Reading gazette and Democrat. (Reading, Berks Co., Pa.) 1850-1878, January 24, 1863, Image 4
Saari-titustis. MY LOVE My love, dear man, turns in hie toes, My love is tangle kneed, Cross-eyed, left-handed, hair and beard In hue are disagreed. He has no soft and winning voice, He single charm has he, And yet, this awkward, ugly man Is all the world to me.. - My neighbor gay rejoices in A beauty of a man, Straight limbed, fair faced, and find his peer She knows no mortal can. I look upon his handsome form • And own 'tie fine to see, .But turn back to the homely man That's all the world to me. There's Mrs. Flirt and Mrs. Chat, Each with their cavalier; They smile, and wonder how I can Call such a fright "my dear." Bet it is just as strange, I think, How they can.happy be Without my homely man, for he Is all the world to me. Don't ask me why, I cannot tell 'Tin all a mystery ; I've sought myself, a thousand i'3. - ; Its secret history. Meanwhile my heart grows sad to think now drew this life would be, Without this awkward, homely man, Who's all the world to me. 2 7 .11. E RORRE. . The Partington is well advanced in his clime. He is in some things, beyond the teaoher's art, and could, in fact, give that functionary some lessons in arts wherein he is perfect. Ike " composition," where a theme is given out to be written upon by scholars, and his credits are not very great for hie efforts in that direction generally, but the other day he astonished the master and every one in school by an elaborate article on the horse. He was called upon to read it aloud to the scholars, and upon getting upon the platform, be made a bow and began:— " Taz bass —The horse is a quadruped, With four legs, two behind and two before. He ha a tail that grows to the hind part of hia body, that nat-ire has furnished him with to drive the dies away. His head is situated on the other end, opposite his tail, and is used principally to fasten a bridle to him by, and to put into a basket to eat oats with. Horses are very useful animals, and people couldn't get along very well without them. especially truckmen and omnibus drive, 5, who 435 r -i. ceem to be :,alf grateful enough b esuee tlisyvs got them. They are very convenies.t animals in the country, in vacation rime, and go very fast over the country roads, when the boys stick pins in them—e species of cruelty that 1 would not encourage. Horses are generally covered with red hair, though some are whit., ethers are gray and black. liobody.ever saw a blue horse ; which is considered very strange by eminent naturalists. The horse is a quiet and intelligent animal, and can sleep standing dp, which is a very con venient gift, especially where there is a crowd, and it is difficult to get a chance to lay. There is a great variety of horses—fast horses and slow horses, clothes horses, horse mackerel, saw horses, horse flies, horse chestnut, chestnut horse, and horse radish. The clothes horse is a very quiet animal to have around the house, and is never known to kick, though very apt to make a row when it gets capsized. The same may be said of the saw horse, which will stand without tying. The horre•fly is a vicious beast, and very annoying in the summer, when a fellow is in swimming. Horse mackerel I don't know any thing about, only they swim in the water, and are a species of fish. Horse chestnuts are prime to pelt mickies with ; and horse-radish is mighty smart horse, but bad to have standing around where there are children. The horse iF found in all countries, principally in livery scabies, here they may be hired by the mile, and er ed a great luxury, especially in sleigidug seascn. In south America they grow, wild, sad diens catch them with nooses 6,4 over the horses' beads, which mac I,t-. the horses a great noosense.—Beston PROTKNEION AND PBACTICE.—Two kinds of wit ne•ses are often encountered is courts of-justice —the unniiting witness, and the too-willing wit ness. Here is one who doesn't seem to core tinder either category : The prosecuting attorney thus addresses him. "Mr Parka, ewe, if you please, whether the defe:Asnt, to your knowledge, has ever followed any profession." He has been a professor ever since I have known him." " Ah ! a professor of whal.P" " A professor of religion." "You don't understand me, Mr. Parks.—What does he do I" Well, B.nerally what he pleases." " Tell the jury; Mr. Parks, what the defendant follows." 4 . Gentlemen of the jury, the defendant fol lows the crowd when they go to drink " " Mr. Parks, this kind of prevarication will not do here. Now, state, sir, how the defendant supports himself." I saw him last night supporting himself spinet a lamp post." t , May it please your Honor, this witness shows sn sAich,ot :i_ispost:ion to trifle with this honor eble cf.lrt." The Mr. Parke, state, if you know anything about it, what the defendant's occupa tion is. The court, let me say, has no idea that you mean to be disingenuous." " Occupation, did you say, sir ?" "Occupation," answered the judge. " Yes," echoed the counsel. What is his occuswii°" t " "If I am not mistaken, he occupies a garret somewhere in town." • ••That's all, Mr. Parks. I understand you to say that the defendant is a professor of religion?' •. Does his practice correspond with his proles aim?" "I never beard of any correspondence, or letters of any kind." 4 . You said something about his propensity for drinking. Does be drink bard ?" No, sir ! I think be drinks as easy as any BM I ever saw." • •One more question, Mr. Parks—you have known this defendant a long time. What are hi s habits—loose or otherwise ?" " The one he has got on now, I think, is rather fight under the is certainly too short waisted for the fashion." " You can take your , seat, Mr. Parks." OR SALE AT TEE OLD JAIL, 1000 SETS Common Tenware. Mr' THE FEW CONTRABANDS in Washington, I ft OR SALE AT THE OLD JAIL, THE LARG not, enfeebled by diem's% " wa t c h e d " th t , ;?I t i . , k .a. ;%t ... r,i, - .::!tnle Of Pv.rrol Were ever offered in Year oat, and when it had departed, an E.?,-.1 , 041: , ,k - r - 17 :1 f ,. - ,:::, rz - TH ,, -.. - of the faith, known among them as St, Jobs * h ' E' ~,,.:rin..••• Baptist, Trenched a sermon from a tos:t •" twentieth: chapter of qierdationn.' " `THE BEST WAY to be admired s L what we love to b 9 thought. 