Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, April 11, 1863, Image 2
audit sub Dumyat. READING, PA. SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1563. Han ! brightest banner that goats on the gale, Flag of the country of Washington, hail i Bed are thy etripes with the blood of the brave Melt are thy stare as the sun on the wave; Wraptin thy folds are the hopes of the Free, Banner of Washington! blessings on thee I CONNECTICUT ELECTION This State has, as usual, gone for the Aboli tionists, but by a much smaller majority than last year. Buckingham is elected Governor over Seymour by probably 2,500 majority. Last year it was 9,145. The Abolitionists elect three mem bers of Congress—henry C._ Deming in the First district, Augustus Brandagee in the Third, and John H. Hubbardin the Fourth. The Democrats elect one member, James E. English, in the Sec ond district. The Democracy of Connecticut have made a good fight, under all the circumstan ces, against the whole power of the administra tion concentrated against them. They did all they could, and more we did not expect. ' FRAUDULENT CIIIICICS.—We were shown, a day or two ago, a twenty-five cent check, purporting to be drawn on the Farmers' Bank of Reading, by "J. 11 Morgan & Co." It is a small litho graph plate, poorly executed, having on the left end a medallion likeness of Washington ; on the right hand corner a circle with points containing the figures " 25 ;" over the circle "Reading, Pa," and below it " March let, 1863." The body of the note reads : "Rimers' Bath of Reading, ray the bearer twenty-five cents in current funds, and charge to account of J. D. Morgan .1 Co." The signature is also lithographed. We need scarcely any to persons here, at home, that these checks are a fraud; but it appears by a letter to Dr. ltluhlenberg, Cashier of the Farmers' Bank, from the officere of the Bank at Lock Haven, enclosing one of these worthless shinplasters, that Clinton county, and the whole section of our State where the lumbermen are now trading, is flooded with them, and that thousands of them have been passed as genuine. We hope the perpetrators of this fraud may be diecovered and properly pun ished. We may add, for the information of the public at large, that no currency checks for the fractional parts of a dollar, purportin to be issukd on the Farmers' Bank of It g , are good. FROM TRH 104TH PIENNA. VOLUNTEERS.—Rev. Wm. R. Griot, Chaplain of the 104th Penna. Regiment, arrived home on Tuesday, from Port Royal, a C., bringing with him between $14,000 and $15,000 of the pay of the Regiment, for dis tribution to the families of the Bucks County Companies, including about $350 for the families Of soldiers belonging to that Regiment, whose residences are in this county, but who enlisted in Companies raised elsewhere. Capt. Groff, of the "Lauer Infantry," Company B, will send the money here for the families of his men, by Express. The troops in South Carolina have now received their pay in full to the Ist of March. By a late letter from Col. Davis, of the 104th, to the Doylestown Democrat, we learn that a con siderable religious feeling has been awakened in the Regiment of late, as the result of Chaplain Gties's evening meetings in front of his tent, Which have been well attended. Ile recently baptized fifteen soldiers, and on the fourth Sun day of March, administered the sacrament of the lord's Supper to 22. Col. Davis also states That since the lat of January last, the effective strength of the Regiment has been reduced 88 by sickness, death and discharge. lie gives the names of this number, in the list of which we notice three members of Company 11, to wit: William Rhode, died at Annapolis Hospital June 25, 1802. H. H. Fabian, discharged at Beading, Pa., on writ of habeas corpus. Benjamin Miller, sent to Hospital at Beaufort, C_, January 27, 1863. Hemstuzo AFFAITS.--The new Town Council of Hamburg have organized by electing BENNE VILLE DEER, ESQ., as President ; MAHLON F. Wm" Esq., as Clerk; and Mount P. Ihmaniu, Esq., as Treasurer. They have also elected Jona SONTAG as Street Commissioner, and the following persons as Police Officers :-D an'l Stitzel, Edward E. Derr, Levi Freeman, Jacob Seherwita, Nathan Baer, Homy S. Miller, Solomon Moyer and Enoch Roller.—The School Board of Hamburg met on the 2Sth ult., and organized by the re-election of- JONAS Knuattr. as President; NATHAN J. HATTF/ELD as Secretary ; and Jour F. LIIBURG as Treasurer.---Rev. J. SLIGHTNN, re cently appointed by the Methodist Conference to the charge of the Seeks County Mission, will reside at Hamburg, and take the place of Bev. A_ A. FIRMER as pastor of St. Peter's M. E. Church, in that borough. FAZAWELL SSBMON.—On Sunday evening last, the Rev. A. S. Leinbach, Pastor of the Ist Ger man Behrtned Church, delivered his farewell Berman to his late charge, over which he has faithfully ministered for the last ten or twelve years. The Church was crowded in the morning an d evening, In the morning 281 persons par took of the Communion, and in the evening 273 ; soaking a total of 554. Seventy-four Catechu mens were admitted to membership by Confirma tion, on Good Friday. We heartily wish Mr. • Leinbach the same measure of success in the new sphere of duty to which he may be called. A Sour amen PEACE Peary.—Among the late Southern items of news is one - reporting the for of a peace party, headed by Henry S. Foote, Alexander Wesley, editor of the Richmond Wing, and others. Resolutions on the subject Would probably pass the lower Rouse of Can— vass, before adjournment. It is said that the course of the Richmond Enquirer b disapproved by many leading members of the Southern Cort ese. TOWNSHIP OMOEBS.—A complete liet of the Township and District Officers elected in Berke County on the third Friday of 'March last, will be found on the fourth page of this week's Gazette, its the column usually appropriated to Kaiak- Knaelts." Some of our readers will find this lid useful for reference during the year. HABDBO39II DIVIDEND.—The Directors of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadel phia, have just declared a half,yearly dividend of six per cent. and an extra dividend of ten per Sent., payable on and after the lOth inst. POLITICAL ARRESTS. GREAT EXCITEMENT IN READING. RIOTOUS PROCEEDINGS On Tuesday last, a man named Philip Huber, a resident of Lancaster county, (near the bor der of Berks) was arrested in this city by Wm. V. Lyon, who styles himself h Government De tective Officer, under a warrant issued from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, charged with being en gaged in getting up secret societies of a treas onable character in this and the adjoining counties. On Wednesday morning, Messrs..Cra briel Filbert, Augustus F. 11lig and Ilarrison Oxenrider, were arrested at Stouchsburg, iu Marion township, upon a smiler charge, by Dep uty U. S. Marshals Sharkey and Schuyler, from Philadelphia. The accused parties were taken to Philadelptiaoin Wednesday afternoon, in the cusiody of the officers named, for a hearing upon ere charges made against. them. The news of their arrest soon spread through the Western section of the county, and on Thursday morning, h, was rumored that Alit. hundred to a thousand men, said to be meniniiiif these secret organi zations, were on their way to the city, to effect, as was alleged, the release of their confederates. But, as rumor's thousand tongues have been so busy of late, almost daily, is eireelating idle and false'reports, little or no credence was at tached to the story, and few persons took the trouble to inquire as to its truth. Between 10 and 11 o'clock, however, some two or three hun dred men, principally front the Heidelbergs and Spring townships, crossed the Penn street bridge, and in a sort of procession walked leis urely and quietly up