TOWNSHIP AND DISTRICT OFFICERS ELECTED MARCH 20th, 1863. Albany— WV, Ilaniel Direst:lnspectors, Samuel Gres cup. 1.111116¢6.3 B. Lanai Salool DiTOCUM, John Iletumerly, C. H. Lenhart; Assessor, desse Miller: Constable, William Hairenbuch : Supervisors, J. Houriecb, Paul Gehringer; Auditor. Jonathan Smith; Treasurer, Ileury Long ; Clerk, Jacob Miller. Alsace.—.lndge, Reuben Matz: Inspectors. Valentine Schmeek;Solomen Hindi; Supercitors, ranjamizi Jacob Olinger: Constable, IMO! Weidner; School Direc tors, Willialn Keller, Benjamin Folk; Auditor, Josiah P. Herb; Treasurer, Valentine Hartman. delft—Judge. Adam Stout: Inspectors, George What', Effinger Louth; Supervisors, Isaac Kerb, Samuel Fri. ; School Director., Jonas Rhoads, Reuben 11.Criargmor, Isaac Moyer, (1 year): Assessor, John Wagner; Auditor, A. H. Vanderslice; Justice of the Peace, George S. Lorab; con stable, Henry Wier.; Clerk, Eliot liiteken. Bern.—Judge, - Levi Good: Supervisors , l William Bolts, ' Henry Shell; School Directors Ecnnevt d b le Reber. aro Boyer; Inspector:, Jacob Feather, Edward Strobecker As sessor, Samuel Ilnklehergerl„,6 wilier. Levi Lash: Cou ntable, Jonathan Gleam, CloW. John Larch. Bern Upper...4l;4lre of the Peace, Frenklin Y. War ; Asseasor. Jonathan -r; .Tedge. Daniel Kies: Sipervisers, Peter Long, JO • eischwenjer, Wm. Ten ger, (tie): Inspectors. Henry Hellenbach. Reuben Selmer; School Directors, Israel Miller, George Hain, Porde: hatt.- mak. ( 2 781.0; Constable, Isaac Strouse ; Clerk, Samuel Kline; Auditor, John Albright. Berout(n.—Goustable. William Feather; „lodge, Levi F. Blight; Inspectors. Henry K. Smith. Joan R. Rwoig; A.-- servo., Ephraim S. Whelan: Auditor. Jo ph B. Conrad ; School Directors, Franklin Ilarbach, John Boyer. Bethel.—Supervisors, David E. Merkey, Jobe Snyder; School Directors, D 13aldortf, Henry Kane. JohniGrotf, year); Assessor, Elias Diefenbach : Judge, Henry Kit., Inspectors, Rita, Brown. Samuel Smeltsor; Constable, William Kline: Auditor, Michael Smeltzer; Clerk, John Brown; Treasurer, Michael Smeltzer. Brerinoek.—Judge, Joseph Steffey: Inspectors. Daniel Schlough, Richard Trottel ; Treasurer, Adam Hedge; Con stable, Lorentz Grater; Cloak, Daniel Hammel; School Directors, Joseph Itemminger, Rudolph Harz; Assessor, ilajamin limbo& Auditor, War H. Miller; Superrieorn, Dam Tetterling, John Troup. .Cmitre.—Judge, Adam Barger; Inspectors. Michael K. Rentschler. William Ragimetese; Constable, JOlll3 E. Free man: Supervisors, 'Millet Focht, John Freeman, lie vote), Jacob Flee. (tie vote); School Directors, Willianiliaufma e, Jacob Rentchler; Amomor, Jacob S. Kaufman ; Auditor, Daniel ZerbeY. tiernarron.—Judge. Jam. E.Wells; Inspectors, Joseph Broadbent, Peter Hoffman ; Justice of the Peace, Jacob 7.. Plank; Supervise., Samuel Plank, Thema:, Yohn; As semor, James R. Delzell : School Directors. David Plunk. Jacob Kern- Auditor. John P. Maar; Treasurer, Abratut m Kurtz; Constable, William Derr; Clerk, David R. By ler. Cobbro.karsta.—Jud.m. Henry Entfle Jacob Bahr, George Mull; Supervisors. Matthias Levan. David Haas; Constable, John M. Weaud Assessor, John M. Bohr: School Directors. George Rover. Abraham Warn:non; Au ditor. Thomas Snarler ; Clerk, Johu awl muck. Cumme.—Assessor, Richard Schna der, (tie vole). Bonne ville Rleinginney, (He vote): Supervisors, Jo. Iteraber,;er, John Keifer; Inspectors. Jacob Totterer, Philp ()bold; School Directors, Joseph Matz, William Roth; Treasurer,' William Perniepaelter Constable, Rudolph Febelman: Judge, Jacob Lebo; Auditor, William Steffy; Clerk, Samuel Shepp. Doug/rms.—Clerk, Christian F. Forcer: Auditor, Au nBlso W. Livingood Constable, Ephraim R. Vorgen Justice of the Peace. David B. Manger: luspaetore. Reuben B. Manger, Henry Buehler; Judge. Drian'F. Gresh; School Directors, Henry IL Rhoads, Philip Eagle: Assessor, Samuel G. Hatfield ; Supervisors, J. B. Liringood, George R. Yorgey. District—Judge, Augustus Burbach, Inspectors, Philip Wasaer, William Reinert; Assoiaor, Daniel Garen; Super visors, Jacob D. Fronhoisar, Jonathan D. Erase: Constable, Jacob Reinert; Auditor, Joseph Kemp, sea.; Clerk, Jacob Shearer. Earl.—Judge, John Bruner; Constable, Wm. Lechner ; Assessor, Samuel Trout; Supervisor, Israel Se'avely, Won. Haas, Inspectors , Simon Swavely , Charles Drumheller; School Directors, William Mathias, Jacob Bricker; Audi tor. Enoch S. Mathias. Exeter.—Judge, Solomon Dankle ; Inspectors, Jacob L. Schaefer, Franklin S. Sitter ; Supervisors, Joel K. Kinsey. Abraham Faber; School Directors, John "fleeter, Blum Klein; Assessor, Samuel Streak; Constable, Peter Stein metz ; Auditor, Jacob E. Snyder. Greemnich.—Constable, John Sharer; Judge. Lewis Llebty; Inspectors. James FL Dietrich, Simon Boaz; J tee tice of the Peace. Silas Christnan ; A sses.o r, Joshua Greene wall ; Auditor, C. Greenawalt ; School Directors ' Jonas Altenderfer, Joseph Relienold ; Supervisors, DanielSberer, Michael Croll ; Clerk, Samuel Gruber. Hereford.—Ridge, Abraham Sallade; Inspectors, 13•311ja mio Ranch, Henry Trash; Justice of the Peace, Supervisors, Simnel Loam., °nova IL Masts:, ler ; Constable, Annual,. Robs; Assessor, Samuel Gellman; School Directors, Charles Kehs, John Gelsinger ; Auditor, Franklin N. Gery. Hamburg. dodge, Charles Lebold ; Inspectors. Daniel Saul, William J. Liebman; Assessor, Israel Smith ; School Director., William Deisher, FrallGifil Gerhard ; tionetable, John Knittle_ Heicteiberg.—Asaessor, Daniel Moyer: Supervisors. Ar thur ilimmelberger. John W. Fisher; Judge, David:Cox ; Inepectore, Simnel Warner. Michael Fisher - . School Ditec tors. John L. Brown. Adam Leis; Auditor, William Sheets; Constable. Joseph Putt. Heidetkrg Lutes.—Justice of the Peace, John Bush; Judge, John Hurst; Inspectors, Amos Goodhliit, Adam Fob; Assessor, Jonathan Spengler School Directors, Charles Spohn. Peter Spayd Supervisors, Jared Sustain ger, Michael Gerhart; Cory/able, Israel Klopp: Auditor, John Spengler; Clerk, Moses Boyer; Treasurer, Benjamin F. Bush, Heidelberg North.—Jades, Israel. Gruber; Aueessor, John L. Brossman: Eupervisors, Absalom Mt_tser, John Lutz; School Directors, Joshua Lamm, Joshua Lengle, Willlant Stump, (1 year): Inspectors, John Blekel, James 'McAllis ter; Constable. Gabriel Dondore;-Auditor. Jacob G. Smith. Jefferson—Judge, 'mac Knoll; Aoeeeeor, Samuel Pot teiger ; Superviaors, William IlLhel, Jacob Stapp; In4pcie tore, Isaac M. Weever, William Bentz; School Direrzois, John N. Dokteiger, Joseph Wilhelm; Courtahle, hrael Knoll; Auditor, fleecy W. Smith. tint:tin/tn.—Judge, David Fister Inspectors, limn, S. Hotterillne, Nathan Bieber; A,.sesror, William Shadier; Constable. John Mohr; School Directors, Hiram F. Bickel, Daniel B. Snyder. Lonvicamp.—Justice of the Peace, William Slmbcrt; Constable, William Schruick ; Judge, Am.: Weller; u apectors, Jacob Fegely, David Deck A,sessor, Jona:loin T. Haas; Auditor, Henry Ebman; School Directors, Geo. Frederick, John H. Bauer; Supervisors, Nathan Fegely, George Trump; Clerk, Jonas Atornig. .ifaxataump.—Justice of the Peace. Doran S. Katz; Constable, Allen Sahuroyer: Aristwsor. Peter F.ieser ; visors, Jacob Shirey. Charles D. Koch: Inspectors, Daniel S. Weber Henry Williams; Judge, Reuben W. Gold'.; School Bieber, Jacob W. Fisher, David S. Kemp; Audi tor, Charles G Klein. Afaidenoreek.