Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, April 18, 1863, Image 1

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gps, North-Woof corner ce".Ponn and FM sired, ad
„ofning the Rormere Bank of Bonding.
TERMS OF itiiklittPTlOir
SOO ft yoDc, parsbicin c4ixince-.
i,OO for az metal. la Sallia. 46
Gtr Vane copies for $5, in advance.
Tee .copies for IL*, .“
air Ai/papers disconHatatt at the expiration of the
w.f. paid for.
It. 3t. litto. Smo. BM°. ly
Square, Mines, orient, 50 50 75 2,00 3.00 5,00
j " 10 " 50 1,00 1,25 3,00 5.00 8,00
2 20 " 1,00 2,00 2,50 5,00 8,00 15,00
3 u 30 si 1,50 3,00 3,75 7,50 13.00 20,00
[Larger Advertisements in proportion_]
Evocators' and Administrators' Notices, 6 insertions $2,00
Auditors' Notices and Legal holism. " 1,50
Special Noticee, as reading matter, 10 Ms. a line far one
Maritage notices 25 cents each. Deaths will be
pobitehed gratuitously-
H all Obituary Notices. Resolution. of Beneficial and
other ?Mete AlMactadons, mill be Amami for, as /Mier
t6ealeuts, at the above rates.
Sir - Advertiedments for Religion& Chaldiable and Edo.
rational objects, one half the above take.
.fir All adveltlelog will be considered payable in cash,
on the trig insertion.
nearly advertisers shall have the privilege (If desired)
of renewing their advertisements every three weeks—but
met oftener- Any additional renewals. or advertising ex
ceeding the mown contracted for.vrill be charged extra
at one-half the rates above specified for transient adver
really advertisers will be charged the same rates as
transient advertisers for all matters not relating strict/1p
to their business.
Ermined in a auperlor manner, at the very beuirat pricer.
Oar assortment of Jon Tyra Is large and fashionable, and
our Work speaks for itself.
'acheliug P.AucaatHST Sad PAM DEE" MORTGAGES,
1103 w, AirMIAS or AGREPAISST, LIAISE, and a variety of
JUWEICSIC Steams, kept constantly for sale, or printed to
IL/Reading, Pa, (March 1863-Smo
Ur Sixth Street. (above the Court Honse,) Reading, Pa.
February 21.1863-11
his Mlles to the eerth tddc of
Court street first goer below Sixth_ biern-tr
Charles Davis,
moo t. ch. Oifies lately *maple& by the Hon. David
ordon, docent 4 , te Sixth street, opposite the Court
Howe. . [awn 14
Daniel Ermentrout,
Sixth tartlet, corner of Court alley. [sag IS-ly
David. Net
Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, No. 25 East
can street, Reading, Pa. (March 10;1860.
United States Bounty, Back Pay and
Pension Office,
that all who have heretofore employed me will elmerhillr
endorse my promptness and fidelity. My charge. are
moderateand no charge made Saul obtained.
oct 18-tf] Attorney at Lew. Court St., Heading, Pa.
from the U. S. Government, by application to
March 7-U] Collection Office. Court Street. Reading.
A.S.& M. HART,
CLate Hart £ Mayer,)
DRY GOODS, CARPETING% he., Wholesale and Be
ata Philadelphia prices. Sign of the Go lden Bee Dive,
No. 14 heat Penn Square- (spoil 17-tf
Bonhong & Sons,
Absolute, Deodorized and Druggists' Alcohol ; also,
e 011 , which they will sell at the lowest Wholesale
prices, at Reuling, Pa.
Jew- Orders respectfully solicited.
Dental College. Teeth extracted by /ran-
a Ih _ ll I ' l B.' pr El ore t m r ent ga l'ith P t t his ~ e rhioTtlirhkser'es
xtracted with mach lase pain than the nasal way- No
eital`oll- °Ara la Fifth street, opposite the Preebyte•
rum Church. larva. I-1y
, College of Dental &nary, Philadelphia.
it. „, IlMse At his residence in Main street,
Hamburg, Pa.
AM"_ Teeth extruted tataae* the influence of Ether, or
by the Elettrobbnpletle Mathias, without OMR charge.
6carry cared.
W He has also Patent and other MEDICINES for sale
at hisbelett. (may hi
Poiretla Street, above Penn, Reading.
January 24,150-U
to. Teresa moderate and no timerse until obtained.
A. 0. GREEN, Attorney at Law.
Jai 31-11mo3 OEce in Court street, Heeding.
301111NT-11000MEIT, BACK-PAY
Attorney at Law, °Mee In Court Streets
Jar 31-41] , READINO.7I
Ass Agents for the Rauling Gazette, in those cities, and
haShorised to take Advertisements and Subscriptions
for us at our established MAL
Priem_ WATCH Enrarinao.--Wateneeldit in per
feret order and every one warranted for one yeas,
21Nortb PIM Street, Reading, Pa.
Dor 15-Bmol
Signet the W.AUTCII,e , No. 5334 Ea Penn
WOOL above Bilibrbelnb BM, } Wit% Pa.
Aar Every article Warranted in be what it I. acid for
Watches, Cloths, Jewelry, ac., repaired with particular
allention, mad gnarsato ed. [fob 1-tf
CakCPl-83:14 OLT, 03.T.X.ili7'3EUEL
*usu.., ita-ti
oct 4-W WE. BROADS, Jr..
The Only Place Where a Cure Can be
plod Certain, 'Sway aid only Effectual Remedy to
World for all Private Inseams, Wetirnmis of the Back
or Limbo, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Bled
der, Involuntary Discharges ' Impotency, General Debili
ty. Nervousness, Dyspepsia. Languor, Low Spirits, Confu
sion of Ideas, Palpitationof the Heart, 'timidity, Trembling,
Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stead,
Throat, Nose or Pkin, Affections of the Liver, Lungs,
Stomach or Bowels—those Terrible Disorders arising from
the Solitary . Habits of Tooth—those SECRET and solitary
practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Smms
to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their moat bri lliant
hopes or anticipations, rendertng marriage, Au, impossible.
1r OVUM' BUMF .- .