Penn street to Sixth, and up Sixth street to the Court House, in front of which they halted. A crowd of citizens soon follower:. and in five or ten minutes, several thousand persons had gathered in Sixth street, around the Court House, and stood there per haps for fifteen minutes. During this time, the men from the country remained quiet. and or derly, and neither by word or act indicated that their visit to town was for any riotous or unlaw ful purpose ; although there was some excited talk among the townspeople, and a:few were beard to utter threats of personal violence if the crowd was not dispersed forthwith. While this was going on, we accosted several of the country people, and inquired their object in coming to town. One replied that they had I heard Huber was arrested, and came in to see what was to be done with him, as they supposed he was in prison in Reading end would have a hearing here. Another said that they had un derstood there was to be a meeting in the city in regard to the arrest, and that they had come to attend it. Another said that they were informed that Huber was to be brought before Judge Woodward on Thursday in the Reading Court House, for a hearing, and that they would be wanted as witnesses. This was the eubstance'of elf the information we obtained; and from it we inferred that the men had no definite object in coming to town other than to learn the result of the investigation in linber's case, which they supposed would take place. The idea that they were bent upon any act of lawlessness, or medi tated any violent resistance to the authorities, is refuted by their very appearance—being plain men, evidently just from their ordinary form work, many of them aged and sonic crippled, and to all appearance unarmed—and by the quiet and unoffeneive manner in which they conducted themselves. The only things like "arms" that could be seen among the whole crowd, were two • or three !Sticks Doe larger than ordinary walking-canes. After they had Mood for some time in front of the Court House, May or Hoyer ascended the steps, and stated, in a few words, in the German labguage, that Hit her and the other persona named had been ar rested by due process of law, that they were now in Philadelphia where they would have a fair hearing before an officer of the United Sates Court, that their friends had sent coun sel to defend them; and concluded by advising the crowd to disperse, go home, and not provoke a disturbance of the peace by their presence in a mass. Julia S. Richards, Esq., followed the Mayor in a few remarks of similar import. He said that he understood the object of their com ing was to ascertain what had become of Huber and the others. He thought they bad a right to know this ; they had been arrested by authority of the U. S. Court, for organizing a secret associa tion to oppose the laws, and wore now in Phila delphia. Their lawyers had gene with them, and they would have a full bearing and a fair trial. . After this, the crowd separated, the country people going down street toward the Plough and Harrow Hotel, in separate groups. Some, how ever, remained about the corner of Sixth and Penn street, engaged in conversation. During the excitement that prevailed at this time, Mr. GEORGE LASE, a well-known and respectable citizen of Spring 'township, who had come to town with the others, was arrested by order of Samuel L. Young, Esq., a Commissioner of the United States, on a charge of being connected with the secret organization alluded to, or of having uttered seditious language, we could not ascertain positively which, and taken before Mr, Young, in his [face, who demanded bail of him in the sum of $lO,OOO. The bail was given, and Mr. Lash was rpleased. This proceeding drew the crowd together again, and as Mr. Lash and his friends were leaving the office, they were hooted at with the cries of " rebel," " traitor," hang him !" Sm., and one or two of the coun- try people were struck at and had their hats knocked over their eyes by persons in the crowd. At this time, the excitement reached a pretty high pitch, and a serious riot was apprehended; but we are glad to say, for the credit of our usu ally peaceful city, that the personal interposition of the Mayor, assisted by law-abiding citizens of both parties, proved effectual in suppressing the angry passions of the multitude, and in prevent ing further violence on either side. By Mat; quiet eeemecl to be restored, and the greater portion of the country people had crossed the bridge on their way home. A few remained about the Plough and Harrow Hotel until after dinner, when a party of men, said to be from a Foundry up town, went down, and got into an altercation with some of the countrymen, the re sult of which was that two or three of the latter —one of whom was intoxicated—were badly beaten. What was the provocation to this at tack, we did not learn, but heard it said that one of the persons beaten had "hurrahed for Jeff." Iron knuckles and slung shot, it is said, were used by one or more of the assailants. At the roqueat of the Mayor s Mr. Geiger, preprietOr Of the Plough and Harrow, closed his bar-room; and in the course of an hour or so, all the coun try people had left town, the crowd had dispers ed, and the usual quiet in our streets was re stored. This is a plain and impartial account of the occurrences on Thursday, of which highly ex— aggerated and in many particulars erroneous accounts appeared in the Philadelphia papers of yesterday. In regard to the secret associations against which these proceedings are aimed, we have to say, briefly, that our opinion of all secret political organizations is now the same as it was when we considered it our duly, as a public journalist, to oppose and denounce the " Know- Nothing" conspiracy—that they are unneces sary under a government of constitution and law, like ours; that they are contrary to the spirit of republican institutions; and that they lead to no good end, that cannot be better at tained by open and public means. But, at the same time, we cannot see that secret societies of Democrats, for iurposes not contrary to law, under whatever name they may exist, are any more objectionable than secret, oath•bound ass° ciations of Abolitionists, under the denomination of "Union Leagues." Huber, the reputed leader of these alleged treasonable societies, and Messrs. Filbert, Illig and Oxenrider, had a hearing on Thursday af ternoon before U. S. Coon Ili. rt.; of the District Court. They were arraigned on the charge of conspiracy against, the Go GEORGE A. COFFEY, Esq., United States District Attorney, appeared for the Government, and the Hon. J. °caner JONES, of this city, as counsel for Messrs. Filbert, Illig and Oxenrider. Joust P. O'Neil", Esq., appeared for Huber. He ex pected Mr. JONES would defend him, but that gentleman declined Preliminary to the exam ination the affidavit upon which the warrant of arrest was issued, was read. It was made by William Y. Lyon, ‘, United States Detective," April Gth, 1863, and sets forth— That there have been organized, in various parts of forks county, Pennsylvania, seditious and treasonable Collibinations, lodges, or socio ties, the object of which is to create disaffection against the Government of the United States, to prevent and resist the execution of the United States laws, and particularly the act of Congress providing for a conscription or draft of soldiers; the cold lodges meet al night-time, pay an initi ation fee, and are bound together by an oath; said societies have from fifty to eighty and a hundred members each; that one was organized nt the house of Jacob Zeller, near Stouohshurg, Pennsylvania, and other places. The affidavit further sets forth the names of some of tho mem bers of said association, including parties who have not been arrested. The following