thulr4nuij. GOOD ADVICE Eat only what 12 prorr ff•tri Drink only that which does you good; Spend only what yen can ,ford; Lend only what will he restored; Then you will have no cause to soy I wro a fool on yislerday. gag' Mao. JACK Dowsxso,—who is a man or eonsiderable sas.aeity and strong common souse, says he told old and his cabinet, that so near as he could see how the laud lay, they were all tryin to catch the South first, and then what to do with her afterwards is another question. Jack says the South seems to be a good deal like old Sam Odum, up in Maine, when ho thought the Devil was after him. Ono night lie got to dreaming, and jumped out of bed in his shirt, and ran like all possessed down the street. About half a dozen neighbors chased him until he ran up a tree, out of which ttey couldn't get him anyhow. lie kept a screaming " the devils are after me," and would fire like a tiger if any one tried to get at him. Finally old Deacon Pea body cum along, and ses he, " Sam thinks that you fellers are the devils that are goin to ruin him; yeujibt g 9 array and let hint alone, And Sam will be hum and in bed afore morning-" They ink his advice, and sure enough so it was. Jack says it is his rite down solemn opinion thut of these ere Abolishnn Cabynet were to stop try ing to catch the Siuth, she would be hum an' in Me Union bed afore mornin. Tau BLESSED Ouss.—Blessed are they that are blind ; for they shall see no ghosts. Blessed are they that are deaf; for they never lend money, nor listen to tedious stories. Blessed are they that are afraid of thunder; for they shall hesitate about getting married, and keep away from political meetings. Blessed are they that are lean; for there is a chance to grow fat. Blessed are they that are ignorant; for they are happy in thinking that they know every thing. Blessed is he that is ugly in form and features; for the gals shan't molest him. Blessed is she that would get married but can't ; for the consolations of the gospel are her's. Blessed are the orphan children ; for they have no mother to spank them. Blessed are they that expect nothing; for they shall not be disappointed. Blessed are they that do not advertise ; for they shall rarely be troubled with customers, iltir A WRITER in Godey's .31vazine (Phila.,) says :—•• A friend of mine advertised for a girl. She was called down to see a • lady who wanted to see the person who advertised,' end went into the parlor. The lady wore a plaid silk, hand some cloak, richly tridirned bonnet, kid gloves, and a thickly worked black lace veil clown ; car ried an embroidered handkerchief, and a MOther of pearl card case. She made a great many inquiries about the place, which were politely answered, as my friend thought she wonted to recommend somebody. At lost eke raid : 'Well, I'll inquire and see if any better place offers if not, I'll come and try it. leaie my card, in case you wish to send me any word.' And throwing back her veil, disclosing a briglit mu latto, she took out a card, courtesied, and left. The card was embossed, and written on it was • Miss Lavina, Lady Attendant, Laundry Depart ment, C. IL' Possibly •• Continental Hotel." Tun NEW GOSPEL OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT.- Thou shalt hate George b. McClellan with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great command meat, and the becona is like unto it. Thou shalt hate Horatio Seymour. Upon these two commandments hang all tho contracts and all the profile'. FLATTERING NOTICIL—A cotemporary, in no ticing the presentation of a silver cup to a brother quill driver, says: "He needs no cup ;he can drink from any vessel that contains liquor— whether the neck of a bottle, the mouth of a dem ijohn, the spile of a. keg, or the bunghole of a barrel." NOTICE MITE MEMBERS 'OF THE MUTUAL FIRE Immune Company of. Berko County will hold their annual meeting and motile'', on Monday, the eerenth day of December next, between the hours of 10 gull 3 o'clock, at the public house of Anwo Molot, Frledenoburg, °ley . township. nov 11-319 AUDITOR'S NOTICE THE UNDERSIGNED, AUDITOR APPOINT BD by the Orphans' Court of Berke county, to audit, restate and resettle the Bement of Christian L And Mire bath Pechtel, Executors of Daniel Bechtel, late of Comte township, Barks county, deceased, and mate distribution among the creditors and parties entitled to the fund, will meet the parties Interested for the purposes of hie appoint- Mont, at the office of Jeremiah nu - genman, Esq., in Peon Street, In the city of Reading, on Thursday, the loth day of December, 11363, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when and where all parties interested ere notified to appear. not 21-St] EDWARD P. PEARSOIN, Auditor. Desirable City . Lots For Sale. WRE UN. DERSIONED OFFERS AT PRI PATE Sale at moderate rates, e hullding tots on North Ninth ether. Five Building Lots on the meet tide of Moss alley, East of Ninth street. Three Building Lots on the west aide of X orth Tenth street, and Fourteen Building Lots on the Nod bide of Moss allay. The Conditions Will bemade easy to purchasers, the pro prietor being willing to leave two-thirds of the purchase money stand on the premieee, if secured by Loud nod Mortgage, and allow payment to be made . in installments of 10. 20 and BO Dollars, until the whole debt is paid, provided that one-third of the purchase money is paid on &Hew of the Deed. This is a raze chance for Laborers and Mechanics to en ewe homes, an the lots are in the neighborhood of the steam gorge and Industrial Works; and as it is understood skid all the Depots of the Junction Railroads will be put up near the property. rjr Plans of the Lots may be seen at my office. Jan al-ta FREDERICK LAUER. SALE OF LAND. - 1,200,00041=M WM . LAND Ii ?ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. IT 1 . 