Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, April 04, 1863, Image 1

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    I 1)% (
telz C •
i d
z y 4 ( r e („,
fp „ IR
celoo, North-Wait earner di Pin* and FM street, ad
joining Me Azsmere Bank of .2eading.
$1,50 a'ettr, payabte fn enhance.
1,00 tor an months, la advance.
To GLyna : Your
You c opies copies for $3, in advance.
fo 12,
Sir A ll papers disco ntinued at the expiration of the
time pea for.
It. 3t- Imo. 3m o. OHIO. ly
44 Sous, 511095, °rime, 50 50 73 ZOO 3.00 0,00
i 10 •• 501,00 1.25 3,00 5,00 8.00
2 ", 70 1,00 2,00 9,50 5,00 8,00 15.00
.1 30 1,50 3,00 3,75 7,50 12.00 70,00
[Larger Advertisements in proportion.]
Ssrsuters' and Administrators' Notices, 0 ineertione
And Her& MAP. Asa Leol. Notices. 3 ••
one Special Miaow, as reading matter, 10 eta. a line for one
[if" 3forriage notices 25 cents each. Deaths will be
pub:lolled gratuitously.
Jag- All Obituary Notices, Resolutions of Beneficial and
other Private Amodatioas, will be charged for, ea adver
rkortoK. It the above rates.
feir advertisements for Religions. Charitable and Foie
egional objects. one half tbeabore rates.
Apr All advertising will be considered payable in cash,
or the drat insertion.
ieerly advertisers shall have the privilege CI desired)
of renewing their advertisements every three row:kr—but
.rtener. any additional renewals, or itavordstag en
the amount contracted for. will be charged cedra
at ore-holt the rates above %Mailed for transient sever
Yeaily advertisers will be charged the slime rates as
transient advertisers for all matters not raiding etriclty
to U<ir busirms.
E.,entAi in n sziperia manner, at Om very bnveAt prices.
our AAsoltmorkt of Joa Tsp.% is large lad exablvaable, and
our Work epeaka foe itseN.
.. • _ • • •
DoNos, ARTICLas or AGREEMENT, LEASES, and a variety of
itaTlCSe' MAY 4% kept constantly for male, or printed to
Vi aadiug, r& 1114.reh 14, 186:34m0
Sixth Street. (above the Court Roue%) Regaling, Fa
February' 1.156.34 y
LAW, has removed has Aire to the north side of
Coen street first door below Sixth. [dee 22-tf
jESSE G. .11 - AWLEY,
Street, above Sixth, Reading, Pa.
W Will be at Prtedensbarg, every Thursday.
September 22, 1860-11*
Charles Davis, -
Office to the Office lately occupied by the Hon. David
P. ordon, deceased, in Sixth attest, opposite the Court
Hone. [sprit 14
Daniel Ermentrout,
JoL. Ex& street, corner of Gout envy. rplif 19-1 y
David Neff,
•rF Foreign and Domestic DET GOODS, No. SS East
eon stmt. Heading, Pa. March 10, 1860.
United States Bounty, Back Pay and
Pension Office,
Ng claims against the Govern:ace!, I feel eenfldent
t lit who have batten= employed me will choorfully
endorse my promptness and fidelity. My charged are
moderateaad no charge made until obtained.
oetlS-U) Attorney at Law, Court IL, Reading,
(Late Hart St Mayer,)
DRY GOODS, CARPETINGS, be., Wholesale and Re
ail, at Philadelphia prices. Sign of the Golden Bee Rive,
No. 14 Enot Penn Square. [spill 17-If
p. Busdiong & Sew,
Flue OR, which they will sell at the lowest Wholesale
prices, at Beading, Pa.
Xl4-_Ordere respectfully solicited.
Dental College. Teeth extracted by Fran
a •
a ' is' ibi:o lli v . ectr e I t agu Ntt e et=ettr gra ß r ' e e
'traded w ith moot lees Pain than the usual way. No
extra charge. OSee iQ PUih street, opposite the Preebyte•
rtan Church. [april 11-dy
--"" College of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia.
11/a tr own ; his residence in Main street,
"" Hamburg, Pa.
sir Teeth extracted under the influence of Ether, or
by the Blectto-Magnetic Machine, without extra charge.
Scurvy cured.
Imo` He has also Patent and other MEDICINES for sale
at his otlice. [way 31
Fourth Street, above Penn, Reading.
January 24, 1663-tf
to. TerMe moderate and no charge until Obtained.
A. 0. GREEN, Attorney at Law,
Jan 31-6mo] 001ce in Court rtrent, Reading.
Bosairrsr-sioNzw, BACH-PAT
A. h. STAITIrrAIt,
Attorney at Law, °Mee In Court Street,
Are Agents for the Reading Gazette, ia those eine% ;sad
are authorised to take Advertisements and anbacriptiona
for twat oar eatablialted rate&
facet order and every one warranted for one year.
21 North WM Sued, Reading. Pa.
now 15-Bmol
signor the "Mgr WATCH," No. eax Bs Neon
Street, above Math. north side. Beading, Pa,
Wig- Every article warranted to be What It is sold for
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ate., repaired with particular
attention, and guaranteed. [febl-tt
cakcotaa, coxaco SILVER
• Angnstlo, 1861-41)
eta t=ti WI. RHOADS, Jr.