report of the testimony taken before the Commissioner, is from yesterday's Inquirer. We deem it proper to premise that there is nothing in all this testimony to impli cate Messrs. Filbert, Illig, or Ozenrider in any unlawful act, and that Lyon's testimony against Huber is, so fat, unsupported by other evidence. As an offset to it, we may state that we have the solemn assurance of men in whose word the most implicit reliance can be placed, that the secret associatiens which have aroused such a hitter feeling have no treasoonble or improper object, anti that, the Only obligation its members are required to take, is one to support the Consti tution of the United States, and labor for ale rest°• ration of the U. ion OS it WOO. Wtht.tast P. LVON, a flovernMent Deteeivo, Men, leo tided that he knows Philip Huber well, and is slightly as• gitaiuted with Dr. Mtg. Gabriel Filbert and llarrimn oxeurider. Ile stated that over two months since he re ceived intelligence for the first aline, and fie.pieutly Once, that organizations inimical to the Government existed in the neighborhood of Reading, end beset himself to work 10 hind out what truth there wee in it. Many people had complained to him of the existence of those leagues. On the dist of March he received infermation that a meeting was to he held near Heading. and he proceeded to the place indicated, in Marion township, sod concealed Mines:Ulu the barn of Jacob Zellers, under the straw. Shortly nfter a party of men entered, Mr. Huber among them, who he recognized by hie voice. There might have been one hue tired persons there. thorny after entorieg the hare Huber gave order to search Ulu building to see it' any person was there in the character of a spy. Witness could not tell who had spoken. being hid wader the straw. fisher directed the men to run hay and straw forks through the straw, which was dose, but without discovering the locality of the witness. They then placed whet they called their pickets aioned the tarn, itsd went into WPM session. This was about nine o'clock. After the pickets were plac ed Huber administered the obligation to a number present, and did all the talking himself; he denounced the war as unholy, and proceeded to speak iu inning terms about the conscription, Ste.; he said the organization was over one million strong, and started is the South; that they bad signs, passwords, gripe, etc. The witneas stated be believed solids eighty-three persona took the obligations of the socie ty at the mach fig Su question ; Huber repeated the obliga tion verbally, wherein the members swore to do certain things; when questioned they answered •• yes;" Huber gave notice that other meetings would be held, and that the time would be communicated from one member to anoint.. Witncm stated that Huber speaks at all them meetings , one dollar is charged as the initiation fee, and stone eighty•tlires persona, to Dear sic witness could and out, paid it at the meeting In the Lars. Tie following was the Obligation given after the organization had gone lots secret session Are you in v. - tr of abducting Atirahc Lincoln by force, If necessary Ore yes . ..or tol a Xertbsrent Confederacy? Ars yes in favor of reinsii y the draft or conscription act r" Is regard to Dr. Illig, F/11,at and Oxenrider, WltneSs said he could not se , yvisitiv that they were in the barn. Public medial/a chi at a house and the secret session at the barn. There was no regular discussion at the barn meeting except the speech made by Huber. The number of men present was arrived at through the amount of money he heard stated as re ceived, *O3. Huber acts as Treasurer; after his arrest Huber told witness that the organization was banded together under he Constitution and the Union, and that the one dollar initiation fee was to help and assist one another, employ counsel if arrested, ; that if they could not do what they wasted to under the Constitution; they would use force. Oa crosealmemlnatiou witueng gritted that Huber residue near the Slack Horse Tavern, LancaeMr county: the meet. leg at the bowie was held between six and seven o'clock, and they repaired from there to the barn; he heard the speech mode, by listening near the window; wan in d ie. guise, with his face painted black; bad heard Huberspeak before at Mohnevii/e, Centre township; could not say that the word "testing" was net in the obligation regarding the Conscription Act, We arrested Haber at the iron loan. dry of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, at Reading. Ho searched him and found a paper on him stating places 'at which meetings should be held. Huber stated to wit ness that the one dollar initiation fee, was for the purpose of paying sonnet to teat the legality of the draft or con scription. The willies, stated the oath taken was:—" I ' wear that I Mil in favor of abducting Abraham Lincoln; that I am in favor of a Northwest Con federticy, and that I wilt resist the draft or conscription act if necessary." Made the memorandum of obligations and other matters, on lest linuday, ter the purpose of refreshing his memory if neces sary; did not remember hearing any obligation at the barn to support the Coos; Itutiou of the United States; He ber's reputation in not good, but witness knew little of his privAto character; bee known Filbert for twenty-one years; lie hen away, borne a good kharacler and always mid be was a good Union man; from the character of 1111 g end Oxenrider, he does not think they would resint the lawn of the land. but would not trued Huber. Mr. FREW:RUM NW, sworn—Said he formerly re i aided in !tending, but has lived in Lower Heidelberg for the past five menthe, which is eight miles from Reading; aeon, ; got amid:dated with him at Yonst'g Innate, eight miles from Reading: on last Friday two weeks, a meeting wan held in Faust's house, which was called by Huber, In a private manner; Haber rioted the object of the meeting was to resist the draft ; about two hundred attend ed the meeting; Huber epoke in Herman, end said it was their intention to resist the Conscription act, and (hat ail money appropriated would he for the impose of holding public and aloe freeing those who Weredraft ed ; he spoke of the arrests lu Indiana, and said they would be freed If they had Li tear down the building, Ste. Heiler also mild there were between one and two million men in the band, and that the organization started in the South among the Rebels; that it spread North and it was among the army ; that they knew each other by signs, gripe, pass- Words, dm, whenever they met; that each man whit de sired to join the AOOOCIR4OO, 10/041d pay one dollar, and be sworn in; Huber spoke about one hour; sixty-three dollars were collected at then:ceding; after the nteetlag at the house, those who paid their fee and signed their names, retired with the other members into the barn; witness came to the meeting with a bona end wagon and placed them in the barn, but on going after the vehicle, Was step pe by two of the guards placed outabto, whim they went In and brought the home and wagon eat, heard remark* made about peace conventions to mettle the war, etc. Isaac S. GERHARDT, sworn.