~i~e~-~n~r~~~. FAREWELL AND W RLCOME Go.! Winter, go! Thy frozen locks and tresses white, And looks that kindle not delight, And breaths that chill the young heart's glow And frowns that make the tear-drop start, No blies, no pleasure, can impart ; Go ! Winter, go ! Come! Summer, come; With genial skies and budding flowers, And balmy gales anti fragrant showers, And smiles that clothe the earth in flowers, Come ! with thy bright and fairy hand, And scatter gladness o'er the land ; Come! Summer, come. —Barri/ Cornwall Wilton, .M .OF THE IHLLIEGS FAHILY. YRISF.RVICD BT 30911 BILLINGS. PRO) , " Don't swap,with per relashurte unless yu ken afford to give them the big end of the arid. Marry ping, And if eareumetanees require it, often Mal take yer terbacker box out in kompany. if you kant git gm] °loathe and edieation too, git the cloathe. Say Row are ye ! to everybody. Kultivate modesty, but mind and keep a gad stock of impidence on band, If you arzy, never get best. Bee charitable, the sent pieess war made up purpose. Don't take ennyboclyee advise but your ORDC. It costs more to borry than it due to buy. lit a man flatters yu, yu ken kelkilate that be is a roge, or yure a fule. Keep both ize open, don't ore mem half you not.M. When pi pre, pre► rite at the aentre of the mark. Don't mortift the flesh in much. %want the sores on Lassaras that sent him to heavin. If yn ich for fame, go inter a grave yard and eltratch yourself against a tome stun. Beggars don't hay to advertise for runawa dogs. "'Tie a long lain that never turas," and a good mill that always due. Young man, be more luaus about the pedigro ynr going to leave, than yu are about the won sum body is goin to leas yu. Sin is like weeds, self sone; and sure to hum. Natur is totter, ytt kant alter the krook of a dog's tale muoh, and preserve the length of it. I wad as to all the young into, "go in," and to all the old fellers, " hum out." About as sure a we to git rich as enny I no of, is ttt ail inter del for a Mindred thousand dollars, and then go to work and pa oph the del. Filosophers tell no that the world revolve on its axes, and Josh Billings tells us that full haf the.folitS on the arth think the are the axes. N. b.—these ar proverbs hey stood for mor'n a hundred years, and hale gin out yet. HIAWATHA.—"MCICI-Lark," a Rappahannock correspondent of the Pittsburg Post, comments in a somewhat humorous strain on the last move- ment of the Grand Army of the Potomac through the mud of Old Virginia. He winds up his corn meats with the following effort at rhyme, in imi tation of Longfellow's Hiawatha : Then the mu-els strove and tug-ged On the bill-sides steep and rug-ged Till they came unto a mud hole, It was nary a common puddle, One it was without a bottom Into which the mu-els, rot 'em, Got so very far deluded, Nothing but their ears protruded, Picturing, in situation, Uncle Abe's administration. Tae minor of impressions at first sight was being talked ester at. tea table, when the lady who presided said that she always formed an idea of a person at first sight; and that idea, she found, was generally a correct one. " Mam ma," said her youngest son, in a shrill voice that attracted the attention of all present. " Well, my dear," said the fond mother, "what do you want ?" "I want to know," said young America, "what you thought when you first saw NB?" nor Hawn is an interesting scrap from -the prayer of a man who was in the habit of filling the breaks in his petitions with the syllable er : "0 Lord, we pray for our poor brother, who has lived for more than ten years on the Lord's aide-er, and has one foot in the grave-er, and the other all but-er!" Desirable City Lots For Sale. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS AT PRIVATE Baia at moderate rates, ve MsHaw Lots oa North Ninth street FM BoMing Late as the west side of Mom alley, East or Ninth street. Three Building Lots on the west aide of North Tenth street, and !Tonneau Building Lote on the east aide of Moss allay. The conditions will be made easy to purchasers, the pro 7.prietor being willing to leave two-thirds of the pnrchase money mend on the premises, it secured by Bond and Mortgage, and allow payment to be made in innallmente of 10. fa and de Dollars, mint the whole debt is paid, provided that one-third or the purchase money is paid on delivery of the Deed. This is a rare chance for Laborers and Mechanics to se cote homes, as Outlets stein the neighborhood of the nteam Norge a.ad Industrial Works; and en it is understood that all the Depots of the Junction Railroads will be put up near the property. gIST"Plaus of the Lots may be seen at my office, or that of C. Oecar Wagner, Nsq., Court street. Jan M-113 FREDERICX LAUER. REMOVAL. Millinery and Trimming Store. Mrs. L. 8. BALLADE, .RESPECTFULLY . INFORMS THE ClTl sena of Reading and vicinity, that she has removed her MILLINERY and TRIMMING establishment from No. IS to No. 71 EAST r EDEN STilltET,,eath ma, 1a chot.tialn. lately 0..414 by ;oldish Rearing, which has been remodeled and Sued up for her nee. She will be happy to eee all her old. one tomer', andae inane new ones as may be desirous of mak ing purchases of BONNETS, CAPS, or other Millinery Goods, ,TrllaniElita, dun Ifor assortment Is large and fash ionable, sad Malted to all Medea . Van 31-2 mo '..TREES I TREES I TREES I THE SUBSCRIBER BAS THE —AGENCY for one of the largest Nurseries in this State, and is now prepared to receive orders for all kinds of Fruit. Shade and Ornamental TgßES,Orape Vines, Shrubberies, Ill Hedging awl , ' Ornamental Plants, Strawberry. 003101,0 - nVEsopberry and Currant Stalks, also 300 Vfirleifes of MASS, attt of which wit]. be far t illvti lit sbqt,npflpt. . . , - Mareif7.— F ,, c ) __., ...._ .ctat inuttils; - ERSEINED OFFERS FOR la C ItEKB of the best o 0., i , * 165 u per t l P aod .riT hundred, or 10 for $l.. 9.000 aeedriag• Peach Tree'', three years chi r al s4per hundred. . , • •:' . 5.2 i 2104 1 1311EANKR, . ``melee ,llholi s county, Pa. Ranh 7_3l*] COAL OIL : COAL OIL 11 GOOD BURNING COAL OIL, AT 10 CENTS a quart, at GEO. LEECH CO'R, Corner of Fifth and Penn Square, next door to Borbon'e anelon Feb 7 CLONZEiti OZZ. CLOTEMI 11E LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CAR !Pablo and Boor Oil Cicala to the City. Call Feb 28] 111.1MIEW. Itir BUNCH AND. EEDLESS RAISINS, Peach% Plums, Apples, Orsugeli, Lemons, Figs, A, IL PSOCOCICS, 40 South Plfth Street. ion astesrga luntg- TIfKAUBSCnitiER iS AGENT FUR MESSRS. ,ZaPortls Powder In Iron kers, which bee tWIOB the sane of ordinary powder. Also for sale Safety Pete, best t Steel, 4., An.: J. 1.. STICIiTER, Peb2S-Swel Fifth and Penn Street * itiIIiB;BHOULDERB AND BEEt. - AT PEOCOCKA ab n 60 Bath /UM Street. 