Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, December 12, 1863, Image 2

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    Sunlit sub Democrat.
Rum ! brightest banner that boats on the gale,
Flag of thasoantry of Washington, hail!
Redare thy stripes with the blood of the brave,
Bright are thy stars as the sun on the wave;
Wrapt in thy folds are the hopes of the Free,
Banner of Washington! blessings on thee!
iirjj-How, S. E. Ancona has oar thanks for an early offl
cka copy of the President's Message.
pamphlet containing the proceedings of ibe Third Conven
tion of the United States Brewers' Association, lately held
at Cincinnati—reported In the German and Englieh lac
The steamer Chesapeake, of the Cromwell
line, bound from New York to Portland, on her
regular trip, with a large cargo, valued at
$lBO,OOO, was taken possession of en Monday
morning, about one o'clock, by a party of rebels
numbering about sixteen, who were apparently
unarmed anti inoffensive passengers. The captain
was put in irons, the second engineer shot dead,
and thrown overboard, and some others 'of the
officers wounded_ The astonished passengers
were then notified that they were prisoners of
war to the Confederate States of America. This
extraordinary proceeding took place about
twenty-one miles northeast of Cape Cod. The
captured officers and crew, together with tho
passengers, were landed by the daring pirates at
Partridge Island, and the steamer then started
off to sea. When last seen she was lying along.
side another vessel, apparently taking in coal,
and it was thought that she would make for
Wilmington, N. C., and endeavor to ran the
blockade. Quite a fleet of Union vessels, both
mom Portland anti from New York have started
off in pursuit of the Chesapeake.
mir A tarri.n PARAGRAPH of five lines in re
ference to Parson Brownlow's late " skedaddle "
from Knoxville—which we innocently clipped
from one of our flattops, with the addition of
only a few words of our own—has aroused the
ire of an anonymous correspondent of The Tunes,
who, skulking under the clietingnished news of
"Dix," bawls lustily for somebody "to rebuke
this abusive and unwarranted attack upon this
heroic patriot." lie says
" Every paper in this city with a spark of
magnanimity or patriotism, should spring to his
defence, and every 12yal M - 411, be he a Republi
can or a Democrat, !hyoid protest against this
outrage upon decency, truth and justice."
"DUX" was evidently on a high " rampage"
when he wrote that appeal for recruits to avenge
the Parson's wrongs; but, as attempts to in
flame the passions of the people against Demo
cratic newspapers and their editors, have become
every=day matters in these inieneely loyal time!,
the present outburst does not alarm us very
much. We will not yet—in the classic language
of the great American humorist who performs at
the While Reuss, or in imitation of Parson
Brownlow's • Falstaffian example—.• turn tail
and run."
de for the roma himself, he is a valiant hero
—in words, but we have yet to learn of any
heroism he has exhibited in action. We are
now, and always have been, willing to accord
hint All 018 Mddit he I.2.ol'Vdil for hie tiuflit-ehing
Unionism ; but there are many other Tenses
secant' who have suffered quite as much as, and
Sacrificed a great deal more than be, in their de
Nation to the Union; anti have proved their sin
cerity by bearing all in silence, instead of roam
ing about the Country, like Ile Parson,
a catalogue of his wrongs, intermixed with a
multitude of strange oaths that would be de
nounced as blasphemy if uttered by tiny other
man or any other Parson. His loyalty may be
genuine; but, like that of some folks, near at
home, who are among the loudest brawlers, it is
of the kind that pays.
eclion of Congress, in the cases of the Senators
and Representatives who were elem ed in utter
disregard of the Constitution and Laws, proves
that the Abolition majority are ready to go to any
length in violation of their oaths, at the behest
of party. In the House, the members from
Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Missouri and
Kansas, were admitted by a vote, over the head
of the Clerk who, in obedience to the law of the
last Congress—passed by the radicals themselves,
to serve their own purposes—had omitted their
names from the roll on account of informality in
their credentials. And in the Senate, two per
sons claiming to represent a State called West
Virginia, were admitted, flatly in violation of the
Constitution; and yet, only five Senators recorded
their votes against this flagrant act, to wit:—
Messrs. Buckalew, Davis, Hendricks, McDougall
and Powell.
The Beaton Pod, in commenting upon the rev
olutionary course of Congress, at the very open
ing of their session, says:
"We are glad to see the first vote of the able
and accomplished Senator Bookalew, from Penn
sylvania, on the side of the Constitution. This
shows where he will be found. Every word from
him since his election, marks him the fearless
defender of his country, and the well furnished
tar. EAST TexitESSEE is once more free from
rebel invasion. Longstreet raised the siege of
Suoxvitle on the night of the 4th instant, retreat
ing towards BristoL His retreat was on both
banks of the Holston river, Foster following him
on the south and Sherman on the north bank.
Longstreet had thirty six hours' start of our
troops in his retreat, but could not get off with
out great loss. It is evident that the rebel force
in East Tennessee is utterly broken. The rebel
accounts admit the retreat of Longstreet towards
The President, upon the receipt of this news,
hawed a proclamation announcing that East
Tennessee is clear of the "insurgent forces,"
and recommending that the people shall, upon
receipt of this intelligence, assemble at their
places of worship, and "render special Lomage
and gratitude to Almighty God for this great
adtancement of the national caure."
BOP Jams K_ o.titionx, Keg., a member of
the Ear, andßepresentative of Armstrong county
in the State Legislature during the melons of
1857 and 1858, died at Kittanning on the sth
hat., in the 39th year of hie age.
lir THE REPORTED death of the rebel GED.
Breckinridge, is not confirmed. He was lately
serenaded at Dalton, Georgia.
President Lincoln's third annual Message was
read in Congress on Wednesday—a day later
than usual. lie print it Invilay, from an accarate
copy, and not from that transmitted by telegraph
to the doily papers, which contained innumera
ble errors. It is a characteristic document—
boating intrinsic evidence, in the only point
presented that will command any considerable
Jegree of public attention—we mean the war
policy of the Adeelnietration—of being a direct
emanation from the brain and pen of "A. Lin
tole." As might have teen expected, it goes lo
:its full length of the main' programme, and
proclaims to the world that en long as the exec
oti-e poser of the 06E.61...‘Me11i centimes in
its present hands, the anti-slavery Meagurc3
it has Mit la' ed—the illegality of which is openly
confessed by the President —shall not be retruet
aa or motEfied, not even if the whole people of
the South were to lay down their arms to
morrow, and offer to submit to the Federal
authority in strict obedience to the requirements
of the Constitution; but that henceforth the
war is to be prosecuted primarily for then - petition'
of slavery, in defiance of Pate, in disregard of the
decta - ations of the Inaugural Address made on
der the t oiemn sanction of en oath, and in vie
-1 lotion of the almost unanimous pledge by GO
grass in July, 1861. The recent Stout elec
tions—carried as they notoriously were, by. the
interference of the military arm of the Admin.
istrat ion—are cited as evidencethat the people
approve these radical measures, and will support
them to the end. And sto, ! the prediction long
ago made, but., up to a very reee'et-dittes; otiosity
denied, that it was the ultimate design of the
Abolitionists to usurp the power.llo wipe . out
slavery in the States that, when the Union was
forma had, by the consent or all, reserved to
themselves the exclusive control over it, is lit
erally fulfilled. Let us no , . omit to note hero,
the impoz taut. mattriiggion. b' Mi.. Ltneeln that the
exercise of this power by the General Govern
ment. is unlawful. True, he attempts to qualify
it by drawing an imaginary distinction between
"a matter of civil administration" and "a mil
itary !nonslip's." But, can any one tell us whence
the President cleaves his right lo do in the one
case what is clearly not conferred in the other?
