Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, December 19, 1863, Image 1

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jo Nrth-Trest corner V Penn and Fkra gred, ad
O ning i the Farmed' Bank of Reading.
POO a year, pomade in advance.
1..U0 for an m onth., is aaysuace.
' GLOBS Fuer capita* Ayr $3,
is advance.
Ten topics for .11.2,
Allpapers effscontinvact at the expiration of the
time paid for.
It. IL Imo. 3mo. 6mo. ly.
g Penne, 611555, or lee., Bo Bo 76 2,00 ..00 5,0 0
1 ' 10 .. 1M) 1,00 1,25 3,0 J 5,00 8,00
2 46 20 44 1,00 2,00 2,50 5,00 8,00 15.00
3 ~ SO " 7,60 3,00 3,75 7,60 12,00 20,00
[Larger Advertieemente in proportion.]
• • •
Barcarolle and Administrators' Notices, 6 insertions $2,00
Auditors' tiotioes and Legal Notices, 3 " 1,60
Special Notices, as reading matter, 10 rte. a line for one
Maniage notices 25 Gettig each. beetle will be
reblistad gratuitously.
*f All Obituary Notices, Itesolations of Beneficial-and
other Private Associations, will be charged for, as adver
ti.ments, at the Above rates.
Are Advertisements for Religions, Charitable and Sin.
tati•-nisi objects, one belt tbeebove rates.
ix- all advertising will be considered payable in cash,
on the flat insertion.
Yearly advertisers shall have the privilege (if desired)
et renewing their advertisements every three weeks—but
sot Wiener. Any additional renewals, or advertising ex
ceeding the amount contracted for, will be charged warn
et one-half the rates above specified for transient adver
Yearly advertisers will be charged the same rates as
ancient advortisers for all matter. net ranting atrial',
t o their buena,.
p.monted in a. superior manner, at the eery heat 'Hen.
Om assortment of Jos TYPE is large and fashionable, and
our Work sputa for itself.
Including Faxon - norm and PAP.. Dana., Nostroaoss,
Bonne, 6ATICLita or AGREIMENT. LEJLBER, and a variety of
/urine Swore, kept constantly for male, or printed to
Convincing Testi=
READING, May 15th, 1883.
Messrs. P, P. Heuran k Co.-Ihis will
certify that I have suffered greatly from
!Impurities of the blood, manifeated in a
Chronic Ulcer of my leg for the last eight
yen[.. I tried the following medicines,
,viz: 24 bottles Bach's American Com
pound, 2 boxes Coggswell's Medical Salt.
112 bottles Dr. Otikialoy's Fartotparilla 18
!bailee Sweim's PMMLetal, besides otbere,
end can truly say that I derived no per
moptibla benefit from their 1100. I wish
here to bear testimony to the superior
excellence of your lodine Sarsaparilla,
From its use I now enjoy a good degree, .
!of health and am able to go on with my
business as usual. Seeing the great bane
at I received f. 01113 your lodine Sarsapa
rilla annoy of my friends have tried it!
and havenot been dlesppointed.
Fours, very truly,
Agricultural Implement Maker,
, Corner of 4th and Weabington Streets.
I . March 11, ISSI
Masers. R. P. Simnel & Co.—l have
been meet sorely afflicted for le years with
large Ulcers on one of my legs. They
caused me great pain nearly all the time.
I expended at leant two hundred dollars
for medicinal without receiving any be-.
nest whatever, I bought two bottles ofi
[ your lodine Sarsaparilla from your agent,
(Dr. Hese.) and after using them I found.
that I was getting better. I continued
using the danapaillle until I bed used
wren bottles altogether. The sores being
healed I eonstder myself perfectly eared.
I now enjoy ta good health as I ever did
la my life.
Norm, very truly.
Rsaorgo,.Tune 6,1883.
News. IL P. Hoarse & Co.
I tate great plesenrete testifying to rho,
perfect successof your lodine darsepartint
to my Sadly- My two children. aged'
rfepeetively 1 and 4 yearn, wereseveralyl
effected with Scald Head molt of the time
from Infancy. During that period the
beet medical advice was Ring. I
aced two bottle*, end they produced
therein& and perfect cure in both camel
The Fereapaeille r was give n last winter_
and they axe now se healthy children se
tan be seen enywhers.
Yours, very truly,
J. A. nALPS.
Sold by R. P. Hlllrrlill & CO., No. 3411
ALBUM& For 010 W 139161610 sod BOW.
Photographic Alburait 1 Phothgraphic
Albums 1
no Wog and met baanttful asiertment te the oily.
Taikey moroceo, also, relevio. Eatiquetiodlngo.
Below Fourth, moth side, ildlsdelphis
advantage to mill early, while the assortment la low
SU Pena Street, beading, re
dim 6-Imo]
Richmond Prisoners!! Richmond
Prisoners ! !
lure decided to pay to the
Or Officers or Soldiers now olOalthod OP
Prisoners or war,
The amount of pay that may be due.
lltxx.msx H. LIVINOOOD, Seq., Bounty andPenalon Agent,
has all the :mammary forme prepared expressly for the
Purism 1 and for a speedy collection of claims, call on
. from the County during the mutton of Coogrem, I
e made arrangements with JOHN W. RYON, Heq . of
Pottsville. to take charge of toy legal business. My office
will be kept open as heretofore, and those of my friend.
and clients having lead business may depend upon its re-.
solving prompt and efficient
Is a gen
tleman of extensive legal learning and long experience at
the bar. I have fall confidence to bin ability, integrity
ant Industry, and I therefore cheerfully eommertd the In
terests of my cllente and Mends to his care and attention.
