Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, October 31, 1863, Image 2
sulk sub Osmond. READING, PA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1563. Ban ! brightest banner that goats on the gale, Flag of the country of Washington, hail! Bounty thy stripe. with the blood of the breve. Bright are thy stars as the son on the Wave; Wrapt to thy folds are the hopes of the Free, Banner of Wsshingtonl blessings on thee! HOW THE MONEY GOES Our American fellow-citizens of African de scent are likely to cost us a pretty penny" be fore the reigning powers get through with their emancipation, colonization, civilization, men. oration, elevation, and glorification. The Al bany Argus, in noticing the semi-official an nouncement of the court journals that the negro colonization scheme to Hayti has failed, that the Degrees sent there aro dead or "scattered," and further, that the President •' has appointed an agent" to look into the matter ; says—" if en remember rightly, a large subsidy was voted by Congress for this scheme, $lOO,OOO (or suoo,ooo-) This has probably been drawn from the Treasu ry, and the job' apparently' finished.' Not so ; there is still opportunity to fasten another charge est the Treasury, and so • an agent' is to be sent, at ...Lvious expense, to COMO back and report rX ploded an affair already known to be a failure Tax payers! 'that's the way the money goes'— for the negro !" Tee STATE SENATE.—The Democrats gained 3 Senators in the late election, so that at the next Besolon, the Senate will stand, politically, lti Democrats to 17 Abolitionists. Ily a sine tar freak of fortune, one of the Abolition Sena tors—Harry White, of the Indiana awl Arm strong district—happens to be a prisoner in Richmond, having been captured at Winchester last June. Should be not be role:tied before the trot Tueeday of January, the Senate will be tied, and the organization of that body will be come a matter of doubt and perhaps delay. It je said, however, that Gut chief Abolition mans ger, Morrow B. Lowry, has gone to Washington, to call into requisition all the powers of the Government for the purpose of effecting Bona Or White's' exchange or release_ if these tail, the khowing ones say he will resign, and a new election will be ordered. As the District is strongly Abolition, this can make no change h, the political complexion of the Senate. lint, whether these arrangements can all be made be fore the meeting of the Legislature, remains to be man_ ELECTION Faeroe IN Onto.—lt dispatch to the New York herald from Hamilton, Ohio, chervil that the moat gigantic frauds have beer perpe trated in Ohio during the recent election. High land county alone gives Brough a majority of dB2 votes more than the male population of the place. It contains a population of 6,653 males, including the unoaturalized and soldiers in the army. . . . Revelation? regarding the great majorities recently given to Brought are daily coming to light. A Methodist minisia was arrested at Hamilton last week s vpon a charge of illegal Toting. lie was broughetip before the Mayor, and was bound over in 1110. sum of five hundred dollars to appear at the neat session of the Court of Common Pleas. The people of Ohio, although expecting it, we're startled upon the receipt of the news of these frauds, and are now putting their heads together as to the propriety of appointing inves tigating Committees. IT IS SAID on good authority that there ill talk in military Circles of an early repeal of one of the sections of the conscription act—that which provides for exemption by the payment of three hundred dollars. This will be urged at the next session of Congrompn December, and it is not improbable that vt6ti' the next draft is made, should the quota not be filled by volun teering, exemption by the payment of money will be impossible. The drafted men will have to go themselves, or furnish substitutes. The repeal of this section will require a de cision of the question on which the Abolition Doctors at present disagree, namely: whether the payment of the $3OO commutation exempts for three years, or only from the present draft. DREADYUL ACCIDENT.—On Friday, the 18th ImiL, Mrs. John Fisher, of Union township, Lebanon county, met with her death in a very distressing• manner. She was crossing with her husband and a neighbor, the bridge of an aban doned railroad heroes Gold Mine Creek, in Cold Spring township, when the plank on which she was walking gave way and precipitated her through the bridge down about 25 feet on the rocks_ She fell on her head and was killed al most instantly. She was about $4 years of ago. PENNSYLVANIANS TO1)11 SHOT rOll Des MINION.— Thomas Ramie, Cosipaiisi F , 1113th I'ennsylva• nia Regiment; James Raley, Company B, Pennsylvania; First Sergeant Henry H. Wil liams, Company I, 11th Pennsylvania ; Matthias Brown, alias Albert Brown, Company 13," Pennsylvania, and John Dempsey, Company F, 721 Pennsylvania, have all been tried and found guilty of desertion, awl mamma to be shot. The sentence has been approved by General Meade. THANIIROIVINO PROCLAMATION,--governer Cur. tin has issued a Proclamation, in accordance with the recommendation of the President, set ting apart the last Thursday of November, as a day of Thaukagiving to Cod far the fruits of the earth and the numerous blessings which we, as a People. have enjoyed daring the past. year. The day will doubtless be observed in Pennsylvania in the spirit of the recommendation. PSn➢ffiTLYAXIA AN THE DRAFT.—The quoto.of Pennsylvania, to be made up 'y volunteering or by a new draft on the sth of January neat, is 38,709. Tho one month's advance pay allowed to volunteers by the resolution of Congress, July 21, 1862, will be paid to recruits fur am old organizations, enlisted under the recent orders, immediately upon their arrival at the general rendezvous. A UNION CONORNBBMAN ELBOW IN auxes.— A report comes to ns from Cairo, Alifrobt that at the August election in Texas c Mhigatt, the Union candidate for Congress in the 10 ..t epe gm/Niguel District, comprising nineteen northern counties in the State, was elected. We Shall be glad to see the report confirmed. 