—He gave in evidence that be lives in Lower Heidelberg township, Berke county. Haber delivered a speech, iu hutch. at Foust'n bonen; two hundred present; keowie Huber fifteen years; in his speech be went ot, to Mime by Scripture that slavery was lawful end right, and proceeded to show when the nigger origins. ted, sod wapt on the Mato that it was a pity desk ire should be forced Mudd secret meetings in these times, bat we chink that before two menthe we can hold these meetings publicly, bat he thought we should obey tbe fit:remould, if It le from God; if it he from the devil, we should tramp it under foot ; if Abraham Lincoln or tile Cabinet bad a ehanee, If there wan but one shinplaster left in tin Trot /tory, they would reach in for it up to their etbewn; be also said that the last laws that came out from Lincoln were not favorable for a poor man. They then got paper, and witness saw names were Writ ten and money paid ; Huber said they met a moldier in the read, and he gave the men ; he Went out and talked With LIM and found he had the sign sorest, end aloe ate ted that the society wag 2,000,000 strong; Huber said that so many bad been. slaughtered that there ought not to be guy more killed; he mail Lincoln's last law wan nut con stitutional; they then left the hone° and went to the barn; he said that in Indiana there are live deserters returned borne, and that the Government have sent after them to arrest thew, hum they would be rescued. 'Wheelie eald that sixty-three had signed the paper at the house. fluter eald that it ho was drafted and sent to Washington, the next hour he would desert to Jeff. Davis, if begot ethane°. After the examination of the above-named witnesses, Mr. Colley, the United gtatea District Attorney, Mated that he had a number of other witnesses who voull toa,ko furlhAr digcloguvai, and Auggested that a time bo agreed upon for another bearing. Mr. Jones urged that his clients were ail re sponsible men, and, as thi. Vial 110 1."1.1t'lle, implicating them, Italia timi, they might. be t4h,. charged. Mr. O'Neill asked that his client he discharged, as there was no evidence of conspiracy. Somo time Tag spent in conversation on these points, and finally the Commissioner agreed to hold Messrs. Filbert, Oaenridor, and lllig, in their own recoguizances in the sum of $3,000, to appear again, if required. Mr. ri über was required to enter hail in the glint of $4,0110. The next hearing will trtko place on Monday afternoon, May 4, at 3 o'clock. Situ Affairs. Itibr TITS UNION PitAYEtt MEETING will be held to-worrow (Sunday) afternoon, in St. Peter's Meth.. dig Church, South Dui Street, below Spruce, at lt o'clock. Thu public are respectfully invited tO attend. lifer' Riv. Da. GERHART, President of Frank- H., and blar,hall College, will preach in the Firet German Holm:tad Church, to-morro w (Sunday) morning, in the Clerinati, and in the evening in the Englieh language. Iter Olt we DEDICATION.—Tbe Dew and pow— Wei Org.', recently purchaeed by St. John's Lutheran Church Preen the manufnetory of Mr. IZnanif, in Philadel phia, wilt be dedicated, with epecial religioue ceremonial, to•morr rw (Sunday), April 12th. The Church will be open for services in the morning, afternoon and evening, at the usual hour., Several Clergymen from abroad are expect ed to be present. jer GOVERNMENT Loarts.-Hay Cooke has opened au agency for the eate of the U.S. 6 per cent. Gov. eminent bonds, at the Reading Savings Bank, where these highly desirable securities may be obtslueo, in large or email amounte, free et charge for commissions, itia. We learn that upwards of $30,00) were disposed of during the last few days. The interest on these bonds will be paid at this Bank, as It falls due, in coin, or its equivalent in prem lum. stir GoTrocm& n Comma Mr. L. M Gottschalk, the great American Pianist and Composer, will favor our citizens with the rare treat of one of his in imitable Concerts, on Tuesday evening next, in Keystone Hall. ilia brilliant reputation, not only in his native country, but also tbrengibHit Earope, is well known, and places him among the Sod living HIRIHniARS is the world. The mere name of GOTTSCHALK is eulliciest to excite a fu rore and draw the largest audiences in any city of this country or abroad; and it would be Idle to age persuasion to induce the music-loving people of Reading to go and hear no great a genii., - when he come. to glue Henna of bls superb entertainments. The Pared]. Sontag and Anna 'bebop Concerts are yet fresh In the recollection of our citireas, and the crowde that went to bear them proved their ability and willingness to appreciate genuine musical talent. So it will be again when Olyrrectramr comes, and we ran no risk in bospoaking for hint an Gotha...testi° reception. Tickets may ho purchased, and seats encored, for Tuesday night, at Strickland'e Bookstore. Ems' SUNDAY &IWO', CSLP,Urto,TION.—The East for au nivel - eau of the Sunday School; eOnneeled with the Episcopal Church in thin city, was held on Sunday last in Christ Church. The middle block of pews was occupied by the children and their teachers, and the side pews by the congregation. Every part of the Church, Including the organ•gattery, was filled, The exerciffee contested of prayers; singing of hymns by the several Schools; ad• dresses by the Rector of Christ Church, Rev. Mr. Cummins, and Minister of St. Barettlem, Rev. Mr. Tortat ; and the preneutation of Offerings by the classes, is the order as published last week. This latter portion of the celebration Wan deeply interesting. The Missionary Offerings of each claw; were accompanied with *floral device, emblematical of its Scripture name, which, Be the several classes were. called, were brought forward, and laid upon the altar All of thew dower emblems were beautiful, and some of them exceedingly no; and they formed, altogether, a display an typically appropriate to the joyful festival of liaster,au it wan pleasing to the genera. The baptism I foot, in front of the chancel, wan decorated with a large pyramid of rare and fragrant flowers, in which the tall and graceful lily wan conspicuous. The ceremonies were near ly three hours in duration, and afforded evident delight to the lute assembly of participants and spectators. y' THE MOZkRT CONCERT.--The First Con-- cart by the Mozart Musical Union, on Tuesday evening, at Keystone Hall, was, in all respects, a creditable perform ance. The Ilan was crowded with one of the largest an. &was that ever assembled In 'this city on any public occasion, and the alone attention they gave, told how well the music was appreciated. Our limited space this week will not allow us to notice the Concert as It deserved. We most he content to ray that the Programme was selected with testa and good judgment, and that the orchestral pieces, choruses, Stc., were rendered with great precision, expreiedou and effectiveness. The solo parts of the several pieces were particularly worthy al' praise, and elicited the deserved encomiums of our nicest musical critics who were present. The ladies who sang, have good voices well nianuited, which, with a little more of the careful cultiva tion to which they have evidently been subjected, Will rise to brllliaut excellence. Mr. Lyons, the Conductor of the Concert, and Musical Instructor of the Association, (who, by the way, is a native born Readingor) deserves great credit for his cancers in drilling the large Choir Which has been under hie tuition during the winter, to sing the composition., of the hest Masters with so much ac curacy, taste and harmony. The proficiency the members have attained, dhows how much the " Mozart Union" has d. us toward (ho improvement of Church music in our oily. We hope it may persevere in its good work, and allow Our citizens frequent opportunities to share the benefits that proceed from it, by a frequent repetition of such refining, purifying and soul•inspiring entertainments as the one of Tuesday night. eitir Flume. Dtrautes Barruttle.