ILI4 - THE Cal OF COAL.—The high price of coal cantle! many a sigh among those who have net the means to provide supplies of this ludispcusa ble article of fuel. It is terrible to contemplate the suffering that scores of poverty stricken families will endure the present winter, unless something tro done for their relief. One of our rural aotamporarissi, amidst tho cry for " copy, - and with a sorry look at Lis empty coal bin, thus ventilates his feelings: Coal! Coal! To keep together body and soul. The people are crying aloud for coal, And they cannot pay what the cormorants ask, And there is ne making in nhleh to bask. Coal! Coal! Te prodigal; who in carriages roll, Think of the poor ones suffering for coal, And spare a dollar or two for those Who have shoeless feet and threadbare cbthee, Coal! Coal! In politicians who'd reach your goal, Think of the voters who have no coal; Think of the poor men in their homes of woes ; Think of the rude winter's winds and snows. Coal: Coal? Ye learned Divines who'd save the soul, There are bodies to warm, and where's the coal? Relieve the poor in their great distress, And labors of love a Heaven will bless ! Coal I Coal! Do something soon or the bell will toll For those who have died for the want of coal— Not so—no bell—but a single breath— With a coroner's jury—ii Frozen to death :" W MING TO DUKE IT RIUIIT.—Mr. M., of Northern Vermont, is not distinguished fog lib erality, either of purse or opinion. His ruling passion is a fear of being cheated. The loss, whether real or fancied, of a few cents, would give him more pain than the destruction of our entire Navy. He one day bought a large cake of tallow at a country store at ten cents a pound. On breaking it to pieces at home it was found to contain a large cavity. This he considered a terrible dieclosure of cupidity and flood. He drove furiously back to the store, entered in great excitement, bearing the tallow, and ex claiming:—" Here you rascal, you have cheated me I De you call that an honest cake of tallow ? It Is hollow, and there ain't near so much as there appeared to be. I want you to make it right." "Certainly, certainly." replied the merchant, "I'll make it right. I didn't know the cake was hollow. Let see, you paid ten rents per pound. Now, Mr M., how much do you suppose that hole weighed I" Mr. M. re turned home with the dishonest tallow, but was never satisfied that he had not been obeated by buying holes. Punrrax WEDDING Discounscs.—The practice of wedding discourses was handed down into the last century, and sometimes beguiled the par ties concerned into rather startling levities. For instance, when Pgre-OD. Smith's daughter Mary was to marry young Mr. Cranch—(what grace ful productions of pen and pencil have come to this generation from the prosterity of that uri ion I)—the father permitted the saintly maiden to decide on her own text for the sermon, and she meekly selected " Mary bath chasm the bet• ter part, which shall not be -taken away from her," and the discourse was duly pronounced. But when her wild young sister Abby was bent on marrying a certain Squire Adams, called John, whom her father disliked, and would not even invite to dinner, she boldly suggested for her tent, Ig John came neither eating bread or drinking wine, and ye say he bath a devil." But no sermon stands recorded under this prefix, though Abby lived to be the wife of one Presi dent of the united Owes and mother of another. —Athlone _Monthly. Mir PBTROLIIIM V. BABREY WPites that he had an interview with the President recently, which terminated thus: ii Ii they any little thing I kin do fer you ?" =EI Nothin' pertikler. I wood accept a small Post-orfus, if eitooated within ezy range nv a dis tiky. My politikle daze is well-nigh over. Let me but see the old party wunst moar in the as eendency—let these old ize wunst moar behold the Constooshin ez it is, the Union ez it wuz, and the Nigger ware he ought 2 be, and 1 will rap the mantel uv private life arownd me, and go in 2 delkum tremens happy. I her no ambiehen. I am in the sear and yeller leaf. These whit hnin' lox. them sunken cheeks, warn me that age and whisky heir dun ther perteck wco It, and that 1 shell soon go bents. Linkin, scorn not my words. I hey sed. Adoo. STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. BBRIL:8 COUNTY, AT AN ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE County of Devka, held et Reeding, on the it h .1 day of November, A. D. 1863, In the matter - of the Estate of John Jacob Heckman, dee'd. Oa motion of H. IL Schwartz. Attorney for tLe Adminin teeter, dc., the Court grant a role, directed to Famuel Ileekelan, lissiamin Heckman, Adam Heckman, John Beckman, Charles Heckman. Jared Heckman, Elias Heck man, Daniel Heckman, Isaac Heckman, Polly, intermarried with Charles Old, Farah, intermarried with John Lily, all children oldie esid deviated, and to /91in Hoclinise, gser, dian ad alters for the heirs of SOBLIMP, deceased, lase in termarried with Aaron H. Miller. to Elias Miller, LIICI I / 1 1. H. Willer, Walter H. Miller and Clementine IL Miller and Jared Heckman, guardian of lama Wessner, grand-child of the said deceased, and all other persons interested, to be and appear before the Honorable the Jndges of the said Court, at a Court to be held at Reading, on Thursday, the seventeenth day of December, A. D. 1863. at 11 o'clock, A. Y., then and there to accept or reface the Real Estate of the said deceased, at the valuation, or to bid more in writing therefor, of to *bow cameo why the Berne 1 3119 tad pot sold according to taw. Rule returnable at next sebnon of weld' Ceurt, to be held on the 17th day of December, A. D. 1863.' no. r—eq DANIEL HAHN, Clerk 0. C. la the Orphans' Court of Barks county, and State of Pennsylvania. BERMS COUNTY, IN THE MATTER OF THE WRIT of Parttkieft On Vidil&Boit Ear kelt Estate of L i r& • § li nrad, late of District township, Berke county, deceleed, At an Orphans' Court held at Reading, in and for the County of Barks, on the seventeenth day of Fepteni bar, 'A. D. 1863, Preeent BM the Judges of said Court; and on motion Of B. Freak Boyer, Beg , the Court grant a rule de ill the hairs Indiana]. representatives of George Conrad, deemed, to appear at the next stated Orphans' Court, to be held at Reading, in and for Berke eoonty, on the 17th day of December, A. D. 1863, at 10 o'clock, A. 111., to ac. capt or refine to accept the Real Estate of said deceased at the yalustlon, or to bid more in writing therefor, or show cause why the same should not be sold according to law. By Order of Court. DANIEL HAHN, Clerk 0. C. nov. 21-4t] Desirable City Lots For Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFAS AT PRIVATE Sala at moderato rates. 