The plan proposed for the reconstruction of
"loyal State Governments" in the States new
in rebellion, could not have originated with any
one but Mr. Lincoln himself. It is certainly
original, and ingenious enough, too; but it
wants the very important requisite of practica
bility. Is it at all likely that any considerable
number of the people of the South will consent
to take an oath of submission to the very meas
ures which they considered, when merely threat
ened by a political party organized in hostility
to them, so gross au invasion of their constitu
tional rights as to justify secession from the
Union? And, it may be pertinently asked,
where does the President get his authority to
prescribe this or any other form of oath as a
izet of loyalty? There were, at the time when
the whole country believed, end the President
and Congress declared, that the war was to be
prosecuted for the sole and single purpose of pre
set ring the Union. a large number of men in
the Scutitera States—in some of them a major
ity, end in all of them except, perhaps. South
Carolina, a strong 1111Uorliy—W110 Petifiraned.
faithful to the Union. and opposed the act of
secession with ell the influence they possessed ;
but who, by the force of circumstances that
they could net control or overcome, were com
pelled to submit to the dominative of the Rebel
Government. There are, even now, - its we firmly
believe, nal few snek_mt.klafKUktllcint.lta,
in spite of - the studied
and his-radical advisers -to drive themever.iuto
the rebel ranks. These men have dene. - zothinfi
voluntarily to destroy their status as ei.ii . ieMs of
the United States, or to forfeit any of their con
imitations]. rights. They stand ready to resume
their relations to the Federal Government, and
with them the performance of all their duties,
es soon as that Government is able to perform
its duty, by extending to them its protection. Is
it not, then, a monstrous assumption of arbitrary
power. to proclaim that men of this class shall
not be restored to their rights ns citizens of the
Sates iu 7,:hieh 111,-y reside and of the Uctited
Swes, unless they swear to support measures
whose direct purpose is to destroy some of those
very .46. tits ?
Viewing, this hut specimen of proclamation
made lax" by the light of availability, of rea—
son, and of justi4, we are almost forced to be
lieve that it is not proposed in seriousness ; bnt
met ely to delude a too credulous people into ,he
belief that a plausible effort has been made to
restore the Southern States to their proper place
in the Union, in order that its rejection, foreseen
find fore dcsilned, may afford a pretext for the
prosecution of the war for abolition unto the
bitter end—or, at least, until another Presiden
tial election, controlled and carried by noilitcy
intimidation, shall have passed.
LIEUTENANT CrIINERAL.—The bill reviving the
office of Lieutenant General, of which notice was
given in Congress on Tuesday by Mr. Washburn,
of Illinois, is intended to give Gen. Grant the
position to which his talents and his victories
are generally thought to entitle him. General
Grant's best friends at Washington speak of this
as a fitting reward for his services, and deny that
he, or they in his behalf, have ever thought of
making him President.
'C.GOMM" Giltilrll ER, the Mayor elect
of New York, is the eldest of four brothers, sons
of Christian G. Gunther, who for the last fifty
years bas been a leading fur merchant in that
city. The Mayor elect is forty-two years of age,
having been born in New York city, April 7th,
1822, All the Bone are Dative-bora Amerloam,
and the parents natives of Germany. 'The new
Mayor received his earliest education at tl•e
Moravian institute, at Nazareth, Pa.
General Scott, in a recent conversation on the
developments of the war, remarked that the
real hard 'fighting was yet to take place. Ile also
added that the administration had fooled away
nearly every golden opportunity, and thus,
instead of ending the rebellion, as they could
have done long since, have extended it to the
distant future.
has issued a pardon for E. W. Gantt., of Arkan
sas, from the penalty of treason, which he in
curred by accepting the position of a Brigadier
General in the rebel army. The pardon rein
states Mr. Gantt in all his rights of properly,
exceptinetittisesKflatialg to Oases.
of C. W. Carrigan (Dem.) contesting the seat of
M Ruto.el Thayer, and that of John Kline, (Dent )
contesting the seat of Leonard Myers, who are
all of Pennsylvania, were presented on Tuesday
in the House by lion. S. J. Randall, And
referred to the Commit tee on Elections.
sac llAnvter Theca & lintiTann are again
ahead of time, hi the receipt of the Illustrated
Papers for December 19 ; and all the other peri
odical publications of the day They also con•
tinue 10 keep up the lime with to New York
and Philadelphia Dailies.
The XXXVlEtriiCiiTess organized on Non—
day, without any unniMardelay.. In the /louse,
the radical AhOlitiOolate,b6Ttieleeted all their
caucus nominees by a vote varying from "20 to
'2—the so called "conservative" majority which
the New York. Herald, with its usual disregard of
truth, persisted in figuting out, (and which any
ono miglit have 'known to be false, aft er &beery.
ing that it classed lisle and Tracy, of Ibis State,
among , the "conservatives "), having been found
nowhere' s ,' The following is the vote for Speaker,
1 in dotaiL,it will be seen that the Democratic
members divided their vote, the Pennsylvania
delegation supporting their colleague, the lion.
John L. Dawson
For Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana.—Messre. Alley,
Allison, Ames, Anderson, Arnold, Ashley, Jno. D.
Baldwin, Baxter, Beaman, Blaine, Blair, Blow,
Boutwell, Boyd, Brandagoe, Broomall, Brown,
Ambrose W. Clark, Freeman Clark, Clay, Cobb,
Cole, Cromwell, Davis, Davies, Dawes, Deming,
Dixon, Donnelly, Driggs, Dumont, Eckley, Bast,
Farnsworth, Fenton, Frank, Gat field, Gooch,
Grinnell, Hale, Rigby, Hooper, Hotchkiss, A. W.
Hubbard. John H. Hubbard, Huihurd, Jencks,
Julian. Kasson, Kelley, Fra'neie W. Kellogg, Or
lando Kellogg, Littlejohn, Loan, tongyear, Love
joy, Marvin. Mcßride, McClurg, Mclndoc, Miller,
Morehead, Morrill, Morris, Amos Myers, Leonard
Myers, Norton, Chas. O'Neil, Ort h, Pederson, Per
hnut, Pike, Pomeroy, Price, Wm. H. Randall,
Alex. H. Rice, John IL Bice, Rollins, Sehenok,
Schofield, Shannon, Sloan, Smith, Smithers,
Spaulding, Stare„Etevene, Thayer Thomas, Tra
cy, Upton, Van Valkenburgb, Elam B. Wash
borne, William B. Washburn, Webster,Whaley,
Williams; Wilder, Wilson, Windom, oodbridge
For Samuel S. Cox, of Ohio.—Alesers. James C.
