Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, October 31, 1863, Image 4
WAlrsTran TO Torso 1,11 , 1E8 —Tio• Lend= Star in its gossip twontly gars the following good otiry, which it a;t.terts to lc-quite popular among certain circles of the ntetropolio: "The prececious young Lord A , vilest; wit. has rendered him the Jim of the W— <Noll - , came out with a new joke the other nigLt before that honorable hotly, that. has added fs , ,sli laurels to his already retAtlntimt ; 1 , 21 parentlevte, the W— Club is composed of scions of the British nobility, rad has arrived at the age re markabic for its ral.lares over pretty ballet dan cers, its affected drawl and lisp in eenversation, its tendency to :rive team taudem, and to st.ort a showy 'tiger.' ' Ten mutt know toy dear W.'s,' said A., 'that i Was down a da,y or Iwo since at the horticultural fete, at C. The prase were out in full farce with their pretty daughters upon their acme, fresh and rosy as May mornings 1 caw a al. , lning, face minute' the crowd that quite infatuated me, and desirous of a closer observation accordingly edged my way carefully through the throngs, until I had ar rived within a few paces distant, and near enough to dietinguish the coliversatia.n prececd log between herself and mamma. She had the face of an angel; I gazed enraptured, fascinated, awaiting anxiously for the latter individual ti cease her chat that the lovely creature before me might respond, thus giving me a chance to hoar the music of those exquisite lips. Presently mamma oayo—Aly dear, hew have you progeeseed in your botany, I believe they call it, at school What is the name of this dower ? Oh, don't ask me, returns my angel—the haul Latin mottoes puzzle me horribly. The only two :lowers I eon ever remember aro the ;ntrore bei.r:hri., and the Whim (rimy , . 11.1 y sympathising W.'s. itnogiae my indescribable cons! ernstion at the animal • leled ignorance of Ow lit; le sinner, ~,,I ; ssr so y dream was dispelled--I eon never corgi:, her for the shook I experienced." SEEING THE roes —Fitt 11.,1, Dew...ter ns jolly as he is Nllpose, nnol iher,f , rf and pleasure in 5i1011.1 - isrz =Jul f;f: rnn.Py :ItPP may be necessary. Wh7o lb,. first •' tage currency" came to han4, niter rr. II eel i g r:rr a vibite, be thought that ehabeA f.,e it moderate sell, and aceoTtliooy stark,' not to Sad a victi m. The first man hr met was Horace R. whom lie thus acmit "I say, Horaec, hare you area any of the ilf,w government pontage corren.:7 7" "No," was the reply. —ls there rtny.thinit, peculiar about tb ,, rn 7" "Yes," said Bob, "rather. Three of them just make a dolinr." "A good idea," replied u nr; ,,, ; if win N , handy for !nuking change. Hare yqu niq with you?" " Yea," replied Bob, holding out. .1% fifty ond two twenty fives. " Three of then just rnft!,:e. dollar, you see." " I see," said Horace, evidently feeling told "a pretty good joke. Don't say r-nytbing about it, and I will get it off on Ditler." So providing himself with the necesPiry funds, he stepped into the alike of the Clerks cf Ccrtn cils, and thus addressed Butler, holding out the money to him: " You see there ?" " Yes," answurotl Butler. Well," continued Horace, " tL1750 iiire.e just make a dollar." " What of it r queried Butler. "Why, don't you *cc the joke ?" •• No." " Well," said Horace, after a moment's pause, evidently in deep bewilderment, "then the man that told me must be a d—d fool." A Joss.—A ragged looking rebel went into Hoosier's house during the raid and got to put ting on airs, telling the girls that. he was John Morgan, and the old lady, who had " bourn on him," fainted and road under the table. The girls keeled over against the wail, fell over the Chairs, Seeesh was about going into a our• board, when a long sandy halm), chap entered the room. Per .:1747.,373.; Per New-Tor:r, :;:ti (* . Lat.: 'Reporter, , A 3 00 Atlantic Mo.lhly, 3 fli.Lestie',3 ittlat-rt , l Xe7 7 3, S Ifii Ail tlln rear 11taml, S ti;t L,li io t a F am ily 2,l“ ga . "Who rho aro you ?" gold soutly, utdog. I tolorkohAo , koltur:ol 1 0 tine, 300 '" • " him closely. "Pm Morgan. Why 2" " Fin told you're a hess at kissia', and as you've hugged the ole, 'moan and squeez2d the gals to death, I guess you'd better drop them pief •ad things." • "Plzen things.' shcuted thc rchel, turolor pale as he dropped a load of plee, elm ham, &c., whiet he "confipcateV 9)14 had beer. eating heartily of. "I'm a prc go in," end dropped upon the The- gale and Rol th. eh: 'Oman like to brat him I, •lea+h, an! t;11,11 Je' lam go. —1,0}.4,31 e f.,:tt,rll. STRICKLAND & BRiITRER, WIfOLEP3ALE AN) lu-N7A BOOKSELLERS Si- STATIONERS. 23 MAST X-217.4.1.-Ti frraZtriT., 11.1 , 1 AD I NO, PA. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK School, Miscellaneouß and Blank 111535 COPP 6 3:11)Mf-M.. L 7 -- . ; - . 72 , PRAYER. 1.100K3. ENG LTS II AND GER MA N BIRLES A NI t lIYMN PERMPTCA .MUSIt:".I _irr:77r! Gri PIL , S. F.? lc; ' 7: Tfr.r,rs. P.I7Iv!PINI: PA P1:11 ”...4,1 PA PPE' )1 A OE .13.1SAIVICK BOOM'S —A T D NERCHENTS' ACCCTINTTL S mule to order; Chun:Lon an:l acao.), anpl.ll.l with Tract Society and !Sunday ticlzool Uniou at catalogue prices. AN, orders tr..) ennntry fialirltoi and fined promptly at Lim iome,t & l ir- Teachers aappllari With 800.0. at lila nanahliaaap B and scat by wail p0.4,,,4, p6id, nn receipt of Publishers' Pricer. jss s-tf Watches, ,TewehT a,. Silver-ware. TIIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD itEspEr;T_ FULLY invite your attention Ti. hie Well volneteil stock of Flue Girl,' and 'Silver WaTc•illii.‘i, Mee Gold g il l. EWELItY of every kind and variety of rteler— eomprlaing all or the tertetst and inert Lf.vatifei atm Alea--SOLID siLTEn-WAIZIC, equnt b, Cotra—arld Th. beet makeof Silver Plait/4 Ir4re Each ortlelc in ear ranted to he Ile rtpreßenied. Watchee and Jewelry carefully rlydred and oath, faction oLaresten& J ACP I; /i A EY, (Snoccepxor to :YttlitSLT .t K"Tiey.l Eept 5-3m] No. 629 Market *tree:, iililatiOpLitt NATIONAL HOTEL, (LATE WHITE SWAZI.) Race Street, above Third, Philadelphia. THIS ESTABLI IT AIENT OFFERS GHEA T inaneements, not only on amunt!. of VQ4.11.1C4 ,1 Pktp,4 board, but from its central location to dot avounon of trade, se well as the convolitenum afforded by the w,v«re t Passenger Railways running pant and contionons to it, by which goads can pace to and from the Bete!, should they be preferred to the regular Omnibus -connected with the Iteum. lam dedatmined to demote my whale attention to the comfort and convenience of my gr.t.tas. SW Terme, $l. 25 per doy. D C. 81&613.15T, Proprietor, Formerly from Engle Hotel, Lehr:eon, Pa , T. V: BROAD% Clerk. (march in-tf COAL OIL 1 COAL OIL 50 BARRELS COAL OIL JUST RECEIVED I. stock, will& will be eold at the lowegt wh..leatio seol retail prime, by GEO. LERCH ,k Get 171 bet Market Square, Reading, Pa. TE A. -EXTRA FINE OOLONG T i t tc . 