o uth tab 0011.0tEat t ;,411113)0, OCTOBER 81, Mt WAR NEWS! FOR 35,20 S VOLUNTEERS. „,. s s . ,„. r,4.11,1, S.,ie and the Authority of the Commonwealth r qsufleataist, _4 RDA' E W G. CURTIN, - f ti. said Commonwealth. A PIRKIDA ;RATION. e sow, The President of the United States, ion, bearing date on the Seventeenth limber inst., hue called for THREE ' 1 ;:., i ,g1.) THOUSAND VOLUNTEERS, to re d:: the regiments now in the field from the Relive States : And whereas, By information ';',, T ot this day, the quota of the State of awrumi. under said call is deelarod to be erf MET THOU:UNE TWO HUNDRED ;;INTI --fat ET MEN, (:18,218): And The President, in his said Proclamation, 1101? the llovernors of the respective States is raising the force thus required: No, therefore, 1, Andrew O. Curtin, Gover ,r,,f the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do .s.sealy call on the good and loyal freemen of :c.emoonwealth, to enlist in the eerTioe of the ,iote.stes, under the Proclamation aforesaid, Mat the required quota may be made up be ge the Fifth day of January next, on which •1 the President announces that a draft will bo Named for any deficiency that may then 1 , 5 t is the saute. The freemen of Pennsylvania enlisting Ruder , all will he attached to regiments from this oe . All who are willing to enlist are requert present themselves at once, for that pur ,, to the United States Provost Marshals' re a i,, e g and mastering offices, in their respeo ,v odes, towns and counties. They will receive in' SUMS as allowance, pay, premium beauty, viz : la every recruit who is a veteran volunteer, as NAM in (loners( Orders of the War Department Joe 1563, No. 191, for recruiting vete , ,A.:(ers, one month's pay in advance, and aunty and premium amounting to $lO2. To other recruits, not veterans, accepted and r oe ,' as required in existing Orders, one ~sth's ply in advance, and in addition a bounty !premium amounting to $302. furthor information desired can be obtain .lnue the Provost Marshals of the respective SIMI In waking this appeal to the good and loyal ' want of Pennsylvania, I feel entire confidence si it will be effectually responded to. The ap. o .chiog expiration of the term of enlistment t tile Moil now in the field renders it necessary replenish our regiments. Let us maintain the !ay which their valor and conduct have reflect.- ' a the Commonwealth, and let our people hp their promptness and alacrity on this ; ti-ion, that they have not abated in courage i•re of country, or in the determination that t tret.h.tly rebellion, already stunned and stag— ring. eictil be utterly crushed and extinguished. ua•ler my hand and the (treat Seal of the ; :ent-, at Harrisburg, this twenty-eighth day .•r WI o ber, in the year of our Lord one thou— avd hundred and sixty-three, and of the .•...n:wnuwealth the eighty eighth. . . ANDREW G. CURTIN BC TIM GOVERNOR. ELI SLI PER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. A FIGHT NEAR CORINTH. e Rebels Driven Back With /Leavy Loss. CAIRO, 111., Monday, Oct. 26, 1863. it‘dirtin of the '34th inst., says : Attie 21st the advance of the Union foroes vard front Corinth met with resistance near loTokee Station, 89 miles from Tutteumbim tisterhaua was in the advance, and had moved far when he encountered two brigades 111,1a4 Cavalry. under Gene_ Leo and Forest, ;iuntreti at 4,MtO to 1,000 mem Ibe fight lasted an hour, when the Rebate kTe driven back with eerione 11088. tar loss was 7 killed and 37 wounded, most. of hick was caused by mistaking Lee's cavalry, 1w were dreaded ierblue overimats, for our own The Rebels are said to have very strong for '•aiises this side of Tuseumbia, on the rail- iiel , sl prisoners report that the enemy expect umke a stout resistance there. They Day they It Imo men there on Thursday, and received rilifqernente of 1,003 cavalry on Wednesday, dist 2.000 more were expected from Gen. ' , rump forces. LATEST FROM CHARLESTQN. fiidit'fi:l , l9)4ll4:ll?#;l9Mt - filri P,);,Ti+l atteries Gregg and Wagner open on Forts Sumter and johnson. Fuan see Monson, Thursday, Oct. 2'9,1803. Rid:RA - dui Enquirer of October 27, contains L tullovring dispatch CuAßLserow, Oct, 26, 1863 The enemy's batteries, Gregg and %Vaguer, rpeued fire at 11 o'clock this morning, with se cs pow from the. former and four from the let r. The Eire was principally directed against 'one Sumter and Johnson. Two Monitors wets Eu engued. The firing ceased at dusk. One hundred Lois were thrown from Morris Island, and 160 mai the Monitors. IVe tired from Moultrie. No damage done ycL Uur batteries replied vigorously. ROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. lie Fighting on the 22d and 23d. WAIIIIINGTON, Monday, Oct. 2G, 180. The lighting en Thureday and Friday aroae frsa the enemy crossing the Rappahannock at Ileterly Ford. The 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry, Lmut-Col. JIM liriuton commanding, were on 'hl'Y near 'Rialto% and were started out to feel the rnonly. They encountered two Regiments el Cavalry and one of Infantry, whom they charged and drove to the river. Maj. Taggart lyd tno first charge upon the lUih Virginia Caval ry, and was shot in the knee cap, while gallant -11 fighting. tie was carried to Warrenton, where Lis leg was amputated above the knee by the eurgeon, Dr. Weidman, and where he died ou Saturday morning. On Friday We 2.1 Pennsylvania Cavalry had aso:her akirmish with the Robe's, and again Moss them over the same ground. On Saturday, tire, Deism's brigade of Cavalry was tent to relieve the 2d l'eunsylvania, who had a number 'cmitited in the two days' skirmishing; but the Enemy having been reinforced, compelled Gnu. Levin to retire_ Col. Brinton's Regiment is highly commended for its gallant conduct_ • Ro he% of note transpired yesterday. Today a reesarmiseenee was sent out in the direction of itinterluo Bridge, on our right, and cannonading sus heard in that direction about. 1 o'clock, last ing some two honks. The enemy from their camp fires appear to be force about Sulphur Springs, and along the apposite bank of the liappahannook, and also in Ewell parties on this side. The story of their hue extending from Beverley Ford to Stafford t:ourt House is not. correct. The impression Prevails in the army that nothing of importance 'wilt or can be done unless the rebels attack Meade. FROM MEADE'S ARMY. iIre9HINGTOS, oa. 29, 1863 tioneral Meade has within a day or two wade mete changes] in the position of his forces, look .eg to the better protection of those engaged in 16 reconstruction of the Orange and Alexan dria railroad. While this change was being effected, at about three o'clock yesterday morning the rebels made a demonstration against. the Sixth mops ; but nothing further was accomplished than the driv 'll4 le of the pickets of that corps a abort din taace, when the rebels retired- Lee's headquarters are supposed to be in the immediate vicinity of Brandy Station, on the omoh side or the itappahannoek, and Ms army, iudstliag Stuart's cavalry, riser there. The mysterious cannonading beard by the ar my on Tuesday, which the press dispatch says is unexplained, proves to have been gun prac tice at the Washington Navy Yard. It appeared to be far to the left of position. Some imagined it to be near Dumfries, but the real solution is given in this paragraph. IL glows that even sol diers can be deceived. An unusual nutuber of officers and nearly a regimens of conscripts and convalescents came up to the tarty to-day. dp ROES FOR NOVEMBER COURT, 1863. Commencing Monday, November 2 GRAND JURORS. • 1 Henry Anomie, farmer, Bern. ii Daniel Raneeber, farmer, Windear. it Amoe Brown, shoemaker, lingeombmanor. 