&sults la ittniutral. SATURDAY, KAM 7, 1863. imp'rEflC CHARMS. ELECTION in Geneva, New iork. on Mendip, Mulled in the success of the entire Democratic ticket, by a majority of about 150. RESIGNATION OF GEN. Sion..—The 'Washington correspondent of the N. Y. Tralune says : ••Gen. Sigel has placed his resignation in the hands of the President and gone home. Limp. erable difficulties in his intercourse with the C o mmander-in-Chief, are alleged as the reasons for this resignation, which will be regretted by e very soldier in the army. [t ie thought in mil itary circles that his corps will be consolidated with some other." Tax DOORFCKEPEH OF THU flouss.—lt gives us P leasure to copy the following extract of a let— ter frost one of our Harrisburg ouireepondents. The compliment he pays to the present Door keeper of the House of Representatives, ie well deserved : • I cannot close this letter without mentioning lif t . metier. iha Daorke.par of the House_ I must say for him that he keeps better order in the Hall whilst. that body is not in session, than I have ever seen kept. in this Hall at. any time. As en officer, he is obliging, attentive and popular.. I doubt Ant a public acknowledgment of this fact, will be highly gratifying to his friends at home." THE SiEGe Or VICKSBURG.—The rumors from Vicksburg for the last few days have filled every One with snidely to hear gomething definite and authentic. If there has been any battle at all there, it most, of course, have been a severe one, attended with heavy lose of life. But this ru mor is generally discredited. The indications appoo to favor the statement that Viehtibtirg hos been or will be evacuated by the rebels, and we fervently hope it may so turn out. Such a vic— tory at this time would do much to diepel the gathering gloom and restore public confidence. Mcsiczrar. ELICTIONS IN New Tots.—At the Municipal election in Oswego on Tuesday, the Democrats elected their Mayor by 108 majority, and two oat of the fear Aldermen. At the Charter election in Troy, Wm. L. Van Alsiyne, Democrat, was elected Mayor by over 1,300 majority. The Common Council stands: Damocrat' 13, Republicans 9.. At the Charter election in Rochester, the Demo crate elected the Mayor and entire city ticket by about GOO majority, and eight of the twelve Al dermen, and seven of the twelve Supervisors. The Democrats elected their whole ticket in Lockport by a large majority. Charles 8. Wilson, Democrat, ie elected Mayor of Utica by 606 majority. The rest of City ticket is also Democratic. WAR NEWS! ANOTHER NATAL DISASTER. Capture of the United States Sunbeat Indianola by the Rebels. II S. Muustssurrt SQUADRON, Feb. 27, via Memphis, March 1 1863. re tae Son. Ouse Seereltifil e 1 lle Nam bin I regret to inform you that the Indian ola has also fallen into the hands of the enemy. The rates Webb and Queen of the West attack ed her 25 miles from here, and rammed her until she surrendered, all of which can be traced to a non-compliance with my inetritetienek • I do not know the particulars. DAVID D. PORTER, Commander. The buliontsda wee one of the Sneet gun boats of the squadron, and was considered invulnera ble. She was built at Cincinnati, is of the Monitor" pattern, with en oblong stationary turret, in which were mounted two heavy colum bieds. She passed by the batteries at Vicksburg on the night of the lath ult., and was reported to be en route for the Red river, with a view of rescuing the captured steamer QUM of the Wert The despatch of„Captain Porter informs uv, how ever, that the tables were turned, and that the latter boat aided in taking her former compan ion. It is mortifying and alarming that we should have lost the only two armed vessels that have run the Vicksburg blockade—the Queen of the West and the Indianola. Admiral Porter states that when taken, both were engaged in opera tions in violation of his orders. it appears, from last accounts, that the Indianola made a desper— ate fight, and only surrendered when in a sink ing condition. There is some comfort in this. From Gerieral Rosecrans's Army. Defeat of the Rebels at Brafiyvifie. Watunserros, Tuesday, March 3, 1863. The following has been received at the head quarters of the army : 111usrassesono, Teen., Pub. 27, 1983. To Major Gen. Ilam.scr., General in Chief: Gen. Stanley reports from his expedition to Bradyville. The Rebels of Morgan's and Whar ton's dommancla made a stand in Bradyville. Cols- Paramour and Lung wept in with sabers and whipped them in about three minutes. Stokes s cavalry advanced bravely with carbines. We took 70 prisoners, including 8 officers, their camp equipage, tents, saddles, some 70 horses, anti Basil Duke's regimental papers. /Nor Murphy did good service. We lest One man killed, and one Captain and seven men wounded. W. S. ROSECRANS, Gee. Com'g. CINCIAN&Ti, Tuesday, Marsh 3, 1863. A *pedal &mat& to The Commercial, della Murfreesboro. 21 idstaut, 8378 : "An expedition of 1,000 cavalry, comprising a detachment of the 4th Regulars, 3d and 4th Ohio, and first Tennessee regiments. and 1,600 infantry, containing detaohmenta of the 18th and 21. et Ohio. 19th Illinois ead Bei Tennessee regi ments, left Murfreesboro yesterday morning, and encountered the enemy at Bradyville. After severe fighting the enemy were driven from the town with the loss of 8 killed and 20 wounded, and 80 privates and 9 officers oaptured. There were also eaptured 300 new saddles and accou trements and a large collection of [Medal orders and papers and the private' baggage of the ene my. The enemy engaged was a portion of John Iforgan's division. Our loss in killed and Wounded was about half that of the Rebels." IMPORTANT FROM THE WITH. Destruction of the Rebel Steamer Nashville. WASHINGTON, Mara 4, 1863 A despatch from Savannah of the let states that the steamer Nashville raa aground before Fort McAllister, and was destroyed by our iron cisde. The fort is not taken_ Richmond papers of the 2d inst., make no Mention of affairs at Vicksburg. Charleston dates to the let are received. The steamers Ruby and Douglas ran the blockade with Nassau dates of the 26th nit. THE SIEGE OF VICKSBURG. Cala°, March 4, 1868. The latest advicee from Vicksburg state that two dredging machines had arrived, and would be put to work on the canal immediately. The river is rising fast, and the water is in terfering much with the camps at the head of Island No. 95, the levees are broken, and the water is pouring over at a fearful rate, Another flatboat ran the batteries at Vicks burg. She was fired on by the rebels and struck three times. A fire at Lake Providence on Monday de stroyed nearly the whole town, with a consider. able amount of commissary atom. The Memphis Bulletin of Saturday, the 28th nit., says that it was confidently believed in leading circles in that city that the rebels were then evacuating Vicksburg. Later and more direct intelligence, however, does not confirm that report. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE HARRISBURG, Thursday, February 26. ScSarst—Mr. Clymer presented two petitions from citizens of Berks county, for the enactment of a couttitutional call for a National Convention. Also, two petitions from citizens of Berks county, for the enactment of a law to prevent l,laaks a nd ilattoos from looming into the State. beverdl unimportant bills were considered and passed,. Adjourned till Monday evening at. 7 o'clock. House.