Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, November 14, 1863, Image 2

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gets! brightest Bernier that fiats eo tOP gale.
Flag efthe country of Was:l.lll4;ton, tail!
Eed are thy i.triper with the bloc' of the brave,
Bright are thy eters as the run on the wave;
Writtit in thy folds are the hopes of the Free,
Banner of Ww,hington bletbings on thee!
_VP A COMMUNICATION frets "TEAellett, — en ale bobj,t
of our Schoo getiaral I raiuinp of the 'coati' of
ear city. to unecoldably pol.tpeced until coot week.
We publish, from week to week, a number of
advertisements of Real Estate, Executors' and
Administrators' Notices, Orders of Court, Sze.,
for which the parties interested could just as
ire't pay the mrsh as not but witch, from the
habit of the thing, they tell us to charge to their
accounts, where they generally remain from three
to six and twelve months, and often longer, be
fore payment. Now, when we state that all our
expenses have to be met with cask—tbsti not a
sheet of paper is used in our office until it is paid
for—and that those who wort: for us nerd their
wages every Saturday night; it may be imagin
ed that we often stand in need of the money that
this advertising should bring us. Acy one wilt
understand that it is no easy matter to comply
with the •• cash system" in what he buys, and at
the same Limo allow the credit system" on
what he earns. In these days of universal cash
payments, it will not be considered unreasonable
in the printer to remind his friends that he is no
exception to the rule. We therefore hope our
customers will, in all cases where it may lie con
venient, favor us with the ea,b for their adver
tising favors, instead of having theta charged.
We have no disposition to be doss-fisted or die
obliging; but mulie this request simply es a
.business necessity," of which all should see t be
ACT.—lmportant Dceifion of Cie Supreme Court of
Pennxyluania.—ln the Supreme Court of Buie
State, at Pittsburgh, on Tuesday last, Chief Jim
Lice Lowrie rendered a decision in the mn.ter of
the application of three drafted men belonging
to Philadelphia, who filed bills in Equity to test
the constitutionality alba Conscription act. The
applications were for injunctions to restrain the
Government officers from sending the complain
ants into the military service. The Chief Justice
decided the act. of Congress unconstitutknal, and
granted preliminary injunctions in each case.
Concurrent opinions were read by Justices Wood
ward and Thompson, and dissenting opinions by
Justices Strong and Read.
Justice Woodward sums up his opinion in the
following words
" I rest my objections to its constitutionality
upon these grounds:
" lst. That the power of Congress to raise and
support armies does not include the power to
draft the militia of the States.
..t2d. That the power of Congress to call forth
the militia cannot be exercised iu the forms of
this enactment.
" 3d. That a citizen of Pennsylvania cannot be
subjected to the tules and articles of war, until
lie is in sternal military service.
"4dt That he is not placed in such aClnat
service when his name has been drawn from a
wheel, and ten days' notice thereof has been
served upon him.
" For these reasons I am for granting the in
As a majority of the Supreme Bench makes its
decisions, this settles the question of the consti
tutionality of the Conscription Law, unless it be
over-ruled by the Supreme Court of the United
States, or by—the " higher law" of Federal Pio—
Diehl, who died in Philadelphia on the 7th
at the advanced age of 88 years, was one of the
earliest merchants of that city, and among its
oldest and most respected citizens. The North
_American 99.7H!--" Ile possessed many virtues.
Hie history 'would be an exemplar to young men
of business. He reached the extreme age of 88
years. For sixty continuous years ho was a
subscriber to this paper. His friendship was
lasting, and very many now in prosperity owe
to his helping baud the foundation of their for
tunes. Ho died tranquilly, as he lived. Many
will lament him, though to him death is a gain."
Mr. Diehl was the father-in law of J. L Stich
ter, Esq., of this city. lie was the son of Nioho•
las Diehl, wilt, commanded a troop of horse in
the Revolutionary war, and the last survivor of
the " Thompson Blues," a Philadelphia Volun.
leer company that was called out in 1793 to quell
the Whiskey Insurrection.
Mir WE ARE BERRY that the figures we pub
lished last week, to show how Curtin was re
elected, have had the unlooked for effect of riling
our friend iiiestand, of the Lancaster Ervnziner,
to such a pitch as to make him forget his ordi—
nary courtesy toward us, and take to calling
maraca. John ought to be in a better humor
after the successes of his party in the late elec
tions, and not allow himself to get savage just
because a poor Democrat attempts to find conso
lation in cyphering out how the votes should
have been counted. John kdows as well as we
do that tt figures won't lie," and if these we
printed happen to show that Curtin's vote was
by far ton large to be accounted for in any rea
atonable way, why the fault is in the fact they
disclose, and net in us. Cheer up, John You
have every thing your own way, now, and
"hadn't ought to" be so querulous,
ment of this old and favorite Newspaper, for
1.9e4, appears in our advertising columns to-day.
The ladies—and they art the best judges—are of
one opinion in pronouncing it decidedly the best
family paper now published. Next to the Ga
zette, of course—and barring lie occasional po
litical partialities—we heartily coneur in this
opinion, and rem:rewind the Tthgraph, to our
country friends p brt icularly, as •• a gpod thing
to have in the hcm4e."
11101.1 WORKS SOLD —The executors of the es
late of James Rittenhouse, deceased, have sold
the igitcgow Forge property, with 224 acres of
land, together with grist mill, tenant twine, .te.,
in Pottegrove township, Montgomery county, to
William Trailer, Esq., of Longswamp township,
Berko county, for 51G,500.
APPLES / N NEW-YORE: STATE.—Pratt. growers
say that two hundred thousand barrels of apples
will be sold in Orleans county, New l'Ork, this
A c ~ vention of Fe-called " radical Gent - ISMS"
assetubled at Cieve,land, Ohio, on Saturday, the
17th of last month, nod eat (including Sunday)
until 010 fell wing Wednesday. The. Abolition
newspapers tell us that "the preeuediugu weru
very harmonious, and the debates showed the
most onion! and patriotic zeal. Fifteen States
were represented, including three slave States."
The lel:ening platform was I t :trete , ' by the eon-
1. I:o.i:why of the Union and subordination of
Itat several States under the sovereignty
of the people of the United States.
2. Ut,eanttitional euppreseion of the rebellion.
At3.2ntlon of slavery in the entire territory
of the United States in the shortest any
4. Revision of the Constitution in the spirit of
the Declaration of Independence.
Trettuteut of the reconquered rebel States
as territories for the purpose of recoil—
G. Cmion of the confiscated lands in the spirit
of the Homestead Bill, as well as dona
tion of portions of land to the defenders
of the country, of whatever color, and to
the liberated slaves
7. Re-Ai:Allot) of the Monroe doctrine.
S. Alliance with European revolution opirtit
foreign interveni ion.
t. Proreolion of the foaalont of the press and
speech against military usurp:idol.