4 t.T irs, lab 11 if) Beath Flab Wawa EAST PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SUNDAY TRAIN i fIN AND AFTER.WNE Ti.u 18e;l, A PAS - TitMN will !epee ry..ry Sunday, et 7S , A. 3i.. ein Aliei.row , . n A. M. Re- hriii fir, Trill and rrtve .t re der , ;• , wil i. 311 3. ,i i tied arrive lu snd tr:Lirl NV:it FLAr .rat Etatio fOr tFix ronad nip (0/1 he :!h.tit oac th ru :r- .1 1 24 li..o.ding, Teotyl, i ::0 W A • ...,.., -10 100IV.:00., I 05 Lyoug. 1 0:, Bier: z.:,...r 0, 1 110 :i40.,0110.:.i, 00 M Burnt.. 1.70 Niitte,towtt, to:. r.t.",..., 1.::0 AU,. :qtr., ' I 1,00 3.1. 2.0 . :4 3 1 ' I P I 4 F . 11!., r,r, r•oi 312.).2n1 71 .551 cu ,0 1110 . 10 . 15 i bVi 751 CO,::0:4.1:;0; afa: I y.l 1, - ; i07,t110 1,3011,24) 7.3th90190.7.) 3= =I A. AL P. iii. Lao iie.uti an, 7,50 i 1,4,0 MICIAONVD, 4.20 do Temple. 7.43 do, 4.27 do lo.luden, 7...,6 do Millen:Own, 435 do I'l4->gwood, 5.0? do Al BoAliki, 4.16 0., Ly-ont,, 1,-10 do Shamrock., 454 de lhMuir, S, .10 .15lernown, 4.47 do Topton. 5.23 de 7/00.1 5.112 1.1.) 3 , ertztown, 6.341 do Rowel's, 5.10 So Shin! reek, 3.57 do bye., 5.10 dAI Borti, 5.45 do FieetwOOd, 5.25 do il!lno,lowit, si,:,l do 131::ndon, 5.35 do EISMIIM, 7.0.3 do Temple. 15.43 lairs at Aliyalown, 14,20 Arrive at Ylvadiag, 6 . 0.5 .2.7 - re,soogers wishing to stop between Stations, Will give do, 1:11Ifri• to the CorAnctor. June 15 1963] E. M. ClintElt., President. Pitiiade.lpilia and Reading Rail Road. SITMMER. ARRANGEMENT 7. g . z ap*Les Zak , - arum 1803. (Pa.,,..0nn. Reading) PONVI.I, Tit Pll I LADELI'Ii lA, at 0.00 and 11,10 A. M., 411! P. I..'II ' SV ILLY, at 11.1' A. AL and ii.on P. M. r: ENT, TO lA.:RANO:: AND iisitaisßut:“. AV , toru Expr.s. from Now-York. at 11. r.: midnight'. ILO. A. AL, and r. )1. A. IL 'Crain Pasmn. , P.eadinPlat A M , Tr.ilc, at .1 0.7 L'. M. I 1.10 A. M. and 61.0. np 'frlins connect at Port Clinton r.FrTarnaina.,Wiiiiarra.p.a4 Fintira,l3o Melo , titagara 1..1 ,1414 to ., i A. M. Train only connects at For Citator for 1.•:: ,harro.. Sm'antou and Pith.lon. The W.- hyn Ex preps 'Erainn con nevi at 11 arrisintrg with T!,1.61. •to i:altroad forYtttn iio II Dull tio• Moth Trains connect at I tar risharn . , t,org,Snutntry, liaven,Mmira a Pd tho Canadas. ihrtnigh t-Clain Gm p.m Tic:crds. and Emigrant Tick. eta a: I. raced Fare, to nilth? :pa/ thaN.lrth and rho Canada, (.7 , IIO.ARITATIOI.I TirICETS, 81`;1'. At 25 1,..r cout..l4 , vant, between any .. .. .11111,EAr1P.TICRET! , , flool f. 2nm) ;.:1 point. et :kid 35—for M 1.111 .14 , Ras Finn, of T tric.l9., good for the, for ;hr.,' ;noun,. •.f the Pasr Iti , iq^ to 1 . 2 35 season Tick s, 10,5. 11. e Ex pro,Train. WeA.. 3 the n.l nit .4 her l'rp in., at the LOW ER or pas,nvor, re.ine.t , 4l i.meha,e rip•ir Tlckrto i ca 1, re, re•Marimd if paid La el,. - • ror llarrbbrirg A M., • , 11;11 . . . . Tic . .,14,g0 , ,,1 for one d p,Dy MP) A, Itt. Trai to Pbt Inklot ?bin. tad return, at 1 , 2 90 to Ilorriobor,r, g - I for Lb r.po ,F,ys, by all pa,. 2.1„ U. A. !.., , r1 I 2;:if,i , ::-;f] f; - op,intem.dolit. Elk PENNSTITiVANTA RA/11110.A.D. :•;111tInler A rr:Angemeret. ;V0N1)...11 7 , A l'llll, 20th, sea, 1!7/• Cha ng , o f C ars . )2NT AN !) FT E R Arrii l'it,enorer Tz - mina iirakting (Sno• "M:lncil Chunk, win, ..:.1.14 A. M., 11.15 A. 11.121 4.20 AI. from I'I'PER DEPOT. l'ito 4.14 A. ht.. 1011 1.11,1 without onango of ears front PitiThnrgh, nod at rives in New-York to 9.10 A. N. 'rho: tram 1011 stop only at Lyons, Allen. town, Bethlehem, L'..sion and the Fri:se:pal I-bilious on the Jot,cy Conti, t. 11.1:1 A. 14 Train 17111 ‘tor at oil Stations between an g, tho 4.50 P. IQ Train at all Stations, except 2ii•rzttrivr. aaa The 11.1:1.A. a. Tritiz arrives in Vert-York at 6.00P.M., eel the 4.23 P. Train at lox; P. Trido- viii ',aro INigo•-•ZoTk dolly (er,:ropt Sondaye) t .3 A. M., .12 mid 7 I'. 21., et Lbe foot of Coortlandt Stre.4 .n.! :tire to Roadlog at 11.10 .1...!31., 6P. M., nod 11.17 Midnight. TOrrleSted to porrbnoetickeLo before Ink in Moir eento, no higher fares Will be charged on the ears. EDWARD M. GLY. Argil 15-tfl rresident HARVEY EIRE t BROS., MITER ".c;Z:2' awzricy, G 3 WEST PRZT:d STREET, E.EADING, PA. EZTASLIS!!ED ERE.R.::I I AND PERSEVERANCE. Sulmertptior reetlvcd for all New-York. anti rhiludelpltta, Dully Pavers. , qiincicrron.yr. ), a tio .London Qua r. Roview, 3 00 Bon Tun Bingnrine uf j Lancet, 5 00 inn Art Journal, 9On nankeen iriunoriou. r.oPunch, o 00 ‘• I.undun," nu Liße " n'h Tar: rg Ago, B 00 Littlu 16h.:11111, 60 Muni-annoy 7, 2 VflAllllll,lll World of Fast, mud l.:;.xedgm med.. ;ien, k 21 erly,3 f , i , ni. , rti; Briti,ll Re%low, 3On ..• • •,:.!:ill:grg ./..2,., • ~7..,i, .-,,,....0,,,,,,. ,• 5 ,;‘) II;ii i iiiiii i i Aam a • ," ,I•lify . r. MlOlllit, 1 19 f'•0:0..: ,, , ;(01.14.10AU, 2 •••• anva A Weeß, 4 50 • :..,,o!,:ro• i.,!i,i, , a , .g 'l',2!lr•r - , Spirit of non .1 ..... ••,,t, 2 a.• Tim,. 300 :•!::1:1/i up, . : s . to , r..1,,,..0 . , : , .:ottouni Ma it-:,,,,;'., i.:-N4,..v. • 0 , 2 o•P 1 , 401;:r N ,- )..1 , 0 - U , Pr, 1 o ,, ,;',lersoL'• Dpi.ntor, 1 03 n:.,....,..^ I. ,t+ rhr , 1,1,......1.101:,,, , , 1 0. '' ~,:, ~ ' , ..,,," g h. - - -, i,5.....!0”r- t-:.:11.i.0.r ., Ab-tract, 2.00 t.aiy. a •••• s;ara ...I :be TimPs, NOW _ ~..f!,i:r.' ,;: .10'0 00' t! , ...:!ii., 1 .i. , ~i- : 00it• P. 5,555.0, 200 .J:i ;ink?, 0 , 2 'o' ''.'sl - fley I'.76 . Pini PV);•4 2 INI ;;1t ,•,. ; 74,,,j,,, :I sin , iii;lloatr:l. Jeurnai, 5 00 i•0511.,:r0li-1... . .. ... 5 00 • • - - --- - • •• r 4.4,1 W...trq, .5 lor,l.Voter Gorr .Iroroal, 1 on tiont's .1!',1!1:b::13(.1141,;14- :Ikrrokly Vihaee, 2 00 vival, II 110 AVS .14.711i11nD. Review, 3 CO ilolll,Jourv,t, 2 041 V!,..!,1,- 14,1,14, 3 on 11.,ne 1M;:5.,, , ,, , , ::'s Spirit of the ill,r'-.1 i.,11•1•:n .!..exvß,l 4 l 00 91.0,,,, 3 on kr,hc•cl - ,r ?I X 5.- ;Werkimg Fanner, 1 1.3/ zioo, 3 O , Tark . .for X••tion., 1 2.5 m:.ny nfliaru ant pnrounratpd the ruin' iiuvitavn together, •17,11% AZ - Tiie FRAM!, TitirrNE, TIMM; WORLD v inAr in all parts of the y... fps, 1:19.0g. FP -Pr TianPings AN gr4v.' was C 3.114 E.A.IOIV DES. d'4 Fll I'FIANIVUL F(111, PAST rzvors Dorn Ilia eili?.Pn, iz....Lalng*Nnd lor d s ~ )Holy, reArwert toi!