Mr. F. W. CONRAD will also remain In nay office.
Porrsvnist, Pa, Nov. 21, 1863.
Family. Pa!pit and Pocket BIBLES. la beautiful
st/hl of Turkey morocco and antique ,bladinge. A POW
arranged for photographic portraits of families.
No. 923 Blastula Si.. below 4th. Phila
\JI LAUER B BREWERY, earner o Third and Chestnut
streets. F. LAUER.
Desamber 7, 18/11-tf
buy Guns, Powder, Shot, cape, at
en CO.
Oct 17J Pi Maid hut.,
The Only Place Where a Cure Can be
moat Certain. Speedy and only Erectus.] Remedy in
the World for all Private Diseases, Weakness of the Hulk
or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Iliad.
der, Ismoloutary Dioebarges, Impotency, General
liervournese, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Stririto, Coufu
wion, of 1,1-us, Pallatalkai of tie Heart., Timidity, Tremb
ling. Dimness of Sight or Oiddinala Disease of the Head,
Throat, None or hkin, Affectlons of the Liver, Lange,
Stomach or Bowels—those Terrible Disorders ;doing front
the Solitary Habit.) of Youth—these SURCT and solitary
practice. wore fatal te their victims than the song of Sirens
to the Mariners of Ulysres blighting their most brilliant
hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, he., impuesible.
wourra WEN
Fapeelally. who base become the victims of Solitary Tire.
that dreadful and destructive habit which aunnally sweeps
to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the moat
exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might other•
WHO have atarntleed Itateuirl *maw, with the thunders
of eloquence or welted to ecstasy the living lyre, may call
with fall eonfldence.
- Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating mar
riage, being aware of physical weltitneus, - organie debility,_
deformities speedily cored.
He who places litniself under the care of Dr. Y. may
religiously confide in his Nemo! as a gentleman, and con
fidently rely upon his skill as a physician.
Immediately Bared and YOU Vigor Metered. .
This DlBreesing Airection*which renders Life and Mar
riage impossible—in the penalty paid by the victims of im
proper indulgence.. Young persons are too apt to commit
excesses from not being aware- of 'the dreadful conse
quences; that may ensue. New, who that understand the
subject will pretend to deny that the power of procrea
tion le lost sooner by theee falling into improper habits
than by the prudent? Besides being deprived of the pleas
ure of healthy offspring. the most serious and destructive
symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system be
comes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions
Weakened, Leos of Procreative Power, Nuvons Irritabil
ity, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of.the Heart, Indigestion, Dow
otitntionsi Debility, a wading of the -Frame, Cough, Con
samptioo, Decay and Death.
°Mee. No. 7 South Eirederiok Street.
Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors
from the corner. Fall not to observe namiised
Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Dolltrr'•
Diploma hangs in his office.
No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs.
DR. 7071Nal'ON.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Grad
uate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United
States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent
in the hospitals of London, Farts, Philadelptfla and else
where; has effected same of the most astonishing cures
that were ever known: many tronbled with ringing In
the head and ears when asleep, great nerVentinesS. being
alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulnesa, with frequent
bleating, attended sometime with derangement of mind,
were cnred immediately.
Dr. S. addresses all those who have injured themselves
by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin
both body and mind, unfitting them for either Easiness,
study, society or marriage,
THESE are some or the .4 and melancholy effects pro
duced by early habits of youth, via: Weaknesss of the
Back and Limbs, Pales in the Head, Dimnew of Sight,
Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Illeart, Dys
pepsia, 'Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive
Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consul m pawl, &e.
merrram.r.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to
be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Dep..-
MOBS of Spirits, Evil Forbodinge, Aversion to Society, Self.
Discreet, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &e., are some of the
evils produced.
THOUSANDS of persons of all ages tan now judge what
to the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor,
becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a
singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms
of consumption_ •
voormra MEN
Who have injured themselves by a certain practice indul
ged in when alone, a habit frequently learued from evil
companions, or AS echcot, the edam of Which are nightly
felt, even when asleep, and if not cured readers marriage
impossible, and destroys both mind and body, ehorild ap
ply immediately.•
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country,
the darling of his parents, should be snatched from al/
prospects and enjoyrdents of.ltte, by the censeqaeoce of
deviating from the path pf mature and indulging in a cer
tain secret habit. Such persons *MIT, before contemplat
refloat tbat a sound mind and body are the roost necessary
requiiiitee to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, with
out these the journey through life becomes a weary pil
grimage; the prospect hourly darkeue to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with deepair and filled with the
melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be•
comes blighted with our own.
When the misguided and ;Imprudent votary of pleasure
finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease,
it too often happens that an .111-timed sense of etice. or
dread of disoovery,.deters bias from applying to these who,
from eduention and respectability, can alone befriend hint,
delaying till the constitutional symptoms of tlihorrid
disease make their appearance, finch as nlcera !d sore
throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pain' in the head and
limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin-bones
and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, pro
graming with frightful rapidity, Oil at WI , the palate of
the month or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim
of thin awful diocese becomes a horrid object of commie.
eration, till death puts a period to his dreadful suffering*,
'by sending him to that Undiscovered Country from
whence no traveller rehabs."
Is lea nielancheig fart that thousands rall TiCUMS to
this terrible disease, owing to the vanakillhdness of Ignor
ant pretenders, who, by the use of that Deadly Poison,
Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue 0
life =borsht*,
Trust not year lives, or health, to the lam of many Mi.
learned and morthiees Pretenders, doreitate of knowledge,
name or. character, who copy Dr. Johnsunee advertise.
meats, or style theeueelree,aa the neWspapers,Tegalarly
lidnested rtryolctsia., incapable of Curies, the/ keep you
trifling month after month taking their lllthy and poison
ono compotuids, or as long se the smallest fee tan be ob
tained, and In despair. leave yon with rnined health to
sigh over yOlir own galling disappointment.
Pr, Johnston is the only Phyaislan advertising.
ills credentials or diplomas always hang in his office.
His remedies or treatment are nnkaown to all others,
prepared from a life spent in the oreatheeptude of Europe,
the atet in. the sentry and ti:mtge.e . . eatjbeldee Prbeettil
Practise than any. other PhYsleiati 111 the Maridi
1.111)03.5X1M1XT Or TIM
• *raigis.•-:
The many thousands - lured atibtslastitulloa year after
year, and the numerous important Anglo:al Operations
performed by Dr. Johnston. trltireased by the reporters of
the " San," . 4 Clipper: . and meal other paperer:mottoes or
which have appeared again_. and again before the public,
besides his standing as a gentleman tlt abaladtgr add re'
sponsibtitty, is a enffloieltguarantee to the afflicted. •
Shin Diseases - Speedily Cared.
• . •
Miy- Ito lettere received anl;en poet-pad and containing
a stamp to be need on the reply. Pentona writing should
state age ; and send portion of advertisement describing
170ELIX s 10131111STOS, DIL D.,
Of the ltaltlmOre Lora liorpital, Baltimore, Maryland !
May 23-17
Major-General George B. McClellan,
Size of Picture, 193(, by 24 ladles.
_I.. from life, to order of the publisher, by the celebrated
Artist, C. Echustele, Esq., (who Is the only one the General
ever sat to.) It representobbn en Ma celebrated - hone
,Daniel Webster, (presented to him by the eiLisefiti of am•
cinnati,) taking au observation of the field; In the latter
perk of the day, as the Rebels were falling baelr. In the
foreground are neon the desolations of the battle—broken
warn,. .',altered trees, Ste. In the &ethane, amongst the
smoke and dent, are staff olffeern 'unitary, cavalry and
infantry. The whole pictnre It au admirable composition,
and displays the rare genies of the Artist.
Price of the Engraving, Blnale copy, 5..3
Two copies, rOO ? 1 ,
Three " 600 S s"
Sent by mail. poet-petd.
Persoae acting as Agents and ordering one copy at three
dollars, can have stihseqnent once at two dollars each
Travelling Canvassers ordering largely, will be eapplied on
liberal terms. Address
nov SS] Publisher. 17 South .Sixth St., Plaited&
Beady-made or ramie to order, will do well to call on
No. 619 Noon Street, above 6th, Reading, whore will
be found the [urged stock of
ever opened in Heading.
E 7-•-• A good, cogignable suit for 48 co.
lied all wool Cassimme Pante for *3 00. Other good■
in proportion.
AS we manufacture all our Clothing, person* can relr
Upon It that every article la wellrande and no glop chop
work. such as is generally found in Clothing Stores.
slaving secured the gervices of Mr. Owes Kaessx.y, for
merly of Philadelphia, and Mr. Jacob Ming, who has had
28 years experience in the tailed° g beetneep Ibroueboat the
country, we are prepared to take measures (yr Oar/nettle
Which we warrant to be of the latest style and lintsh.
All goods cut at this establishment warranted to give
entiesation or no side. LUOT 28-Bmo.
800 New Shape Stoop Skitta,
ind for sole at low plea.
One Autumn night, in tindbury town,
Across the meadows bare and brown,
The Window,. of the wayi-ide inn
Gleamed red with lire-light through the leaves
Of woodbine, banging from the eaves
Their crimson curtains rent and thin.
As ancient is thin hostelry
As any lo the land may be,
mitt in the old Colonial day,
When men lived in a grander way,
With ampler hospitality;
A kind of old Hobgoblin Flail,.
Now somewhat fallen to decay,
With weather status upon the wall,
And stairways worn, and crazy doors,
And creaking and uneven doors,
And chimneys huge, nud tiled and tall.
A region of repose it seetni.
A place of ,lumber and of dreams,
Remote among the wooded hills!
For there no noley railway speeds.
Its torch•race scattering smoke and gleeds;
But noon *ad night, the panting team
Stop under the greet oaks, that throw •
Tangles of light audnhade below,
On roofs and doors and window-stile.
Across the road the barns display
Their lines of stalls, their mows of hay,
Through the wide doors the breams blow,
The wattled cocks strut to and fro,
And, half effaced by rain and shine, •
The Bed Horse Prances on the sign.
Roundthis old-foshioned, quaint abode
Deep silence reigned, wire when a gust
Went rushing down the county road,
And skelstoneof heaves, cad duet,
A moment quickened by its breath,
bbnddered and danced their dance of death.
And through the ancient oaloo'erhead
Slyeteriona seine' moaned and lied.
* e * • *
Bat from the parlor of the inn
A pleasant murmur smote the ear,
Like water rushing through a weir;
On Interrupted by the din •
Of laughter cod of load applause,
And, in sash Interzealogpottas.
The music of a violin.
The Ore•light, shedding over all
The splendor of its ruddy glow,
2 Filled the whole parlor large and low :
It gleamed on walneeot and on wall, •
It touched with more than wonted graO
Fair Princess Mary's pictured face;
It bronzed the ratters overhead,
On the old spinet's ivory keys
It played Inaudible melodic,
It crowned the somber clock with ARUM
The hands, the hours, the maker's name,
And painted with a Raeder red
The Landlord's soaLotarms agate;
And, dashing on the window pane,
Emblazoned with its light and shade
The jovial rhymes, that still remain,
Writ dear a Century ego,
By the great Major Molineatri,
Whom Hawthorne hse immortal made.