11. Building Lots on North Ninth streaL Five Building Lots on the west side of Rosa alley, East or Ninth. street Threeßuilding Lote on the west side of North Tenth street, and fourteen Building Lote on the east aide of 8010 The conditions wilLbeinade easy to purchasers, the pro. mister being willing to lease two.thirds of the purchase money stand on the promisee, ir secured 'by Bond and Mortgage, and allow payment to be made In installments of 10. 20 and nO Dollars, until the whole debt is paid, presided that onattird of the purchase money le paid on aeliTertof the Deed. Thhe Di a Fare chance for Laborers and Mechanics to ee ieurehonteis. an theloteare in the neighborhood of the Steam Yell, and Industrial Works; and salt is understood that. Audi. Eamon" of the Junction Railroads will be pat op F611U114 7CllensO. __eLaid maybe Shea a sp o— oe. Sl—tn FREDERICK LAUER. INVALID CO.IiPS. ATTENTION, INVALIDS ! yiNLLSTBD MEN HONORABLY DISC B ARG - ed. en soonest et disab il ity, &shim{ to rtreallet In this tes,4lll prment 'hematites to the Board of Enrollment fortheDistdet Merida they reside, for examination by the Surgeon thereof, wheeled' mate a pommel erareba thOO Of. them, and report the result to the Board of Enroll- Mont. Mks Board shall then consider each ease, and If the sp plicent le Mead to fulfil the conditions specified, the Board shall givaldirt a mrillicate (according to the form furnish ed) to Chat What. . • - The term" or ealletmeatehall be Three (3) Tease or darieg She War. l'ofpartleMars apply to the rroreet Marshal. Jane le, 111654 f REGISTER'S NOTIGIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT THE following mimed persons bare filed their account , . of their Ad m ioietra Don on the Hatatmc of the dammed, whine names are undermentioned, In th. Glee, in and fur the county of Berke, and that the cane will be present id lOflif iirphamil court of blertra county, for roue rruation nod d on TIOtriMPY, the 17th ay of becember next, al 1(1 o'clock, in the forenoon, at the inert House in the city of Reading, via : 1E 1 53. Had Artois: 5, Arcouni of Abraham UnLli u, Guardian of Ms iT Fa ta t'. Flied Amuttut. of Abraham (labile, G uardlan of Wl:linto NlGiver. Filed Aonitrt 2•i. Account of Joha F. MUM, Executor of John F. 'Mier?, dec.e.sed, Filed septa...ter 2. Account of Mots. Schcck, Goordlau of Mirlmol Shale. Filed September 4. Account of Reuben Y. B. Hock, Ilnarillan of Mary Siegel, formerly Mary High, deeeased. Flied eepiember se. Account of Joseph Sehmucker, Guar dian of flamed Minor. Filed tbtolier 1. Account of Jouatb an Loose, Guardian of Coraelino Dundsre. Filed October 3. Account of David MAIM, Administrator of Benjamin Strunk, deceased. Flied October 3. Account of Isaac Slurp, Administrator of Summit:l Stepp, dammed. Flied October 19. Account of Sarah Ann Leffel, Admiu iatralrisr. of Daniel C. Lae), deceased. Filed October 23. Account of Benjamin Herbster, nistratur of Adam Linn, deceased. Filed November 2. Account of John Gehman end Joesple Romig, Onardiana-of the minor children of David Bitten bender, deceased. Filed November 2. Account of Daniel Hillman and Wm. Stricter. Administrators of George Stricter, demand, Flied November 2, Account of Anguetus Schlessman, Administrator of Michael Ipx, deceased. Filed November 2. Account of Daniel rfo.hauer, Execu tor of Margaret Henbane, deceased. Filed November 3. Account of Wm. R. Stauffer, Guar. dine of Ada Ritter. Filed N ovemher S. Arceaut of Wm. H. Stauffer, Guar- Mae of Hiram 13. Stauffer. Filed November X. Account of Christian &mama% Guardian of Angeline Toha, late Angelico Levengood. Filed. November 5. Acconot of David L. Wourlab, Otter dial. of Sarah, Isaac, Ellen, Hannah and s:treennah Lein. Linter, children of Jacob Lei niager, deceased. Filed November 5. Account of Mary Andrews, Admin. letrairis of Abrabam And deremed. Filed November 10. Account of Hiram Burden, Admin istrator of deumel Grouch, deceased. Filed November 10. Account of H. H. llnhienberg, Guardian of Henry Z. Ermentrout.• Filed November 11. Account of Samuel Walters, Admin letretore of Jeadil (3erlutrO, dacceed. Filed November 12. Account of Henry Levengood, Guar dian of Christina Sankt F:led November 13. Account of Benjamin H. Gretna and Henry FL °Min, Administrator. of Hoary Greim dec'od. Filed November 13. Acetmut of Jobn Fox and Michael E. Fox, Fxeentors of l i ster Pox, deceased, ' Filed November 13. Account of Jilted Henna, Admirils. to ter of Jacob Fox. deceased. Filed November •3. Account of Peter Scholl and Jacob Tice, Administrators of Jacob Scholl, deceived. Filed November 14. Account of John Kemp, Adladnistra tor of Sneanna Hemp, acco.sed• Filed November 14. Account of John Kemp, one of the Executors of itannoville Schmick. deceased Filed November - 14 Account 01 Jacob S. Haag and George S. Haag. Administrator.. of George Hang. deceased. Filed November 14. Account of Samuel Hoffman and Levi Durnm, Admintetratore of William Reeser, deceased, who was the Guardian of Henry aod Clementine RAM • Filed November 11. Imam:int of Hammel Hoffman and - Levi Demur', e dministraters of Win. Reeser. deceased, who Was the Guardian of Johu, David, Melinda and linneab Lonbeek Filed November 14. Amonnt of Amen B. Wanner, Ad ministrator de bonie "UM. with the Will annexed, of the . Item. John Knonice. di craved. Filed November 14. Acconet of Abraham Siegfried, Ad mintstrator with Cho Will annexed, of Fielljamth Siegfried, -deceased. Filed November 14. Acconnt of Susanna Merkel, Admin ielratrix of William Merkel. deceased. Filed Xovember 16. Amount of Henrietta T.. Schmeck, Executrix of Samuel R, Sclimeek, deeemed, who was the Executor of Jacob Hell, drew,.-d. Filed November la. Account of Disables Mengel, Admin. borator de boots non with the Will annexed, of Jacob Hell, deceased. Filed November 16. Account of Josiah Detnrk, deceased, who was Guardian of Emma Leese. a mitts! daughter of lease R. Levan, &mused, rendered by Maria Detnrk, Administratrix of said Jrndah Detark, deceased. Filed November Id. Account of John Ken, surviving Executor of Abraham Homan. deceased. Filed November 16. Account of Wm. M. Baird, Admin istrator of Mary ff. Helene, deceased. Filed November IL Amount of William Miller. Admln ietretor with the Will annexed. of George Miller, deceased. Piled November 17. Amount of James 1. dun and luau H. Helmet. Administrators of Jacob Eckert, decemed. Filed November 17. Account of John B. Orlasinger, Ad. Minietralor of Charles Parker. dematird. Hr.:05511N E. DRY, Register. Register's Delco, Reading, Nov. 21, 15.03-4 t TO 2111E1 pirsza.c. kJWING TO THE WONEEIrFuII. INCREASE in our business, and the want of sufficient roour!to accommodate the nine. we have faced it oeceseery to ex tend the boundaries of our yard, and have accordingly leased the LLAIBsit 'Vann, shamed nn THOM Smear BFI.OIV PIN 6 STREET, which will be aced exclusivel