Terpecially. who have become the •illtilllB of Solitary Tice,
that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps
to an untimely grave thousand. of Young Men of the most
exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might Other
wise have entranced listening Senates, with the thunders
of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call
with fall confidence.
Married Persona, or Young Men contemplating marriage,
being aware orphysical weakness, organic debility, defer•
reifies, &a., speedily cured.
Pe who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re
ilgtonely confide In hie honor as a gentleman, and cond.
dewily rely upon his skill as a Physician.
Is) At7ll,:f
Immediately Cured, and Full "Vigor Restored_
This Distreasing Affection—which renders Life miserable
and marriage Impossible—ls the penalty paid by the vic
tims of improper indulgences. Turing persons are too apt
to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful
consetmencee that may amine. Now, who that understands
the subject will pretend to deny that the power of preen:mi
tten to lout sooner by these failing HOD improper 14Nbits
than by the prudent? Besides being deprived the pleas
are of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive
symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system be
comes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Fanctione
Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervous Irritabilt
ity, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart; Indigestion, Con
atitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Con
eimption, Decay end Death.
Mee, No. 7 South rrederiek Street.
Left band side going from Baltimore street, a few doors
from the corner. Fall not to observe name and number.
Letters roust be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's
Diplomas bang to his OtnCe.
Pa Mercury or Nauffisous Drug*
Member of the Itoyal College of Surgeons, London, Gradu
ate from one of the most eminent Colleges in cbe Celled
States. and the greeter part of whose life has been spent in
the bospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else
where, has effected mine of the most astonishing mires that
were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the head
and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at
sudden sounds, bashfainera with frequent blashiug,,at
tended sometimes with derangement of mind, were eared
TAME 1 1 41.11T1C171.41.111, 111011111712.
Dr..l. addressee all those who have Injured themselves
by Improper indulgence and solitary habits which ruin
both body and mind, unfitting them for either business,
sandy. society or marriage.
Tuna. are some of the sad and melancholy effects produc
ed by wit , MIA!, of vane, viz Weaknogo of 44.! Back and
Limbs, Paine in the 'dead, Dimness of Sight, Loan of bino
cular power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy. Nervous
Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive 'Functions. Gen
eral Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, be.
Mszerku.r.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to
be dreaded—Lose of Memory, Confnelon of Ideas, Deuces-
Alen of Spirits, Evil Forebodings , Averoloo to Seelety,Beff-
Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, dm., are fume 0e the
evils produced.
Taouseens of persons of all ages can now judge what is
the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, be
coming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a sin
guise appearance about the eyes, sough and eymptome of
Wbo have injured themselves by a certain practice Indul
ged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil
companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly
felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage
impossible. and destroys both mind and body, should ap
ply immediately_
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country,
the darling of hlaparents, shoo Id be snatched from all
prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of
deviating from the path of nature and Indulging in a cer
tain secret baba. Such persona senor, before contemplat
reßeerthat a sound mind and body are the moat nocoesery
requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, with
out these the journey through lite becomee a weary pil
grimage; the; prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair and ailed with the
melancholy redaction that the bappineee of another be
comes blighted with our own.
DEMIIII,II OF 7.11111 1 11.1:171EINCII,
When the misguided and imprudent votary et pleasure
ands that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease,
it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame, or
dread of discovery, detershim from applying to those who,
from edecetton and respectability, can alone befriend him,
delayingtin theconstitutional symptoms of this horrid Me
nnen make their appearance, such as ulterated entail:treat,
diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dim
ness of sight, deafness, nodes on tne shin-bones and arms,
blotches on the head! face and extremities, progressing
with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the month
or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this aw.
fat dissents becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till
death polo o period to bit dr9O r fai sufferings, by sending
him to that UndleeoVered Country from Whence> ad WM
eller returns."
(march 12
It is a oielancholy fact that thousands fall victims to
this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulness of ignor
ant pretenders, who, by the use of that Deadly Poison,
Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue of
Hie zelmarable.
Trust not your lives, or health, 19 sue sore of
many lln
leamed and worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowledge,
name or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's advertise
ments, or style themselves, in the newspapers, regularly
Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they keep you
trifling month after month taking heir filthy and poison
owe compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be ob
tained, and In despair, leave you with ruined health to
sigh over your own tinkling diesppoititniont.
Dr. Johnstouls the only Physician advertising.
His credentials or diploma. always hang in hie office.
His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others,
prepared from a life spent in the great hospitals of Europe,
the first in the conntryand a more extensive ?Keats Prac
tice than any other Physician in the world.
rorposszumraurs or Trill
The many thousands cured at this institution year after
year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations
performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of
the •• Sun," Clipper," and many other papers, notices of
which bairo appeared again and again before the public,
besides his standing see gentlealtui of charaeter and re. ,
sponsibility, is a Instlicient guarantee to theaßileted.
Skin Diseases Speedily Cured.
Er. ivo letters received unless post-paid and containing
a stamp to be need on the reply. Persona writing should
state age, and send portion of advertisement describing
.70101' Mt ZOlZNX'2oriff M. D.,
Of the Baltimore Locit hospital, Baltimore, Maryland.
may 10-1 y)
Single Rooms Fifty Cents per Day
City Hall Square, corner Frankfort St.,
11j the spacious refectory. There Is a Barber's Shop and
Bath Rooms attached to the Hotel.
trip Beware of RUNNERS and HAMMEN Who say we
WO tall.
Joe 17 -17] R. FRENCH, Proprietor.
Race Street, above Third, Philadelphia.
1, inducements, not only on account of reduced rates of
e, but fiom Its central location to the avenues or trade,
as wort ae t6o coceedleams afforded by the Remind
Passenger ligilwayn running past and contiguous to it, by
which gumbo can pass to and from the Hotel, should they
be preferred to the regular Omnibus connected with the
House. lam determined to devote my whole attention to
the comfort and convenience of my gnome.
ACM Terme, $1 25 per day.