0 , WELL KNOWN THAT THIS COM— pany, In the few years Since the construction of the aimed, has sold a large number of Farms to settlers, who, mostly in n short time, enjoyed a degree of pros. pertly, which is sufficient evidence of the quality of the mil, and the facilities for disposing of Its produce. The numerous villages which have spruog up in this short time alas indicate the abundant resources of the country. The land is rich PRAIRIE SOIL, often tbioalp wo9ded, Woodland can generally be purchased at short distanced and low priooe—semetimon of the Company. The various kinds of grain are sneeessfelly Cultivated. Fruit, Grapes, Ac., grow rapidly, and yield abundantly au4 of impeller quality. The fruit market in probably the best In the Weet. For the raising of Cattle there in no better country to be found. Considering the infancy of the .ettlements, much ban already been done for Schools. The Company offers to settlers great advantages. Tho laud is sold—Wood or Prairie,—at from 'to' to Sla per acre, according to its distance from the Railroad. At the time of purchase, only the interest of the parch:us money in re quired. For the 3 first years, likewise only the interest. At the Gad of the (earth year and the three following. tech one-quarter or the capital; thus after the expiration of never' yearn, the whole amount is paid. On cash pay ments a liberal discount is allowed. Purchasers are ex empt from team on the land for seven years. .a - The undersigned bas been appointed agent, and having paroooglly examined the land, te able to give exact Information. All communications to be addressed to .701111 ENDLICII, dgent, Reading P. 0., Berke county, Pa March Zl-413 INVALID CORPS. P-kY 'Lill I 0,01 ForpANLLSTED MEN HONORABLY DISCIIARG. ad on account of dlaability, desiring to rou [dist i o this s, will present themselves to the Board of Enrollment for the District in which they reside, for examination by the Sarvea thereof, who shall make a personal examina tion of them, and report the result to the Board of Enroll ment The Board shall then consider each case, and if the ap plicant is toned to fulfil the conditions specified, the Board dialler° him a certificate (according to the form furnish ed) to that OW. The term of enlistment ehall be Three (3) Tears or daring the War. Par particniare,apply to the Provost Marshal, Joao 4,11808-tf V 91,70 par (cost, V 63,737 12) market Table, 103,200 60 Real Estate, 36,363 80 Bills Receivable, for insurances made, 107,947 61 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Marine Policing, accrued inter eat, and other debts due the Com pany, Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance • and other Companies, 0,503. Es timated value, Cash, on deposit with Uni ted totes Government, subject to ten days' call, 830,900 00 Cash, in Banks, 30,055 39 Cash, in drawer, MX/ 00 The Board of Directors have this dolt declared a east, Dtv troaso ef Pan OEST. flu ISTOGIC, and box Pax CENT. Interest on the SCRIP of the Company, y.eyAhla on end attar the lot DM In ber proximo. free of tax. Thcv have also declared n ScsiuDtvinesu of PORTS' Pas Coot, en OW Ea 99811 ['EMU:J:S for the year ending Octo• her :it,. 1803, certificates for which will he issued to the pet tiee entitled to the lame, on nod after theist December proxano, free of tax. They have ordered. also, that the SCRIP CEIOTIFICATEf OF PROFITS of tha Company, for the years is5S cud 1859, be redeemed fu mat at the °tee of the Commtny, on and alter January 0, 1.504., all interest thereon to Cease ou that day. 4" certifiWrfr, of prlits By the ici_r Inenrrorati,n, '• no e , ..riiiicyfie shit it 7 . ..88i4e niitENS 'ars kr7 cr the dtclrtratioii rtf the di. vieitiaa whir•tuf it is criiit2a.e." INSURANCE COMPANY, OF COLUMN, LANCASTEVCOMITY,' CHA.P.TER THIS COMPANY Batidiagg, erehandlii; less and damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for, & cash premium or premium note. . , The Mine and inereaeing capital of the Company, eon gat' ugibf premium coma, given by its members, and liaised upon $1475,7 35, Insured on the mutual plea, affords a reliable guarantee equal to ten times the orange bus nn the amount insured; and' Piroctore pledge themselwee to deal an liberally with these who may sustain lees or damage as the case will admit of, consiateut with juglee to all purlieu con cerned. Amount of Premium Notes, $1.55,Q Dalnnee of Cacti Premiums unexpend ed, January IPA:2. $1,G65 Ca.h receipm daring the year 1562, lees agents' ceramist:4one, Cagh reeeipta in iklilli:117, LOFBI4B ar.d F.xpenßoF peid daring the .ear 1992, 0,329 73 Balance unexpended, Fel. 2d, 1563 , 9,018 11 - 84 A. S. GREEN .President GEORHE YOVNG, Eecrotary, MICHAEL B. ISztuaux, Treasurer. .7A3128 LSE, Secretary DIRECTORS: R. T. RYON. EPHRAIM HERSHEY, AURAFIADI BRUNEI[, MICHAEL. H. MOORS, JoHN tli tWrdCll, GEOlii3E YOUR°, Jr.. H. G. rdINICH, Nlcao LAS MoDOZiALD, SAMUEL P. EBERLEIN, ANIOs S. GREEN, .111.10EInEL S. SHUMAN. . PHILIP VEBER. Ninth and Peon streets, Reading, is the Agent for the nbove-natnad Company, and .411 Lake rnts in city and country at the lowest raise. June 13, 1E6:1-6nto* TOBACCO AND SEGAE STORE, _ cos rnms bTatE ET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW RAILROAD, READING. PA. (SIGN OF PUNCH.) CUARLES. C. MALTZBERGER, t=I2724.IIIMSAXE 51.1.ZWA,ZX A DEALER IN ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OP TOBACCO, ALWAT ON 11AN1I A FINII AqMTINRNT op REAL MEERSCHAUM, BRIER AND FANCY PIPES Sugar Holders, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, Indik- Rubber Port Mon:ties, See. out 8-tf TO THE WONDERFUL INCREASE 011.0 heel .e=s , it.nd the Wart of tinfticient room to ..eruetnntiete the Nruici i 4 a bail) found it nerinoittry to 0x- teed the boomistrieK or our yard, end Mao accordingly leaned the 111,i11,14 YAttat,Siznated on Ilium STKERT nriany STRE,r, Which v.•ilt Vo used t.xt,ltssively for piling EM LOCKtttol PINE :tt ,tt,T. stti, NTLI NG , ItAF. TEES.itnd my other Malta in the tats, and our prices wilt be blunt to ha lawer than at hey other yard in Otte e!ty. It in oar per pose to keop on head every artie:e that abnold ho kept in a 1 7 11 ,4 1 . I-CUnga YAhh, eu,l any mein!