~klt~C~-~ri~C~~. WHIMSY DRINKING 11 THE Anlay.--"Dunn Browns," the army correspondent of the Spring- 1 field .Repub limn, thus discourses of the use of whiskey in the army An army is a Lig thing, and it takes a great many eatables and not a few drinkables to carry it along. have you any idea how many barrels of • c ommissary' (that's a gentle euphemism for whiskey) it takes per.week to run the machine ? I don't know exactly. but I do know that it Would be better to Uncle fibtni than 100,000 vol unteers to his army if he would ebut off entirely and absolutely the supply of intoxicating liquors from officers and men, from surgeons and hos pitals, and everything and everybody connected with the army. On what ground is the present. vast supply of whiskey furnished? Is it that an occasional ration may be issued to the soldiers when returning from picket or after an exhaust ing march? Why, there hasn't been a whiskey ration issued to a single regiment, to my know ledge, for many a month, and I am certainly within the truth when I say that not ten a year &reissued to the troops on an average. it is as good as a total abstinence society to be a private in the army. 'Cause „why The use of liquor? has so increased among the officers that none is now left over to the men ! Three gallons a week are about the present usual allowance of °Briga dier General and inferior officers in proportion. A Major General, who is liberal and reasonably hospitable, is expected to spend at least his pay in various liquors: Every time a general or staff officer calls on a comrade, the bottle is expected to be produced. Every time an officer is promo ted he is expected to " "Wet his comraissi , m-" Every occasion of a sword or horse presentation is improved for a big drunk. It is not considered quite yet reputable for an officer to be helplessly or crazily drunk when actually engaged on some special duty, such as an officer of the picket or judge advocate of a court martial, but at other times it is nothing against him, and even if caught in such a case it is rather his misfortune than hid fault, poor fellow !" Tnn FALL FAERIONS.—The fashions the pre- Sent season run to the extreme colors. A New York journal calls them the „ Conflagration Styles," and thus discourses upon them " The sidewalks are flare with prismatic tints. One would think the ladies had been to the Orient and borrowed all the various dyes Of colored garbs as bright as butterflies," that astonished the pirate Lambe when he 'lnez pettedly dropt in upon his daughter and her lover at her sumptuous revels. Scarlet, gold and purple, crimson, amber and blue, adorn the sloping shoulders of our promenading belles. Some of them sport all these colors at once and have the appearance of being cloaked in rain bows. Then the feathers that flame torch-wise in the fore fronts of their fancy hats. Saw ye ever the like, oh! sober citizens of Gotham! Locomotive bonfires illuminate Broadway, and the plate-glass windows of the mantilla mer chants dazzle us with their incendiary hues. Even the little girls have been transformed into Little Red Riding Hoods. Motley's the only wear and such a motley'. That loud color which (he blind man compared to the sound of a trumpet is predominant; flaming yellow is also popular, and burning blue mingles in the flashy show. When one sees a lady in deep mourning among the fashionable flambeaus, it gives one the im pression that some fiery damsel has burned out, and been reduced to charcoal: The macaws, at the bird fanciers pale their ineffectual fires' in the presence of our gorgeous Birds of Beauty. Were Cowper alive to see this spectacle, he would be tempted to give us a new version of Madame Blaze.' " Art ANCIENT BABE..—Hear the following con versation which took place recently between a steady old Qaaker and his 80n, who just returned from a visit to the Southwest; " Did thee re ceive my remittance, Nathan, my sou ?" Yes father." " Then why did thee not buy thee a new cost ? Thy present is certainly very fragile." " Why, the fact is, I left all my money in the bank at New Orleans." thy economy is certainly commendable! In what bank did thee deposit it?" do not exactly remember in what bank, father. I know it was a very good one, as it had a Scriptural name. It was—MM, let me eoe—it was the Plaareah Dank, i think. It had a good many depositors." "Eon, banks are very unsafe now, and thee had better send for thy money immediately." Nathan took a cough ing spell SALE OF LAND. 1,200,000 ACRES wag LAND OEM ILLMOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. TT IS WELL KNOWN THAT THIS COM— pang, to the few yam glace the commotion of the oad, bee sold a large number of Farms to Settlers, into. mostly in a abort time, enjoyed a degree of pros perity, which is suliMient evidence of the quality of thn soil, and the facilities for disposing of its produce. The numerous villages which have. sprung up in this abort time also indicate the abundant resources of the country. The lend le rich PRAIRIE SOlL,eften thickly weeded. Woodland can generally be purchased at short distances sod low prices—sometimes of the Company, The Wahine kind, of pain are sucoereently cultivated. Fruit, Grapes, *c., grow rapidly, and yield abundantly and of superior quality. The-fruit market in probably the best in the Wear. For the raising of Cattle there In no better country to be found. Considering the infancy of the settlements, lunch has already been done for Schools. The Company offers to settlers great advantages. The land is sold—Wood or Prattler-at from de to $l2 per sere ; according to its distance from the Railroad. At the time of purchase, only the interest of the purchase money is re quired. For the 3 flret yearn, like -riga only the interest. At the end of the fourth year and the th ree following, each one-quarter of the capital; than after the expiration of seven years, the whole amount in paid. On cash pay -3.111/14 a liberal discount is allowed. . Purchasers are ex empt from taxes on the land for seven years. oar. The and...lamsd has been appointed agent, and having personally examined the land, is able to give oxect latormatiou. All communication. to be addressed to JOHN ENDLICII, Agent, Needing P. 0., gertseonnty, Pa /gawk 21-tf] Desirable City Lots For Sale. E UNDERSIGNED OFFERS AT PRI %TATE Bale at moderate rates, ve Building Lots on North Ninth street. SMES=MIWN=II Three Building Lots on the West Bide or Forth Tenth ntreet, and Fourteen Building Lots on the east side of Nees aley. The eondittonc will lbemade easy to pert:Lasers ; the pro prietor being willing to leave two-thirds of the perches° money stand on the premise., if secured by Bond and Mortgage, and allow payment to be made In tnetanments Of 70. 