Desirable City Lots For Sale. TRE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS AT PRIVATE Sale at moderate rates, Five Building Lott on North Ninth street. Five Building Lots on the west side el Moss alley, Beet of Ninth street. • . Three Building Lots on the west side of North Tenth street, and Fourteen Building Lots on the east ride of Moss allay. The conditions will be wade easy to purchasers, the pro prietor being willing to leave two-tLirde of the purchase money stand on the premises, it secured by_ bond and Idortgage, and allow payment to be made in matallments of 10.20 and 50 Dollars, until the tflone debt is paid, provided that one-third of the purchase money is paid on delivery of the Deed. Thie is a rare chance for Laborers and Mechanics to se vere homes, as the tote are in the neighborhood of the Steens Forge and Industrial Workst and se it is understood that all the Depots of the Junction Railroads will be put up near the property. Me' Plans of the Lots may be seen at my office, or that of C. Oscar Wagner, Esq., Court street, Jan 3t—tfl FREDERICK LAUER. SALE OF LAND. • El= ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT THIS COM— pany, In the few yews Muse the constraction of the Limed, has sold a large number of Farms to settlers, who. meetly in a short time, enjoyed a degree of pros- Parity, which ie sufficient evidence of the quality of the soil, and the facilities for disposing of Its produce. The numerous villages which have sprung np in thin abort time also indicate the abundant remenrceS of tile country. The laud le rich PRAIRIE BOIL, often thickly wooded. Woodland can generally be purchased at short distances and low prices—sometimes of the Company. The various kinds of grain are successfully cultivated. Fruit, Grapes, se_, grow rapidly. and yield abundantly and of superior quality. The fruit market is probably the best in the West. For the raining of Cattle flak, in so better eint.try to be found. Considering the infancy of the settlements, much has already been done for School. The Company offers to settlers great advantages. The land Is sold—Wood or Prairie,—at from kti to $l2 per acre, according to Its distance from the Railroad. !A the thus of purchase, only the Interest of the purchase money is re, gained. Ter the 3 urns yea., likewise only elle interest et the end of the fourth year and the three following, each one-quarter of the capital; thus after the expiration of seven years, the whole amount is paid. On cash pay ments a liberal discount in allowed. Purchasers are ex empt from taxes on the laud for seven years. Sit• The undersigned has been appointed agent, and having personally examined the land, is able to give exact information. all communication. to Ito addressed to JOHN RNDLICH, Agent, Reading P. 0., Barka county, Pa. March 2149 NEW GOODS! JUST OPENED, AT THE STORE OF THE subscriber, a general assortment of MOURNING SILKS, BLACK TAFATTE, for Ladies' Circulars aid Coats. FIGURED BROWN SILKS, DESIRABLE STYLES MOZABIQUE3, FRENCH MERINO FOR SHAWLS, DOUBLE•FOLD MERINO Do. CHALLIRS—DELAINS, LAWNS—FRENCII GINGHAMS, CALICOES—MUSLINS, COTTONADES AND JEANS, MERINO, CAS_SIMERE NANEINETT3, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, PAPER AND CAMBRIC MUSLIMS, FRENCH CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, HICKORY STRIPES AND CHECKS, COLORED AND BLEACHED FLANNEL, IRISH LINEN AND MARSEILLAISE, FARMERS' DRILLINGS AND CORDS, PATENT THREAD, SPOOL coTrom, HOSIERY, GLOVES, HANDKEIitaIIIEF:, :5131eW1.8, COATS, CIRCULARS, BALMORALS AND HOOP SKIRTS, PARASOLS AND SUN SHADES, UMBRELLAS, Sc., Ac. All of which will be sold at reasonable prices—bailey log that a nimble EsPince will go farther thin A GLOW eanasse. Call and see, and get the value of geode for the worth of your money. DAVID NEFF, 25 PENN STREET, READING nne 20 RICHLY IMPORTANT NEWS ! A____ ......c.....„„ - t. _.---vz-.---.7-'4- ,g - ;.4 , .)4 ,,, ti1L ,- ,:. • ..:.: r . :'`-(-- 4",..2" .is_• ,-,....•*---- !,,;4..T - ROACHES, RATS, =WE, BED HUTS, ANTS. &c., Are thoroughly destroyed by this most VALUABLE PREPARATION. NO MONEY WASTED IN BUYING IT, FOR IT NEVER FAILS. PRICE. - - - 25 CENTS PER BOX Retailed by the following Druggists in Reading: J. R. AIeCURDY, S. A. MARSHALL, S. S. STEVENS, JOHN H. RASE% G. W. RUED!, and H. BERGNER. Also, Wholesaled by S. A. MARSHALL, East Penn Square, and J. K. Mc- CURDY, No. 10, South Fifth Street. PRINCIPAL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEPOT, 139 South 10th et., Ist door ab. Walnut, PHILADELPHIA, PA. CAUTION: Each Box of the genuine Exterminator beam the facsimile signature of E. Burt. jr. Be ease and auk your Druggiout to Marrs EXTERMI NATOR, and so other. [July 4-3 mo REMOVAL. HENRY CROUSE, HAS HIMOVED HIS Wholesale Fancy Dry Goods and Notion Store, TO 15 9, 10 , ITY.JST PENN SAVAO4, READING, r 4., DJOINING JOHN S. PEARSON & CO'S., where he offers to the trade and retail customers, the largest and moat desirable assortment of goods in his llue eves brought to this city. ills ate* consists in part of Hosiery and (Doves, Handkerchiefs, Tailors' Trimmings, Perfumery and Fancy Soaps; Jewelry. Combs, Pink Needles, Thread, Sewing Silks, Am, Shoe Findings, Drugs, Stationery, Cutlery, and a great variety of Niscellaneone Articles and Notions too numerous to mention. nr. Country Merchanta.Pedlera, .Milliners and others supplied by wholesale at. the lowest city prices for Cobh. May 5 , 18.139_ COAL, WOOD, SALT, ow. 114 * =Pin ' 4 7M -- - 14 1 0 1, , NO • .1.1 SAMUEL BOONE, (poßmauLy) John Zissinger, Jr., Corner of Pens and Front Sereete, Reading, HB,AS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND SELLS at reasonable prices, all kinds of Broken, Egg and Store Coal; Bat, Cheetnut and Bituminous Coal, Salt, Lime and Sand. air Persons in want of anything in my line, will find it to their advantage to give me a call before purchasing else. Wham I deliver free of extra charge to any part of the ally. (oat 6-tt ROUSE, SION, AND DECORATIVE PAINTING. GEORGE SMILING, O.ODTII SIXTH STREET, DIRECTLY OPPO SITE the Schmucker House, is prepared to execute Or ders for House and Sign Painting in all their branches, to gether with Painting and Graining in perfect imitation 01 all kinds of Wood and Marble, in a style that cannot he . , and at the lowest pric es."‘ g: also , pays particular attention to Fresco Painting, real and lialtativo, for Churches, Hallo, Parlor., Drawing- Booms, Public Buildings, etc., and can refer to numerous buildings in this city, and other cities and towns in Penn sylvania, for specimens of his work. a practical impati ence of twenty-five years as a Painter, warrants him In saying that his work cannot be excelled in beauty of de sign, power or effect, and finished execution. 