000 CONOTITUTION WATER• VICZ GIILMAT RETBDT FOR THE C/CIONEVVIT'irTICI!N AND THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY DIABETES AND DISEASES QF THE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. Thew Dangreponc and Traublwome Dianna. which have thus/cm Resisted the bcd directed Trnettnent. ran be Cn Ttafety CmstrolW bytheßEMEDlrgante Wore net properties of the medicise direct themselves to the organs of secretioe, and by so altering the condition of the stomach and liver that the starchy principle of the food is not con verted into sugar so long as the system ie under the In fluence of the CONSTITUTION WATER . , . which gives thOseorgaita time to recover their healthy tone anl vigor. We are able to state that the Constitution Wa ter has oared every case of Diabetee is which it bee boor given. TAR, R GA TPFR. CALCULDS,.t7RAVE . L, Big/ '74 DE I: O US f iR 71.'13GES v... from nowit. ha the r.t1 , 14 rantin Will he if taken ;tr* , os' rine. Ties v'svy 'tc iih the severity of the for v: tsvpsty drotrs to is 1..59p ssufal throe timer. `l , rptring the pestatte of the CRitvalw. the • :7 mP. m. , , zbaubi b. oiebeted with the, t hen followed op with the Constitution MISMENORRIICEA, OR PAINFUL MENSTRUATION, AND IN MENORRHAGIA OR PROFUSE FLOWING, Both &masa arising from a faulty secretion of the men strual fluid—in the one case being too little, and accom panied by severe pain • and the other a too profuse secre tion, which will be sgeedily oared by the Conatltutton Water. The disease known u FALLING OF TUB WOMB, Which is the relaxation of the ligaments of that organ, and Is known by a sense of heaviness and orogging pains in the back and sides, and at times accompanied by sharp login- Kling or shooting pains through the pane, will, in all ca• see, be removed by the medicine. There I. another class of symptoms arising from IMRE. TATION OF THE WOMB, which physicians sail Nervous ness. which word aware np mush lanOrahee, and la Mee caeca out of ten the doctor does not really know whether the symptoms are the disease, or the disease the symptoms. We can only enumerate them here. I .peak more particu larly of Cold Feet, Palpitation of the Heart, Impaired Memory, W akeflitness, Fla bes of Heat, Languor, Lassi tude, 1.41 Dimon , . of Yt-100. SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION. Which In the unmarried lema,e is a constant recurring disease, and Through neglect the seeds of more grave and dangerous maladies are the resn't: and a. month after month passes without' an effort heing made to assist nature, the suppreeeion bootnnes Chronic. the patient gradually looses her appetite, the bowels are constipated, night ofeata &Meek, and degoinr, Bog 11.01Iy o do lk,t , cAteet. LEUOORRIHRA OR WHITES. Thin disen.o depend,. upon an inflatuumWon of mucous dui a albs angina and womb. It in In all ca-en accom panied by nevem pain in the back. acress the bowels and through the kips. A teaspoonful of the medicine may be taken three ilmes a day, with an injection of a tablespoon fel of the medicine, mixed With n pelf plat of wa,er morning and evening. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER lA - FLAMMATION OF THE KID vEYB AND CATARRH Or THE BLADDER . S7RAN GURY AND BURNiNa OR PAIN- FIIL URINATING . . . For these dioeanen tt to truly a twvereign remedy, and too Much cannot be eetd in its praime A Wm& dose has been known to relieve the moot torrent eyroptomn Are you troubled with that di , dreNeine pain in the mall 01 the beck and through the hips? A teanpoonful a day of Couelitadon Water Wail relieve you like magic. FOR DYSPEPSIA, It has no equal in renevinn the most dixtreseing itYlUp Mlle. Alen, Headache. Heartburn. hold nomaoh Vomit. tog Food &c. Take a telopoonfal after dinner. The does in all coatis may be lam eased if desired, but aboard be done gradually. . Have long since given up the use of bnehn, enbehe and jn Iper in the treatment of them diseaties, and only use them foimmut of a better remedy; • s CONSTITUTION WATER HU proved itself equal to the task that has devolved upon it. Irritate and drench the kidneys, and by - constant nee Boon lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed disease. READ. READ. READ. Dexotran, Da , Jane 2, 1862. Dr. 'Wtt. 11. aREGIO—Dever Sir: In February, 1861, I was afflicted with the sugar diabe es, and fur Ave months I patted mote ,than two gallons of water is tweet -four hours. I woe obliged to get op as often as ten or twelve times during the night, and in Ave months I lost about fifty pounds In weight During the mouth of July, 180 , I pro cured two bottles of Carnal talon Water, and in two days After in-Ong It I experienced relief, anti after taking two bot tles! was eittirely cued, eoou after regaining,my usual good health. Yortre truly. J. V. L. DE WITT Bomar Coaxisas, N. V., Dec. 27, 1661 Wee. H GREGG & Co.: Gelds freely give yon liberty to make nee of the following Certificate of the Value of CONSTITUTION WATIIII, Which I can recommend to the highest manor. Ilitt wife, who was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole length of the back, and in her limbo, with Palpita tion of thr Heart,. attended with • Ruling of the Womb. Dys - rossiorrh4a, and Irritation of the Mockler I called a physician, who attended her about three months. when be left her worse than he found her. I then emplot ed one of the bnei phyntekne I tosolJ And, vote attended her for about ni no months, and while she was under his care she did net, he 6nnl y ra ve her up and Ltnot t . to ..ra . late! r ,t- MiLFOR.D, CONN., Nov. 19. 1961 Dr. WM. H. OREtie Dear Rif 2-1 bavo for several yam. bane eilHeled selth that troublesome and &mamma di•mese—Gro eel realated all remedies end doctors, orAll I t..,0k Cauatttnijan Water and yo.i meY he am-ared that I Wile PNCP,(IITW'Y ple.-od with the reoitt It ear entirely oc.rett inn nod n.a n.ay make any tine of my name yea may . stm fit In reaard to the medicine, a. I have entire confidence to it. etnotcy. Yours truly, • YO,D STIIOI3 THESE ARE FAUTSENOUGH. There in no elyoa 01 d hemt- that prices .nab nut -m.4_ eflecia upon the bureau cateeittlinta as Diabetes and Diseatteeof the Kfclueye. Bladder and Urinary tbuteactet, and thrungh Wee modesty they ore tettlemed until th. aro oo ad,neof ae to ha beyond the eontrat of ordinary Panda's, and we press I the 9tI , TITUTION WATER To the public with the couviclten that it lute no equal In relleviar , he case, of dieuteet, for which It bat; been round au euecea•fd in eating: and we oust that we ehall be rewarded for nor etttrta in placing an valuable a remedy in a Rout to meet the requiremoote of patient and phyeician. EVE SALE BY ALL D"UGGISIS, PRICE $l. 14 M. M. GREGG & CO., Proprietors. Morgan & Allen, General agente, 46 Cliff Street, New-Fork. [Noy 29, 1862-Iy, ASTOR HQUSE, 1d EW -YOLK it; SPLENDID HOTEL HAS BEEN itE3H- I reamed, and is at this moment second to none in ele gance. The Ladies' Drawing Room is a beautiful one, having no equal. Its open corridors and complete ventilation render it most delightful in warm weather. It in nimurpansed by any other in situation, having