y for piling HEMLOCK and WHITE PINE JOIST, SCANTLING, RAF TERS, and BILL TIMBER, elan sting end lengtbs. In our old yard, ou the north aideNtif Pine street, extending from Third to Fourth street, will at all times ho found to contain a fall assortment of seasoned ZOARDS, PLANK", SHINGLES, Sc. Our tfetaittice for eapplybig Lovelier lie. - natter, will lie each that they cannot be surpassed in Hite or any other mike; in the :state, and our prim will be found to be lower than at any other yard in this city It is oar par • pose to keep on band every article ghat sbould be kept in a Firer CLASS LtriitlEß 'Venn, and any article that may not he on hand when called for, will be procured at short notice. .02i- The pchlic are invited to give ne call. . met 7-tfj %BlDLY,,Reading, Pa JUST RECEIVED AT F. B. FICHTHORN'S - . No. 604 Penn Street, FRESH COCOA-NUTS, HAVANA ORANGES, SPLIT PEAS, Miat-SWX-3C, AND TUE CELEBRATED SHAKER CORN. -ALSO "V 28 ] NEW DRY BEEF. BOYS' OVERCOATS AND SHAWLS, THE GREATEST VARIETY, AT THE Clothing Store of the Subscribers, Corner of Sixth and Pena Streets, - .711.2/lESON I& CO. nov 2S-113 REMOVAL HENLY CROUS.E, 11A8 MIMI) lIIS Wholesale Fan . ey Dry 'Notion Store, TO No. IG, WEST PENN SQUARE, EVADING, ADJOINING JOHN S. PEARSON & CO'S., where Le offers to the trade and retail customers, the largest and most desirable assortment of goods in his line ever brought to this city. Ills stook consists in part of Hosiery and Cloves, Ilandkorablefs, Tailors , Tillutolegs, Perfumery and Fancy Soaps; Jewelry, Combs, Pine, Needles, Thread, Sewing Silks, &c., Shoe Findings, lb age, Stationery, Cutlery, and a great variety of Miscellaneous Articles end Notions too numerous to mention. Country Merchants. Yedleis, Milliners and others supplied by wholesale a; the lowest city prices for Cash. May 2, 11F21. HARDWARE & IRON STORE, iIiTNOZEDEATIZI AND Fizerium. ►(SIZE SUBSCRIBERS, HAVING BOUGHT the old Established Hardware and Iron Store of the late Frisker, Stevenson di Co., and having added a large new Stock of goods; would respectfully call the attention of the public. to their large assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON, STEEL, PAIETS, OILS, GLASS, SADDLERY, COACH TRIMMINGS, &a, Which they are determined to sell at the very lowest Mar ket Prices, wholesale and retail. GEORGE LEECH di CO., Corner of Fifth and Market Square, next door to Borbon's Mansion Mass, (fioina'a OW Stand). GEORGE LEECH.] jan 18 [J. T. JACESON. EAGLE BREWE RY , (LATE BORELL'S,) Penn street, above 7th, Reading, P a , at/AVING ASSUMED CONTROL OF THE above Brewery,the subscriber informs the public that er refitting and improving the machinery, &n, eon. Ducted therewith, ho in now prepared to till orders, home or distant, for his CELEBRATED LAGER BEER, And be hopes by strict attention to business, promptness and fidelity, to merit and receive the ouPPort and oProba• tion of the good citizens of Reading and Vicinity. TtE SALOONS Cnuneeted therewith, have also been neatly refitted for the convenience and comfort of guests. The ale - Went Fercicm end American Wince kept et the her, and The hest "Lager" on Tsp. Gentlemanly bar keepers always in attendance. Lunch every day. act 10-tfl L. A. itERTGLETTR. PRIZES CASHED IN ALL LEGALIZED LOTTERIES. INFOR MATION given. GALLAGHER .% BENJAMIN, Brokers, 310 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, or Box la P. 0. nov 28-ler LAMPS 1 LAMPS ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LAMPS, il_Shades, Chits asp., Ste., of alt the latest styles, for sale &war by GEO LEE & CO., Oct 171 All 4 blank Square Fending, Pe. GET THE 'BEET i rrHE HOLY MX —HARDING' S EDITIONS Fami:y. Pulpit and Pocket !NIMES. in beautiful, styles of Turkey morocco and antique bindings. A sew edition, arranged for photographic porttaiia of families. Wli,Lra It W. Hai:DING, Pub Hatter. tQTIS] No, 823 Chnitinik Si., below 4th, Pk*/ RAEDING SAVINGS BANK. INCORPORATED Be .T 11, 10.55- CAPITAL, $3OOOO. Banking Bowe, Eaat Market Sguare, Ranh'Side, Reading. Pa. riEP OSi TS RECEIVED FROM TEN CENTS Jur to Ten Thousand Dollars. Wiley Is received on do• peen from SI A. M. to 3 P. M. ; and ou Wednesday and Sat. urday evenings from 7 P. M. to a P. M. Interest will be allowed at the rate of Fire per cent. pot annum, on oil *me romaluiug at de112,41 or one year or more. On stuns remaining loss than a year, interest will be al lowed at the rate of Am-per cent . . per annu A. 4g.— All the assets of the Bank and thortvtieiduat prop erty of the ated.674,-ro, are liable for the payment of De. posits. Persons who have money to deposit, are invited to call at the Banking House for further information. DIRECTORS. DAVID YODAII p GIDEON SNYDER, Gnomes, CONRAD Reams, DANIEL B. LODAR, CODDAD Y. BEIDLOR. A. P. BOAS. President—A. P. BOAS. Cashfar—ADAM LEIZB. fdeo 27-47 _ INSURANCE COMPANY STATI3 OF 1'1319115211VAN1.16 OFFICE, NOS. 4 AND 5 uscaerma BUILDING, North Side rec Wainat St., Bottoms Dock and Third Sta., PH/LADELP/ 1 / 4 %, INC9IMORNYIAD IN 1794. CIDIIITBR PERPETUAL, isocricsoomsco. Properties of the Company, Feb. 1, 1863, $493,829 67. Marble, Fa's and Inland Trend Malian inattalftlet. .DIRECTORS. HENRY D. SHERRERD, WILLIAM R. WHITE, CHARLES MACALESTER, GEORGE H. STUART, WILLIAM S. SMITH, SAMUEL GRANT Jr., 'JOHNB. AUSTIN, , TOBIAS WAOHR L , EDWARD C. KNIGHT, THOMAS B. WATTSON, HENRY Ct. FREEMAN, CHARLES S. LEWIS. GEORGE C. CARSON; .. __ WILLIAm HARPER, Seen MT Applications for Insnral LIAR KEELY, at Howard & May 16,1863-11 ' STRICKLAND & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, 536 EAST PENN STEERT, HEADING, PA. ALARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of School, Miscellaneous and Blank WS CP 4LP NIL 7.4fhl g PRAYER BOORS, ENGLISH AND GERMAN BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS, PERIODICALS, MUSIC and MUSIC ROOKS, GOLD PENS, FANCY ARTICLES, NOTE, LETTER, CA Rand PAPER anal PAPER RAGS DJJA.NR BOOES -4. N— D, MERCHANTS' ACCOUNT BOOKS Made to order; Churches and Sabbath Schools supplied with Tract Society and Sunday School Union publications, at catalogue prices. .per Orders from Country Merchants solicited and atlea promptly at the lowest whole ale prices. Mir Teachers supplied with Music at the usual discount. N. B.—amass and Masco sent by mail postage paid, on receipt of Publishers' Prices, )031 PALL STYLE HATS, CAPS AND FURS, WEIDLEAAVA AND D.DTAITs, 114 VIP td.b-PATAPLIPt-tED VrAND OP F. -., No. 450 Penn Street, next door to the Union Bank orneading, C kcellV]NB FROM New -Yo rk-and rkap CONSTANTLY hieIp l in (Le Inteet styles of HATS and CAPS Adopted Io tLe seoeon. Ile Lee et.* keig...a. l . tee le , sortment of 1410E8' FURS, BUFFALO ROBES, .. TR USES, CARPET BAGS, VALISV LTMBREZZA,S, &a, leldfeh*lll Lepel& at the lowed auk prism. As,be pays Cash for oil his goods. he is stabled to sell them state kw get Wilms. 