—Mr. Weidner presented a petition i signed by twenty-one citizens of Pike township, Berke county, praying for the passage of a law to give the'collectien of State and county tlllBB to the lowest bidder. Also, a remonstrance signed by ninety-two citizens of Pike township, protesting against the passage of any such law. Also, a petition from citizens of the city of Read• ing„ praying for the passage of an act to prevent the payment of wages in atore•ordere in thin Commonwealth. The bill authorizing the school directors of the borough of Kutztown, Berks county, to borrow money, was reported as coin. mitted. The supplement to the Act relative to the collection of State and county taxes in the township of Maxatawny, in Berke county, Was passed. The bill to accept the grant of public lands by the United States to the several States for the endowment of agricultural col leges, was considered and passed—yeas 82, nays 9. Mr. Potteiger voted for the bill, and Messrs. Kline add Weidner against it. The returns of the late election for Auditor General and Sur veyor General were opened and read. Adjourned till Monday evening at 73 o'clock. . SENATE- -Several petitions for &National Con vention, and for the passage of a law to prevent negroes and mulattoes from coming into this State to reside, were presented. Tie supple ment to the Act incorporating the Allentown Railroad Company, (reducing the number of Di rectors to eit.) bill to incorporate the Moravian Seminary for young ladies at Bethlehem, and bill to incorporate the Meravian College and Theological Seminary at Bethlehem, were passed. Adjourned. Twitchell presented a joint reso lution that the Governor be reqineted to commu nicate with the Secretary of War with referen.ce to the pay of discharged soldiers, who have been sick since they entered the service, who, in many cases, are sent borne without pay. A large num ber of petitions were presented against arbitrary arrests, and hi favor of a call for a National Convention. No business of importance Was transacted. SENATE.—Mr. Clymer presented several peti tions in favor of a National Convention. Also, a petition of 163 citiuenc of Serke county for a law to prevent. the emigration of negroes and mulat toes. The postage account of the Senate, for February, amounting to $1486 36, was presented and ordered to be paid. Mr. Penney introduced a bill to empower the Governor to commute the penalty of death in certain cases to a specific term of imprisonment. The bill to divorce Thomas D. and Adelaide W. Nice, of Philadelphia, passed finally—yeas 15. nays 11. Mr. Clymer read in place a further supplement to the act incorporating the Mutual Firs Insurance Company of Becks codify, ap proved January 31, 1845. Adjourned. Hold m —The Speaker and Members of the Senate being introduced, the returns of the late election for Auditor General and Surveyor Gen eral were read, and the certificates signed. The aggregate of the vote was as follows; Swatter 219.066 Barr 218.892 Cochran 215.684 I Rose 215,928 -- Official maj,— 8,882 I Official maj... 2,974 At number of privarO bills *eke gamed, among which was the bill authorizing the school direo tore of the borough of Kutztown, Barks county, to borrow money. Adjourned. WIMS7I6BDAY, March 4 Briers.-11.1r. Penney introduced a bill inlet. log to the payment of stamp 'a u ties, requiring Stamp duties to be taxed with costs in judicial proceedings. The bill providing for the distil bution of State documents among the different States of the Union passed finally Adjourned. SIZNATIL—The Judiciary Committee, through Mr. Seine, Chairman, reported a bill to prevent the emigration of negroes and mulattoes into the State. It prevents any such persons from com ing into Pennsylvania, either temporarily or permanently. under penalty of indictment, and fine not exeoeding $lOO, with imprisonment not exceeding one year. The second section is as follows: That if any person or persons shall bring, or cause to be brought into this State, any negro or mulatto slave, whether said slave is set free or not, shall be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be hued for every such negro or mulatto, in any sum not exceeding $6OO, and shall under go imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court, The third section makes it the deity of sheriffs, constables, and police officers to arrest such negroes and mulattoes. The fourth section provides that nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to teamsters or servants temporarily within this State, Mr Barger called up a biii.making it unlsw ful for any member of either branch of the Leg islature to hold or exercise the office of council. man in the city of Philadelphia, after the first of January neat, which was passed. The special order of the day was the consideration of the bill repealing the act by which the tonnage tax WAS commuted in 1861. The question being on an amendment which had been offered by Mr. Noyes, of Clinton county, imposing a uniform rate of taxation on the tonnage of all Railroad and Transportation Companies in the State, the revenues derived therefrom to be appropriated to the sinking fund for the reduction of the State debt. The bill and amendment were discussed until the hour of adjournment, without being brought to a vote. per THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY for March, opens with a notice of the recent Life of Professor Wilson ("Christopher North"), ably estimating his character, and concluding with an admirable pen-and ink sketch of him. Professor Agassiz contributes a remarkable scientific paper, in which be treats of America as the veritable old world—a continent when "Europe was repre sented only by islands rising here and there above the sea," which suggests that Eden may have been in the valley of the Mississippi! Na thaniel Hawthorne gives another of his charming English sketches, in which he takes the reader with him to Greenwich, near London. Mrs. Child gives " Willie Wharton." a pleasant love story ; and there is a true and telling account, by Burgeon Weekee, of " The Last Cruise of the Monitor." Of the political papers in this num ber, we have nothing to say. Boston : Publish ed by Ticknor and Fields, at $8 a year. Sold by Harvey Birch & Brother. PATMIIINT OF TUE STATE 111ILITIA.—III the House of Representatives, on Thursday, 26th ult., the following joint resolutioi from the Sen ate, relatiVe to the remuneration of the Militia of the Commonwealth for services rendered dur ing the raid of the rebels into this State last fall, Was taken up and concurred in : Reno/cod by the ..Senate and House of Representa tives, 4v.. That the Governor of this Common wealth be and is hereby requested, immediately after the passage of this joint resolution, to pro ceed according to the provision of the Act of Lasembly of the 2,1 day of April, A. D., 1822, to pay the Militia called into the service of the Untied States, by the order of the 11th day of September, A. D 1862, out of the moneys of the Treasury, leaving the question of the liability of the United States for said payment to be hereaf ter adjusted by the proper authorities of the State and the United States. gay- HARP7671..11 Maaszias for March, was re ceived a week ago. It opens with a paper on "Continental Money," which will be found of special interest at the present time. It gives fao similes of the principal descriptions of the Paper Currency issued by the States and the Continental Congress, and the leading "device" of every denomination of Continental Bills of credit. J. Roes Browne gives the conclusion of his spirited sketches of "A Californian in Ice land," illustrated with numerous original en gravings. The shorter contributions are very good; and the whole Number is one of Rapper's bat, For pale by Harvey Birch & Brother. To Nervous Sufferers of Toth sexes. A Reverend Gentleman baying been restored to health to a tow Sayv, alter nu.leegoing all the uttial routine nod Irregular expensive modes ottreatment, without gnaws, considers It hie sacred duty to communicate to his athlete,' fellow creatures the MEANS OF cuss. Bence, on the re ceipt of an addressed