Railroads on the front and south olden, over which care ran to every part of the city for hall a dime. • •• •• Travelers arriving from the North and Eau, will fled the small earn of the Harlem and the Eighth AVailllB an eco nomy and convenience, especially at night. Cars Run Direct to Central Park. For families preferring homelike and reallygenteel ac commodation, it offers superior latidaion. . . All.classes have manifested their affection or this Hotel, and every pains will be taken to render it a home for the traveler. The same liberal system will be continued, and the tit. most promptness on the part of all persona belonging to the organisation will be exacted. Telegraph Office, connected with all parts of the Union and the Canadas, with intelligent and reliable attendants, is situated near the main entrance. Superintendents of Railroads, Managers of Public Con vey.... of all descriptions,are respectfully requested to send notice of their arrangements, concoctions, changes of time, tic., to the Hotel, for the better information of its guests. Milk. Eggs Vegetables, tic., are produced on a farm managed exclusively for the Astor House. Water Closets and Bath Rooms on every floor. N. B.—Dne notice of your intended visit is aappealthlly .requaded, that rooms may be prepared. Duly 30-ti RATIONAL HOTEL, • (LATE WRITE SWAN.) Race Street, above Third, Philadelphia. rip ti IS roSTATILISII &UZI` GREAT inducements, not only on !moonlit of reduced rates of board, bat from its central location to the avenues of trade,. as well as the convenienees afforded by the several Passenger Railways running past and contiguous to It, by which guests can pace to end from the Hotel, should they be preferred to the regular Omnibus connected with the Howe, lAm determined to devote my whole attention to the comfort and convenience of my guests. 1*- Terms, Si :dm per day. I) C. SIEGRIST, Proprietor, Formerly from Eagle Hotel, Lebanon, Pa T. V. Rsoene,CiArk. [march 15-tf - VOR SALE AT THE OLD JAM, 200 WI-HTE Granite Tea Bette of the aeweot mule. FOR SALE AT THE OLDJAIL, 300 GRANITE Dinner Sette of the newest style.. tilliii SALE AT - TH 1.. F,- . as...,:rinplut.. - ,f I:Apinrgh, Bout,: - - ,!cl, :,,i,,,,;,. Wat,vF ererg dCtPerip''i•.o. , 1 1 0t4 810.1... A r ihi , 1!-D TTIF: C .1 est rtlrit:r of Ear and Ilotol , frirrow.n. vvey-ulfara iT R.obfw. tine At. E j GO BAMMELB - ..hiAcaare at Philadephiapeees. marsh 22 WILLIAM RHOADS:Jr. FOR THE CURATIVE PHYSICIANS DIURETICS 4 , c % - .;ty ,•• y WM M VAN BENS. EOM RECRUITS HUB, FOR THE 55TH FENNSYLVAN X I.Sla 71.74 9 COL. R. WHITE, NOW AT BEAUFORT, SOUTH CAROLINA, OR ANY PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT NOW IN SERVICE. ABLE-BODIED YOUNG MEN ARE WANTED to RR up the Regiments now in the @endue of the ed Stater_ The nedersigned hoe opened a Recruiting Rendezvous At Henry .H. Manderbach's Hotel, in the Borough of Womeladorf. Lieut. 0. M. PARSONS, Of 66th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, August 23-4tl Recruiting Officer. NOTICE. A PREMIUM WILL BE PAID ON 43-OLD, COMaX) -AND =taw)* iirow AT VIE • EXCHANGE AND BANKING' OFFICE -oE .ter. GOODRICH, READING, Pa. August 10, 1861-ta FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. • OFFICE, Nos. 435 AND 437 CHESTNUT STREET. Capital, • $OO,OOO 00 Perpetual Premiums, - - 11924,945 11 Less Five Per Cent. - 48,217 26 E 9751,127 fib Unexpired Temporary Premiums 209,693 95 Less for the portion of time expir ' ed on policies over one year, 20,085 55 $163,548 40 856,329 50 Suzylue, Total, Statement of the A of the Company, • January 1, 1805. Find Mortgagee, amply secured, - 51,991,760 97 Real Estate, (present value 951.45,839 18) cost 103,991 33 Temporary Loans, on ample Collateral Securitles'B3,6'3 13 Steam, (present vu.lue 4643,889 10) cost - 85,171 10 Notes and bills receivable, . . . 1,933 110 Cult, - - - - . 28,370 38 Advance be Value of Real Heade over cost, lld9inc9 ip Vial 9 forli99lLo 9991999 h Total, Sir The may Prop* from Premiums which We Com pany can divide by law, are from Rieke which haw been deierrainad. Extract/irons the Charter of the Company. "But the moneys received as Premiums upon Risks which remain andetemined, and are outstanding at the time Of declaring such Dividend, shall not be considered as part of the profits of said Corporation, or divided as such." PERPETUAL OR LIMITED INSURANCES NUDE ON EVERY DEPORIPTION OP PROPERTY, /X Town and Country, Per °Kure, Mortgagees, Orme] Landlords, eic. 'lke. Bates as low as are coosistout with security. LOSSES BY FIRE. Losses paid daring the year 1361, =1 CHAS. N. BANCKM, Free Went. Anent—.l4 d. W. MoALLISTEB, &meow) , pro tem. I= CHARLES N. BANCRER, DAVID S. BROWN TOBIAS WAGNER, ISAAC LEA SAMUEL GRANT, EDWARD C. DALE JACOB- R. SMITH, GEORGE PALES. GEORGE W. RICHARDS, ALAN D MLR& CHARLES N. DANCE R, President. - EDWARD CI DALE, Vice President. JAB. W. Mc Llama, Secretary pro tem. Ii- Applications for Insurance, made either personally or by letter, will be promptly attended to by J. LAWRENCE GETZ, feb Id-tf] Agent for the Company, at Read4tg, Pa. INSURANCE COMPANY • OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE, NOB. 4 AND 5 EXCHANGE BUILDING, North Bide (er Wainut Bt., Bettomn Dock and Third fits., PULL ADJELPHIA. lIWCOB.POILATED IN 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL. 40.46.3P'1TEL-T-e, *200 0 ,400400. Properties of the Company, Feb. 1, .1661, $507,094 61. Marine, Fire and Inland Trance. °nation Ineuranee. DIR FCTORR _ HENRY D. SHERRERD, WILLIAM R. 'WHITE, 8/M SON TOBY, GEORGE H. STUART . , CHARLES MACALESTER, SAMUEL GRANT, Jr., WILLIAM 8. SMITH, TORIAS WAG NER, . . . . 3 0 1 IN R. RUDD, i"iii"" 6f: 8 C. :IA SHERRERD, FreeLdent. rdArs'ANn, t•L,res . L•kary. lwatior, may be made to WIT, KEka:l: fiLL - ward 4 Co'LL. Bsprene °Moe. M , L,7 U. Lb LIVERPOOL • 12111 ASO lIIMITillal J`'l2 - 4: - s. Nu_Ci. Jt * ST OPENED. At No. 50, East Penn Street. Reading, Between Sixth ans . Sevrntia, (Formerly Otto'. Ur? Oo More,) LARGE AND SPLENDID .A9.SORTMENT of French China, l'arian Ware, Lava Were, Term tta Ware, French and • merican Oluse Ware, tinted Goode mot Cutlery. all of which wil' be ao'd at '-ew-York Feces; fot cash The eropelet, h...F fsellitles never harm-a prenena Le the citizens of Rendin g , for selling them all DESCRIPTIONS or GOODS In bin line, and as he i urea& to give his at tendon excluld vely to the Kate of three article*, he hopes the poetic will sus tain him in hsi effortn to establish a first-class China, Clara and Queeneware Store in Heading. Aug 2—tf] ANOTHER OPENING =I DRY GOODS. WE HAVE AGAIN RECEIVED A LARGE cud handgome assortment of FALL ant WINTER DRY COODS, comprising: Heavy Cloaking Cloths, Sacking