'Allen, _Wm.' J. 41 Aug. G..-Baldwin, Blies,
Brown, Cravens, Dawson, Eden, Edgerton; Sid
ridge, English, Fink, Harrington, Harris, Her
rick,,, Holman, `Hutchins, _Johnson, Kaltiffeisch,
Knapp, Lim, Le Blond, Long, Marcy, McDowell,
MeKenney, Middleton, Morris, Morrison, Noble,
John O'Neill, Pendleton, Perry, - Robinson, Ro
gers, Ross, Steele, Sweat, Voorhees, Wheeler,
Chilton A. White, Joseph W. White-42
For Tohn L. Ammon, of Pennsylvania. —Messrs.
Ancona, 13aily, Coffroth, Cox, Dennison, Johnson,
Lazear, McAllister, William 11. Miller, Samuel
J. Randall, Stiles, Strouse-12.
For Robert Mallory, of Konlucky.—Messrs.
Brooke, Grider, Harding, Harris, King, Rollins,
Stuart, Wadsworth, Ward, Veaman-10.
For Austin A. King, of illosouri.—Mooora.
Chattier, Hall, Mallory, Radford, Scott, Fernando
For Ifenry G. Stebbins, of New Yerk.—Messrs
Ganson. Griswold, Kernan, Nelson, Odell, Pruya
Steele, Winfield—S.
For Francis P. Blair, jr., of Jfissouri.—Messrs
COM MRI 3, Field-2.
For John D. Stiles ? of Pennvivania.—Mi
Ben. Wood-1.
Absent nr not voting.—Messrs. Colfax, Blair,
jr., Chandler, Segar, Stebbins, Kitchen-6.
Emerarn Etheridge, of Tennessee, Clerk or the
last House—who was considered " a loyal man,"
a year ago, even according to the radical stand—
ard—has been kicked aside for his audacity in
questioning the Abolition policy of the President,
and Edward ill'Phereon, an ex-member from
PennAylennia, is elected Clerk in his place. N.
O. Ordway, of New Hampshire, is elected Ser
geant•at Arms_; Ira Coodenow, Doorkeeper ; and
W. S. }Dog, of illionesota, Pogo:lngot. Sd, from
Speaker down, it will be seen that none but a
Northern man has been found worthy to receive
the patronage of the Hpll3o.
Notice has been given, in the Senate and
House, of bills to repeal 1,110 fugitive elave laws,
to abolish slavery, to punish slaveholders, to
raise the pay of negro soldiers, &c., Lot not one
to save the Union So we go
Both branches of Congress adjourned over
from Thursday to Monday.
• 14.1‘75,W , , , : • :
ILtammutteis, peo;lo..,Governor Curtin,
reciiiiied a cominur:iicapon from the War
Department; annourieiri*, tliatthe Government
declines to adopt, his suggestion, made some
weeks ago upon the subject of reeruiling.
No new organizations are allowed to be formed,
except of a few companies to fill incomplete re.
A general or3er has been issued from the office
of Adjutant-General Russell. defining the plan of
recruiting adopted, and calling , upon the people
of the eeyeral enrollment districts and adb dis
tricts of the Sale to offer bounties to volunteers.
The deficiency of Pennsylvania being. in pro
portion to her population, less than that of any
of iho adjacent States, it is hoped that by a vigor
ous support her quota may be filled by volunteers,
and the draft thus be prevented.
o ar PIICIBABLY no remedy for the cure of
coughs and colds has bocomo so popular, in so
short a time, as Dr. Wisbart's Pine Tree Tar Cor
dial. Physicians of every school have long been
convinced that the pine tree contained great
healing properties, yet nearly all were opposed
to the use of common tar, being aware that it
contained injurious properties. This objection
DG Wishart, of Philadelphia, claims to have
overcome by a peculiar process in the distillation
of the tar of which his cordial is prepared; and
if we are to judge from the many testimonials
that are constantly brought to our notice of its
beneficial effects, it must certainly be considered
a great medical discovery. See advertisement in
another column.
ehal General Fry, in his report, recommends to
Congress the repeal of the $3OO commutation
clause in the Conscription Act. It is thought
this will compel every drafted man to furnish a
substitute or to take his place in the ranks. A
curtailment of the list of disabilities which now
exempt persons from military service, is also
urged on Congress. Notiee has already been
given, in the Senate and House, of bills to
repeal the $3OO clause.
TIRED OF THE WAR.—A Chattanooga corres—
pondent, who talked with the rebel pickets, says
they expressed themselves heartily tired of the
war, and cherished the (vain) belief that it
would end 'his winter. When asked whether
they wield not rather be back in the old Union
again; one of them—the principal spokesman—
replied : The'old G overnmeut was good enough
for me." There was no dissenting voice to this
candid confession,
CAN TUIS Be LAW 2—Au edict from the Pro•
vest Marshal General proclaims that incipient
consumption is not a disability that exeinpts a
conscript from military service. Was there ever
such an outrage on humanity, medical rule, and
common sense ? To condemn a man with the occde
of consumption in his lungs to the hardship, pri
vation, and exposure of a soldier's life, is simply
to commit official minder.
from Chattanooga Dec. 7, says that Gen. Hardee,
who has superbedod Bragg, is slowly falling
back from Dalton with Bragg's whipped men.
The mountains of East Tennessee are ?aid to be
filled with deserters and stragglers from Bragg's
Than Palms Dixas."—Fleur is tnly
one hundred and seventy-five dollars a barrel in
Richmond.—Beef of the most inferior quality
is two dollars per pound in Richmond, and
almost unobiainable at that price.—Substitutes
get $lOOO and $llO9 in Richmond, but then it is
rebel money, worth eiz yenta on rho
from Charleston slate that Gillmore. !Its Mount.
ing more guns on Fort liyagaer,l\petring, on the
oity, -- attd that he pad unF9tk9_lo*iew•bsf,tert
Silt! klistos.
j TR81141.1011 PRAYER DIEETINa will be held
to•nlOtrOW (EVIE4Y) litternoen, In the Evangelical Metho
dist Chnieb, triliighth street, above Penn, at 3 o'clocb.
All persona arilreapectfelly invited to atieod.
Mr REV. RICHARD Erna', pastor of the Lom
bard Street Chnrch. Philadelphia, will preach In the Uni.-
'remain Church of this city, to-inurrow (Sunday) morning
and evening, at the usual hours.
e& • Go TO TUE LADIES' FATE at- Aulenbach's
Ilall, next week.
flasioxArros.—Rev. A. Torlat bee
resigned his charge as ltrosistant Minister at the Episcopal
Chapel of St. %realm, mid accepted a call to the rector
ship of the Episcopal Parish at Millersville, Schuylkill
county. He preached his isreivell sermon at St. Barnabna
so Thartieey evening.
....ttt'• A PUBLIO MEV:TIRO Will be hold in the
Court Roue on Tuenday evening. Dec. 15th, nt 7 o'clock,
tinder the smitten of the 11. S. Chriatian Com mleaton. The
meeting will be ad tressed by the Rev. E. C. Ambler, lately
relented from the Libby Pci,on, Richmond, who will give
an acconnl of his Imprisonment, :trier which a collection
will be taken in behalf of our suffering soldiere in 2ontbetn
prisons. Will the rar.ors of Heading please notice in tbel7
congregations ?
Hours.—On and after Monday next, December 1.1, the
New York Express train, coming East, will leave Harris•
berg at 6.10 a. M. (instead of 3 o'clock) and pass Reading
for New York at 8.45 A. N., (instead of 3 o'clock). No
change of time in the train gang West, which leaves New
York at 7 P. M., and puma Reading at 12 Midnight.
tsir TsLaanarn Orrzon.—The American Tele
grapb Co.Lhave now opened their new office In the Express
Office, Penn street, 'above fah:, Hereafter all public' meg
eagte will be received and tinnemltted from the nearettlea.
There 'mill be no m o re publle:lntelneen done at their former
office. In the East Penna. Railroad Bnlldlng, 6th Stria.
bar of the "New-York' Store," at the bead of the adver
tteemeut, is erroneously printed 483. It 'should ho 4.39
. advertisement on the first page of to•dere Goatee.
"kW' WOUNDED SoLonee.—We regret to lee,
in the list of wounded In the late battle at Campbell's Ra
tion, during the stage of Knoxville, the names of several
men of the 50th Penneylvania Regiment, and among them
two from oar own county, to wit ! Sergeant If. Gachtar, of
Company H, (Capt. Cleaveland), a eon of the late Capt.
John Gechter ; and Alfred Gift, of Company E, (Capt.
Lantz's), a son of Mr. Peter H. Gift. Emanuel - Faust, of
Company A, same Regiment, was killed.
ter TEE LADIES' FAlR.—Contributors to the
Ladies' Fair for the benefit or the . .Witabington Hose, will
please send their articles to either of the Manners, or to
the storea of Wm. Gi Von Nleda and F. P. Holier, between
this and Monday • lOW og, or to the Hall during Tuesday,
the Mainers brig Listrous of baying them as soon as
convenient Is ordet to mark and gyre proper credit there
for. Large Cake, tonfectionery, and perlahable articles,
need not be sent before Tuesday. If more convenient, the
amain will be called for upon notice being given. Dona.
Cons of all kinds desired, and a liberal patronage to the
Fair solicited, as the object is one In which every citizen
Is Interested.
ser THE Fe )TT FOIINDIT.—In the report of the
Chief of the Bnrean of Ordnance, which accompanies the
Report of the Secretary of the Navy, the Scott Foundry of
Meeers. Seyfert, Motionne & Co., at Reading, le mentioned
in terms of commendation as ono of the sources of supply
of the ix -inch, x inch and xi loch Dahlgren guns for the
Navy. The report says
"In procuring cannon for the Navy the same conditions
have been exacted from all these foundries, ad regards the
character of metal and every other element necessary to
conetitate good and reliable guns. No gun boa boon ac
cepted, es a standard, which has not been sisbjected to the
Ofiiefti of ono thedsetel 161.11.43 of setvice charged. W;th.
this standard thus established, all the guns of a contract
must coincide in their composite elements
Capt. John 8. Chauncey, of the 11. S. Navy, 'rho hanbeen
stationed at Beading for over a year past, to superintend
the Merit at the Iltett Pentiary, hos L'ectii lately relieved,
and his place supplied by Limit. Commander B. L. May.
la . MEDALS or Hoxos,— . ln Ootober lase sad
&ter the more ardhone and,diniteroua duties before
.Charieston had been concluded, '0 Gillmore issued,:
an order aukonicind hie intention id award medahrof hover.
or for gallant conduct daring the siege, to three per cent._
of the enlisted men engaged. dsndidetes for this hove'
were to he nominated by aboard consisting in each case of
the company olliceroertiort nominatlens were to be for
warded through the:Mope:shellacs to the headquarters
of the Department, the &tient intermediate commauders
to amprette their eppinvil orAleapprovel thereof. Ia ac
cordance with the order, Maj. - Rogers commanding the
104th, forwarded the'earoes of fifteen candidates from that
Regiment, among which we are pleased to see two non
commiglibraed sheers of CorepAoy H, of itoodiog, to wit ;
Sargent WILLIAK FTaAweainoE and Corporal JOHN P.
Rotten, (eon of Daniel flousem). A written statementOf
the conduct nod service of each man rccommended, no
computed the harem The die to being oast in . New.York,
and will be destroyed as FOOD as the medals are made, so
That unworthy persons cannot procure them. The rarity
of the medals and the circumstances under which they are
awarded will give them great value.
for their Arrest. —The Connty Commissioners have offered
a reward of 8.00 for the arrest of Wm. Henry Dyer (col
ored), and Charles B. Bartlett, who escaped from the Berke
County Prison iota Friday night. The instanter of their es
cape woe IN this Witt
They were wagged in cella 28 and 30, cell tO, nneccn
pled, being between them. Each broke abolo through his
call wall, and thus gained an entrance into the unoccupied
cell, the lock of the miter door of which they picked, and
got oat Info the corridor. From the corridor they pawed
into the yard through the front corridor door. By means
of a rope,:which they obtained In the warping•room, and
to which they attached a coal•acreen, thrown aver the
wall, Bartlett, with Dyer r e assistance, was enabled to
scale the prieon•wall. flyer then came back into the front
part of the building, rang the doorbell, concealing him•
eel? in the passage to the parlor, until the front door was
opened, when he rnshed out soddenly norecogulzed, and
before his exit could be prevented. Their escape was evi
dently preconcerted; and lite said that the partition walls
between the Cella are built of each poor Malarial, that
breaking a hole through them 19 by no means difficult. If
this be so, it is a anions defect in the Prison which
should be Instantly remedied. Dyer and Bartlett are both
old "jail It le doubtful whether they will be
caught. •
jer Dummies Custron.—Messrs. D. P. Greth
and John R. Rancher, nadir the firm olio. P. Grath & Co..
have sacceeded Mr. A. H. Parmeek as proprietors of the
well-known Family Grocery More, Po. 704 Sooth Fifth
street, and will continue It upon the principle of 4 . the hest
articles at the lowest prices," by which this Store has
earned its wide popularity among our honeekeepere.
Mr.Atoct , llc relireefrom mercantile Imainens to some
tII thihroi itra r iintietn'in ih a partner to the Moselem Far-
DAMN under the inn of Hunter, ?smock & Co. We hope
hisexcellent business qualtfleattous Will find profitable
employment in this new field of operations.
ear AMOUNT or COAL transported on the Phil
adelphia and Reading Nat Dead, km the week endiag
Thursday, December 10,1868.
• l'oas.Owt
From Port Carbon. ' .:- . . . 22,360 17
Potteville, - . - 1,194 06
" Schuylkill Haven, - - - 20,660 04
" Auburn, .. . . . - 2 669 07
Port Clinton, - • - 9.207 01
' ' Flarriaburg, and Dauphin, - 2,933 03
Total for week 29.070 00
Previously thin year, - • - 31,771 09
TOTAL, - - • - - 110,731 C 9
To same Motel ant year. -
Ladies' Fair (or the Washington Hone.
'RECRUITING Amors.—On the reconi
meodivion of Capt. Henry S. Kopp, Provost Marshall of
this District. Capt. Cornelius Wise and Lieut. Bland, have
beau appointed Recruiting Agents for the Bth Dlatrlet of
Pennsylvania, with authority to rale.: Went:Mrs for I hrea
rears' service, is lieu of draft.