402. He, will taka orders for mark in any part of this or adjoining States, and attend to them with punctuality and despatch. All letters addressed to him on business, will re ceive prompt attention. y NOTION. AIL PAitENTS AND GUARDIANS ARE earnestly requested to keep the children ander their control from playing or walking upon the Railroad Track., in and near this city. As Locomotive. and Care are con stantly in motion thereon, neglect of thin precaution will eartainly result in serione and perhaps fatal accidents. Jane 6-3 ml G. A. NICOLL% General Superintendent. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR rSTANTANEOUBLY AND PERMANENTLY emoved without Mary 1.0 the MP, by the nee of D. CLINTON'S newly discovered process. Addrese, en closing five cents in postage stamps or currency, D. H MINTON, 23 North Third street,Philadelphia. [June 20. — foltbiONTl e - a :Le tt w t a o nt A eell gents at ? us G t O m a g ~Up, Ortoo[atAniroere, and thirteen other near, metal and cations articles. Fifteen cironlaresentfroe. Addreee, Nay 0-3m] saam a CLARK, Biddeford,htaine. Ma REINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS OF ALL _DJ kinds, for ado by barrel or pound, at PROCOCIVS, June 27 40 South Fifth Street. COAL o=l 0041.1. OIL :! A(1 BARRELS COAL Cu JUST RECEIVIp, criawarrantea equal to any manufactured. For sale at the lowest wholesale and retail micas by Fab 281 GEO. LEECH & Co. JUST RECETVED, 2000 FLOWED PQM AT THE OLD JAIL. *at AlloADs, Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT liirMileiplANOP PA SEN . TAI NSI FR ist ß (Passing Reading) DOWN. TO PHILADELPHIA, nt 6.0 d and 11.10 A. M., 12 noon, and 4.2,1 P. M. UP, TO POTTSVILLE, at 11.10 A. M. and 11.00 P. M. WEST, TO LEBANON AND HARRISBURG: Western Express from New-York, at 11.57 midnight. Nail Togas, at 11.01 A. 51., and 0 . 00 P. M. OnSundays, the Down A. DI. Train passes Reading 4 at 9.24 A. M., and Up Train, at 5.57 I'. DI. Both 11.10 A. DI. and too P. M. up Trains connect at Port Clinton for Tainagua,Williainsport, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara and Canada. The 11,10 A. 31. Train only connects at Per Gaston (or Willtesharro, Scranton and Pittston. The Western Express Trains connect at ilarrlsborg with Express Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad for Pitts burgh, and all points West; and the Mail Truant counect at Harrisburg for Lancaster, Chambersburg, Sunbury, vra liatusport, Lock Haven, Elmira and the Canada;. Throng% First-Class Coupon Tict:cts, and Emigrant Tick ets at reduced Fares, to ail the principal rotate iu the North and Wesiyand the Camden. COMMUTATION TICKETS, With 26 Coupons, at 25 per cant. discount, between any points desired. MILEAGE TICKETS, Good for 2000 milers, between all points, at $4ll 55—for Families and Business Firma. Season Tickets, good for the holder only, for three months, in any of the Passenger Trains to Philadelphia, at $42 35 each. School Season Tick ets one-third leas. Sip Passengers will take the ExpreesTrains West, at the UPPER DEPOT, and all other Trains, at the LOWER. or OLD DEPOT. 80 Ihs. of baggage allowed each passenger. WPFassengere are reryneatod to purchase their Tlckete before entering the ears, as higher Pares are charged if paid in cars. Up Trains leave Philadelphia for Reading, Harrisburg and Pottsville at 8.15 A. DI., and 3.30 P. N., and at AM I' M. for Reading only. Tickete,gOnd for one day,by 6.00 A. M. Accommodation Train to Philadelphia and return, at $2 DO each, and to Harrisburg, good for three days, by all Pas senser Trains, s`3 25. G. A. NICOLLS, April 25, lads-tO General Superintendent. F:flzire 470 4-1 , 4 ,;• 0 II: 1 E ;OEA , g gfl Summer Arrangement, COMMENCING MONDAY, APRIL, 2flth, 1383 Direct to New-York Without Change of cars. . 4 104 ON AND AFTER MONDAY, April 20th. 1863. Passenger Trains ~-~-.a days excepted) for Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Bethle hem, Beaton, New-York, &c., Sic., at 4.14 A. M., /1.15 A. Si., and 4.20 P. M. from the UPPER DEPOT • • • - The 4.14 A. M. train is the Eastern Exprese, without change of cars from Pittsburgh, and arrives in Mew-Turk to 0.15 A. M. This train will stop only at Lyons, Allen town, Bethlehem, Easton and the principal stations on the Jersey Central. The 11.15 A. M. Train will stop at all Stations between Reading and Allentown, and the 4.20 P. M. Train at all *tationm, except Mentown and Al Borth, The 11.10 A. Al. Train ma - riven in llempliork at 6.601 6 . M., and the 4.20 P. M. Train at 10.15 P. M. . . Trains will leave New-York daily (except Sundays) at 6 A. 111., 12 noon, and 7 P. 111., at the foot of Coortlandt Street and arrive In Reading at 11.10 A.thl., 6 P. N., and 11.67 Midnight. Passengers are raltiosted to perehaselleltete before tak• in their seats, an higher tares will he charged on theatre. EDWARD N. CLYMER. April 16.413' President ()nu Thousand Dollars Reward! QTOLEN.—ON THE NIGHT OP APRIL 13th, k.,3 MS, from the Fire Proof of the Reading Rail Road Company, at their Upper Freight Depot at Reading, a package of money containing Ten Thousand and Ninety verso Dollars. . . . Fivo Ilcolre4 Donne rowor4 will be paid for the re covery of raid Merry, or the Mier proportion fory part thereof: end a further 1511111 of Five Hundred iip for each iuformation a,. may lead to the apprebeutdou and con viction of the Thief or Thieve.. May 16-tfj U. A. NICOLL'S, SopoTintendent. JOHN S. PEARSON NO. 18 West Penn Street, HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT 1.1 of the fbliowtoN deterirtiou of 3L=l. - 52" GOCIo Which they will sell et REDUCED PRICES; COLORED ALPACAS, PLAID MOZAMEIQUES, FOULARD SILKS, All Wool DE LAINES, SHEPHERD PLAIDS, FRENCH LAWNS, CHECK MOHAIRS. MOURNING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, TOILET QUILTS, SUMMER SHAWLS, LACE do LACE MANTLES, SILK do SILK SACQUES, CLOTH do CLOTH CIRCULARS. [Tune 6 INVALID CORPS. ATTENTION, INVALIDS ! FAINLISTED MEN HONORABLY DISCHARO ad on account of disability, desiring to reenlist in this 'orps, will present themselvea to the Board of Enrollment for the MEOW in which they made, for examination by the Surgeon thereof, who shall make a personal examina tion of them, and report the result to the Board of Enroll ment. The Board shall then consider each case. and it the ap rdionrit in found to fulfil the wonditione specified, the Board *Wilk Bice him a certincate (according to the form furnish ed) to that effect. . . The term or enlistment shall be Three (3) Yearsor during the War. For particulars apply to the Provost Marshal. Jaws 13, 1863-tf CONCORDIA BALL, NO. 369 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D. C. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fuIIy inform their numerous friends throughout Herbs county, that they have leaned the above Hotel, and are now prepared to accommodate all who may favor them with their patronage. At our bar may be found the best and purest liquors, while the table to Blipped with the beet the market affords. THOMAS HUMPH REY. June 13-tf] 'FRANS BITTING. C. c. =taxa ZBDRGER, No. 65A East Penn St.,between Sixth and Seventh, North Side, READING. PA., DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF TOBACCO, SEGARS & swam CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LAROE ASSORTMENT OP MEERSCHAUM, BRIER ROOT, AND FANCY PIPES. May 30, 1863-tf WILLIAM PENN HOUSE, CORNER OF PENN AND TENTS BM, READING, PA. BERTOLETTE GRANT, Proprietor. PHIS HOUSE BEING A LICENSED TAVERN, the beet of Liquors are kept as the Bar, and as good a table as any other Hotel to the county. Accommoda tions for Boarders and Travellers. Charges reasonable. O Lnuch from 9 to it o'clock, deny. palm e-tf ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! HE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY IN form his old cuttowers and tbepubllc generally, that he secured a full supply of the heat quality Eastern Ice, Which be is prepared to serve at the following prices: 0 pounds (quarter peck) daily, LU cts. per Week. 10 4 . (half peck) AO " 20 (one peck) " 140• •• All over 20 pounds, 1 cent per pound. These rates are the very lowest at which Ice can be sup plied daring the present season. ABltallaM Jane o—tf] Office, North Sixth street, near Walnut. BOUNTY MONEY, BACK-PAY AND PENSIONS. A P , PLICATION o. : H. P ts i tt IO EYR P ER L Itor A .VP. D . " May 30_,fi()thee hi Court Street, Reading. LEBANON VALLEY INSTITUTE, ANNVILLE, LEBANON COUNTY, PA: SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL—COURSE of Instruction thorough and complete—number of carders limited. Vacations in Bepiember and October. Expenses per quarter pl. For Circulars and Information, address. March 740 W. J. BURNSIDE, mine, Pa, New Coal Yard and Feed Store. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS LEASED THE Coal Yard, and Flour and Feed Store attached, (formerly carried on by John notley), at the Bunth•Eaid Corner of Sixth and Sprees streets, which he bus refitted and stocked with a superior article of Coal for faintly use, and the best brands of Flour, with all kinds of Feed and Grain, which he Is ready to sell at the very lowest prices for Casa. Trneting by atria attention to bnaineee end by dealing In good articles, be will merit a share of trade from the cillmine of Reading. Coal, 'lour and Teed, delivered anywhere in the city. All orders left at my re sidence, on Franklin street, two doors above the 'Universa list Church, or at 8. Herman's Agricultural klture, will meet With prompt. attention. Very respectfully, April 11.-tr] JOHN W. CHRISTMAN. MONEY WANTED ! ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. APPLY TO JACOB O. FICROIIN2R, Office—Court street ei tri A MONTH !—I want to hire Agents in p / .ilovary county ixt .75 a mouth, paid, to WI my aew cheap loudly dewing Machines. AMMO. may tt-maj It. NaDIFION, Alfred, Mew TO THE LADIES. 41IC AEU( MI MT AIL ill GLASS AND aIIEENSWARE. W l e l leg H an k t V a E r 1. 41. l ie .) n W t ofOtirl'f:NllkwAin g L k A in it a G ., E AND PANCIr CIEELTIL lAILTXCX.ES: French Chios. Var.oir, 7 dos. pairs, all sizes. Card Baskets, Card Receivers, Jewel Boxes, Cologne Bottles, Motto Cof fees, Watch Holders, inkstands, Cigar Stuuds.and a variety of other fancy gouda suitable for the WbabNot. Also Bohemian and Wrench Glassware, Such as Wine Bottles, Decanters,Goblets and Wino Classes, Liquor Setts, Cigar Staeds, Carat Baskets, Cologne Bottles, Cake and Fruit Stands in great variety, Castors, Salt Cel lars, Candlesticks, Tumblers, Sic— &0., and Common Glass ware of every description; together with an extensive stock of QUEEZIBIWAIRMI, Consisting In part, of White Granite Tea and Toilet mitts, Tea and Coffee Cope, Dinner, Breakfast and Butter Plates, Dishes of all kinds, Pitchers, Mugs, Bowls, &c., &c., With I a full line of common ware, all of which we offer at ann. sexily low prices. An inspection of onr goods by our many patrons and the Wale, Ic respectful l y asked. NEFF= Sr SON, DM 21 No. 124. Corner of Fifth and Spruce Si, STRICKLAND & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS Sr. STATIONERS, 23 EAST PENN STREET, READING, PA. ALARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of School, Miscellaneous and Blank $o M: S PRAYER ROOKS, ENGLISH AND GERMAN BIBLES AND lITMN BOOKS, PERIODICALS, MUSH:and MUSIC BOOKS, GOLD PEES. FANCY ARTICLES, 00 TS, LET PEA, OA r aced P/ENTING PAPER and PAP ER BAGS. BLAME. BOORS —AND— MERCHANTS' ACCOUNT BOORS Made to order; Churches and Sabbath Schools supplied with Tract Society and Sunday School Union publications. at catalogue prices. ANT Orders from Country Merchants solicited and filled promptly at the lowest wholesale prices. /Or Teachers supplied with allude at tho usual discount. N. B.==llooke and Music eeut by wall. rootage paid, Un receipt or Publishers' Prices. Jan 18-tr OLD ESTABLISHED ____ 0 JO X 2O X T A X_a No, 5 7:Seaver 5t., Albany, New York, On the French System. Quick Cures and Low Prices. 20,000 Patients Carat etuntiany. DR. TELLER CONTINUES TO BE CONFl dentlally and euccessfully consulted nn all forms of private diseases at his old established Hospital, No. fi Heaver street, Alliesy, New-York. Twenty yeeoe.l4avote.l to thls one particular breach of practice, enabled Dim to perform cocoa such as uo other physician can; and lila facilities are such. Hieing in correspondence with the must celebrated physicians of the Old World) of obtaining the safest as welt as the !meet remedies for these diseases, on ter Mame/urn to the unfortunate of tt quick end rapid cure, to be obtained at no Miler Quite In emertra. Iu syphilis, gonorrhcea, sleet, strictures. enlargement of the testicles and spermacetic cords, bubo, ulcerated throat, sore throat, tender shin bones, cutaneous eruptions, ulcers, abscesses, and all other impurities of the system. are perfectly pad, control of the doctor's medicines, sad have been tested in more than 20,000 cases annually with immense nocceee. YOUNG MEN addicted to secret Labile. who Lave Im paired their health nod destroyed the vigor of their allude, thus depriving themselves of the pleasures of married lite, are notified that in consulting Dr. J. Teller, they will tied a friend to noose's and a physician who has cured thou made, in alumat every part of the United !Raton, who ap , piled to Dr. T. broken down la health, now rejoice in all that teakes life desirable and rasa happy. The reader is of mime aware that the delicacy of the subject will pre vent a more minute description of this terrible disease. DR. TELLER'S GREAT %TORR.—A hook for everybody. Startling dinclocurea. Pr. Teller's gnat work for the mar ried and those contemplating marriage—WO pages—lull of plates—price 2.5 cents sent to all parts, tinder seal, by mail, poet paid. The single married and the married happy. A lecture on Love, or how to choose a partner— e complete work on midwifery. It contains hnudrede of secrets never before published. Warranted to be worth three Rules the amonat asked for it. 25 cents. In specie or postage stamps, enclosed, will awitrE a copy by Moth wail. Dr. Toiler bee devoted a life time to the cure of those diseases of which his book treats. TO THE LADIES.— Dr. I. Teller still retalee the only Agency In America for the stile of Dr. VichcFs Italian Fe• male Monthly Pills The sale of more than 20.001 boast' establishes their reputation Se a Female Remedy, nuap• maimed, said far In advance of every other medicine foe elopmages, irregularities, and other °ban:lololmin female, CAIITION.—Married lading, in certain delicate situations should avoid their use. For reasons, see directions which accompany each package, for the guidance of patients.— On the receipt of $l, (the price per box) these pills will be sent, by wail or express, to any part of the world, secure from enriosity or damage. .ee Office hears from f A. ht. to 8 r. to.; and on Sunday from 2 to 5 r. ha. N. 11.—Yonseee at a distance can be cured at home, by addressing a letter to J. Teller, enclosing a remittance.— Medicines securely packed from observation, neat to any part of the world. All cases warranted. No charge rue advice. No students or be7e einplaled, Notice this—ad drew all letters to J. littaAti, M, 1), May /6-1 y) No. 6 Beaver street, Albany, N .Y. Dyspepsia Remedy and Blood Searcher. MARKLEY'S HEALTH RESTORATIVE BALSAM —Me celebrated Medicine te offered to the public an the bent remedy for Dynpepsia. Liver Complaint, Headache, riles, Linemen of the Blood, Eruption/3 of the Skin, etc, IT HAS CURED THOUSANDS ! IT IS A NEVER FAILING REMEDY! TRY IT I Read what it has done for air. azaam D. CAZOBELL, or the i i Dr. O. H. MARKLEY—Dear Sir: For many years I was the victim of Dyepepsla in Its mutt aggravated form ; my !system having become so much deranged and debilitated, that I was unable to perform any kind of labor. I had ro; Boded to the hest doctors within reach, without relief. I used some of the most popular remedies of the day, bat none of them did me any good. My sufferings cannot be described in words. I was then living et Hopewell, Ches ter county, and in 1857, as a last resort, I commenced the use of your medicines. They soon afforded me relief from the moat painful symptoms which I had scarcely hoped to obtain ; and In a surprisingly abort time I was completely restored to health, and I have enjoyed the beet of health ever since—not a symptom of my old complaint remain ing. Since then, I have always kept your medicines In my family, and would not be without them upon any con giderosiou, ae they have never failed to do what you claim for them. Respectfully yours, A. D. CAMPBELL. This is but one of the many testimonials daily received in pralae of this great medicine. For sale by HARVEY BIRCH & BROTHER, Jane 6-If] Druggists. No. 0.3 West Penn Si, Reading. OLD PLANTATION COFFEE, FINE FLAVORED OLD PLANTATION COFFEE, 25 CRAFTS PER POUND. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. YIIE OLD PLANTATION COFFEE IS PRE - ferred by those who hewn noel it to the beet Moths. or are Coffee, it being superior In strength and Mclnnes of flavor to the ordinary Imported Coffees. As we are the only receivers end manufacturers of the OLD PLANTATION COFFER, • We would caution oar friends and the public against pur chasing any not bearing our signature, as since the pedal! , minnow of our Numerous manntacturers are trying to palm off inferior coffee at less price, saying that theirs Is as good, better, &c. Some have gone so far as to offer our printers large amounts if they mould print a quantity of laholu bearing our name. &e. Others are putting up maistares labelled in imitation of our genuine Such as Planter Coffee or Planten Leaf Coffee, &c., eel dently to minable the public by palming off an inforio article for our As we are the only receivers and manufacturers of the OLD PLANTATION COFFEE, We 0001 pooh& oil infringers of our copyright to the far thud extent of the law. ie put up In one pound tln•Odl packages, au and CO lbs. In a case, with roll directions for using on each package. Fur sale by all well regulated family Stores. WRIGHT HILLIS:3 & BROTHER, Importers and Manufacturers, 233, 235, 237 Washington Street, New-York. [Jane 13-3 m 11-4 , 44 0 .> HATS AND CAPS, 1 - . 1/IT THE .OLD-ESTABLISHED STAND ~pi a F. Grp $301309 s No. 6 West PC'S. Street. next door to the Union Bank of Reading, UTIIO IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FROM VY New-York mid Philadelphia the latest styles of HATS and CAPS Adapted to the Season. Be has also received a large as burtmeut of TRUNKS, CARPET RAGS VALMIM UNBRRIZAS, which will be sold at the lowest cash pecan as be pays Oceh for all his gouda, be is enabled to sell thew at the low est prices. Mir Three bemired dozen SHAKER HOODS on Lend, which will be cold cheap. L'4 , - A large quantity of the beet quality of BED FEA THERS received, to which the attention of Howlekeepera reepectfully invited. Call and exanilne.—No trouble to show goods. (April 11-tf CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES IN GREAT variety, Beth Veiny and Staple. always on band and for sale by A. U. YEOCUCK, Omer and Tea Dealer, Jane 27 90 ii.otb Filth Street, Reading. Commercial Broker. [March 28 CILASS JARS—A LARGE LOT OF SELF SEALIN(I Ohre Jure, Jura received trod for Mai. at PEOCOCWS, 40 fivuth Mont. - El=3 TEE GREAT Centre Frynare. LANCASTER, PA., March 4,1869 c -xz MiX3E°O OLD PLANTATION COFFEE OLD PLANTATION COFFEE, OLD PLANTATION COPPED. THE OLD PLANTATION COFFEE -OF FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, Nos, 435 ARP 437 CHESTNUT STREET. - - _ a . $lOO,OOO Si) Perpetual Premiums, . • 116912,973 Leas Five Per Cost. . • 47,148 IS • • .. -- —000,324 G 3 Unexpired Temporary Premiums, 190,034 05 Less for tha portion of time expire ea on Mine over one year, 19,05 S 40 —4171,025 65 9 . 21,760 11 Surplus, Total, - Statement of the Assets of the Company, January 1, 1863, First Mortgagee, amply Necuml, - $1,993,931 4C Real Estate, (pueseut valueNlatt,322 47) cost 125,970 77 Temporary Luaus, ou ample Collateral kiccurittes 64,025 77 Stacks, (presout value 4698,375 16) cost - 54,501 50 Notes and bills resolvable, . • . 1,045 50 Cask, • - • • • 713,313 03 $2,369,291 03 Advance In Value of Real Estate over cost, 9,361 70 Advance In Value of Stocks over coot, 13,473 66 Total, Joy- The only Profile from Premium* which this Com pany can divide by law, are from Rialts which huoe been determined. Extract from the Charter of the Company. "But the mooeysreeeired as Premiums upon Risks which remain undetermined, and are outstanding at the time of declaring such Dividend, shall not be considered es part of khe profile of said Corporation, or dividod as ouch." PERPETUAL OR LIMITED INSURANCES MADE ON EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY, IN Town and Country, For Owners, btorlgagess, Ground Landlords, to, etc, Eaten as low as arc consistent with security. LOSSES BY FIRE. Losses paid daring the year 1862, $139,7 89 11 By oraer of the Beard. CHAS, N. BANOBBE, Pretitaelat Attest—JAS. W. bIoALLISTER, Secretary pro tem. ETEEMIZI CHARLES N. BANCRER, DAVID S. BROWN, TuSIAS WAu N ER, ISAAC LEA. SANIBEL GRANT, BDW AEC C. DALE, JACOB B. swim CIEDIWE PALK CIROROE W. RICHARDS, ALFRED FITLER. CHARLES N. BANC ER, President. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Preeldeut. JAS. W. hiCALLIMI6, Secretary pro tem. Sir Applications for lugurauce, made either personally or by letter, will be remptly attended to by LAWRENCE OEM le Company, at Reading, Pa. April 4—ly] Agent for t MICE COLUMBIA INSURANCE - COMPANY, OF COLUMBIA. LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Tills COMPANY CONTINUES TO INSURE Buildings. illerehandise, and other property, &gated loss and damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium or premium note. The !urge cud Increasing capital of the Company, con sisting of premium notes given by Its members, and based upon $1,475,789 35, 'neared on the mutual plan, affords a tellable guarantee equal to ten times the average toes on the amountlesured and the Directors pledge themselves to deal es liberally with those who may ocastalo toes or damage as the Care will admit of, coneletent with justice to all parties COLL corned. Amount of Premium Notes, $155,620 49. Balance of Cash Premiums unexpend ed, January Ist, 1882, 51,668 57 Cash receipts durlne the year 1882, leas assails,' commissiona, 8,781 47 v.), catalpas in January, 184, 848 80 84,345 84 Lonees and Expellees paid daring the 3 ear 1962, 6,329 73 Balance uee.spe¢4l.3.l, Feb. 2.1,1963, 3,016 11 OEOROE YOUNG, JR., Secretary. MICILAEL S. SHUMAN, Treasurer DIRECTORS: R. T. RYAN, EPHRAIM HERSHEY, ABRAHAM BRUNER, MICHAEL H. MOORE, JOHN HENDRICH, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., 11. 0. WHICH, NICHOLAS McDONALD, SAMUEL E. ESERLEIN, A:1103 S. GREEN, MICHAEL S. SHUMAN. air - PHILIP ZI &BEL Ninth nod Pam afresh, Reeding, In the Agent for the ahove•uamed Company. and will take elohn in city and country at the tweet rates. June 13, 1563-emos INSURANCE COMPANY I= STATEI Or PEIDIDISItIaIiTALIIIIIL OFFICE, NOS. 4 AND ',EXCHANGE BUILDING, North Bide of Walnut St., Between Dock and Third Sts. Elmoa= INCORPORATED IN 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL. 11553000.0010. Properties of the Company, Feb. 1, 1863 $493,829 67. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation Insurance. DIRECTORS HENRY D. SHERRERD, CHARLES MACALESTIK WILLIAM S. SMITH, JOHN R. AUSTIN, EDWARD C. KNIOHT, HENRY G. FREEMAN, GEORGE C. GAH.Sort, HENRY WILLIAM llATtnift, Sear. Me Applications for Insur: LIAM NEELY, at Howard & May 16, 1663-1 y . SHERBERD p Preetdent. Mary. MICA may be made to WIL- Co's. xpreee Office. READING SAVINGS BANK. INCORPORATED MAY 11, 1855. CAPITAL, $50,000. Banking Howe, East Market Square, North Side, Reading, Pa. DEPOSITS RECEIVED FROM TEN CENTS to Ten Thousand Dollars. Money is received on de posit from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. ; and on Wednesday and Sat urday evenings from 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. Interest will be allowed at the rate of liTee per cent. per annum, on all stuns remaining on deposit, for one year or more. On sums remaining less than a year, interest will be al. lowed at the rate of Four per rent. per annum. tar All the meets of the Bank and the individual prop erty of the stockholders, are liable for the payment of De posits. Pervene lrbq bliqe lakenerCo dePesli, pro faulted to eetl at the Booking Bowe for farther Information. DIRECTORS. DAVID YODER, GIDEOE SNYDER, MtORAEL Gamma, CONRAD REBER, DANIEL B. Logan, CONGAS Y. BRIDLES. A. P. Boat, President—A. P. BOAS. ides 27-ly CaohLo—ADAM LEIZE. ESTABLISHED IN .1824 Greatest Improvement of the Age IN PIANOS. NIEVER'S IMPROVED OVER-STRUNG PIANOS, acknowledged by Article and the Public se the hileet la AtAlletelt, NA 99a41 lei tiv Neat IN Europe. 0111 By thane MOUT IMPROVENIENTe; the utmost volume of tone% obtained, while the madmen, brilliancy, touch and action, for which these Pianos are famous, le preserved, all doll and mottled, and wiry and metallic tones are avoided. Them InaOnmente rieshred TEE PRIZE MEDAL AT THE WORLD'S FAIR IN LONDON. . . . . Having ll:levered facilities for manufaetruing, the great est inducements are offered. MM=l3=l Also, eecond•baod Plano for sale or to rent me tl i tll n aaa and choice aseoelnkent of Foreign and Do E-ROOMS, 722 ARCO REET June 13-21 a) WAR Below Eighth Street, Philade ST lphia. BLACK SILK SACKS ! DAVID NEFF, HAS JUST RECEIVED A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Black Silk Coats, LATEST STYLES. ALSO, SILK SUN UMBRELLAS. (Shades.) I)URCHASERS ARE POLITELY REVERT ed to cull and exitmtue for themeehreo. [Jane 13 z) 114 1 :3 1 2 1 :II ;V 1 READING, PA. TtHR SUBSCRIBER res p ectfully announces to the public that he has receutly enlarged his BEEN/I -o 6 considerable extuat, and Introduced steam-power, and Is now ready to a apply all demands for 817P211111031. Thicamsr zacqtrons, For home and distant oodaumption. Rio sleek of Malt Liquors, warranted to keep in all climates. is se follows: BROWN STOUT, PORTER, ItOTTLINU ALE, DRAWIHT ALE AND LAGER BEER. June 19.-tf FREDERICK LACED. N. B,—A liberal percentage will be allowed to Agents abroad. LAWNS AND CHINTZES. r HE UNDERSRINED RAS CARRIED OVER a large itsehrtment of Lawn, Chintz and el Ingham, from last teahou, which will be cold 25 per ceutriewer than binallur goods can be bought In llrst hands. Thla lot of goods is worthy the attention of buyers. Junel3] DAVID NEFF. COAL OIL 1 COAL OIL 11 GOOD BURNINCE COAL OIL, AT 1Q CENTS a quart, ut GEO. LENC ITCO'S, Corner of Fifth and Penn Square, me= door to it0r1e,, , ,, Mansion Heave. Fab 7 EEF TONGUES.—FRESH BUOAR CURED Tuugnek GI. rale Pii , &66loK's. rrch 111/ 49 BotithAlfthfitrewt. GENUINE PREMUTIONS. HELAIBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION $T4,391,116 au COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, For Dieenses of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL and DROPSICAL 61YELLING3, . . . This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and ex cites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcareous deposition., and all Unnatural En largements are reduced, as well as rain and Inflammation, and Is Good For '2,392,110 89 MEN. WORSEN OR ORIWIRRN I HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BITCH% Arising from Excesses, Habits of Ditlbiplitioll, Early India oration or Abuse, attended With the following eymptoms Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Lose of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefuthese, Dimness of Vision, l'aiu lii the Back, Universal Lassitude of the blushing of the Body, Muscular System, Eruptioneof the Bide, Hot Hands, Dryness of the Skin, These symptoms, If allowed to go on, which this medi clue luvarlably removes, soon followe IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS in olio of which Ile Patient may Expire. Who can Hay that they are nut frequently followed by those"direful inseam.," Many are aware of the canoe of their suffering, THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS AND THE MELANCHOLY DEATHS BY CON Bear ample winters to the truth of the amertion. The Coafddlatloll, OUCe affected with organic weakness, Requires the aid of medicine to Strengthen and luvtgor ate the Spam, Wilma HELBIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU 315 54 A. S. GREEN, Presideut Old or Yonng, Single, Married, or Contemplating Marriage, In many Affections peculiar to Veinsles, Is unequalled by any other remedy, ea In Chlorosls or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrbous elate of the Uterus, Lencorrhina or Whites, Sterility, end fur all corn plalute tuctdeut to the sex, whether adding hO/11 ladle oration, debits of Dissipation, or In the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT TAKE NO NONE BALSAM, SIERCURY, OR UNPLEASANT MEDI LINE FOR UNPLEASANT AND DANORROUN DISEASEN. WILLIAM R. WHITE, GEORGE H. STUART, SAMUEL GRANT,.,Jr TOBIAS WAGNER, THOMAS B. WATTSON, CHARLES S. LEWIS. In all their stages, At little Expense, Little or no change In Diet, No inconvenience, AND no Exxonas. It camas a frequent desire and Wei strength to Urinate thereby removing obstructions, Preventing and Caring Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and:lndammation, so frequent in the class of diseases, and expelling aU Poisonous Diseases and worn out Matter. Who hare/men the Victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cared in a short time, .have found they were deceived, and that the 4 . Poison" ban, by the use of 44 powerful asivingoita, ,, been dried up In the system, to break out in au aggravated Corns, and Use Helmbold'e Extract Bache for all affections and die eases of the Whether Writing 1n From whatever came originating and no matter of Dlretteee of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic And is enre to have the deeired effect in all /lemon Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character Will accompany the medicine.. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, With lIIMeB known to Delivered to any address, securely packed (row any ob eervption. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Elelmbold, who being duly sworn Both nay, his preparations contain no narcotic, nor mercu ry, or other 14 erIOPO dram, Lint ere purely vegetable, H. HELfdBOLD. Sworn, and subscribed before me, day of Noveni her, Itrrt. WK. F. HIBBERD, Alderman, Ninth street, above Race, rile Addreee lettere for information in confidence to And lUnprincipled Dealers, Who endeavor to diepooe `. of their own" and "other articles on the reputation attained by lielaLold's thinning rreparations, Extract Buebn, " Sarsaparilla, Ird " Improved Roan Wash. Fold by all Drugglasts everywhere. Mk for LI ISLlktbols.D'il. Take me ether. • Oat oat the advert, eement, and aand Par.D, AND AVOW .IbIPONITIQK ANDAYLVDDNE. ilSopt. ady. HELMBOLD'S "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" A Positive and Specific Remedy For Weaknesses PALLID COUNTENANCE "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. SIIMPTION, INVARIABLY DOER A trial will convince the moat ekeptical FEMALES! FEMALES! THE EXTRACT BLUM SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE HELAI BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU MEI IMPROVED ROBE WASH EMI SECRET DISEASES, THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE URINARY ORGANS, MALE OR FEMALE, HOW LONG STANDING RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, FOR WHICH IT IS RECOMMENDED. From 8 to 20 years' etatading, SCIENCE AND FAME PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE, SIX FOR $5.00 Describe symptoms is all Communications CURES GUARANTEED! ADVICE GRATIS! I= H. U. ITELINIIOII,D, Chaining, Depot, 104 South 'tenth Street, below Chestnut, Phila., Ps BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS WALL PAPERS• BROWN GROUND, GI cents WHITE GROUND, 12i " GLAZED PAPERS, 25 " GOLD BAND WINDOW SHADES AND w .711 re: M." JUL "AM g BUFF AND GREEN HOLLANDS, BAND BOXES, $1,75 per doz. GEORGE CHRISMAN, Nos. 3 AND 3 PENN SQUARE, READING, PA., H A le S w OftPudENDTeEaDatituIIIIS4eBimPoRoIfNG WALLSOeAKFEORFs. WINDOW SHADES. dce., of the moat faahlonable mann feature, and will sell the came at the very lowest prices. /gar Next door to the Farmers' Bank, 3 and fi Penn Square, Heading, Pa. [Apt illl-t1 p -fp Kom. ip NC el FARMERS' MACHINE SHOP. SAMUEL LESSIG, lIE It EBY INFORMS THE FARMERS OF Berke and adjoining C.ointies, that he hag been el. perimenting with a LEVER POWER. One of hie abashes been to have a Horse Power that would run light enough to serve well when only a single horse is required and yet be strong enough for four horses. Twenty-eight are in use and all give fall satisfaction. This 'Horse Power to warranted to run light and to be more durable tban any other Horse Power in the country. The subscriber ban also a New CINDER SHOT THRESH ER, which be has invented since last season, which is warranted by far superior to any other kind. The dust tliesunder the Thresher in place et flying in the feeder's face. Different kinds of !Makers are made to the above Threshers. Ills TREAD POWER and OVERSHOT THRESHERS are so well known that there is no use to say anything about them. The subscriber hag a lot of the most improved HORSE RAKES on Land, also STRAW CUTTERS, CLOVYR HUL LERS and a variety of other Agricultural Tmplemento. AR Machines and Implements are warranted to be made of the best matoriale and to give full eatiefaation in every respect. Farmers are respectfully invited to come and NO his Machines before purchasing elsewhere. All repairing done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable tams- Orders will be promptly U filled. SAMEL LESSIG, Corner of Fourth and Waeldngton Streets, Reading. May 20, 1863-Smos FAMILY DYE COLORS. Black, Milk Brown, Snuff Brown, Light Brawn, Durk Blue, Light Blue, Dark Green, Light Green, Pink, - Purple, Slate, toilet. FAMILY DYE COLORS. FOR DEYING SILK, WOOLEN AND MIXED Goods. Shawls, Scarfs. Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bon nets Hats, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothlug, and all kinda at Wearing Apparel with perfect toot coloa. Pali directions Inside each package. Crimson, A Saving of 80 per cent Thew, Dyes ere mixed in the form of powders concentra ted, are thoroughly tested, and put op in neat packages, expressly for family nee. For twenty-five canto yaw can color as many goods as would otherwieo cost Ave Limos that sum. The process is simple, and any one can use the Dyes with perfect success. Directions i aside. Manufactured by HOWB & STEVENS, MO Broadway, Boston. Price per package 25 and 16 cents. For sale by Druggists and Dealer. In every city and town. April 11, 1863-smos 67 0 / 0 ._, i f- H.101)3144 Ilir 1 1 ; 1 !., 1., ,),- 1 1 0 . PUILADEZIPMJI. MATTRESSES. Feathers, Blaakel s, Contfortables Curhions, And all other articles belonging to the business Feb. 14-Iyl SPRING GOODS MEI REDUCED PRICES. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A HANDSOME AS SORTMENT OF SPRING DRESS GOODS AT OLD .11E 2 '.111.X4CMISI. LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S HOOP SKIRTS Of the best makes, in Quaker and other styles, very cheap; and Men's and Boys' Wear Of every description, which we are also offering at a reduction. Public Respectfully Invited. K. MEER & EON, Aprll 2.5] N 0.134, Comer of Fifth and Spruce Streets HARDWARE & IRON. STORE, THE SUBSCRIBERS, HAVING BOUGHT the old Established Hardware and Iron Store of the lite Pricker, Stevenson & Co., and having added a large new Stock of goods; would respectfully call the attention of the public to their large assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON, STEEL, PAINTS OILS, GLASS, SADDLERY, COACH TRIMMINGS, &e., Mc., Which they are determined to sell at the very lowest Mar ket Prime, wholemle and retail. OEOROE LERCH & CO., C6YII4V oast door to !turbots Mansion House. (Keith's Old bland). GEOHOE LEECH.] Jan 18 [J. T. JACKSON. BMOC CB7 .&P WHOLESALE AND RETAIL r 2„ SADDLE AND HARNESS • MANUFACTORY, EAST PENN STREET, BETWEEN ), SEVENTH AND EIGHTH, Sathtiel7oppottte FadesLrkgt.t7 .se. The only place East of the Rail Road, READING PA. deolliTiVakeyinAr January 14, 84-tf NOTICE. A PREMIUM WILL BE PAID ON GIrCIXAXI, COLT) ISIXANTM.I:I. —AND -I='BR 31381V5. WCPI I .II3EII AT THE EXCHANGE AND BANKING OFFICE --0 P G . W. GOODRICH, - READING. Pa. Auggat 10,1181-ta PEACOCK'S COAL AND WOOD YARD, owner of Second antlFrasaltlin Streets, READING. PA. WILLIAN PEACOCK & SON RESPECT— fuIIy intone their numerous old customers and the public generally, that they continue to keep on hand a Leavy Kuck of Broken, Egg, mat, Move and Lituebarners' COAL from the beet Mines, which they will sell iu large or email quantities, at the lowed market prices. Also, BITU MINOUS COAL of superior quality, and Hickory and Oak WOOD, by the cord or otherwise. Ahr All orders faithfully attended to, and Noel deliver ed promptly to say pert of the sky, mahout extra charge. April 23, 1803-amo To Physicians and the Public. r HE UNDERSIONED HAVE JUST RECEIV -1 ed the largest and moot complete assortment of '2'RUSSES FEMALE SUPPORTERS, SHOULDER BRACES, Ae., ever brought to thla city. TrllB6oll applied and warranted co gl~x iiatietiuction Prices reuse from to 825, HARVEY BIRCH t EEO., Nay 9,744 LiV. AtWeet Peas IStme‘ above not, CONSTITUTION WATE R, THE GREAT RZIVIEr,,, c.l4^..tvtaviump - r_vrx AND THE ONLY KNOWN REA/ EI) FOR AND DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS AND BUM,: T4't DaligerGTW WO4 TrOtetd• irr,al, Dint +l e. .:•„ inilßfiir Rex/Alec/ the brit Jir,tie CUllipleiely Controlled ✓y the R E NED 1',,.,m' . y I. THE CURATIVE propertleo ot the medicine direct themselves t , ths s r secretion, end by c oo altering tho si aud liver that the starchy prieuiple of ful.d I - vetted into sugar so long as the system is n L lluenee of the CONSTITUTION WATER, which gives those organ time to recover their and vigor. We are able to state that the lee hoe cured every ease of Thabeten to given. • STONE IN THE BLADDER, CAI. trr,rs BRICK DUST DEPOSITS, Aso Nt:ri ~t "•i ;: MILKY DISOHARGES AEXES ORINATINri. Disease 00earripir (JUDI one hod the saran entirely cured by the Cutettitution Wafer, if r, length of thee. The dose should vary with the disease, from twenty drop; to a luatpuna u l a day, in water. During the peesage r 0: pain and urgeri t, egleptotne should be combo. proper remedies, then followed up with t 6 Water, at above directed. DYSMENORRIREA, OR PAINFUL MI:XSTior.. AND IN DIENORIIIIAWINOGIA , OR PRoyc s p , '• FLO Both diseases arising Boot a faulty seer..ti ou „ f 'Antal Hald—lu the one caw beteg too tant a by ga ms pain: and the other a too Lion, whisk will be speedily cored by tb, - Water. The disease known as FALLINU OF THE to the relaxation of the ligaments of ilia known by a sense of heaviness and draugiug back and sides, and at times accompanied by %Cog or sheeting ratan through the karts, 0111: ie see, be removed by the medicine, There 10 another class of symptoms nrhliie ;• TATION OF THE W 03113, Which physician, ' ea:i a n ; netts, which word covers up much ignoreso,, au.] cases out of ten the doctor dose not really the symptoms are the disease, or the di-sees We one only enumerate thee, her.. I lady of Cold Feet, Palpitation of the limo h., Memory, Wakefulness, Flashed of Bent, hstio,r, lode, and Dimness of Vision. SUPPRESSED 111E-VSTRUATI.o.v. Machin the unmarried female is a col itant disease, and through neglect the seeds of tuir-rr;,- dangerous maladies are the result: and as mixt; month pastes without an effort holes made Iv ...ittLx' the suppression becomes chronic, the patient looses her appetite, the bowels are coulipr t BWoitES come on, and ron.suoiptiou Sexily Id: lifii47oBBllStid v 8 tvurrns. elmon, ark Drab, 01 Drab, %enge, venni, lfereno, , enela Blue, 'gal Purple, Thin disease depends upon an itinammatios lining of the vagina and Womb. It in in nit panted by severe pain in the back, Emma; through the bins. A teanpoonful of the reels:a-so. taken three Omen a day, with an tnt of the medicine, mixed with a hallpinl monolog hi,' FOSAllitig. IRRITATION OF THE NE Olt or TIE INFLANHATIoN OF THE CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, .sTR4:- WIRY AND BURNING oR PAIS. FUL URINATIso. For these diseases it Is truly a sovereign nurigv mach cannot he ottld In Its 11PILIAIL A known to relieve the most urgent symptom,. Are you troubled with that distrobsizu pain of the back and through the hips? A teaspc,tha,..i Cuuetttution Water will relieve you like toswic. FYIX DYSPEPSIA, It has no equal in relieving the moat distnn.b, tome. Alto, Headache, Heartburn, Acid Stectui.: log Food, dtc. Take a teaspoonful after &au., iu all eases may be Increased It desired, done gradually. PHYSIC:IANS Have long since given np the use of hada. culA. Janina la the treatment of those disesse4, them for want of a bolter remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER Ras proved Reel( equal to the task that Las J, upon it. . . DIURETICS Irritate sad drench the kidneys, nod by town i•E lead to chronic degeneration and coutirinal READ. READ. READ. Dr. WM. IL GREGO—Dear Sir: to rehre or,:. MRS afflicted with the sugar diaboteß, and ne a I passed more than two gallons of water in to,: hours. I was obliged to got up an eh... Shoos during the night, and in lire /south. I lista., pounds in weight. During the mouth of iniy, . cured two bottles of Constitntion Water, and in to after using it I experienced relief, and after torn, ties I wan entirely cured, soon after rezahtia; good health. Yours truly. J.F.L. 111,s1 Bomar CORNERS, N. Y., Dee, I Wm. H. GREGG & CO.: Gent* :—I freely give you liberty to make following Certificate of the value of CoN4Ti tr Los which I con recommend In the highest manuer. Hy Wife, why wee ;Oinked with pain iu whole length Of the Melt, and in her limbs. well /ion of the Heart, attended with hltiiiny of :l4 Dysmenorriata, and irritation of the .8 habi,r. I physician, who attended her about three mouth , . c, left her worm than he foaled her. I then empln el the bestphysicians I could lied, who attended ha t 1 nine Menthe, and While she wee under hig aro O+ suffer quite as much pain; he dually gone tut u raid "her case was inourabie." For, mid such a combination of complaints, that for one operates against some other of b.r about this time, she commenced the non of Water, and to our utter anyeishmeut, eiwo4t tic Got deemed to have the desired erect, and she kept es nu: ing rapidly under its treatment, and now mem ilea. tirely tier domestic affairs. she has not tab,. s.,y Constitution Water for about four weeks, and ire nie: to say it has produced a permanent core. AMOS HILLBORN Dr, Wig, U. GREGG Dear Sir .—I have for several years, been a leira that troublesome and dangerous disease—Gown-I—. resisted all remedies and doctors. until I took Water, and you may be .amnred that 1 was ekoci.i4 pleased with the result. It hassealfre/y ciao( mo may snake any nee of my name you may mo is to the medicine, as I have entire confidence Is it, on;:. Yours truly, THESE ARE FACTS ENOUGH. Theret ono class of diseases that graders sec. e‘. log effects upon the human &institution as Rik+, Disessesof the Kidneys, Bladder and Mori and through false .modesty they are neglected u. are no advanced aa to be -beyond the control of at remedies, and we present the CONSTITUTION WATER To the public with the conviction that It MP I relieving the class of diseases for which it has betni so eminently sitiMessfal in curing; and we tro.t shall be rewarded for our efforts is pinciag v.t.o remedy in a form to meet the require physician. SOH SALE BY ALL DRUM MS. PRICE 11. WAL LI. GREGO & uu.. Prop.' Morgan & Allen, 00110r41 Agents, No. 40 New-herb. [Nev.pi For Rats, Mee, Reaches, Ants, IS oths In 1111411, Woollens, &e. 10 "" Plants, Fowls, Animals, &e. Pin up MM. and $1 00 BOKBP, Bottles, and Plank, $.l sad i for HOTELS. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONg. &O. "Wily lafalltt,k remedies istioWei" "Free from POIdUIIS." • "Not dangerous to the Human Feel tr. "hale come out of their holes to aid.' Al" Sold Wholesale in all large Mlles. AISY- Sold by all DRI/11.314TS and 4161/ !It BSWAltalll a Of all worthless Alle" See that a COSPAR'II" name Molt old stn, and Flask, before yon bay. L? Address HENRY N. COST.III, Arad/ . PRINCIPAL DEPOT .162 BROADWAY, N. Y. /RP Sold by—HARVEY BIRCH & Co., W0..1t-t Retail, 93 East Penn street, road! J. K. Mueennuit .t R. P. littitto.O. St C.A., }LEAN. January 17, 180-91 nu F. WESCHE, MANUFACTURER OF IRON RAILINGS, BELI•NI AND LOCKSMITH; T THE OLD AND WELL-KNOWN S'r Court ANY, above Sixth street, ova lOuse, Reading, P. ANT..Keys made, and all sorts of repa;rln:J" , ''' notice. Olarelk MONEY TO LOAN. APPLY TO JACOB C. S. il!'" Offise—Gonet strut Souse Furnishing Goods. TeeAROE ASSORTMENT OE SOCsi: F Melting Goods of every variety. For h 26] OBI) 1,1;K" ' GRAINS I =ALT.! GMANS CAN CONSTANTLY BE IL? LAUER B BREWERY, cursor o Third Awl' streets. L. becember 7,1561,ff PARTIES WISHING TO SELL (Ik CHASE Real Estate, will do well , toeal . l . ‘ , 1 1 si culi S , cOtidett i ;; „ o, Office—C:nert Wrest -- • ---- • _ — • S AP SAGO AND PINE APPLE C)111,1-• June 27 40 South FOIL LW NO. 1 SALMON, JUST mud fur sale at 40 *M r N EA / ` 0 M 17 AO 0 '''' ...1,-s . 7„' ,- ....-T.70- _ , EMELT/ DIABETES MIMMBMII WM M. VAN BENSCH.I MILFORD, CONY., Nut.:", MEM