1013, at 1 o'clock. P. al., at the public home of Samuel Unger, (Shoeuzekerevillej Perry township, Berke county, to wit; Ali that certain meeettege, tenement and tract of land, situate in Perry township, Perks county, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post on the Best haul/ of Schuylkill, thence by lands of Widely Ouldin. North TO degrees, Best 4 perches to a stone in the Centre Turnpike Road, thence along the same by laud. of Benjamin !doll. North till degrees, East 26 perches to a steno, thence by land of David F. Noll, North 5 degrees, West DA perches to a stone, and North 68 degrees, East 12 perches to a post at the Schuylkill Canal, thence along the same Ninth 25 1 ,4 degrees, Weet 20 perches to a post, and North 11 degrees, Went 12 perches to a pout, thence South 05 degrees, West 2 percher; and eight tenths to a poet thence by lets of the said Adam Reber, South 5 degrees, East 10 perches to a post, thence by the same South 65 degrees, West 9 perches and seventh-tenths to a post, on the East bank of the Blinders Race, thence along the name by the aforesaid lots, North 14 degrees, West 53 perches and eight-tenths to a post, thence by lands of Jacob Seidel, gouda. CO degrees, West 6 perches and four. tenths to a Moue, thence by the tame North 20 degrees, West 1 perch and a half to a stone, and South 61 degrees, West 0.5 perches to a post, on the East bank of the River Schuylkill. thence down the said river Schuylkill the several courses thereof about 200 perches and seven-tenths to the place of begins ilning ; ceetaiulug 45 acres, more or less. The Improve r. Thence thereon erected are a two-story Brick DWELL- ' fiNti HOUSE, a large Swine Barn and other Out-build ings, &e., Ott. Sold as the property of FRANCIS B. REBER. ~. At the same time and place : All that certain messnage, tenement and tract of land, situate in the town ship of Perry, county of Barks, (shout one mile above Shoemakereville along the Centre Terapikej bounded by lands of John Beckman, Benjamin Schlier, Venter Fisher, Samuel Unger and Daniel Hoffman; Containing 21 acres, i:3 more or lens. The improvements are a one double at two-story LOG tteutak, Frame Barn. Frame Pig Stye " &c., there is also a thriving young Orchard on acid premises and Well of never-failing Water near the house. It being all Arable Land with the exception of about 4 acres, which is heavy TI SIB SR LAND, hold as the pro perty of CHARLES BETZ. Ott Thurcday, the 26th day of Mara, A. D. 1063, at 1 o'clock, P. hL ' at the pcblic house of Charles Keleer, in Hamburg, Perk s county, to Wit-. No. I. Being a certain tract of land, Attlee in Upper Bern township, Becks county, bounded and described es follows, to wit: Beginning at a poet, thence by lend of Ohrimian gchtuick north 33,44 degrees. West 19 4.10 perches to a post, thence by the hereafter described tract So. 2, aoath 79351 degrees, west 90 7-10 perches to a pant, thence by land of Jeremiah BalthaEer, north 2134' degrees, east 13 4-10 perches to a post, thence by land of Christlen Schmick, north 701 degrees, east 9334 perches to The place of !meaning, containing 9 acres and 10 perches, strict seasure. NO 2. A certain tract of land, situate in Upper Bern township, Berke county, beginning at a poet in a public road, thence along the same north 2034 degrees west 1, - ,, 3.10 perches thence by land of Joseph Wagner eouth 53% de grees. west 84,74 perthes to a post, thence br land et Jere miah Balthaser couch 21% degrees, east la 6-10 perches to a stone. thence by the hereinafter described tract No. 3,. north 7e33 degrees, east 85 perches to the piece at beginiug, ' coaxal wog 8 Acres and 1-1,1 porches, more or less. No. 3. being a certain tract of Ned, situate in Upper Bern township, Barks county, beginning at a post thence by the above described tract No. 1, north SO% degrees, west 20 perches to a post, and south 70; degrees, west 86 1-10 perches to a poet, thence by land or Jeremiah Balt: baser, south 21% degrees. east 25 perches to a pew, thence by the above described tract NO. 1, north 78% degrees, nett no 7-10 perches to the place of beginning. containing 13 acres and 50 perches. strict measure. Cold as ti% prop erty of GEORGE SHOLLE.EBER GER. At the name time and place : All that certain 2% story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and lot of ground, eitteste in the Borough of Hamburg, Barks county, bounded 2 and described as follows .: beginning at a post by lot 'es No. 46, of A. L. Berman on Schuylkill street, thence by raid lot south wardly 330 feet to a post on the lot hereinafter described, Westerly 43 feet to a post in a line of the said lot, thence by land of now or late George She Oen berger. westerly 830 feet to a poet on said street thence easterly along the same 40 feet. to the place of beginning. No. 2. Also a certain part of three out-lots of ground, situate in Flambnre. Barks county. beginning at a post at a one-perch wide alley, thence by the 'same north 87 degrees, east 12 perches to a post, thence by a 16 feet wide alley, opened between this property and town lots of John Shol lenberger and the Reins of Abraham Keleer, deceased, north 1314 degrees, trek 6% perches to a poet, thence by onslots of the Haire of A. Reiser, dec'd, Benjamin Keit:d er and A. L. Herman and the shove described property, south 57 amerce, west 12 perches, to a poet, at a COMM. of oat-lot No. 51 of Israel Derr, thence by the eamesonth 1114 degree., east 6% perches, to the poet and place of begins tag, contaieleg about one-half of an acre, being part of I onblots marked Ni 53, and 54. Sold as the property of WILLIAM E. SHOLLEEBER GER. On Friday, the 27th day of March, A. D. 1867, at 1 o'clock, l'. AL, at the public hone., of Charles Rats, In the Borough of Kutztown, Berke county, at wit ; A certain rneemriago, tenement and tract Gritted, situate In Biaxatawny township. Berke county, hounded by lands of Jacob Stinamel, David Gift, David Deininger, Benjamin Levan, John Reesner and others, containing forty-live acres and one hundred and eighteen perches, mere or lees. 2 The impreveureete thereon erected are a two-story LOG HOUSE, pestered °onside, and a t,,,,,, nry . Stone Kitchen attached, frame Owlet 'Barn, wagon shed. spring house, frame pig-stye, carpenter shop, and other outbuildings. Also, all that certain tract or piece of land, situate in Maxatawny township, Berke county, bounded by hands of Benjamin Levan, John Bah rner and other lands of Benne. villa &Jamul, containing two acres and one hundred and twelve perches, more or lee& Also, all those certain two LOte of Ground, adjoining each other, situate (near Lyons Station) in Maxatawny township, narks county, adjoining property of E. 0. Owen, Main sireet, Railroad street and a twenty feet alley, con taining each thirty feet in front and one hundred and fifty feet in depth. more or lase. Sold ae the property of BEN NE VILLE srnorEt. At the name lime and place: All that lllMU age,.plantation and two contignons tracts of land. situate in Maxiitawny lowurhip , Berks county, aforesaid, one of them bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a corner post Di a line dilate Jost Henry, now Sastattnaa Haases land. thence by the same south eighty degreee, wed forty-four peiclies to a poet, and north ten degrees, west nikty-scren perches to a poet, thence by Joseph Seterledie land, south eighty degrees, w e nt e to,, ? _„„ a perch., to a poet, thence by Anthony Fisher's land smith ten degrees, east one hundred and sixty perches to a white oak, and north eighty degree, enst one hundred and twen ty-five perches to a hickory, thence by late Nicholas Her. many's land (now Daniel Einch's) ten degrees west ninety three perches to the place of beginning, containing one hundred scree and eighty-seven perches. The other, beginning at a stone corner in a line of the above described tract, thence by the same :south eighty degrees went two perched to a stone, north ten degreee, wed sixty-seven porches to a atone, thence by land of PRAIIICLIR PRICKER seid Susannah Haust (uuw Geo. Smith) north sixty three degree., east (war perches and drusterathe Lu n Llwck oak, synth . fifty-five degrees, east ten perches and iladenths to black oak, math eighteen degrees, east twenty-six perches to a black oak. south thirty-six degrees W 0,4 ten perches and semi- tenths to a stone- and Borah fifteen degrees east twenty-nine and three-quarter perches, to the place of be ginning, containing four acres and thirteen perches, :he they or either or there mac or teas. Sold as the property of DANIVZ, AWILER, Administrator de bona. Sion rum tartar/mato airetexo, orPETfiR 11EHY, late of Alaxataway township, Berke county, deceased. . On Saturday, the 28th day of March, A. 1),,. 