A youth was there, of quiet ways,
A Student of old books and days,, W
whom all tongues and lands Were known,
And yet a lover of his own ;
With many a social virtue graced,
And yet n friend of solitude;
A man of tomb a genial mood
The heart of all things he embraced,
Aud yet of such fastidiune taste,
lie never found the boot 100 good.
Books were his passion end delight,
And in his upper room at home •
Brood many a rare andstumptuons tome,
In vellum bound, with gold Apdight,
Great volatiles garmented in White,
Recalling Florence, Pisa, Rome.
lie loved the twilight that saffrounis
The bordor-land of old romance;
Whore glitter hauberk, helm, and lance,
And banner waves, and trumpet encode,
And ladies ride with hawk on wrist,
And mighty warriors sweep along,
Magnified' by the purple mist,
The dusk of centuries and of song.
The chronicles of Charlemagne,
(M Merlin and the Mort d'Arthnre,
Mingled together fit his brain
With taloa of Flores and Blanchelleur,
Sir Ferumbrae, Sir Eglamour,
Sir Launcelet, Sir Morgadoar,
Mr Guy, Sir Bevis, Sir aan7llll.
Lank the MIII3IOIBII, as he stood
Illumined by that fire of wood:
Yale•haired, Mae eyed, his aspect blithe,
His figure tall and straight and lithe,
And every feature of his face
Revealing his Norwegian race ;
A radiance, streaming from within,
Aiorind his eyes and forehead beamed,
The Angel with tlits
Painted by Raphael, he aeemod.
He lived In that ideal world
Whom teogerge In not speech, but song ;
Around him evermore the throng
Of elves and sprites their dances whirled;
The gtromkarl gang, the cataract hurled
He headlong water.' from the bight;
And mingled in the wlid delight
The scream of sea-birds in their flight,
The rumor of the forest trees,
Tne phiuge of the implacable MAO,
The tumult of. the wind tit night,
Voices of old, like trumpets blowing,
Old ballads, and wild melodies
Through Inlet and darkness pouring forth,
Lake salvager's river dewing
Out of the glaciers of the North.
The instrument on whlab be played
Was in Cremona's workshops made,
By a great master of the past,
Bre yet was lost the art Once; of maple sad of pie%
That in Tyrolian forams yeas
Had rocked and wrestled with the blast,
Exquisite was it to design,
Perfect in each minutest part, ,
A marvel of the lottat's'avt;
And in lie hollow chatidiar, thee.
The maker from whine hands It came
Bad written his unrivaled name,—
WAnkonins ihradivarlos."
The boar was letel the Are burned „low,
The Landlord's eyes were elesed la deep.
And near the story's ands deep
Sonorous nosed at times war heard,
Au whon.the distant bsgpipedblew.
At tide all laughed i the Landlord stirred,
As one dtrair.leg trent a monad,
And, gastrin inzlonsly around,
Protested that he had not slept.
Bat onljlhut his eyes, and kept
rlis ears attentive to each word.
Then Illinois, and said Goad Nlght."
Alone remained the drowsy Squire
To rake the embers or the Are,
And trona the waning parlor light
While from the wisdoms, here aid there,
The scattered lamps a moment gleamed,
And the illumined hostel seemed
The constellation of tbe Bear,
Downward, athwart the mists air,
Sinking and setting toward the sun.
Far of the village eloek Wrack one_
Gaol $O6 3fiarbs.
From Chum/era's Journal, for October.
A complimentary and (in their way) sympa
thising throng were assembled in the room
where old Kitty Clark lay dying. Dying now,
there was no doubt. The wolf, so often cried
causelessly during the few, preceding years of,
her long lifo, was at last growling at the door.
From this attack it was certain she would not
She herself was aware of it.- The hand of
Time, which was crushing her into the grave,
which had stolen from her all the vigor of life,
leasing her like a dry and eapless tree, had not
quenched the active mind and dauntless spirit
which for seventy years she had possessed. Site
well knew sho was dying. It was understood
that she had made a will, which was lodged in
the hiands creldr. Crooks, who, as merohant,
postiaster; and member of the council,* was
undoubtedly the proper person to have charge
of a document of such importance. Groat cUri..
osity was felt, and many now beneath Kitty's
root hoped to get front her, or those who nursed
her, same intelligence as to what that will eon
tained. But she had made no confidants; and,
as evening drew on, eho had fallen into an ap—
ps stupor , from whioh she only awoke by'
euTdeit starts, when she would utter a groan of
pain, or occasionally a word or two of prayer.
* The some of this story Is laI(Is Canada.
East Hake Square.
Very strange, to unaccustomed eyes, would
have been the scene, lit up by the red glow of
the fire of hark and pino-wood blaring on the
broad hearth ; for, though the season rias Majr,
the night air was chill, and tie rough , log wails
by no means forbade its entrance. In one oor
ner was the bed, Where lay the invalid, uncur
tamed and unsoreened ; while on and around it
were the two or three women at•present in offtee
as nutses, ono holding a flaring candle, another
CI spoon and phial, while a third supported the
pillows on her arm. Filling the rest of the room,
were about a dosen female figures, among whom
the seven ages of woman might have been sought
and found, from the infant in the cradle to the
crone of threescore and ten. There was the child
creeping on the floor, in charge of one just emer
ging from childhood; young girls in freshness
and beauty ; by
.the, fireside, a young mother
fondling her first born with exultant pride, e 4
she talked to the sedate matron who watched
the gruel simmering on the glowing coals; while
the old women compared notes as to the death
beds they bad attended and the funerals they
bad seen. The men.were mostly gathered in the
stoop" outside, but the masculine element was
not entirely wanting within; it was represented
by old Silas Doyle, who had "the gift of grace,"
and had come to pray with the invalid; and
handsome Martin Foyle, leaning over the shoul
der of pretty Amerylls Dollman, who looked up
in his face with such a laugdishing invasion
In her great soft eyes. Each and all felt for
Kitty, and would have aided her by any means
in their power, but their sympathy did no, in the
least prevent their attending to their own affairs
nor did any seem to remember that as she was
now, so they all iu their turtimust be. The pe
culiar hum of many voices speaking low sounded
in the room, while over all the red fire shed a
lurid light, and cast fantastic shadows on the
smoky walls.