- that may not be on hand wheu called for, will be procured at churl The public are inritod Glve us a can. ❑ite 7-1.11 .1, KEELS. Rua , 'ling. Pa EAGLE BILLWERV I (LATE EORELL'S,) Penn Street, above 7th, Reading, Pa. AVING ASSUMED CONTROL OF THE Lit:hove Brewery, th e subscriber informs the public that after refitting and improving the machinery. Ac., con nected therewith, he in now prepared to fill orders, home or distant, for 66 CELEBRATED LAGER BEER, And he hopes by strict attention to hni•iiiicas, promptneoi and fidelity, to merit and receive the support and approba tion of the good citizens of Reading and vicinity. 1 1 1 =3:/1 acriaoollr* Connected therewith, have alto been neatly refitted for the convenience and comfort or velem The choicest Foreign and American Wines kept at the bar, and the beet "Lager" on Tap. Gentlemanly bar keepers always in attendatiee. Lunch every day. oct L. A. BERTOLETTR. meat Cutters and StuEers. A LARGE AF , .BOitTMENT OF MEAT CUT. 13 ten, 6tulTerB, &e., of all the late Onprovementa. for tale by OEO. LEECH & Oct 17) 004 Market Square, Beading, rm. oprzum 01' 11"8301 Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company. PIIULAPELI 9 / 1 11, November 11, 1803. F t , liE FOLLOWING BTATEAIENT OF TILE 1 affairs of thy Cyrurany Is publiihed Iu coLformity Y, prvvtrilh of lls charter. numiulis E.CEIVED from Nov. 1, 1502 WO& 31, ]363: 00 8i..110, rat 101u30.1 11139'2,549 US 00 Fin, /16,013 03 ---• i;: , cat mITSc3 vit her 1, 206,31* 011 PILIIMII.3IB MARIZED OFT ae earned from HostnnLer 1562, to October Sl, On Marino and Inland talcs 8375,48 S SA On Fire }links, 102,910 44 laterag. during same period, sal Sc„ LOSSES, EXPENSES, &c., daring tho post' as ahavo Marine and Inland Navieation Fire I.nsres, .11etnreed. Premiums, Re• ie,mrs laces, g.•ney (:bargee, A d vortist ng, I'riut• 41e., Taxes, • Expenses, Salaries, Rout, &c., Surplus ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NormtnEa 1, ISO: 410',(00 United Slatec Jive For cent. Loan, b 97.000 00 00• J •. vix per cone. Loan 5.20 e 70,000 00 ibsOat, " six por seat, Luau 1881 22,090 00 030 " 7: 1 .10 per et. Tree. Notes 63.260 CO 11'0,0t.0 State of Pennsylvania. per et. Loan 100,097 50 5.1 " 6 per al. Loan 57,560 00 123,050 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loan 127,528 00 30,000 State of Tonne:well per cent. Loan 15,000 00 '20,000 Pounnylvanialtailroad first mottgage • - 6 per cont. bonds 12;1300 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad second mart gap) 6 per cont. bonds • , 61,250 :00 15,000 300 allures stock Oermantorn Gas Company, principal and inherent guarantied by the ell 61' PIMA. 15,000 00. 5,000 100 shares Stock PennsylVanis Rail road Company 5,000 100 shares Steele North Pennsylvania Railroad Company united States Treasury Certificates of lndebtedneal 123,750 Leans on Mond and 31ortgage, amply Snared 123,700 00, November 11 , 1563. I= C_ Hand, V.IaTI,Ica A. S,:taor. rophillig Pa aiding, .Tohn Penrose, Truqapir. Ravi.). C. Da: lett, Jr., Fauku-1 ,!toits, J. F. PeciFtem, Henry u, William (4. Boalton, Edward - Wiling:on, Jonea Broulie, . _ . Jato.Yr• c:. LmlNrig, J.yron. 11 li. Era, I'r. ii. TA. Huston, Hugh treilcs, Jacob P. Jones. Jauirs il. BlcFarland, Joghop. P Byre, Nt,ucer Arcilvaine, John B. I . :null - 11o, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. TFI^XA e HENRY LYLBURIC, Secre: •Sir - - MATTHIAS ME:Rita, S C. HAND, President. DATIe. }';ca PreAden t. [nov 2 1 —St , •_dent, Reeding, Pst.-Te lIME COZITAWSZA. SEGARS, SNUFFS, etc. '2O mitt „„,-; 4111#401:0441E - No. 5 Beaver Bt., New•Yo - rle,:„ • O the French 8 1/alem. Quick Carve and Zoo Priam !Moo Patient,. Oared dnattalry. DE. TELLER CONTINUES TO 1111 CONFl dentiully !ma snceescrally conealind on nil forms of private, diseases at his old established Hospital, No, 5 Heaelle street, Alhaay, Now-Volt, lrieenty Poo ett danedad to this one Neill:elm- branch of woollen. onahles hint to pertain cures such lie no oilier physician can; and his facilities are such. (being in eiirreipondence with the moot ceiebratod phystrlanu of Lhe Old World) or obtaining the Went no well an the Wok remedies for these dlnoneen, of fer inducements to the nufortuante of a gala and rapid care, to-be obtained at no other office In America. $l/0,x57 20 In anthills, gonorrhoca, gleett . . . atrteturea, enlargement of the testicles and spermacetic curds. bubo, nleera!ed throat, core throat, tender shin boner, cut...moue eruptions, 141100, nicer; abacesces, and all other impurities of the aniline, are ttarfectly under control of the tioutor'e medicines, and bare been tooted in more than 20,000 canes annually with immense antenna. $481,381 78 YOUNG MEN addicted to secret bahlts, wbo Lave im. paired their health and destroyed the rigor of thOr Mind*, time depriving themselves of the plea auras of married life, are notified that in consulting Dr..). Teller, they will Had a friend to console ;tad a physician who bee cured thou mods, in lament every part of the Dotted Claire, who ap plied to Dr. T. broken down In health, now rejoice in all that wakes life desirable cud mau hairy. The reader to of coerce aware that the delicacy of the enhject will pre vent a more minute deceriptinn of this terrible disease. DR. TELLIIII'd 0 DEAT %NIP:K.—A honk far everybody. Startllmt dincloenrea. Dr. Teller's great work for Um TIM., fled and them contemplating marriage -20d pages—full of plates—price 2i cente Heat to all parte, under seal, by melt, post paid. The single married and the married happy. A lecture on Love, or bow to choose a partner— e complete work on midwifery. It eOlitallitl hundreds of secrete never before published, Warranted to be worth three times the amount nsked for it. 2i colts, In epeete or Restage stamps, enclosed, will secure a copy by return mail, Dr. Teller has devoted a life time to the cure of those diseases of which his book treat' 70,411 SS $511.q56 16 $175,444 10 40,750 50 40x:400 .12,131 37 14 P 7.. 