1863, at 1 o'clock, P. 31., at the public house of Joseph Ban ger, (Keyatone) In the city of Heading, Perks county, to 2Wit: A certain twontory BRICK ROUSE, with large tterbatoey Brick back buildings attached, and large Promo MACHINE SHOP, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west aide of South Front street, In the city or beading, Berke county, and beginning at a point no Front street, end running North along said Front street 25 feet to the property of Henry Leader, thence West along said Lerdere line 52 feet to a corner, thence along said Leader and Nicholas Roone's line about 37 feet, thence !rent to Water Street 20 feat, themes Soe'h along Water street SO ft. to the property of Isaac T. Jamec, thence East along said property of Isaac T. James about 50 feet to a 10 feet Alley, _thence North along sold Alley 18 feet, thence East about 82 feet to the place of beginning, be the said distances more or leas. GEO. LERCH & CO'S. Also—A certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the not Pl4O of Gant Orteh 6aiawa Cilitotini •g qnsos SHERIFF'S SALES OF REAL ESTATE. B v i. -pt i TuE i ,OF , .. , S . UN , 1 : : , 111 , - . 711 an : 1 8 VIF .!. rri .7./!:1;z1: wawa.' out of the Goon or Common Pte., of Berke coo My, and to tae directed, will be cold at piddle voodoo or oat-cry On Monday, the 21rd Jay of Match, A. 11., 1 , ;e3. at 1 o'clock, I'. M , et the public house of hoary ff. Holbert, (Pricotown.) Iteseomtnnanor township, Berke !leeway. to wit t A certain two-story S • ONE HOUSE with lostanneht, one story Stone Kitchen attached, intevas Fro me Stable, ramp of Water, and a lot or piece of Craned, &nate in ituscombmanor township, Berk, county, bounded by lands of Merlin Ancetadt, Dr. Charles Wrever, Abraham Weitzel, and a pablic road ; containing S men and 11111 perches, more or leers Sold as the property of EI.IA A 11 BRoll - N. On 'Tuesday, the 24th day of March, A. D., 1050, at t o'clock, P. M., at the polgic house of Joseph !Meteor in Dunghills township, Berko county, to wit: No. I—A certain mewl:tee, tenement and tract of lend, situate in Douglass ton - whip, Barka county, beginning at a Stone corner, in a line of ()Maim Keel, end John Nester's land, and limning thence by the mute North 21 degrees and a quarter, West 45 perches and four-tenths to scorner, and North 65 degrees and a half, Fast =perches sod three teethe to a corner of David Gush's land, thence by the ealus South '.2.2 degrees. Mod 32 perches, Smith 71 degrees en d . half, Weer s perches and six Mathew:ld &half, Smith 17 degrees, East II perches and eight-tenths, and booth 70 degrees and three-quarters, West 13 perches and fottr and 4 .:21.half to the place of beginning : containing II acres and it I perch, mote or less. The improvements thereon erected are a twa-story STONE 110 USE end back buildings attached, large Barn and Shedding, &a, Ac., (being a Tavern Rend). No 2—A certain tract of WOODLAND, situate In Doug. lass township, Barks county, beginning at a stone corner of tate John L. East's land, thence by the sumo North 54 the:roes ' Bant 50 perches to a moue corner tea line of Jacob Sower's lend, thence by the same south 49 degrees, East 25 perches and three tantbs .4 , to a ablea and hickory, and South 5140.117 MM West 50 per cites end three-to-ohs to a stone corner io u line of David Gresb's land, thence by the same North 45 dearees, Weal 25 perches and one-tenth it, the place of beginning; con taiotng N acres end 1 perch, morn er 10,0. No. S—A nertata mocensee and tract of land, eituate in 1 Don township, Berk. county. beginning at a stone 1 corner of Jacob Dower's lend, thence 1:y toe aatua South 19 i degrees. East 97 perches and eight-tenths to is stone corner of raid David (trent.", land, thence by the cattle tenth 55 degrees and three-quarters, West 27 perches and seven tenths to a corner to a line of other lauds of Lydia thresh. thonce by the some North 12 degrees and thronquartero, West 50 perches and eight-tenths to a corner Itt the great road, being alto a earner of Davit 1/Yeah's laud, thence by the sense North 21 degrees, West SI perchesend four tenths, North 6 degrees mat a quarter. Nod 22 perches and six tenths, and North (Si degrees; East SI perches and two tenths to the place of beginning: containing 17 acres and 05 perches, more or le:.: on liblsh are erne ed Lime Kilns. Scat se the property of THOMAS R. LLOYD Do 17 GLASS, with notice to Lydia fresh, terra tenant, and Levi 11. GI esb, occupier. At the came time and place: All that certain toessnego, tenement and trust of laud, situate In the town .hip of Earl, to the county of Barks, adjoining lands of John Sweatily, Samuel Dierolf, George Focht, heat Focht, led yrinAbraham Lochner., containing 5 acres and 39 porches, ,l a lfilire or lees, with the apparteutincev. The improve . ' mold., consist of a two-story BONE DWBLLING 1:01155, Frame Barn and other oat-Imildlugs. Sold so the property of CHAR DES LECHNF.R. At the same time and place: All that certain mesenage, tenement and tract of land, vitnate In the township of Earl, iu the county of Berke, edjoining Innis of Samuel Van Need. Samuel Dierolf, Jonas Schmale, Miler Gruff, John Sweavely, and Charios Lochner; containing 7 aqua and 65 perches, more or less , with the elopes ten -2 . ancee. The improves:este consist of a ono and a hal l'.. "o• army tra ELLINO DOUSE. Frame Darn and other out-buildlogs, Well of Water before the hon.., Or chard. Se.. &c. Sold as the property of AGRA GAN L. 5: MINED lin Vi, ednevaay, the 25th day of - March, A 1 1 . Wee's, Ii the city of Rending, Perks county. bounded on Iho Stnalt by property of JUJOI3 SchWelizer, on the East by en Alley, on the mono by property of Peter D. Getz, and ,to the Watt by Canal erreet ; rmintiennt to front ebont 10 feet. na.d. to ilt - pth 110 feet, mt..re or leen. Stations tile pro petty of .1.1/AN 11 - 4 /D. At the emu tune and place: A certain ()ne sters. BRICK NOUSE and lot orpiecnof ground, &Male on the north side of Penn street, between Ninth and Tenth streets, In the city of lierkg tautly, bounded on naiheEaet by property late a William Schwartz, ou : the North by Liberty alley, on the Week by properly late of George troll, and on the Booth by Penn street: containing in front SO feel, and In depth 270 feet, more er lees. On said lot In Liberty Alley, there is erected a one story brick 11011AQ, Ac. Sold as the properly ofiIE,NRI - Belief/ and taken into execution nod to be sold Ly ABRAHAM! It. MBlNlia, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Reading, Feb. 2,5, iStid—it E l ir Alt persons employed by the said Elijah Brown, x.O all other defendants named, or any or either of them, are hereby required to make known to the said Sheriff at least five days before the respective days of sate of the shove 111 tiv e property, the Idea and amount of Co. spective claims for wages, be., against the said defendants, as above nested B.—By order of said Court, all persons interested In the distribution of the proceeds of sale, are hereby notified that the distribution of the utoney seising from the sale of the real estate aforesaid, will be made by the court, on Monday, ably 4th, 186 s. P. S —On nil mina from 425,00 and upwards - will be re quired to be. paid down. Will. S. 3.111.M111117/LIM PIANO-FORTE ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 4117 BROOME STREET. NEW•YORK• r E SUI3SCRIDER RESPECTFULLY IN rites the st.ention of his friends and the public yen• erally to hie Piano-Forte Establishment, at No. 427 Broome Street, corner of Crosby street. Having withdrawn his interest, stock and materials from the hue Arm of " Lighle & liradburp," which firm was diesel wed on he 31st January, ult., and bay ing purchased the entire stock of PIANO . FORTES and Piano-Forte Material. owned by bin brother, Edward O. Bradbury. in the -aid Arm, be is now prepared to supply the increased demund for Iris celebrated PIANO-METES Employing the most skillful and experienced workmen, with a large stock of the beet and most thoroughly seasoned material. and dn. abtkoda ace of capital, be has taken in hand the personal supervision of the whole business of manufacturing his instruments, and is one bled to taro out Piatto•Fortes of unegnalied tone and durableaesa. BRADBURY'S NEW SCALE PIANO-FROTES. to the arrangement of oar new scale, drawn and pre. pared with the utmost care, expressly for our new instru ments, we have added every improvement which can In any way tend to the perfection of the Plano• Forte, and we can conedently assert, that for delicacy of touch, volume, purity, brilliancy and sweetness of tone, combin ed with that strength and solidity of frame necessary to durability, these itautratueohs are onegcalled. “O:THENUTII AND BEAUTY" is Our /Lotto, and we Invite the closest criticism of the best unbiased j sages in the laud. tj:r Every instroment warranted for live year:, WM, B. BRADBURY, !dn.-eh 7—am) 417 Broome St., nor. of Crosby, N. Y. INIPORTAPIT TO YOUNG HOUSEKEEPERS! STOVES AND TIN-WARE. IX TILLIAM BEIDEGAM, No. 86 WEST PENN if k Sired. next door below the Plough and Harrow ilotal, re v eetfolly calls the attention of prisms going to housekeeping, to his large and superior as ointment of STOVES AND TIN-WARE. which will be sold at the every lowest casli prices. He has bought oat the stock of Henry troth, and obtained the exclusive agency for the sale of the " CONTINENTAL " COOKATOVE, formerly sold by Mr. Ruth. and the very best Stove fit the market, either for large or small families. He is also agent for TEE "GOVERNOR PENN," Another excellent Cook Stove; together with a variety of .her Storee, either for hitehlin, parlor, hall, thankbor and Wining room use, from which purchasers cannot fail to be baited. Hie stock of TIN WARE. la large, well made, and emu. priaes every artlc!e needed for household purposes. /Hy. YOUNG HOUSEKEEPERS are particularly request• ed to give him a call, and thereby save money. Remember the place. • " - - - - - - DRIDEGIAM'S UNION' STOVE DEPOT, West Penn Street, below the Plough and !renew March 7, 1863-tf INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE or PENNSYLVANIA OFFICE, NOS. 4 AND 6 EXCHANGE BUILDING, , Forth SW Si' Walnut St., Between Doe,: and Third SM. PHILADELPHIA. .129COAPOILALTEID IN 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL. f0.A..3E'X1C..41.X.x, SEOCi.C/COCO. Properties of the Company, Feb. 1, 1861, $507 2 094 61. ;Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation Insurance DIRECTORS HENRY P. SHERRERD, - WILLIAM R. WHITE, SIMEON TOBY, GEORGE H. STUART, CHARLES mAcALESTER, SAMUEL GRANT, Jr., WILLIAM E. SMITH, TOl3l/15 WAOHER, JOHN B. BUDD. THOMAS B. WATTSON, HENRY 0. FREEMAN, CHARLES S. LEWIS. GEORGE C. CARSON, HENRY D. SHERRERD, President. WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. Air Applications for Insurance may be made to WIL LIAR KEELY, at Howard & Co's. Expreas Office. MI, 11, 1491-1 y LOOK HERE! B. RIXSTINE RESPECT FULLY INFORMS (11 hie friends and the public, that he has opened a new Store on Penn street, No. S 3. next door to J. B. Ritter's Cabinetmaker Store, where he invitee the citizens of Read ing and vicinity, to hie splendid stock of REULDT-IVLAZI33 far.oliazzrirer, Consiting of OVERCOATS FROCK COATS, PASTS and VESTS, of various colors and gnali.les, got up under bis own supervision. Re is alas supplied with a good stook of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, which will be made to order In the neatest and most Fash ionable Styles at the lowest cash prices. Raving consider. able experience in this branch of business. be feels confi dent of giving general satisfaction. He has also on band a Rood assortment of Gentlemen's Flitniahlog Good'', such as White Shirts, Orerstarts, Undershirts, Gilmore, Collars, Cravats of different styles and colors, Stockings and Gloves, and such goods se are found Ina Store of thin kind. Jan 2-1.-3 ml JACOB B. EIXSTINE, Reading. N. B —All goods made in this ostablistinient shall give entire satisfaction or no sale. COAL, WOOD, SALT, 11111—• 11EIVIE A111,...11114711E1P SAMUEL BOONE, ' (FORMERLY) John Kissinger, Jr" Conger of Penn and Front Streets, Reading, AS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND SELLS at reasonable prices, all kinds of Broken, Egg and [ova Coal; Mat, Cheatunt and llitumina. Coal, Salt, Lima and San. 441 -- Persona in want of anything In my line, will find ft to their advantage to give me a call before purchasing else. where. I deliver free of extra charge to any part of the city. [oat 6-tf Allit..lll AIL 3111MINE.111ILT 41G., Cane-Seat Chair Minufactory, No. .15 North F&fth Street. 5 doors above the Post Office. ISO THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD respeetfrilly inform his friends and the public, that he DOW has the largest assort ment of WiNEWEIAT CILSIRS ;„ 4 " . ..• V .- !:: 1 4 ever ,i offered in Readine, and for neatness p i s a h . ,. e ar b y d durability I i Ily a . 1 s w o m e r e k n m , a w n . t i i p 4; 'W•64. '''- - , • -j' " P n a n rlo rn r Chaim, Dinine•room, Chamber - —747 ~ and hocking Chain', all sines: also Wind sor Chain, Looking Glaaana, Marble Top Table., tu rre .,.., Bedsteads, Be., Be. D. U. BEIDESIA N. The 11. S. Revenue Hydrometer, FOR ASCERTAINING THE TRUE PER 11: cent. of Alcohol in icepeeled Moore, by which the amount of duty to he paid for internal revenue. is calcala• tad. The Instrument. with Owe jar and book or tables and Instructions, ia packed in a polished Mahogany Box With lock sod kev. Price $7 Book only 50 cents. SURVEYING TRANSIT LEVEL•, Coueneses, and CHAINS, SWISS DRAFTING 1101111:111180la, made by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., Manufacturing Opticians, 924 Chestnut Street. Jan 31-Rsao] Philadelphia, Pa. TO FARMERS! POUDRETTE OF THE LODI MANUFACTURING CO. THE ATTENTION OF FARMERS AND GAR- R deners le respectfolly celled to the above MANURE. Owing to the high price of Peruvian OWLIV), Eager Plum. photo and otber fertilizer., thin will be found the cheepest and beat manure. For fall particulate call on the Agent for the Company. J. L. STICIITEIL Feb 28-3 mo) Fifth and Penn Streets. T. J. McGUIGAN, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DRALERS IN THREADS, TAPES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, &c. NIVICIIMS AND BLACKING, No. :a STRAWBERRY STREET, PH ILAIIELPHI A. [March 7-ha COAL CIL Z COAL OIL :1 sfl BARRELS COAL OIL JUST RECEIVED, warrauted equal to any inaordactared, Car taw at the lowest wholesale and retell Kim+ by Fob 2S) (IEO. LERCH S CO. FLUID ..WD ALCOHOL. F OR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY 28-3, ]J. IL L. STIR/WEIL Fifth and Puun btreetb • House Furnishing Goods. T ARGE ASSORTMENT OF ROUSE FUR j A ntehlag Goals of every variety. For sale clamp by ib 4 8 ) ORO. LERCH IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS 1 N COUNTRY DEALERS. CABINET GREAT FURNITURE INDUCEMENT AT ef TO • REDUCED CASH PRICES, BUYERS. North FM h Street, 3rd Door above the Old State Douse JOHN D. EERTOLETTE, • u - AviNG PURCHASED THE LAMM' AND Li_ extensile Meek of Gehieet Poreiture from B. Porto tette, he now °dere to the public the [argent and moat 00M plete Assortment of Furniture ever offered for mule to the citizens of Reading and viol oily. Hisetock conolols of PARLOR, HALL, LIBRARY, CHAMBER, LIKING ROOM and KITCHEN Furniture, all of his Own manufacture, and made in the most work manlike manner, and warranted to give entire satisfaction, fitnpioying none and experienced workmen, be feels cenii deist of