Flannels, MS. inoe., Searle', CU bg rgb, Volvo; Trim Wage, All.. not Detainee, - gloves and Hosiery, Saxony Plaide, Winona, • kappa, Oinahame, Mona de Lathes, Balmoral Men and Boys , Wear. BEAVER, PILOT AND TRICOT CLOTHS FOR OVERCOATS. Caesimere Overcooling's, I Sattlnete, large aneortment, Silk Mixed Coatings, Kentucky Jenne, Block Doeskin Caesimereo Tweeds, Fancy Canelmeres new styles, I Merino Shirt's & Drawers, Ve.tiogN Amy Flannels. de., All or which we offer at the Inweet price. Our friends and the public respectfully invited. . M. KUM & SON, nov 15-tf] N 0.124, Corner of 6th and npraoe streets EOM, SION, AND DECORATIVE PAINTING GEORGE BRILING, SOUTH SIXTII STREET, DIRECTLY OPPO SITE the Schtancker house, in prepared to execute on den. for House and Sign Painting in all their branthes, to gather with Painting and Graining ln.perfeei imitation of all kinds of Wood and Marble, in a style that cannot be nrurpasaed, and at the lowest prices. He also pay particular attention to 'Franco Painting, real and imitative, for Churches, Halls, Panora Drawing- Rooms, Public Buildings, etc., and can refer to numerous buildings in thin city, and other cities and towns in Penn sylvania, fot Hpecinietiff of his work. A practical experi ence of twenty-five years as a Painter, warrants him in saying that his work cannot be excelled in beauty of de. sign, power or effect, and finished execution. Ile will take orders for work in any part of thin or adjoining Staten, and attend to them with punctuality and dupla'. All Wien addremed to him on busitwee, will re cei prompt attention rjunelazly TO TZU PUBLXO. OWING TO TliE WONDERFUL INCREASE in oar business. and the want- of sufficient room to no cotuulOdate the range, we have found it memory to extend the boundaries of our , yard, and have accordingly leased the DUMBED YARD, Rittlated Co THIRD STREET BELOW Pula Smear, which will be aced exchtclvely for piling u au- LOCK and WHI 11l PINK JOIST, SCANTLING, RAFTERS, and BILL. TIMBER. of all sizes and lengths in our old yard, an the north Bide of Pine street, extending from Third to Fourth street, will at eii times be found to eon lain a full ,aeeertuieut of named BOARDS, ,PLANK, tdll7ifiLTSS, En. .t it for supplying Lumber hereafter, will he .eh that they cannot be surpassed in this or any other market State, and our prices will be found to be lower !Iry at any other yard in this city. It is nur per poso to lisep on hand every article that should be kept inc Pier CLASS Lrsesa YAM), and any article that may not be on hand when called for; will be procured at short notice. Air The pabllo are Invited to give us a called. tune 7411 J. HMV, Reading, Pa. FANCY FURS! FANCY FURS! 3OUN PARZWI4I, No. 718 ARCH Street, below Eighth, South side, PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTEd AND MANUFAC t TITHER of, and Dealer in all kinds of FANCY FURS, fZe FOR LAMES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR. I desire to eay to my friends of Reading aid the surrounding Counties that I have =4A2o_,' now in store, one or the largest and moot • "i a; &cantina , otaaortmenta of all kinds and qualities - of. PAN% Y FUTHI,for Ladles' and Übibiren's Wear that will be wo.n daring this Pall and Winter. My Pure were purchased in rumps, previous to the rim in Sterling Exchange, and the New Daly Imposed on all Fars Imported oleo the Prot of August. I would aaw state, that as long as my stock lute, I will offer it at prices proportionate to what the Ronda end mei but, it will he impwathle for me to Import and Manufacture any more Furs, and sell them at the same prices, owing to the unsettled state of the affairs of the country. OP Remember the name, number and etreet— JOHN PARMA, Sept. 20-smoj 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia_ ♦a,aso,oo3 ts LADLES' AND C ILDREN'S FURS We have opened a handsome stook of IICT MIL .1!W . Comprising HUDSON BAY SABLE, MINK SABLE. .2,294,674 26 21,636 88 • 2,622 86 $2,320,003 76 SIBERIAN SQ MUM, I AMES ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED to call before purchasing elsewhere, and examine our stomr, CHARLES °AHMED & • SON, 834 & 836 Chestnut Street, nov 16-Smo] Continental.flotel, Philadelphia. OFFICE or SAT COOZE, SUBiCHIPTION AGENT, At , Jay Cooke & Co., Bankers, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, November 1, 1802. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING NEM AP— pointed SUBS RIPTION AGENT. by tte Seoretary of the T. earnry, is now prepared to tarnish, at once, the *vows es New Twenty Tear 6 per cent Bonds Of die United States, designated as " Five Twenties," re deemable at the pleasure of the Government, alter live ears and authorized by Act of Congress, approved Febru ary 25,1652. The COUPOVIONDS are issued in same of $5O, $lOO, $5OO. and 1000. , The REG S IeTERTONDS in sums of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO and $5OOO. • Interest at Six per sent per annum will commence from date of purchase, and is - PALICABLEI ITT GOLD, . - Semi-Annually, which in equal, at the present premium on gold, to about MORT PER ENT. PER ANNUM. Farmers. Merchants, Mechanics Capitalists, and allwbo have any money to invest, should know and remember that these Brands are, in effect. a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, Canals, Bank Stocks and Securities, and the immense prodocts of all the Menefee-urea, &0., &c., in the country; and that the full and ample provision made for 'the psi. meat of the interest. and liquidation of ptincipal, by Customs Duties, Excite Stamps and Internal Revenue, Nerves to make these Ronde the Beat, Moat Available and Most Popular Investment in the Market. Subscriptions received at PAR In Legal Tender Notes. or soles and checks of banks at par in Philadelphia. Sob scribers by mail will receive prompt attention and every feeilPy end explanation will be afforded on application at thin office- A full eupply of Boods will be kept on band for 'mine: dia:e delivery, nue 5-3mo]] PRINCE & CO"S., World Renowned Melodeons and Harmoniums, WITH THE LATEST PATENTED .741.0rni v iil_ I Myrovem erne introducioK the Baesotenteto 7 4 7 in ' sTru ib lue:r 4 g= t h :e; " o ° . th"b"9"t EARNEST GABLER'S UNSURPASSED 111 MIL „NJ NOD 7 and 7X OCtb Yes, roll Iron frame, overetrung small and large ,J2.els, plain end very richly lipip•bed, from (tam to *AO. adeordteg to ety is, him Pialltbi by other milkers. Gr.Rvery I [tetra...tent Werra. led For aalect Ibolow e:• a b01e...11e prices. and a liberal deduction for Caela, or on email aod,conveuient monthly h.q.:amen!, J h M IC, 5..10 anent, 275 and 281 Fain b Filth Street, above Spruce, Dee B—Ufttuj Philadelphia. THOMAS B. WATTSON, CHARLES S. LEWIS. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN WINES, LI (RAAB and MARS, No. ltil North Third Street, Phil adelphia, would respectfully call the attention of hotel keepers and others, to his well selected stock of Wines, Liquors, and Imported Sews, in store and under thistow. floss. lock. COGNAC lIRANDIES.-01 V 11.7101111 brands, consisting of Pale and Dark Martel & 00., Pink, Hennessy, Maglery, Otard, Danny & Co., and Otard's superior London Dock, and various brands of Cognac and other Brandies. WINES, &o.—Floe old Madeira, Sherry, Teneriffe, and Lisbon Wines—soper old Port Wine, Clarets of different kinds, on draught or in glass. . . W. S. HALL. CHAMPAGNE.—Heid;ick, P. A. Mumm St Co., and Gets• lor's gounine Anchor Brands, in pinta and quarts, Together with a general assortment of Scotch and Irish Malt Whiskeys, Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirits,Peach Bran dy, old Bourbon, Monongahela Whiskey, Wild Cherry, Blackberry Raspberry and Lavender Brandies. Sir" Superior Wine and Stomach Bittern. Wm, 4-tf TRUSSES. RUPTURE - CAN ttE CURET) BY A TRUSS o) - THE RIO tIP KIND, IF PROPERLY FITTED AND DULY ATTENDED TO. This has been abundantly de. Mimatratad la Innumerable Inatancee by the tine of the I.TILTIPEDAL TA.ti..B of DR. RIGGA. daring the last few yawn. Tine trues, being covered with Herd Rubber, to perfectly waterproof, may be need in bathing, and is al ways cleanly as well as indestructible by ordinary usage. If not satisfactory after a fair trial of slaty it may be returned. It she I knives oomparison - whb any trues known. Dr BIOG.' Onlea, No. 2 BARCLAY NT., New-York. nov. th-ly NEW DRY GOODS. 308 N S. PEARSON & No. 18 WEST PENN STREET, HAVE NOW ON HAND A LARGE ASSORT went of - very desirable WINTER DNY GOODE, to watch the attention of purchasers is reepectlntly invited. The stock compete°. Elegant Silks, • French Nerinoes, Printed Marinate, '- All Wool De Lalnes, Bopp% Printed - Cashmeres, Crape Poplins, Plaid Valenciao, Shepherd Plaido, Printed Colinrge, Chain Loins Shawls, • Drone Noma, Shepherd Plaid Pimple, Fancy Plaid Shawls, Cloth Saegnes, Cloth Circulate, Clothe, Cashmeres and Vesting& Unarm and White Goode, Embroideries, Gloves and Hosiery, Flannels, Satinetts, Jeans, Oinahams, Lc. (two 8 MIALXVI.I I I,I4O.T.S.LV COAL OIL ' WORKS, IL iMANUFACTUREn the y.ww ar rant e d , T t I d i Ep pare andST t N BURNING x o p lo Em.ll when horning, no crisping the wink, barns longer 0,4 4 yeibei Ott cintdc in ebliniiciplitin' in which 2, ,4 4', 4 00 Urrtinnaten cau nhtninnii. Also, NENNINN always on hand. Wilco 1i0..,233 North Third street, Phila. JACOB S. FRY. dee 13-3m] OEO. MICR & CO., Rending, Agents. Meat Cutters, Stutters, &c. WE HAVE J 951 ItEcEIVED A 1 4 4R0E semi:cent of Meet Cu tten4, Eiterfere,Ghopperh, &0., of the Wed itept (manumit:l. which we offer exceetliugly uov 1411 CEO. LERCH & CO. GRTANS CAN CONSTANTLY:I3E HAD AT LADBIt 6 BREWERY, corner of Third and Chestnut Streets. 8. LAUER. December 7,1501-If JAY COOKE, Enbscription Agent CASPER HE:ET, OR.ArNB I (MAIM.) DR. 3V31. B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH, A SETA RLMEDY FOR A DAD BRDATA SORE MOUTHS, DISEASED BLEEDING Gums, NURSING SORE MOUTEL , And the best specific now in use for any diseased condition of the mouth. It is par ticularly beneficial to persons wearing ARTIFICIAL TEETH, completely destroying every taint of the month, absorbing and removing all impuri ties, insuring - A: SWEET. BREATH to all who make use of it.• No YouSua LADY or YOUNG GENTLEMAN who is afflict ed with a BAD BREATH, should delay applying this remedy, for it is a certain cure, and is approved • and recom mended by every physician under whose no tice it has been brought. Many persons carry with them a bad breath, greatly to . the annoyance and often to the disgust of those with whom they come in contact, without being conscious of the fact. To relieve yourself from all fears re garding this, USE DR. WM. B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH Cleanliness of mouth is of rest impor tance to the general health, which is often affected, and not unfrequently seriously im paired, through want of proper attention to this subject. Price 37 Cents per Bottle. • DR. WIVI. B. HURD'S TOOTH POWDER. This Powder possesses the CARBONIC WITHOUT THE INJURI OUS PROPERTIES OF CHARCOAL, and is free from all Acids or Alkalies that can in the least injure the Teeth. ITS ACTION BEING ENTIRELY MECHANI CAL—POLISHING WITHOUT WEARING THE ENAMEL. DR. WM. B. HURD'S TOOTH POWDER IS RECOMMENDED BY ALL EMINENT DEN TISTS. Prise, 25 Cents per Box. DR. WM, B. HURD'S TOOTHACHE DROPS. FOR TILE CURE OF TOOTHACHE produced by exposed nerves. , It is particularly; adapted to all oases of children afflicted with TOOTHACHE. Parents can relieve themselves from that distressing weariness caused by LOSS OF SLEEP, and their children from great suffering, by keeping a bottle of DR. WM. R HURD'S TOOTHACHE DROPS in the house. Price, only 12 Cents per Bottle. DR. UM. B. HURD'S NON-ADHESIVE NEURALGIA PLASTERS, FOR THE MULE 07 NEURA.ZIGIA, or Toothache, produced by colds. LOCAL NkilltALtilA is immediately cured by their application. They act like a charm . , and are .perfectly hanniess iu their nature; do not produce a blister, and leave no unpleasant results. DR. WM. B. HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS never fail to give satisfaction to all who test their virtue. These articles are prepared at Dr. Burd's Dental Office, No. Ti Fourth Street, Brook lyn, E. 1) • knee, only 15 Cents each. A liberal discount made to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Build ings, No. 1 Spruce at., N. Y. Sold also by Caswell, black & - Cu., Fifth Avenue Hotel; J. & 1. Coddington, 715 Broadway; D. S. Barnes, 202 Broadway._ Sold in Philadelphia, by Dyott & Co., 232 North Second street; O. S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut street; Harvey Birch & . Bros., Reading; and by all Druggists. NOTICB.