Jaunt sub ihmstval. SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1.863. Titi,' INVASION. gt;aI3IITION 1W THE BOYBBNOR ist7 Thousand Three-Months" =on Called Per. ,NNSVLTANIA, SS. la ;hr natue and by the authority of the Com sealth of retturylvania, ANDREW Q. CURTIN, of th,..aid Commonwealth. A PROCLAMATION. The enemy is advancing in force into Penn— :v:oM. He has a strong column within ;.,„ 7 _three miles of Harrisburg, and other are moving by Fulton and Adams noun— and it can no longer be doubted that a for— invasion of our State is in actual pro— ;he calls already mad. for saanteer The exigetwi, have not been met as fully as c crisis requires. ,berefera now issue this my proclamation, ISM Sixty Thousand Men, me promptly forward, to defend the State. hes yid be mustered into the service of the .01e. for the period of ninety days, but will be L i u.red to serve only so much of the period of ,oer as the safety of our people and honor of 4r State may require. They will rendezvous at tube designated in the general order to ,:oted thin day by the Adjutant General of Ruor ylvania, which order will also set forth the :Nils of the arrangements for .organizatior, subsistence, equipments, and supplier. 1 viii not haunts you by inflammatory appeals. people who want the heart to defend their soil, sir wellies, and their firesides, are not worthy to accounted men. Ileed not the counsels of ei.disposed persons, if such there be in your ShoW yourselves what you are—a free, sat. spirited, brave, vigorous race. Do not nicrgo the disgrace of leaving your defence ly to the citizens of other States. In de— sling the soil of Pennsylvania we are oontrib flog to the support of our National Government, ad vindicating our fidelity to the national cause. 'enstylvania has always, heretofore, responded .r...niptly to all the calls made by the Federal ...comment, and I appeal to you, now, not to be !mindful that the foe that strikes at our State, Tikes through our denotation at the life of the :eoublie. liar people are plundered and driven from their veaeolely because of their loyalty and fidelity a ois tree institutions. Pei)} le of Pennsylvania, I acre to you. all my seultirs, my labors, my life. You owe to your .taury your prompt and zealous services and tots. The time has now come when we must ii3tood or fall together in the defence of our tate and in the support of our Government_ tt ug to discharge our duty that posterity shall a blush for us. Caine heartily and cheerfully to the ramie of nr noble Commonwealth. Maintain now your auor and freedom. Given under my hand and the great seal of the sate, at Harrisburg, this the 26th day of June, the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun ed awl sixty three, and of the Commonwealth e eighty-seventh. y the Governor, ELI Surma, Secretary of the Commonwealth IMPORTANT ORDER. IiGANI/ATION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA 11k.AbOJAIITE11.9 PRNN6YLVANIA MILLTIA„ HAEMSBURO, June 26, 1863. GENERAL ORDER — NO. 44. In organizing the troops responding to the racism:abut of the Governor, this day Mooed, - , fling tor 60,000 men for the defence of the , ate, to be mustered into the service of the tare for the period (of 90 days, unless sooner i,charged, It ordered, 1. Camps of rendezvous will be es by the United States Government for . -triets, comprising the adjacent counti es at :Ai points as may be indicated by the COM— .ulante of the Department of the Susquehanna the Department of the Monongahela. In barge of which camps commanders and skillful prgeoos will be appointed. Squads or companies will be received at the ups, and as rapidly at possible organized into mop:tides of not less than sixty four (64) men, d tutu regiments of ten (10) companies each, ti mustered into the service of the State by •&us appointed by the Adjutant-General for purpose. Officers will be elected. Company officers the men, and field officers by the company or se °liken. 4 Transportation to the camp of rendezvous sorest their location will be furnished by the sited States Government, on application by any ue actually having charge of a squad or cum any, to the agent at the neatest railroad eta— Sat, 1,. Troops responding to this call of the Gay nor will be clothed, subsisted, equipped, and applied by the General Government, after ar iting at the rendezvous. .4aneaed is the quota required from each i,utty, in the present call, after crediting those r,unties which bad already responded under the eteni order. with the number of troops furnish ei and actually muttered into service • Ines 469 Llegheny MOO • metro ng ............. 6601l'c.er Juniata 0 97 Lancaster 2154 Lawrence 460 ' Lebanon 5 6 1 0 4 1 Lehigh 907 Lucerne 1447 Lyeoming 628 Mercer 740 McKean 180 Malin 320 Monroe 340 Montgomery_ ...... 1261 Montour 175 Northampton 911 Nortliumberland...-.472 Perry 460 Philadelphia 7718 Pike 150 Putter 240 Schuylkill ............1312 Snyder 032 Someteet 540 Sullivan 80 Susquehanna 655 tioga 554 Union 90 Venango 500 Warren 880 Washington ....... ..., 954 Wayne 640 Westmoreland 1060 Wyoming 187 ITork 1133 A. G. CURTIN, od Commander-in-Chief. tut General of Penna. lt,hord 540 ...„.1738 550 ...886 ..1147 .640 cunbrta 588 C 'Aileron 70 (Arbon 425 Chester 881 trore 540 CI %riga ~540 C:hoon 285 CleArtield 365 C uutubla 321 C.awford 980 Cumberland ...........587 .744 . - Aford Lucks.... 'a ler-- - b.uptkin Delaware Fain Lik Fa3ette.. Franklin Fulton ilkiwingdou liviiants &talon -- By order of Governer ai 3. L RussELL, Adjuln -.256 -WOO ..„115 _BOO ...8 ....480 502, _360 TABLE. OF DISTAIICBB OF THS CUMITSHLAND VALLLy.—The following table shows the towns sad distances on the Cumberland Valley rail from Harrisburg to Hagerstown, six miles wail) of Williamsport, on the Potomac, near a here the rebels crossed into Maryland. The rebels appear to have advanced along this line of railroad since they crossed the border, hence we gyre the distance along the whole length of the road. qt - 119. MILES liatrisburg Itridgeport 1 Shiremanstown 5 Miebaniesburg 9 Kingston 13 Middlesex 15 4.7sritsle 18 Cool Hop e 23 Allessown 26 etrcille 31 TOW 73. lamas. Oakville 34 Shippenaburg 41 Scotland 47 Chambersburg 52 Marion 58 Green Castle 63 State Line 68 Morgantown 70 Hagerstown 74 RENDEZVOUS OF THE STATE _TROOPS The following communication from Major General Couch to Governor Cuitiu is published for genets' information : 418ADQUARTInt8 DIMAILT3IENT OF THIS SUSQUV tIANSA, Ito kc RIBI2IT MI, .1 lane _B.—llia Excellency Governor A. U. : I beg leave to present to you the following as my views of the munpusitiou of the Volunteer Militia ionic called out by your latest proclamation: There shall be 3,000 men rendezvoused at lluntingdon. 