Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, October 03, 1863, Image 2
aullf_ iULb Donegal. READING, PA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1863. Han ! brightest banner that floats on the gale, Flag of the country of Washington, bail! Bedell) thy stripes with the blood of the breve, Bright.. thy stare tut the inn on the were; Vitrept in thy folds are the hopes of the Free, Banner of Washington! blessings on thee! DEMOOB,A.TIC STATE NOMINATIONS FOR GOVERNOR: GEORGE W. WOODWARD, or LIMMINE COUNTY FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT WALTER H. LOWRIE, Or ALLEGHENY COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET For Assembly: JOHN MISSIMER, of Alsace. WILLIAM N. POTTEIGER of Jefferson CHARLES A. KLINE, of Greenwieh. For Prothonotary : JONATHAN L. REBIE•R, or Reading For Register : AL S. THIRWECHTER, of Marion . FOP Recorder : ISAAC L &MKS, of Reading. For Clerk of the Orphans' Court. SOLOMON CLOSE, of Exeter. For Clerk of the Quarter Sessions: FRANCIS ROLAND, of Reading For einutty Treasurer: DAVID L. WENRICII, of L. Ileidelberg For County Commissioner : JOHN KURTZ, of Ca:ruarvon For Director of the Poor: AARON GETZ, of Reading. For Auditor: ANDREW KURR, of Bethel. Election, Tuesday, October 13, 186? DEMOCRATIC RATLEICATIGN . 411=3 IE7 11V FIOCI NABS MEETING, WILL BE HELD IN THE CITY OF REAdlitIC, ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1863, AT 1 O'CLOCK, P. DI RALLY: FREEMEN OF BERKO FOR THE UNION AS IT WAS, FOR THE CONSTITUTION AS IT IS, FOR THE REDEMPTION OF PENNSYLVANIA. The following emiuent speakers have been invited and are expected to address the meeting, to wit: Hon. P. W. Hoghes, Hon. C. it. Buckalew, Hon. Wm. H. Witte, Hon. Wm. Bigler. Hou. W. A. Porter, Hon. J. Glancy Jones, Hon. Hiester Clymer, R. E. Monaghan, Esq , Dr. C. 'Kellner, Fhila. Max Gcepp, New-York, B. F. Trotter, Allentown, and Wm. Rosenthal, Reading. gib` EXCURSION TICKETS at reduced rates from all sin' ions on the Philadelphia and Bead ing, Lebanon Valley, and East Pennsylvania Railroads to Reading and back will be issued. By order of the Democratic standing Committee of Berke county. Notice to Democratic Clubs. AU the Democratic Clubs in the County are hereby requested to hold special meetings in the course of the week, to make suitable prepara tions for participation in the County Mass Meeting, and if possible, report previous to the day of the meeting to the undersigned. JACOB H. RAIN, Chairman of the Standing Committee. Oet iher 3,1863-2 t Are- MORE ABOUT THE 'LOYAL' 3001INAL,” (TOM our eor regligudosa X., 1s unsvoidsbl7 postponed. or "JUDGE WOODWARD 18 A CITIZEN OF UNIMPEACHABLE CHARACTER, AN AM JURIST AND A PATRIOTIC GENTLE MAN.—Philadelphia inquirer, (Republican,) June 18, 1863. This is a good endorsement of the Democratic candidate for Governor, coming se it does from one of the leading Republican journals of the state. DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETINGS The seventh and eighth Democratic Ratifica tion Mass Meetings appointed by the Executive Committee of Berks county, will be held this (saturday) afternoon, at the Yellow House, in Amity, and at the Plough Tavern, in - Robeson township. The meeting at the Yellow House will be ad— dressed by Ron. J. Glancy Jona, Hon. Hieeter Clymer, J. Hagenman, Esq., DanielErmentrout, Esq., and Charles Hunsicker, Esq., of Montgom ery county, The meeting at the Plongh will be addressed by Messrs. Ancona, KeKenty, Getz, Bechtel, Hawley, and others. A Mates bleating of the Democrats of Loy. - Pr. Heidelberg and adjoining townships, will be at Wernersville, on Tuesday next, October G. at 1 o'clock, P. M. Addresses will be deliverE by Hon. S. E. Ancona, d. Lawrence °biz, Ihn. J. K. McKenty, and others. A grand County Mass Meeting will be held in /Leading, on Saturday next, the 10th of October, at which a number of eminent speakers are expect ed to be present; and a grand Itally of the Democracy of the city, will be held in Keystone Hall, on M o nday tinning, the 12th inst. This will close the meetings of the campaign. Tax ABor.mor: PLATFORM.—The platform of the Abolition disenionisle may be thus and correctly stated : First. Resolved, That we are in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war for the restore dim of the Union. Second. Resolved, That we are opposed to all measures tending to such restoraton. pr. GOVERNOR. CURTIN CANNOT SE CURE THE SUPPORT OF EITHER HIS OWN PARTY OR HIS OFFICE-HOLDERS.—Speech of diezaader Cummings, before the 4.bolition State' convention, August 5 1 1863. " IGNORANT AND BENIGHTED." At a late meeting of the Union League of Philadelphia, Mr. Wayne IticVeagli, Chairman of the Abolition State Central Committee, made a speech, in whist' he used these words: "OUR ENEMIES ARE ACTIVE IN THE COUNTRY. THEY SHRINK FROM THE CAPITALS OF INTELLIGENCE AND WORTH. THEY HARANGUE AMONG THE IGNORANT AND DEINICIITED WITII A SHREWDNESS THAT lIEPITS THEIR CAUSE, LET THEN THE LARGE CITIES DO THEIR DUTY, AND WE WILL OVERCOME WHATEVER ADVANT AGES LtUlt. ENEMIES ]JAY THUS GAIN." This is the old Federal spirit of depreciation of and contempt for " the common people," Crop ping out in a modified form. We used to hear a great deal about " the dumb Dutch," among whom ancient Federalism found its most deter mined opponents. Bat now that country people generally are setting their faces resolutely against the dishonesty and fraud by which the "shoddy etielecracy " of our large cities has been creat ed, and raised to wealth and power, under the corrupt influence of Government patronage, our modern "loyalists" have discovered that the whole people of the country are "ignorant and benighted." Despairing of deceiving them any longer, they aro now concentrating their forces in the large cities, "the capitals of intelligence and worth," as Uri illeVettgb calls them, in the desperate expectation that the overwhelming vote of the honest yeomanry of the State, which they foresee will be east against them, may be overbalanced by the rowdies and ballot•box Bluf fers who infest the purlieus of every large city, and whose votes may at any time be had for Meney—of which the " alioddyites" have an abundance, and which is the only " eolid argu ment" they can bring forward to bolster up their rotten cause. The people in the country are doubtless too "ignorant and benighted " to learn the sharp practices of the fashionable gamblers and speculators who are robbing the Govern ment daily out of millions of the hard earnings of the people that have been patriotically con• tributed to the cause of the Union, and whose interest it is to prolong the war, in order that they may continue their wholesale robberies and frauds. In all these things, the country people arc indeed "ignorant and benighted," and we hope and pray they may always remain so. But they are neverthelese shrewd enough to see through the flimsy cloak of patriotism and loy alty under which these scoundrels hide their selfish, mercenary and iniquitous hearts. Of this, they know too vtuat for Ile comfort of the public plunderers, and hence their fears. The cities may be " the capitals of intelligence and worth," but they are also the head-quarters of corruption, of vice and all sorts of infamy. That the latter now predominate, the history of the last few years plainly proves. Let the aristo cratic MoYeagh and his adherents keep to the cities, in welcome. So long as the pure and honest masses who people the country districts are with the Democracy, the State and Nation cannot he utterly destroyed. moor IT WILL REQUIRE A DECIDED MA JORITY, INDEED, TO ENABLE ANY PARTY IN TIM STATE TO CARRY ON A SUCCESS PIA CAMPAIGN BURDENED BY BCCII A NOMINEE AS CIIRTIN.