X 0.4 AV' NeAlf44-s•
The Only Place Where a Care Can be
most Certain, Speedy and only Effectual Remedy in
t a world for .11 Private Dtstaisita, Weakness of the Beek
or Limbs, Stricture., affections of the Kidneys and Blad
der, Itiveluntary Discharges, Impotency. General Debili
ty, Nervousness, Dyspepsia. Languor. Low Spirits, Conk-
Moo or ideas, Palpitation of the fleart,limidity, Trembling,
Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Read,
Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver, Longs,
Stomach or Soweto—those Terrible lteeotdere arising from
the SUBMIT Hahne of Youth—those SWIM end scill.7
praelleas more fatal to their victims than the song 01 byre..
to the Mariners of Thyme', blighting their most brilliant
hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Sic., impossible.
Especially. who have become the victims of Solitary Vice,
that dreadful and destructive habit which annually aWasys
to an untimely grave thousands of Yeeeg Mee of the most
exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might other
wise have entranced listening Senates, with the thunders
of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre; may call
with full confidence.
Married Persons, orToung Men concemplatlng marriage,
being aware orphysient weakness, organic debility, defor
=idea, &r., speedily cured.
Me who places himself under the care of Pr. J. may re
ligionsly confide in his honor as a gentleman, and cond..
deafly rely upon his skill as a Physician.
\, rair
jinpiediately Cured, and Fall Vigor Restored.
This Distressing tectioe—whlch roodo”Lito miserable
and marriage impossible—to the pettish) , paid by the vic
tims of improper indulgences. 17,ung persons are too apt
to commit eucekums from not being aware of the dreadful
consequences that may ensue. Now, who that understands
the subject wilt pretend to deny that the power of procrea
tion is lost sooner by those felling into improper habits
than by the prudent? Besides being deprived rho pleas
ure or Wealthy odhpring, the meet &ottani and destructive
symptom./ to both body and mi.; art.. The system be
cornea Deranged, the Phymical and Mental Funetione
Weakened, Lose of Procreative Power, Nervous Irritnbili
ity, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, laillgeetion, Con
stitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Con
sumption, Decay arid Death.
0111co,No. 7 Swath Frederiok Street,
Left band side going from Balttniore street. a few doors
from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number.
Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctueel
Diplomas bang in his office.
8 CVO 171,41.88 ANTED Ili
No Nereury or Nausonta _Drugs.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeon., London, Gradu
ate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United
States. and the greater part of whose life has been spent in
the hospitals of London, Parts, -Philadelphia and else
w bora, la. &leaked some of the most astonishing Cotes that
were ever known; many troubled with ringing In the bead
and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at
sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, at
tended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured
D. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves
by improper indulgence and solitary habits which rain
both body and mind, antlikles. them for either bnainess,
study, society or marriage.
Tunas are some of the sad and melancholy effects prodnc
ed by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of tbe Back and
Limbs, Paine in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus
cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy. Nervous
- irritability, Derangement of the Digestive - Function., Gen
tled]. Debility, Symptoms Of COIMMUPSI94,
Mmerazzir.—The fearful effects on the mind are mash to
be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideals, Depree-
Moo of Spirits, Evil Forebodings eversion to Society, Self-
Distrust, Love of Solitude , Timi dity, ste., are 601138 Of the
evils produced..
Tilotrassim of persons of all ages can now judge what is
the ammo of their declining health, toeing their Vigor, be
coming weak, pale, iterfetle sad 911iScleted, haying a sin•
guise appearance about the eyes, cough twat symptom. of
Who have injured themselves by a certain practice Indul
ged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil
companions. or at school, theeffects of which are nightly
felt, even when asleep, and if not cored renders marriage
Impose - IWe, and destroys both mind and body, should ap
ply immediately.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country,
the darling of hie parents, should be snatched from all
prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of
deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a cer
tain secret habit, Such persons nose, before contemplat
reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary
requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, wit
out these the journey through life becomes a weary pil
grimage ; the; prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the
melancholy reflection that the happiness of another he
coma blighted with our own,
When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure
finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease,
it too often happens that an 111-timed sense of shame, ox
dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who,
from ed./cation and respectability, can alone befriend him,
delaying till theCOßStitntional symptoms of this horrid dis
ease make their appearance, such as ulcerated .04, throat,
diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the bead and limbs, dim.
ness of sight, deafness, nodes on me shin-bones and arms,
blotches on the head, thee and extremities, progressing
with frightful rapidity, till at teat the palate of the mouth
or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this aw
ful disease becomes a horrid object of commiserat)on, till
death pats a period to his dreadful euderings, by sending
him to " that Undiscovered Country from whence no traY
eller returns."
[march 12
• • • • •
It Is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to
this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulnese of Ignor
ant pretenders, Who, by the nso of that Deadly Poison,
Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the realdue of
life miserable.
Truat not your lives, or health, to the care of ninny Un
learned and worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowledge,
name or character, who copy Dr. Johoston's advertise
ments, or style themselves, in the newspapers, regularly
Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they keep you
trilling mooch after month taking heir filthy and poison-
One compounds, or ag long as the steeliest fee can be ob
tained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health to
sigh over your own galling dimppoletment.
Dr. Johnston in the only Physician advertising.
His credentials or diplomas always hang in his office.
Him remedies or treatment are unknown 'to all others,
prepared from a life spent in the great hospitala of Barone,
the first to the country and a more eateneive Private Prac
tice than any other Physiclau to the world.
The many thousands cured at this Institution year after
year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations
performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of
the Sou," "Clipper," and many other papers, notices of
Which balm appeared Itgnln and again before the public,
bantam , bin standing an a gentleman of character and ra
sponstbility, is a sufficient guanintee to the agitated.
Skin Diseases Speedily . Cured.
MN* letters received ualeoopost-pad and containing
a stamp to be need on the reply. Persona writing should
state age, and wend portion of adverthientent describing
.708 N 31. ioniTIVECIN. M. D.
Of the Baltimore Lock liospiral, Baltimore. Maryland
may 10-Iy]
Single Rooms Fifty Cents per Day.
City Hall Square, corner Frankfort St.,
the spacious refectory. There le a Barber's Shop and
th Rooms attached to the Hotel.
Wl' Beware of RUNNERS and RAMON who say we
are fell.
Jan 17 In R. BRUNCH, Proprietor_
Race Street, above Third, Philadelphia.
I_ inducements, not only on account of reduced rates of
hoard, but liom Ito central location to the avennee of trade,
as well ris the toavenlonera afforded by the Kemal
Foment/6r Railways running poet and contignons to it, by
which guests can palm to and from the Hotel, eitanid they
be profaned to the regular Omnibus connected with the
Nouse. lam determined to devote ray whole attention to
the comfort and convenience of my panda
- Term*, $1 28 .Por"vrA.
D Y. C. BIEGUIST, Preprieter,
Formerly from Eagle Hotel, Lebanon, re.
V. V. Iroate.Clerk. (march 10-It
THE SUBSCRIBER respectful', announces to
ft raLlittteheextg,ece
and introduced
stesm•powor, Ort .po E w W . E- r,
and le now ready to atipply all demands for
For home and distant consumption. His stock of Malt
Liquors, warranted to keep to all climates, is as fallowa:—
N.B.—Aliberal per tentage will be allowed to Agents
Corner of Fifth and Spruce Streets.
Mural M. =Mx a son.
Tide Is the Holy nett
Upon oar heads, low-bowed,
Let penitence be cut,
And let us sadly shroud
Our souls in sorrow for Hie death
He died that we might live,
led meekly yielded up lite breath,
Hearing immortal agony,
That sinners such as we
fight heavenly hope receive,
dud with Lim joint heirs be
Of Immortality!
Toll, toll, ye solemn bells!
Your funeral mottle toll!
For Ells departed soul—
The eon! of Him, who dwells
Eternal in the Heavens—our Lora
Toll, toll In sweet accord,
And bldlhe listening nation.; kneel in prayer,
Veiling their brows Itt anguish to the ground,
While slowly, sadly, on the prdseless air,.
The regale= resound.
Centuries Dave fallen from the wings of Time
Since Christ, one brother, died,
Since He was crucified
And made that saeri flee sublime
That filled the world with awe
And reverence more profound
Than when the sacred law
Thundered from Sinai, ihd the "Voice divine
Shook all the hills and valleys far around,
And God was almost seen within His shrine.
Centuries have peened, and yet once more
Oar hearts are rent with unavailing woe
As (relate theirs whose faltering footsteps Warr
Following, their murdered Master bore,
And, in a seamless rube arrayed,
His incorruptible body laid
Within the sepulchre that angels kept
For the brief hours in which the Foie= slept.
Let us lament that lamentable day
On which the Son of Man was heard to say
"Why am I thus forsaken, oh, my God?"
When Be alone the bloody wine press trod
And for a ransom gave His life sway;
Oh, words more mournful than were ever spoken
By any human heart with sorrows broken !
"My God! my God! why am I thus forsaken ?"
And It is flnished,"—as he bowed his head
In that unutterable, parting pale,
When with a mighty grief his soul was shaken,
And from his side the blood - drops tell like role,
Till the Redeemer of the world was dead.
Alas ! else ! let all the people feet,
As if this day of anguish were the last;
And they no more should look upon the light,
lint only on that lad and awta sight—
Christ's srucifinion—wlhieh to us appears
Vivid through all the intervening years.
Then toll, ye solemn belie t ye organs, peal
Your deepest anthems; for we mourn His loss,
Who upon man's salvation set the seal
Of His own olnloea natant on the VW,
What thought la folded In thy leaves!
What tender thought, arbat speechless pals!
I hold thy faded lips to mine,
Thou darling of the April rain !
I bold thy faded lips to mine,
Though scent and azure tint are Bod—
o dry, mute lips! ye are the type
Of something in ma cold and dead:
Of something wilted like thy leaves;
Of fragrance gown, of beauty gone;
Yet, for the love of those white haude
That found thee, April's earliest.born—
That found thee when thy downy month
Wan purpled as with staine of wino—
For love of her who love forgot,
I hold thy faded lips to mine !
That thou shonldet live when I am dead,
When bite is deed, fur me, and Wrong,
For this', I am my eubtlea ark,
For tble, I fold thee in my song.
astss an 3ittelits.
- -
Robert Hodgkins had lived in the village, next
door to Samuel Hollins, at least a dozen years,
and no doubt the two neighbors would have been
on good terms together, but unluckily for the
peace of Robert Hodgkins, Samuel Llußine had a
pension on amount of a wound which he receiv
ed when fighting as a seaman under Admiral
Nelson, at the battle of Trafalgar. Every week,
when Hodgkins went to pay his rent, he mutter
and grumbled all the way there and back,
because his neighbor could afford to pay his rent
so much better than himself. An envious, dis
contented spirit is one of the worst qualities a
man can foster in his bosom; it sours his sweet.
est enjoyments, and plants slinging nettles in all
his paths along the journey of life.