/10' NEW PAESI:N(IEIZ. CARE.—TWO large and
be:mural Passenger Cara for the East Peonsylraola Rail
road Company, have Jest been Al:netted at the new Car
Worke tit trans, Fegeley & Co., at Pottstown.
nay- Ir to Nor OFTEN that we come In contact with an
titian that we real Jutland In recomanordlng to our no.
morons re :dem, bat the erHelo of Faintly Dye Colors,
manufactured by Howe & Stevens, advertised in this day's
paper, we feel we can heartily com mend . to all who may
have use for dyes of any colors. l'os' sale by all draigiew
par Rsv. J. Imon MONBSET, RiatOr of 8t:
;Utiles' Episcopal Church, in LancastsiAlia•re-
Signed ate rectorship of that parish, to Lake,riect
at Baltic. The resignation has been licoeVied.
1, ! 2
Or, a Sketch of Palestine and a•Descrip
tion of lerusalem,
• BY aEV. 1A 7 31. WHITE WILLIAAI3, A. M.,
I [Who has traveled eateusivuly Is AMERICA, EU ")
BM'S, ASIA, e nil AFRICA, and lived in the RI FY of
I JERUSALEM trti wry linyd, during marsh and April,
I 15t.1., He dascrinee what he saw and studied for him
.l sell. Ills Leetures aro cordially recommended as ,-
G., st.d many other eminent authorities.] )
This T.sots re will be illustrated by new and large Maps
and Pictures, and by the superb costume of a Syrian Lady
awl the coi.tnine of a Syriau Peasant, shown In Tableaux
Vivant.. The Peasant's dross shows the leathern girdle
and camel's hair garment es worn by John the Baptist.
Persons diesioel iis Po.tern style will walk thronuli tire
audience, that they may hoe LIVING IbLUeTRATIONS of
There will be ex hilt:opt a ease of fl o wers_ from Palestine;
apecimens or the Jernsalern Marble; a case of Hebrew
coins, two of them being widow's suttee,: a PLetticien cola
9000 'ears aid; it amok utio with the insignia of Alextn
dor the Great; a writer's ink bore (Ezekiel, IX. 2); a tear
bottle (Psalm lvt. 5); Fpecimens of olive wood, and many
other curiosities and relics; honks mentioned is the Para
ble of the Predir2l Son; Oriental Lantern (Jolla X vill. 3);
Hooey opt of the Huck, a Penn Drench and a "Crown of
Thorne' front the Italy City.
r [Mr. Wilikuns has lectured repeatedly in New Eng. - 1
land, New-York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, and else-
Where, All ens Jedye of bin harm* free; the [tedium-
Male which have been cheerfully given by some of
the Most eminent mon in oar beloved country.]
By his Lecture on JERI . SALEM, given Saturday, Jan.
17, 3513, on a dark, cold nicht, in the scattered farm
' in; community of West Ghent, after paying all ex- I
I peaces. *l2 wore realized for the Soldiers and button, 1_
, and so noun en iuterent woo aweltesed that $l5 more ,
Iwere afterward contributed for the same noble object.
On Feb. 5 Mr. Williams gave this Lecture—Yuan
DAYS IN .1141:K.ALIM-111 a New-York City church, as.
the first of a Coerce of three Lectures, the'second be--
leg by Rev.; Dr. Hodge, the third . by Rev. IL W.
Buttons. The audience unanimously voted to recent . -
[mend the Lecture to other charehes desiring to raise]
funds for benevolent purposes.] L
f [The Leeturee are intended chiefly for adults, but the - 1,
(language used is so simple, and the illoatratiolus aro eo 1
ample, that children are Interested add instructed by
Lecture. .
Oa Fridey evening, Kept. 25, the flraLLecture.waa.
given in Waebingtou Hail, lWalorristown N. J., to an
audience of over els. bUndrod macula. king Weal
away, unable to tinitteven. standing ream. To avoid ,
Icrowding hertauftizidio:inore tickets Will,be eold4ham
there are seats. Hr. Williams has spoken .to peeilit
EIGHT THOUSAND FHILSONS at one time Many -of
them standing daring the addreea, but he preen, -to
have hie audience comfortably seated, that they may
enjoy, the Lecture to better advantage.]
ar This Lecture will be delivered in the ODD TEL
December 14th, at 7,5 f, o'clock. Admittance SG lents.
Children tinder fonrteen, 10 Cent,. Proceeds for the bent
at of our noble Soldiers and Sailors. [dee 12-it
We hope the pnblication of the following letter received
by the Ladies' Aid Society, will have the desired effect t.
Inducing oar citizens to continuo Weir ontributtone for
our sick and wounded prisoners and soldiers:
PHILADALPOIA, Dec. 8,1883.
.11/y Dear .3/i-es Grim
I have to acknowledge twn boxes of apples received from
your &teary on 2.;,h November. We are always very
glad to receive apples, as they prove a most welcome lnxn.
ry at the Hospitals. If yon Cell bead any apples or poultry
at Cbristinaa, they will he gratefully received. Perhaps
you could get noise of the Berk, county farmers, who do
not give you money, to make you donations of scrapple,
pau-hans”) sausages, die. I am very anxious to increase
the amount of oar receipts at rids office, this wilder. I
want Pennsylvania to be tlret in this, nsehe into the UMW
bar of men pat in the field Our State is fully capable of
doing thle, mid the moot of supplies teas never be &eat se
at present. Think what a vast army we lava, and cement.
her also our poor prisoners !
If you could poind ua some smoked melts, we could for
ward them to Richmond, as they will bear the delays of
trausportathre; be,ideo they contain much nutriment in
proportion to toe balk. Reading has always done nobly,
—but cannot your members exert themeelveo to ronee up
all Bei ke county? Vary truly yours,
Mao. M. C. 011IEli,
U. S. Sanitary Commission, 1307 Chestnut street.
—ltrtivitplii9S2 on the (Wan Canal has closed for the
—Tho resignation of Rev. H. S. Miller, as pastor of
Salem Lutheran Church, in Lebanon, woe accepted by thh
congregation. on Saturday last. Mr. Miller, we under-
stand, has accepted s call to Berke county.
-Almost a fire, —l)n Tlinrediy morning, abontlo O'-
clock the roof of the Coefectionery Shop of A. M. Souders,
is rear or store, caught flee, but was happily satin
gnished before doing itay damage.
Mk 4 a7 l Kramik/. Oloric to the Coupty
Treasurer, bah been appointed Deputy Register, by .111.'S.
Tbirwechter, Erg., the lately elected Register. .
Sadden Death —George Yerger: a welLknown' cltb
zeta, aged 70 years, tell deed'on Wednesday betweenl2 and
1 o'clock, from a stroke of apoplexy, In the 'atablerof Mr.
David Levan, Liberty alley, between Seventh and Eighth
Thy Find Not hoot Bank of Rem commenced
hushes. on Monday last, December 7.h, la the Savings
Dank building. Levi. B. Smith, Esq.; th.rtriddasxW astA
P. Bose, Bag Cashier. Its capital is tillb0000:'
George Gross, of Celebre alaiownship, had hie
spat caught is the belting of ti Dig';tillteltititt,tolAbo
- 301hAtit.t - which whirled hl e~ase ') i'l3r
lag his cheek bone and so serkinaly injuring hiniuther
wing, that tie wits for ecime , ,timejtieettelble,s43 Isyetiverul
dap in 14 Vary aliticalc99oMail;y Aojl.:Acrtylif9VOling.
Two flitikfren of Jacob Moyer, of Pike towifildp,
(a boy 13 years old, and a eV( 11 years old) wertiserionsly
burned in the face and halide on the 27th ult., by the ex
plosion of a flask of powder, to which the boy applied a
piece of hot iron, while the parents were at cent at a funeral.
Tile Glary.° Forge Property, in Pottegrove town
ship, Montgomery county, belonging to the estate of James
Rittenhouse, deceased, was not sold to Wm. Trerler, Esq.,
of Berkscounts, as stated a few weeks ago. The per'
chaser is alr. Jamas Milton. of Mannyank, and the price
paid $i8,00). 'There are 224 acres of laud, with forge.
16 dwelliage, ac. The water-powerle enppliel
from the Menataway creek. Mr. Hilton lo a large woollen
manufacturer, and intends to erect a Woollen Mill on the
Missing is becoming quite common in the
upper end of the county. During lent Weelc.iu Hamburg,
the of Ciliates Keller was robbed of a lot of
ponitry, end the beanie of Benjamin Molder of a bag of
urns; and on pocket-buon containing 1340 was stolen from
the Lome of Geor g e Adam Zettelmoyer, in Albany town-
OP' ANDY CURTIN killed the thitehMan'e dog,
and Cheap John has killed high prices, ard is now going
to bury them, and if yon do not believe:it go and visit bin
Store and sae the conotlees bargains to be hod. There is
not a man, woman or child, within fifty miles of Reading,
hat what know. that Cheap John has done more towards
pasting 00Wli high prices nod nol Pug fora mall profit Ibetn
any half a dozen of the Starchy quill drivers in this town.
In him stock will he found Coal Oil lamps at from 35 cents
to flee antlers,. Photograph Albums at half the soma pil
e., Clocks. Watches, Jewelry. Silver Plateti Ware, Crock
ery Ware, Tinware ' WOOilell Goods of all kinds, and a
thousand other artielett inn numorotts to motion.
P. S. The following ate a few of Cheap John's prices for
Boots :sod Shoes: Goodyear's Gam Shoes. *1 10; Boya'
Boots, $1 00 to $2 0 Mon't Boots. $2 2. to $3 60 ; HOU],
Made Sewed CsMkin Boots, $l. to; Women's Calfskin
Sham, $1 00 to 5110, and all other Soot. and Shore at
equal low prices
P. S. Look out for Christmas Presents, at
dec 12] CHSAP JOHN'S.
Gray 'lair Restored, Baldness Prevented.
London Hair Color Restorer and Dreseing."
" London flair Color Restorer and Dressing."
"London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing."
Restores rimy Hair without Dyeing.
This discovery for the preservation of the human hair' to
teking the lead of all hair preparations ; besides restoring
the cols; and making hair grow on nald beads. it le a
beautiful dressing, keeping the hair soft, smooth and flexi
ble, remorse any eruptive difeases, Itching, Scurf, PRO
ruff, &c. Many who were bald and gray have had their
hair permanently restored. Only one preparation. Large
bottles lid cents; Mx bottler, •250. Sold at wholesale
and retail, by Dr. Swayer & Son, 330 North Sixth street
Philada. Sold by S. S. STEVENS, Penn street, above the
Railroad, Reading- (may 7
Have You Cough, Weak Breast?
Have you Bronchitis, Asthma, Sore Throat?
Have you Weak Nerves. Disturbed Sleepy
Have you Liver Complaint. Blood Spitting?
Have you Palos, Side, Breast, &c. 2
Have you any symptoms of Consumption?
• - • ..
Persons than afflicted should retort 11 me to grime re
liable remedy. and from the testimony of thousands who
have been cured by .. Da. DWAYNE'S 001t1P 'UND SYRUP
OF WILD C ERRY," we firmly believe no other inedia
tine has ever eqaaled its success in effectually coring all
Throat, Besot, and Lang Complaints. It strengthens,
heals, purifies, affording nourishment to the impoverished
blood, and builds np the constitution. It soothee the Ire
lotion of the mimes membrane which lines the air pas
sage, end which gives so much distress, causing tickling
or rising in the throat, promotes expectoration, loosens
the tough matter which cloge up the vessels of the throat
and lunge, thus enabling the patio St to breathe free and
natural It stimulates the power of digestion, and has
performed very many cares, When to all human proba
bility it could not be possible. Prepared only by Dr.
SWAYNE & SON. No SAO North Sixth street,
Sold by S. S. STEVENS, Penn street, above the
Railroad, Reading, and all the principal Druggist..
[nos 7.
Gen. Grant has captured from the enemy, since
his campaign in the West commenc" no lees
han 47z cannon and 00,C80 prisoners
92,967 C 3
thanks to the Neversiek Fire Company and the citi
zens generally ler their kind and effective eneintance ineac•
ing Lis premises from are on Thursday morning lest.
dec 12-it] A. at. SOUDERS.
First National Ilank of Reading.
the First National Bank of Raiding, will be held at
tan kianking Ronne, No. fill Gant Market Square, au Toes
dayi the 12th day of Jemmy next:between the hems of
10 A. M., and 3 P. Al.
dec 12-40 A. 1 0 . BOAS, Cashier.
1 for ollicere of the Btont's Ferry Bridge Company. will
be bald on Thureday. the 3let day of December, 1063, at
10 o'clock. A. M., at the public hones of Gabriel Gebret,
yip Ifilhierkberi towoahip, at which time also the accents
wilt be eetrled.
. Those who. wish to nee the Bridge by the year, are not'
Bed to attend it the mime time and place, to make contracts
' dee 12-3t] • tim e
BAUM, President.
UILIDISO. Dee 10, 1863
‘ t wr k ibs e.
Estate of Benjamin Wolf, late of Rue
combmanor township, Berke co., dee'd.
TM of Admlniwtrttion Oa the Alltata of Benjamin
Wolf, late of Rosman:Motoor township. Berke comity,
docoaeed. have bean granted by the Register of Berke
county to the undomigned. All persona indebted to the
mitaiit are reriusted t., make payment without delay to the
understansd, and thee° having cluinto against the notate,
to present thorn to the undersigned properly authenticated
for settlement, BIRON Rt3Tit ERJI EL,
Administrator of Benj. Wolf, dec'd.
Richmond, Dec 12, 1863-tit
v Satnrdar, Jannery 16th, 1884, at the Berke County
Ifonse, In theelly of Reading. at 1 o'clock in the aftertiOntl
A emelt Ing't of !And, containing 20 acres, 'Manta in Robe.
son township. The above is good farming I.nd, with 3
,wteeres or good meadow, n STONE 1111(TSIC, ream.. 8':1.-
4 0 =bin, well of good Water, &e., and amiable foraTRUCK
kiligaivir. 'rho premiaw two now oorded byby GOMIS
Crime, and can be sold private or excha cc nged for a small
honed In Reading, before January 16th,
For farther Information and terms, apply to
RHODE Sr FISEIER, Corner Pena and Bth .t.
des 1240 Beal Etiato Auras.