17,000 at llorrn,bueg. 40,0J0 " Li at Reading. The total making 40,000 men, the proper quota of the new force for the De l partment of the Sus etehanna. Out of this number there should be 3000 mounted riflemen, who would furnish their own horses—to be paid by the government 40 cents per diem for the use of horses. Twenty companies of sharpshooters, each 100 strong, who should be chosen among the mown. fain people. Twenty companies of artillery, each having a battery of tour pieces and one hundred men. Deducting these from the total force, it would leave thirty-three thousand infantry. Very respectfully yours, D N. Cocoa, Major General Commanding. A. L. Itussatt, Adjutant General 'of Pennsylvania. General hooker Believed and Gen. Meade Appointed to Succeed him. On Sunday morning, Colonel Hardie arrived at the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac by special tram from Washington, ee e bearer of dispatches, relieving General Hooker from the command of the Army of the Potomac, anti ap— pointing Major General Meade, commanding the sth corps, his successor. Soon after the recep tion of the order at headquarters, Gen. Booker issued the following address: GENERAL ORDERS—NO. 65. In conformity snit the orders el the War Pe pertinent, dated June 27, 1863, I relinquish the command of the Army of the Potomac. It is transferred to Mej. Gen. George G. Meade, a brave and accomplished officer, who has nobly earned the confidence ami esteem of .the army on many a well fought field. Impressed with. the belief that. my usefulness as the commander of the Ar my of the Potomac is impaired, I part. from it, yet not without toe deepest emotion. The sorrow of parting with the comrades of so wilily battles is relieved by the conviction that the courage anti devotion of this army will never cease nor fail ; that it will yield to my successor, as it has to me, a willing and hearty support. With the earnest prayer that the triumph of itS arms may bring successes worthy of it and the nation, 1 bid it farewell. JOSEPH HOOKER, Major General. S. F. Hansrow, Acting Adjutant General. ADDRESS OF GENERAL .MEADE ON TARING This order was followed by the subjoined ad dress from General Meade : IiZADQUAILTEIRB ARMY OF TB POTOMAC, 1 June 28, 1863. By direction of the President of the United States, 1 hereby assume command of the Army of the Damao. Ate a et*iier, in obeying this order, an order totally unexpected and unsolici ted, 1 have no promises or pledges to make. The country looks to this army to relieve it from the devastation and disgrace of a hostile invasion. Whatever fatigues and sacrifices we may be cal led upon to undergo, let. us have in view constant ly the magnitude of the interests involved, and let each man determine to do his duty, leaving to an all-oontroling Providence the decision of the contest. It is with just diffidence that I relieve in the command of this army au eminent and accom 'dished soldier, whose name must ever appear conspicuous in the history of its achievements, but I rely upon the hearty support of my com panions In brute to WSW me iu the discharge of the duties of the important trust which has been .confided to me. GEORGE G. MEADE, Major General Commanding. E. F. BARSTOW, Assistant Adjutant General. A. G. CIIRTM Proclamation of a Rebel General to the People of York. The following proclamation of the rebel Gen eral Earley to the people of York is token foot the New York Herald. If it be authentic, the Herald is certainly entitled to the palm for its enterprise, inasmuch as York is entirely isolated front the outside world, every railroad !Wing from it being torn op, and all the telegraph lines, in every direction, being cut: PROCLAMATION OP GENERAL EARLEY TO THE PEOPLE QF YORK. HAILIMIIIIRG, June 30. To the courtesy of Mr. O'Neil, of Pittsburg, I am indebted for a copy of the following: YOUR, June 30, 1863. To the Citizen* of Yorke I have abstained from burning the railroad buildings and car shop in your town, because, after examination, I am sat isfied the safety of - the town would be endanger ed; and acting in the spirit of humanity, which has ever characterized my goverumeht and ile military authorities, I do nut desire to involve the innocent in the same punishment with the guilty. Had I applied the torch without regard to consequences, I would then have pursued a course that would have been fully vindicated as an act of just retaliation for the authorized acts of barbarity perpetrated by your own army on our soil; but we do not war upon women and children, ant I trust the treatment you have met with at the hands of my soldiers will open your eyes to the odious tyranny under which it is ap parent to all you are yourselves groaning. J. E. EARLEY, Major General C. S. A. DEATH OF Anzataar. Fo oTE. —Rear Admiral Andrew Hall Foote, of the United States Navy, died last Friday evening al the Astor House, New York, where he had for some time been suf fering from a painful illness. He was the son of Samuel A. Poole, formerly Governor of Con necticut and United States Senator from that State. He was born September 1.2., 180 d, and en tered the Navy as Acting Midshipman December 4, 1822. His enrts to eemre temperanoein the Navy, to suppress the ,slave trade and protect American properly in the Chinese seas, no less than his brilliant services at Fort Henry and Fort Donelaon, have given him an enduring and most honorable place in American history. He was recently appointed to succeed Admiral Dupont in the South Atlantic blockading squad ron, and was on the point of embarking when he was seized with the illness which terminated fa tally. Hon. 111101TBIL CLYMER.—The Harrisburg Pa triot and Union says : Many of our Democratic cotemporazies are paying high and well deserved compliments to Hon, Mester Clymer fur his moldy sod noble conduct after bis failure to ob tain the nomination for Governor. We would cheerfully copy these merited eulogiums if it were necessary to Mr. Clymer's fair fame or could at this time subserve any good purpose. Mr. Clymer, we are certain, is satisfied with his own conduct both before and after the nomina tion. No man, we think, can mu that he devi ated for a moment from the line of strictly hon orable conduct—that he committed a single act that did not become an honest man and a gen tleman, or that he made a single promise of offi cial favor, in case of success, to secure support. This is enough. Mr. Clymer needs no other, nor could he have a greater, eulogy." ai COPPERHEAD" CONTEIRUTInEs Part THE SOL DIERS OF will be recollected that Gov. Yates, of Illinois, prorogued the Legisla ture of that State when about appropriating $lOO,OOO for the eick and woundsd soldiers of Illinoie. The Democrats, in Slate Convention, to help repair that outrage, contributed in that Convention $47,500—a large proportion in ss's, slo's, and some up as high as $l,OOO, 5500, etc. It was one of the grandest