Fur a time, Hodgkins growled and grumbled
to himself, but afterwards his discontent grew
louder, till, at last, it became hie favorite topic
to lament his own ill luck, and to rail against
those whose money came in whether they would
or not, and who had nothing else to do but sit in
an easy chair from morning till night, while be
worked his heart out to get enough to support
himself and his family.
It was on a Monday morning that Hodgkins,
who - was sadly behind in his rent, walked up to
Mr. Starkey's to make some excuse for not pay
ing up what was due, when he met his neighbor
Hullins, who was as regular as clock work in his
weekly payments. The very sight of Hollins
was as bad as physic to Hodgkins, who as he
nodded his head in reply to Hullins'o salutation,
looked as surly as a bull abOut to run at a pointer
Hodgkins entered the house, and was soon re
proved for not paying his rent by his landlord,
Mr. Starkey. who told him that his next door
neighbor, Samuel HuHine, regularly paid up
every farthing.
" Yee, yes," replied liodgkins, " some folks
are born with silver spoons in their months,—
Rollins is a lucky fellow ; no wonder that he
can pay his rent with such a pension as he has
"Hollins has a pension, it is true," said Mr.
Starkey, "but he carries a pretty heavy cross for
it. If you bad lost your leg, as he has done ?
Perhaps you would fret more than you do now,
notwithstanding you might in that ease have a
"Not replied Hodgkins; "if I had been
luckily enough to lose e leg twenty years ago,
it would have been a good day's work for me, if
I could have got as much by it as Hollins has
contrived to get. You call his a heavy cross, but
I fancy that his pension makes it light enough
to him; the heaviest cross that I know of is be
ing obliged to work like a negro to pay my
Now Mi. Starkey was a shrewd man, and pos
sassed a great deal of humor, and well knowing
Hodgkin's disposition to repine, he felt disposed
to convince him, if possibte, that the lightest
cross soon becomes heavy to a discontented
I tell you what, Hodgkins," said he, " I am
afraid you are hardly disposed to make the best
of things ; however, Re you think that your
neighbor cross is so very light, if you
will undertake to carry one much lighter, you
shall live rent-free as long as you abide by the
But what sort of a cross is it that you mean
to put upon my shoulders ?" inquired Hodgkins,
fearing that it might be something to which he
could not agree.
" Why," replied Mr. Starkey, fetching a large
lump of chalk, and making a broad cross on
Hodgkin's back, "that is the cross ; and so long
as you like to wear it, I will not ask you for a
farthing of your rent."
Hodgkins at first thought that hie landlord
was only joking, but being assured that he was
quite serious, he told Mr. Starkey that he must
look for no more rent from him, for that he was
willing to wear such a Poo as THA.T all the days
'of his life.
Away went Hodgkins, chuckling within him
self at his good luck, and thinking what a fool
of a landlord he had got to let him off so easily
from paying his rent. Never was he in better
humor than when he entered his cottage. Eve
rything seemed to go on right ; he laughed, and
joked, and seemed in such high spirits, that his
wife, who well knew that he had been up t 4 the
tan-house on a gloomy errand, could not account
for it.
Hodgkins having seated himself with his back
to the cupboard, his wife hail not seen the cross
on his coat; but no sooner did he turn round to
pull up the weights.of the cuckoo clock, than she
cried out with a shrill voice,
" Why, Hodgkins, where hare you been ?
There is a cross on your back a foot long you
have been to the tavern, and some of your drunk
en companions have played you this trick to make
you look like a regular simpleton; come, stand
still, and let me rub it off, or every lad in the
village will be laughing at you,"
"Let it alone," said Ilodgkins, turning quick
ly round. "I won't have it rubbed off. Go on
mending your stockings, and let ray coat alone."
" But I won't let it alone," replied his wife ;
"do you think my husband shall play the foal in
that manner? No, that he sha'nt ; I'll have
every bit of it. off before you stir out of the
Hodgkins knew very well that hie wife was
not easily turned when she had once set her mind
upon a thing, so, striding across the cottage, he
hastily made his escape, banging the door after
him with all his might. "An ill-tempered vis•
en l" muttered he to himself. " I would have
told her of my good look had she been quiet, but
now she shall know nothing about it."
"Halloo, Robert.," cried old Fellows, the brick
layer, as Hodgkins turned round the corner,
"who bee been playing you that trick ? Why,
your back is scored all across. Come here, and
I will give you a dusting."
"Mind your own back, and let mine alone."
said Hodgkins surlily, making the best of his
way forwards.
"Mr. Hodgkins," cried little Patty Stevens,
the huckster's daughter, running after him, "if
you please, there has somebody been making a
long score all down your coat, mother will rub
it off for you if you will come back."
"You and your mother had better mind your
red herrings and treacle," replied Hodgkins,
sharply leaving the little girl wondering why he
did not stop to have his coat brushed. No one
I else noticed the cross on Hodgkins's back till ho
got to the blacksmith's shop, where the butcher
and the blacksmith were talking—the butcher
cutting a piece of elder, to make skewers, and
the black...lth, with his arms acme, leaning on
the half door of his shop.
~Y ou are just the very man I wanted to see,"
said the butcher, stopping Hodgkins, but before
he had spoken a dozen words to him, old Peggy
Turton came up in her red cloak and check
"Dear me:" cried old Peggy, gathering up
her apron in her hand, " why, Mr. Hodgkins,
your back is quite a feight, but stand still a mo
ment and I'll soon have it off."
When Hodgkins turned round to tell old Peggy
to be quiet, the blacksmith roared out to the
butcher to "twig Hodgkins's back."
"He looks like a walking finger post," cried
the butcher.
"Ay, ay," said the blacksmith, "I warrant ye
his wife has done that for him, for spending his
Wages at the Malt Shovel."
There was no other method of escaping the
check apron of Peggy Turton, and the laughing
and jeering of the butcher and blacksmith, than
that of getting off the ground as soon as he
Could; so, calling Peggy a meddling old hussy,
and the other two a brace of grinning fellows, he
turned the first corner he came to, feeling the
cross on his back a great deal heavier than he
had expected to find it.
Poor Hodgkins seemed to meet with nothing
but ill luck, for just before he got to the school,
all the scholars ran boisterously into the road,
ripe and ready for any kind of fun that could he
found. Hodgkins was ill-tempered enough be—
fore,"but when he saw all the boys hallooing mid
spreading themselves along the road, he was in
a terrible taking, expecting every moment to bear
a shout on account of the cross on his back.
This took place directly after, and fifty young
rogues, fall of frolic and tun, waving their calms
and following Hodgkins, shouted, as loudly as
they could bawl, , s Look at his back ! look at his
back!" Hodgkins was in a fury, and would
have perhaps done some mieehief to hie tormen•
tore, had it sot been for the sudden appearance
of Mr. Johnson, the schoolmaster, who at that
moment came out of the schoolroom. The boys
gave over their hallooing ; for Hodgkins directly
told Mr. Johnson that they were an "impudent
set of jackanapes, and everlastingly in mischief."
Mr. Johnson, who bad heard the uproar among
the boys, and caught a glimpse of Hodgkin's
back ? replied, mildly, that he w udd never en—
courage anything like impudence in his echelon',
but that perhaps Hodgkine was not aware of the
cause of their mirth ; he assured him that he had
so large a chalk mark on his back, that it was
enough to provoke the merriment of older per—
sons than his boys, and advised him by Flll means,
h r Vold being lah g1e.•.1 yr • '
of it as quick as possible. Hodgkins said, pees
ishly, that his bank was " nothing to nobody,"
and mattering to himself, walked on feeling his
cross to be heavier than ever.
The fetiections which passed through Hodg—
kins's mind were not of the most agreeable de—
scription. It was, to be sure, a rare thing to live
rent-free; but if every Man, woman and child in
the village were to be everlastingly tormenting
him, there would be no peace from morning till
night. Then again, even if his neighbors got
used to the cross on his back, and said nothing
about i 4, he knew that his wife would never let
him rest. On the whole, the more he considered
about it, the more was he disposed to think that
the bargain was not quite so good a one as he at
&at bad taken it to be.
As Hodgkins went on toward the Malt abov.l
he saw, at a distance, his landlord, Mr. Starkey,
and directly after, to his great consternation, his
neighbor, Samuel Hullins, came stumping along
with his wooden leg, in company with Harry
Stokes, the carpenter. Now, Harry Stokes was
quite the village wit, and Hodgkins dresubd
nothing more than to be laughed at by him iu
the presence of Samuel Hulling. Hie first
thought was to pull off hist coat ; but thou what
would Mr. Starkey say to that ? Not knowing
what to do he took refuge in the Malt Shovel,
but soon found the house too hot to hold him ;
for, when those who were drinking there began
to laugh at the cross on his Welt, the landlord
and landlady both declared that no customer of
theirs should be made a laughing stock in their
house while they had the power to hinder it.
The landlord got the clothes brush, and the land
lady a wet sponge, and Hodgkins was obliged to
make a hasty retreat, to secure his coat from the
sponge and clothes brush of his persevering
When Hodgkins left home he intended to go
to a neighboring village about some work which
he had to do, but his temper had been so reeled
by old Follows, Patty Stevens, the blacksmith,
the butcher, and Peggy Turton, as well as by
Mr. Johnson and his scholars, Lhe company at
the Malt Shovel, and the landlady, and the land
lord, that he determined to get home as soon as
he could, thinking that it was better to be railed
at by his wife than to be laughed at by the whole
No sooner did he enter his cottage door, than
his wife began:—"And so you are come back
again, are you, to play the tomfool ? Here have
been half a dozen of your neighbors calling to
know if you are not gone out of your mind. If
there ever was a madman you are one ; but I'll
put that coat in a pail of water, or behind the
fire, before I will have such antics played by a
husband of mine. Come, pull off your coat /
say, pull off your coat l"
Had his wife soothed him, he might have been
more reasonable, but as it was her words were
like gunpowder thrown into the fire. A violent
quarrel took place, words were followed by
blows, and dashing, crashing, and smashing re
sounded in the dwelling of Robert Hodgkins.
The fiercer a fire burns, the, sooner will it con
sume the fuel that supports it; and passionate
people, in like manner, exhaust their strength
by the violence of their anger. When Hodgkins'
found that there was no hope of peace night or
day, at home or abroad, either with wife or
amongst neighbors and villagers, so long as he
continued to wear his cross, he of his own accord
rubbed it from his Mick.