—Capt. Darelre Battery, which le attached to the Ninth Army Corps, for merly under command of General Burnside, has been re cently transferred from Fortress Monroe, to the State of Rental:lcy, in the Military Department of which Gen. Burnside is now the head. A letter from a =ember of the Battery,: dated Paris, Kentucky, April 2, gives us an ac count of the trip to and arrival at their new post of duty. The men, horses, wagons and gnus were loaded on a very long train, and started from the depot at Baltimore at noon en Saturday, the 2Stlt of March. The train passed over the Northern Central Railroad to Harrisburg, and thence on the Pennsylvania Railroad to Pittsburgh. At Pittsburgh, the men were very handsomely entertained by the people. They took the ears again on Sandal night, and arrived at Columbus on Monday afternoon. They then passed on to Cincinnati, where the eitiZetili paid theta a great deal of at tention, Crossing the ferry into Kentucky, the Battery took the Central Railroad at Covington, and reached retie, their present location, at 9 o'clock en Tuesday morning. Paris is a town with about 10,000 lababitanta. The men of the Battery are much pleaded with the change from the desolation of Virginia to the beautiful luitatiance of Ken- • • tacky. The present address is—•' Detail's Battery, Second Divisive, Niuth Army Corps, Cincinnati, Ohio." The 61st Penusylvaala Kecimeut of Infantry was also transferral to Kentucky with the Ninth Army Corn, at the same time. tar Taira) PEgReVLI/a3lOl Rom/eq.—Tire following is allot or the present officers, (including the re cent promotions) of the three Reading Companies attached to the Third Regiment of Peona. Reserves, which Is still la camp at Upton Hill, near Washington: Company A.—Capt. Jacob Lrubart, jr. 2d Lieut. 111103.+1 Welters tale lot Lieut. from Oel 1, 1502, vice Lehman honorably discharged on account of wounds received to battle. Sers't. Amos N. Seitsichcr, to be 21 Lleat. from Oct. 1862. vice Walters promoted. Company F.—Capt. Waehlugtos Richards. let Lieut. Albert P. Moulton. IsF Sergi. Ilenry S. Moulton to be 2d Meat. from Oct. 1, /668, vice Lieut. floury 6. doom appointed Adjutant. Company Lietlt. Andrew J. Steteoa to be Cap tale from Oct. 1, 1666, vine Straub killed to bottle. 2d Lieut. Albert /3riner to be let. Lieut. from Dec. 14, 1862. vice Shilling battle. let Sor,et. George D. Doyle to be 21 Meet. from Match 6, 1863, vice Miner promoted. A totter from Major Briuer btates that the 00mmtssions for the newly appointed "nicer. reached their quarters on the 25th ult., and were handed to the °Beare the same eve ning at brew Parade by the commending officer of the Regiment. ,ler' THE EASTER. FESTIVAL by the German Macuiter-Cbor" and .. Sckiller-Yerein," on Monday eve ning lent, with which AuMnbach's new Hall was Inaugu rated, woo a great success. The spacions Hall was tilled to overflowing, and both the Musical and Dramatic portions or the programme were admirably performed, The Ball that followed, was one of the liveliest and moat enjoyable affairs of the kind we ever witnessed. The dancing wee kept up, with spirit and glee, until near 4 o'clock Tuesday morning, when the gay company separated, with none but the pleasantest recollections or 'the night's entertain ment, itheZ . RAILROAD TO litprzrows.—A branch of the Rad Peaturylvnala Railroad to Kutztown, ix in con templation. A previaien in the charter of the East Penna. Company requires them to build finch a branch whenever the citizens of Kutztown shall aulcribe one-half khe amount it Will cost. We learn that $15,000 are needed from that borough to insure the construction of the branch, and that this sum can be wally raised. A moetleg In furtherance of the object iv to be hold shortly. reir ARMY 01F10Ene Iti Towtt.—CapE, E. L Smith, of the 19th U. S. Infantry; Joseph G. Hoboes, of Company I, 31 Penns. Reeerveo; Lieut. Llchlentboler, of Company L , lot Pouna. Cavalry; Lient. M. P. Boyer, of the 12-30. Penna. Volunteer.; and Limit. George W. Grant, of ENopany 13, 88th Penna. Yolanteere, have been 14 tQWI4 during this week, on short leave of absence. Eer HOLIDAY PAESENT.—Mr. Lauer never forgets the printer on holiday occasions. We acknowledge our Lt.a Ise a keg of Me excellent Lager Deer on Saturday Wit, with which to assist the Gazette office in celebrating the Eiteter air PROF. FRANK STOTJCII will give his fourth Practising Party, on VI arealay ovening iota, tholOth is tAe Odd renown. MO. All pentium!. wham luvitattous for Um soma were sent, aro respectrally twitted. Ourrorpontionce of the Gazette and Democrat. idtvrTEß FROM itIORGIANTOWN. Ilmoseevos, Arrll Sal, 1813. E= The improvement of St. Thomas's Church, in Morgan town, in very nearly finished. It presents a beautiful up. pearauce, both inside and out, and reflects much credit on the building committee, for the manner to which they have brought about this much needed alteration. It in quite an ornament to the quiet little village of eforgantown. Edward M. Clymer, Esq., the gentamanty President of the East Penna. Railroad Company, has presented the Board of School Directors of Caernarvon district, with a (alt sot of Peiten'a Outline Maps. This is Mr. elymer'is native district. This generous gift in behalf of ear public echoole, will over remain green en the tablets of memory, by those who are new receiving the benefits derived from having tide important auxiliary In the away of the precut nest brooch to our schoole. The rising generation wilt es!: him great and good. May his shadow never grow less 1 ace that the bill called up by Senator Clymer for incor porating the Schuylkill and Octoraro Railroad Company was passed. This road will connect the Downingtoscu eon Waynesburg road at or near Blandon's Station—shout two miles from Lon's. It will puss near Springfield, and con nect with the Reading road at Birdsboro or Readi tr. 'ride road will be jest what the farmers of the Conestoga have been wishing for, an Birdsboro is the nearest point for pro curing coal, and the roade have been in such a condition title Winter that it was almost impossible foram one to bring a load from that place. W. have had a large naafi. Lily of coal consumed in thin Valley for a number of years. in the lime hasinesa. This road, if completed, will, as It were, bring the coal to their dunce. It Is to he hoped that it may be commenced and finished its Early as possible. Every one is talking about the approaching conscription. The amount to be paid by those who do not wish to go, does not go down very well. Would It not, Mr, Editor, have been mach better had there been no line at all The rich !Mould be placed on the same footing as the poor, and the lighting responeiblllly sboald not be shifted from the elite to the hardy yeomanry of our country. The man of property bee all at stake—the poor man nothing. Why, then, make the distinction? Had the rich fallen into the ranke, as the poor have done, thie earned rebellion would have been ended. Let no all pat oar ehonldere to the wheel, and do all to our power to meld the government in putting down this war Let every man that is drafted atop into the ranks—shoulder the musket, and end the struggle. Every citizen owes allegiance to the government, and when called on to assist in the Maintenance of the same, he should not hesitate. The life of a poor manic just as meet ati that era wealthy man—their families just as dear. Let WI draw no line of demarcation, but be ever ready and willing to render every assietance in our power fir the preservation of our Union and the perpetuation of our re publican institutions. H. Blunter Roll of Copt. Dolan 11. Wagonerta company. Gruipany 1:91h Pentkaylzanta Militia, Attached to LAB 811, Army Cow" under Goa. Schenck, and 210 W en Guard Daly, at enetawmille, did. Captain JOHN B. WAfiONER. let Lientertant ALEXANDRIL YOZYNO. 2d do Altos IL Bann. tet Sergeant William F. Illegal. 24 " 33.1100(.5 Zettletnoyer. 3rd " Amon Boone. 4th " Jacob Firing. lth " Linderman Britten, In place of Win. Gross, yleooitsod. let Corporal Jacob Holloway. 24 " Herman R. Hone. 3rd " Peter &tee. 4th " David fit uterieiter. 6th " Charles E. Willman. nth " John R. Wagoner. 7111 " Jacob Swavely. Sth " Jael Pox. Altuticiatts—Amorsen Smock, Daniel Hohtbaoh. Wagoner—Willtion A. Pottelger. IMEI I Arnold, John 2 Arridt,:Linneene 3 'treatise; John 4 Bost, Teenthen 5 Buyer, Jamee B Diehl, Daniel 7 Boyer..lohn H. 8 Bach, Henry 9 Baker, Jeremiah 10 Bechtel, Abraham 11 Bailey, William 12 Betz, William 13 Bailey, Joehutt 14 &weber, Jacob 10 Danner, Jacob So Dehart, Daniel 17 Debut, David G. 18 Dietrich, Benneville 14 Dietrich, Ephraim 21 Dietrich, Peter 21 Derr, Alvin EITIRC, Anthony El Eahbach, Daniel 24 tinily, Benjamin 25 Basle, Datkiel M. Binere, Amos 27 Faber, laaae 25 Frankhauser, David C. 23 Fox, Jacob 30 Frey, Elias S. 31 Greenawalt, Henry 32 Greenawalt, David M. 33 Greenawalt, Josuka 34 Sabred. Samuel 35 Reßlegar t Bruinlrih 30 Hartman, David 37 Hawk, Albert S. 35 Holtman, Bonneville tfr AMOUNT of COAL transported on the Phil. ELlelphia and P.eadiug Railroad, during the week ending Tattreday, April 9, 1863. Prom Port Carbon, - ` Selinylkill Haven, !inborn, - ' Port Clinton, - `• Harrisburg, - Total for week • Previonstg this year, Toros, - To same time last year, New COAL YARD.—Mr. John W. Christ• matt bas leased the Coal Yard and Feed Store on the S. E. corner of Sixth and Spruce street, formerly kept by John Setley, which he has refitted and stocked with the best qualities of Coal, Faretily. Flour aad Pearl, all vsliteell will be sold at the lowest market prices for cash. We can re commend. Mr. C. as a reliable dealer, who will give antis. faction to all his customers. See his advertisement In another column. Mir HORSE STOLEN.--A valuable horse, with saddle and bridle, was stolea from the gable of John EL Venue, in Jefferson township, on the night of the let inst. The horse is a dapple-gray, about 8 years old, audio brand ed OM the right fore-hoof with an X. The Berndlle Horse 1511111%1164 Company offer a reward of $2O for the recovery of the borne and arrest of the thief. . Mr RAILROAD ACCIDENT.—There was an ac cident to the down passenger train on the Lebanon Valley Itoitread, between Seaver Station and linnnelatown, last Saturday afternoon. A coupling broke, leaving two of the dare back, and a locomotive which was following clam, be hind, ran into them. NO one was seriously hurt. Acci dents are very rare on this road, as It is one of the moat carefully managed In the country. IIerIIERCANTILS APPRAISSII.—ELIAS FILBSBT having resigned the office of Mercantile Appraiser for the comity of Berke for lStiB , the Comity Commlestonere have appointed WILLIAM S. FILIMT, of Womeisdorf, in Ms stead. jer QUADRILLE PARTY.—We are indebted to the Managers of the " Harmony Aesembly" tor a ticket of invitation to their " First Grand Party," to be given this evening In Odd Fellows' Hall. We hope they may have a gay and happy time. The Beat Way to Put Money out at Interest. The following information we insert in our columns for the benefit of our readers: rili-emths Phileuielphiet Ledger , Jfareh 27.] One of the most surprising things in the remit conver sion of greenback notes into the popular glee-Twenty six per cent Government loan at par, le the universality or the call. We happened in, yesterday, at the office of Jay Cooke, who is the agent for the eats of these loans, and the conversion of the greenbacks and found hie table literally covered with orders and accompanying drafts for almost all amounts, from live thousand le a hundred thousand donate each, and from all parts of the Union. The little Staten of Delaware and New Jersey are free takers. as are also Pennsylvania, New York and the New England States. llnt the Went is most especially no active taker, as well through her banks as by individuate. The amount of ordure lying before no, all received daring the day, amounted lv qygr "peen hundred thoußamt dollar& With this spontaneous protret or money, &urinary Chata maw feel himself entirely at ems, and will take care to pat him. self beyond those money sharpers, whose chief study is how to profit themselves moat from the troubles of the country and the necessities of the treasury. There are m Wiens of dollars lying Idle all over the country, and I While thu ncourtaintv existed as to what CUlliffaill would do, and the bullion brokers were snecessful In running up gold to the discredit of the Government Issues, this capital was clutched close. But as the policy and measures of the Secretary of the Treasury are gradually developed, Winn deuce in the Government and lu the future igalrengthened, and holders are now anxious to wake their long unem ployed mesas productive , . hence the ready and liberal ins vestment in the Five Twenty loam at par. Almost every town and village throughout the country has Individual beldam of money, to larger amonnte probably than ever before at one time, for which Batiefactory takers cannot be fraud. Many of there are now investors in these loans, and the number of Bach Is likely to increase, until the de mand shrill pat all the Government Joann on a par with, at least, tiro loans of the endue. Incorporated dottitlaeles. The country banks ore ales free takers for themselves and the/cm:stamen:. On the /at of July this ive-Twenty Year loan will, ender the law, be withdrawn. Beal B (*INT; PA., March 20, 1803 JAY COOKE, E.Q.• fr 4444 Mates Loan Agent, 114 8001 a TRIAD STILIKET,CHILADELPIILL Dear Sir: I gee by our papers that you are selling for the Govern ment a new Loan called "Five-Twenties... I expect to have shortly a few thousand dollars to spare, and as I have made up my mind that the Government Loans are safe and good. and that It la my duty and interest, at this time, to put my money into them in preference over any other loans or Mocks, I write to get information of you au fol . lot. Why are they called " Five-Twenties?" 2d. Do you take country money, or only Legal Tender Notes, or will a chock on Philadelphia, or New York, nn ewer tor attbncriptionoc 34. Do yon Bell the Bonds at Par? 4th. An I cannot come to Philadelphia, how am I to get the Bonds? Oult. What Interest do they pay, and how and when and where is It paid, and to It paid to Gold, or Legal Tandem? 11th. How does Secretary Cason got enough (loud to pay this I utmost? 7th. Will the face of the Honda be paid la Gold whoa due? . --3 -" r = Votli% Bth. Can I have the Bonds p .yable to Bearer with Con pour, or registered and payable to my order? 9 . 1 i. What InZae are the ['Ands? 10th. Will 1 have to pay trio woo Ma on there av I now on my Railroad, or other Bomb;? 11th. What la the premiut debt of the Government, and what amount id it likely to reach if the ItebJltion ehould last a year or two longer ? 12th. will Secretary Clidan yet enough from Cuatom Cowie dudes and Internal Revenue, Income Taxer, giro, dte., to Maid it certain that he .n pay the Interest pone ? I have no doubt that a good many of my neighbors would like to take these Bends, and if you will answer my questions 1 will show the letter lo them. Very Respectfully, S— M-- F—. E= CM Your letter of the 20th intik is received, and I will cheer fully I.;Dre you the information decired by F. 4werlug your questions in doe order. Zak. These Bonds era called " Yive-Twentte" became, while they are twenty year Bondi-, they veiny be redeemed by the Government in GOLD at any time afterifue years. Many people suppose that the Interest is only 5.20 per cent. This is a mistake; they pay Six per cent. Interest. ,2d. Legal Tender noise or checks upon Philadelphia or New York that will brink' Legal Tondere p are what the Secretary allows Ms to receive. No doubt your moires! Bank wilt give you a check or Legal Tenders for your country funds 3d. The Bonds are sold at PAR, the Interest to commence the day you pay the money. 