254.000 DEMOCRATSI The full official returns of the State election are now before us, and show results which, if not all we predicted, and confidently expected, are by no means discouraging to the noble /105'10d Democracy of the State, who so stoutly stood up for the true interests of the country, against the prejudice, passion, cupidity, corrupt influences, and despotic spirit, that now min ter,' the government, and were leagued together in a determined effort to keep the power they have so sadly abused. The whole vote oast for Governor, was 54661, and for Supreme Judge 522.11 A. Of this, WOODWARD received 254,171, and ItOWRIS 234,655 votes—being the largest number over polled by a Democratic candidate hi Pennsylvania. Judge WOODWARD'S TOM ie 23,902 greater than was given for the Demo cratic candidate for Governor in 1860; and 35,- 105 more than the Democratic State Ticket re ceived last year. Ourtin'e majority, which the Abolition papers at first boastfully claimed was 50, 000—then 40,000—a day or two later 30,000 and at last stubbornly insisted could not be a vote less than 20,000—has been definitely as certained to be just 15,325, which, in a poll of over half a million, and in the face of his ma jority of over 22,000 in 1860, is by no means a victory to exult at, on the one hand, or a defeat to dishearten, on the other. Knowing, as we now do, the desperate means that were used to carry this election, and the great frauds that were perpetrated by the Adminietrationista in Philadelphia, Allegheny, and elsewhere, this majority is readily accounted for, and we may - well be surprised that it was not twice as large. Indeed, the knowing politicians on the Abolition side, are quite as much disappointed with the manliness of their majority, as we are that they eiteeld have any. They had laid their plans for at toast 25,000,:and the fact that they did net get it, proves that the real sentiment of the bona far resident population of the State, is decidedly against them, and would kayo been expressed by a majority of over 30,000, had only the legal, qualified and unbiased vote of the people been Although defetited, the Democracy of Penn sylvania may find enough in the result of the late election to encourage then, to future and more determined effort for their principles, and for the restoration of the Union upon its only sure ground-work—the Constitution as it is. The in toriention of all the power of the Federal and State Governments—the influence of all the pa tronage they wield (which is a hundred-fold greater than any previous Administrations ever possessed) the free expenditure of money by those who are making immense fortunes out f the Government and the war—and downright and wholesale fraud at the ballot. boxes•-all these appliances combined, were needed to save the Administration from trefeal, and they barely succeeded. The alms 'game cannot be played otter the people mark that l Those who la bored so earnestly to secure a continuance of place and patronage for the coming year, will not be so zealously inclined to - support the government" a year hence, when, let the Presi dential contest result as i: may, they wilt bt likely to be " counted out." The Federal power, too, will then have to encounter a far wider field of operations, and so he materially weakened in its partizan influence; for it cannot concentrate its force upon one or two States only, as it did this fail. The frauds cannot be repeated on the same scale either; for now that we know how they were managed, we can partially guard against them. And beside, the honcet, well meaning voters, who were deluded by the false professions of loyalty and patriotism which the office-holders, contractors and their army of de pendents so loudly uttered, will have their eyes opened before another year. They were told that Curtin's re-election would be equal to it victory in the field, and " break the back-hone of the rebellion " instanter—that it would end the war at once, and secure them henceforth and forever against "any more drafts." Now, of course, none of these things will or can follow the result of the election. The people who de pended on such false promises, will soon discover how they have been cheated; and will become just as eager for, as they were bat lately per suaded to dread, " a change." - To the Democracy of Old Berke we would say, briefly—you have. made a noble fight against Executive tyranny and usurpation, official cor ruption, and maladministration of affairs—par ticularly with regard to the existing deplorable civil war. You have increased your vote 2,800 over that of 1860, and given the largest majori ty you ever gave for a State Candidate. To be sure, the Journal, with characteristic] cunning, in order to divert public attention from the glar iug frauds perpetrated by its own party, charges that this increased vote was dishonest- But you and the Journal know better—you know that it was owing only to your thorough and efficient organtation by townships, and to your deep in terest in the pending contest, which you regard ed (and rightly) us between constitutional liberty and irresponsible despotism—that your large vote was polled. You know—and so does the Journal that thus maligns you without the shadow of proof—that if no more illegal votes had been given on the 13th of October, than were polled in Berko county, Judge 'WOODWARD would be this day our Governor elect by at least 20,009 majority. We say then, to our friends in Berke—stand by your colors—keep up your township organizations as vigorously as before— hold your regular Club meetings weekly or monthly, as you have been doing—preserve your liets of voters, and add to and revise them from time to time as may be required—abate not a jot. or tittle of yobr interest and zeal in the cause you know to be right; and wait with patience, yet with determination, for Mallen° that will surely come, and is oven now near, notwith standing our temporary reverse, when the peo ple will again rise triumphant and free from the thraldom into which they have blindly suffered themselves to be placed, and save our republican institutions front the destruction that threatens them at the hands of those who have so impiously betrayed the most. sacred trusts. MEADE TO BB TEE NIMT news paper correspondents now assert more confident ly than over that Oen. Meade is to he removed. The reason is said to be that at Washington the late campaign in Virginia "is regarded as a most , calamitutte and discreditable failure." Should Meade be removed, there is no telling who will succeed Lim. The choice lies between Sedgwick, Warren and Skittles. We are now al most upon the annieereary of 11160,1011tutte re— moval of lain, year. Then the headquarters were at Warrenton; they are at Warrenton now. Then there was a strong desire to go to Fredericks burg : there is one now. We have the events of the year 1863 to enact over again, and we trust the sad experience we have had will teach a salutary lesson. TEE ECLECTIC MAGAZINE.—Messrs. Strickland at Brother send us the 'November Number of the " Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature," containing an admirable selection of the very 'nest articles from the European Periodicals of Li l o !Meet dates ; and embellished with a lino full. length porirli`.E• el the Archduke Maximilian, the VOlikeetivp Emperor of Cur OVICO sister Republic, Mexico. The ••Eclectic" is a publication of bteribig Merit and perteumainterest and value. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. The Full Official Vote The following table contains the full official vote of the State for Governor and Supreme Judge, as returned to the Stale Department at Harrisburg : GOVIRNOR a ECEIEC! 2,017 10,053 2,077 1 2,055 2,704 12 627 ",386 2,004 6,835 ' 3,064 3,000! 