SALE OF LAND. 1,200,000 AUK= LAND OP THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. I . T i LS WELL KNOWN THAT THIS COM— puny. in the few years since the contraction of the , has sold a large number of Farms to settlers, who, mostly in a. short thee, enjoyed a degree et proa pertly, which is sufficient evidence of the quality of the soil, and the facllities for disposing of its produce. The numerous vilffiges which have sprung up in this short time also indicate the abundant resources of the country. The land Is rich PRAIRIE SOIL, often thickly wooded. Weodiand can generally be purchased at short distances and low prices--sometimes el the Company. Tim variant kinds of grata are successfully cultivated. Fruit, Grapes, kr., grow rapidly, and yield abundantly and of superior quality. The fruit market is probably the best in the West. For the raising of Cattle there is no better country to be found. Considering the infancy of the settlemente, much bed timely hem done for Schools. The Company offers to settlers great advantages. The land is sold—Wood or Prairie, — at from $6 to 02 per acre, according to its distance from the Railroad. At the time of purchme, only the interest of the marchese money is re wilted. For the 3 first years, likewise only the interest. At the end of the fourth yearand the three following, each onsquarter of the capital; thus after the expiration of seven years, the whole amount is paid. On sash pay ments a liberal discount Is allowed. Purchasers are ex empt from taxes on the land for seven years. W The undersigned has been appointed agent, and having perewigUy examined the land, is able to streams* Information. All communications to be eddreseed to JOHN ENDLICH, Agent, Watch 31-tfj Reading P. 0., Berke county, Pa. Desirable City Lots For Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS AT PRIVATE Sale at moderate rate% ve Building Lots on North Ninth street. Pive Building Lots on the west aide of Moos alley, East of Ninth street Three Building Lots on the west side of North Tenth Street, end TOMlaell Dulldttag Lots on the east aide of Mom alley. The conditions win be made easy to purchasers, the pro prietor being willing to leave two-thirds of the purchase money stand on the premises, if secured by Bond and Mortgage, and allow payment to be made in installments of 10. RD and 60 Dollars, until the whole debt is paid, provided that one-third of the yentas@ money is paid on delivery of the Deed. This is a rare chance for Laborers and Mechanise to se. awe homes, as the lots are in the neighborhood of the Steam Forge and Industrial Works; and as it is understood that all the Depots of the Junction Railroads will be pat np near the property. rr Plane of the Lots may be seen at my Were, or that of - t - 17. Oscar Wagner, Nen., Court street. Jan St-ttl 'FREDERICK LAUER. OLD PLANTATION COFFEE. 4G-xxa mix wee FINE FLAVORED OLD PLANTATION COFFEE, AS CENTS PER POUND. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRAWL HE OLD "PLANTATION COFFEE IS PRE tarred by those who have used it to the best Mocha or ova Coffee. it being superior in strength and richness of Mayor to the ordinary Imported Coffees. As we are the only receiversand manufacture= of the OLD PLANTATION COFFEE, We would caution oar friends and the public against pm , chasing any not bearing our eignatare, tie since the perfect encases of our OLD PLANTATION COFFER Numerous Toonnfootorers are trying to palm off inferior coffee a; love price, saying that theirs to as good, better,&e. borne babe gone so far as to otter our printers large atOOOMO if they would print a quantity of labels bearing our name, dm. Others are putting up mixtures labelled in Imitation of our genuine OLD PLANTATION COFFER, Each as Planter Coffee or Pl:Wen Leaf Coffee, &c., evi. &Kulp to misguide the palls 'by palming off an inferior article for our OLD PLANTATION COFFEE. As we are the only receivers and manufacturers of the OLD PLANTATION COFFEE, . . . . the stall psinl.h all inhingeisS of 611 r eny-elpht to the Inn theet extent of the law. Tliff. OLD PLANTATION COPFF.B. Ie put up in one pound tin-foil package., 36 and CO lbs. in a aloe. with lull direction for using on each package. For 61116 by all well regulated 40 1 17 stores. WEIGHT OILLIE3 & BRCerigra, Importers and Manufacturers, 753, 235, 237 Wastington Street, New• York. [Jane 13-3 m E. Bc. H. . ANTHONY, MANUFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS MA BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. CARD PHOTOGRAPH (I nIIR CATALOGUE NOW EMBRACES CON SIDERABLY over Four Ttaousandllitrorout sub lode (to which additions are continually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans, etc., viz: 72 MAJOIFORNERALS, 525 STATESMEN, 190 81110.-GENERALS, 127 DIVINES, gA9 COLONEL% 116 AUTHORS, 84 Lisur.-cotiMitta, 20 MIT E% 267 OTHER OFFICERS, 112 STAGE, 60 NAVY OFFICERS, 46 PRONI77ENT WOMEN. 147 PROMINENT FOREIGN PORTRAITS. 2,500 Copies of Works of Art, Including reproductions of the most celebrated Engravings, Palettes., Statues, Ac. Catalogues sent on ifteelpt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PICTURES from our Catalogue will be filled on receipt of $l.BO, and sent bp mail, free. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Of &we we massfectura a groat minty, ranging in price from 60 cents to $5O each. Oar ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. The smaller kinds can be sent safely by mail at a postage of six canto per no. The more expensive can be sent by etpresS. We also keep a large assortment of STERESCOPES & STERESCOPIC VIEWS, Our Catalogue of these ,:111 be sent to any address on re (Wilt of Stamp. & H. T. ANTHONY, Manufacturers of Photographic Materials 001 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK Friends orrelatires of prominent military men will eon far a favor by wending ne their likenesses to copy. They will be kept earehdly and returned uninjured. PINE ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER (or Congregation to preload to tbeir Factor, or foroiber purpose., With eatable inscriptiona, Re. [sag 22-6 mo. TU GREAT Dyspepsia Remedy and Blood Searcher. TO. MARKLEY'S HEALTH RESTORATIVE BALSAM.—This celebrated Medicine Is offered to the public as the best remedyfor Dyspepsia,Liver Complaint, Headache, Piles, Diseases of the Blood, Eruptions of the Shia, etc. IT HAS QUM THOUSANDS I IT IS A NEVER FAILING REMEDY! MILS ZT I Raul %atm! it Me dna for Mr. ABNER D. CAMPIIBTL, of the Arm of Campbell & Marshall, Boot and Shoe dealers. Centre r guard LANCASTER, Pe., March 4,1863. Dr. G. H. Hmurthr—Dear Sir: For many yearn I was the 'wittier of Dyspepsia in its most aggravated. form ; my system having become no much deranged. and debilitated, that I Wan tillgolf) to perform any 'Mud of labor. I bed re sorted to the best doctors within reach, without relief. I ruled rome of the moat popular remedies of the day, but none of them did me any good. My sufferings cannot be dmeribed in words. I was then living at Hopewell, Ches ter county, and. hither, as a last resort, I commenced the use of your medicinal. They soon afforded me relief from the moot painful ay-Diplome which I had soireoly hoped to obtain ; and in a surprisingly short time I was completely restored to health, and I have enjoyed the beat of health ever duce—not a symptom of my old complaint remain ing. Since then, I have always kept your medicines in say family, and would not be without them ulna any COll - an they have never failed to de what yen eltdra for them. Itaapeetthtly yours, A. D. CAMPBELL. Thin is bat one of the many testimonials daily received In praise of this great medicine. For sale by HARVEY BIRCH & BROTHER, -Twee 0-11 Druggists, No. e 3 Weat Penn SL, Reeding. STRICKLAND & BROTHER, . WHOLESALE AND EMAIL BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS 23 EAST 220222 11173121.13'2, READING, PA. Aoki. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of Schad, Miscellaneous and Blank MEN 4111010 411:10 MAC 5C q PRAYER BOOKS, n:ire trt T HYMN BOOKS, PERIODICALS, MEMO and 311ESTUBOOKR. GOLD PENS, FANCY ARTICLES, NOTE, LETTER. OAP and PIRETIRG PAPER and PAPER RAGS BLANK BOOZES --AND— DIEROKANTS' ACCOUNT BOONS Made to order; Churches and Sabbath Schools supplied Isiah Tract Society and Sunday School Union publications, at catalogue prices. ,egg- Orders roan Conakry Merchant* solicited and filled promptly at the lowest wholesale prices. Air Teachers supplied with Music at the vane discount, N. B.—Boas and Music sent by mail postage paid, on receipt of Panthers' Prices. Jan le-if NOTICE. A PREMIUM WILL BE PAID ON 413FICIPLXI. cmaroo tesszewmx=a. -AND =ow , f -1 AT TEE EZWIANQII AND BANNING OFFICE -0 F -- a. W. GOODRICH, READING. Pa_ mpg Jo, ien-ui EAST PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SUNDAY TRAIN. ON AND AFTER JUNE Tra, 1863, A. PAS SENORA TRAIN will leave kadlog ever/ Sandal'. at 7.30 A. M., and arrive In Allentown. at;9.20 A. id. Re turning, will leave Allentown at 4,1 0 F. 51, and arrive in Reading at 6.00 P. M. This train will stop at all Stations, and also at convenient places between Stations, going and retuvning, The Payee for the tonna trip to all points will be about one-third lees than the regular rates, and are as follows: ci '' I Ig' hi a ill Anor. r i d I ..„. i a . 3 ii z i , ° 117°1 ° ; 2 ; 0014,6 _,. S si.4 gx .4 A 4e4 go sd e 4 ~ ,,, ,, a Pr( e .2 Reading, ----1 i I 1 Temple. MI $llO4 40 20 Fleetwood, 65 96 28 Lyons, 70 50 35 20 11 1 Bowers, 70 60 40 50 16 I. Topton, 80 66 50 25 201201 Mertstown, . 90 70 55 40180120115 Shamrock, 95 76 60 1 60 130.20115 Al Bustle, 1,10 80 75 0150 40130 2120 51111erstown, 1,16 95 80 1 70 36 50 9 0 30 90 20 Batus, 1,30 1,10 951 80 70160;55150 40156 201 Allentown, 1,6011,3011,20 1,10105190175j7000 66 40,90 UN AS FOLLOWS TSB TRAIN WILL A. M. Leave Reading, 9.30 do Temple, 7.43 do Blandon Lie do Fleetwo od, 8.07 do Lyons, 8.18 do Bowen., 922 do Topton, 8.29 do Alertztown, 8.34 do Shamrock, 8.37 do Al Butts, 8.45 do MilleratoWo. 8.02 do Swans. 9.03 Azive at Allentown. 9.20 'Air Passengers wishing to give due notice to the Condne June 13,1843] B Leave Allentown, do Baena do Mlller;town, do Al Bartle, do Shamrock, do Idertatown, do Topton, do Bowers, do Lyons, do Fleetwood, do Blandon, do Temple, Arrive at Roadie& atop between Stations, tor. . . M. CLYMER, President Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road. SUMMER AftRA.NOEDIENT OP PASSENOER TRAINS APRIL 20 1863. 11511111gli ( eaFlg Reading) DOWN, TO PHILADELPHIA, at 6.00 and 11.10 A. N., 12 noon, and 4.20 P. X. LIP, TO POTTSVILLE, at 11.10 A. N. and 6.00 P. N. WEST, TO LEBANON AND - HARRISBURG: Western Express from New-York, at 11.57 midnight. Nail Trains, at 11.07 A. N., and 6.00 P. N. On Sundays, the Down A. N. Train passes Beading! at 9.20 A. id , and Dp Train, at 5.07 P. H. Both 11.101. N. and don P. N. up 'Mina %/Wet at Port Clinton for Tamagna,Williamaport, Elmira, Buftio, Niagara and Canada. The 11.10 A. M. Train only Connecta at Poe Clinton for Wilkeebarre, Scranton and Pittston. The Western Express Train. connect at Harrisburg with Express Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad for Fitts burgh, ant all points West; and the Mail Trains connect at Harrisburg for Lancaster, Chambersbarg,Snubniy, WU- Dismayed, Lock Haven, Elmira and the CHISSARS. Through FtrshClass Coupon Tickets, and Emigrant Tick ets at reduced Pares, to all the principal points in the North and West, and the Canada% COMMUTATION TICKETS, With 28 Coupons, at 25 per cent. discount, between any points desired. MILEAGE TICKETS, Good for 2000 miles, between all points, at 346 35—for Families and Swine. Firms. Swami Tickets, good for the holder wily, for three months, in any of the Passenger Trains to Philadelphia, atti2oseaoh- &heal Sawn Tlak• ets one•third Sir- Passengers will take the Express Trains West, at the UPPER DEPOT, and r.ll other Trains, at the LOWER or OLD DEPOT. _ _ _ . . SO lb. of baggage allowed each passenger. Pruiseugera are requested to purchhee their Tichet4 before entering the care, as higher Faxes are charged. it pai4 Ia cars. Pp Trains leave Philadelphia for Beading, Uarrirtarg and Pottsville at &15 A. 31., and 3.30 P. 331., Red at P. 31. for Reading, only. nekeis, good for ono day. by 0.00 A. AL Accommodation Train to Philadelphia and, at $2 90 each, and to Harrisburg, good for three .days, br all Pee. senuer Trains, *2 25. G. A. ZZICOLT.S, April 25. 1863-tfj General Superintendent EAST PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Summer Arrangement. COMMENCING MONDAY, APRIL 20th, 1563. Direct to New-York Without Change of Cars. - t p ON AND AFTER MONDAY, April 2010, /003, raesenger TrtkijlS wilt leave Reeding tidily, (Sun dare excepted) for Allentown, Nandi Chunk, Bethle hem, Beaton, New-York, &c., &A., at 4.14 A. IL, 11.15 A. N., and 4.20 P. M. from tbo UPPER DEPOT The 4.14 A. El. train in the Eastern Espial'. withoht change of cars from Pittebnr,gh, and arrives in New-York to 9.10 A. M. Thin train will stop only at Lyons, Allen town, Bethlehem, Emden and tho principal stations on the Jeroay Central. The 11.15 A. M. Train will stop at all Stations between Reading and Allentown. and the 4.20 F. M. Train at all Stations, except Merztown and Al Portia. The 11./5 A. M. Train arrives in New-York at O.OOP. M.; ant the 4.20 P. M. Train at 10.15 P. M. Trains wUI leave New-Zork daily (except Sundaya) at 6 A. M., 13 noon, and 7 N. M., at the foot of Court!mlt Street and arrive in Reading 4 . 611.10 A. 01., 6 P. M., and 11.67 Midnight. Passengers are requested to purchasetlekets before tak• In their seats, as higher fares will be charged on the care, EDWARD M. CLYatElt, President AprlllB-t0 HARVEY ERE $l. BROS., GREAT LITERARY AGENCY, No. 63 WEST PENN STREET, READING, PA. ESTABLISHED BY EHERGY AND PERSEVERANCE. Subscriptions received for all New-York and Philadelphia Daily Papers. ' Per Annum.l Per Annum, Albion, New-York, $0 00 ,Law Reporter, $3 00 Atlantic Monthly, 3 co' Leslie's Ilbast'ed News, 3 00 All the Year Bound, 3 00 Leslie's Family Maga- American Agricnittalet 100 nine, *Blackwood% Magazine, 8 00 *London Clear. Review, Bon Ton Magazine of " Lancet, Fadden, 500 " Art Journal, Meekerla Mageeleo N. V. 6 60 ti Punch, London, 7 00 Littell'e Living Age, Braithwaite'n Retrospect, Little Pilgrim, send-annual, 2 00 London World of Faidt- Britinh and Foreign Med- I ion, 450 Mai Review, Quarterly, 3 00;*North British Review , 3 00 Cernbillldagazine, 4 00INortto American " 5 (0 Cultivator, Albany, ouilterry's Museum, 0 00 Country Gentleman, 2 00 Once a Week, 4 LO Chambers' Edinburg Porter's Spirit of the Journal, 2 501 Times, 300 Chem Magazine, 3 001 Peterson's National Ma- Deßow's Review, S COI gazine, 200 Boller Newspaper, 1 01/IPetersonNt Detente!, 1 00 Eclectic Magazine, 5 00l Phrenological Journal, 1 aq .Edinburgßeview, Quay- Ranking's Abstract, 2 00 ter/y, 3 00 Spirit of the Times, New Godey'n Lady' Book, 3 001 York, 600 Ilall'sJuurnalorilealth, 1 00iSeisotitto Amertcan, 2 00 Hiatorigal Magazine, 2 001Satorday Evening Post, 200 Rarper's Magazine, 3 00 Billiman's /mania, 15 OD Harper's Weekly, 2 50. Temple Bar, 4 60 Horticalturist, 2 00 Vanity Fair, 9 00 colored plates, 500 Water Care Journal, 100 Hunt's Merchant's Maga- !Weekly Tribune, 200 nine, 5 00 .Wisitrainster Review, .3 00 Home Journal, I 00; Welly Retold, 3 09 Home Magazine, -- _2 00iWIITISe's Spirit of the _ _ _ lllnat'ed London Keve,lo GO TiM(4l, 300 Knickerbocker. Ittagn, Working Farmer, 1 00 zits, 3 001 Yankee Notions, 1 23 And many others not enumerated. •Blackwood's Magazine and the tylar A9114W11 together., one year, OHL W The Raw-roes Hallam), Tareurm, Tara, Woar..o and Suer, delivered daily o subscribers In all parte of the city. at publieltere' ratee. oct 12-ea HARVEY BIRCH & BRO S. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS! 11.011.013:1244, 8.A.T% MICE, 31EV BUGS,A..NIES, dkc., Are thoroughly destroyed by this most VALUABLE ' PREPARATION. NO MONEY WASTED IN 1;t) YING ITS FOR IT NEVER FAILS. PRICE. - - - 25 CENTS PE R BOX Retailed by the following Drag/eats In Reading: J. H, HeCURDY, S. A. MARSHALL, S. S. STSVEWS, JOHN H. BASER, 0. W. RIIRDI, and H. RERORER. Mao, Wholesaled by B. A. MARSHALL, Raft Penn Scidare, and J. 3te CURDY, Yo. 10, Swath PAIL Street. PRINCIPAL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEPOT, 139 South 10th at., Ist door ab. Walnut, PHILADELPHIA, PA. CAUTION : Bach Box of the genuine Exterminator bears the fue sauna signature of E. Burt. jr. Be sure and ask your Druggist., fur BURT'S EXTERMI NATOR, and no other. umy 4-3ino CASPER HEFT rQIPORTER AND DEALER IN WINES, LI UORS and SWANS, No. 161 North Third Street, Phil. elphia, would respectfully call the attention of hotel keepers and others, to his well selected stock of Wines, Liquors, and Imported &gars, in store and under Chadom Hones lock. COGNAC BRANDIES.—Of various brands, consisting of Pale and Dark Mat tbl & Co., Pinot, Hennessy, Maglory, Otard, Dopey & Co., and Otard'aenperior Loudon Dock, and varione hotuds of Cognac and other Brandies. WINES, 81.3.—Fine old Madeira, Sherry, Teneriffe, and Lisbon Wines—anpar old Port Wine, Clarets of different kinds, on draught or in glass, CHAMPAGNE,—lieidsick, I'. A. Man= & Co., and Gail ler's genuine Anchor Brands, in pints and quarts. Together with a general assortment of Stout and Trial Malt Whiskeys, Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirits,Peach Bran dy, old Bourbon, Monongahela Whiskey, Wild Cherch Blan&bany Raspberry and Lavender Brandlea„ Supozia Wino end &commit Atka& Linni • HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIII, A Positive and Specific Remedy • For Diseaties of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS: This bledieine increases the power of Digestion, and ex cites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcareous 110DOPitt9es, and all Unnatural En /argeMents are Mused, as well as rain and odimumakion, and Is Good For MEN, WORK= OR CORIZKORRN 2 HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BIICRII, For Weaknesses Arising from EX11133103, Habits of Dissipation, Early India oration or Abase, attended With the following oyseptome: Indisposition to Exertion, Lose of PoWer, Lem of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, -Weak Nervea,. Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Violet', Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Flushing of the Body, HOOMMer System, Eruptions or the Skin, Hot Heads, Dryness of the Skin, PALLID COUNTENANCE These symptoms, If allowed to go ou, wbloh Ude medi ans Invariably removes, soon fellows IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, eOf which the Patient may Expire. Who can Bay that tber are not frequently followed by those" direful diseases," ~ INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many an aware of the Game el their Buffering, BUT NONE WILL CONPESE3. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS AND THE MELANCHOLY DEATHS BY CON- SIIMPTION, Bear ample witnees to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once affected with organic weakness, Requires the atd of meditrue to Strengthen and invigor ate the Syeteru, Wwca HELIMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIJCHU INVARIABLY DOES A taa vat canines Um most skeptical_ FEMALES! FEMALES! o Oki or Yong , Single, Married, or Contemplating Marriage, In many alfectiona peculiar to F 6111844" THE EXTRACT Bucau Is unequalled by auy other remedy, ae iu Chlorosie or Retention, Irregularity, Dainfoltird, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Soirrhone state of the Uterus, Leucorrhma or Whites, Sterility . , and for all com plaints Incident to the sex, whether arising from Indis cretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. BEE EYMPTOME ABOVE NO FAMILY SHOULD BB WITHOUT IT. Tun NO MOH/ BALsAm,3rEsorny, OH tiIfPLEAEANT MEDI. W POR. ISIPPLEASANT AND DANOICHOUS DIBiiANER. HELMBOLD% TRACT BIJOHII IMPROVED ROSE WASH SECRET DISEASES, In all their stages, At little Expense, Little or no change in Diet, No inconvenience, AND Ito EXPOSURE. It moose a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby rettOelug obstructions, - Preventing and Curing e.irlehttee of the Urethra, 3 00 3 00 600 900 5 00 6 00 Allaying Pain and Inflammation, an frequent in the class of diseases, and expelling aft Fano:moue Diaeame and worn out Matter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS Who have beers the Melina of Quaoks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a abort time, have found they were deceived, and that the " Poieon" hes, by the nee of power/it/ aatringente," been dried up in the system, to break out to an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE Uca Relmbold's Extract Bodin for all affections and dis eases. of the URINARY GROANS, Mather existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever name originating and no matter of 110 W LONG STANDING Mamma of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. • HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT EVCILV IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And lo owe to toys the desired effect In all ammo FOR WHICH IT IS BECOISHIENDED Evidence of the moat reltabie and responsible character will accompany the medicinal. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, With names known to SCIENCE AND PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE, SIX FOR $5.00 Damara to any adatked,Maefely pasicad from any ob set ration. Describe symptoms In all CommaWatloas. CURES GUARANTEED! $ ' ADVICE GRATIS I MEM Personally appemed before me, an Alderman of the city Of 11.11adelroia, 11.. T. Ileirebold, who being duly sworn doth cap, his nreca.mtiona contain no narcotic, nor mercu ry, or other Mistrial:le drugs, but are purely vegetable. ti. T. UST.IIROLD. Sworn, and subset lbed before me, this 23d day of Nevem. ber, Wst. P. linmsan, Alderman, Ninth street, above Race, PhDs Add, am letters for information in confidence to IL IL lIELAIBOLD, Depot, IG4 South Tenth Street. below Chestnut, Phila., Pa BEWARE 0 7 COUNTERFEITS Arid trap Ina Wed Dealers, Who endeavor to dispo In "of their own" and "other articles on the reputation attained by Halmbold's Genuine Prep: matinee, " Zan- uM !Melia, Sarsaparilla, Impro .aed Rose Wash. Fold bye]] Druggists evc ryoriteni. Ask for HELMBOLD'S. ' Vane no other. Cut eat the adeerthme e et, , bed ettuttiot lt, AND AVOID ihIPOISITION AND ZUG& . LITJA Oept./.3-17. READING SAYINGS BANK. INCORPORATED MAY 31, 1855. CAPITAL, Spot 00 0• • Banking House, Bost Market Square, North Side, Reading. ra. DEPOSITS RECEIVED FROM TEN CENTS to Ten Thousand Dollars. Money is received on de posit from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. ; and on Wednesday and Sat urday evenings from 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. Interest will be allowed at the rate of Five per cent. per &mom, on all came remaining on dereetir lot one year or more. On sums remaining less than a year, interest will be al lowed at the rate of Yburper coat. per annum. Akir All the assets of the Bank and the individual Prop erty of the stockholder*, are liable for the payment of De posits. Penne vitt' have money to deposit, are lulled to Pell at the Banking Rouse for farther information. DIRECTORS. DAVID YODER, OtnEotr ENVDIII, MICHAEL OEUBIB, Certain REBER, DANIEL B. LOWE, Cotoun Y. DEMME A, Bois. F. 80/.9. &Ago—ADAM LIU& Mee 27-1 y AND Cures PPM 8 to 20 gears' standing, PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE, em D/STSUCT OP PENNA.. Reading, July 22, 1883. The fOIIONIIIII Circular le PubNM kr the information lion of the public: WAR DEPARTMENT. armlet? Provost Marshal General's Office, No. 47. S Washington, D. C.. July 17, ' 63 . I. Drafted men become soldiers in the of the United Males by the fact of their names having been drawn in the draft. The notification served upon them by the Provost Marshal, Is merely alt announcement of the fact, and an order for them to report for duty, at a designated time and place. 11. The following opinion of the Hon. William Whiting, Solicitor of the War Department, Is published fur the tn.. forma ilen of all concerned! When a person has been dron ed, in pursuance of the enrollment act of Marsh 3, 1863, notice of such draft must be served within ten days there. after, by a written or printed notice,:to be served on him personally or by leaving a copy at his last place of resi dence, requiring him to appear at a designated rendezvous to report for duty. Any person falling to report for duty after notice fan at his last place ,41 residence, or served on him personally, without furnishing a substitute or paying $3OO, in pronounced by law to be a deserter ; he may be arrested and held for trial by court martial and sentenced to death. If a person, after being drafted, and before receiving notice, dimple, the notice may still be Served by leering it at his lest place of residence, and If be dose not appear in accordance with the notice, or furnish the substitute or pay the *SOO, he will be in law a deserter and roust be treated accordingly. There Is no way or manner In which a per son, once enrotled, can escape hie public duties, and when drafted. whether presenter absent, whether be changes his residence or abeconde, [heights of the United States Ramrod and a only by performance of against him are his duty to the country, that "DI escape liability to be treated an a criminal. (Signed) WILLIAM WHITING. Solicitor of the War Department. JAMES B. "FEY, provost Marshal General. Prevost Marshal's Office, _ . . Bra DISTRICT OP PARRA., RSltillUg, July 22, 1.843. The following circular to published for the benefit of all concerned WAIL DEPARTMENT. Circular Provost Marshal General'. Office. No. 61. Washington, D. C.,Julp 18,1563. The 4th paragraph of Circular No. 44, Mimed from this office July 12, 1803, *hereby modified so as to corre.pond with the following opinion of the Hon. William Whiting, Solicitor of the War Department, which will hereafter gov ern in all 5550510 which it to applicable! OPINION. " A persqg drafted into the military service of thelltnited States, undifr the provisions of the act of March 3, 1863, chapter 76. for ' enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes,' claiming exemption from draft by Man of any Moitiollity o provided in said act, lute the right to have the question of his diesbillty sub mitted to and passed upon by the Board of Enrollment, whose decision thereon is final. If the Board shall have decided that the claimant is liable to serve, be has the right, after ouch decision against him, to pay his commu tation money, or to fornzob his substitute, within such ex tended time as may be Sired by the order of the Board of Enrol:swot for his appearance for duty. (Signed) WILLIAM WHITING, Solicitor of the War Department." JAMEY B. Fitt, July 25-M] Provost Marshal general. For Rata, Mice, Roaches, Antis, Bed Bugs, Moths in Furs, Woollens, dnc. Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &h. Put up In Av. 500. and , 11. 00 Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks, 53 and 55 sizes for HOTELS, PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, Sm. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Pois Olia." "Not dangerous to the Haman Family." Rate eons out of their holes to dia." Rap Sold Wholesale in all large cities. Sold by all DRUGGISTS and 'WAILERS everywhere. ADV. !II BEwAax DI" of all worthless imitations. Ali` See that Co:create " name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before yen boy. addreea HENRY R. COSTAR, PuiriclPAL DETOT 482 BROADWAY, N. Y. ite. Sold by—LIARVEY BIRCH & Co., Wholesale and Retell; S.S. Srarmse, 93 East Penn street, above the Rail road; J. K. MoCuRDT; R. P. Guar= & Co., READING, PA. January 17, 188.4-omo ALLEN & NEEDLES. Farmers amd Dealers will please examine every barrel and bag of Phosphate ttie Lime and nee that it Lan the fol lowing brand:—••..dforo Genuine Improved du vrPhoohate of Limo. The standard gaarantead. Manufactured at Ms Chemical Works, Camden, N. J., for ALLEN 84 NEEDLES, 41 South Wharves and 42 South. Water Street Price 47i per 2000 lbs. Qpr Sc g aa•PnoePturx OP LIME is uniform In Ha ithemloa conatUmentd, and van always be depended on. ALLEN & NEEDLES' FERTILIZER Packed in good strong bags, NO lbs. each. $3O per 2000 lbs. Thie I. decidedly the cheeped Concentrated manure In nee, cheaper than &wag and taste an long. t_T MIT 0 • PERUVlAN—No.lGovernment, received direct from the Peruvian Government, at lowest market rates. IGIIABOE—A very superior article, received area. liens the island. • *45 per 2000 lbs. PACIFIC OCEAN—A mall cargo of .old faehioneci genuine, packed In bags, very dry, and 'strong. 960 'Oa 2000 lbs. PLASTIIR.—Ground Plaster, II superior article, packed In good barrels. Btnigg......G ro upg Bogeil, Warranted Pare. trar A liberal deduction made to Dealers in the abow articles% ALLEN & NM:IDLES, 42 South Wharves and 41 South Water Stree (Fiaer owl's ABOVa CHBSTPOT,) .Y.HILADELPHIA.. WC sell no articles hue such a., we can safely re commend. . Duly 25-3 mo DR. BRUNON'S CONCZNIERASZID REIVIEDTEIB. PTO 1. TILE GREAT REVIVER SPEEDILY eradicates all the evil Weds of SELF-ABUSE, AB Lee of Memory, Shortness of Breath, Giddiness, Palpita tion of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangements of the system, brought ou by the unrestrain ed indulgence of the passions. Acts alike on either eor. Price 0/1A N 0.2. TAB BALM will cure in from two to eight dart, any cam of CIONORRITC2A, to without taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. Nor either sex. Price One Dollar, . , Ito. 8. TIIE TERM; Will cure In the shortest possible time, any cake of obzwr, OYNI aflor ott usher itentSdies Lave fallod to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell. Price OLIO Dollar. Nu. 4. THE PUMPER hi the only Remedy that will re- ally cure SUM:urea of the Urethra. No matter of how long standing or n.alacted the ease vey be. Price One Dollar. No. :I. THE SOLUTOR Will cure any cane of GRAVEL porenaeehtly awl speedily reMOVe l alllietione of tlie Mad der and liidno7n. Price One Dollar. No G. FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. I7c. 7. THE /MARIN will enro the Whiten radically, and In atench shorter lima than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy that will re• ally correct Otto disorder. Pleasant to take. Price Ono No. S. THE ORIENTAL PASTIES are certain, safe and Speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or correcting any Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. .E.o. 9. FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either Remedy sent free by mail oe receipt of the Price *bucked. Enclose postage clamp and get a Circular. General Depot North-East corner of York A scone and Callowbill Street. Private Olibm 401 York Avenue, Phila. ra. For sale in Reading. only by HARVEY BIRCH & PRO., Abet° Circulars eoutainiog valuable information, with full denriptielm 01 cob gp r ee, )v,LI be delivered retie, on ap plication. Address . . DR. FELIX BRUNON, ang 1-Iy] P. O. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. - - - - __- LAUER'S inunivEßT • READING, PA. THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully annonnoes to the public that he bee recently enlarged his BREWE RY to a considerable extent, and introduced steam-power, and is now ready to supply all demands for surzusioß MAW L1R1793.5, For lonia and di.tant, cowamption. stock of Malt Llquomwarranted to keep in all climates, Is se follows: BROWN STOUT, PORTER', BOTTLING ALE, DRATIGIIT ALE AND LAGER BEER. „ . . . . . June 19-tf FREDBRION. LAVER. abroad N. 8.-1 liberal r neentage will be allowed to Agent' FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF' PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, Non. 425 AND 427 CHESTNUT STREET. Capital, • • - - • 8400000 00 Perpetual Premiums, - • 5842,873 .22 Lees Five Per Cent. • - 47,14808 —11825,824 58 Unexpired Temporary Premiums, 190,584 05 Lens for the portion of time expir ed on pollees over one year, Total, • Statement of the Ames of the Company, January 1, 1863. First Mortgagee, amply secured, - 51,993,931 46 Real Estate, (peasant value $138,322 47) cost /5,970 77 Temporary Loans, on ample Collateral Securities 84,676 77 Stocks, (present vales 098,370 16) cost - 1 / 4 , 901 60 Notes and bills receivable,- 1,649 60 Cash, - - - - 76,812 OS • 52,389,291 03 Advance In Value of Heal Estate over cod, 9,351 70 Advance In Value of Stocks over cost, 13,473 RI 12E1 The only Profile from Premiums which tbie Com pany can divide by law, are from Rieke which have been determined. Extraetfront the Matter of the CompanY. "Rat elm moneyeneelved aePremintne up= RiaheWh/Ch remain undetermined, and are outstanding at the time of declaring such Dividend, shall not be considered as part of the prodte of said Corporation, or divided as such." PERPETUAL OR LIMITED INSURANCES KAM OB EVBET DEIOILIPTION OP PROPBATT, tII town and Country, Poe Owners, Mortgagees, Ground Landlords, to. to. Mates as low as are consistent with security. • LOSSES BY FIRE. Lome paid daring the year 153, $69,789 11 By order of the Board. CHAS. N. BANCHER, President Attest—JAß. W. MoALLISTSR, Secretary pro tem. DIRECTORS. CHARLES N. DANCES/1, DAVID 8. BROWN, TOBIAS WAGNER, ISAAC LEA, SAMUEL GRANT, EDWARD C. DALE, JACOB li, SMITH, OBOROE PALES, GEORGE W. RICHARDS, ALFRED FITLER. CHARLES N. BANC ER, President. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. JAB. W. MeAGLISTICE, Secretary pro tem. Sir Applications for Inottrance, made 0001 pellonani or by letter, will be promptly attended to by J. LAWRENCE GETZ, Le Company, at Reading, Pa. April 4431 Agent for t 'SELZ COLUMBIA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. CHARTER PERPETUAL. • THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO INSURE Butblimp, Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage by ere, en the mutual plan, either for a cash premium or premium note. The large and lacreseing capital of the Companj, con. Misting of premium notes given by ite member', and bowed upon. $1,475,789 35, Insured on the mutual plan, affords s reliable guarantee equal to ten times the average loss on the amount insured; and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as liberally ten these who may nataln lose or damage as the cm will admit of, coneletent with justice to all parties con cerned. Amount of PremiumNoteß, $155,620 49. Balance of Cash Premium. unexpend ed. Jai/fiery let, 1802, $1,688 67 Cash receipts during the year 186% less agents' commissions. 6,781 47 Cash receipts In January, 1963, 815 80 $9,345 84 Loma and Erpentes. paid during the rear 1862, 6,329 73 Balance naexpenad, Feb. 2d, 1883, 2,018 11 - $0,348 84 GEOROS YOUNG, Ja., Secretary. MicuAßL S. SHUMAN, TM/WUOr DIRECTORS: R. T. RYON, EPHRAIM HERSHEY, ABRAHAM BRUNER, MICHAEL H. MOORS, JOHN HENDRIOH, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr. H. O. AHNICH, NICHOLAS MoDONAiDi SAMUEL F. EBERLEIN, AMOS S. GREEN, MICHAEL S. SHUMAN. _ . RIP PHILIP ZIRBIsR, Ninth and Penn streets, Reading, In the ,agent for the above•named Company, and will take risks in city and country at the lowest rates. Juno 13, 1163-.60t0* INSURANCE COMPANY Or Tip STATE 01' TENENTIAVADMIL OFFICE, NOB. 4 AND 5 EXCHANGE BUILDING, North Stdebf Walnut St., Between Dock and Third BtB.. PHILADE.I4rIILIA. INCORPORATED IN 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CA-3E 2 XTALT-E. *2i0 1 0.0 1 010 1 Properties of the Company, Feb. 1, 1863, $493,829 67. Marine, Fire and Inland Trantrortation Insurance. DIRECTORS. HENRY D. SHERRERD, WILLIAM R. WHITE, CHARLES MACALESTER, GEORGE R. STUART, WILLIAM S. SMITH, • SAMUEL GRANT, Jr., JOHN B AUSTIN, TOBIAS WAGNER, EDWARD C. KNIGHT, THOMAS B. WATTSON, HENRY G. FREEMAN, CHARLES S. LEWIS. GEORGE C. CARSON, HENRY WILLIAM HARPER, Sacra Mir Applications tor 'neural LIAR NEELY, at Howard. May 16, 1.863-ly . SHERItERD, President. 6tery. trace may be made to Wlle Co's. Expreee Office. TO THE LADIES. CMEW=IOTA.9 GLASS AND ELUEENSWARE. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A LARGE AND V Y elegant assortment of the following kinds of names CHINA ARTICLES: French Cbiva Fans, 7 dos. pairs all sines, Card Baskets, Card Kimlvan, Jewel SWOP, cologne Bottles, Motto Cof fees, Watch Holders, Inkstands, Cigar Stands, and a variety of other fancy goods suitable for the What-Rot. Also Bohemian and French Glassware, Such se Wino Bottles, Decantore,ciobletsand wise Liquor Setts, Cigar Stands, Card Baskets, Cologne Bottles, Cake and Fruit Stands in great variety, Castors, Salt Cel lars, Candlesticks, Tumblers, Ike., he, and Common Glass ware of every description; together with an. extensive stock of GUESINGWARE, Gensisting in part, of White Granite Tea and Toilet setts, Tea and Coffee Cups, Mauer, Dreakfast and Ratter Plates, Dishes of all kinds, Timbers, Mugs, Bowls, Be., Sze., With a fall line of common ware, all of which we offer at unu sually low prices. en inspection or our gooey by our many patrons and the public, is respectfully asked. M. WESTER k SOIL may 21 No. 124, Corner of Fifth and Spruce St. OLD ESTABLISHED 23C 4C:to ES 2 0 X. 'V .Bi. 2., No. 5 Beaver et., Albany. New• York, On the French System. Quick Cures and Los" Prim 20,000 Patients Cared Annually. PR. TELLER CONTINUES TO BE CONFl deuLlally and successfully consulted on all forms of rate &mans at his old establiabed Hospital, No. 6 Beaver street, Albany, New-York. Twenty years devoted to this one particular branch of practice, enables him 'to perform cures such as no other physician can; and his huctlities are much. (being in correepondeuce with the most celebrated yhyatclana of the Old World) of obtaining the safest as well as the latest remedies for those dilemma of Inducemente to she unfortunate or a quick and rapid cure, to be obtained at no other since la America. ' In syphilis, gonorrhoea, gleet, strictures, enlargement of the testicles and apermacetic cords, bubo, ulcerated throat, sore throat, tender shin bones, cutaneous eruptions. biles, ulcers, :Amato, and all other Impolitic,* Jr the eyssem, are parnadly under control of the OuCtor'a medicinee, 'anti have been tested in more than 20,000 cases annually with immense success. YOUNG MEN addicted to secret habits, who have .Ito paired their health tied deetroyed the vigor of their nitride, thus depriving themselves of the pleasures of married life, ars Roland Ulel in consulting Dr. J. Teller, they will find a friend to console and a physician who hag cared thou sands, in atoned every part of the United Staten. Who ap plied to Dr. T. broken down In health, now rejoice in all that makes life desirable and man happy. The reader le of comae aware that the delicacy of the subject will pre vent a more minute description of this terrible Mileage. . . DR, TELLER'S GREAT WORM—A hook for everybody. Startling dieclosuree. Dr. Teller's great work for the mar rled and those contemplating marriage -200 pagei—foll of plates--price 25 cents Bent to all parte, under seal, by mail, poet paid. The Fiugle married and the married happy. A lecture on Love. or how to choose a partner— s complete work on midwifery. It contains hnudreds of secrete never before pobliehed. Warranted to be worth three times the amount asked (or it, 20 cents, in specie or postage stamps, enclosed, will secure a copy by return mail. Dr. Teller has devoted a life time to the care of those dieeaaos of which his book treats. TO THY LADISS.—Dr, J. Teller mill retatue the only Agency in America for the sale of Dr. Viobel'e Italian Fe. male Monthly Pills. The sale of more than 20,00.1 boxes establishes their reputation as a Female Remedy, mute r. mond, and far iu advance of every other medicine for stoppages, irregularities, and other übstrnw loos In females. estenosi.—Married ladies, in certain delicate situations Stioel4 ayeid their ase, Nor re14490*, see directions Which accompany each package, for the guidance of patients.— On the receipt of 81, (the price par box) these pills will be sent, by mail or express, to any part of the world, secure from curiosity or damage. AM- 01lice hours from 13 A. M. to 8 p. M.,• and on Sunday from 2 to ti P. M. N. u. Persons at a distance can be cured at home, by addreeeleg a letter to J. Teller, enclosing a remlttance,~ Medicines securely packed from observation, sent to any part of the world. All cases warranted. No charge for advice. No Ancients or buys employed. Noticeable—ad dress all letters to J TELLER, M. D., _ _ _ May 16-173 No. 6 Beaver street, Alba'ny, • SUPERFLUOUS HAIR INSTANTANEOUSLY AND PERMANENTLY removed without Injury to the ektn , by the ocelot D. CLINTON'S newly dlecoverod process. Address, ea. &ring fire coots la postage stomps or curacy, D. XINTUN, XS Earth Third strootyPhilidelpida. Ljnoo WALL PAPERS. BROWN GROUND, 61 cents. WHITE GROUND, 12t " GLAZED PAPERS, 25 " GOLD BAND 19,058 40 -- -1171,626 66 924,766 11 92,399,118 39 10" , 2WZ IILT 11EC Mi 9 BUFF AND GREEN HOLLANDS, BAND BOXES, $1,75 per doz. $1,9914110 39 GEORGE CHRISMAN, Nos. 3 AND 5 'ZINN lietrAWEl, HEADING, PA., HAS OPENED HIS SPRING STOOK OF new and beautiful designs of WALL PAPERS, WINDOW SHADES, &c., of the most fashionable mann facmre, and will sell the same at the very lowest prices. SW. Neat door to the Farmers' Bank, 8 and 5 Penn Square, Reading, Pa. [Ap.llll—tf FAMILY DYE COLORS. Black, ...--- Salmon, Dark Brown, Scarlet, Snuf Brown, Dark Drab,. Light Brown, Light .Drab, Dark Blue, Yellow, Light Blue, Dark Green, lrange, kighd Cireen, fagenta, Pink, ,lferiste, Purple, 'ench Blue, Slate, ,dal Purple, Crimson, • marizar DIM COLORS, FOR DEYING SILK, WOOLEN AND MIXED Hoods, Shale's, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bon nets Hats, Feathers, Hid (Noyes, Children's Clothing, and alt kinds of Wearing Apparel with perfect fast colors. Fan directions inside each package. These Dyes are mixed in the form of powders concentra ted, are thoroughly tested, and put up to neat packages, expressly for family nee. For twenty-fire cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. The process is simple, and any one can use the Dyes with perfect swims. Directions inside. Manufactured by HOWE & ETEVIDIB, ZOO Broadway, Bolden. Price per package 25 and 15 cents. For sale by Druggists and Dealers in every city and town. April 11, 1863-smos 4 01 S t ib co ot . . /'41.440, riblefiSfeZig 111XLADELPFLIA. MATTRESSES. Beds, Feathers, Blankets, Comfortables, quilts, Cushions, And all other articles belonging to the business. Feb. 1.4-173 AMOS HILLBORN. A. S. GREEN, President New Coal Yard and Feed Store. rriE UNDERSIGNED HAS LEASED THE Coal Yard. and Flour and Feed Store attached, (ormerly carried on by John Setley), at the Soutb-East Corner of Sixth and Spruce etreete, which he bee refittxd and stocked with a anoorlor article of Coal for family one, and the beet brands of Flour, with all kinds of Feed and Orate, which be le ready to sell at the very lowest prices for Casa. Trusting by attire attention to linaineas and by dealing in good articles, he will merit a share of trade from the CUIVIDA of Reading. Coal, Flour and Feed, delivered anywhere in the city. All orders left at my re sidence, on Franklin street, two doors above the Universa list (March, or at S. Herman's Agricultural Store, will meet with prompt attention. • Very reepectfally, /prllll.lo JOHN W. CHNISTDIAN. HARDWARE & IRON STORE, wneransaras AXED RETAIL. riIHE SUBSCRIBERS, HAVING BOUGHT I_ the old Established Hardware and Iron Store of the late Frisker, Stevenson & Co., and having added a large new Stock of goods; would respectfully call the attention of the public to their large assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY,. . IRON, STEEL, rAwrs, OILS, GLASSAADOLERY, COACH TRIMMINGS, &c., &e, Which they are determined to sell at the very lowest Mar ket Prices, wholesale and retail. GEORGE LERCH & CO., Corner of Fifth and Market Square, next door to Bolton's Mansion House. (Keitn's Old Stand). OIHROB LERCH.] Jan 18 (3. T. JACKSON. . gar. S. I. F. D. E. STATEN ISLAND FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO., PROPRIETORS. mar Offices: No. 47 North Eighth St. Phila— delphia, and 5 7 John Si., New- York. OIIR SUCCESS IN DYEING - AND CLE ANS tEtii OnItMENTZ of Valid, Meth, Bftle , ifetino, De Laine, &e., dbe., and SHAWLS of almost every description, le so well known tbat we only desire to remind our Mend* and the public generally, that the season for getting ready their Fall Gouda is cow at hand. 1127' Woods received and returned by Ezpreao. xnelfe.3mol DAUM nrailwa 4 CO, REMOVAL. HENRY CROUSE, HAS REMOVED HIS 4 Wholesale. Fancy Dry Goods and • Notion Store, TO No. 16, WEST PENN SQUARE, READING, PA., ADJOINING JOIIN S. PEARSON & CO'S., Where he offers to the trade and retail customer., the largest and most desirable assortment of goods in hie line ever brought to this atty. Ma stock consists in part of Hosiery and Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Tailors' Trimmings, Perfumery and Fancy Soaps ; Jewelry, Combs, Pins, Needless, Thread, Sewing Silks , Ac., Shoe Findings, Drags, Stationery, Cutler", and a great variety of mi.eutineetw Articles and Notions too numerous to mention. r' Country Merchants. Pedlars, Milliners and others supplied by wholesale at the lowest city prices for Net. May 2, 1869. INVALID CORPS. ATTENTION, INVALIDS ! JENLISTED MEN HONORABLY MECHAM /4 on account of disability, desiring to re-enitet in this orps, will present themselves to the Board of Enrollment for the District in which they reside, for examination by the Burgeon thereof, Who shall make a personal exandost- Bon of them, and report' the result to the Board of Enroll ment. The Beard obeli then mumbler *eel elute, and If the ap• plicant le found to fulfil the condition. specified, the Board shall give him a certificate (according to the form furnish ed) to that effect. The term or .millstrneot shall be Threo (3) Years or during the War. For partl.nlers apply to the Provost Marshal. 'Tope 1.311563-0 . CONCOILDIA EULLL, NO. 369 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, 'WASHINGTON, D. C. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT foIIy' inform their numerona friends throughout Berke county, that they have leaved the above Hotel, and are now prepared to accommodate all who may favor them with their patronage. At oar bar may be found the beet and parent liquors, while thetable is supplied with the best the market affords. • THOMAS HUMPHREY. Jane 13-til 'PHASE 9111160. C. C. IVIALTZBERAZIR, No. 65% East Penn St., between Sixth and Seventh, North Side, READING. PA., DEALER lit ALL RINDS OF TOBACCO, SEGARS & SNUFF. CONSTANTLY ON 11/OD A LAMY ASSORTNISNT OP MEERSCHAUM, BRIER ROOT, .ND FANCY PIPES. May 30.1.863-tf WILLIAM PENN HOUSE, CORNER OP PENN AND TENTS =a, READING, PA. BERTOLETTE GRANT, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE BEING A LICENSED TAVERN, the beet of Liquors are kept at the Bar, and ae good a table as any other Hotel to the county. Accomosoda thnss for 11,4.n:i0n. And Travellers, Charges reasoumble. iar Lunch from 9 to 11 o'clock, daily. Vuue 8-tr BOUNTY MONEY , BACK-PAY AND PENSIONS. PPLICATION3 PROMPTLY ATTENDED to. E. it. SHEARER, Attorney at Law, ay SO-tf] Office lu Court Street, Reading. TEA.—EXTRA FINE OOLONG TEA, AT lel) 71 PONCOCINI, 1170 SMARM Wad. WINDOW SHADES AND A Saving of CO or cent CONSTiTUTtoN WATER, irEtz annarr REAttz" FOR um 40400.1%T7ErT±WT.TWXCiakT AND Tun ONLY KNOWN REMEDy FOIL • DIABETES AND DISEASES OF TILE KIDNEYS AND _BLADDER These Dangercn, cued T*Cieblenffine 1 1 1.9enevi, w hi,.. 1 „ thetelar Resided the Leg directed Treatment """ Cumpidely Controlledbythe HEXED THE CURATIVE properties ot the madiclatt direct ;km:metres to the at , , secretion, and by so altering the condition or th e ~"- and liver that the starchy principle or the ford it tj ' :, t6 „ . '• verted into sugar so long an the system it u d • thrones of the u er CONSTYTETTON WA TER, w hi c h ego those organs time to recovertinir and vigor. We are able to elate that the Could, ter has aired every ease of Diabetes iu arnica h given. STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, '" BRICE' _DUST DEPOSITS, AND Ailleoit-,,;:"L AfILKY DISCHARGES AFTE4 URINATING. Meese Occurring from one and the same cams AI entirely oared by the Constitution Water, If taP,5 ' length of time. The dose should vary With the pew r , the disease. from twenty drops to a teaq a day, in water. boring the paenage of the r„ pain and urgent symplonni ehollid he croulialL.l proper remedies, then followed up with th t Water, as above directed. DITNENORRIICEA, OR PAINFUL MEYSTR,,-, AND IN RtENORRHAGIA OR PRo . FLOWING. Both disown arising from a brultroocrPtioo nr tior Waal fluid—in the one Cithe being too lime, entl,l - panted by severe pain; and the other II too pnot tion, which will be speedily eared by the c et ..- Water. . . • - . The disease known as FALLING OF TILE it. to the relaxation of the ligaments of that known bye senile of heaviness and dregele, back and aides, and at times accompanied 1,7 , sting or eheoting pains through the parte, nth, see, be removed by the medicine. There is another class of symptoms - • - TATION OF THE WOMB, which ph yi•leia, wilfuh word covers up much igiloninre, eases ant of tea the dotter docil not many the symptoms see the disease, or the the . We can only enumerate them here. I .Peak ••••• larly of Cold Feet, Palpitation of the Memory, Waksfainess, Flashes of Hest, 1,• Lade, and Dimness of Vision. SUPPRESSED _MENSTRUATION, Which in the unmarried fateate is a eeest.ei I—ar-• disease, and through neglect the seeds of MON d 717;; dangeroue maladies are the result; and as stunk 4 - month passes Witimat en effort being made to the suppreßelon becomes chronic, the patient looses her appetite, the bowels are cuutties•ed,.. meats some on, and °annum:eon finally LROOORRRCEA OR IVR,'M This disease depends upon an initle.ettnatiett of orlc lining of the vagina and womb. It la in all ra.o.: panted by severe palm In the hack, acres. the . through the hips. A teaspoonful in' the medicine to, taken three times a day, with an injection dr Sal oink, medicine, mired with a hailiiirt of morning and evening. IRRITATION OF TEE NECK OF 711 F Br,A;v: INFLAMMATION OF THE Kr CATARRH OF THE BLADDER„II,.. GORY AND BURNi,v , 7 01.! kW" URLIVA For these diseases it it truly a sernrebf rmeds, muck cannot be said in lie praise. A sisal? dots L.. known to relieve the most urgent symm.nes. Are yea trontiled with that digressing path iu of the hack and through • the hlpc 7 A teaspoircrul a ,:, Conslibitlen Water wilt relieve yen like ma2te. • Ff)R DYSPEPSIA, It has no equal in a relieving the most dinire44log toms. Also, Headache, Heartburn, . 4 rid 1 4 t petal. r leg Ford, &c. Take a teaspoonful after dines: - in all cases may be Socialised If dcsired, bet done gradually. PHYSICIANS Have long since given up the um et juniper in the treatment of then diaemiel, aud them for want of a better remedy. CORSTITUTION W. TER Hatt protod Malt equal to the tack iv , a iay. upon it. • DIURETICS Irritate and drench the kidueye, cud by uondant rq lead to chronic degeneration and conflrsupd di ZUNAVD. 13.21.133. DAZIVILLE, , Dr. Wm. H. GRZGO—Dear Sir: 10 F. tirtwy.:•, was afflicted with the sugar diabetes, and fur tic•i I passed more than two gallons of water is .r..t:•••: hours. 1 was obliged to get np as Mum t.n times daring the night, and in five movies pounds In weight• During the month of Jain IT I;; oared two bottles of GonstbUttOn Water, cod is after using it I experienced relief, and after t,lis.itc i. ties I was entirely cored, soon after regaining wy > good health. Yours truly. J. V. L. 0' BOSTON CORNERS, 11. Y., Dev....7.1:1 WN. H. Otsao & Co.: Gents :—I freely give you liberty to make following Certificate of the value of CONsTirci•N Which I can recommend in the highest masc.. My wife, who was attacked with pain in the tie,"3. Whole length of the back, and to her limbs, with Pi'. Hun of the Heart, attended with .Fittifor of t' .e i; Dystmenerrhcca, and Irritation of the Biati , l,. Ic; physician, who attended her about three month, left her worse than he found her. I then eruplei the hest physicians I could find, who attended 1;>r; • nine months, and while she wantinder hit air =Or quite as mach pain; be finally gave 1, , r said : her ease teas incur/thin." For. isle • "•. such a combination of complaints. That v,. ii: for one operates against some oilier of About thin time, she bommucced the me ..5 C Water, and to our utter astonishment, cinwa seemed to have the desired effect, and she kept log taptily tinder its troatmont, and now tirely her domestic affairs. She has out tukol : Constitution Water for about tour weeks, and to say it has produced a permanent core. WM. ht. VAN IIESSCPTI: Dim/van, Co r., NOV. Dr. Wm. H. 611HOGI Dear Sir have for several years. been nif , r! that troublesome and dangerous diseass—q,i resisted all remedies and doctors, until! took (4n..! Water, and you may be assured that I war pleased with the result It haxentirely , may make any nee of my name you may n'r t 9 the medicine, no I have entire confides., Yours truly, l'O , THESE ARE FACTS ENOUGII. Theret sno elms of diseases that produce , log effects upon the human eonstitutiou Mites:user the Kidneys, Bladder and and through false modesty they are nrglgEea are eo advanced its to be beyond the control remedies, and we present the CONSTITUTION WATER To the public with the conviction that it has relieving the clime of diseases for which it so eminently nneeensful in curing; and WO trl- , shall be rewarded for oar efforts in piscine ;•, • remedy in a form to meet the rollairesseuta GI yhysiclon. LOR SALM BY ALL DRUGGISTS, pp ICE WIC H. GREGO & 00., Pr.vr Morgan & Allen, General Agents, No, .4 , C.' New 4 oft (Nor. .• COAL, WOOD, SALT Ilf—a ME MME ate. Mai ff SAMUEL BOONE, (roam Ettxy) John Kissinger. Sr.. gernor of Penn and Front 17, AS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND at reasonable prices, all kinds of Bral:v.l. cove Coal; nut, Chestnut and EitarninoneC ,4l . and Sand. Zr Persons in want of anytlklng in my line. to their advantage to give me a call before p.”•'' Where. I deliver free of extra charge to city. ABIOS 0ET.42. wri9usALE SADDLE AND marauFi.crtiiz l, Eah P2NN r sI 3 A. soat Side,a.l pu i o,7t placo En.t. • FA:•• • . - w_ip.,7,46 14 , 4 01 1 January 14, Sci-ti F. WESCHE, MANUFACTURER OF IRON RA4iti6S, SELLr AND LOCKSMITH, '4T THE OLD AND IVELL-r.3)c;N Court Alley, above Sixth street, 6e, Rending, Pm Ali- Keys made, and all sorts of ropior , • notice. I I, ' MONEY "WANTED ON REAL ESTATE SECLTICITV. JACOB 0 Ccuo Office—Cued street MONEY TO LOAN. APPLY TO JACOB Offlee—Court street. 1 GRAINS t (SIAIa r g , ' GETANS CAN CONOTANTLI . s s LADES 8 BREWERY, corner o etreete. December 7. 1881—tr DARTIES WISHING TO 5E.1,: , o r , I_ CHASE Real Estate, will do well to • J KOH C. Office—Court street. COAL OIL! COAL 50BARREL COAL OIL, JUST Jail' • agaal to tap mitoateciarr l • F.' • the lowest wholesale and retail price 6 C Feb 281 Gbo. bh:a -JUST RECEIVED 20004"1/ rOTA EAT TH OLP JAI , 441 agoAPV