—Conatahle, Hoary Ratter; Judge, 'Lenin raja Fox; Inspectors, William Gaither, W. Kauffman; Supervisors, Jacob Dauer, Johnßaratit: School Directors, John D. Barnet, Jacob Rotherrnel ; Ass , aissor, Samuel F. Hoy; Treasurer, Joseph K. Peter; Auditor, Jacob Hoffaiar.; Clerk, Daniel Berkey. Marion.—Assessor, William Ranch ; Constable, William P. Penal; Judge, Andrew schmner ; Inspectors, Levi L. Moyer. John Lindentuth ; Supervisors, James Ruth. Peter Reedy; School Directors, Decry Behller, George Schack ; Auditor, Jacob Tice; Clerk, G. W. Elimmelberger. Muldeifflerg.—Supervisors, Samuel Gehl et, Henry Kel ler: Judge. A. H. Sailor; Insp.:tore, Olen]. Rotheoherger. James Schrueck; School birectors,S...eph adltin H. Sailor; Juetieesuf the Peace, J. P. Heriino, leant Dock; Atitc , cor, Joseph. llortrr ; Auditor, J, p, llerloi Conemble, Joseph Hurter; Treaxarer, :queer. Unielaunee —Judge, Cyrus J. Ranter; Inspector, Frank. D. Faber, Israel Martin ; Supervisors ltiram Dublin, F. Dicliardeou; Assessor William Herbst; ' School Directors, Jacob Saul, John Ju,,ticr of the Years, A. D. Mai melricb ; Constable, Joshua Bickel; Auditor, Adorn 11. (tenant; Treasurer, Tobias Climber; Clerk, Reuben Forney. Oleg.—Judge. Daniel Kauffman; Ynpervbors, Jacob llerbine. John Levan; Asses-or. GS. Toler; l ecpectors, henry D. Griecemer, Jeremiah Hawk ; C0n:441,1e, Isaac Ballo; School Threctors, John 0. itt.her, J.. S. Bertolene Auditor, Martin "Coder. Perry.—Tnstice of the Peace, Isaac IL Mohr ; Joel Bendier; Inspectors ' Isaac Unger, Samuel P. Moll ; Supervisors, Jacob Veisber, Jacob miner; Constable, James S. Miller; School Directors, Jacob Snyder, John Kelm, jr„ Benjamin Kelm ; Alitftm; Jacob T. Miller; Au ditor, P. S. Albright. Pike.—Judge, G. Yoder; Ineyeeiara Daniel Fry. Lame . . . _ Mover; Assessor. William Gabel: Justice of the Peace, Samuel Walter; Supervisors, Benjamin Conrad, Solomon Yoder; Constable, Elijah lieidenauer • School Directors, Benjamin Yoder, John Hess; Auditor, ' Urlah Holder. Penn.—Constable, Charles Diehl ; Supervisors, William Speicher, Henry Showalter School Dtroc,ors,,,,,ce m Henry Struve; Judge, Peter Kerehner Inspectors, Joel Traria, Peter D. Xerehner ; Assessor, David Christ; Tree lwer, Peter Herehner ; Auditor, John h. Hoover; Clerk, William K. Rieder. Eoeldand.—Auditor, John B. Sanermileh ; Judge, John Bahr; Constable, Isaac F. Miller; sasensor, John Matt jr,; School Dtroutore ; Joe/ /torte, John Guenther; inventors, William Eckert, tieorge M. Frederlck Super/ion', Peter Claneer,Jehn Meder. Roiravon.—Constahle, B. F. Dickinson ; Supervisors, James Jacobs, Daniel onyder, (tie vote;, Warner Thorn]. son, (tie vote); Assessor, William Wratley ; Judge, Cad vvalader Morns; Inspectors, John Wells Michael B. West ley ; School Directors, Boos Moms, Jobe A. Rachel; Au ditor, Augustus W. Beard ; Clerk, Samuel Zink. Rfament4.—Jallice of the Peace, Solomon Miller; Su pervisors, Henry Boyer, Daniel Kline; Constable, David Saul; Judge, Daniel Dressler; Inspectors, Martin Ketch um, Samuel Meitner; School Directors ' John Stine, Levi Baas; Assessor, William McGargy ,• Au ditor, Joel Drieb. Ibis; Treasurer, Adam Weidenbaturaer ; Clerk, John Johnston. RuseoMbmanor.—Justice Of the Peace, Daniel Buskirk ; Constable, George Yoder; Assessor, David Fulmer; Super -visors, George Fry, Isaac }Defer • School Directors, willian2 Pry. David Bierman - dodge, Jacob Meyer, Inspectors, Bjcbolari Hettinger, Wellington Levan; Auditor, J. L, Heebner. Spri.o.—Judge, Wtlliane M_Goodman; Inspectors, Jac. Brubaker, Jacob Holt; Supervisors, Daniel Eshelman, Blijab Warner; Constable, Henry Ulrich; School Direc tors, M. 1' Liviagood, Charles Unveil; Auditor, Franklin Masser; Treasurer, Isaac Bath ; Clerk, William Sheeler; Assessor, David Beta. Tulpehoccon.—Judge, Augustin L. Bordner; Inspectors, Michael Gasser, Henry B. Brown; Assessor, Daniel B. Sahlorf, School Director., John Wilhelm, Peter Lebo; Sapervisen, Imean Miller, Isaac Kobel '- Constable, John K. Johneton; Auditor, Augutr:un L. Border: ; Clerk, George Weber; Treasn.rer, Bonneville G. Hamer.. Ttapekoccon TteaLer. Can stable, Wi ll iani•keaber. lonpeetow. Boltz. Joseph. Hymn. School Director., David Hollenbach, John Scharff. Supervisor. ' Jacob Ilimmelherger,lienryltitzma.a. Judge, Solomon Graff. Auditor, Willidm A. linger. //rdeA"'SUpervlsors, Emanuel Lord, Jacob Stamotr. (tie Tote), George Seller (tie votes. School Directors ' Amos Boone, Jeremiah Beard. Clerk, hotent Blend. Judge, yowl, E. Hoot, Inspectors, Jame, Price, John R. 812.0,r. Constable. Henry Wameher. AseeoCer, Samuel L. Wolf. Auditor, George Smith. Wilideor.—Justtee or the Peace, Moses S. Miller. Cons stable, Samuel Kepner. Judge, George B. Boyer. Imipsc.- tors, Samuel H. Smith, Charles Stitzel. Supervisors, Sam uel Eettlemoyer, Jesse Helm School blroctors, William K. filler, William Krick. Ammer, Reuben Liudermuth. Auditor, John S. geseley • - WWthington.—Supervisors, Beery lieydt, Eli ,jxb Boyer. =Adam Glaee. Inspectors, Davie. Moyer, George B. an. Constable, William Arnold. Assessor, Aaron Akbalesbybach. Auditor, James Deysber, R. F. Smith, (tie uoteA,-,1 - Directors, Peter Boyish er, Jacob Belcher. Womilerkey f .—Judge, John B. smith. Inspectors, Geo. N. Moyer, Samuel Mamma. Saporito:or, Adam dotter. .A 111508004 aleery„Ateckmau. Constable , Peter Letutager. „Salim} Directors. Deter Spang, Adam Filbert. Auditor, 45100rga.N. atiacb. BEADING : First or Spruce Wait,—hdp, ifahlon Fox. Inspec tors, Franklin K. Brockman, Franklin Ullman. School Controllers'. Amos Hooker, Peter Jones, (I }ear), John F. Maxton, (3 years). As.tessor. Edward Schmeck. Snood or Sonth-Wvst Mird.—Judge, William roma'. Inspectors. Jogoph K. Ilarvoy. Jacob Lehman- C totrollm s. Tames 'Samuel Frees. Assoseur, John B. Grindußer. Third or Sout Mird.—Judge, William O. Mc Gowan, It...vectors * Dankil Goodman Amos Seidel . School Cmtrollers, Levi P. linen., Alonzo Turner. Assessor, David Bisonhower. rourth or Y, , r(4-E, , , , t War/J.—Jude, Henry P. Herb, Mond Ro aud, recur Maurer. School Corm,' ler., C F. McCauley, I.lenry Hahn. Annesegor, John Y. Cuuniu, ,r .?‘",n/-11 - In/rd.—judge, John McKnight. Inqi.cioni, John (1. Krouse. John W. Burkhart. School c.u1tr0u.17,.. J. Lawrence Get; Lewis Briner. Asseseor, Herman Urard. City —Wood M. Schwartz. _Limos Salad), SALE OF LAND 1,2000700 .11,01tra FA,RIM LAND EMI' *ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. T IS WELL KNOWN THAT THIS COM— pally. in the few year.; since the construction of the Railroad, has sold a large number of Faring to settlers, mostlr in a short time, enjoyed a degree of pro.— perity, which 14 sufficient evidence of the quality of the coil, and the facilities 10 disposing of its produce. The numerous villages which have sprung up in this short time also indicate the abundant resumesa of t lin country. The laud ia rich PRAIRIE SOIL, often thickly wooded. Woodland can generally he purcha-ed at ehort distances and low Itl'ieeg- - SUI/lnilleeS. ,l the Company. The various Linde of grain are snares:4l.llly co Iti vaLal. Fruit, G ripes, Ae ,;:row rapidly, and yield abundaiely and of superior quality. The fruit market is probably the best in flie West. For the raising of Cattle tut-. e is no better country to ha Lined. CouOdering the infancy of the settlements, meth has already been done for 'Schools. The Company warers to el titers Area:, ativanta4en. Tine lend is RAI-1110A or Preirto.