2,680 11,748 3,146 1 3,0887' 2,430 6,005 8,2133 6,266 :1,328 2,161. Adams Allegheny Armstrong Beaver Bedford Berke Blair Bradford Books Butler Cambria Cameron Carbon Centre Chester Clarion Clinton Clearfield . Columbia Crawford. Cumberland.... Dauphin Delaware Erie Elk Fayette.. Franklin Fulton Forest Greene lluntingdon Indiana Jefferson Juniata . Lancaster. Lawrence. Lebanon Lehigh Luzernr. Lysol:Ong Meroer McKean Mifflin Monroe Montgomery..... Montour Northampton ... iierthumberl'd Perry like Potter Schuylkill Somerset. Soy der Sullivan Susquehanna Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington... Wayne Westmoreland .. Wyoming York. z',36 3M91 622 . 1 62 ;1 2,712' 7,14.19 1,4471 6,518' 3 356: 37,193 1,184. 727' 1,709 269,496 254,171 267,257 254,171 254.865 Total 15,825 Majorities ABOLITION MAJORITIES. Carlin. leghogy 7,666 Armstrong 169 Beaver 081 Blair 807 Bradford .8,788 Butler... Cameron Cheater.. Crawford Da, phla . Delaware Erie Franklin. Forest.... Huntingdon 1 JI9 3 Indiana 2 ,000 Jeffermon • r 50 Lancaster Lawreueo L66%11611 1,005 McKean 105 Mercer 499 Muffin 83 Perry 32 Philadelphia 7,081 Potter 801 Somerset 1,326 • Snyder 427 Susquehanna 1,202 Tioga 2,887 Union.... Venango wsrrei Washington DEMOCRATIC MAJO RITIES. Woodward. Lowrie. Adam • 228 220 Bedford Berke Books Carnbrir 836 882 Carbon Centro Clacton Clearfield .... Clinton Columbia 1,541 1,545 Cumberland ... 641 716 Elk 386 417 Fayette WO 613 Fulton 261 276 Greene. Juniata Lehigh. Luzerne . 2,71i0 2,1139 L.rooming 451 564 Monroe 2,028 2.011 Montgomery .. 1,251 1,327 Montour 225 258 Northampton 3,073 3,081 Northumberland 707 . 775 Pike 914 908 Schuylkill 0 041 —, 2,101 Sullivan 354 357 Wayne Westmoreland Wyoming York Til 11 DEMOCRATIC WAR-CREED. IN A NUT-S FIELE. • -" We complain," said Judge Parker in his rec ent noble speech at the Cooper Institute in New- York, "that the war is not prosecuted to a speedy termination. We complain that its object and purposes are perverted to partisan ends. A war waged for the tingle purpose of suppressing the rebellion and restoring the Union would have ended long ago. A war for the extermination of slavery will be interminable." Truth was savor more forcibly uttered in as few words. Pursue the Abolition doctrine that the seceded States are foreign territory,lnd must take the law and all their local institution from their conquerors,— such a law and such institutions as Sumner, Beeoher, Greeley, Whiting, and their set would .dictate—and the child is not born that wilt see the end of this war. To suppress rebellion, is a very simple and imperative duty, which every citizen will acknowledge. But to pervert a war, commenced for that purpose, into rebellion itself against the constitutional limitations upon leett oral authority—for what are the usurpations of the Administration but that!—is quite another matter, and a just subject of complaint. lOr THEI RIBFI. A WrIiORITIVIO at Riohmond have diluted that gold not to Union prisoners in that oily shall ho delivered, but. that. Treasury Notes, which are not regarded as money by the Rebel Government, shall be exchanged for Rebel scrip—thus forcing our men to expend what they rocievo in the city. OFFIOIAL VOID OF Oslo,—.The total vote of Ohio le 43& , 427• Drough's majority is 61,872. 6 Kr EPISCOPAL ERVICK AT TIM COURT Doom—Divine Service will be held at the Coort Hoe., to-morrow (Sunday) morning, xt 10 o'clock ; also in the evening at T . o'clock . The Rector of Chrint Church will Preach his &rood Anniversary german In the evening. BIJP. NI DO II Nor THE UNION PRAYER 'MEETING will be held to-tnorrow (Sunday) afternoon, In the Ebenezer Metho dist uneree,Eleeth Fourth Wreak, atE thleelr.. All panne are reap:IMAM) , Invited to attend. DEMOCRATIC CITY CLUB.—The regu lar monthly meeting of the Club will be hold thin (gator day) eveaat 7% o'clock, at the Club Room, Eben's hall.Th anal attendance of the lambert, le requeeted. 2,698 17,670! 5,106' ser Tit It OLDEST INHABITANT NAlL—Joseph Bower, a resident of Hampden, a suburb of Beading, com monly known al, .11elItown," died on Wednesday last, at the extraordinary age of 103 years. He will be burled title afternoon, In the Gbareta Senna Comotery. 3,035. I! 398 &J 34 3,23E1 6247' 3,886 2,138 Ear Tax. SUNRAY TRAIN OR the East Penn— •sylvanta Railroad, has been discontinued, and will not run again until next Summer. There will therefore be no train upon this toad tn-morrow. sor READING ACCOMMODATION TRAIN.-- On And after Monday next, November 211, tbo Reading Ac commodation train will NOVOILin city at AN A. M. and Philadelphia at 44 P. M.—half an hone Inter from Read. ing, and half an hoar earlier from Philadelphia than at present. j OPRNING PARTY. —Prof'. Stench will give hta awing Party at Aulenbach's Hall, on Tbereday even lug next, November Pith. Those wishing to enjoy a plea sant evening, should not fail to attend. 734 3,771 3,710 1,026 7221 8,7011 8,710' 1,022 Mir COMMUTATION Mammy Peen_—Up to yea tordny, 204 drafted men In Berke county had paid to the Collector of internal Revenue, the commutation money fixed by the Conscription Act in lien of military service, amounting in the aggregate to $82,200. 1,44 t , 3,225: $O4 1,734 $ Novemung Comer will commence on Monday next. The list of Jurors for the term is published to another column. We hope that our country friends who may know thorn selves to he indebted to this °Rico for subscriptious, adver tising, Ate , and who may bale busin.s in town (twills the three weeks' session of Gnarl, will avail lhaulaolveaa the appdrtnulty MiliStifforded, to call and nettle their bilk, la Milo limes of high prices and cash payments, the Printer needs bis money es fart as he corm it, to got along in business. 631 1,827 2,859 7,M 1,168 6.510 3,383 2,884 37,516 1,16+, se' CIRENT Cunlipu, Isi rut , nu.—A peropee the drawing of the front, tower red spire of eb ant Church, as It In Intended to be, When the re construction now under way elmll becomplatod, in now on exhibition In the win dow of Sl"lettiaud's Ilookstore, Rad attracts general and admiring notice. It makes a beautifulplan re, and, as we undoretand, faithfully represents the design of Um architect, Yol word T. Potter, Ssry , of New-York. The now (rout of tie Church, an far an it ban been vitt up, In an 'mantle copy of !h. drawing. sod If the architeci'ii design, an em bodied In this picture, Is carried to complutl ~,,, we shall bone In this reuovatml Church ounce one of the purest and MOM IMilnallig Yociuleanvl 90111111';iiwIllIOCIartt In the hind —tenunthlup that Will be an object of pleasure and pti,:o, not only to tka congregation Who are to worship in It, bat to all Ger citizens of enterprise and taste. 2,1111, 93,914 238 1,412 3,060 1,7 4,098 4,926 5 , 17 8,5113 1.744 1,32.6 6191 8,517 1.73 h 1,331' ECM R 271 224 r, 4 GI 7 2.1 , 11 4.47:: 1.865 5,037 ter Oua INLAND CITIRS.—TIae Philadelphia Rea &lin t to an article under tide heading, makes nun of the vote reel et the Inet election, fur the purport' of lnolitu tlae N. 1.6440,444 4f the growth of tho three Inland rinse of Peomylventa—Reading, Lenoastor and Harrisburg— duri nir the hest three yearn. The vote of the _three cities was ea fellows: 254,855 RP Aibit, BM Laucantor, . . 1403 1512 2971 Marlaburg, . . 