110 4 ' A large. lot of the beat quality of BED 'FEA THERS. recelved, , to which the attentlipl pf Honitekeepars isrespestfully :invited. Call and exaralrys.—No.. trouble NEW COO DS IDE Tlfiltbil tbvo9 No. 432 PENN STREET. IC,II BLACK BILKS Selld colored do French Marines, Pine Bop Clothe, Striped Poplins, Einpfires (laths, Blank k ord'd i !pecan, _ Plain Wool De Lathes, A LAMB na Ca VII. ikkT Striped & Plain Flannels, Malta and Camdmeree, SahnoLts and Jeans, Shoehorns and Shirlings, Blankets & Toilet Quilts, November 21-tf FALL AND WINTER CRY GOODS. JUST OPENED, A FULL AMYCOMPLETE - ASSORTMENT note and de sirlt,:,z2.ololl.ll,lo LILY (100Dg, comprising Drew; Goods, Shawls, C lentil nga, Clothe and Caseimeres, Satinets and Jonas, Blankets, Flannels, risen Goods, Cotton Woods, Gloves and Ilostery, -biassed Drawers, Mareeillee (ieitte, Infante' Goods, Embroideries, Black silk Laces, Velvet Sibboos, Balmoral Skirts. kaperior Coop akixte. ouitNnve GOMM In snperlor stock, and beat fabrics, all of which will be sold at the lowest market prim. Goods and oct 10] 518 Bad Nan eireet, FAMILY ,D Y E COLORS. PATENTED OCTOBER 13 1863 Mack, Dark Orion, B/ackfor Silk, Light Green, Dark Bine, Magenta, Light Blain, . .Maita,. lb•ench Phut, Orange, Claret Brown, Pink, ' Dark Brololl, Light. Brown, Purple, •" - Ski/ proton, Royal PuiTle, Merry, Salnwm, Crimson, .. Scarlet, . . Drab, Slate, , Light Drab, b Ballerina, • DUOR Drab, a Light Sown Drab V, Yellow. ..... • Seidel , For Dyeing Silk. Woo Is, Shawls, Smirk Dresses. Ribbons, t_, _.......e5 ' Rats, Feathers, Sid Glares , Chlldres'e Clothing, and all • kinds of Vrearlo# Apparel. • •• • r;' A SAVING OP BO PER CENT: 'EX FOR 25 CENTS YOU CAN COLOR AS MANY goods on would otherwise coat five times that -cum. "Various ehades can be procured from the DIMS dye. The process Is simple, sad any one van ace the dye with perfect success. Directions in English, French and German, inside of each package. For further information in Dyeing. and giving a perfwl knowledge what colors are bestadapted to dye over othere, (with many valuable reelpen,) purchase Howe & Stevens' Trailer' on Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by midi on receipt of price-10 cents. Manufactured by HOWE St STEVENS, nov 21-1 y) 050 Broadway, Boston. Arii - For sale by Druggists and dealers generally. [ l."--- ------iiiii LADOBEIIS .i aii: --- - ( DIAMOND DEALERS AND JEWELERS, \ WATCHER & SILVER WARE, } \ `,, WATCHES & JIIIWELBY REPAIR E D. i '.."---- _ 8 02 Chestnut Bt., 'F'hils. _,-- - UTE HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND A SPLEN DID assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES of all kinda and prices. DIAMONDS. We bare constantly on bond a large and beautiful assort ment of Diamond Rings, Plus, Studs, Eavrinun and Dia mond Seto, at lase Iliac ulual • Jewelry and Sliver Ware. Oar assortment at Jewelry and Silver Care is complete, embracing almost every article in that line Pattlent.r nave paid to REPAIRING WATCHES. Ma nmade mounted In the moat beautiful manner. Oat- The highest price paid in cash for OLD GOLD and SILVER. [now 2S-3mo teirSIVISM = ALIN, NO. 369 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D. V. THE UNDERSIGNED WDULD RESPECT• Pally inform their numerous Mende thronghont Berke county, that they have leaped the above Hotel, and are mow meat Ciitterss and attars. prepared to accommodate all who may favor Them with their ptdrouege. At. pr bar may be found the bent and A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP' MEAT "CUT parent. liquorn, whi We le sappited. with the beef Om, %offer% 40., of 61/ po.rprilyernealet for thinspirket affordap. , s`lloMald HUMPEIBET„ , eby ~yeas., .431 . LIMON 00.. Ayoun • L ' ARE • •• CGEM SEEERERD, President. sues may be made to 'WIL- Co's. Express Office. -or•- FIGURED DaLAINES Plaid Dress Goods, Chains Laing Shawls,. Iltschs Plain Blanket " Plaid Black Tbibet, Cloth Basques & Circulars. OCK OF arIOPCIO33O3II, Cotton Flannels & Checks, Embroidered Collars, Edgings end Ineertions, Gloves and Hosiery, Balmoral Skirts & Skirting. A. M. HART, Paper Hangings AND WINDOW SHADES. Ego. CIIRMAIY, THAIsTSFUL FOIL PAST kfi favors from the citizens of Reading and nerks county, would respectfully announce that be has just opened New Eityies WALL PAPER FOR FALL 7C I EL .El 6 MD M . ELEGANT GOLD BAND WINDOW SHADES A lwaya on band at the limes feces WINDOW SHADES MADE TO ORDER Of any Color and any Size Wanted.. Store Shades Made to Order? LETTERED is GOLD or lo COLOR maws! JULIUS! THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR rage, old newspapers and pamphlets. PAPER BAGS. On hand, a large lot of Paper Bags, which will be sold amp, a; GEO, CHRISISIAN'S, No. 444), oct 3] Penn st. adjoining Farmers' Bank of Reading. TOBACCO AND SEGAR STORE, 639 PENN STREET, NORMS SIDE, BELOW RAILROAD, * READING. PA. (SIGN OP PUNCH.) CHARLES C. MALTZBERGER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES,; OF TOBACCO, SEGARS, SNUFFS, - etc ALWAYS ON HAND A FINE ASSORTMENT OF REAL MEERSCHNDYL.DRIER AND FANCY PIPES Segar Hoiders, Snuff and Tobacco Box:ea, India Rubber Port Monaies, &a. [oct 3—tf Ti&T111 W FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. WE HAVE. NOW OPEN, A SELECT AS eartment of DRY GOODS for the Fall utel, • Winler Samson, curtpriglig to part: LADIES' AND- MISSES _WEAR : Neat Monstid Lliftetr, Sack Flannels, Gituntiots, ❑oolery, Trimmings, Embroideries Prints and Gingham, Hoop Skirts, hc,, &c. oys' _Wear : Moab, Fattnette, Kentucky Jeans, Vesitngs, Furnishing Goods, &c , &s. Cloakfieg Clothe, Block Silks, Ail Wool DeMines, Merinos acd:Cobarge, All Wool Fluids, Atuneke, • New Style Velours, Persian De Lulus's, lieu's and Over Coating, Cloths, Silk Mixed .Coatings, Doeektu Coaehneres, CaestmereS„ Fancy Cessimeres, DOSSESTIO GOODS : Twilled Flannels, Red, White, Yellow end Grey Flannels, Canton Flannles, Obecke Tickinge, Drillings, Table Lin. ens, Blea4bed Unbinsetted Meeting , and Reeling, Towel. leas, & 0., &c. All of wbloh we otter at tho lowestlmarkel prices. Sept 19— . M. KNPFER Sr. SON; Corner of Fifth and Spruce Streets. G. N. LAIIMA N. A. M. BALLADE. J D BITTING. LAUMAN SALLADE & Co 4 IgIFOATETtr. Or Wines and Liquors, No. 128 SOUTH NINTH STREET, (BETWEEN CHESTNUT AND WALNUT ; ) XX 'X X.. .4%. I'XZX A.. November 14. 11383-tf DEAFNESS, DISEASES OP THE EYE, EAR AND AIR-PASSAGES. 