Now and then, the creaking door would open,
and give entrance to some fresh visitor, and the
crazy floor would rook under even a careful
tread, as the new comer advanced to the bed,
'held the candle so as to throw the light on the
sick woman's face, and made audible remarks on
her appearance, and the change Or the worse
perceptible since the last visit. It was Saturday
evening, and the week's work was done and put
away ; this accounted for the unusual gathering,
where there were generally only theme who were
needed or had nothing to do at home ; but all
were now free to make inquiries and to indulge,
at a common rendezvous, in a little friendly chat.
Kitty's was not the only sick room in Crocks
yille ; Abel Blunt's wife was almost given over,
am! was, moreover, a very interesting case, as
she was delirious; the interest was therefore
somewhat divided, but Kitty's was the favorite
resort. Abel Blunt lived in a substantial house
with various rooms, and only a privileged few
were admitted to the presence of the invalid ; but
Kitty Clark's ene.roomed shanty, where the
visitor had nothing to do but to open the door
and walk in, gave free access to all.
Let us listen to some of the scraps of conver
sation, and learn how matters stand in Crocks
vine, such having been the name given the place
when it arrived at the dignity of possessing a
post ofEce,,and received a name at all. First,
let tee take Martin Foyle, who is whispering in
low tones to Amaryllis : So you think there's
no chance he'll, change hie mind, Anirilly
dear ?" •
" Not n bit. He wouldn't let Nally marry
Robert till he 'had a farm of hie own, and he
won'L let me. We'll have to wait a while."
"I s'pose we must; but it's awful hard to
have patience."
" Well, we're both young, and we can afford it.
Besides, you'll have lime to consider whether
you'll change your mind. Better before thane-
The reply to this woman-like and aggravating
el:Feu:oh is lost in the remark of Bella Jones: " I
guess the won't gel over it thie time."
"We hard to say," replied Mrs. Jackson, to
whom she had spoken. "My mother used to
have just such turns:and eke lived to he ninety."
"I wonder who Nhe'e left the farm to," pur
sued Miss Jones.
"Neither you nor rim I guess. It'll be me
to go to Nome one as don't wautit. Crocks 'llget
it, I shouldn't wonder, because he's rich al-
"How's Abel Blunt's wife to day?" asked
Mn. Sands, interrupting Mrs. Jackson's sarcas
tic observations.
"Awful bad. They had two doctors there to
" She's violent, I heard," slid another. "They
had to shave her head, to keep her from tearing
out her hair."
I heard 'twee Atwell/1110 fever ; tut It don't
seem like it."
"No," said Mrs. Sands, "'taint that. They
give her too much opium, and it set her kind o'
My opinion is," said Silas Doyle, joininz in
from his seat at the bed-head, "that she's under
conviction. Tier symptoms is all that way."
" Anyhow, she's in awful suffering," said Mrs.
" A.h:" rejoined Silas, with a shake of the
head, " a blessed thing to be under oonviO
tion of sin."
Considering tho proofs adduced, acme panplo
might have been sceptical as to the blessedness
of Mrs Blunt's condition, but no one present ex
pressed a doubt on the point. As if roused by
the sounds familiar to every Methodist ear, the
dying woman stirred, and muttered some words,
of which Help ma, save me," were alontribudi
.6 She's been that way all day," whispered
Mrs. ()Teen, the mires with the candle, to Mrs.
Sands, " prayinerhenever she. was sensible or
in most pain."
"Ah !" returned Mrs. Sands. " Well, I've no
doubt it'll be all right with her, if elm is called
away. She's always been a professor,"
"Profession and practice don't always go to
gether," muttered Mrs. Jones over the gruel
Here May again spoke, and Mrs.. Green bent
Elwin to listen. " Her mind's, running on the
Scriptures ; she's saying something about .Teph
tbsth's 'laughter."
Mrs. Jones and another woman exchanged
glanoea across tho hearth, and both ebook (heir
heads. 'I Ah !" said Mrs. Jones, Li 'taint the
Scriptures she's thinking of when she talks of
jephtkah's daughter."
41 iikat else ?" said rosy little Mrs. Blake, a
new Comer to Crookeville, reeiraining a redden
leap of her infant, towards the blaze.
Mrs Junes looked up 4. Did 3.311 never hear?"
"Do ;44: ! I never bead a motion of any—
thing "
Mrs. Jones I.)wered voice to a solemn
whisper, and began her tale.