1274 1313 2617 ", A Itowiag seven Inhabitant.: to every voter, the pope tattoo or the three clime* would be as renown: Reading Lancaxter 21025. liarrlebnig 18,319, and Ole we hellava tube very nearly the antral unteher of Inhabitant* In each city At ell mete, it fairly ebowe the rehistre newborn. Comparing MN population with the population reported in each city by the tongue of MO and 2909, wo have the rollowlog agorae: . . Agnew. 7,416 114 976 841 3,636 313 ne,tatnu. Lancaster, 2i4 102 2,490 Itarrisbuie, . 7,834 18,319 The !Imam in the last three 'tetra way be stated Re fol Iowa: 2.417 1,1:s03 1,601 2,920 159 1,905 1,190 1,073 2,999 1:032M YCllb[9r, rrixbnrg, •`The ancient city of Lancaster, which wan once much larger Limn either Heading or liarrhburg, hits been dis tanced by the bower and bide fair noon to be left babied by the latter. Heading grows dandily Rod rapidly! hat at the prevent titan Harrisburg in growing faster than any in terior town In tin State, an any one may learn who vigils the place, sees the great umber of new buildings, and Marne of the demand for houses nod the high rates asked and obtained for them." 1.021 1,937 44 5,686 1.828 992 OM Harr!abort le growing faster than Reading. because there le more room for improvement there and More need of it. We think, however, that the But Win, In allowing seven Inhabitants to each voter, makes an over estimate. This will be apparent, in eomparleg the increase of Reading from ISM to 1800, with shoehorn estimated increase in the three following yearsn. The nettOL increase in the ten years named, was 7,418; while tish Increase, according to the Bulletin's computation, timing the three years subse quent, would be 6,108, or nearly as much, which is evi dently too groat. When we take into account the draft upon our population which the war has made, and the fact that few new Mutinous enterprises have started here since the war, to invite residents; from abroad, it will ho found that each an increase, In three years, could not hire taken place. An allowance of 0 inhabitants to each voter would, in our opinion, come tench nearer the• troth. This would make the present population of the three allies stand re latively no fallawc Reading, 3.6021 Lancaster, 17,850 1 Harrisburg, 18,702—which le about an near the correct coin relation as an estimate can be brought. 274 282 6,622 6,735 570 614 577 AS3 844 878 980 1,017 552 068 101 310 gar CLOTICINO STOUP Rousso.—The store of Nr..l. B. Ringlna, No. 659 Penn street, was broken Into on Tuesday night, and robbed of all the One clothe it con tained, together with a number of pitmen of ready-wade Clothing. The burglar escaped with Mc plunder. We hove also heard of novenal attempted buridaries to this city dur ing the pact week or two, and the payers of the neighbor ing lawns contain accounts of the operations of burglar.; among their storm It may be Inferred from thin that an organized gang of these scoundrels abroad in the con n try ; and therefore our citizens ebould exorcise extraordi nary caution in rector trig their premises at night. It would aleu be well for our 11101 relieseteo to use their utmost vigilance in going their rounds, and to watch Measly - every suspicions character that they may come across at un seasonable hours. 1,476 1,513 281 290 1,830 1.887 " MAtiwittuncii'm Simms" DOR MALII. The valuable lintel property and Rammer Resort, near Womel.dorrStatlen, well known as Y Tho Sooth Mountain Fiense,” belonging to the Estate of Ex-Sheriff John Alan durbach, deceased, will be publicly sold, by order of the Orphans' Conrt, on Saturday, the 28th of November. This to a very desirable property for any one acquainted with the besine,s of keeping a Summer Boarding Hun.. The Spring to one of the pnrest and most valuable in the State, the hrushuo are ruivaeiic and beantleal, and the home and out-buildings aro now, ntnmodions, well Ventilated, and adapted to the comfort and pleasnre . of guests. The place has had an excellent custom every WOAD since it ISMS opened, and in the hands of an enterprising man, would yield a handsome income. 941 941 1,087 1,108 89 7+i 2,557 2,540 Stir SVDDICN DNATII AND MAN Simr.—Abra hatu Stroup, of thim oily, mho Wee among the uoneeripts in the late draft, fell dead, from a etroko of apoplexy, Net Saturday 'morning, In Ringnmen &soot, below Seventh. nollbell 110=11, who lett here ava substitute for Air 'Ber ger, wee ~het dead between Baltimore and Waeldnatou last weak while t n the get of attempting In escape [ruin hie guard. klewits &beat ne plant of age, nod bad Wee in the service before, and had acquitted himself In a very credit- able wanner. •Ber PAttalVaLL Satololl.—The Rev. ikttjanalfk MantaDAß preached Ma farewell berme, in the German Re forded Church, on Sunday morning last. The esarehme were of a FOClthalrlY solemn nalkisupres.ivo character. Mr. Ilaneman has accepted a tall tOltie aerial] Haturnind coo. gregatlon In Reading. Ile leaves many warm blonde be. bind him, who, while they regret to parl. with Idle. wish him almedaot folcceea in Me new Bold of laber.—Cletni: bars/eery .• Val [Fp it." Sir KILLED ON TUB RAILROAD.—Mr. Adam Brown, formerly a resident of this city, bat for a umber of yearn past living uotr Pitiogrove,Noiinylkill enmity, woe killed ou the Schuylkill cud liaspiebanna Railroad, on Tuesday evening last. Ills remains Woke brought to the reahleuce of lie daughter, In this city,' on Tharaday, and yesterday interred In the Charism Evans Cemetery. gar POSTAO/1 BTAM PS. --WO would Caution parsons against using internal rgresso stamps for postage, as they are of no tteu whatever. In MOS where mull stamps are used, fell postage Is charged to the reolpient of the let tor, the value of the Interim' revenge etampo gulag for no thing RN Postage. It ehoeld also be remembered that there to eo abe Mak postage rote In sea oew, the lowest 1 , 1116 for drop )(Atom and eawepapere Leine two cents. AllsiEs. 111=1=1 Carlin. Tata I. 215 S !MA 49.1i7 18ro Will 17,80 .A, 05 1860 1 A,74:1 12 :ow =ll emarzst,:==lll EW vs"TNE 104tH PtiEE&. VOLUNTEBIIB.—O OI . W. W. 11. Pavia bee written, for the Dnghstoran Democrat , an interacting hictorleal nkotch of the 104th Regiment Parma. Volunteers, from the date of their ealietment to the "'recent time, We entreat front it the folletring ktatioties of the numerical etrengtb, and enormities, &c., nattered by the Regiment niece It has been In Berrie,: .11 7 toomleat C'enditien of (ha Evfmmet while ta the De partment of (he South. Dote. p eeeem e. Absent. Pr.:went Bick. January 1, 1800, . non 142 1 January LS . . MO 138 0 February 16, . • 51111 I'S 13 March 1, . • . 488 178 7 March la, . , 483 171 9 April 1, ~ 478 121 15 • Aprllls, . . 1147 137 7 May 1. . 505 130 13 May 12, . . 423 170 13 June 1, • ' . 622 156 ' 10 Juno 15, . • MR 1111 18 July 1, . 564 112 28 July 16, . • 640 127 17 Atlgest 1. .. 470 121 33 August 15, . . 575 190 62 • September', . . 442 96 54 Ca/owl/Um, DimMarges, Prrike, Sm., iit. the. Readlity &MP party, from &Mather 16014 a September 1606. Company U. KILLED IN ACTION.-May St, /882. Privates, Amos It. Staekhouse, Hoary Luta. Charles Nagle, Solomon Solders, 'William Itiehards Nathauiel Gay, Jnly 8,1802, by explosion of gun boat Mound City, Mitolissippl River. WOUNDED RECOVNRED. Captain Walter, May 31,1802, Fair Oaks. Lint)! Alill9ROlier t do do Piller b. Omar. May 24, 1842, Ravage 0161108. Prlvatee, Win. B. liboad, May 31, 1803, Fair Oaks. George Moyer, do do James beau, do do Levi Ratbman, do do Benjamin Miller, du do William Nuoiabli, Aug. al, 'ISO. Morrie bland. Corporal Jim. P. llousum, Sept. 6, 1803, do Privates, MIMI& Stranger, Del. 13, 1921,, Doylestown. Reuben Becker, March 29,M62, Washington. Christian &Wry, July 12, 1982, Philadelphia DIAOHARIIIID FO3 1/16911110T2, Henry Renneberger, March 28, 1862, Washington. Edward Kaiaks, July 21, do Marten !Hiroo, July 23, HarrWon't! Landing. John Worthington, July 31, do Aaron Potts. do do thump P. Saylor, Sept. 4, Yorktown, Va. James ti. Braley, Sept. 16, Annapolis, Md. Charles &Morel, Sept. 12, Washington. Wm. McDermott, July 31, Rarrlaou'a landing John B.llhounn, Dot. 22, Yorktown, Va. baumet lendorwack, Nov. 1, do John J. Jackson, Nov. 16, Baltimore. Marla Fabian, Duo. 2/. Beading, Thomas Bower, Feb. 16, 1862, Washington. Moses Nennamachor, Fob. 17, do Aaron Hein*, Juno 2, " Beaufort, S. C. him or DISEASE. Hamel Morrie, Feb. 19, 1862, Washington. Chooltiv It. Croaky, Marsh li, do Elias Wolf, May 6, Yorktown, Va. Janice Galligsr, . May 30, Baltimore. William Roland, lispt.2l, heading. Anthony Bower, Sept. 29, Yorktown, Va. Jonathan Kennedy, Aug. 25, do John llama, NOV. 8, Baltimore, = Daniel Brew.Seger, Private, June 6, ISA Portrees Monroe PRoMOTIONH. let Meat. Diller B. Oroff. Captain. Nov. 8. 1882. Liont. 0. W. Aellenfoller, let Lieut., Nov. S, ISfil. Ord. Sersonot Ciollll. Sd Lieut., Nov. 8, 1862. Col. Davie concludes hie Adult with the fellowlog well. merited tribute to the Chaplain of the 104th, our former fellow lowtstroan, the noir. Wif.LIAM R. anise: MIN little sketch has alreadv been exteuded to plush grealer length Oran wee rook plated, and meet he brought to a clma liefere defog cc, however. 1 must be permitted to say a word of Chaplain 0 rise. He le one of the mold valoahlenteml•ers of the regiment, and make. it bin daily pleaenro and duty to Merest% the well-being of the men Kt the extent ..f his power. Ito to ready to sores idiom at all lino., and an friend and pastor, ministers to their iemporal as well as their spiritual welfare. lie exemplilles by his daily walk end practice, the practical tannest/ a Christian. IL was a !rifleman day for the regiment when he accepted IL cummtseiuu in iL" Dar INTHREISTINO MOM RIIMIMOND.—The fol— lowing letter from Capt• E. A. Made, of Company 11, 89th Pence. Volunteere, to the editors of tho Times, will be deeply interesting to the relatives and friends of the brave Union officers whom names are mentioned, inastatteb no it convoym the gratifying sows that them officers, although primonore In the enomyn apt safit and wet I ChENTLEMetI :—As Reading is no mtrongly represented here 1 think A line or no Weekd be acceptable toner Maude, mid Will give theta to you, though I obeli have to be very brief 1114 we are net permitted to write very long lettere, I arrived here vu the ISth of July in company with ono hundred and eighty (Miters captured at Gettysburg, includ ing Limits. Grout and Boone, of my company, Ci'tpt. Schell, of Co. 1, and Pala Jobe Toed, of the 116th. 1 met on ante • lug, Capt. Boom mad Lieut. Morgan Kapp, whg memod quite glad to have company from home. The arrival of yrioolsora Be lestlal by the try t freeb MAI. we hare a (mob supply nearly every day. Sept. 30th about two hun dred arrived from Roscerans'a army., among whom was Capt. Ed. Smith, who looked Finite worn oat from his long march. We are all enjoying good health, but getting in tolerably fat, ragged, and lazy, I een't Wan any of no will ever work again, for my part I intend to keep a Toll— gate, an that in an lacy a job as I know of, but it yon know of anything 1,, far I shall want you to recommend me when I get home. There are npwarde of eight hundred officer confined here now. The building was formerly on rippled by Libby de Son, Ship chandlers. It In three stories 131g11., and about 120 feat front by 90 deep. We employ our time iu the etudy of Preach, Spanish, German, Phon ography and Military Tactics, and we have the very best of teachers, then too we have card playing for pleasure and for money, besides clime &a., oboe prayer meeting every night, end preaching three times on Sunday. We are a eery tenures eat et men, all seem to mar cif when they enter here, reason, no liquor allowed mike Thome who have money live gone well ire we have every facility to paranoia anything we wish, and do our own cook lug. I have Leconte very expert, but don't tell My wife or 8/1.1 will wont to hire one for maid when I get back, but I moat atop, I am getting We much and I ma afraid they will eend it back to me. lay regards to everybody. Yours, &c., Meru. . ICB3. I.9.ltfig far THIN NEW—ENGLAND ECONOMIST. is the name of an Improved Gas Darner Whish is being introdne ed into this city by herniae Conant. A. B. Its merits con• slot iu economy, durability, and the parity and mellow. nese of light. It comities in reality of two burners, one within the other. The inside burner measures the quan tity of gas used, and will ra111 , 1,110 measure the earns quan tity, no Ms net affected Up the ilarme, soul COnnegliently never gets burned ont." The outer or upper burner le merely a tube with a " fan " tip, the capacity of whlek to several Hines larger than the Inside lip; hence the gas is very much ruined when it approaches the oxygen of the atmosphere and mixing freely with ltasentlrely consumed. This burner never blows," and owing to the process of ratifying the gas, only one-ball the size Is required to give the same light as (be COllllOOll burner; that in, a three-foot improve/ burner mill give a light eqnal to an ordinary sax.foot burner. This burner to really no humbug like the ninny burners that have been thrown upon the public. The following to au experiment niade at the Gas Hones: A common Ave feet burner, burned 051 cubic feet, per hour. The improved 254; feet burner, burned a cubic feet, per hour, giving the same light, both at full head; and at three-quarters bead, the e feet burner, burned 7 cubic feet, and the Improved burner horned 3 340 feet. Now, here is a saving of ounDalf, and iJ people Who use pax weald give thin improvement rot unpr,judicett examination they would hn doing tionagelues it great Jitter. Title burner has strong friends in this city who have given It a trial. and has never falact to ?nuke a. friend ,coons es trial 20.78 muds. our. Chiming le about closing up his labors in this city, and an who wish to am, she burner tried, should leave their address Immediately at Allehler'e Hotel. All orders will be promptly attended to. ger AMOUNT .OP COaLtransported on the Phil adelphia and Reading Railroad, during the Weekending Thursday, October 29,1863. TOl,lll. Owl From Port Carbon, - • - . 27,204 07 • ' Pottsville. . • . 2,032 10 " Schuylkill Haien. • • • 26,874 06 •• Auburn, - - - • • 5,404 12 . Port Clinton, - .B,b7a 00 ... flarrlabarg, - - - - - 0,434 17 Total for week - - Praviutwly tide year, TOTAL, To aims timelast yam. Mir ba. it. W. 3 . 01114H0N . 8 110T/int.—Attention Is Invited to the notice of the Administratore of the Estate of thn isle Dr. Johnson, of Boyeretown, deeiring a nettle went of all define agalnet and indobtoduess to the same, on or bofore the let ofJennary. 11304. The Adminletrators will also Nell, on the 17th of November, at Pottstown, SO share. of stock in the thank of Pottstown. War TUB WASIIINGTWN Ikea. LAOIREI' FAIR.— We ere rognonied to Mato that couttibutiono of umuaan• factored goods aro especially milllclted for UM:Fair, a large number of ladies haying voluuteerod to make them up Tutu articles of uxe. Ilontrlbettoux may be loft with any of the holly Mouagoro, or at the atom of Wll/. Q. Von khan awl F. P. Heller; or, upon notice being given, will be called for. Ler Hones STE/MEX.—A black mere, between A aml 10 years old, was stolen front the stable of Mr. Jacob A. Blatt. to Centre township, near Mohrsvllle, on Monday night last. A reward of $25 Is offered for the recovery of the horse and erred of the thief. The rascal broke the lock of the stable-doer, In order to ger, at the oltlect of his tearult. j CONCRIESS OF BREWRIIS.—Tho third an nual Convene of the tirowere of the United States com menced Its nenelon In Cincinnati, on Wednesday laid, in the National Hail, Vine. above Canal street. Our townsman, Frederick Latter, Neq., in Pree!dent of this organization, and left home on Monday to attend it, t• IfPatintir BIRCH & BINITTINIR have the Now-York Illustrated Weekllea for November 7. already oo mile; idea Lim Monthly Magnet:me for November; aid couttenn Moir Agency for the leadleVlMll7 NoirePoland of New-Yuck and et NU Wed l'eu it tared. Ur PETERSON'S COUNTERSSIT DETECTOR for November is published, with even more than usual valuable information. Forty-five new counterfeits are described in this number, many of them exceedingly well executed, and likely to deceive the uninformed and unwary.. Besides these, upwards of a hundred now banks, insti tuted under the national law, with circulation secured by Government loans, are noticed and described in its columns. Peterson's Detector continues to lead the van as a reliable guide for the merehant, the storekeeper, and all who handle paper money. 111ZIMEI LICHT PUMA', RICHMOND, VA., October 2d, 1 Sti3. 73,001 01 2.06,147 16 • 2,649,208, 16 I! =ZII NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dr. JOSEPH COBLENTZ, OT EM Ms PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the eitliteue of Wetting end •icinity. He Can be consulted to 0071119.11 and Englialt. 011 ice end renidenee, 411 Venn street. adjoining the Farmers' Bank. October Si, 1363-Iy. TAX COLLECTORS DE HEUEBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY ARE required to pay to tbefioauty Treasurer, the amount. their respective Duplicates or or before the 15th day of December next. Aline that date it will be necessary to briug suit against all daliciquante. YAUG W gig RIC f i r GEM K. LOKAK, est 31-31] H. R. RAHMAN, NOTICE TO smarm= MEN. PRotto..r Ifingitiec Ovvieg.. 8711 MIST, or PONN,L, READINO, October SOO, ISUS. NOTICE IS HEREBY tJ WEN BY THE BOARD Of Enrollment of the Eighth District of Pennsylva nia, ball drafted men of mid district who have not afr Peered berm the Board for examination, that they will be required to report at the Provost Marshal's Mica in Read. tug, Pennsylvania, on or before WEDNESDAY, NOVEM BER Rh. 1563, or they will he published as DISERTERid, and be arrested and punished accordingly. all permus whose cases have been laid over for reexami nation or Who have received furloughs, or who have been held Mr duty, or pound fur wading, mud silo &ppmi vu or before the above day, or they will be considered a, de eertera and held as snub. HENRY S. RUPP, out :31-It] Captain and Provost Marshal, Silt District. Estate of George Daeldheieer, late of Amity township, Berke co., deceezed. NOTICE IS ligitEilY GIVEN, THAT LET TENS 'Testamentary to the Estate of George David late of the city of Reading, have been granted by the Register of Harks musty to the enbeerlbate, Melding in Amity township. Notice ix hereby given Mall persons In debted to mid mists to make payment without delay, and all having claims &vaunt the name, to present them pro perly authenticated for settlement. JOHN DAN - 11)11E1SE% OBOIKIB DAVIDUEISER, Administrators. JACOB DevutuisiSilit, out 31401 Estate of Jacob Alachemer, late of Spring _ . township, Berke county, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT LET ter. of Admiaistratiou oo the estate of Jacob /dacha seer, late of Spring township, Becks county, deceased, have boon granted to Ephraim Machomer, of spring, and Michael Machemsr, of North Heidelberg township. county afore said ; all persons having claims or demands against the se- We of the said iteuented, are requested to Mahn IMO known to the said adMialstrators without delay, and those indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment. EPURkill MACMDIEL Admitiletraters. Oct.:11-6t 5 J MICHAEL MACI4IOIIIII, Estate of Susanna Herbeln, late of Oley township, Berke county, deceased. PTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT LET ters testamentary upon the estate of the above named ersdent, have boon gracile.' to lid undereigned, residing in Oley township. Berke county. Alt persona indebted to said estate will therefore make payment without delay, and those having elitime, will present them properly au thentioated for settlement, to LEVI FIEREEIN, Oct. 31-Gt'l JONAS lIIMISEIN, E*°"l"B' PUBLIC VENDUE lUD) S ATUR DA Y, NOVE MBE 7TH, 18i3. AT lUD) &Meek, A. M. will ba gold at pubila mains, at Barn. bart'a Mill, In Illablenberg township. 2 mules (non Read ing, 3 valuable WORKING 110IISKS and gears, one net Coach harannu, 7 COWS,. 1 breeding Sow and b Fingn, 1 two-boron Wagon, 1 Cnrt, 1 wood !tied, 1 pair baydadders, 1 wagon body. 3 Nowa, I Harrow.] bon-harrow, log and row enable, Wow, forks, I whealbarrow, l windmill, I patent Straw Cohortalno, HOUSE •N It KITCHEN YUE- N MUSS, ennobling n(4 nods and thabteadn, 1 Stove. and pipe, 1 Cooking Store, labia., cbairn, 2 hitch... enpbeard“, Carpet by tbu ya, d, tcopper and 1 iron kettle, tab., bar rale, I flamingo Cotter & Staffer, 1 crowbar, 1 Mop-trough, and many other articlen too =moron. b. mention. Cow ditlonn by WILLIAM KRICK. Oat. st—it • PUBLIC SALVE Of Valuable City Property. THi lINIMILSIGNED WILL OFFEK AT Public Hale, on Saturday, November 214, 1383, at Yeager's Hotel, corner of Fifth and Washington streets, all tbelie certain Leta et Ground, Minato on tha North aide of Franklin parent, between Front and Water streets, with y the highbo thereon, consisting of two two-story ,2131fleti BUILDINGS, with Kitchen attached. Alan, a Lot of Ground, on the corner of Franklin and Water streets. confab:llu Go font on Franklin and 152 feet De Water ntreett to be cold Wilhotit the buildlity, in the whole or In parte, to salt perottavere. Conditions of sale to be made known at the time and place, by not 313 t) ISAAC T. JAMES, PUBLIC SALE WILL BI BOLD AT ruisra; 'MIX., ON Tuesday, November 17, tura, at i o'clock P.M., at the public bongo of George Trout. in the borough of PoOa tn•en, Montgomery county, Penne.: SO SLIAMIS OF STOCK OF TII It BANK OF POTTSTOWN, and 8 Shares of BOY ERTOWN WA PER STOCK Ustonging to the Retitte of Dr. H. Rt. Johnson, deceased. Conditions of sale—Ungh P Y. BRENDLINGDR, WM. K. GRIM, J. It. anosils. • Administrator. of Dr. H. W...Tolotoon P persons havius nay infants widest Die tiststo of Dr W. Johnson, deceased, and all persons Indebted, either for book occonobi. 