411*. I have made arrangements with your nearest Bank Or Banker, who will generally have the Honda on hand. IfnOt, you can coed the money to me by Papaw, and I will send back the Bonds free of coat. fah. The Banda pay Six per cent.lnterest In Coto, three per cent. every six month., on the area day of May and November at the Mint in Philadelphia, or at an, Sub- Treasury in New York or elsewhere. If yon have Coupon Bonds, all yoo have to do in to eat the proper Coupon oil With aIY ID 9O IbtO sad matte& it yourself or give it to Bank for collection. If you have Registered Bonds, you Nadi give your Bank a power of attorney to collect the Interest for you. 6th. The duties on imports of all articles from abroad most be paid In GOLD, and this is the way Secretary Cruse gets hie gold. It is now being paid had the Treasury at the rate of Two Hundred Thometnd Dollars each day, which is twice as much as he seed' to pay the lulerOss la Gold. 7th.. Congress has provided that the Bonds shall he PAID IN GOLD when due. Bth. You can have either Coupon Bonds payable to the Bearer, or Registered Bonds payable to your order. 9th. The former are in Mrs, 50trs and 1000's,—the latter in acme amonntik nine g',ooon and dslti 00 0 , in. No! You Will not have to pay say Wags on thee. Bonds it your Income from them does not exceed $OOO ; and on all above ShOO you will only have to pay one-half as touch Income Tax as If your money was invested in Mort gages or other Securities. I consider the Government Bonds ao fret Men—ell other Bonds are taxed one quarter per cent. to pay the Interest on the Government Bonds, sad the Supreme Court of the United States has .1 est decided that no SUM, or City, or County can ItaX. Government Bonds. 12th. The present bonded debt of the United States is less than Tonne HUNDRED MULLIONS, including the seven and three-Maths I l reaeury Notes; but the Government owes enough more in the ebaYe of Legal Tersdere, Deposits in the Sub Treasuries, Cerlilleittes of fndehtSilnese, Be., In increase the debt to about eightor nine hundred millions. riecretary CRAZE hoe calculated that the debt may reach one thous and seven hundred millions, if the Rebellion lasts eighteen months longer. It lw however, believed now that it will not last six months longer; but even if it does, our Nation al Debt will be arnall compered with that of Great Britain Or France, whilst our renunrcen era vanity greater. 12th. 1 have no doubt that the revenoo will not only be ample to pay the'ordinary expenses of the Government and all Interest on the debt, but leave it at least one hundred millions annually toward paying off the debt, and that the Government wilt be awe to get out of debt again as it has twice before—in a few years after the clone of the war. I hope that all who have idle money will at once pur chase these FivaTwenty Year Bonds. Tne right to de mand them for Legal Tenders will end on the first day of July, 1603, co per the following authorised notice; 'ATE& 29 Houck, Harrison 40 Henninger, Peter 41 Kline, Jacob H. 42 Kunkle, Michael 43 Livingood, John Z. H Leobart. John 45 Lowers, Henry 46 Miller, William 47 Manger, David R. N. 49 Manger, Jacob S. 4c Meek, Jahn 50 Miller, Hiram 01 Miller, Levi 52 Morgan. Jacob 03 021.11 p, John 54 Putt, Augustus B. 55 Poll, Charles M. 56 Entailer, itichard 57 Reinert, Samuel Og Rupp, Jacob 59 Roth, Daniel 60 Roth, David F. hl lleichelderfer, Perry 62 Rahmer, Willoughby 63 Strunk, J. Franklin i n 4 Schealer, Samuel 15 Salem. Daniel 6i Milroy, John H. 0 7 &dray, Franklin H. 63 Snip, John B. 69 Sarg, Valentine 70 Sassaman, Jacob It. 71 Schuman. Samuel 72 Sayler, William 73 Trexler, Nathan 74 Wenical, Philip 70 Wm. Bross, (deceased), 70 Moser, John On and efter JULY let, 1803, the privilege of converting the prevent inane of LEGAL 'TENDER NOTES INTO TILE NATIONAL 81X PER CENT. LOAN (commonly called Ave-Twenties") will cease . All Win) Wish to InVIAL in the Five-Twenty Loan mud, therefore, apply before the let of JULY next. Those who neglect these Six per cent. Bonds, the Inter est and Principal of which they will get in GOLD, may have °maiden to regret It. I am, very truly, your Friood, JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At Office of JAY COOKE & CO., No. 114 2. THIRD S7'., PHILADELPHIA. The Backe and Bata/ere of your and adjoining Comities mill keep a supply of them Bootle on /maid, it you pre fer to go them end get them. /t. PIANO FORTES —The attention of our readers 19 invited to the advertisement of timers. F. C. Lights & Co., New- York, In another column. The senior of this firm, Mr. F. C. Lights, is one of the oldest Pieno-Porte makers is this country. Thirty years since, he commenced business with bat one instrament—the production, in all its parts, of hie own halide. The industry and power of applicatton thus .. .sari exhibited, coupled with the most minute and Intl edge of his profession in all its branches, has led to the c sting of coo of the must extensive Piano- Forte establisbnients in the world. Mr. Light.) still gives his personal inspection to the manufacturing department, peter allowing an instrument to leans the factory without knowing it to be all that the most careful workmanship can make it. To the tact of his great skill ass manufactur er, and the earefniness he thus exercises, is undoubtedly to be ascribed the enviable reputation which the inane moats hearing hie name have achieved In the musical world. Tone Ow . . 23,442 11 805 D. :." 1 ; 17,933 11 - 3,841 02 4 998 15 4,333 10 4.1,419 00 628,246 C 9 Aka. Wa cast. attention to the advertisement of Family Dye Colors in thin day's paper. Their economy and con. venience make them a necessity in almost every faintly. One trial of them will convince the most incredulous. The colon are remarkably line, and are baying a great read The ladies speak well of them. We advise all who have not need them to parcheke. 87.4 659 09 667,457 IS ADMINISTRAT/ON OP TEIN BACRMILENT.-liev. J. S. Herman, pastor of the German Reformed Church in Kutztown, will administer the Holy Communion tomorrow {Sunday) morning, April 11th. Rev. H. Wendt will administer the Holy Com mullion in the Church at Boyeretown on Sunday April 19th. GOOD HOURO.—Four Horses were recently sold by Dr. H. W. Jonsson, of Boyerstown, Berke county, for SICOO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IN TUE FARMERS' BANK, ABOUT TEN days ago, a small um of moaoy, la Unica, The own er can have the Caine by proving the amount, &c., on pay ing for this advertisement. Apply at the • April 11-I t] OAZETTE OFFICE. BOARDING WANTED, FOR MAN AND WIFE, 1N A PUBLIC` OR PRIVATE BOUM Addrego, through Postotack ntannic terms, BOAADER. NOTICE. frillE OFFICERS L AND BRETHREN OF 1 Chandler/ Lodge. No. 227, A. Y. M., ere hereby notified that an adjourned meeting will be held on Wednesday e A n r in il g 11— I t ] l 10th. B C l o IrAdletrlA of S the RlTZ,Feeretary. JESSE G. HAWLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO NORTH I i Sixth Street, opposite the Keystone Rouse, Reading. April 11, 1853-tr x DEMOCRATIC WARD CLUES. DEMOCRATS OF THE SEVERAL Wards, are requested to meet This (Saturday) Evening, at 8 o'clock, at the phsceo where the Democratic Primary Bleeder., wore Mat held, except in Third, (Routh-East Ward) where they will meet at the public hernia at Jacob B . Man, for the purpose of forming Democratic Ward Clubs. By the Ex ecutive Committee of the April 11-1 t) DEMOCRATIC CITY CLUB. SE R A TH W r ILL BE R a ECE IVED BY E COMMIS STONERS of Berke county. at their office In Read ing, from this date until the 4th of May, for the collection of State and County 'faxes in the Townships of Amity, Bethel, Bern, 13recknock, Centre, Cotebrookdale, Douglass, Exeter, Greenwich, Hereford, Jefferson, Loogewawp, Mat dencreek, fdahlenbern, Maxatawny, Obey, Peon, perry, Richmond. Rockland, Tulpahneeen, linlon, Wadilngion and In the Borough of Kutztown. PAUL WENRICEL GEORGE K. LOBAR. Commissioners. HENRY R HAWMA Y, Commissioners' Office, Reading. April 11, 186341 To the School Directors of Darks County. GENTLEMEN :—IN PURSUANCE OF TEE 43rd Section of the Act of Bth May, 1854, you uses, in notified to meet in