Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, November 14, 1863, Image 3
fiszellt sub Dtmorvat. NOVEMBER 14, 1863. WAR NEWS! FiUEI GENERAL MEADE'S ARMY Advance and Brilliant Success. MMP:l:4s:V•4_!lFlillW Twelve iguethed Rebels Captured With the flavenet. o vER 1,800 PRISONERS T.A.SEN FIRST 1/16PATUli. iIsAmVAIITBBB ARMY OF TRU POTOMAC, Noy. 7-9:30 p. m. f %.j. Gen. Sedgwick advanced (9 the railroad where he drove the enemy to the river, a:raab.,l and captured two redoubts with artii- I , :y . on gidt, taking a number of prisoners. Gen. French advanced to Kellfe Ford, iviug the enemy in small force sorose the river, sta captured several hundred prisoners at the f.“l. tixo. G. 'Meant:, Maj. Gen. Conad'g. SECOND DISPATCEL. 11000AUTKO.8 ARMY Or TUC POTOMAC, Nov. 7-10 p. m. ors. Pelpriak reports capturing this p. to. in hi s o perations, four Colonels. three Lieutenant col.awls, tunny other officers, and over eight busked wen, together with four battle flags. tiorral French captured over four hundred 'Tisanes, officers and men. Otto. G. Mssos, Maj.- Comd'g. 'TOE BATTLE OF SATURDAY. WASHINGTON, Nov. 8, 1868 It appears from information received here to nifta lsat yesterday morning the 6th and 6th •fret Corps, under the sommand of 110% Gen. advanced to Rappahannock Station, trey baying the right wing of the army. The and thi Army Corps forming the left under Maj.. Gen. French, proceeded to ;idly's Ford. when the right wing reached the Rappahan nock, the enemy were found to be in consid knblB iorre holding this ride of the river, The DM batteries, earthworks, ni.d redoubts craned the banks on each side of the Rapp*. bianocit. Gen. Sedgvriek at once advanced and stormed thorn with great gallantry and impetueeity, cans , :o 'barb slaughter, and taking a large number prisoners. When (len. French reached Kelly's Ford about sIN wiles below Rappahannock Station, the ene- By threw across an entire division to support their picket line on this aide. t;eu. French hastily took a position, so as to triog his artillery to bear upon them, and pro rattled to shell them with marked effect. net On ly killing a large number. but throwing them into tutor confusion, scattering them wildly and tak ing many prisoners_ French, following up his advantage, im— ne•iiately threw the let division of the 3d Corps, commanded by General Birney, across the river, 1.1).6 ended his operations for the day. This morning he crossed the river with the re ntaioder of big command. General Sedgwick Ils.l previously crossed it, and at 9 o'clock this awning the two wings had, formed a junction, sal heil both bunks of the river. To, enemy after their defeat in thefts two en— glgealeuts were so hotly pursued by oar victori tae feces, that they threw themselves into the ri,ir in their efforts to escape, where soma were •inwsed and many were killed by our infantry. Ail the artillery the Rebels had on this side wee ell - oared. it is reported to be seven guns. Mei; whole camp equipage undoubtedly fell into tee hands. as they were compelled to leave it in tiiziir hasty retreat. i:leseial Buford's cavalry crossed at Sulphur ;ilogs to cover the right flank, several miles ab:ve Rappahannock Station; and ens. Gregg and Kilpatrick crossed at Kelly's Ford, to cover the lett dank. No definite information of their oFfeioue had been received up to noon to-day. Tit enemy, after creasing the Rappahannock mice cover of the night, moved in the direction of Culpepper, and the advance of our forces, s•tp posed to be cavalry, reached Brandy Station early to-day. The entire number of prisoners taken by Beth Sedgwick and French is now believed to be 1.826. Orders were sent to Col. Devereaux at Alexan thia to provide for that number. The prisoners are composed principally of North Carolina and Louisiana troops. The number taken by Sedgwick was from 1,200 to 1.410. The remainder were taken by French. A gentleman who was present with the army, Fly.; it was a novel sight to see all Sedgwiok'e priscrero in a erowa—the largest lot ever cap tured by our forces on the Virginia side—and they were guarded by cavalry to prevent strag gling or escape. French's prisoners were also gathered in one boly and similarly guarded. Our total loss is reported to be 400 in killed anti wounded, but no prisoners. Oar wounded were carried to Warrenton Junc tion and tenderly cared for. From thence they wete sent to Alexandria this afternoon. OFFIC IAL REPORT OF THE BATTLES ON THE RAPPAHANNOCK. WASHINGTON, Nov. 11, 1863 The following was sent to the headquarters here the day after the recent engagements:— IIRADQUAIITERS, ARMY OF TRII POTOMAC, NEAR RAPPAHANNOCK STATION, VA., NOY. 8-8:40 P. M. To Major Gen.. HALLSCK, Gen.-in-Chief: - This morning on advancing from Kelly's Ford it wai found that the enemy had retired during tie night. The morning was so smoky that it W,t9 impossible to ascertain at Rappahannock Swien the position of the enemy ; and it was not tiii the arrival of the column from Kg:ly'e Ford twat it was definitely known the position at the - Rappahannock was evacuated. The army was put in motion and the pursuit continued by the /awry to Brandy Station and by the cavalry beyond. Major General Bedgwick reports officially the eapure of four guns, eight battle flags and over fifteen hundred prisoners. Major General French took over four hundred prisoners. Gen. fledg- Wick's loss was about three hundred killed and Sounded. French'eabout seventy. The conduct of both officers and men In each adair was most admirable. GEORGE G. MEADE, Major General. GENERAL MEADE'S REPORT OF THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. WASIIISGTON, NOT, 11, 1863 General lleade's detailed report of the battle of Gettysburg, dated October 1, was officially promulgated to-day. He gives as a reason for hia delay in making it until then the failure of receiving . the reports of several of the corps and division commanders who were severely wounded in battle, and says:—" The result of the cam paign may be briefly stated in the defeat of the enemy AL Gettysburg, his compulsory evacuation of Pennsylvania and Maryland, and his with drawal from the upper valley of the Shenandoah, and in the capture of three guns, forty-one standards and 13,621 prisoners. 24,978 small arms were collected on the battle field. Our ova losses were very severe, amounting, as appears by the accompanying return, 2.834 killed, 13,709 wounded and 6,613 missing; in a:123,186." He adds his tribute to the heroic bravery of the whole of the army, officers and men. LATEST FROM MEADE'S ARMY WASHINGTON, Fri d i9, Kov_ 13 There is no important change in the Army of the Potomac. Our troops occupy the old battle told of Cedar Mountain_ Immense trains of sup plies from Alexandria are going to the front. The railroad is being pushed rapidly ahead, and Will be opened to the Rapidan by Monday night. lemerday afternoon the Rebel guerillas attacked the canape occupied by the workmen at Nokes— vine, two and a halt miles east of Catlett's Sta ti6n, burnt SOZIma of the shanties and carried off the contents of others. A force of our troops Were guarding a culvert not more than a quarter of a mile distant at the time. The rebels ate sirengly posted on the Rapidan, evidently await log an advance of our forces. 