Philadelphl had Readtag Rail Road. 81711dMER ARRANGEMENT 1/1211MENINOF PASSENGER TRAINS APOIL iO , 10S3. (Passing Reading) DOWN, TO PHILADELPHIA, at 6.00 and 11.10 A. 16L, 12 noon, and 4.20 P. M. UP, TO POTTSVILLE, at 11.10 A. 11 and 6.00 P. N. WEST, TO LEBANON AND HARRISBURG: Western Express from New-Sock. at 11.57 midnight. Mail Trains, at 11.07 A. M., and 6.00 P. N. On Sundays, the Down A. AL Train passes Reading. at 9.20 A. M., and Up Train, at 0.57 P. M. Both 11.10 A. and 6.00 P.M. UP Trains connect strait Clinton forTamaqua,Wiliiamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, Wawa and Canada. The ILIO A. IL Train only connects at Port Clinton for Wilkeebarre, Scranton and Pittston. The Western Express Trains connect at Harrisburg with Express Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad for Pitts burgh, and all points West; and the Mail Trains connect at Harrisburg for Lancaster, Chambersbnrg, Sunbury, Wil liamsport, Lack Haven, Elmira and the Canada& Through First-Class Coupon Tickets, and Emigrant Tick ets at reduced Fares, to all the principal points in the North and West, and the Canadas. COMMUTATION TICKETS, With 26 Coupons, at 26 per cent. discount, between any points desired MILEAGE TICKETS, Good for 2000 miles, between all points, at $46 AS—for Twain.. and Ensinssa Firm. Season Tn *eta, good for the bolder only, for three months, in any of the Passenger Trains to Philadelphia, at 1212 35 each. School Season Tick eta one-third lees. Passengers will take the Exptess Trains West, at the UPPER DEPOT, and all other Trams, at the LOW= or OLD DEPOT. _ _ . . SO 111:.. of baggage allowed each passenger. W Passengere are requested to purchase their Tickets before entering the cars, as higher Fares are charged if paid in cars. . _ Up Trains leave Philadelphia for 'Reading, Harrisburg and Pottsville at 335 A. ht., and 3.30 P. IL, and at 5.01 P. Y. for Reading only. •?Sxcnralon 'Pickets, good for one day, by 6.03 A. K. Accommodation Train to Philadelphia and return, at $2 00 each, and to Hartlibarg, good for three days, by all conger Trains, d 2 25. G. A. RICOLLS, April 25. 1864- tli . Genera Superintendent. EAST PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD summer Arrangement. 0011MENOING MONDAY, APRIL 20th, 1863 Direct to New-York Without Change of Cars. = m a ON AND AFTER MONDAY, April NM, 1863, Passenger Trains will leave g daily, (Bau days excepted) for Allentown, Manch Chunk, Bethle hem, Beaton, New-York, &c., dtc., at 4.14 A. Of., 11.15 A. M., and 4.20 P. M. from the UPPER DEPOT The 4.14 A. K. train is the Eastern Express, sailboat change of cars from Pittsburgh, and arrives in New-York at 9.10 A. Al. This train will stop only at Lyons, Allen town, Bethlehem, Easton and the principal stations on the Jersey Central. The 11.15 A. M. Train will stop at ail Stations between Reading and Allentown, and the 4.20 P. AL Train at all Stations, except Ilerstossn and Al Bartle. The 11.15 A. K. Train arrives in New-York at 6.00 P. M., and the 4.20 P. K Train at 10.15 P.M. Trains will leave New-York daily (except Sundays) at 6 A. K., 12 noon, and 7 P. K., at the foot of Coartiandt Street, and arrive in Beading at 11.10 A. IL, 6 P. M., and 11.57 llrulaiglit. Passengers are requested to purchase tickets before tak ing their seats, as higher fares will be charged on the care. EDWARD N. CLYMER, President. AprlllB-tt] One Thousand Dollars QTOLEN.-ON TILE NIGHT OF APRIL 13th, 1863, from the Fire Proof of the Reading Rail Road tapany, at their tipper Freight Depot at Reading, a package of money containing Ten Thousand and Ninety seven Dollars. Five Hundred Dollars reward will be paid for the re eeTery of mild money, or the MOO proportion for any part thereof; and a farther sum of Five Hundred Daddlars for ouch information as may lead to the apprehension and Con viction of the Thief or Thieves. may 16-ti] O. A, NICOLL'S, Superintendent, JOHN S. PEARSON & CO., No. 18 West Penn Street, HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT of the following description of TX Xi. -sr Cr CP Clio TO IS Which they will sell at REDUCED PRICES: COLORED ALPACAS, PLAID MOZAMBIQUES, FOULARD SILKS, All Wool DE LAMES, SHEPHERD PLAIDS, FRENCH LAWNS, CHECK MOHAIRS, MOURNING GOODS, WRITE GOODS, TOILET QUILTS, SUMMER SHAWLS, LACE do LACE MANTLES, SILK do SILK SACQUES, CLOTH do CLOTH CIRCULARS. [June 6 INVALID CORPS. ATTENTION, INVALIDS ! ForpNLIBTED MEN HONORABLY DISCHARO ed. on account Of disability, desiring to re-enlist in this s, will present themselves to theßoardof Enrollment for the District in which they reside, for examination by the Surgeon thereof, whoskall make a personal examina tion of them, and report the remit to the Board of Enroll ment. The Boma shall then consider each case, and If the ap plicant is found to fulfil the conditions specified, the Board shall give him a certificate (according to the form furnish ed) to that effect. The term of enlistment stall be Three (3) Years or during the War. For particulars apply to the Provost Marshal. Tune 13, 1813.3-tf CONCORDIA MAIM, NO. 369 PENNSYLVANIA. AVENUE, WASHINGTON D. C. THE'DERSIOFFE - D WOULD RESPECT taIIy taform their numerous Meade throughout Berko county, that they have leased the above Hotel, and are now prepared to accommodate all who may favor them with their patronage. At our bar may be found the best and purest liquors, while the table le supplied with the best the market affords. THOMAS HUMPIIPXY. Jane 13-tf] mum BITTING. C. C. ZlirArl7.lll3ll.lllllB, No. es% East Penn St., between Sixth and Seventh, North Side, READING, PA., DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF TOBACCO,. SEGARS & SNUFF. CONSTANTLY ON NAND A LABOR ASSORTMENT OF MEERSCHAUM; BRIER ROOT, AND FANCY PIPES. Mai SO, 1883.41 WILLIAM PENN HOUSE, CORNER OP PENN AND TENTH STS., READING, PA_ BRRTOLETTAG GRANT, Proprietor. /PM HOUSE BEING A LICENSED TAVERN, X the best of Liquors are kept at the Bar, and as good a table as any other 'Hotel in the county. Accommoda tince for Boardors arid Travellers. Charges reasonable, g:w• Lunch from 9 toll o'clock, daily. pane 9-tf ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! I TL HE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY IN forma hie old carmen and tbepublie generally, that he es cocured a full supply of the beet quality Eastern Ice, which he is prepared to nerve at the following prices: 0 pounds (quarter peck) daily, 00 cis. per week. 10 " (half peck) " 90 20. one peck) . 140 " . " All over 20 pounds, 1 east per pound. These rates are the very lowest at which Ito can be eup• plied during the preeent aanaom AIIECAHAAI VITEN. June fi-tt] Oilleo, North Sixth Wee; near Walnut. BOUNTY MONEY, BACK-PAY AND PENSIONS. I).PPLICATIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED to. H. SEILLSSE, Attorney at Law, y 3 0 -tti 01See in Court Street, Reading. LEBANON VALLEY INSTITUTE, AFFYILLS r LEI *.NO i DOUDiTlfs PA. A SELECT BOARpING, SCHOOL.