The next Monday, Hodgkins went up to the
tan-house betimes, with a week's rent in his
hand. " AN, Robert: 7 said Mr Starkey. shak
ing his heitd, "I thought you would soon repent
of your bargain. It. is a good thing to encourage
a contented disposition, and not to envy others,
nor unnecessarily to repine at the troubles which
God has been pleased to lay upon us. Let th's
little affair be a lesson to us both ; for depend
upon it, we never commit. a greater mistake than
when we imagine the trials of others to be light,
and our own crosses to be heavier than those of
our neighbors."
" Godliness with contentment is great gain."
Full Directions for Raising a crop.
The last nilinber of the Massachusetts Plough
man contains the following communication on
the Culture of Tobacco. The directions here given
differ somewhat from those we published a few
weeks ago, by a Maryland planter. The differ
ence, however, is principally as to the time of
sowing the seed beds from which to obtain the
plants for setting out the regular crop. This
will in all eases have to be regulated according
to the climate. In Eastern Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, Delaware and portions of Maryland, the
seed beds ought to be sown as soon in April as
the weather will admit of it, and the plants trans—
planted throughout the month of June, commencing
on the first.
The editor of the Cermantozon Telegraph says:
"We should prefer to follow the northern system
of culture to the southern, as more carefully
elaborated and better adapted to our latitude.
"The reader ought to preserve this article for
reference at all times. We think it will be found
that, when once understood, the Tobacco is no
more difficult to raise than other crops of the
farm ; and this knowledge can be very easily
acquired by all who will give the matter a little
Agreeable to your request, I will now describe
as briefly as possible the mode of raising this
important and very profitable crop. I give you
my views both as the result of my experience
awl observation; and I may safely say that they
are the sure road to etteoesg, if strictly followed.
It must also be borne in mind, that these obser.
vations apply to the Connecticut . Valley, where
the best tobacco is raised, both in regard to
quality and quantity.
In the drat place, the grand starting is the to
bacco bed, on which the plants are sown, and on
which they grow till sufficiently large to set.
This part, therefore, of the culture, demands our
careful attention, as success depends so much
upon it. As a general - rule, the ground should
be prepared as soon as the 20th of April, or if
the season should be remarkably early, it may be
done sooner. The ground must be carefully
prepared; too much labor cannot be expended
.upon it. A warm spot should be selected with
southside exposure, securely protected from
northeast or northwest winds, so that the sun
will shine warmly upon it. The ground must be
made mellow, and enriched by manure thorough
ly rotted, and must be mixed with the soil, by
raking and hieing, till it is completely worked
up. I have used with great success rotten ,;kip
manure nrvny nth.•r mnnnrn ,-'•-
ly d o e
iin preparing the bed. lk is wail ••• •••
[VOL. XXIII. -NO. 50.-WHOLE NO. 1962.
is dry and warm, to delay the sowing for a few plants are hung with twine wound alternately
days, and continue working the soil by raking I from one to the other, over this to that side of
and sowing; but this should not be delayed too - the pole. If hung too near together, it will pole-
Jong ; and if sown when the soil is dry, it should sweat mud spoil, and become worthless.
be watered. The shed must be well ventilated, in order to
prevent sweating. It should be so arranged that
the air can have free circulation under the sills,
and thus blow up under the tobacco. This is
sure to prevent sweating A tobacco home
should be act two feet from the ground, with
hanging lids or doors, which will render it close
and tight when the weather is too drying. After
hanging till it is sufficiently cured, which is
usually about the first days of December, it
should be taken down in a damp dwy , (nu, too damp)
put in piles nod lattotallea sly stripped. and
done op iu hanks wei g hkg allow one half of a
pound rash; • he wrapper- heitig done up by
tinnoselves, aud the fillers Tins paver the
work wttsi, null skillfully done, as it
very much 1 ., e prior or the ari:Clef. Ar. er
rir t Oug, :I ,i:ould he easefully and tightly peek
ed. wrappers cad tillers in separm piles, and
covered with staue old ,carpets or blankets to
keep it from drying up. It must be watched
closely, as it will sous heat, and spoil. To ascer—
tain whether it is heating, raise the hanks in the
centre of tint pile and introtince your hand If
it is warm you must re—pack it, closely laying
it, and it will prevent ail harm from this source
I have thus given my mode of raising tobacco,
in accordance with my experience and observa
tiou and all things being equal, ihere is a sure
prospect of success.
Agawam, Atm.
sPamprrirfa TEE SEED
The seed should be sprouted before sowing.
This process consists in procuring some soil which
is thoroughly rotten; some rotten substance which
is frequently found in the decayed limbs of trees
which have been out from the trunk; this is as
good as anything which can be used for this pur
pose. The seed should be mixed with this in
pans, and put in a warm place, and often moist
cued with water The pat a may be set near or
under the Atone in the kitchen. where it. will be
sufficiently warm to germinate .in four or five
days,- when they wilt be ready for sowing, pre
vious co which the ground sheuld be again raked.
The seed eheuld he rem with the soil in which
was ,turoutal, trendenst. After vowing, lay &two
a plank or ',omrd tees Ihe bed, nod walk bmskly
across it a few lines; !hen move the plank sad
continue the operation till the whole surface of
the bed is gone over; or take a board he conve
nient size and strike flat upon the bed, with
sufficient force to render the' top of the ground
quite hard and smooth ; the plants eon thus be
easily seen when they dome up.
if the weather should be dry, the beds should
be watered frevently to hasten germination.