exhibitions of public geisorosity ever recorded, ii6ADQVARTBKA ARMY OP TIIB POTOMAC, / Potuomiciz, AIL., lons 28, 1883. COMMAND GENERAL ORDER-NO. 66 The War Committee of Public Safety, to the People of Berks SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1863, In the War Cumutittee of Public Safety. Five counties of this Stare, lying in this val ley, on the other side of the Sinop/dmino., are this day to the hands of the rebels. In one if them they have burned the public buildings. In all of them they have smzed whatever grain, flour, teed, rood. cattle, horses and other prop erty - they pleased. More than ten thousand head of horses and cattle have been swept away. The rebels are moving upon the Susquehanna at three points, with a purpose to crews. If they do that, the war will be upon us, here at home, at our lire sides, in a tow days after. Other States hare come most generously to our rescue. We owe a debt of gratitude in Gov ernor Seymour. of New.liork, for his prompt ness in sending forward the troops of that noble State, which, even in this fearful moment, we must stop to acknowledge. Pennsylvania will remember him. The invasion has stupefied the good people of Pennsylvania, whose soil has not been the thea tre of war fur nearly a hundred years. But that stupor of mere amazement and alarm passing away, we owe it to the honor of our county and of our State, we owe it to our manhood and to the lowest lastinots of courage, to rouse up and Ay to arms, to defend all that is near and dear to us, attacked as we are upon our own soil. Barks county is called upon for 1738 men to serve fur three months. These will make two regiments. Before Luis reaches the remoteet district, one of those regiments will be formed and ready to go into camp. The other is to be formed—is forming. These men, if raised by volunteering, will relieve the county from the first draft, The County Coilltnitifitattlrlii i respond lug to the patriotic impulses of the people, have agreed to pay to each single unmarried volun teer, six dollars per month, for succor and relief of those dependent upon him, during that term of service, and to each married volunteer, twelve dollars per month, for the same purposes—to be paid monthly, to the volunteer himself, in camp. The government has ordered a rendezvous of these men and of others from neighboring coun ties, 49 by established near Reading, so that some time will pass before they will be sent into the field, which time will be profitably occupied in drilling and disciplining the regiment. Let the people of Berks county consider what war is when it is brought home to their very doors, and how it will affect their county and themselves. The destruction of bridges and public buildings will fall directly and heavily upon the whole county. The destruction of iron works, of factories and workshops, the ravaging of farms,. the seizure of horses and cattiv, yr forage and grain, the burning of fences, will fall upon individuals. The vast capital invested in these several ways would be blotted out, bringing many of their owners to insolvency, throwing out of employment thousands upon thousands of workmen, reducing their wives and children to beggary. The taxes would be increased, while the means of paying them would be decreased to a frightful extent. Such, and numberless oth ers, are the woes and evils war would bring upon the county, if it is once brought into its midst. The War Committee of Public Safety, appoint ed on this holy Sabbath day, to take immediate steps for putting our grand old county where she belongs at such a moment as this—namely, at the head and front of the public defence—has appointed a committee of three citizens of each township, ward and borough, to be their col leagues in this high work. Their names are published herewith. The Committee implore them, setting all other business aside, instantly to proceed with the work, go in among the peo ple, tell them of their danger and of their duty —rouse them to action—gather volunteers and send them forward. Reading is doing her duty. The country will not be behind her. Communi cate with us frankly and often. Tell us what you can do and will do, but do it quickly. The best report you can make is of the thing you have to do. being done. What word you have to send, send it to Joseph S. Boyer, the Mayor of Reading, Chairman of this Committee. COUNTY COMMITTEES Appointed in pursuance of Resolution of Town Peet JOS. 3. ROY ER, Mayor, Chairman. Albany—Solomon Plater, James Reagan, Benj. Levan. A iance—Oeorge Dangler. Wm. Adam, Peter Flea. Amity—Ezekiel Rhoads, Jeremiah Weaver, Henry Mc %may. Bern—Jonathan Herbeln, Benj. Parvin, Nathan Body. Bern Upper—Franklin V. Magner, Wee. Shortie, Fred erick A. lialtenomo. Bernville—Joe. B. Conrad, Geo. W. Yeager, David R. Koenig. Breakneck—Samuel Schweitzer, Daniel Hummel, Wm. Knauer. Bethel--Frederick Hamer, Andrew Karr, Peter S. Lutz. Ccernarnon—John Ear a, Eli Becker, Wm. U. Gilmer. Ccatre—Daelel ! rkey,—Phllllpa.ReubenHufi Culebrookdule—Henry B. 'Rhoads, P. Y. Brendlinger, Lewis L. Curter. Cum ru—A. P. Bertolet, Jas S Hill. Moses Yocum. District—Simnel Laudia, jr., David Frederick, Hart. Zknig4sV—Pmri4 4, Manger, Ephraim Fritz, W. W. Weaver. .Barter—Nicholas Jones, Henry B. Ludwig, James Z. Griesemer. Lan —Daniel Clause; Enoch S. Mathias, Jonathan Cleaver. Greer/mink—Chan A. Kline, Adam Stein, George Merkle. Rambury—Mahlon F. Woltf, Benneville Derr, J. A. Iffellencoan. Heidelberg—Relly L. Fisher, Samuel Shearer, John L. i Brown. Heidelberg North—Adam Minnich, Jonathan L. Klopp, Wm. Stamp. Heidelberg Lower—F. S. Ludwig, David L. Wenrich, Frederick. Rain. Hereford—Chas. N. Dory, Joseph Weidner, Jos. Butter. Week. Jefferson—Elle Stondt, Abraham Krick, Isaac Foal Katztown—Charles W. Esser, David lister, Daniel R. Levee. torappwamp—Wllliam Trexier, Amos Weller, Richard Wertz. Mahler/creek—John D. Stilzel, Joseph E. Peter, Samuel Ruthann. Marion—John Bechtold, M. L. Thirwechtsr, Edward L. Killmer. Maratarmiy—David Katz, Daniel Grim, Lewin K. Hot !abstain_ Hahlenbery—Wm. H. Clymer, Adam 11. Sailor, Daniel Shell. Oley—Franklin B. Lancks, George S. Herbst, Dr. E. E. Grieremer. Onlebrunee—Jeremiah Mengel, Jacob Boyer, Adam H. Gerthrll4. Penn—Join B. Reber, Samuel Raithaser, Conrad Reber. Perry—S. S. Unger, Samuel Hoffman, Joshua Reber. Pike—Abraham Y. Yoder, David Lobach, Wm. Grim. Richmond—Sbsuly Kirby, L. Templin, N. Hunter. Robeson—Edward Brooke, W. Buchman, J. Beard. Rockland—Abealom Nadler, B. B. Dry, Samuel Funk. Buveombmanur—Chae, Leven, A. D. Hill, W. Weise& Spring—Aaron Mull, F B. Masser, Levi Sharman, Tulpelloccon—.Levl Wolfersperger, Henry Brobst, Dr. Adam Schooner. Tulpehoecon. Upper—Michael Miller, Dr. William J. Screamer, Solomon Boltz. (rgio4—j4o. Healy, Jno. McGowan„ Levi E. Hark. Waehington—Gen. W. Hume, k. S Srl,alie. Windeer—Maj. W. Miller, Mahlon A. Sellers, Mahlon Spears. IVormetsdorf-11. 