'Phe reports Concerning the utter destitution in Lee's army have not been substantiated by the resent developments, it having been found that I rations were liberally distributed, and good win— ter clothing, including overcoats and blankets, issued to the troops. Each State furnishes clothing for its own troops in the field, North Carolina having taken the lead in this particular. PROM BTJRNSIDE'S ARMY. The Rebel Attack on Burnside's' Ad vanced Position. Capture of6oo 31ffen and Four Cannon by the ltebels. WAsnimaTov, Nov. 11,1868 It was stated Beferal days ago that two of S# en, Burnside's most eastern outposts in Tennessee bad been attacked by the rebels, and that half of Lhe garrisons, consisting of two regiments and a battery, bad been captured. General Grant's dispatch did not designate the exact place where the disaster occurred, nor d:d it state the strength of the rebel force, or the probable number of the killed and wounded on our The Republican this afternoon soya :—General Bornedde telegraphs that the disaster referred to occurred at, nodgerseille, in Hawkins county, Tee tiegleee. This place is the termination of the branch railroad of the East Tennessee and Virginia rail road, and is situated fifteen miles from Knoxville. General Burnside also slates that. the rebels captured era hundred men and four cannon. He does not mention the number of his killed and wounded. His main army is where it was when the attack was made on hodgersville —in an im pregnable position and in good spirits, subject to the orders of General Grant, who is perfectly well satisfied with its situation. TUE VICTORY IN WEST VIRGINIA OFFICIAL EXPORT OF GENERAL KELLY WASHINGTON, Thursday, Nov. 12, 1863. The following has been received at the head— gantlet% of the army from Gen_ CLAW/NM:MU, YA. , Wednesday, Nov. 11. My information from Lewisburg is that Gen.. Averfirs victory ,was most decisive at Droop Mountain. The enemy's force engaged was over 4,000. They acknowledged a loss of NO killed and wounded. Gou. Averill took over 100 pris oners including field officers, one eland of colors, three pieces of artillery, a large number of email arms, camp equipage and wogons. B. 1 0 . Kant; Brigadier-General. PLOT TO RESCUE THE REBEL PRISONERS ON JOHNSON'S ISLAND, LAKE ERIE. BUFFALO, Nov. 12.—Mayor Fargo of this city, has received a dispatch from Mr. Stanton, th e Secretary of War, that rebel refugees in Canada hare consummated a plan for the relea4e of the rebel prisoners on Johuson'e Island, and intend burning Buffalo. Is understood that other Lake eitica have been similarly warned by Mr. Stanton. The in formation of the Government is believed to he authentic. There 81 . 0 no w over 2,000 rebel officers on Johnson's lslaud, Sandusky Bay, together with forty-two others, classed as guerillas. Eighty officers, recently captured by Meade's army, are now on the way to that place. There are also an eq:tel number of privates on the Inland. A MIDNIGHT BULLETIN FROM THE SEOIIE- Vltlt OF WAR. BUFFALO, Nov. 12.—The following is the die patch received last night by Mayor Fargo from the Secretary of War WAEIBIIRGTON, Midnight, Nov. 11. To the Mayor of Buffalo : The Britieh Minister, Lord Lyons, has to-night officially notified the Government that, from tele graphic information received from the Governor General of Canada, there is reason to believe there is a plot on foot, by persons who have found au asylum in Canada, to invade the United States, and destroy the city of Buffalo, and that they propose to take possession of some steam boats on Lake Erie, surprise Johnson's Island, set free the prisoner - a °flyer confined' here, and proceed with them to Buffalo. This Government will employ all the means in its power to suppress any hostile attack from Canada. But as other towns and cities on the shores of the lakes are exposed to the same dan gers, it is deemed proper to communicate this in— formation to you in order that any precautions which the circumstances of the case will permit may be taken. The Governor General suggests that all steam beats or other vessels giving cause for suspicion by the number or character of the persons on board shall be arrested. You will please acknowledge the receipt of this telegram, and communicate to this Depart— ment any information that you may now or here after have on this subject. (Signoti) RM. STANTONi Om of War. What to Ho with a " Green-Back." There is, just now, a way of using one of Uncle Samuel's paper Dollars, so as to get bank the worth of many gold dollars in a single year Everybody has heard of Seth Boyden's wander ful new Strawberry. From all accounte, it is a marvellous thing—the berries nearly as large as hen's eggs, and as good as they are large. Deal ers were after it, offering as high as $3OOO for the plants, to speculate upon ; but we are glad to know that the enterprising Publisher of the American Agriculturist gut the start of them, and bought up all the plants, and is multiplying them in order to give Meta away to his subscribers This is in effect afire gift to the Public—fur the _Agriculturist, costing only a dollar a year, is of itself worth many dollars to every one, as we can testify, having ourselves long been a reader of it. To those unacquainted with it, we would say that the Agriculturist is a large Journal, of 32 pages in every number, is beautifully got up, and is illustrated with many pleasing and in structive Engravings, which are alone worth the whole cost. The pages are literally filled with good things—plain, practical, reliable informs fion upon everything eordieeted with the work Of the Ilousspotn, the GAILD62I, and the Fawn.— including a very pleasing and instructive De partment for Children and Youth that is hardly surpassed by soy of the professedly Children's Magazines. The thousands of useful hints and suggestions in the Agriculturist, all prepared by practice/ working men and women who know what they are talking about—can not fail to be worth Many dollars to every reader, whether residing in City, Village or Country.—There are special reasons for subscribing Now : First, The rule for distributing the Strawberry plants is, tt first come first served ;" and Second, every new sub scriber for the 23d annual Volume (that is, for all of 1864), will get the remaining numbers of Ibis year ruse.—Take our advice then, and nand at once to the Publisher, 10BAZIGIR Juon, 41 Park Row, N. Y. City,) and secure the paper, and the ex tra numbers, and also an early place in the great Strawberry list. If the plants are to'come to you by mail, as they can safely do, send an extra five cents to cover the mailing. Those desiring to see the Agriculturist, before subscribing, can get a post-paid copy, by sending a dime to the Pub lisher, as above. THE CAPTURED MITTLE-FLAOS--GEEKRAL MEADE'S CONGRATULATE= ORDER —OD Tuesday rf,ernoon the eight bat& flags recently captured on the Rappahannock were presented to General - Meade by Col. Upton, who commanded the at tacking par.y_ The Colonel was acoompanied by deputations from the sth and Sib Maine, sth Wisconsin, antll2lst New York regiments. Gen. Meade made an address highly eulogistic of the conduct of the men, and shortly afterwards is sued a general order, in which he returned thanks t 0 the various corps and divisions that had die tinguished themselves in the action. GOT A COMMAND AGAIN.