—at from 61 to FeU tier acre, according in, its dist.theo from the Railroad. At the time of parchaee, only the intereet of the parchitse mosey le re quired. For the II first years, like siSil only the interest. At the end of the fourth year and the three following, each IMP quertor of the capital; thus after the expiration of :even yoars, the whole atnonot is paid. On each pay 111011in nli b eral discount to enowe , t, Purchtteere are ex empt front taxes on the land for seven yearn. The undersigned has been appointed agent, and having personally examined the land, is able to give exact information. All communications to be addressed to JOllll ENDLIC/1, Agent, Reading P. 0., Perks county, Fa. lilarch 21-ti] Desirable City Lots For Sale. THE uN itstum.D OFFERS AT PR I VAT E Foh, toodoratemtdo. Flvo ttuilding Lots on North Ninth street. Five 13nildi ng Leta on the west side of Moss alloy, East of :tit nth,,at. Throe It oilaing Lots nn the west side or North Tenth street, end Fourteen Building Lute on the east side of More Tio conditions will be made easy to purchasers, the pro prietor being willing to leave two-thirds of the purchase money stand on the ;wends., if secured by Bond and Nlortgage, and allow payment to be made In installments or le, 21.1 end rh bonfire, until the whole debt is paid, provided that one4hird of the purchase money is paid on delivery of the Deed. This is a rare chance fur Laborers and Mechanics to se cure homes, as the lots are in the neighborhood of the Steam Forge and Industrial Works: and as it is understood that all the Depots of the Junction Railroads will be put up hart! the property. Plank of the Lots may be seen at toy office, or that of G. Oscar Wagner, EN., Court street. Jan 31—tf] • FREDERICK LAUER. APPEA NTOTICE I 8 HEREBY GIVEN, TTIAT TAE II Appeal Days for the several Wards, Boroughs and Toirovhips, in the County of Berks. for the year ]063, will be held in the Commissioners' Office, at Reading, as follows: Bethel. April 13 Upper TelpehOCcOn, do 13 Tulpehoccoo, do IS Bern Upper, do 13 Centre, do 14 Bernville, do /4 Peon, do 14 .Teffcrenn. do 14 Heidelberg, North do 15 Heidelberg, Lower do 1.1 Heidelberg, do 15 Morton, do 14 Limburg, do 16 Windsor, do 16 Albany, do 16 Greenwich, do 36 Roscotnbinalior, do 17 Richmond, do 17 K 1116 1 01113, do 17 mixatnwni. do 17 Womelsdorf, do IS Spring, do IS Comm, do IS Aisne. April 20 Muldenherg, d., 20 Ootelounge, - do h , t) biaidencreelt, do 20 Venn do 21 11 ickland, do 21 Lungswomp, do. 21 Pike, do 21 Hereford, do 22 District, do 22 Washington, dn. 22 Colehrookdala, dg 00 °icy, do Si Earl, do 23 Bougie..., do 23 Amity, do 23 Union, do 24 zone-on. do 24 Clornarvoo, do 2t Brack mink, do 25 Bern, do 25 Exeter, do 25 Reading, do 27 Wards, Boroughs and Town -toed to <ail at the commis eir precepts, trawkipu, kr, ICH, ) 'ORBIT, ) Commissioners. WMAN, . --.— .. The Assessors of the several ellipa above named. are reigye siociera' Office and receive the PAUL WEXE.II GEORGE K. LC HENRY H. HA Cemcalssiener' Office, Real ,cling, March 2S, IS6F-4t A PROCLAMATION W - TIEREAS, TILE HON. W. J. WOODWA - RD, Esquire. Prop Went of the Court of Common Pkag in the twenty-third district, consisting of the county ot Berl:s, in Pennsylvania, DASIII SCHALL end f3E011,11; D. Srirzur.. Esquires, Justices of tire Courts of Oyer and Ter miner, Quarter i...;esAione, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other ulfeadyrs, in the said county of • Berks. by their precept to me directed, tested at Reading, the lf , th day of January. A. D., Treat, host, ordered a r2,lrt of 01: , 1111,1 Pku , , General Quarter Sc,ion,, I lyerlted Ter miner and Cenera I Jail Delivery, to be held at Deadiug, on the sermd 3ionday in April next, lu hick will be the 13th day ofsaid mouth.) to coutinu, three wee k ,; 2i o Tic b;, - therelo:e, is herein- gil,ll to ibe Xityor and Al dermen of the city of Rending. the Coroner, the Justices et the Peace, and the Constables of the said county of ;Jerks, that they are by the said_procep: commanded to be there at in o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their rolls, re cords, i oquisitions, examino Von and all otherremembran ces, to do those things which to their o thces any/nixie to be dent, cud also th ose who are boned by rrconnieaacea, to prinineninezein,t tha prisoners that are or tbeti shall he in the jail or ,aria county Of Berk,,, are to be then and there to pro,rute theta us shall be j est. N. B.—The Mayor and:Mermen of the city of Heading, taut the .Distice, of tire Peace threniohoat the county, are requested to return then reenguizances to DA NIELERMEN. Titoll Atwroay, at least "Ile week Legere the beg - 11.1,11r of each :erne—agreeably t o the order of Court, of April, .I,l4—in order thot the criminal business may Inc prepared fiir the irefilediate action of the Court aunt Juttee. Sul, SAVE TEE CoNMOEWEAS.Trf. K(ENIG, Saeriff. Sheriff's OtlicA., Rending, 3i.elt 2.1.1563. Arch Street CARPET Warehouse N 0.832 ARCH STREET, two doors below NINTH, south side, r MIE SUBSCRIBER HAS .ILTST RECEIVED I f' SPRING TRADE a well nelectod etonk of EngSinn and American C~t3Ft. 5.7. :it: 7 Embracieg all the raem.rerirs of the .r,orrke.v—heught prelim!, to the la:e as - 11,11101 for Cat.h : earl win Le .Itl at law prim. Velvets, firniteeie. Three•Plye. Ingrains and Venetian CARPETINGS,—with a large cloak Oil Cloths, Druggets, Effattings, &c Penomi who a•a a host furnishing, arc requested to make an examination of the above goods previous to making their selections. as ..uch inducements will be hold out as carkoot foil to JOS. BLACKWOOD, 5:32 Arai Street, rhiledelphi March 21-3m] Commercial Broker. THE UNDERSIGICEII HAVING TAKEN j net a Lissese as a COMMERCIAL BROKER, is pre• pared to negotiate fur the purchase and ate of REAL ESTATE, COMA, STOCKS, MORTGAGES, and other Securities, Goode in unbroken Package., Collec tion of Resta, and any other business of a Commission Broker or Agent. ART Parties having business to do In his line are request ed to give him a call. C. SCTICEINER, OFFICE ill Court Street, -nextJAco door n above alderma cb.uner. Velp 2S A RARE OPPORTUNITY To Secure an Established Business. ITAVING OTHER ENGAGEMENTS IN II view, I offer for sale at a GREAT BARGAIN, my stock of Liverpool tbneensware, Glass- ~. , ware, French China, &c., jv . Now ie store at No. SeLW. Penn Street. be- to tween Sixth awl Seventh, One of the beet ' 1 etandd in the city). I: , -ing the only more of the kind in Reading, and the stock having been laid In before the treat rise in mien, this le a rood chance for a person with a small capital ; as I Will nil fur mach less than the same goods can be purchased for at wholesale in Sew-York. March 14-tfj W. S. HALL. -- --- —___ HANDING IN AEADING I a A LTHOUGT-1 VIE WAR IS SAID TO HAVE daccened crime in our cities, aft/ Wore will he hievig in.l2eading tkis Spring, a large lot of Wall Paper and Window Shades, Which will cam. from theca.] Stand, 3 arid Penn Square, neat Partnere' rank, 'Leading. 