—COURSE 11. of hoax - action thbrongh and complete—number of Boarder' limited. Vacations in September and October. Expenses per %uarter.dM'a For,Chaulars and information, &Weft March 7-t0 W.. 1. BURNSIDE, morille, Pa. New Coal Sard and Feed Store. 1111 HE UNDIMIWONED , HAS LEASED THE td y. ..:l== . - 40 5 u o r im at tie F y rd a ff t tr e e attached, Corner of lititthand Spruce streets, which he bas refftted and docked with a superior article of Coal for amity use, and the best brands of Flour, with alt kinds of Feed and Grain, which he birwulyto sell at the very lowest prices for Cam. Trusting by strict attention to liminess and by dealing in good articles, ha will =kit a share of trade from the citizens of Reading. • Coals Mar awl, Teo& delivered anywhere in the city. All orders left at my m aidens., on Franklin street, two doom above the Univeran. list Church, or at IL Herman's Agricultural Store, Will meat With prompt attention. Very respectfully, April 11-tfil JOHN W. CHRISTMAN. MONEY WANTED ! O N "'AI ESTATE SECURITY. APPLY TO JACOB C. BOBBINS% Commercial Broker. [March 2B OMNI.-Owt SA MONTH !—I want to hire Agents in eng , oonnty at $75 a n month, expeuwa paid, i 9 „1 7 . 7 aim Apr Sewing IDIEDadII Mding,. . 'add my mai W Aitzwt, Mdress,se. TO THE LADIES. lOC 31EN. 3IC lIIT GLASS AND ftUEENSWARE. WE RAVE NOW OPEN A LARGE AND Y V elegant assortment of the follntring kinds of FANCY CELINA mimic/ma: French China Vases, 7 doz. paha, all sizes, Card Baskets, Card Receivers, Jewel Box., Cologne Bottles, Blotto Get. fees, Watch Holders, Inkstands, Cigar Stands, and a variety of other fancy goods suitable for the What-Blot. Also Bohemian and 'french Glassware. Stich as Wine Bottles, Decanters, 0 oblets and Wine Glasses, Liquor Setts, Cigar Stands, Card Baskets, Cologne Bottles, Cake and Fruit Stands in Kiva sooty, Gaston, Salt Col• tors, Candlesticks, Tumblers, &c., and Common Glass• Ware of every description ; together with an extensive stock of . . . QUEENS:MARA Consisting, in part, of White Granite Tea and Toilet setts, Ten and Coffee Cups, Dinner, Breakfast and Butter Plates, Dishes of Mt kinds, Pitchers, Mugs, Bowls, &c.. &c., with a fell line of common ware, all of which we offer at unu sually low prism. Au Inspection of our goods by our many patrons and the public, is respectfully asked. M. KEFFER & SON, may 21 If o. 124, Corner of Fifth and Spruce St. STRICKLAND & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, 23 EAST num STKEET, REALM NG-, PA. ALARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of School, Miscellaneous and Blank agli WM MIL 5 PRAYER BOOKS, ENGLISH AND GERMAN BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS, PERIODICALS, MUSIC and MUSIC BOOKS, GOLD PENS, FANCY ARTICLES, NOTE, LETTER: OA Panel FLEETING PAPER and PAPER BAGS. BLANK BOOKS —AND— MERCIIANTS' ACCOUNT BOORS Made to order; Churches and Sabbath Schools supplied with Tract Society and Sunday School Union publications, at catalogue prices. .11%r Orders from Country Merchants solicited and tilled promptly at the lowest wholesale prices. air Teachers supplied with Music at the anal alumina N. 13.—Books and Music sent by mail postage paid, ou receipt of Publishers' Prices. jan 18-tt OLD ESTABLISHED S - SES - IT AL XA • No. 5 Seaver St., Albany, New-York, On the French System. Quick Cures and Low Prices. 20,C00 Patients Cured Anatta//y. - nil TELLER CONTINUES TO BE CONFl dentfally and successfully consulted on all forms of private diseases at btu old established Hospital, No. Beaver Street, Albany, New-York. Twenty years devoted to this one particular breach of practice, enables him to perform cures such as no other physician can; and his facilities are such. (being in correspondence with the most celebrated physicians of the Old World) of obtaining the serest se well as the latest remedies for these diseases. of. far inducements to the opfertenate of a quick and rapid care, to be obtained at no other office In America. In syphilis, gonorrhoea, gloat, strictures, enlargement of the testicles and spermacetio cords, bribe, ulcerated throat. sore Oran, tender shin bones, cutaneous ernptions, ulcers, absceemes, and all other impunities of the system, are perfectly under control of the Doctor's medicines, and have been tested in more than 20,000 cases annually with Immense encase. YOUNG MEN addicted to secret habits, who have Im paired their health and destroyed the vigor of their minds. than depriving themselves of the pleasures of married life, are notified that in consulting Dr. J. Teller, they Wilt find a friend to console and a physician who has cared thou sands, in almost every part of the United States, who ap plied to Dr. T. broken down in health, now rejoice In all that makes life desirable and man happy. The reader is of course aware that the delicacy of the subject will pre vent a more minute description of this terrible disease, DR. TELLER'S GREAT WORE.—A book for everybody. Startling disclosures. Dr. Teller's great work for the mar ried and those contemplating marriage-200 pages—fall of plates—price 25 cents. Sent to all parts, under seal, by mail, post paid. The single married and the married happy. A lecture on Love, or how to choose a partner— a complete work ou midwifery. It contains hundreds of secrete never before published. Warranted to be worth three times the amount asked for It. 25 cents, In specie or pestage stamps, enclosed, will secure a copy by return mail. Dr. Teller has devoted a life time to the cure of those diseases of which his book treats. . . . . . , . TIS THE LADIES.—Dr. Y. Teller still retains the only Agency In America for the Elle of Dr. Vichei'e Italian Fe male Monthly Pills. The sale of more than 20,001 boxes eetabliebee their reputation ae a Female Remedy, neat,- preened, and far in advance of every other medicine for stoppages, Irregularities, and other obstructions in females. CAUSlON.—Married ladies, in certain delicate situations should avoid their use. For reasons, sae directions which accompany each package, for the guidance of patient.— On the receipt of Si, (the price per box) these pills will be sent, by mail or express, to any part of the world, secure from curiosity or damage. W Office hours from SA. 111. LO S P. as.; and on Sunday train 2 to SP. at. N. IL—Persons at a distance eau be cured at home, by addressing a letter to J. Teller, enclosing a remittance.— Medicines securely packed from observation, sent to any part of the world. All eases warranted. No charge fur advice. No students or boys employed. Notice this—ad dress all letters to J. TELLER, AL D. May 16-ly] No. Beaver street, Albany, N.Y." 