There ain't mar.y left here that rernembees
what happened over thirty yoars ago; I w as a
lump of a girlt hen, about fourteen or so, and one
of the first things I remember is old Kitty Clark
and her husband. They always lived just here,
in this shanty; I don't believe there's been a
morsel done to it since it was built, and it's ft , to
tumble down, She was always a queer sort , o'
body. I've heard my mother say that if you
went in when she was setting the table, she'd
clear the things right off again, and pretend she
was washing up the 'tlialtes, just as if she was
afraid you'd want to eat with her; and if her
man or the boys (shehtd two then) come in,
she'd keep them waiting till you was gone, she
was that our'ous and secret. Sam Clark, her
husband, was a shiftless sort o'man ; not that he
wasn't fond entwigh o' money, or didn't try to
make it, but 'he wasn't fond o' hard work, and
had a turn fur tradin' and speculatin', and when
a man's that way, instead o' stiokin' to his work
regular, the money goes faster tliati it comes.
They never got on. They worked this land on
shares, and kept on year after year, and' didn't
seem to improve, till the boys was big enough to
leave home, and then they went off to work on
their owu hook..
" Well, of course, thirty years ago this place
was a sight different from what it is now ; there
was no store then within fifteen miles, and the
roads was bad, so we was dependin' on peddlers
for the most p t& of the things we wanted. They
used to come round regular—the grocery ped
dler., and the dry goods peddler, the tinman (he
(tarried hardware mostly too,) and others be.
sides, just as they do now, only a deal oftener,
and their stocks was twice as good. Thoy was
always a familiar sort o' men, anti they brought
the news of the town they cams from, so people
was generally glad to see them. They used to
stop for the night at, the last house they got iv
after dark, and pay for their board in some ar
ticle of their trade when they was goiog away.
"I recollect one of • them. by t he name of
Jephtholi :Hurt - ley. lie oame from Willlimaburg,
and dealt in jewelry and such like trash. I
didn't think it trash, in those days, though 410
I believe the girls thought more of Jephthab's
visits than auy one else's, and spent most of
their savings with him. Ile was a foolish
o' man if he had a little motley ahem him, he
was sure to let you know just how much, and
what he was goiug to do with it, anti So on, as-if
he wasn't quite wise. • You'd better quit. that
habit you've got of talking of your money. Jeph
thah,' says my mother to him one day, 'or you'll
chance on some one who'll save - you the trouble
of aarrying it.' But Jephthah only laughed, and"
went on just the same.
"lie came the last time in January, thirty—
two years ago. I mind it well, for there'd been
an awful snow -storm, that had kept me for two
days and nights over at old Uncle Jake Fitoher's.
When I came home on the third evening, mother
told me Jephtbah bad been there. Wall I was
real sorry to have missed him, for I'd been red's
ening on a pair of gold ear rings he'd got, ever
since his last visit, when I hadn't money ennui)
to buy them; but mother comforted me. Von
can get 'em in the morning,' says she, 'for Teph
thah calculated he wouldn't get further than
Kitty Clark's to night, 'count 'o the drifts brie'
so bad.' Well, sike kept talkies of . Jephtimh
• He'll be robbed some day, as sure as life,' says
she. I never hear.] a min talk so foolish as he
does, to be in his right mind. He told me to
day he had two hundred dollars on him, besides
his stock, and he was going to buy some laud
and leave peddling. lint he'll be robbed first, if
there's a ha'porth of roguery left in the world.'
" Well, the next morning, bright and early, I
went over to Kitty Clark's. It was real cold,
and I ran most of the way, as fast as I could, for
the deep snow. When I knocked at the dour,
I heard a scuttery kind of noise inside, and I
had to knock again beforo Kitty said, ' come in,'
When I opened the door, she was throwing some
thing into a cupboard ; she had an everlasting
fire on the hearth, and a big pot over it, and
there was an awful emotherin' smell like burned
feathers or scorched woollen rags."
Here Mee. Jones paused to stir the gruel.
Something in the last words had made Mrs.
Blake clasp her baby closer, and glance fearfully
" Well, I looked round," continued Mrs. Jones,
"but I didn't see no sign of Jephlhah." "Where's
Jephtbah Murney, Mrs. Clark?" says I. "That's
more'n I can tell you," says she ; "be quit here
this morning at daylight." I was disappointed,
but that wouldn't bring him any nearer ; so I
said I'd have to wait till he came round next
time. " When Jephtbah Murney comes round
again, you'll get ear rings for nothing, ' says
Kitty ; "he's going to quit peddling, anrbuy a
farm." " Yes," says I ; he told mother he
had two hundred dollat:s yesterday." " Well,"
says she, "he didn't say here how much he had,
only just what I tell you " I didn't stay long,
for she smutted to thick me in the way ; she kept
fussin' round ; but somehow she managed to he
all the time between me and the cuphmird door.
Early as it was, the flour Was fresh filled off, and
the place red up as if it was afternoon.
I guess it was four or five days after there
was an alarm raised, where was Jrph' hah Mur
fey ? ilia horse and cutter was found 100-o on
the road between this and Ff.itvlayhttrg; hat ho
was never seen or heard of ugnia Ot course,
there was a great inquiry made, and Sant and
Kitty Clark, being the inn people that, had seen
him, were examined very close ; Itit they stuck
to their story; and though the shanty was starch
ed all over, and up and down, nothing was found
that could show they made away wilfh him ; but
yet the notion got abroad, and for a long time
they were suspected. A store in Williamsburg
was robbed of about two hundred dollars a few
days before Jephtbah's last trip, and some
thought he done it, and absconded to the States.
Maybe he did; but allays been my 'Opinion,
and a good many others' too, that if he did hook
the money, he never. carried it further' titan
Kitty Clark's. I don't know why, built always
rested on my mind the look of the shanty on that
morning ; the souttery noloo, fresh-wnshed floor ;
and the awful entoeilin' emelj.
[VOL. X.X7IV-NO. 35.-WHOLE NO. 1999.
"It turned cut that Jephthah had left one
child, a girl about twelve years old. All he bad
was on him and the child wee dettitate. She
bearded with n woman who need her very bad,
and one day that old Andrew Foyle went to
Williamsburg, he Cook pity on her, and brought
her back as a bound-girl. She was a pretty
child, if it hadn't been for a scared look in her
eyes, but she grew out. of that i and whda she
was about nineteen,•_Andrew's eon, Martin, took
a fancy to her. She was a smart girl, so Andrew
made no objection to the match, and she made
a good wife fir the Mile time she lived. She
was very like her eon Martin there, carrying on
that way with Acu'rilly Doliman."
" That'll be a match acme day, I sliculda't
wonder," said Mrs. Dlelio,
"'Twould have been before this, if Martin
had a farm of his own • but while he lives with
his father, old Dollman won't allow it."
"And so nothing was ever heard of the ped
"Not:a word. The Clarks got on better some
fora while. They seemed to have money, which
looked queer, seeing how poor they'd always
been; and they bought this farm. But then
everything went wrong; the two boys died—one
was killed by a tree falling on him, and Sam had
a stroke which kept him to his bed for the rest
of his life, which wasn't long. , lie was out of
hie head at the end, and Kitty never let any one
near him but herself. Sinoe he died, sbe has
lived alone, and shared the land. It's good
land, and I should think she must have saved
money. I wonder who she's left it to."
- " Young Martin. perhaps."
"I guess not. She always had a sing'lar dis
like to his mother. May be. ber conscience told
her why. No; it's more likely to be Am'rilly
Doliman. She took a fancy to lipr when she was
a child, and kept to it."
Well, it'll come to pretty much the same
thing which has it, so as one of them gets it,"
remarked Mrs. Blake.
A sudden stir in the corner made all look to
wards the bed. Tho invalid had opened her
eyes,•and raised herself, unaided, on ber arm ;
for a moment or two she gazed round on the as
semblage, as if not understanding their unwont
ed presence; then she broke out into a laugh,
harsh and loud: "Alia!" she dried in a shrill
voice, " they looked every t...tnere hat is the right
place! Up and d;ilen, up chamber and down
cellar, hut, they never 111. , ught of thn north
wall!" PIA !,511:11i back
A kiwi of shudder rr,u tUrorigh , be ST.` stators.
"My! ain't that. awful ?” said Onnen
while pretty Amorylla shritek, as if for protec
tion; rt. iittte eloser to 24,rtio ::ad the
ttortms' attention beeume absorbed iu I etezrae.
She, however - , hod again subsided iwo stupor,
avid said eo more.
t , She'll go off that way," P.Li4 Mrs. Green.
"She may linger awhile, but she'll sleep her life
out so. And now, Its it's getting, late, I think
IRI clear out."
The clock, indeed, by this time announced
that it was a most dissipated hour for the inha
bitants of Crockeville; nothing but the agree
able feeling that on Sunday morning there was
no oocasion for waking with the daylight, would
have kept them fin long from their rest. All now
departed except the welchers for the night, and
the shanty was left to comparative quiet and
No one was surprised the next morning CO hear
that Kitty Clark was dead.' She had never
moved or spoken since the demonstration that
had so alarmed her visitors the preceding even
ing, which had evidently been the last. effort of
expiring nature. "She just went out like the
scoff of a candle," Mrs. Jones remarked to
those who came with inquiries and offers of as
.iimatioe. That lady had taken on herself the of
fice of superintending the preparations for the
funeral, and was arrayed In her robes of state,
a black silk gown, " which," as she had once
observed, " was the oonvenientest dress you
could have ; it answered for everything from a
wedding to a funeral;" the richness of the ma
terial adapting it for festive occasions, and Its
sober hue rendering it a suitable garb of mourn
ing. There was considerable excitement in
Crooksville this Sunday morning ; it would per
haps be uncharitable to say the people were-glad
old Kitty had departed, but certainly they were
glad that there was now the opportunity of grati.
tying the curiosity felt by all regarding the pa
per in Mr. Crocks's hands.
It was a pity the contents could not have been
ktiown on this idle day, when there would have
been nothing to do but to discuss them ; but
Mr. Crocks said, " that, 'oordite to rule, the will
hadn't ought to be read till After the funeral,"
and announced his intention of not making them
public till the proper time, rather enjoying, in
the meanwhile, the consciousness of being the
only person in possession of the secret. It was
considered a moot unnecessary piece of cere—
monious formality; however, speoulation and
conjecture kept lite interest alive.
It was surprising how many people found they
could leave their work, "just for an hour or
two," the next afternoon to attend the funeral.
Certainly, old Kitty was more "in her ashes
honored" than she had ever been in life. As
Mrs. J011 , e3 remarked : "It was 'macin' what
folks would do for the sake of curiosity : there
was old it:. Whit° who never bete: known
elf his owe place for six a trs ;and S- 9 • 1 3' Black
had left her . washing half !hrofigh to coax the
news an hour sooner " As old Kitty lied neither
kith nor kin, every one deemed him or herself to
have a chance of the inheritance, nods right to
present. Whatever else she tni,Ada have died
possessed or. there was, at all events, the land,
more than fifty acres, in first--rate condition ; it
Mai a prize to be coveted ; and no the old WOWAn
was generally considered to have been "not
quite right," no one could tell on what unlikely
person her favor might have
Curiosity was gratified, and•patienco .reward
ed at last. Mr. Crooks openell that important
paper, and read the contents aloud. It was short,
and to the purpose, as Kitty had been wont to
speak. The land was left to Stephen Dollman,
tu charge for his daughter Amarylla till she
should be of age, when it was to be hers un
reservedly : the small stook of crazy furniture,
the pig, the oow, and the money in an old leathern
purse in the cupboard, amounting to about fif
teen dollars, were Amarylla's at once, uncondi
tionally ; the house itself, stripped of everything,
was left to young Martin Foyle.
Every one was surprised, not ttt the got pant,
for Amarylla had always been Monett rather a
favorite with the old woman; but all wondered
that she hod not left more money. " She never
spent much, and alts had ought to have made
more out of the farm." Then the strange legacy
to Martin excited universal astonishment ; no
one coasid see any meaning in it, except the freak
of a crazy old woman. Kitty had known noth—
ing of Martin ; had hardly ever seen him; and
it could scarcely be thought she intended a joke
at his expense after she was dead; yetwhat else
could the bequest of the worthless old shanty be
considered Martin laughed; he had expected
nothing, and was not disappointed. Some con
gratulated Amarylla, and some envied her;
while old Mr. Dollnian went forthwith to in•
quire into the state of the fellows, and to decide
which were to be sown with barley and WhiCil
with wheat.
It soon appeared that Mrs. Blake was wrong
in hor calculations. Old Mr. Dollman evidently
considered that it made a great difference whether
Amarylla or Martin possessed Kitty Clark's land.
With the usual blindness of fathers, here fused to
see that. the marriage was'more practicable now
than it had been before, and contended (and it
must be allowed with seine reason) that the .itt
heritanee of four log walls and a crazy roof had
is no respect advanced Martin's claim to his
daughter, who was now an heiress, and a most
desirable match for any one. The lovers sued
in vain ; the old mau was not to be moved either
by reason or entreaties. Amarylla endeavored
to comfort her betrothed with the whispered as
surance " that, as soon as the farm was quite
hers, she would give it to him, and then " But
though there was some consolation in this, it was
not much, for Amarylla was only nineteen, and
there were still two years of probation to be
gone through.
In the meantime the summer was advancing
and Martin's shanty was a constant annoyance
in Mr. Dollman'e eyes. It was a blot on the fair
stir-face of the land, a wretched, rickety eyesore,
and was, moreover, very much in the way. Dur
ing the slack time between hay and harvest, be
euggested to Martin to pull it down, offering to
perform the work if he might use such of the
loge as were worth anything to mend the fence.
I.lla'rtim who had almost. forgotten that the shanty
was hie, readily agreed to the demolition, but
declined to port with the logs; most of them
ware rotten and of no use, tut some would do
for a ehed h WM putting up at home.
The nr:P. duy !to began the work of destruc
tion Great was the disturbance of in. e431.$ and
reptiles that hut enjoyed secure repose fur thirty
years; groat was the amount of rubbish, worm
eaten wood, cobwebs. and dust, brought to light
in the process of removal; and great was the
smoke that arose front the smouldering embers
of the wetthlees loge. Martin and his onion"
worked two days, and but one side remained to
be palled down—it was part of the north wall,
the only one which had been lined inside, on
account, as people supposed, of its being moat
exposed to the cold wind ; and as it would be
more trouble than the rest, it had been left till
the last. Martin was pulling off the ragged
smoky hoards, when a blow of the axe caused
something to fall down inside with a rattling
sound ; another blow and the board gave way,
and there came tumbling at Martin's feet what
for a moment made him start. Being a young
man of stout nerves, however, he examined the
object, and found it to be a worn leather valise,
which had broken open in the fall, and from
which had escaped a paper weel, addressed to
himself, a stained handkerchief marked " Jeph-
Utah Murney," part of a peddler's stock of old
fashioned jewelry, and a quantity of human
The ateret was diseovere J : tLe mystery *MA
had purled Crockeville thirly years before was
explained. Sam and kitty had managed their
murder with more discretion th an Such things
are usually conducted with, and had kept their
secret well. now much they repented, or
whether tbey repented at all, could never be
known. Their ill-gotten gains had -proaptred
little in Clark's hands, and his death, and that
of her eons', had taken from Kitty all desire of
enjoying them. Her life's savings were contain
ed in the parcel for Martin Foyle; they amounted
to seven hundred dollars, and were marked,
"Martin Foyle, in payment of a debt to his
mother." Kitty had made reparation, though
in a strange and tardy fashion.
The discovery caused great excitement, and
furnished matter of talk and wonder for a whole
week.. At the end of that time it became known
that Mr. Dollman had reconsidered Martin's suit,
and that the wedding was to take place as soon
as a house could be put on the farm.
The Cincinnati Inquirer gives some figures to
show that with all the frauds, all the appliances
of corruption, and all the intimidations of power,
civil and military, nearly one million and a half
of Democrats marched to the polls at the late
elections, and recorded their votes against the
policy of the Administration. Those who think
that the Democratic organization is now power
less, will be instructed by perusing the following
table of the votes as given at the State elections
in 1863 :
Maine ,
Now Hampshire
Vermeil ,
Elude Island..
To!al for New England *lBB.OOO
New York 284.000
Now Jersey 60,000
Pennsylvania MAO
Ohio ' 187,000
Indiana 125,000
Illinois 140,000
Michigan 60,000
'Wisconsin 60,000
lowa 55,000
Minnesota /2,000
California 60,000
Grand Total
So in the free States alone there are one mil
lion and a hay of Democrats at the close of 1868.
What a glorious figure! This is 100,000 More
votes than Mr. Douglas got in all the States—
Northern and Southern—in 1860. What Demo.
orat can be discouraged at such * good progress
under the terrible pressure of the last three
years? Only think of it—nearly 200,000 Demo•
orate in New England, which we have been in.
Dem. veto