121=123 rauxT. T AYER, BUNCH - AND SEEDLESS RAISINS, AA Peaches, Plums, Apples, Oranges, lemons. Flee, kn, ILL A. SF. PEOCOCK'S, Feb 1] 90 &Mk Fifth Street, VILLUA73L73 PEEDICINIES. COLE AGENT FOR BECKER'S GELEREAT 10ad Eye Salve, Wrigbt's Indian Vegetable Pills, Evan &e., &c., by . Feb ::1-;imo] J. L. STICUTER rouse Furnishing Goods. T MICE ASSOR.TALENT OF ROUSE FUR- Goode of every variety. For AR le cheap by GEO. LEIICEI .t CO. TONG LE:S.—FRESH SUGAR CURED Tongn.,f4r oalo at PEtTOCR'S, arch 14] 40 South Fifth Street FRESH CAN TOMATOES.—FOR SALE AT _ PEOCOCK'S, 40 South Fifll Street. Illareb 14] B OMIN r 0 It 0 111 rE l l o r cocK, 8. 90 Sonth Fifth Snug Aril 91 lIEJ 4 MBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. lIELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT Bucau For Diseases of the BLADDER, MAYS GRAVEL and DROP4CAL SWELLIN This Medicine Increases the power of Digestion , a 6-- Cites the Abuerhenta into healthy action, by wh he Watery or Calcareous deposition., and all Unnatura En largements are reduced, as well as•Paiu and inflammation, and . . MEN. WOMEN OR CHILDREN RELMEOLD'S EXTRACT RUCRII Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indis cretion or Abuse, attended with the following symptoms Indlepomition to kitertion, LW. of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of IGease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, ;Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the' Fluehiug of the Body, Alusenlar System, rapttonaor the Skin, Hot Hondo, Dryness of the Skin, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this mod eine invariably removes, soon follows INIPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS In one of which the Patient m Expire. Who can cap that ttwy aro 'hut fregnently followed by those'• direful diseases" M 11.117 are aware of the cause of their enffering, TUE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS AND THE MELANCHOLY DEATHS BY CON Bear ample witness to the troth of the manakin. The Constitution, once affected with organic weakness, Requires the aid of medicine to Strengthen and Invigor ate the System, DAYS WI lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Old or Yonog, Stogie. Married, or Coatemplating Marriage In many Affections peculiar to Females, THE EXTRACT RUC HU is unequalled by any other remedy, ae in Chloreate or Itetentem, Irregularity, rainfulnece, ur Suppreesion of enatetuary Eltatelatiune. Ulcerated or Selrrhuuu state of the Uterus, Leneorrhcoa or Whites, Sterility, and for all cow, plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indis cretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the NO FAMILY SHOULD BI WITHOUT IT TAKE NO MORE DAMAN, MERCURY, OR UNPLEASANT MEDI CINE FOR UNPLEASANT AND DANUEROUi DISEASES. To all their sieges, At little Expense, _ Little or no change in Diet, No inconvenience, Axe NO EXPOMINR. It manses a frequent desire and given strength to Urinate thereby removing obstructions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and'lntlarorostion, so frequent in the ulnae of di. , eaws and expelling all Po:suizoms• Diseases and worn oat Mater. Who have Leon. the Victims of (backs, and who have paid heavy Yee. to be cured in a short time, Dave found they were deceived, and that the a Poison" Las, by the non of .• ynnse.rful astringtatta," been dried up in the system, to break ont in au aggravated form, and Use tielmbold'sExtrack Beebe for all affections and die eases of the Whether existing in From whatever cause originating and no matter of Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic And is sure to have the desired effect in all diseases FOR WHICH IT IS RECOMMENDED BONDS Evidence of the mad reliable and responsible character wilt accompany the medietees. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From 6 to 20 years' stanaing With names known to Delivered to any address, securely packed from any ob servation. CURES GUARANTEED I = Persenally appeared before me, an Alderman of the c,ty of Philadelphia, H. T. Heltobold, who being duly sworn dotb say, his preparations contain no narcotic, nor mercu ry, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. H. T. HELMBOLD. Sworn, and subscribed berme me, this 234 day of Novem ber, ISM. W.M. P. Mermen, Alderman, Ninth street, above Rave, Mita Address letters for informalior, in confidence to R. B. HELM ROM), Chrzeist, Depot, 104 South Tenth Street. below Chestnut, Phila., Pa. And Unprincipled Dealers, Who endeavor to dispose • of their own" tuid'!. articles on the reputation attained by Reintbold's tionuine Preparations, Extract Such% • Sareaparilla, " Improved Rose Wash. Sold bpall Druggists everywhere. Mk for HELMBOLD'N. Take no (Aber. Cat out theadvartlsement, and nand for It, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND BXPOSIMIJO. Sept. 18-31 "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" A Positive and Specific Remedy Is Good For For Weaknesses PALLID COUNTENANCE "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." BUT NONE WILL CONFESS, SUAIPTION, INVARIABLY DOES A trial will convince the meet bkertical FEMALES! FEMALES! DECLINE on CHANGE OF LIFE SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE JIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIJCRIJ BEI IMPROVED ROSE WASH EMI SECRET DISEASES, THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE URINARY ORGANS, MALE OR FEMALE, 110 W LONG STANDING lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BRCIIU Is THE GREAT DIURETIC, SCIENCE AND FAME PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE, SIX FOR $5.00 Describe symptoms in all Communications. ADVICE•' GRATIS! AFFIDAVIT. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS POr HOUSE ACCOUNT. •y~~~ coN AD, STE WARD, . IN f ACCOUNT E ~ ri ,iecoV;".7 oy- RXPENR/11/RES, CR raid sundry parsons for rouveying, jum pers to the Poor House during the year, &len 10 Sundry expenses on Limit., during the year, 93 76 Sending away pourers and gratuity, 2n 63 posta g e and box hlro, 7 hi Charles Breneiser, sugars and tobacco, 131 tili Reuben Mobs, on neciinut fur labor, -12 a' Rebecca RI all Guyer, for matches, 75 William Grooves, re-cutting Glee, 6 72 Filbert & Brother, dry goods, 9 72 Abraham Fry, on account superintend ing Hospital, 63 OD William Redly. expressage on bags, , 10 Ezra High, cider and appies, s ou Sweet potatoes, 2 09 Buckles, 21 Michael Weitkoecht, castrating pigs, 1 10 Expenses in law snit with the Overseers of the Poor of Franklin township, • . 