20 and GO Dollars, until the whole debt is paid, provided that one-third of the purchase motley is paid on delivery of the Deed. This le a rare chance for Laborer', and Mechanic', to se enre homemon, the lots are In the neighborhood of the Stoma Forge and industrial Works; and Reit is undereloOd that all the Depots of the Jllllothall Railrinele will be put up near the property. Er Plane of the Lots may he neon at my °dice, or that of Oscar Wagner, F.eq., Court street. Jan 31—ta FREDERICK LACER. WO =LEI ZILIFILTAUL OWING TO THE WONDERFUL INCREASE In Oar lwAlAefix, and the want of ettCmieut room to accommodate the same, we have found it necessary to ex tend the bOnfidatige or our yard, 9.11 , 1 Lave eccordioaly leased the LIMB= Yeah, altuated on Tanta STREET IteLow Puts Brian, which will be need excites] rely for piling . lIIIIIILOCK and WRITE PINE JOIST, SCANTLING, RAF TERS, and BILL TIMBER, of all sisals and lengths. In oar old yard, on the north side of Pine street. extending from Third to Fourth street, Will at all times be toned In contain a full assortment of mammal BOARDS, PLANK, SHINGLES. &c. Our Realties for supplying Lumber hereafter, will be such that they cannot be sarpaseed in this or any other market to the State, and our prteee will be found to be lower than at any other yard in this city. It is our pur pose to keep on hand every article that ebould be kept in a Flan CLASS LIMBER YARD, and any article that may not be en hand when called for, will be procured at short notice. Akir The public are invited to give us a call. ane 7.413 J. KEELY, Reading, Pa. Floor Oil Cloth. 4r. A 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, FLOOR OIL CLOW', .41 for sale by Deo. Lamm a co., Scurf eio.l Mutat gam*, Awlla& Pa. THE " SHADE " FARM, WILL BE OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE, ON Y Saturday, Noverellor 21st, 1564 at 1 Seleek, 41., on too premises. In Alsace township, 4 miles from Read ing, on the Pricetowo road. Said Porn contains 1211 acres_ more or bola, tailor good cultivation and well fenced ; a hunt 12 more. , of Which in WOODLAND, and a too cooable part Meadow. It is cunrottiont to Schools and Chanties. Th. Improvement. 0012 , 41 A of a one anti three rx-r quart,. story Lot; pWELLING ViotSE, with a good sr Wrier and Pimp at the door: Ilwo-story AgSteue spring (tears, with a g .s-d spring of Water: larNs ke t wt‘i.er.Fbot BA NN. with two Thecchteg Floors , ; iw..l a. w.,.;! et good Water NV ilb Pump in the bat ti•yard ; a ono son three quarter story Stone Pig Pen, a Stone Pluck smith shop, n ore and three quarter story Frame Wagon Stood, with two Corn Celli.; a madder Pew:land Press 11 Ouse ; an gilds Orchard, and a number of Soar, Cherry and ffenel, Taco. and Grape V 1131.1. The nfroto Pane will be offered to snit purchasers, in the whole, or• two parts. nantoly, the improvements with about hag the land, and the balance of the land unim proved. A ptot of the r roperry will be shown at the sale. Tett... cry—only 20 par tent. of the pnrehabe• money Ho lairoil when the deed ia made, and the balance payable at the purchaser's option, running five yearn. Pennant wish- Ing to view the property, will call on Peter Frederick, re mitting thereon, or on the subscriber, iu Reading or: a J. REPLY. I'. B.—lt not sold, the Farm will be for rent. PUBLIC SALE ViTILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, ON Trmsday, November 17, 1965, et 1 o'clock P.M., at lbe public bone of George Trout, in the borongb of Pate. to.vo. Montgomery county, Penna.: 6o SR ARRA OF STOCK OF THE. RANK OF POTTSTOWN, end S Shafe6 of HOT EKTOW N WATER STOCK; belonging to the Soteto of ur. H. TV. Joiingon, &cogged. Conditions of sole—Clash P T. BRENDf.INCER, WM. K. GRIM. J. C. O,IIOADS, Adminietratorc of Dr. H. W. Johnson. P persons having may olnims against tie &Into of Dr H. W. Johnson, deceased, and all 1,13:.1115 indebted. either for book accounts, note',bonds or otherwise, are re tnested to have all claims settled nu or iterore the Ist day of dautntry, 1164. The bootie, vender paptc.‘, notes nod bonds, are in the hands, of the untiersigued, to whom all claims must be presented tied all accounts paid. I'. Y. MIEN DLINGER, act 31-30 One of the Atintioletrator READING- SAVINGS. BANK. INCORPORATED MAY 11, 1855. CAPITA , stso,oeo. Banking House, Boat .11arLa Square, Korth Side, E.entsling, Pa -1-1Er();31T RECEIVED EIIONI TEN CENTS jto Ten Thonsand Dollar, money to ram-It - ea on ae pooit from 9A.K.to S P. ; and on Wethleaday and Sat urday evenings from 7 P. X. to 9 P. N. Interest will he al ion rtl at the rata of FI V e pfir cent. per IiMITIIII, oa All OUJDA containing up dornst t, for one year or more. Ou ram= remain! ng less than :t year, tutor eat will be al lowed 01 the rate of Four p,r osr,r. p.r mean.. OiSi Alt the aaseta of the Flank au,: the inalO,lf4afri prop erly uJ are noble for the payment of Ba rash, Persons who have money to deposit, are invited to call at the Banking Ilona° (or farther information. DIIIF,CT: tits. DAVID 'TOTED, O11,::09 S9rDtCll, GiVISSE, C.N-1.11, REEtEIt, DANIEL B. LOl,ll, Cossair. lininLEß. • A. F. Boos. President—A. F. BOAS. Ca.yhf.so—ADAM LEIZZ. Caen 27-ly INSURANCE GOWIPArtIY OF TILE S'Z'Atii - 713 or PITZTICZY.MITZ.L.WZa.. OFFICE, 1..;08. 4 Anna VICIIA:l13E BUILDING, North Bide of IF,rltaul RI., lint awl. PikP.: trurl Third SLY., I'I3IT.A.DEI.I'7I. rtrZ f i r :lo.l%.Po3.-9.diT010.1: 1 .7.1111 1794. GR'"A:STER Properties of the Company, eb.l, 1G63, e-93 e34.*C. 7 k.0.f....3 . Marine, Fire and lnland Trunsi ortation Inanrance EMEMIII HENRI' IL I WI I.LIAIf WI ITV., OHALLES MAC A 1.!,!.. , ,5'aft, 4LI H. WILLIAM S. Sfdirli„ SA'.' ORA:VI% Jr., .7011. N S AUSTiI4. I 'PIMA:, WMINEE, EDWARD C. K.vD;ll7, B'AT'BOY, 11 EN RY G. FKEE'SAN, Uth..l;i.ES ozoltos C. CA RlioN , If4\NY D. SHERRERD, Pri•videut. WILLIAM HARPER, ,Pt-rot:try. Applicatiouv, for In r-ortt Fr“.de to Wit LIA3I KNELY, at Ilumtra .11 th:•ce. May IS, 1863-ly 3. V. .7.11X,37.2111-Z, rdERCHAraT TAILOR .N~ No. 659, Penn Street, Third door below Street. . Ith.5PliGT FULLY IN VITES the citiz ,, nA }raiding and vicinity, to hie I=l READY-MAD E CLOTHING, For the Fall end Noiroer trade, cot nod- mvrtle samaina-121.- Own supervision, coarietioir of Over Oasts, Frock Coate, Pante and Ve.tA of varioeta eta°rs and qualities. Ile in also euppiled with a good dock of CLOTHS, CASSIIGERES AND VESTING, Which will be wade to order in the neatest and most fashionable styles at the lowest cash prit3s. Having con siderable experience tu this branch of business, he feels confident of glvieg general satisfaction. He has also on hand ',good assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing (tench, t ec h. White Shicla, Over Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats of dillerent styles and colors, STOGiiiiioS AND CilArit.;. N. B. All geode made in thla eetablishment ahall give entire satisfaction or no sale. JACOB P. RIXSTI NE. Reading, Pa., Oet le, 1.86:1.