11. Manderbacb, E. Penn Smith, John IL Sell Balding—Jame, McCarty. H. F. Felix, John Hetrick, Frederic Lauer, James 11. Smith, J. Pringle Jones, N. A. Volta, Daniel Ethasher, .1. Hager man, 11..Maagel, John L. Schroeder. Mester Clymer, Isaac R. Fisher, Lewis Kirk, David McKnight, Wm. M. Baird, Anise W. Potteiger. The County Commissioners, Messrs. Pant Wenrich, Geo K. Lurch, and TT R. !lawman, are ET officio members of the above Committee. The several Township Committees above named, with the able bodied citizens of the respective townships, boroughs and districts, are earnestly requested to meet at the places of rendezvous below designated, on THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1863, at 2 o'clock, P. M , for the purpose of or ganizing Companies and Squads for the defence of our property and homes: For Bethel, Tulpehoccan and Upper Tulpehoe con, at Rebrersburg. For Marion, Heidelberg, Lower Heidelberg, and Womelsdorf, at Womelsdorf. For Jefferson, Penn, North Heidelberg and Bernville, at Bernville. For Comm, Spring and Bern, at Sinking Spring. For Brecknock, Caernarvon, Robeson and Union, at Birdsboro'. For Albany, Perry, Upper Bern, Windsor and Hamburg, at Hamburg. For Maidencreek, Onto'suttee and Centre, at Leesport. For Greenwich, Longswamp, Maratawny, Rich mond and Kutztown, at Kutztown. For Hereford, District and 'Washington, at U. Smith's tavern, near Dale Forge. • For Rockland, Ruseombtuanor, Pike and Oley, at Friodensburg. Fur Earl, Culebrookdale and Douglass, at Boy erstown. For Arnily and Exetqr, at. New. Storevill?. For Aimee and Muhlenberg, at ltotbenberg et's, in Muhtenberg. g A FaOCICING TRAGEDY occurred at a rOl3- tannin' in Chestnut street, Philadelphia, a few evenings ago. A Lieutenant, David Ludwig, of Lucerne county, Pa., belonging to the Fifty eighth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, shot a man named Walter Collin, the keeper of the saloon, mortally wounding him. He then shot himself in the head and fell dead. Love, jeal ousy, strong drink and a pretty waiter girl are the assigned mum of dm act, Proceedings of War Committee. SUNDAY, June 28, 1863 A meeting of the War Committee appointed at &meeting of cilium:, this morning, Was held iu the City Hall this of ten/Oen 011 purbuant to notice. Present, Messrs. McCarty, 11. F. Felix, Hatrich, Lauer, Smith, Jonas, ilagentuan, Mengel, bitenher, Schroeder, Fisher, McKnight, N. A. ABA, and Mayor Moyer, Chair- luau. On moLion, J. LaiTrial., Getz Was appointed Secretary for rho Committee. The County Commie/donors. Masora Wenrich. Lorah and ILWWIIII, and a Cum:ulnae of City Councils, Mental, Mc- Hone, Kellett and Potteiger, were also present, by appoint. On motion of D. McKnight, Etq., a committee of three was appointed, solitisting of Messrs. Lauer, McCarty and Jas. F. Smith, to proceed to Harrisburg forthwith, and pro em!e from the Adjutant General 2040 stead of arms, with. the necessary ammunition and accoaLreuteuts, for the use of our vuluuteera. °l'Le fi ouety eommt.Jonere tOpotkbli Choi Gott sere Will tog to opproprinte a oom of money for the aubsistence of those of our citizens who may volunteer for the emergency, sallicient to allow $d to each mingle man and $l2 to each married men per month, daring the term of their service. On motion, the proponition of the Commie.".ra was accepted, with the 'banks of the Committee far their liberal and prompt action. On motion of Mr. Mengel, Reeolved. That thie Committee hereby pledge 'helmets., individually and Collectively, to stead by hutt elitstiilll the COMILIIBISIOIIOrs in their action appropriating MOneya for this emergency, and also to obtain the signatures of four or lire hundred tax PeYera of this comity to indemnify the Conindaskiners in their said action. On motion, adjourned until thla everaug at 8 o'clock L usnsit, June 28, 8 P.M. Committee met, puraueet, to adjournment. Present, Matlbra. H. F. Felix, Hetrieh, J. P. Jones, Hagerman, Mengel, Walther, Schroeder, Fisher, McKnight, N. A. Felix, Baird, Harman, and foyer, Chairman. On motion of Mr. Baird , Gen. C. U. Harder wan added to the Committee. On motion of Judge JOBS% ben. Hunter was appointed the financial agent of the Committee, to disburse each (ands an it may be necessary to provide, to aid lu raising the Companies. OillotO of I. F. Pella, M. Mouse', Rag., cant appoint- ad Treasurer of the Committee. On motion of H. F. Felix, Raul-odd, That the names d of the Township Committees be yubliehed to handbill form for general circulation, and that Judge Jones he requoste Ito prepare a addable heed ing for the said bills, explanatory of the dudes expected from the aforesaid Township Committees, and urging them to immediate and energetic action. On motion of Judge Jones, Resotred, That the City Councils be requested to makea special appropriation of Three Thousand dollar., or 00 wool. thereof as may hoinamoutary.to defray the expenses of raising and recruiting two Regiments. Adjourned till tomorrow at 2 P. M. MONDAY, June 29, 2 P. M. Committee met, pursuant to adjournment. Present, Messrs. Baird, Clymer, H. F. Fells, Fieher, Hunter, Het rich, Hagenman, Hammen, J. P. Jones, Mengel, McCarty, Schroeder, &umber, Jae. F. Smith, and Boyer, Chairman. Mr. Lauer, from Committee appointed to visit Harrisburg and procure arms, reported that they had preeented their application to the Governor, and was Informed that arms could not be furnished, bat that all the troops raised in Berke county, would be supplied with CMS, ammunition and subeietence, on their being mustered into service under the lain requieitiene. On motion of Mr. McCarty, Resolved. That a Committee be appointed to wait upon CapL Chauncey, of the U. S. Navy, and request him to confer with the Ordnance Department at Washington ro tative to the construction of defensive works at this city. The Chair appointed Messrs. McCarty, Clymer and Jones, an Bald committee. Ou motion of Mr. McCarty, Mr. Latter was appointed a Committee to obtain the use of the Agricultural Fair Grounds for the temporary rendezvous of the several Am ps.ien now recruiting here. at, !Junto rat‘attal as to the organization at eom• pollee for the flint Berke County Regiment. On motion, adjourned until 8 o'clock, P. 111. 9•10233,2, June 29, d P. M Committee mat, purenant to adjournment. Present, Messrs. Baird, Brooke, Foga, Fisher, Clymer, J. P. Jones, HILIVIIIan, McKnight, McCarty, Lauer, Mengel, Schroeder, Smith and Royer, Chairman. On motion of Mr. Hawman, a Committee of three, coo. elating of Messrs. Oeta, Jim F, ben end Mengel, was ap . pointed to wait upon Councils (now in session) and Urge upon them to make the appropriation of $3,000 solicited by the resolution passed last night. On motion of Mr. Clymer, Resolved, That a sub•committre of five be appointed, to district the County end hit Pleceri pt rendezvous tor raising companies or squads for the State service. The Chair appointed Meas.. Clymer, Schroeder, Fisher, Felix and Getz as said Committee. Adjourned .1. LAWRENCE GETS, Secretary Iajr"AMOUNT Of COAL transported on the Phil adelphia and Reading Railroad, during the week ending Thursday, Jaly 2, 1863. • TOUR. cwt. Prom P 60.0110509 • , • • • 15.909 13 " Pottsville, -937 00 Schuylkill Haven, - 14.546 01 " Auburn, - - - 2,090 11 . - . Port Clinton, - " Harrisburg, Total for week 40,114 87 Previeuslythis year, - - - 1,542,906 I:15 TOTAL, - To same time last year. - HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! BATCHELOR'S CELEBRATED HAIR, DYE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD t The only Mannless, True, and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye Is Perfect—changes Red, Brody or Grey Hair, intetantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, without Injuring the Bair or Staining the Skin, leaving the flair Soft sad uoutif u ji ipilqtrts fresh vitality ! frequently motoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of Bed Dyee. The Genuine to signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, alt others are mere imitations, and should by avoided. Sold by all Druggists. Ste. FACTORY—St BARCLAY STREET, Batchelor's New Toilel Cream for Dressing the Hair July 4, 1803-ly EDITOR OF GAZETTE Dear Sir!—With yang permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, Me* a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef fectually remove, In 10 days, Pimple's, Blotches, Tan, Presides, and all Impurities of the nix, leaving the name soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Pun, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Laxarlaut Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in lone khan 2.0 Jaya. All applieationa answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Feb 23-3mo] Chemist, No. Sri Broadway, New-York. ME=MMEiii6l Published for the benefit, and no a warning and CAUTION TO YoUNO MEN who suffer flow Nervous Debility, Pre mature Decay of Manhood, etc, aapplying at the seine time, Mk Alhattli OF nu cum or up 9 who hue cured hlmeelf after being put to groat expense and Injury through medical humbug and quackery. By unclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single uo plea may be had of the author. NATH Olin MAYFAIR, Esq., may RI-ly Bedford Kings County, N. Y To Consumptives. ger THE ADVEKTIBER, HAVING BEEN metered to health la a few weeks, by a very simple reme dy, after having suffered several years with a !severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption—lb shamus to make know. to his fellowmafferers the manes of ears. To all who desire It, he will seed a copy of the prescrip tion used (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Suits Cann for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, as. The only object of the advertiser In mending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be laympekie, 444 he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy. MS It will cost them nothing, and way prove a Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Wililaumbargh, march 14-3 mos] Kings Cenuty, New-York EVE AND EAR Professor J. Isiacs, M. D., Oculist nod Armlet, formerly of Leyden, Holland, Is permanently located at No, 511 PINS STREET. PHITADELPHLt, were persons ambled with diseases of the eye and ear will be scientifically treated and cured, if nimble. sar ARTIFICIAL BTU inflected without pale. No chargea made for examination. N. B.—The medical faculty le Melted, as he has no se• mete is his mode of treatment. Vane 20,1603-ly TRAUNDII IN MONTOONENY Coorarr.—On Sun day night, Past ult., Daniel Eisenberg' and M. Wagner, special Deputy Provost Marshals, as sisted by A. R. Dariolet, enrolling officer, at tempted to arrest a deserter named Howe, in Frederick township, Montgomery county. Ad mittance to the house was demanded and refused. Horns were blown by the parties in the house, and answered by borne in different parts of the neighborhood. Tho deserter fired from s win dow and shot Bartolet, killing him instantly. As be was firing the second time, the guard fired and killed Howe. stoqc wtan on ber lip—b Paid. tram ;al,nr kralitla Was In her step, and in her bands—Plauhnion BlLLess." A few bottles of Plantation Bitters Will cure Servo. Headache. • Cold Extreni;ti,r eel Feverish 1,110. " Pour Memos); and Fetid notelency and lu•iigestiuu. Nervous Affections. • Excessive Fatioue and Short Breath. " Vain over On Eyes. • MentalDespo tole ee, v. " Froslrslion: Urea& Welknens. &Lillie Complexion, Weak BeWela, &c. Which are the evidences of LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA. It VS estimated that seven tenths of all adult ailment. proceed from a diseased and torpid liver. The biliary se. Urethrae of the liver overflowing into the Moe:moll poison the entire system and exhibit the above symptoms. After long research, we are able to present the most re• markable cure fur these horrid nightmare diseases, the world bee ever produced. Within one year over six Man ama and forty thanes...l persona have taken the Plantation Bitters, and not an instance of complaint bee Cone to our knowledge It lea most effectual tonic and agreeable stimulant, suit ed to all conditions of life. The report that It relies upon mineral substances for its active properties, are wholly false. For the public eatis faction, and that patients may consult their physicians, we append a list of its component., CALISAYA BARK—Celebrated for over two hundred years in the treatment of Fever and Agne, Dyspepsia, Weakness, SM. It was introduced into Europe by the Countess, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, lola-10, and afterwards sold by the Jesuits for the enormous price of its ownwetgld in silver, under the name of Jesuit's. Powders, and was finally made public by Louis XVI, King of France. Humboldt znakee especial reference to its febrifuge qualities during his South American travels. CAsOARILLA BARK—For diarrbwa, colic and dimmeree of the stomach and bowels. DArrosidorr—for Inflammation of the loins and dropsical affections. CHAMOMILE nownite—For enfeebled digestion, LAvittinalt nowsae—arounttie, stimulant end tonic— highly invigurating lu Lereooe debility. Worreauenax—For scrofula, rheumatism, fitc. ANISE—Au aromatic corminative; creating flesh, muscle and milk t much used by mothere Also, clove-buds, orange, carraway, coriander, snake root, &o. S. T.-1.04 Another wonderful ingredieht, of Spanish origin, Impart ing beauty to the complexion and brilliancy to the mind, is yet unknown to the commerce of the world, and we withheld lie name for the present. Messrs. P. 11. DBAKH & Co. have been a great suffer er from Dyspepsia fur three or four years and had to aban don my profession. About three months ago 1 tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my great joy, I am now nearly a welt man. I have recommended them in several eases, and, as far as I know, always with Mattel benefit. I nut respectfully youre, RFiV. J. S. CATRORN. RESPECTED bum:int—My daughter bag been much bens• lilted by the amour thy Plantation Bittern. Thou wilt Bend me two bottles Sherman House, Chieugo, HI., Feb, U, MS. Messrs. P. EL Daunts tir Co. :—P/eaue send es another twelve oases of your Plantation Bitters. Asa morning ap petizer, they appear to have superseded everything else, and are greatly enteoutod. Yours, &0„ GAO& & WAITS. Arrangements are now completed to supply any demand for this article, which from lack of government stamps has not heretofore been possible. The public way rest assured that in no case will the per fectly pare standard of the Plantation Bitters be departed from. Every bottle bears the far eintfie of our eignat are on a steel plate engraving, or it cannot be genuine. Sold by all brugglabg, Urocors and Dealers throughout ha country. P. U. DILA= dc CO. March 21.-2tuol M 2 BROADWAY, B. Y THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF A NER VOUS 'FOUND MAN.—Published an a warning and for the especial benefit of young men, and those who suffer With NERTUUR DEBILITY, lAMB OP MEMORY, PREMATURE DECAY, Ac, Am, by one who has cured himself by simple means, after being put to great expense and inconvenience, through the use of worthless umlicigee prescribed by learned Doctors. Single copies may be had (free) of the author, C. A. LAMBERT, Esq., Oreenpoint, Long by enclosing an addressed envelope. Address CHARLES A. LAMBERT, GREENPOIYT, LONG ISLAND, New• York. DE R'ldß BY lIMESI Do not trifle with your Health, Constitution and Char Refer. If you are suffering with any Diseases for which HELMBOLIPS EXTRACT BOCHe . ie me/unleaded, TRY. IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! It will Care you, Savo Long Suffering, Allaying Pain and Inflammation, and will restore you to HEALTH AND PURITY., At Little Expense, And No Etpostire. 6,376 16 1,114 00 Cut out the Advertisement in another column, and call or send for it. . - 1,583,6N0 12 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! Ask for Helmbold's. Take No Other CURES GUARANTEED. 961,490 12 Wbsat (prime white) per bushel 00 05 Wheat, (prime red) per bushel 1 45 Rye do 93 Corn (old) do 85 Corn (new) do 86 Corn 111Nal 48 1 00 Oats do 05 Flaxseed do 1 30 Cloverneed du 4 60 Timothy seed do 2 25 Barley do 70 Potatoes do 59 Sweet Potatoes do 75 Salt do 80 Salt per Sack 1 80 Wheat Flour (extra family white) 91 bbl. 9 00 Wheat Flour (extra fem. white) 100 4 LO Wheat Flour (extra family) per Barrel 8 00 Wheat Floor (extra family) per 100 Ss. 4 25 Single Extra Flour, per barrel 7 50 Single Extra Flour, per leo the. 3 75 Wheat Flour (super fine) per barrel 7 50 Rye Flour per barrel 4 00 11. ye Flour per 10U its. 2 00 PRIOEIS OF OItAIN, PAID BY P. BUSEIONO At SONS, July 3, 1863. Corn, Rye, Oats, PRICES OF GRAIN, Pahl at SAMUEL BUM'S Distillery. Corner of Eleventh Itultlenberg streets. Cora, Rya. tato, Reading Lumber Prices Current. Reported fur the Reading Gazette by JACOB B. D RY SHER, Luniber Cananiestari Yard, South Third St., near the Lancaster Bridge. Hemlock Joist and Scantling, Poplar Boards, - Scantling, White Pine Boards and Plank, Cherry Beards and Plank, - White Pins Floor Boards, MIK Lath, Oak Floor Boards, - - White Plne and Hemlock Shingles, Oak Boards and Plank, - White Pine Ceiling Lath, - • Ash Plank, • • Spruce and Pine Pickets, - - Walnut Board. and Plank, - Lynn Boards and Plank, • • White Pine Joist and Scantling, Birch and Maple Beardeaud Plank, 200,000 feet Green Butt Edged Clear Walnut from 34 to 7 inches WANTED, Price paid In Cash - - $206530 PHILADELPHIA MARKET. IRO/T.—The market to at a eland gill, the production In very light, moat of the rolling seine having sent their Linda to the soot or wor, gild sumo or the throe"a ere do ing the name thing and blowing out 7 we hear of no dales, and quotations are nominally unchanged CATTLE MilBEET.—The arrivals of Beef Cattle were lar.re again this'week, reaching about 1750 head at Phillip? Yards. The demand was firm, but prices fell off 260. the it° lbs., sales ranging from SS to $12,...; the 100 ibe. for com m.,: to good and antra quality. The principal sales were made at Ale and $l7. °owe are steady and about 200 sold at from $2O to $25 each for Springers, and $25 to $l5 for Cows and Calves. Hogs are rather better with sales of 2250 head, including 1.176 at Glnee's at s7,klf:P3X, and 000 at the Avenue Yard at from $7 to $O3 the 100 Ls., nett- Sheep—About 4700 were offered and cold at 585 go Iti., groan, showing no ritoration.—North Morton, DIED. In this city, on the 29th nit., Maar ANN, wife of Dr. Charles Keely, In the 57th year of her age. On the Slid tilt., in Richmond township, ELI2ARITH ANN, Wife of Ines Sieger, aged 36 years, i months and 15 days. On the list ult., in fitnhienberg, CATRAIIINIC BUMS, widow of the lonipdecessed John Valentine Boyer, aged as years. 4 months nod 28 days. Recently, in Jefferson township, Am Mama, wife of Xllc,lptsietabb, aged 63 yearn, 4 months and 4 days. g-T -1850-M IMPORTANT CERTIFICATES &whaler, N. I'. Dectmber 28, 1861 Philadelphia, 10th: Konth, 171 k Day, 1862. I=2 Thy friend, MARKET. JuIDAT, July 3, 186 3 Buckwheat Motu per READING 100 ilta. 2 00 Pork tifl 100 Ise. 8 00 Beef (hind quarter)... per 100 pounds 8W 00 Beef (fore quarter) per 100 pounds 70 , 8 00 RCM per pound 10 Shoulders do 7 Flitch do a Dried Beef, do 18 Table Batter do 14 Lamp Butter do 12 Fifaln Boller do Tallow do iiis Lard do 10 Hides, Raw do 7 and 8 Best Old Rye Whiskey, .. per gallon 8 00 Common Whiskey, per gallon 49 to 60 Flaxseed Oil 16 gallon 80 Eggs per dozen 17 Stone Coal (dove, egg broken, Xl2OOO Me. 4 50 Nut Coal do 360 Limeburners' do 2,00t02 50 Plaster per too, 600 Timothy Hay do 12 00 Meadow Hay do 11 00 Hickory wood per cord 4 00 Oak wood do 3 00 Bark do 6 GS 85 cents for 58 Se 93 cents for 66 The 55 cents for 82 Dm 83 ots. per 56 Zs 95 60;1 aB2 4540/60, July 3, 1963. i $/2 00 /4 00 20 00 40 00 20 00 25 00 1200 50 00 20 0/000 00 17 MGM 00 4 00 LI 00 90 00629 00 4 504219 OD 20 00030 00 1 906 V 2 00 20 00030 00 9 00.014 00 20 00660 00 15 99120 0 1 3 20 00 22 00 20 00 30 00 FRIDAY, July 3, 1863 JAMESON'S CLOTHING HOUSE, 2 izi Corner of Sixth and Penn Streets, READING, PA. THIS LONG ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN CLOTH ING HOUSE is better prepared now to hold out great inducements to buyers than at any previous time, as our stock of MEN'S CLOTHING & DRESS GOODS, Is blush larger and better than ever before, the bulk of which has been bought before the late great rise in prices. BOYS' CLOTHING. In great variety, of all sizes, prices anti qualities. The lung experience of this Rouse in this branch has enabled us to get up all the different proportions and sizes to fit boys of all ages, to which we invite particular attention. March 28, 1863—tfi JAMESON & Co. Estate of Dr. Henry W. Johnson, late of Boyertown. Colebrookdale township, Berke county, deceased. NOTICE.