—We are daily receiving orders to send by mail some oue or more of Dr. Hurd's Denial Remedies, which we cannot fill. None are mail able except the Neuralgia Plaster, which we send in an envelope on receipt of Price (16 cents) and one stamp. But to accommodate persons in places where the druggists and storekeepers are behind the age, we have put. up packages in white embossed boxes, seven inches by four, with compartments—each' box containing a bottle of Dr. Buret s Mouth Wash, and Tooth Ache Drops, a box 01 Tooth Fonder, the Neuralgia Plaster, and a valuable little Treatise on Teeth and their diseases, and the beet means of preserving them, and the proper treatment of Children's Teeth, worth of itself the entire cost to every young man or woman, or parents with. young children; with sundry other necessary articles; price per pack age one dollar, or six packages for $5, sent by express as directed. As the Express charges are not much, if any, more on a dozen titan on one, it is far cheaper to order six 'or a dozen packages at one time. A large family will want all, or the surplus can be disposed of 'to neigh bors with public benefit, for no one can estimate how muck pain, suffering, unhappinesa, muddie. figuremetit, expense, lON of time end money would be saved to the country if every family to day had one of these packages, which, in itself, is a coMplete set of Dental Remedies. Address Wm. B. Haan & Co. Tribune Buildings, New York and write name and address plainly, that re-. mittances may be made with eonfidenee. W. H. & Co. refer to the Mayor of Brooklyn G. W. Gxirsirg, President of the Farmers and Citizen's Bank, Brooklyn; to the Editor of the American Manufacturers' Gazette; to Joy, Coe & Co., Pub lishers' Agents, New York; to P. T. BARNUM, Esq., who knows a good thing when he sees it and who has already ordered a second supply, etc. 1000 Agents Wanted To introduce Dr. Herd's Dental Remedies into every County. Men-or women who want to make money quickly can do better with these articles than anything in-market. "They are new, useful, low priced, and we are spending thousands in advertising them for the benefit ()regents. Box es of samples, containing a dozen of the one dol lar packages above specified, with circulars will be eent, on receipt of seven dollars, about half price, to any person wishing to test, his or her skill in selling with the view of becoming an agent. They can he sold in a day. at - We would rather pay salaries than Commissions to those who prove themselves ecient salesmen. . ger Now is the time to, go We the bueukees. For address and references see above. JoevaryJS-17 ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, THE BEST MECHANICAL PAPER IN THE WORLD EXGRTZLIIINTR TEAR. VOLUME VIII.-NEW SERIES. ANEW VOtUME OF THIS POPULAR Journal commences on the first of January. It is published wEExtv, and every number contain!' sixteen pager of near,' information. and from five to ten original engravings of new inventions and discoveries, all of which are prepared expreony for its columns. • To the Mechanic and Manufacturer. CANKER. No person engaged in any of the mechanical or mann factoring partinite should think of "doing without" the Er:M.4IIFM AMERICAN.' It MO bat six cents per week; every number contains from nix to ten engravings of new machines and level/dune, which can net be hand in any other publimition. The Sotarrnric AnzamaN to indispensable to every In ventor, as it not only contains IBustraped'deseriptione of nearly all the best inventions as they come out, but each number contains an official ~Lief of the Claims of all the Patente leaned from the Unied States Patent Office during the Week previous; thee giving a correct 'Meter.* of the progress of inventions in this coutitty, We are aloe re calving, every week, the best. scientific journal,' of Great Britain, France, and Gertintroy ; thus placangi , our pone.. .elou all that is transpiring la mechanical" Science and art in these old countries. We shall cdntiune to transfer to our columns 4:onions extracts from thesejournals of what ever we may deem of interest EU our readers. A pamphlet of instruction as to the beet mode of obtain ing betters Patent on new Intentions, ie tarnished flee on application. Messrs. Mune St Co., have acted as Patent Solicitors for more than SEVENTIMN years, In connection with the publi cation Of the lkilltaTiFlC AMBRICArt Wed they refer to 20,000 patentees for whom they have dune business. .11.3 charge to made for eXandulag sketches and models of new inventions'and nor advising Inventors 'ire to their pat entability. -2 Chemists, Architects, hlinwidghts and The Sonizirrno AMERICAN will be found a most Useful journal to them. All the new discoveries In the science of chemistry are given in its columns, and the interests of the architect and carpenter are not overlooked; all the neW MIVAIMICHM, and dhmoverlee appertaining to theme pi:insults being inthliched from week to week. Useful and practical information pertaining to the Interest of ntilew rights and millowuars , will be found in the CCIENTIF/C AMERICAN, which information they can not possibl. , . obtain from any other source. Subjects in which fanners are interested will be found discusried in the nownrneic Ammicse most of the Improvement.) in agricultural implements being Mistimed in Its colUmna To mail subscribers: Three Dollars a year, or One Dol lar for row booths.. The volumes commence ou the find of January and July. hpeciman copies will be seat gratis to any part of the country. Western and Canadian money or Post-oillce stamps baton at par for nibscriptione Canadian =Mariann will please to remit twenty-five cents extra ou each year's enbacrip- Don to prepay postage. MUNN Sc CO, Pub!inhere. Jan 3-31] 17 Part nwer; New-York. HOME JOURNAL WE RAVE MVO PLENGREIN IN formiag the public that one of. oar contributors for the coming year, will be oar old friend and collative, THEODORE S. FAY. We confess tot uncommon pride and pleasure 'fit akfs re newal of intercourse with the friend and Intlmste of other days. and we look to be felicitated for It, by the established readers who onaatltuts the family of the Untie 111110.1. L. We bawd in preparation, also, for the ooming year, several • VERT TIIRILLING STORIES. game of the ablest or living pens are engaged for us, In translating from the French and German; and onr owl original narnitive.writere are among, the drat. We are fortrunge, also, In travellers gone abroad who Are Zlierary atelorh, and WU are solicipartne for our random a woe; agre!aLdeerzpriee in the quality of thee nKETCHIDTOF:TitAVAJI AND ADVENT - MK: • But the feature of oar Journal, which we have not yet mentioned, is perhaps the must, recherche of all ; Ire pro minence He THE EXPONENT OF REFINED SOM.. ' Oar correspendence,with the leaders of &shim. in New York sod the othsOeriplitdo, is espscially valnebleta ode respect, keeping us unmistakably. informed of the changes and progress of what is commun.y understood by the "gay world." As we have taken some pains to arrange the re. sources for this new feature, we speak confidently of its promise of entertainment to our large circle of reddens. in this department, foreign journal. are endlessly area- Me; anC.with oar industrious ransacking of these, we are' sure to select, for , the peculiar taste to which we minister, a most relishing banquet. • THE EDITOR! • • , will give the Journal their constant attention, se before. Of the goings on, In the eventful scenes and places of the country; Mr WiLme'Jpen will give photographs, minimal. General irlosure's bong. and Sketches will be embroidered on the thread of the passing moment, as they have always been. Some of tile' best intellects of the land are enlisted for us, also, and we think we mai 'promlee to hold our place, as the journal which best enables rig ',amyl to keep conversant with the world. For one copy TEItMS: !2 0) Poe throe cop ies,! ~ •. r 6 1 00 - Or one copy for three year., - , ' 0 00 For a club of seven coition, 30 00 For a club of 10 coples. • . . 20 00 And at that rate for a larger club:-alwaya in advance. Address, 0 • . dee 2T-311 HARVEY BIRCH Se EROS., GREAT LITERILAY 6G,IINOIG No. 63 WEST PENN tsTßipim, READING, PA. ESTABLISHED BY ENERGY AND PERSEVERANCE. Subscriptions received for all New-York and Philadelphia Daily Papers. Per Annum.! • Albion, New-York, att 00; Atlantis Monthly, 2 001 All the Year hound, li 040 American Agriculturist 1 00! -‘ titacksvood s Magazine, 100 Ban Ton Magazine of Fashion, 0 00 Bunker's Magazine N Y. Ii 00 .‘ t- London,? uo: Braithwaite's Betrayed, I semd-annual, 2 001 liritich and Foreign Med ical lieVidW, Qoui terly, 3 ;I), ilorultill Magazine.. 4 tun Cu.tivator, Alban,, :V Country Gentleman, 2 Ou; Chambers' Edinburg t Jettreal, 210! Chas Magazine, 3 utti DeEow'a Review, 600 , Dollar Newspaper, 1 00! Eclectic Magazine, 5 00; *Edinburg Review, Quar- ' tarty, 3 00 HodeY's Lady' Beak, I is. Mare Journal or Health,. 1 00 Historical Magazine, 200 Harper 'a Magazine, 3 01 Harper'. Weekly, 2 10 Horticulturist 2 00 " colored plates, 600 Hunt's Merchant's Maga zine, ' . 000 Horne Journal;- 2 00 Rome Mazine, 2 qi lilusV ag ed Loudon Vews,lo 00 Knickerbocker Maga zine, Per Annum. !Law Reporter, 15.3 .0 ILeallit'a lllmit'ed Neeht, 3 00 !Leslie's Family Maga -1 zi e 300 *London Soar. Review, 300 Lancet, 5 00 " An Journal,. 900 Punch, 5 00 t: Linen'. Living Age, 6 00 !Mlle Pilgrim, 60 IlLondon World of Fash ion, 4 60 l.North Britieh Review, 3 00 it North - tootrinan . 15 Oir /!alot ry'a Minim:on, 1 00 Once a Week. 4 au lPurter'e Spirit of the Timm, 300 jPineraou'e National lia gazine, 2 00 Peterson's Detector, 1 00 1 Phrenological Journal, 1 00 Ranking's Abstract, 2 00 Spirit of the Times, New • York, 900 Scientific American, 2 00 Saturday Evening Post, 2 00 Sillimaten Journal, 6 00 Temple Bar 4 60 Vanity Fair, S 001 Water Cure Journal, 100 Weekly Tribune, 2 00 *Westminster Review, S 1.0 Weekly Herald, 3 00 Wilkeli'a Spirit of the Times, 3 00 Working Farmer, 1 00 S 00 Yankee Notion% 1 25 And many others not enumerated. *Blackwitod's Magazine and the four Reviews together, one year, $lO. , akar The NNW-TOili HALD, TRlBUltit, It WORLD and SUN, delisered daily o subscribers in all parts of the City, at publishers' rates. oat 12-tf] o ss i THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY Just Published, ft. a Sealed Envelope. Price Six Ciente ALECTURE BY DR. CULVERWELL, ON THE CAUSE AND CURE of Spermatorrhma, Cou aumption. Mental and Pliyeical Debility, Nervousness, BPI. lepsy; Impaired Nutrition of the Body Litanitndei Weak ness of the Limbs and the Back: Indisposition, and Inca pacity for study and Labor;. Dullness of Apprehension; Loss of Memory; Aversion to Society; Love of Solitude; Timidity; Self-Distrust Dizziness; Headache; Affections of the Byes; Pimples on the Face; Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity ; the Consequences of Youthful In dies...ion, arc.. Ac. Sir This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the above ennui erected; ratan melftfilieted evils, may be removedwith out medicine and without dangerous minutes] operations, and mbould be read by every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed en velope, on,rseelpt of six ,tente, of twe postage stamps, by addreastug, ' C KLINE & Co., 00.11- Bums ] /27 Bowery, Bew•Yotk ; P.O. Box 4WD., FRESH GROCERIES -AT REDUCED PRICES. AT THE Corner of Fifth and Spruce Streets. March 1 I M. HEFFIR & PON KOLLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE. THIS PREPARATION, MADE FROM THE best Java Coffeo, is recommended by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disordere. Thousands who bare been compelled to abandon the rt,c, of coffee will use thin without injurious &Siete. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN The rarest-nod best BA KING POWDER known, for mak• light. eiwnet and cutrittuun Bread and cakes. Prins In cenki. Manufactured by . _ . M. H. KOLLOCK, Chefeist, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Sir Sold by all Druggists and Grocers. Mara 1-ly THE TIMES DEMAND ECONOMY. WM. C. KROUSE, • TN ORDER TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF the Unice, now manufactures . Berke einurty Rye and Wheat Coffee. Which is warranted equal to the best article in the market. The f.blio le requested to give itn - trial. '- ,air Manufactory, South-West Corner of Fifth and Chest. an tliarefus, Beading, Pa. Llaall4( To the Inventor Farmers TERMS THE FOR 1863. MORRIS & Editors and Proprielors, /07 Fulton ztreet, ..ew York HARVEY BIRCH & BROS Philadelphia and Reading Hail Road, WINTER ARRANGEMENT OF FASSENBRE TR A LEI Snowman 17, 1869 (Passing Reading) DOWN, TO PHILADELPHIA, at 6.30 and 11.10 A. g , 12 noon, and 4.20 P. 21. UP, TO POTTSVILLE, at 1210 A. M. and 6.00 F. Al WEEP; TO LEBANON AND HARRISBURG ! Western Express from New-York, at 12.07 midnight. Mail Trains, at 11.10 A. 14., and 00F. M. On Sandays. the Down /NM. Train pasees Rea ding. tt 9.29 A. M , and Up Train, at 5.17 P. M. Both 11.10 A. M. and 6.00 P. N. np Trains connect at Pc,t ClintonforTainanna,Williarnsport, ghtnira,Baraloinita and Chiliad& 1 1 The 11.10 A. M. Train only connect.% at Port Clintra for Wilkoebarre, Scranton and Pittston. The :Western Express Trains connect at Harrisburg hilt Express Trains sta the Peansylvania Railroad for Pin s burgh, and all.pointa West and the Mail Trains connect at Harrlebura for Lancaster, Chambereberg, Sunbury, mi. liamsport, Lock Heron, lOntira and the Canadal. Through First-Clue Cannon Tickets, and Emigrant Tick. ets nd W re e d st, at uced and the Fares C, ail the principal points In the Nortb a COMMUTATION TICKETS, With 28 Coupons, at 25 per coat. discount, between a ny points desired. HILEAORTICHETS ; Good for 2000 miles, between al/ points, at $4B r Tamtnee and bitteltosts Firma &awn ITlCkefe, goad for th e holder only, for three months - , In say Of the Pastime!. Troinsro Philadelphia, at $4O each. School Season Tlckete one-third low.. Oa- Passengere Will take the Ex pressTrains' the UPPER DEPOP, and all other Trains, at the LOWER e• OLD DEPOT. - . 80 E.P. of baggage allowed each passenger. Paseeogere are requested to pi/rah:too their tirkelt before entering the car as higher Farssarecharged if mild in care. Up Trains, theirs Philadelphia for Reading, Harrisburg and Putts it at g. 15 A. 81.., and 3.30 P. IL, and at 1.31 P M. for Heading only. JER . Exctirsion Tiokets, good for•one day, by 6.30 A. N. Accommodation Train to Phibtdelptila and return, at Si 60 iet ' G. A. NIt'OLL4 • , nor 10, r862-tf] General SuperintearAnt. EAST* PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. • IV Inter Arrangement. COMMENCING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1882, Direct to New-York Without Change of Corr, ON AND AFTER MONDAY, ififra Noy. 17th, ,1862. Passenger Trains will leave Reading daily, (Sus. excepted) for Allentown, Manch Chunk, Betide. hem, Easton, New-York, Ac., Ac., at 018 A. M., 11.15 d. M., and 4.20 P. M. from the UPPER DEPOT. The AlB A. M. train is the Eastern Rxprees, withozo change of cars from Pittsburgh, and arrives in New-York at 10.:.0 A. M. This train will stop only at Lyons, Allen. town, Bethlehem, Easton and the principal stations on the Jersey Central, The 11.15 A. M. Trak, will stop at all Stations between Reading gag Mieulown, 'sod the 4,20 P, M, Train at all Stations, except Illerztown and Al Burns. The 11.15 A. M. Train arrives in New-York at 8.00 P. M., and the 4.20 P. M. Train at 10.15 P. M. Trains will leave New-York daily (except Snndaye) st 6 A. M., 12 noon, and 7 P. M„ at the foot of Courtlandt Street, and arrive In }leading at 11 10 A. AL, 6 P. M., and 12 07 Midnight. Passengers are requested to purchase tickets before tee ing their nests, as highs! fares will be charged on theme. EDWARD M. CLYMER, President . nov. lb-til Excursions to Harrisburg & Back. tkOtticSiort TICKETS, good for Three Days, will be hooted to Harriabarg and Oacit, until farther notice, at $1 to (half price), from Reading; and at Kimono= Rana from all stations on the Laba.ori Valley and Reading Railroads, during the continuance of the Voleateer Camp. D. a. armorzs, Heading, Aug. 16, 1862] General Superlateadaal. TO THE LADIES. IC Milt 11ST AL GLASS AND gIiEENSWARS. VVE .I4 ILA t V u E, .GPEN . ..k . LARGE AND in O Mit of tie follo wing blade of Tara minis ansizarals: French China Vases, 7 , doz.. pairs, 'ill' atm, Card Basket', dvd .ssAdvess, Jewel Boxes, Oologneibottlea Motto Cot fees, Watch Holders, inkstands, Cigar !kande ands variety of other fancy goods callable for the What-Not. Also Bohemian and Trench Glassware, Such as Wine Bottles, Decanters], dobleteriad Wine Glasses, Liquor Setts, Cigar Stands, Card baskets.. Cologne Settles, Cake and Fruit &elide to great variety, Castors. Belt Cal. tars, Candlesticks, Tumblers , &c.. &c., and Com mon Glum ware of every description; together with an extensive stock of inalrirt l4 4 l 2339 Consisting In part, of White Granite Tea and Toilet sells, Teaand Coffee Cups, Dinner, Breakfast and Butter Plates, Sides of all kinds. Pitchers, Maas, Bawls, die, die., wild a fall Ilse of common ware, all of which we o iler at min. wildly low prices. Au Inspection or our goods by our many patrons and the public, is respectfully , asked. KSFFER & SON, may Si No. 124. Corner of Fifth and Spruce St. HATS, CAPS &. FURS, FOR FALL AND WINTER. 14AT TOE OLD-ESTABLISHED STAND OP F. Cam. 3210Z75AL.19; No. 6 West Penn Street, next door to the Union Bank of Reading. , %ITiio, IS CONETANTLI' RECEIVING FROM VT New•Tork end Philadelphia the hued miller of HATS and CAPS Adapted to the Seadon. He has alw received e Arc sewn meat of I..4lkt,Et' Pinta?, BUFFALO ROBES, TRUNK& CARPETBAGS, VALINES and UMBRELLAS, which will be sold at the lowed cavil . pricer. As be pay Cash for all his roods, ho is enabled to cell them at the low BS! prtnea. 12it. A tome lot of the bent•qoallty of BED PHATHEREI " C " . 11 IQ WOO the oliootioo of thioeokeepore le renown, fu,ly turned. Call and ex/maim—a% trouble to ehuW goods. Coot IS-tf HARDWARE & IRON STORE, VIDDIBESALE AND RtilL'Alti. 'VHS SUDSCaILtBHP, HAVING BOUGHT the old Sdtabliehed Hardware and Iron Store of the late Fricker, Stevenson St Co.. and having added a large new Stock of gotein; would respectfully call the attention of the po lota to their Isn'c assortment or HARDWARE OSTLER y, !AWN. B I TEE:L, pAhvrs, VILA GLASS, SADDLERY, COACH - TRIMMINGS. de., de., Which they are determined to sell at the very lowest Mar ket Prices, wholesale and retail. GEORGE LERCH & CO., Corner of Fifth and Market Square, next door to Borbon's Manama lionse. (Kelna's Old Malady GIBOISOB LERCII.] Jan IS .[J, T. JACKSON. COAL, WOOD, SALT, L.4111.11111911[111M Ara. Mililll/111121ES• SAMUEL BOONE, (FORMERLY) Bohn Kissinger, Jr., • Corner of Penn and Prong Streets, Reading, AS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND SELLS at reasonable prices, all kinds of Broken, Egg and tore Coal ; Nut, Chestnut and Bitaminocu Coal, Bait, Lime and Sand, sir Persons in want of anything in my line, Will find It to their advantage to give me a call before purchasing elees where. I deliver free of extra charge to any part of the city_ [net e—ti LEWIS BRINES, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Carpet Chains, Cotton Yarns, Queensware, Glassware, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . N. E. earner of Penn and Third &fide, Readi ng. AFULL LINE OF. DRY GOODS, INCLUD ING a floe aneortment of Woollen Goode, at the low est market rates ; Groceries of all kinds ; a beatalfal aa• nutmeat of Glass and Rneenswire, comprlelng a large variety of Tea Setts, Dinner Ware, Are. 40) - Superior onanty Mines Meal, Cranberries, Malaise, Penitent, Apples, An. • LP.WIS BRINIER, Jan. A. Corner Penn and 3d &mots. Readiest. PREMIUM PHOTOGRAPHS. 31L - IgipliolIPIVAIL =Lint •T00i4HE,721311)61„F0R BEST PHOTOGRAPHS -4,. ,-.• AT THE raistvazsifits cotrErre was. „AF VERY PREMIUM YET AWARDED FOE • Photo/iv...Ode Likeriseees In Berke county, has been gi ran to HOWARD. Rote the theapeet and beetle Reale:. eler itskummili TH&PLAOS—NaatrennSoare, month side. next to the Behmucker Hones. Loot 11-tt AMOS SIIIDEIVS CS ,p WUOLESALE AND RETAIL • NI :. SADDLE AND HARNESS . . MANUP.,4lYrowarp Al _ BAST ?ENE STREET, BETWEEN 4 ' . c. , ~ 'SEVENTH AND POLITE, • A . .. ~,, , i South Bide, Deaily oppoolte Fahltria ; Berke Connty House. The oall• • place Bata of the Rail Road, READING, TA. • Aruitabirataynoth. January 14. MOW E. C. OfINEERROUGH. I.AAO 0. YEAREGN CHESEBROUOII & PEAASON General' Commission Bleroluurbh AND DEALERS IN FISH, CHEESE & PROVISIONS, So. 6 North Water Street,.B. doors above Market PHILADELPHIA, jj AVE cooelanlly on hand n large aeeorlment or FISH, CHEESE, HAMS; allbUldiLES. &c., &a., wham they will eel) at the lowest mat het prices. All orders promptly attended to. Ueb 6,1866 d/