4 .. i Carbon county, 31 77 Sundries, al Mr. Unmphreys, OA, 1 00 dotal &Inman, tailor work, 11 11 John Eck, shad, 2 70 Frank Antler, shad, 1 00 Lemons, 25 Goor g e Reagan, wicueae fees in law snit With the Overbeent of the Poor of Franklin township, Carbon county, 0 43 Frank Music, witness fees in law gait with Overseers of the Poor of Frank lin township, Carbon county, 6 40 Mr. Prosier, conveying Gen. Reagan from Hamburg to Albany township, 1 10 Joseph Dickinson, for wheat, 116 Oil Maria Conrad, making 24 pair panta loons'B, 40 Georgollower, planks, spokes, &c., 6 all Henry Crouse, buttons, &e., hit Peter Zimmerman, on account as engl ." neer 25 Mary Witman, maid servant, on account, 30 00 Mary Danger, 4 Ott 4 60 Peter Bpottn, Hell, 40 Ink, 22 riamuel Filbert, vinegar, s 54 Samuel Filbert, 2 bushes of wheat for J. Fidler, 2 PO Sundries, 3 10 John tflei/l, Bab, 24 Tie 17aro, II Lemma, 10 Yeast, . " 40 Rat and mice exterminator, 1 eil Peter Spehu, Bab, 1 04 least, ]2 Jacob r,eubart, labor, 60 Thomas Boone, services as engineer, 6 10 Twine, 10 0 (Trite Breneiser, repilring elocke, I 00 Philadelphia ft Readrag Railroad Com pany. freight, ' 5 14 P. Albright, freight, '2. 4 Yeafit, 13 J. Moore, labor, 6 to/ John A. Conrad, labor during bay mak ing and harvest, reant, Joseph lieteig, hops, liermen Flolo, ale, Jacob Minbler, boarding Augusta Ret- tinker, . Watermelons, Moses B. Bickel, calf, Samuel Filbert, relief for Jacob Snyder, Watermelons, David B Kline, 4 grata cradles, :nod rtes, Yeast, :cliael Weitknecht, ca tratiag pigs, Year, Bolster, shoe last, Bank Note Detector, Jacob Hain, saddler work, Samuel aloha, coffee and salt sacks, Amos Lambert, labor on farts, George Itrolactser, repairing clocks, Yeast, James Moho, I load of hay, Nathaniel Skala, I plow, John G. Hill, grinding grain, Samuel Filbert, balance oa rye, Wm_ Decker, do do Siegel & Brother, dry goods, Jacob Spottkonr, John S Pearaou. dry goods, Kauffman & Kissinger, dry goods, Stamp for note of Kerper & Co., Samuel Herman. farming implements, Bard ,t Heber, hardware, A. D. Harvey, leather and findings, Charles 8, Malay, salt, A. W. Potteiger, dry goods, Philip K. Miller, candies, P. Albright, freight, F. C. Buis, dry goods, C. W. L. Hotilmitz, whiskey & vinegar, Peter Brown, lime. Murphy & Koons, fish, C. L. Holtzman, epectacles, Michael T. Livingood, Phyeiclan'seervi- ces six mouths, Henry Sohildt, mason work, Phila, and Reeding Railroad Company, freight, Wm. Bridegam, stoves and tinware, Charles K snail , stoves and tinware, Joe. Mlshler Si Co., whiskey & vinegar, B. Bugler, hoots AEA shoes, S. Weida, cleaning clerk. James, Kent, Santee Jr Co., dry goods, Christian Ziegler, school tax Error in account of last year, Balance on Stean's note, Needles sod tape Phila. and Reading Railroad Company, freight, Garden seed, Henry Bucher, plaster, Coat oil burners, William Geiger, potatoes, Mr..Cotterel, apples, Daniel Shatther, castings, A. D. Harve•, leather, Philip K. Miller, candy, Plaster, Balance due Coonty, Jan. Ist, ISO, RECEIPTS, Balance due County, Jan. let, 1562, ,lobo Shit?, balding bay, Samna! ➢loba, 3 rat Logs, Daniel K. Weidner, corn, Jam. Mohn, runclln. Daniel Itichwein, bawling alone to React incr. Mr. 111.trks, medicine, Athens Frantz, annuling Indenture, Henry Kerner & Co., hides and tallow, on account, Samna! rhaner, Bowman's furniture, Samuel Shatter, tallow, Hannah Cunrad,dry goods, Samuel Arnold, do Mrs. Rialitmyer, slush fat, James Jameson, teen, A. H, Fichtliorn & Co., on account, bides and tallow, John R. Edelman, alneb fat, Daniel Souders, do Directors of the Poor of Dauphin coun ty, for maintenance of Agnes Brad- balk, 10 80 Samuel Fillson, returning boy, 1 01 Aaron Dunaore, indenture, 80 Cash found on Thomas Hightleld, 12 Steward of Lebanon County Poor Rome, centres, 12 111 Jacob F. Hunter, annnling Indenture, tl Oil William Holtzman, maintenance, 12 10 Bonbon F. Drumheller, need corn, 00 Ezra grimmer, maintenance of Sally Hill, 107 70 Joseph Kohl, old harness, 2 on James Mobn, dry goods, 84 Jain Subl, maintenance of his son, 8 94 Hiram E. Ludwig. for an indenture, 1.0 Maria Conrad, healing furniture, 3 40 Do do dry gonna, 40 Mr. Nealbantlyer, for old raga, 80 Henry llertzel, cabbage plants, James :debit, for a hat, David Hartzog, balance for scrap Iron, Samuel Filbert. balance for the main tenance of John Shaffer, Dr. Edward Wallace, maintenance of Harriet Garber, Samuel Shilling, oil, Cash found on Jonathan Bales, Betsy Jennings, lard, Barnhart & Koch, dour barrels, Francis 31arkley, pasturing cattle, Win. Werner, maintenance of Dorothy Grossman, 99 00 A, Li. & W. Fietithorn, hides and in full, 277 34 Barnhart & Koch, Hear barrels, 11 00 Dr. Charles Keely, for pork, 15 B. L. McClure, pasturing a drove of cattle. 10 00 Aaron Getz, sundries, 8 00 Mahn* Schnader, one load of bay, 10 00 Cash found on Elizabeth Grim, 1 10 Eli Koch, sugar, 2 10 Enoch Sanders ' for au indenture, Samuel Filbert, relief refunded for Jacob Wenzel, Samuel Shaner, relief refandedfor Isaac Bahr, Samuel Rellsnyder, one blanket, Jacob Rhoads, do George Tee. do Nathaniel Schilz, do - Young, one barrel tallow, John From. Bloch fat, . Daniel Claimer, maintenance of Cain Dotterel., Dr. Charles geely, lard, Aaron Getz received from Alderman Print; flues from John Mangle, for selling liquor on Sunday, Aaron Getz, maintenance Of Augusta Rectinger, Mr. Shultz, laudanum, John Stelfee, boarding - Snyder, 2 (0 Semen Lenninger, boarding --- Ball. bone, Cash found on Joseph Shereline, Frank D. Boyer, for an indenture, Reuben F. Drumheller, proceeds of Michael Young's vendee, Kauffman Jt Kissinger, lard, Smtmel Berman. garden needs HnnryKerper hides and tallow, • in full, -- James ,Wobo, dry 'goods, Mrs. Catharine Lois, interest for one yoer on the London property, B. Bugler, due bill, tionery persons Tor flowers, ilmates in the Muse Remaining in the lionee, Jen. Ist, 18ti2, Admitted during the year, Born during the your, Discharged during the year, Indentured do do Died do do Remaining In the Rouse, .Tanuarp let, NU. 981 This number consists of 101 male 141110 a, 110 female adults. 63 boys under 13 years, 17 girls under 13 years Breakfast and supper faraished during the , year, to 6070 persons, denominated as" goera and corners.' Clothing ,Ilade and Dintributed During the Year. 424 pair large pantaloons, 137 large vests, 64 large round abouts, 2:11 pair small pantaloons, OD small roundabouts, 10 small vests, 423 large shirts, 30 small shirts, `.OS neck ties, 240 pocket handkerchiefs, 117 large (rocks; 8 small frocks, 100 large chemises, 93 email ohemises, 250,pa1r 'von newly knitted etockinge, 76 pair mai/ newsy knitted stocking., 200 pair large footed storkinga, 77 pair small footed stockings, '2. lunatic ticwriu 1:0 u.nreen's tacks, 11 women's caps 31 laminate, 150 pnir vhoes, 1.; hats and cap-, .r bunkikin mita PU pair new sheen anode in the Henna during the year. l'roduca of Farm. 105 Made lot CrOp hay 15 loads 2d crop hay, 1807 bush els wheat, 312 bushels rye, 1692 bushels oats, 22 01 bnsbuls . corn, 1100 bushels potatoes, 160 bnobels turnips. 