10. Estatit.liroont of a national military eyr,tera
mih, to the 5 wieft nycicin. Universal
obligatiou for military tervico.
I]. Support of such candidates for publio offices
as stand nearest to the principles laid
down in this platform.
This platform is certainly '•radical" enough
to suit our American statesmen (!) of the Sum
ner, Phillips and Greeley school, to a hair. It is
ns thotottgbly revolutionary in its sentiments
and aitn as the Southern rebellion—and even
more so. Let us scan, for a moment, its several
proposit if/Ile—taking each one separately:
1. This inecus, if any the obliteration
of Skate limes, and the erection of a consolidated
centralized empire, titer Ito modtl of the Euro
pe:le despotisms ; contrary to the idea of Koostil
the I:anarian patriot, wito taw, in our system
of local self-government, at once the secret and
and safesnard of the libolies we enjoyed.
2. This is mere bravado, or else it means war
to the extent of exterminating the whole South
ere people; for no civilized belligerent powers
can mak., pease without agreeing to 80111,C sort of
terms or conditions. Even in our wars with the
Indians, we attempted to enforce no such savage
doctrine as thzir unconditional subjection.
3. This the present Administration is endea
voring to do, as far as Executive Proclamations
and .rbltrrAri milltars orders cam an if. To
sure, the Cons.hoi ion from which it derives oil
the power it possesses, gives it Ur,;ynitiorit y far
any Rich proceeding. But, 'what of that? The
man who rates about obedience to the Consti
tution now, has Leen declared n "tr4 - .3tor" by
11)01 . e than one of Pregitisut Linooln'o mouth.
4. After the preceding, proposition, something
like this became iz,cliztpcnsahle. Our "radicni t3er•
tuAtt " Itotteut than many of their
American Abolition allies,—tlefl plainly enough,
and cmfess that "the Cons itation as it, ie "
gives no warrant to Abolitionism, and therefore
they desire its revision " to snit. the times." But,
did it never strike (hero that, as some of tho
men who signed the Deep - ation of Independence
also aided in framing the C.nstilution, and all
the framers of that instrument were the com tem
poraries and fellow-laborers of the signers for
our freedom and intivrendence, they were likely
to have coder Mond •• the spirit of the Decla
ration " petty welt ° It would not ba a violent
prl!.9111111111.11 to think so.
5. That's Stunner's docttine—and radical and
revolutionary enough it. is. Old fogies may argue
that Stater oatet rebel, and mast therefore retain
their municipal existence ; but what of that? In
these war times, " might makes right."
G. Aba! Now we sea the object of the pre
ced kg proposition ! A premy scheme of plund
er and spoliation, truly, for a civilized and
Christian people to engage in ! Why it beats
ail to pieces Alextioder, and Atilln, and Cortez,
and William the Norman, and the whole line of
freebooters whose history is a recold of pillage
and conquest on a scale hitherto considered un•
appreachable by modern Kings and Warriors.
But there is one redeeming, feature in this plan
of wholesale robbery—it admits no distinction
of color in the distribution of the spoils t
7. When the Democratic party held power,
and, acting upon the conviction that in Union
consisted our national strength, made all
other questions subordinate to the preservation of
the Union in its entirety, the Monroe doctrine
was recognized and respected by all foreign pow:
era_ It. will never be realized again, until the
American people are one—art in mere form
of government—but in sentiment, feeling, inter
est, and nationality.
8. Washington and Jefferson, who were gener
ally supposed to know something about what was
best for the seenrlty and perpetuity of the free
dom and independence they assisted to achieve,
taught. a very dffernnt. lesson in regard to Euro
pean alliances. But then, their ideas are not
progressive enough for the present age. And,
after the rebellion is put clown. how shall we em
ploy our big armie.t . , and our immense munitions
of war, if we don't mix in with European revolu-
tionary movements?
9 If the t , radical Germans " are sincere in
This proposition, they must have inl.ended it as
a direct slap at the present Lincoln administra
tion ; for its policy ilati been liter:lly " Suppres—
sion of the freedom of the press nod of speech
by military usurpation."
10. This proposition becomes a necessity if the
Bth be adopted, an d pot in practice. We shall
1144(1 " A hational military system " even more
sorely than we do now, when our "alliance with
European revolution " transforms us into a light
ing- nation.
The "radical Germans" will not bind ;any ex
isting party in this country that. embodies all the
principles laid (town in their platform. But. it
is easy to perceive what party stands nearest
to them. To that, they will doubtless give their
support, as they have done in times pest. Can
any one tell us, though, hew the integrity of the
Union is to be t•eototed, nod free government
preserved and perpetuated, by the success of
principles so diametrically opposed to the tradi
tional American school of politics ?—principlee
which, in their very essence and design, are
agrarian and destructive,when the country now
needs, of all things, a spirit of wise moderation
and conservatism.
A DP:310011AM CoNaltnet3l4l7 ELECTRD.—At
the recent election in New York, the pemnerata
elected John V. L Proyn, Eoq , one of the ablest
men iu that State, to C.ongress from the Albany
district, by a large majority, to fill the vacancy
ocessdened by the resignation of lion. Ernetna
Corning. Bet the telegraph wires have neVeT
(a 4 far as we know) allowed the fact to be known.
It troubles the Abolitiuhists Otat there IS a
Democratic party. Dot they can't help it, after
all. And they'll hear from it, too.
FATAL EXPLOMON.—On Wednusday morning,
4th inst., an explosion occurred or the powder
lal:oraiory of Mrssra. Leibcrt, Raiff and Eshbach,
a short distance below Norristown, Pa., resulting
fatally to Mr. Henry Leihort, and 'William P.
Reiff, both well known and respected oitizens of
Tie late election iu Maryland airorda a glaring
instance of federal disregard of Slate rights and
interference withfree elections. Bach voting
place was surrounded by soldiers, Who were un
der orders to prevent all persons suspected of
" disloyalty " from giving in their ballots; I'M
a test oath was also prescribed, which every
voter was obliged to take. The soldiers acted
se judges of the t , loyally " of the. eitimur, ! Of
course, under such a regime, only one side voted,
and the consequence was, the election of four
out of the Sic Lincoln candidates for Congress.
In one district there would seem to he no •loyal"
people, for the anti Administration candidal e
Was allowed to be elected. The Governor of
Maryland, Mr. Bradford, an undoubted Union
man, wrote a letter of remonstrance lo the Pre
sident. against this exercise of tyranny, but ra
dioed very little satisfaction; and at length,
unable to do anything else, ho solemnly protest
ed against it, in the name of the people of his
State, by a stirring and sensible proclamation.
(ion. Schenck, however, the Military Dictator of
Maryland, forbade the publication of the procla
mation, food sent Ms soldiers, with bayonets
fixed, to prevent freemen from voting. If it
were not so serious a stretch of arbitrary power
as to amount to a gross outrage, we should cad
the Maryland election, under influences lilts
these, a farce.
AT RIIIIIIIIOND.—The Union prisoners, inettreent.
led at Richmond, are in a most deplorably con
dition—many of them actually dying from star
vation. Of the last number paroled some died
Limit way to Eurtress Monroe and many
have since passed away, having become so much
reduced for want of food that it was impossible
to save thein. 1 person who saw them land at
Fortress Monroa, says:
"Never before, in the course of my life, have
I ever seen ouch a scene as she viten presented.
They were living skeletons. Every man of them
bad to ho sent to the hospitals, and the surgeon's
opinion is that snore than one-third of them must
die. being beyond the reach of nourishment or
"I questioned severql of them, and :di stated
that their condition hoe been brought.en by the
treatment they hare received at, the hands of the
" They have been kept without food and ex
posed a largo portion of the time without sholtel
of any kind."
Since then information hae bec-n received at
Washington, stating that the lobe! authorities
have at length altogether stoppe.l the very small
iticat 1 aiiou here:oforo aitewed t.n our tow-vies eol
diers in 'heir prisons. The exerße alleged is Oho:
they have Ceiteed io be able to tin nisi' their own
soldiers wish meat.
As assurances have been given our Govern
moot that. any suppties of clothing and food that
may he forwarded loam 1„i-.nuers in Ilielttunttd,
through the proper eltannets, will be delivered
into their hands, the dictates of gratitude. sym
pal by and humanity demand that. immediate cf
rot ts should be made by the citizens of the peace
ful and undistuilred porticos of the Union, to
relieve the sufferiugs of their unfortunate court.
ttyrneu who have fallen iu:o the enemy's hands
through the vicissitudes of war.
Mijf:DER IN CARMN CoctTr.—On Thursday
evening, sth inst., Mr. George K. Smith, a mem
ber of a coal firm operating , at Yorktown, in
Carbon county, was deliberately murdered in his
own house, at that. place. It appears, from the
best information that we have been able to oh
toia, that four men called at bis house and stated
that they had a letter which they were required
to deliver in person to Mr. S. On his coming
down from an upper room, he was fired upon and
instantly killed, One of his clerks then made
his appearance and fired upon the assassins,
wounding, as he supposed, one of them. In turn
he was fired upon and wounded. Several bails
also passed through Mrs. Smith's dress. The
party then tied. It is said that Mr. Smith had
provoked the hostility of the miners by giving
information to the Provost Marshal which en•
ebled him, with the military under Captain
Yates, to find the drafted men.
A.:3 it wz,s feared a riot would vomit from this
trouble, a large number of soldiers were imme
diately seal to that locality, and : , everal of the
operators closed their mines, but up to this time
no further violence has been committed.
TALL VoTinu.—A cotrespond:nt of the Har—
risburg l'alriot presents the following 61111110.1i—
eon of the vote of Turk, a Democratic county,
with that of Venango, an Abolition county, by
way of showing how Cortia'S niqjurity of 15,000
was obtained. It proves a glaring ease of fraud,
or else a miraculous condition of health, &c., in
the people of Venango
In 3802 it (Venango) polled 4,407 Iroi,C9,
giving Cochran 70 majority, The number of
mashies returned before this vote was 0.275. In
1862 this county polled 6,274 votes, giving Cur
tin a majority of Sl4. M'Ciure's estimate mint
to the New• York Tribune asked for 300!
" York, a Democratic county. polls 13,591
votes out of a tax lief of ltl. i i 6, leaving for
r•idows, orphans, non•resideuts, bide, &0., who
could riot vote, 5,195 persons.
Venango, an Abolition county, polls 6,274
voles out of a lax list of 6 275, leaving for
widows, c.rphans, nos residents; sick, bto., who
could not vote, 1 person : A county containing
souls, does not often piesent so clean a
bill or health as this."
—Or, the writer might. have added, 80 h?:7 a
THE DA3"II.E OF 61:1rVSBURIS —Messrs. J. B.
Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, have just pub
lished a neat. little volume of 48 pages, entitled
"Notes on the Bebe' Invasion of Maryland and
Pennsylvania, and the Baitle of Qettphttrg,"
The author is Professor M. Jacobs, of Peunsyl
satins College, Gettysburg, who witnessed nearly
all that he narrates, and who derived his knowl.
edge of what ho did net Witties4 frail the best
authorities. Au excellent. map accompanies Ms
narrative, and rashes every thing perfectly clear;
The volume is for sale at all the Bookstores.
TIIE DE3treATIO VOTX OF Onto.—The Den,oo
- of Ohio, although bealea at the late election,
polled a larger vote, by 16,000, than the highest
vote they ever east before; and 31,000 greater
than their vote of 180. The following figures
show the Democratic vote of Ohio for Govern°.
in the years named
gig Fury. Dn. ilAtteAentt, pastor of St. John's
Qiutob, at Cohan-:n, has been electedlifeseur
of Didactic Theology, &c., in the Seminary et
Mercer.9latrg, by the Synod of the ( - Jarman Re.
f..vatcd Church rear,: iy lu ae-c-;ion at. Carlisie, in
place of Rev. 1) , . B. C. w,a, re,igned
Schaff has relitiu!shed in the
H , Last I.lecnittiey for It period of two years, de
eiguitig to visit Hs friends in Europe.
Recently while workmen were etwteed in re—
pairing the privy vault on the Lehigh county
Fair Grounds, they discovered s'ne twenty or
twenty-tire pocket hooks in the vault, rifled of
their contents, with the exception of valueless pa
pers. They had evidently been thrown in during
the late Fair by pickpockets, who musthave had
a righ burnt.
Cll4 _Affairs.
noraa.—Divine servlcetvill he bald at the Court House,
to•morroty (Snaday) moralag, at 10 o'clock ; also in the
evening at 7 o'clock.
stir THE UNION GRAS };R lS NETIIIO Will be. 11,:•,k1
to-.sorrow (Stinday) ariennoo, to the Second German
rielormed Church, South Sixth street, at 3 o'clock. All
reran-. are reveetrol , y invited to uttered.
"QUARTERLY M givrixa in St.. Peter's M. E.
Cb 'oh, South Fifth Street, Seodny, Nov.lnth, (to•morrow).
