Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, October 03, 1863, Image 3
potts sub ftenstlat. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1863. : ,. /f ALL BALLOTS OR BAYONETS PULS ? ihe prioacrats say ballots, and by this mode come and prosperity. The Republicans say off and through these come tyranny, 1 . 1,111 val rain and desolation. • INOTIIER VICTORY BY SCHENCK fimiersi sehencli, the Dictator of Baltimore, ht pined another splendid victory. He has ,47:ared a poor schoolmaster and sent him into e ge for the grave crime of telling the truth. De Der, Frederick Gibson, Principal of the chestnut llfli Seminary, a Boarding School near Biltimore, was arrested a few days ago by the iilittlfy authorities of that city, and sent no one 1 . 01 0 where, for the alleged oirene6 of Writing s..di,loyal" letter to an influential gentleman g felon s entiments, who desired to enter his f oe at fi r ,Oibson's school. The following le a e qy of the letter: Ilsisisous, September 24, 1.863.—Gen. G. G . 1.1031.0, Washington, D. C.—Dear Sir:—Your foe of the 21st instant reached me last even jog. I should be most happy to receive your eon but think it only proper to inform you that in the unhappy differences which now distract the „wry, all my pupils this year, without neap. advocate the Southern side. In view of ais, I fear your son would not find it pleasant we. Tours, very rospectfully, FRBDERICE. GIBSON. Baca. F. Burton, a t' Breckinridger" of 1 1 ;;J, is now making Abolition speeches in this Er e e . Bon. holds a hiejor-Oenerairs commission order Lincoln, and his friend Breakinridge holds me of the same under Jeff. Davis. Ben., as is v pv inir a, ha 4 command in New Orleans some d o e ago, and was suddenly recalled and put on ;be retired list, without a word of explanation. It is now more than suspected that Ben. was Vilty of holding private conferences with his 01 friend Break., in which it was agreed be tween them, that—as the restoration of the Democratic party . to power, and with it, the ipirit of compromis e , which was always potent to tare the Union, is the only thing the SeeoS tioni2te haft to fear—Ben. should pretend to. :an Abolitionist, and help along the disunion wise which Break. has so near at heart, by back ing np Linooln's determination to pervert the Ler far the Union into an Abolition war. This Mil satisfactorily account - for Butler's sudden conversion from a "Brookins lager" into a " Lin obits." Ben. and Break. dortbtlese understand each other, and his Abolition speeches are only —what all such harangues are—secessionism in diguibe. ANOTHER DRAFT. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28,1863.—The reverse in Northern Georgia compels the Government to rise more troops than it had contemplated. The rcein draft will not give the Government over enemy-five thousand men, and it is said in some quarters that this estimate is too high by twenty .f.lB thousand. Another draft will undoubtedly Wm place very soon, except in those States abide prefer to raise the fall quota, and can do it, by volunteering. Nearly all the Western il , ates will raise their quotas by volunteering, as the Government offers a bounty of three hundred dollars. The War Department is convinced that it has male one mistake in reference to the draft. It int permitted its surgeons to be too particular in the examination of drafted men. The Depart ment finds that where it has bad poor surgeons, yet men of practical sense, it has obtained most rim and where the most skillful and exact star pin have had the handling of drafted persons, the Government has fared badly. The next draft will probably be for six hundred ticastati men, and the expectation of the Gov ernment will be, under new instructions, to ob tain outt.tlaira of the men drawn es soldiers. The two drafts and the volunteering. it is estimated, will give about three hundred thousand men by tie Ist of next January. This will do very well, trader the eircumetasees.—Cloovevondenee of the Sir- York Evening Past. POLITICS IN THE ARMY. Letter from the Penna. Reserve Corps. CAMP 6mt REGIXENT P. R. V. C., } OThrfirmait Comp HOUSE, VA., September 26th, 1863. MR. EDITOR Permit a little space in your columns in order to inform your readers of the true facts existing in the Army of the Potomac," regarding poli• tics. The opposition papers are howling and straining every nerve to prejudice the people against our candidate, Judge Woodward. One if their leading hobbies is about the "right of Mirage." Now, we Democrats, here in the army, think that Judge Woodward did only his duty as a Judge in deciding according to the plain letter of tie Constitution. Now they want to make it appear that he decided wrongly—thinking, no doubt, thatlhe vote of the army would insure their noon at the coming election. You can rest assured, Mr. Bditor, hat there are equally as many Democrats bearing arms towards crushing this rebellion, as there are ' lepublicane or Abolitionists, and were we allow ed to vote, we would prove it so. Another scheme by which they have been trying to in.. doence their friends up North is this: Some of the leading officers at the head of several regi ments, ordered their men to take a vote on the DM candidates, but they Wok Very good care previously to inform the men, if they would tarn out very strong for Curtin, he would order them back to the State before the election. They tried that game in the 10th Regiment Penna. Reserves, and had their proceedings published. Teen a captain in our regiment (oth) attempted the same game, expecting the other companies would follow his example, but how sorely was he mistaken ! They only laughed at his ill sue• mos. I must here state that the captain belongs to the smoked yankee tribe," as we term the Abolitionists here in the may some assert that lie merely did it to gain a promotion by the ope ration, hut he ought to have known better, for there is no vacancy in the regiment. Another thing I notice in nearly every Aboli tion journal: - They say that Governor Curtin, Was " the soldiers' friend." It is indeed amusing to heir every means tried in order to be success ful. I am sure he has isomers friends here in the army than Judge Woodward has. The papers MP that he has done so much for the welfare of the Pennsylvania soldiers. To make it shori on that point, he has done no more than any other Governor has done for his troops, and no more than was his duty to us. Since we left the State in July, 1861, he has done nothing for us, Cave presenting us with colors at the expense of the State. But still they say he has done so much for the Pennsylvania soldiers, and aspect. ally for the Pennsylvania Reserves. Re has paid a few visits to the army since the war coin. lanced, but I should like to be informed by an Abolition journal, what good was derived from his visits T I will, however, answer myself, that they tried to derive some good out of his late visit to the Headquarters of the Pennsylvania heserves, when General Meade was presented with a sword. His associates, Forney, McMichael and a few more, put forth every endeavor to make a political scheme out of it, much to the chagrin of many present on the occasion. lam aware that some went away disgusted, for the sword was not intended for that purpose, hat was purchased as a tribute of their regard to Gen. Meade as their old commander_ Such men as say : " bet partyism rest," are the first ones that howl for partyism, whenever an opportunity presents itself. I notice in the Abolition journals from up North, which reach US occasionally, that they want to make it appear that the Democrats are enemies to the govern ment and the Union. But to prove the contrary, I advise such editors to pay a visit to the army, and listen to the sound principles the Democrats uphold ; and then they will become satisfied that they are truly loyal to the Union and Constitu tion, and in time of battle they can be seen about as far ahead ae those that harp so much on their ".loyalty." ha the coming battle in Pennsylvania on the 13th of October, I want to hear the Abolitionists' right flank turned, and their party totally demoralized, which is the wish of myself and many fellow f aoldiera in NMI. I em yours, Ac. Sergi. IT. B. BI7IIKEET. WAR NEWS! LATEST PROM GEORGIA. REPORTS FROM REBEL SOURCES. ROSEICRANS REINFORCED. Rumored Defeat of General Weitzel, in Louisiana Bombardment of Sumter Resumed. The Richmond Bxaminer of the .29th ult., brt.yo that Lee has officially communicated to Jeff. Davis that Roseorans has been reinforced by the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps of the Federal army. The same paper says that General Weitzel has been defeated by Dick Taylor, in Louisiana. The rebel less in the Cuicateauga battle is set down at 12,000, but it is probably more. The rebels report that, Burnside has retreated to Knoxville, and that the confederates have occupied Jones boro. Nothing having been heard from Roseerans since Saturday, the towns of the west are filled With rOMMW Of disaster and defeat to him. A deserter from Richmond says that there are from 10,000 to 12,000 troops in that oity. The ram Merrimac is lying in the river and another gunboat; called the Lady Davis, has been com pletely iron plated. From rebel journals we learn that the Union troops fired upon the ruins of Fort Sumter on the 28th ult., for the first time for several weeks. The rebels report no damage done. The rebel batteries were still firing upop . the Union work ing parties. The iron-clad fleet were at their old anchorage and perfectly quiet. The Charles ton Courier reports that the Net fired a solute in honor of Admiral Farragut 's arrival at that port. FROM GEN. MEADE'S ARMY. In Gen. Meade's army everything remains the same, nor are there any indications of immedi• ate active operations. Gen. Hill's entire rebel corps is said to be on the south aide of the Rapi dan. The pickets of the enemy are en the north and west of our lines. A few days since a large force of the rebels were seen in motion towards Blue Ridge. DZIELOGRATIO EffEETELINIS. MASS MEETING IN KUTZTOWN The sixth Democratic Ratification Mass Meet ing in Berke county, was held an Saturday, Sep tember 26th, DIM. in the borough of Kutztown. The attendance was very large, and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. The surrounding town ships were well represented, particularly Oley and Mesetawny, the Democratic Clubs of which townships came in a mass in procession, with numerous flags and banners bearing appropriate inscriptions. The Oley Club arrived in wagons, decorated With banners and evergreens, and beaded with the Oley Drags Rand, in their large chariot. At 1 o'clock, P. Id., all the delegations united in a grand procession through the streets, to the lively music of the Kutztown and Oley Elands. The little " Wide-Awake" cannon be longing to our friend Iltm;•Rhoads, jr., of Read ing(which he won from the Wide-Awake Club in 1860) mounted on a wagon, brought up the rear of the procession, and at intervals made the sur rounding mountains echo with its loud reports. At about 2 o'clock, the procession halted in front of the stand erected for the occasion, when the meeting was organized by the election of DAM Burs Esq., of Ma:seaway, as President, with 26 Vice Presidents and 6 Secretaries. The meeting was addressed by the lion. J. Glancy Jones, in English, and by A. L. Ruhe, Esq., of Allentown, and D. E. Schrager, of Lancaster, in German. The Committee on Resolutions, through their Chairman, 11. 11. Schwartz, Esq., reported a oriel of strongly Democratic and patriotic Redo ItitiODS, which were unanimously adopted. The meeting was continued during the eve ning and was again addressed by Mr. Rubs, Messrs. Swift and Sohcedler, and by Mr. Allen Ilottenetein, of Maxatowny. MASS MEETING AT POTTSTOWN A very large mass meeting of the Democracy of Montgomery and adjoining counties, was held in Pottstown, on Saturday last, the 26th ult. Large delegations were present from Berks and Chester counties, with flags, banners, music, Sta. Amity, Colebrookdale, Douglass and other lower townships of Berks, were well represented. The Douglass delegatiob were accompanied by thirty four young ladies, dressed in the national colors, and representing the States of the Union as it was under Democratic rule, who rode in a large wagon handsomely decorated, and made a very attractive appearance. The Boyerstown d.elega- Lion rode in one eight-horse and one six-horse team, decked with branches of evergreens and wreaths of leviers. Gen. Jolts H. HOBART presided, and among the Vice Presidents, were hieslirs. Solomon L. Caster, David B. Manger, Daniel Beaty and Samuel Hook, of Berks county. The meeting was addressed by lion. C. W. Carrigan and Hon. William H. Witte. The de legations were escorted into town by Andre's Cornet Band, and Guldin's Excelsior Cornet Band was also present. A meeting was held in front of Yohn's Hotel, in the evening, which was ad— dressed by Charles Hunsioker, Esq. UNION TOWNSHIP CLUB. The Democrats of Union township met at the public house of Jacob Bruner, on Tuesday even ing, September 22d, 1863, for the purpose of forming a Democratic Club. The meeting organised by appointing Dr. W. C. Dosser as President, and Assay. B. Manama as Secretary. On motion of George Smith, jr., a Committee (consisting of one from each School District) was appointed to report permanent officers for the Club. The Committee, after retiring a short time, reported the following officers President—AßNEß B. MAUGEIt. Vice Presidents-- Ilerman Um stead, Elias Moore. Recording Secretaries—Jacob U. Flannery, Geo. Smith, jr. Corresponding Beeretetritt—K 11. Ilmstead, IV. C. Bosset. Treasurer—Daniel Healy. Executive Committee—Jacob Root, David Lord, Henry Kerlin, Daniel Healy, Jacob Flannery, George Smith, jr., Herman Umetead, John Fill man, William Bishop, Jacob Wamshet, Jacob Zorr, Washington Sands. MEETING AT FLEETWOOD • - A Democratic Mace Meeting was held at the public house of Levi Templin, in Fleetwood, on Friday, Sept. 25th, at which Mr. BENJAXIN MEV. was President; Col. Daniel Hoch, Thomas Wanner, John Madeira, Samuel Rothermel, Colt rane Sohweyer and Samuel Schlegel, were Vice Presidents; sud Wm. Bernhard, Secretary. The meeting was addressed by lion. S. E. Ancona and Dr. Chrtrles H. Wanner; and adjourned to meet. again at the same place on Tuesday, the 6th of October, at 4 o'clock, P. M. MEETING IN CIIMIOJ A Democratic Meeting wee held at Gonglera villa, in CuMt% township, Oil Saturday limit, Sept. 26th. The attendance of the Democrats of that and the neighboring townships, wee large. The Breakneck Club, in particular, turned out in force, and made a fine display. The meeting wee addressed by Hon. S. E. Ancona and Jen° G. Hawley, Esq. MEETING AT SINKING SPRING. A good meeting of the Democracy of Spring township. Was held on Saturday last, Sept. 26th, at Sinking Spring. Mr. Micamm GOODUAP was President, and Dr. Ltvanuoon Secretary. Wm. Rosenthal. Esq., addressed the meeting and was heard whit marked attention. [CO.III.IIUAICATZD.I PULMONARY CONSUMPTION A CURABLE DISEASE IZZED TO CONBIJAIPTIVES The undersigned having been restored to health in a few • weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe long affection, and that dread disease, Consamption—le anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of care. To all who desire It, he will send a capy of the prescrip tion used (free of charge), with the direction for preparing and using the same, which they will tied a sure curs for COSsIIMPTIOS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, COWIN. COLDS, &o, The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescrip iOn is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which the conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes story sufferer will try his remedy, melt will cost them nothing, and may prove a blueing. Tidies wishing the prescription will pose address Rev. &SWARD A. WILSON, Wllliamebargb, Sept. 28-3wei XJDP COSsly. lissr-Nork. READING MARKET. PRICES OF 011.4b1Ne PAID BY P. BUSHONO & EONS, October 2, 1863. Corn, 78 cents for 116 Di. B let - - 90 cents for 66 Ms. Oate, 46 ceute for 32 Sao PRICES OP GRAIN, Paid at .3 AmuKr. BM W'S Pi*tilltry, Corner of Eleventh S .111.1thatherg atreclo. 7S cth. per 56 Ns fro •• sa Corn, • Rye, eats, - Reading Lumber Prices Current.. &warted/or the Reading Gazette IT JACOB H. BEY SZI&R, Lumber OurnmiseLen Yard, SaOA. 201iNd near the Lannarte.r Bridge. Itatansa, October 2, 1563. Hemlock Jotet and Scantling, 510 000)1S 00 Poplar Board., - - 20 00650 00 Scantling, 20 00@3. 7 . 00 White Pine Fiestas clad Plank, - - 10 00000 00 Cherry Boards and nook, - White Plll6 Floor Boards, Rootlog Lath, Oak Floor Bosnia, WJI -4 HE, !el .r kite Pine and Hinoloci. Oak Boards aria Plank. • White Pine Ceiling Lath, - Ash Plank, - - Spruce and Pine Pickete, - Walnut Boards and Plank, - faun Boards and Plank, White Pine Joint and Scantling, - Birch and Maple Boards and Plank, 200,000 feet Green Bntt Edged Clear Walnut from 34' to 7 lathe. WANTED, Price paid ill Cash • - s2o@g3o mcm PHILADELPHIA MARKET. FRIDAY, October 2, 169 FLOUR AND GRAlN.—There is very little export inqui ry for Flour, bet the market to item, awing to the felting off in the receipts of Flour and Wheat and the high prices demanded for the latter. Sales only reach about 1500 bbls, in small lots. at $5 75 for old stock family, $625@6 50 for fresh ground db, Including 2 0 bbls on terms kept pri vate, and 150 Mile fancy Ohio at $7 ISO 30 bbl. The sales to the trade range at the above rates for extra family,ls reg 6.5 20 for enperfioe, $5 5006 for extras, and Ikea 5030 bbl for fancy brands, as to quality and freshnese. Bye Flour is scarco, and selling in a small way at $5 25 id bbl. Corn Meal is Arm, with halm of 225 bbla Pennsylvania at $4, Awl 200 bbls Brandywine at 64 70 35 bbl. The rseelpts to day are 980 Ills Floor MOO buebele Wheel; 7 500 bush els Corn, and MO twangs Oats. There Is very little Wheat offering, and the market is firm but quiet at the late ad vance, with sales its small lots, some 3 @ 4 . 000 knob is at $1 40@145 for old and new rods, and $l6O to $1 72e for white, the latter fur prime Kentucky. Bye is scarce and wanted at $l. Corn is more plenty, and Prices are WlSH tled and lower, with sales of 2000 bushels Western mixed, in lots, at 62692 e, and 7000 bash at *pries kept private. Oats are Letter, and all offered, some 5000 bruihels, sold at 78e. weight. Barley and Malt are quiet. WONKY k wore MID) g9d on the advance? with s al e s Of 800 bbls, mostly Western, at 04n =millets m 1,406544., and Drudge at 5214 e. IRON coati/mein good demand, and Foundry Pig Metal very scarce at previous rates. We quote at $31®32 for No. 0, $24 for No. 2, and $35 for No. 1, and little or none of the latter to be had at that figure. Scotch Pig is scarce and wanted. at $3B, but holders now ask more. Manntee tared iron Is in request at fully former yeses, end the mills generally being well off for orders. CATTLE MARKET.—The offerings reach about 2650 head Of Beef Cattle, en increase of 400 on those of last week, and the market was dull and rather lower again. prices rang log at from $7 to $lO for %Hanlon to good and extra quali ty, mostly at OW the 100 his. Cows were tineliaaged, and about ISO were disposed of at $2O to $3O each for Springers, and $2O to $45 for Cows and Calves. Hoge were steady, and 21150 found buyers, including 2628 at Ohms' Union Drove Yard at $7 boo, and 1160 at the Avenue at BOW Igf 00 to $$ VO Hie 10, lb!, net. Sheep—The offerings base tecreased, reaching 9000 head, and prices were itiahar. lower. Fat Sheep sold at 43405 e if St, gross, and stock do. at $2 203053 each.—ingutrer. MARRIED. On the 27th nit., by Rev. Isaac Roller, °Roam A. Kurth, Beg., of Illinseville, Greenwich township, to 6u sax C., daughter of David Kutz, &q., of Maxatawny. * On the 19th ult., by Rey. A. L. Herman, Mr. FRANKLIN DORM of Mooch Cbaidr, Carbon county, to Mies Ranaccs., daughter of the late Captain John Gechter, of Stater. * DIED On the let mesa, In dila ctty, glum Jonm trona, Infant son of Thomas B. and Susan Corry, aged 3 months, 1 week and 2 days. On the 22th nit.. in this city, Susan BAINES, relict of the late Jacob &trier, In the and year of her age. . . . On the 22d all, in Hamburg. PETER 8, 8111T11, aged 33 years, / month and 20 days. Very suddenly, at Covington. Ky., on the evening of Sept. 22d, Corporal WILmAIS 0. Macs. of Durell'e Battery, formerly of Weavertown, (Amity) Barks county, aged 24 yearn. On the 22d nIL, in Douglass, JAMES, We of Albert and Mary Ann Geiger, aged 5 yearn, 9 months and 27 days. On the 22nd of September, in the city of Paducah, By., ANTHONY ALFRED M'DONOVGH, H. 8., of this city. aged thirty years. He was buried there with military honors on the 24th. (He was Surgeon of the 131st Regiment Mi. note Volunteers, and contracted the deadly disease Wht3h terminated his life, at the Siege of "Vicksburg. This esti mable young man was one of the five song of Dr. A. A. M'Donough, of this city, who have devoted themselves to the army of the Linion.l On the 19611 la, in North Heidelberg, Lawn Wir.zrew. son of Henry and Elvies Schuler, aged 2 years, 7 montbe and 6 days. On the 186 ult., in Bern, Marty Jan's, daughter of Mark and Emelt,. Davis. aged 1 year, 8 mouths and 1 day. On the 11th ult., in Maidencreek, at the residence of John Sant, alarm Baundith.oll26.2WALD, aged SP years. 3 months and 5 days On the 12th ult., in Earl, MARY Jens, daughter of Simon and Hannah Clanger. aged 6 months and 3 date. On the 9th ult., in Douglass, Geosos, son of George and Elizabeth Fisher, aged 0 months and 6 days. On the sth alt., in Lower Heidelberg, Mils, son of Aa ron and Louisa Adam Lieb, aged 15 years, 4 months and 7 days. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD /TIRE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS OF I. Berke County, offer a reward of Five Dollars to any person who will give information to *aid Commissioners of any person or persons who are HAULING SAND from grounds belonging to the county of Berke. BAHL WENRIOH, ORO IL LORAN, ICommlegionen. H. R. HAWMAN. • Commissioners' Office, Sept. 26, 1863-31 AUDITOR'S NOTICE let the matter of Me Estate of ELIZABETH' MOYER, late of the borough of Wametedorf; deceased. TEE AUDITOR APPOINTED BY THE OR— PRAM.' Court of Berke county, to audit and restate the account of John Richard, administrator of Elizabeth Moyer, deceased, will meet the pestles interested, for the purpose of hit ettpohitmest, at his office In the city of Beading, on Monday, the 26th day of October, A. D. 1868, at one o'clock P. M. sep 28-3t] B. FRANK. BOYER, Auditor. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. IIIE COPARTNERSHIP EXISTING BE TWERP' Jonathan Kepler & Dr. H. W. Johneon, an der the arm of J. Kepler & Co., for the purpose of maito factoring Segura and dealing In Tobacco, was dissolved on the 7th day of September, 1163, by the death of Dr. H. W. Johnson- The badness will be mottled by J. Kepler, at their place of bootees, at Boyar JON ATHAN KEP Berko coun ty.LEß, Pa. P. Y. BRENDLINGER, W. K. GRIM. • J. B. RHOADS, Administrators of Dr. H. W. Mumma, dectined. Boyertown, Sept. 7, 1863-oep 26-St PI7.IIILIC SAME. WILL 1111 SOLI) AT PUBLIC SALE, ON Wednesday, the Sikh of September, and on the 7th day of October, 1136"0, at the house of Dr. H. W. Johnson, deceased, in Boyerstown, Barks county, the following PERSONAL PROPERTY, to wit: 1 Side Board, 1 Sofa, 1 Book Case, 3 Wash Stands, 2 Tables, 3 Centre Tables, 1 Set White Granite Tea dishes, 2 pair frail baskets, Silver table and tee spoons, knives and forks, 9 chamber sets, 6 eamfortables, 6 white counterpane; pillow cases, sheets, blankets, table cloths, towels, and all kinds of quilts and bed clothing. AKKP, a large lot of oneensware and earthen ware, iron kettles, pots and bolters, Bstoves aka pipe, cooking stove and pipe, 2 dos. tumblers, Adana dishes and bakers, and a great many bouldhold goods, Ac., too nu merous to mention. All the goods, such as sheets, pillow oases, quilts, comfortable*, counterpanes. ke. An., will be mold on the 30th day Of September, the Snit day of sale. Conditions of eats will be made known on the day Of sale, by P. Y. BRENDLINGEB, Wet. IL GRIM, Administrators. Sept. 29-211 J. B. RHOADS, SHERIFF'S SALES OF REAL ESTATE. BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY WRITS OF LEVA ri Racine, t'e9iliitienl ElTUllati, and Pier; Facia*, huußd out of the Court of Common Pleas of Berke county, and to me directed, will be sold at public veudue or ent.ery On Wednesday, the 2.lst. day of October, A. D., ISG3, at I o'clock, P. M., at the public house of Ezekiel Jones, (Blandon) Naldencreek township, Berke county, to wit All that certain messes ye, tenement and tract of land, situate in Staidenereek township, Docks county, adjoining lands of Daniel Greetf, Jacob Delp, Nathan Flower, Wil lis m Williams and the East Pennsylvania, Railroad Cone pony; containing 33 twee, more or leas. The improve• amonks thereou created me a iwo-story LOG HOUSE, o (weather-boarded) is Log and. Frame Barn, Wagon Shed and other out buildings, Apple Orrin° d, Vat of Water, and a water stream mowing through the pro perty. Sold ae the properly of J.4.4f PA RW1.48. On Thursday, the )2d day of October, A. D., 1163, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at the public house of Daniel Moyer, (Strenstown) Upper Talperoccon - oerits county. to wit: All the right, title and interest of Sr:his:a lt. Noma..., mta,hl a certain Building or two-story IttAm3 HOUSE, sad Swiss Barn, &c., Sc , situate In the towuship of Upper Telpelloccon, lo the county of Berke, adjoin ing lamb of Jacob KlOlll . , Jesse Wertumn, Edward Moyer and others • containing about Li acres, be the same more or less. Sold as the property or wit, LI MH. NOROWER. On Saturday, the 24th day of Oct., A. D., 1863, at 1 o'clock, r. 111., at the keystone Betel, in hid city of heading, Berke outthty, to wit A certain hoc-story Brick DWELLING lIGUEB, with two.story Brick Kitchen attached, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the south nide of Chestnut street', between Third and Fourth streets, in the city of Rending, Barks oonnty, bounded on the North by said Chestnnt street, South by an Alley, East by property of late Daniel H. Boas, dec'd., and on the West by property of Daniel Fasig) containing in front 20 feet, and and iu depth 130 feet, more or lees with the appurteusatee. Bold the property of WIZZIAN CALL. 45 .$ .. 82 ', 23 2 2 0 5 01 8 6 " ) 0 0000) S 00 25 00r5 00 460 22 00 25:M.4.10 00 2 25@ 2 00 21, 000230 00 10 05617 00 30 00@60 00 20 00 30 00 ss 00e32 20 00@35 00 At the same Lime and place : A certain two story Brick Dwelling HOUSE with Brick Kitchen attached, and lot of ground, situate on the west aide by Pearl alley, South of Bingaman street, in the city of Read ing, Beate county, adjoiningDroperty of John Ebner, Smith, deceased, a 10 feet Alloy, and on the Bast by Pearl alley ; containing in front on said Pearl alley 60 feet, along said 10 feet alloy 22 feet 6 inches, on the West 49 feet 5 Inches, and on the North 95 feet 7 inches, more or less, with the appurtenances. Sold as the property of T110.711 - AS IfeINTAGGART, At the seine time and place : All that certain mesimage, tenement and part of a lot of ground, situate in the city of Reading, Berko county, bounded and described as follows: on the East by iilth street, on the North by pro perty of Daniel Miller, on the West by a four feet alley, and on the South by property or Michael Morgan; con taining In front 10 feet ti inches, and In depth 10 feet, snore or leas, on which la erected a two-stOry BRICK 111101:1SE with Brick Kitchen attached, with the ap purtenances. sold as the property of HERR Y • Al the same lime and piano: All that certain two.utory BRICK HOUSE and ons-story Brick Kitchen at. tached, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the South- West corner of Ninth and Penn streets. in the city of aßeading, Berke county, bounded on the Bast by Ninth eirag, an the South by property of John P. Miller, on the West by property of John P. Miller, and on the North by Penn street; containing in front on Penn street, 37 feet, and in depth along Ninth street 160 feet, be the same more or less. Sold as the property of DELILAH HILL and JAMES HILL. At tire eame time end place: No. I—A certain one and three-quarter story FRAME HOUSE, and lot or apiece of mound, situate on the east aide of Smith Sixth street, in the city of Beading, Berke county, bounded. on the Wed by said Sixth street, on the North by property of Joseph Holston, Beet by Bell alley, and on the etnnit by property . of Adam Hoch; containing in front 20 feet, and In depth hl6 feel, more or lenr. No. 2—A certain two story BRICE HOUSE with Brick Back Buildings, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the south side of Lanrelotreet, between 111th and Sixth street, is the city of Beading, Barks county, bonded on the Bast by Pearl alley, on the South by property of Franklin Good hart, on the Went by property of Jacob N. busker, and OR the North by said Laurel street; containing in front 20 feet, and in depth 60 feet, roomer few. No. 3—A certain out lot or piece of land, situate within the limits of the city of Beading, Barka county, (and com monly celled Bookie) , out lots) bounded on the Bast by the Centre Turnpike nand, on the 2,nlh. by Ilia! Noel:ley Lane, on the West by North Fourth atreet, and on the North by property of Daniel Ronsam ; containing 2 acres and 86 perches, more or less. Sold as the property of SAMUEL P. FRANCISCO. At the same Lints and Place: All that certain messuage, or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the South-West cornerof Callowhill, now Fifth street, and Thomas, now Washington street, in the Borough, now city of Reading, Barks county, and marked in the generaL plan of said Borough, now City, Number 09; containing in breadth North and South 60 last, and In length or depth 290 feet, bounded Eastward with said Callowhill street, Northward with said Thomas street, Southward with a lot marked in the Plan aforesaid, Nu. 70, now the property of William Nrroontroat, and Westward by Ash alley, on • which are erected two large three•elory BRICK ifBUILDINGS, the came being each au feet front on Fifth street, with extensive back buildings attached, the building on the corner of Fifth and Washington streets, being occupied as a Liquor Store, also a large two-story brick Ware or storehouse on the rear of said lot, on Ash alley, with Blacksmith Chop attached, Sic., Ac. Sold as the property of 122A'REVILLR NEM, with naiad to Mines beth L. Brand end Samuel U. Bollenbach, terra tenants. On Monday, the 26th day of October, A. D., 1863, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at the public holm Daniel B. Backs, (Wernersville) Lower Heidelberg township,, Berke coanty,towit All that eartain montage, tenement and tract of land, situate in Lower Heidelberg township, Herbs county, bounded by lands of Joseph -Rath, Daniel Fisher, Elijah Flas,,lor and others; containing Lib acres, more or ess. The improvements thrreon erected are a ma stery STONE HOUSE . Sw i.s Barn, and other out buildings, Apple Orobeird, Spring of Water, &B. Stu_ A leo—A certain tract of land, (bring a Limestone duarry and two Kilns tbereon erected) nit gate In Lower Heidel berg township, Barks county, boo nelod by loode of Jona than Fox, Lerch & Brothers; eoutuduiug 2 acres, more or lone. Sold fla tno property of TADOB IYRIDENHAMIKR, Seized and taken into execution and to bu sold ABRAHAM R. KCENID, Sheriff. Sheriff's 016ce, Reading, September 28, 18d3. Ake. All persons employed by the said James Tobias, Wm. d. Nottoker and all other defendants named, or any or either of them e lire berthy required to make known to the said Sheriff at least live days before the respective days of sale of the above named property, the kind and amount of their for wages, Ste., against the said defendants, as above earned. .... . 11.13.—11 y order of said Court, all persons interested in dietribation of the proceeds of sale, are hereby nott• ed that the distribution of the money arising from the sale of the real estate aforesaid, wilt be made by the Court, on Monday, November 23d, 1363. P. 3.—On all sales from 323,00 and npwarde will be required to be paid down, WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, ON Friday, October 16th, INS. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the bowie of Mary Moyer, (the late residence of Jacob Pry, deceased,) In Lotter HsMelberg township, Berke county, Pa., the following described. Real Estate, to wit: N0.1:7-A lot of ground, adj liming lands of Bonneville Moyer, the estate of Daniel Hearer, deceased, Jeremiah Warner, and a public road Wading from Fritztown to Hein. holdeville, containing 1 acre, more or less. The Improve graeats thereon erected are a one and a balf-stoty Log weather-boarded DWELLING HOUSE, a Log Stable, frame Hog Stable, a variety of choice Fruit Trees, and a Spring of never-failing water near the door. No. 2.—A 10 Of ground, adjoining lands of Jeremiah Werner, a public road leading to Wernersville and a pub gc road leading to Relnheldsville. containing ley mires, ore or less. The improvements are a one and a bait ;jittery Log and Stone DWELLING HOUSE, a log Hog btable. a variety of Fruit Trees, and a Spring of Water near the door. No 3 —ALT rant of CHESTNUT TIMBER and Sprout Land, adjoining lands of Witham Werner, Chart. Kessler, and James Johneton, containing 23 Rants and 60 percbee, more or tees. To be sold in !be whole or in lots to milt pm ohaeera. Late the estate of Jacob Fry, deceased. At the same time and place, will be sold the following Personal Property, to wit: Ode Horse, 1 Trotting Buggy, 1 set Splitting Tools,l Crob&Out Saw, 1 gaud OW, Poets and traits 2 Bede and Bedateade, 2 Chest., 1 StoVe and Pipe. i Writing Seek. Iron Pots, Chairs, to. Together with a Tartety of articles too tedione to enumerate. , . Condltions.of sale will be made known on the day of sale, by MARY MOYER, Ber. 28-209 CATHARINE COLEMAN. Executreies. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE rr x rrmr...x.c 73 AI. X M. ON SATIIBIAT, OCTOBER 91, 1963, WILL be Bold at public sale, on the premises: All that VALUABLE PARK, situate in Runcorn bmanor township, Berko county, adjoining lands of Daniel Young, William Bieber, Jones Angetadt, B. A. Blase. Reuben B. Reinhart, John Crenrath, Jacob Marta, David Sander, asd the Public Road 'leading from Pricetown to Rockland, con bring 91 acres more or less. The improvements thereon area large atwo•lstory STONE HOUSE, a oat story Kitchen at. ached, Spring House, Smoke House, large Sweitzer Barn, wagon Shed, Pig Sty, Press Bons°, a thriving ORCHARD with choice trait, a well of water near the dwelling, and in the barn yard. The keel to divided late Convenient fields, 7 acres are meadow ground, 8 acres pee tore land, and cheat 52 acres of Chestnut timber, part of It St for rails. The whole is in 'good fences and in a high state of cultivation. The farm inconvenient to schools and places of religions worship, and is within 2J mites of Fleetwood Station, on the East Penua. Rail Road. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. H., when due attend ance will be giver., and co cklitions of sale made known by ISAAC BOYER, DAVID BOUM, sap 26-SVI Executors of Abraham Boyer, deaeaaed. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF 19MELICA Xvrt.Cl)l= o ,33l=l.WlT, OP MAC MILLER, OF SEEING, BERKE COUNTY, THE SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL AT PUBLIC Vendee, at the Public House of Franklin Masser, in Spring township, Berke county, on Saturday, October 10, 16611, at 1 o'clock, I'., M., the following 2 All that Certain DWELLING HOUSE and tract of Aratte and Meadow Laud, situate in the township of Spring aforesaid, bounded by property of David HMS, Isaac Gehret, Daniel Bechtel, deed,and others, containing 16 acres more or lees. Upon the above property are erected a Swim Barn, newly built, a Frame Stable and other out- Winding", all in Brat-rate order. Two or three acres of this laud can be overflowed with water at all times, and could be need for a vegetable garden. There are ale , a large va riety of Fruit Trees upon it, such af, Apple, Pear, Peach, Blum, Cherry, Ac. A welt of never-fabing Water, with a pump, near the door. For terms of sale, &c., apply to WM. H. LIVINGOOD, sept 26-31] Assigns of Isaac Miller. ORPBANS' COURT SALE PRSUANT TO AN ORDER OF TIM OR MUM' Court of Berke county, will be cold at Pub lic Vendee, on Saturday, the 1 7th day of October, A. D. UM on the premiser, in Bethel township, Berke county: AU that certain meantime, tenement and tract of Land alt .., 10 Bethel tuwnehip, and County aforesaid, adjoining lands of Samuel blerkey, John Seery and others, can t Lathing twenty•tour acres, be the same more or less, with the apprirtenaces. The improvements consist of a large STONE 0 MIST MILL. end SAW MILL, Two•etory DWELLING HOUSE, and BADE, with pump near the door, do. Late the property of George Leven.qood dec'd. Sale to commence at t o'clock in the afternoon, when due a ki en du ce will be given, and terms of sale made known by HENRY KLEIN, / Administrators. CYRUS KLEIN, j Hy order of the Court.—DANIEL EAU, Cleft. Sept. 28-14] PUBLIC SALE. ALSO, JAMESON'S CLOTHING HOUSE, !El El El Corner of Sixth and Penn Streets, READING, PA. THIS LONG ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN CLOTH LNG HOUSE is better prepared now to hold out great inducements to buyers than at any previous time, as our stock of MEN'S CLOTHING & DRESS GOODS, Is much larger and better than ever before, the bulk of which has been bought before the late great rise in prices. BOYS' CLOTHINC. In great variety, of all sizes, prices and qua in this branch has enabled us to get up all th all ages, to which we invite particular attenti March 28, 1863—tf] CAPITALISTS ATTENTION Great Sale of a Valuable HOTEL PROPERTY. TILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, ON VT Saturday, October 3d, 1863, at 1 o'clock, P. IL, on the premises, now in the oconpancy of Joshua Healy, in the city of Reading, ; One of the best Hotels iti the citY , fishwife at the corner of Penn and Fourth Areas. The lot is 60 feet front on Penn street, and 270 feet on Fourth street, to Cherry Alley. The building is of Brick, nearly new, with a front on Penn street of 60 feet, and 125 feet on Fourth street, four stories high, with a two. story back building. The first Boor ham four Store-rooms, one on Penn street, 60 by 40 feet, with a two.etory beck building, 16 by 31 feet ; three store-rooms on Fourth street. The Dining Room is 22 by 90 feet, and can be extended to 125 feet.' The second story has two Parlors, fourteen bed chambers. Water Closet, Bath-room, hot and cold water; the third floor is all in Bed-chambers and one water closet. The fourth stogy is pertly mended by the idasoftia Lodge room, 90 by 42 feet, with a private entrance, hot and cold water, water-closet, dm The basement hits a large Restaurant Saloon, 42 by 35 feet, and kitchen 34 by 42 feet. The Pavement is all arched and laid with hag-stones. The whole building Is heated with steam, with a drying closet for drying clothen by steam. This home mete lees when heated by steam than by stoves. Connected with the Hotel is a large and conveniently arranged Stable, 100 by 30 feet, open shed, carriage house, Ice house, and yard for the accommodation of customers. The house was built exproeely fur a Hotel and in one of tbs roost complete in the oily. The location is unsurpassed, being convenient to the Railroad and in the beet business part of the city. Terms to snit the purchaser. sept 12-413 TAVERN STAND FOR SALE. On Saturday, October 3d, 18C3, WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC BALD, ON TUN premises, that large, well-known and valuable 2g story TAVERN ROUSE, situate In the borough of Adams, Lancaeter county, with an excellent lot of Meadow Laud, containing 2 acres. Said house being admirably arranged with reerns and other conveni ences necessary for a tavern stand. A large kitchen is at tached, a fountainwith running water in front of the house, sufficient etabling for 20 horses, two TENANT 110OSICS, Botcher-Shop, and other improvements on said lot. This tavern stand is well known as the Ain EILICAN 210 L, has been kept as each for upwards of SU years, and for a Meg time by Mr. Siterly. Auy person acquainted with the house cannot fail but to recommend it as one of the beat country stands betwoon Beading and Lancaster. The pro perty VII at any time bring more rent than the Wort% oa the purchase money. Terms will be reasonable, to snit the pnrcbaaer. Title and posse , . ton will be given on the arm M April next. Sale at one o'clock, Y. M. Poe further particulars. apply to SAMUEL OTTER, Adamstown, I.7o3casker co., Pa. sap 19-3 t ] ORPHANS' COURT SALE. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE OR PHANS' Court of Barks county, will be sold at Pub lic. Vendee, on Tuesday, the 20th day of October, A, 11, IS6S, at the late dwelling house Of John Sehuman, deceas ed, to Albany township, Berke county, the following de scribed Real Estate, to wit: All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of Land, situate in Albany township, fißerke county, adjoining land., of Samuel Miller, Jonas Wiener, Samuel &map, fame Dielriclh Samuel i', Dietrich, Isaac F. Miller, Nathan Stump, and others, containing 200 acres, more or tem. Theimprovements con sist ofa Two-story DWELLING NOUSE, a one-story STONE DWELLING HOUSE, Spring house, Log learn, and other necessary ont-bolldinge, two Springs of never-failing water near raid dwellings ; alto, an excellent apple orchard, Ac. Late the property of John Schuman, deceased. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when due attendance will he given, and the terms of sale made known by • JACOB scutrmAr, SARUM, SCHEINAN, Administrators. By order of the Court.--Dastct Harm, Clerk. Sept. 26-3t] ORPHANS' COURT SALE DUI UANT TO AN ORDER OF THE OR- Flinn' Court of Berke county, will be sold at Public Fondue, on Saturday, the 24th day of October A. D. MS, on the premises, in Rnecombmanor township, Berke coun ty : All that certain tract or piece of FARMLAND, situate in the township of Rneoombutauor aforesaid, 's bounded. follows: adjoining lands of John Crenrath, deceased, Daniel 0. Mohn, John Seidel and Jacob Broil, containing six acre; be the same more or lees. Late the property of Israel CronrafB, deceased. Sale to commence at one o'clock in the afternoon, when due attendance will be given, and the terms of sale made known by JOHN CRONRATR, CATUARINR CRONRATR, Aamlu'Ore- By order of the Cont.—DANIEL HAHN, Clerk. sep 26401 AN EXCELLENT FARM ALT I:=9ELX - V"..9.-TiM %I RE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS AT PRIVATE sale, the Farm upon which be now resides, in Union township, Decks county, about one mile from the river Schuylkill, containing about GO acres of excellent Farm Land, In ale best Mate of cultivation. The ireprevernante consint of a good DWELLING HOUSE. SWISS Barn, a w a y and other out buildings. Also. a thriving young Orchard. There is a never-failing supply of water on the premises. Persons wishing to view the property, can do eo by calling on the subscriber. eep 19-4t9 SAMUEL MOO. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. %NILE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX ISTINO between the subscribers, at the Packerack Mill, under the firm of Frill & Brubaker, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 9th day of June, 1893. The best shwas of the late firm will be continued, at the old stand, by 6. Brubaker, who is duly authorized to receive all =cosy. due said firm, and to make settlement of the oat. .tending accounts. FREDERICK R. FRILL, job , 4-3mo] B. BRUBAKER. Estate of Charles W. Esser, late of Xutz- town, Berks county, deceased. N.OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT LET ten of Administration to the &state of. Charles W. 'seer, late of the borough of Kutztown, Berke county, de ceased, have been granted to Mary Esser, widow of the deandent. reatding in the tame borough, and to Jacob K. Heffner and William Hoch, residing in litaxatawny town ship, comity - aforesaid; to whom, or either of them, all persons indebted to said I :elate, are requested to sake payment without delay, and all /inning slakes against the same, to preeent them, properly authenticated, for Bettie lent. MARY ESOER, JACOB It. HEFFNER, i Adm're. Sept 5 7 61, 4 1 WILLIAM HOCH, Administrators' Notice. iPTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TIIAT LET tens of Administration on the Estate of Frederick E. nuter, late of the city of Reading, in the county of Berke and elate of Pennsylvania, deceased, have this day been lamed to William it Clymer, the subscriber, residing in Muhleuberg township, in said county. All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to metre immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against said estate, are requested to make known the Rayne without delay, to WILLIAM 11. CLYMEIt, Adtninietrator, Or to WILLIAM M. BA lUD, his Attorney, .. Sept 12-61] North Sixth Street, Bonding, Pa. Estate of Catharine 'Ritter, widow of John Ritter, late of the City of Reading, Deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY ON THE above estate having been granted to the subscribers, residing in the same city, notice to hereby given to all per. sone having claim,' against said estate, to preseut them for settlement without delay, and to those indebted to make payment. 30EL RITTER, LOUIS It ITT ER, Executors. Aug. 20-61] AARON RITTER, Estate of Christianna /tinsel, late of Bethel township, Berke county, deo'd. m -PTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT LET te of Adminiem HARM of on the HAR al Chileliana& nxel, late el Bethel township, Berke comity, deemed. bave bean granted by the Regittlar of Berke comity, to Elias Frantz, of the same place. All persona indebted to the Estate aforesaid, ase requested to maks payment im mediately to the said Administrator, and those having claims netted the Rotate, will prevent them to him, pro perly 1111thentleilled, for settlement sot Irron 31+1074 /Win; Adsainietrator, -_ -~= ~' lities. The long experience of this House e different proportions and sizes to fit boys of on. JAMESON & Co. DEAFNESS, DISEASES OE TUE EYE, EAR AND AIR-PASSAGES. NOISE IN THE HEAD. Dr. F. A. VON MOSOHZISNER, DAVID DIoKIIIO CT, Commercial Broker TO TITS DISEASES OF THE EYES, ALEN A WORK ENTITLED "Medical and gavial Science." Treatment of Diseases or the eye. Can be eonattlted on DEAFPIE , E and all dleateee of the EYE Ali I) EAR, requiring Medical or Surgical treatment. /ter 1027-1027-4027-4027 Mai- References of the higbest respectability can be ob tained of cures performed by Dr. Von Moecbsisker, in severe cases of Der*ess and Blindness. [ang 15 3863.] I'ii,34. TRADE [1863. NEW FALL GOODS, AT aD2VI o 2tallitia 411)% No. 432 PENN STREET, COMPRISING Elegant Black, Brown, Bine, Purple, and Green FIGURED SILKS, Corded and Plain. BLACK SILKS French Merinos, Alpacas and Empress Cloths • In all the new colon. Plain Wool DE LAMES AND COBURG% Striped and Figured De Wane and Baps. SACQUES AND CIRCULARS. A large assortment of LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS, BALMORAL SKIRTS. EXTENSION SKIRTS, NEW SHAPES, Cloths, Casslineres and Cloaklngs. A fall assortment of goods for deep and light 100 "Cr IL ZTI I\T 43- , Linen Table Clothe, Shirting Linens, Damasks. Towels, Napkins, Towelings. Cotton SlArtlngs and Sheeting', White and Colored Flannels, Canton Flannels, Cheeks, Ginghems, Prints, go. Dept 26-ti NEW GOODS, MST GEMNI3D, COGIPINXIMEra DRESS GOODS, DOMESTIJ GOODS, SILKS, WOOLLENS, LINENS, OLOAKINGS, FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOODS, FAMILY DRY GOODS GENERALLY. =owning Goods In splendid assortment, including some very soperfor A. M. HART, aug 29] 14, East Penn Square. • ad i o Ma 49. Zia •,l:l "P -,,iro FOURTH & ARCH Sts., "*.t. PHILADELPHIA. ARE OPENING FOR FALL TRADE, FRENCH MERINOES, GOOD BLACK SILKS, DARK FIGURED SILKS, NEW PLAID SILKS, NEW FANCY FLANNELS, BALMORAL PETTICOATS, RED. WHITE AND BLUE FLANNELS, etc sep 6-3 In Estate of Lewis Robert, late of the City of Reading, deceased. ;IOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT LET— TERS Testamentary to the Estate of the above-nam ecedent, hove been granted to the subscriber, bin Wid ow, residing in South Tenth street, In the same city ; to whom all 'persons having claims against the said Estate, will present them, and all indebted, Will make payment, without delay. our 29-80] SUSANNA ROBERT, Adminlenstrix. Estate of William Peacock, deceased. lAOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT LET TEES Testamentary upon the Estate of William Pea cock, late of the city of Reading, Berke county, deceased, barn been granted to the undersigned, residing In said city. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment without, delay, and those having claims will pre eont them, In due form, properly authenticated for settle ment. MARY PEACOCK, „, zenutors, Sept 12-Illti] A. H. PEACOCK, " In the Orphans' Court of Berke County, Estate of Isaac Houck. deceased. THE AUDITOR APPOINTED TO AUDIT, restate and make attribution on the account or Sam net Has; Administrator of Isaac Houck, deceased, will at tend to the Maim of his appointment, on Saturday, (Weber 17,1883, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at his sacs in Penn street, above alb, Reading. Sept. 264t3 Dann. E. 201MO2DRR, Auditor. IC AI. 1 r AIL XL EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS OCULIST AND ATJRIST AUTHOR CEIZEI GUIDE AND THEIR TREATMENT, SVith Obeervatione on the WALNUT STREET, Between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, PHILADELPIIIA, PA. NOTWE TO DRAFTED MEN. HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MARSHAL, Bth District of Pennsylvania. READIIIO, Sept. 18, 1863. OWING TO TOE AMOUNT OF BUSMEN which bee been presented to the Board of Enrollment, a number of drafted men in some of the sub.diatriate have not been able to have a hearing, and the day on which drafted men can appear for a bearing hats been fixed for 6aeh township u below need. The drafted men in the several townships will positively not be heard except on the appointed day. They will be rtquired to report on the day designated for their townehip or ward, and must tar nish substitutes, produce receipts for commutation paid or will be Lela for ti coy, unless upon examination they are ligied DEM for military duty. The Deuce of the esstlou wattle from 0 o'clock, M., le 12 M., and from 2 to 1 P, M. Those having substitutes to offer will be heard first In order, on each of the days below stated, and no substitute will be received later then 4 o'clock, P.M. M. Persona failing to ream& open Ms dhye aged for their hearing, will render themselves liable to arrest as desert me, and a reward of Ten Dollars and reasonable expenses incurred w,ll be paid to any ono who will deliver eneh de linqueut to these Ileadqual tom. Tim days on which drafted men are required to report will ha as fellows, fur the several townships sad wards: Tulpeboccon and Talpeboceon Upper, Saturday, Oct. lid. Doles, Monday, Oct. Mb. Washington and Windtor, Tuesday, Oct Sib. Womeledorf slid Reading, let Ward, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. Mb and Bth. Reading, 2d Ward, Friday, Oct. 9th. Reading, 3d Ward, ilithirditY and Monday, Ott. 10th and 12th. Reading, 4th Ward, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. )4th and 13th. Reading, bib Ward, Friday and Saturday, October 16th and lith. The following opinion of Col. Joseph Huh. Judge Ad vocate General, is published for the Information of all concerned. In the rase of a Drafted man who, having failed to re port, le arrested, wed thee cloiloa o pay commutation or furnish a substitute: OPINION " If be fails to report himself and Is arrested as a de serter, he has still the right to go before the Board of Enrollment, and prove that' be is not liable to do mili tary duty;' but if, on bearing his claim to exemption, he is held to he :table, be cannot escape personel sierthe, lie is, also, under each circumstances, subject to be pre needed ogaiust as a &mortar." HENRY S. XUPP, sept 19-3 t) Capt. ant Provost Marshal, SO District. BOIT 31 IICANT FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. WE HAVE NOW OPEN, A SELECT AS* sortment of DRY GOODS for the Fall and Winter. Salmon, empriting In port LADIES' AND MISSES WEAR : Neat Mons De Laines, back Flannels, Balmores, Gauntlets, Hoslesr, Trimmings, Embroideries, Prints and Olugbams, Boor Skirt., &c., &e. Cloaking Cloths, Black. Etas, AD Waal Da Lainaa. Merinos and Coburge, All Wool Plaids, Alpacas, New Style Velours, Permian De Lainea, oys' Wear Tweeds, Satinette, Kentucky Jeans, Vectinge, Furnishing Undo, aze , ar.c. Men's and Over Coatings, Clothe, Silit Mixed Coatings, Doeskin Caeelmeree, Union Caseimeree, Fancy Cassimeres, DOMESTIC GOODS : Twilled Flannels, Red, Whits, Yellow and Grey Flemish, Canton Dannles, Checks, Tickinga Drilliaps, 'Table Bleaehed & Unbleached bheetla g and MOM, Twill lugs, an., &C. All of which WC offer at the lowestr i mmest prices. M. NETTER h SON, Corner of Fin and Spruce Streets. uw AUTUMN GOODS! 31:10.41.1:7X3a 1 4 0 — EN'Ir HAS JUBT RETURNED PROM THE PRIN CIPAL markets, with a large and choice assortment of 24111 4191)112„ Comprising the latest Printings of MUSLIN DE DATIVES, AMERICAN PRINTS, BLEACHED & BROWN MEETINGS, AUSTRALASIAN CREPE, TURIN CLOTH, CASHMERES, PRINTED AND PLAIN. Gingham!, Cheek, Ticking, Flannels, Muslin, OcWed an 4 White Canton Flannels, Bleached. and cotarea Drill ings, Hickory Stripes sod Curds, &c., Av., Ac. —ALSO— BROAD. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, SATTINETS AND UNION CASSIHERE, HEAVY DRILLS AND COTTONADES, NANKERNS AND HAHNE/TEM% MERINO, °ASSUMES AND SAXONY STEMS, A General assortment of 'Vesting and Scotch Plaid. 11U 22 BARGAINS I BARGAINS ! Dry Goods, Groceries, Glass and Queensware, AT THE PLOW AND HARROW SWORD; r HE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW OPENING and offering for sale a large and Well selected Stock of GOODS, consisting of Dress Condo, Motto, Prints, Caseimeres, Flannels, Winans, Shawls, Jeans, Brown Shootings, "Velvet Cords, Bleached Shirting% Vantage, Mous De Leine., Heavy Cottonadoe, With a large and extensive stook of Ready-made Men & Boys' Clothing and Clothing made to order with motto "No fit, no take." All of which will he sold execeditgly law by JACOB KAUFFMAN, sent 19-41] Corner of Pena and Third Ste., Beading. .4910710 nir'..7OIICIIEEI NEW-YORK STORE, NO. 438 PENN STREET, RE DING, PA. DRY GOODS FOR CASH. THE PROPRIETORS ARE NOW DAIRY Parchiteing In the City of Sew-York, DRY 00010 or every deeerlptlen AT AUCTION AND PRIVATE BALE, Beitehje for the wants of the Ewa and POPULOUS CITIZENS 01 READITIO and NtIOBBOSHOOD. dad in making the above announcement, beg to add that on account of C. G. HOOK being a resident citizen or New-York, haring been Thirty Years connected with the DRY 000108 BUBINIIBB in that City, be has practical ez p_erience for pur c hasing far below prices paid by Transient Yleltera to that Market, and we cheerfully extend to oar customers the foil benefit of the aforesaid advantages. sept 19-tl] C. G. HOOK & CO. • MATLACK'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. No. 904 Market Street, Philadelphia. WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL YOUR attention to oar Large Stock of KEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING 110 W On hand READY MADE, embracing every variety of Style and Material suitable for the mama. We have also on hand a fall assortmeut of FALL and WINTER GOODS adapted to MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR, and would invite your early attention thereto. These Goods have bean enrcha-ed for CAUL and will be sold at s small advance for CASH. . . . paruewar astootion paid to all orders, eo as 10 insure malefaction to the purchaser. E. MATLACK, Agt. 904 Markel Street, PhUadel9bl9. sap 54m0] Estate of Charles Relating, late of the City of Reading, deceased. NOTICE IR THEREBY GIVEN, THAT ET - TM of Admittarlatan to the Estate of the above. named decedent, have been granted to the subeeriber, re. Ailing in the same city. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate p.syment, and these having claims against the same, are also requested to present the Immo forthwith, properly authenticated, for settlement. In the Court of Comnion Pleas of the County of Berke, of April Term. 1863, No. 23. Allen, Bechtel , ve. Nary Jane Taylor, a minor aver the aye of fourteen yeas, by her Guardian David McKnight ; William E. Taylor a miner over the age q. fou,teeri Yearo, by 418 Guardian David/WcZnight ; and Zachary Taylor, a minor over the aye of fourteen years, by hie Guardian David McKnight. Breve de Parditone Pudenda. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE PAR ties above named. that the Coon bavecoadrined the return of the Sheriff, and the Inquisition and valuation or appralsement, taken and made ander the above writ, and have granted • rule 0111 all persons interested, to come Into Court on the 9th day of November next, to accept or refutes the several perparts or portion. of the lands and tenements In said writ mentioned, according to the Ants of Assembly In each gaze providad. Ih NM of ?dual to eeeept the acme, then to show came Why the earns ibottld not be sold. By order of tbe Court, Sept 19-fit] ADAM W. KAUFFMAN, prothonotary. TO OPORTIONEION. INE ASSORTMENT OF GUNS, FLASKS, Shot Ham Pouches, Clam Bags, IloraCaps Du t' Kan M for Powder, at coed prices, by "I J. L. STIOSITZIL soptSS-41] NM and ban IfineOk