40 AIL A.L L 11. EYE AND EAR. NOISE IN THE HEAD. DEAFNESS Dr. F. A. VON NOROHZISIKER, OCULIST AND AUNIST. AUTHOR OP THE GUIDE TO TEM DISEASES OF 'THE EYES, EEO TBEi TREATMENT, ALSO, A WORE ENTITLED " Xedical and Surgical Science." With Offset vations on the Treatment;or.Dlseasepof the Eye Can be conceited on DEAFEN% and all diseases of the EYE AND EAR, requititig Medleal 6t Btirgical treatment ow- 1027-1027-4027-1027-wa WALNUT STREET, Between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. dßif- References of the iiisbost respectability can be Ob tained of cares performed by Dr. ton atoeonsitmer, in severe came of Deafness and Blindness. Nun la ISAAC K. STAUFFER, Watch Maker and Jeweler, MANUFACTURNE OF SILVER WARE AND IMPORTER OF WATCHES, No. 148 North Second St., Corner Quarry, I.I3ILADBLPHIA. - - HE HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AN AS EORTMENT of Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Le plus and Plain Watches; Fine Gold Chains, Seam a n d Heys- Breast Nine, Ear Finger Binge, Braes_ leia Miniature Came, medallions. Lockets, Pencils, w r Thimbles, Spectacles. Silver Table, Dessert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons; Sugar Spoons, Caps, Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Poin ted Peas, etc .—cal qf which wilt be 8014 low for Cash I' 01. I. TOBIAS St CO'S best quality fall jeweled Patent Lever Movements constant' .;tin hand; also other Makers of suprrtor ynulity. .- N. B Quid and 81'7,, .pfurO e fer eept `- I HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. COMPOUND 14.1:10 WA !Weill', a Positive and Specific Remedy for discuses of the Bladder, Kidnap, Gravel, and Dropsical Swellings. This Medici tto increaeos tho power of Digestion, and ex— Mies Lks' Absorbents into healthy kleilOrl, by VilliOb the Watery or Calearenue deposltlone, and all Unnatural En largements are reduced, as well as Pain and intlatumatled. BELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCH.C. For Weakness arising from Excesses. Habits of Dissipa tion, Early Indiscretion ur Abuse, attended with the follow ing symptoms t— ludlspnsition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Dililenity of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, PllAbeas cpt Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, list Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skip, Brunt:mos on the Face. Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this 'Lodi clue invariably removes, soon follows Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic File, In one of which the Patient may expire. Who esn Ray that they are nut hutment!, followed by those "Direful Diseases," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the canoe of their suffering, Err N 0376 IVILL CONFESS MR RECORDS OF THE INSANE A4C1.1)51.4. A 224 Me ta . /Who's/ Deaths by Consumption bear ample witness to the Troth of the assertion. lent Constitution once ',Acted with Organic. Weakneas requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and Invigorate the System, Which DELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIM Invariably does. A Trial wilt convince the most skepticaL FEMALES-FEMALES-FEMALES In Many Affections peculiar to Females the EXTRACT Buintu to uneqnalel by any other remedy, na to Ohlorosis or Retention, Ireekninelty, lainfoloceSZ*or Ruppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhone state of the Uterus, Leuchorrhrea or Whites, !Sterility, and, for all cern plaints intideat to the BOX, Whether arising fom indiscre tion, Habits:or Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. Take no more Ra/sam, *sum, or unpleasant aims for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. LIELIROOLO'Ii RNTRAOT DOORD .4IPD IMPROVED ROSE WASH CURBS SECRET DISEASES Ia all their Stages, Little of nu chiuge le Met, 310 lueouveuleuee,' And no Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby Iternoving Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflammation, ao frequent in the Masa of dieeeme, and expelling all Dißeased and wornoxet Matter. ,„. „ • THOUSANDS ['PON THOUSANDS WHO HAVE BEEN THE VIC TIEN OF QUACKS, and who have paid heal:piece to bemired in a ehort lime, have found they were deceived, and that the `' bee, by the nee of "POWERFUL ARMING EFTS," been dried up in the symtpto, to break out la an aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Ugo ITELNIROLD'a EXVIACT Inc' for 111 affootinng and climaxes 01 ihe URINARY ORGANS. whether oximting in MALE or FEMALE. from whatever canoe originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. . . . Dieeevox of thew Crone require the aid of a DIURETIC. BELAIRoLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. and is csriain to have lb., desired effect In all Interact „fur which it is Recommended. Evidence of the meta reliable mud reepowdble character will accompany the medicine. Price $l.OO per bottle, or slx for $5.00. Delivered to any Address, securely packed from obsel vs- Eldd. Describe Symptoms in all Communications. Cures Guaranteed! Advice Gratis!! Address lettors for information to B. lIELARBOLD, Chemist, JO4 South Tenth street, below Chestnut, rhtla. DELMEOLD'S IfeitieulDepot, RELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broadway, New• York. BEWARE OP COUNTERPEUN AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS wbo endeavor to dispose their " and "other" articles on therepotathra attained by • • lielinbold's.Oenriine Preparations. ." Extract Unc ba. " Sarsaparilla. Improved Rose Wash. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST 6 BVERYWHBRB ASK -FOR RELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER Sir Ca oat theAd vent Foment and aendlor nov 7-171 AND AVOID IMPOSITION /IND/IVOSIIRE P 11,111124;i;1 CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A pure and powerful Tonic, corrective and al terative of wonderful efficacy is diseaee of the STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache Debility, Nervousness, DepresOon of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, Intermittent revere, Cramps and spasms, and all Comp Darla of either Sex, arising from Bodily Weak ness whether inherent in the system or produced by special causes. NOTHING that is not wholesesie, genial and restorative in Ito nature enters into the coMpoaition of HOSTRTTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. Vila popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant: but it ie a combination of the "extracts of taro balsamic herbs and plants with the purest and mild• eat of all diffueiva stimulants. It is well to be forearmed against disease, andjeo far ae the human etyclem can be protected by human means against maladies engendered tiy an unwholesome atmos phere, impure water and other external causes, ROSTET7 TER'S BITTERS may be relied on as a safeguard. In districts inhated with ?seer and Agua, it bee been found infallible ace preventive and irrettetible ae a reme dy and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of an attack, escape the scourge; and thousands who neglect to avail Ovulating of Its pretective qualitlen in advance, are cured by a