success. • • TO 19E111 TRADE. He hia odnittantly on bandit large stock of Walnut, Ma hogany and Rosewood Veneers, which have been selected with much care. Coach Body, Flowing, Cabinet, Japan and Shellac Varnishes; Undertakers' and Upholsterers' trimmings. UNDERTAKING. Ready-made Coffins always on band, and Funerals at tended to in the city and country at the Shortest notice and on the meet reeeoolthle terms. ,fir" Don't forget 40 place. JOllll D. IIititTOIXTTR, Fifth nicest, 3d doer above ;be Old State Home. Rending. March 30, 161:1-tf. FRESH SUPPLY OF Diliy GOODS. DAVID' NEFF 11AS JUST 'RETURNED nom TUE PRlN clpal market, and to now opening a large assortment of Kanat He has also on baud a very large assortment of all kinds of AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOODS, At prices RO per cent. lower than they can be Twanged by the PACKAGE from the Importers, comprising In part BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, And a metal assortment of readies" and Gentlemen' Wear, Which wilt be sold at an average price, comparing favor ably with any other House in this city or in Philadelphia. Pnrchasers wbolesale sod retail, are cordially Invited to call end one and lodge fer thenneleee. IFeb 21 TO THE LADIES. 411AFAr_ 111 E AIL_ • GLASS AND DIEENSWARE. WE elegantHAVE a asso rtme nt of thOPENe f ol l o wi n g A L k A i .Rd ofs E AND reS.Viter C2Zirea. AtIMICLES Freon China Vases, 7 don pairs, all 512 ea, Card Briskets, Card lieceirem, Jewel Boxes, Cologne Bottles, Motto Cafe fees, Watch Holders, inkstands. Cigar Stands and avartety of other fancy goods snitabie for the What-Not. also Bohemian and French Glassware, Seen as Wine Bottles, 13.eanters, Gobletse nd Wiae Glasses, Bette,Liquor cigar :Stands, Card Deftest& Cologne Bottles, Glean and Finn Stands in great variety, Castors, Bats cot labs Candlesticks, Tumbler*, Stn. &c., and Common Glass ware of every description; together with an extensive stock of QUErattIinIITAIELEI, Consisting to part, of While Granite Tea and Toilet setts, Test and Coffee Cops, Dinner, Breakfast and Butter Plates, Dialog of all kinds, Pllebers, Maga. Bowls, kw. Sm. with a fall line of common ware, all of which we offer at non. madly low prices. An inspection of oar goods by our many patrons and the public, is respectfully asked. M. REFITS & SON, may 24 No. 124, Corner of Fifth and Spruce St. dTRIORLAND & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS & STATIONER` 23 BAST PENN STREET, HEADING. PA. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK Li of School, Miscellaneous and Blank 3131 411310 41C11 11P116.." PRAYER BOORS, ENGLISH AND GERMAN BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS, PERIODICALS, MITSICand .3ICSICBOOKS, COLD PENS FANCY ARTICLES, NOTE, LETTER OAPand PIRNTING PAPER and PAPER BAGS. .11001 ES MERCHANTS' ACCOUNT BOOKS Made to order: Churches aed Sabbath Schools supplied with Tract Society and Sunday School Uuion pnblications, at catalogue prices. SAT Orders from Country Merchants solicited and filled promptly at the lowest wholesale prices. 41W - Teachers supplied with Music at the usual discount. N. B —Hooke and Mule gent 69 mail postage paid, on receipt of Publishers' Prices. jan 11341 _ . _ HATS, CAPS & FURS, FOR razz. AND WINTER, Ig b AT THE OLD-ESTABLISHED STAND OP VI. G. 334=141-A3, No. 6 West Penn Street. next door to the Union Bank of Reading, yulio IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FROM VY Neat York and Philadelphia the latest styles of EATS and CAPS Adapted to the Season. Ile has also received a fine assort ment of LADIES' FURS, BUFFALO ROBES, TRUNKS, CARPETBAGS, VALLYES and L'..1184 . 5.L.LA5, which will be sold at the lowest cash wises, As be pay Cash for all his goods, he is enabled to sell them at the low est prices. far 6 large lot of the beat quality of BED FEATHERS received, to which the attention of Housekeepers is reepeet fully invited. Call and examine,—Ho trouble to show goods.[oet 18-tf PHOSPHATIC FERTILIZER AND MEAT AND ZONE COMPOST I THE ATTENTION OF FARMERS AND *there, is respectfully Invited to the above MANURES, which have been amply tested in cartoon eoctlons of the country, and which as a means of affording stimulant, and nourishment to the Growing &vs, are now generally conceded to be among the best and cheapest in the market. We have been obliged, tether than deteriorate the arti cles, to advance the prices, in consequence of the increased cost of material], and labor, to thg following rates: FROEPHATIC FERTILIZER, • $4B Oft per ton, MEAT AND DONE COMPOhT, • - $27 00 do TASKEK A CLARK, Booth-West Corner of Oth end Witchington Bts., Phila. grair For rode by JOHN McKNIOIIT, Reading, Pa. March 7, 1863-3nio CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS. n ROUGH, Jr., WOULD RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Merchants and nonseireeper e , to him lar g e ant well assorted stock, consistin g of all g rades of M= l 3EI 'Xi 2%7 ar ES EnEdielk Tapestry Brussels, Three Ply, Ingrain, Entry and Stair Carpets, OIL CLOTHS and WINDOW SHADES In great variety, Door Mats, Rugs, Rag Carpets, &c , all of Which Will be Cold at the very lowest market prices. PIIINEAS • No. SOS Nor th Second Street, above NobleU GH B r a n chn Store, South-Weld. Corner of Eighth and Sprlog Garden Streets, ehlladelphla. [March 1-3 mo Watches, Jewelry & Falver-ware. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE opectfa Ily Invite your attention to his well selected stork of Floe Gold end Silver WATCHES, Floe Gold JEWELRY of every kind and variety or atyiee—eomprieing all of the newest and most beautiful deeigne. Also-,SOLID SILVER-WARE, efrzal• to Coin—and the beftt make of Silver Plated Ware. Each article is war ran/ad to be on raprttnnt,d. CV , - Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and galls faction guaranteed. .IMIOII EIARLEV. • (Snemsaor In Stuttftl, & Harley.) March 7-3inj Hu. t;22 Market Street, Philadelphia 0. AMES' 1311017.11X.5. n AMES' SHOVELS AND SPADES, A Ur. fall assortment on hand. Apply to J. L. fiTICWIT.I2, Fifth and Penn Street.. Feb 2S-Smo] VALUABLE BALED/VINES. SOLE AGENT FOIL BECKER'S CELEBRAT. ed Eye Salve WI.IvIWe Judie. Vegetable Pile, Evan. dreat'a Fine, &e., &v., by Feb 31-Sinul GLASS! GLASS !! GLASS! ! !—A LARGE assortment comprising in part Oennlne, lieeded Ver non Goblers,Charope, Wined, %go, /Jeer Attig For sale chow at PEOLOCK'S, deo 11) 40 loath 6th Wed. EL F. COMMIES & MULCT, ACCOUNT BOOK MANUPA.CT CRIERS, 33 Nassau Street, New-York. ACCOUNT BOOKS ON BAND, OR MADE to order at very low prices. Ualerett 7-Im. GREAT BARGAINS. Now is the Time to Buy Bargains PLOUGH & BARROW STORE re . UNDERSIGNED 41 AVE JUST FINISIi d taking account of stock, in view of commencing an EXCLUSIVE CASH BUSINESS, and are now prepared tg eell any OW. of DRY GODD3 at nominally Low Priem. 'Wn intend deyoqug unr attention more to keeping a complete line of of all kinds suitable for the !amens. Also a aloe line o HOOP SI: E STS—we bola that we have the beet make of Skirts in town, they being of the best quality of steel, and baring front S to I 0 broad bands (woven) with the improved fastenings, whiob we are selling at Old Prices. aleu, complete line of Such c c Prints, Bleached and Unbleached Busting, Blue Tlekingv, Shootings Checks. Cotton Flannels, WOOletl Flauaela; and all kinds of Dome.tle Goode. We have always on band a large and full let of Geode for bleu and Boys' Wear, each as Black and Fancy Cassimerea sue cloths, Winne/lea Keatneky Jeans. Velvet Gorda, Corded Vali/O.OPM, Beaverteena, Elatlnetts and Silk and Satin Vas:lugs, Together with a lot of other Goode too numerous to men tion. all of which we can and Intend to sell lower than we can buy them ourselves, owing to the fact that many of the Goody were bought before the late thee; and we con tend that by confining °areal van to baying and selling ex clualvely ter Cash, we can afford to sell cheaper than by doing a Credit Business. Purchasers would do well by calling and examining our block before baying elsewhere. A ino a complete stash of Oratories, Glass and Qnsetisurars. Remember the Place et the Gu future) Cash. Plough and Harrow, Store, Corner of Third sad Peon Streets, Reading. Feb 2S-lino) KAUFFRON & KISSINGER. ine The hlebeek Market pHcee will be peld in cash for Country Produce. 1.1 F." 2,111 uot - a V -. 4 Viagl'iVl c .ISr 4 C = l4 . :, . r l, ° a4ig-i 4 *:;12 ; 1 4 r 1 . 4 3 .Do E.I.E..Frt,,'E! 2?' DET...4g gi rim 17-2 g . : g1. 5 -n?-: ...' t c 9 4 : P ttV ,■ dil oci a+ 9,JV i. Mtr :ali t ; ...on " • a 4 ? i• E. 'ltk . 5 - . Dls' .5.,. t ,, o , ci. p• evq,- s g 2 E-:::-. 02 z iwv ft 0 p• 10.1=x- . wa.a-s in - &1.:413 ,111 0 a r..,T . ,..?-. a - ; E rn -1 ,m. - ar:,..F.4 ta,Nre WI . 0.. ;' t 4 el '-tEr ,a=|■ . 4 ' 41 :4' 4 G ~7: ..< ■ t. ?IP '6. . w !®! it,, Ca a 7 , - ,O' .' e.ZIP. E -P 41 z P iP. 5 0 - - r.. 4.-..,. s. 0 2-0 - r7.".2; a , 3 cr . ..A.., 5 OS r 0 if s2.`' rtil 1. : rt CI es -. . ^ -R. t-,...• . A.' ~... ~ . opPg.- --., m 0 ....N...ai 0 ...I ~',4,... 4 - . 0 F r O Ell" -ant :715: 61 ",,,..ksog w , p: -..a. ors ct tnt FC 0 r...7."a. $ . .r/O 'll ' 4 l2' ••'',1 1 . 4 tc9: 8 1:g.2. - gs -, m ;,,. , v., .<' Clog. '5;l 4 rIMP°2P 0 Tvia."-.1 ~ al V ■ r. «■ ri.E...L1 , 47... ft ir;,.,u) CM 41 e* ƒb E! ƒ FP, 41 . 0 • 0 I 4 1:01 1 0 $7 O cive. 1- , MIZEIZIADZILIMIA. MATTRESSES, Beds, Peatliera, Blankets!. Comfortable's, Quilts, Cushions., And all other articles belonging to the business. Feb. 14-Iy] A5lOB HILLE:UM rIPHIS VALUABLE AND POPULAR MEDI '. vine has universally received the most favorable re• commendations of the NI swum, Paorneston and the PUBLIC, as the most EFFICIENT and AIIEREABLB SALINE APERIENT. It may be nned with tbo beet effect in affilious and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Samna, Lose of Appetite, Indigestion, -Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Goat, Rheumatic Affections, Gravel, Piles, and all complaints WHERE A GENTLE AND - COOLING APERI ENT OR PURGATIVE Is REQUIRED. It is particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents of Hot Cliwates,Tersone of Sed entary Habits, Invalids and Convalescents; Captains of Vewels and Planters will nod it a valuable addition to their Medtclae Chests. . . It is In the form of a powder, carefally put np In bottles, to keep In any climate, and merely requires water poured upon It to prod nee a delightful effervescent beverage. Numerous testimonials from professional and other gen- tlemen of the highest standing throughout the country, and its steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guarantee Its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of en intelligent public. Manuractured by TARRANT & CO., Ire. 278 Greettivieh Street, Corner of Warren Street, New-York AND FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY Dees/abet 2; ISB2-3mos 1863 t PRILADET.PHfA f 863 f PAPER HANGINGS. / ROWELL & BOUREE, CORNER MIRTH At MARKET Streets, PHILADELPHIA Lave now in stock, a fine variety of Wall Papers, got up expressly for their Spring Trade. WINDOW PAPER OF EVERY GRADE, to which they invite the attention of Storekeepers. • Ala' in their Retail Department, will be found tbe Choice* dyke of the mason. [Feb. 14-S mos. • - 100 000 BARRELS OP THE LODI MANUFACTUROIG CO'S 3••o4rAver_niamo 711r 9 1111.7. WM. 130 Betith Wharwea, Philadelphia, Pa. ripHIS COMPANY, WITH A CAPITAL OF $160,000, the moot extensive Works of the kind in the world, and an experience in manufacturing of over 23 yearn, with a reputation long established, having also the exclusive control of all the night soil of the great city of Herr "Yoitc,*are prepared to furnish ea article, which is, without doubt, the CREAMY AND VERY BEST fertilizer in market. It greatly tocteams the yield. and pipette the crop from two to three weeks earlier, at an expenee of from thzee to four dullard per acre with little or. no labor. Also, FIFTY TONS of BONE TeFEII, being a mixture of bone and night soil ground floe, at $44 per ton—a superior arti cle for grain and gram. A pamphlet containin g all necee nary information, may be bad free by addreaslog a letter to the eubscrlber. Feb 7-3 m) HARDWARE & IRON STORE, lIITILOWISALTin AND RETAIL. TriE SUBSCRIBERS, HAVING BOUGHT the old Establiehed hardware and Iron Store of the late Flicker, Stevenson & Co., and having added a large new Stock or geode; would respectfully call the attention of the public to their large amortMent of HARDWARE, COPLERY, IRON, STEEL, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, SADDLERY, COACH TRIMMINGS, &c., Which they are determined to sell at the very lowest Mar ket Prices, wholesale and retail. 0 NORGE Oa, Corner of Pin and Market &pare, nest L d E oor RC to H Borbone Mutation House. HEelm'e Old Stand). GEORGE LERCH.] jan 18 [J. T. JACKSON. LEBANON VALLEY INSTRUTE, ANNVILLE, LEBANON COUNTY, PA. ASELECT BOARDING SCHOOL.—COURSE of Instruction thorough and complete—number of Boarders limited. Vacations to September and October. Expense* per quarter 135. For Circulars and tufurmatlon, addreen. March 7—tf) W. J. BURNSIDE, Aoaotlie, Pa. wriu LARGE FAT MACKEREL. AT 71 PEOCOCK03, 40 South Fifth Street. I= SWEET CORN, AT " lob 7J AT THE LADIES' DRESS GOODS MOURNING GOODS. DOMESTIC GOODS Men's and Boys' Wear. T&RRLNT'S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT. JAMES T. FOSTER, Care of the Lodi Alanufamming Company, 6d Coortlandt Street, New• York. T. L. STICHTSR, Agent. Reading. psocoms, 40 0001 k Firth /Week HARVEY BIRCH & BROS., GAZIAT LITZILART ACIMPTCV, Np. 63 WEST PENN STREET, READING, I'A. ESTABLISHED BY ENERGY AND PERSEVERANCE. sabacriptioos received for all New—York and Philadelphia Dan," Papers. Per Annum., Per Annum, Albion, New-York, $6 00'LaW Reporter, lid u 0 Atlantic Monthly, 3 CM:Leslie's lliact'ed News, 3 00 All the Year Roiled, 3 00iLordie's Family Naga. American Agriculturist 1 001 rine, 3 00 4 Blacicwood's Magazine, 3 00,*Londou Quer. Review, S 00 Bell Ton Magazine ofl " Laacet, 000 Pashtos, 000 a Art Journal, 000 Banker's Magazine N. Y. AOO " Punch, 0 0(1 " London,7 OCPLitteirs Living Age, 600 Braith walte's Retrospect, Little Pilgrim, 00 semi-annual, 2 00 London World of Lash- British and Foreign Med- I Mu, 460 ice ituview, Ruurteriy, 3 001 Cornidll Magazine, 4 001 Cultivator, Albany, 4501 Country Gentleman, 2 001 Chambers' ildiublirg 2 00 1 Joarnal, Cheett Magazine, 3 00' DeHow's Iteylear, 5 00 Dollar Newspaper, 1 00 3.clectio Diaguane, C. 00 *Edinburg Review, Quar tarty, 300 Goders Lady' Boolg, 3 011 Hall's Journal or Heaith,l 00 Historical Magazine, 200 Harper's Magazine, 3 00 Harper's Weekly, 2 001 Hoyden(Wrist 2 00; " colored platen, 6 001 Hurzt'sillerabeat's Rage. 1 nine, 6 00 Home Journal, 2 00, , H01:013 Magazine, 2 ill' 11l usl'ed London News, l 0 0O it'aleiterhocket Maga igne, *Noah British Review, 3 00 'North A merlon " 500 'OnceMuseum, 1 00 'Once a Week, 4 00 !Porter's Spirit of the Times, 3 00 • Peterson's National Ma gsnine, 2 00 Peterson's Depr.ctor, 1 00 flirenologioal Journal, 1 00 Ranking's Abstract 2 00 Spirit of the Times, New Turk, • • 500 Scientific American, 2 00 Saturday Evening Post, TOO Sittiman'e Journal, 6 00 !Temple Bar, 400 Vaulty /Mr, 0 Q . IWater Cure Journal, 100 !Weekly Tribune, 2 00 , *Westminster Review, 300 Weekly Herald, 3 00 Wilkes s Spirit of the Times, 3 00 Working Farmer, 1 00 OD:Tatakee Nottotte, 1 25 And many others not enumerated. *Blackwood's Magentas and the foar Reviews together, one year. 4tiar The New-Yong SCaALn , TKIBUNR, TINES, WORLD and SYN, delivered daily o enbeeribere in all parts of the city, cu rathlfehera' rate, eetl2-tf] LIST OF COLORS•. Black, ?lawn, Dark Brown, ;add, Snuff Proton, Lark Drab, light Brown, lolit Drab, Dark Blue, 'Now, Light Blue, ight Yellow, Dark ',Yee», 'raw, Light Green, ragenta, Pink, olierino, Purple, -meld. Blue. Slate, iyal Purple, Crimson, iolel. FAMILY DYE COLORS, FOR DYING SILK, WOOLEN AND MIXED Goode. Shawls, Scarf.. Dresses. Ribbons. Gloves, Bon nets, Efate, Feathers, Ind Glasse. Children'. Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel, with perfect fani colors. A Saving of 80 per cent. These Dyes are mixed In the form of powders concen trated, are thoroughly bend and pnt up in neat packagea. For twenty-live cents you can odor as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that ante. The process ls simple, and any one can see the Dyes with pefect success. Enron tione inside. Manufactured by HOWE dr trirE,Vll2ls, 258 Broadway, Boston. *ir For sale in Reading by Mrs. 8, A. Marshall, East Market &mare, and by Druggists and Dealers in every City and Town. parinary 3,1865-3 mo PHILADELPHIA SHIRT Ci CO Xii XI ..S. WIL XX CO TT IS Xi . 1000 Dozen HICKORY SHIRTS. Iwo do. Gray, Red and Moo FLANNEL MET& 1000 do. ASSORTED FANCY TRAVELLING SHIRTS. loco do. 1 WHIM MUSILIN SHIRTS from $9,25 Upwards. 1000 do. DENIM OVERALLS 10,000 Pairs COTTONADE PANTALOONS i MANUFACTURERS or TRW MINER'S MMILSEI i FLAMM 611IRTS, And a Large Assortment of LINEN And MARSEILLES BOSOMS and COLLARS, And GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS For listie by 13MTNET'2, RCS & CO., Manufacturers, 217 Church Alley, Jan 17-Smol PHILADELPHIA, PA EVTM:I 4 17 ar-. o Pl ' iiw s.ega.rg r — /;4 .2 0 to Eig el to E•ror -I P , AlgrsPg.ont.:€` 4 i n t M CIO Q ; :_1eg . :.14 1 , 14 P 0 Fza t o ■ to ;t: tr 47,3 0 i A g r 2 1.14,44 4-gr.,15 w 3.1; ci2 i";;;, ;;<7011410 1 ae: D o' . P. EP 41 g ';1111 : r 4, 0 . ri ^ g w— '&11 01 4 - K I 1-t; .S'm(srir= g "i.z'ITI4 Zi l ei o , sirir - ° g r ••• Vs , • el 1 7 . p - it I! , P an Fury,e, Roaches, tants Insects , Moths InWoollens &e. on Pa ants, Pottle, itnlanals, ' Ste. Tut up in 25c. kin and S 1 OD Boaef. Boitlee, and Flagkn. 31 and 35 filet for Horns, POBLIO iNfiTITOTIONA, Sot. "Only Infallible remedies Saone." "Free from Poisons," "Not dangerous to the Haman Family." _"hate come out of their hoist to die. AI. Bold Wholesale to all large cities. 4ir Sold by all DRIBBSISTS sod Nswim s everywhere. lUir• U I BoWASs HI" of all worthless Imitations. Sip Bee that COSTAR'S" name le on each Box, Bottle, and Fleet, before you bay. SW" Addreee H OCHRY R. COSTAR, Jiar raniCIPAL Dspor 962 BRoADWAY, N. Y. Ma- Sold by—HARVEY BIRCH & Co., Wholesale and Roan STSTBITS ;J. K. MoGoihr ;R. P. HOWER & Co., [Jan 17-9 mo 4JU. , A LECTURE - --- i"' ' TO YOUNG MEN! Just Published, in a &Wed Envelope. Price Biz Conte A-eLECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREAT meat and Radical Care of Spermatorrhom or Seminal aknees, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally, Nervousnese, Consump tion, Epilepsy and Pits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self Abtt‘e„ &c—By ROBERT J. CULVER WELL, M. D., Author of the Green Book, 4v, The world-renowned author, in rate admirable Lecture, clearly proves from bin own experience that the awful con sequences of self abuse may be effectually removed with out medicine, and without dangerous eurgical operations, beagles, instruments, rings or cordials, nolo/lug out a mode of care at once certain and effeci nal by which every sufferer no matter what his condition may be. may Core himself cheaply, privately, and radically. TB* Leprous wire, PRONg A COON TO I . IIOIIRAN. AND THOUSAND., Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed en velope, on receipt of six mite, or two postage stamps, by addressing, CH4S. J. C. KLINE & Co., Jan 31.-fffimos] 127 Bowery, New-Arlr. ; P. 0. Box 4156. PRINCE & CO'S., World Renowned Melodeons and Harmoniums, WITH THE LATEST PATENTED improvements, Introducing the Basso tenuto with the effect of Pedal bass on the cheapest !mammaslto—from m-16 to 050. EARNEST GABLER'S 'UNSURPASSED EP' a: AIL 1111iT 4121. ME 9 7 and 7,3( Octaves, fell Iron frame, ovorstron g , small and large elm, plain Sind very richly flnish w t, ! rum um to 0109. according to style. Also, Pianva by other makers. lia , Every Instrument Warranted. For sale at the low est wholesale prices, and a liberal deduction fee Cash, or on small and convenient monthly instalments. JAMES MILLAR", Sole Agent, 270 and 281 South Fifth Street, above Spruce, e-entoi _ Philadelphia CASPER REPT, MPORTER AND DEALER IN WINES, LI QIVORS and SWAIM, No. 161 North Third Street, Phil & elphia, Would respectfully call the attention of hotel I keepers and others, to DM well selected stock of Wines, Liquors, and Imported Sagan, in stare and under Custom Hones lock. COGNAC BRANDIES.—Of cations brands, consisting of Pale and Dark Martel & Co., Pinot, Hennessy, Maglory, Ota rd, Dopey & Co., and °bird's enperior London Dock, and various 'mantle of Cognac and other Brandies. Wines- &n—F ins old Madeira, Sherry, Tenerlffe, aid Lisbon euper old Port Wine, Clarets of different kinds, on draught.or in glean. CHAMPAGNE,-11eldsick, P. A. Mamm A Co. and Gels ler's genuine Anchor Brand ., in pinta and quart:. Together with a general assortment of Scotch and Irish Malt Whiskeys, Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirits,Peach Bran dy, old Bourbori,..Monongabelit , Willakey, Wild Cherry, Blackberry Ban berry and Lavender Braadlee. 14 Blaperi9l WOO sa411$9010; Bitten, Ulm 1-U HARVEY BIRCH & BROS AND J. E WITT. BOSTON COXIDEre, N. Y V V. L.D 27,1861. WE H CREOO & CO.: Gents :—I freely give you liberty to make use of the following Certificate of the value of CONSTITOTIOS WATIR, which I can recommend In the highest manner. My wife, who was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole isonth of the back, and In her limbs, with Palpita tion of tho Heart, attended with Failing of the Womb, Dyemenorrhaa, and Irritation of the Bladder. I celled a physician, who attended her about three months, when he left her worse than he found her. I then employed one of the beet physicians I could find, who attended her for about nine months, and while she was under his care she did not eater quite en much pale; be finally gave her up and said ; "her case was incurable." For, said its , ft she has such a combination of complaints that medicine given for one operates against some other of her difficulties." about this time, she commenced the me of Countitation Water, and to our utter astonishment, almost the first dose seemed to hare the desired effect, and she kept on Impror• tug rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends en tirely her domestic affairs. She ban sot takes any of the Constitution 'Water for about four weeks, and we are happy to say It has produced a permanent cure. Wit M. VAN BENSCHOTEN. Dr, Wm. H. Gataa Dear Sir :—I have for several years, been addicted with that troublesome and dangerous di.o lll lo—Gravd—w i eh resisted all remedies and doctors, until I Wok Constitution Water, and you may be assured that I was exceedingly pleased with the result. It hasenfirely cured me, and on may make any use of my name you may see at in regard to the medicine, as I have entire tionlidence in Its efficacy. Yours truly, POND STRONG. MEER ARE PAOTE KArotram: There is no ohms of diseases that produce each exhaust. log effects upon the human constitution as Diabetes and Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Passages, and through false modesty they are neglected until they are no advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies, and we present the CONSTITUTION hat It the pablio with the COnYlffilo4 that It hu no equal in relieving the class of diseases for which it has been found so eminently linemen' In caring; and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our efforts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient and phyeician. 808 SALE BY ALL DRUGOISTS, PRICE GREOO tlt CO. Proptors. Morgan dg Alla h Omni Awls, No. 413 Oil rie ff &vat, New-York. (Nov. 29, 18624 . AMOS =now' Cep WHOLESALE AND RETAIL iil. SADDLE AND HARNESS ‘t—ek4e, MASII.IPACTORIV, .__. . .2 . . _ RANT PENN STREET, DaTWEIN m .7 , -,.. , ..,- , i t ,,i --v , p SEVENTH AND BURMA, - - .. ~, South Side, nearly opposite Parlg's `,.. , Berke County House. The only place East of the Rail Road, ILEADINEI, PA. " ..! ... 424 460.diallbtie January 14, 1880-tf PREMIUM PHOTOGRAPHS. W 3 WICOM7III7A.IIEILD TOOK THE PREMIUM FOR REST PHOTOGRAPHS AT THE WWl' BMILIES COUNTY r*m. EVERY PREMIUM . YET AWARDED FOR PhotograpLie Likenesses in Berke comity, has been given to ROW A RD. Bete the chespeot and beet in Reading. Si' REMEMBER THE PLACE—UM Penn Square, Intik eitto, next to the huhu:tucker Howie. Wet ti—tf TRUSSES. UPTURE CAN BE CURED BY A TRUSS OP THE RIGHT KIND. IF PROPERLY FITTED AND DULY ATTIINDBD TO. This bee been abnedeutly de unmanned in innumerable inatences by the one et the MULTIPED AL TRIMS of DR. RIGGS, daring the last few years. This truss, being el:leered with Hard Robber, to perfectly waterproof, may be need in bathing, and is al ways cleanly as well as indestructible by ordinary ante. If not satisfactory after a fair trial of sixty dace, it may be ?married. It challenge' Comparison with any trims known. Dr. Rlol3B' Oillse, No. 7 BARCLAY BT., New• York. nor. 15-17 GRAINS (MALI%) rtRIANS CAN CONSTANTLY BE HAD AT Ur LASSA S B.S.SWBRY. (tomer of Third and Chnotnat streets. S. LAMM. Seininlinsr 7 . 1581-11 FEESH PEACHES AND TOMATOES, AT PEOCOOK'S eb 7] 40 Sonlb Flftb Strad FOIL SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, 200 WHITS Cfranite Tea Sette of the newest style. FOR SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, 800 GRANITE Diener Salts of the newest style. Etoki, SALE. AT TILE OLD JAIL, 1000 SETS Common Teaware. I . A OR SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, THE LARG- E eat assortment of Liverpool Were ever offered in Beading. FOR SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, A LARGE assortment of Pittsburgh, Boston and French Wasp ware of every description. FOR SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, THE CHOIC eat variety of Bar and Hotel Olase, China and Queens. Ware Wafture ever offered in heading. "DOE SALE AT TJIE OLD JAIL, BO BARRELS Marker. at Philadelphia prices. march 22 WILLIAM RAGS DR, .Tr. /VA.—EXTRA FINE OOLONG TAA O , O a , le6 7] 40 doh Fifth MIL • rrt•• • , - • CONSTITUTION WAT THIS GREAT REUSE/VP FOR THE CCIII.TATOSIVi r r - C.PriCMF AND TUE ONLY KNOWN REMEDI' 1:03 DIABETES AND DISEASES OF TILE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER These Dangervdo and TrateLbennte Magee', j„, r , thus far Reittsted the but directed Treolmant, Completely ControlledbytheßEAVEDYnowdeforenel Tiff dB TIVE properties of the medicine direct themselves to the organs of secretion, and b so altering the condition of the stomach end liver that tin starchy principle of the food to not con. vetted into sugar so long an the system le ander the ia ilaeoce of the CONSTITUTION [PATER, which gives those organ. time to recover their healthy tone nod vigor, We ere able to elate that the Covtitatlea W.. ter ban cured every case of Diabetes hi which It tote been given. STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL BRIGS DUST DEPOSITS. AND MUCOUS OR , EfILXY DISCHARGES AFTER URINATING. mt.... ...rarin g from one and thorium, cense will he entirely cured try the Constitution Water, If taken for any length of time. The dose should vary with the severity of the dracm.. from twenty drape to a teaspoonful M.. 01110041 a day, la water. boring the passage of the Caleolu., the 'Palo and urgent eympiems Mould be eombeted with the proper remedies, then followed op With the Conialtetien Water. as above directed. DTSHENORRECE A, OR PAINFUL NRNSTRUA TPA; AND IN HENORRIIAGLA OR PROFUSE FLOWING, Both diseases erlelog from a faulty secretion of the men strual duid—in the one case being too little, and erratic pealed by severe pale Sad the other a too profuse HUTS. Mon, which will be speedily cured by the Coratiratisa Water. The disease known as PALLING OP THB WOMB, which io the reiteration of The ligaments of that maul, and l e known by a tense of heaviness and dragging pai n s h u b e back and iildec, and at times accompanied by sharp kris. ming or shooting paled through the parts, will, In all tn• nee, be removed by the medicine. There Is another class of symptoms arising from Mt- TaTION OF THE WOMB, which physicians tail Iticreous• sees, which word covers up muck ignorance, and la sloe cases oat of ten the doctor does not meetly keg, whether the symptoms are the disease, or the diwase the symptoms. We can only enumerate them here. .1 speak more police. laity of Cold kens, Palpitation of the Heart, Impaired Memory, Wakefulness, Plashes of Heat, Languor, LOS. tad., and Dimness of Vielora SUPPREB&ED MENSTRUATION. Which lu the onwarrled• female Is a constant recturley disease, and through neglect the seeds of moremars and dangerous maladies are the result; and as month after mouth passes without au effort beinglnsde to amid nature, the suppression becomes chronic, the patient gradually looms her appetite, the bowels are constipated, nick ',waste come on, and consumption finally eede her career. _ . LBUOORRIRBA .OR WRITES. Thin disease depends upon an Inflammation of mucous lining of the vagina and womb. hla in all caws amts. panted by severe pain in the back, across the bowels and through the hips. A teaspoonful of the medicine may be taken three times a day, with as Wanton of a tablespoon ful of the medicine, mixed with a haltpint of soft water morning and evening. IRRITATION OF TRU EROS OF TAR BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYB, 4FI) OATARRHOF THE BLADDER, STRAY. GURY AND BURNING OR FAIN FUL URINATING. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said In Its pales. A single dose has been known to relieve the most nrsent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the IMO of the back and through the hips? A teaepoontal a day of Constitution Water will relieve you Mennen . . FOR DYSPEPSIA, It has no equal In relieving the most distressing quip. tonic Also, Headache, Heartburn, Acid btontch. Vomit ing Food. &a. Take a teaspoonful after dinner. The dose In all cases may be increased If desired, but should be done gradually. PHYSICIANS Rave long einee given op the nee of bnehn, cubebe and juniper in the treatment of these diseases, and only nee them for Want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER Pas s proved itself equal. to. the teak that has devolved up DIURETICS Irritate end drench the kidneys, and by constant nes BOOS lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed disease. aEAD. READ. READ. DANVILLI, Pa., Jane 2,1892, Dr. Wm. H. 13111t00 —Dear Sir: In February, 1801. was &Misted with the eager diabetes, and for Dee months I phased more than two gallons of water In twenty-four boars. I was obliged to get up as often ea ten or twelve times during the night, and in fire month/ I lost about fitly pounds in weight. During the month of July, 1881, I pro. cared two bottles of CoOetiintion Water, and In two days after using It I experienced relief, and after taking two bot tle. I was entirely cured, eoOn alter regaining my usual good bmsitlb Tours Indy, bliuroan, CONN., NOV. 19,1661