4,o*en Collins, teacher, Penn. 5 Daniel Clanger, Jubilee of the Peace', Earl. 0 Hasid Pry, farmer, Rockland. 7 David li Shot, clock maker, Gelebrookdate. S Peter Fieg.tmakeoper, Alsace. William tiernawl, teacher, Fifth Ward, Beading. 10 John Goodhart, hatter, Third Ward, Reeding. it Janina Orlexoner, miller. Exeter. 12 Bawllla Klahr, fernier, Upper Tulpehoeron. 13 Michael Lengel, farmer. North Heidelberg. 14 Redmond MeMamie, paddler, Tim Ward, Reading. 15 James Nicholson, restaurant-keeper, 20 Ward, Reading 10 Michael Relfenyder, tee., yeomen, sth Ward, Reading. 17 Daniel Sharp, farmer, alahlenherg. IS Solomon Stoner, niercbeat, Exeter. 19 Jacob Schuablor, farmer, Ittiteomlnianor_ 20 Peter Steinmetz. conetable, Exeter. 21 Levi J. Smith, millwright, Fourth Ward, Reading. 22 William Schroeder, farmer, Albany. YY Charles Young, brickmaker, Third Ward, Reading. 24 William Ziegler, carpenter, Second Ward, Reading. PETIT JURORS—PIitsT WEEK. 1 Samuel "Ahoy, laborer, Amity. 2 Abraham Bechtel, farmer, Wachtel/tea. 3 John Bechtel, ton., yeoman, Heidelberg. 4 Isaac Boltz, farmer, Upper Trilpehoccon. 5 William Bucks, teacher, Marion. 6 Richard Nickel, carpenter, tioroild Ward, Reading. 7 John Raided, mason, Bethel. S William Bishop, nailer, Union. 9 John H. Christian, carpenter, Third Ward, Reading. 10 Peter Deisher, farmer, Washington. 11 Isaac Ely, yeoman, 111th Ward, Beading. 12 Samuel Edelman, fuller. Maidencreek. in Eli Fritz, miller, Drimpaae. 14 Lawrence Fix, barber, Fifth Ward, Reading. 15 Amos Greenwald, innkeeper, Albany. 16 John Goodman, wheelwright, Third Ward, Reading. 17 Michael Hank, farmer, Fourth Ward, Beading. 115 11thauttauXast, farmer, Robeson. 16 William Heidenreich, yeoman, Potittli Ward, Reading 20 John klungerferd, heater, First Ward, Reading. 21 Jeremiah Hein, farmer, Amity. 22 Augustus Hotteestein, teacher, Ontoinanee. 92 Polar Hartman. farmer, Alsace. 24 Henry Keeper, tanner, Seeped ward, Reading. 25 William Kern, tailor, Exeter. 26 Edward L. KUlmer, farmer, Marion. 27 John Kieffer, miller, Longewamp. 23 John Klein, farmer, Mublenberg. 29 Jonas Keller, beatbuilder, Hamburg. 30 Benjamin Kelm, farmer, Pike. 31 Genie! Leidy, butcher, Colebreekdale. 32 James Lonhart, farmer, Albany. 33 Joseph Lam, farmer, albany. 34 Peter Leiniuger, constable, Womelederf. 8S Solomon Leinbach, farmer, Earl. 36 Joseph Moyer, shoemaker, Heidelberg. 37 Bouneville Sinner, farmer, Bern. 38 Charles Moser, farmer, Ontelannee. 39 Francis Moyer, farmer, Waehingion. 40 Samuel Moyer, lockteeder, Merlon. 41 Nichol., Madeira, yeoman, Fifth Ward, Reading. 42 Simon Rothermel. farmer, Richmond. . 43 Reuben Richard. farmer, Ifeidelberg. 44 Benjamin Stamm, mason, Fifth Ward, Reading. 45 Joseph B. Seidel, merchant, Perry. Di Mahlon U. Spasm. teacher. Windsor. 47 John Schneider, merchant, Exeter. 42 William Seitzinger, blacksmith, Upper Taipei:memo. 49 Daniel S. Schnitz, inetice of the Fame, Washington. 20 Abraham Vanderslice, Justice of the Peace, Amity. 21 Janice R. Wells, dual...roof the Peace, C.lerllllllloll. 52 Samuel Weiner, borsedealar, Albany. 53 Frederick Yoder, farmer, Ventre. 64 Philip Zieber, merchant, Third Ward, Beading. TRAVERSE JURORS—SECOND WEEK. I Godfrey Borduer, constable Tillpehoccou. Hoary Beard, tarmac, itobcLe. 5 Amos Briuer, eboemaker, Second Ward, Reading. 4 Jobu Becker, Jr., miller, Centre. 5 Conrad Y. Bendier, yeoman, klecond Ward, Reading 6 Jahn Body, farmer, C.W.O. 7 John Y. Cunning. clerk, fourth Ward, Reading. B David Datikel, farmer, Longswamp. g Jacob Fronde. eboemaker. hinny. U Rattly L. Fisher, far moo, Ilcidelberg. 11 PAYid 1,, Gerhart, engineer, bongsvfamp. 12 Jonathan Grim, farmer, Greenwich. 13 itemtiel 11. Oran!, innkeeper. 'Fourth Ward, Reading. 14 Jacob iloirman, farmer, ULtdrict. 11i Jacob IL Haag, farmer, Centre. In Jacob 0. Heiuly, fawner, Windsor. 17 Michael HolFinau, fernier, Hereford. 13 Daniel Himmetberger, farmer, Upper Talpohoccon. la laaaa W. Harper, bookbinder, Fourth Ward, heading. 20 Tilghman newsman, fuller, Fike. 21 Abraham Hilbert, tarmac, Rockland. 22 Samuel G. Hatfield, Innkeeper, Douglass. 23 Elbus Klopp, morobaot, Morin, 24 enlOmun ffialtzherger, briekleyer, 4th Ward , Beading. 23 Augustus Manbeck, diatiller, Bethel. M Daniel B. Rothermel, farmer, Perry. 37 William itailanyder. carpenter, Itlebinond. 23 Maoists Rettiuger, farmer, Raeconabumnor. VA °verge Selma, clerk, Wswhington. Zal Adam &oat, farmer, Amity. 3/ eleo - rge Smith, yaomae, f4eenad Ward, Reeding. 32 Cbarlre Beebe, J entice of the Peace, Lower Heidelberg A... Wlt tawn , machinist, Find Ward, Reading. 34 Joseph Weidner, innkeeper, Hereford. 311 Tilghman Wickert, innkeeper, bongewamp. 36 Lewis Weidner, laborer, Karl. TRINES& JURORS—THIRD WEEK. 1 Daniel Brown. Wier. Ruscominuanor. Abraham Heldler, farmer, Spring. 3 William Berger, carpenter, Bornvil le. 4 Joel Babb, laborer, Fourth Ward, Readies. doeialt L. Bahlerr, cabinet maker, Bethel. 6 William Baltheaer, limeburnor, Hamburg. 7 demob Coleman, yeoman, Amity. S laaac Happen. yeoman. Watuelederf. 2 Daniel Detnrk, (of Philip) fanner, Oley. 10 John Eked?, Benner, Exeter. 11 John C Evans, 7001118.11, 001011.11r011. 12' Henry Flannery, farmer, Union. 13 Ocilla Goodman, moulder, Third Ward, Reedin g . 14 Jacob Ooodhart, yeoman, Second Ward, Rending. 13 Jacob R. Heffner, farmer, Maxatawny. 16 CbaTice Hegy, farmer, Douglass. 17 John nollenbach, constable, Centre. 19 Henry Kennler. watchmaker, Fifth Wird, Reeding, 19 George L. Kula, farmer, Idematawny. 20 blithest Knoll, farmer, Jefferson. 21 Samuel Levan, glue manufacturer, 3,1 Ward, Reading 22 dam. R. Leiria, farmer, Robeson. 23 leamt , Meurer, farmer, Heidelberg. 21 Frederick Frintz, innkeeper, Fourth Ward, Reading. 25 Joseph Itandeubnati, farmer, Canon. 20 George Rilgier, yeoman, Second Ward, Iteadleg. 27 Benjamin Ritter, farmer, Rgetor. 26 Adam Stout, morobant, Rennin.. 29 David Snyder, farmer, tiley. tel Henry K. Smith, Merchant, Rernville. at Richard Wertz, innkeeper, Longawamp. 32 Peter Weidner, miller, Tulpelmocon, 33 John Wannkomel, fanner, Longrwamp. 34 Alfred 1,. Weitzel, watchmaker, Third Ward, Reading. 3,3 Abraham T. yodel, innkeeper. Pike. 30 Daniel Zimmerman, Innkeeper, Kutztown. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES. OLIRLETTER A FAMILY SEWING MACTIIIIW IS FAST gaining a world-wide reputation. It in beyond doubt the beet and cheepe+t and moat beautiful of all Family Sewing Machines yet offered to the public. No other Family Sew ingrnachine him no many ocelot applianoes for Returning, Binding, Felling, Tucking, tiethering, Changing, Welding. Embroidering, Cording, and no forth. No other Family Sewing Machine has so winch capacity fora great variety of work. It will sew all kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of thread_ Great and recant improvements make our Family Sewing Machine moat reliable, and moot durable, and moat certain in action at all rates of speed.. It makes the interlocked stitch, which ie the Lestatiteh known. Any one, even of the most ordinary capacity, can see, at a glance, Low to nee the letter A Yawn" Sewing Machine. Oar Family Sewing Machines are finished in chaste and exquisite style. The Folding Case of the Family Machine is a piece o cunning workmanship of the moot useful kind. It pro. teats the machine when not in use, and when about to be operated may be opened ea a epactoue sod eabgentiat table to mullein the work. While some of the Mara, made out of the choicest woods, are finished in the simplest and <Modest manner possible, °there are adorned and embol lobed in the most costly and rayed, manner. It Is absolutely neceesary to see the Family Machine in operation, so co to judge of Its great capacity and beauty. It is fast becoming as bopp!ar fur family sewing ita our Manufacturing machines are fur manufacturing parpoile. The Branch Offices are well supplied With allk, tWle ',broad, lauedler , , oil, Sce.., of the very boot pilau!. Send fur n Pamphlet. TUF. 2111111.11 MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 4 RNniftily, New• York re Philadelphia Office, no Cheutunt Strout. W. 1. CLOUS, Agent in Rending. - B ar Oagagah dieennftene hail a splendid re oerlion on his return Lo Cincinnati, last Monday. In hie speech he said that he had received a let ter of approval from the President since the battle of Chickamauga, in regard to his action in that affair; and, whatever charges appeared in the - Eastern papers against him, he Was satis fied that the goverument was in no way reepon bible fur them. In allusion to the statements made with regard to his health, aid the allege- limns that Generals .Critteuden and McCook Were about to make charges against him, he said, good humoredly, Some friends of mine in New York are very solicitous about my health. The Army of the Cumberland thinks' am well enough, and so do I. As for the goanlity of opium 1 have taken, consult my druggist. New York and Washington papers have said that Generals Crittenden and McCook intended to make charg es against me. They have assured me that they regret exceedingly that such false reports should Le started." Its-mausmo.--We learn that the members of the Fifty-third Regiment Penna. Vols., (Colonel Brooke's Regiment,) three years' men, have unanimously agreed to extend their term of en listment for three yew longer. DR. TOBIAS' rrn7;rMrrri g rUPjf ^ • , to pint bottles et fifty coots, ewes humeness, cite, gape *ohs, Ste. Read the following: .1311STIIN. July 701,1860. Dn. ToslAs : We have used. for the past year year Horse Liniment for lameness. Melts, bruin?-, colic and eats, and in every Matance found it the beet article f ever tried in this circus company. neap, send as 41. beet, an it is the ouly liniment we use alesw. We leave 10.9 heroes, mule very valuable, and do not want to ;wave town without it. dlaoager C an Arnistrgb & Cu's Menagerie. Sell by all Druggists. 011Iso, bu Coartlandl Street, New York. • tort :14-luto TO TAB YOUNG OR 0r.% Mote or Koo If you have been enifering from a habit indulged In by the YOUTH OF ROTH SEXRS, WiII(NICAUSKS SO MANY ALARMING SYMPTOMS it Mem fur Ifiarriage, And lc t h e grestwit *nil which eau befall MAN OR WOMAN. Eke symptoms enumerated tu advertimment, and If you are eutterer. Cut out the Advertleemeut. • And mod for it at oat& betels are dengerooe. AA for kleloilbold'e. Take Pe Mbar. Caron Koerantood. Beware of COUNICtieIiV mut hoitottotte. EDITOR 01. , GAZETIg Imar Sir :—Witlm year permission I wish to lay to the readers of your paper that I will send by return mall to all WhO With it, (tree) a !Wipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef fectually remove, In Itt days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the slime soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mall free to those having Bahl Ilea& or Rare Faces, ..Imple directions and information that will enable them to start a fall growth of Loa:orient Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in been than 30 days. All applications answered by return until without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, July 25-3ute) Chemist, No. 531 Broadway, Hew-York. HAIR DYEI HAIR DYE!! BATCHELOR'S CELEBRATED HAIR DYE 111 THE hms. - r IN THE WORLD! The only /bur/Wens, True and Reliable Dye Known This splendid Hair Dye Is Perfect—shangas Red, Rusty or Grey Flair, instantly to a g lossy BlmAk or Kalural Erman. without Injuring the Hair or Staining the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the 11l eilents or End 1170 n. Th. ClOnilinn in signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, all others are mere imitation., and should by avoided. Sold by all Druggists, dm FACTORY-31 BARCLAY STRUT, Pi. Y. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the hair July 4,1863-1 y TEE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF A NEE VOCS YOUNG MAN.—PnbUnited as a warning and for the especial bonnet et young wen, and those who suffer with Marmot DEIS. I.ITY, Loss or MS.Att", PARMAITiaI Deorr, Sc, by ono who has cured hlmeelf by simple moans, after being put to great expense and inconvenience, through the use of worthless medicines prescribed by learned Nam. 'Single MOS May be bad (free) 01 the author, C. A. LAMBERT, Esq., Oresupeint, Long Island. by enclosing an addressed envelope. Address CHARLES A. LAMBERT, ORER.COINT, LONil 'sumo, New-York. = Profegaor J. idAACS, N. 0., Oculist awl Aurbit, formerly of Leyden, 'Holland, is peruianeutly located at No. All Play STRSET, Plimemsbruia, Jliere persona afflicted will, diefflisee a! tile clie ood tauto ae t eo lill ea ll y treated and curial, If curable. AW L ARTIFICIAL EYES buurled without pail'. No charmed made for examination. N.ll—The toadied lieolty to invited, nn ho boo as ae trot. la btu mode or traatinant. Ijuue 20,1803-4 y A aItiNTLENIAN, cured or Nervoue Debility, Incompetency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error, ac. tooted by a desire s° Lunent others, will he happy to furnish to all who used it (free of charge) the recipe and directions for matting the simple Remedy used in his case. Those wishing to profit by his experience--and possess a 'Palms Lie WatneST—will receive the male, by return man. (care. fully sealed,) by addressing. JOHN N. 001 AN, No. CO N,...an Street,New•Yerk The Confefelone end J xperlenee of an mug 8-3akol 111:121211 Pohllobed for tho benefit, and as a warming aud CAUTIDN TO YOUNO HEN who antler from Nerrono DeWitt', Pre mature Decay or blatilapxl, •tc, ~Ipplytug r the eaAtio Limo, THE MEANS Olt HELP CURE. Y.y one whol°, cured himself attar being put to great . and injury through toed iurd trambog and quackery, By eachodug a post-paid addiessal envelope, stogie 00- pie, may Le had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kings County, N. Y. way 23-ty MARKET. READING PILULLY. October 30, IBM Buckwheat Flour per Wheat (prime white) per bushel ail 45 Wheat, (prime red) per bushel I 7. Rye do 1 10 Cornr d ld) do 78 Cora sew) du Born eal do 1 00 Oats li o 4 4 Flaxseed do I 30 Clove/wind do 4 50 Timothy eeed do 9 B 5 Barley do 7o Potatoes do 50 Swoalkdatose du 76 Salt do 6U Solt per Seek 1 85 Wheat Flour (extra family white) ill bhl. 9 03 Wheat Flour (extra fam. white)Vlloo 9 s-4 11 Wheat flour (extra family) per Barra S 60 Wheat Flour (extra family) per 100 80. 4 25 Single Extra Flour, par barrel 7 7.0 Slagle Extra Flour, per ICO Mo. 3 75 Wheat Flour (super -9 ne) per barrel 7 50 Eye Flour per barrel 4 ea Eye Fidarperloo,ll9. 