5921 cucumbers, 817 bushels green beaus, 13 bushels soup beaus, 311 bw.hels peas. 65 bushels large (MUMS, bushels reed 0,1:013S. 86 bushels tomatoes, 69 bushels red beets, 54 bush els yar6uips, -1.10 peppers, 3175 heads cabbage, 675 stalks calory, 11101oads railllllro. Cottle Slaughtered. Beef, 4054 pounds; Pork, 18 61 pounds; Veal, 1243 pounds; Weight of beef hides, 5828 pounds; Weight of calf hides, 192 M pounds. AARON/ GETZ, RSI7BRN F. DRUMHELLER, Directors. PETER MARSHALL, Attestt—l-Mmue A. Summoya, Clerk. [March 28-3 t ALLEN & NEEDLES' SUPER•PNOSPNITE Of LIME. THE STANDARD MANURE, Unequalled by any other in the market; always ;THE SAME IN QUALITY, And invariably to be relied on as a MANURE of standard excellence. Price $471 per 2000 Bs. OUP &PEE PHOSPHATE OF LIME iS uniform in lie chemical coostituenta, and can always be de pended on. ALLEN & NEEDLES' FERTILIZER. Packed in good strong bags, 150 lbs. each ire believe it to he the best and cheapest Manure in use 13E1 • PERIJVI AN—Nn.l Government. reeei ved direct from lb Peruvian Government, at luwent Mal ket rated. 1011A1311E-9 very .uperior article, received direct from the reload. 17r, ) 00 4 00 1 IS 2 A 6 10 00 $l5 per 2000 lbs. PACIFIC OCEAN—A small cargo of "old fashioned" genuine, packed in bags, very dry, and etrong. - $6O per 2000 lbs. PLASTER—Oroand Plaster, a eaparter article, packed in good barrels. BoNES —Button Makers' Hone Duet and Ground Bones Warranted Pure. re A liberal deduction made to Dealers one the above articles. ALLEN & NEEDLES, • 4. South Wharves and 41 South Water Stree (Muir STARK ABOVE CIIIMFNUT,) We sell no articles but such as we can safely re commend. [March 14-3 mo TO THE LADIES. IC AI, , GLASS AND RUEENSWARE. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A LARGE AND V 1' elegant assortment of the following kinds of FANGS:" CELINA ARTICLES: French China Vases, 7 doz. pairs, all sizes, Card Baskets, Card Receivers, Jewel Boxes, Cologne Botglee, Motto Cot fees, Watch Holders, Inkstands, Cigar Stands. and a variety of other fancy gouda suitable for the Wbat-Plot. Moo Bohemian and French Glassware, Such as Wine Bottles, Decanters, Gobletsand Wine Glasses, Liquor Setts, Cigar Stands, Card Baskets, Cologne Bottles, Cake and Fruit Stands in great variety, Castors, Salt Cel lars, Candlesticks, Tumblers, &c.. &c., and Common Glass• ware of every description; together with an extensive stock of QIIEENSWARE, Consisting in part, of White Granite Tea and Toilet setts, Tea and Coffee Cups, Dinner, Breakfast and Rutter Plates, Dihhee of all kinds, Pitchers, Maps, Bowie, An., gm., with a full line of common ware, all of which we offer at unu sually low prices. Au inspection of our goods by our many patrons and the public, is respectfully asked. 31. HEFTER. Si SON, may 24 No. 124, Corner of Fifth and Spruce St. tO 00 I S 7 52 73 82 33 37 A 6 50 17 00 ro 13 65 1 00 12 00 1 00 IMPORTANT TO YOUNG HOUSEKEEPERS! STOVES AND TIN-WARE. WILLIAM BRIDEGAM, No. 86 WEST PENN Street, next door below the Plough and Harrow Hotel, respectfully coils the attention of persons goin g to 4 ho.k.eping. to kis large arid importer as which. a STOVES AND TIN-WARE, h will be sold at the every lowest each prices. He has bought out the stock of Henry Ruth, and obtained the exclusive agency for the sale of the 96 0,1 ib 00 1 OJ 353 .11 - *2,100 01 PIiSS 340 93 S 9 " CONTINENTAL " COOK-STOVE, formerly sold by Mr. Ruth. and the very beet Stove in the market, either for large or small families. Ile is also agent for THE "GOVEENOR PENN," Another excellent Cook Stove; together With a variety of other Sloven, either for kitchen, parlor, ball, chamber and dining-room .0, from which pnrchenern cannot fail to be 231 72 1 20 His stock of TINWARE. is large, well made, and com prises every article needed for household purposes. YOUNG HOUSEKEEPERS are particularly reqnest ed to give him a call, and thereby cave money. lientemb., the p lace. 25 01 AO 7 65 ERIDECIAWS UNION STOVE DEPOT, West Peon Street, below the Plough and Harrow March 7, ]SOS-tf STRICKLAND & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, 23 EAST PENN STREET, a s PA. ALARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of School, Miscellaneous and Blank NM grab liCio 31.41_ PRAYER BOORS, ENGLISH AND GERMAN BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS, PERIODICALS, f USW and MUSIC BOOKS, GOLD PENS. PA NOY ARTICLES, VOTE, I.,ETTER, CA Yana 8188 271Y0 PAPER and PAPER BAGS. BLAME BOOES —AND— MERCHANTS' ACCOUNT BOOKS Made to order: Churches and Sabbath Schools supplied with Tract Society and Sunday School Union publications, at catalogue prices. .h e y- Orders from Country Merchants solicited and filled promptly at the lowest wholesale prices. Tea . cbers supplied with Merle at the usual discount. N. B.—Cooks and Music sent by mall postage paid, on receipt of Publisher.' Prices. Jan 19-tf 100 00 25 00 12 200 1 25 8 80 2 00 The 11. S. Revenue Hydrometer, pa ASCERTAINING THE TRUE PER cent. of Alcohol in inspected liquors, by which the amount of duty to be paid for internal revenue, is calcula ted. The instrument, with glue Jar and book of tables and instructions, is packed in a polished Mahogany Box with lock and key. Price/ff. Book only SO cents. ktIEVEYIb TRANSIT LEVELS, COMPASSES, and CIIAINs, SI/FISS DRAFTING DISTRUMENTSORade by JAMES W, QUEEN SE CO., Manufacturing Opticians, 924 Chentaut Street, Jan 31-3mo] Philadelphia, Pa. 30 00 r,nn 4 "n 4 75 4 75 4 75 25 70 CO CO 70 TO FARMERS ! POUDRETTE OF THE LODI MANUFACTURING CO. ATTENTION OF FA EAMES AND GALL- I declare ill respectfully called to the above MANURE. Owing to the high price of Peruvian Guano. Super nos. Awe and other fertilizers, this will be fornd the cheepeet and best manure. For full particulars call on the Agent fur the Company. J. L. STICIITER, Feb 2S-Smo] Fifth and Penn Streets. ECI Ema O 01 HO Al i fs as TIIE SUBSCRIBER IS AGENT DAL MESSRS. Dupont's 'Powder In iron kegs, which has twice the strength or ordinary powder. Also for sale Safety Fttee, beat Vast Steel, sw., &c. J. L. SUMMER, Feb 28-3mo] Fifth and Penn Street. 477 23 50 7 40 17 90 11 39 $2,190 01 COAL OIL: •COAL OIL I : 50BARRELS COAL OIL JUST RECEIVED, warranted equal to any manufactured. For sale at the lowest wholesale and retail prices by Feb 281 'ORO. LERCH & CO. GRAINS:. (21116. LT.) GRIANS CAN CONSTANTLY BE HAD AT LAUER S BREWERY, corner of Third and Chestnut streets. F. LACER. December 7, 1.861-tt - 625 211 - 244 mu= AND ALONZO& FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BY .1. L. STICHTER, Feb 28-3t] Firth sod Penn Streets FiPEOCOCVS. XTRA LARGE FAT MACKEREL, AT Feb 7] 40 South Fifth Street. kPEOCOCK'S QWEET CORN, AT eh 7 90 Booth Fifth fittest $3O per 2000 lbs. IICJ AIL MIT 4111010 • D.T.BASTIMFG ROCH. READING SAVINGS BANK. INCORPORATED MAY 11, 1855. CAPITAL, 530,000. Banking Howe., Ewe Market Square, Nora Side, Iteu I" a: • TIE POSITA RECEIVED PROM TEN CENTS . 1 Jr to Ten Thousand Dollars. Money in received on de posit from 9 A. At. to 3 P. Al. ; end co Wednesday and Sat urday evening* from 7 P. M. to 9 P. 91. Interest will be allowed at the rill, of Floe per cent. per annum, on all sums remaining on `*posit, ter one year or MUM. On sums remaining lets thus a ye,r, interest will be al lowed at the rate of Four per cent. per annum. Alfir All the denote of the Bank and the individual prop erty of tOe etoehho !dere, are liable for the payment of De posit*. Persons who have money to deposit, are invited to call at the Banking House for further information. DIRECTORS. DAVID YODER ; UIDEON SNYDER ; MICHAEL ORDURE, CONRAD BRUER, DANIEL B. LORAN, CONRAD Y. BRIDLES. A. F. BOAS. President—A. F. BOAS. (dee 27-ly —ADAM LEIZE INSURANCE COMPANY EEEMI MATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE, NOB. 4 AND 0 EXCHANGE BUILDING, N.