^ ; _ _,_ nn or- titnr 4n ho. jos( o i m ood N o w Sry,os WAms .rLL pApEn ME . rt,LT:ANT >LT) 3:AND -4.7 • Aot. 41:1 Tr w A 1v.'113 , 1 , ea hand at the loweq pries TiV SHADES MADE TO ORDER Of acy Color and Lb!, Sf^o Watt4.l Store Shades Made to Order, LETTERED is GOLD or in COLOR ZAGS : THE TIM HEST CASH . PRICES PAID POE. cqd imv.ipispnrs and pampblet.i. Pit PER RAO on hand, a large lot of Paper Rage, which trill be sold cheap, at G 1 >. T .4. 1 -219,, oct 3] Penn rt., ndjoining Fanners' thmtc of Reading. OTICE. A 1 7 1211/UN WIZ ;SE PAID ON -.AND li~2. ~F:LiQT~a'~. 73~ i ~...F3 IMEM EXCHANGE AND BANKING OFFICE -OF i. w. GOODRICH, READING, Pa. Augur-I 30, li4l-411 HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARITMS. all Ftn polutn lIELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUG HU, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine Increases the power or Digestion, and ex cites the absorbents into healthy action, by Which the Watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural En largetuoute are reduced, no wall as Pain and inflammation, and • O'2l 4 )13:: : bob', WOIVERN OR CINILDREN RELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCK% Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indic cretion or Abuse, attended with the fodowing symptoms Indisposition to rzortiou, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Dittinnily of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of 'Vision, Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of thei F leshing of the Hedy, Mannlar System, not Hands, Dryness of the Skin, PALLID COUNTENANCE These symptoms. If allowed to go on, wblcb Ibis medi clue invariably removes, noon follows IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the Patient way Expire. Who can “fly that they aro not frequently followed by thc.e" direfla dieeneee," "INSANITY AND CONMITIVIPTION." Many are aware of ❑to native or their antleriag, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS, THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLIIMS AND THE MELANCHOLY DEATHS BY CON, Dear ample Wittihan i ta Übe trail of the The CooHtitution, tame a treated with organic weekulao, Releireo the aid of inedictue to Strengthen and Invigor ate the Syeteta, Mum HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT lUJCLUJ A trial will convince the inept pltoptical FEMALES ! FEMALES 1 Old or 'forma. Single, illarriea, or Contemplating Marriage, in many -Affections pecnlier to Females, THE EXTRACT BUCHU ie unagnaltell by any other remedy, an in Chlaranin Or 'Retention, Irrogularity, l'alnlaluess, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Utcoruted or Seirrhorts state of the Uterus, Loneorrluou or Wbitee, Sterility, and for all com plaints toe:testa to the sex, whether arlsiug from Indis cretion, Habits of Disuipation, or iu the DECLINE 011 CHANGE OF LIFE SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. TANS NO SONS NALFAX, VERNER; OR UNPLEASANT MEDI MEE FOR ENPLRADANT AND DANGEHOI:I3 DnEAdAd. RELAIDOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU IMPROVED ROSE WASH SECRET DISEASES, • In nil their stages, At little Expense, Little or no change la Diet, No inconvenience, AND NO EX_POSURS. It muses a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and'lnflatamation, so freenent in the elaaa of di EaVea, and expelllug all rOiBO22OMY .111.yeans and worn out Matter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS Who haxchoen the Victim* ry" Q=uake, and who have paid heavy Glee to he cured in a chart time, hare found they wern deceived, and chat the rt , (6071" hes,by the use or ~ l ofintrfiti iihtriltfientt f," ben dried up lathe nyuteul, ti) brent: out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER. MARRIAGE Ran Extract Ancha flr all aTortinux luta dig Of the URINARY ORGANS, Wbether existing !u MALE OE FEMALE, From whatever cause originating and nu matter of HOW LONG STANDING Di4f).9.RNI Or Om Oreano require the Rid of a Dinretic, BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU IS 'nit GREAT DIURETIC, Ana is sure to bare the desired effect iu all diseases FOIL WHICH IT IS ItECOAIMENDED ione.ei et/ MO 1 / 4 )45.51i YFI i/Ald emit pavncealp charaptgly Will iv:company On utedicilms. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, FTont Sto years' standing, With names known In SCIENCE AND FAME PRICE $l.OO PEE. BOTTLE, Delivered to AFT orldroso, Aeenroly racked from any ob norvation. Donribe bym plown in all Commnnlcationm CURES GUARANTEED! Pereenallyappeared before me. an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. lielmbold, Who being duly aworn doth bay, hie ii . reli . aradone contain nu narcotic, nor mercu ry, or e th er 113.111.01 US %IMO, but are purely VegeiAle. H. T. DELABOLD. Sworn, and subscribed before me, this 23d dayMf Novem ber, 1554. WM. P. lltimnan, Aldarman, Ninth street, above lince f Phtla, Adarenn lettorn for tutor/nation iu non &tem. to DEIVARE OF COUNTERFEITS And Unprincipled Dealers, Who endeavor to dieenee of thoir awn" and 11 other articles on the reputation attained by llelmbold'e Genuine Preparations, Extract Bache, Surseparilla, tt Improved Hose Wash. Fold by all Dregglste everywhere. Ask far FIELMBOLD'S. Take no other. Cut ont the advertisement, and send for It, AND AVOID iMPOSITION AND .EXPOSIJR.II. [Sept. 73-77 Is Good For For Weaknesses 'Eruptions of the Skin, SUMPTION, = DM EMI SIX FOR $5.00 ADVICE GRATIS! AFFIDAVIT. H. B. IittLMBOLD, Chemist, Dep..l, 1114 South Tenth Street. helots Chestnut, k'hila., Pa READING SAYINGS BANK., INCORPORATED MAY 11, J. CAPITAL. .5 50, °°°' Banking botEse, East Mar Act Square, North Side, Rending. Pa. rt EPOSITS 7.1E , ,;;E 1 vEI) FT.07,1 TEN CENTS Li to Ten Thensand Dollars. Motley in received on de posit from a A. Al. to 3 P. NT. ; and on Wednesday and Sat- urday evenings from 7 I'. 71. b. 0 P. H• Interest wilt ho allowed al the rate of Five ytr sent. per l, annum, on all SUMO: retnainiag on deposit, Mr one year or mere. • On MIT. ramming tette than a year, Intore. l ',Olt Le al lowed at the rate of F 07,, per ,nett. per Rel.lolll. .r..t" Alt the assets of the Sauk and the iivilvirbeftlllrop erty6/ eh le. dlockli.;Ncr i t are liable for the payment of De posits. ' l'ersong who hare money to dePOta, aro Invited to call at the Banking House for forther informatioe. DIRECTORS. ItAvio YOOnt, diet e rs SNeDlia, Ain:neer. likttenn. CoItRAD }Winn, DANIV.I. U. LORAL( ' 1:01filtAll V. IigiDLEFL. A. P. Hoes. Prattidenf—A. P. BOAR. o..chtem—A DA M LEIZE. Idea 27-Iy_ ASTOR. ILOUSE, NEW-YOLK. r 1115 EU - SNP UOTIJ, UAS BE EN 11 . 