300 100 tbs. 2 00 Fork ift 100 be. 8 00 Beer (hind quarter) per 100 pounds 809 00 Beef (fore quarter) per 100 pounds 708 00 Haws per pound 11 Shoulders do a Flitch do- 9 Pried Reef, do 11 Tam. bow., .1. 20 Lump Butter du 10 Firkin Butter do 'Pillion, do OX Lard do lii Hides, Raw do 7 and 8 Bed tildity e Whiskey, per gallon 3 00 Common Whiskey, per gallop 49 to 60 ,Flaxseed ”spia gallon $0 Eggs per aurae 19 Stone Coal (stove, egg &lirokon,ll2ooo the. 0 75 Nut Coal do 440 Linieburners' do 2,00t04 00 Piaster per tou, 690 Tipothy Roy do IQ 00 Meadow Hay do 18 00 Hickory wood per cord 4 00 Onk wood do NDO Bark do 000 GRAIN. STIONti & SONS, 80, 1868. - Bo coot. for L6s. - • 110 cents for AO Iris AO centofor 32 fbs PRICES PAID DP P. ft Oelobe Corn, - Rya, Oa - 'RILES OF GRAIN, Paid at SAMUEL SUCH'S Mild ift,,nr, Corner of Elenentl. Nuhlent.ry . street& Co n, Rye, Outs, Reading Lumber Price. Current. Ettportat for Out Reading Milvtle by JACOB H. .IkEY- Sifliß, Lumber evintntirtaira Yard, Souris Third M., nratr the Lanai-v4r lirfdye. • itatiitme, october 00, 1880. Itimilock Jolxt. and Solut Rug, $l4 140018 00 Poplar Boarda, - - - 20 *1450 00 • .• Scantling, - 20 outV3o o 0 White Pine Boards red Plank, - • 16 (IMO 00 Cherry Boarda and Plank, - 25 00080 00 • While 1.1116 Floor Boards,. 23 00@2S 00 • Mooling Lath, - - Me 8 00 Oak Floor Boaria, - - - 20 00@35 00 Whitt. ltige *4O Unnilock_ Shingles, 4 h 0022 00 Oak Boards and Plank, . 20 - 00“40 00 White fine Culling Lath, - 3 260 200 Ash I'lank,2s 000025 on 141111160 knit flue rickets, - lo 000717 00 Walnut Boards and-Plank, - SA 00080 00 Lynn Boards and Plank, - . 20 000080 00 White Pine Joint and Scantling,- 24 00032 00 flirch and Maple Boards and Flank, 20 00030 00 200,00 rest Creels Boit Edged Clear Walnut from 56 t 97 Inches WANTID, Watt paid in Gam - - 1.954:1420 PHILADELPHIA MARKET FRIDAY, ooWber 31), 1563 FLOUR AND (MARC—There to n steady derintud ror ' Flour, and prices are well maluntiued and . prei, with farther males of 1700 Mile extra family Cl s•i 5000 87,g for old stook, meetly et dui 74 and 47ed7 2i for fresh grouud. The grade are buying moderately at $5 273.16.5 75 for su perfine ; $l5lO/6 tio for extras,; 7A07 fifl for extra family, and SS@J I , R LLI for (nosy braude, an in quality. The re enipte tanditme light. Stye Flour is scarce and worth 56 111 bbl. Corn Meal is quiet hut arm at previous' quotations. Too receipts today are 1550 labia Flour, 10,0;0 bun When 11550 hr. Core, and 111100 boa Oate. There in a nteady de mand for Wheat, and pilaw are telly tualulaltred, with further bales of $5@71100 hue rods at $1 4701 52 Gtr lair to good and choice quality, mostly at 50, and white in small lobs at all f.o to $5, the letter for Kentucky. It .e in rattier quiet at al 20; there in not much offering. Cunt le scarce and to denoted at the late improvement, end about 12,000 boa have been dieposed of at 81 WI for western mixed yellow awl white, Itt alum and afloat. Oats are Relive, and 24,00100 bee, all offered, bold at See, weight. WHISKY le Inactive; odes of mo bins are reported at olGet2e, mostly at the former rate for Ohio, and Drudge at 52 1 4010 e. goN eentinnett exalted and on Ihn advance. With ter! little doing to the way of miles for the want °retools, the makere of l'lg metal generally beteg cold np. and iwleest are Arm at 'MPS for Mo. 1 i $30037 fur No. 2, and WU ;rut for No. S. cull, with very little to be had at these rates, although sales of No. 1 are reported for future de livery at the bighted neuron. Pig in wanted, but there is none offering. Blooms eviler platen are also hoarse and MO. For Manufacturbd iron the demand con tinues very active and prime are erre and on the advance; some of the mill. are getting colt. more for shape iron. CATTLE MettlKET.—The ottnrings of Ileef Cattle rottob 9,rd'M bead, a dot:roam of 100 on tbooe of last week. The demand wan better, and the mita without nay quotable chaugo fu prices, ranging from 57 to to $91.6 fur common to good and extra quality, mostly attali:9 the 100 Ills. Cows were steady, NO sold et dilate $3O each for *ringer., and $ 25 to tblo for Cows and Calves. lloge--The receipts reach ed 51150, including 4650 told at Moss' Union Yard at eou eas, and 080 at the Avrl,oo at s7@sS the 1 1 4 Dm nett, lit tle or no change. Sheep—About 7000 Were offered and mild at 43,ggh5.,i4c tig 11,, groan, for fat cheep, and Vat 25 each for stook do, the market oloolog otoody.—North pont umcATED PULMONARY CONSUMPTION A CURABLE DISUSE!! The undersigned having been restored to health In a row weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered Never-al years with It severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is aolciOdd to. make known to his fellow•euebrete the moans of COMA. TO all Who denim it, he will send a copy of the proecrip tine need (free of °berme), with lbo direction. for preparing and uellig the mane, which they will end a iretre rare for thINItUMPTION. daytime, UiloNalliTte, COLlai, Ste. Tho ouly object of the advertieer in aending the Prearrip ion to to benefit the Minded, and spread information which he conceivee to be Invaluable i and he hopesevery all (limey will try lila remedy, eau will cost theiu.notbiug, and may prove a bltianiog. HYATT I , itowr Parties %chilling the prexeription will phew teldrein EDWARD A. WILSON, Will iag.bureb, Sept. 2e-Ame] la Ur:Cunuty, New• York • MARRIED. B!ifKRR—RBI'I'&RT.—Ou the 27th Met.. by Rev. C. Rightmyor, Mr. tenant. O. ttno.:ll to Mi.: RAMA Ret•t•rae. oniy daughter of tho late Samuel P. Ruppert, all of ch ix ally. [The brave alone deserve the fair! The gallant Adjutant of the &hi State Mills has surrendered at dincrellea, cad to now it prisoner or love, tad leaked In the clmien or mat rimony. We hope he may find hie captivity so sweet as motto to vial,. fora release, and that bin gentle conunurcc: may never lied lato a rebel itt uvula against her.] [actg. 8 DIED. On the 29th had., In Culnru .I.lLizaugrir, widow of Fete. Omit, aged 19 years, i, mouths and 21 days. In Hampden, thin city, en theitSth inst., JosISPE 'Rowse., aged 103 year.. On the 27th inst., in thie city, Mrs. Ran Ewa CattaStAxi, In the Seth year of her age. • On the 25th tact., in thin city, JOHN U•sertia, aged about 40 years, Co the 20th toot., to Danville, Illlnoia, J9orulA, wife of :Mho It. Heritand, formerly of heading, and daughter of Widow Catharine Donlan, lu the !lath year of her age. On the 211th lust., in /tisane, Wiaidtm JEFERREON, eon of William and Aeon Elizabeth Heiner, aged 2 yearn, 11 months and G days. On the 19th fast., In Albany tp., SARAN AMANDA, daugh ter of Daniel and Magdalena Keukel, aged 15 yenta and 25 days. Ou the 10th inst. In Hamburg. Sanaa Venn A, daughter of Benjamin S. and Judith Shollenberger, aged 2 yearn, 2 months and 6 days. On the 18th Inst., in New Bottle, ealobreekdale tp , SA RAH ANN, daughter of Benneville and Hannah Schoch, aged :3 peen, 1 mouth and I day. On the 18th inst. ' in Hereford, JastrA MCCLELLAN, Ron of Nathan awl Farah EMMA, tined 10 months and 18 days. On the 13th lust., in Lower Heidelberg. JuLtar PETER, sec Of David Hain, aged 3 years, 7 mouths and It days. On the 11th hst., near Btoncheburg, EMU A Si manta. daughter ofJam. Huth, aged 7 years, 6 months and 1.9 days. Ou the 9th lust,tu Oakum, WidOW CATITARINR JINNENI N, the 8011 year of her age. Cu the 7th inst., in Perry 14) , SARAH SOPHIA, aged :4 years and 29 days—Ou the 19th. JARita CALVIN ' aged 2 months and 9 days; children of John S. mud MaryOultlin. OR the 27th September, at Sinking Spring, JACOB Mewl anon, aged 60 years, 7 months and 9 days. Deaths tit time Berko Umtata) , Alma flame, During Quarter ending ,Segfaubtr 3014,1883 Thomas Kennedy, consumption, aged 47 years. Margaret Sanders. typhoid fever, aged WI years. Thomas Miller. consumption, aged. 96 years. • Catharine Peelehler, drew. aged 79 years. Christian Stoltz, dropsy, aged 64 years. Samuel Arnold, ClP.RUNiplivil, aged 44 years. Sarah Burkhart, hounatimials, aged 50 years. William Kutner, cousumptiou, aged 22 years. . I A,NSI , 111 rich, coußomptiou, aged 43 year. Ilnknotvn Auld, (foundling) egiuniure, I welt, Francis Swimming, cuccumptlon, aged en years. AARON GETZ, REUBEN F. DitUSHIBLLER, Directors. rims It MA RSIIALL, NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS TillOBK WHO II AVE NOT YET Pith) THEIR City Tax, au real entitle for the year "Pori, AVM re• member that, by paying the same promptly, they eau save the Coate of filing Ilene for raid tax. Sothis, is also given bt those who have nut yet paid their City Tax for the yoara teal nod 156 E that Ilene have been filed for the same, en which, If planed In the Sheriff's bends for collection, the reels soLil be looreaead from by 011 Le Ike 00 In mob time. .lAIIIICI3 B. SEMITE!, City Solicitor, oat 24-01] Office email nide of Court Artie% Rending. Stout's Ferry Bridge Company. rpITE ANNUAL MEETING OF 81`11(31(11OLT)- 1 ERS. mot election for a President mid Ft no Directors of the Stent'a Ferry Bridge Company, will be held on Monday, November ttd, ititia, between the bourn of 1 cud 4 o'ci.a. P. M., at the public lieu. of Ilubriel Cuhret , is Illohlenlierg township. act 2t-gte) DANIF.L. DAUM, Preoldeni.. SPORTSMEN, TAKE NOTICE! r IIE UNDERNAMED BUI3NCII,IBEitS, OF L Union townithip, will positively promente to the at moat extent of the law, any minion or Ammons Mond trespaming on their preinhani, such as ehootiug Part- ridges, Rabbits, or.auy otbor Uwe, Ihrovelug down fences, Sc , &a. Jacob Wanger, eon., John R. Wm:ember, A. D. Meager, David U. Witutalier. Ilharlem !Want., Jacob Gmatead, George C. Jalft,q, SN.IIIIIIIO George littimberser, Henry F. Kirlln, Anthony S. Fells, David Miller, Henry Watnither, John KAibt), David Warnalier, George Belem men. October 24, 1003-tf WARNING TO TRESPASSERS 1 ALI. PlgitSONl4 ARP: HEREBY FOItIIIIIDEN to traspass upon the grounds of Oa subscribers, In Union township, Burks county, for the purpose of shooting Partridges or any other lonia; as they are 'Mancini tied to prosecute. to the utmost rigor or the law, every one who in found upon their premises, will, dog and gup, witlimti their express permission. Mary Olone, Ellen N. Mohr, Jolot E. Hook, .1. Y. Itechtsl, Caleb Harrison, Samuel B. Kerst, Heat, S. Rupp, Jammu Blue, R. IL Lloyd, .lirekiel Beard, Norge Maxton. that 2.4-3 t. F. STO UCH'S DANCING- ACADEMY At Aulmbed:Vs .144.11, Reading, Penna. tow. r. sToucti ❑AS TILE 71ANOlt To annoy Mende and toaner Wrong 1.. Reading. and vicinity, that he will reopen hit 1)A NC ,! AC:AM:MY, at Aulenbeeh's Hell, on Monday. November 2, teal, when he will be happy to give his eery - ie. ne hereto fore, to the Instruction of pupil.. is the accotuplielsed art ..; dancing. Ha will introduce novena now anA feehionabit: WACHS. do for the course. Clam Item AND Mono,—on Monday and Hatualoy. from 3 to b P. M., for Ladies, Maxus and 'doctors; and co Monday. and Saturday °vacant, from S to le o'clock, for Oeralemou. joct Yf VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. THE UNDERSIONED WILL OPFER AT aatil, on Saturday, the 7th day of Novaralaw. 18 • ,at the public house of Daniel Honentii, in the city of Handing, the following described real agate, situate In the city of Heading: anNo. No. 1 —The large two-story BRICK DWELLING ROUSH, with exteztelee back buildings, nu the Wont aide of lust street, corner of Cherry alley, with a lot adjoining on the south. The front no Fifth street, inein,L Dig both lota, Is 48 feet, and depth 158 feet, to a 12 .feet private alley. No. 2.—The lot immediately in the rear of the last de.. earthed proUlinen and (ranting on Cherry alloy 3tl feet, and extending libirlb 'l2 feat, ripen which are erected a large Black STABLE, Carriage House, Granary, and ont•bnild. lugs. 00 eta_ par 0616 a 110 " " 66" 60 " .32 " Nu, 3,—A Lot of %quo, on the West side of Wood alley, coutothing to feet a Suchen on W.LKINI alloy, and 95 feet S inches in depth. No. 4.—Alot of ground, containing aboat 8h; acres, 'situ ated un the North aide of Pius knot, and extending from aSeared to Third streeto, upon which le erected a small 7 34 511 ( DwELLINg 1101185. Said lot Will be 0014 in whole or in pate, to suit pnrchorrere. Nos. 5, d and 7.—Throe two-story BRICK. DWELLING 3VDSE II S, with two-dotty backbuildings (dining room and kitchen) and lobs of ground, taunted on the North side of Third ~treat, below Spruce, each 20 feet trout and 110 feet deep, to a 10 lent alley, Nu. two story BEltili DWELLING 1101ISE and 25 . /5111E, with a two story hack-balidiug, situated ou the North-East corner of Fourth and Binganian rareete, containing 30 feet on Fourth strent and DM feet t.ghe. on Siugawan drist, together with a two Gfor,y brick Store f ount, No. two-etory BE DWELLING HOUSE, with 2 atwo-story back-building, eittnned ou the South IRDI side of Pine street, below Fourth, containing 15 feet front on Pine etreetotudiu depth 110 foot,with the joint non ur au alley 3 that wide, on the east side. No. 10.—A Lot of Ground, adjoining the above nu the Sent, 20 feet front on Pip arrest, and 1111 feet deep, with the joint use of ap alley 3 font wide, on the West tilde. Nos. 11, 12, 13 and /I.—Four Building Lots, On the South aide of Dine Went, hotweep Fourth street and . Car 11001‘1r alley, each 17 feet trout and till foot deep to a 10 fool • No. 10.—A Building Lot, on the Wrath-East corner of Fourth street and Carpoutor alley, containing 10 foot on t'tiie street and 110 feet in depth. No. 10.—All that I.haeo of Ground ou the W 0,4 able of Fourth greet, near Elogainan, the same being 155 filet ou Focrtls street, extending North from the oother of Wago n:ma, and 110 feet la depth to ale feet wide alley. No. 17.-611 that Metal of Land immediately in the rear of the lard described, the same being 220 feet ou Carpenter alley, and 100 feet to the 10 feet ~Bey loot wentlonod. Me, "Iti —All that ri„,f, of hand, South of the last de scribed, bounded on the Weed by thtrpenter alloy, on the Smith by Laurel street extended, swine the Beet and North by a ten feet alloy, the same being Idb fact Rant sad West, end tee feet North and South. No. 19.—N triangular Piece of Land, on the North Wont oldo Of 'Homan ntrent, thu amuu towing Ilb NO , oaNi UK nom ritreoi, /0 foot qm t•ourul utroot olktemdel Chem.:el North ito feet to property herein kleurilrA no No 18. utoi along the name Haw 110 foot, to the corner of Fourth awl Ittoga- Maim. No. 2.0 —A triangular Piece of Land, on the North-West side of /ling./tan etreoi, 1ne0143 , 1 ou t h e North by Laurel 'street extended, on the West by Carpenter alley, the mane being 110 foot on Laurel street, 130 feet uu Carpenter alley, and 170 foot along Itingaupin strew, more or loan. No. 21.-4 hot of Ground, situate on the Weal Okle of ft,,,rptibter alloy, booth of Vino atreet, 100 font on bald alley, and Ito foot in depth, on which In erected a largo ?KANN 11111/N, Carriage How. and Stehle. N. 22.