W l S l : L iday llE thel ir s l t L d i A
S ) v of ti jan P r U ar ß y L iT6l. S atl r l 4' . I, ., O cc il k
in the after noon , at the public house of William Rapp,
coiner of Eighth and Pane street, in the city of Reading,
Barka count:, to wit : • two-story antOlf. DWELL
taNG NOII,E, with a one and three.qusster story
Brick It:lichen attached, situate on the West side of
South Eichtb street, between CLisstnot and Franklin &greeds,
in the city of Reading. containing in front on Eighth street
16 teat, and in depth 130 feet. The hydrant on the premi
ses. There is also a large variety of excellent fruit trees
06 the lot.
, Conditions agate made known at the time and place of
gale,' by
dgel2-311 LEVTNA DOMAN.
~.rV.Fozias...Vodikiorti E.vpsosatt, and Intl Facto.%
s issie rd dutof the Court Of Ceinieno isPletitiVatiiiits fesienty,.
and to me directcd,Willbe mild inpnblic vetifftledeinitlerrifi!
On Saturday,' the 2tl day of •Jaiidail;:.&: - .11.., l
1334, atl o'clock, F. Ea- at the public benne , of Levi N. I
Balthasar, in Penn township. Barka °minty, to wits A. nor
tain meesuagd, tenement and tract of land, slinalein Up
per Bern township. Berko county, boanded. by lands of
Samuel Seeman William Barley, deceased, and Michael
iNi2Shock, containing 13% acres more or less. The
improvements thereon erected are a two - story LOG
DWEL , LNG HOUSE, Swiss Barn end otherout-build
legs, apple orchard...well:of water../ka.;,lte. Sad as the
property of t7EORCIE WEBBER.
On Monday, the 4th day of January, A. D
1564, at 10 o'clock, A M., at the public lionse . of Jacob G.
Deysher, Lobacheville, Pike township, Berke comity, to
wit: All that certain messuage, tenement acid tract of land,
situate in Rockland township. Beats county, State of Penn
sylvania, booeded and described ae follows, to wit : be
ginning at a stone career in a line of Bonneville haggler's
le ode, and runolog thence by the name North 56.1‘ degrees,
West 29 perches to a stone,North 31 X . degrees, Went SS perch
es to a corner, and South 79)Vegraes, West 127-10 perches
to a stone corner of Jacob slayer's land, thence by the
same North 42.54 degrees, WeSt IS and B-10 perches to a
stone, North 2735 degrees, West 21 perches to a stops, and
North 19 degrees, West 23 perches 10 a corner of George
Weller'e lend, thence by tlie s-ime North 68 degrees East, 29
perches to a 'twee corner of David Lobach's land, thence
by the same North 46% degrees, East 16 perches to a
stone eseliet, thence by the aims and land of Oldeon
Ruppert, South 2 % degrees, East 86 perches to a stone,
theses by the said Gideon Ruppert, South 16 degrees,
East 16 840 perches to a corner South 21. 4 ' degree.,
East 8 8.10 perches to a corner. South' St degree:, East 34
perches to a corner, North 12% degrees, East 12 perches t
a corner, North 21 degrees, Emit I 7-10 perches to a corner,
North 35% degrees, East 9 perches to a corner, North 12 de
grees. East 2 perches to a corner, and North 463. degrees,
East 23 9-10 patellae to a corner of John Bower's land,
I hence South by the same 701,4 degrees, East 15 perches to
a corne r,
_thence by lands of Jacob Miller, South 82/, de
green, West 16 perches to a corner, thence by land of Dr.
William Gerber, South 28 degree., West 82 9-10 parehe. to
.i the piece of beginning i containing . 34 acres and 14
to perches nest menenre. The improvements thereon
erected are a one-story LOU 13.01:•E and Stone build.
lug Attached, Swiss Stone Barn. Apple Orchard end 'spring
of Water, &c., Cc. h'otct as the property of WILLIAM
On Monday, the 4th day of January, A. D.
'SOL at 1 o'clock, P H., at the public house of Simon B.
Clouser in Shaneeville, Earl township, Barks county, to
wit : Xo.and l. A rertlin one-awry LOG HOUSE. d
~ 1 1 ••
AW MILL, and tract or piece of land, altriate in
Bert townebip, Berk„ county-, bounded by lands of
Solomon Leiubach, Daniel Yoder ' Mary Shall, William
Arntln, and olherc, containing abcitt "live acres, more or
No. 2. A eettain undivided balf•part of a °attain tract
.or.plese of HILL or SPROUT LAND, stints in. Earl. town
ship, -Berke county, bOnaded by lands of Daniel F. Bello
iett and Adam 310tZ, deceased, containing 93 acres inure
or leen The above described.,:premtees are eituatednt the
road leediug from Pleasant:Ville toltoyerstown. Sokt
the Prove:fly of JONATHAN B. CLEAVER
lkt the canto time and, place, all that certain
messaage, tenement.and tract of land, altnateln Washing
ton township,'Darks county; adjoining lends: of David
Iduthart, Joel kluttairt, .liohn:Stantfer, leitab'Semmerer
sand othare, conestiom. fact:yin:ince more or less, .The
.1- , eea ;erected r are a tyro-1444.L0°
DLODSE„Fraintt A arn, Carpenter Shop, pig sq. app
Taesday, , far of
IRA; at I,o'l/10411, liftrolleTl92oo Of fillitTlL ,
Bernhard,- Pricetown, Ituscombtnilor'townslitp i , Berk.*
, county, to *At' A certain massnage, tenement and tract
of laud, climate MRtiscombmanor township, Barka county, lands of Henry Hettinger, Jacob Noll, Charles
Levan and a Public Road, con.alningl3 acres and SO
rn poreheg. Nora or lees. The improvement( era aI.
atory STONE HOUSE, Swing Barn, apple orchard,
pump of water, dm., Be. Bold as theproperty of REUBEN
Seised and. taken into execution' soil to be seta by
ABRAHAM IL %MUG, Sheriff. "
Sheriff 'it Office, Ref.:Reg, Deeeeshet 12, 120:1.
Tuesday Evening next, Dec. 15th.
de. it
Christmas & New Year's Presents.
No. 344 West Penn Street, below
liousnm's Betel,
SOME Variety of
Suitable for the Holidays, to which be invites the attest
lind of lde old customers and the public generally.
Air- Country Dealers supplied as usual.
dec 12-3t] A. M. SOUDERS.
TION of families to their very complete and varied
assortment of
Consisting in part of
Also a large assortment of
D. P. OREM Jr CO.,
At Peocock's old mtstod,
dgel2-tf] No. 104 Smith Fifth Strad.
Persona at a distance may have Me following beautiful
styles of
Sent by mail or express, on receipt of the prices annexed
Phot. Album., Morocco, 12 Portraits, $1,50 ; by mall, $1,75.
Phot. Albnmo, Morocco, 24 Portrait., $1,751 by ma 11,32,00.
Phot. Albums, Morocco, 30 Portraits, $212,,) i by mall ; LOA
Phot. Albums, Morocco 40 Portralts.s2,so; by midi, $3,50.
Phot. Albums, Turkey gilt, 40 Port. $3.50 ; by mall, $4,53.
Phot. Album., Morocco ant. 50 Port. $3,50 ; by mall, *3,20.
Pilot, Albums, Turkey gilt, AO Port *4.00; by mall, $3.03.