78 S -8 SI =:= )11216 GLI £l7 TO THE LADIES.—Dr. J. Teller still retain. the only Agency In America for the Sale of Dr. ylchere Italian Fe male Monthly rifle The sale of more than 20,004 beam; establishes their reputation as a Female Remedy, anew proceed, and far In advance , of every other medicine for stoppages, irregelarltlikanduther obstructions in females. Cauriox..llardisdijadlem, thee/Lain delicate situations should avoid, theltmie.,..Ner intone, ege'direetiees which amoMpanxiiich pihkage,•for"the guidance of patients...- 00 thilr*Boolo Stilthiilirleg e pet,box) these will be' seat, 'by. mailser espreaii;'lo *impart of the world, waive froosharlosity or . daMaga. -46,` a honra from BA. m.'• •loa p. x.; and on Sfiheay gem 2tob p. x••• . • . N. .B.. 4 Parease at a aletanea earl he .earad at hese, by. addreasiag a letter ki.l,4 . 4mee. eneleeiV. eiemittanee..., 4 Idedicihca seeerelp paekea from tr i kitilitient 11L. : 04` part of alie world iWrillloteetriiirk Shiergilfar advice. No stadenttolbpys dew letters toITZLESR, 814 - 04,, nov 21-Bm] , No. 6 Bearer street, AlbanpkNlF 7,224 00 2,650 00 21,420 CU SAPONIFIER OR CONCENTARTED LYE, FAMILY SOAP MAKER. WAR MAKES THOR PRICES; SAPONI— FIER help' to reduce theta. It makes SOAP foe FOUR cents a pound by using your kitchen grease. . CAUTION! As spurious Lyss are offered also, be careful awl only buy the PATENTED article pot up In IRON cans, all others being COUNTERFEITS. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING 00., Philadelphia—No. 117 Walnut Street. nov 21-3m] Pittsburgh—Pitt Street and Duquesne Way. 28,010 V MID 1/,,7F9 /9 = INSURANCE COMPANY STATE! OP PENNSPLVAILNIA. OFFICE, NOS. 4 AND 5 EXCHANGE ButhDiNcr, North Sidu qf Walnut Bt., Between Dock and Third SO., PHIL A DELPHI A . ELWCWZPORAMED IN 13 0 24. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ...'.za-..i0 , ..Tuiv_411...m.- onfropc.".4t3Cl6e3w. Properties or tire Company, Feb. 1, 1863 Marine, Fire and Inland Trans) orlation insurance DIRECTORS. HENRT D. SIIEREERD, WILLIAM R. WHITE, CHARLES MACALESTER, GEORGE If. STUART, WI f.LIAM G. SMITH, SAMUEL GRANT, Jr., JOHN B. AUSTIN, TOBIAS WAGNER, EDWARD C. KNIGHT, TIII*I.AB S. WATTSON, HENRY G. FRET: N, I VHARLES S. LEWIS. GEORGE C. CARSON, HENRY D. SHERRERD, President. WILLIAM' HARPER, Secretary. fl Applications for Insurance may be made to WIL IAM REELY, at Howard & 0.1 . 2. Express ()Zee. May le, 1683-ly FALL AND WINIV DRY COODs'''f: RAVE NOW OPENI4 viceinient of, D RY . 00,016 e fr i't ...OnPriniVl pa rt . .4 . 4'. * 101 E N. , IssE wit di keiai,,,_.“ ,, ,2, , : 021 , 106 ...Sfaft luck 0 ',AV . ; PA Maiiii All WoolDoltirneeT",_ '''' . 4 gainannala, Mffin° B andtoblirgeo7,'`. •annutleta, _.,,.. All Wool Pied% , ,?.... Jltoeiety; ts'llt Alpacas, r, Iti. z f ' Tiimuttoge, Embroldill, Fe,. Style Felons , , 1 4 /Mote and Glng •, luil .. Persian Do Latins, •••' • • ' Betio Skirts, &g o & ` Men's anot,Boye' Wear eed ; '''.- Cloths, Silk Mixed Coatings, Kentucky Jeans, Doeskin Cassimeres, Postings, Palen Dir.mmeres, Furnithing Goode. Fancy flea dmeres, are , &c. lIODS.ESTIO GOODS : Twilled Flannels, Red, White. Yellow and Grey Flannels, Canton Flaeoles, Checks, Tioin r , Drillings, Table Lin. en., 15leaCkled a. Del.l.ached sheeting end M 18111313, Towel ing,. ite., Sm. All of which we eller at the iowestimarket prices. 6,78 t 47 946 64 154,915 94 sept 19-tt PALL STYLE -OF HATS, CAPS AND FURS, WZIOL7ASALEI AND REITALITE, %;I • AT 'SUE OLD•ESTABLISHED STAND OF Mr!. Gr. 3604=e413...15it, No. 4.50 Penn Street, next door to the Union Bank of Reading, ITT im IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FROM VT New-York and Phlladelplela the latest styles or MATS and CAPS idepted to the &omen. Ile has also received a line as sortment of LADIES' FURS, BUFFALO ROBES, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS VALMAS &e., wbich will he mold at the lowest each prises. As he pays Cash For all his gouda, he is ambled to sell them at the low est price. Le• A large lot of the beat . quality of BED FEA THERS received, to Which the attention of Housekeepers is respectfully invited. Call and elekbilis.—No trouble to show goods. isep 26-Lt FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. JUST OPEIN.D3D , FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ZS of seasonable DRY GOODS, comprising new and de- Ftrable Style. or Dross Goode,Gloves and Home r& , I Shawls, Shinn and Dre were, Cloa kingst, Marseilles Quilt.. , Clothe and Cassimores, Infant.' Goode :'': - Satinet. and Jeane, Embroiderlee, V - .. .' IHatautta Black Pllk Lace, :''''', •:- • Flannels, pellet Ribbons, ~ , ,,isc' ~, . Line:: Goods,Balmoral fOrirte, ~.- I. . ' Cotton Goods, Sapetior Hoop Saila ~.. ' ZgEOURNMO GOODS, . .Itl flitter - Tor akoals, and Limo fabric, ail of which will be fold at the lowed market price.. ._. ! , ',L' A. H. lIMIT, '" - bet 10] MS East pons street. RMOVAL. HENRY CROUSE', IIM3 REMOVED HIS noicsale Fancy Dry Goods and :Notion Store, TO No. 16. WEST PENN SQUARE, REIDINa, PA., 11.101NING JOHN S. PIZAR BON & CO'S., ti where he offers to the and retail customer the liergiii4 and roo,t de,irable assort trade ment of goods in hi s line ever brought to thin city. Ills stock COlienite in part of sodllo levy Cloy-., lau•lkerclllets, Tailors' Trimmings, Nan inery and FllitcyCoups; Jewelry, (ninths, rine, Needles. Thread. Sewing Siihe , Are., khan .Findings, In age, Stationary. Cutlery, and a great variety of Miscellaneous Ai lleiltS a.n4 Nothing ton numornrol to mention. • Country Merchants. Pedlars, Milliners end others supplied by wholesale at Om lowest city prices for Cash. May 2, 3.5i:3, HARDWARE & IRON STORE, NATZEOLESALX: AND RETAIL, V E SUBSCRIBERS, HAYING BOUGHT the old E•telllehetl Ilrrdware and Iron Store of the late Pricker, Sievennon & and having Added a, large new Stock of goods; would