-11. .90. l walm.l GL, Dehmen Donk dhld Third PHILADELPHIA* INOORPORALTED IN 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ISSESCPCO.OOO. Properties of the Company, Feb. 1, 1861, $507,094 61. Marine, Fire and Inland Teat:venation Insurance DIRCCTORR HENRY D. SHEREERD, SIMEON TOBY, CHARLES MACALESTER, WILLIAM S. SMITH, JOHN B. BUDD, HENRY G. FREEMAN, GEORGE C. CARSON, HENRI! b. EMERBERD, PmsUsti. WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. air Applications for Insurance may be made to WIL- LIAM KEEL?, at Howard Si Co's. Express 011ie). May 11, 1881-Iy VIM B. BRADBURY'S PIANO-FORTE ESTABLISHMENT, No. 427 taitoomr. NNW—YORK. SUI3SCRII3ER RESPECTFULLY IN _j_ cites the attention of his friends and the nubile sett. erally to his Piano• Forte Establishment, at No. 427 Broome Street. corner of Crosby street. Having withdrawn his interest, stock and materials from the late firm of Lighte & Brodlnerys," which arm was dissoLved on the 31st Jenuary, ult., and hay ing purchased the entire stock of PIANO FORTES and Piano-Forte Material. owned by Ma brother, Edward 0. Bradbury, in the said firm, be to now prepared to supply the Increased demand for bin celebrated PIANO-FORTES Employing the most skillful and experienced workmen, with a large stock of the bast and most thoroughly seasoned material. and anabundance of capital, he has taken In hand the personal of the whole businese of masnfacturing his instruments, and Is enabled to tutu oat Piano• Fortes of unequalled lone and durabloioss. BRADBURY'S NEW SCALE PIANO-FROTES In the arrangement or our new scale, drawn and pro. pared with the utmost care, expressly for our new instru ments, we have added every improvement which can in any way tend to the perfection of the Piano-Forte, and we can oonlidently assert, that for delicacy of touch, volume, purity, brilliancy and sweetness of tone, combin ed with that strength and gelidity of frame necessary to durability, these instruments are unequalled. "ETRENUTH AND BEAUTY" in OUT moil% and we invite the closest criticism of the beet unbiased judges in the land. Pr Every instrument warranted for five years WM. B. BRADBURY, March 7-9m3 427 Broome Si., tor. of Crosby, N. Y. IN% II OO Is ll 761 . 1 1 6,02„ ~44,1 4. 1 13, __,,.,1,,,,,0, rAI OA' . \ nnintrarAircl'i • PHlLADiirarthi. . 1 i ' A MATTRESSES, Beds, Feathers, Blankets. Vona - unable., Quills, Cushions, And all other articles belonging to the business. Feb. 14-17] AMOS HILLSOR:q. 1863 PHILADELPIIIA 1863 I - PAPER - HANGINGS. HOWELL & BOITEMEE, CORNER FOURTH St MARKET Streets, PHILADELPHIA, have now in stock, a fine variety of Wall Papers, • • got up expressly for their Spring Trade. WINDOW PAPER OF EVERY GRADE, to which they invite the attention of Storekeepers. Slip - In their Retail Department, will be friund the Marvel styles of the season. [Feb. 14-3 mos. HARDWARE & IRON STORE, WECODIEISALE AND RETAIL. THE bUDdeltatEltd, HAYING BOUGHT the old Established Hardware and Iron Store of the late Frlcker, Stevenson & Co., and having added a large new Stock of goods; worth, respectfully call the attention of the public to their large assortment of HARD WARE, CUTLERY; LEON, STEEL, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, SADDLERY, • COACH TRLIIIIIINOS, &c., &c., Which they are determined to sell at the very lowest Mar ket Prices, wholesale and retail. GEORGE LERCH & CO., Corner of Fifth and Market Square, next doorto BOrbount Mandell Howe. (Kahn's Old Stand), GEORGE LEECH.] jam IS [J. T. JACKSON. =a.~ J~~~lrT~ Cane-Seat Chair Manufactory, No. 1 North Fifth Street. i doors above the Post Other. THE UNDERSIGNED - WOULD 1111 respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he now has the largest assort ment of • 0 - 111,4,- . ...„-...„ CEINZ-SMAT 'CHAIRS ~.`:'-iikkVtli ever offered in Reading, and for neatness 41116 .. , ..-Ail' of finish. and durability of workmanship. ~..,:. ~. r .,,,, unsurpassed by any. Handsome wewstyla -7 MI - • parlor Chairs, Dialse , ioots, Climber and Rocking Chairs, all sizss; also Wind sor Chairs, LOOliiup, Glasses, Marble Tup Tables, Bureann, Bedsteads, &a., &e. D. H. BEIDEMAN. COAL, WOOD, SALT, M In Lk i * = or% 'rgl•-•=' - re• IEMIP SAMIIEL BOONE, (FORMICRLY) John Kissinger, Jr., Corner of Penn and Front Streets, Reading, AS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND SELLS at reasonable prices, all kinds of Broken, En. and tore Coal; Nut, Chestnut and Bituminous Coal, Salt, Lime and Sand. Mir Persons in want of anything in my line, will find it to their advantage to give me a call before purchasing else where. I deliver free of extra charge to any part of the city. [Oct 6-1,1 Watches, Jewelry & Silver-ware: THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE spectfan y invite your attention to his well selected stock of Pine Gold and Sneer WATCHES, Pine Gold JEWELRY of every kind and variety of styles—comprising all of the newest and most becuidtfea designs. AIen—SOLID SILVER-WARE, equal to Coin—and the best make of Silver Plated Ware. Lech article is war ranted to be no reprettmted. r4r. Watehee and Jewelry earafnlly repaired and satid !action guaranteed. JACOB HARLEY,. (Successor to Stauffer & Harifv.) March 7-3m] No. 622 Market Street, Philadelphia CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS HOUGIT, Jr., WOULD RESPECTFULLY .invite the attention of Merchants and Honsekeepera, to hie large and well assorted stock, Outdating of all grades of AL Pit. M iNsT „ English Tapestry Brussels, Three Ply, Ingrain, Entry and Stair Carpets. OIL CLOTHS and WINDOW SHADES in great variety, Door Mate, Huge, hag Carpets, am., all of which will be sold at the very lowest market price.. PHINEAS HOUGH, Jr., No. 305 North Second Street, above Noble. Breach Store, South-West Corner of Eighth and. Spring Garden Streets, Pliiladelpida. (March 7-3 mo T. J. MoGUIGAN, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE'DEALERS IN THREADS, TAPES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, &c. VIATOZIES AND 'MAGNIN% No. 2 STRAW.L:IERRY STREET, Elltvrch 7-aut OIL CLOTHS 1 OIL CLOTHS : I Tlu LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CAR riage, Table and Floor Oil Cloths In the City, Call and examine at Feb '2B] NEW HAMS, SHOULDERS AND BEEF, AT rsococrs, Fob 7j 4 40 South Fifth Street MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, No. 904 Market Street, Thiladelpbia WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL attention to our Large Stock of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING now on band READY MADE, embracing every viol," Style and Material suitable for ilia sew... We have also on band a full assortment of fil i iiitrq GOODS adapted to M SR'S sad BOYS' WEAR, and w ould 'turtle your early attention thereto. ' Theme Uoodis Save been purchased fur CA:3II and will L. cold at a sinalt advance for CASH. Particular attention paid to all orders, 1.0 as to ialtita eatiefactioa to the purchaser. CZ:i 401 , r -s La -Ai. FL MX 1100 ILT IS 'a itieht R. WWI% GEORGE H. STUART, SAMUEL GRANT, Jr., TOBIAS WAGNER, THOMAS B. WATTSON, CHARLES S. LEWIS. For Rate. Mice, Roaches, ants, Bed Bugs, Moths in Furs, Woollens, &c. Insects nu Pl nits. Fowls, Animals, &c. Put op in *.rie. Sec and $1 Si BONEN Bottles, and Flasks, $3 and $5 for BOTELS, PUBLIC IEATITUTIONE, "Only lotallible retowales knolls." "Free from Poleuee." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats emus out of the r holes to die." sap Sold Wholesale in all large cities. Sold by all Dathantea and BRTAILERS everywhere. !!! BEWARE!!!" of ail worthless imitations. AO" gee that " OcirrAn'a" name in or, each Box, Ilotth, and Flask, before yon boy. address BLEINRY R. COSTAR, aro- PRIECIPAL DEPOT 482 BROADWAY, N. Y. /AjF Sold by—HARVEY BIRCH & Co., Wholesale and Retail: F.S.STWWF.NS, 93 Bast Penn street, above the Rail road; J. IC. Wet:rimy: It P. Huirres. & Co., }MALIN°, in. January 17;1888-9mo 100,000 BARBELS OF THE LODI - MANUFACTURING CO'S ..W=IEHIIIC7I2OIIIII HIE 71rr31.71167.., 130 South Wharves, Philadelphia, Pa. rriIIIS COMPANY, WITH A CAPITAL OF $150,000, the most extensive Works of the kind In the world, and an experience in manufacturing of over 'lt years, with a reputation long established, having also the exclusive control stall the night soil of the great city of Nero-York, are prepared to furnish an article, which is, Wi4ticifit doubt, the CifItAFEsT MOP FEET BEST fertilizer it market. It greatly imneaues the yield. and ripens the crup from two to three weeks earlier, at an expense of from three to four dollars per acre, with little or no labor. Also, FIFTY TONS of BONE TaFitll, being a mixture of bo ns and night soil ground fine, at Sit per ton—a superior arti cle for grain and gratin. A pamphlet coataittleg ell ger.. eary information, may be bad free by ;lamming a law to the subscriber. AND MEAT AND DONE COMPOST THE ATtENTION OF FARMERS AND others, In respectfully invited to the shove MAN1:1:86, Which have been amply tested in various sections of the conntry, and which as a means of affording stimulant, out uourishmeut to the Growing Crops, are now generally conceded to be among the beg and cheapest in the market. We have been obliged, rather than deteriorate the arti cles, to advance the prices, in consequence of the incree<ca coat of materials and labor, to the following rates: PHOSPHATIC FERTILIZER, - no per ton. MEAT AND BONE COMPOeT, - $27 00 do TASEEN & CLARK, South-West Corner of Mb end Washington Ste., Pulls Pa- For sale by JOHAI licKbilOßT, Reading, Pa. March 7,1868-3 mo PRINCE & CO'S., World Renowned - Melodeons and Ili rmon!tuns, 'WITH THE LATEST PATENTED improvements, Introducing the Bann tvonio _ , with the effect of Pedal bass on the cheapest ' r ' instruments—from $O to $450. EARNEST GABLER'S UNSURPASSED 111 E NCO 7 and 7J. °degree, full Iron frame, overstrung, small eel large sizes, plain and very richly Subtitled, (rota $179 to $lOO. according to style. Also, Pianos by other makers. 10 -, Every instrument Warranted. For sale at the low est. wholesale prices, and a liberal deduction ter en.l, or on small and convenient monthly instalments. .14 , 14108 DEldiAli, Sole AFOUL 219 .and 2SI South Fifth Street, above Spruce, Dec 6-61no] Philadelphia TM - PORTER AND DEALER IN WINES, Ll j_ C31301t8 and SEIJANS, No. 161 North Third Street. Phil• adelphia, would respect:lllly call the attention or howl keepers and others, to his well selected stock of Wines, Liquors, and Imported Segare, in store and under Cosa= House lock. COGNAC BRANDIBS.—Of various brands, consisting of Pale and Dark Martel & Co., Pinot, Hennessy, libiglory. Otard, Dupuy & Co., and 0 tard 'a superior London Dock, and various brands of Cognac and other Brandies. WINES, &c.—Flue old Madeira, Sherry, Teneriffe, and Lisbon Wines—super old Port Wine, Clarets of different kinds, on draught or in glass. CHAMPAGNE.-11eidsick, P. A. Mumm & Co., and Geis• ler's genuine Anchor Brands, in pints and !Norte. Together with a general assortment of SuotcL and irbli Mall Whiskeys, Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirita,Peach Bran dy, old Bourbon, Monongahela Whiskey, Wild Cherry, Blackberry Raspberry and Lavender Brandies. AIM- Superior Wine and Stomach Bittern, [June 4-If AMOS SEZDEL'S CILEIAP WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SADDLE AND HARNESS -;•p' c e MANUFACTORY, EAST PENN STREE T, 118 TWEEN set i t SEVENTH AND MONTH, ;6 ,, South Side, nearly opposite Fasig's Berke County House. The only place - East of the Rail Reed, READING, PA.. ` erl ir k taAsetek6aneo9 January 14,1860-tf CPTURE CAN BE CURED BY A TRUSS Oi• TOE RIGHT KIND, IF PROPERLY FITTED AS H DULY ATTENDED TO. This has Teen abundantly de• monetrated la innumerable instances by the use of tha AIULTIPEDAL TRUSS of DR. RIGGS, daring the last few yearn. This truss, being covered with Hard Rubber, Is perfectly waterproof, may be used in bathing, and is al ways cleanly as well as indestructible by ordinary adage. If not satiefactory after a fair trial of sixty days, it may be returned. It challengee comparison with any truss known. Dr. RIGGS' Office, No. 2 BARCLAY ST., New-Yolk. noir. IS-1..y COAL OIL COAL OIL 11 GOOD BURNING COAL OIL, AT 10 CENTS a quart, at OEO. LERCH CO'S, Corner of Fifth and Penn Square, next door to Borbo!'s Mansion Howie. Feb 0. AIRES' SHOVELS. A:MES'. SHOVELS AND SPADES, A assortment on hand. Apply to Feb 28-3mo] 11RESH PEACHES AND TOMATOES. Al' - i•el) 7] 40 Ige PEOCOCK'S tah Fifth Wag( FOR SXLE AT THE OLD JAIL, 200 WRITE Granite Tea Setts of the newest style. 1 0H SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, 800 GRANITE Damer of newest s t,lOll, SALE Setts AT the THE OLDty le. JAIL, 1000 SETS Common Teaware. OR SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, TICE LARG est assortment of Liverpool Ware ever offered In tiang. FOR SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, A LARGE assortment of Pittsburgh, Boston and Preach Class. ware of every description. FOR SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, THE CHOIC ea variety of Bar and Hotel Glass, China and queens. Ware furniture ever offered In Reading, FOR SALEAT THE OLD JAIL, 00 BARRELS Mackerel at Philadelphia mareh 22 WILLIAM RAGA DS. Jr. CEO. LEECH & CO'S VA.—EXTRA FD 4E OOLONG TEA, AT PEOCOMS, ab 7] 40 liontb 'FM Wert MATT ACK'S E. MATLACK', 901 'Market Street, Philai..lo I, Marti] 144m0] PHILADELPHIA SHIRT AND 1000 Dozcn HICKORY SHIRTS. 1000 do. Gray, Red estßßrlge.., 'FLANNEL 1000 Jo. ASSORTED FttigiritYTZRAVELLING VITHITE Mth , LIN PHIIITS trout 1000 do. 09 % 25 Upwards. 1000 do. DENIM OVERALLS. 10,003 Pairs COTTONADS PANTALOONS BUSUFACTLISSMI OH THS MINIM% WRI.P/t FLAMM/4 SHIRTS, And a Large Assortment of LINEN And MARSEILLES BOSOMS and COLLARS, And CiNNTLESIIOI,B FORNESEUNG GOON. For Sale by BENNETT, RUCH & CO., Manufacturers, 217 Church Alley, Janl.7-3nko] PHILADELPHIA, l'A JAMES T. FOSTER, Care of the Lodi Manufacturing Compeuy, 00 Court!audit Street, New-York J. L. STICHTER, Ageut, Reading. Feb 7-3m] PHOSPHATIC FERTILIZER CASPER HEFT, TRUSSES. J. L. STIGHTER, Fifth and Penn &maid
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers