seems to be
on its last legs in this city. For a night, or
two past, two or three IsusPitionsly sheepish
individuals have been chatlol,g on the pave-
Monts the wonderfully mysterious characters
"P. L. L. 1, 19," which everybody know the
Meaning of. viz Abet the Piundering Lhzy
'Loafers were galled upon to meet at "No.
1," the United States hotel, on the 19th inst.
The Radical daily organ called upon the
V,404 , 0* Miserable, -Plundering, Lazy Loaf ers through its ,colutons, and also' shrieked
for a meeting at the "Yoonyun Leeg" !tend•
quarters t to form a company of Invincibles..
Tho night came,' and the Q. IC P. L. L.'
turned out in force, every
. piember being in
lino. The "crowd" Consistbd of a fife and
two drums,' a transparency, - two men and a
Chief Idarslial,,hesid,es four Olive little rag..
god boys lathe rear to do the yelling. • The
Immense procession passed up and down
Penn street, but failed to capture a single
reciuit, and returned discouraged. Another
'trial was Made, and this time they - went down
to the canal, and returned with some ten pr
'4 dozen
,Beerites, who were duly escortedlo
headquarteis.. • The "procession" didn't go
Ou - t loin, far thdrowere no more recruits to
lie had in town, eve& for beer 'gratis in the.
Way of bounty. What was MOW in•the se
.cret. meeting we dare not rtertl-4,would
terrttir and:shock' our entire n tion—perhapti
—t6 tear of the threatening proceeding's , of
the immense mass of "loilty". therrand there
aminbled ' . s -
Tho other meeting was also a fizzle. Tho
hoped•forl"ltiiinciblon" were only '"lnvisi•
bles," 'there being hardly enough present for
officers, with itet a sloe() private on thhrolls
who was willing to occupy Such n position.
The likenesses of Cant and Grabtax looked
"black 11644 Waco" with indignation at such
'a pitiful turn, out. '
• Alns for Rf k dicalisto i In the language of
the Southern: "loll," "it am done gone to
,and an his • Down East compatriot
Would. sai, `; the gnu darned' thing's kinder
gin Cout,Aikb l" A few mere bloWs front
the hard-fisteldDemocracy, and the:Radical
Niggetito party will disappear forever. So
mote it be ! ;
r ,' ~ ~
SUBSOIMIE for the EAutv.
Da. LIGHT has just received a latgo lot of
pure, fresh drugs 'and medicines, of all
kinds. Those who desire the pure article
.(and who does not?) we. would hdviio them
to go to him. His prices are reasonable,and
he wait's upon all his customers in a prompt
and gentlemanly manner. All prescriptions
are put op in the most caiefal manner, and
there is no danger of any mistakes oc
• / The Doctor' has also all kinds of toilet
articles for salo,;---oils, washes, soaps,
brushes, combs, &0., ke
Remember the place4No.: 1 , North Vifth
street. 1 , • " aug 21-1-w. '
Fr is not - probable' that.: Absaloni was
obliged to usa any hair proparation to force
his hair to grow to such an extreme length
as it is said tO, buys) In,attained., our day,
however, people quite frequentlyind it no,
cessary to call scientific skill. to aid. thorn in
this respect. Such will 'find their every wish
supplied in "Balrett'a Vegetable Hair Re
storative."—bavenpoit (Iowa) Dohocrat.
'aug 20-lw
1 nil Great t the Grand, the. Only reliable
: . edy for Illicitmatisbli Neuralgia, Lam
ba , A , Sprains and Anises, Swelled Glands,
Sty(Ants,' Sore Throats,'xifid pail) of any
'sort a d train any cause, is Da, RossNt,Vii
litagne krOil;. eiti ets. , iind- , $1 00 per bottle.
American Housep Reading. , [Bug. :10.,1m
PAINTS, oi .
Oul building materiels be
found cheaper at J. L. Stichter's than nt
any other house in Reading. j I.B;tf
IF our friends will use preparatioas for re
storing groy, hair they should use e" O hest. in .