Love Fount at Sh A. ; PreAchiug by Rely. W, L. Gray,
at 10 A. M. ; Preaching to Young Men, by the Pastor, at 7
P. M.
atortarao.—Atteation M tnvltod to the sale of Fruit
Trees, Evergreens, Shrubbery, Sm., from a lirstrclass Nur
sery, to take place title morning in the Weetern Market
derrtand that a new Deola under the National Banking
Law, is ebent to be establish. 3 in this city, with the title
of " The First Maio:tat Bonk of Reading," by portion
who have the requisite means and facilities for placing the
enterprise upon a proper footing
V.V" TILE )I%M OF 1 3 OTTSTOWN, in 'which a
considerable amount of stock is bold by residents of the
lower cod of Dellis county, has just made a half-ycarly
dividend of it per ;rent. At the election for Directors,
to he hold on Monday next, a proposition to IRCTIXISO the
capital Cio,ooo will ho voted The present capital
of the Bsek is sloo,oteo, which it is authorized, by its char
ter, to increase to $200,0f 0,
, Zee' SUDDEN Dl:ATlT.—Joseph R. Priestley,
Cashier of the Dank of Nortbumberlaria, died end
den ly, of hearbdisease, at the Railroad Depot, in thin city,
on Tuesday Morning lost, immediately after stepping off
the train from Philadelphia, le which he had been a pus
gouger. He was a sou of Dr. Joseph Priestley, a diatin
guislied Euglieheliemlst,aud advocate of the Unitarian faith,
who cams to this country in the year lint, andwas among
the earliest settlers of Noilintuthertand county, He was
also a son.i.u. law of the lake Marks John Biddle. EFCI., of
Reading, and leaves relatives yet residing here, in whose
charge his body was taken home to Northumberland, on
Wednesday, for interment.
Mr. Priestley was 71 years of ago, and had teen for a
long limo connected with the Bank of Northumberland as
(lathier. He wan a gentleman of affable manners, benovo•
loot disposition, and high character in business and social
life. Ile was widely known is this Stole and aniversagy
respected and ...teemed. the death wilt be a eer lone loos
to the community la which ha re-idol, as well as to the
numerous friends elsewhere, who know and appreciated
his sierling worth.
1.6 Y" 0. U. A. M. —.MINITEL COVIA OF Lr.C•
ran gemonts have been wade by Reading (loon-
Oil No. 4 , 1, tinder of Mined American Medlarles, fur .be
delivery, tiering the wintee, by Its member.,, of a
ismer° 0,- sea ems; apes .01.4 eppropriew eubjert —not re
ligions or political—once a mouth. in the Alrcha nice' hull,
(Urn. Sollade's linildiug) No. fir; East Penn street. The
first pthlm-o allot eerie- was 11plIvoriotoaTborsaey rvon
by 6,1). C Cetinlacr ; sail consisted eta trihnto
to ; he memory of the Ism Da oiel Seldom, one of the oldest
Ineed,re of the Order, who patriotically volenteered in
'lie dornit<t in octOor, 7 83, and Woo hilted oil his
return how, by a collision of care ou the Cumberland
ti alley Railroad. The address, we are informed, was an
intetooling retninimence of the deceased, and welt deliver
ed. We pre requested to Kate that the members of the
Older generally in oily and country am Invited to attend
this asunius of revFes.,
Duran, of the Invalid Corps, with a detachment of soldiers
mater his command, bromht to this city on Wednesday
morning, twenty-four men, with Illeir arms pinioned upon
their backs, who were arrested on the charge of being en
gaged in the recant riutelm procemlinge in Carbon c....iy,
which resulted in the killing of Mr. George K. Smith. a
casboperator, and the serions wounding of several others.
They were kken to the military - piton on Seventh street,
where they are stilt confined, In the custody cif the milita
ry authorities of ibis district. The men, we learn, were
not metered without considerable resistance; and two of
them, when takon, were :Mui to be nrmed with SAY,.II.
barreled revOlvers. 011iere of lie petty, were also arnterl,,
P. 7.—We le Ire the.t three 111911, Wench; of the prisoner.,
who came from Carbon counts, to VlRik them, were yenta?•
day arrested, changed with being accomplices, and locked
up with them.
Jerkey Regiment of Infantry (dime years' Volunteers),
norehAing about 6:0 meu. arrived in thiscily on Wednes
day night, from Antietam Forge, Maryland, under orders to
proceed to the Carbon county coal region for the purpose
of preserving the pelvic and enforcing the authority of the
Federal Government in the matter of the Conscription.
They hailed here ever Thursday, and left the came even
ing for the .0008 of the late riotous dietarbances.
ter PAINFUL ACOIDNNT.—A painful accident
laa.ppeued In tbo limestone quarry of Mr. Henry Neely, lu
Douglass township, Darks cunuty, on the sth of this month,
by which one of the men engaged in blasting was severely
burned in the face, neck, arm, dm. It appears that John
Benwohorgerand Lewis antler charged a bole with pow
der, and after applying a match to the fade in the nasal
mariner, retreated to a place of safety. After waiting for
some time, and the charge not exploding, Mr Butler took
a pick and commenced to work at it, whonitcxpinded and
burned his face in such a manner that it to feared he will
lore, one of hie eye, Dr. Thomas J. B. Rhoads, of Boyers
town, was Inintlfdlakly coiled epao to attend the buGrer,
Ante• WATER.—To correct unfounded rumors
that are adoat in regard to the impurity of oar hydrant
water, we ecu antborizid to ktato that the hanina wore re
cently cleaned out, in presence of Nlessrs. Joe. \f illhotlaud,
Louis Ritter, Isaac Eckert. M. IL Scull, and others, and no
impurities whatever found in them. Oar citizens may
drink the tiller freely, with the fell BadllEfaida of it, whole.
night, Nov, Uh, about 9 o'clock, fire wee discovered in the
dwelling of Mr. Peter Reber, in Stranstowts, Upper 'Nine
%meson township, but by the prompt arrival and assist
/tore of the neighbors, the tire was extiognished before
mach damage tear. done It AVialto.ted is a fist room on
the seeend lloo•, Rod ao is supposed, from emptying the
contents of a bmoF:e.plpejoto a wooden spittoon containing
AMOUNT or Coal, t nal:sport ed on the rhp.
adelplria and Reading Railroad, during the week ending
Thur,atuy, November i 2, 1863.
From Port Carbon, -
'• Pottaville,
9ahoytkill Haven, - -
" AtAborn, - - •
Port Clinton, - • -
" liarriaburg - -
Total for Week -
Peavitetely &hie year, - -
To %ABM Li to xla•rt yea I'
stir cifiLD BUllfll4l.—At, rittrolonrg, on I i.e.
inst., Itannob, aged 4 years, a daughtEr of Jobe
vioa so badly 'burned that thorn Was oo hope of her
recovery, aee clothen ionic lire, tinting her mother's :hit.
canoe at a nelghbor's, from a lire which. hod been kindled
Open an open hearth for Washing. and tier whole body
woe Ahocki ugly burned before the Comex enahl be total,
re-- P. wrunN en TO DUTY —Copt. Donn and
Liant. Lea,el, of Duretro Battery, who %two at home for
EOlllll time on sick letsa, hove rejoined ihol r Company, iu
IZetd.telty. gergettot Coorge:A. Rvorkle.rt, foruter:y of
L.) so, another member of the ticalney, died vacantly of ill.
tiesocool rooted white on daty with Gee. Grant's army,
rear Vicksbneg.