C. SIEGRIST, Proprietor,
Ponied, from Eagle Hotel, Lemma, Pe,
T. v. RHOADS. CL•trk. [marsh 115-tr
HE SITBSCRITIER respectfully annonneee to
tno public ram no bole ...catty enlarged big BREW&
Br to a considerable extent, and introduced steam-power,
mad Is now ready to snpply all demands for
5171133.1031. WALT Lugron.s,
For home and distant consumption. ills stock of Malt
Liquors, warranted to keep in all climates, is as follows:
lq.B.—Allberal per centage will be allowed to Agents
Corner of Fifth and Spruce Streets
aura & BON.
Report of the Legislative Committee'
pointed to inquire into the truth of
certain charges of attempted Bribe.
ry by Gen. Simon Cameron, to
secure his elect ton to the Visi
ted Stater Seisat,
7b the House of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania :
The Committee appointed under the resolution
of the 20th of January last, to inquire whether
unlawful means were employed to secure the
election of United States Senator, with authority
to send for persons and papers, beg leave to of
fer the following report :
Your Committee met, for the first time on the 21st
day of January, and appointed L. Jackson Crane,
Esq., as clerk. Since that time they have held
forty-three .sessions, and have examined thirty
witnesses, and some of them at great length. A
considerable portion of the testimony thus ob
tained has no direct bearing upon the main ques
tion which was before the Committee; but they
have thought it best herewith to submit the whole
of it, that it may speak for itself.
' It was the constant purpose of the Committee
to conduct the investigation in such a manner
as that no injustice should be done to any one:
and they are persuaded that the persons exato•
Toed will, in all oases, award to them entire fair
The first witness examined was Dr. T. Jeffer
son Boyer, a member of the House of Represen
tatives from Clearfield county, whose statement
is substantially as follows
In the early part of the session he met Mr.
William Brobst, of Lewisburg, at the Pennsylva
nia House:ut this city ; and after several meetings,
at the request of Mr. Brobst, he granted him a
private interview in his own room. During this
interview Mr. Brobst mode known to Dr. Boyer
his ardent desire -for the election of General
Simon Cameron to the .Senate of the United
States; assuring him that he was authorized by
(glen, Cameron to enter into preliminary arrange
ments with any member of the Legislature to
secure his vote, and to offer five thousand dollars
to any one who would agree to absent himself on
the day of the election. Mr. Brobst informed
Dr. Boyer that Gen. Cameron desired to see him;
and arrangements were accordingly made by
them to go to Gen. Cameron's house, but were
not carried out.
Afterwards Mr. Brobst told Dr. Boyer that
Gen. Cameron wanted to see him at the State
Capital Bank; and on Dr. Beyer's consenting to
the interview, be was conducted by Mr. Brobst
to a back room in said bank, where he found
Gen. Cameron. The General then shut the door,
put down the blinds, and had a private interview
with Dr. Boyer. He asked the Doctor what he
would think of two thousand dollars for a vote s
to be paid when the work was done; and re—
marked that he regarded this sum only as a first
installment. He spoke of two paymasterehipe,
at a salary of three thousand dollars a year, one
of whieh Its could secure for Dr. Beyer. He also
requested the Doctor to name some one who
should arrange matters between them in the fu
ture; and at the suggestion of Gen. Cameron
they agreed on Jim Burns.
Mr. Brobet again met Dr. Boyer, and made
another engagement with him to go to General
Cameron's house, but failed to fulfill his promise.
The next day, being the Friday prior to the
election for a United States Senator, Mr. Brobst
informed Dr. Boyer that Can. Cameron desired
to see him at the State Capital Bank; but as
Dr. Boyer refused to meet him there, Gen. Cam
eron, at the instance of Mr. Brobst, was conduct
ed to the room of Dr. Boyer, in the
Pennsylvania House. At this interview General
Cameron agreed to give Dr. Boyer fifteen thousand
dollars for his vote; and informed him-that he
was going that afternoon to Philadelphia, on the
Lebanon Valley cars, that Jim Burns was sick,
and that John J. Patterson would go on the same
train, and would make arrangements in regard to
the money.
On the morning of that day Dr. Boyer had met
with John J. Patterson, who told him that he
had seen Gen. Cameron, and that he was aware
of the whole matter; proposing at the same time
to meet Dr. Bayer at the Lebanon Valley depot.
They accordingly met, and took the ears for
Reading, Gen. Cameron also being on the train.
In the baggage apartment of the New York
car, Mr. Patterson agreed with Dr. Boyer that
he should have twenty thousand dollars if he
would vote for lien. Cameron for IZnited States
Senator, subject, however to the approval of the
General, and Mr. Patterson afterward informed
Dr. Boyer.that Gen. Cameron was agreed to the
Arraltlements were then made by Mr. Patter.
son and Dr. Boyer to meet with Gen. Cameron
on Saturday evening, at the house of T. D. Cam—
eron. Accordingly, they all met at the appointed
time and place; and it was there agreed upon
that Gen. Cameron would give Dr. Buyer twenty I
thousand dollars for his vote.
On Tuesday morning, the day of the election
for Banat or, Mr Patterson called at the Peansylva
nia House, immediately after breakfast, and ac
companied Dr. Boyer to his (Patterson's) room,
in Herr's Hotel, where they found Gen. Cameron,
The General told Dr. Boyer that Dr. Fuller
would have an interview with him there, when
ever be was ready to receive him, and requested
Dr. Boyer to say to Dr. Fuller that he would vote
for him (Gen. Cameron) for United States Sena
tor. Dr. Fuller was immediately introduced into
the room, and inquired, as the chairman of a
eommittee appointed by the Republican caucus,
whether Dr. Boyer would vote for Gen. Cameron ;
and receiving from Dr. Boyer an affirmative
answer, he retired.
Now, if the statement of Dr. Boyer is a true
narrative of facts, there can be no doubt as to
the employment of unlawful means to secure the
election of Gen. Simon Cameron to the Senate of
the United States. But the Committee had other
testimony before them, in regard to the transac
tions related by Dr. Boyer; and it becomes
necessary, In the light of that testimony, to ex
amine his ghillie to truthfulness.