—Gen. Benj. F. Butler, who has been roving over the country, making political speeches, for months past, has again been given a command. He supersedes Generals Poster and Sohenek, and takes charge of the combined departments of North Carolina and Eastern Virginia. rgetcr, it is said, is to take Burnside's place, who has resigned, and General Schenck leaves the field LO take anat in theneit Congress. ATTEMPTED AMBASSINATION.OIiI Saturday night last an attempt was made to take the life of Daniel Kane, Esq., at Uniontown, Fayette county. Mr. K. was about to enter his house, and had inserted the key for the purpose of open ing the door, when some unknown person fired a pistol at him, the ball striking him on the upper part of the lip, and tutting through the end of the nose. Immediate steps were taken to find tip assassin, but ail attempts were fruitless. This is the second attempt within a short time upon the life of Mr. Kane, the former of which came quite as near proving fatal as this, the ball going through his ear. Air. Kane is one of the leading Democrats of Fayette county, was the Representative from that comity in the last Le• gislainre, and is well known throughout the western part of the State. IliroN PRISONERS IN Iticumosu.--The rebels bold as prisoners at Richmond 900 Army officers and ti Naval allure. viz: Ono Brigadier, Neal Dow ; 14 Colonels, 25 Lieutenant Colonels, 27 Sur geons, 58 assistant Surgeons, 28 Majors, 246 Captains, 204 first Lieutenants, and 267 second Lieutenants. SIMATOR SPRAGUE, of Rhode Island, WAS married 01 Thomiv evoolog, aF Washington, to migg RATE CHASE, &Welter of the Secretary of the Treasury. The President and Cabinet, Judges of the Supreme Court, Senators, and other dignitaries, at tended the wedding party. QIIARTERMASTER GUNIERAL.-00V. Curtin has appeinted James L. Reynolds, Esq., of Lancas ter, 0, uartormaster General of Pennsylvania, in ptao• of Gen, Reuben C. Hale, deceased. lie is a bioilier of the lamented Gen. Reynolds, who wasjkilled at Gettysburg. WORIIINCIIIRN'EI STAIRS IN New•Youtc..— The proprietors of the machine shops in NW- York aro generally Receding to the demands of their workmen for higher wages. This course is forced on those who have goveruuient contracts on hand. EYE AND RAD Profewmr J. IRAARR, OCUII4 and dartra j tenderly Layamii, Unlined, la isiteimumully 'mewed * NA. Lrl PINE STREET, PIIILATIRLPTI lA, weru persons alltleted with animates of the eye and erer will be seientilimally treated and cured, if curable. dtali. ARTlFfillat EYES inserted without pain. do charges made fur examination. N. medical faculty 1.. !calked, 1.11.1111 se crela to bla tootle of trontmant. Ulna 20, IS63—ly A GENTLEMAN, oiiretl of Nervous forompetocci., Elernsiors Decay end 1 - enthral Error, oor tamed by a &mire to bellell(1)91.311., will L. Imppy to 1'01,11.11 to all who Peed it (free or charge) die recipe and dliectlocs for making the simple Remedy used in his case. Those whaling to profit by his experience—RU.l possess a Valua ble Remedy—will receive the ...nate, by return mall, (care fully taitleti,)l, , y ntidreealu JOTIN D. OGDEN, No. CO NriSUM Street,lcew•York arm 6-3mn] Ti►e COnfiewilitnia anti I - GxperienCe Of an Pdblbhed for the benefit. cud ce a warning' aad GLUTTON TO YOTINO MEN who suffer from Femme Debility, Pre. mature Decay of Illsubleal, etc, ',applying at the same time, THE MEOW OF SELF CURB. By ono wbo ben cored himself after being put to great expense cud Injury through medic:4l humbug and quackery. 13y enclosing a post-paid addreand envelope, einale QO - may be had of the author. ;NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq., may .2.3-32 r Bedford, Rieke County, PLY- Ms-ttlAttr. AND nun: ! gt,A. sod Burn!!! This is the ilto of agony endured by be sufferer from Fever and Ague lie wanders like an uncertain shadow, sever knowing what moment be may be .ffrtintrated, and therefore die - inclined to give nay enrione attention to heal rasa. Flits is the condition of tligLusands in town and country. It is no exaggeration to 1. that Fever and Ague little more people than any twenty other diseases in Amen ea. For a burn and speedy .nut of thin tivirittle affliction, We tabu great, pleasure in recommending TIOSTWITER'S .13/grrilir3, which have already achieved a wide reputation for rapid and powerful effect. in renovating the system prostrated by this disease. Fur sale by Druggists and dealersgenerally, es ery where. nov. 7-ffs. Gray Hair Res:ered, Baldness Prevented. "• London Halt Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing " .London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." Rwtows flrmo Hair without Doing.. . , This discovery for tho preservation of the human hair iv taking the lead of all hair preparatione ; besides restoring the color and making hair grow on oald heads. it to a beautiful drawing, keeping the hair soft. smooth and flexi ble. removes any eraptive dbewies, Itching, flood, Dand ruff, Ste. Many wbo were bold and vas , have had their hair permanently restored. Only one preparation. Large bottles. 60 cents; six bottles, In 50. Sold et wholesale and retail, by Dr. Swarm & Son, 330 North Sixth street Pbilada. Sold by S. S. STEVENS, Peon street, above the kisilroed, Beadihg. Ltiov Nave Yea. Cough, Weak Breast Have you Bronchitis, asthma, Bore Throat Have you Weak Nervea. Disturbed Sleep? Pave you Liver Complaint, Blood Spittiug? Pave you. Palo., Side, Breast, Elk I have you any aymptoma of Colim a / b ishop. f THR HARARSING COCO% LOSING FLESH, SHORT BREATH, NEVER, PURULENT EXPECTORATION. Persons time afflicted should resort at once to some re liable remedy, and from the teatimono of thonsands who have been mired by . 1.)/I. SWAYNE'S COMP,UND SYRUP OP WILD E LEERY,. we firmly believe no DOW midis clue has ever equaled its success in effectnally coring all Throat, Bieast, and Lung Complaints. It strengthens, heals, purifies, altlirding nourishment to the impoverished blood, tad halide up the constitution. It soothes the irri tation of the mncom, membrane which linen the air pee. sage, end which gives so much distress, causing tickling orTieing in the throat, promotes expectoration, locomen the tough matter which clogs up the vessels of the throat and lunge thus enabling the patient to breetbe free and stimulates the power of digestion, and has performed very ninny ewes when to all human proba bility it could not be pumil;le. Prepared only by Dr. WAYNE & SON, No. 330 North Sixth street, Philadel phia. Sold by 8. 8. 81 . 8VENS, Penn street, above the Railroad, Reading, and alt the principal Druggists. [nov 7. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S THE LARGEST KED BEST STOCK IN THE CITY, AT CHAS. OAKFORD & SONS, CONTINTINTAXE HOTEL, nov 7-3m] PHILADELPHIA. MARKET, READING Wheat (prime white) per bushel 411 60 Wheat, (prime red) per bushel 1 40 do 1 10 Rye Corn t (old) I do - 78 Corn new) do 78 Corn eal do 1 00 Oate do 4i Flaxseed do 1 84 Cloverseed do 4 60 Timothy need do 225 Barley do 70 Potatoes do "fift Sweet Potatoee do 76 Salt do 60 Salt per Sack 1 85 Wheat Flour (extra family white) r 1 bbl. 9 0) Wheat Flour (extra fam. white) VI 100 Be 4 50 Wheat Flour (extra family) per Barrel SBO Wheat Flour (extra family) per 100 lbs. 4 25 Single Extra Flour, per barrel 7 00 Single Extra Flour, per ICO the. .2 75 Wheat Flour (super fine) per barrel 780 Rye Floor per barrel 4 00 Rye Plourperloolbe. 200 November 1:1, Igtg. Buckwheat Fluurper 100 Zs. 2 00 Pork qill.oo 2,e. 3 00 Beef (hind quarter) par 100 poundsl3o 00 Beef (fore quarter) per 100 pounds Tip 00 Sims per pound 11 Shoulders do 8 Mel, do S Dried Beef, do 13 Table Butter do 26 Lamp Butter do 24 Firkin Sutter do Tallow do fIX, Lard do 10 Rides, Raw do 7 and 8 Best.ol3 Rye Whiskey, .. per gallon 3 00 Qommou Whiekey t per gallon 49 to 00 Flaxseed Oil 1 11 gallon 30 kip per dozen 22 Stone coal( nowt, egz 8: broken., VI 2000 Is, 5 75 Nut Coal do 4 00 ;Limeburaere' do 2,00t04 00 'laster per ton, 6 00 Timothy Hay do 20 00 Meadow Bay do 18 00 IMekory wood per cord 4 00 Oak wood do 800 Bark do 600 F GRAIN, SIIO NO .5 BONS, 19, 1963. ICO rents for 56 Zs - • 12i1 canto for 56 Dm 6U cents for 32 be PRICES 0 PAID BY P. BU November Corn, Eye, Oats, - - PRICES OF GRAIN, Paid at 4AMUFL BUWI RDistillery, GLITSet of Elevoith & Ble¢hlenbary streets. Coen, Eye, Oat., Reading Litt inkor rrices Current. Reported/or the Beading Gazette by ,r4cate H. DST 3118R, Lumber frommission R i d g e. a nircl St., near the Lamuuder e. liitAIVOICI, NOWIEIIbOr 13. ISSB. Remlock Joist and Scantling, SA NOM SO I Poplar Boards, - - - 20 0400 00 - .6 Scantling, - 23 00t35 00 White Pine Boards and Plank, - - Is 00000 00 Oherry Boards and Plank, - . :15 00500 01 White Pine Floor Boards, - • 23 00@2.4 00 - Roofing Lath, - 3 00 - 10 2 00 Oak Floor - Boards, - ' • 23 00005 00 White Pine and Hemlock Shingles, 4 50@22 00 Oak Board/ and Plank, . 23 i . 40 00 White Pine Ceiling Lath, - 2 f, 250 ash Plank, 20 moo on Spruce and Pine Pickets, •- • 10 04111 00 Walnut Shards and Plank, - 30 t 04430 00 Lynn Boards and Plank, -- 20 00@30 00 White Pins Joist and Scantling, - 25 00032 00 Birth awl Maple Boards awl Plank, 20 00Q35 00 200,000 feet Breen Butt Edged Clear Want from 14 to 7 inches WANTED, Pelee paid in Cask UMW • HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! BATCHELOR'S CELEBRATED HAIR DTE IS TUE BEST IN THE WORLD! - The only Harmless, True and Reliable Dye Hawn. This splendid tints nye te Perfizst—ohunges Red, Rusty or Grey Heir, instantly to a ciliary Blach or Writural Drown, vrithout Injuring the 'Hair or Staining thn Skin, leaving tie flair Soft and Beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring Its pristine color, and realities the 111 etteetn of Bad Dyes. Tile Genuine In signed WILLIAM A. nit others are more initiations, and should by avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &o. FACTORY—SI BA IMLAY STREET, N. Y. Baichelor's New Mita Cream for Dressing the Ha J nly 4, 18133-ly POSIT/YEA lAT nit) nultyliu4A I ANTED! WANTED I WANTED I— & eery Lady and Gentleman. Buy and Girl, to learn a beautiful and highly popular Ant that par. bandaomely ! Can be done at home and is emitted' ugly profitable: 12 coals worth of mate rial producing SI,OU worth of work, for which. there Is a ready demand to every thy, town, and village in the Union. Experts ran realize front $l5 to $3O per week In the business, which to light, clean, pleasant, and eamy to learn. Stoiekropere, Clarke, and oar young blonde par bhould mend fur the Instruatioue. tic• aloe 21 white and a (brae cent ntamp,bild ad diem " HONOR," Box MO Philadelphia P. O • Noveudier 14-1 m GEO FLOUR. AN 1 GRAlN.—There IR rather more Inquiry for Flour, and ho lure are firmer in their views and not max illae to Sella o 11311 to the filling elf lo the reripts sod &make. Bales'inclado 310 bide sacra family at $7 2.5e7 117 M: 70, Ibis choice Ohio do at $7 021 g ; 1200 fiblo Quaker City mills do, end 700 hblx fancy Indiana on tame kept private. The trade are having more foal, within the range of $0 07%@:: 7.1 fog fiertlne; $1.47 ror Fortran; +7 war 74 for extra family, mid $6 IO title V, lAA for high grade &load fenny brands, as in quality. Rya Flour in scarce, with fortiori. wall receipts and hales at $8 37)46 6 fel. Of Corn Meal Mors in no stock here to operate in. The recelplo to-day ore 2000 thin flour, 13,400 hush wheat, 000 hneh corn and 9100 boob oats There is not en mach Wheat offering, end the 'market is firmer and moderately active, wilt, melee or ahem lo,sioo barbels to note at Ino6 Mc fur good and prime t t anntylvsola soil western reds; little fur eolithsrn do, and 188 to 2010 for while, the letter for choice Kentucky. lI a Ix in steady demand at 1100$ 12.2 e for Delaware and Peoneylvatdo. Corn Is more active at Ilto winner!, and abent 18,01 hats. western mixed and yellow brought I loc, 1n gore and afloat. cats are wanted. and sales of 000 bushels are reported at 88C, weight. No change in Barley or Malt. Whisky io better, with sales of 800 bble. at 62c for Penn eylvaula, and fiSc for western, and Drudge at hite:6ll.7(o. I kW:l,—The ro..rtteth.e.Y.tliiiil and fidiilLUßß, with little or no Ile to Drat hands to operate In, end hold ere ask slll}l2 for Anthracite No. 1, $l7SO$:;9 for No. 2, owl sB::ge $37 for No. 8, with rime small 'alto of good mnkse at the highest fignree, cash. :cote: Pig troll le scarce and bold higher, In elsoofactored Iron there in Roth{ Lig new to ro port, the ml lin generally befog fell or order. to the clean or 1115 year, arid not disposed to mice arm' COliirliCts pining., CAT rfiV, M A k The offori nem or Beef Castle reached about •Igthi head, a NM ug of 401, wallowed with last week. The demand was brisk. and prices if any tl, int!, tattier lint. ter. ranging to Vo Cro common tog i nod extra quality. The colon 14.11 Chiefly at $5 Btl@9 hOtho 100113+. the packers and the It 14. illave..uuleat timing ail tho good rote oilhred. Cowa—The otPrloge, about. IC., wero die paved of et *L4@:id each for Suringere, and *2IIC for Gown and Calve.., which in rather lowerwore sad rPiqd 4 0 0 avid, lechiding 1420 heed at Glues', at from Its 80 10 $B, and 910 to' Ilm A•Panft Yard at 4rOS the 1110 the. nett. M 1 Or n ;tr., mete plmlp, and MAIO, ail of fered, disposed at 4. , , , ,,,:g5;t4c 1121 lb, groAa —North American. MARRIED. 00 the 91.1 i toot., by Rey. F. A. M. Keller, Alr. Jowly E. Wm's, furmerty of Baltimore, to 11149 MAUNA DONKI.2, of Reakding. DIED. On the 10th inst., in this city, DAN , KL, Roll Of Felix and Maria., site Vogel, la the lath tear of Ma age. On the Sib inst., at the residence of minima Shearer, htobereanin, Dr, Tssao Davis, formerly of °heater comity, in the 7:11.11 year of bin age. His remains Were brought to thin city on Thursday morning last, and inter red in the °hellos Evans Cemetery. Oa the 9th inst.., in this city, EstoN Hors, daughter of Booty and hmme Johnston. aged 13 6e. Oa the Rth inst., in this city, Kra. HANNAA EMPF, Wid ow of the late Jazub P. Reiff, in the 70. h year of her age. On the Bth inst., is this oily, W /MAME F. WOLFF, Prin ter, aged 41 years. On the idinst, ,14 GreeoWici4, ;94CW Warns., aged 29 years, 4 mouths and 1T days. On the 24 lust., in Oolebrookdale, Ems lama RIIOADSI, widow of Henry kneads, aged 77 yearn, 1 month and 9 days. On the 31st ult., in r.seter, Louisa, daughter of Reuben cad Carotioe Keller, egad 8 years, 8 utuatist and 7 days. On the 31st alt.. in Ontelannee. Amu, widow of George Dunkle. aged 47 years and 10 months. . . On the tiOth ult., in Lech irtsville, WILLIAM ADAM REM son, eon of William and Mary Rosser, aged 21 years and. /3 tiara - -- On the Oil nit., in Albany ef Clair& and Diana Steigerwaid, agad 8 years, 0 months wed 22 (lays. On the 28th nit., in Richmond tp.. CANITARINS, wife John Banterer, aged 68 years, 9 months and 1t days..„, ()mum 226 n tiff,, gt thq residence of his non-in law, Ad am Stoat, is Amity, I:dictum. MA roviLLsa, aged years, 8 month. and 22 days. lie was for over 50 years a resi dent of Exeter township. On the 27th ult., iu Oley, Reiter Gunnar:E., eon of John G. and. Mary Ann Fisher, aged .1 year, 4 uionthe and 17 days. On the 28111 nit., in Richmond fp., Sons Mona V,A1111,4:, daughter of John end Susan Adams, aged 4 yeare, 8 months and 29 daya. . . the 24th ult., In Greenwich, ESTHER Ass, wife of Franklin Schlenker, aged 24 years and 26 days. tin the 21st nit., 111 Marion, MORRIS N.LTRANIEL, son Of Weirly Larded, agOa 8 months and 22 duye. On the 19th ult., is Iditsatawny, SUSANNA, wife of John L. Fisher, aged 70 years, 7 menthe and 24 days. On the 18th ult., in Hereford, JAMES IKCCLISLT.AN. son of Nathan and Sarah Mahe!, aged 10 months and IS days. On the 14th alt., in Bethel, REBROCA, daughter of Ben nevlllo and Hanna!! Degler, aged 3 years, 1 mouth and 13 data. On the lath ult., in Greenwich, LoinswortiA, daughter of Samuel and Fuetta, lleinhart, aged 7 months and 18 days. 1i.M7171112,D `'TILL EE PAID FOIL THE DETECTION OF Yr Key one removing the INDEX BOARDS from any Of the nropei ins In Exeter townehlP nor 7-309 JOEL K. KINSEY, Supervisor. FARMERS' BANK OF READING. Noyettemit 2, 1563. TIM FARMERS' RAMC OF REA LANG RAVE this day declared a Dividend of 4 per cent., clear of State and United Staten omen, payable nn demi nd. env 11.11. MUD LEIS DENG, Casider. VNIQN BANK OF READING. READr.,,, Pis , NOV. 3, 1863. MBE DIRECTORS Of Tl.l IS DANK. HAVE this day declared a Dividend of 5 per cent. clear of all taxon, payable ea demand. nov C. 11. !KOMI (3 HT, Vs•bier ORPHANS' COURT SALE - DO RSUANT TO AN ORDER OF TOE OR ii 1 1 11AffiT Conti of Berke comity, will ho rnld nt rn4- lic Vendee, on Tuesday, the let day of December, A. D., 1502, at the late dwelling house of Abraham Herbein, de ceased, in Oley township. Berke county, the following described Real Estate, to wit All that vermin messuage, tenement and tract of land, ottnntu In Oley ioWeSilip, county aforesaid, bounded by lambi of David Prominich, William Bieber, Benjamin Yoder, David Y. Peter, John Delsher and other lauds of said deceased, containing 102 aerate, more or lean The improvements conidat of a two- Story Stone DWELLING NOM. a one-story Stone Wash Howe, a large Saone Schwell est Baru, Wagon Shed with Corn Crib attached, Blackamith Shop, and other oubbnildings. Also au excellent young thriving APPLE OltGliaßD. There In isetrearn of Water running through moo primping there is aim, water canning thrnugh pipee CO front of the Loose and le the harp yard. A Well, with Pump of never-failing water, in front of the Waeh Howe. . . Also, a tract of WOODLAND, situate to Rockland town ship. comity aforesaid, bounded by Mode of Benjamin Yoder, Reuben Sayler, David Y. rotor, and John hart , roan. containing 6 acres, inure or tries, with the appurten ance. Late the property of Abraham .lierbcia, deceased. Sale to commence at one o'clock In the afternoon. when dee attendance wig be Alyea, and the teams of este made }mown by ISAAC D. BRUMBACEI, 2 Admtnletratore. ELM& HERBSIN, By order of the ComI.—DANIEL Bann, Clerk. Doi , 7-4 t. TAPSCOTT'S FOREIGN EXCHANGE & EMIGRATION (1111 JET' 2W 1 - E • Drafts on England, IRELAND, Scot land, &c., at the Lowest Rates. ripAPSCOTT'S FAVORITE LINE OF LIVER pooI and Loaded Packets, milling twice a Week from ?levy-York, Liverpool and London - Each .Lip carries an experiesced Surgeon. Liberal sup. ynea or Provisions, of the best quality, served daily. When thoee scat fee dsellee coming, tho money In IL ways refunded, on producing the Certificate and Receipt. PCT 8.91.8 tfoGtp out nj Me City, and whn wish to visit Europe, would do well to secure theirraevage before May leg home; they will thus avoid being imposed upon on their arrival in New-York. 90 cts. pa, tIE As 1 to 4 . OS . 4 CO " "82 " REMITTANCES TO ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, &c r .',J 6 ITP,,E2atoBr r , th i' V ra l3 b o l 2ll' i l n NETT of Europe, con always be obtained at the lowest rates; an experience of over twenty-LI ve years hay enabled on to perfect this brooch of oar buelnatc., co that the millions of dollars remitted through us, 091 a single loss ban oc• eartod. Yoram in the COUNTRY, wishing Vi remit MONEY or send for their FRIENDS. by 'unitising us the amount they wish sent, with the name and addrom of the person to receive ft—or, if for passage, the 118.131., ages and proper addralle of the parties to he cent for—the neemsinry CERTI. NICA.TE or Duerr will be promptly forwarded to the parties for whom It to intended, or retnrued to the party paying the money, with the Receipt for same, an they may desire. Sit-Applicants for Information will please enclose a Post Oates Stamp, to &mare prompt reply. .115). For farther particulars apply to WILLIAM KICELY, nor 7, 1663 -ttj Howard's Supra% Beadlog, anna nus tcf xagort Ina , ADELPHIA MARK4ET. FUIPAY, November 13, 1933 PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. rrillE UNDERSIGNED ADMINISTRATORS of Jobs Beaver, late of Patent Town;hlp,Frenlitin County, Pa, decd, will offer a; Public Salo, in Leaden, VD Thureday, the 19th day of November, 1863, the folk/wag described lteal Euraie, to wit A Tract of Land, the Mansion Farm of euehl deed, sit nate to Peters townehlp, bounded by lands of Henry Reamer, l'eter Rn, icholder. Peter Stenger of (1, and of he, loads of said deemed. eoulainiug 1112 :lei. and 44 percher, 2110ilt muumuu. and having thereon ' , touted a PAM ROUSE, with flee Spring Water brought to Iho door in piper, two Tenant Houses and other buildings, and aA ue Orchard. Also Another Thai of Lend, the " MILL FATLY," ti ool° In mi . l Petri% tow oxlip, bounded by lauds of aliases Mogan, g:l3 Loudon WWII lots. Cooneur hurnueliraelc.& other lan& H of said dec . & rnmniai or; I 4 acres and Ito porrlios, will a Irani() Dwelling Llunivanda Lugand Weallierbourd Daeo, end Ira good Orialards t /fermi. Aloe Addhor Traci of Land, eituain in lOW amblp, bounded by oilier lands of hold clee'd. Conoreeheegn,. .nenk end land .4 We lel,oo eoatednlng taro soil 294 perches. nod [teeing thereon a sToN o ttler MILL in good order, will a due %valor power, a Sow 01111. two Dwelling Donee. and Oilier buildings. Also A timber Tract of Laud, et [note in Peters tow uebtp, bound ed 4y WWI or pit nici Iroetle and oilier lands of eel/ de. onamed, containing 010 Boren null 21 re, thee. end having thereon a Stone nod Rough Coot DWELLING 1101.1141, a Clone Para Moil Iwo OftllOrdli of good frail. Alen Another Tract of Land, alleate io Peters township, bowled Ay 'Ando of Haniol line He. Samuel Hollinger, Ja cob Barger and Other lantlii of Fuld deed containing 111 acres cud 111 painting, with a filmic. DWELLING HOWE and Tenant House, a Lug Stable and Swell Orchard there. on. Mari Atuubor Tract of Laud, alLostu In Peteru towuublp. .ea bounded by lands of Peter &eager, of O, nod other land of mid ttrcid, containing 27 *ores and parched, and having thereon a Drink TAVERN STAND, Wagon Maker Shop, Slack !Smith Shop, and an Orchard of choice fruit. Afro Another Tract of Land, militate in l'efere towneblp. bounded by lanJa ot Polar Harkholdur, flettlieli Tendler, Win. Neilhise, Christian Hoover. and &bur lands of said deu'd and Peter Stenger, Containing 1.17 gormand 2i perches, this tmeet le unimproved. Also A Trent of Timber Laud In Vetere township, bounded by lands of (Adelina Hoover, Peter Stover, or U, heirs or Jacob Burkholder, bairn Of dna ',owe, Wm. Mountie, Kuhn and other Inside of sold deed, and Peter 81.01agrar, of C, containing 178 anresand 37 perches, neat measure. Alen Another Trent of Tsmber • and, bounded by lauds of W 11l lam MeOraili, kbienuel Anita badlands of Renege sod Steam. ooninining 3 norm mud 131 perches, Alibi Another Tract of unimproved Lend. situate in Peters township, bonudo.l by land of Pettit . Wenger, of C, Jacob Stenger and John Mabangtilin, containing 38 scree and 72 perches. Also Ana/her Tenet of Faint TAW, ant lot, Minato In Kittle township, bounded by Muds of James Mullen, Samuel Vance, .1. Hewer and London town lot., containing 12 acres and 232 perches. Alen A Tract of Mountain loud, oltunte In Peters township, adjoining lauds of .1. J. Kennedy and other tondo of told doottl nod Volat , ntougar of C, onottolnlng Bh7 nerds and tit perches. Aloe A 00 , her Tract of Timber and Mountain Land, hitlla.itl lu Potere tow unlitp. lu tit/rine Gap. adjoining lands of Jas. Lowen hairA, Ambient, ltlrehay and lands late of H. E.OLUO, containing 010 acres 11. 1 / 1 1 (II novelle. AIM) Au undivided •hreo•fon,he Into..d in a Tina of 11A111.0.11.111 11.4.1 in Potent lowto.hip, adjoining tondo of McGrath, Kn ha. Peter Burkholder, other lauds or Itaavernod Steng er end editor lends of dee'd, mit:tilting 370 acres and 40 porches. Also to undivided seven•eighthm Interest to a 'Croat of Laud lu lialern tawonbip, adjoining other Nuclei of maid deCd. and Imo& of elwintiati I.looool', containing re acre,. nod 87 porches, with au old Dwelling 11001413 nod other Ilnow,• ntreta thereon. dleo undivided.even sighlLs 'Moroni in n Tract of Timber Land, mitstato in Peters township, attjointon !nude niehris tixa Plum's WANand mbar to oda of said doe'd, eontai oli; 89 torso anti 115 porolios. A Irt, A Loco( fhonn,l altuatn in the town or London, in is .2. 1 p a tars lownnhip, containing about I acre, with a two 9; gory 0 W ELI.' OW li 0 LISE, part brick and part frame " a Smblo, »c, thereon cradled. A lan &La of Monad. gitusila to tharenlrn of the town of Loa• don, at. t h e I nlergectioa of a public alley. with tlie cha t .. „a:ban4buig dC Ilcdford Turnpike:with a DWELLIM) MUSK, Storo Blaclaanith Shop, Sec., thereou crceted. Solo to 00111 MPlleft at 10 o'clock, A. M., on cold day, when the tecteto Will bit wads known by .PATBIL 101NlifBBAZI. Adm'r. MARY JANE BRAVER, Adiu'rx. aP Joho Beaver, deed By order orate Court.—Wm. O. Blreciitt,h, Clark. not 7-2 t FRUIT AND SHADE TREES AT PUBLIC SALE. 'WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE AT THE Western Market House, to the city of Beading, on Saturday moraine, November 14th, 1563, a select lot of Ilne Sruit Trees, Vines, Sze., consitaing of App 00, ltlivorlallas: Pears. 15 vaeintioas Purina, 2.11 varies lies; Cheerios. Plain:, .Apricots, Nectar oes, Al =Oro ads, Grape Vines of the beet varieties, &c., SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUGS, &C: gd.40, , , Scene and E111.013n1.11 Spoittoro Manisa , Cypesoss. English Ash. Turkey Oak, Suet/eau Mow& is Ash, Green. nod Silver Poplars, Horse Chest - ours, Ppanish Chestnuts. FAllaliall Walnuts, En mt*, a Linden. 3ia mottos, flowering Ash. &c , Also, Sweet Shrub ; Weeeliss: irvireas, seve ral varieties ; Honeyeackles, Deatvias, potpie and white Liege, purple and white Magnolias, Pot-ylleat, id., k 4. ..EVEXIGREENS, . Norway Spruce, Hemlock Spence, Arbor Vitaes, moral varieties, embracing the beautiful GOLDEN variety_ Irish. junipers, Enonimons Sap° idea, Ansi than nod Scotch Pines. The above stoat is the best in selection, and in the quality of the trees, that has been. offered at puddle eate— the roes are generally Saran, well rooted and sachets can not fail to save entire satisfaction. Fate .to enivatz.ze, at A' o'clock kl.o o' ':u of ”ato. day. Jollki W. MVANITAIP, Auctioneer. November 7,1863-2 t ORPHANS' COURT SALE T3IIRSITA NT TO AN ORDER OP Tall On- P11.4118' Court of Perks county, will be sold at Public Vendee., on Friday. the 4.1 h, day of Decerobee, A. D.. 1888, at the late dwelling house of Matthias Blatt, deceased, in Centre township, flecks county: All that certain mes snags, tenement and tract of ,land. situate in Ceutse township, county aforesaid, bounded by lands of Ben jamin Blatt. William Kauffman, John Hawk and Jacob K. Blatt, containing 11l acres, mere or lean. Of the above, &bean acres are WOODLAND, aud about 8 acres Meadow, and the remainder arable lend, and to a good state of cultivatioo. The improvements cat:mist of a ryjita two-story Double Log DWELLING HORSE, Schweit .mte nor Darn, and other out bulldiogo—a Well of never Mal failing Water, with Paste, In front or the said dwell ing. Also, two excellent APPLE 0 HERA BM, he. There . is also a stream of water running through the said pre ini,es. Lath the property of Matthias Blatt. deceased. ;ale to commence at one o'clock in the anerooon, when due attendance will be gives, and the terms of sale made Moraiy A RR A If A AI BLATT,j Ezentors. JOHN 0. BLATT, By order or the Coml.—OA: 04M IlAnic Clerk. Enov 7-10 ORPHANS' COURT SALE PURSUANT TO AN °ELDER OF THE OR- I'HAI' Court of Berke comity, will be mild at .?nb tic Vendee. on Bstorday, the oth day of December, A. D. 18&3, on the premises, in Intl Township. Berks county, the following described Beal Estate, to wit: All that cer tain 11e.nage, tenement and track of loud, Earl Township, Berko county, bounded by lands of Jscob Widow Drumheller, Peter Enebb, and others ' containing mair.ninety boar acres, more or lees . parr wood and part qp farm land. The improvements consist of a one-story Plar:Lorr DWELLIDIO DOUSE: also. another await hooee, part stone two part her, Log Stable, fie., Apple Orchard, and e spring of never-failing water. Late of John Staple:lon, demoted. Satlet* 1.1111111.11. at. 1 o'clock in the afternoon. when due attendance will be glean. and the terms efeole made known by SA Ai USE, KAUFFMAN. lixecitter. By order of the Court.—Thl:llB/: HANN, Clerk. [Noy 1-4 t • - PUBLIC SALM. OF A VA LUA I,E FARM. WILL BE SOU) AT PUBLIC. SALE, ON Friday, the 27th of Noverobor, 1563, at 1 o'clock, I'. M., on the premicec: A VALUABLE FA:int, Ornate in Marlon township, lserhe nonnty, 2 miler !DIM the Lebanon Valley Sail Read and 1 mile from Stonchehnrg and the Dillon Canal : adjoining lauds of Gabriel Filbert, Adorn Bain, Tob&Troatmati, John Rilltner and others, contain ing 125 enree, wove or low, aOT a acres being meadow, and a mall portion woodland and the ronSaroOlo, io good condition and Incloond with gond Mimi. The improve autente area. brick DWELLING HOTISE,a opting hounet with a never failing opriug, a large new brick hank barn, and other oat-bulltlings,atineorchard cretonne Incite • Col:Widow: will be rn fulo on Ibe ley of Fab, by nay 7-3t] JOLLDI L. MOVEIL WITZLIC SALE. WILL BB BOLD AT PUBLIC SALT, ON Saturday. Lbe 31st of November, 1863. of the pub lic hence of John Schneider, in Stonersville, Exeter town ship Berke county : All that certain ineesuage, tenement and tract of land, eltuate in Exeter township aforesaid, bounded by lands of Amos Young, Jacob Levan, Jacob Hanna and others; cootaining about 8 deede,ll4lo,o Meadow and Fartia Land, conveniently divided into small Snide and In it high elate of cultivation. The Improvements consist of a two•etury LOG 1100 SE, with a oee•atory .;; steno Shoemaker Shop attached, a Frame Barn, Wagon Shed, Pitt Ntye and other ont•balidlage, a never•fai nag Spring of good water near the dwelling, oleo one in the field, and running water Is the barn yard, a variety of Fruit Tram, each as Apples, Mate, Cherries, Prunes, and Grape Vines. Being the robots of Michael 11fonwilltr. devamed, Sale to commence at 1 o'clock In the afternoon, when conditions will be made known by nov 7-2t] THE HEIRS. ruzzac SAVE. Wax BE SOLDAT FU131,1(3 SA LE, ON THE premises In Anoville, on Saturday, November 14th. IStIX, that well known TAVERN STAND, Fink'e Hotel, in faA onville. Lebanon county, formerly Kalinin's, a im b. ntantial end commodious two-story SrONE HOUSE, Stabling fur ta) bead of flortios; en enclosure for Cas tle; a Well of never-falling water with pomp near the dour. It is Lim nearest Uotel to the Depot, and ban an ex cellent run of business. AG' A small, complete Distilling Apparalns, Dourly new. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M., of said day, when conditions of sate will be mode known by Aonville Nov. 7. 180.1-203 JAMB FINK. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA BERK'S COUNTY, 4.. a. . . AT AN ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE iCounty of Be, kit, held et Reading, on the 4th day of November, A. D. 1E63, in the Chatter maof the Estate of Joh n Jacob tied:moo, deed. Oa motion of B. li. Schwartz, Attorney for the Attudnis. trator, ac., the Conn grant a rule, directed to Eames! Berkman, Benjamin Heckman, Adam Heckman, John Heckman, Marten Beekman, Jared Heckman, Ellett Beck man, Daniel Heckman, texas Heckman, l'olly,i otermarried with Charles Old, mush, intermarried with John Lily.all children of the said deceased, end to John Heckman, gnat. dice ad cticra for tire heirs of ScoastoP decoaxed, Imo in let married with Aaron it, Miller, to lilies Miller, Lucian H. Miller, Walter H. Miller and Clementine B. Miller and Jared Heckman, guardian of Jared Wenner, grandchild of the said dermtaed, and all other perzone interestitd, to be and appear before the Honorable the J (widen of the. said Court, at a Court to be held at Reading, on Thursday, the seventeenth day of Docem6or,.A. D. lgfa. at II o'clock, A. M.. then and there to accept or reface the Real Estate of the said deceased, at the valoatioe, or to bid more in writing therefor, or to show canoe why the earns should not be sold according to law. Rule returnable at next session of e'lld Court, to be b01d.93,1be 17th day of December, A. D, 1163. _m :" 4,,, .1 - ' • r:r , P nor 7-0 t) JAMESON'S_ CL_ OTHING HOUSE _ . !MA. VP . 0.1 1121 El C ) 0.) ,-4 .....i g:1 Corner of Sixth and Penn Streets, READING, PA. 9 THIS LONG ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN OLOTH i. ING HOLM is bettor prepatcd now to hold out groat inducements to buyers than at any previous time, as our stock of MEN'S CLOTHING & DRESS GOODS, Is much larger and bettpr than ever before, the bulk of which has boon bought before the late great rise hi prices In great variety, of all sizes, prices and qw in this branch has enabled us to get up alt ti ull ages, to which we invite particular attont March 28, 1863-0] nunsifiNT 'lii !N 01;1)Ell, OE THE OR Court of Burks county will be sold HI Pa bite V endue on nnturtiny, On ran day of December, A. I) . 1993, an th. Penile house of Pemba Ennui,. lu P.recltutich tnw xld p, Perks county All that corNin 1110F.Tlign, imminent and Dant of land, sittplin partly In 13 rsek•velk end pertly in lantern tow vidlip, Perks county, adjoining land,. of Daniel Miller, (leery Trowel, Jacob ifabel man, derev...ed, Peter llowinutt. Jahn Moyer, Itoolttmin Kemp, Daniel tihorl,ollw,r, John 11,1doird, Philip gthrlght. Daniel Fit. lerllngi ed Jeveph !dela containing ono hundred and seven sore and nue hundred and twenty-eight pereltex, be the some nine, nr ie.e, of which about a norm itre meadow, fie acre, handsome _Arent Lund, and t barest arable. The tinprovements consist of one story and a. hair Log Rchwellvar Barn sad other lint.linildings. A lipri up; or never-failing water 'smear said dwelling, KW., F. yonn a thriving apple orchard. hale the properly of dizeob Zerbe. deceased. Tbs n hove property will be sold in the whole or in parte, to suit purchasers. gale to eon, mance at I n'elnelt in the it itarneen. when due eiteudenre will be given, null the term) of sale mode known by Hy order of tbeCokrt.—DArtil.. Jana, Clerk. [env 14-lt Shamt.l the e.bove..l..erlt.ed ttretnia4k net be gold. they wilt then be rented, for one year, to the highest nod hest bidder. PURSUA NT TO AN 01;DER OF THE (NI MANS' Court of Pet lea county, will tin sold at Pala: Vendee, on Saturday, the 2htli day of Niirembor, A. ISON, nn the premises, the foilowinadeeeribed Real Estate, to wit: All that certain Inenannan, totteinoot and. tract of gi+land,kanwn ibo SOUTH MOUNTAIN BOITSiti, 2.4 situate ill Haidathargtownahip, Bei KS county, KAM% o ilki6s tug lands of John George Soi leer, Peter Althea.. M. Wilhelm, John Shama, //MAC Lash, and said John George Seltzer; containing 70 acres, loots or loss. The Improve meets thereon being a large and corn meow,. BOARDINC, BO LISP, built of briet, three storied MO, furnished with all the modern improvements, end supplied with. pure Spring Water from a spring (irsown se the Old band Spring) near the premiers; together a MILL and bISTILLERY with all the uscessary machinery; a Iwo stay rengl,east Muse. trooot Sara, 17ezOci .ko, All of said buildings are within Esc 111114111414 walk or Wortielsdorf Station, on the Lebanon Volley Railroad. Late tho property of John ihroderbseck. deconsed. !iota to commence at One oclock in the afternoon, when due attendance vial be giveo, and the Wrens of tale made known bq HENRY 11. ID Ali DE U.PiiC U. Administrator. By order of the Court. —DANIEL NABS, Clerk. Loot 31—it Of Valuable City Property. TE UNDERSIGNED WILL OPFER. AT —Pablir Kale. nu Saturday, November 21nt, 1668, ni Yeagera Hotel, earner of Fifth_ and Neel:dogma careers, nil those certain Lots of ground, aitnaie on the North side of Feanklin rarest, between Front and Water streets, wtto afire braidings thereon, consisting of two two-story CRICK BUILDINGS, with Kitchen attached. Also. a. Lot of Ground, 0.1 the corner of Franklin and Water streets. souk:Or/keg 60 feet on Franklin and K 2 feet on Water street: to ha sold without the haildinge, in the whole or in parts, to Nutt pureeneere. . . . . Comfitione bale to be made kaown at the time and place, by oct 31.-3tl ISAAC T. JAMES. Estate of John, late of Reid. elberg township, Berke county, dec'd. OTICE; IS HEREBY 'LINEN, THAT LET TEHS of Administration to the Estate of John Man derbach, (Ex.Sherin), late of Heidelberg township, kerks county, deceased, have bred granted to the subscriber, re siding In the Borough of Womeltdorf, county aforesaid. All person. Indebted to sold Estate, are requested to make payment without delay, and all having claims against the same, are also reqnested to preterit them,properly authen ticated. for settlement. er4lo-y H. H. MANDEBBACH, Adminietrator. Eatate of William Strauss late of Upper Tulpehoccon township, Berks county, deceased. WTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TAAT LET TERs of Administration to the estate of the above named decedent, have been eranted to the sobacriber, re. aiding in Upper Bern township, eame county. All persona lutlebted to ooid estate are requested to make payment without delay, sod ell who bare claims Or drIrrOLOII , S stga 11.4 the same, are Mao requested to preaent them, properly an thenticated , for settlement. oct I 0-Stal JARED bf. WAGNEP., Administra tor. Estate of Jacob Machemer, late of Eiprlag township, Barks county. deceased. I‘, ToTIGE IS 11EREGY GIVEN, THAT LET tr. of Administration nu the instate of Jacob Macho tear, late of Spring township, !lecke snooty, deneahed. have Leon a re otod in, gob Awn lilueltetenr, of npriag, send 11/newel fdaehetner, of North Heidelberg township. comity afore said all parsons having elaims or demands spinet the es tate of the said doet'aottd, are 70q0.341.1 to Make them known la the raid administrators w Mint delay, and Orate indebted to the eget° are requested to mike Immediate payment. EMIRAIM MAMIEMER, Ad tui nletrat ore. Oct :fl-6rl H A EL hl A CH EN KR, Estate of gusanna Herbal'', late of Oley township, Berke county, deceased. IfiJOTICE I 3 HELIENV GIVEN, THAT LET, I tern tetdamentery upon the estate of the above nettled de L cedent, have bean greeted to the n la Oley township, Berge county. Alt pontoon Indebted to said estate will therefore make payment without &day, nod those having claims, wilt present them properly itu thentizated for settlement, to Oct. 31-6.1 Choirs, Conventions, and Singing Schools, ARE USING The best Music Book of the Seasom, "111111 VINI" Which. tbongy Intl nix weeks old, line attained A I'OPU.LARITY UNEQUALI,EII, A Sale of Fifty Thousand Copies. SEVERAL. CONVENTIONS HAVE USED IT with entire sett eratition—iw eive more coeval tlone will' nue It Ma month—and a large number are making ar rangetnenta for the coming B.lFutl. Cholr“ find no hook egnal to it for practice—and, Certainly, a hooks° availahis fur Conventions and Choirs cannot to other tei*e than the book for Singing fifolootB. 6pceinnen rar , d 8 . 4 t free. Price of ' , The Harp of Judah, - fll per copy dtd por doe. Said by all Mimic Dealers and llook,ellem. WAVER. DIMON & CO , Publlchara. gel 21, 1869-ly] 277 Wanhington Street, Houton. CE lIRREBY NOTEPI V 11AT TfIEV AltE required to pay to the Coup ty Treanorer, the amounts of their respective Duplicates on ur before the 15th day of December next. After that date It W tlt be rteeeasary to Cuing suit agatnet ail del - i.e. - I.nm PAUL W Icti GEO. K. LOEAT3, Conunteettinere. oct 11-30 11. 11. UNION BANE OF READING. E ANNUAL BLECTION FOR DIRRO- L 1'02.8 will be held el. the Banking Ranee on Monday. the Mk. day of November next, between the bourn of 10 &week, A. M. and 2 Y. M. err to-M1 C. B. BteKNIG HT, Cobbler. AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN. DIREC 'FORA of the FARMERS' BANK OF READING, will be held at the Banking Howie. on the third Monday (the 16th) of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. oct 10-61] H. If. 31IIIILEN13ERG, FRENCH MERINOS & PLAIN POPLINS. JUST RECEIVED AT THE STORE OF THE subscriber, a rail line of Brown, Purple, Green, Ele• pliant, Magenta, and other colors or /NIEL 11.1t1IN, Clerk 0. C. BOYS' CLOTHING-. ORPHANS' counT SALE, JACOB ZERWR, ? JOSEVIL ORPHANS' COURT SALE PUBLIC SAILEr LIVt ITERISEIN, Bxecutrirs JONAS lIERREIN, By any ;honor work, and Jo mooting with A DEMAND UNPRECEDENTED; lutartog within three months TAX COLLECTORS NOTICE FRENCH MERINOS. The attention of purchasers Is respectfully invited. DAVID NEFF. Market Square, Beading. EIEM - - tildes. The long experience of this House le different proportions and sizes to fit boys of ion. • .TADIESON & Co. Philadelphia and Reading hail [Wad. FALL ARRAfTGEMENT PASSENGER TRAINS Norstmcit 2, 18181. (Paaslng Reading) DOWN, TO PHIL ADELPIII A, at 6.30 and 11.10 A. AL, 12 noon, and -1.20 I'. M. UP, TO PoTTSVILLE, at 11.111 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. WEST, TO LEBANON AND HARRISBURG : Western Exprem from New-fork, at 12 Midnight. Mail Trains, at 11.07 A. AL, and li 00 I'. 51. On Mu:cloys, the Down A. AL Train passes Reading at 9.20 A. M , and Up Train, at 0.07 P. AL Both 11.111 A. M. and 0.110 P. AL up connect at Port Clinton for Ta manna, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, Adagara and Canada,. The 11.10 A. AL Train only connects at Port 01rardin for Wilkeaharre, Scranton and Pittston. The Waatern Express Trains connect at Harrisburg with Exproas Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad for Pilta burgh, and all poinhi Went; and the Mail Trains re:inert at Harriet:tug for Lane:whir. Clialnberidinrl.l,Situbnry, Wil liamsport. Lock Haven. Elmira and The Ca:lades. Through Find-Maas Coupon Tlcketa, and Emigrant Tick ets at reduced Farm., to all the principal points in the North and West, and the Cunadas. COMMUTATION TICKETS, With 20 Coupouß at 24 par tent. illiß . nant, between any' points desired. MILEAGE TICKETS, Good. for 2000 MINN, between all points, at !46 36.—for Families and Business Firms. 510 , 11096 Tickets, good for the balder only, far three months, iii stop of { ha Passenger Trains to Philadelphia, at:II-12 35 each. ikhool Beason Tick ets one.thlrd loss. . . Pagreagera will take the Expreas Trains Watt, at the UPPER DEPOT, and all other Trains, at the LOWER or OLD DEPOT. . SO La. of baggage allowed each passenger. *re Paseedgers are requested to purchase their Tickets before entering the cars, as higher Fares arecharged if paid in cars. Up Trains leave Philadelphia for Reading, Harrisburg at 8.15 A. X. ; aad 3.30 P. H., and at 4.30 P. H. for I:leading only. .r...Fixcursion Tickets, gand. for one de- - 6.30 A. X, Tickets, pane. _ by _ . AncomunniFition. Train le Philadelphia and reinrn, at 4c2 90 each, and to Hat rlsbarg, good for three days, by all Pan wgqop Trains, 82 20. G. A. NICOLL?, Nor. 7, 1e43-113 dentsro.l..lcaperintandeAL DEAFNESS, DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR AND AIR-PASSAGES. R. EL 3E. EYE AND EAR. NOISE IN THE HEAD. DEAFNESS Dr. F. A. VON MOSORZIONSR, OCULIST AND AIIRIBT AUTHOR OF TUB GUIDE TO TH3 DISEASES OF THE EYES, MEI THEIR TREATMENT, ALSO, A WORK ENTITLED "Medical and Surgical Science•" With Obsetratione on the Treatment of Dleeaee■ of the Eye Can he committed on DEAFNE.B sad ell dieeaeet of the Jt ANb aAit, requiring Medical or Surgical treatment. stir 1027-1027-1027-1027 WALNUT STREET, Between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, PHILADELPHIA. PA 11.raranen or no Molina reßpoebthillty can ba Ob tained of come porformed by Dr. Voo MuschzUkor, in severe ewe of Deafnees and Bltrawl's. fooglfi T•• DEALER IN imo Atzo MIL ^IV EGG- 41131 k ea> mascAM, FINE GROCERI ES, FRUITS, PRESERVES, dm. NO. CO4 PENN STREET, TRIED DOOR ABOVE spun; READING, PA. DAVID - NEFF. ryAS JUST OPENED A LARGE ASSORT- S MENT of WOOLEN GOODS, Latest Styles HOODS, NUBIAS, SONTAGS. A full Hoe of Weolen Hoee and Gloves. Also a superior article of BALSIORAL SKIRTS. [oat 24 LADIES' CLOAKS A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF FROSTY BEAVERS, A NEW AND ELEGANT ARTICLE POE X.a .7ZI X MI OS AI. ~ JUST RECEIVED AND FOR BALE NT JAMESON & CO., CORNER OE BMW AND PENN STS. oct 24 Estate of George DavMelee; late Of Amity township, Barks ccs, deceased. OTACE is iIEREUY GIVEN, THAT LET TERS Testamentary to the Estate of George David deer, late of the city of Reading, bane been granted by the Register of narks °entity to the subscribers, residing in Malty township. Notice is hereby lama Wail persons in debted to said male to make payment Without delay, and all bavierelanne against the Milne, to pretest them pro perly authenticated for settlement. JOHN DA.VIDHEIBEH a GEORGE DAVIDLIBIBEN,/ Adiaingetratore. JACOB DAT/DBlWilii, out 814P1 101 El E 2 Eil El = 4 OE 4