11 n r " ji.. vaunted, and Ifl at Olio 010111ellt second to none in ale. goitre. The Ladies' Drawing Room is a beautiful one, racing Ito eilif‘i I. he open v.inidere and complete ventilation render it most delightful in warm weather. It is unsurpansed by any ether in sitnation, having Railroado on no front and if PM aides, over which caesium to every part of the city for half n dime. Travelers arriving from the North cud East, will entitle small ears of the Harlem and the Eighth Avenue an ace. Corey and conveniettee, especially at night. Cars Run Direct to Ceatral Park. For failliliet: preferring homelike end really gentsel ac commodation, it iiiihrs superior attraction. All Clakten have manifested their affection or this Hotel, and every pains will be taken to render it a home for the traveler. The acme liberal ystem will he continued, and the lat. meet prompinots; on the part of all peivons belonging to the organization will be exacted. Telegraph Peke, connected with all parts of the Union and the Canadas, with intelligent and reliable attendants, is situated near the main eutrance. Superintendents of Railroads, Managers of Public Con. ye,yanees of all descriptions, are•respectfully requested to seed notice of their arrangements, cumaeetions, changes of time, titc., to the Hotel, for the better information of its guests. lank, ERN., Vegetablos, An., are produced on a Item managed titichntively for the eater House. Water (Desks and 1-411‘ Hamm: on every &M. N. R.—One notice of year intended visit in respectfully requested, that rooms May he prepared. [July 110-If FANCY FURS! FANCY FURS! zo illy PARMIE.A., :Fa. 713 A 11C/1 Street, below Eighth, South sale, PHILADELPIIIA. ~.-„ INIPORIPP.R. MANUFACTURER 1.1. A of and Dealer in tilt kinds of -iris FANCY FURS, fik 7 '- , ':i,.., rite LAnirs' AOO CHI Mien:V . 6 41'0.61t. r "'.f,. : iy,-4 wi,r, to return my thanks to my trier.ds lt4Zrre... of Reading end the mirroundi by Conn- I s ~.,„ „,, . tie , for their very littera I Iteleffletell °X- I lrmr-ri;:,;.;„ , .,, tended to ins during the last few yearn, -'''),' ' -,--' -- and would say to them that I tiole have -.., . + 4 -_-.:4- , In more, of ley own Importation and -4.1,-41;0; Manulanturn, a very tiAlensire Mutt meta of all the different kinds and pialitioa of FANCY FURS, for Indies and Children, that will Inc worn during the Fall and winter semen,. tieing the direct importer of ell my Pere from Europe, and having them all Manufactured under ley owe super. Vieioe—r...6l ~,, to nir , t. my Mislottiori end the public a ranch lOtelifottllee Set Of Fors foe the Clete tentaty. leidies please give me It call before Toirchasing- Please remember the mune, number and street. THIN PARRA - RA, rep 1 - 2-i sel No. 710 lent Strafe,. Philadelphia. HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL, AT REDUCED PPJCES. . A LARGE AND NEW STOCK OF GOODS. FULL ASSORTMENT OF lELON AND ST:VaLL OF ALL RINDS. • Building Itlateriala, .Nails, Sprites, Olin, Paiute, Glass, Butt Binges, Looks and Screws. KNIVES, FOR KS &SPOONS, CEDAR WARE and a general assortment of Housekeeping Articles. For sale by J. L. STIEIiVRE, atig 21-Rtnel Corner of Peat end Fifth Streuto, .71.2.49 L, zt. A r• FOURTH NARCH Sts., lor PRILADELPIIIA. ARE OPENING FOR FALL TRADE, FRENCH MERINOES, GOOD BLACK SILKS, DARK FIGURED SILKS, NEW PLAID SILKS, NI OW FANCY FLANNELS, B ALMOBA r, PETTICOATS, RED, WHITE AND BLUE FLANNELS, etc. Sop 15-3 m PROCLAMATION ! , THE GREATEST CHANCE EVER Offered to buy Good Jewelry at Low Prices. ('/l Prices. JAIN.J.I.JU tic iIAINS, Sets of 3 m.1:1;1.12.17, Lingo. bracelets, Locket., • Bl.nro Button., Stud A, etc., etc., to ho eel& for 014 M TiOLLAR EACH, and not to be peid for unfit yon tonne what yuu are to got. A, could for a Certideate, which will inform you Whet you tatn have cur 1. Uerlittrat..coat tit, nettle 01:1 fain, o f Ona rhos of Jewolry, are Envelaied, onto! on Leo miwed, (Lou, when ordered. arc token with out choice and coot to yan ity moil. V./11 CA., what. you two have, then it in y 0110 uptiott to lend $1 fur the ar ticle or hot l'ireiltites ale] ratalovu° a.nt flee. Agents Wanted in every town and rentinent. Addr2.. A, J. 11 hhratt Jt on WKS Broadway, New Sunk. Row 53111, P. (1. Inept E-3tuo. THE PARIS MANTILLA. CLOAK AND FUR EMPORILItiI. No. 920 Chestnut St, (Formerly 19 0. 708.) I' lIILADELNI lA. Tw. rilooTon. co, INVITE THE AT— pp of their Vrteede In their I...rgeeed Rnparb Stock. of rxram CLO.PIIICS AND runs, Unparalleled In any fernier reason. 'the inereahed anntanntonation nfinnind to our now loca tion, unahleg no to devote the fulled aftaution to our Fi 1)P:1'A ItTlVil•lNry, which will ho tonna well fornisbed with every thewription of FIRST CLASS FURS, which will Le guaranteed an re p...toed, or rho money raid wilt be Wendell. Olt !ARK per mall will be carefully attentini In, and de _ livered, Sopran+ charger paid, Any digitate° Weide 01 100 tot lee. J. W. PROCTOR & Hop 51853-Iy] No. 930 CheHtuut Street, Philud'a... ISAAC K. STAUFFER, Watch Maker and Jeweler, MANUFACTURICIt OF SILVER WARE AND IMPORTER OF WATCHES, Mo. 143 North Sedalia St., Cornet Quarry, • Pill L A 1)131.P11 r A. lIE HAS CONSTANTLY ON WANT)AN AS SORTMENT nr (told and Silver Patent Layer, La. ninn and Plain Widohon; Film gold Chains, Spain and r...„ Re, Flrea4 Plum, E.r Ring., Finger ill 110 e , itenn e ps- EA., lea, ;lint:mire Cases, Medallions, Lockets, Panel Is, 'Phi Spf,abtaleft, Silver Table, Lteasert, Yee, Salt nut Atul,tard Spoons: Sugar Fltants. Caleb Napkin Kluge, Fruit and Hatter Knicee . abielde, Ce,nle, Diamond Poi el t,ed el r-all 'n)l•inl4 will he 0,01 bon fin. 0).011 M. 1. T0111..5.9 & 110'S best quality fell jeweled Patent TA,1.1. Movements artotantly on hand; also other Mahan] of ',ulterior quality: N. 11.-014 fluid awl Silver baughtfor Cash. colt 0-ly 21/0=0"k BY RUVING YOUR CARI'ETINGS AT THE N ew gwand Street Carpet Store, No. 37 above Chest. ant, PhiladelpLla. lam 0ff...11w at WIDD.ENALD AND UN TAIL, at the lowest prices for CAM, a large fitoCk Dt Imparted & American Carpetings of every grade, newest styles cod best known hth - co,. Also, FLOOR OIL CLoTIIA, CANTON tied COCOA MAT 'plNOa god WINDOWIIA DE.S In grant variety. laollelt sn eXtituitottion of toy Munk rant Prime. J. T. DELACROIX, 37 Sooth Elwood Street, shove Chestnut, glailndelphin. Supine 12, 1521-Imo ESTAMLISLILD IN 1810. FANCY DYEING E3TABLISTITEENT. 3'& W. JONBS, NO. 432 NORTH FRONT Atreet, above CullaWbill kraal Philadelphia ' rlyte bilks, Woolen and FancyGoodsof every dwicripllon. Their superior style of Dyeing Ladled' and Gentlemen's gar ments is 'widely known. GRAPE AN]) MERINO SHAWLS .pod this Inova brilliant or ianiD colors, Craps and Merino Shawls cleaned to look like D0W,—(1.1.0, Gentlemen's ap r.,rel. fiurts.b., re-dyed. Coll and look of our work before gOlUff elsewhere. eep 19 -21no] J. & W. JONES. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR INSTANTANEOUSLY AND PERMANENTLY ll removed without Injury to the akin, by the nee of D. H. CLINTON'S newly discovered process. Address, en cloning Ave cents in postage stamps or currency, D. H. CLIFTON, 23 North Third etreet,Phlladelphts.. Dime 20. E. &H. T. ANTHONY, lALLEN & NEEDLES. MANUFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, l Fiirr,,,s antor pia w ill pleare exennine every barrel 1.;01 BROADWAY, Ai EIV.VORK. and beg o r r how iroe eiLime and tee that it line the fol lowing brand:— • Moro Pitillipe Cfotnietc hrx.preAdi EU CARD PHOTOGRAPHS.' ,, .7:Li:Tai , a o rt . gx . 7 . n , tLe r d. OUR CATALOG U IS NOW EMISBACEB CON st D1.111.A !MY over Pour. Thong:in d ditirent gab. ALLEN & NEEDLES, jects (to Which addilionr are eoutiourtly being made) of 41 South Wharves and 42 South Ifrter Street " Yortrrito of yn,:enot A 11,411 iii, ute . viz, 72 51A.TOR- 1 11124EN,AL3, illi STA.T2,AMEN, Lm BI7IC. -I:I4I , ;KRALS, I?? DIVINFK 259 COLON r:LS, 1111 AUTHoltd, 8 .1 Ti WI. •ViIt,D.NP,LS, 3O itirrisTs, 207 nTri EU OFFIGEnS, 112 STAGE, Si NAVY OFFICERS, .16 I'IIObIINENT WOMEN 147 PlIO:‘11441INT FOREIGN PORTRAITS. 2,500 Copies of Works of Art, lec!uding rnprocinctionduf thelnunlcelebraled Faigravlass, Paiw,,ngs, stntne., be. Cataloguec rent on receipt of r'mtar. An order for One Damn P1(11512R8 front our Catalogue will be filled on receipt of $lO3O, and cent by mail, Tree. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Of theta we WWI arket are a great variety, ranging in price froin so cents to hJo each. Our ALBUMS Lave the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any o[hare. The smaller kinds eau he sent safely by mail at a postage Orkli cents per or. The mare euths,lea tau NI coot by expreee. We also keep a large assortment of STERESCOPES 8/. STERESCOPIC VIEWS. AN Q Iu Qsne 91 ibtiiie will he Kent to nuy address on re ceipt of Stamp. E. & H. T. ANTHONY, Nan ufac t urers of Pilot °graph' c Mat trials GUI BROADWAY, NENV-YORK Friends or relatives of prominent military men will con for a favor by rending ne their likooto , es to copy. They Will be kept carefully and rammed uninjured. FINE ALDU3IS MADE TO °KOCH for Congregations to present to their looter, or brother purposes, with suitable friecriptions, &c. tang 22-Bmo. Tam COLUEMDIA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA CHARTER PERPETUAL. r HIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO INSURE Buildings, Merebandize, and ether property, against loan and damage by fire, on she mutual plan, either for a omit premium or premium note. The large and increaFing capital of the Company, con sisting of premium notes given by its members, anti based upon 51 , 475,789 35 , Insured on the mutual plan, affords a reliable gnarantee eilool to ten times the average loss on themmount insured; anti the Director% pledge themselves to deal as liberally wink those whn may sustain loos or damage aa the case will admit or, consietent with justice to all parties con cerned. Anicamt ef Premium Note% $155,620 49 Balance or Cash Premintnu Imexpeml etl, January Ist, 1.562, $1,663 •:7 Cush receipts durlur the year 1862, IPs4 agenzt:' Gitfill receipts in January, lr'63, 8 7SI 47 , SPS 80 -- $9,345 54 Leases and Exponaeft paid daring the Asir 188% 6,82.9 73 Balance unexpended, Fell, 2d, 1563, NA 611 $9,345 84 A. S. (KERN, President G FOROR. SR., Secretary. M leliA M. S. SHUN! N, TreaPurer MEM = R. T. RYON. Brii I, AI M HERSHEY, ABRAHAM BRUNER, MICII AEI, U. MOORS, JoIIN 14 ENI•li lull, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., H. G. MINICH, EIGHOLAW. McDONALD, SAMUEL. P. EItERT.P.IM, AM0..1 R . GREEN, MICIIAP.I. 111 SUMMAR. I , lli Lip 7,1 gglik. Nina; and Penn streets, Reading, is the Agent for the above-noised Company, and will take rit'gs i o city Buil country at the lowest rates. Jane 11, 1561.-flume INSURANCE COMPANY CFE' TOE STAMM Or PENNSYLVANIA, OFFICE, NOS. 4 AND 5 EXCE{ANOE BUILD - MO, 2r , ria Side of Wa lard St.,Setwun Dna and Third Ste., =EMI! 1NCVM,2017.4, 1 119D IN 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL. S2C 0 C). 4 0 1 1000. Properties ot the Company, Feb. 1, 1863, 54.93,829. 67. Marine, Fire and Inland Tranar•ortation Insurance. DIRECTORS. HENRY D, 6DBREBRD. I mum! . B. WHIM CH ARLES MAOALESTER, GEORGE H. STUART, WILLIAM S. SMITH, SAMUEL GRANT, Jr., JOHN B. AUSTIN, TOBIAS WAGNER, EDWARD C. KNIGHT, THOMAS B. WATTSON, MERRY G. FREEMAN, t CHARLES S. LEWIS. OF,OROB G. CAILSOIV, HENRY WILLIAM HARPER, Secret 43. Applications for Insuron LIAM KEELY, at Howard & r May In, 1563-ly D. SHERRERD, President. tary. ace may be made to WIL. lo's. Express Office. OLD DSTABLISHDD 1:3 CO .i .IL=' X "I" .". Ma No. 5 Beaver St., Albany, New-York, pm the Frew, System, erreck cures and Low Prices. 20,01.r1 ['ardente Cured Annually. DR. TELLER CONTINUES TO BE CONFl dentially and successfully consulted on all forms of private diseases at his old established Hospital, No. 6 heaver Street, Albany, New-York. Twenty years devoted to this sae particular brunch of prse•lee, enables Lim to perfeent cotes snob as no other physician CAIN; and Lis facilities are such, (being iu correspondence with the most celebrated I:by:adsnc of the Old World) of obtaining the mimic on well to :lir West remedies for thite diseases, of inducements to the unfortunate of a quick awl rapid cure, to he obtained at no other glace le America. _ . In byphilia, gonorriea, gleet, strictures, enlargement of the testicles and Rpermacitic cords, bubo, ulcerated throat, core throat, tender thin hones, cutaneous °rep, tons, biles, ulcers, abseeesfs, and till other lufflUrities of the ureter% are ',affect:3r under control of the Doctor's medicines, and base been tested in mere than 20,000 came annually with success. YOUNG MEN addicted to secret habits, who have im paired their health and destroyed the vigor of their minds, thus depriving them-elves of the pleasures of intirriedlife, are notified that in consulting Dr..l. Teller, they will find a friend to console and a physician who has cured thou tplois, in sitarist every part of the United States, who op filed to Dr. T. broken down io health, now rejoice in all that makes life deriruble and man happy. The reader is of courts, IMAM that the delicacy of the subject will pre vent a !anra minute description of this terrible disease. Dlr. TELLER'S G HEAT Wriii.X.—A hook for everybody. Startling dirclottitrett. Dr. Teller's great work for themari mad and fin,. contemplating rots rriage—SOO pages—fall of rho tw—p re 25 Canto Seal to all parts, under seal, by po e t paid. The married and the marled happy. A lenture on Love, or how to choose a partner— s complete work on midwifery. It contains bitudreds of secrets never before published. Warranted to be worth three Millen the timeran ackrd for it. rt coots, In specie Or Yttrlitile heCIITO n copy by return 111011. Dr. Teller has devoted a. life time to tha aura of those finesses of which his book treats. . . . TO THE LADIES.—Dr. J. Teller still retains the only Agency in America (or the wile of Dr. VicheVa Italian Fe male Monthly Pith. The sale at more than 20.003 boxes establislms their reputation as n Female Untnedy, unap. 'noticed, and Lr In ntlcanco at carry other medicine for 60.pp:tate., irrognbiritles, and other obstructions in females. crter.—Married ladine. In certain delicate situations should avoid their use. For reasons, see directions which /LOCO taw uy each package, for the guidance of patients.- 00 the receipt of El. (the price per box) these pills will he sent, by mail or express, to any part of the world, secure from curiosity or damage. la- Onitio hours front SA. M. to 8 P. ft ; a tat on Sunday front 2 to ti P.M. N. 8.---Yersone at a distance can be cured at home, by addre.sdeg a letter to .1. Tailor, enclosing a remitt ance. — Medicines securely ' , Felted from observation, sent to any part of+Lt• srorl,l. Alt inarrnolmi. No charge for advice. No students or boys emploi ed. Notice thisesad. dram, all bolters to .1. TELLER, M. May le-Iyj No. 5 Beaver street, Albany, N.Y. %llittl GR39..5.T1 Dyspepsia Remedy and Blood Searcher. _ Ly ATARIC.LEVS HEALTH RESTORATIVE ALsA %1 —This celebrated Medici DO Is offered Lone PIO& JIM the Lett remedy fur Dyepopeht, Liver Complaint. Fiesilsehe, riles, Diseases of Ilet Blood, BruptlOUti of the Shin, ele. IT lIAS CURED TUOUSANDS ! IT IS A NEVER FAILING REMEDY( 21t7Z 1 , 21' Rod what It low dorm for Mr. AffNER D. CAMPEIST,T., of the firm of Campbell Se Marshall. Boot and Shoo deafen!, Centro aztie. Leacaarag., Pa., March 4,1663. Dr, O. H, Meant ES—Deur Sir i For many yearn I WWI the victim of llyapepsia in Ito most aggravated Form ; my system having become so much deranged and debilitated, that I. was linable to perform any kind of labor. I had re noried to the best doctors within roach, without relief. I aced some of the moat popular rentraira of the day, but none of them did me any good. hly sufferings cannot he tlererMe4 la word.. I was then liv in g at if °patron, Una ter county, and in 1557, as 11 last resort, I commenced the use of your medicines. They anon afforded me relief from the IllOrt painful aymptoune which 1 had scarcely hoped to ohteio ; and in a surprisingly short timel wascompletely restored to health, and I have enjoyed the beet of health ever since—not a symptom of toy old complaint remain ing. Since then, I Lave always kept your medicines in my arelly, and would not be without them open any ann. ideration, as they have never failed to do What you clot= tar thatch Rehpuctfally yonre, A. D. HANDHELD. This but one of the many test! A. by received in prattle of this great medicine- For sale by HARVEY Brun& BROTHER, Juno 6-tf] . Druggist% No. 63 West Penn St., Reading. 00117001tDX.A. XIALLZ. I+7o. 3G9 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D. C. rrinE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT ". fully inform their nuredrotte friends throughout Berke county, that they have leased the aboveliotel, and are now prepared to accommodate all who may favor them with their patronage. At our bar may be found the beat and parent liquors, while the table in supplied with the beet the market affords. THOMAS HUMPH BEY. Jane i FRAME Emma. HENRY HARPER, No. 520 ARCH Street, Philadelphia, . HAS ALWAYS A LARGE STOCK OF *lle a , WATCHES, fur Ladles and Gentlemen—ln QOM it , Red Sliver. FINE JZWELRY, of the most tech losable styles. SOLID siLvaii-WARE, in great variety. and ItOUERS' Superior Plated Spoons, Forks, eta, etc kept 19-4lao Pribe 47-6 per 2000 lbs. Owr SrPER-PHOsPaATE OP LTME fa uniform in i ts chemical coustilueutd, and can always be depended on. ALLEN & NEEDLES' FERTILIZER. Packed in good strong bags, 150 lbs. each. $3O per AOOO lbs. Thin le decidedly the cheapest Concentrated manure in rico, cheaper than Boom and (nuts an long. JUL allikr 11101110 PERUVIAN—No. IGovernment, received direct from the Parovise Government, at iorrest , market vitae. ICHABOIt—A very superior article, received argot, from the island. $l5 per 2000 lbs. PACIFIC OCEAN—A small cargo of "obi fagdoned" genuine, packed in bags, vary dry, and strong. $6O per 2000 lbg. PLASTER.—[}round Plaster, a superior article, packed in good barrels BUDIF.S.—Ground Bones. Warranted Pure. /V- A Mena rid [ion made to Dealers in the above artioim ALLEN & NEEDLES, 42 South Wharves and 41 South Water Street, (F.utsT F.TORE ABOVE CRERTNUT,) PHILADELPHIA: We sell no articles but such as we can safely re commend. [July 25-Bmo DR. BRTTNON'S CONCZWZRATED 3RXIMEXIXES. VIo 1. THE GREAT REVIVER SPEEDILY eradicates all the evil effects of SELF-ABUSE, as Loss of Memory, Shortness of Breath, Giddiness, Palpita tion of the Heart, Dimwits. of Vision, or any conattiotioaal &campmate of the eyetern, knelt on by flie unrestrain ed 'indulgence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will care In from two to eight days. any case of GONORREICEA, is without taste or smell, and requires no outriction of action or diet. For either sex. Prise One Del tar. Nn. 3. THE TERRE Will ante In the shortest possible time, any caw of GLEET, even after all ether Remedies have failed to produce the desired effect. No taiga or amelL Price One Dollar. TILE PREITER Is the only Remedy that Will re ally cure Strictures of the 'Urethra. No matter of bow long Mending or neglected the cone may be. Price One Dollar. No. 5. THE SOLUTO It will core any case of GRAVEL, Permanently and elmedily remove all afflictions of the Blad der and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. N 0 O. FOR pAttTICUr.AIIO SEE CIRCULAR. No. 7. THE A DIA RIN will cure the 'Whites radically, and In a much shorter time than they can be removed by any other treatment In fact, is the only remedy that will re ally correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price One Ho. 0. • THE ORIENTAL I.Asrtt.S are certain, sale and speedy in producing 31 SKST RUATION, or correcting