Ashes may be sown upon the ti.ds previous to
the plants cemlng up, but not afterwards. It is
necessary to get the plants large enougit to set,
as soon as can be; therefore, measures must be
adopted to hasten their growth. This can be
done by sprinkling with guano and plaster, and
other .enriebing substances. Soapsuds from the
wash tub is au excellent application. I have re
alized as much benefit from an application made
by taking a kettle, into which may be put a
quantity of ben manure, and filling with water ;
after soaking a short time apply it to the plants
by a °Quinton watering pot. If the plants are
sown too thick, they must be thinned out and
kept free from weeds.
Now - the fitting of the land for setting out the
plants demands our attention. The land must
be made very rich ;- there is no danger of excess
on this point. A crop that grows and comes to
maturity in so short a time, must have a power—
ful stimulus from which it can draw its suste
nance. Land on which corn and potatoes grew
the year previous, or some other mop, so that it
is mellow, is to be preferred. As soon as the
land is dry enough in the spring. the manure
should be drawn upon it and plowed in at the
depth of seven or eight inches. There should bo
at least fifty loads to the acre. After the land is
plowed, it should lie for two or three weeks, and
then be harrowed well, for the purpose of hasten
ing the decomposition of the manure, and thus
throwing its strength into the land, which may
now be left till the time of setting out the tobac
co, which is from the 10th to the tlfith of Nine;
but the best time is from the 15th to the 25th. It
is proper to remark that the later it is set out, if
it comes to maturity before the frosts come, the
heavier it will be; but as a general rule, it is not
safe to delay beyond the last named time.
The land must be thoroughly fitted for setting
out the plants by plowing and harrowing, when
iris dry, and consequently in good condition to
work up, and thus be made mellow. The rows
should be made three and one half feet. in width.
and the hills two and one-half feet apart. If the
land is very rich the rows may be at the ..
named distance. A compost of guano and pies
ter, or hen manure and plaster, or ashes and
plaster, and night soil thoroughly mixed and
decomposed with muck, may be dropped into the
hill. The soil should be hoed to sufficient depth
to protect from injurious effects of dry weather.
The plants must be set when it rains, so that the
ground is wet enough to adhere to the roots.
The mode of setting is by a stick about one-half
of an jack in diameter. sharpened at one end,
and of convenient length, with which a hole
should be made in the centre of the hills, into
which the roots of the plants should be introdu
tied and special care must be taken to press the
dirt tightly around the roots, or the plant will
surely die Should the curt come our hot soon
',her set.irag. the plant, muse h•• covered w lh
plamalo leaves or a wisp of green grass, awl
it may be necessary to water them, which should
always be done at trigLt, as at that time nothing
is lest by evaporation. As a few plants, com—
paratively, can bs set at a time, it is not a great
amount of labor to water, cover and uncover
I will now state that one of the best pieces rf
tobacco which I saw last season was raised upon
sward laud, upon which the manure was carted
and turned under. After a short time the land
was harrowed down smoothly, and then remain—
ed in that state till just before the time of betting,
when a topdressing of fine manure was applied,
and the ground again well harrowed, so that the
manure was thoroughly mixed with the soil, and
the plants tset out as above indicated
Some prefel the fullest ing mode of culture.
When the plants are large enough to hoe, the
labor is materiOly lessened by going between the
raves two or three times with a hone Mid culti
vator. Care must be taken not to. injure the
plants, the dirt which-has become hard about the
roots may be carefully removed, and its place
supplied by fresh, fine soil. The hoeing, which
must be done three or four times, as the ease
may require, is out the same process as that
required for corn. It must be kept free from
weeds, for if permitted to grow, they will spoil
the lower leaves of the plants. At this stage of
the crop, the greatest pest is the tobacco worm,
which must be exterminated, because be eats
through the leaves, thusepoiling them for wrap
pers. And it is proper here to remark, that the
leading idea in cultivating tobacco, is to yet as
many wrappers and as few fitters ax possible. Take
care of the wrappers, and the fillers will take care
of themselves• The plants must be topped at, a
height of about three feet, and the suckers must
be removed so as to throw all the growth into the
leaves. In order to prevent the mischief and
damage of the worms and remove the suckers,
it will be necessary to go through the tobacco
field§ every morning, or as often as can be con
veniently done.
The crop is ready for cutting during the last
days of August and the first days of September.
When it is ripe and ready to cut, the suckers
will grow at the bottom leaves nearest to the
ground, and a faint yellow spot will be seen
upon the leaf. It should not stand long after
these appear..
We now come to the most important part of
cultivation; that of cutting and curing. If your
ground was rich and well prepared, if your plants
were healthy and well eat; if the season has been
favorable, if you have cultivated well, if you
have kept the suckers cleaned out, and if you
have kept it free from worms, you have a reason
able prospect of the most profitable crop which
you over raised. We must now attend to the
cutting and hanging, the curing and stripping
and packing for market. The cutting should be
commenced when the dew is off (never cut when
it. is on,) or about eleven o'clock. An old hand
saw is the most. convenient instrument for this
purpose, sawing close to the ground, and laying
the plants carefully upon the ground, en as not
to break the leaves. If the sun shines hot it
must soon be turned over, or it will sun-burn,
which spoils it. After laying long enough to wilt
and thus become I ough, it should be piled up in
small heaps, far enough apart to drive between
with the team. You are now read &to hang up.
The poles in the tobacco house havrtig been pre
pared, should be about ten inches apart. A house
whose posts are about fifteen feet high, will hang
four tiers one above the other. The distance
which they are hung upon the poles will vary
• -
We will add that two ounces of good feed will
produce plants sufficient for an acre, with enough
left to supply any losses in the first transplant•
ing.—Ed. Tel.
Abolitionist.—Good everting, Mr. White,
Democrat.—flow do you do, Mr. Black? What
s the news 7
Ab.—Cheering news, Mr. Lincoln is going to
liberate all the negroes—nearly four millions
Dcta,—ls that Constitutional?
4b.—Nn, sir: but our Constitution "is a
covenant with death and a league with Hell."
Deem.—lt those are your sentiments you are
"lb.—Why so ?
Lars,—ln Colonial days your ancestors hung
the Quakers and burned women for witches—and
in 1812 they held out blue Wilds to the British—
and in 1863 you violated the Laws of the South
ern States by your Negro Emancipation Bills,
AL.—Yet we are the true Philauthropiete 9f
humanity. I consider a negro as good as either
you or I—they should be on equality with the
Dem. —I do not. When Ham insulted his father
it dicpleased God, and he turned hire black and
cent. Mm to Africa, and it is from thence that the
negro came.
negroes should be emancipated for
one good reason. They would reduce white la
bor—white laboring men have become too proud.
Dem,—Yes, they would reduce the farmers hen
roasts more than white labor. Could you marry
one of the sable-race?
db.—Certainly, I could.
Dem.—l think you must have your smelling
senses insured.
Ab.—The smell of the goat and the skunk are
considered by many to be healthy.
Dena.—The stencil of a negro is worse than
either of them.
Ab.—Mr. Lincoln will have all the negroes
liberated, and our party will receive their suf
frages, and over power you red mouthed Demo
crats, and then we can rule the country ne we
Dew.—Fes, and a great rule you and your
party have made of it. The Democratic party
ruled the country for seventy years, prosperous
ly, and built up a nation second to none on the
Globe—and you Abolitionists have destroyed it
in less than two years. You rule with a ven
geance! It ig the same party that thundered
trout the pulpit for twenty years against the sin
of Masonry—that lit the dreg of intolerant
Knots....,toitvim. .mil nosily, with dagger and
vs,o‘f, ant c• mllonms fit, rear the (Talon to
~1.); —lf our course has had a disastrous ten.
deuey to you and your party, the men who wear
tin wantle of Heaven have been very influential
in our Cail.le.
Dem.—Yea, they are the blind loaders of the
blind, and will surely reap their reward AB for
your party, deception and " greenbacks" are the
only principles you possese.
A6.—We will take the same course that the
clergy do—we can deceive you and he popular
too. We have the purse and the sword, and we
will make you loud-mouthed Democrats succumb
to our power.
Dem.—The day is past and gone that you can
gag us. We will speak our minds against. such
a rotten and robbing Atlininietration. Decep
tion and intrigue is your game—money is your
God. You have sacrificed about two hundred
thousand wen and two thousand million of dollars
in this negro war. For what ? To fill your pockets
with gold, and then cry aloud, Holy, Holy, Holy!
Oh you wicked and abominable sinners!
Ad.—We have the money made out of this
negro speculation and we intend keeping it—you
shall pay the interest on the same, and yOur
children after you shall pay the principal, and
you may again establish the Government, and
beautify the country, and send the contraband
negroes to Jeff. Davis and his clan, for all that I
care. It is the spoils we want, and by the time
we retire there will be nothing left to steal, ex
cept the long cloak and " Scotch cap" in which
Lincoln made his flight, through Baltimore. As
I cannot pull the wool aver your eyes, I will
leave you. Good night, you Breckinridge
Dem.—Good night., you Abolitionist hypocrite
and Traitor!
OLD Inoxstoss.—The Tribune's Washington
correspondent tells the following good one:—
The Navy Department has just discovered it
self in a serious dilemma, owing to the sturdiness
of Old Ironsides—Commodore Charles Stewart.
Some time since, Congress made him a Flag-
Officer, on a salary of $4,500 a year. A recent
session "promoted" him to the rank of Rear-
Admiral, on an income of $2,500 a year. As
the first law was never repealed. the old hero
fails to appreciate the advantage of paying s2,_
000 fur an empty title. Secretary Wellee sent
him a commission, which was most courteously
returned. A second was declined with grace—
and I learn to-day that a third has been exquis
itely refused. A captain in the Navy, on Thurs
day Met, asked the Flag-Officer how the matter
would end. "I never surrendered anything
given me by the Government," replied the Cap
tain of the Constitution, "and I am not going to
contract a bad habit now."
Rim Quito being asked his age, stood upon
his reserved rights and refused to testify. The
questioner was importunate and attempted to
force his disclosure by guessing. " About forty
two—ehr "No," said Quilp, "I am reckoned
courageous, but I barn's fortritoo'd!" Punch,
in his lowest decadence of wit, never said a worse
thing than that.—Boston Post.
pir DIE QUEEN OF ENGLAND has translated
Zschokke's "Reflections upon Death and Eterni
ty." It will appear under the non de plume
~ .Frederick Rowena." The preface consists only
of these lines : " This book has been translated
b y or' • to whom in the accts./Melillo depression
P.) li