TOWNSHIP AND DISTRICT OFFICERS ELECTED MARCH 20th, 1863. Albany— WV, Ilaniel Direst:lnspectors, Samuel Gres cup. 1.111116¢6.3 B. Lanai Salool DiTOCUM, John Iletumerly, C. H. Lenhart; Assessor, desse Miller: Constable, William Hairenbuch : Supervisors, J. Houriecb, Paul Gehringer; Auditor. Jonathan Smith; Treasurer, Ileury Long ; Clerk, Jacob Miller. Alsace.—.lndge, Reuben Matz: Inspectors. Valentine Schmeek;Solomen Hindi; Supercitors, ranjamizi Jacob Olinger: Constable, IMO! Weidner; School Direc tors, Willialn Keller, Benjamin Folk; Auditor, Josiah P. Herb; Treasurer, Valentine Hartman. delft—Judge. Adam Stout: Inspectors, George What', Effinger Louth; Supervisors, Isaac Kerb, Samuel Fri. ; School Director., Jonas Rhoads, Reuben 11.Criargmor, Isaac Moyer, (1 year): Assessor, John Wagner; Auditor, A. H. Vanderslice; Justice of the Peace, George S. Lorab; con stable, Henry Wier.; Clerk, Eliot liiteken. Bern.—Judge, - Levi Good: Supervisors , l William Bolts, ' Henry Shell; School Directors Ecnnevt d b le Reber. aro Boyer; Inspector:, Jacob Feather, Edward Strobecker As sessor, Samuel Ilnklehergerl„,6 wilier. Levi Lash: Cou ntable, Jonathan Gleam, CloW. John Larch. Bern Upper...4l;4lre of the Peace, Frenklin Y. War ; Asseasor. Jonathan -r; .Tedge. Daniel Kies: Sipervisers, Peter Long, JO • eischwenjer, Wm. Ten ger, (tie): Inspectors. Henry Hellenbach. Reuben Selmer; School Directors, Israel Miller, George Hain, Porde: hatt.- mak. ( 2 781.0; Constable, Isaac Strouse ; Clerk, Samuel Kline; Auditor, John Albright. Berout(n.—Goustable. William Feather; „lodge, Levi F. Blight; Inspectors. Henry K. Smith. Joan R. Rwoig; A.-- servo., Ephraim S. Whelan: Auditor. Jo ph B. Conrad ; School Directors, Franklin Ilarbach, John Boyer. Bethel.—Supervisors, David E. Merkey, Jobe Snyder; School Directors, D 13aldortf, Henry Kane. JohniGrotf, year); Assessor, Elias Diefenbach : Judge, Henry Kit., Inspectors, Rita, Brown. Samuel Smeltsor; Constable, William Kline: Auditor, Michael Smeltzer; Clerk, John Brown; Treasurer, Michael Smeltzer. Brerinoek.—Judge, Joseph Steffey: Inspectors. Daniel Schlough, Richard Trottel ; Treasurer, Adam Hedge; Con stable, Lorentz Grater; Cloak, Daniel Hammel; School Directors, Joseph Itemminger, Rudolph Harz; Assessor, ilajamin limbo& Auditor, War H. Miller; Superrieorn, Dam Tetterling, John Troup. .Cmitre.—Judge, Adam Barger; Inspectors. Michael K. Rentschler. William Ragimetese; Constable, JOlll3 E. Free man: Supervisors, 'Millet Focht, John Freeman, lie vote), Jacob Flee. (tie vote); School Directors, Willianiliaufma e, Jacob Rentchler; Amomor, Jacob S. Kaufman ; Auditor, Daniel ZerbeY. tiernarron.—Judge. Jam. E.Wells; Inspectors, Joseph Broadbent, Peter Hoffman ; Justice of the Peace, Jacob 7.. Plank; Supervise., Samuel Plank, Thema:, Yohn; As semor, James R. Delzell : School Directors. David Plunk. Jacob Kern- Auditor. John P. Maar; Treasurer, Abratut m Kurtz; Constable, William Derr; Clerk, David R. By ler. Cobbro.karsta.—Jud.m. Henry Entfle Jacob Bahr, George Mull; Supervisors. Matthias Levan. David Haas; Constable, John M. Weaud Assessor, John M. Bohr: School Directors. George Rover. Abraham Warn:non; Au ditor. Thomas Snarler ; Clerk, Johu awl muck. Cumme.—Assessor, Richard Schna der, (tie vole). Bonne ville Rleinginney, (He vote): Supervisors, Jo. Iteraber,;er, John Keifer; Inspectors. Jacob Totterer, Philp ()bold; School Directors, Joseph Matz, William Roth; Treasurer,' William Perniepaelter Constable, Rudolph Febelman: Judge, Jacob Lebo; Auditor, William Steffy; Clerk, Samuel Shepp. Doug/rms.