-e.me TOBACCO AND SzGAR STORE, 639 . PENN STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW RAILROAD, READING, PA. (sic.= OF PUNCH•) CHARLES C. MALTZBERCEII, W2210.71W64117:11 6- RZTAXL DEALER iN ALL KINDS AND QUAI.ITIEN OF TOBACCO, SEGARS, ==l REAL MEERSCHAUM, BRIER AND FANCY PIPES. Segar Holders, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, India- Aber Port Monaies, Sze. [Oct 3-tf .ear u - 11 NEW-YORK STORE, NO. 438 PENN STREET, READING, PA. DRY COOS FOR CASH. PROPRIETORS ARE NOW DAILY Ji rettehastettia the Cif y r,f 21",,,Y0rk. DRY C3OODS of every description AT AUCTION AND PRIVATE SALE, Suitable for the tvauts of the RICH and POPULCAIS Crrizt.na REAMMI end N;:ettleoettuoto. - Arid is leaking the above announcement, ben' to add that on aceouut aC. 11 0 0.61 I. a resident 6[1:Ivo or New-York, hat lug Ipeen 'thirty Year,: coon...clad 'with the DRY GOODS 13U,51Nt1:143 in that City, he has pi tectiC4 Be ppriotaue tor purelia.ing far below pr:ess val.} by Trarusient Visltore to 'bat Market, and cce Owl:fully rowed t<, our Can/mere the MA bob, lit of the elthee,thri e.tveeteee, vept 19-0] C. G. 11001 & CO. FALL AND WitiTER Pi eons. JEST ()PI4:INED, A FULL A:4 D COM PLETE :iSORT:ti ENT jll, ..f Dal UOODS, co.iniAttg caw nuct de niroi-de Idyl.' of breen C. 4 1,,e, acd Shawls, ,tiirt§. end bra wens i Cionalegs, i‘lar.eille, tinin,s, 1 (Moue and Caswirnoreu, infnor,' ej,,,,,,, Satlnel:4 and Jeer,. lltubroideriee, Blanketa,l Slack 'milt I.L eoA, [Ylanuels, 1 Velvet Rit:hoon, ! Liaen tionels,l BOrnoral .-Icirs:, ' Cotton Goods. Super:or 1 - 14 - nT Skirts MlLCUratlrrifCf 000135, In superior Flock, &u.l Lexa fcLricti, ull of wl_ich will be gold xt the lowu.l zrau ket Prices. A. M. HARI', rilS &LEI. Nu.u.street TO SPORTEEMOMN oct 10] MAE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO ji boy Gan., Powder, Shot, Cup:, Zee., GEO. LF.R.GO. St GO.. 504 Market aleare, ME LAMPS! LAMPS! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LAMPS, .111.8bades, Chimneys, &e., of all the latest etyle.., thresh) cheap by GEO. LEALC!I Sc CO.. Oct 17] 604 Market Square, Reading, Pe. Meat Critters aid Staffers. AtAtLARGE ASSORTMENT OE MEAT CUT erff, Sta Were, &c., of all the late improvements, for y OEO. LEECH & CO., get lii . _ __ W Markel Square, Reading, Pa. --._ 500 New Shape Noop Skirts. OP THE 'BF:BT QUALITY, JUST OPENED sad for eqs at low prices. CEEI TEM CIOLVEIDUAL INSURANCE COMPANY; OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. CHARTER PERPETUAL. pills COMPANY CONTINUES TONSURE Buildings. Merchandise, and other prolurty, against lose and damage by lire, on lie mutual $5O, either for 4 comb premium or premium unto The large and lucre/thing capital of the Golepany, con- mating of premium notes given by ito Members, and based upon $1,475,789 35 , lamed on the mutual plan, affords a Tellable guarantee equal to Len times the average loss on the amount insured; and the Directors pledge themselves to deal Os liberally with those who may sustain loss or damage as the case will admit of, consistent with justice to all parties con cerned. Amount of Premfura Notes, $155,620 49 Balance of Cash Premiums unexpend ed, January Ist, 1608, $1,666 87 Cash receipts &Irian the year 1662, less agents' commissions, 6,781 47 Cash receipts in January, 1863, 805 60 $9,045 84, Losses and Expenae6 paid daring the Sear 1862. 6,329 73 Balance unexpended, Feb_ 23, 1563, :thin 1 $9.316 84 A. S. GREEN, President Orman Yorma, Saeretary. MICHAEL S. SHUMAN, Tremiartir. DIRECTORS: R. T. RYON, RAI3I ITERSRET, ABRAHAM BRITNER, MICHAEL IL moon, JOHN HENDM6II, (I EURO E SOUND, Jr.. H. G. MINICH, liICHOLVA SIGPONALD, SAMUEL E. EPERLEIN, ANlthi S. GREEN, MICHAEL S. SI-11151AN. 4M' PHILIP El ER ER, Ninth and Pen n'slneets, Reading, is tin Agent far the ebovo•nanled Company, and will taho ricks in city and country at the lowest rates. June tS, 15.83-thno. 1863.1 rALL TRADD: [1863. NEW FALL GOODS, 3DIUTI TIMM:a &In; No. 435 IP ENN sTitrirr, COMPRI:it NO Elegant Maar, Brown, Ma?, Purple, and Green 1.1 RE D S Eli S 0,1111.1 and Plain 13 LACE, - SILKS, French Merinos, Alpacas and E - inpress Cloths . In all the new calor. Plain Waal L Z /IN D WURGS, Striped and Figured De Lateen and Rep, SACQUES AND CfROULARS. LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS, BALMORAL SKIRTS. EXTENSION SKIRTS, NEIN" S ES, Cloth*, Cast merits nail cioniang,o. A full assortmect of goods for deep and light 1 , 1 Ca TT MT X INT , Litien Table Clotho. rang Linnos, Domeelso. Toirole, Towelinio, Nod SliartinitN white end colored Flrusuel., Cautou Checzks, Giughattil, Prints, ke. [Q,I4, :NA( "my iti7i FALL /IND WINTER DRY GOODS. "IVE - HAVE , NOW QPEN, A SELECT AS , POI !men; of DEA: GOODS for the Fall and 'Winter Season, eampriairagiu part , LADIES' AND MISSES WEAR Clookins Cloths, i Nod t itlonii De Laluee, )hack bilks, I bark Pluouslr., All Wool Do Lainoo, i Daimon:l, Morioos and Coburgs, i OsurAlros, All Word Dlulds, , 11 oalery. Alpacss, 1 Trlninii nos, Embroideries, New Style Velours, 1 Fri nib e nd (lingbitins, Persian Do Lnioes, Iloop Skirts, Ike., Fru Men's and Boys' Wear: 0 vvr co.ti ',gm, •Du-ssar, Cloths. Patinelik, Silk Mixed Coating , , IZ,III nob y Tra 08. Dosbicin tibtrairt , ...K l Ves:lngs, Union Cestiiineres, Furnishing Goods, Fanny eassintecoo, Se , Am_ ZONZZEPSZO CrOODS : Twilled Flannels, Red. White. Yellow and Grey Fix nneli, Canton Planeles, Cheeke, 'Pickings, Table elle, BlEL:bed &Un bleached Sheeting and Maud i es, Towel• nem 60.Vdr.C7 All-mf—lrtriver-mo-ntr, ert-eiterit.Traoaftemeiret. prices. beig 19—tri HATS, CAPS AND FURS, 1 7 .723EOZESALEI 42ND 34.E1 'DAUM, IC AT Tin OLD-ESTARLISTIED STAND OSA . 4046 30.00.11. M, No. 450 Penn Street, next door to the ti molt Bank of Reading, IATIIO IS CONSTANTLY R 'VINO FROM .1 , 1 w- Yorh and l'hilKdolloina tho lotet styled of HATS and CAPS Aahptea to the Sefttiue• He hem ale° received a Gee as .ortmeut or LADIES - FURS, BUFE.4 LO ROBES, TRESS'S, VA SPEY' BAGS, VALISES UMBRELLAS, &v.. which will be sold et the lewe.4 cash priers. As he pop: Cm.li for oil his goody, he ix 000bIsd to xel I thorn st the low est prices. A large I.st of the ho+t quality of BED FEA- TlibllS received, to which the attention of Housekeepers is re.p.ttfully iuvi,cl. Cull aad exoteloe.