Intel-frotstls. BALLAD OF BOSS BAGSHAW Boss nagehaw was a cobbelier Once livin' at Bull's Head, Where long he wax-ed stout and fat As well us his shoe-thread_ And while he sowed not what he reaped, lie ripped what he had sewed; And almost apostolic care For Way-Vora solos lie showed. The Dose a doctor never was, Though often did he heel; And kips and calls be did cut up All tor the public weal. While he could neither write nor read, The shoeless were aware Matter the understandin . he Did exercise a care No evil fortune, small or great, Could make Lb spirits fall: Ile oven sang right merrily When once he lost his awL And even to his dyin' day, Of Bagshatv be it told, He never sold a leaky boot, Though such he oft half soled. Once he, from too much drink, was in A state of lether-gy, When thieves made booty of his shoes, And with them they dhl flee. When he came to, gays he, " If I Get once upon their tracks, For havin' stolen of toy stook They'll get shoemaker's -erhacki." That afternoon one thief he caught,. That quickly came to grief; Ter Boss he went from treltin' shoes To erelthe of the thief. The M. P's got another one A makite out of Oita ; And when thief was taken up lie seemed quite taken down Bob's riled hie trtule for forty year', Or somewhere thereabout; For he, though long a peggin' ia, Was longer peggin' out. But 'nephew couldn't Always live, Like cobblers in the past, Ile one day from his last did go To come unto his lett. MP MIMS IS A SPUMES of paradox that may MUM the young folks. There is one way in which 45 may be deducted from 45, and 45 will be the remainder.—Lock : Tut all the numerals down in reverse order. Then put them down underneath, in the right order, and enbetract. The sum of all three of the lines will be the same, viz: 45. Thus : 9 8 7 6 5 4, 3 2 1-45 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9-45 804 1 3 7 mar Wass wrowrenso upon his bed, in the agony of the gout, It was reported to Chatham that one of his official subordinates pronounced an order impossible of execution. " Tell him," said he, rising up awl marching sottdia the roam on his swollen feet, his face streaming with per spiration from the excruciating effort, " tell him it is the order of a man who treads upon Im possibilities." Mar Ax Intswaen in desoribing America, Said ; told that yo might roll Esgland through it an it wouldn't make a dint in the ground ; there's fresh water oceans inside that ye might droned mild Ireland in; en' ES for Scotland, ye might stick it in a corner, an' yed nicer be able to And it out except It might be by the smell of whiskey." Ai:maim WARD ia negotiating by tale• graph with Manager 'McGuire, of Sanirrancisao, for n professional tour la California. The last telegram was, "What will you take for the brat thirty nights 1" To whiok Artemee replied, "Brandy and water." SALE OF LAND. 1,200,000 ACRES maautrizarinco CMCCI ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. TT 18 WELL KNOWN TRAT TIII9 COM— .ny, in the few years since the eonstrnetdon of the road, ben sold a large number of Panes to settlers, mostly le a abort Item, enjoyed a degree of pron.• penny, which is enflcient °ladenes of the quality of the *Oil. and the facilities for disposing of Its Rrodnee. The nomerone vitt/gene which have aprung up in this abort time al. Judie.* the abundant resources of the country. The land is rich PRAIRIE SOIL, often thickly wooded. Woodland can generally be purchased at abort distances and low prison—nometim. 01 the Oompaey. The various Made of grate are eucccwfell7 faitiraVS.A. VPikt Ori , F°.e dm., grow rapidly, and yield abundantly and of superior quality. The fruit market is probably the best in the West. for the raining of Cattle there is no better country to be found. Considering the Infancy of the eettleMents, much has already been done for Ectoole. The Company offers to netting great advantages. The land is sold—Wood or Prairie,—at from $8 to $l2 per acre, according to its distance from the Railroad. At the time of purchase, only the Intereat of the purchase money le re quired. For the 3 Ilrst yeare, like wise only the interest. At the end of the fourth year and thethree following, each ene-guarter of the capital ; lima after the expiration of coven years, the whole amount to paid. Oa east% pay ments a liberal discount is allowed. .l.nrehaners are ex empt from text s un the land for seven years. lir The undersigned bas been appointed agent, and having personally examined the land, is able to give exact Information. All communications to 'be addressed to JOHN ENDLICLI, Agee!. Reading P. 0., Ming comity, Pa March 21—Stj ATTENTION FARMERS 3 MAATIPACTIIIIERS OP PIIOSPHATIC FERTILIZER! WOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE THE attention of all laterested in Agricultural Fumanti, to their Fertilizer...believing It will compare faToribly with any other manure in the market. It combluesin Just pro portions such ingredients, an nut only stimulate for a brief period, bat also afford continued nourishment and support to the growing crops ; for Grata or Glass we think it spe cially adapted, and only ask an impartial trial, that away stand or fall upon its own merits. PRICE $4O 00 per ton —2OOO We also, MANUFACTURE an article called MEAT AND BONE COMPOST! tiLicb as its name imports, is composed of refatm meat and bonus from the slaughter house, sou:ll4mA with other ma teriala, &natal; a cdenp sad pive;l4l Iflateife for Gym, Potatoes and Vegetables generally. PitloE, Cif 0.) per ton-2000 Die. dra- These Manures may be bad of Dealers Generally and of the Mar.nfeetarers. TASSEL'. & CLARK, 8. W. Corner 88t and Washington Sta., Pldlndelphia. arm P—Rrno Watches, Jewelry & Silver-ware. /VILE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT— A. FULLY invite your attention to lole well solecte4 iatstock of toe Gold and Silver WATSIMS, Vine Ovid JENvELRY of every kind and variety of Etyles— comprising all or the newest and moat Samara/ was. Ai..—SOLID EILVER-WAR.E. equal to C4n—eod the bast forke of Silos Platea Wart. Each article to war ranted to be nu represented. *tar Watcher awl Jewelry carefully repaired and malls faction guaranteed. JACOB HARLEY, (StEecenor to Stauffer & Ilarley,) 1ie.622 Market Street, .P.l.Hadelplata Sept 5-3m] nnowERT - • . • READING, PA. 711 E SUBSCRIBER respectfully announces to the public that he haa recently enlarged his BREWS to a considerable extent, and introduced elearolemer, and is now ready to supply all demands for 0117=2.1011. MUM L1111743RE, 10e home and distant consumption. 1110 stock of Malt liquors, warranted to keep In all climates, is as follows: BROWN A'POUT, PORTZR, BOTTLING ALB, DRAUGHT ALE AND LAGER BEER. June i9-tf 'REDBRICK LAVER. IM2i==l;ilMZl SUPERFLUOUS HAIR J.ESTANTANEOUSLY AND PERMANENTLY removed without injury to the skin,skin, by the nee of D. CLIETON'S newly discover/34 process. • Address. en closing livo osota ist, postage stamps or ofirroom• D. H WITON. 23 311.00.2111. rd Amt. Philadelphia, [jape 21), GENERAL ELECTION. PURSUANT TO AN ACT OF THE GENERAL Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the 23 day of.iuly. A- D., 1E39, entitled " An Act relatin c to .41NA:one atlas Commonwealth," I, ABRA HAM It. KOi N 10, Nherltf of the Uonnty of Berke, do hereby g tve notice to the electors of the aforektitti Comity, that a GENERAL ELECTION will be held to said County, on the eeoond Tuesday in October next, (whlrh will be the 13th day ot said :W E for month,) for the pu of rpose of choosing by ballot °NE Plitt the office GOVERNOR of the Coin- Moutrealtil of Pennsylvania. ONIS PNEOON for the office of 3IJDOR OP TUN RH PRERE Cot? itT of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. THREC P 14113025 for MEMBERS OF TUE HOUSE OF REPEIMENTATIVIPS, to represent the Comity of Berke In the General Avow:ably of Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON for the office of PROTHONOTARY of the Connty of Barks. ONE PERSON for the office REGISTER OF WILLS,. &0., of the County of Berks. ONE PERSON for the office of RECORDER OF DEEDS, &cr. ' of the County of Bathe ONE PRESON for the office of CLERK OF THE OR. Po ONE' Otttfltt of the Cortety of nooks. ONE PERSON for the taco of CLERK OF TUE QUARTER SESSIONS ' :LC, of the County of Berks. ONE PERSON for tbeafaeof TRH/Lai:TREE. of the Coun ty of Berks. ONFT PERSON duly qualified for the office of COMMIS. *fon ER of Berke county, for three years . ONE PERSON duly qualified for the office of DIRECTOR of taw Poor and Howie of Employment of the County of Berko. UNE PERSON duly qualified for the office of AUDITOR, to audit the Public Accounts of the County of Berke. Lily virtue of the Act of Assembly of the lath of April, ISSI, aline candidate. fur the above-named offices, except the Supreme Judge, will be voted for on a single ticket or strip of paper. The candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court must be voted fur on a separate ticket, or strip of paper.] And the electors of the County of Dells aforesaid, on the second Tuesday In October next, Will meet at the several dietrlcts, wards or places, composed of the several boroughs and townships, to wit: The electors of Albany township, at the house of David Heinly, In eald township. The electors of Alsace township, at the public house of Peter Rim in said township. The electors of Acuity township, at the house orlease R. Spatz, in said township. The electors of Bern township, at the public house of B. A. Leinbsoh, in seta township. The electors of Upper Bern, at the public house of John Albright, (late Machetner's) Is said township. The electors of Bethel township, at the public) house of Jacob Kerr, In Millerebnrg. The eieetors of Brecknock township, at the public. house of Peter Ziemer, in sold township. The elector, of the borough of Dernville, will hold their ...osiers] election at _the public house of Weigel Bents, tumid borough. The electors of Cannarvon township, will bold their election at the Morgantown School Renee, in said township. Tbo electore of Centre township, will hold their election it the public hones of Jacob E. tiath, in said township. The electors of Colebrookdale township, will hold their electiou at the home of Daniel Heller, in Boyerstown. The elector. of Comm township, at the public house of William Bomberger, in said township. The eMators of Douglass township. at the public house of damsel Hatfield, is said township. The eleekors of %Arita teeth/dap, at Ruthenia of Samuel Landis, is said township. The electors of Earl township, at the house of Blijah reoht, in said township. The electors of Exeter township, at the house of 3. Fer ree Althonaa, (late Ritter's) la said township. The electors of tirceowich kete-othip, et tits ptibilehOneis of Charles A. Kline, in said township. The eleetora of the borough of Hamburg, will hold their mineral election at the public house of Charles Keller, in said boroug.b,„, The 4,41111.6 f Hajelbmg township, at the public house of O. D. Noll, In Robesonia. The electors of Lower Heidelberg township, will hold their election at the house of Reuben Spengler, (late Larch's) in said township. The electors of the township of North Heidelberg, will bold their general. and township elections at the house of Jonathan L. Ktopp, in said township. The electors of Hereford townehlp, will hold their gene ral eketios at the public boom of F. N. & M. N. Oery, iu said tow sable. The elector. of Jefferson township, will bold their elec tion at the hods* of John S. Holtman, in- said township. The electors of the borough of Kutztown and the town ship of Mitwatawny, at the boned of Daniel Zimmerman, in mid borough. The electors of Longswamp township, will bold their election at the public house of Richard Wertz, In laid toWnithip. Tao electors of Sfaidenereek townebip, at the public, hone,. of Daniel Stitser, (late helot's) In sold township. The electors of the township of Horton, will hold their general and township elections at the piddle house of .lonn • than a. Klopp, in Stouthebnro. The eleetors of Mnblonhorg tewitehlp, will bold their general election et the public house of Gabriel Oebret, in said township. The electors of Oley township, at the house of Dented KewP. deceased, In cold township. The electors of Ontolatmee township, at the house of Henry Hanker, (isle Althonee i s) In said toweithip. The electors of Pike township, at the public hones of Abraham Yoder, In said township. The electors of the township of Penn, will bold their election at the house of Henry A. Pox, lu said township. The eleetora of Perry towneltip. will bold their election ai ctiq pout; crust9i Samuel S. Huger, to said towwthip. : . 5 8 2-45 The electors of Richmond township, at the pokitz house now occupied by Aden, Weideuhammer, in said township. Thu electors of Robeson township, at the public house of Jackson heard, In said township . Ten electors of Rockland township. shall Lola their general election at the house of Henry Benz, In New Jeru salem., in said township. The electors of Ituscombmanor township, at the public home of floury keruhart. in Tricetown. in Paid township. The electors of aping township, will hold their general election at the public Donee of Abraham Weitzel, in said township. The electors of the township of Tuipehocoon, will hold their election at the public. house Beery Brobst, iu Rahn...burg. The electors of Upper Tolpehoccon township, will hold their election at the public bone of Daniel Moyer, in said township. The eleotore ef Union townehlp, will hold their general election at the henna Herman Um:teed, in said township. The sinters of the township of Washington, will bold their general election at the public, house of George M. thshbaoh, in said township. The electors of the township of Windsor, at the puhlio Dorm of Mahlon A. Bailers, in said township. The eltclorti of the botourgh of WohlolledoK Will hold their election at the Donee of Michael B. Bollman, le said borough. The electors of the city of Reading, shall hold their elec tion as follows: The electore Gt/forth-West (Fifth) Ward, at the patine Lona. a Jacob Welder, lit said. Ward. The eleetoro of SonUt-Weet (Second) Ward, at the public bone. of Daniel Houma, in said Ward. The electors of South Zeal (Third) Ward, at the potato bow* of William Rapp, In raid Ward. The electors of North-Mot (Fourth) Ward, at the public hones of Samuel B. Grant, in mid Ward. The eleetore of Spraco (Pint) Ward, at the bons° lately occupied by John B. Goodbart, in said Ward. The election to the eatd five Wards of the city of Reading, and in the said several dietricto, obeli be opened between the inure of 8 and RI o'clock In the forenoon, and chid continue without interruption or adjournment, until 7 o'oloek in the evening, (except In the city of Reading, where the election ash continue until 8 o'clock in the evening.) when the polls shall be closed. Any person that may be constitutionally qualified to vote In any city or county of this Commonwealth, botwho may hire removed from one ward to another ward, within much city, or from any borough or township within the county, within tau days neat preceding any general election held therein, shall be entitled to vote at each general election, In the ward, borough or township. from which each per son may hare en removed. dad In pentiuce of the Act of the General Aeeeieb t aforesaid, I hereby further give notice, "That every per eon, except Justices of the Peace, military ollitiera or bo rough officers, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit under the government of the United Stitt., or of this State, or of any city, or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a B.2 . oorAluato officer or agent, who la or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or Judiciary departments of the State, or of the United Statee, or elan) city, or Incorporated district; and also, that every member of Congress, and of the State Leg islature, and of the Select and Common Conseil of any city, or Commiendouer of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the came time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector, Judge, or other officer of any such election, shall be *lig4 bin to any office to be then voted for." end by the tame Act of Assembly, it le a itiO made the "duty of every Mayor, Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, alderman, Jubilee of the Peace and Constable and Deputy Constable, of every city, county and, towunhip or district, within thlu Commonwealth, whenever called upon by any officer of an election, or by any three qualified electors, to clear any window, or avenue to any window, at the placeof the generalateetion, which shall be obstructed in smelt a way as to prevent TOWS from ap• preaching the same—Cud it shall be the duty of the respec tive Constables of each ward, district or township, within thin Commonwealth, to be present in person or by deputy at the place of holding such elections in raid ward, dietrict or township, for the purpose of preserving the peace for nforeisll.,l The Judges of said election are to take charge of the cer• tincates of returns, and on the third day after the day of election shall produce the same at a meeting of one Judge Irma each district within the saute county, at the Court Wow,. The Judges are therefore respectfall7 requeited to be in attendance et the Osier; donee, In kenning, on hide], the 16th day of October next, at 12 o'clock, meridian, and make their return's. Gob Snell TRH COMMONWSAI.I7I. ItltAil &M x. KCESI4, Sheriff. Sheriff's Once, Reading, Sept. 12, 18b3. THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM. No. 920 Chestnut St, (Formerly NO. 708.) PHILADELPHIA. T W. PROCTOR & CO , INVITE TUE TENTION of their Friends to their large and Superb Stuck of Z'ZT CLOALIES AND FURS, Unparalleled In any former season. Tim Increased accommodation afforded in our new lona tion, enables as to devote the fallen attention to our FUR DEPARTMENT, which will be found well furnished with every description of FIRST CLASS FURS. which will be guaranteed an re preettoted, or the money paid will be refunded. ORDERS per mail will be carefully attended to, end de livered, Express charges paid, any distance inside of 100 7. W. PROCTOR & CO.. sap 6 0363-Iy] No. 923 Chested; Street, Philad'a. ISAAC K. STAUFFER. Watch Maker and Jeweler, MANUFACTURIM OF SILVER WARE AHD IMPORTER OF WATCHES, N 0.148 North Second St., Corner Quarry, PHILADELPHIA, lIER n ag EC,4O,rNo7To T doid .LaY RKilver r AZD t L A a o S pine and Plain Watches; Fine Gold Chains, Seals and elKeys, Breast Pine, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Brace lets, Ministers Cases, Medallions, Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Talite, Dessert, Taa. Salt woo Mustard Spoons; Sugar Spoons, Cups,Napkin Rinks, Fruit and Batter Knives , Shield,. Comb, , Diamond row tad Pens, ele.,—all of which will be *old low for Cash / M. I. TOBIAS & CO'S best quality full jeweled Patent Lever Movements constantly on hand; Sine other Makers Of superior quality, H. 8.-0/4 Quid and Sliver bought/or Cash. /opt PRWMAMMTION. HELMBOLD'S GENE PREPARATIONS. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION '!HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID gXTRACT BUM)", A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL and DItOridICIAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power or Digestion, and ex cites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcareous deposition., and all Unman/al En largements are reduced, as well as rain and Inflammation. and ' Is Oood For ~"*aFC'lßS'jr}~'.~»ti~~i}c.~'f'iia}~}:,Fa}~~~ RELMBOLDE EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weaknesses Arising from Exceeees, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indis cretion or Abuse, attended with the following sy in - o=st Indispoultion to Exertion. Loss of Power. Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Universal Laesitude of the Flushing of the Body, 111coenter System, lErnptione of the Skin. Hot Heade, Doused of tim Skin, PALLID COUNTENANCE These symptoms, If allowed to go on, whlah thle Lud dite Invariably removes, noon follows IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the Patient may Expire. Who San say that they are not frequently followed by thee°. direful disessw," "INSANITY AND CONSIIMPTION." Many are -aware of like cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS, THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS AND VIE MELANCITOLY DEATHS BY CON- SUMPTION, Bear ample , wilnees to the truth of the amertton. The Constitution, once affected with &fonts s weaker a., /legalese the aid Of medicine L... Strengthen and lavigot ate the System, Wzuvu HEIMIKILD'S EXTRACT BUCHU MVARIABLY DOBS A trial will convince the most skeptical FEMALES 1 FEMALES r 011 or Young, Single, Married, or Contemplating Marriage, In many Affection. peculiar to Pereilee, THE EXTRACT BUCHU Is unequalled by an. other remedy, as In Chianti& or Retention, Irregularity, Patellalimos, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, I:lleeraced or &Wayne state of the Uterus, Leucorrtwea or Whites. Sterility, and for all Com plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indis cretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLLNE OR CHANGE OF LIFE SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT TAKE NO 310 RE BALSAM, MERCURY, OR UNPLEASANT MRDr C/NE.POE UNPLEASANT AND DANGEROUS DISEASES. lIELAIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU IMIM IMPROVED ROSE WASH EM":1 SECRET DISEASES, In all their stages, At little Espouse, Little or no change in Dtet, No inconvenience, AND NO EXPOURE. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate thereby removing obstructions, Preventing and Curing Striatum of the Urethra, Alleging Patti andgnilammation, no frequent in the clan of dirdeas., and expelling ail Polionorie Dietaiee and town- Nidifll% THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS Who hove been the Victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be oared in a !Mort time, have fonnd they were deceived, and that the o Poison bee, by the nee of "powerful tretringerate," been dried up in the nyetem, to break out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AMR MARRIAGE Use lieltabold's Extract Dacha for all affections and dis eases or the URINARY ORGANS, Whether exiettng in MALE OR FEMALE, Prom whatever ammo originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING Diseases of tfiese Organs inquire the aid of II Diuretic RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCRIT IS TIIE GREAT DIURETIC, ASOI is sure to have tho desired efoot Is all disease. FOR WHICH IT IS RECOMMENDED Evidence of the most rettabte anti reeponsible character Will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES. Prom 8 to 20 nears' standing. With names known to SCIENCE AND FAME PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE, 61X FOR $5.00 Delivered to any address, Recently packed from any ob Serration. Desalts symptoms In all Commtudeatioaa. CURES GUARANTEED! ADVICE GRATIS! AFFIDAVIT Pomonally appeared before ma, an Alderman a the ady of Philadelphia, 11. T. Halmbold, who being duly sworn dOth say, his preparations contain no narcotic, nor mercu ry, or other inintioux drugs, but are purely vegetable. H. T. RELAiIIOLD. Sworn, and subecribed before me, this; 2.3 d day of lioveip her, /Ha. W). P. Mr:am; Alderman, Ninth .tree[, above Race, Phila Address lettere for information in confidence to • Lk 13. 11:11,11BOLD. (Awnlst, Depot, 101 Smith Teeth Street. below Cheannt, Phila., Pa BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS And Unprincipled Dealers, Who endeavor to diepoite "of their own" end other articles on the reputation attained by lielmhold'e Genuine Preparations, Extract Puerta, II • If Sarestputills, n " Improved Rime Wash. Fold by All DriurglAte everywbere. Ask for HY.LEIBOLD•S. Take no otber. Cut out tho advattlsoment, and send for U, AND AVOID 111POSITIOX AND ..EXPOSUItS. let?pt, 194. y. READING SAVINGS BANK. INCORPORATED MAY 11, 1855. CAPITAL, 050,000. Banking House, East MarAei Square, North. Side, Roading. DEPOSITS RECEIVED FROM TEN CENTS ju , to Ten Thousand Dollars. Money Is received on de posit fromB A. N. to t P. 111, ; and on Wednesday and Sat urday evenings from 7P. M. to o P. N. Interest will be allowed at the rate of Flee per amt. per on all same remaining on depoell, for one year or More. On earns remaining les' than a year, interest will be al lowed at the rate of BIUM2I/Ir PEAL per annum, .tEr All tile allele Of the Bank and the individual prop erty of the atoclawldrxe, are liable for the payment of De posits. Persons who have money to deposit, are invited to call at the Banking Rouse for farther information. DIRECTORS. DAVID YODRII, GIDEON &Men, IgIONART, RDERR, CONRAD HRBER, DADIRL B. Lowe, CONRAD Y. Bminain. A. P. Bogs. Presidents-A. F. BOAS. Cadio—ADAM LETZE, Nee 27-11 E. & H. T. ANTHONY, MANUFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, 601 BROADWAY, DIRW-YORK. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. O UR CATALOGUE NOW EMBRACES CON -IJ, SIDERABLY over Four Thousand differentsub pcts (to whioh addltiona are continually being wade) of portraits of Eminent Americans, eta., viz: 72 51.530164111N11RAL5, 625 STAT.II4II2II. 190 llitlo.4lElllittALS, 127 DIVINES, 239 COLOIMS, 118 AUTHORS, 81 Idicur.-COLONELS, NO ARTISTS, 207 OTHER OFFIUEO V, 112 STAGS, 66 NAVY OFFICER.% 46 PROMINENT WOMEN. 147 PROMINENT FOREIGN PORTRAITS. 2,500 Copies of Works of Art, . Moen reprodactioneof the meet celebrated BegravlngFt Plantings, Stetnee, do, Cotelognes cent on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PICTURES from our Catotonne will to filled on receipt of $1.809 and cent by man, Ace. PHOITHIRAYHIC ALBUMS. Of theme we ruanafeetare a great variety, rangieg In price from Sg cents to *SO each. Oar AUTISM Lave the reputation of being superior In bendy and dartibillty to any others. The entailer kind@ can be cent safely by mall at a postage of six cente per oz. The more expensive can be cent by express. We elan keep a large aesortineat of STERESCOPES &. STERESCOPIC VIEWS. Our Catalogue of them will be sent to any address on re ceipt of Stamp. g. T. ANTHONY, Manufacturers of Photographic Matertats SOI BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. Friends or relatives of prominent military men will con for a favor by rending no their likeuesi,er to copy. They will be kept carefully and warned uninjured. FINE &LOMB MADE TO ORDER for DoeercPlauflu 10 preemie to their Yugo; or for other purport% With suitable lureriptione, &a. [an 22-01110.11 For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ante, lied Beige Moths an Pure, Woollens, dtc. Insects on Plante, Fowl., Animals, du:. Fat op In 25e. Mo. and SI 00 Bores, Bottles. and Fluke, $3 and *3 slots for UOTELE:PLIBLIO lESTITLITIONB,' " Only infallible remedies known:" "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Unman Family." 4 !ltats come out of their holes to die." ger Sold Wholesale iu all large dile% AiSy- Sold by all DRITOOISTA and IizTAILERs everywhere. qg-!!! of all worthless imitations. Sir See that " COSTAR'S" name le on each Box, Bottle, and Flank, before you buy. Aar Milne? , 1114',NRY It. COSTAR, AO- PRINCIPAL DEPOT 02 oaosowAy, Y. IL . Sold by—HARVEY BIRCH dc Co., Wholnealeland Retail; S.B.2trevana, u:: Eaet Polon etreet, above the Rail road; J. H. BillCiatbl"; R. P. HUNTER & Co., P.ReItING, PA. January 17, 186:1-Onto FANCY FURS! FANCY FURS! .TOSS ra.nartzna, No. 729 ARCH Sireet, below Eighth, Routh side PHILADELPHIA IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER of and Dealer In all kind,t of FANCY FURS, Non Lantgie AND CIIILDHaN'S WEAR. I void, to recur o 111)• amok, to my &tondo or Eroding and the nirroundlug Conn. ;4; tine. fur their very Jibera I patronage tended to me during the last few years, ' ^ and would say to them that I now have in chore, of my uwn Importation and Manufacture, R very exteneive wort. meut of all the dithirent kinds and qualities of FANCY FURS, for Ladt.ol and Children, that Will be worn during the Fall and Winter mambo. Being the direct ImpOrter of nit my Furs from Europe, nod having them all Ainunfaotured under my od, super- vision—enables me to offer my customers cud the public a 'nun handsomer Het of Furs for the same money. Ladies please give me a, call before purchasing. Please remember the name, number and street. . . JOUN .FdREIRA, No. 718 Arch street, Philadelphia asp 1.9.-Im] ALLEN & NEEDLES. Farmers reirod Dealers will please examine every bale and hag of Phosphate of Limb and see that it has the fol lowing brand :--••.drero Phillips' Genuine Improved Su vr.Phosphote of Lime. The standard guaranteed. Manufactured at bin Chemical Works, Camden, N. T., for ALLEN & NEEDLES, 41 804(4 Wharves and 42 03oxfe4 Water Street." Price 474 per 2000 IbEf. Oar SUPER- PROPPILM OP Linz M uniform In its chemical constituents, and can always be depended on. ALLEN & NEEDLES' FERTILIZER. racked in good alrong bags, 150 tbs. each. $3O per 2000 lbs. This 14 decidedly the cheapest Concentrated manure in ebeaper than BONA and lueta as Ivry. CM. lILT A. Mr 4130 • PERUVlAN—No.lboverurnent, received direct from the Peruvian Govornmect, at lowest market rate. ICHABON—A. very superior article, received direst from Ilio 14444. Igas per asooo lbs. PACIFIC OCEAN—A swan cargo of "old /cal/toned" genuine, packed in bags, very dry, and strong. $6O per 2000 lbs. PLASTER.— Ground Plaator, a Reporter avtlelo, peeked In good barrels BUBBS.—Gronnd Bones. Warranted Pare. Air A liberal deduction made to Dealers in the above articles. ALLEN 8c NEEDLES, 42 eolith Wharves and 41 South Water Street, (Faster STORE. Ano9ll Cnnaprur.) PHILADELPHIA. We sell no articles, but such as we can safely re commend. [J uly 25-2 mo HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS! sto.a.c.ims, RATS. NUM BED BUGS, ANTS, &c., Aro thoroughly destroyed by this most VALUABLE PREPARATION. NO MONEY WASTED IN BUYING IT, FOR IT NEVER FAILS. PRICE. • - 25 CENTS PER BOX Retailed by the following Drugglete in Reading: J. IL. llnCl , libt s , S. A. ;?1A1:611A Lay S. S. wrEvE:rs., JOHN 11. IZASY.ii, 11. W. IWEUI , and bEROI4 ER. Abu, Whulenaleti by S. A. MARSHALL, gnat Penn &Flare, and J. K. me strain', No. io, South Fifth Stmt. PRINCIPAL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEPOT, 139 south LOth st., Ist door ab. Walnut, P. I. I I .LADELPHIA, CAUTION: Each Box of the geuntne Exterminator bears the fan stmtle elignature or E. Burt. Jr. Honore and Fmk your Druk;gloto for BURT'S EXTERMI NATOR, sad Dooley. Daly 4.3nt0 OANART BIRDS. FINE ASSORTMENT OF CAGES, FISH Bonen, Canary, Hemp and Rape Panda. For aaln by J. L. 6TICUTER, aept ll+ , -R] FLU And Ann Street FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Oil' PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, Nos. 435 AND 437 CHESTNUT STREET. Capital, - - • - $400,000 00 Perpetual Premiums, • - $912,973 29 Less Five Per Cent. - - - 47,149 60 -- —406,824 08 Unexpired Temporary Premiums, 190,934 05 Less for the portion of time expir ed on polices Over one year, Surplus, Total, - Statement of the Assets of the Company, January 1, 1863, Pirnt Mortgagon, amply noenrad, $1,993,931 Olt Real Estate, (claimant value *1 N,922 47) cost 128,97 D 77 Temporary Loans, on ample Collateral Securities 84,621 77 Stocks, (pradeut value 899,378 16) cost • 84,901. 90 Notes and bills receivable, . - 1,54950 Cash, • - - 75,315 05 $3,369, 4 291 03 Advance In Value of neat Estate over coat, 9,351 70 Advance in Value of Stocks over coot, 13,473 69 Total, Jar The only Profits from Premitemewhlah Ude Com. pany can divide by law, are from Rieke whfeh have been determined. Extract from the Charter of the Comp:right "Bat the moneys received as Premiums aponitisks Which remain undetermined, and are ontatanding at the time of declaring such Dividend, shall not be considered as part of the profits of said Corporation, or divided as each." PERPETUAL OR LIMITED INSURANCES MADE ON EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY, IN Town and 'Country, For Ownore, Mortgagees, Ground Landlords, Ake. Jar. Eaten as low Ito are consistent with security. LOSSES BY FIRE. Lome paid durlag the year 1884, $89,7 SO 11 By order of the Board. Cif AS. N. BANCKER, President Attest—JAS. W. MeA MASTER, Seoretary pro tern. DIRECTORS. CHARLES N. BANCRER, DAVID S. BROWN, TOBIAS WAGNER, ISAAC LEA. SAMUEL GRANT. EDWARD C. DALE, JACOB R. SMITH, GEORGE PALES, GEORGE W. RICHARDS, ALFRED PITLER. CHARLES N. BANC ER, President. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. Lie- W. Itioamzerrze, Secretary pro tem. Air Applications for Insurance, made either personally or by letter, will be promptly attended to by J. LAWRENCE GETZ, Company, at Beading, Pa. April 4-Iy] Agent for th THE COLUMBIA INSURARCE COMPANY, OF COMMA, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. CHARTER PERPETUAL. THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO INSURE Buildings, 'Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage by Are, on the mutual plan, either for a 114. h premium or premium note. The large and increasing capital of the Company, con sisting of premium note s given by He members, and based upon $1,475,789 35 9 'neared on the mutual plan, affords a reliable guarantee equal to ten times the average loss on the amount insured and the Directors pledge themeelvee to deal as liberally with there who may sustain lime or damage ea the ease will admit of, constatent with Jastiee to all partlo4 oon cerood. Amount of Premium Notes, $155,620 49 Balanee of Comb Preminum unexpend ed. January 'let, 1862, $1,688 67 • • • Cult reatipts duriug flab your 11362, less spats' 'commissions, Cash rhbelpts 1u Jannary, 1863, L 013.11 and Expenses paid daring the 3 - ear 1962, 6,329 73 Balance unexpended, Feb. 2d, 1t63, 8,016 11 $9,315 84 GROROB TOUNO, Ja., Secretary. MIGRACI, 6. SHOtatitt Treitearel% DIRECTORS: R. T. RYON, EPHRAIM HERSHEY, ABRAHAM BRUNER, MICHAEL H. MOORE, JOHN HEApRICH, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., It, O, NOW 13, NWHOLAS MCDONALD, EAMIIEL F. EEERLEIN, AMOS E. GREEN, MICHAEL S. SHUMAN. iHr• PHILIP ZHOU., Ninth and Penn strain Reading, fa the Agent for the above-named Company, and will take risks In city and country at the tomcat rate. Juue IS, 1663-6ino* INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE r , Fi1e , 02111 , 1. AI 4.* ‘,4‘l-x-4.41- 'lll OFFICE, NOS. 4 AND IS EXCHANGE BUILDING, North Side of Walnut St., Between Dook and Third Ste PHILAD.ELPIIIA. INCORPORATED IN 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL, -• esaceot.coaco. Properties of the Company, Feb. 1, 1863, $493,829 67. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation Insurance. DIRECTORS HENRY D. IMBRUED, OITAILLMMAGLLESTER„ WILLIAM S. SMITH, JOHN B AUSTIN, EDWARD C. KNIGHT, HENRY Ct. FREEMAN, GEORGE C. CARSON, HENRY WILLIAM HARPER, Semi Sir Applications for Insarar LIAM KEELY, at Howard & May 16, 18U3-17 . SIMItERD, Preddent. atary. nce may be made to WIL- Co's. Erpreed °Mee. OLD ESTABLISHED XI = SES X I 9LL' -A- X& No. 5 Beaver Bt., Albany, New-York, On the Prenelt System. Out& OPIPPR and Low Prices 20,00 u Patients Oared Annually. DR. TELLER CONTINUES TO EE CONFl dentially and successfully consulted on all forms of private diseases at his old established Hospital, No. berm street, A (hay, liow•ltork. Twenty years devoted to thin one particular branch of practice, enables him to perform cares each as no other physician can: and his facilities, are such, (being in correspondence with the most celebrated physicians of the Old World) of obtaining She nzfePt as well es the latest remedies for these diseases, of fer inducements to the unfortunate of a quick and Mid curs, In be obtained at no other MA. in America. In syphilis, gonorrhoea, gleet, strictures, enlargement of the testicles and spermatetic cords, limbo, ulcerated throat, sore throat, tender shin bones, cutaneous eruptions, Idles, Ricers, abecesses, and all other impurities of the system, aft perfectly coder cootrol of the uoctore medicines, and have been testedgn more than $O,OOO cues annually with immure swum YOUNG MEN addicted to corral habits. who have im paired their health and destroyed the vigor of their minds, thee depriving themselves of the pleaeurea of married life, are nutitled Wei in consulting Dr, J. Teller, they will led a friend to console and & phyeician who has cured thon sands, in almost every part of the United States, who , ep. plied to Df. T. broken down in health, now rejoice in all that noshed life desirable and man happy. The reader is of coarse aware that the delicacy of the subject will pre vent a more minute description of Chia terrible disease. DR. TELLER'S CiREAT WORK.