—Clerk, Christian F. Forcer: Auditor, Au nBlso W. Livingood Constable, Ephraim R. Vorgen Justice of the Peace. David B. Manger: luspaetore. Reuben B. Manger, Henry Buehler; Judge. Drian'F. Gresh; School Directors, Henry IL Rhoads, Philip Eagle: Assessor, Samuel G. Hatfield ; Supervisors, J. B. Liringood, George R. Yorgey. District—Judge, Augustus Burbach, Inspectors, Philip Wasaer, William Reinert; Assoiaor, Daniel Garen; Super visors, Jacob D. Fronhoisar, Jonathan D. Erase: Constable, Jacob Reinert; Auditor, Joseph Kemp, sea.; Clerk, Jacob Shearer. Earl.—Judge, John Bruner; Constable, Wm. Lechner ; Assessor, Samuel Trout; Supervisor, Israel Se'avely, Won. Haas, Inspectors , Simon Swavely , Charles Drumheller; School Directors, William Mathias, Jacob Bricker; Audi tor. Enoch S. Mathias. Exeter.—Judge, Solomon Dankle ; Inspectors, Jacob L. Schaefer, Franklin S. Sitter ; Supervisors, Joel K. Kinsey. Abraham Faber; School Directors, John "fleeter, Blum Klein; Assessor, Samuel Streak; Constable, Peter Stein metz ; Auditor, Jacob E. Snyder. Greemnich.—Constable, John Sharer; Judge. Lewis Llebty; Inspectors. James FL Dietrich, Simon Boaz; J tee tice of the Peace. Silas Christnan ; A sses.o r, Joshua Greene wall ; Auditor, C. Greenawalt ; School Directors ' Jonas Altenderfer, Joseph Relienold ; Supervisors, DanielSberer, Michael Croll ; Clerk, Samuel Gruber. Hereford.—Ridge, Abraham Sallade; Inspectors, 13•311ja mio Ranch, Henry Trash; Justice of the Peace, Supervisors, Simnel Loam., °nova IL Masts:, ler ; Constable, Annual,. Robs; Assessor, Samuel Gellman; School Directors, Charles Kehs, John Gelsinger ; Auditor, Franklin N. Gery. Hamburg. dodge, Charles Lebold ; Inspectors. Daniel Saul, William J. Liebman; Assessor, Israel Smith ; School Director., William Deisher, FrallGifil Gerhard ; tionetable, John Knittle_ Heicteiberg.—Asaessor, Daniel Moyer: Supervisors. Ar thur ilimmelberger. John W. Fisher; Judge, David:Cox ; Inepectore, Simnel Warner. Michael Fisher - . School Ditec tors. John L. Brown. Adam Leis; Auditor, William Sheets; Constable. Joseph Putt. Heidetkrg Lutes.—Justice of the Peace, John Bush; Judge, John Hurst; Inspectors, Amos Goodhliit, Adam Fob; Assessor, Jonathan Spengler School Directors, Charles Spohn. Peter Spayd Supervisors, Jared Sustain ger, Michael Gerhart; Cory/able, Israel Klopp: Auditor, John Spengler; Clerk, Moses Boyer; Treasurer, Benjamin F. Bush, Heidelberg North.—Jades, Israel. Gruber; Aueessor, John L. Brossman: Eupervisors, Absalom Mt_tser, John Lutz; School Directors, Joshua Lamm, Joshua Lengle, Willlant Stump, (1 year): Inspectors, John Blekel, James 'McAllis ter; Constable. Gabriel Dondore;-Auditor. Jacob G. Smith. Jefferson—Judge, 'mac Knoll; Aoeeeeor, Samuel Pot teiger ; Superviaors, William IlLhel, Jacob Stapp; In4pcie tore, Isaac M. Weever, William Bentz; School Direrzois, John N. Dokteiger, Joseph Wilhelm; Courtahle, hrael Knoll; Auditor, fleecy W. Smith. tint:tin/tn.—Judge, David Fister Inspectors, limn, S. Hotterillne, Nathan Bieber; A,.sesror, William Shadier; Constable. John Mohr; School Directors, Hiram F. Bickel, Daniel B. Snyder. Lonvicamp.—Justice of the Peace, William Slmbcrt; Constable, William Schruick ; Judge, Am.: Weller; u apectors, Jacob Fegely, David Deck A,sessor, Jona:loin T. Haas; Auditor, Henry Ebman; School Directors, Geo. Frederick, John H. Bauer; Supervisors, Nathan Fegely, George Trump; Clerk, Jonas Atornig. .ifaxataump.