'TELE GREAT Dyspepsia Remedy and. Blood Searcher. DR. MARKLEY'S HEALTH RESTORATIVE BALSAM —This celebrated Medicine le offered to the public as the best remedy for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, Piles, Diseases of the Blood, Eruptions of the Skin, etc. IT HAS CURED THOUSANDS ! IT IS A NEVER FAILING REMEDY! IT: Read what It has done for Mr. ABNER D. CAMPBELL, of the Arm of Campbell & Marshall, Boot and Shoe dealere, Centre Fenare. LAIICASTER, PA., March 4, 1801. Dr. O. H. MARKLEY—Dear kir For many years I was the victim of Dpepepeie in Re most aggravated form ; my system having become so much deranged and debilitated, that 1 was unable to perform any kind of labor. I had re sorted to the beet doctors within reach, without relief. I used some of the most popular remedies of the day, but none of them did me any good. My sufferings cannot be described in Words. I was then living et Hopewell, Ches ter county, and in 1817, as a last resort, I commenced the use of your medicines. They soon afforded me relief from the meet painful symptoms which I had scarcely hoped to obtain ; and in a surprisingly short time I was completely restored to health, and I have enjoyed the beet of health ever since—not a symptom of my old complaint remain ing. Since then, I have always kept your medicines, In my family, and would not be withont them upon any con sideration, as they have never failed to do what you claim for them. Respectfully yours, . . . A. D. CAMPBELL. This M bat one of the many testimonials daily received In probe of this great medicine. For sale by HARVEY BIRCH & BROTHER, Jane &if] Druggists, No. 63 West Penn St., Reading. -OF HATS AND CAPS, ia • AT THE OLD-ESTABLISHED STAND OP F. G. 330..gLi3. No. 6 West Penn Street, next door to the Union Bank. olateadtisg, lITHO IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FROM yy New-York and Philadelphia the latest styles of HATS and CAPS Adapted to the Meagan. Ho I.e also ..oeoived a /ergo au sortaleat of TRUNL9 CARPET BAGS, VALISES UMBRELLAS, &e., which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. As be pays Cash for all his goods, he is enabled to aeU them at the low est prices. AP- Three hundred dozen SHAKES HOODS on bawl, which Will be cold cheap. IRP A large quantity of the best quality of BED F&A• TUBES received, to which the attention of Housekeepers ibrecpectfnlly invited. Call and examine.—No trouble to show goods. [April 11-tf F. C. LIGHTS & Co. (LATE LIGHTS & BRADBUItYB) PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 421 Broome Street, 'Wm Turk, . 2d /Rock East of Broadway. aAIR. F. C. LIGIITE, THE ORIGINAL founder of Me well-known . Establishment, Senior rtlier, and only Practical Pin...-Forte Maker of the late Sim of "Lights Ac Eradburys,"having retained his TWO. TLirde interesi in the whole business, mock, In.tenal.s at., and Sole Proprietorship in bin Valuable PflitZES, inclusive of biz celebrated PATENT INSULATED IRON ERA bIES, in the only one who can make the SUPERIOR PIANO FORTES for which this house has been so popular. /50 - -All infringements on hie rights wilt be prosecuted according to law- All Piano-Fortes from tbisrnatinfactory are warrant ad parfeet in every respect for five years. Liberal terme to Dealers. K C. LIGUTE & C 0.,. 931 Broome Street, New-York; April 11-3m] DOCTOR A. E. STEIVENS. ELECTRICAL PHYSICIAN. IS CURING ALL CHRONIC DISEASES both of Ladies and Gentlemen, by a new method in the ( use of Electricity alone, without any medicine, or even any pain. Board may be bad, with treatment, by patients from abroad, at reasonable rates in the Doctor's family. LETTERS applying for circulars or further Information will be promptly answered. Office and residence at 1418 ROUTH PENH SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA, PA., being in a centre/ as well ea delightful part of the city. EV" - Cut this out for future reference. April 11, ISG3-3mo GRAINS i (MALT.) URIANS CAN CONSTANTLY DE HAD AT iDISWNRY, corner o Third and Medea streete. F. LAUB& December T. 18811.-tr PASTIES WISHING TO SELL OR PUR CHASE Beal &tate, will do well to call upon JACOB C. SOIJOEBER, Corunareiel Broker. Onee—CourtrArrek. Doan& BS HELMBOLD'S GENUINE REMAINS. lIELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMFOIIND FLUID EXTRACT DUCIII4 A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, °RAVEL and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine Increases the power or Digestion, and en tities the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural En largements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflammation, and Is Good For !aim WOMEN OR WILILDRESI HELNEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Diasipation, Early India maim, or Abuse, attended with the followlngsymptotos I ndlaposition to Exertion, Loaner Power, • Lusa of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror OffillielVie, Wakefuluees, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Flushing of the Body, Mnaculer System, Eruptions°, the Skin, Hot Hands, Dryness orate Skin, PALLID COUNTENANCE These symptom s , if allowed to go on, which this medi tine invariably removes, soon follows IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, in one of which the Patient may Expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those"" direful diseases," 6, INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their autfering, BOT BONE WILL CONFESS 2 THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS AND THE MELANCHOLY DEATHS BY CON BIIMPTION, Bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once affected with organic . weakness, Requires the aid of medicine to Strengthen and invigor ate the System, WHICH lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU INVARIABLY DOES A trial will wallas° the most skeptical FEMALES! FEMALES! Old or Young, Single, Married, or Contemplating Marriage, -In many Affections peculiar to Females, THE EXTRACT BUCHU is unequalled by any other remedy, se in Chlorosls or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous date of the Uterus, Leueorrlima or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indis cretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE_ SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE NO FAMILY SHOULD BB WITHOUT IT TARE NO MORE BALSAM, MERCURY, OR UNPLEASANT MEDI CINE PoR UNPLEASANT AND DANGEROUS DISEASES. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH MEM SECRET DISEASES, In all their sieges, At little Expense, Little or no change In Diet, No inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSIIIiit. It causes a frequent desire and emus strength to Urinate thereby removing obstructions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and'lnflammalten, ao frequent In lbe chola of dleemen, and expelling at/ PoitonouB Disease!, and worn out Matter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS Who hovebeen the Plains: of @wait, and who have - paid heavy fees to be cared in a abort time, have found they were deceived, and that the "Poison" hae, by the nee of " poWerfut astringents," been dried up in the system., to break out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE tfae Relmbola'sErtrack Enchn for all affections and. dis eases of the URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause originating and no matter or HOW LONG STANDING Diseases of flume Organs require the aid of a Diuretlit. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And to sure to hare the desired effect to all diseases FOR WHICH IT IS RECOMMENDED. Evidence of the 'noel rah:ethic and responsible character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, Prom 8 to 20 year? standing With BRUNO known to SCIENCE AND PANE. PRIOR $l.OO PER BOTTLE, 81X FOR $5.00 Delivered to any address, securely packed from i my ob nervation. Describe symptoms in 41 Communications. CURES CIUARANTEED ! ADVICE GRATIS! AFFIDAVIT Personally appeared before me, an Alderman, of the city -of Philadelphia, 11. T. Relmbold, who being duly aurora doth say, his preparations contain no narcotic, nor moron ry, or otber Injurious drags, bat are purely v,ogetable. li. T. D.IILMBOLD. Sworn, and subscribedbefore me, this .`23d day of Novem ber, 1854. . . Wm. P. HIEBEr n), Alderman, Niuth street, uh ore Race Phila. Addreas lettere for information in oontld ease In H. B. HELMNO LD, Chemist, Depot, 100 So. Mb Tenth Street, below C. lestmat, Phila., Ps BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS And Creprinciple,l Dealers, Who endeavor to dispose " of_ their own" and "-other articles on the reputation attab Jed by Helmbold's Genuine Prepared „ 0 „„ " Extract Bunion, " Sarsaparilla, n " Improved Roan Wash. Bold by all Druggists ev arywhere. Ask for 11P.LMBOLD'D. Take no other. On out the adverthtem ant, and send Ali It, AD AVOID IMPOSITIOZI *IW UItOSURE. Os; f t, 134 y. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF' JPIIILADELPIIIA. OFFICE, Nos. 433 AND 437 CHESTNUT STREET. Capital, - - • - 44C0,000 00 Perpetual Pramlowa, . 4012.073 F 9 Less Five Per Cent. - . 47,148 60 ---- —5590,824 63 Unexpired Temporary Premiums, 180,584 05 Less for the portion of limn expir ed on polices over one year, gnrplaa, Total - Statement of the Assets of the Company, January 1, 1863. First Mortgages, alnply secured, • $1,993,931 46 Real &tate, (psesent va1ue:018,322 47) cost 128,970 77 Temporary Loans, on ample Collateral Securities 84,60 5. 77 Stocks, (present value +99,473 16) cost - 81,901 BO Notes and bills receivable, - . 1,649 50 Cash, - - - - • - 71,312 03 $2,369,291 03 Advance In Value of Real estate over cost, 9,311 70 Advance In Value of Stocks over cost, 13,473 66 Total, AO - the onty Prejlte from Fremiumne which this Com pany can divide by law, are from Risks which ham been determined. Ea,trad from the Charter of the Company. "But the moneys received as Premiums upon Risks which remain undetermined, and are outstanding at the time of declaring such Dividend, shall not be considered as part of the proem of said Corporation, or divided as such." PERPETUAL OR LIMITED INSURANCES MADE ON EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY, IN Town and Country, For Owners, Rortgagees,Grouad Landlords,.te. &a. Hates tut low as are consistent with securitY. LOSSES BY FIRE. Losses paid Marin the year 1662, $09,789 11 By order of the Board. CHAS. N. BANCKER, Pregclent Attest—JAS. W. McALLISTER, Secretary pro tem. DIRECTORS. CHARLES N. BANCKER, DAVID S. BROWN, TOBIAS WAGNER, ISAAC I.Ba. SAMUEL GRANT, EDWARD C. PALE, JACOB N.GEORGE FALBA, M I OR R W. RICHARDS, ALFRED FITLER. CHARLES N. RANCHER, President. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. Jas. W. MCALLInT/111, Secretary pro tern. &dr Applications for Insurance, made either personally by letter, will be promptly attended to by J. LAWRENCE GETZ, April 4-Iy] Agent for the Company, at Reading, Pa. TUE COLUMBIA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. CHARTER PERPETUAL. THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO INSURE Buildings, Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash preminm or premium note. The large and Increasing capital of the Company, con eleting of premium noise given by Its members, and based I,lpen $1,475,789 35, Insured on the mutual plan, aderds a reliable guarantee equal to ten times the average loss on the amount insured: and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as liberally With those who may sustain lose or damage as the ease will admit of, consistent with justice to all parties con cerned. Amount of Premium Notes, $155,620 49. Balance of Cash Premiums nnexpend• ed, January Ist, 1882, 61,888 .67 Cash receipts daring the year 1868, lass agents' commissions, 6,781 47 Cash receipts in January,lB67, 895 8U a - 89,616 84 Losses and Expenses paid dorlug the year 18e2, ee,329 73 Balance unexpended, Feb. 2d, HO, 8,016 11 --89,31084 A. S. OREM President Geom. YOUNG, Ja., Secretary. MICHAEL 8. SHUMAN, Treas urer. DIRECTORS: EPHRAIM HERSHEY, MICHAEL H. MOORE, GEORGE YOUNG. Jr.. NICHOLAS McDONALD, AMOS E. GREEN.. R. T. RYON, ABRAHAM BRUNER, JOHN.HENDBIOH, H. G. MINION, SAMUEL F. EBERLEIN, MICHAEL S. SHUMAN lii' PHILIP RIBBER, Ninth and Penn streets, Reading, is the Agent for the above-named Company, and will take risks in city end country at the lowest rate. June 13, 1863-6mo* INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE 07 PEINNSYLVANIA OFFICE, NOS. 4 AND 5 EXCHANGE BUILDING, North Side el Walnut St., Between Beek and Third SM. PHILADELPHIA imraoarozaTED IN 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CIALNIXT.4S.Ia. *200.000. Properties of the Company, Feb. 1, 1863 , $493,829 67. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation Insurance. ~. HENRY D. SHERRERD, CHARLES MACALESTER, WILLIAM S. SMITH, JOHN B. AUSTIN, EDWARD C. KNIGHT. HENRY G. FREEMAN, GEORGE C. CARSON, HENRY b. SHERRERD, President, WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. Air Applications for Insurance may be made to WIL IAM NEELY, at Howard Si Co's. Express Office. May Id, 1861-11 READING SAVINGS BANK. INCORPORATED MAY 11, 1855. VAPIWAiii 550 1 000. Banking House, East Market Square, North Side, Reading, Pa. DEPOSITS RECEIVED FROM TEN CENTS to Ten Thousand Dollar,. Money is received on de posit from 9 A. N. to 3 P. M. ; and on Wednesday and Sat. urday evenings horn 7 P. M. to 9 P. N. Interest will be allowed at the rate of nee per cent. per annum., on Claims remaining on deposit, for one year or more. On sums remaining leas than a year, interest will be al lowed at the rate of Four per eent. per annum. ..- All the assets of the Bank and thettattividuat prop erty of the egoekholders, are liable for the payment of De posits. Persons who have money to deposit, are invited to call at the Banking House for further information.. DIRECTORS. DAVID YODER, GIDEON SNYDER, 1111015AEL 081181111, CONRAD DISEIIII, Denim. B. Loma, CONRAD Y. BRIDLED. A. F. BOAS. Preeir2ent—A. F. BOA& Idea 27-ly Caehto--ADAM LEIZE ESTABLISHED /N 1824. Greatest Improvement of the Age IN PIANOS. ME YER' S IMPROVED OVER-STRUNG PIAE OS, acknowledged by Artists and the Public as the finest in America, and equal to the beet in Europe. r ilipt v By these ORIIAT IMPROVEBIENTa, the utmost volume of tone Is obtained, while the sweetness, brilliancy, touch and action, fur which these Pianos are famona is preserved, all doll and muffled, and wiry and metallic tones are ..avoided, Theee Instrument. received THE PRIZE MEDAL AT TAR WORLD'S PAWL IN LONDON. ',Waving increaseefacilitice for manufacturing, the great eet.inducemente are offered. o,''dorn from the country ., promptly and carefully attend ml. to Ale o, secondhand Pianos foisale or to rent. Alst +. a large and choice assortment of Foreign and Do. Medic MUSIC. WARE.IIOOMg. 722 ARCH stn EAT, June 13-2m] Below Eighth Street, Philadelphia. BLACK SILK SACKS ! DAVID NEFF, HAS .1130 T RECEIVED A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Black Silk Coats, LATEST STYLES. ALSO, SILK SUN UMBRELLAS. (Shades.) PURCHASERS ARE POLITELY REQUEST ed to call and examine for thomeelvee. [June 13 LAUER'S BREWERY READING, PA. THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully announces to the public that he has recently enlarged his BREWE RY to a considerable extent, and introduced steamlower, and is now ready to supply all demands for SIEZERIOR MALT LIQUORS, For home and dtstant'oonsumptton. !Us stock of Malt L[ no rs, warranted to keep in all slim:des, is as follows: gp,owN STOUT, PORTER, ItOTTLING ALE, DRAUGHT ALE AN n LAGER. BEER. jnuel9-.f PREDICATOR, LAGER. N,B,A liberal pi r outage will be allowed to Agents abroad. LAWN AND CHINTZES. fIpHE UNDERSIGNED HAS CARRIED OVER J_ a large assortment. of Latin, Chintz and i Ingham, trout last wagon, which Will bo told'Etpm.ceetlikcer than similar gouda can be bought in Anil bands. This lot of goods is worthy the attention of buyers. June l3] DAVID NEFF. COAL OILS COAL OIL GOOD BURNING COAL OIL, AT 10 CENTS a quart, at OEO. LEECH CO'S, Corner of Fifth and Penn Square, next door to Borbou'e Mansion House. leeb 7 ERE TONOUES.—FRESII SUGAR CURED Tongues, for sate at PEOCOCK'S, • omit 14) 40 Southylfth.Stratii. OLD PLANTATION COFFEE. 4m- I FINE fLAVORED OLD PLANTATION COFFEE, Tlfni OLD PLANTATION COFFEE IS PEE furred by those who have used it to the best Mocha or Java Coffee, it being superior in strength and richness of Dauer to the ordinary Imported Coffees. An we are the only receivers and annuuracturors of the OLD PLANTATION COFFEE, We would caution our friends and the public against pur chasing any not bearing our signature, as since the perfect auccees of our OLD PLANTATION COFFEE CEEI --$171,525 65 024,706 It $3,392,110 39 Nninerone manufaelprere are trying to palm off inferior coffee at lees price, saying that Umbra ix as good, better, Sc. Seine have gone so far solo user oar printers large amounts if they would print a quantity of labels bearing our name, &o. Othem are putting up mixtutes labelled in imitation of oar genuine OLD PLANTATION COFFEE, Such as Planter Coffee or Plauten Leaf Coffee, arc , evi dently to misguide the public by palming off an inferior article for our OLD PLANTATION COFFEE,. As we are the only recelversand manufacturers of the $2,30,116 39 OLD PLANTATION COFFEE, We shell ponlah all th(tagere of our copy-right to the for theat extent of the law. Is put up in one pound tln•foll packages, 36 and ES lba. in a case, with full directions for using on each package. Pot sale by all well regulated family stores. Wit'OUT OILE,LE3 & SEMMES, Importers and Manufacturers, 233, 235, 237 Washington Street, New-Yolk. [Jane 13-31 n TARRANT'S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT. /THIS VALUABLE AND POPULAR 'MEDI- A . doe has universally received the most favorable re. commendations of the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the Po nue, as the moot EFFICIENT and AGREEABLE SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the best effect in Bilious and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness ' Sick Headache, Nausea, Lome of Appetite Indigestion , Aridity of the Stomach, Torpidity of Hie Liver, Gout, ltheamatic Affections, Gravel, Piles, and all complaints WHERE A GENTLE AND COOLING APERI. ENT OR PURGATIVE IS REQUIRED. It is particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents of Hot Climates, Persons of Sed entary Habit., Invalids and Convaleseente; Captains of Vessels and Planters will laud it a valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is in the form of a powder, carefully put op in bottles, to keep in any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a delightful effervescent beverage. Numerous testimonials from professional and other gen tlemen of the highest standing Throughout the country, and Re steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guarantee its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent Manufactured by TARRANT & CO., No. 270 Greenwich Street, Corner of Warren Street, New-York. AND FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. December 27, 1862-3 mos Watches, Jewelry and Diamonds. LEWIS LAD 03111713 & Co., 802 Chestnut Street; Philadelphia, HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND A LARGEa ;•) stook of Gold and Silver Watches. - unable for Ladies, Gentlemen and Boys' wear. Some of our own importation, extra fine party. Our assortment or Jewelry consists of The most 'fashion able and rich designs ; as also the plainer and less ex pensive. Silver Spoons, Forks, Pie, Cake and Fruit Knives; also, a large variety of fancy Silver Ware, suitable for Bridal Presents. We have also on hand a most splendid assortment of DIAMOND JEWELRY . of all kinds, to which we invite especial attention. Our prices will be found considerably less than the same articles are usually mid for. ['Ali kinds of Watches repaired in the very best man ner and warranted to give satisfaction. WEDDING SINGS on hand and made to order. Call or address LEWIS La DOMES & CO., April 15-3roo] SO2 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. P. S.—Tbe highest Cash prices paid for Old Gold and Silver. All orders from the country wilt receive especial attention. NOTICE. A PREMIUM WILL BE PAID ON arefaXACII, OLa OSII.TANT —AND— PAR BANK I\TCPIUMIES AT THE EXCHANGE AND BANKING OFFICE —OF— G. W. GOODRICH, • READING, Pa. August 10, 1861—tfl PEACOCK'S COAL AND WOOD YARD, Carrier of Second and Franklin Streets, READING, PA. WILLIAM PEACOCK & SON RESPECT fuIIy inform their numerous old customers and the public generally, that they continue to keep on baud a heavy stork of Broken, Egg, Nat, Stove and Lintebarnere' COAL from the best Mines, which they will sell in large or small quantities, at the lowest market prices. Also, BITU MINOUS COAL of superior quality, and Hickory and Oak WOOD, by the cord or otherwiee. lar All order% faithfully attended to and Pnel deliver ed promptly to any part of the city, without extra charge. April 25,1262-3 mo WILLIAM R. WHITE, GEORGE H. STUART, SAMUEL GRANT, Jr., TOBIAS WAGNER, THOMAS B. WATTSON, CHARLES S. LEWIS. COAL, WOOD, SALT, F MI ilk : 4 * 11 1 . 10 I/9 Corner of Penn and Frond Strata, Reading, AS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND SELLS at reasonable prices, all kinds of Broken, Egg and love Coal ; Not, Chestnut and Bituminous Coal, Balt, Lime and Sand. Mr Persons in want of anything in my line, will find it to their advantage to give ree a call before purchasing eine- Where. I deliver free of extra charge to any part of the city. [oat 6-tf TIVIPORTER AND DEALER, IN WINES, LI QUORS and SWAIM, No. 161 North Third Street, Phil adelphia, would respectfully call the attention of betel keepers and others, to his well selected stuck of Wines, Liquors, and Imported Segare, in store and under Custom HMSO lock. COGNAC BRANDIES.—Of various brands, consisting of Pale and Dark Martel 'lc Co., Pinet, liennesey, Maglory, °turd, Dripny & Co., and Otard'esuperior London Donk, and various brands of Cognac and other Brandies. WINES, ke.-4ine old Madeira, Sherry, Teneriffe, and Lisbon Wines—linger old Port Wine, Clarets of different kinds, on draught or in glass. CHAMPAGNE.—Ileidsick, P. A. ?Stamm & Co., and Geis- ler' s genuine Anchor Brands, in pinto end quartz. To g ether with a general assortment of Scotch and Irish Malt Whiskeys, Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirita,Peach Bran dy, old Bourbon, Monongahela Whiskey, Wild Cherry, Blackberry Raspberry and Lavender Brandies. W Superior Wine and Stomach Bittern. (Jena 4-tf ROME, SIGN, AND DECORATIVE PAINTING, GEORGE SELLING, SOUTII SIXTH STREET, DIRECTLY OPPO SITE the fichmucker House, is prepared to execute or ders for House and Sign Painting in all their branches, to- gather with Fainting and Graining in perfect imitation of all kinds of Wood and Marble, in a style that cannot be surpassed, and at the lowest prices. He also pays particular attention to Fresco Painting, real and imitative, for Chinches, Halls, Parlors, Drawing- Rooms, Public Buildings, etc., and can refer to nureerone buildings in this city, and other cities and towns in Pm,. eylvania, for specimens of his work. A practical once of twenty-live years as a Painter, warrants him in saying that hie work cannot be excelled in beauty of de. alga power or effect, and finished execution. He will take orders for work in any part of this or adjoining States, and attend to them with punctuality end despatch. dil letters addressed to him on Solve prompt attention.[lapels-ly DUPTURE CAN BE CURED BY A TRUSS .OF THE RIGHT KIND, IF PROPERLY FITTED AND DULY ATTENDED TO, This bike been abundantly de• mons!rated in innumerable instances by the use of the MULTI PEDAL RsitlltS of DR. HIGGS. during the last few years. This truss, being covered with Hard Rubber, is perfectly waterproof, may be used iu bathing, and to at way. Meanly as well as indestructible by ordinary Congo. If not satisfactory after a fair trial of sixty day*, it may be retuned. It eitallettgat, comparison with any true, known, Dr. RIDOS' 011 ice, No. 2 BARCLAY ST., New-York. nov. 15-ly AMOS 13EIDEVS =LEAP WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ,-, 'f SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY, r, A EAST PENN STREET, BETWEEN I.ii wl , SEVENTH AND EIGHTH, A ~ , South Side, nearly oppoalte Faelg'• ~.. , ' Barks County Howse _ The only 1 - - -- i place East of the Rail Road, READ/NO PA. -4 *-I; : ar.askA,G,W," January 14, SO-If To Physicians and the Public. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUST REcEIV ed the largest and most complete assortment of TRUSSES. I'ENALE SUPPORTERS. SHOULDER BRACES, ,to., ever brought to this city. Trumann applied and warranted to give satisfaction LV , Prices range from $1 to $25. HARVEY BIRCH Jr MM. No. 03 Went Penn Street, above Third. May 9-3m] COAL OIL Z. COAL OIL!! sni BARRELS COAL OIL JUST RECEIVED uwarranted equal to any manufactured. For kale a the lowest wholesale and retail prices by Feb 28•1 GEO. LEECH & CO. JUST RECEIVED, 2000 FLOWER POTS, AT THE OLD JAIL act 4-t[ WM. RHOADS, Jr. Wry GENTS PEE POUND. LIBERAL DISCOON'I"EO THE TRADE. TIM OLD PLANTATION COFFEE SAMUEL BOONE, (FORMERLY) Sohn Kissinger, Jr., CASPER HEFT, TRUSSES. WALL PAPERS. BROWN GROUND, 61- cents WHITE GROUND, 12 GLAZED PAPERS, 25 " GOLD BAND WINDOW FADES AND _We' ME .7/16C rill" MET MIL 9 BUFF AND GREEN HOLLAND& BAND BOXES, $1,76 per doz. GEORGE OBRISbIAN, Nos. 3 AND 5 PENN SQUARE. READING, PA., • TX AS OPENED HIS SPRING STOCK OF 1 - 1 new and beautiful designs of WALL PAPERS, WINDOW SHADES, 80., of the moot fashionable mane facture, and will sell the 83.1t10 at the very lowest prices. ' 461- Next door to the Partnere' Bank, 3 and I Penn Square, Reading, Pa. p.ii 11-tf NEI NIP XXV glor FARMERS' MACHINE SHOP. SAMUEL LESSIG, HEREBY INFORMS THE FARMERS OF Berko and adjoining 0011¢tieS, that he ban been ex perimenting with a LEVER POWER. One of bie aims hae been to have a Horse Power that would run light enough to serve well when only a single horse Is required and yet be strong enough fur four home. Twenty-eight are in tote ran t ed glee full estiefactiou. Thin from Power Is warto run light and to be more durable than e a ny other Moron Power in the country. The subscriber has also a New UNDER SHOT THRESH ER, which he has invented since last season, which is warranted by far superior to any other kind. The duet flies under the Thresher in place of flying lu the feeder's face. Different kinds of Shakers are made to the above Threshers. file TREAD POWER and OVERSHOT THRESHERS are so well known that there is no use to say anything about them. The subscriber has a lot of the most improved HORSE RAKES' on hand, also STRAW CUTTERS, CLOVER .1413L LEK-; and a variety of other Agricultural Implements. All Machines and Implements are warranted to be made of the best materials and to give full malefaction in every respect. Fanners are respectfully invited to come and see his Mitela nee before purchasing eleseivbere. All repairing done at the shortest notice and on the moat resemble tense. Orders will be promptly tilled. SAMUEL LESSIO, Corner of Fourth and Washington Streets, Reading. May 30, IS6S-3ms FAMILY DYE COLORS. Biaek, Dark Brown, Snuff Brown, Light Brown, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Dark Green, Light Green, Pink, Purple, Slate, Crimson, Wet. FAMILY DYES COLO." FOBS DEYINO SILK. WOOLEN AND MIXED Goods. Shawls, Scalia, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bon nets Hats, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing apparel with perfect fast colors. Fall directions inside each package. • A. Saving of 80 per cent These Dyes are mixed in the form of powders concentra ted, are thoroughly tested, and pot up in neat packages, expressly for family use. For twenty-five cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost. five times that sum. The process is simple, and any one can nee the Dyes with perfect success. Directions inside. Manufactured by HO WE & STEVENS, 250 Broadway, Boston. Price per package 25 and 15 cents. For sale by Druggists and Dealers in every city and town. April 11;1863-5mos Afa-24., PEULADELPEL/L. MATTRESSES. Beds, Feathers, Blankets, Comfortables giants, Cushions, And all other articles belonging to the business Feb. 14-11) AMOS HILL BORN. SPRING GOODS MEI REDUCED PRICES. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A HANDSOME AS SORTMENT OP SPRING DRESS GOODS OLD I = ',FE.XIC-Et9. LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S HOOP SKIRTS Of the best makes, in Quaker and other styles, very cheap; and - Men's and Boys' Wear Of every description, which we are also offering at a reduction. Public Respectfully Invited. Al. SEATER & SOW, April 25] No. 111, Corner of Fifth and Spruce Streets HARDWARE & IRON STORE, INTROLESAIM AND RETAIL. %%HE SUBSCRIBERS, HAVING BOUGHT the old Established Hardware and Iron Store of the late Flicker, Stevenson & Co., and having added a large new Stock of geode; would reepectfally call the attention of the public to their large aseortment of . HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON, STEEL, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, SADDLERY, COACH TRIMMINGS, &et, &c., Which they are determined to sell at the very lowest Mar ket Prices, wholesale and retail. GEORGE LERCH & CO., Corner of Fifth and Market Square, neat door to Borbon'e Mansion House. (Kelm% Old Stand). GEORGE LERCH.) jan 18 [.T. T. JACKSON. TO THE punrac. OWING TO THE WONDERFUL INCREASE in our business, and the want of sufficient room to ac commodate the same, we have found it necessary to extend the boundaries of our yard, and have accordingly leased the LoneZa toan , situated on Tome STREET EshoW PINE STREET, Which will be used exclusively for piling HEM. LOOK' and ST HITS PINE. JOIST, SCANTLING, RAFTERS. and BILL TIMBER, or atlases and lengths. In our uld yard, ou the north side of Pine street, extending front Third to Fourth street, will at ell times be found to con tain a full assortment of seasoned BOARDS, PLANK, SHINGLES, As. Our facilities for eupplyiug Lumber hereafter, will be each that they 0111110 t be evirpaalea in this or anyetter market in the State, and our prism: will he found to be lower than at any other yard in Ole ally. It is our pur pose to keep on hand every article that should be kept Ina FIRRT CLASH LalaBER YARD, end any article that may not be on bend when celled tor, will be 'procured at abort notice. Air- The public are invited to give ne a called. tune 7-t(1 A. KEMILY, Reading, Ps WATER SOAKED LUMBER For Sale at the Lumber Yard, Corner of Fourth and Pine Streets, Reading, Pa. THE ATTENTION OF CARPENTERS AND Builders is invited to my stock of well seasoned ATER SOAKED boards and Planks now in my yard, which will be mild upon the most reasonable terms The euPonority of Water Soaked Lumber over that whirl has never been in the water, for good and substantial Work, ia known to every one that has tried both kinds. The pub. lic are invited to call and examine fur themselves. May an-6U J. KEELY. Souse . Furnishing Goods. I ARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOUSE FUR- Dialing Goode of every variety. For sale cheap by Pb 2El] GEO. LERCH & CO. FOIL SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, 200 WHITE Granite TAIL Seth of the newest L I OR SALE AT T LIE OLD JAIL, 800 GRANITE 1: Dinner Sette of the newest style. ,1011, SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, 1000 SETS j r , Common T ALE estwarm s AT THE OLD JAIL, THE LARG est assortment of Liverpool Ware ever offered in Reading.. FOR SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, A LARGE assortment of Pittsburgh, Boston and French °lase ware of every description. FOIL SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, THE ClIOIC• e.t variety of Isar and Hotel Class, China and Q 1128112. Ware furniture ever offered in Reading. OR SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, GO BARRELS .12 Mackerel at Philadelphia prices. march 22 WILLIAM BROADS. Jr. gIEA.-EXTRA FINE OOLONG TEA, AT PEOCOCK'S, leb 7] 40 Smith Fifth etre* CONSTITUTION WATER, TEE GREAT RENZEB.R. FOR THE CCONOSTITIIZTTICAINT AND THE ONLY KNOWN RENIED DIABETES AND' DISEASES 01? TIIE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER These Dangeresie and Troublesome Dixerißeß, ichto thus far Begged the kg directed Treabeßet, CO mpletely Controlled by the REMED Y notottfore u"5: e t e h t e condition of the dlolitO, THE CURATIVE the system is under the is: principle tllem of the t f:r. t d l l7,7:' t i . rce i ti ff r s. p ae r c ort etio i n e , e a o n t d th b e y m n e o dle i vetteda nd l vienrtoth angera t the starchy rc l V I, fluoride of the CONS TITE TION WATER, which gives node organs time to recover their lies all vt.,,,, and vigor. We are able to state that the Cutiatitati„l, a : . ter bee cured every case of Diabetes iu which it ha, te r , r , given. STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULU, CSAVLI, ERICK DUS.7' DEPOSITS, AND MUCOUS ,i; MILKY DISCHARGES AFTER URINATINCI, pl c ... occurring from one and thiamine mum entirely cured by the Constitution Water, Ifnikm 1.4 Length of time. The dose should vary with the hmetuy the disease, from twenty drops to a teaspoonful three a day, in water. During the passage of the Cs pain and urgent symptoms should he comhatod WILL 0, proper remedlen, tbea followed up with the Con,tion. Water, as above directed. DIRMENORRHCRA, OR PAINFUL MENSTR v AND IN MRNORRHAGIA OR PROFUSE • fLOWING. Both diatoms arising from a faulty secretion o f ;1,, etreal fluid—in the one elute being tee Ranted by severe pain ; and the other a tot ;auntie .co, non, which will be speedily cured by the Cotutitud, Water. _ . . The disease known as FALLING OP THE Won, irtio is the relaxation of the ligaments of that ornau, cot known by a MUM Of heaviueee and drugging l,i to back and sides, and at timee accompanied by shop sting or shooting pains through the parts, will, in Ali eon, be removed by Ihe medicine. There Is another class of symptoms arising from Iftl!F. TAMS OF THE WOMB, which physicians call Xitv...o. nese, which word overtop much Ignorance, cases out Of tenths doctor does not really knew whetter the symptoms are the disease, or the disease the symoiits.. We can only enumerate theta here. I speak more paint, laxly of Cold Feet, Palpitation of the Heart, Memory, Wakefulness, Flashee of Heat, Languor, I,s-e. tude, and Dimness of Violas. SUPPRESRED NRN.STRUATIOg, Whichin the unmarried female is a constant 'surdsg disease, and through neglect the seeds of more grave abl dangerous maladies are the remit; and as month after month passes without as effort being made to assist nuns, the suppression becomes chronic. the patient gradually sweats o her com e ap or, t a it n e di c t o h tten e n b° 47l - 1 8 0 1 11. 8 li ti r s e ali C y " e " o l d i t a ti te e i r l' ett n r i st! I,EIIOORRIICEA OR WHITES. •arled, wk. Drab, flit Drab, WOW, -any% zgenta, •ench Blue, 'gal Purple, This disease depends upon an inflammation of Went, lining of the vagina and womb. It is in all nahos are., periled by severe pain in the back, across ibe lanVols and through the hips. A tefteptnAfiti 9r the medicine levy be taken three times a day, with an injection of a tahleritama. ful of the medicine, mined with a half-pint of soft water morning and evening. IRRITATION OF MR NEON OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. ASp • CATARRBOF THg BLADDER, SITAR GUS. Y AND BURNING OR PAIN. For these diseases ft is truly a sovereign remedy, Bed EOO mneh cannot be said in Its praise. A single done had been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are yon troubled with that distressing pain in the of the back and through the hips? A teaspoonfal a day of Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. FOR DYSPEPSIA, It has no equal in relieving the most distressing syreq, toms. Also, Heartache, Heartburn, Acid Stomach, Tooth. log Food, Stc. Taken tenepoonfal alter distil°r. The 11..6 On all Wee pug be Increased if desired, but eloald be done gradually. . . . Have long since given op the use of bnehn, enbebn and juniper In the treatment of these diseases, and only ns, them for want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER nab proved itself equal to the task that bas devolved upon it. DIURETICS Irritate and drench the kidneys, and by constant nee teen lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed inseam. READ. READ. READ. DANVILLE, JUAN it, 15a. Dr. WM. H. Gams —Dear Sir: Io February, IS I, I was afflicted with the sugar diabetes, and for flee monad I passed more than two gallons of water In tweotr••6•nr hours. I was obliged to get up as often as ten or twelve times during the night, sod in five months I Immanent arty pounds in weight. During the month pf July, not, I pro• cared two bottled of Constitution Water, and in two days after using it I experienced relief, and after taking two bet. ties I was entirely cured, soon alter regaining my aged good health. Yours truly. J. V. L. DR WITT. BostoN COBURN N. Y., Dee. 27, 1561. Wm. H Oaseo & CO.; Genie freely give you liberty to make use of tie following Certificate of the value of CONSTITUTION Wares, which I can recommend in the highest manner. My wife, who was attacked with pain in the shouldere, whole length of the back, and In her limbs, with Po (pine Non of the Heart, attended with Falling of the itygrAenerrArta, and Irritation of the Bkilalar. I celled a physician, who attended her about three months, when be left her worse than he found her. I then employed cue of the best physicians I could find, who attended her fur about pine mouths, and while eke was under his cure she did out suffer guile as mach pain; be finally gave her up at said ; "her caBe was incurable." For, said he, "she hue ditch a combination of complainta, that medicine gieen for one operatee against mane other of her difficalthe." About this time, she commenced the use of Constitution Water, and to oar utter astonishment, almost the lint dues seemed to have the desired effect, and she kept on imp,ov bag rapidly ender its treatment, and, now imperintendi en tirely her demonic anis% She has not taken any of the Conialtntion Water for about four weeks, and we are happy to say it has produced a permanent cure. WM. M. VAN BENSCHOTEN. Dr. Wm. H. Glum Dear Sir have for several years, been afflicted tiitit that troublesome and dangerous disease—Gruset—whieh resisted all remedies and doctors, until I took Conantaii. Water, and you may be assured that I was exceedingly pleased with the result. It has entirely cured vacua,' may make any nse of my name you may see fit to regard to the measles), am I have entire confidence In its sairacy. Yours truly, POND STRONG. THESE ARE FACTS ENOUGH. There'. eno clans of diseases that produce each exband tog effects upon the human constitution RH Diabetes and Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary PaSSages, and through false modesty they are neglected until th.y are so advanced an to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies, and we present tbe.. CONSTITUTION WATER To the public with the conviction that it has no equal in relieving the claw of diseases for which it has beau tonna no eminently suoceenfal in curing; and we trust that we shall be rewarded ter our effort* in placing so valuable remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient and physician. ROE SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, PRICE 51. WM. H. GURGO & CO.. Proprietors. Morgan & Allen, General Agoura, No. .16 eittr street, New-York. [NOY, 29 ISO-IY. Eq. sate. Fltzwla, &Willed% . &C. Put op in :Inc. BOs. and ill 00 Boxer, Bottler, Rod Fluke, $3 and $5 sizes for HOTELS, PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, dm "Only Infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rate come out of their holes to die." Masi Fold Wholesale is all large cities. dlfiff - Sold be all DRUGGISTS and RETAILERS everywhere. Bewangill" of all worthless imitations. air See that " Gonna's" name is On each Box, Bottle. and Flank, before you bay. Air- Address 1-I.klailtAr It. COSTAR, Far . rairlerPAL DEPOT 482 Ithog,pwo, If, y, Sir Sold by—HARVEY BIRCH de Co., Wholesale and Retail; e.111.1.13V11101, 93 East Penn street, above the Rail• road; .1. tr. mcccr.Dy; IR P. HURTER & CO., H.Esprzio, January 17, 1165-ento MANHOOD; HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED! Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price Six Cevl4. AaLECTURE ON THE NATURE, TB-BAT meld and 1 44191 a Coro of Spormatorrboia or &Mpg! knesei, Sexual Debility, Nervonsnaos, and In volnotsry ladncing Impotency, iOunaumption, and Mental and Physical Debility. By ROWT J. CIILVERWELL, B. D. Theft:own-tent fact that the awful consequences of felt. Ouse may be effectually removed without internal medicate or the dangerous application of cansiles, instruments. medt eated boogies, and other empirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly sncce='lu l treatment ea adopted by the celebrated author, fully .si plained, by meaun of which every one ill enabled to core himself perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advartiscd uostrums or the day. 'Floe lettuce will prove a boon to thon+aude and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addrii" , post paid on receipt of two postage stamps, by addressing the publishent. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & Co., 16118-3m] 127 flowery, New-York ; I`. Nog VAX F. WESCHE„ MANUFACTURER OF IRON RAILINGS, BELL-HANGER AND LOCKSMITH, AT THE OLD MO WriLL-KNOWN STAN DI court Aliey , above Sixtb. street, 'near the Court % Reading, Pa. Air Keys wade, and all sorts of repairing dose et 14 , 4 notice. ifillarn 2S-una. A PPLY TO Other--Ccourt atrea. 07.4..,.... IMO NUL URINATING = MiLvor.r., Cozar., Nov. 19, 1561 mos= TO LOAN. JACOB C. SCHOENER, Commercial Broker, [march 28
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