envelope, he will send (free) a copy of the proscription need. Direct to Dn. JOHN IC DAG. NALL, ISO Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. [jam. 17-2 me. FEMALES! FEMALES! FEMALES! Use that Safe, Pleasant Remedy known as It Is used by YOUNG AND OLD, In the Dimities Or Change of Life, And After and 1101fre JAzrrWtre., During and After Confinement, To Strengthen the Nerves, Ramona Nature to its Proper Channel, and Invigorate the Broken•down Constitution From wh,,kvrr Cause Originating USE NO MORE WORTIILhhB PILLS Toke . . ITSI.MBOLIOS RXTRACT BUCNU. . Sec advertisement in another column. Cut it out. and send for It. [March 7 Wheat (prime white) per bnebel $1 70 Wheat, (prime red) R e do 92 per bushel 1 02 y Corn 'eel do 80 Corn new) do 80 Corn 'eel 46 go OMB do 90 Flaxseed do 1 30 Cloverseed do 4:A Timothy seed do 225 Barley do 70 Potatoes do 05 Sweetrotatoes do. 74 Salt do 00 Salt per Sack 1 40 Wheat Fleur (extra family white) ibbl. 9 0) Wheat Floor (extra fam. white) ip 100 The 4 10 Wheat Floor (extra family) per Barrel S5O Wheat Flour-(extra MONDAY, March 2 family) per 100 The. 424 Single Extra Flour, per barrel 7 50 Single Extra Flenr, per leo lbe. 3 75 Wheat Fleur (super fine) per barrel 7 511 Rye Flour per barrel 4 00 Rye Flour per 300 ma. 200 TUESDAY, March 8 Corn, (old) - Corn, (now) a. Ryo, Oats, - Reading Lumber Prices Current. Reported for the Reading Gazette try J'ACOB H. HEY SHER, bum9er 17070771148/0/1 rant, South, Third near the Lancaster Bridge. SHADING, March 6. 1868. $l2 006114 00 20 0°640 00 20 , 10C426 00 12 001100 00 20 000;60 00 17 02E, 00 tOOBOO 26 00t128 00 4 50@19 00 20 mesa 00 1 BO@ 2 00 20 00@10 Du 9 05914 00 2001111611 00 is 09(598 00 20 00@22 00 20 00433 J 00 Hemlock Joist and Scantling, Poplar Boards, - • Scantling, - White Pine Boards and Plank, Cherry Board, and Plank, - White Finn Floor Boards, - Booting Lash, Oak Floor Boards, • - White Pine and Hemlock Shingles, Oak Boards and Plank. •• White Pine Ceiling Lath, - - Ash Plank, . - Spruce and Pine Pickets, - - Walnut Batirda sad riaut, - Lynn Boards and Plank, • - White Pine Joist and Scantling, Birch and Maple Board. and Plank, 200,000 feet Green Butt Edged Clear Walnut from 14 to 7 inches WANTED, Price paid to Carl 5206.1130 FLOUR AND ORAlN.—There is no quotable charge in Flour, and little or nothing doing to Breadettiffs generally, owing to the rapid decline of gold. The only sale we Doer of ie 400 bbut formy Ohlo et $lO, and a fors atittill lota to supply the trade et $0123036 31 for superfine : ®512.5 for extras; $7 10t0 for extra family, and $7 50@ $.Olll bbl for fancy braude, as In quality, at which rates there are more sellers than buyers, and the market cloned very inactive. Rye flour is offered at $5 V bbl, and doll at that figure. Corn Steal comes in slowly, and Pt unsyl rants Meal is scares bet quiet; the last ralee were at s4' WA The maims Melly are 2140 bhle of Flour, 3700 but% Wheat, 6900 bosh Corn and 5000 bash Oats. The Wheat Market is unsettled and drooping, there is little or no de• mend either for shipment or milling, and only about 2000 bush found buyers In small lots, part taken last evening at 17k5173c for good and prime Pennsylvania reds, in store, at which rate It is doll; white range at $1 litt@s2 03, as in quelity. Rye to worse and Pennsylvania eslts in a email wry us arrival at Ade o.le. Corn le dttli bat prices are unchanged, O@4ooo bash new yellow found buyers at 850 for prime dry. and B:leklie for damp lota Oats are scarce and Arm at 65506 c le 32 The for good Pennsylvania, in store. There is rather more demand for Cloveraeed, and 6110 bosh have been disposed of at ge MVO 8744, mostly at s6'7sfijlo 81) VI bush. Timothy is steady at $2 75,33, and Plesteeed ...see at *3 75 I) bosh. WHISKY.—There is no movement in whisky, and prices are nearly nominal at 152653 c for barrel., and 50*51c for drudge. IRON.—There is a good demand for Pig Metal at folly former rates, and farther sales of .263000 tone anthracite are reported, moistly to go west, on terms kept private. Prices here range at s3ees34 and $9.9 for the three num• bare, on time, and /roo for cash, with a moderate bast. nese doing for the want of Mock. Most makers having sold up. are not dlepoeed to operate to any extent, and the market is quiet. Scotch Pig is firm and. advancing, with little or nothing doisg in the way of sales. For manufac tured. Iron the dernand continues good, and the mills gen erally are well off fOr orders. CATTLE MARIKET...—The olleringe of Beef Cattle reach ed about 1600 head at a falling off, as compared with the previous week, and the market was dull at quo tations, the sales ranging from $7 to $l5 the he ms for common to prime quality. The principal sales were made at its @Se Cowe are steady, and about 140 sold ak from to $3O each for sprlOgero, and $35 to siti for Cows and (RIM EONS are alto steady, end the receipts, alum! 3800 bead, were taken. including 1173 at Imhoff% at s7@ VW, and 500 at Phillips' at $7 4 ,6330M, the 100 ihs net. Sheep are lower, and 4500 head sold at from 6 to 73gc Th gross. etook Sheep brought s3@3 50 each.—ifortit American. In Philadelphia, on tbe4tb lust., CHARLES Kann, infant eon of Charles and Elizabeth Ullman, aged 11 monthe and 22 days. On the 4th inst., in Philadelphia, Eoween Drrnmtv, only MI of Joseph L and Nan IL ranker, formerly Yr Ole city, in the 16th year of Menge. On the morning of the 14 of March, at the residence of %V en. P. Cox, in Vhiladelphia, Arrnortr H Monate, , in the 82d year of his age His remains were brought to this city on Tuesday morning last, and interred in the Charlet , Sea. Cemetery. On the 261 h ult" In Rockland, BENJAMIN, son of Jacob and Either Strohm, aged 11 mouths and' O days. OD the 23d nit., in Maxatawny, ISAAC, eon of Nathan and Judith Katz. aged 15 yearn, 9 months and 8 days. On the 22d ult., in Beet Cocalleo. Lancaster county. BENEDICT Buenas, aged 72 yearn and 29 days tie the 255 nit , this city, SARAH Cztvatna, daughter Of Mahlon and Mien itanckv aged 3 months and 24 days. On the 19th nit., in thin city, CAW:MISS, wits of Major Isaac 9chrceder, and daughter of the late Philip Both aged 35 years, I mouth and SO days. On the 19th all , in thin city, Rosa ELLEN, daughter of Deed and Charlotte B. Clanger, aged 9 yearn, 0 months and it day.. 0 the 19th Jan-, In Upper Tolpehtmoon, CATELLILINE, Wits Or Miebeal Long. (born Benne), aged 51 years, 7 monthsand 9 day'. Oa the 2.ith Jan., in Rehreriburg, Chniagrag, with of Ja cob Noerker, aged 07 !team 9 months and 24 days. On the 15th Jan., in Bern Biz*, daughter of John and Catherine - Ulrich, aged 3 yearn, 9 mouths and 21 days. On the 131 t nit., in Upper Bern, Mout, daughter of John Loos, aged a most hat. On the 18th alt., In Maidenereek, Canomns, daughter of Jacob and Mary Liunkiric, aged 1 year, 8 months and days On the 17th sit., in Penn, Maar UNE daughter of John and Rebecca Oeschwiudt, aged 22 years, 0 months and 25 days on the 15th ult., In Womeladorf, Panslt Lag, daughter of John and Mary Manderbath, aged It years and 23 days On the 13th niti, is thia city, CALTRA.IIII42. littanSume HILL, aged 07 years. 7 menthe and 25 days . On the 10th alt.. in Centre, Wrcuam Hagar, eon of liam Z and Elizabeth. &tondos, aged 3 years, 7 Months and 20 days. . On the 7th nit., in Cumin, HENRY hinTort, con of Ben neeille end Ann Eliza Kianglaud, aged 2 )ears, 8 months end lil daylk On the 2Sth December, 1881, In Orwigabarg, Schuylkill county. Emma, wile of William Kreisber, formerly of Reading in the 27th year of her age Lately, at the residence of Daniel Smith, in Jefferson, Emzenarn, widow of Jacob Knott, aged BC years, 6 months and 13 dale. Lately, in Upper 'falpshoecon, MOM, son of David and Magdalena Zeger, aged 17 years, 10 months and 25 Jaye. Lately, la Jefferson, Mawr ANN, daughter of Harrison and Sarah Elizabeth Stapp, aged 5 years, 5 months and 27 days. Lately, in &random's, Bays - RIMY= , daughter of Wil liam and Lydia liollenbach, aged 1 year, 5 months and 21. day■. Trimming Store For Sale. II ONE OF THE PLEASANTEST CITIES of Pennsylvania, a well-petrontzed TRIMMING STORE, which, has done a good badness for the last tea yearn, with a desirable Stock, with a batgleome cheap residence, in the bent location in the city, is °Gored for tale, for family reasons, on reasonable berme. Apply at Feb 28-211 THIS OFFICE. Commercial Broker. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING TAKEN out n Mama la a COMMERCIAL BROKER, fe pre• pared to negotiate for kno purchase and sale of REAL ES TATE, COIN, STOCKS, MORTGAGES, and other &merino, Goode in nubroken Packages, Coilee: Con of Rents. and any other business of a COSDUSIWOR Broker or Agent.. * Parties basing business to do in Ms line are request ed to give him a call. JACOB C. SCHSBNER, OFFICE in Cond. Street, Be;.t 404 r above Alderman Schemer. ireb 28 HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHU, For all CoiciplaiLts Incident to the Sex No Family shonld be Without 14 And None Will when once Tried by them MARKET. FRIDAY, March 6, 1663 Eincli.whescrlourpor READING 100 Bu. 2 00 Pork fl 100 lbs. 8 00 Beef (hind quarter) per 100 pounds 87/9 00 Beef (fore quarter) per 100 pounds o@B 00 ,Flione par pound 10 'Shoulders do 7 Flitch do 7 .Dried Beet, do 13 'Table Butter do 22 Lump Butter do 20 'Firkin Butter do iTailoW do 03.4 Lard do 10 Hides, Raw do 7 and S !Best Old Rye Whiskey, per gallon 76 to 1 00 Common Whiskey, per gallon 27 to 31 FlaZaeed Oil VI gallon 80 Eggs per dozen 22 Stan Coal (atom egg & broken, ip 2000 Pm 4 110 Nut Coal do 3 60 Limeburnere' do 2,00102 60 Plaster per ton, 6 00 Timothy Hay do 12 00 Meadow tray do : IL 00 Hickory wood per Cord 4 00 Oak wood do 3 00 Bark do 6 CO PRICES OF GRAIN; PAID BY P. RUSTIONO & SONS, Ranh 6, 11363. - SO rents for 56 %a • SO COM for 60 lb. - 92 cents for 66 Ibis 60 cents for 32 be- PHILADELPHIA MARKET. FRIDAY, MAVI 6, 1863 DIED BONDS SHERIFF'S SALES OF REAL ESTATE. B I C - , v p, li!,. a i/gE ve lp i r lit S io U ni ND E.D ß p Y o W e lt I T d S 1, 01 7. i L F EL z aB l : issued oat of the Court of Common Pleas of Barks county, and to me directed, will be sold at public Tondo° or out-cry: On Monday, the 23rd day of March, A. D., li 16E3, at 1 o'clock, P. lit, at the public house of Henry H. Barnhart, (Prieetown.) Rescelabiltanor township, herbs e ... N county, to A on ce e l t a o i r n y I two- stor y ne Stone Kitchen attached, - =Prams Stable, Pump of Water, and a lot or piece of ground, situate in ltuscombniauor township, Darks county, bounded by lands of Martin A opstad t, Dr. Charles Weaver, Abraham Weitzel, and a public road ; containing 2 more, and 166 perches. more or less. bold as the property of tad:ram BROWN. On Tuesday, the 24th day of March, A. D., 1263, et 1 o'clock, P. IL, at the public house of Joseph tilleinger, in Douglass township, Berke county, to lett: No. 7—A certain mesimage, tenement and tract of land, situate in Douglass township, Berko county, beginning at a Stone corner,ln a line of Charles Keeirand Jobe Nester's land, and matting thence by the same North 21 degrees and a quarter, West 42 percbes end iour-tezdha to near/WM and North 63 degrees sod a half, East 42 porches and three tenths to a corner of David (troth's - land, thence by the same South 22 degrees. East 38 perches, South 71 degrees gad & half, West 8 perches and six tenths and a half, South /7 degrees, Emit 9 perches and eight-tenths, and South 70 degrces and th reemnarters, West 12 perches and four and a ahalf to the place of beginning; containing 0 Screened I perch, snore or leen. The improvements thertmt erected are a two-story STONE HOUSE and back , buildings attached, large Barn and Shedding, Ste., &e., (being a Tavern Stand). No. 2—A certain tract of WOODLAND, situate in Doug lass township, Berko comity, beginning at a Stone corner of late John L. East's lead, thence by the same North 54 degrees, Boot AO porches to a stone corner in a lineal Jacob bower's loud, ilictieeby the name :south 49 degrees, East 26 perches and three tenths to a stone and hickory, and South 54 degrees, West DO per dies and three-tenths to a atone corner in a line of David I Oreeb's land, thence by the same North 48 degrees, West 1 26 perches and one-tenth to the place of beginning; con- tattling S acres and 1 perch, mote or less. . . . . No. 3—A certain meisnage and tract of laud, situate to DOIIABLse township, Berko comity, beginning at it SUMO corner of Jacob Bower's land, thence by the same South 11) ; degrees, East 97 perebeS and eight-tenths to a stone curner of said David Great's land, thence by the came South BS degrees and threuquarters, West 27 porches and seven tenths to a corner in a line of other lauds of Lydia Grubb, thence by the same North, 22 degrees and three• quarters, West 10 perches wad eight.tootha to a corner In the great road, being oleo a corner of David fiiresh's laud, Dieuce by the same :North 21 degrees, Vest 31 porches and four tenths, North ti degrees and a quarter, East 22 perches and six tenths, and North tie &grins, East 21 perches and two. tenths to the place of beginning; containing 17 acres and 85 perches, more or lass: on which ore erec ed Lime Kilns. Sold an the property of THOMAS R. LLOYD DOUGLASS, with notice to Lydia G rash, tam tenant, and Levi 11. Gash, occupier, At the Berne time and place; All that certain mesimege, tenement and tract of land, situate in the town ship of Earl. in the county of Berke, adjoining lands of John senator, satrinoi Dierolf, George Focht, Jacob Focht, and , Abraham Lochner; containing I acres and 38 perches ilmore Cr Lege, with the appurtenance. The improve ments eenelet of a two idory STONE GOOSE, Frunze horn and other out-balldings. Sold as the property of CHARLES Lit CANNER. At i lie sante time and place All that certain. messnage. tenement and tract of land, situate in the township of Earl, in the county of Berke, adjoining lands of Sarnnei Van Need. Samuel tilerelf, Jonas Sehreale, Charles Graff, JOU 8170007, and Charles Lechner ; containing 7 acres and 64 perches, more or less, with the uppartma glances. The improvements mullet of a (Masud a half. story DM ELLIN° HOUSE Frame Barn and other out•buildings ' Well of Water before the bongo, Or chard. &c., &c. bold as the property of ABRAHAM LECRNER. Vu IVvinesday, the 25th day of March, A D , 1863, at 1 o'CluCk F 31., at the public house of Samuel Unger, (Stioemakereville,) Perry township, Berke county, to wit: All that certain mmisuage, tenement and tract of laid, situate in retry township, ' , ergs toasty, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a poet on the East bank of Schuylkill, 'hence by lands of Widow Goldin. Noah 70 degrees, Sant 4 perches to a stone in the 'entre Turnpike Road, theoce Wong Ills earns by lands of Benjamin 81,11 Nora, 644 degrees, East 99 marches to it stone thence by land of barld P. Moll Novi; 6 degrees, Weal 110 perches to a stone, cud North 89 degrees, East 12 perches to a poet at the Schayikili Canal, thence along ;he name North 2.5.4 degrees, West ,111 perches to a post, and Kurth 17 decrees, West 12 pemhen to a post, thence South a:, degrees, Wont 2 pp; cline and eight tenths too post thence by lots of the *id Adam °shoe, Sontli 5 degrees, East 10 perches to a poet, thence by the same South tiri) 4./STEGS, West 9 perches and reveuth.teuths to a post, on the East bank of the MCI-tale Rote, thence along the same by the aforesaid lots, North 14 degrees, West 53 perches, sod eight.ten, he to n post, thence by lends of Jacob Seidel, South CO sngr . ses, We,4 8 pereban sad