That there were, within a few days previous
to the Senatorial election, repeated interviews
between Mr. Brobst and Dr. Boyer cannot be,
doubted ; because they not only both testify this
fact, but their testimony is corroborated by that
of Captain Chritzman, Dr. Barley ? Michael K.
Boyer, and Mr. Vaughn. They also agree in
regard to the private interviews had between
Dr. Boyer and, Gen. Cameron, first, at the State
Capital Bank, and afterwards at Dr. Boyer's
room in the Pennsylvania House.; and in this
they are unstained by the testimony of Captain
Chritzman, Dr. Earley, and Mr. Vaughn. They
agree, moreover, as to the arrangements and
preparations which were made to visit General
Cameron at his own house, at the request of Mr.
Brobst ; and as to the fact that such preparations
were made, we have the testirootly of Dr_ Farley.
There is also a marked agreement between the
testimony of Dr. Boyer and that of John J. Pat
terson. .They both testify that they met in Har
risburg on the Friday immediately preceding the
Senatorial election; that they went to Reading
I in the afternoon of that day, on the Lebanon
Valley cars, and that Gen. Cameron was on the
same train ; that arrangements was there made
between Mr. Patterson and Dr. Boyer to meet
Gen. Cameron at the house of his son, J. D.
Cameron, on the next evening ; that they met
according to appointment and that on the
following Tuesday morning, the day of the Sen
atorial election, Dr. Boyer, at the request of Mr.
Patterson, went to Patterson's room, in Herr's
Hotel, where he found Gen. Cameron, and after
wards met Dr_ Fuller. These are only a few of
the numerous points of coincidence between the
testimony of Dr. Boyer and that of Messrs.
Brobst and Patterson. Indeed, there is almost
a perfect agreement between them, except in re
gard to the alleged money transaction.
It must be evident to every one, that in the
various interviews which Mr. Brobst and Mr.
Patterson had With Dr. Boyer, their only object
was, to influence him, by come means or other,
to rote for general Cameron for United States
Senator. But by what means did they attempt
to accomplish this object ? Here the testi
mony of these three witnesses involves a direct
contradiction. Dr. Boyer asserts that Mr. Brobst
told him he was authorized by General Cameron
to offer five thousand dollars for a vote, which
Mr. Brobst denies; and that General Cameron
and Mr. Patlcreuts positively agreed to give him
twenty thousand dollars, and finally twenty-five
thousand dollars, in order to secure his vote for
Simon Cameron, which is emphatically denied by
Mr. Patterson. We are therefore bound to con
clude, either that the statements of Dr. Boyer on
the one hand, or those of Mr. Brobst and Mr..
Patterson on the other, in regard to this pecuni
ary consideration, are downright and deliberate
Men always act from motives. It is therefore
legitimate to inquire, what motive could have in•
financed Dr. Boyer, in this single case, While all
the other leading features of his statement are
shown to be true, to bear false testimony ? It
could not have been fear ; for surely he had no
more to fear from telling the truth, than from a
declaration of falsehood. It could not have been
the hope of gain ; for it is impossible fer any
one to see how he could have expected any profit
or benefit from the utterance of any such false
statement. Nor could he have been actuated by
a malevolent i r revengeful feeling ; for there is
no evidence of the existence of any such feeling,
on the part. of Dr. Boyer, against Gen. Cameron
or any of his friends. Moreover, to suppose that
any man could falsely and knowingly charge
upon his fellow man, without same strong mo-
tire, a crime, which would forever blast the re
putation of its perpetrator in the COntrounity, and
then call upon God in the most solemn manner
in attestation of the truthfulness of this charge,
would be to ascribe to him an extraordinary de
gree of moral depravity.
Here another question will naturally arise:
can any motive be discovered, on the part of
Messrs. Brobst and Patterson, which might in-.
cline either of them to a denial of the truth, in
regard to this money transaction? The answer
is easy. If this feature of the statement of Dr.
Boyer Is true, they have both been guilty of at
tempting to bribe a member of this Legislature,
which is, under our laws, a high misdemeanor,
subjecting the offender to a severe penalty. But
who does not know, that the fear of exposure
and punishment, and of the odium that must
necessarily result from the commission of ouch a
crime, would be one of the strongest motives to
impel men to falsehood? It is not reasonable to
expect men to criminate themselves.
Let us now look at this testimony from another
standpoint. Truth is always consietent with it.
self. The statement of Dr. Boyer is a
straightforward, circumstantial, and natural
story of such events as might occur, and bears
upon the face of it no apparent discrepancy. It
is corroborated, in nearly pll its leadint details,
by the testimony of Messrs. Brobst and Patter
son, and in several particulars by that of Captain
Chritzman, Dr. Earley, Mr. Vaughn, Michael K.
Boyer, and Dr. Fuller; all which may be seen
by a reference to the testimony of these gentle
men, herewith submitted. But now let us take
a brief survey of the statements of Messrs. Brobst
and Patterson.
Mr. Brobst met General Cameron some weeks
before the meeting of the Legislature, but no con
versation passed between them in regard to the
election of a United States Senator. Subsequent
ly, without any request from any one, and of his
own accord, he came to Harrisburg, went the
same evening to see General Cameron, and offer
him his services, without being asked to do so,
to secure his eleclion to the Senate of the United
States. He again ;returned to Harrisburg, stop
ped at Herr's Hotel, but soon returned to the
Pennsylvania House, where Dr. Boyer had his
room. He there met. with Dr_ Boyer, bad re
pealed interviews with him, invited Boyer to go
with him to General Cameron's house, provided
horses and carriage, on two occasions, to convey
him there, visited the General three or four times
at his residence, became the medium of communi
cation between him and Dr. Boyer, and made
arrangements for several Meetings between them.
All this was done by Mr. Brobst, be it remem
bered, at considerable cost both of lime and
money, and without any arrangement whatever
with General Cameron or any body else, by which
he was to be reimbursed, This is possible, but
the question will necessarily arise, is it at all
probable ?
But again—Mr. Brobst is positively implicated,
by other testimony than that of Dr. Boyer, in the
alleged bribery. Mr. John Hancock testifies that
.its Brent told him he had the atithority of
General Cameron -to use mousy to secure his
election as United States Senator; and that any
arrangement he might make, within a reasonable
amount, would be immediately complied with by
General Cameron. The testimony of Michael K.
Boyer on this subject is, that Mr. Brobst told
him he was authorized to offer ten thousand dol
lars for a vote. It is also in evidence that Mr.
Brobst told Mr. Potleiger, a member of the House,
that if be would vote for General Cameron he
could make an independent fortune; that he
Would guarantee to him five thousand dollars in
hand, and a position worth forty thousand dol.
lays; that if he would name a day, he would
bring General Cameron down t.o Berke county
and make a final bargain, and that he had better
let party go to the devil, and make this money.
The testimony of Mr. John J. Patterson, as
already intimated, corroborates that of Dr. Boy.
er, in nearly every point. They agree as to their
trip to Reading, on the Lebanon Valley road;
their interviews on the care ; their arrangement
to meet General Cameron at the house of his son,
on Saturday evening previous to the Senatorial
election ; their meeting according to this ar
rangement; and the interviews between General
Cameron, Dr. Boyer and Senator Fuller, in Mr.
Patterson's room in Herr's Hotel. But Mr.
Patterson denies, most emphatically, that either
he or General Cameron offered Dr, Boyer money
or anything else, as a means of inducing him to
vote for Cameron. This,
whether true or false
in itself, is what might be expected under the
circumstances, and is, according to the statement
of Dr. Boyer, what Mr. Patterson said he would
testify if an investigation should be instituted,
There are other statements in the testimony of
Mr. Patterson that are worthy of consideration.
He said he came to Harrisburg at the request or
suggestion of no one; that he arrived here on
the eighth of January, between five and six o'-
clock in the afternoon; that after supper he met
General Cameron by accident in the Postoffice,
and was informed by him there, that he was not
a candidate for United States Senator; that the
next day he sought an interview with Dr. Boyer,
in order to ascertain whether he really intended
to vote for General Cameron; that after having
some conversation with Dr. foyer, on their way
to Reading„ he had no faith in him, and con
cluded that he would advise General Cameron
not to trust him; and that General Cameron said
he would he l m nothing to do with him. Still,
however, as she testimony at' both Dr. Boyer and
Mr. Patterson shows, they persisted in holding
interviews with Dr. Boyer, in order to secure his
vote for General Cameron. All this service Mr:
Patterson performed without fee or reward from
PM one,
There is one other point in Mr. Pattereon l e
testimony that may be noticed. He says he was
present during the whole time of the interview
between Senator Fuller, General Cameron, and
Dr. Boyer ; at his own room in Herr's Hotel.
Accordingly, he relates in hie W 04 4 1011 the con•
versation which took plat between the parties
on that occasion. But the testimony of Senator
Fuller is, that Mr. Patterson was not in the room
I while he was there. Here,• then, is a flat con
tradiction between these two witnesses ; but the
Committee have no doubt, from the evidence be
fore them, and from all the eireumstancee of the
ease, that the testimony of Senator Fuller is
literally true.
It appears from the testimony before the Com
mittee, that there were other members of the
Legislature, besides Dr. Boyer, to whom offers
o f mone y anti place were made, to induce them
to vote for Simon Cameron for United States
Senator. Those who would come to an enlight
co:Led:judgment in regard to this question, may
consult the testimony of Messrs. Graber, Wolf,
Thomas and Hammer.
Mr. Graber testifies that Mr. Henry Thomas,
at his own house, and in a private interview be—
tween them, urged him to vote for General Cam.
eron for United States Senator, and asked Mr.
Graber to make his own figures if be could do
anything. He moreover insisted on Mr. Graber
to go with him, at a late hour of the night, to
see General Cameron at his own house, and pro—
posed to take him in his carriage ; but Mr. Gra
ber did not consent to any of these proposals.
Mr. Wolf's testimony is that Mr. Henry
Thomas said to him, "go for General Cameron,
and you shall be well paid. State -how much
you will take to vote for General Cameron—put
down the figures." It is .also in evidence that
Mr. John L. Hammer told Mr. Wolf that he could
Make five thousand dollars by voting for General
Cameron ; and again, that he (Mr. Wolf) could
make a nice thing out of it.
There is one other fact which has been clearly
brought to view in the course of the investiga
tion, and which doubtless. has some bearing
upon the question before the Committee. It hi
this, that General 'Cameron 'entertained a strung
desire to be elected to the Senate of the United
States. The proof Of this is so abundant that
hardly any one who reads the testimony here—
with submitted will call it in question. It is seen
in the anxiety which was manifested on the part
of General Cameron, as brought to light in the
statement of Mr. Penueman, to ascertain whether
ho could or could not secure the vote of Mr.
Nelson, a Democratic member from Wayne. It is
seen, moreover, in the repeated interviews which
General Cameron held with De. Boyar, as aimed
by Messrs. 13rottst and Patterson, in order to
secure the vote of Dr. Boyer. True, we are told
by Mr. Patterson that General Cameron said to
him, in their accidental interview at the Post
Office, that he was not a candidate ; but he also
testifies that General Cameron told him on the
following morning that he would he thankful to
him for anything he could do for him. Accord—
ingly Mr. Patterson immediately commenced his
efforts, and continued them till the latest hour,
to secure for General Cameron the vote of Dr.
Such is a brief outline of facts and circum—
stances which were brought to light in the course
of the investigation. Your Committee are there
fore of the opinion that the testimony before
them justifies the following conclusion:
That unlawful means were employed to secure
the election of Simon Cameron to the Senate of
the United States, in last January.
Your Committee offer the following resolution:
Resolved, That they be discharged from the
further consideration of the subject.
S. WAKEFIELD, Chairman.
Question. Will you state fully everything
which occurred between yourself and all other
persons relative to your voting for Simon Cam—
eron for United Slates Senator?
Ammer. - Some time in the week of the com—
mencement of this session of the Legislature,
after my return from Philadelphia, I met Mr.