—Justice of the Peace. Doran S. Katz; Constable, Allen Sahuroyer: Aristwsor. Peter F.ieser ; visors, Jacob Shirey. Charles D. Koch: Inspectors, Daniel S. Weber Henry Williams; Judge, Reuben W. Gold'.; School Bieber, Jacob W. Fisher, David S. Kemp; Audi tor, Charles G Klein. Afaidenoreek.—Conatahle, Hoary Ratter; Judge, 'Lenin raja Fox; Inspectors, William Gaither, W. Kauffman; Supervisors, Jacob Dauer, Johnßaratit: School Directors, John D. Barnet, Jacob Rotherrnel ; Ass , aissor, Samuel F. Hoy; Treasurer, Joseph K. Peter; Auditor, Jacob Hoffaiar.; Clerk, Daniel Berkey. Marion.—Assessor, William Ranch ; Constable, William P. Penal; Judge, Andrew schmner ; Inspectors, Levi L. Moyer. John Lindentuth ; Supervisors, James Ruth. Peter Reedy; School Directors, Decry Behller, George Schack ; Auditor, Jacob Tice; Clerk, G. W. Elimmelberger. Muldeifflerg.—Supervisors, Samuel Gehl et, Henry Kel ler: Judge. A. H. Sailor; Insp.:tore, Olen]. Rotheoherger. James Schrueck; School birectors,S...eph adltin H. Sailor; Juetieesuf the Peace, J. P. Heriino, leant Dock; Atitc , cor, Joseph. llortrr ; Auditor, J, p, llerloi Conemble, Joseph Hurter; Treaxarer, :queer. Unielaunee —Judge, Cyrus J. Ranter; Inspector, Frank. D. Faber, Israel Martin ; Supervisors ltiram Dublin, F. Dicliardeou; Assessor William Herbst; ' School Directors, Jacob Saul, John Ju,,ticr of the Years, A. D. Mai melricb ; Constable, Joshua Bickel; Auditor, Adorn 11. (tenant; Treasurer, Tobias Climber; Clerk, Reuben Forney. Oleg.—Judge. Daniel Kauffman; Ynpervbors, Jacob llerbine. John Levan; Asses-or. GS. Toler; l ecpectors, henry D. Griecemer, Jeremiah Hawk ; C0n:441,1e, Isaac Ballo; School Threctors, John 0. itt.her, J.. S. Bertolene Auditor, Martin "Coder. Perry.—Tnstice of the Peace, Isaac IL Mohr ; Joel Bendier; Inspectors ' Isaac Unger, Samuel P. Moll ; Supervisors, Jacob Veisber, Jacob miner; Constable, James S. Miller; School Directors, Jacob Snyder, John Kelm, jr„ Benjamin Kelm ; Alitftm; Jacob T. Miller; Au ditor, P. S. Albright. Pike.—Judge, G. Yoder; Ineyeeiara Daniel Fry. Lame . . . _ Mover; Assessor. William Gabel: Justice of the Peace, Samuel Walter; Supervisors, Benjamin Conrad, Solomon Yoder; Constable, Elijah lieidenauer • School Directors, Benjamin Yoder, John Hess; Auditor, ' Urlah Holder. Penn.—Constable, Charles Diehl ; Supervisors, William Speicher, Henry Showalter School Dtroc,ors,,,,,ce m Henry Struve; Judge, Peter Kerehner Inspectors, Joel Traria, Peter D. Xerehner ; Assessor, David Christ; Tree lwer, Peter Herehner ; Auditor, John h. Hoover; Clerk, William K. Rieder. Eoeldand.—Auditor, John B. Sanermileh ; Judge, John Bahr; Constable, Isaac F. Miller; sasensor, John Matt jr,; School Dtroutore ; Joe/ /torte, John Guenther; inventors, William Eckert, tieorge M. Frederlck Super/ion', Peter Claneer,Jehn Meder. Roiravon.—Constahle, B. F. Dickinson ; Supervisors, James Jacobs, Daniel onyder, (tie vote;, Warner Thorn]. son, (tie vote); Assessor, William Wratley ; Judge, Cad vvalader Morns; Inspectors, John Wells Michael B. West ley ; School Directors, Boos Moms, Jobe A. Rachel; Au ditor, Augustus W. Beard ; Clerk, Samuel Zink. Rfament4.—Jallice of the Peace, Solomon Miller; Su pervisors, Henry Boyer, Daniel Kline; Constable, David Saul; Judge, Daniel Dressler; Inspectors, Martin Ketch um, Samuel Meitner; School Directors ' John Stine, Levi Baas; Assessor, William McGargy ,• Au ditor, Joel Drieb. Ibis; Treasurer, Adam Weidenbaturaer ; Clerk, John Johnston. RuseoMbmanor.—Justice Of the Peace, Daniel Buskirk ; Constable, George Yoder; Assessor, David Fulmer; Super -visors, George Fry, Isaac }Defer • School Directors, willian2 Pry. David Bierman - dodge, Jacob Meyer, Inspectors, Bjcbolari Hettinger, Wellington Levan; Auditor, J. L, Heebner. Spri.o.—Judge, Wtlliane M_Goodman; Inspectors, Jac. Brubaker, Jacob Holt; Supervisors, Daniel Eshelman, Blijab Warner; Constable, Henry Ulrich; School Direc tors, M. 1' Liviagood, Charles Unveil; Auditor, Franklin Masser; Treasurer, Isaac Bath ; Clerk, William Sheeler; Assessor, David Beta. Tulpehoccon.—Judge, Augustin L. Bordner; Inspectors, Michael Gasser, Henry B. Brown; Assessor, Daniel B. Sahlorf, School Director., John Wilhelm, Peter Lebo; Sapervisen, Imean Miller, Isaac Kobel '- Constable, John K. Johneton; Auditor, Augutr:un L. Border: ; Clerk, George Weber; Treasn.rer, Bonneville G. Hamer.. Ttapekoccon TteaLer. Can stable, Wi ll iani•keaber. lonpeetow. Boltz. Joseph. Hymn. School Director., David Hollenbach, John Scharff. Supervisor. ' Jacob Ilimmelherger,lienryltitzma.a. Judge, Solomon Graff. Auditor, Willidm A. linger. //rdeA"'SUpervlsors, Emanuel Lord, Jacob Stamotr. (tie Tote), George Seller (tie votes. School Directors ' Amos Boone, Jeremiah Beard. Clerk, hotent Blend. Judge, yowl, E. Hoot, Inspectors, Jame, Price, John R. 812.0,r. Constable. Henry Wameher. AseeoCer, Samuel L. Wolf. Auditor, George Smith. Wilideor.—Justtee or the Peace, Moses S. Miller. Cons stable, Samuel Kepner. Judge, George B. Boyer. Imipsc.- tors, Samuel H. Smith, Charles Stitzel. Supervisors, Sam uel Eettlemoyer, Jesse Helm School blroctors, William K. filler, William Krick. Ammer, Reuben Liudermuth. Auditor, John S. geseley • - WWthington.—Supervisors, Beery lieydt, Eli ,jxb Boyer. =Adam Glaee. Inspectors, Davie. Moyer, George B. an. Constable, William Arnold. Assessor, Aaron Akbalesbybach. Auditor, James Deysber, R. F. Smith, (tie uoteA,-,1 - Directors, Peter Boyish er, Jacob Belcher. Womilerkey f .—Judge, John B. smith. Inspectors, Geo. N. Moyer, Samuel Mamma. Saporito:or, Adam dotter. .A 111508004 aleery„Ateckmau. Constable , Peter Letutager. „Salim} Directors. Deter Spang, Adam Filbert. Auditor, 45100rga.N. atiacb. BEADING : First or Spruce Wait,—hdp, ifahlon Fox. Inspec tors, Franklin K. Brockman, Franklin Ullman. School Controllers'. Amos Hooker, Peter Jones, (I }ear), John F. Maxton, (3 years). As.tessor. Edward Schmeck. Snood or Sonth-Wvst Mird.—Judge, William roma'. Inspectors. Jogoph K. Ilarvoy. Jacob Lehman- C totrollm s. Tames 'Samuel Frees. Assoseur, John B. Grindußer. Third or Sout Mird.—Judge, William O. Mc Gowan, It...vectors * Dankil Goodman Amos Seidel . School Cmtrollers, Levi P. linen., Alonzo Turner. Assessor, David Bisonhower. rourth or Y, , r(4-E, , , , t War/J.—Jude, Henry P. Herb, Mond Ro aud, recur Maurer. School Corm,' ler., C F. McCauley, I.lenry Hahn. Annesegor, John Y. Cuuniu, ,r .?‘",n/-11 - In/rd.—judge, John McKnight. Inqi.cioni, John (1. Krouse. John W. Burkhart. School c.u1tr0u.17,.. J. Lawrence Get; Lewis Briner. Asseseor, Herman Urard. City —Wood M. Schwartz. _Limos Salad), SALE OF LAND 1,2000700 .11,01tra FA,RIM LAND EMI' *ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. T IS WELL KNOWN THAT THIS COM— pally. in the few year.; since the construction of the Railroad, has sold a large number of Faring to settlers, mostlr in a short time, enjoyed a degree of pro.— perity, which 14 sufficient evidence of the quality of the coil, and the facilities 10 disposing of its produce. The numerous villages which have sprung up in this short time also indicate the abundant resumesa of t lin country. The laud ia rich PRAIRIE SOIL, often thickly wooded. Woodland can generally he purcha-ed at ehort distances and low Itl'ieeg- - SUI/lnilleeS. ,l the Company. The various Linde of grain are snares:4l.llly co Iti vaLal. Fruit, G ripes, Ae ,;:row rapidly, and yield abundaiely and of superior quality. The fruit market is probably the best in flie West. For the raising of Cattle tut-. e is no better country to ha Lined. CouOdering the infancy of the settlements, meth has already been done for 'Schools. The Company warers to el titers Area:, ativanta4en. Tine lend is RAI-1110A or Preirto.—at from 61 to FeU tier acre, according in, its dist.theo from the Railroad. At the time of parchaee, only the intereet of the parchitse mosey le re quired. For the II first years, like siSil only the interest. At the end of the fourth year and the three following, each IMP quertor of the capital; thus after the expiration of :even yoars, the whole atnonot is paid. On each pay 111011in nli b eral discount to enowe , t, Purchtteere are ex empt front taxes on the land for seven yearn. The undersigned has been appointed agent, and having personally examined the land, is able to give exact information. All communications to be addressed to JOllll ENDLIC/1, Agent, Reading P. 0., Perks county, Fa. lilarch 21-ti] Desirable City Lots For Sale. THE uN itstum.D OFFERS AT PR I VAT E Foh, toodoratemtdo. Flvo ttuilding Lots on North Ninth street. Five 13nildi ng Leta on the west side of Moss alloy, East of :tit nth,,at. Throe It oilaing Lots nn the west side or North Tenth street, end Fourteen Building Lute on the east side of More Tio conditions will be made easy to purchasers, the pro prietor being willing to leave two-thirds of the purchase money stand on the ;wends., if secured by Bond and Nlortgage, and allow payment to be made In installments or le, 21.1 end rh bonfire, until the whole debt is paid, provided that one4hird of the purchase money is paid on delivery of the Deed. This is a rare chance fur Laborers and Mechanics to se cure homes, as the lots are in the neighborhood of the Steam Forge and Industrial Works: and as it is understood that all the Depots of the Junction Railroads will be put up hart! the property. Plank of the Lots may be seen at toy office, or that of G. Oscar Wagner, EN., Court street. Jan 31—tf] • FREDERICK LAUER. APPEA NTOTICE I 8 HEREBY GIVEN, TTIAT TAE II Appeal Days for the several Wards, Boroughs and Toirovhips, in the County of Berks. for the year ]063, will be held in the Commissioners' Office, at Reading, as follows: Bethel. April 13 Upper TelpehOCcOn, do 13 Tulpehoccoo, do IS Bern Upper, do 13 Centre, do 14 Bernville, do /4 Peon, do 14 .Teffcrenn. do 14 Heidelberg, North do 15 Heidelberg, Lower do 1.1 Heidelberg, do 15 Morton, do 14 Limburg, do 16 Windsor, do 16 Albany, do 16 Greenwich, do 36 Roscotnbinalior, do 17 Richmond, do 17 K 1116 1 01113, do 17 mixatnwni. do 17 Womelsdorf, do IS Spring, do IS Comm, do IS Aisne. April 20 Muldenherg, d., 20 Ootelounge, - do h , t) biaidencreelt, do 20 Venn do 21 11 ickland, do 21 Lungswomp, do. 21 Pike, do 21 Hereford, do 22 District, do 22 Washington, dn. 22 Colehrookdala, dg 00 °icy, do Si Earl, do 23 Bougie..., do 23 Amity, do 23 Union, do 24 zone-on. do 24 Clornarvoo, do 2t Brack mink, do 25 Bern, do 25 Exeter, do 25 Reading, do 27 Wards, Boroughs and Town -toed to