—e. book foreverybody. Startling disclosures. Dr. Teller's great work for the mar fled and thew contemplating marriage-200 pages—full of plaice—price 211 cents Sect to all parts, under seal, by mall, poet paid. The single married and the married happy. A lecture on Love, or how to choose a partner— e complete work on midwifery. It contains handfed% of secrets never before published. Warranted to be worth three times the amount asked for it. 25 cents, in specie or .peerage stamps, enclosed, will secure a copy by return mail. Dr. Teller has devoted a life time to the sure of those diseases of which his book Create. TO Tile MOIRA—Dr-7. Teller efll Wallis Om Only Agency to America for the sale of Dr. Vinci's Dalian Fe. male Monthly Pills The age of more than 20,00.1 boxes eetablishee their reputation as a Female remedy, neap mamma, and far in advance of ovary other medicine for stoppages, Irregularities, and other obstructions In females. CAOTlON.—Married ladles, In certain delicate situations should Auld their ore. For reasons, see directions which accompany each package,. for the guidance of patients.— On the receipt of 81, (the price per box) these pills will be sent, by mail or exptess, to any part of the world, secure from curiosity or damage. Air Office bourn from 8 A. at. to A p. st.; and on Sends) , from 2 to 6 P. Rl. N. IL—Pommo at a dintance Can be voted at home, by addressing a letter to a. Teller, enclosing a remittauce.— Medici ass securely packed from observation, sent to any part of the world. All cases warranted. No charge for advice. No students or boys employed. Notice this—ad. dram all lettere to T . TELLBIt. M. D. May 10-1 y) No. Beaver street, Albany, N.Y. TEM GREAT Dyspepsia Remedy and Blood Searcher. TR. ~ MARKLEY'S HEALTH RESTORATIVE BI,SAM —This celebrated Medicine is offered to the ic.n lic as the best remedy for Dyopepoia,Liver Complaint, Headache, Piles, inseams of the Blood, Bruptione of the Skis, eta. IT HAS CURED THOUSANDS 1 IT IS A NEVER FAILING REMEDY! TRH IT I Read what It has done for Mr. AnNita D. CAMPBELL, of the firm of Campbell & Marshall, Boot and ghee dealers, Centre - r•quare. LANCASTIIIt, PA., March 4, 1803. Dr. G. H. MAnicrmir—Dear air: Fur many years I was the victim of Dyspepsia in its moot aggravated form ; my system having become no much deranged and debilitated, that I wan unable to perform any kind of labor. I had re coned to the bast doctors within reach, without relief. I used some of the most popular remedies of the day, but nose of them did me any gaud. My sutferiage cannot be described in word.. I was then living at Hopewell, Chem. ter county, and in 1817, ne a Met resort, I commenced the non of your medicines. They soon afforded me relief from the most painful symptoms which I had scarcely hoped to obtain ; and in a eurprleingly short time I wascompletely restored to health, and I have enjoyed the best of health ever since—not a symptom of my old complaint remain ing. Since then, I have always kept your medicines In my reMity, sad-Would not be without them upon any con sideration, as they have never failed to do what you claim for them. Respectfully yours, A. D. ABELL. This is but one of the ninny testimonials d a lly received In praise of Mile great medielue. For sale by HARVEY BIRCH & BROTHER. JaanB-fi] Drogglgs, No. 0$ WestPenaSt.. need*. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA. MEDZOAL DEPARTMENT. NINETZEIOIITII SESSION (11103-84). WILLIAM GIBSON, M. D., EMERITUS Protestor of Surgery. e gura g B. Woo',, M. D., Emeritne Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. &MEL Jecueog, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Institute. of Medicine. MUHL L. Home, M. D. Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and the lineeanee olWomen and Children. Jossrn Cannon, M. D., Fro.. of Miner's Modica and 10,068 40 -- -4171,625 65 924,766 11 Pharmaey. Rolm B. EMIRS. At D., Professor of Chembity. JOHRPH MOM M. D., Professor or Anatomy. Harntir H. SMITH, 31. D., Professor of Surgery. WILLIAM PEPPAR, M. D., Professor of Theory and Praotlce 4:4 7 30:30.16 39 of Medicine. P. OVItNIVI ganall, M. D., Professor of Ins Mateo of Medi Vine. R. A. F. Prelims, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children. JOHN H. PACKARD, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Tlw stop October enton will begin on the eeeond Non stop of and Non on (be lira Amrch. One Introductory will be delivered to the Course. Clinical ineirnetion is given throughout the Session, In the Medical Ball, by the Professore, and at the Hospital.. At the Philadelphia Ifoopital, containing oil bade. In struction is free. Military Surgery and Hygiene will be fully taught by the appropriate chairs. The Dissecting Roome. tinder the superintendence of the Professor of Anatomy and the Demonstrator, are mum from the Middle a fleptembat. The Room for Operative Surgery and the Application of Bandages, &e., is open early In September and throughout the Session, under the supervision of the Professor of Sur. SwF. Surgical DeMOZtßtittOre, •O. S. Brener M. D. rt. 1.13110 X rsODGIC, M. D. Fees for the Lectures (each Professor . $l O5 Matriculation Fee (paid once only), . . . 5 Graduation Fee, •• 35 R. B. ROGERS, Di D., .dean (VW Midicai Faculty, University Building. BAIIOIIL PRICE, Tirniter, University Building. P. EL—Board may be had at from G 50 to a 5 per week. aug 29-Si CONCEINTILASED XLIELTNEZIIIII2I3. 0.1. THE GREAT REVIVER SPEEDILY eradicates all the evil effects of SELF-ILBUSS, as oss of Memo:fry, Shortness of Breath, Giddiness, Palpita tion of the Heart, Mumma of Vielon, or any coneOustional derangements of the system, brought on by the unrestrain ed Indulgence of the passions. Ade alike on either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will ewe In from two to eight days, any case of GONOREHCP.A, in without taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex. Fries One Dollar. No. 3. TER TERM will eats to the shorted palate time, any ease of NLRB% even after all other Remedies have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell. Price One Dollar. . . No. 4. THE PUNITER is the only Remedy that will re ally cure Eirleturee of the Urethra. Nei:natter of how long standing or rogtootott the case may be. Pries One Dollar. No. 6. THE sOLI7TOR will ewe any ease of 0 permanently and speedily remove all afflictions of the Blad der and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. No 6. FOR PARTICULARS EBB CIRCULAR. No. 7. TUB:MARIN will sere the Whites radically, and to stanch Amer this than they ran be remand by ally other treatment. In that, is the only remedy that will B ally correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price HMI Dollar. No. B. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are certain, safe and speedy in producing MilliffrairATlON, or Onrinnting any Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollar. N 0.9. FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either Remedy sent free by mall on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get a Circular. General Depot North-East corner of York Avenue and Callowhill Street, Private Office 401 York Avenue, Phila delphia, Pa. For sale in Reading, only by HARVEY BIRCH & BRO., where Circulars containing valuable information, with hill descriptions of each case, will be delivered gratis, on ap plication. Address DR. FELIX BIiIINON. aug I-1y) P. 0. Box 99, Philadelphia," Pa. 6,78 t 47 896 80 - - 199,846 84 %%VAC STOA L c ot . e r 1 4K2444w .e . A .414 WI i ) tt j) i LEE 011/24r: f EU 1 PHILADELPHIA. MATTRESSES. Bode, Feathers Blankets , Comfortable., quilts ; cl4siutugkis, And all other articles belonging to the business. Feb. 14-Iy] AMOS HILLBORN. A. S. ORION, Preaident. HARDWARE & IRON STORE, AND MAITALS. MLLE SUBSCRIBERS, HAVING BOUGHT the old Established Hardware and Iron Store of the late Frisker, Stevenson & Co., and having added a large new Moon of goods ; would respectfully call the attention of the Mlle to their large wortment of HARDWARE, CUTLER IRON, STEEL, pArivirs, OILS, GLASS, SADDLERY, COACH TRIMMINGS, &e., &c., Which they are determined to sell at the very lowest Mar ket Prices, wholesale and retail. GEORGE LERCH & CO., Corner of Fifth and Market Square, next door to Borboa's Mansion Howie. (Kelm's Old Stand). GEORGE LERCH.] Jan 18 [J. T. JACKSON. WILLIAM N. WHITS or.unin H. STUART? SAMUEL GRANT, Jr., TOBIAS WAGNER, THOMAS B. WATTSON, CHARLES S. LEWIS. zip. S. I. F. D. E. %A STATEN ISLAND FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO., PROPRIETORS. Offices: No. 47 North Eighth St. Phila— delphia, and 5 t 7 John St., New-York. OUR SUCCESS 'IN DYEING AND CLEANS IMF GAUDIN of Meet. Meth, htlh, Nerine, De Laine, he., he., and iIaWLS of al moot every description, le no well known that we only desire to remind our Mends and the public generally, that the season ter getting ready their Fall Goode Is now at bend. I Goode received end returned hy Expreee. ang 111-3nto] BaltiflTT, tIIiPIIItWg & HAS ItEMOVAD HIS Wholesale Fancy Dry Goods and Notion More, TO No. 16, WEST PENN NTJARS, REAPIR43, ADJOINING JOHN B. PEARSON & CO'S., where he offers to the trade and retail customers, the largest and moot desirable assortment of goode.ln his line ever brought to this Qtly. His stock consists in pars of Hosiery and Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Tailors' Triaggiv, Perfumery and Panay Soaps; Jewelry, Combs, Pins, Needles, Thread, Sewing Silks, &a, Shoe Findings, Drags, Stationery, Cutlery, and a great variety of Miscellaneous Articles a;d Notions too numerous to mention. IMP' Country Merchants, Pedlars, Milliner, and other, supplied by wholesale at the lowest city prim fur Cull. May t, 130. INVALID CORPS. ATTENTION, INVALIDS ! 'UNLISTED MEN HONORABLY DISCHARG ju ea on account of disability, desiring to reve Corps, will present themselves to the Board of Enro l lment for the District in which they reside, for examination by the Surgeon thereof, who shall make a p9rougg examl➢P klon of them, nod report the result to the Board of Enroll• went. The Board shall then consider each cane, and if the ap plicant is found to fulfil the conditions specified, the Board "hall give him a certificate (according to the form furnish ed) to that effect. The horn of fialilfitfif Afif. bhall. be Three (3) 'Tears or during he War. For particulars apply to the Provost Marshal. Yu., 13,1863-If CONOORDIA HALL, NO. 369 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D. C. TNE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fatIy inform their numerous friends throughout Perks county, that they have leaned the above Hotel, and arelOi• prepared to accommodate all who MILT favor them with their patronage. At our bar may be found the best and parent liquors, while the table is supplied with the best the market affords. THOMAS HUMPHREY. June 13-tfJ PRANK BITTING. O. C. MAZITZBERGER. No. G& East Penn St.,betureen Sixth and Seventh, North Side, READING. PA., , DRAM! IN ALL RINDS OF TOBACCO, SEGARS & SNUFF. comm. ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP MEERSCHAUM, BRIER ROOT, AND FANCY PIPES. Nay 30,1863-ti WILLIAM PENN HOUSE CORNER OF PENN AND TENTH STS., READING, PA. BE.WroIar.TTIC GRANT, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE BEING A LICENSED TAVERN, the heat of lig/tors are kept at. the Bar, and as good a table as any other Hotel In the county. Accommoda tions for Boarders and Trael/era, Chews rawgable; 131. Lends from 9to 11 9 o'clock, daily. pine 6-11 BOUNTY MONEY BACK-PAY AND PENSIONS, A P to PLICATION Ig S Ii P s R n ra , L A Y ttor A n T ey T a E t NZD May 80-ti] Office In Court Street, Reading. T EL -EXTRA FINE OOLONG TEA, AT POIWOOKI4. Jrib 40 Sealolllh SIM DR. BRUNON'S REMOVAL. HENRY CROUSE, :1. CONSTITUTION WATIER. Tgii *AMA'S aZiniz bl , FOR THE ICJC:EDITMTXTICPX. X AND THE ONLY KNOWN REAUZY FOR DIABET4S AND DISEMOS OF TILE KIDNEYS AND B LADDER . rt., Dan g er,. and Tronbkome DIRPORO, OM star Breland. the brSt dir,med m ainor i Completely Controlled by the A' Ear r now '‘• - • THE CURATIVE properties of the medicine direct themselves in the secretion, and by eo altering the condition ,f and liver that the starchy principle of the (ad i,'p r ut varied Into engar so lung ail the velem ie mule: 'Menne of the CONSTITUTION IVA TER, which eyes those organs time itt mover their hrea., and rigor. We are able to state that the Coapat ter has cured every case of Diabetes to which 44-4'; given. STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GI , BRIONDUST DEPOSITS, AND me:cou;;;nlL MILKY DISCHARGES AFTER EMMA rata. Disease occurring from one and the same caste L entirely cured by the Constitution Water, Ittakto length of time. The dose should vary with the the disease, from twenty drops tp a teaspostanl a day, in water. During the passage of the (hdrc.. -- * pain and argent symptoms avoid be eon' haw' proper remedies, directed lowed up whir the cereei:t Water, as above DYSMENORRIHRA, OR PAINFUL NENSTIWATI-2. AND IN MENOREHAGIA OR PRoMIS FLOWING, Bath diseases arising from a faulty kokreliou of tut °l ` °Vaal the one case being too little, ; t ,' panted by severe pain ; and the other a too • dome: Or hich will be speedily cured by the • ,dtetia The diseeee know as FALLING OF THE 11,Tme ut e lathe relaxation of the ligaments of that an6„,' l known by a sense of heavinege and dragging back and sides, and at times accompanied by it, snarpr,,i'.! siting or shooting pains through the piing, tr gisee, be removed by the medicine. There Is another class of symptoms arldim tn,„ ; 3z , TATION OF TB WOMB, which physicians call aces, Which word covers up mach Ignorance, and cases out of tenths doctor does not really knew the symptoms are the disease, or the disuse the sylko e al .; We can only eartmerate them berm I speak more panit: early of Ould Feet, Pcipitattolt of the heart Memory, Walrefoinese, Plashes of Heat, Laugur, L 7 tude, and Dimness of Vision.. . . . . . . . SUPPRESSBD ItIRNSTRZIATIOY, Which in the unmarried female to a constant roceni, ammo', and through neglect the seeds of mortgrats dfilitereles maladies are the MUM; Ind RI month e. month Fame., without an effort being nude t.) mk t wto : the suppression becomes chronic, the patient gredud, looses her appetite, the bowels are Constipated, sweats on, and conmemption finally suds haler., LBIICORRHCE4 04 mum This Mews., depends Upon an Intlatomatlon of mew lining of the vagina and womb. It ix in ell ewes ecom. panted by severe pain in the back, soon the bowels e:i through the hips. A teaspoonful of the modieine soy h taken three times a day, with an injection of a tel of the medicine, mixed with a baltpiat of 64 kt... ; morning and evening. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF TYR BLAIibER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDAREV.ASh OATA.RRHOF THB BLADDER, STRA.N. QUAY AND BURNING , OR PALI , FU:k URINATING. For these diseases it is truly ei sovereign remedy, RUN mach cannot be mid In its praise. A single demise bed known to relieve the most argent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the ema of the back and through the blue? A teenpoonfal n day e Couellitilim Wilier will relieve you like mule, 1i ?R DYSPEPSM, It bas no equal in relieving the moat dietrsestug Mme. Also, Headache, Heartburn, Add Stomach, tint!; tag Food, &a. Take a teaspoonful after thaner. TheCee in all cases may be increased if desired, hat iloaiti done gradually. PHYSICIANS Have long share given np the nee of boeho, enbehe n! juniper in the treatment of them Comm% and oath oe them for Wont of a bettor remedy. CONSTITUTION WArkw Rao proved heir equal to the task that tel denlod upon it. DIURETICS Imitate and drench the kidney'', and by conduit nee Wll lead to chronic degeneration, and d c anreled dawn.. MAMA, saul. RISAA DAN PILLS, Pa., Jane 2,191. Dr. WM. H. Clitano—Dear In February, was afflicted with the sugar diabetes, and for are math I passed more than two gallons of water is twenty-kr hours. I was obliged to get op as often as ten er twela times during the night, and in are minas (oeisGuti Ili pounds in weight. Daring the month of July, 1011, lir, cared two betties of Constitution Water, and In two do after using it I experienced relief, and after tsidisgted ties I wan entirely oared, soon after regaining my eaG good health. Yours truly. J. V. L. DE WITT. Hogan'Conssam, N. V., D. 27,1:41 Wr. H. CREDO & CO.: Gents :—I freely give you liberty to make in 4:ki following Certificate of the value of CoNartrcrion Wrau which I can recommend in the highest manner. My wife, who was attacked with pain in the Amain whole length ofihe back. and in her limb], with Pstg.:. tion of the Heart, attended with .Firlitng of the 11 , ,r% DyfratetiOrrhota, and Irritation of the Bladder. I eeDds physician, who attended her about three months, left her worse than he foiled her. I then employed oo the beat physicians I could and, who attended her fur.b , v nine months, and while ehp wgq Rieder Ma faro 61a , J;4114 matter quite as much pain; be finally gave bee op ai said : "her case was incurab/e." For, said be, "ale to such a combination of complaints, that medicine gic.n for one operates against some o ther of her illSicialvt' .About this time, she • commenced the nee of Coat:Mc:4 Water. and to oar aitw astonishment, almost the dos 4.. n. seemed to have the desired effect, and she kept on iMprof• tug rapidly under its treatment, and now enperin:eohter tirely her domentio agaira. She has not taken suy of hn Constitution Water for about four weeks, and we ereicm to say it has produced a permanent care. WM- M. VAN BEASIMIO4E9. MILFORD, Dom, Nov. lie, lig. Dr. W. A. Gazao: Dear Sir :—I have (or several years, been afilkled fits that troublesome and dangerous disease—Grata—wits; resisted all [Medias and dalliers, until I took Coafiliatisi Water, and you may be assured that I was excesdkil pleased with the result,. It haseattrety eared me, sedy,i may make any nee of my name you may see fit naafi to the medicine, as I have entire confidence in in ogeirf. Yours truly, POSP STEM • THERE ARE PACTS BROM] I. There' sno class of diseases that produce such Wl:* leg effeets upon the human constitution as Plebe's! n 1 Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary roam and through false modesty they are neglected nal I:1 are 100 advanced as to be beyond the control of orthwf remedies, and we present the UONNTiiTITION WATER To the public with the conviction that it has np elcsYt relieving the clews of diseases for which it hits beer hal co eminently BUCCEIBtife in caring and w e tent flat,: shall be rewarded for oar efforts In placing so valosEle t remedy in a form to meet the isoaltemests of pitiat vt physician. BOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE $l. WM. H. ORSINI & ~ Prorietors Morgan & Allen, General Agents, N o. 46 Cll p 6 RNA New-lork. (Nov. 29 166:4T. COAL, WOOD, SALT, ir—dirmrsEc esz. mieuler. SAMUEL SOONE, (vouuBBLY) Bohn Malinger, Sri, Corner of Penn and Front Streets, Reed 4 StoveAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND `gas I at reasonable prices, all kinds of Broken, Egea tove Coal; Nut, Chestnut and Bituminous Coal, Salt Lt and Band. Jar Persona in want of anything In my line, will tat to their adyantage to give me o poll berete purch" ln gq i *hem. T. deliver 'hoe of extra charge to my Pat city. Ott 64 AMOS ILTIEDZIeII 08 7‘ ) 11.11 WHOLESALE AND RET/IL ~ 4:: SADDLE AND HARNESS - ,-_--- ,_,,. MANUFACTORY, ?: 7r° „ ;#1 1 -- BAST PENN STREET, SOTTO q. ,- I`A t? , ),./ SEVENTH AND ER I, T South Bide, nearly oppadte iso "4 .lit Berke County Timm l,' --• '" 1 ' 1 ~. •', i place Dan of the ash awl, _ b ' b —balib*.teitaldl. January I E 4, E A B E 6_ ll f EI TA. F. WESCHE, MANUFACTURER OF IRON RAILINGS, BELL•HLF OO AND LOCKABLITH, 14T THE OLD AND WELL-KNOWN STOP, Court Alley, above Sixth Meet, near the Coal 80, Reading. Fa. Keys made, and, all aorta of repairing dm, at 4. 1 notice. Pierce t,-000 MONEY WANTED ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. APPIN TO JACOB C. 60 010ER ' CommercW [March ti Moe—Court street. MONEY TO LOAN. APPLY TO Office—Cortrt stmt. OILALIONS t (.111111.10X4 GRLANS CAN CONSTANTLY BE BAP LAUER BREWERY, corner o Third aod 0640.0 streets. F. Li(31 6 Deeemhor 7.1881-V PARTIES WISHING TO SELL Olt 11;8. CRASS Beal Estate, will do well to call epos JACOB untows II SCl lal BterloElfb... 0111es—Conrt street. nrrifT RECNIVIIP, 2(xx) FLOWER POTS, AT THE OLDJA IL Oct 4-tt wm. enOiDiL WOE, SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, 200 W I U IS Granite Tea &Wet the newest style. UOR.SALE AT THE OLDJAIL, 200 HBAN CIE A.i.Dbairletts oribeneweatstyle. JAoil Conimere: cwb
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers