Mszelfe sub Democrat. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1865. WAR NEWS! OFFICIAL DESPATCH OF ADMIRAL DUPONT. WASUINOTON, Feb. 9. The bearer of official despatches from the fleet e ft' Charleston has arrived. The following is from Rear Admiral Dupont, concerning the rebel attack on our squadron off that port: FLAG 5111 P WABASH, PORT ROYAL HARBOR, 1 February 2, 1563. 1 7, 111.7 I ban to report that, about four o'clock ou the morning of the llst ult., airing the ob— scurity of a thick haze, two ironclad gunboats came out of Charleston by the main ship channel, unperceived by the squadron, and commenced a raid upon the blockading fleet. Most of the lat ter were of the light class of purchased vessels, two of the heaviest men-of war, the Powhaten and Canandaigua. being at this port coaling and repairing. The Afereedita was the first vessel attacked. Her officers and crew had been par ticularly watchful during the night., to look out fur suspected vessels, and, at three o'clock, bad lipped her cable and overhauled& troop steamer running for tbe channel by mistake. She had returned to ber anchorage, and Capt. Stellwigen had gone to his room for a short time, leaving Lieut commander Abbott on deck, when one of the iron dads suddenly appeared. Her approach was concealed by the haze and moist of the atmosphere. The vessel was immediately bailed and an or der given to fire; but the iron clad being Close aboard, and lying low in the water, no guns could be brought to bear. A heavy rise shell ntai deed frot tho enemy, which entered the starboard side of the 'dime— dna, passed through her condenser, the steam drum of her port. boiler, and exploded against her port side, blowing a hole in its exit some four or five feet square, killing the gunner, and, ' by the escape of steam, a number of the men, and rendering her motive power apparently use less. Unable to use his guns, and being at the mercy of the enemy, which was lying alongside on his smrboard quarter, all further resistance was deemed hopeless by Capt.. Stellwagen, and he surrendered. The crew and officers were paroled, though nothing was said of the ship, the execu tive officer, .Lieut. Commander Abbott, having gone on board the enemy's gunboat, and made the arrangement. The iron-clad, leaving the Mercedita to her fate to sink or not, next engaged the Keystone State, Capt. Leroy, who was also attacked by the other. Their fire was gallantly returned,_ bat a Shell exploding in the forehold of thie ves sel she was set on fire. Commander Leroy kept off until it was got 'un der, when he sneered again for one of the iron.: clads, ordered full steam on, and determined to try to run her down- The guns had been train ed and depressed ter a plunging fire at the mo— ment of collision, and the ship had acquired a speed of twelve knots, when a shell or shot from the enemy passed through the steam chest, wholly disabling her boilers and rendering her powerless. Tea rifle shell struck the Keystone Slate tlfe burst on the. quarter-deck, but most of them struck the hull, being near and below the water line. In the meantime, the Augusta, Command er Parrot; the Quaker City, Commander Fruity, and the Memphis, Acting /lieutenant Watmough, kept up a fire upon the enemy, diverting their attention from the Keystone State, which was soon after taken in tow by the Memphis, and drawn away from the fire. The Augusta and Quaker City were both struck in their Milts; the Memphis only in her rigging_ The Housatonic, Capt. Taylor, gave chase, and a shot from her struck the pilot house of one of the iron-clads, doing, it is thought, some dam age and carrying away one of her flags. The rebel vessels then passed to the northward receiving the fire of our ships, and took refuge in the Swash channel, behind the alma* The only casualties were on the Nereedita and Keystone State. On the Keystone State they are very large. About one fourth of her crew were killed and wounded, and among the former the medical officer of the ship, Assistant Surgeon Jacob H. Qotmold, who was scalded to dutch, while rendering surgical aid to one of the wound. ed wen. Nine of those who died perished from the escape of steam, when the boilers and steam chimneys were penetrated, and among the wounded, the greater number received their in juries from the same cause. As the Iffereedita was the only vessel which surrendered, I have directed a court of inquiry to examine into the circumstances of the case, ES well as into the terms under which the sur reader was, made, This investigation has been asked for by Captain Stellwagen. I received this intelligence on Saturday, at 3 P. M , by the Augusta, which ship immediately returned to Charleston. The Mercedita soon after arrived. and the Keystone State in tow of the Memphis, when the latter vessel was at once sent back to her station. The James Adger, Commander Patterson, was also turned back as she was coming into Port Royal, and ordered to Charleston ; and the Pow hatan, through the commendable veal of Captain Gordon, was got ready by 9 o'clock P. a I had the channel and bar buoys lighted, when she passed out safely. I torward herewith copies of the reports of Capt. Steliwagen, Lieut. Commander Abbott, and Commander Leroy ; also, the reports of the casu alties on board the Mercedita , and Keystone State. On the Mereedita there were four killed and three wounded. On the Keystone State twenty killed and twen ty wounded. Very repectfuliy. your obedient aaroaet, S. F. DUPONT, Rear Admiral, &c. Ron. GIDEON WELLES, Pecretary of the Navy. THE CAPTURE OP THE PRINCESS ROYAL. The following bite also been received by the Secretary of the Navy, reporting the capture of the steamer Princess Reyal : FLAG-SIIIP WABAPH, 1 PorL Royal Harbor, B. C., Jan. 31, 1868. f Six I have the honor to report the capture, on the morning of the 29th inst., of the ecrew ateamer Princess Royal, while attempting to ran the blockade into Charleatoti. The following are the circumetances : After standing in a mile and a hall, Lieut. Commander Onackinbluth observed a steamer eliding along the land in the direction of Charles ton. He fired two shots at her, when her course Pas altered towards the beach, and she was run ashore. Two officers and an armed boat's crew were immediately sent to take possession. She proved to be the iron 'warner propeller Princess Royal, last froni Bermuda, four days out, and laden, as far as he could learn, with rifled guns, arms, ammunition, steam engines for the iron : clads, and - an assorted cargo. On taking possession, it was ascertained that the captain, supercargo, pilot, and some of the petty officers and a passenger, had left the ship when she struck, and escaped to the shore, which fact was substantiated by the chief mate, under supercargo and chief engineer, as well as by see ing tha two missing boats lying on the beach deserted. By the active exertions of Acting Master E. Van Size and Acting Ensign 'R. W. Cornell, of the 'Coeditla, assisted by a boat's crew from the United States steamers Housatonic end Augusta, and the schooners Blunt and Amer ica, aided by two of the engineers of the prize, she was got off without sustaining any injuries. There not being sufficient coal on board of the Princess Rroysil to send her North, she was or dered by the senior officer to this port to obtain a supply_ No papers pertaining to ship or cargo were found on board of her at the time, except the shipping articles and a log book. But after her arrival here, Acting Master Van Sice; of the Unadilla (the officer in charge of the prize), dis covered, accidentally, in looking over the side, certain papers which had lodged in the tender in the attempt to throw them overboard. These refer principally to the cargo, and, with the pa pers before mentioned, which were all that were I,nnd on board, will be forwarded to the United States District Judge at Philadelphia. The under-supercargo Healey, the chief mate Shaw, the captain's clerk, (a young man named Haekiey, whose father is said to be interested in the cargo,) two of the engineers, and several of the firemen, go North in the prize. The rest of the crew will be sent the first opportunity. I desire to call the attentiotoof the Department to the fact that in this prize are two complete en— gines, said to be of great power and intedded for iron clads. Very respectfully, your obedient eervant, S. F. DUPONT, Rear Admiral, -Commanding B. Atlannii' Blookadin Squadron. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bourrrir moray, 1341.0114 1 117 AND PENSION OFFICE.-ALE, CLAIIIIB promptly attended to. • E. It. SI-MARES, Attorney at Law, Office in Court Street, heading, Pa. Feb 7 tf) PI7BLIC BALE. WILL BE SOLD PU 11610 SALE, ON Saturday, the 14th of February. 1863, at 1 O'clOak, P. M., at the public house of Jacob Boyer, to Leesport, Berke county, 1S ACRES OF CLEARED LARD, more or lees, situate nem. the village of Leesport. Th. miimprovemenu are a LOG HOUSE, frame Darn, fram - inst St I! LI ode of Fruit Tram, Rood water, &s Pusse.iou and a good title will he given next Sprlng Feb 7-2tl SARA 11 THOMPSON. Estate of Aaron S. Holl, late of Lower Heidelberg township, Barks county, de ceased. NT! °TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT LET LI TRIES of Administration to the Estate of Aaron 8. /1011, late of Lower Eeidelber,t township, Berke county, deceased have been grautad to the sub.crlber, residing to the saute township. Alt persons indebted to sald 'Estate, are re gnawed to make payment to J. 01201LOR gRLT2I3g. Esq., at 1510860111 North Fifth street, oppositA the Pod Odle*, Eluding; end All having ciallne against the snow, will al so present thew to the Attorney aforesaid, for eettleinstit. Veb. 7-lit] EVAN /LOLL, Adminiastratrix. Estate of Anna Maria Ruth, late of Lower Heidelberg township, Barks county, de ceased. IVOTICE IS HEREBY GIYFN, THAT LET TEES of Administration to the Estate of Anna litaria Rath, late of Lower iloidelherg township. Perim county, deceased, have been greeted to the subscribers, residing in the same township. All persons Indebted to said Estate. are rage/aided to make payment without delay, and all homing claims against the wane, will present them, proper- II authenticated, for settlement, Feb. 7-6 ti • • ADAM H. RUTH, REUBEN H. RUTH, I Admintetratora AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Henry . G. Seidel. a minor son of Nicholas Seidel, deceased, THE UNDERSIGNED AUDITOR, APPOINT ED by the Orphans' Court of Berks county, to audit and re state the account of Francis B. Shatters, Guardian of Henry 0. Seidel, a minor son of Nieholas Seidel, dec'd., hereby gives notice that be will attend to the duties of hie appointment, on Thursday, March Sib, 0555, at hie often in Conn Street, Reading, at 1 o'olock, P. N., Wiles and where Chrietlan Gaul, who is appointed by the Court to appear for 'aid minor, and all other parties may attend if they tee proper. Feb 7-3L] A. G. GREEN, Auditor. tt" ST, .a.m ~7, r l M.:'.4-1,. rjs i1Z,7514,ii,. 2 Pir7e-' . 0 ~..7, 9...8 r_.- a q pi g r 4 %,.. w i t " -o.:tvir... ,CZ) 0.-0 fti r ~, 0 g a t:4;6%0 1 1i C4g 17.. g. rr !0( 4\ ..= r 3, ,,m 3 tt "' .• 0 L. E.-. 7 2.TE wsg ; :,- , r n NI p _g . .F_-20t a iv ?a,z3o . E t y. 01 1--1 ea Ela4 I V i e - R A .-logi 1. 4 'Z' al 2 ... 0 z ......29.M. 44 • N. 1° - Fi n Ca a li p..a ii , 0 c. zi .. 42 ,7-, ano A .. -m. 1...01 cl a pl © e - „7..4 z, 0 41 4 cz,...,.3 .. Er- v . 0 : * 4 M ~ Ster.''or, .. r ...,7 0 ,15 . I •Ei , - . 2' . 2 - s:: , I. '''''''g 4a' DI ;712 rghaTZIT ....c1" ViIEQ ..... gi 3 , 13 e..rt.0r... em st": a . 0 if 1 ° g rrz:r.` ,r, , z• 0 "s -ga4-.-, -q. , D r:lg> - P. 3 iir, Is 4 .34. - e . a s - IT -0 a. ci ) en: 5 , o o r, -. 'i -., L., .30 9 1 4 Pf - - " : • 3 ti tti 2 gra - EfEl .. ij i ti . ' 4,1" S . ;T vi .e. .-. cis . 0 m r± 4 11 - iil3 g' I.V a . t, -- Eg-a a) 4 ail cs 4 4' it4 - # .4 441 . .47-0 • ti RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF BEM COUNTY, FOB THE YEAR 1862 . THE AUDITORS ELECTED TO ADJUST AND settle the accounte of the County of Baits from the 6th day of January, A. D. 1802. to the Slat day of December, 1802, both dare incluelve, having examined the same, re spectrally lay before the Honorable Judges of the Court of COMM Mao, the following Statement and Deport: IFILLIAM HERBST, ESQ., Treasurer, DR To Receipts from Collectors, to mit ALBANY. Daniel Brownffilller. for 1861 Is full Jesse Miller ? for 1562 none paid 122=E! Peter Fink, 1861 in fell Bonbon Moir, 1862 on account IMME2 Ben y 1961 in fall Hoary Bo yer, 1862 none Todd EC Cl 2 Daniel IL Kramer, ISM. In fell 370 7•1 William M. Baba, 1862 on account 832 73 BERN UPPER. Samuel Wagner, 1981 in frill .334 94 WWilliam3larberger, 1882 in fall 987 50 ' 1242 44 I=3 William D. Stein, 1560 on account 69 00 Jahn Burkhart, 1861 on account 816 00 William Klein,lB62 on account 801 69 EEEEEEE! Jahn L. Matzo], 1881 on account Daniel Bentz,lB62 on account • lIIIECKNOCK Christian Hartwig, 18611 n fall 1862 on ace punt CERNARVON. William Good, 1861 in fall 24 02 Robert A. Oilmen, 1862 none paid 21.03 CEPI3III3. William Potteiger.lB6l in fall 53 86 John W. Hollenbach,lB62 none pale 53 86 • COLEBR.OOBDALE. Thomas Mauer, 1861 in fall 357 81 " 1363 on account 6GO 00 Cllllllll. Samuel Kurtz, 1861 on account 300 00 William Beitolat, 1862 on account 918 55 Di - STRICT. - Charles Wien, 19,W on menet 10 DO William Roinert,l66l in full ioo 97 Franklin biluer,lBo2 OKI account 17 00 DOUGLASS. D. 11: N. Manger, 1561 in fall 547 S 5 • 165.1. none paid ME! Daniel Shultz. DM on account Enos Roth, 1882 on account EXETER. Llvengood, 1860 In fell 19 00 Mown Strunk, 3661 on account 753 gt William Wanner, 1562 on account 693 10 1365 94 • GIIEENWIOIL John Shearer, 7881 In fall . 357 30 1808 on account 299 91 TIAMBITHCI. Reuben jailing, 1861 on account 895 00 Mahlon?. Wolf, 1802 on account 331 SO MOUSE R°. Samuel Writer, ltial la WI SRO 21 MU= Rismelbtrger, 1862 oa account 589 54 HEIDELBERG LOWER. John Maurer, 1881 472 40 Elijah Sttely, 1862 749 91 ainailtllllo NORTH William Stamp, 1862 la Ma HEREFORD Samuel Gable,lB62 none paid. • JEFFERSON Samuel Minter, IWin rtsil Samuel Nachman, Elfn is full Samuel roluager, 1982 on amount KUTZTOWN. William Sbiedlar,lBol la fail 430 70 Isaac K. Slander, 1582 on paid LOMISWABIP.. Job, Hatz:l26l is bolt • 623 26 Valentino Goict, 1362 on account • CB 06 John 1. Stll.l, 1381 In full 620 00 John Saul, 1552 on accOnnt 750 82 1370 52 MARION. . • Famnel Reed, 1561 In fall 196 12 John L. ginger, 1862 on account 786 96 -- 983 09 .. . . MAXATAW.NY. Allen Schwoyer, 1861 In fall 1540 00 Charles D. Koch, 1562 on account 900 53 MIIFILBNiIRRO. aostkpb Meer, 1861 in fall 949 08 "'• 1302 on account 382 94 01.P.V. George Browamiller, len is fall 2134. 12 ONTEL3.URES. .Amos Kauffman, 1861 in full • 35 Daniel Coleman. 1861 on account 673 GO Emanuel Rickenbach, 1563 on accennt 186 30 PENN Charles Diehl, 1662 In fell PERRY. Albright, 1:1 0 11 .. 1%11 75 05 .0 60G 00 -- 675 00 MD Abrabam H. Shaeffer, ISM on azoount SOO CO George Bechtel, 1802 none paid JOO DU Frederick Hill, WA in full 149 64 Levi H. Haan, 1660 in full St 00 Henry O. Haller, tall/ co account S•?; 91 AILTILLD. S. High.. IRO3 on mount, 4 04 , . Samuel Biller, 1959 in fad 72 95 George Gmbh, 1860 in full 41 95 Alioheel Weraley, 1841 In toll 331. 81 Lewis Woodwaril, 1962 on account 439 98 _ SU 47 itotkLAND. Jonathan L. Landis. 1861 In roll 202 71 Reuben Rhoads, 180 on account 270 00 608 7 Rtr9oo6lo/11APOR. John Herb, 7561 tn fall 183 09 " " /IQ son 6994110 t 76 53 4.55 02 Jam Sall, 1660 112 fun Emanuel Matz, 18th in fall laeob Shunter, 1802 on account TV/X=OO7PN ones. William Reber, 1861 la fall 194 10 1662 on account 192 25 TULPSIIOCCON. Oodfrey Bordner, 1861 In MI 89.0 79 ft ‘. 1861 on account 119 28 UNION. Natbau R. Waumber, 1861 lu full 199 69 Johu,//arlrsou,lB62 on accoaut 16 81 David Backfield, lgal to. rmt Peter Dayober, 1502 on account ' WINDSOR. Mahlon G. Spears, 1661 in toll 161 61 John S. Seldle, ISO on account 667 81 • • NVOSIEI.BIOOIIE% William Freeborn, IN/ on account 90 00 ila.ry Hackm.n , 1002 on awing 75 43 185 43 READING —2l7Jra- Elia Ward. George Hnshar, IWO in fall 158 89 Christian lihalis, 1861 on account 981 00 William Heidenreich. 1662 none paid —ll4O 89 nataninci—Nafilt- Wig Ward. Aaron Cate, 1860 on account 307 02 William Keen. 1881 on account 790 00 Herman Beard, 1862 none paid 1097 52 READlll(l—South—East Ward. Edward 80hunzlz, 1860 on account 412 27 Chrtkian Shultz, 1851 on account 725 05 Chula' Noting, 1002 on amount 100 00 1270 95 READINCI—south. Weat Waid. John B. Oriseinger, 1881 on anima 1400 00 Weed M. Schwartz, BM none paid . 1400 00 READING—Spruce Wart Bdwefil Sehmock, 1861 In fall 880 13 '• '• 1262 on account 250 00 Samuel Minoan, Demel Kemp, Jobe Francis. William Kuebb, Isaac Reiff, Jobs AUleabach, Henry Wagenboret, aamlaietrater, Daniel Ciriesemer, Samuel Knabb. . Catharine and Win. Weidner Jacob 0. Hartzog, John Lorah, Henry &Idol, Charles Bruteleer, Daniel Radial, Dr. William D. Wynn, Jacob C. Hoff, Daniel L. Grtesemer, Jame Bell. Margaret Fasig, &sm.' Merkel. P. DIV* Man i Joseph shame, Daniel Maurer, J. Oeisler, assigned to A. Blooding, Daniel Zacharias, Joseph Levan, Daniel Habil, limo Botta, Henry Ham Lela H. Hook, Anna.Reaser, Richard SohoieJer, Jacob Donahower, John P. FenWY, brae Grant; Daniel Hartman, William Herbst, &MIMI Donahower, Sybilla Orim, X 551 44 14551 44 314 as 66 99 MEI Bather& Berley, Anthony BIDS, Lewis H. Wunder, 984 63 - 994 63 Elizabeth Stroudt, Margaret M. Dewitt,„ Andrew Harry Dauiet Bertolet. Samuel B. Grind; Mary Ebbed. Abraham Ems, Richard Boone, Thomas Litman, EMS Jacob /SUM% Nathaniel Hoodhart, Catharine Herttog, withont interest, Daniel Hartman, without interest, Henry Wagenhoret, Henry Frey, 48,883 00 . • Bridge Contracts and Tolls, for 1862 Penn Street Bridge, yearly contracts 1009 NI Francis Bechtel, toll collected 698 60 1176 69 60 00 36 2. Lancaster Bridge, yearly contracts 856 75 Harriet McGuire, toll collected 664 00 12E1 Poplar Neck Bridge, yearly contract. ' doe 50 Joisep 1:1110361 , , toll collated 294 71. 21 05 322 SS Mil newt)Org Bridge, yearly contracts Jacob Gerhard, toll collected Bridge Stock and Dividends Dividend from teize'e Bridge, per Mat. tides S. Mehra Dividend Troia nlttiouseli Bridge, per Benjamin Darwin 82 42 Interest for came, 20 80 Dividend Black and White Harm Bridge, 160 00 James Bell, Esq., Jacob S. Litringood, Beq , leery W. Smith, Esq., John S. Richards, Esq., Matthias Mengel, Esq.. B. F. Dry and George Beam, Biqa., A. W. Kauffman, Esq., D. F. Boyer. &.q„ J . . V, Vink49!, A. B. Wanner, Fasq., Samuel L. Young, Esq., John Banke, Beq , Charles Davie, Esq., J. K. McKenty, Esq., Jeeee 0. Hawley, En., J. D. 'Bitting, &wt., 1017 64 EME3I3 MEI CZEI Pines. Tobias Clouser, for permits swearing Reber & Relfenyder, for tailing liquor Jacob !Nos, for sabbath breaking J. D. Bitting, Req., Sheriff Samuel Hoffman, eabbath breaking CM 21 63 -• 393 17 Coals. Peter Tenter, account of code Jacob Bechtel, on note Benjamin Hoff, on account of costa William Tresler and Eliza Fultz, David B. Manger, &sq., Benjamin Bane, balance In fell Prank B. Goodhart, in full for note 667 21 ' Strays Sold. Abraham H. Vanderslice, 1 ball C=::IZI H. W. Tyson, goods twin Maintenance, Key tees, 112113 Road Damages A. B. Wanoor w lor, lifcbmood tp. Wharton Malik for Oreenwink tp. Daniel Branziagor. for Penn tp. ME=Il 1:111MI Old Stale Tax Old State Tax for the year 1961 Huckster Licenses Amount In the county 44 oat of the county 46 36 747 43 ECM Deduct adeerttstug and Treasurer's Com• missions 79 29 430 70 Hinellaneoul. Adam Fahagard, for Jury fees refunded David McKnight, Bag., of Botdior's Kadier Sand 6 44 Rens R. Gnest, of Robeson, for State tax for 1661 1 91 Solomon L. Coster, old planks at Sholl's bridge • 400 George Y. Ritter, for Exoneration of tax for 1860 • 1 92 Whole amend received ley the Trereurer y ' $161,788 61 CR. 11. 4 a 9 Treasurer claims tret for the following orders drawn on tom, VIZ DIRROTORS OF TIIR POOR. Funeral Expenses, Outdoor. Reuben F. Drumheller, 3 coMnt for sundry 2444 63 persons S 76 J. Itubreoht, 7 coffin for IL Zettleruoyer b 00 Charles Health:4looS coffins for different • Vernon, It BO Samuel Brombach,l coffin fur Silvia Moyer A 00 ECM ECM .." " 1 for Mies Hartline 6 tO Joseph Ronskey, 3 coffins for different per eons Zi 25 Henry-Burkholder, 1 coffin for Long, 200 Kerper'e child 5 00 Henry Burkholder, / coffin for Sarah Phil ips 4 60 . Daniel Bask, 1 coffin for Wm. Baas 6 00 Elijah B. ltettew, / coffin for Pater Wertz 600 John Wagner, Scoffing for 'here & Swavely 10 00 Lewis Snyder, 1 coMa -for John Hoffman 6 0.1 •• •• 5 coffins for A. Bechtel's children 4 63 J. Lehman Heebner, 3 coffins for different persone • Martin B. Landis, 4 coffins for different 14 40 persons 12 76 Jolt& PO. 1 MBA tot Stliabetit Sort: 6 00 069 03 MEI 12MEMI RICLIIViOND =CU MEM 28 12 823 81 1375 69 1ME313 WASHINGTON 453 93 108 50 • =MD *42,10s 39 Permanent Loana 600 0/ 2500 00 401 0) SW 4.0 1000 00 210 00 000 l 0 1201 00 7to 01 1000 00 adm'ora. 90J OJ 51.0 00 1000 CO 30 A (0 000 00 COO 00 1200 CO 1850 00 570 CO 650 00 530 00 Ikoo 00 4000 00 800 00 12.10 00 330 00 400 00 600 Ott 2'ooo L4)O 00 1500 00 000 00 1500 oi) 30.4 00 1400 03 003 00 210 00 ItO 1 01 000 LO 410 00 750 00 11 0 00 1500 00 ion 0) 183 00 PO 00 4LO) 00 1210 CO 003 00 Soo 00 800 00 1200 00 SOO 00 1100 i 0 300 03 300 00 600 00 110) 00 1703 50 QM .--- --. 503 21 315 50 199 18 lIEE3 40 0) CIO Verdict Fees =2:M139 4 00 155 00 257 • FEE] 43 87 17 01 5 00 89 29 3 14 29 53-49 I=i CEO Prison 3.153 61 72 85 18;A EMT] 120 0) 20 00 40 00 180 00 C 33 IZEI 890 07 510 CO 1409 67 =ISM Charles Schnell, S wane for different per• 80t111 S 00 Amos Rothermal, 'coffin for Wm. Himmel.- retell 5 00 Jonathan linerr, 2 codins . for different pir , eine 5 03 . John Jackson, 1 coffin for Poker Mock 5 56 3 . R. Ritter, 2 coffine for different per... 575 Reuben Smith, 1 reek' for Catharine Ebert 5 03 Ca rrieen Oaenrider, 1 coffin for Gollieb Whitmore 5 GO Jacob N. Manger, 2 coffins for different EIBLI ereitma Je p eathau Seidler, 2 eoSne for different. per. 3 75 BUM 8 00 Out-Doors Relief. Patrick Pinney, for John Bechart 20 00 )lldow Scbmel, 20 03 Samuel Filbert, for Jacob Wentrel • 6 00 Benjamin &Arlen, for Ida family 6 00 John Miller, for Benj. ecarhai 15 GO Henry Leaman, for self 20 t.O Elijah B. Bellew, for Widow Warta 20 00 lame Bahr, for his child 10 Od Isaac H. Moore, for Jacob Wagner 20 00 Jacob Prick, for self 20 00 limiben r, prambeltor t for M. Hoffman 6 00 tfennerille Ilirikley, for Jocheibee Rea. IA 00 Samuel I'M, for Jobe Moore 10 00 Jacob ilogelhart, for IL tingelhart•s family 5 00 Jacob Young, for dilemma persons 125 81 CIE Oeorge W.Hatu, Catharine Koch, for self R. F. Crumbslief, for Jacob Harilino Widow Stelzer, for cell George S. Stilfal , fee Widow Rommel Jacob Gilbert, for calf Lewis 130801.0, for calf 133 43 I Mre. Calabash for self ILE Isaac Steiner, for self Mrs. Haar, for self Thomas Ragan, for self 5 00 Maid Bitting, for Thom. Meeon. 15 00 Chace W. Esser, for Joint B. Otto 40 11 0 Elizabeth Bone, for her child 26 00 R. F. Drumheller, for Oeo. Shearer 1 26 Ephraim Fritz, for Samuel testis 15 00 Samuel Boone, for different persons 6.i 79 Bernhard and Koch," • " 72 13 Samuel Frees, .. 97 58 Levi Wolforoborgor, for George Klee 6 09 David Johnson, tor self 10 00 Jones Poll. for Susan Rolnick 20 00 Jima E. Wells, for Rodgers' family 12 03 " -" .. 20 03 John Hoffman. for self • . 20 00 Elijah Rettew for John Wertz 20 00 Anglin Kerehner, 20 00 Joshua Bieber. for Mre. Ruppert 20 00 N m luaus Maa. fur Jamb 1101111.1er 20 01 Gee. Blehl, for self 10 110 Henry Trump, for daughter - 21 00 William Oliteeer, for self 10 po Henry Flannery, for lire. Cortiff 10 00 James Geiger, for Rebecca Cott 12 00 Wm. Ermentrout, for different persons 87 66 Win. Rhoads, er., • " " 30 73 Mary Drown, for null 10 00 Frill and Brubaker, for different persona 90 07 Samuel Filbert, for Elizabeth Long 10 03 Charles Goodman, for self 20 00 Polly Smith, for self 5 00 Samuel Filbert, for Polly Smith 5 00 lea. Moyer, for Lenhart 10 tll Henry Burkholderl for Monet ming 5 60 .. Wm. Peocock, " 55 30 D. D. Deppen, for self 600 George Alepach, for self . 10 00 William Dodd, for self 500 It F. Drumheller for Mrs. Ruppert 5 00 Geo. K. Lomb, for Philip Miller's wife 5 00 Daniel Buskirk, for Mary OBuger 40 00 F. K. Spang, fur Silvis Moyer 5 00 Tobias Clouser, for Daniel fferchner John Efertzug, for J. Eck Frank Ludwig, for Daniel Glase John Pob, for Jacob Eck Mre. 8. Borkhard, for self 6576001 Troop, fur child WBl. Rhoads Jr., for different patron. 6 61 Rudolph Collar, for self 600 Jonathan Borkey, for 611850111% Wortman 6CO Aaron Getz, for.Mfforant persons 19 69 Jeremiah Seidler, " " 325 Win. Bohn, forJonathenFloher 13 OD A. H. & W. Schwartz, for different perilous 6 93 Widow °Tamils, for self 5 00 E. C. Hiettier, for different mum 94 It Charles Keely, for Geo. alcratrldge 17 60 William Hem, for self 5 00 Peter Marshall, for Win. Shultz Bonneville Hiester, for John Fisher Mobn & Miller, for Jacob Zerr F. K. Spang, for Mrs. Mardi. Ow W, Haig, (or different moons Samuel 'Filbert, for Godfried `Fillmore Mil IME Dry. Goods William Kerper David Ermentroni John Hof & Co. George ff. Levan Win. A. Coleman, ag't Riegel & Brother David Derr R. & F. 8. Ludwig James, Kent, Santee & Co Wm. 8. Filbert.* Co. 'Leaman Je Kissinger D. Brown Franklin B. FiehthOrn Ritter E Keyser John 8. Pearson le Co. Groceries Hiram S. Got. & Co. 859 83 Waternuts 4c Young 11/3 43 William liboadr, jr., groceries and atoo. 29S OA B. D. Smith 3 45 F. B. Shatters 5 2t Cattle and Hoge James Sloan, 10 hogs Joseph Rambo, 10. hogs Wore Rader, 30 bogs Jacob Zerr, 12 steers Francis Merirle,32 steers, Weidner & Stewart, 21 steers Joseph Rambo, 60 sheep Samuel McKnight, 1 Durham bull Maekey and 'Vetvar Bonneville Y. Yoder, whiskey Samuel Filbert. vinegar Tobias Barto, whiskey and vinegar Hardware and Iron Joeepla L. StiSkter John McKnight George Lerch & Co. John Seltzer & Co Grain, Flour and Grinding Grain. George F. Boyer, grinding grain 74 77 Jonathan H. Hiller, " " 127 12 Adam Filbert, de . 44 00 Samuel Shape. seed wheat 5 40 R. F. Drumheller, rye flour 31 (0 Joseph Kelbach. wheat 252 20 Filbert & Keyeer, wheat Imo K. Kalbach, clover seed Adana Filbert, wheat and dour George Strunk, wheat Isaac Shanoman, wheat J. F. Drumheller, rye dear Frill Si Brubaker Hour and bran Samuel Filbert, wheat Jobn Filbert, wheat Wm. DeclFer, rye Samuel Filbert, rye deers. W. Hats at Se., plain grata Drugs J. K. McCurdy John H. Baser S. S. &events Coe and Bait. Chan. S. Raley, wharfage, coal and Bali 109 91 Richard Sear, coal and WC 694 15 John O. Hill, coal 914 00 Samuel Frees, wbarrags on coal Wm. Psooock, bituminous coal Aaron Get; freight on coal Tobacco Chultis Branelaer J. & E. Eyrie& Boots, Shoes and Leather Wm. Geiger, flora Trent At Grim, leather H. F. Felix; ds and shoes Printing and Stationery. J. Lawrenee Getz, advertising 27 60 =ZiaDiiMi&M Francis Roland Lumber Joshua Keeli Fulling and Dyeing J. R. Edelman Daniel Sondem Isaac Yost Lewis 0. Frit:o64 , ml Mx, not 42 OS Wm. Pennypaeker, school tax, 1882 SI 16 J. Bomberger, road tax, 1801 on account 62 66 Salaries. Jacob Conrad, 'steward 9 months Manual linebtrayer, under steward, en account 275 10 EL A. Summons, clerk, 1 year Samuel Filbert, director, 1 year " " extra services Aaron Gets, director, 1 year =3 IL F. Drambeller, director 63 OJ extra servicee 16 00 Chas. Keely, M. D., phytaciatee servieet 100 00 Michael T. I.leingeo4, .. " 6 mouths ESE Wharton Morrie, attorney, on acconut. 62 50 Fred'k Leaf Smith, attorney. 6 mouths 37 rot Regina Conrad, teaching school 63 70 Peter Zimmerman, Buell:leer, la felt leo Si M. 8. Bickel, blacksmith, on accu6ul Pi 3 j Reuben Aloha, carter, on accogra 21 70 James Moho, carter 147 07 Jobn Beazer, baker, on account 175 46 Christian Ziegler, tailor on account 224 00 Frederick Schutter, gardener, on account 112 211 Abraham Fry, porter in boupital 47 00 ER Koch. engineer, IS months 110 00 Pinry Whitman,maid•eervioe, on mount 101 69 Nary Doan/ex. 41 79 . Miscellaneous Items. John Fromm, labor in hay-making s It 00 Henry " 17 60 Anthony Hartzog, labor In " 17 60 John P. Kellen, pipe and casting. ' 70 52 ittenh Shaffner, 1 bacon 77 35 Wm. Yobs, medical services, 7 males 33 01 John H. Spatz, medical services 5 00 Samuel Sammons, carpenter Work. 35 31 Charles Healy, medical dentine. Vi 01 Abraham Arnold,•B coats 21 00 John tl, Henry, 2 ploughs gambol Donahower, mending harness Andrew Davis, Hag stones Michael Krim:nee, brooms Henry Crones, notions Peter Brown, lime fens sad oat hire ME cm! 10 00 20 00 20 , 0 20 00 5 00 20 tO CM 10 00 20 00 500 6 00 b 00 5 00 5 00 5 0) 600 2 • 0 5 98 6 00 14 62 5 80 MIEJ EMI EMI • 168 2 137_ 95 41i 57 1488 20 1108 90 905 10 270 CO 40 00 11:10 II 07 6 0 38 20 I TM 217 61 73 33 16 15 8 68 318 17 93 04 79 00 63521 62 96 ~0 3S 130 24 35 89 93 75 PIM 9 10 11111 83 ME 3 205 1 87 62 15 EM 7 8.5 17 00 EN EMU 100 73 90 33 140 96 12 00 6 9/ 231 01 1310 EEO Hats EMI 70 37 84k 40 .---, 344 40 81 47 87 60 157 96 277 03 - 450 00 295 00 65 00 15 00 9D 10 BEI EMI 2881 88 3i i.O 4 61 6 88 8 50 31 16 5 50 17_60 •• • ' Berke County Prison, carpet 1-10 03 F. A. Spang, medical earricea, Satiable 001 Chrhtian 2:egler, Interact on loan 014;1600 ilo 01 Y. Albright, rrsight 5 39 Lewis Brine; cake-meal and Rand . 16 Grind' & Whitman, bed petite 3 30 liobas Or SkoMilan, brushes ' 47 il6 H. M. Sherer, cedar ware 6 06 Morrie, Tacker & Co., steam pipes 9 iiii Daniel Miller. plumbing and pipes 40 03 Simon Reinhold, brushes 3 96 James NI: Matthews, medical services, 8. Troyer 5 ") William William., maintenance. Saran Zwoyer 0 00 Christian Shutter, earthenware 29 09 D. Llewellyn Beaver, medical services 2 00 Titus Kern, brooms 7 LO John Long, maintenance, L. Smith 5 00 Jacob Walter, " 5 00 Douglas. and Connard, steam fixtures 10 98 Directors of the Poor of Schuylkill county, for the maintenance of paiiparc beaming to this county 72 80 Harriet Jeoning., for furniture due her by Daniel Althouce 12 00 Michael flightmyer, furniture 10 50 /15ekbammer & Bold, Bah - 100 09 Wm. Ihumbeliar, labor during hayma king and barve.l 92 9.5 Richard Schuader, labor during hay Ina. king and harvest 29 75 Amos Lambert, tabor daring hay-making and harvest 25 75 - lOU LW [Tots] amount of Poor House Order; $19,092 183 Prison limpectone Ord., It. T. White, for carpet chain Jacob Young, i 3 tons coal .... li. F. Oweo. 502 copies Annual Report 28 00 Reading Glens Company, since let December 15 75 it, Paine. books for are of prisoners 12 31 Henry Tyson, carpet rags bought in Janu ary 30 76 Henry Tyson, mini/intim, p mouths 410 14 do do 3 months salary 112,00 Mrs. 0. ryson, 3 mouths salary 87 50 George K. :leaver 3 months notary . 125 00 Rhode & Fisher. carps - chain 34 91 Henry Tl2on, carpet rags bought since February 47 10 Lassie Griner, carpet chain and sundries 81 84 Urery Tzeop, compiling Annual Vapor:, 1051 C Oft 1. H. Straub, for sole leather 5 15 R. T. White, for carpet chain 128 20 Henry Tyaen, for carpet rage in April, 1862 23 77 Jacob Young, for coal 28 50 J. D. neitolor, for repairing sofas 5 75 Samuel Ouinmone for VlSMing Lancaster Prison 7 00 H. T. White, carpet Chain 213 50 Reading Gas Company, bill 8 10 Henry Tyson, maintenance, 3 months 408 75 do do 3 months salary 112 DO Mrs. 0. Tyson, 3 months salary 87 50 Lewis /inner, carpet chain, May 0 40 ni. - Hong/ Tyson, carper rags bought 85 28 Heorge K. Cleaver, 3 months salary 125 00 Win. Bridegam, for roofing prison 100 00 Henry Tyson, carpet rage bought since Jaly 54 50 R. T. White, carpet chain 273 75 David Rots, Prison Inspector, attending 11 days 22 00 James Lee, attending 10 meetings 20 00 A. D. Hill, do do 22 110 Daniel Young, do do 11 00 Samuel Summons, attending 12 meetings 12 . 03 Jacob Young, do do 12 01 Lewis drinar, . do . do 12 00 do do Secretary's services /2 00 Reading rids Company, for gas bill, Sept. 1 1552 ' 450 R. T. White, (or 1030 Ha linen chain and _ 2 steel reeds 254 50 Henry Tyson, carpet rage bought in Aug. 64 00 William Bride/am, for roofing prison 400 00 Samuel Summons, for carpenter work 75 70 Leinmaster & Smith, for !trailing and ma. terbil 35 OG Henry Tyson, for maintenance, 3 months 555 51 do do 3 months salary 112 50 Mrs. G. Tyson, 3 do 31 50 G. K. Cleaver, 3 do 125 00 B. T. White, for carpet chain 225 00 Henry Tyson, carpet raga bought in Sept. 1862 35 27 Wm. Briilegam, on acconnt, for roofing 250 00 do - for tin ware 12 12 J. Keely, for lumber 16 49 Jacob Yining, for coal 222 75 Bard & Reber, for hardware 28 94 Charles K. Snell, for tin ware 23 65 H. Bonnethum, for tin ware 10 70 .J. Koppieman, snob weights, pipits, SA 33 99 William Kerper, for dry goods 12 54 Adam Heilman, shoes for prison 15 94 Isaac W. Harper, books and stationery 4 94 P. Albright, freight 10 SS [leery Tyson., taking 2 boys to House of Refuge 12 10 Anthony Duller, for brash. 