very brief memo atlas marvelous medi cine. Fever and Agee patients, after being plied with quinine for months in vain, until fairly saturated with that dangerous alkaloid, are not unfreqnently restored to health within a few days by the use of /106TETTEdr6 The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appe tite restored by this agreeable Tunic, and hence It woiks Wonders in canes of DYSPEPSIA and in less confirmed Corms of INDIGESTION. Acting as a gentle and painless aperient, EA well as upon the liver, it also invariably cellar.) the CONETIPATION enparindneed by irregular action of the di gestive and secretive organs. Persona or feeble habit, liable to Nervous Attacks, Low ness of Spirits and Fits of Languor, find prompt and paistanttht relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this point is most conclusive, and from both mazes. • The agony of BILIOn Coma is immediately assuaged by I Dingle done of the stimulant, aud by oeeaaionally re sorting to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented. Asa General Tonic, HOSTETTER'S BITTERS produce effects which most be , experienced or witnessed before they can to folly appreciated. In emus of Constitutionat Weakness, Premature Decay and Debility and Recrepi tude arising from OLD AtuL it exercises the electric influ ence. In the conralebeeet stages of all diseases It operates as a delightful Invigerant. When the powers of Ware are relaxed, It operates to re-enforce and re-establish them. Last, but not least, It le The Only Safe Stimu/ard, being imintifsoitired from sound and Innocuous material., and entirely free from the acid elements present more or less In all the ordinary Mike and stomachic@ of the day. No faintly medicine has been en universally, and, it may be truly added, deservedly popular with the intelligent portion of the commttaity, an LIOSTETTER'S BITTERS. Prepared by HOSTETTI6S & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gold by ill DregirtitaProcere and MonMeepers every -where. MOT 747 . . '..-.. .';',,.:: ...V..Y ., ?;- ~.,..-.,: OLD ESTABLISHED MC CZo SS x x "X" -A- XJI . No. 5 Beaver St, Albany, New York On the French ,09J Patient& altr Sfttent. quit* ed Mreß avti Low Prioa Dll. TELLER CONTIN 13 1:8 'lO ill CON FT dentialty and eaccessfolly ...salted on all forms of Private diseases tti his old establislicet Hospital, No. A Seaver et reet, Albany, New• York. Twenty years devoted to t his one pArtienlar branch of preetice, enables Lite to perform cures ouch as no other 'physician eau; and his am snob. (being in correppendence with the moot celebrated physiniont of the old World) or obtatotsg the molest as well Mt ihe latest remedies for them disease., of fer inducement. to Gm unforteutite of a quick and rapid Ore, to be obtained at no other Mace in America. In eyphilis, gonortbcca. Elect, striciuree, elite rgareerit of the testicles and itpermscetle cords, bubo, nieerated threat, sore throat, tender 'title bones, cutaneous eruptions, biles, ulcers, abscemem, and all other impurities of ibe system, are perfectly under control of the Hotter's medicine., and have been tested In more than 20,000 Mice annually with immense sucrose. YOUNG HEN addicted to secret habits, who have im paired their health and destroyed the vigor of their mindo, thus depriving themselves of the pleasures of married life, are notified that in consulting Dr. J. Teller, they will fled & Mete] to console and aphydelan who baa cared thou sande, in almost every part of the United hasten, who ap plied to Dr. T. broken down la health, new rejoice in all that makes life desirable and man happy. The reader is of couree aware that the delicacy of the subject will pre , went a more minute description of this terrible disease. DR. TELLER'S GREAT WORK.—A book for everybody. Startling discloanres. Dr. Teller's great work for the mar rind sad those contemplating marriage-200 pages—full of platen--price 2gl cents Sent to all parte, nailer eat, by mall, poet paid. The single married and the married happy. A lecture on Love, or hew to choose a partner— secretee work on midiferg. It contains hundreds of never before pnb w ilehed. 1/Farrowed to be worth three times the amouut eaked for It. 25 cents, in specie or faunaee stump& enclosed, will spears a espy by return mail. Dr. Teller has devoted a life time to the cure of those diseases of which his book treats. TO THE LADIES.—Dr..f. Teller mill retains the only Agency In America for the vale of Dr. Fielici`e Italian Fe male Monthly-MIS The ante of more than 2e,001 boxes eatabliebeo their reputation se a Female Remedy, snap pt oared, and far. In advance of every other medicine for stoPpages,,irregalarities, and other obstructionein females. CALTlON,—blarried ladies. in certain delicate situation. ehortbrayold their taw „For reasons, em directions which accompany each package, for the guidance of. patients.— On the receipt of al, (the price per box) these ills will be sent. by mail or express, to any part of the world, more from curiosity or damage. la - Office hours from SA. to 8 P. IL; and oulooday from 2 to 2 r. x. N. B.—Fersone at wdletanee can be cured at:home, by addressing a letter to Z. Teller, enclosing a , temittaaco.— Medicines securely packed from observation:tient .to any parka the world._All casaiwarrauted. No charge • for adviee. No studetteor boys employed: Notice thie—ad ,dresa all lettere to L'TELLER, nov 21-6m] • No. a Beaver street, Albany, N. - Y Choirs, Conventions, and Singing Schools, ARS USING The best Musk Book of the SeaSOD, "1111111 24X21) 01' Mil 110" At Hitt. Espana ''iSr.bleb, though bat six weeks old, has attained A POPULARITY UNEQUALLED, By any similar work, and In meeting with A DEMAND UNPRECEDENTED; Insuring within three month. A. Sale of Fifty Thousand Copies. SEVERAL CONVENTIONS HAVE USED 1 . 1. with entire satisfaction—twelve more Conventions will nee it this month—and a large number are melting ALP— rangemante for the coming aroma. Choirs find no book equal to it for practice—and, certainly, a book so available for Conventions and Choirs cannot be otherwise than the book for Singing Schools. Spsaitnen pages sent free, of "The Harp of Judah." *1 per copy t $9 per dos. Sold by all Music Dealers and linokimellera. OLIVER DITSON & CO , Publishers. oat 21, ISC3-ly] 277 Washington Street, Boston. MERCHANT TAMAR IV No. 659, Penn Street. 