convention at the Court Douse, in Reeding, on the fret Monday in May. A. R., Ib63,being the 4th day of the. month, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon, and select, Wen wee, by a majority of the whole number of Directors present, one person of literary and scientific au emenle, and of skill anden experience In the art of teaching, as County Superintdent. for the three succeed ing yearn: determine the amount of compensation for the name ; and certify the result to the State Superintendent, et linrrtnburg, an required by the Beth and 4(1,1, tendons of said Act. J. S. BRMENTROUT, County Superintendent of Berke county. Reading, Aprilll, 1863-3 t Estate of Adam R. Balbach, late of the Borough of Womelodorir, deo'd. WHEREAS. LETTE Et 9 OF ADM INISTRA , borough T o IO W N o o m n ethlaed es r t f a tMe iorfk aMorn ty, d K e a c l e ba d hao f t t h h i e day been granted to the undereigned, realding in the same place; notice is hereby given to all perilous indebted to said estate, to make payment to the undersigned immediately; and thew having charnel against the said estate. are request ed to primed the same, properly authenticated, for mettle. meet. ASIANDA U. ICALBACII, Aduiiniairatrilt. April 11-131] Sur Estate of John 7acob Heckman, de ceased. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT AN IN. quisition or Valuation of the Real Egtate /ate of John Jacob //eckamo, of the Township of Windsor. la the County of Berko, deemed, will be held on Thareday, the 2let day of May, A.D., 1863, at 11 o'clock, A. M., on the promises iu said Township of Windsor, Bei ks county, When and where all persona Interested may attend, lf they think proper. ABRAHAM R, IMMO, Shedd', Sherilrn nice , Reading, apill 11, in63-tit Office of JAY COOKX, Subac - ?Vtion Agent, at Office 0.1.1.A.5t OrocILR C 0.,& Bankers, 114 S. TUN PHILADBLPHIA, March 23,1563. SPECIAL NOTICE JAY COOKS, bubacriptiou *gent, `No. 114 B. Third Stara, Phiindielph WOUND, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LIMEY 1111.110! WE HAVE NOW OPEN Sacks and Circulars OF THE LATEST SPRING STYLES, ALSO-A FULL ASSORTMENT OF SACKING CLOTHS Which will be made to order at abort norm and at reasonable rates N. B.—Also, Black and Black Mixed CLOAKS and Cloaking Cloth for Mourning. KLINE & EPPIHIMER, No. 10 EAST PENN SQUARE, READING. PA. April 11, 1863 Hoop Skirts! Hoop Skirts!! EXTRA LENGTH HOOP SKIRTS. Ordinary length Hoop Skirts. t.t• Small Else or " Quaker Skirts." Extra heavy Wire Skirt.. All Mimi Misses SUM Having made arrangements with the Manufacturers, we are prepared to supply our customers with the very bed SKIRTS of all lengths and with the latest improvements at nearly OLD PRICES. KLINE & SPPItlfhiSR, April it, isavj Eaet Pena Square, Reading, Pa. WALL PAPER -AND DECORATIONS. TAM 13a1WIELL GOLD BAND WINDOW SHADES jr ;IL" 0 31 CI IE7 MIR. MEC .5' 9 BUFF AND GREEN HOLLAND& BAND BOXES, $1,75 per doz. GEORGE CHRISMAN, Nos. 3 A.ND 3 =INN SWAIM READING, PA., riAl OPENED HIS SPRI NG STOCK OF wbeautiful dest of WALL WINDOW SHADES, &a., of the most fauhtonable manu facture, and will melt the same at the very lowest pricer. ifir Mixt door to t h e Farwell' Bank, 3 end 5 Nun Square, Beading, Pa, 11-11 -OF HATS AND CAPS, S I AT THE OLD-ESTABLISHED STAND OF 111 F.G. 330560, No. 6 West Penn Street, next door to the Union Bank of Reading, WllO IS CONSTANTLY REOEIVINO FROM Nam-York and Philadelphia the latest styles of HATS and .CAPS Adapted to the Season. He has also received a large as• aortment of TRUNKS, CARPET RAGS, VALUES UMBRELLAS, Le., which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. As be pays Cash for Antis goods, be is enabled to sell them at the low est prices. Throe hundred dozen SHAKER HOODS on band, which will be sold cheap. A largo quantity of lin WA Mutiny of ND PEA' TEO:RS received, to Which the attention or Ilouselieeperi ifirespectrtilly Invited. Call and examinc—No trouble to show goods [April 1.1-tf New Coal Yard and Feed Store, rill HE UNDERSIGNED RAS LEASED THE Coal Yard. and Flour and Feed Store attached, ( ormerly carried on by John Batley), at the Sonth•Si+t Corner of Sixth and Spruce dreete, which he has refitted and stocked with a superior article of Coal for family nee, and the beet brande of Flour, with all kinds of Feed and Crain, which he in ready to nail at the ' , err lowed prices for Caen Trusting by strict attention to buelunea and by Jeal6 K in good artielee, ha will in,"a abacts 4 4( trade from the citizens of heading. Coal. Flour and reed, delivered anywhere in the city, All orders left at my re. sideline, on Franklin street, two doors above the Univers, list (March, or at B. Hermsn's Agricultural Store, will meet with prompt attention. April 11-tf] Vet, rupeettnllr, JOHN W. CHRISTMAN F. C. LWRTE it Co. (LATE LIMITS & BRADBURY - 8i PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 421 Browne Street, New Work, 2d Block Eaat of Broadway. MR. R C. LIGHTE, THE ORIGINAL Atander of this well-known Establishment, Senior Partner, and only Practical nano - Fork' afaiiior of the firm of " Light. & Bradburya," having retained his Two- Thirda interest In the whole business, stock, materials, Ac., and Sole Proprietorship In his Valuable Patents, incin=i re of his erlebrated PATENT INSULATED IRON MANIA Is the only one who can make the SUPERIOR PIANO FORTES for which this house has base so popular. Sip-All infrinpmeuto on 10 right Mil yrosecate4 Accordiug law. air All PianotOrtes froln this manufactory are warrant ed perfect In every respect for Aye yearn. Liberal tonna to Dealers. P. C. LIGHTS & CO., April 11-3 m) 421 Broome Street, New-York. FAMILY DYE COLORS. Black, dawn, Dark Brown, ;arid, Snuff Brown, Park Drab, Light Brown, ight Drab, Dark Blue, allow, Light Blue, ' Dark Green, range, Light Green, agents, Pink, 2lferino, Purple, reach Blue, Mate, Neal Purple, Crimson, PALECILY 1133 COLOR" FOR DEYING SILK, WOOLEN AND MIXED Goode. Rhawla, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, 80, tlets, Rate, Feather% Kid Glovea, Children'. Clothi.g. 1 . 1 all Made of Wearing Apparel with perfect fret totem Pea direchene Inside each package. A Saving of 80 per cent. These Dyes are mixed in the form of powders swears• ted, are thoroughly tested, and put up in neat packsP 6 . expressly for family use. For tmenty•five cents you co! eater as many as MCkld dtkeittilte cost five that sum. The process is simple, and any one can dze tLs Dyes with perfect success. Directions Inside. Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS, 260 Breeds's?. Boston. Price per package 25 and 16 cents. For sale by lin:quints and Dealers tn every cl ty and Woo April 11, 1868-.smoe nomoz a. it. - Ermvzsrst, ELECTRICAL PHYSICIAN IN CURING ALL CU IRONIC DISEASES both of Ladies and Gentlemen, by o new method In [be non of Electricity alone, without any medicine, or en a any pain. Board may be bad, with treatment, by patleetd (nut abroad, at reasonable rates in the Doctor's family. LETTERS applying for eirenlara or further information will be promptly answered. Othoe and residenceat IDS SOUTH. PENN PBOARE, PHILADELPHIA, PA., being in a neutral ae well as delightful part of the city. Ent Mk eel far Ware reforenee. April 11, 1a..3-31no SPZICIAL NOMA OAND AFTER JULY 114.1863, THE'FRl viiege of converting the preseot bone of MAI. TENDER NOTES INTO TN II NATIONALBIR PERCENT. LOAN tootantonly exiled l llfitte-Tiventles", will c 0 ,.. All who wish to invest in the Five-Twenty Loan mud, therefore, apply before the let of JULY next. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agssi, April 11-3iul No. 111 South Third Street, PLEA. PARTIES WISHING TO SELL OR INT' CHASE Real Estate, will do well to call epee JACOB C. 130110ENEK. Commercial llrok r• itaareh °Mee—Court street FRENCH MUSTARD.—FOIL SALE AT InococK 9, April ij 40 South Fin Mar AND