Hie ;:naarket. Our attention has lately been
called to an article which has extensive
sale and a verx high reptption, knewn as
Ring's Vegetable Authrosia, and we are in•
dined to think that it possesses mere desira
ble and less objectionable quAlitiew•than any
ether In the4uarket:; • It testores gray.oi fa.
lied 'hair to its, pOsleal,coie ti
rin ,nv),!lt fie
pmrkable gpiiMer; wftl by 'lti iniigbrotlpg
400thinip'prOpertiesre i m9les all dundruft
hunuitb (vita the scot p, It's far'
trial and you cannot fail to like it. aug la 1 m
0 itivii.OV* IN IL
b4fl.Y ituattae.
tit* o tits* . 6 201 Sunsets '• 640
Days's lengttt Irs hours 20,tiainutes.• •
STAVE QV 111E104 . 0lielrEft..
7 /t. 141'. 2 P.
63° 82 °
72* 89 °
176 °
78 ° 8.5 °
72 ° 83°
Thoso who hale *lavished Marsdorfis %ratio
'frier, should *lot fail to go and whack* tho
`,teems of the new faces.. Grand change' of
programme, and.. the beat place of muse.
mon!, in tho city. 0
1 lt.*
A iiai t Or tivoof ripe atermelon at noon,
a saucer of tip-top ice cream in the evening,
and a good, ,sound sleep, nt night, are all a
person can relish 'now-a-days. This is quo
of Charley Ruler's remedies to keep people
from falling into lethargy during this season
of the year. , Clo to see him, nt Sixth and
Franklin streets. 821-20
Yeaterdn'r afternoon while Levi L. thin,
residing tn!Lower Heidelberg Towirshipwas
.engaged inlthreshing, his son, who is about
ton yearti of age, had been employed in
driving the horses, had his left foot caught
accidentally by the horse. power and severely
injured. Dr. It. 13.Wenrich, of Wernersville,
Was Immediately called to his aid,who dress
ed the wound.
'Tt r mavrat: Comour.-.--The amusement lov
ing public will not, forget that Thomas hay
wood, the favorite t dmie shter and' dancer,
takes a benefit to-night,at Stroviart's (Aulen
baeh's Iht11.) , Thomas will no doubt do .his
beaten the occasion. The programme is a
good ono. The entertainment will commence
with; the minstrels, Consisting of eight - tal
ented gentlemen ; followed by varieties,
Freedmen's Bureau,Speetre -Bridegroom*.
Norio, Cninnix—A charge of a rather
novel character wns mode/yesterday, beforo
Recorder Gavin, against a citizen .of Herits
bounty who is charged with Conspiring with
Commissioner Rollins to effect the removal
from Ace of George W. Alexander, Col•
lector of the. Eighth District. Tho arrest
was made tie a 'warrant issued by A Berks
county magistrate, and the Recorder held
the accused to bail for his appearance in that
county.—rhila. Ledger'of this morning.
FELL Om—This morning about 11 o'clock,
a man drove up Penn stre,ot with a IoW of
stones. He sat on -a Ward place&on the
front part of the wagon. 'When opposite the
EAnt.n office the teamster suddenly rolled
oft his seat; on which he was perched, to the
ground. He was top-heavy. The horses
were stopped, mid he again clambered on
the wagon and drove on, with his head bob•
ling round—now hettging i on ono:side, nOw,
on the othor.' i
THE LAnms' Pio•aio at Latter's Park on
Monday is looked forward to with much in
terest, and will no 'doubt be Well attended.
It should be encouraged by'all, on account
not only of those who have charge‘ of it, but
for the sake of the MtiOnnerchOr, who exert
od themselves so successfully for the enter•
taininent of our citizens, during the Stenger
fest. - "The smiles of beauty aro irresistible,"
and accordingly we expect to see the ladies
who havelho management of tho picnic
complimented by- an unusally large turn•
RAMDURCh-Ou Tuesday afternoon,nparty
of about half dozenjolly fellows, who aro
employed on the Port Clinton &Topton Rail.
rod, went to Hamburg bent on a little fun.
After having imbibed too much bad
whiskey; however, they became rather
quarelsomd. .Mr. Joseph Popp, in, whose
saloon they were, remonstrated with them,
when ono of them struck and kicked Mr. I.
Adams, a quiet and. inoffensive old Man.,
Mr. J. C. Laub, in attempting to save Mr.
Adams, was also set upon, and would have
.been severely beaten, had not Charles-
Yeager come to his rescue, who succeeded'
in quelling the. fight, but not until ho had
whipped three of; them so. completely that
any demonstration on their part would
have been imprudent.
A LEAP YEAR Pip-The..—A Leap Year Pic-
Nie, 'gotten up exclusively by a number, of
ladies of this city, was given at Col. Feath
er's Ephrata Mountain Springs Hotel, on
Thursday. The train left Reading at 7 o'clock
A. M., in charge of Mr. A. B. Lewis, One of
the most polite and gentlemanly of Railroad
Conductors,' and arrived at Ephrata at'S, the
rido up being a scene of continuons joy and
hilarity ; but on reaching tho Springs the real
festivitiekof the day commenced. Numbers
visited the observatory, from the top of which
they had, auiagaiUont,view of the surround
ing country, which opened out in gorgeous
panoramic array at their feet for many miles.
The feature of the Pie-Nic was, that the gen
tlemen were perniitted to do nothing. The
ladies-obtained the partners fbr the different
dances and attended to everything else; even
to the payment of the'railrOad fares. The
Aidwas furnished by Wittich's Orchestra,
Aid it could not easily have been excelled.
The dinner call from Snyder's inagie bugle
came in at the most • opportune moment, af
ter a series of interesting ramblings and
dances. This over, the balance of the day
was given up to Terpsichorean Pleasures,
and the spacious dining room of the hotel
presented a guy and animated kippearauce,
reminding ono of Byron's exquisite lines de
scriptive of the • Bailin Brussels the night
before the ever-memorable battle of Water.,
100 :•
A hundred hearts beat happily; and when .
Music arose with its Voluptuous
Soft eye 'Take love to eyes which spako again,
And all went merry as a marriage bell.
But ti's everything must. have an end, a
Leap Year. Pic-Nie can be no exception to
the general rule of MA things sublunary, and
at 0 o'clock %sin., „precisely, Conductor
Lewis gave his two taps on the bell, and in
charge, of Mr. B4muel Gardner,
neer, we sped down to Reading in a Burl
prisipsly short space of time. Among the'
prominent gentlemen Present wer9LeVi. B.
Smith, Esq.,. David :WlCnight, Esq. J.
Hagenmau, , Esq:, ;G. A. Nieolls Esq.,' Dr.
H. H. Muhlenberg,William
.H. Cl i yiner,Esq.;
James H. Parker,Esq.,Henry S.Eckert,Esq.,
'Edward D. Smith, Eiqh and the . •Press was
ably and gallantly repeesented by Brothers
Nuabb 'of the Journal; Hatvley of the Eagle,
and your reporter, whose modesty (one of
his maniivirtues) prev,enta the mention of
his name.
We desire to return our thanks to Condat
toi Lewis and Engineer Gardner for the pri-
vilege of a ride on the . engine. It was gip
rions and exhilarating, rtin will long he' re
membered as one pf the, inbumerable plea
sures of the day. This Leap Year Pic-Nie will
remain a bright spot in the triepum 9f the
participants for many a year to come. How
it 'made Us 4leh 4110 this season Nola come
oftener, and that e,tame ladies were al=
ways our ministering iittendiinth and; ,eiiii
40 tio4 l .st*teit thOprtorid
.prettilnint eltitene OIL* lad :)0 41011
eutitetttrilt brought,bercre:thehpolrertitthat
punish, • dihd'itkikt :otheral were; likeLte he
lin the ewe nnpleksnot prediostgent, tlif•
. ; The folk hire; tritittidretli. and Ithe world
'trembles before the ilortes4 of the hived°.
ninn King: •
Geotge Washington Alexander—we don't
know "whether he. ii, ii;', relative of 'Julius
Caesar Hannibal or 'otherwise-luta sorted,
and found another World to conquer ? • .11e
has invaded the Gibreita`ref,Democracy*With ,
hostile intent, and captiiredthe mighty chief .
tains thereot I , ~ LI; - • • -
It appear that 1,44 „Alexander viti't re
moved frOnV the position of Assessor of hp
:fern:it Revenue (properly So called) in this
district, because ho, the said Alexander, had
:fallen under the ,notice Of the 4ovettruetit
Smelling cominitee, who had . discovered :a
`very large:rat in Alexander's Malt tub, in
the shape' of official misconduct •or Pecula
tion; the particelttcs of which have not be
come known to the 'vulgar world: •-: ..- - i,
' The Secretary of the Treniury sent for
Hon; J. Lawrence Gets andi-equested him
to name anispnost man for the prisition, ati.
Alexander ' like his great namesake, had got,
himself into trouble And brought on his (pa ,
Utica]) death; by the :impreper
.nee '' of R..'
quors.. 'This was PAiflieell, job—hOnest men'
being out of fashion- , but after a few trials
Mr. (lets found au honest Democrat, and he
was Made Asseitso4
Alexander' Was re intived and ho was wroth
theieat, and there as danger. to the Scull
thatgot .in his way_ #, but , finding that bit'
term of Office was at lust brought to &Close,'
he did atop and there make complaint balbre
Aldernian :Mengel i that eertniji . Democrats
named Tobias Bari() and J. Lawrence Oet 1 . "
and divers and sundry Radicals named. Di -
ler Luthdr, Levi Maltsberger -111eXaedeV . i.
Tutton, David C. Eellnr,,' . li Lavenapid
E. A. Rollins,. had unjustly'. conspired. ?to.
4oth6r to -get the said Alexander into a Ow
founded bother awl ugly Mess,generally, by.
charging him with \ having entered into ar
rangements with, some of the parties named
to defraud the government, generally known
/ns "Uncle Sam," and .mentioning high
crimes and 'Misdemeanors in such a terrible ,
manner as to create the impression that the
said Dario, (Jett, Keller, et. al.; deseriod to
be hanged, drawn end quartered at the very
least. Witness the terrible doeument :
/IFIIIKS COUNrY r ss:' ' .
George W. Alexander, being duly sworn
according to law,. doth depose and say, that
on or about the first dayofJniy,A'. D.;1867 t
or thereabout,a certain coMbination illegally
formed and prosecuted to injure and bffect
the removal of a. W; Alexander ' from the
office of Assessor of Internal Revenue for
the Eighth District of Peinisyliania, by To- -
bias Barto, 1L Lawrence GeN,Diller Luther,
Levi Maltzberger t Alexander P. Tuttond
David C. Keller,. Charles H. Broelts, Johpl
Laver; and E. A. Rollins and others . mil,
Known to This deponent, did unjustly , coil
'Ore together t 'and falsely and maliciously,
did charge the said G..W. ,Alexander Arithl
the commission of crimes and.thisdemeanorai
in office ! with the object and for the purple'
of effecting his removal and discharge ' from
the said office; they did 'charge the. said G.
W.. Alexander with neglecting to discharge
his offieial,duties in the said office as Asses.
sor of Internal Revenue; and in charging that
said Alexander with. Imving entered into ar 0,7
rangements - with the said Tobias. B arto, D.,
C.. Keller and John Lavens; Distillers and
Rectifiers of Whisky, in the said-Eighth Die- ;
trict, 'and 'by said nrrangement to enable`
them to defraud the Government of the Re
v'enne arising therefrom, and with receiving
money from them in-considerationfroufgaid
arrangement; all of which eharges,deptinent
avers,are false and- mali9ious, which . Were
gotten up for the purpose of doing this' •do..
ponont injury,and for the purpose ofPrOciii
mg his removal from,the said officaof Asses.:
sor of Internal Revenue of the Eighth_ Dis•
triet of Pennsylvania. .
• - . •G. W; ALPS A:NDI4. ..
--Sworn and subscribed before me,this 18th
day of August, A. D.; 1808. „ . . .
MArrnbts his Aldermen,. ;
, .
The parties were-accordingly arrested*,
constable Diehl, (to the Unmitigated ais4ust ,
of Bully Lyons who wanted 'the jeb' ',him
self.) brought before, Alderman'ldengeLand,
,hold tabail in $6OO each,'-.-sn many of theiii
lot had been•canght up 'to date r at: leak—
while Alexander- is, whetting has sword' to
take off their political beads. And so, stand=
Oh ye case at ye presetitswrityng. - , -',/
. What the consquenees :of this: terrible
raid will be we cannotproglioaticate I but it
is generally supposed that Aleiander is
rashly follewingilin the footsteps of his il
histrious predeceSs'or," and isubout to per
mit whiskey' to canals the destruction of the
great temple which is as widely known as
.that of Diana—which. has, an , outer ond• an
inner circle—which encloses within its sa
cred precincts many &Vont worshippers—
* great Temple of. the Profits, known a's
The Radical Whiskey Ring; and we trem
blingl . await further dovelopments.of the
'downfall or the upriiing of the mighty Al
exander I .- .
THE EAGLE goes everywhere._
' South Carolina.
Comints S. 0 Aug. 20.—A bill has boon
passed in the Senate, authorizing tho Glev ,
ernor to take possession of tho mots of the
bank of the State, to the exclusion of for- .
eign bondholders. The nascts amount. to
'nearly $600,000.
Mr. Randolph, a negro, introduced . a:bill
authorizing tholGovernor to take posseision
of the . arins; battories;:equipments,.&d. be
-longing to the State,
'A bill has been passed by both Mouses,
organizing the • State voliee; a
,sesniquilita ry
organization. •- • •
If 1) MA RN ST.
Bastions & Bro., Bankets, No.lo North oth street
quote its follows:
BRADltig i Auw.'2l. 18 11 08.
p- • 112.;
• - 11 A
• -107 K
.1 • 107'0
Old-U. S. 031881 .
Old U. 8. Ws 180•-• -
few U.S. 5-Ve. 1461. July and An., l -
New U.S. s,Wi's. 1846. Muy,end NoT.,
New U. S. MOO, - _ •
5-30'8 1807, J uly and Jan. -
New U. S. 5-20;1868. - -
Ten-Fort Bondy, - - - -
Gold in ew YOTIC tol2 o'clock. .
Gold in eadinget Bushong
von ton
. .
Will leave. Fifth street and Cherry pilot
hour of the day..columeneisig o clock. AMR
further orders. , TsiOsi. 11411 & BRO.
calved at
. 1
the tiale Voolcmvkre, large !pt Qe I CM , 40011 S.
0111ga/1411i 1111141!,13
,i3BN.BLOOD-s . PURlnkri
Some i under the . situp ot"IFEDTEIRS re;
OEN.' a valuable article; for sale at the"
rookstore. aulitt-tr
wk. Ww
lir 1 :
toi l Waill i t4.l
iLiZatt ~ : •Atatt
• i • • . litiet. ~ -• 1.: / \
' . k ‘:, • 'i' 1 ' ' 1 A r'' ,:. I -0.
' Th i ll toinki, al kith 05 roll
l o lt e litaw 7 met Zroathlt►immri
0 1 l
I, lgrpolartViie, liiittio ana
C cl rev i ttml i t lil3 ' liggtl At
FitfroryVith.iteme o . I:l 64lltri r I!
tvitstr, t-e a 5 e..1:14...m . bac 4 *
H oar4 4l
14:44 7 , . no --0. 4
t; I PA: " sure 'lr et o rone no oti w it. 0
" T r ri e ttl a ti e u . " Rs it w iy' •
d prarki t til lit e t t . oo ' ?"' 'etti t raa, i i
uoZif an tut on, weh owls s t, au Ili
r i 4
7, 1
Wu:: bti t s ra l At e ls t Duet. . 11:tiriLittli M
415M i lga ge d i c •O % 'ILAWI,
olmo port im co toe hip s s I %nevi,
In pireulattotet wi tre 11 to 10. y all.
_ . tAMIT obi ,Vi c e des 410 1
8. , N. ANCONA, SOO .11111 Aill. , WINIICIi,
1868 BUMMER. 1868
Will open a Lareand Select Stock of
To•morr morning, at
t a r Lviri G. trioLsmor; Cutter.
, ••_ /PI f4 O
0 D
NEW:BIINR'. gv.l'
IYete - tieleelo4 le the eity'of Nett York, and
will be ilieposed of et jqlefOlit. be- ,
ion►l ih4. o•
• . ,
. - • 0 47.. •
- •
Gentlemen's (701eftio tads to
; ••
Boys' -Clethbig 'Ocinefentlis k On . :hand and
• .• , • ,
spade to order.
The stock of Furnishing thiode ii . deoldadtt'
the beet toieniest, ortdbsive id ihe , .
city, Caii, see and 4 1 817'
4Theenete'reet,of beTies the eerrore Of the Cele
br! cited - cutter; Levi q. CO etein; tegaptdie4
ii,ttiraiteithat;all be itiadi44l:ili#o
beatety - le aiiibiteet *044 .1 ititiembee' "
OeadqPtel 4 4 9f FltabOn
' ItHeiiitict' i t '
NO. 641 ENV aftE
• • •
As) , /5-tn
: .
(has s Aidl4, ' St ec ~4‘ , , Tilt in g !
.:, . • EDWA RD.OUL ; - .
.; -.; :-,,
NO. 10, SOUTH t , 4pArt- fiTtiET , ,, , "•
- S. --,,.. . .. -r : 4 s .v - P- ~ '
rillt,tri e irl,To4ll9llollMeltlOlT
;on of In' it
.; v oti ty., he atte i n e
_ ,., :.„j' :. ',.
iPip.MDIIOI;(4II3 INliOrtAmp riltilio.
il i .
Atebortnotloe. Altiorktioner ' to . None
en* Plni ' ' —, ' '' '
but the best worrwiktat oh.rdilltit to 'l 4
I ,Atio,s,lot.s l : : „. V
.War , kii i it i pl 0 i •
Itantroey.uen d 7:ll . I ,
th .. . ,_,
al iVat o e n of a tho an Dol7o la P4:011,114:11 . , 4 ; cll , P ro lir
ioomed.. ' - , i :4 ~ 1,,, ,, $ - -•,, " 1 - t',.i
Juni24-,3otc„ t, ~, 9 .: - liieittitir. tru Ti.
it ?,
ALL IYAIitt.ANTE,6,:',...
wgxwiff,!,s.,, ,-
4 PIP:PMAT Wm= f ;
, •
} ~ ~ ~~ .mot.
~ 4. .rf
r _ oik i l it,
- ,''t- 4
4.: .7'
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„ I
• •
.; ,•,. ';i:'..- ; , 1
.; ,'
• ' t 1~~
POtlikkrtellaatkl*lllgkiaioo site
lii I _ .