'Third door below Seventh Street. rrIT SLUM IIEsrECTFVI•IOY EN lures the eitizenx of Raiding and vicinity, to his READY-MAD El CLOTHING, For the Fall and Winter trade, cat and made under kW own enpervision, connicting of Over Cot to, Frock Coate, Pants and Verbs of varione Colors and gortlitien. He is also supplied with a good stock of CLOTHS, CASSINIERES AND VESTING, Which kill ha blade to ardor in the SAMOA and most fashionable styles at the hinied cash prises. Having con siderable experience In this branch of business, be feels confident of givt..g general satiefection. Ile has also on band a good assortment or Gentlemen 7 g Furnishing Gooipke Such as White Shirts, Over karts, Under Shirts, Drawers Collars, .Cravats of differs* stylei and colors, STOCKINGS AN'D GLOVES. N. B. All goods made in-this establisliment stall give entire satisfaction or no tale. Reading; Pa., Oct 10,1883.-3 mo `FANCYFURS! PANT FUR 8! ~P • 3033 N ARMX3III.. No. 718 ARCH seree.t.,adme Right 74 Solith PRILAIALPHLL IMIVItTER,. MANUFACTURER atid Mealer:to all kinds of FANCY rpm.% • . _ • son ',spree' AND CallannaleB. WWII.. I to ratan my thaidtik to my friends of beading and the &nrrownding Coun ties. for their very liberal patronage ex tended to me during the last few years, and would say to them that 1 now have in store, of my own Impartation and Manufacture, a very extensive assort meet of all the different kinds and qualities of FANCY FURS, for Ladlee and Chlidran;that will be Worn during the Fall and Winter seasons. Being the direct Importer of all my Fare tram Europe, and having them all Manufactured under my own auper- Alden—enables me to offer my enstomere and the public a much handsomer Set of Fars for the same money. Ladies please give me e call before purchasing. Please remember the name, comber and street, sep 12— m] THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM. No. 920 Chestnut St, (Formerly IQ o. 708 PHILADELPHIA. W. PROCTOR & CO INVITE THE AT • TION of their Mende to their large end Superb Stock of PX9IIII MOLLIES AND PIM% Unparalleled In any former season. The inereased accommodation afforded to our new loca tion, enablee TM to devote the tallest attention to one FUR DEPARTMENT, which will be found well furnished with every description of FIRST CLAgn FURS, which will be guaranteed on re presented, or the money paid will be refunded. . ORDERS per mail will be carefully attended to, and de livered, Express charges paid, any distance Inside of 100 miles. sep 51885-17] VARNISHES, PAINTS AND GLASS ! )ATE OFFER TO DEALE RS, COACHMANERB and House Painters, at the very lowest nett cash prices, the best Coach and Cabinet Yarn/Ass; Pure Mate Lead; French sod American Mince ; Chrome Greene, and- Yellows, Drop and Ivory Blacks', and a fall assortment of all thefiner Colors an Vi 11111111111136. Lakes, Tube Colors, nc., also, Paint and Varnish Brushee, of the beat make. Glazier's Diamonds' and Points; Paint Mlle;' simile and double thick Glass, of all descriptions and all Materials need by House end Coach Painters—which we can sell as cheap. if not deeper, than any ether house, from the fact that we keep down our enamel by conduct. lag our business personally. Mr. Rau,—oue thefirm—for many years manufactur• ed the Varni&hes, sold by the late C. Fchrack. We feel ccibildent that our Vortio/rea, are mini, if not/superior, to any manufactured. in this; country. We warrant them to give entire satisfaction. and if not 111.repre.ented, the money will be refunded. Give Ile a call before purchasing Wes. where. " A Mena discount is' ado tot he trade. ect 17,1863-6mo] t° t t WO 44 4: 1 e l fr A a • CrthighSfrairell -/ PIELLAVAILTISZA.. MATTRESSES. Beds, Feathers Blankets, Comfortables, Quilts, Cushions, And all other articles belonging to the business Feb. 3.4-131 AMOS 11ILLBORN. SAPONIFIER, - OR CONCENTARTED LYE, _ FAMILY SOAP MAKER. WAR MARES MOH PRICES; SAPONI— FIER helps to redone them. It mates SOAP for FOUR cents a pound by using your notion grease. CAN I'ION I smMus Lysa ars a also, be careful and only boy s the pi PATRNTRD article°Bere put up In IRON cane. all others being COUNTENVEI "B. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO., Philadelphia—No. /a Militia street. now 21 - 3 m] PlttabbraL—Pitt Sttaat a... 1 nnaa•—a. Way. TO BPORTIBERIZIBin • THE BEST AND •OHEIPEST PUCE TO bay GOBI, PeErdar, She!, Cap*, lee., to at GEO. LERCH & CO., Oot 17] 4P4 Marke• 4gea.a , p. .. I3ARTIIES WISHING TO . S E LL YUBA CHARS Real Rotate, will do well to %mem JACOB 0. EIMOBABB, Commonlel Broker • •• •• , • J. B. RIXSTINE, SPLENDID STOCK OP JACOB B. BIXSTINS JOHN FARNINA, No. 718 Ares Street, PllllBBBlOlB J. W. PROCTOR & CO., No. 920 Chestnut Street, Philad's FELTON &nu & Woo. 13& at 13S North Fourth Street. corner Cherry, Philadelphia , • CONSTITUMM wk. T G IS A T tia r 33;7' !-'7) FOR TII AND THE ONLY KNOWN REMi: FOR DIABETE AND DISEA6ES OF KIDNEYS AND 13LAIMER. These Dattgercus ana Troublesome Diaams:4o, thusfar fiesieted the beat direetut Tmetn,„i, Uumpletety (Agroltal ttoe E.SIED note 1,1„. THE CURATIVE Properties at the medicine direct ilienitelves te!L, ,„ liecreticin, and by so aiming the COUtliLlun and liver that the eterehy principle of th" veriod intothe eager 80 long we the bpilebt llud' 14,! -""'" . finance of CIIATATITUTIO.N WA Pkir, which gives those owes time to recover their hmitlir and vigor. We are able to state that the CuriAitatri; ter bee cared every case of Diabetes in which it STONE IN THE BLADDER. CALOULVS, gn . m. Ji BRICK DUST DEPOSITS, AND mpit. N "'I IMLAY DISCHARGES AFTER URINA T/X6l. Disease occurring from one and the same curie R i ll , en tirely cared by the Conalittalon Water, If to het prsnv length of time. The dose shonld vary with the dieeaSe, from twenty drops to a teexpo,Kthl a day, In water. During the passage of the f;dir.' r: to pain end urgent symptome abonid be no bsted proper remedies, then followed up with the c olliiaiLta . Water'p as above directed. DYSMENORRHOEA, OR PAINFUL MENSTRFATH4I. AND IN IifENORRHAOIA OR PROFCSE FLO WING, Both dismiss arising from a faulty Seerollon of the drag Said—in the one cane being too little, and iiteta: partied by Severe pain; and the other a too aroma wen. lion, which Will be speedily cared by the Cuon/Elm Water. The disease known as FALLING OF THE WOMB is the relaxation of the lignmsitta of that ott, soil known by a sense of heaviness and dragging peini 12 th back and sides, and at dm s accompanied by sharp ;win sting or shooting pains tilt ugh the parts, will, in nil , Ica, be removed by the meth. ve. There in another claae of s,. aptamo mining buts Ito TATION OF THE WOMB. whi. phyeicia us call WIGS, which word covers up runt , ignorance, and is cases out of ten the doctor does m really know wlitt4 the symptoms are the disease, or ths liseme the sys ia ,.,,, We can only enumerate abets here. omit more tarsal. laity of Cold Fan, hapitittivu Q 1 t, , Henn, liap t ,„ l, Memory, Waken:slum, Flashes of Hest, Languor, tads, and Dimness of Vision. SUPPRESSED NENSTRUATVON, Which in the unmarried female le a co./,: nu; disease, and, through neglect the seeds of mufegrate Ra i dangerous maladies are the 'mask; and ae month aft., month names without an effort being made to tuatara. tar . .., the suppression becomes chronic, the patient grednally looses her appetite, the bowels are conttiptlet, n.c.; Meats come on, and consumption finally ends her LEUCORRHGIA. OR IVIIITEg. _ . . . This disease depends upon an inflammation of roue,,, lining of the vagina and womb. It 19 in all cases de m,: pealed by severe pain in the back, acrom the Lnwe ac I through the hips. A tesepoonfai of the medicine .y taken three times a day, with an Injection of a fal of the medicine, mixed with a half•pint of tuft sett morning and evening. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLAIMEL, • INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDSEIR ArR CATARRH OP THE BLADPFR, 52.Rds, OURY AND BURNING OR P FUL URINATING. For these diseases it is truly a euvereign remedy, and yp much cannot be said In Its praise. A single dose Lae known to relleVe kha moat urgent . Are you troubled with that distressingpain in the sad! of the back and through the hips? A teaspoonfal a lay Conetitution Water will relieve you like magic. 1119 R DYSPEPSIA, It has no equal In relieving the most dintreming .vtl7. tome. Also, Headache, Heartburn, Acid stomach, tug Food. Ac. Take a teaspoonful after dinner. Tlsdrs in all cues may be increased if desired, but nitunli is done gradually. PHYSICIANS Rave long game given up the use of huchu, cube ati juniper in the treatment of there difewes, end may oc them for want of a better remedy. . . coNsTrTurroy WATER Has proved Itself equal to the task that has devaltid upon it. . .. . . . DIURETICS Irritate and drench the kidneys, and by contttnt load to chronic degeneration and confirmed dizeaft. rF7 7 T .7 l , w i c7rlw t l . l : T , ll DAnYILLE, Pa., June 2,192 Dr. W. H. Cacao—Dear SFr: In February, li6l, I was afflicted with the anger diabetes, and for hoe malts I passed more than two gallons of water in twetavqn: Leers- I Wee obliged to got up no often ee Lao omen's times during the night, and in Ave mouths I lea about fifty pounds in weight. Daring the month of July, Prii, I pr. cured two bottles of Constitution Water, and in two 4,,ye after wing it I experienced relief, and after taking ta, MAME was entirely oared, soon after regaining my urnl good health. . Tours truly. J. V. L. DE VITT. BOSTON Commis, N. V., Dec. *lt, lift WK. R. Giants & Co.: ;—1 finely. give `yon liberty to make nee following getlfficatte, 9 f t.. 49 994 p m 9 cr cocrox W 4211, which I can reco m mend in the highest manner. • My wife, who was'attattked with pain in the shoulder, whole length of the back, and la her limbs, with bilpiz, tioa of the Iteart, attended with Falling of the Dgemenorrlura, and Irritation of the Bladder. I ret,l physician, who attended her Owl; three months, whet le left her worse than he found her. I then employed one ct the beat physician." I could and, who attended her feret,ei nine months, and while she was under his meth° did art suffer quite as ranch pain; he finally gave her said : "her case Was incurable." For, said lot, .. el. hn such a combination of comptainis. that medicine. fgt. for one operates against some other of her diffieutri4.' About thin time, ohs commenced the use of Cotntittitta Water, and to ear otter astonishment, a1m0,4 the first der seemed to have the desired effect, and she kept on them. int sabidly isndos Its Meal:Meal, and now suberinieoda tirely her domestic Weirs. She bag not taken any of the Constitution Water for about four weeks, and wears inn] to ray it has produced a permanent care. WM. M. VAN BENSCROTIN. MELPORD, COM., Not. 19, 1551. Pl. Wu. EL GREGG Dear Sir :—I have for several years. been afflicted with that troublesome and dangerous disease—Gratet—wris resisted all remedies end doctors, until I took COndlittitot Water, and you may be assured that I wan ercesdiso pleased with the result. It has entirety owed me and ,er. may make any nee of toy name you may see fit to math to the medicine, as I have entire confidence in its stray. Yours trnly, PO 1) srson. TREWS 4118 FACT, SDNOUCiIL . . Thant ono Male of diseases that produee sorb esbtstr lug effects upon the human constitution as Dlabete±tad Diseases of the' Sidney., Bladder and Urinary and through false modesty they are neglected until ILI are re advanced as ko be beyond fire ceitkrok ordkratt remedies, and we 'present the CONSTITUTION WATER . . . . To the public with the conviction that it has no equal u mitering the clam of Menem for which it had bees rod so eminently etteceeettil in miring ; end we won Oat. , shell be rewarded for our efforts in placing so valuable remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient asii physician. 808 SAVE BY ALL DRUPOIMyRICE WM. H. miteet & CO., Proprietors. Morgan & Allen. General Agents, No. 40 Sire; New-York. [Nov. 24 1669-19. HENRY HARPER, No. 520 ARCH Street, Philadelphia, HAS ALWAYS A LARGE srucK tai WATCHES, 'for Ladies and flentlen.en—in and Silver. FINK JKWKLRY. et the moo rot. tenable styles. SOLID SILVSK.WARS, in on • variety. And ROUSES' Superior Plated Spoons, Fort., etc., etc Lwt 15'4Th" SUPERFLUOUS HAIR INSTANTANEOUSLY AND PERMANENTLY removed without Injury to the skin, by the o.e of D H. CLINTON'S newly .discovered prom.. ei ohnitnr dye cents 114 pciONge 0411)TOS QT turrel,' o. •23 'North Third street, l'hlledelphle 1".. • • COAL, WOOD, SALT, LiirAtit weir. alis_ela.natlES. SAMUEL BOONE, (vcautsnLY) Sohn Zisainget, :N o Corner of Penn and Front Strum, Beak; pAS.CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND SELLS. at reaconable prises, all kinds of Broken, Egg id Coal; Nat, Chectant and IllinaLicoat L!ti and Sand. AV - Persona In want of anything in my line, will tad ;a to their advantage to Mr/ rae a call before parcba4n;.' lo : where. I deliver freed extra charge to SOY r.t 'L a city. autos IIIiDEL'S 01313.0 • •-• . WADERS/LE AND RETAIL 'SADDLE AND HARNESS _ MANUFACTORY, EAST PENN STREET, liana SEVENTH AND •t; South Bide t nearly opraikP 1 Berke County gen.. T 54 ''''Vr"--IW= place Enet of the Pail READING Veflilehanleler January 14, 86-41 LA' TER'S BREWER READING, PA. fiHE SEHEIVHIBER roppoggpilly announce the •the public that he hatyrecently enlarged hie lia", It t o a eonsidefable extedt, and introduced steanll4"" and It now ready to supply all demands for 151 " 5 = 0 111 MANZ 1 1 /0 7°A5' It For home And dietent.tellbUlClPtlell, His stock . 5, It LlRnore,Waireated to keep in all climates. is an (oilcan_ BROWN ETOIII. PORTER, BOTTLING ALE, MORI, &LE AND LAGER ERBIL. June 19-tf FREDERICK LA N.IL—A liberal Percentage will be allowed to A Abroad - CASTER' GRAZINI (31/1-1M) GRIANS CAN CONSTANTLY BE BAP A'r LAMER 8 DEDWIRY, corner o Third and CIO"' streets. B. LAUF. December 7, 111111-tr .i 'loor Oil Cloth. A 5- iit 6-4,.8-4, FLOOR OIL CLOTIL 4-4 b y • 0110. MULCH a CO., Oct 17JI for '- 5 94 Madret Roue, headialf, P‘ 1