—No troolde to show goods. pop 26-4 f STRICKLAND & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, SNUFFS, etc. A LARUE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK 11, of School, Miscellaneous and Blank ENGLISH AND GERMAN BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS, PERIODICALS. USIO Irma. iff USW BOOKS, WILD PENS FANCY" ARTICLES ['COTE, LETTER. C'A P BL.A.N 800X.5 MERCHANTS' ACCOUNT BOOKS blade to order: Churches and Sabbath Schools supplied with Tract Society and Sunday School Utli.ll2 pub.lleatious, at catalogue prices, orders from Country Merchants solicited and filled promptly at the lowest wholesale prices. Ode Teachers supplied with Music at the ritual discount. N. B —Books cud Music sent by mail postage paid, no receipt or Publishers' Prices. ja. 18-ti NOTICE. A PREMIUM WILL BE PAID ON , Gr.C.l)-7C.2=), 41:=VM.aMi ;S>X2LetTMl=ll ~ G- z = ~- Y„ ~ i EXCHANGE AND BANKING OFFICE -017- . 177. GOODItICH, READING, Pa. Aggev.t lA, I .E:l—tef AGL BREWER', (LATE BORELL'..S,) Pena Street, above 7th, Reading, Pa. AVING ASSUMED CONTROL OF TETE ethos. 13tewery.tho H.th,eritier informs the public that after refitting proving the it,...innory, &c.. COE net.t.l therewith, he is now 1,1111.41 A to all ...tiers, imam ur dh•tant, for bix CELEBRATED LAGER BEER, And be hopes by stria NAtentilltl to 1111Sinege, pr0111011(444 and ndvaty, to merit cud receive the unppurt and approh, llon-of the good ei.171.11.11 , of Rehdi vs gad vicluity, TIM ZAZOONS. Contie,ted therewith. 'have alto been neatly refitted for the convenience and comfort of guests. 'the chuic.,‘ Fortddn and Winne k e pt at th e bar, and the hest Lemur" on Ten. a ant-I ere:day LK ketwers: always in titteutlatre. Lunen every day. oat 2n-tfl I. A. ttlilltTeiLETTE. HENRY HARPER, NO, 520 ARCH Street, Philadelphia, AHAS ALWAYS -A LARGE STOCK OF WATCHE , , f..r Ladiewid Unntlotnou—in Gold and iiiiver. 1.11q..46 LRY. of tin 111014 limb ionable nii. - 1. tiOLIP, LI tt-WAliii, in grout varmiy. iiedUOtikagS' SpCidift led Npouur, Forks, ,';''' .. , 7 popt UP - 41•9 !..Vi? ,- - •. M. HART, .F..st Market bquare A large agForlalaut oC M. KEFPF.R. & SON, . Corner of Firth nod Spruce Serrate FALL STYLE -OF 23 EAST PEIM 27.3.M32 1 , tot:A - DINO, PA. xas QUIP Ojai Mai- Sits - , PRAYER BOOKS, PIRNTJX(I PAPER and PAPER BAGS' -- -.11)- MEMO ,;: z i,i.1641. • ... • • .. jiIt : WARE, IRON . & STEEL,I A T REDUCED PRICES., A LARGE AND NEW STOCK OF GOODS FULL ASSORTMENT OF • IRON AND STEEL OF ALL REIM. Building Materials, Nails, Spikes, Oils, Paints, Glass, Butt. Hinges, Leeks and Screws. KNIVES, FORKS &SPOONS, CEDA R WARE and a general assortment of Housekeeping Articles. For rale by J. L. STICIITEP., aug 29-Bmo] Corner of Penn and Fifth Streets. FANCY FURS! FANCY FURS! SOUN PAREIZILA, r No. 7.1.13 A RCII Street. below Eighth, South side, PHILADELPHIA. . IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER of and Dealer In all kit do of <L iAL FANCY FURS, FOR LADIEW AND C1111.111Lee:i WEAR. I Kith to returu ray thanks to my triendo Beadlng :tad the trr,indtott Conn iee. for their very liberal Patronage ex. (1 . 6 tended to me doting the !rut few years, and would Foy to thou. th4t I now have • In store, of my own int4orialion and Alonnfocture, e very en - slake° cOAOII- - meat of all the dtlfcreit kinds and onalitt, of FANCY FUNS, for Lodi.. and Children, that will he worn during the Pell and Winter Pefren, Being the direct Importer of nil my farts ;from Ifarepe, and having them all Alanefsetered nuder tly owe super vit.tott—eltarides me to offer my eustontera and the public a much handsomer riot of Fors for the same money. Ladles please give me a call before ',archaising. Please remember the name, number and etreet. 3011 N FARRINA, sop No. 7ld Arch Street, Philadelphia. VARNISHES, PAINTS AND GLASS ! ;TOP PIM 'l'o DIIALEIIg, 00 ACIIMAKIMS 'EV and [louse Paisicre, at the very lowest nett caab pricos, the beet Coach awl Card:all Virrnishe.¢ ; Pure Mac Lerol ; French and Amariuen ZilloB : Chrome Greene, and Yellows, Prop and Ivory Macke, and a fall aesortment of ail thefiorr Coto-a—.snob an Vermillion, Laken, Tube Colors, Sc.. also, Paint and Yalnleh Brusttrs, of the beet Janke. Glazior'm Diamonds and P 01.,. ; Paint ; single nnd doubt. thick Wass, ti all description. and all illaieriois need by Hence eel Coach Patoters—which we can cell no cheap, if not cheaper, than why other house, frow the fact that we keen down our expended by Conduit ing our business personally. Mr. Rar---One the firm—for many yearn manufactur ed thanrirritidhm, meld he the late C. Fchrack. We feel cooftdent that our Varnishes, are equal, if not saperinr. . to any manuktetured in Otte century. We warrant them to give e mire ,ttistoction. sad if not as represented, the money avlll be refunded. Give 118 a call before pnrchaeing else where. d liberal. ditte.rnad n fide to the trade. KELTON & RAC, Noe. a 130 North Fourth Street, corner Cherry, Philadelphia act 17, 15t'3-Ctuo] Watches, Jewelry & Silver-ware TIT E UN DE RSI GN Eli WOULD RESPECT— FULLY Invite your attention. to hie well celled i t; 4a,:,k. ELIiY of ovary ,k 1 e ind arnldN'Aja ,riety ot Fine ,, I d talea— cotninliditg all of the newest nod most 6calettral tivening. ciLVEP.-WATLX,,itt,t to coin—and the best make of ,i h ve Igitted Ware Mack article m r e_ rant. 4 to be es eoP , eoitel. el Watches and Jewelry carefully rPpaircri and sat': facture guaranteed. JACOB II ih LEY, (Hwer,ss ,, r to Straub S Harley) I opt 5-3m] No. ti2:l 51nrko. Stiuet,ladelphi* z ‘r 4 IMTRTH & ARCH Sta., PHILADELPIIIA ARE OP.NINC-1, FOR FALL TRADE, FRENCH NLERINOES, GOOD BLACK SILKS, DARK FIGURED EILKS, NEW PLAID SILKS, NEW FANCY FLANNELS, BALMUItAL PETTICOATS, RED, WRITE AND DUCE FLANNELS, etc sap 5-31 e PROCLARGATION TST_L" e xar _EVER Offered to buy Good Jewelry at Low Prices. 100 1. 000C l ii v s A tT4 C i s i „ ra rf JIMMY..., Wags Bracelet4:Tocket,:, Slotve Buttons, Elude, etc., etc., to be " rr- sold for ONE DOLLAR 'MACE', and not to be paid for 00111 you know what put areto got. kW Send 20 cents for a Certificate. wh alb will Inform you wiLityon eau have for $l. Certificates containing thp inane and value of One Piece of Jewelry. are Bimini gi, weird up and mixed, then, when ordered, are taken With out choice and cent to you by mail., Von can coo what you can hare, then it is )(mu. option to road *1 fur the ar ticle or not Circulars and Catalogue aoat free. Agents wanted it every town and reBinieui. Addre•a A. J. HARPER St Co , 203 Broadwoy, New-York 'Box A 219, P. 0. isept O-3, o* THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM. No. 920 Chestnut St, (rormerly No. 708 PH ILt DELHI A. Tw. rllocToß & , INVITE THE AT— ,' • TENTION of their Friend's to their largo alld Saperb Stork of CLOAIf.O AND PURE?, Unparalleled in any former rramon. The Inereawd accommodation afforded to row new lima enablea tat to deem. the fullest attention to oar 1 0 1.1 R, 1) EPA WPM ENT, wbsok will be round well foruiebed with every deacriptlon of FIRST CLASS FURS. which will be guaranteed an re presented, or the moony paid will be refunded. ORDERS per ninth will be Lawfully alifinded tn. and de livered, EXOOeSS charges paid, any distance inside of 100 lof !OH. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. No. 9211 cittwtout Streot, Philo gra pep 5 1563-17] ISAAC K. STAUFFER, Watch Maker and Jeweler, AIAMIFACTURER OF SILVER WARE AND IMPORTER OF WATCHES No: 148 North Second St, Corner Quarry PHILADELPHIA. 11 0 " B A T E SC, I " I ,N o B f T G A I N d T aL Y Si? r N es lirAntNanncs'elyNr AS- T Lo pine end Plain Watehen; Fine Gold Chains Seets and Keys, Breast Pins, Bar Sinus. Finger Rings , Brace y lain, Gases, !Medallions, Lockets, Poodle, Thimbles, Spectacles, Sliver Table, Dessert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons; Sugar Spoons, Cups, Napkin Rings, Fruit and linicer Knives, SMoida Combs. Diamond moo— ted Pens, etc ,—o///lsetich will to ashd low for Cash! M. I. TOBIAS &MP., boo' qusilly foil jemmied Patent Lever Movements constantly on hand: also other Makors of superior quality.- N. Gold and Silver bougdd/or Oath. sep2O-ly SAVE PIXONEV DUPING YOUR CARPETINGS AT THE _LI Now Second Stre.et Carpet store. No. St above Chest nut, Philedelnhin.. I ale offeriiiu at Wuntesorie Jaw Re- Tall, at the lowout prin.. for CASA, a large edoCk of Ymported & American Carpetings of every grain, newest styles and beet known maims. Al,O, FLOOR OIL rLOTHS, CANTON and COCOA MAT TINOS end WINDOW SILIDES in erect variety. 'solicit au examination of my Stock and, Prins. J. T. D.ELACHOIX, 37 South Second Street, above Chestnut, Philadelphia. September 12,1.61:3-3mo MSTAVAraISEMB IN 31.810. FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. T K W. JON ES, NO. 12 NORTH' FIiONT mutes. above Oxllewbill street 1 . 1.110 , 1141,bia. Dye ens, Woolen and Fancy Gnodoof every denription. Thalr imporior sty lo of Dyeing Ladies' and Clentlemen'a gar roam.. widaly known. CRAPE AND MERINO SHAWLS dyed the moat brilliant or plain colors, Crape and Merino Shawl. cleaned to lr•,k Ilkx new,—al..o, Oucticinen'e cp. porcl. ennoble, &e., cleaned or re dyed. ["Call and look at our work before Kelm , d.otritere. ~;1119 .2mc] J ,k W. JONES. NATIONAL HOTEL, (LATE WHITE SWAN.) Race Street, above Third. Philadelphia. rriltiB ESTABLISHMENT OFFERS GREAT InduroluentN, not ouly on account of reduced moe of board. but flow its central lent thin to the a venoma of trade, as well as the conveniences atforacd by the several I.a.secger itai lwaya running NA and contigulloo to it, by Which gaswto LOU poeg to and from the Hotel, should they be preferred to the regular 011101bl:1e concocted with the Howie. tam tiotermt nod to devote toy Wield attention to Om comfort and convenience o f toy gueels. *e Terms,St HS-inx day. C. SIECRIST, Proprietor, Formerly front reale Hotel. Lebanon, Pb. T V. Itmosue.fllork. (march la-tf CONCORDM MUM. NO. 369 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, w A 811INGTON, D. C. I' HE UNDERSIGNED ►V¢ULII RESPECT fuIIy lofarm their numerous, Mende throughout Berke COO oty. that they have leered the above Hotel, and are now prepared to accommodate all who may favor them with their patronage. At oar bar may be found the heat end puree[ 'Moore, while the table it onpplied with the ',ext ihe minket affords, THOMAS HUMPHREY. Awe /341] /Items HELMBOLD'S ovum PREPARATIONS. . . CpßSPolleti t'LIT.triKXTBACT BUCEIU. a Positive and Spoilßo Reniedy for dtieases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Clravel, sod Dropsical Swellings. This Medicine increasee the power of Digeetion, and en— cites the' Absorbente iota healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcareous deposttione, and all Unnatural 11a• largements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflammation. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII For Weakness arleing from Excesses. Habits of Diestpa don, Early Itliscrotion.or Abuse, attended with the follow ing symptoms : Indlopoeltion to Exertion, Loss of Power, Lose of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves., Trembling, Horror of Disease, Waketnineen, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, tinlvermal Liweitudo of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Nay, Drymnet of the Skin, kruptioueou the Face. Pallid Countenance. Thee° symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi cine invariably removes, soon follows Inmateugly, Mildly, Epf laptie Fits In one of which the Patient may expire, Who can say that they are not It egoontly followed by thoao "Direful IneeaeoA." INSANITY AND COIsiiiI7SIPTION.n Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, , our NON. WILL TER REOoRIIS OP THE!INSANE EN= . . And .lielanchotu Dralto, by Omenleptioit beer ample Witoose re rho Trni h of the nenettion. N 5 The Conxttlidion once eoffeetel with o:•yaotie 11 . 01..-wsg tegeiree the aid of Medicine to Streugthett nod troilitorate the System, Whieh EXTBACT BBCiIB inrwriah/v doge. A Trial will conviuoe the moot bkepticdl. ; rEivrAtris—REAlALES—nsmAmps In .lfany Affectlane peculiar to Females the Ekrnaet BUOIIIT ie nacqurin I by Ray ether remedy, mi in Chlornais or Retentiou, Irregularity, rninfulnen", or Supprensfan of Cnstomary Evacuation.. Uteet Med or Seirrhone atateW the Uterus, Lencherrinna or Whiter, Sterility, and fur all cm plaitate Incident to the whether :aiding from tUdisCre tlun,tlabitajor Dietilpatlon, or to the DECLINE Olt CHAOS OF LIFE. Take no moro Bragom, Morenry, or unpleasant Medi Onto for uop 10001114 and dongerouo (Menem. lIELMEOLIPS EXTRACT HUMID AND IMPROVED BOSS WAS CU BEd SECRET DISEASES In ell their Stages. At little Expellee. Little or nu change in Diet. Nu inconvenienne• And. no Eaposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Striatwee of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflammation, an frequent in the RIMS of diseases, and expelling all POlNl,ttonUir, DiNelt.Yeft rend mamma Matter. , . THOOAANDA UPON THOUFANDA WHO HAVE BEEN THE Tx .e Utill.eXg, And who have paid henoyfeee to bewared in r. abort time, have forted they were deceived, and that the " POISON" bee, by the nee of "POWERPITL mamma- ONTO," been dried up in the eyetern, to break MI In an aggravated form, and perhaps alter Marriage. Erne ITT.I,XIND.D . R EXTRACT EVCRIT for all a ffectlona and dDieares of tha UR! DI 4.iir lIRGAINTS. whether waciptiog In KLE or FEMALE, from whatever canoe originating and 00 nittitor of HOW LONG STANDING. 14i,..i.X0S of tbogg O.Knowregntre the aid of a DIUItIiTIC. EIEL6IBoLD'S EXTRACT filleilt! IS THE GREAT and to certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases for Which it is Reeniameneted. Evidence of the west tetiahla and reaponvible character Will accompany the medicine. Price $l.OO per bottle, or six for $5.00. renvered to any Address, securely packed from oboe. va Iltwerilie Symptom* in all Communications Cures Guaranteed! Advice Gratis!! Address lottorn for information to Z!!. TIELNZEIOLD, Chemist, Li 4 South Tenth Ftrept, below Clie•stout, Minn. , 11.1,'s Medical D.Tot. 11.ELM130i. , )'S and. OheraicnZ Warchotr.se, BS'S Broadway, Now-York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT 4 AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS vs ho endeaKer to dispoPe "of their own" and "other" artuden onMe reputation attained by nehnbold's Genuine Preparations. " Extract hnchn. 44 Sarsaparilla. " Improved Rose Wash. ROM> BY AT,I, DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ASK FOR HELMBOLD*B. TAKE tiO OTHER. 46ir Cnt out the Advertisement and send for* Env 7-Iyl AND &VOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE I`*+_=~ CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A pare and powerful Tonic, corrective and al terative of wonderful efficacy is disease of the STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, Debility, Nervousness. Depresaion of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramps and Spasms, and all Complaints of either Sex, arising from Bodily Weak ness whether inherent in the system or produced by special causes. NOTFUNII that is not wholesome, genial and restorative in Ito nature enters 100 the composition Of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. This popular preparation contains to Mineral of any hind, no deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant: hnt it is a combination of the extracts of rare balsamic herbs and 'dente with the purest and mild est of all diffusive stimulants. It 14 melt to be forearmed against disease, and, so far as the human system can be protected by human means against maladies engendered by an nnwholeaome atmos phere; impure Water and other external cameo, HOSTET— TER'S ISITTEUS may be retied on ao a safeguard. In districts infested with Fever and Ague, it has been found infallible as a preventheaud Irresistible as a reme dy and thousands who resort to it tinder apprehension of an attach, escape the scourge; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its protective qualities in advance, are cured by a very brief cos,es of ibis marvelous medi cine. Fever and Ague patients, alter being plied with quinine fur months in vain, until fairly saturated with that dangerous alkaloid, ate not unfrequently restored to health within a few days by , the use of HOSTETTER'S 131TTE10. The weal: stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appe tite mitered by till• tainablo Tonic, and hence it works wonders in c.es of YrenPar A and in land continued forma of lanitinsmeg. Aciioc au a gentle and painiese aperient, an well an upon the liver, it also invariably reliecee the CONSTIPATION auperindoced by irregular action of the di gadlve and !emotive organs. Penmen of feeble habit, liable to Nervous Attacks, Low oars of Spirits and Fits of Languor, and prompt and permanent relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this point is most conclusive, and from both sexes. The agony of Eliaocs COLIC ie immediately assumed by a singli dose of the eat - mil:int, and by occasionally re eorti ug to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented. As a Genesi,' Tonic, l:-IOSTBTTER'S BITTERS produce &bade which moot be experienced or witnessed before they can ho fully appreciated. In cares of Constitutional lrenkness, Plytotature Decoy and Debility and Decrepi tude mining item OLD Asa , it exernimen the electric influ ence. ib the convalescent staged of all diseases it operates as a delightful invigoraut. When the powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to roomful ce and re-establish them. Last, but not least, it Is VW Only Mr* iStintultant, manufactured from sound uud Innocuous materials, and entirely free (ruin the acid elements present more or lass in all the ordinary Moine and etomitchice of the day. No family medicine boo been no univergally, and, It may be truly added, rivreivediv popular with the intelligent portion of the community, on HOSTETTER'zi HITTERS. Prepared by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pitteburgh, Pa. Sold by ell Droggloto, Oroooto and Slorekoewro ovary wieto. Plow 7-ly Paper Hangings AND WINDOW SHADES. CIEO. CHRISMAN, THANKFUL FOR PAST tioore from the citizens of Reading and Berke county, would respectfully announce that he hais j übt opened new Styles WALL PAPER FOR 3E" AL Ma X-• •I• Ft -EL. 7:1 30 . ELEGANT GOLD RAND WINDOW SHADES Always ea band at the lower prices WINDOW SHADES MADE TO ORDER Of any 00101' and any 'Wu Wantaa. Store Shades Made to Order, LETTERED in GOLD or in COLOR RAGE RAGS THE motlEsT CASH PRICES PAID FOR raga, old new,papore and pamplllata. PAYER RAGA. On band, st large Int of Paper Bap, orbich will be sold cheap, at GEO. CIIRIS3Iari'S, IC 30 W rttlea 4¢a, net 3] Penn at., adjoining Pat Mere' Bank of Reading, DR. BUTTNON'S CONCENTRATED --REMEDIES. xiO 1. THE GREAT REVIVER hPEEDILY L'll eradicates all the evil. effects; of SELF-ABUSE, as Lose of Memory, Shortireiel of BreathiAliddialso, Palpita tion of the Heart, Dimness or Tision,'or any constitntional derangements of the system, brought on by the unrestrain ed itstnigence of the paisslons. Acts alike on, either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cure In from two to eight dope, any caso of RIONORRENBA, to Without Riskier smell, and requires no reetricHou of action or diet. Per either sea. Price. One Dollar. No. 2. TILE TIMER will cure in the shortest Feasible time, any ease of (MEET, even after all ether -Remedies have tailed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell. PriCe One Dollar. No. 4. THE PUNITSR in the only Remedy that will re ally cure Strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how long Standing or neglected the ease may be. Prise One Dollar. No. 5. THE ROLTJTOR care any case of 0 RAVEL, permanently and speedily remove all isfflictionS of the Bled. del and Kidneys. Price One DoOsx. 'No 6. FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. No. 7. THE AMARIN will cure the Whitesradically, and In Rinsch shorter time than they can be removed by nay • other treatment In feet, is the only remedy that will re ally correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price One Dollar. No. S. THE ORIENTAL FARMS ere certain, safe and speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or correcting 8.51 Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Doilarfl. No. 9. FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either Remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price anuexed. Enclose poetaiie stamp and get a Circular. General Depot North-East corner of York Avenue and CalloWhlll Street. Private 092ce 401 York Avenue, Phila delphia, Pe. Per sale in Reading, only by HARVEY BIRCH & EEO . where Circulars containing valuable information, with fall descriptions of each ease. will be delivered gratis, on ap plication. Address DR. FELIX BRUNO'S, aug 1-17) P. 0. Boa 99, Philadelphia, Pa. MATLACK'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, 25T0. 904 Inarket, street, Vlailadelphla. AVE tn W t OtUoLDt o R ou ES I LE ,O C S T t F , U t i o . f LY CALL YOUR MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING now on hand MEAD'S' MAWR, embracing every variety of Style and Material imitable for the season. We have also on hand a full assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS adapted to al& VS and BOYS' WEAR, and would invite your early attention thereto. These Goods have bean purchased for CASH and will be sold at a small advance for CASH. Particular attention paid to all orders, so as to insure eatiefactloo to the purchiteer. B. MATLACK. Agt. • 904 Iferket Street, Philadelphia sip 5-3 mo) • 1 • talitSl 44' 1 1.1 IMLASTELPICEA. MATTRESSES. Beds, Feathers. Blankets, Comfartahles, titan a, Cliahlans. oilier articles belonging to the bnoineso. Feb. 14-[y] AMOS 11ILLSOR.N. MXLLINERY: FRENCH FALL FLOWERS & OSTRICH FEATHERS. - NY E RAVE OPEN A VERY LARGE LOT OF the fluent FRENBiI FLOWERS, ay otlle, nod an the newcolors— Mesac,., Japan, , Havana, Car mine, Pink, .!...t., with new colored Mona and Grans. Al.o. Picot, Purple, and Black and White for Mourning &meets. The tb we geode we will -"" ' tell by the box, bunch, or spry, touch below the refuter prices. N. Ii —We have on band a very handsome assortment of French BRIDAL WREATHS, and all other etylea of Wreathe and Flower.; for pantes and the Cafe, at the FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWER STDdR, No. 91 North Bluth at., above Market, Philadelphia. cep 19-21001 HARDWARE & IRON STORE, •VI7IIO7,IISALII AIMED RSITAITa. THE SUBSCRIBERS, HAVING BOUGHT k the old Established Hardware and Iron Store of the late Flicker, Stevenson di Co., and having added a large new Stock of goods; would respectfully call the attention of the public to their large assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON, STEEL, PAWS, OILS, GLASS, SADDLERY, COACH TRIMIIHNOS, &a., he., Which they are determined to sell at the very lowest Mar ket Priced, Wholesale and retell, GEORGE LEECH SE CO., Corner of Fifth and Market Square, next door to Borbon's Mansion lions°. (Kelm's Old Stand). GEORGE LERCH.] jan 1.6 L.T. T. JACKSON. --- NZ' S. I. F. B. E. —ea STATEN ISLAND FANCY DYEING EsTABLIVEENIENT. BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO., PROPRIETORS. Ear Offices: Na. 47 North Eighth Et. Phila— delphia, and 5 d. 7 John St., New-York. OUR SUCCESS IN DYEING AND CLE 150 GARMENTS of Velvet, Cloth, Silk, Merino, De Lathe, Se., &t, and SRA WI.S of Himont every description, to so well known that we only desire to remind oar friends and the public generally, Mkt the sewn for getting ready their Fall Oooda is now at hand. ra' Goode medusa and rdamed by Express. aug 115-Sum] BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO. REMOVAL. HENRY CROUSE, HMI REMOVED HIS Wholesale Fancy Dry Goods and Notion More, TO No. 76. WEST PENN SQUARE, READING, PA., ADJOINING JOHN S. PEARSON & CO'S., where he offers to the trade and retail customers, the largest and meet desirable eesortment of goods in his line ever brought to this city. Ills stoat consiole in part of Hosiery and Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Tailors' Trimmings, Perfumery and Fancy Soaps; Jewelry. Combs, Pine, Needles, Thread, Sewing Silks, Ac., Shoe Findings, Drugs, Stationery, Cutlery, and a great variety of Miscellaneous Articles and Notions tno numerous to mention. Country Merchaut. Peale's, Milliners and others eugglied by wholesale at the lowed city prices for each. May 2,1663. INVALID CORPS. ATTENTION, INVALIDS ! , NLISTED MEN HONORABLY DISCHARG ad on account of disability, desiring to re.eullst in this 'outs, will present themselves to the Board of Enrollment for the Distriet in which they reside, for examination by the Surgeon thereof, Who than make a perAonal examina tion of them, and report the result to the Board of Enroll ment. Tho Board shall then consider each CHAO. and if the ap plicant is found to fulfil the conditions specified. the Board elicit give him a certificate (according to the form furnish. ed) to that effect. The terra et eelletineet ehell be Three (:t) Team ordering the War. Per pertlealare apply to the Provost Marshal. June 13. lletia-tt COAL OIL! COAL OM 1 50BARRELS COAL OIL :PUST HECEIVED in stock. which will be sold at the lowest wholesale and retell prices, by OW. LERCII & CO., `tot 17J 501 Market share, Reading, Pa. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR NST NTANEOTjSLY AND PERMANENTLY removed withont Injury to the skin, by the nee or D. if. CIePT94II I 110194 +Hoovered proem Address. 4)11. ejoßilm five come is postage ebmppse or ourreloy. D. H. C LCITON, 29 Reath Thtrd street, philaailplila. Ouse ID. s• CONSTITUTION WATER . Team Vi.ll Al 2 rt. FOR TUE Q4CPATRATXWT.PrX4DZS AND THE ONLY KNOWN REMEby FOR DIABETES AND DISEASES Or TILE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER Theca Devagexn.utr and Troublesome thus far Resisted, the bast eltrested e n i r i s. CompleidillCOUll.oiledbylbEßEME.Diwuet.:: THE CURATIVE properties of the medicinedlreet thenuelves to the n rß su . secretion, and by so altering the condition „r and liver that the etarchy mite:lpin of %forted into sugar no long In tho system is nildrt Miami of the CONSTITUTION WATER, which gives these orgauc time to recover thir and vigor. we are able to craw that t h e t_lossllt u t!,, - . 4 : ter has cured every case of Diabetes in whichit It-. " 3 given. STONE IN TEE BLADDER, CALCUL/73, t; BRICK DUST DEPOSITS, AND .311'cia.;; DISIUMEOES ATTER 2 URINATING. Direlise Occurring Erma one and the ssms entirely cured by the Constitution Waist length of tithe. The doge ahouhl veal with the disease, from twenty drape to a teitept,m4; a day, in water.. During the ewe ee th, • pain and urgent symptoms should be etoLut..d. :!' proper remedied, then followed up will, tba!' Water. as above directed. DISMENORRIREA, OR P.41'1%7111. 3TRY.37r,, AND IN AIENORRIIA WA OR FLO Both amazes arising from a faulty evertHon a ifj . atrual Entd—in the one cane being too hair, panted by never° pain.; And the other a t•m• tlw,which_will-be speedily eared by th, Water. in the retwzattoir of the itattnneuta of that The MOOR , known as FALLING OF known by a sense at iteitvine.s mid draiiying p,d a , back and sides, and at Omen accompanied hy stir, minx or shooting pains through the parts. win , h, eon, he removed by the medicine. There is another class of nytuptotwi aritin4. TATJON OF THE WOMB, which physician to need, which word covers op much ignorance, and cases out of ten the doctor dose not natty kryit the symptoms are the disease, or the We can only enumerate them here. I spoal: larly of Cold Peet, Palpitation of the Heat, iitr.l.2, Memory, Wakefulness, Flashes of Heat, Lsagno, Into, and Dlllll.BB of Vision. SUPPRESSED II f ENS TRGA T Which In the unmarried female to a constant recornt? disease, and through neglect the needs of incregrarn daugeroces maladies are the result; and a, month passes without an effort being made to deist scene. the suppression becomes chronic, the patient greAtkllt looses her appetite, the bowels are oonstimisa. siz , A meats come on, and consuniption finally ends her td,,,. DBUGORR lICE A OR WHITES. This disease depends upon an indammation or inc.t lining of the vagina and womb. It is in ail cues panted by severe pain In the back, across the hood, to, through the hips. A. teaspoonful of the med:eice env l_ taken three times a day, with an infection of a h " fob of the medicine, mixed with a half-pint of colt morning and evening. lIITATION OF TEE NECK OF THE RLIDDEP, INFLAMMATION OF THE ICIDSEISASO CATARRH' OF THE BLADDER, STR4N. WIRY AND BURNING OR PAIN FUL For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy. rot., much cannot be said In its praise. A filugle dote beat+, known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain In the , t 11;: of the back and through the blpsf A mesno,eng Constitution Water will relieve you liks magic. IDR DYSPEPSIA, It hue no equal in relieving the Illthd digtnn•log tome. Mee, Headache, Elearibura, Acid r! . leg Food. &o. Take a teaepoonfat after dttd.,r rho-;•: in all casen may be inereaaed II desired, but done gradually. . „ flare long Once given up the ties of hectic, eltbal, ad Juniper in the treatment of these diseases, and et:y no them for want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER liae proved Mel( equal to the IRA that his de4:4t upon tt. DIURETICS IrAbide end drench the kidneys, and by Constant rtt out lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed dbes,e. =IAD. xa..ms.D. am An. DANVII.Lt, Pe, Jane 2, Dr. Wst. H. Garcia—Dear Sir: In Fehrnars..,l , q, was afflicted with the anger diabetes, end ft.r do« [3.!::1 I passed more titan two gallons of water in 'wog, 27 hours. I wee obliged to get up an often an tea 05 tn.:!l times daring the night. and la lave nineths I lad pounds In weight. During the month of July, I 5..!1, cared two bottles of Constitution Water, and !a cry t. 71 after using it I experienced relief. and Oar taking no ties I was entirely oared, soon after regaining tay good health. Yours truly. , . • J. V. L. DE WITT, BOSTON CORNERS, N. Y., D. WK. H 03R00 .t Co.; Gents freely PM 79T4 Molly to more its r i;.t following Certifacasto of the value or CUM,FIT,II. which I eon recommend In the highest mauner. My wife, who was attacked with pain in the eleetil, whole length of the back, and to her limbs, with flower the Heart, attended with Fonts(' of the Dynnettorthea, and Irritation of the B baths'. I ehleit physician, who attended her about three maths (riot:* left her worse thee be found her. I thou employed the beet physicians I could find, who attended het cr it At nine mouths, and while she was under his care slis 1 t sutrer quite as innoh (Wit gatte her up veld : fitter case toms incurable." For. said le, inteh a combination of complaints, that niediefi, fur one eperatte against Home other of her About this time, she commenced the use of Cesertu: Water, and to our utter astonishment, almost the 111.1 dr seemed to have the desired effect. and 6110 kept uu trdpnsi log repidly under its treatment, and mew su periutside tirely her domestic affairs. tike has not [sable any (Meditation Water for about four weeks, RIM we inn hcil le Any 11 toot prottattoci d poritutuout cure, Wfd. at. 'VAN KEINSCIi•StI:. MILFORD, CONN., N0V.19, Dr. Wm. U. GREGO: Dear Sir 2—l have for several years. bran Kfliirel that troublesome and dangerous di.nase—araol — WlL. , resisted all remedies and doctors, until I took Water, and you may he assured that I was oxraii: , :t pleated with the remelt. It basyntirely eoler•lni, ..:!• may make any ace of my name you may see tic is poll to the medicine, as I have entire confidence in to- YOTIII truly, THESE ARE PACTS ENO UGH. Theret s no class of diseases that produce log effects upon the human constitution 14.14 Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary and through false mudeely they are neglected melt t..! are so advanced as to be beyond the control t 4 vrd. 4 q remedies, and we present the CONSTITUTION WATER To the public with the conviction that it Lassa alit! +7, relieving the shins of diseases for which it !ow two: to eminently eaccessful la curing; and we trait Ile ri shall be rewarded for our efforts in placing so adcll.l; remedy In a form to meet the regtilrsoneats oiPidint std physician. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, PRICE WM. H. GREGO & 00., Pruitrtoar. Morgan & Allen, General Agents, Ye, 40 Golf New-York. [Nov. COAL, WOOD, SALT, 111 , 1 * t•in- ILLid SAMUEL BOONE, (FORMERLY) • Sohn Kissinger, Sr., Corner of Penn and Front Streets, Readisc, AS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND SEW at reasonable prices, all Made or Broken, fig.' Coal;love Nut, Chestnut and Cita minou Coal, and Sand. AM. Persons in want of anything in my lice. will 6ed 5 to their advantage to give me a call before parchagor e, where. I deliver free of extra charge to coy pert 'f city. [Oct 6-,f_ AMOS SEIDEL'S CHEAP WHOLESALE AND NOAH. T?)A. SADDLE AND HARNESS •74k: " MILAN VPACTORY. mer e _ EAST PENN STREET, Braid ik4llgiti - V,1!: - SEVENTH AND EIGHTH , Routh Side, nearly oppoolte '•••• t Betts County H mee. The <nay place Bala of tt , Rail II • HEADINO 4 = 4 ;610.04.70/P January 14, Se.-tf LAUER'S ERE 'tl READING, PA. HE SUBSCRIBER respectfully anuounce' to Ithe public that he hasireeently enlarged hip isltEliy tT l io a considerable extedt, and introduced strerio"4 and is now ready to supply all demands for 8171111171011. MALT riXatrOl?', lo Por home and distant coneumpUou. stmt 0. Liquors, warranted to keep in an climates, Is as f 011,,/ BROWN STOUT, PORTER, BOTTLING ALE, (MAI" ALB AND LAGER BEER. June 19-tf N.B.—A liberal percentage will be O II I7 C O I We K d stray abroad. MONEY WANTED ! ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. A Pro . To JACOB C. SCH . "E NE ! ' • Cuwmerepl Oillce—entirt .meet. !Mob TO LOAN. APPLY TOvFg. alca—effim c mw,rdal 1, • JACMI C. Fell" . n- ',web V. MILAINS I (NULL%) It (IMAM CAN CONSTANTLY lig 0.11) LABBR El BREWERY, corner o Third end ctr`f -il street& Lni Decembor 7, 18111-tf 13ARTIES WISHING TO SELI, A, CUABR Real Estate, wilt de well to call opod JACOB. S,llOO Com Cmercial pr Office—Court street. • 4175 .0 - T RECEIVED, 2 (XXILOWER POTS, AT TES Oi•l) A LL ' ' Set 441 wg, Aiwa*, Jr.
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