For ilearlaglar IW4aohe; Eat .
i.lo ' -`,. Iko rk 4 1 - ,
mho, Reackplii, Witosiiiii Nom e itucilb,
hut Bitei ,A,„A _
.1 ea t ik 4 k61661itt,t6 th 6
' M ANI alto, at m Ira, ilittmotik,p. , iv I, pia to.; l: ); ~
S i tilt ls til, i;
itttit 1 *,' , A1k',440461$ '•• tl4- , s , lll+l
tVltte,4***ll, ' 1 1 1 000114 11 11 % 18 ° 1 " 11
's *
a t:e4 ., - . ' •," ' t .'..,‘ -1 • \ ' 'llk
' 14S / ' O'r li Fist cult 4 1
.in two 6014 ty itiviN eitii VI ift‘t apiAlk4l , l6
It HAI etr.tl4tllVltyl64o6,Al, foot 14 Jolt.; 11. , i,( 1
riitlrely.*Atiid Cs tie At 01:1111 16 ilio Clot 1. )I II
, tier ktl . c wt 10 lho NIL ilawkiwts tit n6;1'64414 el , , • I
!111/4,41 ) 4 to 11414i:1'41'e titlYtiWiiii eoutiN it( r ,
Yri:9 6160 6 Intl ',IWO (If Shefettrt , PIM C? 4,1111( OOW 1., I '
C4 ) tkal Vin . 4l4 tril 4101011 , 4 rAVIS. '.` ' '
1 si
WA ' OII#97, 7 4* * VORA :
, , , , p
Tit Vrtetirti , ito 'Sat , •
, 'Nofillnitbithi•t4Alw tti‘otizi , i) deg h. I i)v i‘ • 4
. , 11, • a
All: 1(){ tit rtOrsZtriit,l74 WiihOtt/ ) ' I
, .
' 419* 64 at& • , P 4441 by 011 ihttool: ;
, m,k , isil - , „ o. 1
' Sip IAnAtC,
Lii3Orti( , ,
- *AI) TA •
toilfep rumounto - Goo DA
~.- 1 't le ts '
°lll "
iNisar Non ;
it Aull4lng Matelialot .
liiiDDLERY; sict:4 l &c.,• •to.• by.
! 1 ..... ~ ~ , • XOl4 , 6 / 2 ',„ ~ , ,,, , i ~ , ,
' -.,' ' ' ' • ~',,.i ' ' -' , t '
cSOrt gThßatAl'Atmessiet _FA, ,
44. • '''
• •',7: .. ‘• , •••• ',- . , ', ' : ,
0 :" V}l , 1 `
~, •,,;, - , 0, IT4i*litiak ',/.
~, • ~ ~ , , •,-,, -•. 4 .. „ ',, •',- '. ,
Raha.,'Nhoceo .W 441 ,, , ift ,Wahotli,
nosPeotfillli enneunooji tnat ~ a e prared to do
ati wove in Me line with Molina* .. The exii i ert-
RoeermeeYleUtwill be pact , for t h e go° t( ij
s PStrOnl: /.111$ toying ivill 'l5O the plist tett eqn
liven by any facto/Yin 0440. . .
I if
C t PciAtfiri ItEP/TRINat -%
t .O igri i A f' , ..Y/,1 1 ifi. v ej i f . 4 '
.t , ' t lltrjtt eire? lAdi Kill $6 r LAsim.
, 411 it a •aten a to atilnort pot co,
11. 11N 81.1,111
uns. s. . •
• Ilse fiiinored to
13 North Nlxtb.iltreet, ,
rem itpkkOp
t Moot me riaterULOOl 4 / 4 104 (Ire tes
0 ptnuf attliltuir Otte OR pale to Coo -in iik •
oa WOrk and g) Ma warranted.
. , 14v •
_ _
IRON ' .11.1a1110 WORKS.
trourt . Alloy, below. Fifth 13treot,
f, an the rest of the Vert6rel National Dank)
gr ip 11 ,000 z ot.
i.p A qt ;.! 4; }tilt ,111 aI NW
: . • ,ss s I ere. AU repairing
tended to et t .'fii , • trifigkri_ :; (lheriert m(1-
'0704 25. t tr. , •WO A UPORKIMEIt ,
: a ~.:.,,-, ~ •t.• , . 4 ,
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