7 42 Henry Tysoa, for carpet rage 81.24 Diller Luther, excise tax and license 35 64 Henry Tyson, for incidental expenses 35 16 do do do do 19 40 do do for maintenance, 3 months 410 OS do do for 3 months salary 115-50 Hr. G. Tyson,. a months seam 37 60 George K. Cleaver, 3 months salary LB 00 Dr. lobs B. Brooke, 3. year's salary as physician 75 00. William Horbst, Treasurer, 1 year's sal ary' e 20 00 Mrs. 0. Tyson, for dinners to Inspectors 18 50 Principal on Loans Paid. William Moues, paid, lu tall David B. Kline, do do Aaron K. Kline, do do James Rice, do do Charles Young. do do Daniel Snyder, do do Anthony ewe, do do Interest Paid on Loans Amount paid on Loans to different per- . Printing Orders Moritz 1' Donlog, publiettlog In Schnell • post /and's nowiselit. publishing in Geist der • Zeit Jacob Knabb, pablishing in Journal J. L. Getz, do Gazette Arnold Powell', do Libralerßeo baehter Myers do Pd.. do Rorke County Press 12 00 Charles Kessler, do Reading Adler 135 73 do do Stationery 58 67 ConStables' Returns Jannary cessions April sessions Atagnut 118116i01111 . November session Coroner's Inquests. John Fox, holding inquest on body of Mary Kenely 10 62 Dupont on Aaron Heckman 9 46 do William Frill 2 74 do' Michael Knorr 7 62 viewing body Michael M'Laehlin 2 75 inquest on colored boy, name not known 8 12 inqnset on Theodore Hahn 9 96 viewing body Ellen Carr 2 75 do 8 bodies, Heller, Sher man one unknown 99.3 inquest on David Acker 9 20 do Lewis Ebenatein 7 50 do Martha Sage and Bra , nor 15 34 Jeremiah Beard, inquest On Henry Swavely 10 58 do do do Wm. G. Garland 9 24 jorwalikb Van Heed, for Wm. Holloway 928 Daniel Olanser, on Jam Clanton • 0 00 Henry O. Crod, on Catharine Bbbert 9 87 Henry Burkholder, on B. Phillips 8 12 Aaron S. Moll, on Owen McGovern 8 62 Samuel M. Kistler, on Samnelßmith 8 12 Abraham 11. Vanderslice, on John and Mira bath Pott 9 04 I gamael Klee, an Henry Orlin William Shubert, on Henry Jacoby Election Returns.. Judges of Spring elections 544 6S Constables, advertising and notices 260 PO Return Judges and election Ammon 889 23 Countable Henry Metter, notifying election 1 00 Asseseors. Paid Triennial Assessment for 1861 719 37 Patti= up lists of notables in 1881-62 206 00 Notifying days of Appeal 643 28 Read Damages- Thomas L. lintdort viewing State Road 12 29 Moses Moyer, for road Talpshoccon town ship 16 00 George Biondi, do do 60 00 Philip and Michael Felfer, do 90 00 Elias Batdorf, do 6 00 Jonath.n Krealg, damages in Mnblenbirg 28 00 Henry Knoll, serviced iniaying road in Tul• pehoeco n 2 00 Joseph Schmusger . , damages for alloy in Reeding 85 (0 Lacy L. Boyer, do do 35 00 howls Griner, for Jen Kendall's:estate 75 03 Sarah Hobart, damage. 5 00 Lade Moyer, do in Conan 70 00 Do do fere for viewing under the old law 750 Eliza Delany, for damaged for - alley In Reading 20 00 Mary Hindi, do do 45 00 Mary Phillips, do do 2.5 00 Anthony Poliz,, do do 75 00 Samuel Marberger, Exeter township . so 00 David Schneider, dO 7 (0 . G William anser, do ' Joseph Hocbaln, do Nicodemus Noll, Richmond township ==lM iraaC Umakoor, Exeter township Juries, Cryer, Tipetaves, 4-0. January Term, 1862, Grand Jurors 95 24 Do •du do Petit do 767 86 Do do do Croat Cryer 69 00 Do do do' Tipstaves 68 76 Do do do . Conveying prisoners 16 OD April Term, IVA Grand Jurors Do do do Petit do Do do do Court Cayes Do do do Tirane. Do do do Conveying prisoners Angast Term, 1662, Grand Jurors 129 27 Do do do Petit do 724 41 .1)2 de du Court Cryer lid 09 Do do do • Tipsteires 121 •22 Do do do Conveying prisoners IL 25 -- Lll4 18 November Term, 1862, Grail Jurors 9S 96 Do do do Forlt do 670 72 Do do do- Court Cryer 16 00 Do do do Twereve4 68 75 ODo do do Conv'ing prisoaere 111 00 ---6 864 40 Mayor, Aldermen, Justices, Con stables and Witness Fees. Mayor's bills for self, Pollee, Cometablets azga Witt:m4 696 96 "eriliott I ..r lb. Pasin . Arresting Vagrants. Fees for arresting vngraute daring the year County Officers. Paid Geo. W. Brockman, Commissioners' Clerk, I year's eatery urn PO Joseph Ritter, Conn Cryar, salary 209 • o dames Dieted Attorney 896 50 Daniel Ecinentcont, present do 79 On Janice Bell, Clerk of Court Quarter Sea. alone, 516 t)l3 Samuel It. Klee, Win. Reify and Joseph 9 Beyer, County Auditors 180 ea Jacob Donahower,Commiseioner'e salary 291 N Paul Weurleb, CoMmleslouer's salary and °airs 8.1,166 319 ' l, • George K. Larch. Commissioner's salary and extra service J. ilagenman, Commissioners' A ttoiee7 1 year'. salary 3. D. Bitting, late Sheriff of Bush 4 Court niPme Paid J. L. Stickier, fo , clam pally Ferdinand Wa-ene, repsiriu, Francis Rambo, lepairing Court lieu, Charles K basil, repairiug ou Cot. • Gnus° Sam'! noilabowsr, repairing seat:co4 , , _ 2 riltd.trlate Ps, 1 dna common Ohajra o IM Henry Innen for bait hie anbe , Adam Fox, for planting tree, in OAR Rouse yard 75 F. B. Gale, for shade trees in Court House yard 7 50 Lewis ()abed., for paving in Court House yard 165 5,1/. Smith, Treasurer or lise Company for sundry bilis NI 30 William Rapp, for hauling aehes 76 Samuel Sammons, carpenter work at Court Housel4 83 Jacob Laden, repairing Court H . ouse clock 66 76 olomon Mengel. bal. for repairing roof 56 DS John Flickinger. for putting away coal • 6 00 0 'lvry S. Wawa!), bill for painting 1 40 Slijab Kamp, for 10e bushels ehardhai 0 00 Henry & Nathan, for lumber, 80. 8 45 Wu,. tihoada, jr., rosin soap, 80. 439 Wtlliam Ermentrouc, for nom 41 00 Wm. I'. Dickenson, tepairing fixtures 7 15 Jacob Young for 10 tone coal • 42 511 Joshua freely lumber for Court House 3 00 B. Todd, for repairing window blinds 20 0 Barna Es. —Penn Street Bridge Francis Bechtel, 11 months' salary (17 50) 192 50 Wm Teich, mending lanterns 1 51 David L. Wenrlah, bal. in fall for plank 364 03 S. L. Snyder, plank 2 21 S. D. Smith, Treasurer stems Company VI2O Warner, Mickey & Gib Plaint's* 14 76 John Mcßuightflor hardware XS in Isaac Sinthart, cleaning bridge 260 • Lancaster Bridge. Harriet 6P6lnire, 11 months' salary (II 50) 192 50 R. D. Smith, Treasurer Gas Company 68 65 Wlllllor, Pitok9y & Merril, for Gas fixtures 14 74 John McKnight, for hardware 1 56 Isaac Matbart, for cleaning bridge 2 50 177 96 97 47 • • Poplar Neck Bridge. Jos. llarber,•ll months' salary (12 50) 137 60 liantbarg Bridge. hicob gerberl,ll months' "I°7 at 1012 50 per mouth 197 SO Jacob Donahower, for letting said bridge 6 60 Benjamin Gordner, for repairing said bridge 193 78 -338 83 -- 1424 52 County !Wages. Leidy Sholl, forlinnber at bridge 87 00 Harrison Levan, work at Lambert's bridge 2 50 Jonathan Kline, battling marble slab 1 00 John G. Shmffer, repairing bridge roof In Greenwich 9 23 Natal BIM, for work ot Stale bridge 26 CM IL &J. Drexel, for stone at nerd's bridge 110 Wm. It. Berger, repairing Elate Bridge at Hieeter'e 75 20 Conrad & Witunan, lumber for State bridge in Bare. /15 36 Wm. Merkel, for repairing bridge In On telannee 101 82 Merkel dr. Adams, for Simony bridge In Illelamond . 100 00 John McCntchen, whitewashing State bridge 10 00 Jacob IL Dasher, lumber for State bridge 11 OS .. Refunding Orders. Charles Diehl. collector of Penn, emenat overpaid . n 29 Jacob neobtel, witness fees refunded I On Samuel °radio, bridge toll refunded S ei Levi A. Haas, collector of Richmond, re- fended 81 Geo. Browmiller, collector. of Oley, tax overpaid 82 eV T 4 T 8 . . . . Rebecca Yocum Susan H. Groff Rebecca Maciamer Maria McDonough Abaline Hoptine Mrs. George Saylor Lydia Ruiz ' • George W. Rang. for Emily Kaufman Solomon rimer, for Mrs. Such Sophia Wien Sarah Wi'fart Catharine Kapple F. Muniliar Harries Heider Harriet Filson Mary Hue' eler Sarah Kline Saran Kendall Angeline cantle Amelia &leaner sarah.E. Bricker and others Anna Pinker do Mar ha Calvert do . - Anna Boyer du Fraucer Heck du Catharine Murphy do Joanne Fox do Cathaihie eurEiby Anna rho do - saran Monier do Ce hat ine Woollier do A/Calla Gabriel do 6614 11 AOO 01 liko 00 30,0) 20/ 00 300 00 175 00 130 00 3203 00 ISM WEI „6 06 50 00 132, 109 75 Bounties to Volunteers Capt. L. Liebe. Smith. Do William H. Andrews Do WiDim Mahal Do Richard II Jones Do Gourd• Nawklrk Do Juba K.o.aody 50 00 I=3 0. S. W0.0.u, K...."1tz Do P Ii wirt 62 64 62 70 66 62 63 02 ME=III Du n, ,t11.(111411 Du J D tinralor Do A. G. 'P lum ru buadry llottuttoora E 33 IfiseelLneous • 'wink Hoch, borefohire for Vininionion ors, 1561 BT 00 A. W. rinaffmon, for making out vetvren, A. W. Kauffman, for sainices, fees and coats 85 06 -- 81 75 Isaac Altbonse, conveying prisoners to the House of fistage 26 CO Isaac W. Harper, for stationery and blank books 189 93 Margaret Addle, taking son to the House of Refuge 6 12 7 Jaceb.Knabb, postage stamps 1 2 Chad. N. Keller, Recording Treasurer's Bond - 2 10 David Plank, on acoodut Of Wanda dun him2o:o OD Samuel Heckler, 'blank books and sta tionery 10 03 H. H. liohlenberg, discount on sots 25 00 Peter Hoch, horse hire for Commissioners 4 00 D. H. Heideman, repairing S abatis 75 Union Bank of Reading ; for note OOP Po Do do do do 10 00 Oodfried Bordner. holding special election 13 14 Levi ilogoiseter and J. V. Dorn, clerking ET3 election 3 00 Wru. Rhoads, jr., for soap and Inrushes 7 10 Hitter & Keyear,-thread, yarn and tape 39 Eastern Penitentiary, support, of convists 13 7 08 H. H. Muhlenberg, diesel:int on note 20 67 Jacob Knabb, bon-hire & postage stamp. '1 25 C. Freed, blank books and binding 15 75 James Matheson, seal and press for Or phans' Corot 10 25 David Plank, interest and principal 355 50 Henry B. Boyer, horse-hire 1 00 •Wm. Herbst, 2.q., nets given by Cononissioners 5 00 Charles B. McKnight, for note 1500 tO Samuel I f eawer, for 2 years' subscription for newspaper 2 05 Philadelphia & Beading B. B. Co., freight on rata 4 48 P- S. Higglaa, making 11 duplicates /6 40 John Y. Carmine do 2 do 409 Matilda Beckman and others, scrubbing 1694 93 1608 C 5 Court House 13 75 Michael K. Boyer, making? tax duplicates 11 00 Michael Kraemer, making 12 tax don't. cants and assisting appeal 20 00 Farrel, Her•ina S Co, difference on . . . change of safe Iyo 00 Jacob Knabb, postage stamps and box 1 24 WIII. Bridegam, expenses taking George • Haas to House of Refuge 10 00 Henry S. %Oilman, painting and materials 10 02 0. W. Brockman, expenses to Harriaburg • as Clerk in paying volonteer. 4 10 School Directors of Alaideacresk 92 43 Win. Herbst, Esq., Weasel tir Wanbing ton in paying volunteers 62 48 H. H. Mubleaberg, discount on - uote 122 90 C. a. Hessler, repairing Black Maria 5 75 Isaac Saseaman, wagon hired 2 00 11. H. Alnh!enbeig, discount on note in Fanners' Bank 236 D. A. Ulrich, for Mrs. 940 ° . oblid !_:0 00 Abraham Vireo, Ice in Coact room 10 20 H. H. Muhlenberg, discount on 03000 03 10 Oj David hicKniglit, sending Physicians to Washington 667 09 Matilda Rechman, scrubbing COMMilibioll - office 1 50 Thomas W. Hartley, for ecal and press for Orphans' Court 7 00 Howard & Co.. for freight do !LS Hiller & Ke tier, for tape and yarn biller Luther, for U. 8. Excise Tex bridge tolls H. H. Mnbleaberk, 41.4.4 a uu note Farmers' Bank Beleuco of new Stan Tux paid at Hid. rieborg Trivaturca , ......l.lry for one Year Do a...missies, on State 'rex 13 00 14 00 140 00 azi EIII 918 79 EMI 103 03 696 71 6600 81 25 11 85 IZEI To U. ilottorit'lle th. Judge, of the tit.a.rt of Common Plea, rtor Berka Coienly : Tbo s altora r.,opcottully report that they have carefully audited and netttaa the accouatts of Treasurer of Reran vaulty, from the 6th day of Jammyy, 1862, to the 3let day of December, 1862, both days hada dire, and dud a balance due the Treasuier, atteutattng to the cam of Five Ila:.dred and 'isweaty-{our Dollars sod tlumy foe:-....,,'- (L'4 • $3.903 70 Soldiers' Relief. L 0 4,it 110 .10 00 ..-00 00 0 00 00 00 t.O 0 00 ,07.1 0 0 0r ., , -- o 111=2 WI U 0 (~ OEM $44,450 00 46 69 0' u 0 DEM Total xpenditurea, Amount Or Tar A ii During rim Year 1862. E 133 1 . . ~i 1 4 . .3 & .5 1 avi 15 • '2 4. 2 ..1 "g P 4 14.....,, , ,6 of To*nohipa. tra a 03 s s E.' _0 .Q a a -4 g. • iltzny, 668 23 1 668 23 287 10 Ale.te 459 71 55 99 602 72 105 2 5 1 t w,:..,-, 1101 79 1194 70 354 22 • f; n 1222 37 852 27 409 04 140 70 oas 49 958 49 1269 s'l 301 69 967 59 277 22 17-. ::91 36 25 119 I, . . 440 ~.2 3'22 X 8 118 34 ~t! 27 . 4144 1!7 Heidelberg, North, Herefdrd, Jefferson, Kutztown, Lowman*, Maldenereek, Harlon, lrfaxataarny, kieldenberg, ()ley. Outelannee, Penn, . Perry, Pike, Richmond ; Robeson, Rockland, ltuecombmanor, Spring, Tulpeboecon, Tulpehoocon, Upper, Union Washington, Modßor, W..meladorf, Reading, N. B. Ward, N. W. Ward, " S. R Ward, R. W. Ward, " Spruce Ward, INT 62 I=E3 OUTSTANDING Jacob Weigeman, Womele4ort, 1049, 27 04 John Dantrich, Alsace, 1853, 313 34 Chorine Wien, District, DM, 07 12 William Bethel, 1860. 302 60 40 Charles Label& Hamburg. 1860, 212 69 Learn! A. Ltvingood, Womolidorf, 1880, 23 99 BEADING: • Aaron Getz, N. W. Ward, 1860, 269 18 Edward Sehmaak, S. E. Ward, 1880, 22 18 269 98 John Borten, Bethel. 1861, John L. Kintsel, Bern,llle, 1881 David Shultz, bid, 1861, Samuel Inman, Easter. 1861, 'Reuben Adams, Hamburg, 1861, Daniel Coleman, Ontelannee, 1881, Abraham H, Raeder, rilitt, Henry U. Heliner,lllolllnOnd, 1861, William Freeborn, Worneliderl. 1864 RRADMO : Christian Schultz, N. H. Ward. 1861, 681 74 William Keen. N. W. Ward, 1861, . 1124 37 Daniel Mritz, 8. E. Ward, 1861, .683 13 Joba D. Of lealngar, 8. W. Ward, 1861, 188 03 The above is a correct statement of the outstanding tax on the Ist day of January. A. D , 1883 WILLIAM bYEITY. JOSEPH 8. MOYER, Auditors. EZRA D. TOROY. Amount of Bonds held against the County of Berk:, on the lst day of January, 1863. Jacob 11. Reiff 500 00 Jelin K. Stauffer 989 00 B. Amelia Pisber L 860 00 William K. Stauffer 1871 OD William Young 1000 00 Jamb Young 1000 00 savanna User 406 66 Jacob L. Gi1e141159 sea ao George Feather. Seq 800 01. Joba 0.. Knabb 1400 00 Wash. Ben. Society 700 00 Daniel Biller 650 00 Deborah B. Fisher 750 00 Lydia Schneider . 410 00 Daniel D. Wilmer 1150 00 Jacob Young 100 00 lease Reiff 9110 00 John F. Almen, Zee 000 00 filmjmniu R. Peter 500 00 Josiah Spohn 1200 00 Peter 6ebeelder &Wm 00 Daniel Faber 800 00 David Schneider 3460 00 Magdalena Wilbslia 610 00 William Knabb 600 00 Dante/ L. °Messmer 950 0 1 Geo. & Samuel Deter& 800 00 Philip Spohn 1000 00 Jonas Barbells 900 00 Jacob Weidner 300 00 Basun Schafer 810 00 George Beaver 600 01 Amanda Bergman - 28180 00 Elisabeth Troutman 900 CO Jame. Kerrie 400 00 Benjamin 31411 , 12 1000 00 William Areal/. 2600 00 Daniel Schell • 600 00 Peter Deysher 700 CO Ratty Sell 1000 00 David Brumbach 900 00 William K. Stauffer 300 00 Bather Bechtel 1950 00 David Brombach 569 00 r Blizabelh Heebner 966 6 0 William Knabb 600 00 E Mary Ann Meta 2100 00 Benjamin Kurz 100 00 ..., Henry Neff.looo 00 Samuel B. Knabb • 550 00 Kntmess Kneb 2160 00 [ease Reiff 900 00 I KoctiAn Boyer 100 00 William B. h1ig9199 i9O 00 8... a.. Knabb 2 - 00 00 Barbara Sell liell 00 Toon FierhPln 500 00IRannah Alien Sou ,0 1.•« , ..r si Knabb 4!01 0. David Rrombach 'SOO 00 1.-wt.. K 1 1.4term.ein 1 0 00 . 5... b 11nate, 2100 00 1.1 K 4noPr.tei.2olo 00' :avid B. Kline 1401 00 • ...: • ..i il.rrner 4. 0..) ...UM! K. , chol 3144 00 , .... D. 14 0 ,00 .0 0 1 . 0 W 1.0,101 B. 1:01111k ;0 •00 I OA 10 1 , , 11 • ;.!,! • 9. • I,r , 0 ' ~. • , atv-. ~ 000 WO CO ED Th., above in a C., , rree. : ~ n 4o. 4 .1%, .00.1' we I.! •.,y J.. • L:7 •• U. Sea. ilatitl+l,! .0a raLeAn ISt; F 1 EE .1.:.1344T lEZI • -; • SI , TOW% i+-ptehillatid 10 be Orpbuzs.' Coo • fark 017, tor tioootin+lloll,4ud alowa..e.. Tuutaday be nth day of •atron won; at 10 o'clutir fit the forenoon, a the t ourt Hotted iu the City of Heaping, IS6? FIICd tjoyembor 26. Account of Jonatban Bieber, Trus tee of saran Chow - moo, a Lump to, deceased. Filed November 2A Account of John It. Spatz and Wm. Schlappig, Administrators of Peter Fond, deceased. Filed December 4. Account of Nicholas A. Feltz, Ad ministrator of John Trout, deceneed. • Filed December 5. Account of John Kercher;Guardian of Fiana Kline. Pita. Deeombor 13 Account or Daniel 'inky, awls- Istrator of Elizabeth Jacoby, deceased. Filed December 13. Account of Adam Gerhard, Admin. tiltrotor of Sarah Yob, deceased. Filed December 17. Account of Jobn L. Bons% Admin. istrator of Chrtattna Borell, deceased. Flied December IS. Account of Daniel Spengler and Jonathan Long, Fateoutors of John lindonbooh, dooosoni. UN. . Filed January 5. Account of John R. Reber, Maudlin of Isabella Kalbseb. Filed January B. Account of William Frantz and Rick ard Krick. Executors of Jobn Frantz, deceased. Filed Japery 9. Account of Jacob Schnolterly, En*. tutor of Daniel Strum, deceased. Filed January 0, ACCOOOI Of Hoary Fisk, Bxeepter of Christina Blatt. deemed. Filed January 13. lecomut of John Body, Adminietra tor of illizaboth Freeman, deceased. Filed January 13. Account of Elijah B. Bellew, Admin istrator of Frederick Houck, deceased. Filed January 15. Account of Samuel Ohuniacht and Daniel Bickel, Administrators of John Gruber, deceased. Filed January 21. mcgouut of Jacob W. Sent, Admin istrator of Aquila Bodelly, deemed. Filial January 23. Account of William Yager, admin istrator of Elizabeth Nanemasher, deceased. Filed January 21. Account of William (lancer, Trustee of Susanna Ganser, a Lunatic, deceased. Filed January 26. Account of Samuel ifolfrft and Adam T4Abeio, A.llslll4tralem of Jacob Tolltsfo, deceamdi Filed January 27. Account of John Henna, Adminletn• for of Michael Benne, deceased. a Piled January 27. Account of William H. Zarb., Ad ministrator of John Zerbe, deceased. Piled January SO. Account of David Holland, Admin istrator of James Holland, deceased. Piled January 30, dennoid of Anna Unger, Lawi,llait. man and flamond H. faller, Admlnletraton of Haag 'beef fer, dammed. • Flied Sanuary SO: • Anoint of Henry H. Maurer. Ad ministrator of Sarah Wayandt, demised, wit* of John Woymidt. ' Filed January 31. Account of James B. Wells. Aimia istrator of Martha Hoffman, do:owed. Filed Jwary 31, Account of heifer.. Wells, Hamster of James Wynn, deceased. Filed January 31. Account of Franklin V. Wagner, Ad. mluistrator of Daniel Maehemer, deceased. Filed January 91. Account of David K. M. Manger, Ad ministrator of Frederick M &&&&&, decennial Filed jaanary 31. Account of Adam eakket sad Bold.. min Bolbalxlch, Adrainiatratora of Joha Hol/enbach, deceased. Filed January 31. AClLalla of Joshua Roar, aturdiss. of Zacl try Taylor. Vilna January 31. Amount of Jading. Belly, Ousfellau of Mary Jane Taylor. 7anuary 31. Account of Joshua Neely, Guardian Taylor. t`lhol February 2. Account of Charles D. Hoifmia. Ad. toisistr Febr uary John Hoffman, detained. Fibot 2. Account of David Kamp and George Y. Kemp. Administrators of George G. Kemp, deemed. Fa*, February 2. Account of George K, Levan, Guardian of Gander Biondi, deceased, Filed February 2. Account of Daniel Werner, Adele -1.r...r0e of Boujomiu W , docooood. Filed Pobturty 3. Account of Amos Addams, surtriciug linocutof of Jacob Moore, deceased. Fileg FoAtuary 3 Ammo. , of Ephraim Weidman, Ad m. 4.-icltor of Ismael Weidman. deceased. Floe! February 3. Actuante( Josiah DeTurk, dawdles • u Lerac , rendered by Marie De'rurk, sidukinugras cox of Josiah beTurk. deceased 'lied February S. account of Josiah DeToric,o4ardbeu L , An 'eve•. rendered by status PaTore, Jo.dab Furlt ueeeased_ B DRY, hailers.. F.brealy 7. 1383-41 lEEE COAL OVA 00a.I. WADI: , 00D guitisiNu COAL Oth. AT 10 CENrB lian. quart, al 020 LERCR 00'4, Corner of Fifth and Penn Square, next ewe to klorbon's IldomOen lionse. [Fab 7 Woos) Eva SALE. r,,..,. ,T. , 4121.11AK wool, EP 3O VU 14v 97 671 44 900 07 004 97 437 39 .573 39 3.3 CO 372 49 878 07 543 43 140 49 114 00 MCI 418 06' 7.60 52 118 98 808 88 592 • 276 00 400 00 163 12 4i21 18 1 180 30 078 40 60000 350 84 I= 481 439 86: 319 64' 75 63, 1876 89 119 24 . 193 26 18 84 108 001 667 84 75 43 325 00 882 17 38 00 130 00 282 00 146 67 30 00 110 00 100 00 I 100 00 2zo col 10. G. .........,. 27,741 70 621 of t 46 i 4 110 Ot 75 95 264 06 125 26 127 S 8 1498 296 as 44 70 4198 84 $3.19 65 oubls ...ovaU WILLIAM erg; jorb-1-1, 4 ti•••it it • TA • g .1E1.14 it VI hO dog...reed, wbuer r Warr. It .-114.1