respectfully cell the attention of the public to their large assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, lIWAV, STEEL. PAINTS, GLASS. NADDIAR GGAGE TRIMMINGS, &e., Which they we determined to sell at the very loweet Mar ket Prices, wholesale and GKOECE LERCH 8E CO., Corner of "th and market, spo,ro, next door to Borbou'a Nannion Nome. (K'olto'n Old Slar.t). GEORGE LEECH.] ]au [J. T. JACKSON.. MILSO3I. I III7OEN PHE nEst . AND CHEAP CE TO buy Gnus, PAWAor;:shot, • markit ra• • Oct 17] MEM $493,829 67. *IIT 3E1_71 1115.1567 M. KEFFER. & SON, Corner of Fifth and spruce &ream -1• 4 5 i; vi• - • NI. 111 , • • ' per , • WINDOVIK Q S. GEO. CHRISMAN; THANKFUL FOR PAST favors from the citizens of Reading and Berke cannty, would respectfully announce that he hasjuet opened New Myles WALL PAPER FOR FALL 'X" XL .a. 3CI 3E . ELEGANT GOLD BAND WINDOW SHADES Always Ca band at ❑3e 'owes prices WINDOW SHADES MADE TO ORDER Of any Color and any Sire Wanted Store Shades Made to Order, LETTERED in GOLD or in COLOR SLAW 1 MASS i 1 THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR rage, old newspapers and pamphlets. PAPER BAER. On hand, a large lot of Paper Bageorbieh will be sold cheap, at ' - 9g/0, cIIERMAr*, . . , £V F. 7107 ~;: NO. ::.. -21-2.5), oct 3] Penn et„adjointng fiiinefel Bank.of-R,eadl og. G. H. LAUMAN,APB::: J. D. BITTING. LAUMAN, SALLADE & „CO., . Wines:.-and , Liquors, No. IN SOUTH NINTH , STHATiri (BETWEEN CHESTNUT AND WALNUT) 3F O 321 C .1 3 1. 7Z) 30 IA Ma XI I Novembor ISS3-tf DEAFNESS, DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR AND AIR-PASSAGES. A. 'l' AL Mt. Mt 2-Z. EYE AND EAR. NOISE . 1 1' ,1`4, 44P , E.„.fli.. IMMEC .p.EAPN - „ESS. Dr 4 P. A. Niqr-MOCILZISKER OcULISeii.D4AURT. AVTEfOR , I"fr' : 4;1 Awe, A . WORK ifierrriarn • 4, 4 ,1 0 .I)lefloal — and Surgical Boience. 'With Observations on tie Trea4meiat of Dioeoikos of Om *ye. Can be annerilbid on DEAFNESS and all diseaseg of tie EYE :AND EAR , rat:11111.1Di; Medicator Surgical treatment. adrlo27--1027-i1027-1027"ut WALNUT STREET, Detween Pena- Sari 4 .Alsa . ;enda !tweet, , PHILADELPHIA, PA zar References of the higliest respectability can be oh. tiiitea of moo performed by Pr, Von Koalataker, in severe 00000 of Dm/Twat, and BitudneBe. Dug 16 4,0zia ,.. A,ort .-x FOURTH & ARCH Ste., PHILADELPHIA. ARE OPENING FOR FALL TRADE, FRENCH MERINOES, GOOD BLACK SILKS, DARK FIGURED SILKS, NEW PLAID SILKS, NEW FANCY FLANNELS, BALMORAL PETTICOATS, RED, WHITE AND BLUE FLANNELS, eta. sep 0-Sue 1 2.2103 CIMEAT Dyspepsia Remedy and Blood Searcher. D . 11. MARKLEY'S HEALTH RESTORATIVE BASSANI —This celebrated Medictie is offered to, the penile as the beet remedy for Dygpsesiitilivertiompllnt, Headache, Piles, Diseases of•the Biond;` , Broptions of the Skin, eta. . IT HAS ORM) THOUSANDS PP,- - ij; 4. 4 3. Ag VE R,A IL I N O.,:qhIE,DY I 4 1 } 11 P . . I TEIM,I . .],,,' . , Rea/ , 1 ~ jib Mine folllti-ABNiin 14 Caminar,m, of the ne 1- lybell4 Martha% B , 24aniikphoo dealers,. • a - 40 -,,,-,- 1 , 11 ,-:,--,,' LaNOAßrit Pif,fehfarch - 4,.156.9; • — r•l r rftr *" .l lBrigaTOVlVlttl vs - . - • :'• .0 a iii r ac•ii , bllitated, —4 / lf ll. litrlPlr it, - . . *Oft be te iii iiairfoint sorklb •of . !abort " Iha;te• lOW to . thfir st lipotom witt aoh:t without relief •ciadtmvf-thealooat piipo ... rdtes of'tho day; but nlhigi, flaimilid um %ny go ' y sUfferings cannot be i r desert dis words. I was thou ring at ElopeWeli, Ches ter coenty; and in 113G7, es a laMisaort; I commenced the lime of your medtclies. They'soatt bffordedmeeellef from the must painful symptoms whiqb I had scaYeely biped to obtain; told in a surprisittgly Short time rwlailkilapleisly Pastore.] to health, and I hate ei)obik the befit ciill?Oth ever mince—not a symptom of taaomplaint remain ing. Since then, 1 have always ' k ?tyoxii,..ipedicinee in my family, and would not be Ofi otit them spec any con sideration, es they have Dever falletl,4ollo what you claim for Own, Iteapnetfolly yonra, A. EL CAMPBELL. This is but one of the teeny toslinionlale daily received In probe of this groat medicine Nor sale by HARVEY BIRCH intnrEtP.R, June Drukginti. No. ti 3 Weat Penn &.. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, Watch Maker and Jeweler, IIANUFACTURe.II. OF SILVER WARE AND IMPORTER OF WATCHES, No. 143 North Second St., comer Quarry, PHILADELPHIA, . ..... ~ lIE HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AN*AS SORTBIENT or Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Le. pine and Plain Watehea; Fine Gold (Maine, Seals and Keys, linmet Plait, Ear Itinge, Finger.ltlnge, Brace lets, Miniature fans, Nicole Mom Luken', Penall4, Thimbles. Speolael fel, Silver Table, Emmert. Tea, Salt and Mustard Spume; Sugar Spoons, Enna, Napkin Bingo, Fruit and Rutter Kutves, Shields, Combs, Diamond Poin ted Penn, etc ,--it// ilf which wilt be Reid /owf or gam 1 111. T. TOIMAS & Otl'e bear quality tall jeweled Patent Lever Movemente constantly on baud; also other Makers of superior finality. N. 11.—Old Gold and &her benyld for Cash. bept. 5-ly Maii MINIBMETI . ..,, ~., .. ..„ ‘: . ....,.. 