--Fitteburgh Dispatch, Republican. gear DIE NOMINATION WOULD BE PIS GRACEFUL TO TILE PARTY AND lIIS ELEC TION IMPOSSlDLE."—raisburyh Gazelle, Re publican. PUTTING ON THE SCREWS. We learn from several of our exchange papers, that the proprietors of some large manufactur ing establishments in this State, are threatening the mechanics and laborers in their employ with instant discharge if they vote for IVoonwatto. This is tyranny of the worst form, and deserves the severest condemnation. The American work man is no slave, but a freeman, as well as his employer; the latter has a right to his labor, du ring regular hours of work, but no right to con trol his opinions. It would be well for the tyrants who undertake to control the votes of poor men in this despicable way, to remember that there is a laW of Pennsylvania (Section 51 Revised Penal Code) which affixes a severe penalty to the of fence of corruptly influencing and intimidating voters. This section makes any offer of a gift or reward, or promise of office or employment to any voter, with the intent to influence his vote; or any threat of dismissal or discharge in case of his refusal to vote for a particular candidate, a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding $504, and bnprisonment, not exceeding two years. See Laws of Penna., session of 1860, page 396. THE GREAT QUESTION The great question to be decided by the peo ple of Penneylvaula at the approaching election, is whether this State is to be governed by civil magistrates, acting under and in obedience to the well settled principles of law and justice, or whether it is to be governed by Provost Mar shals and Military guards? That is the great point at issue between the Democratic and Abo lition parties. If GEORGE W. WOODWAIID is sleeted Governor, the people will be secure in their rights, persons and property. If Andrew G. Curtin, the iron yoke of Austrian tyranny will be placed upon our necks, and every vestige of liberty of speech and of the press will be crushed with the bayonet. Freemen of Penn sylvania! are you prepared to become slaves? If not, show it by your votes on election-day. ABOLITION SYMPATHY WITH TREASON I—The Harrisburg Telegraph—Governor Curtin's organ --in its edition of the 4th of August, 1863, con tained the following infamous declaration, by which it will be seen that the Abolitionists, so far from being at heart Union men, would rather see the rebellion triumph than allow the people the freedom to choose a Democratic Governor " If we do not harmonize our differences and concentrate all our forces, the enemies of the Government will succeed in electing Woodward a ammo?, a result to be estima ted as snore disastrous to the cause of the country than the defeat of Meade by Lee. Indeed, it wouhl be far better to allow Lee to penetrate Pennsylvania AND ESTAB LISH HIMSELF IN HARRISBURG, titan to allow Woodward to succeed at the ballot-box and then he inaugurated Governor of the State."—Harrisburg Telegraph, Gov. Curtin's Organ. ANOTHEIX FALSEHOOD NAILED !—The Abolition ists are busily engaged in reporting certain prominent Democrats as opposed to Judge Wood ward, and among them the Hon. John N. Con yngbam, President Judge of Luzerne county. The Luzern Union is authorized by Judge Con yngham to state that, whilehis official position pre cludes him from taking an active part in politics. be has been and i 9, a firm supporter of the Demo cratic ticket, and especially desires the election of the Hon. Gnomon W. WOODWARD. A REPENTANT CURTIN MAN.—David A. Frey, editor of the York Pennsylvanian, a Republican journal, nye; 4. WE ACKNOWLEDGE IN SHAME THAT WE VOTED FOR GOVERNOR CURTIN. GOD SPARE US FROM EVER AGAIN VOT/NO FOR OM A NAN," JUDGELfWOODWARD AND THE RE- IELLION. In all oar recollection of party politica. which now runs back some twenty five years, we have never known a time when the opponents of the Democracy were so biller, malignant and utterly false in their attacks upon us as they are at pres ent. The most bare-faced misrepresentations of our principles, the moat unblushing falsifications of our records, and the most infamous libels upon our candidates, are employed against us with a reckless indecency that absolutely disgraces the whole system of American politics. And these dirty wcapetta of controversy are not left, as they formerly were, to the camp-followers and bar room wranglers, who, slanderers by nature, and blackguards by association and habit, are usually suffered to say and do whatever mean thing their low instincts prompt, without being called to an account. But now, we find men who claim to be respectable, and who wish to be considered of good repute for truth and honesty among their neighbors, engaged in the despicable work of re tailing these misrepresentations, falsehoods and libels. As a ease in point, we have the Bennett tle Lemuel Todd, of Carlisle, getting up in pub lic and charging Judge Woouwaan, upon mere hearsay—testimony that would not convict the meanest defendant in &Court of Quarter Sessions —with having avowed himself a secesaion at. Now, no one can doubt that the honorable Lemuel Todd knew this to be false when he uttered it. But, no matter—a point was to be made, and, adopting the maxim of the " shoulder-hitters" and " plug uglys" of the cities, that " a lie well stuck to, is as good as the truth," he gravely makes the charge, mad trusts to his honorable rephtation to screen him from the odium that justly attaches to the common informer, the liar, and the slanderer. Judge WooDwarto himself, being appealed to, refutes this base libel, with dignity and decision, as the annexed correspon dence shows: - - CARLISLE, Sept. 18, 1863 lion. GAO. W. WOOdlflafd • . . - DEAR Sia—l have been informed that Hon. Lemuel Todd, who presided over the Convention which re-nominated Andrew G. Curtin, in ad dresiting a ratification meeting held recently in this county, stated that is had been informed that a certain Judge Hall said, that in a recent conversation with him you had avowed yourself a believer in the doctrine of secession, and in fa vor of the immediate recognition of the South. While I am satisfied that you have never held or avowed those sentiments, I deem it important that your friends should have authority to con tradict the statement. Will you, therefore, be kind enough to inform me whether you ever held such a conversation with Judge Hall Very Respectfully, Ru rus E. SHAPLEY, Chairman Democratic Standing Committee of Cumberland County. PHILADLLPRIA, Sept. 21, 1863. Rufus E. Shapley, Esq : Blatt SIR: Just returned from Easton, where I went to attend the funeral of our much la mented friend, the Hon. Richard Brodhead, I find your favor of the 18th, informing me of a story which Mr. Todd produced at a public meet lug, after obtaining it through a channel which is not specified. There is not a word of truth in the story. I know no Judge hull, and cannot remember that I ever knew a man of that name. So far from ever avowing belief in secession or favoring recognition of the Southern Confederacy, 1 am, and always have been, opposed to both, and am in favor of an/pressing the rebellion, by which both are supported. My life has been spent, thus far, in upholding the Constitution of the United States as the Fathers framed it—the Union they formed—and the Constitution and laws of the State; and whatever of life remains to me will be devoted to the same ends ) whether it be Spent in public or private station. Neither secession nor the milli) leant fanaticism that caused it, will ever find an advocate in me. Trusting that this is a sufficient answer to the calumny you allude to, I remain, dear air, Very twig yours, GEO. W. WOODIVARD A SENSIBLE PROPOSITION. Thin Louisville Journal makes a very sensible proposition to the Southern people; one which will have to be acted upon and carried out to the ietter before we eau have peace, re union and constitutional government. Here is the propo sition : The government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free," said Ms. Lineoln. tt Union between free States and slave States is im possible," responded Jeff. Davis. Now rebs, if we put down all such of our fellows as think with Old Abe, and you put down all such of yours as think with Old Jeff, no doubt we will be able to get along very well together again.. Let's try it. We are trying it now, In Pennsylvania ; our neighbors in New York, Ohio, and other Northern States are trying it, and with a fair prospect of success. Over the line, in North Carolina, they show a strong disposition to try it, as they do also in some other southern States, and courage and perseverance will carry them through. Then, fanaticism and despotism in both sections being strangled, the good old times will be restored, and the nation start forward on a new career of happiness, prosperity and glory, refined and sublimated by the fiery ordeal through which it will have passed. The people of Pennsylvania who like this proposition, and wish to see it carried out, can do much toward helping it along, by voting for GEORGE W. Woonwann at the elec tion now close at hand. jpier- TUE ABOLITION PAPERS arc publishing the following paragraph from the Chambersburg Repository, which the veracious Aleck. McClure puts forth as having come from Senator CLYMBIt, in his late speech at Somerset: lie was also indiscreet enough to say that "if Woodward and Vallandigham were elected, with Seymour and Parker, they would. unite in calling from the army the troops front their respective States, for the purpose of compelling the administration to invite a convention of the States to adjust our dfffi• collies." We have the authority of Mr. CiTMICH himself for pronouncing the above an impudent .fabri cation. He used no such expression, or any thing like it ? either at Somerset or any other place where he has spoken. When win Abolition editors stop king , ? HAVE WE A DISUNIONIST AXOria vo 7-11 is even an ; for if language like the following is not disunionism of the rankest kind, there can be no such crime : If the hour of dissolution leas come then in God's name let us separate in peace. There should be no appeal to brute force. That government which does not lice in the just consent, and in the affection of the governed, is a tyranny. The hand of brother should not be arrayed against brother.' These treasonable words appeared in the Berke 4. Schuylkill Journal of December 16th, 3860. The man who uttered them is still at large. Can it be possible! Can such things be, and "loyal leaguers" rest quietly in their beds at night '7 Where's the heroic Schenck! Where's Burn side, with his Order No. 8 Vir SoLomas, read the address of the Dem ocratic State Central Committee, on our first page, There has been a studious and dishonest effort made on the part of interested parties to deceive you. Remember.hose who were mean enough to cheat you with " shoddy pants" and " paper obves," can have no scruples agaittet practising deception to secure your votes as a means of enabling them to continue their vile scheme of making princely fortunes at your es parto°, and out of the necessities of the Govern. meat. Look at facts as they ,are—think for yourselves ; and we know you will spurn your deceivers. Cifq &Mits. for EPISCOPAL thumici; AT IC M COURT House.—Divine service will be held et the Court Home, tomorrow (Sunday) morning, at 10 o'clock ; also In the evening at 73‘ o'clock. In the afternoon at St. Rarnahae at 3 o'clock. a.min free at both placed. tar REV. DR. E. V. GERHART, from LerlCLlS ter, will preach to-morrow (Sunday) in the First German Reformed Church, in the morning in the German, and in the evening in the Englleh language. gr TUN UNION PRATER. MINITIA will be bold to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, In the Church of the United Dreifiren, E..ntli Ninth ailing, at 3 °Weak. All "persons are respectfully invited to attend. Mar THE EXETER SUNDAY SCHOOL will hold their annual celebration this (Saturday) afternoon, in Lia coln'e Woods, near Exeter gtatieli. Addractist, So English and German, will be delivered, and a Baud of Manic will be present. chliftlCAL CHANGE.—The Rev. M. C. Lightner, former Rector of Christ Church, Reading, and for two years pact In charge of an Episcopal Parish at Binghamton, in Western New-York, has accepted a call to Detroit, hlichigan, and removed to that city, with his family, ea the Ant of this mouths HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT.— The eighth anneal Commencement of the Reading High School, will be held toed. James's Lutheran Church, South Fifth street, on Tustdsys NVOIDDR, October Gth, commencing at T . o'clock. Children to whom these exercleeo have no other interest than novelty, will not be allowed admittance. Parents and patrons of the School are particularly in vited to be present. PROURA HRH. Prayer, By Rev. P. A. M. Keller. Music, By the Mozart Musical Union. Introductory Remarks, By John S. Richards, Esq. RINIAYS AND ORATIONS BY CLABS• 1. A eisooo Backward, Dy Alta. Maraud W. Rowe 2. Never too late to Leant, Mies Clara P. Lott. 3. What shall I Bay r Mite Bllen M. Heckler. 4. A Lemon from Hittory, (Oration) " Mr. C. Wheeler Curium. CLEM S. A Little More, By e. Time's Changes, ) 11 11 i . se ki td. a,, M. o o ;m l3b o ar ra e y r 7. Think before you act, Miss Salle O. Harper. S. Childhood, '• Melissa M. Rowell. EMI= 9. Unwritten Mush:, By Miss Amanda (Ulises 10. liver Onward, " Miss Sarah N. Guilder. 11. Sensitise andlhadow, " Mies Sauna C. Arnold 12. The Torch of Liberty, (Oration) . Mr. Jeosthae Jones. mvere. Presentation or Diplomal. By Hon. Warren J. Woodward MUSIC. Bauedict on AN INTETINEITING INOIDENT. — Senator Clymer, of Berks, who has been, and still Is, doing gal— lant tetvlce throegbout the State for Woolvrann end the CONIMITUTIO2i, addressed an immense mese meeting el the rOemeerney of Western Pennsylvania, at Brookville, deft ferson county, on the 15th of September. Among other noteworthy Incidents of the occasion, as described by the Brookville Jeffersoniart, was a procession of `. thirty-four Interesting little girls, eurobed in white, *wettest and pure as their innocent natures, 'Rim appronehea the Speakers' stand, and presented to Mr. Clymer, through Mr. Jenks, a rich and heantiful banner, which the DamoCratic ladies of Brookville had gotten up for the occasion, and their lib erality, logo sod high-toned patriotism were visible In all its parts. The harmer bore on one tide the Impressive in scription, Etagere, pies us back oar Union ae you re- CciVai it," to which Mr. Clymer replied, elm/neatly and with deep feeling, and concluded by &tying he would take it with him to the :trcce of the Democracy, Herbs county, and preserve It In his house as long as the roof sheltered him against the storm, and ever cherish it as one of the most pleating incidents of bit life. "Mr. Clymer then addressed the assembled multitude for about two hours, is arguments incontrovertible, and With eloquence and power unturposted." LIASOBO3I6 ISIBROVESIHNT.—Tho North- West corner of Sixth and Walnut street has been greatly 111111r0Yed, OW season, by the erection of a large three-story brick building, intended for the ollicea of the East Pennsyl vania Railroad Company. It has a front on Sixth !street of 40 feet, and a depth on Walnut (nieln building) of 103 feet 4 inches. The back building is also 3 !denied high, 00 feet deep and IS feet wide. Each door is supported by 0 Melt girders and 6 inch beams, with 4 inch brick arches from bairn to beam, With a span of 7 feet 7 inches. The Inside wilt be /latched in a style to eorreepond with the exterior. The lower Hoorn will be laid with tiles, and the other goon end wood-work generally, will be of the best ma terial. The build log is as near lire-proof as it can be made. Messrs. Eisenhower and Fink, who are celebrated for "good jobs," are the builders, and the brick-work, which id very neat, was done by Memo. Dialutoerger, liotimmtor & Co. Our city Is indebted, for this improvement, to the taste of E. M. Clymer, Esq., the energetic rresident of the 'Fad Penna. Railroad, who believes lu and acts upon the old proverb that "whatever is worth doing, Is worth do ng well." ser THIRD PENNS. ROSERVES.—The follow— to; promotions have been recently made In Company F, reausylviale Reeervee ; Albert P. Million, to be Captain, vice Capt. Washington Richards, resigned, and appointed Captain in the Invalid Corps. Henry S. Moulton, to be Fleet Lieutenant, In place of A. P. Moulton. promoted. Benjamin D. Rommia, to he Second Lieutenant. Robert Smith, First Sergeant. John Van Doran, Second Sergeant. John M. Berg, Third Sergeant. James M. Phillips. Fourth Sergeant. Edward Clayton, Fifth Sergeant. The 3d "Reserve Regiment was lately paid by Major Reynoida, and the men belonging to the Companies from this city have seat a large portion of their money home. Melee William Muer, one of the beat soldiers in the army gr the retOmite, continues in command of the 9d Reserves, and has the respect and affection Mall the °Ricers and man under his command. Capt. Lenhart and the rest of the °Ricers of oar Companies continue to enjoy good health. Kr rooms OP COUNOILS.—Our City Cou units sometimes move along crab-fabhlon, or advance backward. Thus, after baying resolved upon, the Improvement of Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Kissinger streets, and actually enter ed Into a contrast for the work, at a cpecilic price, they bare defeated the wholotbing by voting down the appro priations for li. This is the veriest child's play, unworthy of men, sensible business men, who set up for the legisla tors of a city like Reading. The only Widmann of interest done by Cannella at Mir last meeting, was the passage of au Ordinance appropri ating iliF,oo for building a tower on the City property in Franklin Wont, above Fifth, for oiling and drying Hose. VW BARN BURNT.—On Friday evening last, at aboutS o'clock, a Swim barn on the farm of Mr. Reuben Loraah, in Lower Macungie, Lehigh county, wee set on lire by ;marks from a locomotive passing over the East sad ggairely COtlkliffild, together with a large quantity of hey, grain, farming Implements, eight head of cattle, a mare and a young colt. Some outbuild ings, filled with grain, were also destroyed. The barn Mood only about one hundred feet from the Railroad. The /one wee considerable. The eta& woo battled In the Le. high Insurance Company. New PRItiLLRY Selmoes.—To neeommo duke the increasing number of children applying for ad hild9ioll into the Primary SClniOls of the Third and Fifth Wards, the Board of Controllers have authorized an ad ditiooal Primary School to be opened In each of said Wards, to commence on Monday next. The Episcopal Mission School of St. John, is •• ittoktown," and the meet of the Evangelical Mission Church in Cheatoutetreat, above Fifth, have beau temporarily rented for the Dee of these Schools. kir A Goon PORTRAIT.—A portrait of J d ui B. Reber, Esq., of Mount Pleasant, Penn township, has been on exhibition In the window of Mr. Godfrey fire's Picture Store. in Fast Penn street, for several days, and bee attracted a good dent of attention. It to a 'photograph. of life size, painted by Mr. F. D. Dorian, an artist whose rep utation is well established. The Mumma is admirable, and the pictare itself is something 6operlor, u a work of art. wiLD CAT SHOT. —A large Wild Cat, weighing 018.1., and Measuring 3 feet in length, was shot on the 17th all., by lift. Daniel U. Straus, of Penn township, in the woods of hire. Peter lieusaa, about 2 lallea "bore Dernville. It is not known that one of these animals has been seen in this neighborhood for the last 35 years. War NEw ROLLING MILL.—..I. large Rolling Mill, for the menotseinre of Riled Iron, is abont to be bait on the Canal, near Chastoet street, by Ileum Loath, Berg & Co. Messrs. Meliert and Kinsey are now making an engine of MO horse power for thin Mill ; which, it is stated, will be the largest stationary engine ever balk in this city. AMEILWAN MEC/lAN/Oa' PalLALlE.—Nover 'dna Connell. No. 127, Order of United American Medial:t ie., Rill parade fA the immesh of Womeledorf, on Saturday next, October 10th. All the Councils of the Order In Berke county, are expected to be represented. Seseraaistin gulsbed members of the Order have been invited from abroad, and are;expected to ilviiver Wives's. The Nehmie of our Sidi and Wounded Soldiers. The Ladies' Aid Association have neared earnest ap peals for articles for our sick and wounded Soldiers, from Mtn, itOistan, Who has been Indefatigable In her attention to them at Gettysburg. Roans, cracker., butter, eggs and sugar, are oblelly wanted, and our atlases are again soli cited to add their contributions to those already so liberal -13, forwarded. All articles bout to the undersigned before neat Thursday, sth Ina., will ba Immediately forwarded. %OSA C. NICOLL% Preeldent. Reading, October Id, Ita. • BOARD OF CONTROLLERS. A special meetly or the Board of Controlinn Of the Reading School District, was held on Thursday evening, October 1, 1663. The following members wore in attendance Messrs- Bauer, Creelline, From, Getz, Gernert& Hagan man, Hain, MOD, liooher, McCurdy, Moore, Mulligan, Manton, Richards, R übinson, Roland, Stout, Turner-10. The Committee on Suildiuga and Repair!. Mr Ocr.." chairman, reported that the Committee had leaded the buildings they were instructed to lease at bat nice:- log, for additional Primary Schools, and that they are ready for use. He also presented the proposition of Hezokiah Driller, to sell a lot of ground on Kissinger greet Tor 430 6 j 0100 the proposition of Catharine Porn, to sell her property ad joining the above, for 1025. Mr. Hoff moved that the Committee be authorized to purchase the propertied named at said prices. The ayes and noes were demanded on the motion, by MOAN. Mont and Freak and were as felieWa Apse—Messrs. Briner, Creciline, °emend, HilgOOMAll, Hain, Hoff, Hooker, Myers, Mulligan, Manton, Richards, Robinson, Roland, Turner-14. • Noes—Masora. Frees, Stout-2. Mr. Stout offered a aeries of resolutions, for the appoint mentola Beech' committee to tabs into consideration the ertbject of dividing the Grammar Schools of the oily fold two districts, and the erectly. of two buildings large enough to accommodate all the Grammar Schools; and also to inquire whether the present Grammar &hoot buildings would not he large enough for all the Primary and Secondary schools of each Ward, and whether any property va...t.d by this arrangement ehonld not be sold, and the proceeds appropriated to the erection of the new Grammar School buildings. On motion, the resolutions were laid on the table. Mr. Sleeker moved that the neat regular meeting of the Board be postponed one week. Adopted. Me. flegaaton, Chairman Committee On PriglarY Schools, presented the following 110111611.1i01111 of Teachers First Ward—Principal 2d Male Primary—Maggie Bendier. Assistant, Emma Werner. Third Ward—Principal Male and Female Primary, Martha Stahl. roc Amietaut Hale Pamary, Mary S. Mealier; 2d M oistest, Martha X. McCauley. Fourth Want—let Aseletant Female Primary, Amanda Bern; Id Assistant, Maggie W. Rowe. FEfth Ward—Sixth and Walnut street, Principal, Emma Stauffer. Bich town—Principal, Loyd. Salley. Washington School—Assistant Male Primary, Sarah X. Gander. The Committee on Primaries were, on motion, author ized to organize the School In the Church on Chestnut street, below oth, for two teachers, and appoint an assist ant for said school. Mr. Hain, from the Committee on Janitors, nominated Mrs. Robinson, janitor for the Iticktown" School, and Mrs. Jacob Miller, for the Chestnut street School. The nominations wore Confirmed by the Board. On motion, the Board adjourned. I,BWO BRUME, 6.Pratall• ,yam- ANOI72PT or COAL transported on the Phil adelphia and Reading Railroad, during the week ending Thursday, October 1, 1863. Tan& OWL From Port Carbon, - - 20,795 07 " Pottsville,. • 1,501 05 • Schuylkill Haven, - - • 21,314 19 " Auburn, • • • 2.626 04 • Port Clinton, - 30,658 14 " Harrieburg, • - - • 4 / 6 73 00 Total for week 72,509 10 Previous'Ville year, - 2,200,377 11 TOTAL, To same dam loot ylmr, 1.509,570 15 ter LIMIT - . A. M. %Lowe, of the 15th 11. S. Infantry, who Lae been on recruiting service In this city for some months past, and has also acted, during the ensue time, en Military Provost Marshal under Maj. General Sigel, to the entire satisfaction of all who have had any business transactions with him, has been ordered to join bin Regi ment, now in the field, under General Reeeerane, in Georgia. The "Lieutenant takes with him the respect and good Wiais es of many friends in this city. Star HARVET BIRCH & BROTHER continue to posh along . their Nowa Agency with commendable en. terprlse. They have already reeeiTed the Ifew - Yerk ii lnetrated papers for October 10th, and the October Nos. of the monthly Magazines. They also continue to supply the New-York and Philadelphia dailies. ow- MIDIBIIRG Arran:m-4%e Town Council of lambing have appointed Mr. John If nittel as Collector of the borough taxes for the present year.—The School Board of the same borough have declared the seat of Wil liam B. Deilil6r vacant, and appointed Dr. George M. Mil ler a School Director in Ids place. Eve AND EAR.—(From the Net ionfa Inteiligeneer, Wash ingtoo.)—Dr. Von Moschzielter's little book ou medical and inmates' kehlfiCo hag heen extensively read and quoted by journals In other cities with high remarks of approval for the acuteness of Its observations, the clearness of its state ments and Its independent tone. The hook is mainly devoted to subjects in which his knowledge le great, and his experience has given him a title M speak with confidence. The part of the work which to or most value to the public, to its notices of the stale of the science and practice of medicine in Eye and Ear" diseases, to which Dr. Von Moecheisker bee given special attention, with a great deal of esteem and reputation. Dr. Von Moschztaker feels gratified to state that he has met with the most distinguished success in Philadelphia. Numerous acknowledgment. of cares of Bedeleea, Blind ness and Throat Diseases emu be examised at his office, No. 1027 Walesa, street, Philadelphia. which will give the very utmost satisfaction to those who require his services. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ASTRAY TWO RED COWS, MARKED WITH" WRITE, the younger hat• one horn broken.' d suitable reward will be paid by informing of their whereaboate, or rattan lug to DAVID AIeKNIGHT, oet 3-it] North Fifth Street. $25 REWARD WILL BE PAU> kY THE UNDERSEGNED, to any one giving such information as williend to the detection and conviction of lice person Who stole a Giant of Battle rose boob from the Bower bed or Mr Charles Rein's lot. he the Charles Evans Cemetery, a few days ago. This In the third offence of the same nature, in the same lot, daring the pkodatit ALEXANDER BURNETT, Strawberry Gill Nursery. Oct 3—id Gad Ward Democratio Club. DEVIZOORATit AROUSE! THE STATED MONTHLY MEETING OF THE Club will be held nentThurrday evening, October Sth, at their rooms, Chestnut street below Third. Every Demo crat in the Ward is requested to attend, as badness of im portance will be trannoted. set 3-111 OEO. EL EIIidENTROUT. Secretary. Democratic Meeting in Maidencreek. 11HE DEMOCRATIC CLUB OF MAIDEN " CREEK Township will meet on Thursday, October S, at 7 P. al., at Molitown. All Demeorate are invited to attend. Several speakers will be present. Arrangements 'for the election and for participeing In the County Mass Meeting are to be considered. By order of the Preeldent,_ MEM Barmy!lle and Penn Democratic Club. AMEETING OF THE DEMOCRATIC CLUB of Bernellle and Peon townehlp, will be bald at the public bouae of John Yeager, to Boroville. on Wednesday. October 7, 19153, al4 o'clock, Y, 51, to wake arrangement& for attending the Democratic Mats Meeting, at Heading, on Saturday, October 10th. By order of DANIEL the Club oot 3-U9 L BILLMAN, Freak DEMOCRATIC CLUB MEETINGS. wilsflpsolt CLUB WILL MEET THIS (Saturday) evening, Oct 8.1883. at 0 o'clock, at the public Loose of Mahlon A. Sellers, Windsor Castle. THE,' NORTH HEIDELBERG CLUB will meet this (Sat urday) afternoon at I o'clock, at the public house of bona. than S. Klapp. Addresses by Messrs. Wm. M. Goodman and P. Q. Looks. TUE MURLENIWRG CLUB will meet this (aattirdey) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the public house of James Scbmeck. Aildreetoo by lion. B. R. Axioms and others. THE UNION TOWNS DI f• CLUB, and the Democrats of adjOi Pi tqWlielilpe, Will meet Friday eloping, October 9111, at 7 o'clock, at the public boom" or Herman Um stead, Mount Airy. AJiirenbea by non. J. K. blatenty, Jamie G. Hawley, Erg , and others. loot 3-It. Itorse and Carriage Sir Sale. A FIRST RATE FAMILY HORSE, AND Carriage in excellent order, for sale b the erthecri bar, very cheap. Apply at the Clothing Store, corner of Sixth and Peon [street. oet 3-tfJ JAMES JAMESON, FO.IL SALE. Dwelling House in North Fifth Street. 1 - IHE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE 1)R. JOHN P. HIEST.Ekt, next to the Old Jail property, is of fered for sale on desirable terms. The house is %rip, ggd coovenient, with modern improvements. A large MO. story brick building is on the rear of the lot, which can be converted into a dwelling at moderate expense—lot 31 feet, 8 inches wide and 280 feet deep. Terms easy. Apply In Court street, to DAVID rdeKNIGIVP, oat 3-31] Commercial Broker. PUBLIC BALE OF REAL ESTATE. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, ON Satnlday, the get day of Maher, A. D. DM, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the public house of Michael B. Boll mau, In the borough of Womelodorf. Berke county: All that certain two-story frame DWELLING HOUSE, one story and three-quarter BRICK SHOP and Scene Barn, and the lot of ground on which the cold hnildlnge ae erected, eituate lu said borough of Wolueledort on liertrh side of High street, containing 258 feat 112 depib; and 66 feet In front. Late the property of Jacob Retfanyder, deceased. Conditions of sale made known on the day and place of sale, by =II OLD LEAD, BRASS AND COPPER WANTED. Highest price,' paid by I. L. STICIITIM, 9018-at) tom p 697 agd 608, Wog Penn Omit. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BEVERLY INSTITUTE FOR. BOIS. PLEASANTLY LOCATED AT BEVERLY, N. J., 15 MILES FROM PHILADELPHIA. BM H. L. HOMED, A. N., Principal. From Rm. Dr, Maclean, Prooitiong of the court, of New Jersey, Pritzednn. From ble knowledge of the Rev. M. L. Homan, Pried. pal of Beverly legume, the undersigned to ceettdont that this Inothntion is worthy of the patronage of percale who desire for their sons a School conducted by a Chrlstain gentleman, and a competent teacher. ocks-lmo] JOHN MACLEAN. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Rotate of JOHN D. KNABB, lute of olew twonship, Berk* county, deceased. rr RE UNDERSIGNED AUDITOR, APPOINT " ED by the °rube.' Court of Berko county, to audit, restate and resettle the account of Peter S Reath, admin istrator, at., of Jet,. D. Raabb, dooaa.mal, tad make .111 e. trteottou of the balance In kW hands to and among the pardons legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice that he tvlll meet the parties interested, at Ole °Meet° Court street, Beading, Pa., on Saturday, the Slet of October, 1863, at 1 o'clock, P. M., when and where [bey may attend, if they tee Pr9Per, Oct. 8-3 t) Valuable Real Estate at Publio Sale. ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31sT, 1863, AT 1 o'clock, P. M., willbe sold at public sale, at the Key. stone Roses, is iba oily of Reading! All thatetivlain t h ree. story Brick.DWELLING ROUSE, situate on the East aide aof South Sixth street, North of Laurel street, In the said city. The hence has been recently built, and has attached to it a ltvontery brick back building with all the necessary conveniences. The lot on which the bawling* ars erected la nineteen fest BIZ Inches in front, and one hundred and fifteen feet deep. An abundance of I'lum, Cherry and Peach trees, and Grapes, on the premises. Conditions made known at the time and place. [oct 3-4 t Executor's Bale of Valuable Real Estate. e\ NBATURDAV, OCTOBER 81ST, 1863, WILL 'LI be cold at public•aale, on the premises: All that valu able farm, late the estate of Daniel Ruppert, deceased, situate in Rockland lownbldp, Berke county, adjoining lands of Abraham Ruppert, Samuel Roth, Benjamin Folk, Jacob Ruppert, Samuel Rapport, deed., Gideon nappert, and David' Moyer, containing ninety item more or less. The improvements thereon are a large two story stone DWELLING HOUSE , spring house with never-failing water, large Swiss barn, wagon sheds, pig sty, apple orchard, Ac. About twenty scree is excel- Wit WOODLAND The above property will be sold entire or In parte, to bait parches.rn. Sale to 861'61Y101100 at one o'clock, P. Pd.; when due attendance will be given and COll - made known, by GIDEON RUPPERT, Surviving Executor oat 3-41..] of Daniel Ruppert, deceased. ON FRIDAY, THE 16TH OF OCTOBER, AT 1 o'clock, P. M. will be sold at public sale, at the public house late of dept. John Gechter, in Exeter town ship, Berke county, A FARM of 27 acres of land, more or less, of which there need acres Woodland, 2 sores Meadow, 2 acres of Pasture, and the remainder farmland. 4 acres of which contain Grain in the ground, situate in Alsace town ship, said county, adjoining lands el Levi Hartman, Wil liam Oausert, John gehmeck and others, about 5 miles -from Beading, on the road leading from oley to Bern. The Improvements - thereon, are a WO Pomo; swiss Barn, partly stone and partly frame, with the nectar cry out.bnildings ; two springs of .water near the house, and an Apple Orchard, with a variety of other Fruit Trees. Conditions of sale made known at the time and place, by Oct &WU JSCOD Kt 11491 J, 01' REAL Et9TSTE. CIN SATURDAY, THE 24TH DAY OF OCTO LJ RER, DM, at I o'sloelt, P. IL, on the premises, to Robeson township, Berke county, will be sole at Public Sale. the following described Real Estate, late the property of Amos Beard, deceased: AR that certain niessnage and tract of land, situate in said Robeson township, adjoining loads of E. &O. Brooke, William J. Scarlet, and others: gualaiplng 104 acme and 1101 perches. The improvements thereon are two STONE. DWBLLING BOHM, one Barn. one Stable and other out-buildings. A coned arable portion of the above tract of land is good Wood land, consisting of good White Oak and extra Chestnut Timber, also about 10 acres of Meadow and the residue good Form Load. 116 r Any person wishing to view the above, can do so by calling on Henry Beard. Terms and conditions made known at sale, by HENRY BEARD, oct 341] JAMES R. WELLS, 5 --`•-•••• - - 2,30,947 04 ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24TH, 1863, THE subscribers will offer THEIR. 'FARM for sale, at pub. lie outcry, on the premises, in Robeson township, Berke county. Bald farm lies about 9 miles Booth of Reeding, contains 90% sores and allowance, of which about 19 Rama is timber and sprout land, about 8 acres meadow, the rest farm-land nuder good. culture and good fences; it in divided into 10 fields, all of which, and the meadow, are accessible from the public road passing through said farm, and leading from Birsboro' to Churchtown. The improve ments area large two-story STONE HOUSE, stone bank barn, clone wagon house with corn crib, frame Smith Shop, frame hog stable, and all other necessary out-buildings. A pomp with excellent water is near the door, and an orchard with flretrate fruit. (freesia prime) together with other fruit trees. Said farm can be bought on easy terms, and a good title will be given. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. 3L , on said day, when terme wilt be made known, by . ..... Oct 3-St] vainuAlnen REIAL IIaTELTZ. WILL BE SOLD, ON SATURDAY. THE 24th day or October 18i3, at the public house of William Wadley, (Yost•s Tavern) to Omura township, Barka county, Pa., THREE 'TRACTS OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, situated In Camrn township, Berke county, to wit : No. 1. Containing 16 acres and 166 perches, more or less of valuable RAIL TlVltgli, bounded by lands of Minium Boman, Henry Rollman, Jacob Shelter, (Mount Penn Fur nave) and Milers. No. / Containing 48 flares, 1116 mans, inure or BM, of valuable SPROUT LAND, bounded by lands of Henry Holtman, Henry A. Seyfert & Co, John Hyle ' George Reeser and o th ers. On this tract Is about eight acres of TIMBER, and an excellent STONE QUARRY. No. 3 Containing 33 acres, 103 peaches, more or less, of valuable SPROUT LAND, bounded by landa of George Reeser, Win. Mohr, Philip Breidenetine, John Weidner, Nicholas Yost, and others. Any of the above tracts will be sold by the whole or otherwise, to suit parebasers, Sale to commence at I &ant, to the afternoon, when the conditions of sal* will be made knows, by . . Oct 3-3t] . Executrix of Sohn Schwartz. deceased. Persons who wish to view the above tracts will please call on Henry no' Imes, adjoining, or on the Executrix, residing &Fifth et., above Chestnut, Beading. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE . AT PIIBIeXO BALE. ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 815 T, 1863, AT 1 o'clock, P. If., will be sold at plane Wm, al the Key stone House, in the city of Reading: The following valua ble Property, situate on the Wed aide of North Fifth street, South of Washington street, in the said city, adjoining Um old Kern property on the North. the Episcopal Church pro perty on the South, Ash Alley on the West, and Fifth area On the noel. The property id of the Lreadtle of July_ three feet on Fifth street, and extends back of the salne width one hundred and forty-four feet. and from thence, with a breadth of sixty feet, still Westward a distance of eighty-six feet to Ash alley. The erections and improvement. on Fifth street are TWO TWINE-STORY BRICK BUILDINGS, With large and convenient storerooms on Ike first door, with fixtures, gee and cellar. complete, with large two-story BRICK BACK BUILDINGe., with dormitory, and gas throughout the whole house, and a large and conve nient yard, filled with an abundance of thriving fruit leering TREES of ail kinde. On the rear of the lot, con taining a front of sixty feet on Ash Alley, with a depth of eighty-wiz feel, are erected font two-story brick dwelling pongee, sire roof, easy of rental, with kitchen, bake•oven, backbuildings and hydrant,. The buildings are substan tially built and the moire property is in excellent order and repair. The conditions of sale will be made easy to the purchaser. [oat 3-4 t 1= OF A VALUABLE FARM, In the immediate vicinity of the City of Reading. riCHE StiEscIIMEEE WILL OFFER HT FHB. LIC gale, on Saturday, October 17th, 1803, at 1 to c ock, P. 81., at the public house of Daniel Hansom, 4th and Penn street, all that VALUABLE FARM (containing chant 110 agree), with extensive improvements. owned by William Lelubach, situate on the banks of the Schuylkill, opposite the lily of Reading. The land le all 11144 quill limestone toil, and la the highest state of cultivation. The lilmprovernents consiet of FOUR DWELLING HOUSES, large Stone Swim Barn, large Storehouse, Wagon house, and other neceeeary ont.buildinge—water con venient to the bombes and bare. All 8 1 / 1 111dRACO of various kinds vt bearlog fruit Ow cm the rarw, The properly ad joins the Lebanon Valley Railroad, the Union Canal skirts the came on the river bank, and the Harrisburg turnpike passes through it. First quality clay for the manufacture of hi ta le s, and the best lime-tone in abundance en the pro mince. The property will be 6old in the whole or in parte to ant purchasers. The 'Amnon ACIPII unusual indttee manta for any kind of manufacturing establishment, but particularly a FURNACE for the manufacture of Iron. Persons desirous of examining the property, can do so by calling upon the owner, residing on the premises; or the subscriber, at his once in Court street, Reading. If thin property should not be sold, it will be housed at the time of sale. TOBACCO AND SEGAR 639 PENN STREET, NORTH SIDE BELOW RAILROAD, READING. PA. . (swig OF PUNCH.) CHARLES C. MALTZBERGER • WBOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OP TOBACCO, DAVID L. REIVIINVDER REAL MEERSCHAUM. BRIER AND FANCY PIPES. Seger Holders. Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, India- Rubber Port Mouaiee, &c. E9l3i 3—tt P. LEAP gIETII, indltor PUBLIC GALE, PUBLIC SALE FARM FOR SALLE PUBLIC 13811 E OF PUBLIC SALE Terms and conditions made known at Me time by DAVID McKtilOßT, Commercial Broker, oat 3-31) STORE, SEGARS, SNUFFS, etc ALWAYS ON HAND A FINE ASSORTMENT OF KLINE •& EPPINMqi, 512 PENN STREET, NOW OPEN A beautiful assortment of Ladies' DRE,,:s GOODS, to which we would call il) attention of our customers, PLAIN POPLINS, RICH PLAID POPLINS, Plain French Merinos, Plain Wool De Lami, (cheap) Rich Paris Plaids, Shepherd Plaids, Plaid Crepe Cloth, Saxony Plaids, Balmoral Skirts, Balmorals for Mourning, Ladies' Cloaks, Cloaking Cloths, Repellant Cloth for Cloaks, New Style Blanket Shawls, New Style Broehe Shawls, Chinchilly Shawls, Stella Shawls, Best Kid Gloves, plain, Best Kid Gloves, embroidered, Black Kid Gloves, Undressed Kid Gloves, (new). ALSO, .., Clotho, Cassimeres, Satinetts AND ALL KINDS OP ZS CO 1r Mi ' 17P I ,XIIA ft r , AT TUE LOWEST MARKET POIcEe September 26, 1863-10 Paper Hangings WINDOW SHADES. GEO. THANKFUL FOR PAST favors from kite clihrioo of 161141114 and Berke calmly, Would respectfully announce that he has Jest opened NM Styles WALL PAPER X° EL Ma la XL A. ELEGANT GOLD BAND WINDOW SHADES WINDOW SHADES MADE TO ORDER Of any Color and any Size Wanted. Store Shades Made to Order, N: IM7 No. 4,49. October 3, 1363—tf PIIRSTIANT TO AN ORDER OF TUE OR PRAMS' Court of Berke county, will beeold Vendee, on Saturday, the thirty-tint day of Octobti, ISM, at the public hence of Daniel Knauer, in the tore. chip of Brecknock, Berke county, the following &Bellied Real Rotate, to wit; All that certain Manage, Tensaiant and Tract of Land, Minato in Breakneck township, cocoty aforesaid, adjoining lands of George Lebo, Samuel Goilih, and (Ahem containing twenty - three acres, more or ,<,t. ai lle Improvements are a one and a half story Store DWELLING HOUSE, trans mable and other out. buildings, with a young thriving apple orchard. Also, a Trace of Land athlete In Cnmre. township. Berke county, near or on the line of Spring and Cuero torrwhip, adjoining lands of Isaac Huyett, George Bollinan, W a and others, containing six acres more or leia-. The improvements are a ore and a-half-story frame barn, a well of water near the dwelling ; also a Faring thriving apple orchard. Also, another Tract of land, situate in Spring tom*, Berke county, adjoining lands of Elijah Warner, laurel Hill, and others, containing one acre, more or less. ?Ls Improvements are eons and a-half story log HOUSE, frame stable, with a well of water near said dwelling. Late the property of John Ste& deceased. Sale to commence at, cue o'clock in the afternoon, when due attendance will be given, and the terms of sale made known by WILLIAM dTBFYY, Administrator. By order of the Cond.—Deem Wan, Clerk, [uct 3-41 JOS. S. ROYER, JOHN ROYER. DtittStlANT TO AN OltbEß OP THE OR PHANS' Court of Berke county, will be sold at Pohlio Vendee, on Saturday, the 241 b day of October, A. 1:1, 156.1, at the public house of William Baum, at the Peer, street bridge, to the city or Beading, at 2 o'clock, P. M., or aid day; All that certain Lot or piece of around on which is Eroded a one and a half-story frame DISBLLISO HOUSE with a onnatory back kitchen attacked, with be appurtenances, situate on the East bide of Peer alley, between Liberty alley and Washington street. In the city of Reading aforesaid, containlog fn front North sad Smith Sr, feet, and in depth East and West 115 feet. mars Or lees, bounded as follows: on the North by proließY et Foizabeth Gilbert, on the Bast by property of Richard Brown, on the South by property of Laetitia Mar:': •rol on the West by bald Pear alley. The conditions of m¢ meat to be as follows: 2r, per sent of the parchase mousy ea the do of sale, sad the balsam se or befetethe tenth! of February next. Late the property of Israel Watson, deceased. ELIZA SCHWARTZ Sate to commence at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when dc. attendance will be given, and the term cloth made known by A. 0. ORSBN, A dminimmtot. By order of the Goart.— , kurrob HANN, Glen. [ott PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE OE. PIIANS. Court of Berke county, will be sold et Pol. ire Yeedo9, 90 Fridey, the 23 4 dity 9T ceiebeel A.D. b d, at the pram° honor of Daniel Knauer, in Breakneck area @hip, Berke county : All that certain dtesanage, Tenement and Tied of land, al taate pertly in Breakneck, and pony in Comma tow uship, Berke county, adjoining lands of Daniel Miller, Henry Trees'. Jacob Eshelman, devised Peter Bowman, John Boyer, Benjamin Kemp, Neel Olseekoltao, John Claimed, Plklllp Albeight , Dank! Fib telling, and Joseph Nair, containing one hundred sad seven cores and one hundred and twenty-eight j porches, be the same more or less The improvements COntitt of it one-story M dory and what, Log DWELLING HOE, Frame Schweitzer Barn end other ont•buildings. A Sprier of never-railing water le near hid dwelling, cl'ere young thriving apple orchard. Late the property lAA/ere Zerbe, deceased. The above property will be *old in the whole or in peril, to snit purchaserd Sale to commence at one o'clock In the afternoon, when doe o ,o )o4tee will De direst, and the Wait of eels mode known by JACOB ZURBR, t Adm .., , JOBBPEI BERN, By order of the Conn.—Des= HAHN, Clerk. 1. 06 341 ORPNANS' 9017.11 T DADA PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OP THE 0- NUNS' Coartof Barka comity, will be sold st PAIR due, on Saturday, the twenty-fourth day of October, A. D., 1869, at the public house of Daniel Snaner, is Breeknoek township. Berke county, the following described Real Rotate, to wit: AU that force In Ai image, Tone:sect and Tract of Laud. situate in Brie:knock tatrusbip. ...U l f aforesaid, adjoining lied, of Samuel Koch, Joseph VW' ling, deceased, Purport No. 1, Jeremiah Steffy, Mu Fig ' toning and other., containing !man Well and iiiirlpiß O perehee, neat maims. The Improvements are a cos Ma arhalfttery BUICK DWELLING HOUSE, Smi th o.p, Small Stable , a Epilog of neve/411W inter, &LW! Bream of Water rouging through the lama. ha te " property or Joseph INtterting. deceased. Sale to commence at one o'clock in the afternoon, whe t due attendance will be elm, and the terms of was wale known by ISAAC Pll r rnttratie. A l dul'orF. BRNNEVILLE FITTERLING, By order of the Conn.—Dana'. Mum Clerk. [oe 3-31 ORPECANEV COURT SALE. PPURSUUpRBSAUNBA,NcoTurTt of Be A r lia u lt i p ty , i )l.' T ilf: O n : ANT an Saturday, the twenty.fon W rk d b e e y " o a fts i t . :L b°l' `:' A. D. 1163, at the publiolionse of Henry A. Vex, In 1. "7 township, Berke county, the following deocribud tit Estate. to wit: All that undivided onehalf part r . '.'; talk Metmsge, Tenement. and Tenet of Land, 01 . .^',' a ", Penn townshi Barks county, bounded and den... 'd ° " follows, to wi lt adjoining lands of Conrad Rob'. ...,,.. Tobias, John Snyder, and Jacobanyder, contalnlne , 1i..1 niue acres and one hundred and forty-eight earshot. z . ..,.. elz acres of which are Sprout Land, and the 0 010 . of arable land in a high state of cultivation , A otto', running water Sows through the same. Late the For L, of David Richards, deceased. Sale to commune at one o'nlock in the afternoon. Phan due attendance will be given, and the terms of tole ill known by JACOB LITOTIDT, Adul'or CATHARINE RICHARDS, By order of the Court.—Daritan Hens, Clark. 4L....._634 PonPaima , COURT SA E. „. URSUANT TO AN OKUEIt OF THE 1) ! PlikillS , Court of Borkeottuaty, will ha sold At rlib.:: . endue. on Friday, the thirtieth day of OeMbes. i.,.., 1903, at the late dwelling-honse of Jacob OslAngar, e. amused, bi. Spring township, Betts comity: All that coon! M 6411 11 1 0 , tenement and Tract of Land, Maine to the tOrtP,l ship of Spring, in the said county of Berke, hwi,_"„l,,i,d Made of Peter M il ler. Nicholas Hiller, Jacob Klif• , "n, Krtek, George Geleinger and John Holtman, am ....l ib tag forty-eight acres and eight perches, more or less, ! oi the appurtenances, Of the above, there is about t e u iq, . nacres of woodland . The improvements COWAN ~!: one glory log dwelling HOUSE, Log Stable, 1 a bo l , Was wall of inOtr, *ad iv fbliviolf A,FP_ IB ,, I :; &c. Late the property of Jacob Clehangeno... --- ' w bee Sale to commence at one o'clock in the afteruest 4 _ 4 . due attendance will be given, and the terms of set a ''. known by AARON MULL, Admieletretc! . By order of the Court.—D.4M. Keno, Clerk. foin'"' AND FOR Always on hand at the lowest prices. LETTERED Da GOLD or In COLOR. ORPHANS' COURT BALE ORPHANS' COURT BALE ORPHANS' COURT SALE