fonr-tentlot to a stone, thence by the am Surd. 20 degrees, Went 1 perch end a half to a atone, and South Si desreta, West as perebes so a poet, on the East. bank of the River Schuylkill. thence down the said river Schuylktll the several courses thereof about 100 perches au sellen-teethe to the place of intng.. begin ; containing 45 acres, more or less. The Improve meats thereon erected are a two-story Brick DWELL, " LNG HOUSE, a large Swiss Born and other out- build legs, 416, 404 150 ilia property of FRANCIS S. REBER. At the same time and place: Al! that certain mainnage, tenement and tract of laud, situate in the town ship of Perry. county of nerks, (about one mile above Strownakersville wont; the Centre Turnpike,) bounded by lands of John Lleohnian, Benjamin -stiller. Daniel Fisher, Samuel Unger and Daniel Hoffman; containing 31 acres. more QT less. The improvements are a one doable ZaGN9O-5 , 017 LOG iiOII-SN, Prime Marl, Prams Pig aye, there is also a thriving j•oung Orchard on said premises and Well of never-tailing Water near the house. It being all Arable Land with the exception of about 4 acres, which is heavy TIMB 6ft LAND. Bold as the pro perty of CELEBES BETZ Thursday,On it; 26th liarof March, 11. 1000, at 1 P U., at the public house of Charles Seiler, in Bamberg, Berke county, to wit: Ito. 7. Being a certain tract of land, situate in Upper Bern township, Borks county. bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post, thence by land of Christian Schmiuk nosh :Mg degrees. went 10 4-10 perches to a post, thence by the hereafter described tract rio 2, month iftyi degrees, weed 041-10 perches ton peat, thence by land of Jeremiah Balthasar, notch 2itg' degrees, east 10 4-10 perches to a post, thence by land of Christian Schmick, north 78) degrees, east 92% perches to the place of beginning, containing ii acres and 10 perches, strict Seaffiref. No. 2. A certain trad of land, situate in Upper Bern township, Berke conzttr, beginning at a post la a public road, thence along the same north 103 degree., west 128-10 perches. thence by land of Joseph Wagner south MA" de grees, west 84 perches to a post, thence by land of Jere miah Belthaser month 21.34' degrees, east 19 6.14 perobes to a stone, thence by the hereinafter described tract No. 3, nor,h 79X degrees, east 85 perches to the place of begininp, containing. 8 acres and /42 perches, more or less. N u , a, Being a certain tract of land, situate In Upper Bern toWnship, Barks county, beginning at a post thoceo by the above described tract no, 1, north 504 degreee, west 20 perches to a post, and south 79 ; 5; degree•, wan 86 1-10 perches to a poet, thence by land of Jere:Utah Balt baser, south 2l y, degrees, east 25 perchee to a post, thence by the above described tract Ito. 1, north 75% degrees, cant 907.10 perches to the place of beginning, containing /5 acres and 90 perebe., strict 'hoar:are. Bold AS the prop erty of QEORGE SHOT. LE:Vag/40ER. At the game lime and place : All that certain story BRICK DWELLING BOITSE and lot of ground, situate in the Borough of Hamburg, Berke couuty, bounded 'aand described an follow. beef:wing at a poet by lot NO. 22, Of A. L, Herren ea Schuylkill street, thence by Paid lot seutbwardly WO feat to a poet on the tot hereinafter described, westerly 45 feet to a post in a Due of the said lot. thence by land of now or late George Rio lieu bower. westerly PO feet to a post on said street thence easterly along the name 40 feet. to the plane of beginning. No. 2. Also a certain part of three out-lots of ground. situate in Harnburu, Berns comity the sing at a punt at a one perch wide alloy. thence by the setae north 87 degrees, east t 2 perches to a poet, theuce by a 16 foot wide alley, opened between this property and town lots of John Shol lenberger and the Heirs of Abraham Raider, deceased, north 03:4 degrees, west 6,4', notches to a post, thence by out-lots of the Heirs of A. Kerner, drc'd, Benjamin bleind• er and A. L. Norman owd the above dorcribed property, sonth Si de..rees, west 15 pubes, to a poet, eta corner of net-lot No. 5t of Israel Derr, thence by the sumosontli la% degrees, east tiX perches, to the post and place of beginn ing, containing about one-half of an acre, being port of ()I:l[4°qt marked 42, 53, sad 44. . Sold as the property of WILLI.4IIf SHOLLEXBERGER. On Friday, the 27tu day or Mareda. A D. 1863, et 1 o'clock, 51., an the puhlin hoWle of Charles Ruts, in the Borough of Kutztown, Verts county, to wit: A certain messuago, tenement and tract of land, situate in Maxataway township, Berke county, bounded by lands of Jacob Stimtuel, David Gift, David Deininger, Benjamin Levan. John Remoter and others, containing luny five moron and one hundred and eighteen perehee, more or leas. "Artie improvemeute thereon erected are a two-etory LOG 130II$R, p altered outside , and a two-story Stone Kitchen attached, frame t Witei Barn, wagon• bled rpring home, frame pig-stye, carpenter shop, and other outbnitdings. Also, all that certain tract or piece of land, situate in Maxatawny township. Berke county, bounded by lands of Be , jurela Le an, John itehmer and other lands of Benne villa Stlmmel, containing two acres and one hundred and twelve perchee, more or lee& , Alan, all those Certain two Lots of Ground, adjoining each other, situate (near Lyons Station) lu Mazatawny townehip, narks totunty, adjoining property of E. 0. Owen, Main etreet, Railroad street and a twenty feet alley, con taining each thirty feet in front and one hundred and fifty feet In depth. more or less. Bold as the property of BEN STIMAIBL. At the came time and place: All that nsessu age, plantation and two contiguous tracts of land. situate in Maxatawny township. Barks county, aforesaid, one of theta bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a corner poet in a line oflate Jost Henry, now Sussman Nausea land thence by the same south eighty degrees, west forty-four (witches to a poet and north ten degrees.. west sixty-seven perches to a post, thence by Joseph Sedgfried's land, south eighty degrees, west eighty-one perches to a post, thence by Anthony Fisher's land south ten degrees, east one hundred and slat.) , perches to a white oak, and north eighty degree, east one hundred and twen ty-live perches to a hickory, thence by late Nicholas Her niany's land (now Daniel Boa's) ten degrees west ninety three porches to the place of beginning, containing one hundred acres and eighty-seven perches. The other, beginning at a atone corner In a line of the above described tract, thence by the eaten south eighty degrees west two perches to a atone, north ten degrees, west sigty•seven perches to a stone, thence by land of said Baseatooll Bauet (now Ono. Smith) north sixty three a d o e u g , r b ee ti s h e y as i t y t e e n d o r g p r e e r e e s b , es east t and tea bee h t t a b: d w nix a - b tein ac tb k e o to ak i black oak, BOUM eightean degrees, east twenty-nix porches to a black oak. south thirty-six degrees west ten perches end seven-tenths to a atone, and wadi fifteen degrees. east twenty-nine and three.guarter perches, to the place of be ginning, containing four acres and thirteen perches, ;be they or either of theta more or loss. Sold as the property of DANIEL KOHLER, Adnilniterator de bolds sense noise leekOnente annexe, of PETER lIEILi late of Morahan) , township, Barks county, deceased. On Saturday, the 28th day of March, 11. D., 1803, at I, o'clock, P. M., at the public house of Joseph Gam ser, (Keystone) in the city of Reading, Berke county, to int t A certain two-story BRICK ROUSE. with large two-story Brick back buildings attached, and large Frame MACHINE SHOP, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west aide of South Front etroet, is the city of Reading, Berke county. and beginning at a point on Wont street, and running North along said Front street 2.5 feet to the property of Henry Leader, thence West along said Lender's line 82 feet to a corner, thence along said Leader and bilcholae Itoons`s Hue about 37. feet, thence Went to Water Area 55 feet, thence South along Water street 80 ft. to the property of balm T. James, !Ileum!. East along said property_ of Isaac T. James about 50 feet to a 10 feet Alloy, thence North along wild Alley 18 feet, /benne Beet about 52 feet to the . placo of beginning, be the said distances more or lees. Abie—A certainlot or pleas of ground, situate on the met Ade of Canal street, between Chestnut and Spruce streets. in the nit) of Reading, Berke county, honnded on the &dub by iir.vpaity or Jo •ob &1 3 wenn,. on th e L o ot by an Alloy. on Ike Yi.th by property ut Peter D. tietz, and no the West by Canal street; containing in font about 19 1001, and in donut ilO feet, more or Nee. bad a, the pro , party of ADAM W.4.1D. At. the N!Illtt, lime and place: A certain one story BRICK HOUSE and tutor pioneer ground. nitnate on the north nude of Penn street, between Ninth and Tenth streets. In the city of Beading, Berke county, bounded on atbe Kant by property late of William r , cliwartz, on he icurth by bluntly alloy, on the Went by property late of George rill, and on the heath by Pena street ; containing In front 3U feet, and iu uepta 21U feet more or lean On mild lot In lAborty Alley. there to erected a one. story Relek House,ka,Ao Sold astheproportyof EßßWY RHOADS Heim! and taken Into execution and to be PON by ABRAHAM K. MEMO, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Heading, Feb 28, tBO3-it All persone employed by the said Elijah trown, and all other defendants named, or any or either of them, are hereby required to make known to the said Sheriff at least five days before the respective days of sale of the above named property, the kind and amount of their re spective claims for wages, &a, against the said defendants, as above named . . . . N. 8.—87 order of said Court, all parsons Interested In the distribution of the proceeds of sale, are Loreby nolitl44l that the distribution of the money arising from the sale of the real estate aforesaid, will be made by the Court, on Monday, May 4th, MM. P. S —On all sales from $25,00 and upwards will be re quired to be paid down. VENLTE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. ON SATURDAY, THE 14ra DAY OF MARCH, 1863, at 1 o'clock, P. M., will be sold at public voo doo. at the lumberyard formerly occupied by Henry & kluthard, corner of Eighth and Washington streete, the following personal property. to wit: 1 two-horse Opring Wagon, 1 twa4torne Yarns Wagon, 1 one-bursa Lumber Wagon, 1 Buggy, with tongue and shaft., 1 sat Wagon Harms, 1 net Carriage flames, 1 single wagon Raman, cutting-banch;wheelbarrow, lot of log chain., lot of crow bar., 2 iron Safes, writing desk, stove and table. Con ditions made known at the time and place, by fob 2.1-3t] HENRY & MUTHARD. FOR RENT. 'HF STORE ROOM IN NORTH FIFTH Street, formerly occupied by the subscriber, being an old-established 13111411 MS Stand, and one of the most desir able oponiurs con.the Dry Goods and Grocery Trade in this city. Possession given immediately. If not rented by the Ist of April neat, the property, con sisting of a three-story Brick Store and Dwelling, with /MP 0, 1 44 ccntwodiona back buildings, will be for sale. APP4 to Jan 24-if] WM. EIMENTROUT. FOR RENT, 9 1 115 ROUSE IN SOUTH FIFTH STREET, I_ between the properties of the late Gen. Geo. M. Kelm and Br. Lot Denson, now occupied by Mr. George W. Good rich, troth the lat of April next. 1 1 91.46114 &sarong of view• ing the property, can apply to hl.r. Goodrich; and for terms, to Richard Boone, living in the neichborbood. F. A. AtUJILENBERG, Reading, Nov. 15th, 1.862-1! Estate of Henry Bernhard Etabioh, late of the city of Reading, deceased 'MOT ICE 18 RE EERY GIVEN, THAT LET IN 'PERS of Administration to the ketate of Henry Bern hard Habich, late of the city of Reading, deceased, have bees granted to the it:M.ol.ll>er, residing in the same city All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, without delay, and all having etaime against the same. are also requested to preeoot am, properly willow ticated, for settlement. feb 9.1-609 .ELI S. FOX, Administrator. Estate of Solomon Sicker. late of Robeson township, perks county, deceased. NO' E tH HEHEBY GIVEN. THAT LET MKS of Administration to the te. ate of Solomon Itiaer, late of Robeson township. Berke. county, deceased have been granted to the subscribers, residing In the same township. Alt persons indebted to said estate, are request ed to make payment wi , bout delay, and all having claims against the same, Will present them, properly autheuticat ed, for settlement. ALARCMHET OICKER fish R4ll JACOB WICKLEIN, ' OminJanitors Estate of Aaron S. Holl late of Lower Heidelberg township Barks county, de Ceased "f 46: OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT LET N TEES did nyiniatration to the Eatato of Alm S. AM. late d Lower Fleidel her, tow aohip. Berko eonnty, deceased have been granted to the entowiller, molding in the same township. All peratine Indebted to raid Estate, are re quested to wake payment to J. Groans SELTZER, Esq., at hie office in North Fifth atreot, oyetante the Poet Office, Heading; and all having claims twiner the came. will ai m acesout them to the Attorney atorreeid, for settlement. Feb. 7-61 J ELLEN 1.101,L, Admixdstratrtx Estate of Anna Maria Ruth, late of Lower Heidelberg township, Barks county, de ceased. 7k; 0 Hue., 18 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT LET jITAS of AdminLtrtttloc to the Stake or Anna. Marla huth, late of Lower Heidelberg township, desks county. deceased, have been granted to the subscribers. residing in the same township. All persons indebted to said Estate. are requested to make payment Without delay, and all having claims against the same, will present them, proper ly authenticated, for settlemen.. ADAM it RUTH, Feb. 7.61] EXLIBEN Ii KM, AdMitilstratOre. Estate of Daniel Maurer. late of Lower Efeidelberg township, Berke county, de oeased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT LET TERB of Administration to the Relate of Daniel Matt. rtr,, Into at Lower tteldelbere towneLip, Marks county, de. ceased have been granted to the enbecriber:restdlng in the same township All persona Indebted to said. estate. are hereby requested to matte payment without delay, and all having claims against the name, are also requested to pre. seat them properly authenticated. for settlement Feb. 1-1-60 t) ISAAC MAtlitida, Administrator. Estate of John Gulley, Sr., late of Read ing. Berko county. deceased. IVOTICE 18 HEREI3Y GIVEN, THAT LET ters Testamentary open said Es:ate have been granted to the subscriber, resident in said City of Rending, and he requests all persona having Mathis or demands against the Estate of said John °alley, sr., deceased, to make known the same to him Without delay; and all persons Indebted to aald Estate, are requested to make payment to the sub. scriber. Feb 7-6(1 JOHN B. BROWN, Executor. JILAK.3IE AILIIEDACAIT Cane-Seat Chair Manufactory, No. 15 North Fifth Street. 5 doors above the Post Office. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD respectfully inform lila friends and the public, that be now has the largest amen • meat of CANE-SEAT CHAIRS ever offered in Reading, and for neatness raj of - finish, and durability of workmanship, unsurpassed by any Handsome newsty te _ - . 4 11111 • Partor Chaim, Dialog-room, 011.11.1nbilr and cocking Chigoe, all goes- also Wind sor Chairs. Looking (Ramos, Marble Top Tables, Demeans, Bedsteads, &a., de. D. H. BRIDRMAN. REMOVAL. Millinery and Trimming Store. Mrs. L. S• BALLADE, sr - RESPECTFULLY IN• ORAIS THE ClTl rens of Reading and vicinity, that she bee removed her MILLINERY and TRIM WING mnablishment from No. 13 to No 74 EAST PENN ST BET, south side, In the buildieg lately occupied by Josiah Hearing, which has boen remodeled and fitted up for her use She will be happy to eee old min tomers, and as man • new ones as may be desirous of mak ing purchases of SO NET?, CAPS, or other Millb.ery Goods Trimmings, & c Her assortment is I age and feat ionable, and suited to all tastes. Van 31-2nto TO F ,RMERS! POUVETTE OF THE LODI MANUFACTURING CO. VI 'HE ATTENTION OF FARMERS AND OAR ' deners le respectfully called to the above MANURE. Owing to the nigh price of Peruvian Guano, leper Phos phate and other fertiliser., this will be found the cheapest and best mamma For full particulars call on the Agent for the Company. .1 L. STICIITER, Feb 2S-3rue] Fifth and Penn Streets. OIL CLOT=S OIL CLOTZES I ririlE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CAR- A_ riaxe, Table and Floor Oil Clothe in the City. Call and examine at MEM 0. Ard7oB' SUOVELS. OAII ES' SIiOVELS AND SPADES, A s tun assortment on band. Apply to J. L. STICEETER, Feb 2S-Smo] Fifth and Penn Streets. 0041. Ti OILS MUM CIZIN 5n BARRELS COAL OIL JUST RECEIVED, uwarnoted equal to any manufactured. For sale at the lowest wholesale and retail prices by Feb al GEO. LERCH St CO. BLASTING ROCK. rrflE SUBSCE WEE IS AGEN r Fug MESSRS. j Dupont's powder in iron kegs, which bag twice the strength of ordinary powder. Also , for sale Safety Fnee, best Cast Steel, dm, &o. J. L. STICHTER, Feb 2S-9olo] Fifth and Penn Street. House Furnishing Goods. lARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOUSE FUR- L/ b Making Goode of every variety. For sale deep by Fe 28] OF.O LER.CH & CO. LIQUOR LICENSE LL PERSONS IV 110 INTEND TO MAKE application for tavern license, or for license to sell liquors in quantities not less than one quart, are hereby 1.0- qt:tasted to Me their patine and Wade at an early day, se as to allow time for publication for the April Term, u they Will be acted on at that time. By order of the Court, Feb. 14-31] JAMES BELL, Clerk of Sessions. IV? ZNISTVII7II3, For Young Ladled.—Pughtown, Chooter county, Pa. r HE NEXT TEEM WILL COMMENCE THE L dth of April, 1803, and continue fourteen weeke. For Circulars, address Feb dt-409 R. M. HAWLEY. V.A.T.ArABLII MEDICINES. SOLE AGENT FUR BECKER'S CELEBRAT ad Bye Salve, Wright'. Wilts Vegetable Fill., Stan drth's da.„ dm, by Feb 21-Smol T. L. STICHTBR. GENUINE PREPARATIONS. I{ELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, For Dimeasee of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, CitAVZIa gad DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine 112011388138 the power of Digestion, and ea altos the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcareous aepositions, and all Unnatural En largements are reduced, as well ae Pain and Inflammation, and MEN. WOMEN OR. MULDREN 1 BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCRII, Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early India eretion or Abase, attended with the following symptoms Indisposition to h'wertioa, Loss of Power, Lorin of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Flashing of the Hody, Muscular System, Eruptions of the Skin, Hot Hands, Dryness of the Skin, These symptoms, If allowed to go on, which thin medl• eine invariably removes, soon follows IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FAB, in one of which the Patient may Expire. Who eau say that they are not frequently followed by those" direful Mamma," Many are aware of the cause of their entering, THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS AND THE MELANCHOLY DEATHS DY CON- Bear ample witness to the With of the assertion. The Constitution, once affected with organic weakness, keeniree the aid of medicine to Strengthen and Invigor ,ate the System, Writ= RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Old or Young, Single, Married, or Contemplating Marriage, In many Affectioue peculiar to Females, THE EXTRACT BUCIIII is unequalled by any other remedy, a. in Chlorosls or Retention, irregularity. Painfuleess, or Suppresslpn of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus. Lencorrinna or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indis cretion, Ilebits of Dissipation, or in the NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Tess NO MORE BALSAM, 11sutcult7, Olt UNPLEASANT MEDI CINE POE UNPLEASANT AND DANGEROUS DISEASES. In all their stages, At little Expense, Little or no change in Diet, No inconvenience, AND DO Panama& It causes a frequent desire and ail,* strength to Urinate thereby removing obstructions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and'lnilammation, so frequent in the dam of diseases. and expelling cal Po - taw - nowt Dim:tees and worn oat Nutter. Who haveken the Victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and chat the Poison" has, by the nee of "powerful aetringe.M.," boon dried np to the system, to break oat in an aggravated form, and Use Itelmbold'astract Bachu for all affections and diss twee of the Whether ettetteg la From whatever cause originating and no matter of ROW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic And ie ante to have the desired street in all diseases FOR WHICH IT IS RECOMMENDED fiaridenee of the moat raid/6 and reeponaible character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, With names known to OEO. LE R CH & CO'S Delivered to any address, seenraly packed from any ob narrative. CURES GUARANTEED I Pereonally appeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Helmbold, who being dully eworn doth say, hie preparations contain no narcotic, nor mercu ry, mother Injurious drags, but are purely vegetable. IL T. lIBLIABOLD. Sworn, and subscribed before me, this 2Sd day or Novem ber, 1904. WN. P. HIBBEHD, Alderman,- Ninth street, above Race, Phila. Address letters for information in confidence to H. S. LIBLIIDOLD, Chemist, Depot, 104 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut, Phila., Ps. And Unprincipled Dealer., Whoendeavor to dispose "of their own" and "other articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Preparations, Extract Bruebn, •• MI •• Sareaparilla, '• '• Improved Rose Wash. Fold by allDrugglete everywhere. Ask for HELBIBOLDT. Take no other. nt out theadvertieement, and land foe It, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND NNYOODDL Out. 1A47 HELMBOLD'S "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" A Positive and Specific Remedy Is Good For For Weaknesses PALLID COUNTENANCE "INSANITY AND CONSIMMION." BIM NONE WILL CONFESS. SIIMPTION, INVARIABLY DOES A trial will convince the most skeptioaL FEMALES 1 FEMALES DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE BEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE RELbIBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICRC AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH Cures SECRET DISEASES, THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE URINARY ORGANS, MALE OR FEMALE, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCRII IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, Prom 8 to 20 years' gam:Zing , SCIENCE AND FAME PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE, SIX. FOR $5.00 DesmWe symptoms in all Communications. ADVICE GRATIS! AFFIDAVIT BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS GREAT BARGAINS. Now is the Time to Buy Bargains BEM PLOWS & ILLNILOW ITOkE. 'PILE UNDERSIGNED GA YE JUST FINISH ed taking account of stock, iu view of CalliMenCipg au EXCLUSIVE CASH BUSINESS, and are now prepared to sell any class or DRY tiOODS at unusually Low Prices. We intend devoting our attention more to keeping a complete line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS of all kiwis sealable for the SOINIUM. Law a nice lime or AlOl7/LNING GOODS. HOOP SKIRTS—we hold that we have the beet make of Skirts In town, they being of the beet quality of dee., and having from 8 tole broad bands (woven) with the improved fanteninge, which we are selling at Old Prices. Aleo, a complete line of DIDBIESTIO 'GOODS, Such ag Prints, Bleached an Unbleached Mooling, Blne Drillings, Tickings, Sheetirega Checks. Cotton Flannels, Woolen Flannels; and all kinds of Domestic Goode. Men's' and Boys' Weax. We bays always ea head a large awl full let of Geode for Men and Boys' Wear, each as : Black and Fancy Casoimeres and Cloths, Cottonadee, Kentucky Jeans, Velvet Cords, Corded Velveteens, Beaverteens, &Coats and Silk and Satin Vestings, Together with a lot of other Goode too numerous to men tion, all of which we can and intend to sell lower than we can bay them onraelves, owing to the fact that many of the Goods were bought before the late Rise; and we con tend that by confining ourselves to baying and selling ex clusively tor Cash, we can afford to sell cheaper than by doing a Credit Business. Purchasers would do well by calling and 'examining our Stock before baying elsewhere. Also a complete stock of Groceries, Glass and Qnsenswars. Remember the Piece at the (in fame) Cash Plough and Harrow Store, Corner of Third and Penn Streets, Reading. Feb 25-intol KAUFFMAN & KISSINGER. Or The highest Market prices will be paid in cash for Country Produce. 1863 1 PHILADELPHIA f PAPER HANGINGS. / 1863 SOWELL di .113011 REE, CORKER 'POURTH & MARKET Streets, PHILADELPHIA, have now in stock, a fine variety of Wall Papers, got up expressly for their Spring Trade. WINDOW PAPER. OF EVERY GRADE, to which they Invite the hilehtibli bf Shwalepeptp.o. li' In their Retell Department, will be found the choicest styles , of the station. [Feb. 14-3 ueoe. C 411k° co o pe I itOrn 41 1 4 11,111 lot lath RI ~t'ff .1 Of zs mill - PHILADELPHIA. MATTRESSES, Weathers, Blankets, ealtitfortiakt6ll, cushions, And all other articles belonging to the btoiness. Feb. 14-lyl AMOS HILLBOBS, tt 1 13 1 111 ', 11 , i ' e 1- 4 -- tz Xs: - o il zi ti' cair, 3 Z, 51 •4 4 117,7 en El ®% R.ELI E., r g „, id '7,2:- ~3. 0 • E1: 9 .4: C Bhi 5 .2 ..i11.-35:;?&•••:= , -,*' B 4 ..rrz, tt ,;,r, c, ci 2,- ziF-, ~ EL :.'i; C. , 3 b - ' n 0 Ny m 4 .9 , _Fa 't t tt. : ...y.CY 2.T..3. 2 I=. , 01% r. taSV:IIIA i . ' 2 ''' 4 1 ' 4 g ' Z e'''.' 4 i l . 0 ttiFiLitl,.F.S. LINE; ,7 - ,4T7':,,: o.< p, ~, '......:; 4. 6 , .'.' 4 0.. 1 a .-. :4 0 44 .1 go r5 g.,. 4 '.1: 2? . . 1 44. to S. i r •F;;'..7.=.".-;.' 4, ilil .'., 5 F - 5 S. - g - '(-1 -I- ,T, :42 - ,0g . i . .11-- 0 gts '... pr2rl:l., "', ,Trg --I; Q 5. ,07 ' 1 ... '1 ,.,.. 4 a ''',.. P Z. , > 0,2 ....,, .- ..- 5 ... i* . : Ili `.. T q„.,8 5.. .g p: -- . -,, u. - . er . .. .... t " gx-- . h. s. m 0 4 :4, El it2i , 3 l -t% - go - ere ..ota •C vs gi 5.3.. g 341: ;I.': ■ir .2 . nr,`" E r:. P`v:.. g. k '6' 1-1 .E - . , 4 co IA 1: ii. 4 1 ,1.2 - 4ro• ti NOTICE. PENN SAVINGS ASSOCIATION. 1 - 111 E POTABLE BTOCHHOLDERS OF THE Penn Ravings Association are hereby iiii4lll4el is 11.6- 501nblo at Heebner's ILuel, on the 16th day of March, 1868, at 7 o'clock. P M- for the purpose a nominating candi dates to he voted for to fill the following offices, to wit: One person for President, for one year; one person for Treasnr er, for one year. and three persons for Directors. for LWo yew each, The election for the said officers, to be bold at ,he same plate. on Monday oyeuinis, Marc 6 43rd, 1363, be- Mean the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock, P. M. Dy order of the Board. DANIEL ERMENTROUT, Secretary. Feb 2S-St] NOTXCB. THE PARTNERSHIP EXISTING HERETO .' fore between J. TITLOW Sr CO., was dissolved by mutual consent and agreement, on the 12th day of Febru ary last. All persona who have become indebted to the said firm since the lot of September last, are to make pay ment to Smith P. Übil, and those who are indebted to said firm before the Ist of September Nat, are to make pay mnt to John Titian. ims% Persons having claims against the raid firm ; contracted since the first of last September, are to present them for payment to Smith P. Übil, attd Lhasa Laving claims against the said Arm before the first of Sep tember last, are to present them either to Jerome Titlow, Thomas Y. Rhoads, or to John Pillow. JEROME TITLOW, JOHN TITLO W, THOMAS Y. RHOADS, SMITH P. lIBIL. Feb 25-13 L 1 DANIEL H. WENRICH, DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner of rent' and Second Streets, IthADING, PA. THANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL SHARE OF custom that has been extended to him daring the last three years, respectfully informs the public that he Is pre• pared to buy all sorts of COUNTRY PRODUCE, at the highest market prices, for Cash. lie refers to the follow- IRE PUMPS nErr.UNCES. Cesium. Kaestez, Editor " Adler." Liman S. Ggiz, Wholesale Grocer. C. B hicEntuex, Cashier Union Bank. WILLIAM KBELY, Agent Howard and Hope Expresses KAIMPFX.II.2" & E. 113.1210.1, Merchants. JACOB Bumf% Diesiller, EFeb PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ,OF PHILADELPHIA. • ills COMPANY BEING STRICTLY MUTE divides Fill the pronto (after expenses paid) among Its members. ALL MUM) Ann ■pnnnaa The Truoteee accordingly have &Meted a Scrip Divtatom or 40 per cent. in Jannary, and have decided to receive the Scrip Divi dends of 1853, 1854 nab, and 1856, in payment of Premi ums, same as cash. The Dividend Scrip for 1863 is now in the hands of the Company's Agent, ready for delivery. Statement pamph lets, and all information may be had grade DEWY ZISBER, Agent, S. B. corner of Ninth end Pont streets, feb 21-St] Reading Pa. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between the under signed, engaged to t h e Clothing neeiness under thefltm of "Jameson & C 0.," was dissolved on the 13th ovem her, 1802 by the withdrawal of the junior partner Albert H. Jameson, by mutual consent. The business will bey continued at the old stand by James Jameson and William A. Medlar, under the name of "Jameson & Co " as hereto fore. JAvIES •AhIESON, WILLIAM H. MEDLAR, ALBERT B. JAMESON. Felt 21, 1863-3t] The 11. S. Revenue Hydrometer, VON. ASCERTAINING THE TRUE PER I: cent. of Alcohol to inspected liquors, b. which the amount of ditty to be paid fur Interpol revenue, le calcula ted. The Instilment, with glass jar and book of tables and instraCtions, to packed in a polished Mahogany Box With lock and key. Price p 7 Book only 00 cents. SURVSYIo ill TRANSIT LEVELS, Compasses, and CHAINS, 5W11513 DAAPTENG INWTHUMENTs, made by JAMES W. QUEEN Sr CO., Manufacturing Opticians, 924 Chestnnt utreet, Jan 31-Smut Philadelphia, Pa. 008 L OIL 3 00AL OILS GOOD BURNING COAL OIL, AT 10 CENTS a quart, at - - GEO. LERCH CO'S, Corner of Filth and Penn Square, next door to BOrbon'e Hazleton Buena. Feb 7 Rare Chance for a Cabinetmaker., HE UNDERSIGNED, DESIROUS OF RE lloquishing btadnees, afore for sale hie stook of CABI- N 'MAKE and TOOLS, together with a HEARSE and everything necessary to carry on thellndertaklng Business. TEie ie the oldest stand in the city. le In a good location, and offers a rare chance for a person with a email espitaL Apply to DAVID RHEIN, Agent, nov 22-if] Penn Street, between Third and Fourth. SOILEF RALSTON, ATTORNEY AT .LAW, QFFICE WITH A. B. WANNER, NORTH Sixth Street, (above the Court Howl%) Bonding, Pa. ebrnary 21,1863-17 mum AND ALLOOICOL: OR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY J. L. S7ICLITEJI, ab 28-3t] ritth and Paul aireeis. NEW HAMS, SHOULDERS AND BEEF, AT Vob 1) PSOCOCK% 40 South Nth Simi,