1 - 14141BOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT DUCH I.T, tt Poeltive and. Specific liemedy for of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and DropHical Swollinga. This rdedleine luerentice the power of Digestion, and en— cltee the' dheerbente Into healthy action, by which the Watery or Caleareans deponitiode, and all Unnatural En largements are reduced, at well as Pain and Inflammation. EIELMEOLIYE EXTRACT RUCHtT For Weakness aririog from Excosnea. Habits of Diasipa tlon, Early ImliacratLon or Abuse, attended with the follow lug eymptolos:— ludiapoailiun to Exertion, Loom of Power, Low or Armory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Norma, Trembling, Horror or Disease, Wakerninome, Dimness; of Vision, Palo in the Beek, Univeraal kt , eitude of the bineenlar Suetom, Hot Hands, Fiouhiog of theßody, Dryness of the Skin. Ernotionson tho Face. _ Cuunteuanca. Tbese symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this meth duo invariably removes, euun follow luipolonay, Fatuity, Epiltplie File, In ono of whish the Patient may expire. Who can say that they are not negnently followed by those "Direful Dlseaselt," "INSANITY AND CONSUSIPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONTR. THE ItIICOILDB OF THE INSANE MEM And Melancholy Deaths by Consumption bear ample witness to the Truth or the assertion. The Canstitvdion once' affected with Organic Makatea* requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen nnd invigorate the Syetem, 11Thirch MIMMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICIRII invariably dace.; A Trial will convince, the moat skeptical. rEnrAuma—rratAtEs•faTritaivEs: /n ..ifalizvelffeettine jriiinakir. to Females thelirraoor , Btrcuu o &mulled - .by• any other wolnody2,* lelohlo,(91lo Arrogularlly, ralbfalneekor,fitiiiiiteteloneot :r44 . l2llafingift 6 ll9s l ll - :' Mahn. Inoldeit , ,41. 7 "., 7,- ; , • ake 'lto more. trateam Koretory,Oo Istopieasaait Medi cines for uttplatireipstjp4444'agerroctiseassik HI LIPTOLDifi.I3XTRAci: jilt RU AND 411401 1 1.1 P, 7-Iql 113 E ro'. In alt tbeli Stops, At mu° gxpeme, Lune or no change No inconvenience. ' And no Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing pad Caring Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflammation, no frequent in the class of diseases, and expelling cal Poisonous, Diseased and wornout Matter. Tmouse coo UPON THOUSANDS W/I0 KAYO BIKSN THE VIC TIMS 00 QUA.OXB, and who have paid heavy tea In be cared in a short time, have foiled they were deceived, and that the " POISON " bas, by the use of " POWEIMUL ASTRINGE BSTs," been dried op In the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps slier Marriage. URe lIRLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BMW for all affections and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing to MALE or FEMALE, from whatever canoe originating and no matter of .HOW LONG STANDING. - - Diseases of them Organs require the aid of a DIURETIC. HEL64I3OI.D'S EXTRACT BUCUU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, and is certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases for tchich it is Recommended. Evidence of the Meet tellable end cesponcible elmarnotet will accompany the medicine. Price $l.OO per bottle, or six for $O.OO. Dalivorad to any Address, seemly patina from oboorva itoo. Describe, Symptoms in all Communications. Cures Guaranteed ! Advice Gratis!! Address letters for information to IL B. HELDIOOLD, Chemist. Ist South Tenth street, below Che4nnt, Phila. 11T,LWBOLD'S Medical Depot, lISE,MBOLD'S Drug and Uhenzteal Warehouse, 594 Broadway, Now-York. • BEWARE OF. COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALER'S vrho endeavor to dispose ni' their own and "other." th?reßutal,ion, attained by 11e4d440in - Itisc 4. ! ,ntettet•lntetnt. r• • Improved Rose, ' 4 4 v - owsrs ) u PBX ZWNEETA AsKirciu=ntx,)icappes,`:-r, :TA/11'210 0111E13,„: a...Ced,intrilurAdvertleeinpkand 3 tendAnEdt e ` l4 , np~7-17 . 14ND . . :t•t•l'lo44itiiiiii42.-1 r,ilfl CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A pure and powerful Tonic, corrective and a] lenitive of wonderful efficacy is diem@ of the STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramps and Spasms, and all Complaints of either Sex, arising from Bodily Weak ness whether inherent in the system or produced by apecial Gauen. NOTHINEt that Is not wholesome, genial and restorative in tie nature enters Into the composition of 110STETTRAT STOMACH BITTERS. This populadt preparation contains na mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant: but it is a combination of the extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants with the purest and mild eat ,of all dtfinsive stimulants. It la Well to be forearmed against diseoute,and,.no tar so systern..can be protected" egging maladies engendered by an iinVnVigrarkearri. pharti:icepayiooo44a , dud other eneerniiViiiklioNcle' Tian'a may be relied on no aftutlrd:, 441' i 44 . 47 :4 7 354; 31Y - ...t.x!,,pp1i - letakareaigit wan Fever and . Fite ties and 4iie dy and thousindi'Who resort to it undet apprebeniqes.if iswetteen f losesee the scourge; and thoneande tbeinselveg of its protective coalition tit iadvaece, are cured by a very brief course of this marvelous medi cine. Fever and Agne patients, after being plied with quinine for months in vain, until fairly saturated with that dangerous alkaloid, are not nnfreetuantly restored to health within a few days by the nse of 110STETTRIZ'S BITTERS. The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appe tite restored by this agreeable Tonic, and hence it worke wonders is coed of DYPPEPOIA and in less confirmed forms of Iffnufesrfox. Acting as a gentle and painless aperient, us well MS upon the laver, it aloe invariably relieree the CONsTIPATION superinduced by Irregular action of the dl gealve and secretive organs. Per9lllll9 /7f fOOlllO habit, Ilsll4 to 37..reinta Attach., Low 'Here tf Sp trite and Pile of Lmtguor, lied prompt and pormaaeot retie( rrom the Bitters. The testimony OIL this point is most CQllVilleiVei and from both gene. The agony of litmotre COLIC is immediately assuaged by a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally ?te noning to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented. A.E. a Neer.] Teel., Ilbathrraws Dimas produce effects which must be experienced or witnessed before they can be fully appreciated. In cores of Cbluditedioncri Weakness, Premature Decay and Debility and Deerepi lade arising from OLD Ana, it exercises the electric influ ence. In the convalescent stages of all diseases it operates as a delightful invittorant. When the powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to re-enferfo and re - establish them. int not least, it is The Only Safe Stimulant, being ilured from mound sod innocuous materiale, and free from the acid elements present more or basin rdinary tonics and etemnobles Of the day. illy medicine ban been no nulvereally, and, It may added, eimervedly popular with the Intelligent ..dilecommetiity, nn 110STETTER'9 CUTTERS. 0 1 114.3. , ' ...,, . .4 0*/KULL 6, Pilbhuruh, Pa. .. ~... -rr...,..... 4 MAggli ol4 Bl )ll4 , l ltql..lftprakeepers every— ' Iri 'tk.V.:— .- , ~:,..... lseir 7-11 ' 1.- 41 , :04. - .4.;f't'.''... '.,,,..:-:-...., ..- .6',41.$- A ':" ~n,',4', ' ,-; -- • .:: .. , -& - i•'''n' At 2- ..+V.-0:14"...'-' .~ , " E. - 84; H.'T. ANTHONY, MANUFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. OUR CATALOGUE NOW EMBRACES CON FIDEBADLY over Four Thousand different sob jcdts (to whist, additions are continually beiug made) of 3•.rtraia of Ralocut American, etc., vtz: 7d 11A101441 ENE RA LS, 020 STATESMEN, 300 BRIll•OENE it A LS, 127 DIVINES, 2.59 COLONELS, 110 AUTHORS, Si LIEUT.-COLONELS, SO ARTISTS, 2.117 01 1 11E11 OFFICES'S, 112 STACIE. GU NAVY OFFICERS, 41 - 1 PROMINENT WOMEN. 147 PROMINENT FOREIGN PORTRAITS. 2,500 Copies of Works of Art, Including reproductiong of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Stables, Ac. Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PICTURES from our ect.htette will bo filled on receipt of $1.60, and sent by mail, free. PROTOGRARRIC ALBUMS. 0 I thew me manufacture a great variety, rauging fa price from 5J cents to SW each. . . Oar ALBUMS have the reputation of beteg superior in beauty and durability to any others. The smaller Mode can be ecnt Safely by mall at a peetage 9r MX 99134 per oz. The more expensive can be Pent by exprese. We also keep a large assortment of STERESCOPES & STERESCOPIC VIEWS, Our Catalogue of these will be sent to any address on re ceipt of Stamp. B. & H. T. ANTHONY, Manufacturers of Photographic Materials 501 BROADWAY, NBW-YORK. Friends or relatives of prominent military men will con for a favor by sending ye their likenesses to copy. They will be kept carefully and returned uninjured. FINE OLBIJAIS MADE TO °MAUI for Congregations to proximal° their Pastor, or Another purposes, with suitable &c. tang 222—0nt0. ta,..gT LACK'S MENIS'ANITBQYS' CLOTHING ,E,stAß ni r-1 - ' ... ',- ff. 4. -= yt!) R - - itaggie6l , • ..,ir t ~.....** - .P -z..- Airdei ..t..- -oteek 04..0,41.'' '.i.. !'iiiiiiipi.!o4l-•--•-fraiipSoA.s,,dep.....7-4,f . W ' ' , fisAND .Y -:.,f'- -4.4etp-0 'E . ." a'• bona REI/Mleto 1 ' ~,,',047/AL . i.....,.orateriii ilia a ti .' . ~ . wrowy.BAl4 '.44ol',AR.'""s'atring4d-tklitio;io4l. l6.- .'',ltillsB '.; • , . psi?pio'Mat . _miio94/:, - tfitpo#,.v, - -. : orders ,z,VariiiiTitlirkrnar' eo~ae 14 wire ...,.... djas - lit±ol7.o.4auto all . . risrtimista'o" p urchaser. 'allegation to 'the p asp 5-3mo] Choirs, Conventions, and Sinking Schools, The best Music Book of the Season, "92 1 1 MIT OIL 3311.1119" Which, though but six weeks old, has attained A POPULARITY UNEQUALLED, Cale of rifty Whousand Copies. SEVERAL. CONVENTIONS HAVE USED IT with Snare satisfaction—twelve More Conventions will use it thin montb—und a large number are making ar rangements for the wain roam, Choke nod no book equal to it for practice—and, certainly, abnokge ava flab le for Conventions awl Choirs cannot be otherwise than the Look for Singing Sonoote. Speck:gnn pages sent free. Price of "The Harp of .Tudah," ilit per copy; Se per doz. Sold by all Music bootees and Itook.-ellem. omvsn DITSON ik CO , Pabllsbere. oot 24, 1858-]y] 277 Washington Street, Boston. MERCHANT TAILOR No. 659, Penn Street, Third door below Seventh Street• ern SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY IN VITES the eititene of Rattling and vicinity, to Ids D Y- MAD E Aran* . taof l slstina of Chet Cauca.. Ffotk'Coat., otions Color* and He it a1e4 11 p10 1 44. with 4;4°94,!l°ek"*.i ' ''. :CASSIERtS• AD VESTINu, tttsloh will neatest , In the d, and most. kvnisaik.ts99Pler , teetdonable ity*At 414.-1"4" " h l=tn u , mete yo*ditrelMr, ) , 4 4 ;5 1 4•74:4 1 IP' . 'tags WV ' -sty 411010 1 r i 1 Good., : • Im=Lz,fli)-at ~,,!:,11.1116k,,pb11914H114M,e, 31.1*: • 4 •1641ng, Pi, Oct.lo, 1 8 03.-3 mo EVE • FANCY POS 1 FANirirl'll Si . . tO Mar PA EMIR AL • No. 718 ARCH &reel, below Eighth, South aide, PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER 1 . ' of and Dealer in all kle.le of P FANCY FURS, !I.:1c- FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. I - 4 ,v. ' .. .t ~.. wish to remrn my thanks to my friends ,' • .:.' ... •' it l ite s ll e f l o d r i a ll ei a r a v d er ib y e ligr n ar patronage ox. f; ~ ' % • ,-. tended to me during the last few years. 44! .1 . 1 , ^IT"' an d wou l d q.' '' -'-:. y t . 0 t w ill:D .l 2: o I now n have Manufacture, a rent' exteneive assort. moot of all the different kinds and qualities of FANCY FURS, for Ladles and Children, that will be worn during the Fall and Winter eassona. . . Being the direct Importer or all my Fars from Europe, and baying them all Meenfactored ureter my owe antler vision—enables me to offer my castomera and the public a much handsomer Ret of Fars for the same money. Ladles please give me a call before parch/wing. Please remember the name, number and street. JOHN PAREIRA, asp No, 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia. THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM. No. 920 Chestnut St, (Formerly no. 708.) PHILADELPHIA. T W. PROCTOR & CO., INVITE THE AT „ TUITION of their PflAndtl to Wyse and &Toll Stock of PXND CLOAKS AND Pint% Unparalleled In any former mason. The increased ficommadatlva narded ID 00f BOW 10an• don, enable& us to devote the fullest attention to oar FUR DEPARTMENT, which will be found well furnished with every description of FIRST CLASS FURS, which will he guaranteed an re presented, or the money paid will be refunded. ORDEHIS par mall wilt he wordily attended to, and de livered, Express charges paid, any distance inside of 100 miles. J. W. PROCTOR, it CO.. Sep 5 1803-Iy] No. 920 Chestnut Street, Plated's. VARNISHES, PAINTS AND GLASS ! - WE OFFER TO DEALERS, COACRMAKERS .•arY, and Hosea Z./armors, at the very lowest nett rash :•prloali, Maimed Coach and Cabinet Varnioher ; Pare White .tibid.; Wolk ead..ameticati Mors ; Chrome Greene, and CM. repaid-Fiery Blacks, and a fall anaortment of 1 tttft.Pit 4 7,9404. q.). a. Vergoillioon Labe, Tube ... ~,. , .. ' 'tridlitt,'And Varnish Bruehee , of the best .•, ._ : , . . ads and Pointe ; Paint Mile; '. ;V .. " .•,' . ..,aktes, of all descriptions and all ~ !f r ~ V .. , ',7r' . : ' ,' , IS and Coach Painters — which we ~ aesi!aell eithhili,lif 'nor cheaper, than any other beam, 'from.yhe fait that we keep dawn oar expeame by conduct ing sittilianliiisen personally. ' Mr. Ran,—one of thojtrok-4for many yearn mannfaistar• ed the Varnishes, cold by the late C. Pchraek. We feel confident that oar Varniallitt, tie equal, if not superior, to any manufactured In this: coultry. We warrant them to give enilresatlnfaction, and if not as represented, the money Will be refunded. Give In a call Were purchasing else where. A liberal discount made to the trade. FELToi& RAI7, Noe. 136 & 133 North Fourth Street. ect 17,1363-61no] corner Cherry, Philadelphia. PROCLAMATION ! THE GREATEST CHANCE EVER Offered to buy Good Jewelry at Low PriCen. VlOO 000 WATCHES, CHAINS, Soto of JBWBI.B.Y. Rings, Bracelets, Lockets, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, etc., etc., to be ea:Voir ONE DOAZIAZt ZIALCZ, and not to tin paid for until you know what you are to get. isier Send 2:5 cents for a Coral:Wet°, which will inform you whet you can have for El. Certificates mmtalning the name and value of One Piece of Jewelry, are Enveloped, scaled up nod mixed, then, when ordered, are taken with out choice and soot 10 you by mail, Yon can goo what you can have, then It le your option to eend $1 for the ar— ticle or not. eirealare and Catalogue &at free. Agnate wanted In every town and regfinent. Box 5219, P.O HENRY HARPER, No. 320 ARCH Street, Philadelphia, HAS ALWAYS A LARGE STOCK OF WATCITES, fur Ladle, and Gentlemen—ln Gold and Silver. FINE JEWELRY, of the moot hoh bouakte stylea. SOLID MINS:I-WARS, in great variety. and ROGERS' Superior Plated Ppoons, Forks, etc., etc (cent 15-4 mo SUPERFLUOUS HAIR INSTANTANEOUSLY AND PERMANENTLY removed without Injury to the skin, by the use of CLINTON'S newly discovered process. Address, en closing Ave - cents ta pangs /Owl's' 9r, 11111111161. D. H CLINT°N. Tb#4, 1 ,AgNisirkpleSSOL Dalle sa. ' . .''i,..' , ,,.'..' . .,..,, : ; . ),..::', ; ,:;,',:';..-...",....',i..! , ''..:7' . .7.--. .'';'l:."-,: 501 BROADWAY, IiEW-lORK E. MATLACK, Agt. 904 Market Street, Philadelphia IDICOM By any :similar work, and is meeting with A. DEMAND UNPRECEDENTED; Doering within three months 3. Z. lELIZIVEINE, 4LIV - 3=P C7-I.IOorMIXMPI., Addzeso A. J. HARPER & CO., 203 Broadway, New-York Leapt 673m0* fi. W'IFA I.t • F C4 ' CONSTITUTION trif terz TErmßx:6 74xl , l , FOR. THE IClCOWeiriliarr _ Tr rZ 4 C,ll.:r AND THE ONLY KNOWN REMFM' FOE. DIABMT' AND. DISEASES OP THE KIDNEYS AND 1311Maii These Dangerous and Troublesome hisms, thus fur Re&isted the hest direrw 7„, . Completely Controlled R ?0, TEE CORA TI propertteß tbe medicine direct thenitelvec Hecretiou, and by so altering the comini.,o. ~f and liver that the starchy principle of varied into suttee BO WOK BB thi) eyßiem nuance of the CONSTITUTION WATER, which gives those organ. time to recover their hr, , e., and vigor. cured are able to etate that the eireeti t „ei , ii i t ter has cured every Case of Diabetes to whi c h i "siit , l L, b m. erne. STOKE IL' THE BLADDER, OA LOULCS, r;p BRICK DUST DEPOSITS, ANL .71,- cp,i,,f; l riL MILKY DISCHARGES AFTER "4 URINATINu. Disease occurring from one awl She earn , 0. ,, , :., entirely cored by the Constitution Water, trt.k„ 7 :,, . length of time. The does should vary with the e- - e - ,:, t h e mimes, from twenty drops to A teaspoonful ttg,,,,,-",i'„" painy, in urgent Daring the patma-e of the Leann"" 4110::inrd:11101:yiriell tti27ll.:,Pirllo9;e:nripsd:bee:ivet:Lhohn:ttoTiret! •:.1:: enz:ci Water, as above directed. DYSKENORRHOSA, OR PAINFUL MEATS t - 4 Tr, ~. . AzizpflE= Nplill/14 Al 14 ' OR NOR:SS ' too inns, eel t ''- ii,. rimi rrilikill' - .'ot her a to t ozer„,,,Z , • . ! i t st :1!,:. ..., "::.107 , ttnred by t c”sqa,:,, The ihnieWit IftlitiVairirLlNO OFTIIh WOMD, , .leitie relaxation Of thEllgaments of that orm , ''. - twin by &mum •orldsitiviness and Stagg', 1 ,„. ,., Y . : link Mid sides, end at times accompanied by '?" Wig or shOottior pains through the parts, will - Film; 4't a 1,14. et* be removed by the medicine. ?-... There in another cites of symptoms arising tr,,a its . :TATION OF THE WOMB, Which physician; cc, ;::,:-. nese, which word covers up much ignorance, t,,,d ,','' 1:144411 out of ten the doctor does not really im,e.... ,, ..„7. : ' the symptoms are the disease, orthedheate the 57:4,7,:.' We can only enumerate them here, I speak Jude tw:7,"' larly of Cold Feet, Palpitation of the Heart, in,f,,,,,. t i Memory, Wakethinese, Fimhes of Heat, Lantoq l - • . . trade, and Dimness of Vfaion. ... . „Zhgf, SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION, Which in the unmarried female to a Coa,Mmi rem,r7. disease, and through neglect th e seeds of more grav,; , dangerous maladies are the result; and as moeth month pleases without an effort being mallet., Ram; the suppreesion becomes chronic, the patient grao INNS her appetite, the hearth are otthelitec.,4, Meats come on, and consumption finally ends " LEUCORRINBA OR 'WHITES. This digest* depeude upon an intlamMaliort r,r lining of the vagina and Womb. It fie in all ems, ets.:•2. panted by severe pain in the beck, across the botrm thrototh the hips. A teaspoonful of the medicine tame three times a day, With an injection of a tet4eq, , ,,: fed of the medicine, mixed with a hattplat of Mat W