'notes, bond. or otherwise, are re quested to have all ChtitllSWALtled on or before theist day of Jannitry, ISM. The books, Tenth,. papers, notes sad honde, areln the hands of the undereigned, to whom all claims meet be proem/kid sad all F$991)11110 paid. P. Y. BKENDIANGER.„ oot One of the Adititnintrators. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. WILL BB SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, AT the late residence of Frederick S. If enter, deceased, la Smith Fifth street. In the city of Reading', ON SATURDAY, NOVIAMBRIL Tt.h,, 1863 Two HOEMEd, I Cow, 3 Hoge, Sleigh, 1 Huckster Wages, I berm Wagon, buggy, siukie and double Harness, Buffe lee Robes, large Copper Kettle, OATS threshed and in the sheaf, best timothy HAY by the ton, Corn and Cornfodder, Straw, Wood and a variety of other articles. ALSO—Ten Barrels of Pure EYE WHISKEY, three yearn old_ The nuthranhed Oats, Roy and Cornfodder may he Been on the ontlot of F. b. *inter, deceased, on North Third tartlet, Beading. Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. 3f., when condition* of sale will be mule kuown by uot3l-24] WILLIAM IL CLYMER, Administrator, ORPHANS' COURT SALE PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE OR PHANS' Court of Berkm county, will be sold at Publie Vendee, on Saturday, the 2Rth day of November, A. D., on tire premieen, the following described Real Estate, to wit; All that nertain meesuage, tenement and trod of land, known as the SOUTH MOUNTAIN 11011115, situate in Heidelberg township, Berke county, adjoin ing lands of John George Seßser, Peter filtilotele, M. Wilhelm, John Sheets, Fume Lash, and said John George Seltzer; containing 70 acres, more or less. The Improve meets thereon being a large and commodione BOARDING HOUSIV, built of brick, three stericw.high, furnished with an themodern improvements, and supplied with pure Spring Water from a spring (known .0 Uto 014 Sgs4 Spring) near the premises; together with a MILL and liISTILLSRY with all the necessary machinery; a two story rough-cast house, frame Rare, Wagon Shed, Ate. All of meld buildings are within tire ninnies walk of Won:Waded Station, on the Lebanon Valley Railroad. Late the property of John ltundarbaeh. datemutsd, Sale to commence at one o'clock In the afternoon, when due attendance will be given, and the terms of sale made known by HENRY ff. MANDERBAOH. Administrator. By order of the Court.—Dazust. BARN, Clerk. Loot 31-41 THE "SHADE" FARM, WILL BE OFFER ED AT PUBLIC SALE, ON Saturday, November 21st, 1863. at 1 o'clock, P.M I on t h e premien, in Alsace towliship,4 miles from Need log, on the PriceloWn road. Said Farm contains 120 acres, more or lees, under good cultivation and well fenced; about 12 aerie; of which is WOODLAND, and a rea sonable part Meadow. It in convenient to Schools and Churches. The improvements consist of a one sad three troarter story LOG PWSLLI IMI HOS, wi th a good Well of Water and Pump at the door: a two-story Stone Spring Hence, with a good spring of Water; a large Stone Overshot BANN, with two Threshing Floors ; and a Well of good Water with Pump in the barnyard; ono sod tbrewqmater story Stone Pig Pen, &Stone black- NIIIOI itholh a Oho and throannarlor Mon , Frame Weiron Shed, with two cern Crihn; a Cider Prole and Prose House as Apple Orchard, cud a number of Pear, Cherry 'and Peach Trews and (traps Vines. The abovo Farm will be °Dared to snit purchasers, lathe whole, or in two parts. namely, the improvements With 'Chop' half the land, sad the balance of the ladd proved. A plot of the property will be shown at the sale. Terms easy—only 20 pur rout. of the re quired when the deed in mode, and the balance payable at the purchaser's option, rimming ti ve yearn. Perfume wish ing to view the properly, will call on Peter Frederick, M elding thereon, or on the sillweiller, is Reading. Oct 31-30 J. KIIELY. Y. S.-If not sold, the Farm will be for rent. PEREMPTORY PUBLIC SALE. rrirtE SU SSC 111 BEES WILL SELL AT PUBLIC j_ Sale, on Thawsley, November 12, ISt 3, on the prowl ses,ln the borough of Pottstown, Montgomery uounty. Ike fUlloWilliflhed Kent E.tettP; No. 1. King the Mr-Maned and extensive three Rory BRICK HOTEL, situate on the South-West corner of 111gb and York street, in sold borough of Pottetown, fronting Mt feet on 11'10 and 2K) fret on York elreobi, extending to the Phila. A Beading Railroad. Thte Hotel contaiar, ladepaaileat of that Onion need for Local paw pees, 1 large Store Hoorn, now in the occupancy of Long alter & Van Buskirk, 6 PRIVA'CE DWELLINGS with piazze in front on first door. and balcony on second floor, with two never-felling wells of water with romp; therein, one dirdetly franc lit MP 116141, other in rear of road hotel and fronting the priests dwellinge. There Is Mee a large and nxteunive lIOAT, YARD on thin property, now in the occupancy of A. W. tin'din. No. 2. Beteg tho part freed° and part Stone Honer, for many years kept as a hotel, and now kept and occupied by Endwig ea a Li our Stunt, Monde on the South-Nast corner of High and York 'dreg!, fronting 9O feet on High and 113 feet on York street, extending to lands of the Phila. A Heading Railroad Company. On the property In erected a large two %tory Stone Shed, eutlicient to dab'. CO bond Of borne; also a large open Shad will, large klid extensive yard. The above described propertlen are well worth the atten tion of any person deniroun of making . cafe inveettnents, and will be gold roparately or together um may boot nail parchneerw. Peroona winning to view the property will please coil OR Abraham (Winn raddled thereon. A VAR seeable shore of the Feminine money can remain secured on the premieres If &mired. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. Conditions at pale by toottlXl. GULDIN & SON, DAVID DAVIDNIISIBER, PRTEII O. 91100111, oct:3l-St.l YRISDEHICK NAOMI. NEW ADVF,IITISFAIENT NOTA RUM DRINK A MO IDA CONCENTRATED VECINITABLEI .13XTRACT. A PURE TONIC, TIIAT WILL RELIEVE TITS AFFLICTED, Ali Not Make Drunkards. DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERs PREPARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA WILL EFFECTUALLY AND Mar CHRTAINtor CURE ALL DISEASES, ARISING FROM A Disordered Liver, Stomach or kidneys. TlsCot.ands of our altizena areantferlng from DYBPEPtiIi and LIVER DISBASIO3. and to whom the folltuviu g gone apply—we guarantee 'holland 9 S German Bitters WILL CURE THEM. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER DISEASE, Do you rine with a coated tongue mornings, with ft had taste in the mouth and poor appetite for breftklaftt t yOu feel when you trot get up no weak and lamond ' can scarcely get about? Do you have dlrlinem, n 16 head at Union, and often a dungen., with headachiotta• atonally? Are your bowein costive and irregular, usd appetite changeable? Do you throw up wind how the *stomach, and do you swell up often? Do you feel a hit nese after eating, and a sinking When the empty? Do you have a heartburn occasionally 1 lio feel low spirited, and look on tha dark side of tkVa t ,. Are yon not unusually nervous at times? Do you o u t become rootless, and often lay until midnight Wore No can go to sleep? and then at time., don't yon rest dull and sleepy moat of the time? In your skin dry and /Wily r also mallow? In short, le not your life a bamboo, MU of forrimalage t HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Will Cure every case of Chronic or Ner. volts Debility, Diseases arising from a Di,. ordered Stomach. Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the DigestiVe Organs: Constipation, Inward Piton Fulness of Blood hi ILe timid. Activity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, [Mum' for Food, Fulness or Weight Iu the Stomach, Sour Artois- Doom, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the stomach Striunniug of the Hood, Harried sad Dlillcuil Proithuw' Fluttering at the Heart. Choking 01'8110' m oeg eameol„,', when In g lying pasture, Dlumem of Virfuu , Dots or Wino before the Night, Fever and Dull Yalu in tiro Held, Intl_ fancyof Porspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Ky., Pain In the Side, Hack, Chest, lambs, Ac., redden Vludici of Hoot. Burning to the riot& (Medina linf,glolu ci if -Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. PARTICULAR NOTICE, There are many preparations sold under the muse o r Bitter*, put np is quart Bottles, compounded of th,, o b.". qat whiskey or common rum, costing from L'Cl to 4 I seats per gallon, the taste dispraised by Alli6o or Coriander Sod. Tile clean of Bittern ham canted and will continua canoe, Pc long as they can be sold, handreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their nee the system Is kept continually ander the influence of Alcoholic Stimulates of the worst kind. the desire for Liquor IN created Bad Oscine, and the malt le all the Moroni attendant upon a drain aril's life and death. For those who decks and WILL BAYS a Liner Shim, we pnblinli the following receipt. that ONE turTPLS or HOOFIAND'S °ERMAN BIT MRS arid mix with WIRES QUARTS OF GOOD BRANDY OR W RINK NY, arid `a ray dull will be a preparation that will FAH IC(.olth is anti• cinal virtue. and trite excellence ally of the newer.. LI quer Bittern In the market, and will COST SIIKSI LEW Yoe will hare all the virtues of HOOPLAND'II RI In connection with a 001311 article of Upon., at it weak low prise than these laferine preparation. will wit you. 1100F.BANWS GIERBIAN BITTERS Will give you a good Appetite, Will give you strong healthy nerves, Will give you brisk and energetic feelings, Will enable yon to-Bleep well, And will positively prevent Yellow Fever, Bilious Fever, &c. Those suffering, from broken down and delicate constitutions, from whatever eauhe, either Male or Female, will find in ROOPLANWS GERMAN BITTERS a remedy This will restore them to their usual health. Such has been the case in thousands of instances, and a fair trial is but required to prove the assertion. IrLIVLEIMBER That these Bitters are not Alcoholic and are not intended as a beverage. The proprietors have thousands of letters from the wont eminent Clergymen, Lawyer', Physicians and Citizens testifying of their own personal knowledge, to the beselivial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters. From Btu. I. Newton Rrown, D. D., Editor ot I 1. clopedia of Religious'. .1611NOtedg. Although nut disposed to fever or reconacone Pon; Medicines in general, through etto , rost of their 1t0m5.1. ,14 and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reggae,* why may not testify to the benefit kis kelielies Manuel( I, 1.e3 received from any simple preparation, in the hope Oat 1,, may tithe coutribote to the boned t of others. . . . I do this the more readily in regard to Hoothunni der mas Bitten, prepared by Dr. C. ht. Jackson, of tlim Loy, hewing° I was prejudiced against them for many Y-tr. , andar the Imprudent that they Were alstaly ea olfulolla mixture. lam indebted to my friend Robert Shoocci"! Req , fur the removal of thin prejudice by tawar too+, 'ma for encouragement to try them, when angering from scat, and long continued debility. The use of • them bottle., ui tba., Pittala, ut• Lha beglaolag of the woman year, oa. rk lowed by evident relief, and recteratinn to a degree dtly and mental vigor which I had not felt for oh: omult , before, and bad aimed despaired of regaining. 1 ti.terara thank God and my friend for directing 1115 to din use vf them. - PHILID'A, June 28,1861. I. NIWTON UPC! .Diseases of the kidneys and bladder, in Young or Aged, Male or Female, are speedily removed, and the patient restored to health. DELICATE CHILDREN Thome suffering froth SIARASMUIS, wasting sway. w" scarcely flay dash on their bonne, are eared In a very nb.q I Limo • vim bottle lo each CllBOl, will bare lllo 6l . map htutl , affect. PARENTS Having suffering children au above, and wit.hlog to ralia in them, will never regret the day they ealueuced these Bitten. LITERARY HER AND STUDENTS, And rho, work Ina bard with their brat MI. bilovella U l4 aP ! keep a bottle of 11001/LAND'S itirnsits near th em, o they Will find much benefit from Ile eee, to both Wild awl body, invigorating and not &preset fig. It is not a Liquor Stimulant, and leares Prootratiop. ATTENTION SOLDIEIHS! And the friends of Soldiers. We eall the attention of all havise is the army to the fact that " 1100Vbeelll'a tare" will aura alae•tettlbs of the dlemoals Weer! II"' poser. and privations incident to camp life. le the hale, published * moat daily in the nowerpere, oa the orrittl af nit will he noticed that .cane ee large 1 4 .‘P r I a are sneeg from debility. Every °fibs'. readily cared by Hootland'a (hrniae Hatere. We bros. tiortem hesitation in elating that if thee. Bitters were freer . *mug our earlier., hundred. of live. might he marl tho othererleo would be lost. The proprietors sea daily Sessiviaa thankful lottel , anaemia la the army and lamellate, who baseball' 'eel, to health by the two of then - Mt" sent to them hy the Wend.. BEWARE Or 00ONTEOrEIT S. Soo that the Signature of "C. M. JACK6 O, ' is on the Wrapper of each Bottle. Ma " Pink ricorrLE 75. CZPIq'S , OR HALF DOZEN you $4 00. rticle, J. a , Should your noareet drupelet not have the , ton he put of by any of the lutoulcatiog brelee" l ' Ivey he offload fu Ita place, hut null to ue, Cud we forward, oecurely packed, by expretob Principal Office and Manufactory, No. 613 ARCH ST. 6T ONE El gib rCT A. la 0* (Suocesocito to C. M. JACKSON St CO.) r For Sale by Druggists and Dealers in every town in the United States, 9ct 8/461 CI 0 Proprieton s.