William Brobst at the Pennsylvania House, in
this city ; after several meetings he asked to
see me privately ; I invited hint to my room, and
after a brief conversation, relating to things in
general, he commenced reviling the different
prominent Democratic candidates for United
States Senator, and closed by expressing his
decided preference for Simon Cameron for that
position ; I then asked him what he meant by
that ; he answered that he wanted to see * Simon
Cameron elected to the United States Senate, or
something like that; I asked him to explain hie
motive; he said that Prank. Hughes had pur
sued him in a law suit and cheated him out of a
large amount of prcperty belonging to the Brobst
estate, and that he wanted to make some money
now and have revenge on Lim; I asked him how
he expected to snake the money ; he said out of
Simon Camerot; I asked him how this could be
done ; he said by voting for him for that office ;
I asked him how much Simon would pay for a
vote ; I told him at the same time to say nothing
but the truth—nothing but what he was author
ized to say; previous to what I have last
said I asked' him whether he was authorized
by Cameron to come to me in regard to this
matter; he said he was authorized to go to any
one and enter into the preliminary arrangements
for a vote; be replied to my question, above
stated, ho was authorized to offer five thousand
dollars ; I asked him whether he meant to vote
or absent myself at the time ; he said he wanted
some man to go away—he was getting some
others to do the same thing; he did not say who
the others were; I then told him the amount
was too small—l could not entertain the propo
sition; he said the others would do it for that;
' I asked him who they were; he declined telling
until helot permission teem Cameron to do so;
he then left, stating he would sae Cameron and ask
him in regard to the price and whether ho would
be willing to pay any more; he returned the
same day and said he could make no other ar
rangement, and urged his former proposition ;
the next day he called and said Cameron wanted
to see me at his residence out of town, and
wanted me to go with hint in the evening ; I told
him I could not promise him until I had seen a
person with whom I had an engagement that
evening, and if .I could get rid of it I would go
With him; Ise said he was going at seven
o'clock, and that ho would have a carriage for
that purpooo in front of Herr's hotel ; I told him
that if I could go I would meet him there ;
then communicated to Mr. Earley, of the House,
what occurred, and asked him to walk down
town with me at the appointed time, which he
did at the time appointed; we saw the carriage
standing there; I went up to Mr. Brobst and
made some excuse of some kind, and told him I
could not go, but would go with him some other
Lime ; he then said he would, go down and see
Cameron himself; we parted there, and I did
not see him again until the next day, when he
called and said that Gen. Cameron wanted to see
me at the state Capital fault ; this was in the
forenoon ; I went over to the bank with Brobst,
who conducted me into the back room ; General
Cameron Ives sitting there alone ; after putting
down the blinds, closing the doors, Ste., he,
(General Cameron,) who was alone present,
asked me, or rather said, Boyer, do you
think you could have courage enough to vote for
me for United States Senator ?" I told him that
was a very business-like question, and that it
depended entirely on circumstances; he then
said, ''Suppose the circumstances are all right?"
I asked him what he meant by being all right ;
he said he meant the pecuniary consideration, in
short, the dollars and cents; I then said I pos—
sessed any amount of courage; be then wanted
to know how much I would like to have ; I told
him that I had not been in this 111113111088 long,
and did not know how to answer the question ;
he then asked me what I thought of ten thousand
dollars right down after the work was done; I
told him I would not answer him definitely, and
wanted to know whether he wanted me to vote
for him or absent myself on the day of the elec
tion; be said he wanted a vote, as it would be a
damned bother to get the men away, and be
sides, he only regarded the money paid as the
first installment, and if he had so many to take
care of he could not serve them so well as if he
had but one he said something about two pay
masterships in the army which were vacant, (I
do not remember distinctly what be said about
it.,) but he said he could get mgg one of them ; he
said they were life appointtnlnts with a salary
of three thoUsand dollars a year and one thou
sand dollars for clerk hire; he then asked me
who we could get to arrange the matters in the
future respecting this; I told him I could not
suggest anybody ; he then asked me whether
Jim Burns would do ; I answered him yes ; be
said he would send for him, and we parted ; I
think I promised to see him at his own house on
that evening Of the next, bat am not positiVe
to that; I met Brobst again the same day, and
[VOL. XXIII. NO. 52.-WHOLE NO. 1964.
promised to go 'with him that evening or the
next to Cameron's house ; he said he had had
two members down there and that they were
front Lnzerne county ; he said they were all
right ; I walked down town, I think, on Wednes
day evening; I bad made a previous engagement
with him (Brobst) to havi a carriage and pair of
horses in front of Herr's hotel, and he was to
have a driver engaged; he said Cameron had
made arrangements to get a carriage and horses
whenever be wanted them; at the appointed
hour the carriage was there, but Brobst was no
where to be found . ; I stood upon the steps of
Herr's Hotel, perhaps half an hour, talking with
some stranger, and Brobst slid not make his ap
pearance; 1 then came away and returned about
eleven o'clock to my room at the hotel; when I
came there. Brobst was there ; he said that he
had gone to tied in the evening and told the nig
ger to wake him up at seven o'clock, but that he
did not do it; the next day Brobst came to my
room again and said that General Cameron want
ed to see me at the Stale Capital Bank; I told
him I would not go—that if Cameron desired any
further interview he must come to me; he then
said he would go and see Canieron, and see whether
he would call at my room; I agreed to wait on
hint there twenty minutes; he returned within
the time and' brhught Cameron with him; Brobst
retired ; Cameron said, "Now let us come to on
understanding ;" I asked him in reference to
what ? and he said, "This Senator but-We-se ;" I
then told him I must have $15,000; he said, " I
will give it," and that he was going down in the
care on the Lebanon Valley railroad that day at
2 o'clock; that, .Jim Burns was sick, and John J.
Patterson would go down also, and that we could
there make arrangements in regard to the money;
I should here state that in the morning of that
day I met John J.-Patterson, who told me he
lived in Juniata county (I knew him previously),
who said he would like to see me privately ; I
told him I would see him at any time ; he then
said that the money would he all right; I asked
him what money ; he said, "Oh, I know all about
it—l seen Cajneron;" we parted and agreed to
meet at the depot of the Lebanon Valley ears;
we met there, and Cameron was also ou the
train ; we went into the baggage apartment (af
ter the train started) of the New York car (so
called by the conductor), and there John J. Pat
terson and myself agreed for a vote for $20,000,
subject to Cameron's approval ; I then left him
there, and agreed to meet him in the front car,
where we bad left our baggage; Patterson soon
joined me there, and said that Cameron, although
he thought it was damned big, agreed to pay it
to save further bother—that be wanted the both
er off hie mind; Patterson said thaf he would
not conclude the bargain until be had seen Cam
eron—that he would do nothing without his ap
proval; I then asked Patterson what Cameron's
business was in the city, beside this business of
ours ; he said he did not positively know, but he
thought it had reference to this Senatorial mat
ter ; I told him that I thought that he was going
down to arrange with some other members and
get them to leave; Patterson said be could not
positively say, but that he would see Cameron;
I told him if this was the case I must insist that
they should return before Monday; I gave him
my reason for this, that their absence would de
feat our plans; he then went and saw Cameron
again; when he returned to me, he said that
would be all right—that they would return ; after
some further conversation be said, in connection
with this matter, that if there was an investiga
tion he would without any hesitation whatever
swear falsely, and say that he knew nothing
about it; I stopped at Reading, and so did Pat
terson; Cameron went on to Philadelphia; Pat
terson said he would return that evening to Har
risburg, and told me afterwards that he did ;.I
agreed to return on Saturday evening, and it was
understood that Cameron should return also ;
Cameron, Patterson and myself agreed to meet
on Saturday evening at the Lebanon Valley de
pot in this city; I met Patterson again as the
depot, as agreed upon; he said we would go to
Don Cameron's house; we went there directly
from the depot, and found General Cameron
there ahead of us ; he invited us up stairs into a
room, and there we, agreed, the whole three of
us, upon the price-520,000 for my vote for Si
mon Cameron for United States Senator ; the
money was to be deposited in Patterson's hands;
(in the cars I had told Patterson that I must
have $5,000 in hand ; this I had neglected say
ing before); General Cameron then said, "'Phis
ends it; 1 will be Senator, and there is no doubt I
but what the Southern States will gain their in
dependence, and I will have more power than
any other man in that Senate, and you shall
never regret it ;" then we got up to start ; Pat
terson, said to me, " I have got the hand money
in my pocket ;" we then parted, and agreed to
meet on Monday ; Patterson said he must go
home, and would return again on Monday; 1
met him (Patterson) on Monday morning, and
agreed to meet him at five o'clock in his room at
Hotel that, evening; he said when we
met, et or about 5 o'clock, he had the hand
money locked up down stairs its the safe, and
that. he wanted tue to see Gen. Cameron again
before paying it over ; that he did not want to
do anything without his consent, and according
ly made an engagement for himself, Cameron
and myself, to meet at the same place the next
morning at an early hour; the neat morning
(Tuesday) Patterson called at the Pennsylvania
House immediately after breakfast, and we pro
ceeded together to his room at. llerr's Hotel, and
there found Simon Cameron lying upon the bed
complaining of disease of the bowels ; Cameron
then said Dr. Fuller would meet me there when
ever I was ready to receive him, and that he
(Cameron) desired me to say to him that I would
vote for him (Cameron) for United States Sena
tor '
• I made some pretended objections to thin,
and demanded to know the necessity for doing
so; he said unless I did this there might be
some trouble in the Republican caucus, and they
might charge that he just wanted their damned
nomination for circa; he said he would not take
a nomination and a defeat for the entire Legisla
ture ; I then agreed that I would see Fuller,
whereupon Mr. Patterson said that the General
(Cameron) would raise the price $5,000; all
things being arranged, I said that I must now
be convinced that the money part was all right;
Patterson then opened his bundle and got out a
large relief notes, purporting to be $20,000; he
then said that I could have the hand money;
told him that upon reflection 1 deemed it prudent
not to have it about me—that there might be
some kind of a row after the election ; Patterson
then told me that he would take care of it and
hand it to me at any time after the election ;
Dr. Fuller was then brought in by Patterson and
introduced by Patterson; I then said to Dr. Ful
ler, " 1 presume I know the object of this inter
view;" he said, "I am chairman of a committee
of the Republican caucus to see you and ascer
tain whether you will vote for Simon Cameron ;"
I answered, "Yes, if you nominate him I assure
you it will be all right ;" ho said, "You give me
that assurance?" I again said, "Yes ;" he then
said, "You need not have any feat with reference
to your personal safety—we have made ample
provision for your protection ;" this ended the
interview ; Dr. Fuller retired, Patterson came
in, Cameron assured me that ha would be ever
grateful, and we parted; I went directly to the
House of Representatives.
By Hr. Brown. You will please state where
you live, and when you left home for Harris
"Fitness. I reside in Clearfield county, which
I left for Harrisburg on the hot Tuesday in De
cember, and reached this-city on the morning of
the first day of January instant.
By Mr. Brown. Had you, prior to leaving
home, any consultation, arrangement or conver
sation with any person or persons by which you
were to put yourself in communication with
General Cameron, with a view to draw from him
or his friends an offer for your vote?
Witness. No, air,
By Mr. Brown. Is the statement in the Patri
ot and Union of January 22d, 1863, over the sig
nature of T. Jefferson Boyer, your statement'?
Witness. Yes, sir, it is.
By Mr. Brown. Woto you Sal Oiled, after the
election of United States Senator, or before the
election, to make a written statement?
Witneas. No, sir; I made it of my own accord.
By Hr. Brown. Waa the publication a matter
of consultation or conversation prior to its being
Made ?
Witness. After I had written out the state—
ment, I submitted it to a few friends. •
By Mr. Brown. State who those friends were .
lVdnese Mr. Wallace, the Senator from Clear ,
field, was one; L. Julie= Crane,Esq., from
said county, another, the latter cerk of this
committee; on the suggestion of Mr. Wallace, I
submitted it to a few others, who, at the sugges-
tion of Mr. Wallace, were to meet at Mr. Clymer'e
room ; I met Mr. Clymer, Mr. Lacnberton, the
Senator from Clarion, and Mr. Koine, who came
in after I got there, but did not remain. •
By Hr. Brown. Was the statement left with
,printer before or after you knew that a com
mittee of investigation had been appointed? I had written it and took it down to
the printer, or editors of the Patriot and Union,
who said they could not publish it fora day or
so, and that I had better re write it so as to
write it plainer; that, of course, I did ; this caused
a delay of a few days, and the Committee may
have been appointed before its publication, or it
was returned to the office for publication ; in fact
I know it was.
By Mr. Brown. Did you, at any time, offer, or
did you say to any person, or in the hearing of
any person, that for one thousand dollars, or for
any other sum, you would suppress the publica
tion ?
Mines& No, sir.
By. .111 - r. Brown. Prior to your first seeing
Brnhst at the Pennsylvania House, had you any
understanding, arrangement or intention that
you should put yourself in the way of General
Cameron, or any friend of his, with a view of
'having them offer to buy or make an arrrange
ment to procure your vote for General Cameron,
or with a view of drawing from him OP them any
proposition having reference to the election of a
United States Senator ?
IVilrzess. I had neither understanding nor ar
rangement ; but from what I had heard 1 resolved
that if I was approached by any of Cameron's
friends, I would endeavor to defeat them.
By filr. Brown. Had you conceived the project
of putting yourself in the way of the operators
and trying how far they were disposed to go itt
the matter?
Witnas. After the first meeting with Brobet L
had and did.
By Mr. Beebe. Was it for this purpose that you
continued your interviews with Cameron, Brohet
and Patterson?
By Mr. Beebe. Were you in consultation at this
time with any other gentlemen, and if en, with
whom ?
Witness. I was, with Mr. Barely, of the Rouse
of Representatives, Mr. Wallace, the Senator
from Clearfield, and Mr. Robert Vaughn, the
proprietor of the Pennsylvania house.
By Mr. Beebe. With any others ?
Witness. On Sunday before the election Mr.
Buckalew called on me, and I stated to him what
they were tieing and what I had done ; the only
thing which Mr. Buckalew said was that I should
be careful what I was doing; I also communica
ted the same in substance to Mr. Kauffman, Pro.
thonotary of Berks county ) and to my father at
By Mr. Beebe. Did they, or either of them, ad-
vise or approve your course in whole or in.part!
Witness.. They neither of them advised, and as
I did not ask their approval, I do not recollect
that they said anything about it, or what they
said about it.
By Mr. Brown. From the time you fast saw
Brobst at the Pennsylvania House until your last
interview with Cameron, did you report the
progress you were making, and if so to whom?
}Fitness. Yes, I did ; I constantly advised Mr.
Barely of what had occurred between us, and
these other gentlemen at such times as I met
them; I only spoke to Mr. Buckalew once on this
subject; on the evening preceding the election
I was at Buehler's, and saw Mr. Buckalew, and
during a conversation in regard to the Senate
meeting with us, I remarked to him that they
would; this interview with Mr. Buckalew was
purely accidental : I merely dropped in ; there
were other gentlemen there; I am not certain
whether my remark was addressed to him or some
other garcon.
By Mr. Brown. Bid Mr. Buckalew understand,
or did you at any time inform him, that you had
concluded an arrangement to sell your vote to
Cameron, or to that effect ?
TVitncoe. At the interview I had with Mr.
Duck.low eu the Sunday already referred to I
told him what' I had been doing; I don't know
that I told him that I had sold my vote to Cam—
eron; I think I did tell him what arrrangements
I had made, and that my object was to defeat the
schemes of Simon Cameron for the United States
Senate : I am positive t told him so.
By Mr. Brown. Did he at that time censure you
for what you were doing or advise you to desist ?
Witness. I cannot say he did.
By Mr. Brown. Did he tell you to be cautions,
and to be cautious as to what?
Witness. He told me to be cautious, but he did
not say as to what.
By Mi. Brown. What reply did you make to
his admonition to be cautious ?
lritness. I told him, in substance, that I would
manage that matter myself.
By Mr. Brown. At any interviews you had
with General Cameron, Brobst or Patterson, or
either of them, was any person present by ar
rangement to overhear the interviews, and it' so,
was it known to either of the three, and who was
the person, and where was he?
iFitness. At one of the interviews with Brobst,
Mr. Barely, whom I met at the door of our own
rooms, (which rooms adjoin and are occupied
jointly by us,) asked me what was going on;
told him Mr. Brobst was coming up ; he told me
he would like to hear the fun ; I told him he
would have to take the bed room if he did; which
he did ; and I have no doubt be heard the entire
By Air. Brown. Did you at any time before
leaving home say to any person that you would
vote for Cameron, and that Mr. Bigler was the
only Derno6YELL who would get your iota ?
Menem. No, Sir. . . .
lowing are the stirring, eloquent words of the
Louisville Journal, one of the ablest papers in
the country, and as nobly patriotic as any one
printed in the loyal States:—
* * " The fire-eaters in the South may
talk as they will about consorting with hyenas
sooner than Yankees. The Northern extremists
may declaim as they will against a restoration
of the Union as it was—whom God has united
man cannot put asunder! All the cries of dis
cord, all the wails of terror, all the sighs of des
pondency, all the venom of malightly, which
load the air of this fleeting day, are but the
heralds of that sublime unity to which we shall
be forced by the Providence of God, and from
which, through the fires of war, shall spring
the restoration of the American Union. Let
patriots everywhere watch and pray. The dark.
ness of our night nears the dawn, and Hope site
smiling behind its folds. Upon the nation, upon
an early and overwhelming triumph of our arms,
and not upon the men in power, let ns fix our
eyes and hearts—there let our energies mare.
' With these let our - inspiration begin. Be our
watchword—Ho ! for the salvation of thq Re
public by our own acts and example I The con
vulsions of the North will end in unity ;—itt
unity of which, unlike the distraction sown by
the imbecility and perfidy of the faction in pow
er, neither Christianity nor civilisation shall bo
An unmannerly wag being staked by the
landlady of his boarding-house why, being so
tall a man he ate so little, replied, " Madame, a
little gees a PM WU I!U Big t"