—Property known as the Forge Hammer, on Ole Junction of Canal sod Second Amax, extending North along Second street 132 feet 0 lucked, nod being 03 feet In breadth on the North. Much et the above described property may be Into et valuable 11011011 g Lots, and tho whole le well worthy the attention of parelisseni• divided m Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. when the sown /loth will be wide koown by 901 21-20 JOHN DOA N, Jr. !YE= TO CONSUMPTIVES PUBLIC SALE OP JAMESON'S CLOTHING HOUSE, El Corner of Sixth and Penn Streets, READING, PA. Tuns LONG ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN CLOTH ING HOUSE is better prepared now to hold out great inducements to buyers than at any previous time, as our stock of MEN'S CLOTHING & DRESS GOODS, Is much larger and better than ever before, the bulk of which has been bought before the !ate great rise in prices. BOYS' CLOTHING. In great variety, of all sizes, prices and qualities. The long experience of this House in this branch has enabled us to get up all the different proportions and sizes to fit boys of all ages, to which we invite particular attention. March 28, .180—tf] JAMESON & Co. ORPHANS' COURT SALE, 'DURSUANT TO AN ORDER, OF TUN' OR A_ ANS' Court of Berke county, will he Rohl at Public ondun, ou Eat Imlay, the R1V81.1411 day of November, A. D. ISEM, at the public house of Bowel Bitter. (known Co the Felimuckel House) in the city of Beading, Berke county, the following •leseribod Real Estate, to wit: • • . . . . . . No. 1. All that certain two-etery STONE DWELLING aHOUSE and brick building attached, and a Frame o House in rear, and lot or piece of ground, situate OIL the North We-t corner of Ninth nod Motu streets, in the nald city of Reading, containing' in front on !Aid Penn street ail feet 2,14 inches, and in depth along Ninth duet, to lot No. 4, 110 feet. NO. 2. All that certain two net three-quarter story allll.lt 1K DWalti littUSH and back building there h. and a let or piece of ground, athlete on The North *side of Penn Street, between 'eighth and Ninth ntrente, in the oily of Reading. adjoining No. 1 on the Next and No. Son the West. containing in front on held Pena street 15 feet a invitee, and in depth back from the sante 1.01 to No. 4, EU feet. . . . , . No. 3. All lbat certain two-story Brick DWELLING 111111.1 RE rind (num summer Kitchen attached and lot or piece Of ground, situate on the North side of Penn Arent, between Right), and Ninth street, in said city of Reading, adjoining No. 3 on the Kant, property of John Orland on tiro West, and Peun street on the Fonth, con taining in front on said Penn nlront ]ii /eat 6 inches, and in &gait buck front the Mlle lot to Ku. 4, 111/ foot with tho privilege of a joint alloy in common with tot No. 2. Also, eight nortain RUiLUINti LOTO, nun/bored respec tively 4, h, 6,7, 0, ti, 10 and 11, fronting ou Ninth Arent, betwituu Poun parent and Liberty alloy, in swidllikity of ligading, containing lu front 20 loot 2 Inches. On the above premioon are e. fine variety of FRUIT' l'lttilrfa Raid preminen and loin wiil be sold in the wl,oie or In party, to suit purchasers. Late the property of liherrita W. 747chaart, docenned. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock In tbe afternoon, when duo attendance wilt be given, and the terms of male made known by CH ARLES EDWARD EGELDI N, Executor. lty order of the coo rt.—De c: al. UAW:, Mork. [Oct 17-31 PUBLIC BALE Or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE 1 Court of Common Pleas of Berko county, will be sold at poldic voodoo. on Sacorday, tile 7th day of November, Ititia, at the pehlic bonne of John W. Burkhart, in North Fifth Street, between Washington and Walnut greets. In the City of Reading, Po. , the following Hon, Rotate, tow it : a, A three-story BRICK DWISLLINti DOUSE and brick bark buildings tatttobod, ttud lot or place or good, Dllale 011 the hag aide of NOM. 'Fifth street, between Washington and Walnut streuts. In Lilo city of lioadiug, containing lb feet In front, and 137 foot S Inches in depth, with the appuroluatices. gold an the omato of Soorrool i'ol7, en Habitual Drunkard. A good title will he giVun to the purrinteer. Alan, Will bo cold, all the right, title and Interest of the aforesaid Belmont Pon., Ina Pram. M. 0... I% etories high. and hot of 4.t ;wind, 3) root front by 180 tact deep, miluate io Ce.l.A.r alley, I.Aws.aau WlLalklagion ual Walnut 141.1411,111. Sale to coinoetueo at t o'clock in the ellectioon, when lire ettleadance will be given, laud the temps of rate made kitoWei by ve [l7, 180-MI Jozet . d. c. lifitigit, ccomitica. ORPHANS' COURT SALE PURSUANT TO AN ORDlilt OF TUF OR -PH ANA' Gond of Berke coney, will be Hold at rub lm Voodoo. on Saturday, the 14th day of November, A. ft. 1863, at the late dwelling Mune of Chrliglanna 'Gettig. deerieselje. Bethel townohlp . Blake enmity, the thiliiwilrf deserilM Beat Male, lo wit: A tiertuie temeentge, tone a7ont Rod lot of ground, eituato in /ha Town lately laid out. called Froyelown, la Chit townabill aroma ' id, untah,.l.o4 Fu thaidau aitid Town N0..t0, cad ailloligna the State Road, Jacob Lecher, and &Moil Lot. The liaprovaments mmeiet of A fine nod a halt etory Main DWELLING HOUSE, frame stable, a well with a pump before the door, aloe a variety of fruit trees, &a. Late the property of CIIII2 ISTI ANN A KINTZEL, deceased. Sale to continence at / o'clock in the afternoon, when don ntlentirtnno will It given, and the forme of sale made known by ELI AS FR A NTZ, Admini.trator. By order of the Court. —Drolia. RAHN, Cleric. U. 0117-41 VANNISRES, PAINTS AND GLASS ! NATE 0 FFE It TO DEALERS, COACHMAN ERS and House Painters, at the very lowest nett ca•ot prices, the beet Coorh and Cetbinel Vaenishou ; Pure Load: grouch and American 212/1 , 8 ; ell rums Orenue, and Yellows, Drop and Ivory Blereku, and a full es.ortuleut all thepoir thiters—ancli its Venuillions. Lek., Tat-, Cohere, Sm., also, Paint a'rel Varnish ilrus/..5.5. of the be,t mobs. Glacier's 4.venonils and Points; Paint 11111,“ 41nale WWI double thick Wass, of all descriptions and all Mutt:vials mad by Muse and Coach Painters—which we can sell as cheap, If not chsoper, than ally other bones, trout the fact that we keep down oat expenses by conduct .ng ear basinese personally. Mr. 2,:arc,-071/: the I,ll—for teeny years toanufactur- J the Varnithes, sold by the late C. Schluel:. Wu feel , Alident that our Furnislux, are equal, IP note-ape:riot., to ay inaanfittiturod In thin' country. We warrant them to Ivo outtreeatlefactton. nua If oot as represented, the Mom." Mill be reloaded.. Ilive no a call before purchasing else- NV here. A liberal discount made to ttse trade. FELTON &RAU, Nu, ISt 40.133 North Fourth Street, nut 17, 160-6ine] corner Cherry, Philadelphia. UNION BANK OF READING. TIIE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DIREC- T Tons will be the Booking lionoe on Blueday, the 16th day of November next, betwekly titu house ofof EI o'clock, A. M. and G F. M. The annual mootiog orSteetilieldoro will by hold ou the fleet Teoedity (the 3d of November. oat :0-fit] C. B. Ctiehier. NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN, THAT TI ACCOUNT r i of David Levan and John B. Holloway, a nab/Linea of mite Rhombi and Wife, bila NW fled ID the FrODlODOtii ry'R ullice of Berk s county, and that On mane will be allowed and confirmed on Monday, the 2nd day of November, latia, unlade canoe be shown to the contrary. oct 17-3 t) ADAM W. KAUFFMAN, Prothonotary. NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN, THAT THE ACCOUNT of Alatthho Ketahner, Truetee of Estbnr Etagenbuch, an been filed in the Prothonotary's Mike of Berke county, and that the nl.llO will be allowed and confirmed on Moodey, the 2ed day of November, 180, IlllieSS'eango be shown to the contrary. oct 17-3t] ADAM W. KAilieFbIAN, Prothonotary. NOTICE -.-8 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT THE ACCOUNT of Jorefili Milliard, Committee Of Jacob Y R. Mill, a .untie, ban Leon filed la the Prolhonotary'n intro of Berke county, and that the nun will be allowed and confirmed on Monday, the 2nd day of November, 1882, ttulenv canna be shown to the contrary. oct Ir—at) Annal W. i - aIIPFMELN, Prothonotary. NOTICE )1-S HEILF,GY GIVEN, THAT Tim ACCOUNT of Jog.pla Romig, AseloKte a Etta 'craft, has been Mad n the Prothonotary'h °nice of Rerke vainly, and that the come will be allowed and confirmed en Monday, the 211 day of November, ma, noose canoe be shown to the con trary. out 17-2t] ADAM W. KAUFFMAN. Prothonotary, NOTICE TB HEREBY . ( lIVEN, THAT TIIE ACCOUNT or Itoory Moho, Assignee of lioujanan Mob and wife, ham Lena tilnd is lb., Prothro.) ry Wilco of Pork, county, and that Ow Sento will bn allowed and cuatirui64l ea Monday, the Nil day of Novetubor neat, mileee cause be ehown to the amatory. int 17-31.) ADAM W. KAUFFMAN, Prothonotary. FRENCH MERINOS & PLAIN POPLINS. JUST RECEIVED AT VIE STORE OR PILE sulanriber, a full line of 'frown, rurple . Groan, Ele phant, Mavolts, and other colons of 11"01'INC)1-1 The attention of ptiroluteurn to respectfully invito.l. DAM NEFF, nut 21) Market &ware, Reading. PINE GUNS. JUST 'RECEIVED, A ',MIDI.: ASSORTMENT or flue Double Parroted firms, ranging Iron S 7 to SOU, for sale by .1. L, HTICHTEIL oat nod fiat Peon Street. VANART =ADS. ASSORTMENT OF CAGES, FISH Bone. ; C.D.rY, Hemp and Rape suede. For wide by J. 1. . 1311014TER,, :20-40 Finh_and Palm Street. ETE MM ME ORPHANS' COURT SALE )URSUANT TO AN OItDER OF TUE MI ANS' Court of Berke county, will be sold at Polak Vendue, on Saturday, the neventh day el November, A. U. 1863, at the public house of Solomon Feather, (Keystone I louse) hi the city of Reading. Berke coned} , All that cer tain two-story BRICK DWELLING lIOUSE and a two eery brick kitchen attached, and Lot or piece of firound, situate in South Fifth street, between Franklin and Chest nut streets, In the city of Reading, county aforenald. bounded on the North, by property of George K. Frill, on the South by property of Nutty Fell, on the Sant by renrl alley, and on the Weet by held South 'Fifth area, contain ing in front North end South. thirty feet, and in depth Kant and Went, two hundred and thirty feet, more or lees. Late the property of Mary Paxton., deceased. Sale to commence at ono o'clock in the afternoon, when due attendance will be given, and the terms of nate wade known by HENR' NAOLE, Trustee. By order of the Court.—Daaisi, HAHN. Clerk. font 10-4 ORPHANS' COURT SALE "DIJKSUANT TO AN ORDER, OE' TILE OR- J_ MI ANS' Court of Perks county, will be sold at Pub lic Pontine, on Saturday, the 7th day of Novomber, A. 1). 1011, at the late dwelling house of John H. Schaeffer, de ceased, in Joifermon township, Berke connty, the following rißoal Estate, to wit All tbat certain two-story 1.00 DWELLING HOUSE and lot of ground, situate in Jefferson township, county »forna.id, adjoining pro perty of Henry Knoll and John ilimmulberger, containing in front ninety font, sad in depth two hundred and sixty feet. Late tho property of John. 11: Selasefer, deceased. Sale to cum mence at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when due attendance will he given, and tlie tertn.Of Hale made known by MICHAEL KNOLL, Administrator. fly order of the Court.—Denier.Hens, Clerk. [oct 10-4 ORPHANS' COURT SALE PURSUANT TO AN 41 ii.IINR (IL THE OR PHANS' Court of Berke oimely will be mold at Public Vendee, on Satorday, the aoventh day of November, A. D. 100, at the late dwelling house of Joh u WiekLein, deenaaml, in itoboaon toWnahlli, county All that certain IMAM mange, teumneut and tract of Mud. situate in Robeson town ship, Berko county, hounded by landsof William bykens, Heury Board, Samuel Keinert, (Joni:twin Millard, and others, cootathingeighty-ono audit-half acres, tuterm.our term. a. D The improvmusnts consist of a two-story STON WEliLl 1101.18 wi E, stone Swiss Barn, Spring Hoe with a never-MMus spring M Wittor, Apple orchard, Ac. Also, a certain undivided third Mutest to a tract or land, situate in }tehol.ou township, county eforenaid, hounded by property ur li. dt 11. Brooke, Daniel Hole, and others, coaaai lima forty-six zero* mod eleven perailaa, more or kat. Late tho woueky Johit tbi l eaßYBit. Pale to eonimenea at one o'clock in the afternoon, W111:11 due attendance will Inn ghoul, and the terms or sale made k mown by jOINATIIAN WICKLEIN, Atlnt'or. [Sy order at tba liens. Clark. [not 10— IL DAVID NEFF. LIAR JUST . OPENED A LARGE ASSORT 11 KENT of wourizN GOODS, Latest Styles IIOODS, NUDIAS, SONTAG S. A fall DOA of W. 11,41. Motto nasllovea Also a omporior artlolia of BALMORAL lEKIRT6. Loct. .14 LAMES' CLOAKS! A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF rRoSTY BEAVERS, I= Y. A. 300 X 1n VIC? M JITST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE NY J MESON & CO., CORNER OP SIXTH AND PENN STS ac[ 24 Choirs, Conventions, and Singing Schools, AWE USING The best Mask Book of the Season, " 11 1 ,11 1 1 la WWII" Widub, though but tax weeks old, bag attained A POPULARITY UNEQUA L LED, By any nimilar work, and in mooting with A DEMAND UNPRECEDENTED; lueuring within three worths Sale of Fifty Thousand Copies. SEV MUT., CONVENTIONS HAVE USED IT win, entireaxiidaetlen—twelvebanreeenventlous will nso it ibis inouttr—awl a large umber are making ar rangements for the coming seasou. Choirs Pad no boric mmol to It for practice—and, certainly, abook so available egJorks,attolnv and ttlwire sanest be otherwise tuna the bosh rrr 'Sing ing Schools. SAteeimett pages east .6%6. 1. , 1c0 of o Th. Harp of .1e.a.11. , ill per copy; 49 per doe_ Sou by 011:lade Molars and Rookeellera. °LINEA DITSON & CO. Fahlichere. oct 24, ISO2-Iy] 277 Washington Street, Boston. NOTICE. A N ELECTION FOIL THIRTEEN DIREC IA_ TORS of the FARMERS' BANE OF READING, will be held at the Banking Rouse, ou the third Muuday (the lab) of November betWeeti the hours of 10 A. M. ends P. M. The annual meeting of Rteckbetdere will he held en the first Tnecday (the of Neveinbcr. net le-tit] H. 11. MUIILENBEItW, Cubist. totate of John Manderbach, Into of Heid elberg township, Bralts county, dec'd. IVOTIOE 18 HEREBY LINEN, THAT LET j' TEES of Administratiou to the Eetate of John Man erhacty of Heidelberg lowusblp, Berkeoou¢tp , deneanlid,"bave been granted to the nubeeriber, re• aiding in the Blow:wit of Won't:hider, county aforesaid. All ',emend indebted to said Estate, era requested to matte payment without delay, and all having claims against the MUM, are ale° requested to rrObelli them, properly authen ticated, for settlement. Out 10-61] U. IdANDIiitIiACII, Adinhastrator, Estate of William Strauss late of Upper Tulpehoocon township, Berks county, deceased. - rio - tyricE IS HERESY GIVEN, TLIAT LET -I.li MS or Administration to the Gelato of the above named decedent, have been granted to the subscriber, re siding in Upper Bern township, same county. All pawns iodated to said estate ere requested to wake payment without, delay, and all have chinas or deualtruisagaintik the Haute, are also requested to present thorn, properly au thenticated, for settlement. oct 10-60] JARED N. WAGNER, Aansinietrater. NOTICE A N ELECTION FOR SEVEN DIRECTORS pik of the RIIADINfI SAVINGS BANK, will be bald at tbo Banklux Home, on Monday, November 2d next, Ile. tw.n the Malta of 111 A. M. end 3 P. M. . . . The a.ur.l meeting of Stock.holders Will be held at the dame time and place. ocl lu—iti ADAM 1.M12R, Caphler.,_ ASSESSORS rilBE ASSESSORS OF THE SEVERAL Wardo, liorongle and Townehips of the comity of Harks, who wore elected at the last Sprlug election, Will call at The liemtuineitinung Ulnae. at needing, and their precepts for taking the enumeration of Matilde in habitaule iu titre county of Perim. TIM law requires the imeeneors to commence mild duties on or before the let day of &member next. PAUL WMIIIIOII, 0 ltu IW RR. LORAR, Commissionon HENRY R. ItAWMAN, Connalaidonene Unice, Reading, (Mao or 10,180-11 500 New libalie Noop Skirts, OF THE BEST QUALITY, J UST OPENED and fur Wont low piCai. MEM Meat Cutters and Staffers. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MEAT CUT faL tem Stuffges, &a, er all the lato hopeoverosats, for ;Oa by OEO. LEN.9I3 et CO., Oa 171 404 Narkptlitimue, Beading, Pa. WHEREAS, THE HON. W. J. WOODWARD; Esquire, President of the Court of Common Pleas in the twenty-third district, consisting of the county of Berke, in Pennsylvania, DAVI], &HAW. and GP:Oxen D. Srmish. Enquires, Justices of the Comic of Oyer and Ter miner, Quarter Nto,shoue, and Coeueral Jail Delivery, for the trial of all expire! Alia other of enders, is Ike said county of Berke, by their poteneitt to me directed, Lusted on Reading, the ad day Of Atwood, A. 11., 1503, have ordered a Court or Coal moo Pleas, I reused Quarter See: ism:, Oyer and Ter miner :tad General Jail Delivery, to be held at Keading, on the at - Monday in November next, (which will hullo 21 day of mild mon I lo,i to coutinuo three weeks; therebile, lo hereby given to the Mayer and Al dermen of the city of Iteodiug, the Cormier, the Justinee of the Peace, and the Coestabl, of the said county of Berke, that they are by the said precept commanded to be there at II) (fillet* in the forenoon or said day, Willi their cotta, re e:tajoim, sod all °them:mem Wan ice, to do those things Mee lo their offices appertain to lie done, and 110 ate bound by recuguizatoces, to prosecute 3g:dn.( the prisoners that lire or then shall be is Lb e jail of said county or Berke, are to Imo thee and there to prosecute thorn as shall 'he just. N. B.—That Moyer and Aldermen of the idly or Reading, and the Justice! or Die Pence throughout the county, are requested to ranru their recioa ulaa Wes to DAN I El.Ettlil EN- TittiCT. Dlottriet Attorney, et least one Week before the Legioluing of Minh, tarn—aareeably to Die order of Court, or April, 184:1—in order that the louslueen Dray he prepared the the lie mediate adieu of the Court and Juries. 1 El GI El 151 N GA 4 • SAVK TNIC Celft..l.lWkAl.7ll. ABRAHAH K. KCHNIG, Shorllni Office, Reading, Oduber 17.156:1. DEAFNESS, DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR AND AIR-PASSAGES. C .12i. 'l' .digh- Wit. WI. XX. EYE AND EAR, NOISE IN THE HEAD Dr. F. A. VON MOSCHZISKER, To TUE DISEASES OF THE EYES, THEIR TREATMENT, ALSO, A WORK ENTITLED "Medical and Surgical Science." Treatment of Diseases of the Eye. Can be cenhulted on ftEARDIM and all disnauen of the EVE AND MR, requiring Medical or Surgical treatment. gar 1027-4027-4027.1027 "VA WALNUT S' Ik/wee's Tenth and Eleventh Streets, References of the highest respectability can be ob tained or cures perrornied by Dr. Von Mosobsisker, in severe cases of Ihstrize.e.v 1171(1, Btinditess. fang TOBACCO AND SEGAR STORE, 639 PENN STREET, NORTH' SIDE, BELOW RAILROAD, READING. PA. (SIGN OF PUNCH.) CHARLES C. MALTZBERGER, VITIKOZeti&ELTAZ &. REITAXEs DEALFIR IN ALL NINUti AND QUALJTINS OF TOBACCO, SNUFFS, etc. ALWAYS ON RAND A FINN ASSORTMENT OF REAL MEERSCHAUM, BRIER AND FANCY PIPES, Segni. Holders. Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, India- Rubber Pori Monaieo, 5,c. [oct 3-tf r3iir.ll9lllElß NEW-YORK STORE, NO. 438 PENN STREET, READING, PA. DRY GOODS FOR CASH. r HI PROPRIETORS ARE NOW DAILY purchasing to the City of New-Y.l.k, DRY GOODS of every description AT AUCTION AND PRIVATE SALE, Suitable for the wants of the Rrcit and POPULOUR CITIZENS OF RHADINO and NEMHBOILHOOL). And in leaking the above announceicteut, beg to add that ou account of C. 1100 K being a resident citizen of New-York, having been Thirty Years connected with the DRY GOODS BUSINESS in that City, he bee practical ex porieute for purchaaing far below prices paid by 'Transient Vitit,trs to that Market, and we cheerfully extend to our cuatenters the full benefit of the aforeaaid advantages. wept 19-ti] C. O. ROOK & CO. J. 11. TAIXSTINE, MERCHANT TAILOR No. 659, Penn Street, Third door below Seventh Street. rrilE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY IN NITRE the citizens of Reading and vicinity, to hie SPLENDID STOCK OF REA DY-MAD E C4. ' For the Fall and Winter trade, cat and made under hie Own cupervielon, coneleting of Over Coate, Frock Coate, Paula and Veete of various Galore and qualities. De in also supplied with a good stock of CLOTHS, CASSINIERES AND VESTING, Which will be made to order in the neatest and most fashionable styles at the lowest cash prices. Having con siderable experience in this branch of bacluesa, be feels confident of giving general satisfaction. He bite Mee on hand a good sonortmeßt stf Otalitlinnion'n Furnis 1111 l g Goods, Such as While Shine, Over Shirts, Under Shirts, Drawer, Collars, Cravats of different styles and colors, STOCKINGS AND GLOVES. N. 11. All goods mails in thin entabilahment shall pre entire satiefaction or no sale. JACOB B. RiRSTiNE. Reading, Fa., Oct. 10, 1803.-Into g . .1111 ANL "Wi" iIIIGI 110111111110110 MOS", FINE GROCERIES, PRIM'S, PRESERVES, &c., THIRD DOOR ABOVE sixrs, FALL AND WIN J I 7 ST 0 A. FULL AND COM Of deasousiblo DRY 1.10 o ra 4,1, styles of Dress Ooodo, . Shawls, Cloaklogs, Cloths and Casalenores, liial vets and Jens, Bitailkot., 112.1/.0111, Lbws Oands, Cotton Goods, MOT U ' , fu atrperlor stock, aad beet eold at the tuweet market prk out 10] THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO bay QUIDS Powder, Shot, Capp, ko., is M 80. LURCH at CO., Oot 17J (1)I Market liquitre, Xelding, Pa. A. M. MART, Snot Market tfituare. 4 A 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, FLOOIt OIL CLOTH' . ""-14 ~tor wile by ORO. LIIRCa • CO., Oct .1.7.1 f 601 ?Sakti Square, Beadle& bk A PROCLAMATION DEAFNESS ()CUM AND AURIST, A lITIIOR CEEM 'LI I 13 1.4.1 CEO With Obeervatione on the PHILADELPHIA, PA. SEGARS, .13„ FJOj DEALER IN NO. 001 PENN STREET, READING, PA. ER DRY GOODS. EN ED, `LETE ASSORTMENT DH, comprining UeW and 4e• Gloves and Hosiery, Shirts and Drawers, Burnell's. Willits, infants' (Muds, Embroideries, Black tqlk Lateen, Velirot Ribbons, IBalmoral Marta, Baperior !loop Skirts, CO Goons, t fabrics, all of which will be Ices. A. M. HART. 618 Ust reanistreet 'TO SPOILTIONZIN 1 Floor Oil Cloth.
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