1853 133,000
1855 181,000
1857 7510M0
18a 171,000
18G1 150,0(0
180 167,000
Se , " Nltv 1/!Q11011 &mu: IN
Attention Is directed to the card of oar townsmen, Messrs .
Lantuaa,Cade & Bitting, wha hhvo just opened a
Whoh,oln Howie for tho note of Moon and /Atittflrel. at No.
its South Ninth !Arcot, betwoon Cbektuut and Walnut,
CiN Tlll4 RAI LIMAD.--Oil Sot
a boy about 10 years of ago, sou of Mr.
Oere•ge quid y, of North Lebanon, WAS run neer by a freight
halo on tan Leba,la VAley ..aelroa , i, and killed. Thy
TOM! ° peened ores IN neck witty severity the head from
ha body, nod otberwiie untoglisg
4 r a r pAoriuNa --Our roulers who wish sou—
thiug done in the way of painting, are referred co Lho raid
4,1* Mr. .1. Wo.loy Seldom, in our naliOrlining Column, lie
due, Sin work( promptly, dons it Well, and makes reasou•
able enargws—an of Welch are strong recoumendadlone to
public patronage.
jrg A Goou &HT.—Mr. Solomon li. Miller,
o: Maxim my op township, abut two Hawke, a few dais ago,
within the space or au hoar, upon the farm of Jacob
Benno, in Upper Berm toweehip. The shots were fired
while ha was Aline, at good. /sod, en hodasbatk.
,Oi" 18
27,:02.0 bri
.5 ON 13
9.04 S 10
71.0 , 13 01
2 716,8:3 14
2,140,t49 19
• • - -
The monthly meeting of the Board of Controllers Read •
lug srheod District, NV. held on Monday evening, Nov.
9th, ition, at nigh School building.
The following members were present:
Messrs, Miner, Frees, Gernand, Get, ffsgenman, Mahn,
Huff, Hooker, Jones, Knorr, McCauley, McCurdy,
Biters, Mulligan, Blanton, Itloharde, Roland, Turner, Vow
490erte—Messrs. Arnold, Crecolina, 'Eckert, Mongol,
Peeve, Peocoek, Robinson, Seidel, Stall, Stout —lO.
The Initiates of lost meeting were read and approved.
Mr. Goruand, Chairman of Committee on Building. and
Repairs, asked for an appropriation of 152.5 for planting
trees and boxing the news, at Green Street School !tease.
Ghe motion, an appropriation of oth was granted for
Mr. Hain, from Committee on Janitors, nominated Frank
lin Hahn, Janitor of d,i Ward, in place of Jonathan Meth,
Oa mutton, the nomination was confirmed by the Board.
The following reports from Visiting Committees, were
High School.—The udentslgned, ustenbere of the Cote:nit
tee,to visit the MO 6choul, respectfully report, that they
attended to the duly assigned them, acid were entitled
whir the recitations in Algebra, Geometry, Latin and Wo
men, which they were permitted 60 hear,
Antos nooKent,
Nov. bib, 1863 U. F. MetleriLES.
First Ward,—The Committee appointed to visit the
Sarnole of First Ward, ifaveatteuded to that duty, and re
port thorn in good condition. They are ell well filled, the
overage intendenee ie good ; end every room affords evi
dence of ewe and :Mention to duty on the port of the
teschers. Respectfully submitted.
J. K. hfc,:::IIRDY,
Reading, Nov. 9, 1563.
N coed Report,
Third Word —The Committee appointed to visit the
Schools is Thitd. Ward, would report that they performed
that duty et the time appointed, end found the eeverel
laChagat:la their decal orderiy end well-governed condition.
The primary schools, notwithstanding they have been re-
ed by the opening °, the new School louse, are still over.
crowded, and have too great a number of pupils for health
teed proper discipline.
The Conimittee would call the attention of the Board to
the want of seats of suiliciont alga for some of the larger
pupils who galena the primary echoole, partionlarly In the
winter months. Several imam:tees came tinder their ob
servation, of pupils whose age titled them for the secondary
or grammar school., but who Were only qualified for the
primary school.; sod for whom the benches in nee in the
latter are entirely unfitted.
The Committee would particalarly rarer to the excellent
order and attention to studies Which diatinguich the
secondary and grammar schools of the Ward ; for which
they cheerfully give their teachers the merited mewl of
praise. .1. LAWRENUN GINTZ,
Mediu, Nov, 9,160 d. A. B; TWINE 0..
- - - --•
Fourth Ward —The other moiebere of the Committee
not at on Mr. Mairtea reported verbally that he had
visited the iu Poplar Alley, with Which he was
well Pleased,
Fifth Word.—lfr. Gerund, from Committee for this
Ward, repot tad verbally that Le hnd vieited the Schoole,
and !mind them in good condition.
A communication signed by a Jorge number of the
Teacher+, asking fur an increase of salary, was presented
and read, and on 'notion of Dr. McCurdy, wee referred to
a Committee of live, one from each Wand.
The Preladent appointed the following gentlemen on the
Committee; Henna. 111cCardy, Hooker, !Wand, Van Leer,
and Hain,
The following Resolution was presented, and read, and
was unaniniously adopted :
nrsoferrd,That it pball be the duty of the Teachers of
the PAU Scheele of the my, during the 1110111.11+1 of De•
camber, January, and Februaty, to lake charge of their
reauactive edited retiree at ex, o'clock A. 31., in order that
paptlsomy leave an opportunity of warming tbee.welvea
before the boar of iustruot.oo arriVae.
wee egret-tithAt the btreeters front the eeveral War4l,l
Daily the Teachoris lo their respective wards of the paseage
of this resolution.
The Coto [tattoo on Janitors reported the sahrien of the
laultors of the Eeltool to Protestant Methodlgt aura, end
of the "Itiuktow n" Scheel, sa6 ench. per yeas—which wan
approved by the Board.
The following bills having been presented, undoreed by
the Corowitteen on Bnildiugo and Repaire and !Supplied,
were ordered to be paid : -
Remy Kessler, 2 New Clocks and Repairing, $ 10 (0
Anthony Zimmerman, Charcoal, 11 00
George K. Frill, Cunt for Dintriut, 1077 02
She Vonrd,ou motion, adjunrned,
LEWIS BRENEK, Secretary.
Tidal for Homicide—A. Verdict of w Vol
untary Blanslaughter."
The cape of The rooomourceollb cos. Jacob Daminaant
who wee indicted fur the homicide of Solomon Siegfried,
Which went to trial in the Court or Oyer and Terminer,
on Thursday evening, nth bat., wee terminated on Satur
day night lent, by a verdict of "Guilty of Voluntary Man.
etaughter." The substnee of the evidence in the cape, to
thus given in Mr. Louie Itiebardr's report for the Time;:
The defendant was esperintendent of iron mines near
Wornertiville, in bower Heidelberg township, and boarded
at Speegter's tavern, in that place. Ou the svenhig of the
21th of April Met, ou returning from, work he found a
crowd at toe tavern. Among than woe a man named Jo
lieph Pow, who was considerably intoxicated- Fox com
menced an altercation with lisanpman, alleging that he
owed him twenty live cants, which Datupman denied.