auy Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. No. 9. FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either Eernedy rent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed, Enclose postage clamp and get a Circular. General Depot Korth-East corner of 'York Avenue nnd Callowhili Street. Private Office 401 York Avenue, Phila delphia, Pa. For sale in Rending, only by HARVEY BIRCH St BRO., where Circulars containing valuable information, with fall descriptions or each cue, will be delivered gratis, on ap plication. Address DR. FELIX BRUNCH. ring 1-131 P. 0. Bug 99, Philadelphia, Pa. MATLACK'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, No. 904 market Street, Philadelphia. WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL YOUR attention to our Large Stook of • MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING now on hand READY AIADE, embracing every variety of Style and Material suitable for the season. We have also on hand a. foil assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS adapted to MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR, and would Invite your early attention thereto. . These Goods have been purchased for GASH 'and will be sold at a small advance for CASH. Portionlar attention paid to ail orders, so as to insure eatiefaation to the parchuer. E. MATLACK, Agt. 904 Market Street, Philadelphia. sep t.-3mo] 4 doi'G A 470 4. ... „ 1 r t i, • • % • - f i ; dr , - k - i_il 4fitt gi ,:p 4 il 1 Inn tiltrit. AtenTe i! I PISTLADELPELTA. MATT It E S S ES. Beds, Feathers, Blankets, Comfortable* guilts, Cushions, And all other axtioles belonging to the business. Feb. 14-41 AMOS HILLBORN. DIILLINZRVI FRENCH FALL FLOWERS & OSTRICH FEATHERS. ivvE HAVE OPEN A VERY LARGE LOT OF the Palest FRENCH FLOWERS, every style, and all the new culeri—Mexican, Japan, Leather, Havana, Car mine, Pink, Ho., with new colored Mose and Grabs. Also, Black, Purple, and Black and White for Mourning Bonnets. The above guode we will sell by the box, bench, or spray, much below the regular prices. N. 11.—We have on hand a very bandsomeaseortment of French BRIDAL WREATHS, and all other Myles of Wreathe and Flowers fur pantile and the stage, at the FItkNCII ARTIFICIAL FLOWER STOLtli, No. 21 North. Muth CE., above Market, Philadelplia. rep 19-2ruol HARDWARE & IRON STORE, WECOLZIMAZZI AND WAIL. THE SUBSCRIBERS. HAVING BOUGHT the old Established Hardware and Iron Store of the late Fricker, Stevenson & Co., and having added a large new Stock of goods ; would respectfully call the attention of the public to their large aneorttnept 51 HARDWARE, CUTLERY, ntoN, STREL, PALXTS, OILS, CIGARS, S,A DDLER Y, COACH TRLILHIROS, &e., &e., Which they are determined to sell at the very lowest Mar ket Prices, wholesale and retell. GEORGE LUCK dt CO., Corner of Fifth and Market Square. next door to Borbon'e M 0.1114 0 ,0 House. (Keital'is 01.1 Stand). GSOILCIE LEECH.] Jan IS [J. T. JACKSON. ler S. I. F. D. E. "tea STATEN ISLAND FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO., PROPRIETORS. par Offices: No. 47 North Eighth St. Phila— delphia, and 5 4• 7 John St., Neio-York. OUR SUCCESS IN DYEING AND CLEANB fNOGAIfiII4FFS of Yard, (hulk, silk, Merino, .De llinn, Me.. dm., (Ma CRAW LAS of al moot every description, lo so well known that we only desire to rewind our Mends and the pithily generally, that the season for getting ready their Foil Goods is now at hand. and returned Ly Exprace. aug 10-3rno] BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO. REMOVAL. HENRY CROUSE, HMS REMOVED RIS Wholesale Fancy Dry Goods and Notion Store, TO No. 10,192.5 T PENN SQUARE, ItEADINO, PA, ADJOINING JOHN S. PEARSON Se CO'S., where he offers to the trade and retail cnatomere, the largest and Most desirable assortment of goods in his line ever brought to this city. Ilia atook Midge nil park of Hosiery and Woven, Handkerchiefs, Tailors' Trimming; Perfumery and Fancy Soaps; Jewelry, Combs, Phu, Needleo, thread, Sowing Silk; , Shoe Findings, Drop, Stationery, Cutlery, and a great variety of liffecellaneone Articles end Notions too numerous to mention. Country MorabattLe, Pedlere, Millilitre and onions supplied by wholoaale at the lowest city prices for Cash ; May 2, 1803. INVALID CORPS. ATTENTION, INVALIDS ! E MEN HONORABLY DISCHA RS 124 ed on account of disability, desiring to re.enlist in this Corps, will present themselves to the Board of Enrollment for the District in which they reside, for examination by the Surgeon thereof, whoshall make a personal examine.. Lion of them, and report the result to the Board of Enroll. meet. The Board shall then conelder each case, and if the ap plicant fonnd to Milli the eonditiona speiiilied, the /Mord shall give him a certificate (according to the form furnish ed) to that effect. The term of enlistmentshall be Three (S) Tears or during the War. Forparticiaats apply to the Proved Marshal. done 13,1885-U 0 CONSTITUTION wATER, T un at It A. 111 v, b FOR THE AND THE ONLY KNOWN REMEThf FOE DIABETES AND DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS AND BLADD These trangercvs 470 TOONIARRonta thne far Resisted the beet direct.t Completely Controllecay tlaßE MEhrhete7i..' "0 THE CURATIVE properties of the maktii4 &rut themselve s to tbc o „, secretion, and by so altering the sandhi.. ,t ttn and liver that the staxeby principle or the r,„ ir At: verted into sugar ao long as Ohs system is eta " Sc i ence of the CONSTITUTION MITE./4, which gives *lmo organ. time to recoverthEir 1..1 6 end vigor. We awe able to 'gate tha tunttit u t ter bas cared every case of Diabetes iu trhich.iti:;j:.",s STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALOPI.ris. BRIO% DUST DEPOSITS, AND jf '1.1 7 ,: 6 4 1 , MILKY IILSOHAL! OHM A PTO. BRINATIBri. Disease occurring from one and the earns cat entirely cured by the Constitution Water, Uhl' length of time. The dose shook vary Whit tit the dieeaee, from twenty drape to a teinpoo L f4 a day, iii Water, During the PUMA, Of the pain and urgent symptoms should be combatm proper remedies, then followed ap with the I; . . 4 e Water, as above directed. DYSNENORRHCgd, OR PAINFUL REAT R ..,., AND IN 111R1V0RR11.41214. OR • J• 0.6 FLOWING, Both diseases arising front a faulty secretiq fit t,•,, Waal fluid—in pain; oe case being ten little, panted by revere be and the other a too doe which wilt be speedily eared by the c,;i",..:n The disease knoWn u PALLING OF MX %volt, is the relaxation of the ligaments of Mut sr,„: known by a sense of heaviness and draggiort,„!:: b ,' back and sides, and at times accompanied by ~.,;.;;;;...7 acing or shooting pains through the parts, will talk; tee, be removed by the medicine. There is another tines of eymptouis arising r, , e e . TATION OP THE WOMB, which phydeland nem, which word covers up mach ignorancs,, cases out of ten the doctor does not really ktirs.Xi. .', the symptoms are the disease. or the di.aee the We can only enumerate them here. I t.pseor itre 4; - tatty of bold Feet, Palpkation of the Hem, Memory, Wallefalness, Flashes of Heat, Imagim, and Dimness of Vision. SUPPRESSED dIESSTRUATIV Which in the unmarried female is a couqt tet:t!:. disease, and through neglect the seeds or More zo . e 4 ; dangerous maladies are the result; tad cc ll.* el: month passes without an eitort being tandem tte4g t ,,, the euppression becomes chronic, the patlnt graitS looses her appetite, the bowels are conokeor, ti .: waste wale 99, @ud 0n94'7 pft on 0 sally tiedi 64, eta 7 .E,RETOORRIICEA OR WHITES. This disease depends upon an Ingiunterion Ogg lining of the vagina and womb. It is in sll . panted by severe pain In the back, across the huser. through the hip. A teaspoonful or the stediesuur : taken three lima a day, with an iiljeCtinti.if fol of the medicine, mixed with a haltpint of ak mgrning and evening. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE EL.41,141 INFLAMMATION OF THI? IfIUSEYS..4,tI. CATARRH OF THE RhADL.ER, NTlms. !JURY A.N.D NU/MVO O Fflf ERINATIXO. For there diseases It le truly a movereige re..)141V, much cannot be said In Its prates . A mingle 4 . , ;14, e : known to relieve the moat urgent grope., Are you troubled with that distreating pain in tilt 17., of toe book Anil liatintigli iha Lipel A ImNpuoy rill ata Constitution Water will relieve you like magic, It hail no equal in relieving the meiit di•itree.47, tome. Alen, Headache, Heartburn, detd OW mxrL r: tug Food. Ara. Take a tegepoonful after &Ivor. 'N. in all canes may be laereased if deetred, kit done gradually. - - - - rarsrer,in Have long since given up the uee of ligclat, n't,er juniper in the treatme n t of these di,emeA, them for Waal o(11 better remody. CONSTITUTION WATER Has provod itself equal to the tack that hat da upon it. . DIURETICS Irritate and drench the kidneys, and by roar ,st lend in chronic degeneration sod combined [hikes SMALL AZAD. RMAD. DANVILLE, Pe., Jen:, Dr. Wet. U. CMG —Dear Sir: In Fetm,m: , . was afflicted with the sugar diabetes, and f,r tiva o I passed more than two gallons of water in zw,st , hours. I Was obliged to get no He Oct as ta.nitt times during the night, and in five mom!. (lett al pounds in weight. Daring the month of cured two betties of Constitution Water, sal in tt , after using it I experienced relief, and afc.rEelkitz:M. ties I was entirely cured, soon after regaining W; good health. 1r onts truly. J. Y. L. DE WI BOSTOJE CORNERS, , Dec WK. H. GREENS SE CO.: Gents:—l freely give you liberty to Disko i , !zi following Certificate of the vain of Chniodi rums Kill which I can recommend in the highest miner. My wife, who was attacked with pate is whole length oftbe back, and in her 'finks, with Fol.:, Eton of the Heart, attended with Fettling of tie DySinetiorrhea, and Irritation of the Bhutto.. I physician, who attended her about throe menth sn,:e loft her worse than be found her. I then employ' ",:' the best physicians I could lied, who attended her fercri nine months, and while she was miller his care suffer quite as mach pain; he finally gore toe said: her case teas incurable." For, said he. such a condrination of complaints, Mat etofiele , for one operates against &Me other of her About Ibis time, she commenced the Uee of Water, and to our otter astonishment, almost Me Ms, seemed to have the desired effect, and she kept es !or' log Tepidly wader its treatment, and now suisontini tiredy hit .1661414 s iambi. no hue net telue Ls?:.' Constitution Water for about font weeks, sod Wefrehr to say it has produced a permanent cure. WM. M, VAN hhxLPoßn, COSIC, NOY' Dr. WIIr. B. Owsact: Dear Sir :—I have for several years, been 'Alia that troublesome and dangerous dissene—trawl-r restated all remedies and doctors, until I took Cag.,, Water, and you may be mowed that I was eneti:: pleased with the reset. It hiEntiroly /;;,. may make any nee of my name you may eset::2 , .. , to the medicine, as I have entire confidenm Yount truly, YON arms . ARE ;ACMENOLTE Therel a no Maas of themes that produce soil log effects upon the human eonatitotion Diseases of the nine" Bladdeff.and Urban and through false modality they are mak:, are eo advanced as to be beyond the vontrol remedies, and we present the CONSTITIITIOr lS A Te the pnhlle with the asseoletleit that it ItssretiT • relieving the clean of amines for which It lies ten so erotnently successful in curing; and we owe ehall be rewarded for our efforts to placing ,0 remedy in a form to meet the requiremeso of te.u...•• phytdclan. • ZOE SALE DT ALL MUM:. WIC R. GREGG b CO., Pr'lr' -- Morgan & General Agente, leo. It I.:41 News ork. Var. COAL, WOOD, SALT MILAIIMIIOIII6O Jaz. MNAL.76:I II SAMUEL BOONE, • (PORMRSLY) • John Eissinger, Corner of Penn and Front Strro, U cONSTANTLY ON HAND, AN I I 1 at raaaonable prizes, all aindA of Stove Coal; fink Chestnut and Bltnuiluurtseoul, Nll. and Saud. . , FF. Sir Persona In want of anything In my to their advantage to give Me a call boture rurd.' where. I deliver free of extra charge to any I , ' eitY. i y 0 £MOB SIIIIIEVS Clana ;L WHOLESALE AND i SADDLE MID HARg!: M ILI VA CNN : EAST PENN Sid EST.IIIT4' 1 --2 . 61 , 111 6 1 -7 . - - -- 3) SEVENTH ASP ig Efo . N , South Side, nearly opiTPT Rorke Count' , Ham , . 11d • ) place Siamtkoso, -40 u 2 anne.er14.0 January 14, SE-tf 1441 1 1117E11 ' S 33/lElagite READING, PA. THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully enno,6,`!: the pnblle that he bas i reeently erklare,! 1.,. I . ' IVY to a eoneiderable extent, and introduce , - and le now ready to eupply all demands ter r• TT nikt ,, 111:1711R2031. MALT For home end distant consumption. 111, Lignore,warranted to keep in all climates , BROWN STOUT, PORTER, BOTTLINO V..... ALE AND LAGER MOM June 19-tf FurayalL liberal percentage will be ello abroad. MONEY WANTED ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. JACOB C. Otitce—Court street. MONEY TO LOAN. A PPLY TO JACOB C. oako—Gorat woe. GRAINS I (21.41.1.• ifIRTANS CAN CONSTANTLY BE fLk . , 131 LAVER B BREWERY, corner o 'navy eireete. December 7, 1861—tf • PARTIES WISHING TO SELL ('R CHASE Beal Estate. will do well to ce.11 , t , 4,1., JACOB C. CutOnler , ;:,;„ Ocoee—Court street. JUST RECEIVED , 2000 FLOWER POTS, AT THE OLP J: 4 , IN4 W,ll. =II