Phot. Albums, Alto Mel. 40 Portratto, $5.50; by mall, $7,20.
Phot. Albums, beautiful 20 Portraits, $9,00; by mail, $ll,OO.
Phot. Albums, Mor. oblong, SO Port. $3.50; by mall, $3,00.
Pim& Album., Alto Rel., SO Port. 4725 j by mall 410,00.
Photograph Albums, magnificently ornamented, 100 Por
traits, $9,25; by mail, $12,00.
Album, sent 100 tulles. on Express neaten, at tee pricey
le —"trot ce/eetn free ;" et a greater tiletanco, 0 cents for
each additional hundred miles.
WM. W. HARDING, Manufacturer,
. .
For the Holidays,
A Large Stock Of
Rich Black and Colored SILKS
All wool Poplins, Merinos and 1), ;
In Great Variety.
Frosted Beaver Cloaking , Cloth.
Super Cheju Laing Shawls.
Broche Lon g 2 Shawls.
Balmoral Skirts,
Ladies' Cashmere Scarfs.
Fine Collars, Gloves & Ilandkerehief2.
The latest make of Kid Gloves.
Super all wool Blankets.
Deaember 12-1 t
er with a variety of other desirable and
dec 12] DAVID NEFF,
No. 639 PENN =MET,
In Slaw of the approach of the
Has laid in a very elegant atock of
TOBACCO, SEGARS, &c,, &e.,
Of the neweet styles and finest ritialily, an ex.
examination of which he asks of persons seeking
decl22eJ PRESENTS,
635 Penn Street, Reading, Pa,,
Photograph Albums, Illnstrated Works, Eteroliri
Poets, Anneals, Juvenile Books, Games, Alphabet Blsire,
Chess, Checkers, Backgammon Hairdo, Portfolio, WrOhr
Desks Ladies' Travelling. Satchels, Ladies' Compan:osc,
Oka cases Packet "Boole, Portisonnatee, ate. As ,avai•
SA - [deo 12, 1'.3.
HART norrtsnworze. RAILROAD.
Winter Arrangement.
Direct to New-York Without Change of Cart.
Doe. 14th. 1563. Possessor TrAis
will leave Reading dells,
da'ye excepted) for Allentown, Mooch Chuck, BFtLs
heni,.Baston, New-York, &c., &c., at 8.45 A. N., 11.1 L A.
M., and 4.20 P. M. from the
The 8.45 A. Id. train is the Eastern Express, trillioot
change of ears from Pittsburgh, and arrives in Sew-Sort
at 1.45 P. M. This train will stop only at Lyons, AUst.
town, Bethlehem, Easton and the principal stations as ills
Jersey e3ntral.
The 11.15 A. 31, Train will atop at all Stations
Reading and Allentown, and the 4.20 P. M. Train at all
Stations, except Merztown and Al Bunts.
The 11,/5 A. hl. Train arrives In New - York at MO P. 3. 1
and the 4.20 P. M. Train at 10.11 P. M.
Trains will leave New-York daily (except Stradaye it
6 A. R., 12 noon, and 7 P. ld., at the foot of Conninik
Street and arrive in Reading at 11.10 A. M., 6 P. IL, and
12 Midnight.
Paa.engera are requested to purchase Sage bernto
ing their seate, ae higher fares will he charged on ilweari.
the distillation of the tar, by which Us highest med
icinal properties are retained.
_lt is the medicine that mires when all others hare failed.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rave you ex. Cough 9 Save you Sore Throat . 9 Iface
you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most la
disease, Consumption 9
Those who should be warned by these kymptoins gener
ally think lightly of them until it le too late. From tb:a
feet, perhaps' more than any other, arises the tall Inert•
lance and fatality of disease which sweeps to the gravest
least one-sixth of Death's victims.
What are ite symptoms ?
It lineally begins with a short, dry cough. which soon
becomes habitual, bat for some time nothing Is y ;deed es•
cept a frothy mucus. The breathing ii,ROlnewhat ,ll .ric uk,
and upon slight exercise much hurried. A cense of
neon and oppression at the cheat to often felt. As the Jo'
ease advances the patient becomes thin in liesh, fs rttlicted
with lom of appetite, great languor, indolence, end deja
lion °replete: and may continue in this elate fur a coi ,
eiderable length of time, that it is very readily effected by
slight exposure or fatigue. It these occur, the coach
comes more troublesome, and ie atteuded with expactora;
[lon, which is most copious and free very early in
morning. la is sornetirges atleaded With blood. at ;
stage night sweats usually set In, and in come eastia
profanes bleeding of the lunge may also occur. Pain ;a
some part of the cheat is felt, and often a dial:mit,' or
upon one or the °theft side, wilhont severe Moot conabliii
or a 161188 of fellness or auffocalloo, is experienced.
pulse becomes fall. bard, Rod frequent, the hectic 4 . 4
tinges the cheeks, and the dire waled) Is fast hastening to
ite close.
You now elk, "Is there a cure ?-,
by the crt
`' t Consumption hag Own and can be eur.f
my TAR CoRDiAL, even in apparently impales. copes. 'Chit
assertion I make with the ability to present the rent roar
pinto evidence of the truth. Space will not admit of lei
giving the contents of the many thonsmide of testi moWit
to lie value, which I have been and ern receiving fo o
men and woman of unquestionable woelh and rentit o° '
I have had a number of these certificates printed in di"'
lar form which I will send you free on applied:oil.
Whether you now determine to try the meanie° , "!.
eend for the circular. After soars of randy and "V" .
meat, I offer this medicine, kellevinc it to ho the best
remedy for all pulmonary and tworteldra Wm.* If t'," 4
cannot be benelitted by the nee of the 'pea oetiist.l
Neve yon are beyond all earthly aid. l'et if there ore be'.
ter curative agents, I earnestly advice Cieto., tn
retamilea, the beet o. L re, are. needed by th.k
thin Mamie. Because I believe this to be the liset, I
you to try it.
Many, not only of the people, bet physician; of ere,
school end practice, are daily asking me, "
principle et name of your success the treatment et r ,
°urinary Conottnipiion My answer is this:
The invigoration of the digestive organs—the
ening of the debilitated system—the rerun:olde 00 . ':
richment of the blood, must expel from the e y,tert
corruption snit , * voraula breed. While aisle &CUP
by the powerful alterative (changina from disesie
health) proportion of the Tar Cordial., its hosting
and u•
novating principle la elk, acting upon the irrileied
faces of the lunge and throat, penetrating to WI.
part, relieving pain, subduing inflammation, sod
a healthful tendency. Let Ohio two-fold power. tba h'
tag and strengthening, continua to art In cuej [ wine! ,
Naturs'is constant recuperative tendency, nod r t a
In eared, It he has not 100 long delayed a
means of cure.;ion"
The Files Taco TAR CORDIAL will care use. • ,
Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, asthma, CrouP.
Cough, Diptberie, and to also an excellent remedy ['draw
eases of the kidneys, and female complaints.
The genuine boa the name of the proprietor and it
i t ae
tree blown In the bottle. All others aru eporion.
?Mon PIPIT Cone AND One romdm OM BOTTLE, rre•
pared only by the proprietor.
dee 12-oud No North Second St., Philadelphia, I%