Datupmee, to quiet biro, at last dlstoted tne landlord to
pay him Z. 5 cents, which he did. Foir:"howevr, continued
bin abusive le ague go, and on going towards uninfman in
a menacing manner, the latter raised a pistol and warned
him to heap oil or be would blow hie brains out. The
landlord then interfered. Fox thereupon went back to the
bar from a neat neer the window where Damffman was,
threw off his hat, coat and vett, advanced towards him,
flouriabi on his hits, struck him a blow ou the forehead and
grasped him by the throat, nearly throwing him from hie
chair. Dam puma regained lila feat end the parties scuttled
°ace or twice around the room. One Solomon Siegfried—
a friend of Datopmao—advanced to separate them, and
caught hold of Fox At that moment, the platol held by
Dempinan was discharged. The hell grazed tux and Ca
tered Siegfried's right side below the ribs. From the ef
fects of this welled ;deeded died upon the worth day
The defence allowed in evidence that Thunman had al
ways been a sober, peaceable awl ittettenW,ve MOM,
The rote wee tiled by Marlin Attorney Ermoatront and
Henry Van heed, Req., for the Commonwealth, and by J.
S. Eichaide and John Beeke, Detre., for the defence.
Judge Woodward charged the jury shout 9 o'clock ou
Saturday night, and half an hear afterward they came in
to Court with the verdict above elated.
A motion fors new trial was made by Dampman's coun
sel, and argued oa Thersda , .. Thoy took the ground that
the evidence was not of such a character as to warrant a
conviction, as it clearly allowed that the plepol was tired
in self defence t and it was admitted that defendant bad
na intuition of doing Siegfried any Injary, and that the
'rag should have acquitted the defendant under the law
of the case as laid down by the Court. The motion was
overruled, and Jacob Dareprnan was then sentenced to pay
a floe of $lOO tviih the coated prosecution, and to undergo
an imprison meat of 2 years, In solitary confinement at
hard labor, in the Eastern Penitentiary.
ler A Ma DAY'S WORK.—On Saturday, the
7:h inst., eighty-five trains passed over the Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad, and its Lebanon Valley Branch,
viz: d Passenger and 11 Freight VOW/ en tho latter,
and G Passenger, 11 Freight and 41 Coal trains on the tor.
mer. Member of loaded Coal cars 2815; number of empty
do. 2484; making a total of 53:1:1 Coal Carl over the road in
one day. When it is added that title is not mach over the
dolly average business of these roads at prosent, some idea
of the magnitude or their operations may Le formed.
ger. A DETATL GUAM! , of 50 men, belonging
to Company b. U. S. Infantry, under command of Dant,
Murphy, arrived here kat evening, having iu custody 18
wen charged with desertion, ko. Their arrival was unex
pected. but the Provost Marshal provided for the comfort of
the soldiers, and the prisoners were locked up.
ger llnavey BERCI' St BROTHERS have all the
Illustrated Papers for the coming week; also the Novara.
bsr Magazines, and the periodicals of the day generally.
The New- Tork and . 0 10 1 ..adelphta patties are still supplied
by Miele Agency, as punctually as ever.
one moment (hat this is no time for pally orgaui•
zai ion, but for a union of all in support of mea
sures to put down the rebellion ; yet the rebel
lion, and nit other questions, are made subor
dinate to party by (hats no-party preachers the
moment such a course is (bought necessary for
their party interest. The Y. Y. Tribune of the
9th thus spealit ;—" We must, organize now, in
every City, County, Township, Ward, for the
Presidential contest, of 18tH."
RNINASE OF 1110 AM BROWER.—lliram Brower,
for many years editor of the Fairfax. county
Nett% was on Wednesday ieleaeed from Carroll
prison, where he had been onfined mayoral
mouths, and will take up hie residence in Penn
sylvania until the close of the war.
Mr. Brower ie a native of Berke county, and
was formerly an aseneiete editor of the LeLamm
Courier. Ile went to Virginia some ten or twelve
years ago, settled at Fairfax Court House, and
married there.
TllO biltpleATlON 00 111.0 Cerrveocao CBME
TER —A Wildiioglo7.l dispatch bu t te d that filo
President and Cabinet, will positively attend the
dediemion of the Gettysburg Cemetery on the
19th inst. hief-Mar.ltl Limon, B. B. French,
Commissioner of Public Buildings, and Col.
Puleston went to Gettysburg on Thursday to
meet the Committee of Arrangements.
Digigi's AT WE SOiITII.-oAlioo is eight dol
lars a y 4 rd iu Mobile, and new boots are one
hundred dollars a pair.—Flour is one hundred
dollars a barrel in Richmond —The rebels are
tOdueod-Lo waking brandy bat of porsignmOns,
We are in receipt of this popular Lq.ay's Ma
gazine, for December. It is a splendid number.
" Peterson” will be greatly improved in 1864.
It will cool sin nearly 1000 pages of double col
umn reading matter ; 14 steel plates ; 12 colored
steel fashion plates; 12 colored patterns in Ber
lin work, embroidery or crochet, and 000 wood
engravings—proportionately note than any other
periodical gives. Its stories and novolets are by
the best writers. In 1804, Four Original Copy
right Novelets will be given. Its Fashions are
always the let..eet and Prettiest. Every neigh -
borhood ought to make up a club. Its price is but
Two Donors a year, or a dollar less than Maga-
I:loco of its class. It is the "Magazine rev the
'Times! To clubs, it is cheaper still, viz ;—
three copies for $5, five for $7 60, or eight for
. $lO. To every person getting up a club, (at .
these rat es, ) the Publisher will send an extra copy
grate's. .gpecialeas sent or written for) to those
wishing to get up clubs. Address, post-paid,
CHABLUS J. PETCRSOIT, 806 Chestnut St., Phila.
Memocratic Club of Alsace.
noun of Peter Flee, on sxturclay, the of Nocem
ber.lSo:l, et 3 o'clock. P. U. A general attendance of the
members of the Executive Committee is particularly de-
Mred, and the Democracy in general are respectfully In-
TlEed. By order of
Inearance Company of Berko Coooty will bold their
annual meeting and election, on elonday, the seventh day
of December next. between the bourn of 10 and S o'clock,
at the public: house of Amos Ilelot, in Iriedensburg, Oley
township. .
nov JAMES LEE. Secretary.
be a Methodist Epiecopal Clairol' Dedicated to the
service of Almighty God. at Leesport. on Sunday. Novem
ber 22d, 1863. The dedicatory sermon wilt be preached by
Rev. C. I. Thompson. of the Philadelphia Coeference, fol
lowed with some appropriate remexks,by Rev. B. Hay
wood, of Pottsville.
liervlce in the afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. J. Linde.
m cab, of the Philadelphia Goat:ranee, and other miniature
who may he present.
We hope the friends and people of Rending will make
arrangements to he present. The public is respectfully in
vited to be present on this interestieg ocoaalon.
Al' N. B.—No Bachelors will be allowed upon the pre
Nov. 14-21] J. SLIGHTER, Pastor in charge.
Statement of the FM'MCI'S' Bank of Head
ing, Nmber 7,1883,
Bills discounted, - - - -
Pennsylvania 8 per mt. War Lean. • -
United States Bonds, 6 and 7 3.10 per cent,
Mint Certificates, - -
Real Estate, - -
Specie k Specie Certificate, - -
Deo from other Banks, -
Otte to other Books, -
Circulation, - -
Deposits, -
- - - 154,345 flu
531,210 91
11, coAier.
City of RtVaiiii,/, 80.
Sworn nod sobicribed berm° me, this 7th day of No
vembar, A. U., I.StI:S. •
110 V. 14-It3 CI F.ORGE PRINt Z. Alderman.
gtotetoebt of the lb, ion Bon k Of Reading ;
November 3, 1863
Bile discounted and luaus. •
D. S. legal tender notes,
- -
Bank Notes and Cheeks,
Gold and Silver,
Mint Certificaten,
United States Securities, .
Sauna. State Stock, - -
Seal - Estate, - -
Due from other Banks,
Due to other Bunko,
Circalati ea, -
Deposits, - .
01,011 33
79,770 00
- - 378,057 06
C. B. McKNIOIIT, Cashier.
Ctfy 6.1 Raltihtl, AR.
Sworn and subscribed before me, this 6th day of No•
vember,oue thousand eight 'hundred and sixty-three.
nov 14-li] WM. B. SOMBER, Alderman.
In the matter of the Eretate of JACOB WEAVER, late of
Dougßras township, Berke county, deceased.
", so by the Orphans' Court of Barks county, to audit,
resettle and restate the Account of David B, Manger, Ex
eccOor of Jacob Weaver, deceased, arm make distraktnion,
Will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of spend
ing to the duties of hie appointment, at the office of John
Prinks, Seq., in the city of Reading, one Saturday, the sth
of December next, at 1 o'clock. P. M.
nor 14-319 MICHAEL K. BOTER. Auditor.
COtirt of Common Plea. of Berke County. to audit, re-
Mato and make ditoribntional the balance In the hands of
Henry Kohn, Assignee our estate of Benjamin !Kohn, of
Comma township, Harks county, will meet the parties in
terested for the purpose of tie appolatment, at hie Office,
in Court street, city of Reading, on Thursday, the 3rd day
of December, A. D 166 d, at 1 o'clock, P. of
nov 14-3tl B. U. StIBARBR Auditor.
Sign, House and Wall Painter,
No. 10 Noumn porryru STREET,
Gilding on Masa and Ch!na, Glowing, dm
sir Work in thn conntty pfentptly attended to.
ovember 14, Ito3-em
Executors' Sale of Real Estate
1863. at 1 o'clock, P. hi., will be cold at pnblic sale,
at the public hence of Charles D. Geiger, "Plough and
Harrow," in the city of Reeding : A certain two and throe-
Lirriarter stiiry BitICK HOIISB and LOT OF GROUND,
Minute on be south nide of °holdout street. between
Third and Fourth, in the city of Heading, bounded by
property of Baste on the Wool, on the Eliot by a ten
foot Ailey, on the South by property of John Seidler, and
on the Borth by said Chestnut street; containing In front
shout 20 feet 6 inches, and In depth about In feet sod 6
Condition made known at the time and place of rile, by
amens of John Simian. deetilitlea.
nov. 14-3 c]
Valuable Real Estate For Sale,
AA I.IC Sale, at Leinbanten Tavern, in @aid townehip, on
Saturday, the 28th day of Novetalser tent., at Ii o'clock, P.
M., A ',doable Lot or piece of Ground, situate in said Bern
township, near hpler's church and one-half mile from said
Lethbachis tavern. The same contain, ti acres and Cl
perches, mere or lane, on which is erected a Low DWELL
ING HOUSE, Frame Kern, two-story Spring House, with
rover-failing water, Orchard with choice apple and other
Gnit tress; acres of meadow ground, the rest arable
le od. An open road along the premises. A par; of the
purciatitie money, if desired, can remain secured OR the pre
mien,. Pommes deeiroun to view the premises, will please
call on Michael Eirich, who reside, on the premtpen, or on
Jonathan Meer, 1113£1r the place Terms and conditions of
sale made known on the day and time of sale.
Executors' Sale of Real Estate.
V/ vember, 1863. at 1 o'clock, P. 31., will be sold at
public hale_ it the public henna of Ilharles D. Oeiger,
"Plough and Harrow," in lbe city of Reading All that
micortalu two-story BRICKDIY Ei.LING NOM nod
M.. Lot of 0 round, situate on the south side of the Berke
i<rx r and Dauphin Turnpike road, in Spring township,
Beers comity, about three.quartere of a mile from the
city of Heading, COlitainias in front 20 reel, and in depth
200 ken the Hasten, boundary, and 178 R. on the Western
boundary, adjoining property of John Rapp on the Mud,
property of Soitainger's Estate on the South, property of
Smith & Krick on the West, and the said Turnpike road on
the North. Late the Estate of John 7L Itioydr. deceased.
Conditions made known at the limo nud place of bale, by
lI.OV 14-3,1
Forge Property at Private Sale.
situate on the Muhanoy Creek, in gclinylkill county,
three mites west of Ashland, in Mono proximity to the
Maharioy and Shamokin c.m.l Regions. afford
inn mai of the beet home markets for Lhe sale of Iron and
obtaining material, In the State; containing about Mgt
ACRES YARNING LAND, with sAwattth, HuunES,
Barn and oilier Improvements. The Forge can be said
with less land, its would he desirable. If not sold by the
Ist of January next, it will he for rent—pessession by
the Ist of April next. Par farther information apply to
the subscribers or fora view of the premium, to ISRAEL
REM), Esti., residing adj whine the property.
noun arro Reading.
JOAN A. OTTO, Wiiiiamsport, Pa.
noT 14-79
A.sszcalzats BALE
Of hoar Miller, of . Spring totenalup, Berke county.
aL Yendue, at the Public Clouse or Franklin NNW. In
aprioc towoohip, Berko county, On Saturday, November
201. b. 1g43, at 1 o'clock. P. M., the fellowlug valuable pro
perty : All that certain DWELLING HOENE and tract of
'BArable and Meadow Laud, sltnate in the township of
tipriag, aforesaid, bounded by property of David
More, Isaac Cohort, P.saiot Desoto!, deceased, sod
ethers, coutainine 16 acres. more or lora. Upon the above
property are stewed a Swig. taro. (newly buiD) a Frame
,table cad other oat bona ass, all lo first rate order. Two
or three acres or this lead cart be oTereuwed with weer
at all dam. nod could be aced for a vege:aele elution.
There are also a large variety of Fruit Trees upon It, stu,
as Apple, Pear, Peach Plum, Cherrv, Ac. A Well of
covet-N.l%ton water, with a Pinup, near the door.
Er For lemma sale, Etc,
apply to •
11(111 14—lit) Mutative of latac
21011111111 1 , TUM
nor 14-80 J
Always on hand. a full Stock of
SA.TINETTS and all kintla of
.0. 1.4, isaa-ti
And Moral and T s .. - ntortalning it e „ di
Goner slly. tis
&hall present the choicest variedes within thn ra,e4
war extended meant*. The Nov-dett•t,, Tale+, Poor;
shell hesupplind from the best and hided tietr.;.,.l
be equal to anything to be found in any j•ourual
X 1593,005 27
NA i 00
319,9.0 Ou
200,09 00
00 000 00
109,140 12
65,45. 5 21
10,910 00
rralt-Raising, &c,„
la all Meer branches, as condaarei on the imps!
moat approved A;,yeents.
Oar latore in this department fir over thirty yawn,
met the cordial approbation of the pghhf, 1. 1 111
labte ,
be to forstiatt tt-lerul mud tel labia tut irmaiiiie
theta vary Important breechee of inde,try, and
there an far al within Our power agaluat the falic •l crea
and eetnah purposee 01 the Matt] , emptdca tad Ata.t.i..,
veutarera by which the Farmer is locos any
Th ja portion of the GerntantetOn Takyropi,
worth the whole price of enliscription, as away Yr.,
and Gardener, who hoe a proper conception of ids
will readily admit.
0261,273 7 4
10,610 03
59,598 SO
150,000 00
95,0.9 42
5,500 00
15,,050 on
44,7.$ 94
The same Industry, care, and iliscriaticaties, is ttf9'r•
lag and preparing the diirrlng Events of the Day, e.;;I.o.
ty for this paper, which hitherto has beano. of
ed features and given so nelversal eattifiedee, 11 ,e i 4
Cendlitled With redoubled etforN to meet the incte,..4
demands of the public. The labor required is
meat to never fully appreciated by the reader. it roll
be impossible to present. in the corales.4 end c , r g,.. 7
made op form in which it appears. a corrected so. u;;,
the most itttoreetine news of the wok, without hive:eta:
mach physical labor, tact and judgment.
We annex the cash terno, to which we hez !Pitt t.
the attention of alt who think or sabicribteg fir .t
Subscriptions not paid Within the year, $2
lEV° A Club of dye subscrthero, at dF, will .ntito it
person getting it up to a copy for six weals: a otel,tlo
or more, to a copy for one year. Sit Clue senor' t'
stopped at the end of the time paid fur. rs oreerg
.414 , " Pio order will receive satiation notate aceampan!e
with the each.
/Or Papers inserting the above once, In an fon
they choose, will have the Telegraph seat to them
OM year. toe 1441.
Wines and Liquors,
Ts =2 V. A%. MI Ma "M• x
l(ovemherl4, 1863-t[
232 Walnut Street, Phlladelphis.
Assets of the Company January 73, 1563.
$1,465,4145 23.
-- • •
Arthur G. CoMo, Richard D. Wood, George L.
sauna W, Jones, William Welsh, Franck N. Colie.
John A. Brown, William E Bowen, Edwat.l Tr , ller.
Charles Tailor, James N. Dickson, Eilremil
Ambrose White, B. Morris Wain, William
John R. Neff, John MKROD.
ARTHUR. 0. COFFIN, rigida:.
This Company continues to motto SlMlTAlliliarti mt,o
or Mimosa by Fire, on 0 we'lloga, Stores, Public GaiiJlrn•
Forgot', Rolling btillo , Flocks o f G oo d, F o , o i m r, 4c.
dm,. at as low rates el the Ware of the rick will aunt
Applications (or lUMILLICO, Renewals, Transkei, la,
will meet with prompt atteution at the hands or
ASA Xi ll ART,
Agent for the Compitey In Ronald ,
Slut East *trick
Winter Arrangement,
COMMENCING MOIW4 y, NOV. nut, 1 54
Direct to thew-Fork 'Without Chu nye of
_ •
day: L ela:optNH for
hem, ihntou, Dien-York, &c., &e., at 4.55 A. .51., IL I ' A.
M., and 4.201'. M. from 09
The 4.65 A. M. train In the Eastern I:xpTem.
ehan"o of care from Potsbergh, and arrives in Se‘ , o .,
to 10715 A. M. Thin train will stop only el
town, Bethlehem, Banton and the principal 5t50,11,.1.
Jersey Central. 4.3
The 11.15 A. M. Train will key at all Station ., n.
Reading and Allentown, and the 4 to P. M. Tula a..
Stations, aircept.Meratown and Al Barth.. .
The 11.11 A. 111. Train arrives New-Tork at
And the 4.20 P. M. Train at Duo
, ripaJ ,
Trains Will leave Bew-York daily (foment •
6 A. Ai., 12 noon, and 7 P. M., at the coot of rot
Street and arrive in Reading at 11.10 A. N., ti
12 Midnight.
Parisi:lagers are requested to purchase
lag ileir e ats , an higher &rem will Le elaargoti
elate fAndrew Maurer, late of
/rid)), Berke connlY t ee. • vO,l
1 . 1/ANS' Court or Barka county, iv mei,
tivd of the Wilmot in the Mottle of Beery 11.
„;.itA ,
Executor of the lag Will and Teetamest of Stow
rer, deceased, will meet the partieoo ll
purpose or, his appointment, nt 1110 °Men, 41144..*;.,f
etti street, city Of Heading, on WedeerdeY, the
December A. D. Iso3, at / o clone, Y. H.
nue 7 -ayA, B.
Estate of Bonneville Mengel. late of Onteiounalot..
Berko eonnly, deceasrel
ad by the Orphan.' Court of Berke county, t" 1
re Mate and re•mettle the account of Jeremiah Meocti,w,
emitor of Benneville Nougat, deceseed. and
Widen of the balance In hie hand., will meet the po t h 4
iotereeted at hie Wilco. No. 43 North Sixth atiat a '%,,
city ofMiran, on P , itturilay. the 261. b dill 01 °
A. u., 1853. at 1 °week, P.
nor 7-aj A. D. WANNER, Mater,
ONE COPY, ONE Van, - .
TEN Corita. ORE Yeta -
sir Specimen numbers Bent to applicants.
Editor sad Prepriel,
Germantown, Philadelphia, Nor. 4,
nov 1 4 -V]
Nov. 14-ti]