—ALL PE 'MERRY ARE 'ERRY NO TIFIEU that Letters of Administration on the Betake of Dr. Hoerr W. Johnson, late of tloyertown. Colebrook dale towneblp, Berke county, deceased, have been duly granted to Peter Y. Itreadlinor, and William K. Grim, 'melding in Colebrookdale township, county aforesaid. and Jonathan B. Rhoads, residing in the 9th Ward, city of Philadelphia. All persona having °hams and domande against the Estate of meld decedent, are requested to make them known to said Administrators wituout delay, and those indebted to the Estate, are requested to make Dime diets payment.. . PETER Y. FIRENDLIDIGER, WILLIAM IL 0 RINI, Administrators. JONATHAN B. RELOADS, June 27-6 I N. R.—The bloke of laid decedent are in the hernia of Peter Y. Broadlinger, upon whom, wooing indebted oan cell. ADMI NISTRATORS' NOTICE. WIIEREA 8, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA. tiou ou the estate of SA.BILIPL P. RUPPRItT, late or the City of Rending. Berke county, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers, ell persons indebted to said estate are requeeied to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of said de cedent, Will present them for settlement without delay, to PICIFIACI. RUPPERT Adintnixtrxtors. May 30-6t9 SAMITEL WElDittn, Estate of Jacob B. Manger, late of Doug lass township, Berks co., deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TILT LET tare of Aanttnietretion to the Relate of Jacob B. Man ger, late of Donahu' township. Berks county, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, residing in the name township. All persons indebted to said Estate, are request ed to make payment without delay, and all having claims agninet the name, are Bleu requew en to present thew, pro perly Inthenticatrsd, for settlement. June 13-tity] JACOB S. lIIAITOEB, Administrator. Estate of Dr. Daniel Deppen, late of Penn township, Berke county, deo'd. le_JETTEII,B OF ADMINUOTRATION ON TUE oboe. estate haring been granted by the Register of rko co , to the undersigned, all persona indebted to said Rotate, will plea,. make payment, and theft) haring claims, will present them for settlement, to Dr. DARIUS 1). DEPPE V, / Adm'ors. Jane 6-et] Dr. JAMES W. DEFTER, 5 Estate of Augustus W, Homan, late of the City of Reading, deceased. NOTICE IS lIEREI3Y GIVEN, THAT LET term Testamentary to the estate of Augustus W. Ho man, late of the city of Reading, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Desks county, to the enhaorib. era, rmapg in the city of Reading. Notice to hereby given to all pereons Indebted to said estate, to make pay ment without delay, and all having claims against the same, of any kind whatsoever, to peseta them, properly authenticated, for settlement. HENRY A. ROMAN, 1 Executors A. LIODIAN, May 30-0 1 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED, APPOINTED DT THE Orphans' Conrt of Barks county, to audit, restate and =Ake distribution on the account of William and Isaac Gerhard, Administrators with the Will annexed, of Fred. erica Gerhard, deceased, late of Talpelloccon township, Berke comity, will meet the parties interested in the pur poses of hie appointment, at his Mike, in the city of heading, on Monday, the 18th day of July next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. June 27-3t] JESSE G. HAWLEY, Auditor. At7DITO.R'S NOTICE THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BEEN AP POINTED Auditor by the Orphans' Court of Berke county, to audit and restate the account of Daniel Strauss, Administrator of Jacob Shade, late of Upper Talpeboocon towimkip, Berke county, deceased, end make distribution of the balance in bin bends, will meetthe parties interested, at bie office in Corot street, in the city of Reading, un Monday, the 20th day of July, 1563, at one o'clock ha the afternoon. J nos 27-3tl E. H. SHEARER, Auditor. ALUDITWV/11 NOTIOS. Estate of Sarah Wyandt, late of Oley township, Berks county, deceased. THE UNDERSIGNED AUDITOR, APPOINT ed by the Orphans' Court of Berke county, to audit. restate, and make distribution on the account of Henry Nearer, Administrator of Sarah Wyandt, deueased, hereby gives notice that he will attend for that purpose at him office in Court street, Reading, on Wednesday, the Vith day of July next, at 1 o'clock. P. M., when and where all parties interested may attend if they see proper. June 2.0-st] A. C. GREEN, Auditor. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD f --- PEE ABOVE REWARD WILL BE PAID TO any person who will give information to the under signed of the cocoa or persona who maliciously barbed the truce on the Mineral Spring property, and broke the water-pipe leading from the Egelman Spring, or fur any damage done hereafter to any of the Water Company property, whether in the city or to Mnblenberg or Aleace townships, by cutting or injuring trees, fences, or other ivied, or No; la any of their watere. All perm' , s gaatdiane are earneetly reqaueted to keep thoii Attar-ea from committing any of the above Wawa, no they will be held reaponeible for the came. M. B. SCULL, Superintendent of the Reading Water Company. Jane 27, ISEB-it ATTENTION, TAX PAYERS ! THE UNDERSIGNED , TREASURER OF THE city of Heading, respectfully notifies the Tax Payers of the city, that the Duplicates of City Tax on Heal Re late for MA have been placed in his hands for collection. All perilous are therefore notified TO pay MU ffilty Tan he: tween this and the !int day of Octaer; after which date, the Duplicates will be handed over to the City Solicitor, who will enter Liens ou all delinquent Tax Payers. The Treasurer may be found at all business boors at his office, In the City Hall, corner of sth and Franklin street, 2nd. story. Entrance to his office on Franklin street. June 27-23.03 WM. HEIDEN HEWN, Vannes,. Soap and Tallow Chandlery for Sale. IRE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE A completely. fitted Soap and Tallow Chandlery, with drain, kettles, etc., of the capacity of 20,000 lb,, per week may he teenaged with Addition of kettles to NAM the, and situate In the best market in the State of Pennsylvania. The building Is a threemtury brick, with cellar, large store room, stable, wagon-horse, etc., 20 feet front, by 93 feet deep, convenient to railroad and canal. Will be sold low and on liberal terms. Nor farther particulars, price and terms, apply, by letter or in person to JACOB C. WHOEVER, Commercial Broker, june 27-21) , Court Street, Beetling. OF JULY. TS WILL BE ISSUED NIDAY, July 3d, to MONDAY, be following Mate ; , liarrieborg $2 15 Pine Grove, 1 70 Lebanon, 1 10 Womeledorf, 50 eduo.od tares. FOURTH FXCIIRSION TICKE at Reading, good from F .17 6th, 1863, he and.trorn Philadelphia, *L SO Pottsville, 1 40 Tamaqua, I Eti Ashland, 250 And to all other potato at n J ti.ne 27-20 NOT/CE CHARLES GRATE, A STRANGER, SlN pooed from Penneylvaals.dled In the Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Canada, about § moult! fir, leaving Fundry money(' and pawn e, which will be delivered to hie relatives, proving their claim, on application to the True. teen. W. GOODS WAX, Chairman Board of Trustees. June 20-3t* Toronto, May 29, 1863 PRIME 0,0 cicoVgitsMENT JAVA COFFEE in email mats, just received mid for axle as 111000CK'fi, 40 South Fifth Street. Jane 27 GLASS JARS—A LARGE LOT OF SELF SEALING Glees Jars, jest received and for sale - at PiSOCOCR'S, 40 South Fifth Etreet i toe 27 NAME, TONGUES AND DRIED BEEF, EX CELSIOR Ham, at PEOCOOK'S, Jane 27 49 Path nu, Nowt. ~~ ORPHANS' COURT SALE. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE OR-. FRANS' COUNT of Berko county, will be cold at Pah lin Vendee, on Saturday, thelBth day of July, 1863, on the premises. Cu Rockland township, talc county : All that certain niscsanne, tencrnent and tract Oland, Otgala In Rockland township. Barks county, bounded by laud% or Jacob Robrbacb, John Keller Now deceased), Peter 1 Miller, deceased, and Daniel Y. Peter, containing thirty-eight nurse, moreor less: On which are erected a two-story STONE ROUSE, Stone Swine Barn and other out-boildiege. Late the property of Hannah Allen, de- Sole to commence at I o'clock in the afternoon, When due attendance will be given. and the terms of sole made known by CHARLES WEISER, Administrator. By order of the Court.—DANIRT, HAHN Clerk. Jane S 7-31. The Oldest Business Stand in Reading C:. .7EIL Std L]o. ALL TII AT 8u BAT ANTIALLY BUILT TWO STORY liminess Stand, Dwelling Howe and lot of ground, on the Smith-End corner of Court Street and Flftb, in the city of Reading, to offered at private 511.113. The Log containn aboat 30 foot hoot on Pin Direct, by &boat DO feet on Court Street, one of the oldest bueinede stands to the city, having been occupied for nearly fifty yearn an a Tin and Stove eland, by Jacob Lung, lately deceiterd. Will be gold low cud on liberal tering. at leant twodhlrds of the purchase money may remain a lien on the premises. Apply id Alderman WM. B. SCHGNBR, _Jame 27-3 t Court flireet, Reading. EAST PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, • r i N AND AFTER JUNE 7TO, 1863, A PAS. SENOR TRAIN will leave Reading every Sunday, at 7.30 A. M., and arrive in Allentown at 9.20 A. M. Be. tenting, will leave Allentown at 4.10 P. N., and arrive in Reading at 6.00 P. Al. Thin train will atop at all Stallone, and also at convenient planes between Stations. going and returnlag. The Pane for the round trip to all points will be about one•third leee than the regular retina and are Ca follows: STATION 9 Reeding, Temple, Blandon, Fleetwood, Lyons, Bowers, Topton, Mertztown, Shamrock, Al Burris, MillentoWn, EL116116, Allentown, A. at. //WV 4e#ding, 7.80 du Temple, 7.45 do Blandon, 7.66 du Fleetwood, 8.07 du Lyons, 8.18 do Bowers, 8.22 do Topton, 8.29 do Mertztown, 6,34 do Shamrock, 8.87 do Al Ennis, 8.45 do Millorstowo, 8.02 do Emane, Arian at Allentown Ann- Peeleknneee tolohlog to glYe d 49 1104199 ty the Cendue June 13, 13631 SAPONIFIER, THE FAMILY SOAP MAKER. YIIHE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST I_ the SPURIOUS articlen of Lle for match% 0304 P, &c., sow offered for sale. The only GENUINE and PAT ENTED Lye le that made by the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, their trade• mark for it being " sari:unplug. on CONCEN TRATED LYE." The great "SUCCERtf of Ibis article hes led UNPRINUIPLED PARTIES to eudeavor tu IMITATE it, to violation of the Company's PATENTS. All NANUFAOTURERS, BUYERS or. SELLERS of these SPURIOUS Lyes, are hereby NOTIFIED that the COMPANY have employed as their ATTORNEYS, GEORGE WARDING, Esq.. of Phild , . mid WILLIAM BAKEWELL, ESQ., of Pillaburgh And that all MANUFACTURERS, USERS, OR SEE LEX Sof Lye, in violation of the rights of the Company Will ha PROSECUTED a; 913901 The SAPONIFIER. or CONCENTRATED LYE, is for hale by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stormy. The MUM) STATEN CIRCUIT COURT. WeMan District of Pennsylvania, No. 1 of May Term, in 1862. in suit of THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY es. THOS. G. CHASE, decreed to the Company, on November 15, 1862, the EXCLUSIVE right granted by a patent owned by them for the SAPONIFIER. Patent dated October 21, 1856. Perpetual in junction awarded. SALT MANUFACTURING CO. OFFICES: 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pitt St, and Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh: May 2, 1.883-3m3a. WHISKERS!!! PELATREATJ'S STIMULTING ONGUENT, OR m•FiI.MIV - •013 CriILICIALIVE For luda Heads atta Sato ritees ! /THIS CELEBRATED ARTICLE IS WAR RANTED to bring out a fall set of Whiskers on the smoothest Loa, or a Ana growth of hair on a Bald head, in less than six weeks, and will in no way stain or Injure the skin. The French Cream is sisannfeelgred by Dr. If. I'ELLTREAVO, of Paris, and IC the only reliable srTiolo of the kind. " Use no other." WARRANTED IN EVERT OEM. ONE Box WILL DO THE WORE. PANE 00. Jr4P°"." and for sale Wholesale and Retail by TllOB. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist and Druggist, 801 Broadway. New-Fork. P. B. A Box or the Ouguent sent to any address by ;w -ish; konn, on reoolpt of viaa, and 15 ants for Postage. tune 27-0 G. A. NICOLLS, °buena buperinteude.i REFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS OF ALL kinds, for Wu by barrel or pound, at FBOCOOK13„ 40 South Viftb. Stmt. OE CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES IN GREAT variety, both Panay and Staple, always on hand and for sale by A. H. PXOCOCK, Grocer and Tea Desbart PIP Pz HI peaty TIM quest, Hsading. SUNDAY TRAIN. Idol 3 ri : 1. l'. ,0 i 1 a FA' b E.. 411 20 OA 3a 701 00 75 60 Su 65 901 70 95 75 1,10 00 1,18 33 1,30 1,19 1,5011,301 351 20 40 30115 00 35 201 551 40130 00 50 351 75' 60401 801 70i4A1 95 00 701 1,20 1.10t95 •UN AS FOLLOWS I= Leave Allentown, Ido Smatte, do Milleratown, do Al Bartle, do Shamrock, do Mertztown, do Topton, do Bowers, dO LyOna, do Fleetwood, do Blandon, do Temple, Arrive at Beading, atop between Stations tor. df.tatkit, President. CONCENTRATED LYE, TAKE NOTICE ! THE PENNSYLVANIA El El g Eil Et gil *4 CO 4. 4 1~l II 'lb 1 2° I 30 1501 po
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers